library of · 2009. 3. 7. ·...

rr I i wc e 47 7f SUN FRIDAY MAY 15 189G t 9 MOPPED SKELETON KEYS A nvHHtAti CAtTvnnn Avntn A jirrtr c it AIE Alan Dropped Two Htnlen Win I In III rilchtItnn tn use nor or it Tenemenl- slniipeit Thrnnich n MkyllBht nnd Out or n WindowFired I Ml l r Policeman A buralnr who tolil the pollen that ho WM CrIes F Partlett 28 years old of tio Eas- tTwiityflit street but wbo 1 Is thought to be I Charles W Gtinn of 1702 North Grand ave- nue ¬ t St Louie WI arraigned 1 before Mngls- tralo Cornoiln the York villa Police Court Jos- terday I McCauley of tho Dvs- tThlrli fifth street station The policeman I took II the court itloiiB with his prlroner two I wlgt 1 hundred or more skeleton key and a I package ot lose letter which hl been written by Jiurtlctt- Shortl I After IS oclock yesterday morning I thn policeman while near the corner Of Tw en seventh utrcct anil Pccond avenue heard I I cries ot Pollco Help IltirBlarsl half a block down the avenue When ho reached I fRt Second avenue he found Ueorgo W Oate- irho I hops I u dry 1001 store on the ground floor trii gllni llartlett When the hatter ell the policeman ho Jerked himself I looso and darting lit the hail ot 4HO ran up- tain Thn Ilnl drew Ills revolver and folliwcl All say up to the root there was tho Jingle of falllttr metal lu the wake nf the fleeing thief Whim Bartlett rcarhcd the roof ho butt open tho scuttta and started on the run amiss tho housetop lit the direction of Twenty seventh street Tin pol1 Iman followed tall Ing to I 11m that I If ho did not stop ho weuld hoot tpon reaching the end of the root thn man tumid at d J Just I MeCnule vvits reach Inn for Ii I4 eAt inlliu Ixillid lI I e tmldinl tnono Sid Jnl Jumped fret first through II ktHght- njriMins I i u great rath nf unit then JOimn Urn his t revolver point blank irholeln the skylight Then I hu followed- the fuultlve through the opening nnrtlL who hind n good start ran down nllt of stairs unil si clng a rear window open 1 tho second floor of the houe took I 11Ing leap Into the yard Then ho ernwled Into thn cellir and lay down beside moil bin U rlil his I breath Accr n tin mlniitis I was ills pursuer cool t taken to the station house t I MrCnulev then returned to 4Rfl Second ave nuo 10 make an I tkest lat loon I He found Mr- Ontos tulklng to n greatly excited man who t eatd ho was Charles K Ilsher nn actor Mr I Fl ierwns bewailing the loss of threo gold rings nnd two wig which ho ealc tho butplur hid I takel rom his l the eClnd floor Il policeman cot n light xnd bj Mr Dates and the actor tnrteii np the stairs On tho ei ond landlne he struck a trail of skeleton kep which led to the open scuttle In the roor There wero over n loin dren keyo of every shape nnd description On the top floor the eenrchirs were mnfronted- oy Ir Henrietta Arnhiird who held a bushy A wig each bund Mie said that some ono had drPIII1 Into her room through the open I an hour belore When the ixjlliemnn went to Ilnrtletts rom at ilO Hast Tw cutfirst Street he found umOl1 other I IhlnJ a bundle of forty or letters viltten by his prisoner Ono nhleh woo vvrlten on a sheet of note paper bearing tic stamp of tho Continental Hotel nt 1ven- tleth street and Ilrondway was addressed to Ml s Mullarky Itlverheid I L I cnro of Mr Anthony In the letter Bartlett Rtioke of the pleasant time he and Miss MUlnrk had k had a neck ago wandering through tho woods and loni a hrok where they bud stopped to t gather wer A letter wo tlso found a4dresad to Mr M I i L Sunn lTOJ North Grand nvenye St t hoof It bean DelI Mother cud iikrd forgive new writer hoot neglected to vnd ti i word home oftener Dont n nd any more letters to me for a while It went on hel- l ¬ J ll tnse I expect to leave New York within nfew- 6a i The letter wns tinted May When nrrnigned In tho Yorkville Court Hart lett refutfcd to make I statement and was held j I d In 1600 ball for trial T1IJS NEVADA flANK SWINDLERS Becker Tlailted In the Jail In Newark by Him Jlnndnonic Wire Charles Becker and James Cretan are locked up In the county j Jail In Newark In default of 115000 ball each on the charceof swllllni the Nevada Dank of San Francisco out 823 I 000 with a raised check There Iso strong array I of leeai talent for tho prosecution and former IJ State Senator M T Barrett Is looking after the 1 Inti rests of the prisoners Mrs Becker the wife of one of the prUonirt called nt the jail yesterday She Is 1 a tall handsome and ntyllsh- ly 1 dressed oman about 41 jcarsold She ex- pressed ¬ her belief In her husbands innocence She n as permitted to have an Interview with him In the corridor of tho jail In the presence of Warden Boet After talking for n tow min- ute In English the couple began to speak Ger- man ¬ Warden floret lid not Interrupt them Hicker suddenly turned to him and said Oh Mr Warden do you understand Herman The WnrIpn does urduratand German hut ho hood not suld ooo and he I U still wondering at Deckers harpne 1 Ihe pair resumed conver- tatlon I In Kntllsli- HherlfT lelilbnch has made an attachment on the4111ID which was taken from the pris- oners ¬ Tlier jewelry I ao attached at tholoistta tlon of the American Hankers Association The satchels containing clothing and papers belnnf Ing to the prifoner were taken from th Iark Hoiie by a deputy sheriff It WHS said that no Incrtmlnatlnc papers werofoandln theBatclielB The men It Is said expect to get ball from friends In HrooUjn CAIlKTt II13I I FOUlllYEn JOE Chine and Capture or un Alleged lore Tblvf la Jersey SOMERVILLE May 14 Assistant Manager Keefe of tho local telephone office eprnuii from his disk this afternoon and started down tho street In pursuit of a mldeleacd man who was driving a to 1 phaeton lie overtook the rig and sprang for tho horses head shouting Thief Iher As Keefa brought tho horse to R ttop man In the phaeton said I Young man what are you topping my fierce for Kecfo explained to Policeman Koch and to the crowd that cur rounded the outfit that the buck kln hnro hut been stolen from Ileniy Keenan of Elizabeth on Monday Thin policeman took from his pocket a postal carol hearing the detrrlptlon of tho stolen norio and the thief Both driver and horse InsworOI tliedeecrlutlon The man who gaTe name M Fred Franp was arrested and placed In the county jail- Henry Keenan who keeps a livery stable In Elizabeth arrived hero tonight and Identified Fraup as the man who stole his horse He ac- cused ¬ Fraup of being a no- torious ¬ horse thief of Long Island ains BGOFiKiDH iionr CLAIMED Iler Fit rally It I Hitd llUearded Her for rtoplnc with the Coaebmun William Suoficld a saloon keeper of Armonk Westchester county who e wife was found dead near Van Cortlandt Park on Wednc day morning camo to New York yesterday to claim her body Mr Sc afield tool bten looking for his wit since Monday She hind been Ill anti left home to BO to Tarrylonn to remain until ho could sell his saloon Instead i f remalnlol there she came to New York And Klnuiton nf Hflil Knst- KIHth street Mie left hit house im luesday nail was found dead the next day In a little creek Mm toad heart dlsra Mr NulIeld says and had been under trintment for It She will turleelln Vioii laaoi tndiiy tier b Icolehl mallol IRe was Sarah Kngland file HIT ImbTiul was a cuachmuii when ho mar ned her Her family I Is ncnlthr am It Is discarded her for eloping with the cuachman t 11B CAK Ins llUltfi CAl A Passenger InuredSInn llun Howe In Third vole One of the Columbus avenue cable car col lid d at Fiftyninth street and Columbus avenue yesterday morning with a bcltllne car Jetties OIrnof MHd Tenth aenue a passmitrr on the street car sustained bruises tho riKhl knee He refused surgical attendance Patrick Cass A7 ell old of HI Ninth street LoaM Island City criusluc llilrd avenue at Fort iu tilth Street jrsterdny was run down b > a cable par lln received a scalpnound nd his rltht shoulder was dislocated Ilo wu removed t Flower HospItal Tornser Rlr 11b Trial l Iewli Anxious for Former Flr Marshal Ilenjamln F LeaIs of Brooklyn who tins bei n under Indlcttnint for overul months fur alltcvl 1 conspiracy In run nectlon with the Jacob Klein tltvbutf cue tins Weii lunnliestlng anxiety to IonIc the matter dlsrxirrd nf lie declares that lots pronecutloii- l Is an outroitemid he ions Urn vainly until District Altorno Ilackus to Kite him 1 trial tire H V Jrac hll ioim l wi appear tu dayin mhiCouniyCourtept for the ills cilwolnf the ludlctment uu the ground that phi tolsI l bsa teoodiUyed cuedlessly 1 4 11 TT ncet err anything our 2o Suits For no j Many mils have been making cloths keep their hands employed nnd looms working We have been able to buy goods at home and abroad at our own prices These 1 were made into suits and priced at 1250 47 The value was extra L 1 good and attracted many sales from our higher priced suits Rather thnn carry- over these high priced suits we have reduced them to 10 By this means we will even up our stock and not be hampered with old Alike snot stock next spring of it If you want a good suit you can get it for very little Golf Suit and Ocycle Suits Its 50 Small price GooJ qualities and style E 0 THOMPSON I 245 Broadway OppoMti City Hal Park Cor Murray St S I Children Cry for- Pitchers Castorla THE DUTY of aiallractiveaa- sibIc teryonels W ba Ysciat boap- ualL liouUorlaJUatUiQUd l iced atiracUTtneas t a w Womens 111 Health Is the cnuso of untold suffering and sorrow Had licnlth steals away youth and beauty and darkens fioRD n