library management system

Library Management System Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0 Page 1 of 12

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library management system srs


Library Management System

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

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Contents Introduction 3

Purpose 3

Scope 3

Goal 4

Overall Description 4

Functional Requirements 6

User Accounts and Login 6

Library Data Maintenance 6

Viewing Books 6

Bookings and Waitlists 7

Alerts and Notifications 7

Reviews 7

Non Functional Requirements 7

Usability 7

Reliability 8

Performance 8

Design Contents 9

Online Help and Documentation 9

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Borrowing books, returning books or viewing the available books at the library of Pune University Computer Science Department (PUCSD) is currently done manually. The student has to go to the Library and check the available books at the Library. Students check the list of books available and borrow the books if the book is available. Then the librarian makes manual entry on the Library card issued to the student and allows the member to check out the book. The searching of booking and maintaining the records becomes difficult due to lack of a database. This project aims to develop an Online Library Management System for PUCSD. This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of the Department to check the availability of the books and borrow the books, and by the librarian to update the databases. The purpose of this document is to analyze and document on a high-level, the need and features of this Online Library System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a real Library.


The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to describe the overall behavior of the Online Library System. This SRS defines and describes the operations, performance, and quality assurance requirements of the Online Library System that is to be developed. This document also describes the nonfunctional requirements . It also describes the design constraints and technologies that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to provide a complete description of the requirements for the system. This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the system. Requirements described in this document will be used as guidelines to develop the Online Library System.


The Online Library System that is to be developed provides the members with books information, online booking of books and many other facilities. It gives a real life Library experience on user’s computers. The Online Library System is supposed to have the following features.

The system provides users with accounts , which can be accessed using logins. The system allows the members to view all available books depending upon various aspects. The system allows the members to book the books 24 hours a day and all the through

the semester.

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The system lets the library staff to check which all members have booked the books and whether they can borrow any more books or not.

The system allows the Librarian to create the books list, add/delete books and maintain the books list.

The system updates the book inventory as and when the member borrows or returns a book. The book list is automatically updated and the decision of offering the book based on

the constraints associated with user account. The system also allows users to write reviews and give ratings so as to share their

experiences with other users. The features that are described in this document will be used in the future phases of the software development cycle. The features described here meet the needs of all the users. The success criteria for the system is based in the level up to which the features described in this document are implemented in the system.


The main aim of implementing this system is to move away from manual file based library system to automated database based library system.

User Perspective: The user of system will be provided a real library experience on their computers, thus limiting the need to actually go to the library accept to take the book. Users can share their experience about various books by writing reviews and giving ratings to various books. Automatic mail/notifications will keep the users abreast with recent updates related to the system. This system will provide improved experience to the user.

Librarian Perspective:The Librarian of system shall be provided with interfaces to maintain details about members and books. The book list can be automatically updated or modified. The system will also provide real life data to the librarian. It will improve the efficiency of the librarian and will make maintaining the library data easy.

Overall Description

Product Perspective

The Online Library System is a system to be used by library at PUCSD. The Online Library System to be developed benefits greatly the members and the Librarian of PUCSD. The system provides books list and information to members and helps them decide on the books to borrow from the library. The Librarian can keep the books list updated all the time so that the members (students and the professors) get the updated information all the time. Along with this users can write reviews

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and give ratings indicating the usefulness of books. Automatic notification system will allow users to remain abreast with latest information.

Product Functions

The Online Library System provides online real time information about the books available in the Library and the user information. The System functions are more or less the same as described in the product perspective. The functions of the system include the system providing different type of services based on the type of users [Member/Librarian].

The member should be provided with user accounts along with login facilities. The

account will contain various kind of information about user. The member should be provided with the updated information about the books list either

through notifications or automatically generated e-mails. Provisions for the members to borrow the books they want, if all the other required rules hold

good. The members are provided with the books available list and allowed to choose the books, which

they want to use in the coming up days. The members can even book 1-2 books which they have to get issued in next 2days. The members can write review as well as give ratings to different books based on the

usefulness of the book. The librarian can get the information about the members who have borrowed or

returned the books. The librarian is provided with interfaces to add/delete the books available in the book

catalog. The list gets automatically updated when members complete the book borrowing or returning

process. The system automatically sends notifications regarding the due date of returning book.

