library 0fcpnre tl hlj atii nal f0 - chronicling americait si 31 li ri kvwwtiwnmnt wyvwiw ryln...

it Si 31 li ri KVwwTiWnmnT WYVWIW ryln library WASHINGTON D y4 WPtJRDAY OCTOBER 8 y 1910 ONE DOLLAR A tl B6 cit tl f Hlj A TIi N A L F 0 RUM l I i i p l VOL I Noi 24 ITLilOJiB Ji G 11 a I J 0fcpnre L i YEAR = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Some things That Are Happening A Wee kly Resume of the Activities of People Worth While By R W THOMPSON 1 The Skies Brighten the Brother History is be ing ma start lin g rapidity in this nec From a per o f temporary de spon the Repu blican s ituation is looking up There are evidences that the two of the party are gettin g closer together the mollifying influence of the diplo macy pf Pres ident Taft He has a remarkable talent for harmoniz ing differences and reconc ilin g the re ones The Presidents dig nified attitude with re ference to the nomination in 912 has greatly strengthened hin1 w ith the conserya live e of the party and there is also a fee lin g he and Colone l Rooseve lt had an understand ing by which there will be no c lash pf the crucia l moment arr ives for a lin ing up of the forces two years hence at the na tional convention The Democrats are hayin g troubles of the ir own and they will not haye a wa lkawa y if the campa managers o f the G O P exerc ise any pf their usua l gumption Differ as Republicans ma y in the in dex they rare for bo bbin g up serenely and solidly on election day Some ex wor k is like ly to be done in or 1 with I d wings fractory that have I t f 1 faculty jJ ce Uent Color ed woods io under interests when gn have a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ W 1 K i Ii I n W THOMPSON F t all the dou btful Congres sional distr icts and the 8th day of Novem ber While stopping up the leaks in the Republican organ ization as a whole Pres ident Taft is not the we lfare of the fa ithful co lored voters The announcement of the prospective appointment o f Hon James C Napier Tennessees favor ite son as far as our people cerne d heartens the rank and file of the Negro lement o f the party for it indicates that the adm inistra tion is du ly apprec of honest and e ffic ient serv ice ren dere d it in ati hour o f nee d Mr Napier la bored diligently and for the nom ination of Ju dge Taft in the face of a determ ined opposition among life long fr iend and dur ing the campa ign that he was in the kest of the fray contend ing for every of for his party With the retirement o f Dr Yer non the natural tho ice for Regis ter of the Treasury is Mr Napier who came w ithin an ace of in g the prize on two previous occas ions Mr Napier assumes the duties of Register Fe bruary I 1911 A second encoura gement to the race lies in the designa tion of former Governor P B S Piiic hbac kpne of the Old Guar ds States between now overlooking arc cOn helpfu lly inch v inn agreed ppon fI and fOllowed ground ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ most picturesque figures as an a tache bf the Internal Revenue Sen ice With in New Yor c ity The place will carry large re ibilities mid emoluments of size commensurate in the ma in Governor1 hbacks va lue d ices personal dignity The du ties w ill be congenial arid the Gov ernor will be foun d to fit into post like glove recogn ition of d be ha ile d With r ight thinking the country pvc i and its riffed will be felt at the poll in the pivotal States next where the Negro yote is poteiit J Scott in the Limeligh It is an open secret that at two other places o f honor an d pro fi are be in g reserved for the co lore voters and the announcement o names an d stations may be expecte from at almost any moment Emmett J Scott Tuskegee Insti tute who is in a position to knox much of the ins ide sentiment o those ible for the care of Ncgrbs interests in politica l affa irs spent im the c ity and afte con ferences with number of offi close to the adm in istration gave put the statement that it wa his opin ion that Pres ident Ta ft dispose d to give liberal rfecogn itibi to his loyal co supporters aric that he felt very sure that the Presi dents would be empha ized very s jn a iashion si substantial that Ins sincerity cpuu not be doubted Mr who it will be remem tiered was one pf the three Un itec States Comm issioners to investigate soc ia l political and industr ial con ditions in the of Liber ia through the Monday ei route to Worcester Mass to at the ton the neai East rind Afr ica opened Oc tbber 4 at Clar k University Bj invitation Mr Scott addressed tlie conference Fr iday morn ing a t 3ir The Unite d States an d On Satur day at i qclock Mr Scott is announced an address be fore he Twentieth Century Club one pf Bostons most famous tibiis The honor of appearing be fore this is regarded as one oi rare distinction Register Vernon to Retire The resignation of Dn W T Ver non as Register of tile Treasury made public last Friday coupled v ith that he would bc succeeded by Mr J G Nap ier of Tennessee Rumors of Dr Ver IOnS retirement have been n circulation for several months the matter fa to take form imlco lori as no one in possess ion of he facts would ma ke any defin ite announcement concern ing it The lews therefore was not as surpr is n g as it m ight otherwise have been 3y arrangement with Secretary lacVeach the change will be e f fective on the first day of Fe bruary icarly four months hence As a Federal official Dr Vernon has given eminent satisfaction an d s conceded to be one of the fore most orators an d campa igners of he race He has been an able de ender of the faith of the party and Is popu lar with he masses wherever ic is known Hisretirementdoubt grows out of political ex igenc ies that have recently ar isen w ith re pect to Kansas and theadm inistrar ion whic h re flect in no wise upon he character or integr ity of Dr Vernon He has carr bly here and the departure of li and his charming wife will a distinct loss to the soc ial intel t 1 With Pin the aha d lira The pal l pleasur