lhc@home and cernvm – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to boinc

Introduction Technical challenges Employed solutions CernVM + Co-Pilot Test4theory project Conclusions LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC Daniel Lombra ˜ na Gonz ´ alez, Ben Segal and Artem Harutyunyan Citizen Cyberscience Centre CERN March 20, 2011 D. Lombra˜ na, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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In this talk, I will review a new application in the volunteer computing project LHC@home, called Test4Theory, which is currently being alpha tested at CERN. This application uses virtual machine technology and a range of other software tools to handle large, complex software environments that are rapidly evolving, so that they can be distributed using BOINC.


Page 1: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach toporting large-scale applications to BOINC

Daniel Lombrana Gonzalez, Ben Segaland Artem Harutyunyan

Citizen Cyberscience CentreCERN

March 20, 2011

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 2: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 3: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


The beginning

The challenge

Why don’t you run real LHC physics on BOINC?

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 4: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


The challenge

Allow “any” PC to run a full LHC physics application.Make those commodity computers look like a “standard”CERN Data Center.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 5: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


We did it!

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 6: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 7: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Challenge 1: Porting source code

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 8: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Challenge 1: Porting source code

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 9: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Challenge 1: Porting source code

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Challenge 2: Job management systems

Jobs must be fed into BOINC PCs, but CERN physicsexperiments have their own and don’t want to use theBOINC distributions system.Volunteer computing resources are not “managed” andthus cannot be “trusted”.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 11: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 12: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


CernVM + Co-Pilot

Using Virtualization and CernVM itis possible to solve the challenges(1) for application deployment onvolunteers’ machines.With CernVM’s Co-Pilot it is possibleto connect existing Gridinfrastructures of LHC experimentswith the BOINC volunteer resources,solving challenges (2).

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 13: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


CernVM solution

CernVM isa baseline Virtual Software Appliance for the participants ofCERN LHC experiments.

The goal isto remove a need for the installation of the experiment softwareand to minimize the number of platforms.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 14: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


CernVM solution

CernVM isa baseline Virtual Software Appliance for the participants ofCERN LHC experiments.

The goal isto remove a need for the installation of the experiment softwareand to minimize the number of platforms.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 15: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


CernVM Co-Pilot solution

A framework for the delivery and execution of the workloadon the remote virtual machines.Consists of components developed to ease the integrationof cloud resources into existing Grid infrastructures.Components communicate using Jabber/XMPP instantmessaging protocol.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 16: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



Using virtualization and CernVM solve the problem ofporting the source code and deploying over PCs.CernVM Co-Pilot can connect existing Grid infrastructureof LHC experiments with BOINC resources.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 18: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


BOINC + CernVM infrastructure

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 19: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Co-Pilot Adapters

Each LHC experiment that wants to connect to a set ofCernVM machines via Co-Pilot, needs an adapter.Each adapter fetches jobs from the experiment’s preferredjob scheduler, submits them to the CernVM machines, andreturns the results to the scheduler.Co-Pilot has a built-in security barrier, preventing untrustedCernVM machines to access Grid resources.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 20: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 21: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Monte Carlo events generation

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 22: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Alpha testing

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 23: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


Active forums

More than 500 posts in theforums so far.Very active volunteers,reporting all the problems theyfind.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 24: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project


High schools

Three young students were invited to test the project.One of them became very helpful in the first stages of thetesting phase.The obtained feedback allowed us to improve the project,knowing that young students could collaborate withcomplex projects.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



Since the beginning of the project 25000 jobs have beensuccessfully executed.80% of the jobs were set to generate 300000 events (therest were smaller ones that generated 50000 events).Totaling 6250 millions of events simulated since December2010.There are on average 20 on-line users at any given point intime (peaks up to 30 users).We are running 1200-1300 jobs daily.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

Page 26: LHC@home and CernVM – a new approach to porting large-scale applications to BOINC

IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



1 Introduction

2 Technical challenges

3 Employed solutions

4 CernVM + Co-Pilot

5 Test4theory project

6 Conclusions

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



A custom virtualized execution environment has beenadded to BOINC.Very complex and unmodified applications can be runwithin the system.Adapting Grid services to Co-Pilot is now understood.

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home

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IntroductionTechnical challenges

Employed solutionsCernVM + Co-PilotTest4theory project



[email protected] from Tango and Gnome Desktop projects (Creative Commons & GPL License)

D. Lombrana, B. Segal & A. Harutyunyan LHC@Home