lhu eagle eye

@LHUEagleEye / LHUEagleEye Follow us! lhueagleeye.wordpress.com lhueagleeye.tumblr.com October 16, 2014 What we’ve got this week: [email protected] Eagle Eye Free! The Lock Haven University Lifestyles (9) Sports (15) A&E (6) See Page 4 Op-Ed (12) Campus groups raise funds for breast cancer

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The student run newspaper of Lock Haven University


Page 1: LHU Eagle Eye

@LHUEagleEye / LHUEagleEyeFollow us! lhueagleeye.wordpress.com lhueagleeye.tumblr.com

October 16, 2014

What we’ve got this week:

[email protected]

Eagle EyeFree!The Lock Haven University

Lifestyles (9)

Sports (15)

A&E (6)

See Page 4

Op-Ed (12)

Campus groups raise funds for breast cancer

Page 2: LHU Eagle Eye

October 16, 2014News2

Staff ListEditor-in-Chief:Kyra Smith-Cullen

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Thursday, October 16 9 a.m.-2p.m. PUB Commuter LoungeDavid Slavick of The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC) will be at the on Slavick will provide information to students about internship opportunities in the D.C. area through TWC.

Wednesday, October 226 p.m. Rogers Gymnasium.The HOPE Center will hold its annual Do-mestic Violence Awareness Vigil. The event is held to foster awareness and dialogue about domestic violence and promote heal-ing for victims and survivors. Ms. Jo Stern-er, Training Specialist for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domeestic Violoence will give the keynote address.

Wednesday, October 226 p.m. – 8 p.m.Willis Health Professions Building, Greenburg Auditorium (Room 105)The health science department will be hosting Professional School Presentations with presentations from D’Youville College, Drexel University School of Public Health, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Med-icine (PCOM), American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine

Health Science Career FairThursday, October 2310 a.m. – 2 p.m.PUB Multi-Purpose RoomThe event includes information on:*UDGXDWH�SURJUDPV���&HUWLÀFDWLRQ�SUR-grams Vast array of health professions to exploreGather informationBuild relationships with programs of inter-est. Learn more about admission require-ments. Free practice exam sign-up!No sign-up necessaryAll students are welcome!

Thursday, October 236 p.m. PUB Multi-Purpose RoomThe Asian Student Association invites ev-eryone to a night of fun, culture, and food to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. The event will take place on The event will in-clude the history and have representations of how Diwali is celebrated in different parts of India. Dances including Bollywood, Bhangra, and Gidda will be shown and taught.


Olivia Beck Guest [email protected]

“G’day Mate,” isn’t something you would typically hear on cam-pus. However, that will change if you run into Australian ex-change student, Sam Oomens. Coming all the way from Sydney, now nearly 10,000 miles from home, Sam said the US and Lock Haven are unique in some ways, but he also says coming all the way from ‘down under’ may not be as different as one would think.

Oomens, a business major, said “it was an easy choice” to come to Lock Hav-en. Two major factors played into this deci-sion. First, the univer-sity he attends in Aus-tralia has a good sister program with LHU’s business department. Secondly, English be-ing his only language limited him to a pre-dominantly English speaking country.

“There are not too many big dif-ferences, America and Australia are very similar,” he said. “However there are some.”

“Look left, right, left” is what Americans were al-ways told to do before crossing the street, because they have al-ways driven on the right side of the road. Sam said driving on the “wrong” side of the road is one of those big

differences between the US and Australia. “Suddenly you have to look the opposite di-rections,” he said.

Often times /+8� VWXGHQWV� ÀQG�themselves com-plaining about how boring or how small Lock Haven is. But Oomens doesn’t have those complaints. Just the opposite: he comes from a city that is 500 times the size of Lock Haven and

only sees the positive things about LHU’s size. “Lock Haven is very much what I imagined American college to be, it is just like the Hollywood movies and it’s cool to be living that,” he said. “College football teams and fraternity houses are so wild-ly different, but in a good way. Going to see a college football game at Jack stadium has been really cool.” Football crowds and school spirit can be fascinating to one who isn’t accustomed to it.

Another huge difference for Oomens is how dorm life and the roommate situ-ation is completely opposite to that in Australia. “I am used to living in a room alone,” he said. “And now living in the same

room with a complete stranger is kind of weird.”

He isn’t alone in that feeling.

The Center for Global Educa-tion compiled a list of study abroad adjust-ments. Homesickness was ranked second on the list. According to the Global Education website, it is one of the most common adjust-ment problems, expe-rienced by students from every country. Some worse than oth-ers, but nonetheless it happens.

Even though the US presents many similarities with Aus-WUDOLD��2RPHQV�ÀQGV�LW�challenging being ten thousand miles home. “This past week, I was H[SHULHQFLQJ� WKH� ÀYH�week blues,” he said. “I was missing home a lot, but nothing that won’t pass. I think at some point that reach-es everyone.” Bound to move forward in his studies and ready to enjoy America even more, Sam is over that bump in the road.

Some people PLJKW�ÀQG� LW� FUD]\� WR�go so far from home to do something such as study, but what an incredible experience it is for those to take the challenge to learn more about a different culture and communi-ty.

� ´$PHULFD� LV� GHÀ-nitely the land of plen-ty,” says Oomens of his American Dream thus far.

From “Down Under” to downtown Lock Haven

Page 3: LHU Eagle Eye

October 16, 2014 News 3

Page 4: LHU Eagle Eye

October 16, 2014News4

Kelly SchlickGuest [email protected]

Members of the LHU Baseball team aided the local branch of the Salvation Army in an after school program for kids on Wed Oct. 1.

The Salvation Army runs an after school pro-gram for kids every Monday and Wednesday. This program is a huge need to the community. The WHDP� SOD\HG�ZLIÁH� EDOO� ZLWK� WKH� NLGV�� WKHQ� HDFK�individual player partnered with a student and helped them with their homework.

1H[W��WKH�NLGV�KDG�DQ�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�SUDFWLFH�their reading one-on-one with their athlete. Final-

O\��DV�D�JURXS��WKH�WHDP�DWH�GLQQHU�ZLWK�WKH�NLGV����This event brought so many smiles to the chil-

GUHQ� DQG� ZRUNHUV� RI� WKH� 6DOYDWLRQ� $UP\�� ZKLFK�made the players and coaches say that they felt as if they were really making a difference.

“It is very exciting to see the youths’ enthusi-DVP�ZRUNLQJ�ZLWK�RXU�DWKOHWHV�µ��VDLG�+HDWK�6WR-YHU��$VVLVWDQW�&RDFK�RI�WKH�WHDP�

The team has established a connection be-tween themselves and the Salvation Army. As WLPH� FRQWLQXHV�� DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ� KRSHV� WR�ZRUN� RQ�growing this bond.

“It is always an amazing opportunity to give back. Our program is very appreciative that the Salvation Army of Lock Haven gave us that FKDQFH�µ�VDLG�&RDFK�-LP�&KHVWHU�

Baseball Team players offer helping hand to local charity

Nicole CreamerStaff [email protected]


3LQN�:HHN� LV�KHOG� LQ�KRQRU�RI�%UHDVW�&DQFHU�$ZDUHQHVV�PRQWK�and is done every year on campus. Students might have seen that the campus was decorated in pink and even the fountain is sporting WKLV�ÀQH�FRORU��7KH�&$&�KHOG�VHYHUDO�HYHQWV��LQFOXGLQJ��EUD�DQG�FDP-SXV� GHFRUDWLQJ�� %RRELH�%LQJR� DQG� D� EDOORRQ� UHOHDVH�� =7$� RUJDQL]HG�D� VSHDNHU� IRU�:HGQHVGD\�� G\HG� WKH� IRXQWDLQ� RQ� 7KXUVGD\� DQG� VROG�t-shirts all throughout the week.


