lgbt alliance november two pager 2010

Fostering Engagement with Israel by support- ing Educational Panels: Israeli, Orthodox and Gay: a two-evening presentation at two local synagogues on the growing religious LGBT Israeli movement Building Community Partnerships by present- ing cultural performances: thirtynothing a produc- tion at the Traveling Jewish Theater on being gay and Jewish in the shadow of the AIDS epidemic Developing Leadership through Inspired Vol- unteering: Annual North Bay Area Thanksgiving LGBT Seniors Luncheon at the Osher-Marin JCC Cultivating Giving through Cultural based Networking: Gay Jewish designer, Jonathan Adler, hosts a Chanukah Celebration at his Pacific Heights boutique! Enhancing online content and access to re- sources: Celebrating National Coming Out Day the Federation website launched a resource campaign devoted to end anti-LGBT bullying in partnership with both local and International LGBT Jewish groups. Starting with the estimated 36,000 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Jewish individuals living in the San Francisco Bay Area the LGBT Alli- ance connects your resources to make an impact throughout our world. The LGBT Alliance has a mission to increase opportuni- ties for Bay Area LGBT Jews to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish life. Through the annual commit- ment of the Jewish Community Federation the LGBT Alliance connects not only Bay Area Jewish LGBT indi- viduals into the broader Jewish community but our friends, families and allies as well. By providing easily accessible avenues to both on and off-line community events, opportunities and resources the LGBT Alliance sets to accomplish our goals via leadership develop- ment, philanthropic cultivation, building community partnerships and fostering engagement with Israel. Based on our strategic plan the LGBT Alliance is positionedˠ to prioritize the following five strategies in the work we do: ˠ resources of 1FTE granted within the $194,610 2010-2011 LGBT Alliance of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties 121 Steuart Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 369-2863 [email protected] WWW.QJEW.ORG ● WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/LG BTALLIANCE ● WWW.TWITTER.COM/JEW ISHLGBT A YEAR AHEAD… A sampling of networking, volunteer, cultural and philan- thropic opportunities co-sponsored and organized by LGBT Alliance staff and leaders…

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Page 1: Lgbt alliance november two pager 2010

Fostering Engagement with Israel by support-

ing Educational Panels: Israeli, Orthodox and Gay: a

two-evening presentation at two local synagogues on the

growing religious LGBT Israeli movement

Building Community Partnerships by present-

ing cultural performances: thirtynothing a produc-

tion at the Traveling Jewish Theater on being gay and

Jewish in the shadow of the AIDS epidemic

Developing Leadership through Inspired Vol-

unteering: Annual North Bay Area Thanksgiving LGBT

Seniors Luncheon at the Osher-Marin JCC

Cultivating Giving through Cultural based

Networking: Gay Jewish designer, Jonathan Adler, hosts

a Chanukah Celebration at his Pacific Heights boutique!

Enhancing online content and access to re-

sources: Celebrating National Coming Out Day the

Federation website launched a resource campaign devoted

to end anti-LGBT bullying in partnership with both local

and International LGBT Jewish groups.

Starting with the estimated 36,000 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

(LGBT) Jewish individuals living in the San Francisco Bay Area the LGBT Alli-

ance connects your resources to make an impact throughout our world.

The LGBT Alliance has a mission to increase opportuni-

ties for Bay Area LGBT Jews to fully participate and

celebrate in Jewish life. Through the annual commit-

ment of the Jewish Community Federation the LGBT

Alliance connects not only Bay Area Jewish LGBT indi-

viduals into the broader Jewish community but our

friends, families and allies as well. By providing easily

accessible avenues to both on and off-line community

events, opportunities and resources the LGBT Alliance

sets to accomplish our goals via leadership develop-

ment, philanthropic cultivation, building community

partnerships and fostering engagement with Israel.

Based on our strategic plan the LGBT Alliance is

positionedˠ to prioritize the following five strategies in

the work we do:

ˠ resources of 1FTE granted within the $194,610 2010-2011

● LGBT Alliance of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties ● 121 Steuart Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 ● (415) 369-2863 ● ● [email protected] ● W W W . Q J E W . O R G ● W W W . F A C E B O O K . C O M / L G B T A L L I A N C E ● W W W . T W I T T E R . C O M / J E W I S H L G B T ●

A YEAR AHEAD… A sampling of networking, volunteer, cultural and philan-

thropic opportunities co-sponsored and organized by LGBT

Alliance staff and leaders…

Page 2: Lgbt alliance november two pager 2010

● LGBT Alliance of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties ● 121 Steuart Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 ● (415) 369-2863 ● ● [email protected] ● W W W . Q J E W . O R G ● W W W . F A C E B O O K . C O M / L G B T A L L I A N C E ● W W W . T W I T T E R . C O M / J E W I S H L G B T ●

Our Statement of Purpose (Draft format)

The LGBT Alliance has the unique opportunity to enhance Bay Area LGBT Jewish engagement to connect not only the estimated 36,000 Bay Area Jewish

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) individuals into the broader Jewish community but our friends, families and allies as well. By providing eas-

ily accessible avenues to both on and off-line community events, opportunities and resources the LGBT Alliance can focus on leadership development, phil-

anthropic cultivation, building community partnerships and fostering engagement with Israel. Through the annual commitment of the Jewish Community

Federation the LGBT Alliance enhances San Francisco Bay Area Jewish life while working to break down barriers to equality. We aim to weave the experi-

ences, needs and lives of LGBT Jews into the structures that make Federation a more just and complete reflection of the community it serves.