life It mnkos nmny n woman feel snd weary and despondent Hut women might easily ovcrcomp nil their illfltresslng ailments If they would only ns- nlit imturo by ushiK that great henlthglr Ing Htlmttlnut Duffys Pure Halt Whiskey which bull up thu system nnd linpirti now life Tlitro Is nothing rqiml to It for quickening the circulation enriching tho blood nnd rpplncliiB IntiKUor nnd ncakucsi with briuhtncss anti l Ilor Thoiisniidt of women testify to the wonderful benefit they lmv0 derived from taking It ii i1ElI1I UIS RELIABLE ltttfu Blleclten CARPETS lowest price Lou tUEDJT 10 Wst IsUb Mtrs c t s f400 TAX ShOES AT 239 Uadoby the belt i1 LLt Commercial Shoemakers In AmrrlCaV sues narrow and broad 1 toes And at EOT 308 and 403 Shoes almost O cheap MLNS HA TS- orlhv Herry Mtyle nod at fair lirteev- lVrl Alplnis 1 IO to fi lio Ton Dirlijs 150 233 200 Imputed Uo f Caps 600 MlIlAW HATH A 111 HKADV lESS FUlllflSIIIXUS Stir Colored Shirt sore biirfxnln Judged by the ntovt rxnetluic Htnndnrd Madras I Segllfeo Ota each 1orcales 2 starched cola eTa eah fcplder Wpho on hle bodies with one lair separate cuts OSa Blotch Z lhH VegllRee Uoitj vvItlt 2 stfirctiid collars mil I one pair ciiiTs 1 49 inch tltct oartI o tittt Him cyril ST 40 TSTLarKe orally furnished front I ronni stumble fur two aliootlu C iiliibIe rooinm i ninveiilotiri n nxitflltnt neUliborhuod aplenilld 1 talll near hiriiitI Way iTUH sir l lit I ithT iJirge pool room well fur I l unhid flhiiiic cloUt every coiiTiulenca n- cI i lot biarJ luo li ran I SI I ST ti I PVST 1 arrfo limit c i lherf II 1 riioii bitltabl for tail alto oU Ti imis en lleiit tiitli suiainer iirlcf brat of refer sloe c ripiireI e t Mills T NlSItSiT 1 IlACI 1 31 corner I tthstlarge and l > mull in jots furnlihid roims nil I Con5rntcoice- ioelloit I nI iKlllnrlioid 1 splenilli table baum ook big oils Ilxk of llroailvvuy riu onub- la1TII 1 1 4Usr > er nail eltftantly furulsbcd- i in svvltli hoard nferenc- i3kill XT Jl I WtST Hiantly furnished suliij stccnid llinr remit with prlvatfi butt alsosmall- looni O I TM Rf 87WFST Attmetlve rooms for families VJ or Klilluiun rxoelli board referrnces- I ITII STIH VLSI bear llrnidwny I Large aad- Ikl stnnl i iientb furnlslmil r ous encillent neUh st mild tahOe hniuo iiKiklUh cool Cheer IIh1 It firencis riitnlroi rensonati- liII III HT 1JMVKHT lane sOil small neatly fur J 1 uUli d rooms wIth or wltliout excellent tahoe lourI liunii inikliiB wood uefuhburbooai coot chicrfiil refir tie jrniiilred- j7 < TI hT uii i T Noatlr furnl hxl room 1 0 with exulltfnt permaneut aud transient accommudatid refeieDc- olOrllhT ululrll I 51 Wfcsr nuir Ctli av Ilaiuliomtly fur 1 iJ nUUeil rooint excellent table uierlor buuwi- eia nabl reference HTO W KbTlArKe fiiiiali neatly fur C il nhliMil roonii all rouinltiues eicellvnt- eliibbirlioul ctiolntiiDts mini I upli mllit table hI eoi ltlui tool churfiil references roiulrc- liminml h clrtt 01t 1oo11111 AY I l0JM corner Uifiitl on tlie HIM I J Ileaiant double and ilnBle ronin every von veDlrucr eicflKnl talils onvllolutOuol limed routes rHK nllr bT uiL Cams Dtaily tarnished room nlanoc CLINTON fur twocouTDulsuitobrWge and turl A bunch of Violet In all prlstlno fragrance LundborgsVI- OVIOLET tct g oanl g- HTO 00h11u Ali r i t lerge oluae ninlly furnished I I al ii i other Hi ihei ronmn SOil toni e n110 cii otirllmt litnbnrninnti I good tat U hOI enkln bunt c I ftrnnon rfiulrcii- TvlNdsroN 1 HT IIS Hinnlnii the iieightsl i rRM plennnnt roitta on nreond floor nHn n Ijl roan rcaoimlilo I fur the Ktiininrrt table first class ri fnroa- clo > Tl tK8T 142 LarjplinniliomrlrfiiriiUhwi 11 nliino rottni clii IAhh for I lun K ntlpiiinn wlttt- l ofrefirruin rxi nrlrfhborliocdi convenient t1 lRe suit ferry rr A< onftt li- MONTAilfR I ST If ft large hiniiinmeT fur nuitnliln fir two Hlth mcollcnt- bimnli reforenoo raiulruli rfnllon b- lIliiUsr > li I l MontiRUn itih m i I from nIt MI II 1 rrj 0 inlnuicn from IlrliUoi l lisa nnil liirotcoii plan table ithole itlnncri rcstau rant opulnr prices KFMHKN HT 1U iTanilmunelr furnlihil rooTnn nliMCMi pfllfnt nilitlitmriiood eon venlrnt tu brliU Cry ami Ciiiu y I iclioiiil routei auto hoaio nfereniort required 101 IOMIKtNS AV IIVI Jnllroimrlor floor aio other 1 ioently furnUlid rooin nil eonvenloncmi excel- lent nrUhtiorlinod I eoiiTpnlont to bridge ferry O tAble horn conklnc rcanonnble tlml lcI1 tcantpnrttncntfltoct- at HI- T rXINOTON AV 110 between flSth and 20th sta j Newly tiiriiiiild room running i alert alt coo cnhceo reSiiiniic iTS MT425AMTTWO large neatly furnished i I rnonH uimblt fur too o fernmiirtit nr transient PJU Hliiit iirlniiborhn I mar Urosdwiij I alto tiand oinr front parlor rpasnnablt- OTH ST 41 FASTT I artfe front and tack r