7KH�3LQN�2XW�JDPH�ZDV�EHWZHHQ�/+8�DQG�6KLSSHQVEXUJ��DQG�DX-diences were encouraged to wear pink. After the band played during KDOIWLPH��EDOORRQV�ZHUH�UHOHDVHG�LQ�KRQRU�RI�WKRVH�ZKR�KDG�EHHQ�GLDJ-nosed with breast cancer. Pink ribbons were given out and pom poms could be purchased.

“I knew I was going to go to the Pink Out game because it is for a JRRG�FDXVH�DQG�SHRSOH�VHHPHG�UHDOO\�H[FLWHG�IRU�LW�µ�VDLG�.HOVH\�<RXQJ��a junior biology major.


“Fundraising goal is $1500. By Wednesday [October 8] we had al-UHDG\�KLW�DURXQG������ZLWK������RI�WKDW�FRPLQJ�IURP�%RRELH�%LQJR�µ��said Tarnowski.


2YHUDOO��3LQN�:HHN�ZDV�D�KXJH�VXFFHVV� LQ�ERWK�IXQGUDLVLQJ�DQG��turnout for events. The groups plan to continue hosting the event next year.

Campus groups work to raise awareness Megan Wetzel

guest [email protected]

7KH�*OHQQRQ�,QÀUPDU\�will soon be having their DQQXDO� IUHH� ÁX� VKRW� YDF-cine drive available to stu-dents by appointment.

Glennon has not yet received the vaccines but hope to within the next few weeks in order to help pre-vent the virus from spread-LQJ�� /DVW� \HDU�� *OHQQRQ�gave out all 350 vaccines and they expect to give out the same amount this year.

“We’ve seen about 807 students so far this fall semester and mostly for VLQXVHV� DQG� DOOHUJLHV�µ� H[-SODLQHG� 6XVDQ� 0RRUH�� 51�and supervisor of Glennon.

Lock Haven students are not required to have insurance to go to the in-ÀUPDU\� EXW� LW� LV� VWURQJO\�recommended that they do have it in case something major happens.

:LWK�ÁX�VHDVRQ� LQ� IXOO�VZLQJ�� VWXGHQWV� VKRXOG� EH�more cautious and aware of the symptoms of the vi-rus.



7KH� ÁX� LV� RQO\� FRQWD-gious before you get the symptoms. And this is why students can get it easily because they don’t even know that they or their friends have the virus.

One way of preventing WKH�ÁX�YLUXV�LV�JHWWLQJ�D�ÁX�shot vaccine. After getting the vaccine it will take the antibodies two weeks to KHOS� ÀJKW� RII� WKH� YLUXV�� ,I�a person already has the ÁX�DQG�JHWV� WKH� VKRW� WKHQ�WKH\�FDQ�VWLOO�JHW�WKH�ÁX�EH-cause their antibodies did not have two weeks ahead of time to prepare.

´,� JRW� WKH� ÁX� XVXDO-ly once a year for about a week to two weeks and the worst thing about it was WKDW�,�ZDV�FRQVWDQWO\�WLUHG��ZKLFK� PDGH� LW� GLIÀFXOW� WR�JHW�P\�VFKRRO�ZRUN�GRQH�µ�VDLG� /LQGVH\� 6FKOLJKW�� D�VRSKRPRUH� &RPPXQLFD-tions major.

Being at college puts stress on students lives and this causes strain on their bodies and they be-come more prone to sick-ness.

“Stress did cause me to


“There are many differ-HQW� W\SHV� RI� WKH� ÁX� YLUXV��DQG�HDFK�\HDU�WKH�&HQWHUV�IRU� 'LVHDVH� &RQWURO� DQG�3UHYHQWLRQ��&'&��SXWV�RXW�a new vaccine after track-LQJ�WKH�YLUXV�IRU�WKDW�\HDU�µ�said Moore.

7KLV�\HDU�WKH�&'&�SXW�out the trivalent vaccine which protects against WKUHH�GLIIHUHQW�ÁX�YLUXVHV��This is used primarily for younger people.

“Taking up healthy habits like washing your KDQGV�� H[HUFLVLQJ�DQG�HDW-ing healthy can all help prevent from getting the YLUXV�µ�VDLG�&RRN��


photo courtesy of confessionsofasleepdeprivedmomma.blogspot.com

LHU Baseball team stands with kids from the Salva-

tion Army after school program.

Photo Courtesy of Kelly Schlick

Page 5: LHU Eagle Eye

5October 16, 2014 Police ReportsDate Time Location Description9/28/2014 10:30 AM Lower Bentley Theft of Iphone 5s. Under


9/28/2014 12:30 PM Woolridge Harassment-female student

Hall and her family is being

harassed by boyfriend’s mother.

Mother banned from campus.

���������� �����30� 3ULFH�$XG� 7KHIW�RI�ZDOOHW��2IÀFHU�UHFHLYHG a call wallet was found.

9/29/2014 10:18 PM McEntire Hall Report of suspicious males

� � � � � � ZDONLQJ�LQWR�WKH�ZRRGV��2IÀFHU� repsonded and searched area.

Search ended in negative


9/30/2014 9:33 PM Area 5A Possible domestic in progress.

� � � � � � 2IÀFHU�UHVSRQGHG�DQG�ZDV� unable to locate indiviudals.

� � � � � � &DOOHU�QRWLÀHG�DQG�VWDWHG� individuals left the area in a


10/1/2014 9:47 PM Campus Report of alleged alcohol in

� � � � 9LOODJH�� URRP��2IÀFHU�GLVSDWFKHG�DQG� entered room. No alcohol found

� � � � � � DQG�RIÀFHU�FRXOG�QRW�GHWHFW�WKH� smell of alcohol. Case Closed.

10/2/2014 8:13 PM Area 8 Criminal mischief to a parked

vehicle. Inappropriate writing

on vehicle.

10/4/2014 7:51 PM North Hall Welfare check on a female

student. Female located and

instructed to call home.

10/4/2014 2:00 AM Area 15 Criminal mischief to a parked

vehicle. Passenger side mirror

was broken off.

10/4/2014 7:48 AM THF/Himes Report of a broken stair railing.

� � � � +DOO� � 2IÀFHU�FKHFNHG�DUHD�DQG� maintenance work order


Need Public Safety?

Call 570-784-2278

Page 6: LHU Eagle Eye

6 October 16, 2014Arts & Entertainment

Zach EstrightStaff [email protected]

Gamers everywhere have enjoyed the classics such as “Super Mario Broth-ers,” “The Legends of Zelda,” other Nintendo games and this masterpiece is known as “Super Smash Brothers.”

The new Super Smash Brothers for 3DS and 2DS offers so much more than the other games have had the opportunity to. In this version, you can play as over 40 unique characters.

Since the new SSB game has been released and a lot of fans have the game already, here is a top 5 count-down of the best new characters in SSB.

#5 Pac-manThis yellow ball of joy joins the battle, including all of his wonka wonkas! Pac-man is a great char-acter for all people new to the game due to his ease of use. When Pac-man is going to fall off the stage, he can easily bounce back on with a boun-cy trampoline. Nintendo found unique ways to keep Pac-man vintage by using his little ghosts to knock off foes. If you get caught in his mouth expect to be chomped on and thrown off the stage to your death.