by Negroes 0 Ernm rt last t Bever ly o f resp lis the Mon day a dais was friendship ort iy Scott r tell d fere i I for i ihs titu was thestatement but ti r l ss a d cir e headquarters pon ser and tliisraii Olki Will mont Republic passed thy c don which L3C Liberia body probable ira 1rsn4lS r2trn ¬ ¬ ¬ lectual re ligious life of the con munity Dr Vernon says he has no plan for the immediate future save upon his retirement in Februar y h w ill ke a muc hneeded rest health has notbeen in the year owing to nervpus troubles si duce d by pverwor k His re sumption of the duties of pres o f the Western Un ivers ity at Qu in daro Kans w ill not be considere by him dur ing the present schoc year although there is pressure be ing brought to bear upon him to tak the wor k later on and arrange ments may be made ultimately t have hiin to again become the activ head o f this thr iving sc hoo l In tli Pro f She ldon Freric will continue in charge Itis lindei that other institutions con nectc w ith the A M E Churc have made attractive overtures fp Dr Vernons serv ices Des ira pulpits have been placed at hi disposal and it is hinted that lii name will go be fore the next geii eral of his c hurc h as a aspirant for a seat on the Benc h b Bishops He is yet a yoting mat and has a great work la id out him In whatever field he may it to cast his lot Dr Vernon yill have the best yis hcs of a o iring fe itizeiis o f hot races The selection of Mr Napjer a his successor is iii accor d logic o f the s ituation and w ill giv eminent to a ll e of the party regardless o f sect ion Although Mr Napier ha ils Tennessee he is regarded as be in g for po litica l purposes from at large Roscoe ConkHng Bruce Right The stir is be in g raise Roscoe Conkling Bruce over the ex c hange of one teacher for another in the ordinary routine of school a d m in istration w ill amount to nothing Mr Bruce is cap able directing our public schoo ls and the people w ho have the wel fare o f the commun ity at heart an giv ing him an d support He isi giving the Washington schools the best adm in istration s ince the i blishment and his refusa l to b swerve d from his r ighteous course by attorneys and pro fes s blac kma ilers is br inging hih the hearty sympathy many whc m ight not otherwise pay don to the matter Socalle d mass meetings held only for purpose o f blu ff will not deceive the Howard University Opens Auspi ciously formal opening o f Howar d Un ivers ity took place last Tues day morn Dr Elmer E Brown Un ited States Commissioner of Education delivered an instructive address rev iew ing progress an d ideals of the un ivers ity President W P Thirkield spoke in an inspir ing Ve in Saturday the How ar d Law School opened w ith Dean B F as the pr incipal speaker Mon day night the me dical department operations When all of the divis ions get into full swing it is expecte d that the registration will s how 1500 students nearly 400 more than last year In the fres hman lass alone this year there are tw ice as many students as the entire school hadfpur yearsa go or just before Pres ident Thirkield charge A View pf the Passing Show The pr inc of he con any enga ged for the mus ical omedy season of the New Theater ived Sunda y and the horus is now being gotten in sha for the regular Man iger W H Smith who hase been in New York for the better part f tlc past two wee ks looking em over jis back iiii harness wor king ike a an d expresses hint l that ta His past per in dent d l up mean time h for well host fa IlQw with the len the country Alf i that Ag l ig tA i tmj rSli i lfdc1j l showing himself of un iyidc est j bullying of any atten wise The ing the tight Leighton began assumed How 1rd ar rehearsals l j troJan and good stoOd I also conference fin satis faction hot stock p ¬ ¬ > ¬ se lf as being well leased v itli th situation The peo indicated b the qoo week of the Smart Set that they want imtsical come dy o tIc best type am this Manager Smith purposes to give them Hi thinks there is a pros perous season a hea d and the company shares his optim istic view It is un derstood that J Leubr ie Hill the famous drainatist i and producer will arran ge all bf the productions For the week beginning Octbbei 10 Stetsons Unc lfe Toms Cabin will be the attraction at the the Harriet her Stow masterpiece is put bit with str iking scen ic e ffecHs and time cast is said to d number o f un lly Strong an d capable actors A return engagement of The Smart Set is among the treats soon to be presented by time management Tlu Dix ie Minstrels w ith Ruc ker STutt Whitneys Southern Smart Set Black Pattis Troubadours Ric hard PHngles Georgia Minstrels an d other stan dar d s hows are to come later oh The new Hiawatna Theater is tc be pene dw ithin itlie fewest of days The stage has been remodeled an d ample have d TIme exter ior has painte d and the interior walls aii d ce iling are now iirthc hands of the decorators who arema king a bean tifu l jo bo It ito be the o f Managers Murray Easley to present po lite vau dev ille and life nipti bh pictures The house has u loya l fbllow ing and on the open ing n ight tile s ign will be nee de d for all four o f time per fbrin A small stqqk company will be maintaiiie d j headed by T Spen cer Finley the magnetic come dian sketc hwork will be Miss Minnie Brown who has won a warm place in the hearts o fall Was hington thcatergpers Mr Mrs Char les Williams an d possibly Mr Charles C Bougia formerly the Patti Trou ba dours The orches tra will consist of five pieces with Lawrence Co lwe ll as director Miss Irene Middle tpn the Hiawatha fav orite will return as cas hier The fatuous Ani phipu Glee Club Pro f Henry Lewis director w ill s ing at For d Da bneys on Fr iday even ing October 14 an d the event is creating a stir in soc iety ircles among this aggregation is immensely popular After the Am phion session the next number on the d will be the promenade at True Ha ll given by the Wilber force Un iversity orchestra whic h is stea dily grow