furnished romm nil nnvOi100iCct near nPlr wm to d MghburhoMi bet of reft rence iiiflilir lir1i5 OTH ST 4B KAHT NcMly ftirnUnal room near 1 Itrnndnuy nit cnlvolrno excellent neighbor liooj hoard olloMI able T ST i iii 4 tATo let Two large dry rooms OTIT HT B48 ANt 21T KAST Eleirant roomiC O F 91 Oto9A KrntcDian or respectable couples trutiait accomniHiule- dM ieut Stub fiT OT Ttoom newlj renovated for tile or two or housekeeping summer prices will ventllatoU 1 ATI ST 4b WFST nenr Oth aSpai J J fished second tone rsrlor suite frtMtlenien oxtellfiit neighborhood superior house tool cheerful reference 1 ATII STT04 WIS r tour flth nr Lartco nntl dmnll 1 17 nentlr furntihert ro nn nllcourenlences excel lint neuihbnrhroa nuprrlnr house cool cheerful rifwonable rofi rencoriMiilrctl OATH ST 1Hi VEST Neat large room P 1 hal w t2 table board hronch family reasonable 41 Iii S f 4 i TCl E1 II louse with owai ntat- M j I h furnlbhvil room tinproveinents innalsop 11 O7TII ST lift EMTIarce desirable furnished J t room gui I iglitmrhnuii BUUIO cheerful rca minable good n fen nee rrqtilred I l ST 41 Wl ST npposlte flrynnt Perk near 11 5th nv Inre nn 1 BUI nil neatly furnished- room Bt ntlinn pnf rrcil cool cheerful summer prices rufert nco inlred OT Sf lit WEST I between lob lund futh art Flri- O 1 Alrable roonit nil ImproriMuents nultnhle for ainily n lleht business excellent neighborhood i r f rrenoo required j1 s T ilit WEST Han lnoiiiely furnimod room r nrnmlMny oxullenl nelghtorhood supe- rior hiiiut ttultntilc rn two i Kin ST 141I WEST I nine Uroft 1 way Handsomely lO rorlhrJ parlor suite suitable fur two nlno oilier i sir mDiiiH oclcOIIIIhborhoO url S ato bath breakfast nplnnl j I OTH IT I 114 I W STrorIA front room ltT IO I for or also hall moderate fOTK Sf lit WIST near nroa TwHjHand- t tfsnmelj furnished room Colon lellhlorhoo superior hOIe rrnsonalilH I fCJTH ST H30 VESTLsrge and a Ol orenmilto I rnnnlnir i 0 50cr J llrfrtrlltg1 I 1 OTI ST T JWFST frl nti hou 1L nrl hltthleet nail most ncoenslblo Inlollo part of 1arp rooms callable for gee tleman and Ue or two gt ntlomen terms moderate reference cxLlnntio- drf urmslutl Itoomtf Co et1rookhjnflT- IttTON ST at 1 Arse nlcelr furnlihed rooms on 0 HotchU near brripo nut fprrj convenient to Coney Island cars dcctrle l ht8 liaths bell water TOKWMiN ST 71Inr I and small newly fur all conveniences convenient to bridge soil ferry ref t reiic ti ttiNV hT 05 near Marcy av Cheerful square it rooms comfortat fiirnlh for hou ekeplnff all I tmprorements t2 to 9J hall room U convenient to hrlagp- TII LO PLCR 9Tao large desirable Poe S iilnhed rom nultabl for two oxccllent neigh borhool reference rotulred reasonable g late IBId i jutmrntsi Co Set ASP triHIMFSTS nnfurnMhc i rnrolhe FIATS location rent 530 to SI JOISOM imOTIirKS hMIIroa1 ay cor 12th ot UHtF TIirY ARE Slx room nnd tilth light pri ll rate Imll low rent SSJ to 8211 At SilH872 Went ll7th > t St Nicholas as soul at 1781 East dOth ftt near hrhrv also 11 rooms nt 17 Kant 0Hh St 42 nt IIthRot corner Itrnlhurstar anuS 14Hih St nest of soull opi osltc nnvr Colonial 1ark i- rooiiin with nil without hath 18 17 IniUlr janitors < Im ST 12 m nr Illrrckcr Sliielc flat 4 merge It Janitor light rom front all Improvement low rent tn let six large rooms nil l WAIJIATR NISTI I must be seen to le ap prp laied r ntn from 24 to 28 Apply to owner on premises HfH end H J Jant It IOIIIA FIATN liSts 0 t netTllth and Oth ass ne moons nail bali halt 1ecornted low tenOn Janitor attendance W DOWSES 134 nth av llAC1hiIOlt I quarters rn suite l ilnitryPconveiT 1 lent principal hotels clubs 13 East Sum Oth and Maillnon- O K ril ST till fST8dlloorH largo room liath- J private house Immediate poHH iflon rent 2 H HAN AOAN 4 M > N 1 844 l Uroadway- ITII is I ST I 7 WiT prlrato home block Mena- ntnt rent light airy roml nil roomi and both low 71 tit 77 EtMT HOTI HTUnrT ii nut tail m set th 01111 flour IioitA failr rooms aol lintli fnl woo I steam heatil hnt wntir luniinhed oul neil gas alges cheap rents App yon I remlRc- sOUTII ST tiO AND 11 IIT AtIrActI ye flats rm I OO rooms loth and range ant private halls janitor OfJTIT 5f 2 iT TO OtIS j IAKT sew housed Hroom M > apartments 87Sntoinno dumb wnltersil elec- tric Itelln hot liaths free to tenants wide street floors dfadrtiAJ Offli In M3 1 I 01 ST TThtwi en Park and Madison aaFour- om I with and without bath l4toIH 1 orTMKTZJS K parmpou rUa- Dc J Ml fume rooms all Ituht rnnrol I QQr i ST B WPST Tlegant Ina on first clui sIS tnll nil Improvemi ntH low rn Intel nnrt P8VtlflCltr0O1l1tJIi N 285 AND 287 QUINCY ST- Ir o nmrtmenti 0 rooms all lIght steam heated mul c Ivuior txiellent neighborhood reference re- Po ulrI I nice pirlor floor nnd basement Ft