#4 Bowser Jr.Bowser Jr. may be smaller than his dad, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with. One of little Bowser’s no-

table attacks that can bring the damage in is his cannon move. Charge that EDE\�XS�DOO�WKH�ZD\�DQG�OHW�LW�EORZ��+LV�ÀQDO�VPDVK�EULQJV�WKH�SDLQ�DQG�NLFNV�WKH�HQHP\�ULJKW�RII�WKH�VWDJH�ZLWK�D�IDNH�0DULR�ÀJXUH�

#3 Rosalina and LumaRosalina and Luma are a great team together, and yes you can control both of these characters at the same time if you get the hang of it. Rosalina can charge up Luma and launch it towards foes that can make a devastating blow. 5RVDOLQD·V�ÀQDO�VPDVK�EULQJV�RXW�D�JLDQW�VWDU��DQG�LI�\RX�JHW�VXFNHG�LQWR�LW��you are doomed.

#2 Mega-ManThe reason why Mega-Man is number two, is because, well he is Mega-Man! In SSB, he can do just about everything. He can shoot his gun, bring an electric shock, raise huge ÁDPHV�DQG�FKDUJH�XS�D�SRZHUIXO�EODVW�IURP�KLV�FDQQRQ��'RQ·W� OHW�0HJD�0DQ�JHW� WKH�ÀQDO�VPDVK�PRYH��RU�HOVH�his super hero buddies will take you down, and send you off the stage.

#1 Little MacLittle Mac is number one, because he is the most unique out of all the characters. He’s a boxer and he knows how to pack a punch. Little Mac is unique because he has a KO bar that will increase and once it says KO, you have an instant kill shot. The only down side to Little Mac is trying to get back on the stage ZKHQ� ODXQFKHG�RII�GXH� WR�KLV� ORZ�UHFRYHU\��+LV�ÀQDO�smash is Giga Mac, a bigger version of Little Mac. If you get punched by Giga Mac, it’s game over for you.

‘Super Smash Brothers’ explodes on to the 3DS

‘American Horror Story’ gets freakyKayla MarshA&E [email protected]

On Oct. 8 on FX American Horror Story returned with potentially its scariest theme yet. This season is appropriately named Freakshow, as is focuses on a group of travelling carni-val workers that all fit the mold of the term “car-nies:” the bearded lady, the strong man and of course clowns.

In a normal American Horror Story fashion they put a terrifying twist on these iconic characters.

The season started with the discovery of conjoined twins, Bette and Dot Tat-tler, both roles played brilliantly by Sarah Paulson. They are found by Jessica Lange’s character, Elsa Mars, owner of the freak show.

Elsa hopes that the addition of the twin girls will bring in a bigger audience and more revenue for the flailing freak show.

Everyone’s favorites from previous seasons have returned including, Kathy Bates as the bearded lady, Evan Peters as the Lob-ster Boy and Naomi Grossman as Pepper the pinhead.

The first episode was full of twists and turns, as most American Horror Story episodes are. Producer and creator Ryan Murphy warned fans that this season was going to be a stark difference from the light-heartedness of last season’s Coven.

He warned that this season would be the darkest yet, and so far he has delivered.

The serial killer of this season is a terrifying clown aptly named “Twisty.” He performs tra-

ditional carnival tricks for his victims, like balloon animals and juggling, before he

stabs them to death. We have yet to learn his back story

but it’s sure to be a shocking twist if this season goes like the previous three.

American Horror Story: Freak-show is already giving the audience

nightmares just in time for the Hal-loween season.

If the first episode is any indication of what the season will be like we are in store

for a frightening thrill ride every episode (pun intended).

Photo courtesy of insidetv.ew.com

Photo courtesy of Gibarrar.deviantART.com

Page 7: LHU Eagle Eye

7October 16, 2014 Arts & Entertainment




Guess the Movie Quote!

“You have taken the land which

is rightfully ours. Years from now

my people will be forced to live in

mobile homes on reservations.”

Last weeks quote: The Emperor’s New Groove

Photo from upwarddownward.com


Album ArenaDid You Know?

In the 1960 movie

“Psyco” by Alfred

Hitchcock, chocolate syrup

was used to show the blood

in the shower scene.

Info courtesy of thumbpress.com

Photo from ulife.vpul.upenn.edu

X-Men: Days of Futures Past

Mr. Peabody & Sherman


The Book of LifeThe Best of Me

William CawleyGuest [email protected]

Each song from Night School’s debut EP Heart Beat is like a warm autumn’s day: unexpected, cherished and it just feels good. Heart Beat blends a fuzzy coastal vibes with fun-loving vocals, and was released on Oct. 7 courtesy of Graveface Records.

Based in Savannah, GA, Graveface Records is a small, independent label. They have many bands on their roster, and each one has a unique, brilliant sound. Night School is no exception. Hailing from northern California, the band consists of three members, including former Whirrr front woman, Alexandra Morte.

The four-track EP took only six hours to record. A quarter of the day well spent, as it can be replayed for weeks on end.


for the rest of the EP and includes a catchy guitar riff, powerful harmonies and a shoegaze tone.

7KLV�LV�IROORZHG�XS�E\�´%LUWKGD\�µ�D�WXQH�VWXIIHG�DQG�RYHUÁRZLQJ�ZLWK�EOLVV��7KH�KDUPRQLRXV�YRFDOV�DQG�VLPSOLF-ity of this song soothes the mind of troubles, all while stir-ring the imagination with joyous thoughts. The slower of WKH�VRQJV��´&DVLRWRQHµ��EXLOGV�XS�WR�D�JUXQJH�URFN�DQWKHP�and unleashes what the band is all about: passion.

7KH�(3�FRQFOXGHV�ZLWK�WKH�WLWOH�WUDFN��´+HDUW�%HDWµ��D�VRQJ�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�WKH�RKK·V�DQG�DKK·V�SUHYLRXVO\�KHDUG�within the aforementioned tracks. The song becomes famil-iar immediately, sounding similar to the other tracks. But this isn’t a bad thing: like an old friend, it is reliable and comfortable to be around.

Whether you want add some brightness to your day, RU�MXVW�OLVWHQ�WR�D�QHZ�EDQG�DQG�WKHLU�ÀUVW�UHOHDVH��1LJKW�6FKRRO·V�(3�LV�GHÀQLWHO\�ZRUWK�FKHFNLQJ�RXW��<RX�FDQ�OLVWHQ�to it on Spotify, buy a digital copy via Bandcamp or for all \RX�YLQ\O�ORYHUV��EX\�LW�RQ�JUDYHIDFH�FRP��7KH�ÀUVW�SUHVVLQJ�LV�D��µ�RQ�SLQN�YLQ\O�

Spencer McCoyA&E [email protected]

´;�0HQ�'D\V�RI�)XWXUHVµ�SDVW�FDPH�out on DVD Oct. 14, and it’s just as JRRG�DV�LW�ZDV�LQ�WKHDWHUV��<RX�FDQ�DOVR�choose to get the 3D BlueRay deluxe edition that comes jam packed with de-leted scenes, director commentary and a unique box cover art.

This movie was incredible, from the non-stop action, to the complex well-established plot line. Not only is this my favorite of the X-Men movies, it put a big staple on how superhero movies need to be. I think superhero movies often time choose the cheesy romantic route like Marvel did with Spiderman. Director Bryan Singer did this movie right.