ing in favor as a mus ica l organization Joseph Shelton Pollen gen ius conies to the Metropolitan AM EiChurc h on the seventeenth un der the auspices o f the Inter de nom inationa l Bible College of w hich Pro f Jesse Lawson is time c hie f executive Clarence Cameron White v iolinist Mrs Maud y Hare o f Boston solo ist an d Miss Mary L Europe pian ist w ill give an a llstar recita l on the n ine teenth at Lincpln Temple On the twentys ixth Miss ietta Vin ton Dav is giyes a dramatic rec ita l at the Metropolitoii Baptist Church The month is to in mus i cal features Pr incess Ra ja h styled the Ger nan Amcr ican songbird spea ks lye languages fluently She has Tavele d throughout Europe pmpan ies o f lass performers iiave appeare d under her manage ncnt in France Austr ia Italy and Russ ia She attracts marke d attention w herever she 6es b icattseo f her c harming per sona lity and engaging manners pesj5ie pliver Brown is the bright Lparticular star at Ford Dabneys Theater this wftc hea ding one of 0 9 f II d ana Bee to I be l John j Il f d dressing ro qms bc n policy I S RO fU1C S w S pr mill JI wit for or iginal and o f which car Reformers j Hen be brilliant Germany g t l ntire embrace an bee provide fit and soc iate d hum Black musical and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > the best bills that Manager G W Ham ilton has yet offered Misi Brown is piquant v ious am puts vim into time execution o f her character songs She first appear in natty masculine attire arid ren dbrs Mothers Lasses Can d Chile following it with a lightning change and sin ging Under tin Yu inYiim Tree Miss Brown finally dons an even ing goWn of tin rev ise d hobble style and closes with a dash that br in gs down the house Her reception on Mon day even ing was all that could be asked j and her encores were frequent an d hearty Miss Brown shows the excellent tra ining rece ive d w hile a membci of the Gole Johnson Red Moon Company The other numbers or the taking program are contrib uted by Josephine Tobias a come dienne of talent an d Erb Robinson a witty monologist an d m im ic From now on Manager Hamilton will make an entire change o f bill each Week The custom o f present ing three vaudev ille acts in connec tion with the motion pictures w ill be continue d every w ill be put forth to secure the best talent on market Mr Ru fiis Byars the well known s inger is in San Anton io Tex The Maceo d U streets is drawin g capac ity houses nightly and Manager G M Ric hardson is constantly thinking out new features to keep the people interested Minor arid Willis and the Jamestown Vau deville Troupe gave a highly accepta ble bill last week This Week is marked by the return of the Was hin soc ia l magic Eu gene IIe ilrnaii Whose has been ystifying an d amusing to eVeiybiiewlib act The Chelsea on M street is be ing run by its w hite propr ietor but is for lease to any clever syn dicate whic h ta ke over the house arid to make it pay The house is a large we llappbinted theater and will bring a barrel o f money to time right parties The Minne ha ha is doing its s hare f the big business of the Ustreet section George E Battles the apidfire pianist is giv ing his pa rons samples o f the latest mus ical dy hits such as Aida Overtoil Walkers Shine Lottie Gra dys Rubbernecking Moon Ella An Icrsons Consolation Lane Joe fordans Lovey Joe and Bert Williams Balbcr Shop Jhor d His illustrate d songs a l vays go big and his inc l music is a dapte d to the hanging scenes the motion pic tires The Minne ha ha is a part of Hiawatha c ha in and is pros ing under the pa instaking direc ion of James Dav idson Random Shots Dr W J Howar d Jr has an uitomobilc Prof J W Cromwell has joinc d ranks o f the syndicate writers statistical stu dy o f the Balti lore meeting of the B M C was n interesting and va lua ble piece of work George W Ellis FRGS for years Secretary o f the Amer i an Legation at Monrov ia Liber ia as in the c ity Sun day the guest f Register and Mrs Vernon He went to Clark Un ivers ity this week o the con ference on The Near last and Afr ica an d is to speak til Fr iday morn ing on Dynamic actors in the Liber ian Situation liiice his retirement from the diplo matic serv ice Mr Ellis has been bjoUrn iiig in Chicago Hpli John C Dancy w ill be one fthc party that is to accompany Jr Booker T Was hington on his etliicational pilgrimage through Continued on Page 3 H H dan u than i ll inspired s till colored vill try o come everlasting i c of the per the His eight o effort kill has s enhuiri especially ¬ ¬ VANITY FAIR by JpHR H WILLS The Main Difference Between Civilized Mon and the Savage Dont Rend nnno v L Conducted IsSavages The Forward Movement The pen ing of the Bethel Liter aryand Histor ical Soc iety in Metro po litan A M E Church n ight last was express distinct ive and gave proin ise of a return t its past high place in the days the minds o f our men gave forth t the woHdl time ir greatest and thoughts in Old Bethel Pro f Garnet Wilkinson the pres of this eminent assoc iatior was fortunate indeed in sccui ing so great a ientific soc and so rare a philosopher as Pro W E Burghardt DuBo is to this seasons sess ion Professor Du Bois happily presented us w ith in spir ing thoughts upon For war d Movement w hich he says w must keep up or else fa ll back an go downward He emphas ized facts that with increas ing and inte lligence on the part of Negro had come disfranchiscmen separate cars and curta d educa tional ilities He sa id that de spite the fact that Negro leader d contentment on the part o their race w ith present conditions there is widespread dissatisfaction with conditions Follow ing this further Pro fesso Du Bo is sa id seems to me it is the bus inesi o f the Negro race to na il the wide spread lie that they are content ir such a way that w ill qu ietly o uo isty pr ivate ly or in pu blic it speech or public conversation up opportun ity tokt the the Un ited States and the people o the world know that 10000000 hu man be