rinvns 1 tTA nil Improvcnienm Apply log Illmrod- HI Kancnipnt to let lOd 1tl11 OIt Co t City rysiHMIIF l HorsEs furnUird and nturnlhe J I In clrlh11lonl rent 1 Vim to Uroadway cor llhst- iouira 101101 IOTIM t1nl iTa Set ItvaaUpIl- IIlFKHK I HV nail basement with L rear 7 itnlli convenient to obi reel hldf J IIAHPSI KV UU Ilastf St N Y lbbttt tntiJ CoT- 7OH tt furnIshed gn tn hea Iqnarters rlOdt X select from riol location no letay J parlment 48D Silo nv betoeen Hist a- nRantttZaXttytv aN it- Jw1tIltn tjl 4 ShUtS PM1K N Desirable furnIshed c010agea 11 for trOt ii nil for list Mil 141 nOSS Aslmry Irk K I- tic11titfl I J ou t to ct Counttij t lOTTAtiI8 to let soanhnro sal Inland all prlcesi I 5 request lIst I CIUIU1 I UUhllG room 1003 lieu nol ImlMIng S KASIInllK coTTAOK to renton the Hound near lliillfort Iorm well furnished iainl bathing hunting soil nslilnc hoit furnished TVrint Tttrto months 100 four innuths Otiii I JOHN JAnfcltSoN bns 4110 WllIngfoiul one Ilhhttt 1otru iTo tt- V j- I AM vl 4h i I V I I i uvr ullage 10 rent fur jnlshel I aneight ur tosa 5u nxnu eutUgc rattle lanssulUress lire t AJACKbON iso I LT at hheepslitfMit liar IOU romnUuly fur X elevrn rooms cold wattr sit UatM 20 juia 1151 corn Poach briulge SLUYUCDdO nJ haesh4 liar llqUI tu4 1aita ctgouutij OnrTIBHRn IIOtBS TO LET from tone I to Nov li- A table room for horses A A ft box tfi Jtatonah- KT A SEo tt for ntot0iij wevwtf- ArlO I w UhnKMAK tTrii 8 orne with I rttytilMili for photographer elsa nmce on first liner IIULAND WIIIT1NU B D iman t- AN OlllTsTAnttSHFD IIAKEHY I Will M rIifI responslblo tenant Apply tn- RTKL J niioTllKUS 104 Vartok S- tljijitfllNlhihores l lofts others alid studios told ii rte lriMi Inr attnri4 FUt OM liHOTllbUn S5fl tlrosutnitrcor tItbi- ltt ooitS 4IIIHH Stat Abii1 I wllh power steam he aT- cleTatiiri l I light I four sliles 1 II A U K SIMPtOH- Kenta aol Kvnpst Itronklr- nllcat I Cptntc nttitloti TOSITIV AtTTIOS H tiE bynnlor and under I r ctMnCnMMIsslosntmH I OMMON USDS OF Till IIIHT WAItli CITY Or tiHOOKIYN formerly Tllwn cf- L1181t OrI v i nil IJt fMOV i IIOTII A tOni ItN list I CtlVIV 111 1 tfl f WlltUM I I HM roMlANV Au- ollnnreri llllid KIJN IlIM 1 fsrTI IMIIAMir- l I l till MllSlAlltF ST TtlSHV MAY VII I lllif wilt nell at auction all tho property knounns tlm fir ni tnlnn Motel consisting of lnrm framp hotel anl liii Outs griuuutuil alum I lout 2 III feet ci truSt n nn West NW sU aitjnlnlne Vmiilerrepr s notiilnnd i depot nf I 1 I nl I Li t Iulvcr Ilillrnaili Terms nnd pirtliitlnrsnf nnclloneern IUIJt P 11 U COMPANY IHVMuntnguent Ilrnkljl- iCjJtnte = c 41o 5alr Vroohlp f INVEST YOU MONEY IN OERII PARKP rated In the 89th and nd ward tim very Crates ef rrookJn city To Iliodrt desire A hotnp to thne who lplre AQ ItiTrAtini tin ri I Is no pine Ihut offers boiler oppor- tunltlm tlmn our And Rico No 7 Tlmt this proiMrt fl the inoiit tlontrnbln III 11- 1Ir ATrr Xcw York l U Iutuiiinsllrnli1 to the tacO that no are IlllttK lots tally sotuen All other prnpertlpRAro tulle Vliilt amli rrurr r Ark AnilI At n glance you Mill see whAt roniitltute tho populArlty of the property St eolAl jurcn Anne 1ottnii near FlAtbunh av w I- RS all I ItuprorHmenN 3 fioo 500 down balance rent lots elm nail up to stud 10 monthly pay- ment Call At our main omen right on the wound or ace l for iimpi nnd particulars Junction of Mmtrand ana tlatbunh avt GEJIMANIA lirAl ESTATE CO IIFNUY A MKYEIl 1rcsU nEXUY W DRBTBn Bfi- onflUT nPPinP until you neo my new D inC two UUrt I UtUlUt rnmllr houses none better la llrookhn Uu only new houset ctinnected with the sliver 82 <ICO 7 room all improvements bani1i onply dwonited niarblo manii li rnlilna doors turlekfIttl wnlli rementcd cellar Ran llglitl- In Ohio ttrnt I STI1OO 11 I roonn and two laths all- Iunourruvmnts I i brli K Illicit wishs soomiut floor rented for Slit prrmnntlit i tcrniKBICOO in t n1 t MlOanil Interest iuionthty Opcnsiinlnis IIFIIS Atlantic aiiuiVan stclcn nyc llrooKln- in c1 i 000 MiTOIl xin brleitnin wool cii ln unrt boilers nil niw nhaftln bfltlni steam hestd KII < nail nil mo l m- convcntt ncc will sell uncriilre light on nit sluhoali now used in laboratory ann nib t nn I a1 ntIIkln- t1l IGtntr for ntt 311liIld- T OVFIY TirilDIVO TOTS BxlOO near vlllAin 3 ono InhnbliAnM and gravel bouuu 51i up Send for clnulars lEWiS Northport L I at iOi Broad- way I ISeulncsulays- CTOCK KAKJI 475 sins nmrTnT tnland vonnd 0 tO mile our price I7COO LMS 202 lirouuIw- oyiirr SO b 127 fift erailid ctrets near I 50 depot Deer lark L I cAsh or ninnthlj pay- ment Circular free 1IVUNI 4l Sn inii tl t to Jlt or T- ARVERNEBYTHESEA o tt O1 ff1 nil It Forty mlniile from pity Tioutln tlnhlne bench finest In world limit cool And bnezv MwnlJl- centlv