In case you don’t remember or KDYHQ·W� VHHQ� ´'D\V� RI� )XWXUHV� 3DVW�µ�the X-Men have been battling robots for years and are starting to be defeat-ed. The robots start learning to counter the X-Men, and in a last ditch attempt James (Wolverine) Howlett, played by Hugh Jackman, is sent back in time by

Kitty Pride, played by Ellen Page, to ÀQG�WKH�RQH�ZKR�VWDUWHG�DOO�RI�WKLV�PDG-QHVV��:ROYHULQH�KDV� WR�ÀQG� WKH�\RXQJ�Professor Xavier, played by James McAvoy, and convince him to use his SRZHUV� WR� KHOS� WKHP� ÀQG� 0\VWLTXH��played by Jennifer Lawrence; the one who caused all of this to happen in the ÀUVW�SODFH�

One of my favorite scenes in the whole movie had to have been when Quick Silver, played by Even Peters, displayed why he is one of the most loved heroes in the entire series. Wol-verine and their team are ambushed when Quicksilver comes in and catches all of the bullets before anyone is hurt.

The entire way the scene was ÀOPHG�ZDV�ZKDW�KHOSHG�VHDO� WKH�GHDO��All of the slow motion effects really helped make you feel like Quick Silver was truly moving faster than bullets.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, don’t worry, it’s not going to ruin it for \RX�� 7KDW� EHLQJ� VDLG� WKLV� LV� GHÀQLWHO\�a movie you should watch. Even if you haven’t seen the other X-Men movies it’s still a fun action packed movie that is easy to follow and anyone can enjoy.

Night School brings good vibes

X-Men sequel surges to the present

Page 8: LHU Eagle Eye

8 October 16, 2014Arts & Entertainment

Kathleen Ellison

Online Editor

[email protected]

Many know Oct. 31 to be Halloween, but this date is also the Mexican holiday Day of Dead in which friends and family gather to remember the dead. This same holiday is also inspiration for the new movie coming out this weekend, “The Book of Life” directed by Jorge Gutiérrez and produced by Guillermo del Toro.

And trust me there are a number of reasons why you need to see this movie.


In this adventure/comedy a young bull-ÀJKWHU�E\�WKH�QDPH�RI�0DQROR�PXVW�HPEDUN�RQ�D�TXHVW�WKURXJK�WKH�DIWHUOLIH�WR�ÀQG�KLV�GHVWLQ\�and win the heart of his true love. Not only is WKH�SORW�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�DGYHQWXUH�DQG�URPDQFH��EXW�it’s also jam-packed with references from Picas-

so to Japanese animes.Despite the dark nature, the story itself is

one of family, hope and well life.

Art:Just looking at the trailer practically injures

my eyes with excitement between the brilliant colors and outstandingly designed characters.

The artwork is not only inspired by beautiful Mexican folk art, but Gutiérrez even had wood-en puppets of the characters made by Central American artists that were later rendered into computer animation.

“Jorge wanted to create this world that felt handmade with wooden puppets and metal and paint,” said producer Gulliermo Del Toro in an NPR story. “Really feels very much like Mexican baroque.”


As Manolo traverses the world of the dead with his dear guitar, he is accompanied by a mu-

sical mayhem of Mexican inspired tunes that is so fantastic it makes me want to listen to it till my ears fall off and salsa out of the room.

The music contains Mexican bolero and norteno versions of such songs by artists like Mumford & Sons and Radiohead. This mixture of music from growing up near U.S.-Mexican border inspired Gutiérrez, and the result is one of pure musical delight.

Not only does the music make you want dance, but, simply put, it lights up your heart like any good soundtrack from an animated PRYLH��5HDOO\�LW�IHHOV�OLNH�SLxDWDV�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�WKH�musical notes of the gods has exploded in your ears.

Not only is this movie the perfect way to cel-ebrate October and the Day of the Dead, but it’s also an amazing adventure into an exceptional and spectacular culture. This is one Halloween treat you don’t want to miss.

Reasons to get excited about ‘The Book of Life’

LOOKING FOR OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING? 2015-2016 LHU Student Rentals Now Available!

1-8 bedroom apartments for rent!

All apartments are within walking distance of LHU. Some utilities included,

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Page 9: LHU Eagle Eye

9October 16, 2014 Lifestyles

Jennie Slota Staff Writer [email protected]

Just when you think one social media site is dying out, another one is quick to be released and trend-ing.

Students all around different campuses are being introduced to the newest app called Fade—the so-cial media app where nothing last forever.

This is a free app for students that allows you to share your mo-ments through a picture that is temporarily posted.

The app connects you to your university’s page by using your lo-cation on your phone. However, the university must have at least 500 people from the school to gain ac-cess.

You then are able to post pic-tures or “moments” much like Ins-tagram but with a little twist. The moments you post are only viewable for an hour before they disappear.

“I just got the app about a week ago. So far what I obtained from it is it’s just a combination of Yik Yak and Instagram,” said Shannon Moss, a senior business marketing major.

Just like Yik Yak, you can vote up or down on the posts that are made. The voting is completely pri-vate so posters are unable to see who liked or disliked their picture.

What’s different is that if you vote up, you gain time on how long your post is viewed and get a rat-ing.

If you vote down, the rating does not count but your time decreases.

Eventually, if enough down rates are made, the time will run out and the picture will be “faded” or erased.

Users can create a customized profile with a picture of their choos-ing as the background. Your name, picture and amount of likes will ap-pear for others in your area to view.

Posts on this site are public and anyone in your school’s group can view what you post.

However, each user is allowed

to post one anonymous post a day. You may also view top posts from different universities.

“I only posted two things so far, just some pictures I found humor-ous or entertaining. I haven’t used it so much yet,” said Moss. “I down-loaded it about a month ago, but Lock Haven University just gained access about two weeks ago.”

Some of the university students have yet to hear about the site. Those who have heard about it but have not used it are nervous on how it will be used.

Several of the newer social apps have been taken advantage of and used in an unfashionable manor that some find rather offensive, such as Yik Yak.

Dana Gallo, a junior physical therapy major, said she just heard of the app and doesn’t think she will join.

“It seems too similar to Yik Yak, I find it offensive and point-less,” she said.

Social media around campus sometimes can be a trend of what’s hot at the moment.

Will this new form be one of the popular ones like Twitter and Ins-tagram?

Or will it be one of the ones that eventually runs its course and be-come “faded”?

Top three DIY Halloween costumesMary Jones Staff Writer [email protected]

With the start of October comes the appearance of halloween cos-tumes in stores. However, for the av-erage person on a budget, these cos-tumes can get pretty pricey.

Besides, just buying a costume doesn’t allow for the creativity of making one yourself. Halloween will be here before you know it, so why not take one of these awesome DIY cos-tume ideas and prepare?

1. Rubik’s CubeGoing for something a little puz-

zling? Why not a Rubik’s cube! With WKLV�IXQ�LGHD��DOO�\RX�KDYH�WR�GR�LV�ÀQG�a box, cut out the bottom, a head and

arm holes and use construction paper to make the black lines and colored squares.

If you have a little more time, money and creative edge, you can buy acrylic paints and paint the colors on instead!

2. A Bag of Gum Balls/Jelly Beans

This one is simple and a lot of fun. All that’s needed is a clear trash bag (size depends on your height) and balloons. Pink if you just want to do gum balls, all kinds of colors for jelly beans. Cut leg and arm holes out of the bag and pull it on.

Then place the blown up balloons in the bag with you and tie it around your neck using ribbon! For an in-stant Harry Potter costume, print the Berty-Botts Every Flavored Beans logo out and stick it to the front! Jelly Belly is a popular one, too.

3. GrapesWhy not be a fruit this year? This

costume is simple, incredibly cheap, and also includes balloons! Just buy a bag of purple or green balloons, blow them up, and pin them to your clothes.

For the leaves, you can either wear a green accessory on your head or make leaves out of paper. To look even more like a bushel of grapes, you can wear tan or brown pants to repre-sent the stem where the grapes have fallen off.