ings in this country are no willing to be c lassed less With such a statement Dr W E Burghardt DuBo is Negro soc iolo gist in an address last n ight Metropolitan A M E Churc h be fore the members o f the Bethe l Lit rary and Histor ical Soc iety urge Ne groes to jo in in the move nent for the further uplifting o f the race His subject was The For ivar d Movement is now time he continue d after 15 years o f iment that ve should step forward in three de fi l ite directions First we should cek to get a systematic and de finite knowledge of ourse lves second should see k to make a systematic md continued protest aga inst in jus ice and third we should in every direction increase our organ ized en leaver It does seem to me that this pro gram is not one o f fr ightful 01 radicalism nor does I anything for which an hon st oppbrtunist ightly str ives HAVE ASSOCIATION Today we have for this purpose n New York a National Assoc iatior or the Advancement o f And this assoc dif erentiates from other organ zations in this one unusual respect is it is organ ized in conjunc ion w ith those w ho arc working in im ilar ways along other lines of uplift compr ise among is socia l kcrs and reformers in rested in near ly every line o f soc ial uplift Hitherto the in the Jn ite d States has had little interest II the o f these people Strange o say he has rather s ide with the great capitalists an d philanthropists is even found speaking aga inst oc ial reform aga inst races like the an d against a ll people who arc fighting for a cause The time for foolishness has passed These re time people w ho are revolution z ing the We must rccog l ize that the cause of the Negro is every cause o f wor ld uplift one whic h employs the same nethods and uses the same argu Tuesday ively when best II very s gist open liThe the wealth the fa pr ache f lilt lose tlman omen the local lilt U expe wc for bidding exclude d People itself that s social Ve Negro l and JeWs this world one with and it lent le iieo plo at work ments we must there fore jo in han ds w ith all throughout the wor ld w ho are fighting for the worlds good interesting discuss ion fo l lowed a fter Pro fessor DuBois had finis he d his forc ible and logical ad dress Prof Kelly Miller spoke pos and incisively for action and progress Lieut Thomas H Clar ke fe lt called to make a defense of a man and a cause whic h he did in a fine c lean clear manner Prof William H Richards of Howard Un ivers ity Law School gave ex pression to many ideas an d thoughts upon the fortitu de and courage of our people L M positive ly an d forc ibly presented an interesting personal v iew Mrs Mary Churc h gave vo ice to the need o f progress and c ite d history and fact to empha s ize the need of positive e ffort At torney B Marshall added inter est to the discuss ion by a trenchant presentation of an inspir ing ideal Robert L War in g saw it just a bit different from time rest of them not hesitate to te ll the audience Mr L M Hershaw cov ered the occas ion w ith philosophy in his customary clever style The Prisoner and the Law When the first International Pr ison Congress met in Brusse ls it caused a m ild stir but when How ar d his observations and discover ies in the prisonhouses of Europe time entire c iyilized wor ld was fille d with an awful shame to know to thin k that men an d women should be in flicte d and su ffer suc h aw ful and torture It is a known fact that cr ime arid pun is hment arc in kind Cr ime is poradic pun ishment is de liberate and life thought and e ffort put forth to make the pun ishment fit time cr ime is ine ffective and goes awry and loses the name of action The Evening Staro f this city has to sa y editor ially De laware has retained the whipping post desp ite the almost universal abandon ment tha t ancient form of punis hment Its pr ison records do not Indicate that it has been an ffective agency for the pre vention crime On the contrary its jnils are as we ll filled in proportion to the population as those of nny other Com monwealth The average of crime is as heavy In the Diamond State as elsewhere Apparently the lush hns no terrors for taw breakers Some years ago it was proposed to ndopt the whippingpost in the Columbia as nn appropr iate pun ishment for wifebeaters the Pres ident of tho United States advancing this Idea in a message to Congress with the result of the Introduction of a bill and a serious effort to secure Its passage Fortunately for Was hington Congress refused to lapse into barbarism by inflicting even upon so despicable a class of offenders the in human unwise and possibly murderpro voic ing penalty of public chastisement In the discussion o t this subject at that time the experience of Delaware with the whip pingpost was frequently cited and it was proved to the satisfaction of the Distr icts legis lators that rather than stimulating a respect for the law the w served to incite resentment Possibly the retention o f the whipping post In Delaware serves a good purpose in affording a continuous example of what not to do in the treatment of law breakers Thosa who believe in the drastic methods anc ient times In the theory of reyengc for offenses comm itted In punishment rather than in correction may approve the application of the lash as adding ter or to impr isonment But as long as cap ital hment itself does not prevent murder it is obvious that poss ibly along mother line lies the way to greater social From d ideas w ho deals w ith a pr isoner be lieves him gu ilty from time officer who ar rests him to the turn key w ho lodges him in the cell and people Avery itively Attorney Hewlett Terre ll N and did dreporte hardship kindred H of of District of hlpl lngpost r pun 811 good Attorney f ret associate everyone ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: library 0fcpnre tl Hlj ATIi NAL F0 - Chronicling Americait Si 31 li ri KVwwTiWnmnT WYVWIW ryln library WASHINGTON D y4 WPtJRDAY OCTOBER 8 y 1910 ONE DOLLAR A tl B6 cit tlf Hlj ATIi