furnNhcd rottnKis fur rental lots lor ala KAItKLSl 10 Liberty cOy and Arr rni- BFAUTIFII rrtnl LtitC f0 ttc1cw Mtfjtno- F summer nildenee one block from F li il horn noir Asiiutr3 lark elegant new furniture all tmnroxi MM nti coach P- nnyouromnTlTIIAT llft01T111tM Anbury lark K J come and tell us how much cafth down emit hllwch IHM year you can Hinre nnd ni will bull n honac for son accorullngly- in Illixinifli free ninth dellverr rloi I lo city call end see plan now IIOMF tWIT TifltS ASSOCIA- TION room J lrtlH I 100 Nnaiall stNios yok- lioTtHAI bury Irk dmlrnidn I corner rest part CAHI bnlnni utuurtCui- glliitAEtTtriAM I Aibiirj Inrk N J OVNAOUB OWN l1omfllI monihlr without 1111 Ion choice lot In hiss noun City on troltey Mm IartkularH c1 s rlAHKKJr inollwa- yPENAtIY S 1 Una Itnint Mlln plot fur nl 7 1 II UFATIirUIIY CO J71 llroilnny- ffov Sale or Co ttntll 3rroctj ART OKAXriF near nosovlll Depot Threo flew I J house rontMnlnv nil tnodira Improveinenlii month rent l ui 40 Inoulr nt FISKs- Jfichnaire opposite POtoO J C SANDEHS II Chambers ml r UKNl linirOTTVUFS nnl house to let llelniaf- J I and AUII X J Maps 01 triois on applIcation dmA McDFUMorr III mar X J- gltnl fatntc fOt i1lt 3frv6f i Citjj- TrilTV ITV IIEIOIITSFfr sale 1 twostory- 5J frnniBdwelllnK on 7abrlfklc so cheap I InnareofO- SCUUMAXNS SONS 283 Central av Jersey Cloy J 3tI1 < tatefor neQttij- A WF HAVF the entire front on Pnlumhm ar- SOPtli tnZlOlh at eight tote price UOOU 70 per cent can T mMn for three ycnr- HI VSiOLU1 t CO 4H2 Went I imth It WE TlAVF o7i 7lo7 l 2TilOI on south st nr A Col i nhiisiv Hlrfet tianffid curbed n I aaaess menu pall I chenne t lot up lown price 1 02I- Ol4lYilTlc t CO MJ West 1 I ht wic HAVf four nra northeast corner of I llth- av A and 7UlhHt for AAP at nbirnlnR- FYNOI 18 CO 2flZ West 135th it- DAttatlNtS000 will l Dilnhase flully rented flat 1 with store nlsnnnc for 41 000 cnsttt mien rx change full particulars nlven- W > II I IAMII fAI L 24 Rut 4dilt NI15O4E 1fnnt front four slory tirown slnn II front house with lini n In lows north slut of East isin st niljiuent to lilt in MI orders tnillt for stout I occupied l IIv nwner only ft barKiiin to prompt rimer fur ptrlloulars In Ulrn of w L- AVSIi0 iliiorllanltiit- Vfotchcistri < tfo 2roirrtu J or Snlc- noiSF ° In 1 Tt II 7 room rurnlsheil I tlte Tltli usit rlorr nnilritlt rent linn lonllruf and llhliiK Aililn s I H ICThllSOir got 1 Fast hSil St for alr or Za WcjJtrhriattr C0S- OAHSDAIF X VlJirue mnilern house fully fur ImprovpmcntA IM rooms t arn ffarda- Jl acres wooillnnl rtvate family only MM Dtt month Juno tn i clnbi Ilux Oil arsilafe N y- llral Cutatt 4or cSult Countrg WEST PARKONHUDSON This magnificent pltci contalnlni line farm lot acres large nMiiientr beautiful crounili extenslrs water fmntiKe fur aliut half CIIKI tn rlisu estate luqulroDr nilI 111111081 I i ran of Mr French SAl F rann 1 see onfl mllo from 1inker JOlt I 1a threi luiiiri cit It i Irmn NHM I irkciyoiiIt- enillnK It II Kiiml ii ilnelltni iiilllmuses ant plenty fruit eiitlrifurm nmliri ulilt i iilnn r AA FitNKUt I llcmirsstlir ej Clty HA I f 1 on thouminilairtsiif taluitlile land ill JOll lumllis friim Maillson RIII lulli from Monllcrlli I inttis rrotn rallrnii I All liar iillfiiiN M 1 lilt tUV irliIIA u- I iill hsl 1y1 acres 1 H inllesnf th Ii oil Kiio3- tiulldlnKS I fine land stream if running uateri with crop emil linpleincnls l triu HMi iiiiea h J II MiUDMUAU liinir lid i ilfr AfHIs I In Sullltan count in ar lnIlUoIlni tJ full fiirnlsheit hnn I in rntms luriti lurru to1i t Inca 5J20i luwn in II V Ml MINK S Irk row gor alt or Za ttlOllttI HAth OK mST AT NOVAC Mr AOII TWO FMl I i MiipTLtY FfllMSIIhll I limiiV- FIHMIAI HUMl hAl II MnrKKS LAI II fOT TAIfSIDCATI Hill Itt LTI V i iV TI1K HIACII OVEfU- IUOKINI HbllTlUl IMilMl irA AM fiPIl ITt BIlELTlH IRIAM VlAll MH 1IUMITO- AMI SAlt iiAliium IIATHIMI HVTIMI AN liSlhiib LNSLlllAbbHJ moT 1311 AN- DSiAHATDHAasaplanln U- IIJ5ItCTlnIi8 SMITII IttO i I lItEhITY liT CITY l w Ill in infill HIK U O mrr pisue ureniir nuiiitirof lusiratie l tea lurestlian an I ilur n I ris i lluiau Idol u- iurrnuiiilliu liiiiilhKl I I tinS l l rlng > a gim n arket- an I varied dl I< ir > li ni furiiuii i iittngiM with I i all modern eiuo i nil n ci ul rrnlI from f MM t 0J I 101 Fur p urltuular It rile to IViUK Illlulllr > barn- lies HprliiK N V Jlrnl tfstntr to etlt or QXChauflC HAVE YOU ANYTHING- In n al utaui you suIt l to seil or exchange If M send full iiarilculun In- C B REDHEAD ton into flWtls ltt IOIIK- M 5 i i MI Vi m utrriiiNoA- NTtl 1111 I1r 1 thuuccL rhiiriiuvll I loel mull sill coitus iaplUL V tu take entire tiiurg of a new kumtner hold I of- 1ff rOuOuus salary to beglu Ml voice and contlnua fuel Is