Each of these costumes can be made quickly and easily, and all of them cost under $20. A Google or Pinterest search will provide more simple, fun ideas. Have a Happy Hal-loween, and stay safe!

ade: New hit or passing trend?

Photo courtesy of itunes.apple.com

Photo courtesy of http://ideas.coolest-home-made-costumes.com

Page 10: LHU Eagle Eye

Lona Middleton Copy [email protected]

The addition of a new snail to

the list of newly discovered spe-

cies may not seem like a big deal

to many people but its scientific

name is one to make the LGBTQIA

community smile: Aegista diversi-


According to an article in the

journal ZooKeys, the new species

of snail was discovered in Tai-

wan but had been thought to be a

subspecies of a different snail for

many years.

After different scientists com-

pared notes and looked harder, it

was determined to be its own

unique species of snail.

Now about that

name, A. diversifa-

milia, and the rea-

sons for it:

Dr. Lee, the

man that sug-

gested the

snail was a

unique spe-

cies unto it-

self, recalled

that while they

were getting

the manuscript

ready for publica-

tion, Taiwan and

many other countries

were trying to get same

sex marriages recognized.

It had been ev-

erywhere in the

news and was

on his mind as

the paper was

sent off.

H e

says that

it made

him think

about the

fact that

these snails

are inter-

sex creatures

and therefore

contain both

male and female

reproductive organs.

It was one way to see the di-

versity of sexual orientation in the

animal world.

He is quoted as saying that,

“maybe this is a good occasion to

name the snail to remember the

struggle for the recognition of

same-sex marriage rights.”

The issue of gender and LG-

BTQIA equality is something that

everyone is exposed to. It is in the

news and on many people’s minds

as we move toward a more unbi-

ased world.

The naming of the newly dis-

covered snail may be a small step

but it is still a step forward in the

right direction.

10 October 16, 2014 Lifestyles

Intersex snail symbol of equality

Club of the Week: British Television Club (BTC)

Club President: George McDaid, [email protected]

Club Advisor: Dr. Krish Pillai, [email protected]

Meetings: Thursday, 7p.m., PUB room 3

Mission Statement: The purpose of this club is to organize and promote


ings, reviews, discussions, analysis, and realization of associated cultural


About British Television Club: Each week, the club introduces and dis-

cusses culture through different television shows, as voted on by the club.

“It’s a friendly, laid back group of people. We’re all passionate about British

TV and Culture and BTC is a great place to watch different shows.” –Co-

Vice President Grace Harrison.

Learn more about the BTC at facebook.com/LHUBTC. Saturday, November

15 the BTC will host a Doctor Who marathon.

Club of the Week:British Television Club

Page 11: LHU Eagle Eye

11October 16, 2014 Lifestyles

Lona Middleton Copy [email protected]

This month’s restaurant review is for a local deli right here in Lock Haven,

Leo’s Deli. It has been a family owned business for 20 years and the locals as well

as many college students love it.

The menu is select but not limited. They serve subs, sandwiches, wraps and

grilled paninis. The lighting is slightly dim compared to most other places but

it has a nice ambiance and the classic Italian wall décor is tasteful rather than


This is one of those places you simply feel welcome in. The price range for the

food is reasonable and ranges from $6 to $12. The food is fantastic. I have been

here a couple of times and have never had any complaints.

The last time I ordered a grilled Italian panini and was not disappointed.

The food is fresh and the meats are Boar’s Head brand, very reliable as far as

quality goes.

There are a few things you should know about Leo’s though. First is that if

you wish to dine in then you must order by 4 p.m.

The business closes at 5 p.m. and any orders after 4 p.m. will have to be for

takeout only. It is a cash only business so bring a bit more than you think you

will spend.


There is a very nice selection of homemade cookies and other delicacies you

PD\�ZLVK�WR�SDUWDNH�LQ�DIWHU�\RX�ÀQLVK�\RXU�PHDO��7KH\�DUH�DOVR�TXLWH�JRRG�If you are looking for a place that is close and local, I would highly recom-

mend Leo’s Deli at 129 E. Main St. The food is always good and the people that

work there are very nice.

Go in, order, sit down and then wait for them to bring you good fresh authen-

tic Italian deli foods that won’t kill your budget.

Lona’s Local Looks:

Photos courtesy of Lone Middleton

Know what this is?

Photo courtesy of Joby TopperMaybe you’ve seen this neat little relic on campus this semester.

Wondering what it is? Check out the Lifestyles section next week

for a touch of Haven history!

Page 12: LHU Eagle Eye

12 October 16, 2014Opinion

Vicky KramerStaff [email protected]

How would you feel if you randomly saw clowns

invading the city of Lock Haven at night? And I don’t mean Ronald McDonald clowns—I’m talk-ing like sharp teeth and scary eye make-up clowns.

Most people, including myself would EH�WHUULÀHG�WR�VHH�VXFK�D�VLJKW��7KRXJK�this seems like an unfathomable movie plot, it is in fact real life to the folks of Wasco, California.

7KH�:DVFR� &ORZQ�� DV� KH� RU� VKH� LV�being referred to has many Wasco resi-dents fascinated, yet freaked out at the same time. It is unclear whether there are multiple clowns or just one due to different props and costume changes. However many there are, it is downright eerie and creepy, but also in-teresting.

7KH�:DVFR�&ORZQ�WHOOV�RI�KLV�ZKHUHDERXWV�YLD�social media by posting updates and pictures of his whereabouts within Wasco. For many residents, it has become a bizarre game to search for the clown. 7KH� :DVFR� &ORZQ� VHHPV� WR� IDYRU� D� SODFH� FDOOHG�

Barker Park (where the most sightings of the clown have been recorded). Several times, the clown has given false information and appeared elsewhere. 7KLV� DQJHUHG�� EXW� DOVR� LQWULJXHG� WKH� UHVLGHQWV� RI�Wasco.

7KHUH� KDYH� EHHQ� reports of crimes that have been committed by the Wasco Clown. One particularly frightening report was of a child being chased by the Wasco Clown with an axe in hand. 7KH�FODLPV�PDGH�DJDLQVW�WKH�:DVFR�&ORZQ�DUH�XQ-founded at this time. Still, if that doesn’t creep you

out, I don’t know what will! Whoever this Wasco Clown is (or whoever they

are), I think you’re a fantastical genius (or genius-HV���1RW� RQO\� KDYH� \RX�P\VWLÀHG� DQG� LQWULJXHG� D�city of 25,000+ people, but you have made headline QHZV�DQG�QR�RQH�FDQ�ÀJXUH�RXW�ZKR�\RX�DUH��*UDQW-ed chasing a child with an axe was probably not

your greatest of choices—probably scarred him for life—but you’ve done a pretty awesome MRE�DW�UHPDLQLQJ�XQLGHQWLÀDEOH�DQG�SUHWW\�GDQJ�FUHHS\��7KH�FRROHVW�WKLQJ�DERXW�\RX�is that even though you are spine-chill-ing, people can’t stop talking about you.

And they certainly aren’t about to stop searching for you.

If your reasoning behind the whole skit was to draw attention to yourself

without really drawing attention to your-self, you hit the nail right on the head. Or,

even if your idea was to play this off as a joke, it has really gotten the attention of your community (and even to folks like myself in the little town of Lock Haven). Believe it or not, it has reignited a passion once lost for Halloween and because of you, QHZ�OLIH�KDV�EHHQ�JLYHQ�WR�WKH�VHDVRQ��*RRG�IRU�\RX��Wasco Clown. Keep the mystery going, keep us up-dated and most importantly, keep being creepy.

Nicole CreamerStaff [email protected]

Here’s the dilemma: emails are supposed to be used in a professional way, yet I receive emails from group members and even professors that are sent from their phones and the professionalism gets thrown out the window.