it Si 31

liri KVwwTiWnmnT WYVWIW ryln



A tl


cit tl


i ip l

VOL I Noi 24 ITLilOJiB Ji G11 a I



i YEAR= = = == = = = = == = = == = = = =

Some things That Are HappeningA Wee kly Resume of the Activities of

People Worth While



The Skies Brighten theBrother

History is be ing ma startlin g rapidity in this nec

From a per o f temporary de

spon the Repu blican situation is

looking up There are evidences

that the two of the party aregetting closer together themollifying influence o f the diplomacy pf Pres ident Taft He has aremarkable talent for harmoniz ing

differences and reconc ilin g the re

ones The Presidents dignified attitude with re ference to the

nomination in 912 has greatlystrengthened hin1 w ith the conserya

live e of the party and thereis also a fee lin g he and Colone l

Rooseve lt had an understand

ing by which there will be no clash

pf the crucia l moment

arr ives for a lin ing up of theforces two years hence at the national convention The Democrats

are hayin g troubles of the ir own

and they will not haye a wa lkawa y

if the campa managers o f the G

O P exerc ise any pf their usua l

gumption Differ as Republicans

may in the in dex they rarefor bobbing up serenely and

solidly on election day Some exwork is like ly to be done in


1 withI










jJ ceUent





interests when


have a

















all the doubtful Congressional distr icts and the

8th day o f Novem ber

While stopping up the leaks in the

Republican organ ization as a whole

Pres ident Taft is not

the welfare of the faithful co lored

voters The announcement of the

prospective appointment o f Hon

James C Napier Tennessees favor

ite son as far as our people

cerne d heartens the rank and file

of the Negro lement of the party

for it indicates that the adm inistra

tion is du ly apprec of honest

and effic ient serv ice ren dered it in

ati hour o f nee d Mr Napier la

bored diligently and for

the nom ination of Judge Taft in the

face of a determ ined opposition

among life long fr iend and dur ing

the campa ign that he was

in the kest of the fray contend

ing for every o f for his

partyWith the retirement of Dr Yer

non the natural tho ice for Regis

ter o f the Treasury is Mr Napier

who came w ithin an ace o f ing

the prize on two previous occas ions

Mr Napier assumes the duties of

Register February I 1911

A second encoura gement to the

race lies in the designa

tion of former Governor P B S

Piiic hbackpne o f the Old Guar ds

Statesbetween now


arc cOn

helpfu lly


v inn

agreed ppon













most picturesque figures as an atache bf the Internal Revenue Senice With in New Yorcity The place will carry large re

ibilities mid emoluments ofsize commensurate in the ma in

Governor1 hbacks va lued

ices personal dignity The duties w ill be congenial arid the Gov

ernor will be foun d to fit intopost like gloverecogn ition of d

be ha ile d With rightthinking the country pvc i

and its riffed will be felt at the pollin the pivotal States nextwhere the Negro yote is poteiit

J Scott in the Limeligh

It is an open secret that attwo other places o f honor and pro fi

are be ing reserved for the co lore

voters and the announcement onames and stations may be expectefrom at almost any momentEmmett J Scott Tuskegee Institute who is in a position to knoxmuch of the ins ide sentiment o

those ible for the care ofNcgrbs interests in politica l affa irs

spent im the c ity and afte

conferences with number of offi

close to the adm in istration

gave put the statement that it wahis opin ion that Pres ident Ta ftdispose d to give liberal rfecogn itibi

to his loyal co supporters aric

that he felt very sure that the Presidents would be emphaized very s jn a iashion si

substantial that Ins sincerity cpuu

not be doubtedMr who it will be remem

tiered was one pf the three Un itec

States Comm issioners to investigatesoc ia l political and industrial con

ditions in the of Liber ia

through the Monday ei

route to Worcester Mass to atthe ton the neai

East rind Afr ica opened Octbber 4 at Clar k University Bjinvitation Mr Scott addressed tlie

conference Fr iday morn ing at3ir The Unite d States andOn Saturday at i qclock Mr Scottis announced an address be fore

he Twentieth Century Club one

pf Bostons most famoustibiis The honor of appearing before this is regarded as one oi

rare distinction

Register Vernon to RetireThe resignation of Dn W T Ver

non as Register o f tile Treasurymade public last Friday coupledvith that he would bcsucceeded by Mr J G Nap ier of