Our Mission and Vision

The LGBT Alliance has a mission to increase opportunities for Bay Area LGBT Jews to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish life. We envision a future in

which increasing numbers of LGBT Jews find that engagement with Judaism and the Jewish community adds meaning and fulfillment to their lives. And we

envision a Jewish community that is further strengthened and affected by the unique contributions of LGBT Jews. To this end, we envision a Jewish commu-

nity: that is welcoming and fully inclusive of LGBT Jews; and fosters their sense of Jewish identity where Jewish communal lay and professional leadership

have a greater understanding of the unique needs of LGBT Jews; and where LGBT Jews comprise a representative part of those leadership groups that pro-

actively seeks to serve the needs of LGBT Jews through its robust communal programs and organizations; and where LGBT Jews contribute to the sustain-

ability of those efforts

Working towards an Implementation Plan (with working draft specifics) of our Five Areas of Strategic Focus (draft)

1. Build Community Partnerships (15%) as a focus area within the strategic plan aligned with inclusion and welcoming affirmed by Jewish community organizations the LGBT Alliance aims to (a) empower out LGBT professionals working and volunteering within the Jewish community to have the online resources and tools necessary to be self-sufficient change-makers (b) open avenues for LGBT professionals to network with each other enhancing our community with our careers, our work and our lives (c) establish a criteria and oversight committee for events that the LGBT Alliance co-sponsors, co-produces and presents (d) prioritize communicating about opportunities for greater access to Spiritual Care for the LGBT Jewish community (e) sustain working collaborative partnership and set mutual working expectations for the cross-bay partnership of lay leaders and geographic scope of the LGBT Alliance with the Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay.

2. Develop Leadership (35%) as a focus area within the strategic plan aligned with increasing access and visibility the LGBT Alliance aims to develop lead-ership avenues for Bay Area LGBT Jews. Concrete goals to focus on within the next year are: (a) One 6-course program accomplished with 10 "graduates" (b) Three Trans Task Force meetings occur towards a plan of at least one open community training for a Trans 101 (c) organize and plan at least four LGBT Alliance Committee meetings with an outcome of a completed implementation plan (d) grow the LGBT Alliance Jewish professionals Ad-vantage networking program from a concept into reality (e) investigate the options to provide a LGBT Alliance Community Ambassador Program for Lay Leaders representing the Federation at specific community events.

3. Foster Engagement with Israel (15%) as a focus area within the strategic plan aligned with encouraging LGBT Jews to connect and engage with Israel

through the focused concepts of inclusion and visibility the LGBT Alliance aims to (a) continue to advocate for diverse experiences, thoughts and voices on Israel coming from leaders within the LGBT Alliance within the organized Jewish community (b) empower collaboration and community participation with opportunities for civil discourse towards the work of JCRC’s A Year of Civil Discourse (c) Sustain key relationships with Federation & DAF grantees in Israel focused on LGBT community (d) build upon online support for Federation & DAF grantees in Israel focused on LGBT community through blogging & presenting the Directors experiences of Israel in small group meetings (example, lunch & learn presentations) (e) advocate for Israel related cultural pres-entations & programs at existing local LGBT cultural events (example, Frameline) (f) partner with the Israel Center for one outreach event for younger LGBT Jews on or near a college campus (g) prioritize and empower community attendance towards participating in activities of groups geared towards empowering diverse LGBT Jewish voices on Israel (example, A Wider Bridge).

4. Enhance Online Content and Access to Resources (20%) as a focus area within the strategic plan aligned with increasing information and connec-

tion the LGBT Alliance aims to (a) keep the community informed about relevant current holidays, events and issues (b) develop further online opportuni-ties and tools to increase site visits (and subsequent stays) to the Federation pages (c) diversify the origins of "Gay Jewish Happenings" on our website, Twitter, Facebook by soliciting more grassroots input and supplementing it with information via Nehirim, Keshet, GLSEN, My Jewish Learning… (d) send one mass LGBT Alliance marketing organized email focused on at least two of the five strategic priorities monthly to 2,000+ viewers with a 20% open rate.

5. Cultivate Giving (15%) as a focus area within the strategic plan aligned with increasing opportunities for philanthropic giving the LGBT Alliance aims to develop one on one relationships that add value to our local community, our counterpart communities in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world by (a) developing a specific Case for Giving for the LGBT Alliance (b) partnering with development department team to help solicit Bay Area LGBT prospects for the annual campaign (c) host one social dinner or bar night for potential donors via a “nice Jewish boys” concept (d) host one Chanukah event (e) partner with the endowment department to help solicit and advise Bay Area LGBT prospects for donor advise funds.