Emails have long been accepted as a professional way of contacting an HPSOR\HU�RU�D�SURIHVVRU��7H[WLQJ�LV�DOO�DERXW�D�TXLFN�PHVVDJH�WKDW�LV�VXSSRVHG�to go to friends or family. Once you start sending an email like a text on your phone, it takes away the professional aspect of it.

It’s not that I am opposed to sending an email using your phone; it’s that I am opposed to emailing like you would text. By this I mean sending “u” instead of “you” or not using proper punctuation. I have personally received emails that make no sense because the person must have been walking and trying to send the email at the same time and they obviously acted like they were texting a buddy of theirs. You wind up with text abbreviations and wrongly auto-corrected words and phrases.

7KH�HPDLOV�,�VHQG�IURP�P\�SKRQH�DUH�PRUH�SURIHVVLRQDO�ORRNLQJ��,�WU\�WR�make them look the same that they would if I was sitting at my desk writing them on my laptop.

Some people, understandably, are in a rush and are so busy that they have WR�VHQG�TXLFN�VSHHG\�HPDLOV��,W·V�P\�EHOLHI�KRZHYHU�WKDW�VHQGLQJ�WKDW�TXLFN�HPDLOV��WKDW�ORRN�DQG�UHDG�OLNH�TXLFN�HPDLOV��JLYHV�WKH�UHFHLYHU�WKH�ZURQJ�LP-pression. It gives the impression that you don’t really care about the email and that it shouldn’t matter to the receiver of the email either. In reality, most emails are important to look at, but some don’t pay any mind to emails that look sloppy.

Some professors won’t even email you back if your email isn’t appropriate. College is about establishing networks and creating connections between peo-ple that you can use in your future endeavors. If you’re sending emails that are from your phone and you send them like a text message, you aren’t showing yourself off; instead you are placing yourself in a negative light as the person ZKR�LVQ·W�TXDOLÀHG�WR�KDYH�DQ�LPSRUWDQW�UROH�LQ�D�ZRUNSODFH�

Next time you send an email from your phone, think about whom it is go-LQJ�WR�DQG�ZK\�\RX�QHHG�WR�VHQG�WKH�HPDLO�LQ�WKH�ÀUVW�SODFH��<RX�QHYHU�NQRZ�which emails could impress (or turn off) just the right person!

Keep your emails classy

The Wasco Clown“Granted chasing a

child with an axe was probably not your greatest

of choices, but you’ve done a pretty awesome job at remaining

unidentifiable and pretty dang creepy.”

Page 13: LHU Eagle Eye

13October 16, 2014 Opinion

Sarah Eckrich

Opinion Editor

[email protected]

This week, it was my birthday.I am a birthday enthusiast. I be-

lieve everyone should get a free pass to have it their way on their birthday. It’s the one day a year that everyone VKRXOG� JHW� WR� EH� VHOÀVK� DQG� QDUFLV-VLVWLF�DQG�SLFN\�DQG� FKLOGLVK� LI� WKH\�want to be.

�1RUPDOO\�,�FHOHEUDWH�E\�UHPLQG-ing everyone about eight hundred WLPHV� WKDW� P\� ELUWKGD\� LV� FRPLQJ��Then, I shirk all of my responsibili-WLHV�RQ�WKH�ELJ�GD\��VFUHZ�RII�DQG�UXQ�about doing whatever my little heart GHVLUHV��XVXDOO\�DOO�WKLQJV�ULGLFXORXV�DQG�JHQHUDOO\�XQQHFHVVDU\��

This year, I didn’t do any of that. ,� GLGQ·W� UXQ� P\� PRXWK� LQFHVVDQWO\�DERXW�P\�ELUWKGD\�� ,�ZHQW� WR� VFKRRO�and worked on my birthday. I took a WHVW��,�JRW�VWXFN�LQ�WUDIÀF��,�VWHSSHG�LQ�JXP��,W�ZDV�D�7XHVGD\�PXFK�OLNH�DQ\�other normal Tuesday.

It’s okay though. That’s part of growing up, I guess. After you’ve had so, so many birthdays, they just aren’t all New Year’s Eve 1999 any-more.


2QH�WKLQJ��IRU�SHRSOH�WR�VWRS�FRP-plaining that they are getting old in their 20s.

All day on my birthday people asked me, “And how old are you now, OLNH���"µ


WKDW��HVSHFLDOO\�DGXOWV��7KH�ÀUVW�WKLQJ�they do is look me up and down again UHDOO\�TXLFNO\��MXVW�WR�YHULI\�WKDW�,�GR�look like a 12-year-old and it is sur-SULVLQJ� WR� KHDU� ´���\HDUV�ROGµ� FRPH�out of my tiny mouth. Then their eyes do that deer-in-the-headlights thing, ZKLFK�OHWV�PH�NQRZ�WKDW�WKH\·UH�ZRU-


Therein lies the problem (and lis-WHQ�FDUHIXOO\���DLQ·W�QRWKLQJ�ROG�DERXW�24.

It drives me absolutely bananas that my peers are suffering under the delusion that they’re growing old. Some of you are still fresh out of high VFKRRO��:RUVH�� VRPH� RI� \RX� VHHP� WR�WKLQN�WKDW�,·P�JURZLQJ�ROG�

There is nothing old about me, la-dies and gentlemen. I still get my jol-OLHV�RXW�RI�ÀQJHU�SDLQWV�DQG�´6SRQJH-ERE�6TXDUHSDQWVµ�DQG�,�WRWDOO\�WKLQN�D� VOHHYH� RI� 2UHR� FRRNLHV� TXDOLÀHV�as dinner. Red Bull is its own food JURXS��$QG�LI�\RX�FDQ�UHODWH�HYHQ�UH-motely to any of these sentiments, then you aren’t old.

Think about how you’re going to feel about being, say, 22-years-old when you’re 88-years-old. You’ll EH� IRQGO\� UHPLQLVFLQJ�DERXW�EHLQJ�D�young adult. You’re not going to be talking about how old you were be-fore you ever even made it to 30.

I just want you all to be aware of just how young you are. These are RXU� ODVW� \HDUV� WR� UHDOO\� VFUHZ�XS� RU�VFUHZ�RII�DQG�JHW�RXW�RI�LW��7KLV�LV�WKH�tail-end of our time to explore, ex-periment and investigate the world around us.

6R� NLVV� VWUDQJHUV�� +LWFKKLNH��Quit the job you hate. Go streaking. ,I�\RX�JHW�D�FKDQFH�WR�WUDYHO��JR��'RQ·W�OHW�SHRSOH�KROG�\RX�EDFN�DQG�GRQ·W�OHW�VRFLHW\·V�H[SHFWDWLRQV�KROG�\RX�EDFN��If you want to do it, just do it. I know I sound like an inspirational quote, but seriously, this is your life.

$W�����,�FDQ�VWLOO�VWD\�XS�DOO�QLJKW��OLYH�RQ�LQVWDQW�SDVWD�DQG�VWUHWFK�P\�feet behind my head. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that 20 years from now and that’s enough for me to revel in my youth. If you don’t want to do WKH� VDPH�� ÀQH³LW·V� \RXU� ORVV�� %XW�FRQVLGHU�WKLV�DQ�RIÀFLDO�FHDVH�DQG�GH-sist on the whining about a problem \RX�GRQ·W�DFWXDOO\�KDYH�

Christine Nolthenius

Staff Writer

[email protected]






Dress code woe


Check us out online!