Tennessee Rumors of Dr Ver

IOnS retirement have been

n circulation for several months

the matter fa to take form

imlco lori as no one in possess ion of

he facts would make any defin ite

announcement concern ing it The

lews therefore was not as surpris

ng as it m ight otherwise have been

3y arrangement with SecretarylacVeach the change will be e f

fective on the first day of Februaryicarly four months hence

As a Federal official Dr Vernon

has given eminent satisfaction an d

s conceded to be one of the foremost orators an d campa igners ofhe race He has been an able de

ender of the faith of the party andIs popu lar with he masses wherever

ic is known Hisretirementdoubtgrows out of political ex igenc ies

that have recently ar isen w ith re

pect to Kansas and theadm inistrar

ion whic h re flect in no wise upon

he character or integrity of DrVernon He has carr

bly here and the departure ofli and his charming wife will

a distinct loss to the soc ial intel




theaha d lira The


pleasur by


0Ernm rtlast


Bever lyo


resp lis the

Mon daya



friendshiport iy


tell d fere i






but ti


l ss






tliisraii Olki



Republicpassed thy







1rsn4lS r2trn




lectual re ligious life of the conmunity

Dr Vernon says he has no plan

for the immediate future saveupon his retirement in February h

w ill ke a muc hneeded resthealth has notbeen in theyear owing to nervpus troubles si

duced by pverwor k His re

sumption of the duties of preso f the Western Un ivers ity at Qu in

daro Kans w ill not be considereby him dur ing the present schoc

year although there is pressure be

ing brought to bear upon him to tak

the wor k later on and arrangements may be made ultimately thave hiin to again become the activ

head o f this thr iving schoo l In tli

Pro f Sheldon Freric

will continue in charge Itis lindeithat other institutions con

nectc w ith the A M E Churc

have made attractive overtures fp

Dr Vernons serv ices Des irapulpits have been placed at hi

disposal and it is hinted that lii

name will go be fore the next geii

eral of his churc h as a

aspirant for a seat on the Bench bBishops He is yet a yoting matand has a great work la id out

him In whatever field he mayit to cast his lot Dr Vernonyill have the best yis hcs of ao iring fe itizeiis of hotraces

The selection of Mr Napjer ahis successor is iii accor d

logic o f the situation and w ill giv

eminent to a ll e

of the party regardless o f sect ion

Although Mr Napier ha ils

Tennessee he is regarded as bein g

for politica l purposes fromat large

Roscoe ConkHng Bruce Right

The stir is be ing raise

Roscoe Conkling Bruce over the exchange of one teacher for anotherin the ordinary routine of school ad

m in istration w ill amount to nothing

Mr Bruce is cap

able directing our public schoo ls

and the people w ho have the wel

fare of the commun ity at heart angiv ing him an d support

He isi giving the Washington schools

the best adm in istration s ince the i

blishment and his refusa l to b

swerve d from his r ighteous course

by attorneys and pro fes

s blac kma ilers is br inging hih

the hearty sympathy many whc

m ight not otherwise pay

don to the matter Socalle d mass

meetings held only for purposeo f blu ff will not deceive the

Howard University Opens Auspi

ciouslyformal opening of Howard

Un ivers ity took place last Tuesday

morn Dr Elmer E Brown

Un ited States Commissioner of

Education delivered an instructive

address rev iew ing progress and

ideals of the univers ity President

W P Thirkield spoke in an inspir

ing Ve in Saturday the How

ard Law School opened w ith DeanB F as the principal

speaker Mon day night the medical

department operations

When all o f the divis ions get into

full swing it is expecte d that the

registration will show 1500 students

nearly 400 more than last year In

the fres hman lass alone this year

there are tw ice as many students as

the entire school hadfpur yearsa go

or just before Pres ident Thirkieldcharge

A View pf the Passing Show

The pr inc of he conany enga ged for the mus ical

omedy season of the New

Theater ived Sunda y and the

horus is now being gotten in shafor the regular Man

iger W H Smith who hase beenin New York for the better partf tlc past two wee ks looking em

over jis back iiii harness wor king

ike a an d expresses hint

l that

ta Hispast

per in




mean time h



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satis faction








se lf as being well leased v itli thsituation The peo indicated b

the qoo week of the Smart Set

that they want imtsical come dy o

tIc best type am this Manager

Smith purposes to give them Hi

thinks there is a pros perous seasonahea d and the companyshares his optim istic view It is understood that J Leubr ie Hill thefamous drainatist i and producerwill arran ge all bf the productions

For the week beginning Octbbei

10 Stetsons Unc lfe Toms Cabin

will be the attraction at thethe Harriet her Stow

masterpiece is put bit with

striking scen ic e ffecHs and time castis said to d number o f un

lly Strong an d capable actors

A return engagement of The SmartSet is among the treats soon to be

presented by time management Tlu

Dix ie Minstrels w ith Ruc ker

STutt Whitneys Southern SmartSet Black Pattis TroubadoursRichard PHngles GeorgiaMinstrels an d other stan dar d shows

are to come later oh

The new Hiawatna Theater is tc

be pene d w ithin itlie fewest of daysThe stage has been remodeled an d

ample haved TIme exter ior has

painte d and the interior walls aiid

ce iling are now iirthc hands o f the

decorators who arema king a bean

tifu l jo b o It ito be the

of Managers Murray Easley to

present polite vau dev ille and life

niptibh pictures The house has u

loya l fbllow ing and on the opening n ight tile s ign will be

nee de d for all four o f time per fbrin

A small stqqk company will

be maintaiiie d j headed by T Spen

cer Finley the magnetic comedian

sketc hwork will be Miss Minnie

Brown who has won a warm place

in the hearts o fall Was hingtonthcatergpers Mr Mrs Char les

Williams and possibly Mr Charles

C Bougia formerly the

Patti Trouba dours The orches

tra will consist of five pieces with

Lawrence Co lwe ll as director Miss

Irene Middle tpn the Hiawatha fav

orite will return as cas hier

The fatuous Ani phipu Glee Club

Pro f Henry Lewis director w ill

sing at Ford Dabneys on Fr iday

even ing October 14 an d the eventis creating a stir in soc iety irclesamong this aggregation is

