li lbm 5 i'am not pretty anymore

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  • 7/30/2019 LI LBM 5 I'Am Not Pretty Anymore


    Im not pretty anymoreStep 1

    Aging process :

    aging process is phisiogical in human, it have been in 49 years old. Until 56 years old.

    A process most disability to repair a tissue in human. It can to change the structure and function

    human organ.

    Aging is the characteristic, there are:

    - Subclinical phase : occure 25 to 35 years oldDecrease of testosterone hormone, growt hormone, and estrogene. But physically

    individu feel normal condition

    - Transisitonal phase : occure 35 to 45 years oldDecrease hormone 25 %, this phase can increase hearth disease, obesity.

    Manifestastion clinic: - pigmentation of the skin, sexual function

    - Clinical phase : occure more than 45 years oldDecreastion of DHEA melatonin, Gh, testosterone, and estrogen.

    And have lost ablity to absorb nutrition vitamin and mineral, and make decrease density

    of bone.

    - Telomere mechanism : abrichment telomer mechanism have link with slite of cell,(mekanisme pemendekan telomere yang dikatikan dalam proses penuaan sel

    Karena DNA polymerase tida mempu menyelasikan replikasi pada ujung kromosomlinear dan mengakibatkan kormosom kehilangan sebagaian dari ulangan telomere.

    Adan akan memendek secara bertahap dan menyebabkan kromosom tidak stabil.)

    Elderly :

    Individual over 65 years old have impairement body system function.

    Step 2 (have a problem)

    1. Why her skin look more saggy especially in around the eyes?2. Why the vison of the women have getting blurred and the hearing begin to decline?3. Why did the weight decrease and body shape has got thinner?4. Why she was so easy to fall off ?

  • 7/30/2019 LI LBM 5 I'Am Not Pretty Anymore


    5. What is delay of aging process?6. What effect of was felt by the women by adopting a healthy lifestyle? And what is the

    healthy lifestyle?

    7. How can by aging process cause amenorrhea in women?8. Why she fell so dizzy?9. What are the sign of aging process?10.What is the effect of the organ phisiologicaly and pathologicaly?11.Is aging process also happen pathologicaly in human?

    Step 3 (Answer the problem)

    1. Theory of aging process?-wear and tear : tubuh dan sel sering digunakan dan disalahgunakankerusakan sel dan


    -neuroendokrin : penurunan sekresi hormone dan hipotalamohipofisis hormone


    -Radikal bebas

    Mitokondria (free radical generator) from eksternal or internal perubahan fungsi dan



    Process non enzimatik decrease enzimatik function and protein degradation

    -DNA repair

    Decrease ability repairement of DNA

    2. Why her skin look more saggy especially in around the eyes?It cause by the change of collagen fibrose and elastin fibrose disability to save the skin

    flexibility. Atrofi in the muscle and bone, adipose tissue have be thinner.

    Deacrese amount of fibroblast decrease of elastic fobrose ; more sclerotic got

    thicker collagen fibrose be slacker elastin fibrose have lost of elasticity be saggy

    in her skin.

    What is the fibroblast? Cell or supporting tissue?

    Fibroblast function :

    To maintain of the skin as supporting tissue.

    Located in between epidermis and dermis.

    Histological skin (imaging of the skin):

    What is the layer in the skin :

  • 7/30/2019 LI LBM 5 I'Am Not Pretty Anymore


    Epidermis :



    Why the saggy happen in the around in eyes?

    (karena tidak ada tulang yang lapisi dan jumlah sel penyokong yang sedkit ..)

    3. Why the vison of the women have getting blurred and the hearing begin to decline?Otot siliaris lebih lemah dan kendur dan lensa mngalimai sklerosis kehilangan

    elastisitas dan penurunan kamampuan untu meusatkan pengloihatan jarak dekat

    mempengaruhi daya akomodasi mata susah baca huruf kecil dari dekat (presbiopi).

    Sklerosis m.sphincter pupil penurunan ukuran pupil penyempitan lapang pandang

    Telinga dalam dan luar

    Komponen telinga dalam dan saraf tidak berfungsi dengan baik perubahan konduksi

    kehilangan pendengaran ketidakmempuan mendeteksi volume suara

    ketidakmampuan mendeteksi suara frekuensi tinggi)

    Telingan tengah

    Terjadi pengecilan daya tangkap memebran tiompani dan pengapuran tulang

    pendengaran, otot ligament juga lemah dan kaku gangguan konduksi suara.

    -Rambut telinga (silia) menjadi panjang dan tebal-Kulit menjadi tipis dan kering

    -Pengingkatann keratin

    Gangguan konduksi suaraPenurunan kemampuan otot mata?


    4. Why did the weight decrease and body shape has got thinner?Penuaan atrofi mukosa usus halus penyerapan berkurang dan enzim berkuranggangguan metabolisme

    Lambung mengalami penurunan ukuran sekresis asam lambung mnurun terasa

    cepat kenyang BB turun

    Decerase of adipose tissue ?

    Decrease amount of water?

  • 7/30/2019 LI LBM 5 I'Am Not Pretty Anymore


    Aborbsi in colon have decrase cause body water.

    GIT function have been decrease

    Atrofi tulang dan otot?

    5. Why the women so easy to fall off ?Gangguan dari

    -Sensorik system : vision and hearing, vestibular function, proprioseptik


    -Mucle and bone

    6. What is delay of aging process?7. What effect of was felt by the women by adopting a healthy lifestyle? And what is the

    healthy lifestyle?


    How can by aging process cause amenorrhea in women?9. Why she fell so dizzy?10.What are the sign of aging process?11.What is the effect of the organ phisiologicaly and pathologicaly?12.Is aging process also happen pathologicaly in human?