Growing old in your youth

Page 14: LHU Eagle Eye

14 October 16, 2014Sports

Jayson MoyerCo-Sports [email protected]

James Franklin appeared out of the south endzone tunnel at Beaver Stadium at Penn State’s Blue and White game in April, stepping onto the Beaver Stadium grass in front of Nittany Lion fans for the first time.

Things were good then. Things were fresh. It was a new, exciting perspective presented by a commu-nity-welcoming coach in Franklin.

The season started with four straight wins. A last-second field goal in Ireland in the season opener to beat UCF, a win over Akron, a tough, emotional, hard-fought win at Rutgers two weeks later, and a blowout of UMASS. Penn State had started the season undefeated.

Christian Hackenberg was playing at such a high level, the defense was playing awesome, and Franklin was the most popular and beloved guy in Central Pennsylva-nia.

The sanctions that were placed on Penn State as a result of the Jerry Sandusky Scandal were re-moved, Penn State was bowl eli-gible and Penn State would receive their full allotment of scholarships beginning next season.

And with Penn State’s sub-par schedule, the future was bright. A bowl game was in sight. This team could possibly go 9-3.

But that was then, and this is now.

Because what followed Penn State’s 4-0 start was a 29-6 pound-ing by Northwestern of Penn State in front of the biggest crowd at Bea-ver Stadium this season.

Penn State’s defense that was great early in the season was all over the place, and not in a good way. Northwestern picked them apart en-route to a rout.

Franklin and the Penn State coaching staff evidently had a very poor game plan.

Next, the floundering Michigan Wolverines awaited a visit from Penn State in a prime-time game at The Big House.

Michigan fans remembered all too well what happened last year in Happy Valley, as Penn State de-feated the Wolverines in four over-times. This year was not going to be the same.

The Nits’ looked decent in the first half, taking a 13-10 lead into halftime. The second half saw more of what we saw in the North-western game.

Penn State failed to score a single point in the second half, the Wolverines tacked on three field goals and a safety, and Penn State suddenly had lost two in a row.

So now, by pulling a page out of the Philadelphia Fan playbook, arose the question of whether Franklin is a good coach or not. Three weeks ago he was at the pinnacle of Penn State football

in the eyes of Nittany Lion fans, and now we don’t know what to think.

Now Penn State is not flying high. Things are sour and things are bleak. It is not the same feeling that was felt across Central Penn-sylvania three weeks ago.

His play-calling has been ques-tionable at times, his “throw, throw, throw” mentality hasn’t always panned out, and he has not put his team in the best positions to win.

He has only coached six games at the helm of Penn State. Through the first four games, he was an ex-cellent coach. However, through the last two, it hasn’t been the same.

It was hard to see a coach like Bill O’Brien leave Penn State. In the two years O’Brien was here, that team was so well coached.

Franklin and O’Brien are com-plete opposite coaches, however, so it is hard to compare the two.

O’Brien had a very balanced offense, and loved to run the ball, which set up the play-action in his offense very effectively. Franklin’s offense is not as balanced.

Franklin uses the wildcat a lot, O’Brien loathed the wildcat.

Franklin is a great salesman – he can recruit with the best of coaches in college football.

But until once Franklin can build good recruiting class after good recruiting class, we won’t know how good of a coach he really is.

My perception of him right now, though, is that he is not an elite coach in college football. And be-cause of that, Penn State will not be one of the elite teams in the Big Ten this year.

This week is a bye-week for the Nittany Lions. Following the bye is an even bigger test as Ohio State visits State College in front of a sea of white.

The Ohio State game will just be another audition for Franklin to show us what he has. He has had two bad games, both game plan and preparation wise, in a row.

James Franklin, the person, has Happy Valley in his arms. His energy and passion that he instills into the game are second to none. He has the best job in the world. We love James Franklin the person.

But it’s James Franklin, the coach, whose perception is yet to be determined with Penn State fans.

And until Franklin can show that he can effectively coach, how good this Penn State team is will really be unknown.

Saturday, October 25th, pres-ents the biggest challenge in Frank-lin’s coaching career. A big win over a big rival would drive his status as James Franklin, the coach, through the roof.

But a loss, especially if it’s an embarrassing loss, would just raise more and more question about how good of a coach he really is.

Interested in Sports?Work for the Eagle Eye as a writer or photographer

PSU’s Franklin needs to improve

Page 15: LHU Eagle Eye

Photo courtesy of golhu.com

October 16, 2014 15Sports

Ship sinks HavenJayson MoyerCo-sports [email protected]

The Lock Haven University foot-ball team fell to Shippensburg Uni-versity 42-24 on Saturday at Hubert Jack Stadium.

To open up the game, Lock Haven (0-6, 0-5 PSAC) drove 59 yards down WKH�ÀHOG� LQ����SOD\V��ZKLFK�HQGHG� LQ�DQ�$OH[�%RXPHUKL����\DUG�ÀHOG�JRDO��to put Lock Haven up 3-0 early.

Shippensburg (3-3, 2-3 PSAC) answered right back with their own ��� SOD\� GULYH�� WKLV� RQH� IRU� ��� \DUGV��ZKLFK� HQGHG� LQ� D� &KULV� /DZVKH� ���yard touchdown pass. Shippensburg WKHQ�OHG�����PLGZD\�WKURXJK�WKH�ÀUVW�quarter.

:LWK� ����� UHPDLQLQJ� LQ� WKH� ÀUVW�quarter, Blair Brooks ran in a four-yard touchdown run to put Shippens-EXUJ�XS�������

Just 48 seconds into the second quarter, Lawshe connected with Shel-don Mayer on a 65-yard touchdown SDVV�DQG�6KLSSHQVEXUJ�OHG������


GRZQ� ODWH� LQ� WKH� ÀUVW� KDOI�� DV� %HDX�Swales scored on a two-yard touch-GRZQ�UXQ�WR�PDNH�WKH�VFRUH�������JR-ing into halftime. The touchdown was 6ZDOHV·�ÀUVW�RI�WKH�VHDVRQ�

Early in the third quarter, Brooks scored his second rushing touchdown of the day, this time from just one-yard out, to put Shippensburg up 28-���

Trevor Harman caught his sec-ond of two touchdown passes on the day with 55 seconds to go in the third quarter, and Shippensburg was up �������7KDW·V�DOO�6KLSSHQVEXUJ�ZRXOG�need.

Lock Haven would tack on some points late, as Jeremy Cornelius caught a 25-yard touchdown pass from Caleb Walton and Bernard 6PDFN� FDXJKW� D� ���\DUG� SDVV� IURP�Walton. That’s all the Eagles would get though, and Shippensburg went onto win 42-24.

Walton threw for 225 yards and two touchdowns for Lock Haven.

Lock Haven will look for their ÀUVW�ZLQ�RI�WKH�VHDVRQ�DV�WKH\�WUDYHO�to Cheyney on Saturday. Kickoff is VODWHG�IRU��SP�

XC remains at No. 8Doug SpataforeSports Information [email protected]

The Lock Haven University men’s cross country team contin-ues to hold strong at No. 8 in the latest U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association Division II National Poll.

It marks the third straight week where the Bald Eagles held strong in the No. 8 spot in the national rankings.

Yesterday, LHU ZDV�UDQNHG�1R����LQ�the Atlantic Region for the fourth straight week.

From the start of WKH������VHDVRQ��WKH�Bald Eagles have been on a tear and look to keep the good times

running as, The Ha-ven rolls on with the postseason looming.

Last week, LHU head coach Aaron Russell rested his regular top-seven runners, but the Bald Eagles stepped up and finished third at Slippery Rock’s Mack Cooper Invitational. Jacob Fetterman was the top-finisher for Lock Haven.