immensely popular After the Am

phion session the next number on

the d will be the promenade at

True Ha ll given by the

Wilberforce Un iversity orchestra

which is stea dily grow ing in favor

as a mus ica l organization

Joseph Shelton Pollen

gen ius conies to the Metropolitan

AM EiChurc h on the seventeenth

under the auspices o f the Interde

nominationa l Bible College o f

which Pro f Jesse Lawson is time

chie f executive Clarence Cameron

White violinist Mrs Maud yHare o f Boston solo ist and Miss

Mary L Europe pian ist will give

an a llstar recita l on the n ine

teenth at Lincpln Temple On the

twentys ixth Miss ietta Vinton Dav is giyes a dramatic rec ita l

at the Metropolitoii Baptist Church

The month is to in mus i

cal features

Princess Ra jah styled the Ger

nan Amcr ican songbird spea ks

lye languages fluently She has

Tavele d throughout Europe

pmpanies of lass performersiiave appeare d under her manage

ncnt in France Austr ia

Italy and Russ ia She attractsmarked attention wherever she

6es b icattseo f her charming per

sona lity and engaging manners

pesj5ie pliver Brown is the brightLparticular star at Ford DabneysTheater this wftc hea ding one o f




dana Bee

to I be


John jIl



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fU1C S

w S pr mill JIwit for original


o f






be brilliant











soc iate d hum











the best bills that Manager G WHam ilton has yet offered MisiBrown is piquant v ious amputs vim into time execution o f hercharacter songs She first appearin natty masculine attire arid rendbrs Mothers Lasses Can d

Chile following it with a lightningchange and sin ging Under tinYu inYiim Tree Miss Brownfinally dons an even ing goWn of tinrev ised hobble style and closes witha dash that br ings down the houseHer reception on Mon day even ing

was all that could be asked j and herencores were frequent and heartyMiss Brown shows the excellenttraining rece ive d w hile a membcio f the Gole Johnson Red MoonCompany The other numbers orthe taking program are contrib

uted by Josephine Tobias a comedienne of talent and Erb Robinson

a witty monologist an d m im ic

From now on Manager Hamiltonwill make an entire change o f bill

each Week The custom o f present

ing three vaudev ille acts in connection with the motion pictures w ill be

continue d every will be

put forth to secure the best talenton market

Mr Ru fiis Byars the wellknown s inger is in San Anton io


The Maceo d U streetsis drawin g capac ity houses nightly

and Manager G M Richardson is

constantly thinking out new features

to keep the people interested Minorarid Willis and the JamestownVau deville Troupe gave a highly

accepta ble bill last week This

Week is marked by the return of the

Was hin socia l magic Eu

gene IIe ilrnaii Whose

has been ystifying an d amusing

to eVeiybiiewlib act

The Chelsea on M street is

be ing run by its white proprietor

but is for lease to any clever

syn dicate which take over the

house arid to make it pay The

house is a large wellappbintedtheater and will br ing a barrel o f

money to time right parties

The Minne haha is doing its share

f the big business of the Ustreetsection George E Battles the

apidfire pianist is giv ing his pa

rons samples o f the latest mus ical

dy hits such as Aida Overtoil

Walkers Shine Lottie Gra dysRubbernecking Moon Ella An

Icrsons Consolation Lane Joe

fordans Lovey Joe and Bert

Williams Balbcr Shop

Jhord His illustrate d songs a l

vays go big and his inc l

music is adapte d to the

hanging scenes the motion pic

tires The Minne haha is a part o f

Hiawatha cha in and is pros

ing under the pa instaking direc

ion of James Dav idson

Random Shots

Dr W J Howard Jr has an


Prof J W Cromwell has joinc d

ranks of the syndicate writers

statistical stu dy o f the Balti

lore meeting of the B M C was

n interesting and va luable piece of


George W Ellis FRGS for

years Secretary o f the Amer i

an Legation at Monrov ia Liber ia

as in the c ity Sunday the guestf Register and Mrs Vernon He

went to Clark Un ivers ity this week

o the con ference on The Near

last and Africa an d is to speak

til Friday morn ing on Dynamic

actors in the Liber ian Situationliiice his retirement from the diplo

matic serv ice Mr Ellis has been

bjoUrn iiig in Chicago

Hpli John C Dancy w ill be one

fthc party that is to accompany

Jr Booker T Was hington on his

etliicational pilgrimage through

Continued on Page 3




u than

i ll









c o f







has s enhuiri





The Main Difference Between Civilized Mon and theSavage Dont Rend

nnno v




The Forward Movement

The pen ing of the Bethel Literaryand Histor ical Soc iety in Metro

po litan A M E Churchn ight last was express distinctive and gave proin ise of a return tits past high place in the daysthe minds o f our men gave forth t

the woHdl time ir greatest andthoughts in Old Bethel

Pro f Garnet Wilkinson the pres

of this eminent assoc iatiorwas fortunate indeed in sccuiing so great a ientific soc

and so rare a philosopher as ProW E Burghardt DuBo is to

this seasons sess ion Professor DuBois happily presented us w ith in

spir ing thoughts upon Forwar d Movement w hich he says w

must keep up or else fa ll back ango downward He emphas ized

facts that with increas ing

and inte lligence on the part ofNegro had come disfranchiscmenseparate cars and curta d educa