User characteristics

The users of the system are members, librarian of the PUCSD and the administrators who maintain the system. The members and the librarian are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and Internet browsing. The administrators of the system will have more knowledge of the internals of the system and will be able to rectify the small problems that may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and any other reasons. The proper user interface and online help must be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without any problems.


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The information of all the users must be stored in a central database that is accessible by the Online Library System.

The Online Library System must have access to existing library data(text file) and user account information(already stored on CS server).

The Online Library System is hosted on the Department Server and is running all 24 hours a day. The users can access the Online Library System from any computer that has Internet

browsing capabilities and an Internet connection. The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into the Online

Library System. The library system must provide correct real world data and should take care of

concurrency issues.

Assumptions and dependencies

The users have sufficient knowledge of computers. The servers on which system is to be hosted should have Internet connection and Internet

server capabilities. The users know the English language, as the user interface will be provided in English The system can access and modify the Library database

Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the functional requirements

1. User Account and Login The system shall automatically create accounts when a new student / faculty is admitted to the department. The user accounts will be made accessible through Login capabilities. This can be integrated with login functionality that is already implemented at PUCSD. The user must login before he can use the library system.

2. Library data maintenanceThe system will provide interfaces to access and maintain data related to various aspects of library system like Book details ,user details and user history. There will be a clear emarcation of interfaces provided to the Librarian/Administrator and those provided to other users.

3. Viewing BooksThe system will provide a clear and neat interfaces to access and view books depending upon category, author, publication, edition etc.

4. Bookings and WaitlistsThe system will allow the user to select and book the required book. Once he has booked it, he can go to the library and collect the book. If the book is already issued by some other user, the

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current user will be added on the waitlist of the book. After the book has been returned, depending upon the wailist the next user will be issued the book.

5. Alerts and NotificationsThe system will alert the Librarian in case of any problems like student not returning book within stipulated time. The system will also give alerts to administrators in case some critical function of system is not working . Also automatic notifications will be sent to the members regarding various updates, due date reminders.

6. ReviewsThe system will allow users to share their experience about various books with other users by providing facilities to rate books and write reviews. Users can read reviews before borrowing any books.

Non Functional Requirements

This section describes in detail all the non-functional requirements

1. Usability The system shall allow the users to access the system from the Internet using

HTML or it’s derivative technologies like XML/CSS. The system uses a web browser as an interface.

Since all users are familiar with the general usage of browsers, no special training is required.

The system is user friendly and online help makes using the system easy.

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2. Reliability

The system has to be very reliable due to the importance of data and the damages that can be caused by incorrect or incomplete data .

a. Availability

The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

b. Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)

Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered back up within an hour or less.

c. Accuracy

The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration various concurrency issues.

d. Access Reliability

The system shall provide 100% access reliability.

3. Performance

a. Response Time

The Homepage should be able to be downloaded within 30 seconds using a 56K modem. The information is refreshed at regular intervals depending upon whether some updates have occurred or not. The system shall respond to the member in not less than two seconds from the time of the request submittal. The system shall be allowed to take more time when doing large processing jobs.

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b. Administrator/Librarian Response

The system shall take as less time as possible to provide service to the administrator or the librarian.

c. Capacity

The system should be capable of handling all the users from PUCSD.

d. Resource Utilization

The resources will be accessed and modified according the user requirements and also according to the books requested by the users.

4. Design Constraints

a. Software Language Used

The languages that shall be used for coding the Online Library System are Php , Drupal web framework and HTML/CSS and MYSQL database.

b. Development Tools

Will make use of the available Drupal web framework. Also will make use of the online references available for developing programs in Drupal and Php.

5. On-line Help and Documentation

Online help will be provided for each of the feature available with the Online Library System. All the functionalities will provide an on-line help system to assist the user. The nature of these help will depend on usability aspect of the developed Library System. Online help is provided for each and every feature provided by the system.

Since the installation and maintenance of Online Library System is a complex process, only administrators will do it. So an installation Guide will not be provided to the user.

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