Lock Haven kicked off the month of October with a sensational show-ing at the Paul Short Invitational on Octo-EHU����ILQLVKLQJ���WK�in a loaded Gold Race field. Zachary Mains’ 27th place finish paced LHU in the race dominated by Division I competition.

Prior to Paul Short, Lock Haven took three straight titles, winning the

LHU Invitational, Dickinson Short Course Invitational and the Kutztown DII/DII Challenge.

The Bald Eagles are off from competi-tion this weekend, but return to the course on Saturday, Oct. 25 when they host the LHU Go Fast River 5XQ�DW���S�P�

Lady Eagles soar to No. 4Doug SpataforeSports Information [email protected]

The Lock Haven University women’s cross country team con-tinued its climb in the rankings, jumping three spots to No. 4 in this week’s U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (UST-FCCCA) Division Atlantic Region

poll, which was updated today.The Lady Eagles are coming off

D� VHFRQG�SODFH� ÀQLVK� DW� 6OLSSHU\�Rock’s Mack Cooper Invitational, where they upset several teams ranked ahead of them in last week’s rankings.

Lock Haven will host the LHU Go Fast River Run in two weeks (Saturday, October 25) as a part of Haunted Haven Homecoming Week at LHU.

Atlantic Region Top Ten 1. Edinboro (Previous Rank- 1) 6. Seton Hill (PR - 5) 2. Shippensburg (PR - 2) 7. West Chester (PR - 8) 3. Bloomsburg (PR- 3) 8. WV Wesleyan (PR - 6) 4. Lock Haven (PR -7) 9. California (Pa.) (PR - 9) 5. Slippery Rock (PR- 4) 10. Indiana (Pa.) (PR - 10)

LHU establishes Hall of FameDoug SpataforeSports Information [email protected]

Lock Haven University and the LHU Department of Athletics have announced the establish-ment of the LHU Athletics Hall of Fame.

Lock Haven University, the LHU Department of Athletics and the LHU Athletics Hall of Fame Committee look forward to cel-ebrating the charter Hall of Fame FODVV�LQ������

The LHU Athletics Hall of Fame was established to celebrate the rich history, pride, passion and tradition that is LHU Athlet-ics by honoring the school’s great-est athletes, coaches and support-ers from the school’s founding in �����

The LHU Athletics Hall of Fame Committee is now accepting nominations.

Nomination forms and more information on the LHU Athletics Hall of Fame can be found online by clicking here.

All nominations are due by -DQ�����������

The charter LHU Athletics Hall of Fame class will be an-QRXQFHG�RQ�0DUFK����������DQG�an induction ceremony will be KHOG�RQ�6DWXUGD\��-XQH����������

The induction ceremony will be a brunch at the Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center on the LHU’s campus. Check www.GoLHU.com as details of the event become available.

Page 16: LHU Eagle Eye

16 October 16, 2014Sports

Week seven college football roundupBret PallottoCo-sports [email protected]

Following the immense amount of upsets seen in college football last week, this was a “show me” week and while some programs rose to the oc-FDVLRQ��RWKHU�WHDPV�ÁRSSHG�DQG�PRUH�doubts arose.

No. 3 Mississippi State cer-tainly showed the nation just how talented their football team is with their victory over No. 2 Auburn, 38-23 in Starkville. Very few were still questioning whether or not Missis-sippi State was a good football team or not, it was just a question of how good. The Bulldogs season began with three easy wins before they traveled to Death Valley and took down Les Miles and the No. 8 LSU Tigers. The team then handled their success well with their defeat of then ranked No. 6 Texas A&M. With the defeat of Au-burn, head coach, Dan Mullen and 0LVVLVVLSSL�6WDWH�EHFDPH�MXVW�WKH�ÀUVW�team in more than 30 years to win three straight regular-season games against AP top-10 teams in one sea-son. The team is currently on a nine

game winning streak dating back to last season and are now ranked No. 1 in the latest AP poll.

While Auburn didn’t look like a dominant team in this game, they only dropped four spots to No. 6 in the AP poll and they will have plenty of other opportunities to prove what kind of team they really are with three remaining matchups against top-10 teams.

Florida State traveled north to battle Syracuse and despite winning by 18, dropped to No. 2 in the polls be-cause Mississippi State was rewarded for playing a tougher schedule. Jameis Winston continues to be the talking point of FSU, rather than their play RQ�WKH�ÀHOG��GXH�WR�WKH�ODWHVW�DFFXVD-tions against him. Winston is now be-ing investigated as to whether or not KH�VLJQHG�RYHU�����LWHPV�IRU�D�SURÀW�WR�a company that is very similar, if not the same, that was connected to sus-pended Georgia running back Todd Gurley. Head coach, Jimbo Fisher continues to say that Winston is not suspended because he knows all of the facts and says that Winston has done nothing to warrant a suspension.

'HVSLWH� WKH� RII�ÀHOG� TXHVWLRQV�about Winston and their program,

they are still undefeated heading into Saturday’s contest against undefeated No. 5 Notre Dame. The Fighting Irish will travel down to Tallahassee after defeating unranked North Carolina 50-43 in South Bend. Despite the 43 points allowed, the Irish come into the game with the No. 8 defense in terms of points allowed and will look to end FSU’s 22 game winning streak.

One team who fell back to Earth after pulling off the upset last week was No. 10 Arizona. Rich Rodriguez led his Wildcats to Autzen Stadium when they took down Oregon. The win sent the team from unranked to No. 10 in the polls and they were set to play unranked USC at home. Howev-er, despite outscoring the Trojans 13-0 in the fourth quarter, their rally came up short as they were defeated 28-26 IRU�WKHLU�ÀUVW�ORVV�RI�WKH�VHDVRQ�

Remaining in the same region of the country, No. 12 Oregon took on No. 18 UCLA with both programs coming off a loss. Quarterback, Marcus Mari-ota of the Ducks made sure that they didn’t travel back with a sour taste in their mouth as they dominated the Bruins 42-30. With 14:19 left in the fourth quarter, Oregon took a 42-10 lead and held on the rest of the way.

The game featured two quarterbacks with NFL potential in Mariota and UCLA QB, Brett Hundley.

No. 5 Baylor welcomed a hot No. 9 TCU team to Waco and were very nearly defeated. With only 11:38 re-maining in the game, TCU took a com-manding 58-37 lead over the Bears and still found a way to lose the game. Baylor rattled off 24 points, includ-LQJ� WKH� JDPH� ZLQQLQJ� ���\DUG� ÀHOG�goal with no time remaining, to win the game 61-58. Not surprisingly, the Bears average the most points in the nation with 52.7 points per game.

No. 13 Georgia embarrassed No. 23 Missouri 34-0 without star their star Todd Gurley. His replacement was freshman Nick Chubb and he car-ried the ball 38 times for 143 yards and a touchdown.

Notable games for this weekend include: No. 21 Texas A&M at No. 7 Alabama, No. 14 Kansas State at No. 11 Oklahoma, No. 15 Oklahoma State at No. 12 TCU, No. 23 Stanford at No. 17 Arizona State and No. 5 Notre Dame at No. 2 Florida State.

Photo couresy of www.detroitnews.com Photo courtesy of www.growinggibsons.com Photo courtesy of www.bleacherreport.com

Background photo courtesy of www.sitinmyseats.com

Everett Golson (5) threw for 300 yards and three touchdowns for Notre Dame on Saturday.

Dak Prescott (15) threw for 246 yards, a touchdown, and rushed for 121 yards and two touchdowns on Saturday for Mississippi State.

Bryce Petty (14) threw for 510 yards and six touch-downs en-route to Baylor’s comeback win over TCU.