cmntu0coell wlmu mtlre prottis I M- uondnal I rent will rtvut to lrsaee For furtcvi to- Curmattua a4dr JJ JBB JmwrlU UaUi I i tn lUIUlI von UKV FLEMING Court to Kit TnnlBht tn Try end flit Up the llor Counsel In the trial of Mary Alice Almont Ih InLMton FIcmltiK before Itecorder lofT In the General Sessions for tho poisoning of her mother KxellnaM 1 lilIes broke their record yesterday by 8eclrlnl two jurors In one day Thrro vaa 1 panel of 100 talesmen to draw from when court opened Nearly 11 Blood In lino cool offered excuses but few got away- MIss Livingston who add tho name of Fem log to hoer collection although she has no legal right to It entered tho court room Iooklnl brighter than uMinl unit ort with slur riorenco Hllsi The latter remarked that ohe BUPP i ed ni the family secrets that were trim mil that wer not trould bo nlrcd durlne the trial Ono nit small WI excused by consent after he hail Maud ho wn 1 member of the General Committee of Tammany Hall al- though ¬ It u ns not tnentlniud why this hnuld- illviunllfy him Mont of the toleimen eionped- In Fining that they hind conscientious ruplea against capital punishment ncainut Inftlctlng the death penalty rn n rtoinan or ngnlnt con Uitlnu nf murder on cir uniMnntlal eldonre- lohn I liuchti1 a dialer In wino at 24 Tnt Mftninth triPtnnss orn R the fourth juror Edi In H Holden merchant wliom olllce is nt 1 limailnay became the fifth Juror A ought PI stooi will be held today to expedite the securing nf a Jury Tin CASE AGAINST JCIIllIEA People Allege that lie Tool n Girt nfSlOO from Fuotlmll Game Munnger A Jury wn secured yesterday and the nose was opened for tho people In the trial of Po- lice ¬ Captain Thoma Klllilea before Justice Keogh In the criminal part of the Supreme Court He 1 nciu id of accepting S100 nj a- Ir LI I I from the mnimp of the Ynlelrlnro tOi football cnmi of I 1MU at Manhattan Field thrniiKli Ilioma 1 Hull Pprilnl oumoel Austen O Fox told the Jury that I wiiIn crime fur the defendant to take monet for doing his duty Thomns 1 Bull would testify tlmt I he paid Captain Klllllen tho money In the form of n check In the later nrlvnte ofilce HI1 endorsed tho Thnmpsmi so thoU tho cheek oould- be passed cononlently Ihey would also prove that Inlrl took the chock to tho saloon- of one precinct and asked Stein to cash i It llr tint have the money and a Ked n man in named Ilergiran to CIb I Bergman cashed It and turned It over to hits cashier The prosecution regret tel that 1111 wns In rurnjw I iut they expected to prove rarsact Ion Mifhnut him An ndj lurnment was Ink1 at this roint un- til ¬ todn > Justice K did not compel- the Jurors to rlmnl in the cuMody or the court duilni rihhit as his Ixen the cus- tom ¬ in police trills hut allowed them to go with the Matmori laiitlon not to talk about- t e case with nmbralv I I Is expecle that the nasa will KO to the jury day Old TIIIMTT CfrrnRTBS The Fiftieth Anniversary of the ConnecrK lon of thr IllilldlnB nt Vnll Siren Services of unusual Interest were held In old Trinity Kpi cop il Church on Broadway yester- day ¬ tho occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of the consecration of tho present edifice at the heRe nf Wall btreot Tho services were Ir accordance with the usual programme of ascension day except that the choir was largely rtPnforcud and there w- In orchestra of thirtislx pieces Tho altar anti chancel were beautifully decorated with Mowers coil palms In the processional appeared the Hev Ir Morran Illx W II Vlhbort unit I II II and I the Itev J W Hill A W Irttlln lll I I Si Kemp and J I H 1 Know lea coil sev oral ntlurs innnectcd with lrinlt > parish Tie Hev 1 W Hill was toaster nf ceremonies Seldom I hits liner muli been heard within the walls nf old Trinity Church R ascension day cirvlies After tho services orchestra ren- dered ¬ the Finale to Mozarts Jupiter Sym phony The sermon was preached by Dr Iix Soxljoar the parish wilt celcurate the 200th aunlvoreury of tho founding of Trinity parish JA P4 KbII COMPETITION Sllnlnter llun Say the tJnpnneie Are lluUInc No Slit Illcycle SAN ruANLimo May 14Edwin Dun of Ohio Minister to Japan who hat arrived hero after three years absence sojs The supposition that Japan had grown ar- rogant ¬ after her victorIes Is entirely wrong There Is nothing In the story about cheap Jap- anese ¬ manufactured goods amid Japanese labor- ers ¬ coming hero I get letters particularly In- quiring ¬ about Japanese 12 bicycles Them I U no such thing as a Japanese bleyole Tho Ilcrcle that people use there are In I htate or In Kurope unit so they will continue to be No ono need have any fear ortl In lther own line Japan is going ahead and rapidly too I refer now to silk goods and she I Is making great