tional ilities He sa id that de

spite the fact that Negro leaderd contentment on the part o

their race w ith present conditions

there is widespread dissatisfaction

with conditions

Follow ing this further Pro fessoDu Bois sa id

seems to me it is the bus inesi

o f the Negro race to na il the wide

spread lie that they are content ir

such a way that w ill quietly o

uo isty pr ivate ly or in public it

speech or public conversationup opportun ity tokt thethe United States and the people o

the world know that 10000000 hu

man be ings in this country are no

willing to be c lassed less

With such a statement Dr W EBurghardt DuBo is Negro soc iolo

gist in an address last n ightMetropolitan A M E Churc h be

fore the members o f the Bethe l Litrary and Histor ical Soc iety urge

Negroes to jo in in the move

nent for the further uplifting o f the

race His subject was The Forivar d Movement

is now time he continue d

after 15 years o f iment thatve should step forward in three defi

l ite directions First we should

cek to get a systematic and definite

knowledge of ourse lves secondshould seek to make a systematic

md continued protest aga inst in jus

ice and third we should in every

direction increase our organ ized en

leaver It does seem to me that thisprogram is not one of fr ightful 01

radicalism nor does Ianything for which an hon

st oppbrtunist ightly strives


Today we have for this purposen New York a National Assoc iatior

or the Advancement o f

And this assoc dif

erentiates from other organzations in this one unusual respect

is it is organ ized in conjuncion w ith those w ho arc working in

im ilar ways along other lines of

uplift compr ise among

is social kcrs and reformers in

rested in near ly every line o f soc ial

uplift Hitherto the in the

Jn ite d States has had little interest

II the of these people Strangeo say he has rather s ide with the

great capitalists and philanthropistsis even found speaking aga inst

oc ial reform aga inst races like the

an d against a ll people who arc

fighting for a cause The time for

foolishness has passed These

re time people w ho are revolution

zing the We must rccog

l ize that the cause of the Negro is

every cause o f wor ld uplift

one which employs the same

nethods and uses the same argu




verys gist






pr ache f



tlman omen



liltU expe







social Ve







one withand






ments we must there fore jo in

han ds w ith all throughoutthe wor ld w ho are fighting for theworlds good

interesting discuss ion fo l

lowed after Pro fessor DuBois hadfinis he d his forc ible and logical address Prof Kelly Miller spoke

pos and incisively for actionand progress Lieut Thomas HClar ke felt called to make a defense

of a man and a cause whic h he didin a fine clean clear manner ProfWilliam H Richards of HowardUn ivers ity Law School gave expression to many ideas an d

thoughts upon the fortitude andcourage of our people LM positive ly and forc ibly

presented an interesting personalv iew Mrs Mary Churc h

gave vo ice to the need o f progressand cite d history and fact to emphas ize the need of positive effort Attorney B Marshall added interest to the discuss ion by a trenchantpresentation o f an inspir ing ideal

Robert L War ing saw itjust a bit different from time rest ofthem not hesitate to te ll theaudience Mr L M Hershaw covered the occas ion w ith philosophy in

his customary clever style

The Prisoner and the LawWhen the first International

Pr ison Congress met in Brusse ls itcaused a mild stir but when Howar d his observations and

discover ies in the prisonhouses of

Europe time entire c iyilized world

was fille d with an awful shame to

know to think that men and women

should be in flicte d and su ffer suchaw ful and torture

It is a known fact that cr ime arid

pun ishment arc in kind

Cr ime is poradic pun ishment is de

liberate and life thought and effortput forth to make the pun ishment

fit time cr ime is ine ffective and goes

awry and loses the name of action

The Evening Staro f this city has

to say editor ially

De laware has retained the whippingpost desp ite the almost universal abandonment tha t ancient form of punishmentIts prison records do not Indicate that ithas been an ffective agency for the prevention crime On the contrary itsjnils are as we ll filled in proportion to thepopulation as those of nny other Com

monwealth The average of crime is asheavy In the Diamond State as elsewhere

Apparently the lush hns no terrors for taw


Some years ago it was proposed tondopt the whippingpost in theColumbia as nn appropr iate pun ishmentfor wifebeaters the Pres ident of thoUnited States advancing this Idea in amessage to Congress with the result ofthe Introduction of a bill and a seriouseffort to secure Its passage Fortunatelyfor Washington Congress refused to lapseinto barbarism by inflicting even upon so

despicable a class of offenders the in

human unwise and possibly murderprovoic ing penalty of public chastisement Inthe discussion ot this subject at that timethe experience of Delaware with the whippingpost was frequently cited and it wasproved to the satisfaction of the Distr ictslegis lators that rather than stimulating arespect for the law the w

served to incite resentment

Possibly the retention o f the whippingpost In Delaware serves a good purpose inaffording a continuous example of whatnot to do in the treatment of law breakersThosa who believe in the drastic methods

anc ient times In the theory of reyengc

for offenses comm itted In punishment

rather than in correction may approve

the application of the lash as adding teror to impr isonment But as long as cap

ital hment itself does not prevent

murder it is obvious that poss ibly along

mother line lies the way to greater social

From d ideas

w ho deals w ith a prisoner believes

him guilty from time officer who arrests him to the turn key w ho lodgeshim in the cell





Terre ll


and did







District of

hlpl lngpost








associate everyone