efforts too in cotton goods and cotlun larlis In the latter Hues they may atfect European Interests hut wont affect ours KILIEfl jir A IILI3TJn TlI Mr Mulllvnn Mnv Ort SHaoo ror ncr Ilnimliter lielltl- iWiiiTiPt INS May 14 Mary Sullivan as- administratrix sued Dr Carroll lurlll of Irvlnntiin before Justice Djknmn K- upruno Court for 515000 for thu loss of her daughter Annlo 11U The rRQ has been on trial federal dl > 01 Juno 10 lIt Miss Sullivan und another null woman were walK big tlurK the hlghwaj lto Dr Durhams place Nnnu mol vtrn riniiiliig trees by the aid of ii roiniol II A rout whl h WtS blown fioin tho triiHiiil feet cool so lieru thu wo- men wuru walking struck them k ii ounl M8S i aril I Injuring he rcompanion 1IIIlllnlnltl rein shock Ilieiltfencn I was iieRllKunee Tlio Jury ruturned a sealed veritlet this evening which I Is said to award Hjju to Mm Milllv an Escort Ran Annv Vfhtn Hhe Was Shot UNIIINVII la May 14 While Miss Mamie Peterscn aged 15 years was returning from a- social gathering accompanied by Ucouo HliulU of Moulton on Tuesday ought boone one fired three shots at her ihuHimg ludj djlnn alinnst- ItibtaiitU MmlU aascTU that hu was too frlghlenwl tn npnad tho alarm and he took his heels 1 he body was found > u > terda t Fred Homphlll of rnlnnvllle was am tiled It Is eupolellhtL jealousy prompted the deed TooklnK lulo 1leron IolluteU Waiter PATtinoN Ma > HTho commission no pointed h > dov irlggs Inquire lit the pot l Hulono tho Pasale Itlvrr met In Pati rsan to- day 1 lie mretin osas fur tIn purpose of hav- Ing thou I tiiiiontssoioitrs bolo locqiliotoite4 with tlu dlo aster liin coos shoivO that the amount nf nnlur uml 111 Inlirmn dull I In 10- OtJUuuti LIIIOIIS the sewage discharged tutu the 1 attuie I I U VUUOUllUd lialliun dally STRANGLED IN I A FENCE DOT AN FOUND BEAD T1T1I JUS- NKCK J1RIW1RN Tilt FICKLTfi With nisi I TTIfc Her Mother and a Friend- lie had pet rrlnr Ih RallO JnmnKe- He < Sot for the LII of liii llrothxr IIJT sin Aecldcnt111 Companions Arrested Uobert It Dolan a pliotoernphcr SD years old who lIved In Ilroadwny mnr linker street V kettod WAS found early yesterday morning byOeoruD Erles it milkman who lied called to deliver milk leaning against thn fence In runt of the house with hits neck Jammed between two of the pickets lie wits i dead After the body load been carried lotto tho house n pliys claIm who Wai outnmoncd ilcclded that Dolan lied been death for somo time Tho police learned that there hod l been n quar- rel ¬ In the hotun during tho early evening so Buttons wife anti her mother Mary lllncs who wore asleep when the body was found were ar- rested ¬ Tney hail evidently been drinking They said that they had not seen Dolan nlnca about 8 oclock Wednesday evening when ho left the house to no to a saloon Hy degrees they told this storyI On Wednesday S2M was paid tho family by a lawyer The money was the outcome of a suit for damages for tho death of Dolano brother which wax duo too railroad accident As soon us the Ilwyer went away Dolan anti lois family hired a cab and drove about Vlaltlnit many saloons during their drive William Haddock a friend living at Westchester avenue and rill ton street Wnkcfleld accompanied them Ihoy were well under floe Influence of liquor when they returned about 7UO P M Haddock thou went home Mr llolan who carried tho purte containing tho 2i0 says her husband demanded tOo money Hue refused to surrender It and he beat tier until nho gave It up Ho then went out and they went to bvd The pnllcu atriatcd Haddock as well as this women on suspicion of lielng contented In Do ¬ bans death The monej Part of ttue story WR substantiated comeulmt by the llndlng of SVOoll the dead mans pncketn- Detectlvu Iok wtuoul arraigned thus prlsnnern In the Morrlsanla Court Hy this tlni the po lice had eoncluded that Dolan haul managed In sonic way to tail ooer thin fence In trying to climb into tho hull sii whlln drunk I He unit been BOOH about the vlllaitu vtsttlng snlonns as latu as about 11 I P M It WM thought best IHUMMT to hold the prisoners until an HUtntixy was made and Magistrate Klammer remanded them to tho West Chester police station Deputy Coroner Wesion who made an au- topsy ¬ Inst evening decided that Dolans death wIts due to strangulation caused b > th pressure of tho Picket against time stile of Dolans wiloul pipe The wound wax toot In Itself mortal MEMPhIS AND CltAKIESTO- ffhe the ICearannlzntlon Jtln or the Iselln- tommlttee h 1reTerreil The reorganization committee of which Adrian Iselln Jr I Is Chairman has sent out a circular In which they soy that they have cnro tully examined tho Plato for tho reorcanlratlon of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Com- pany ¬ proposed by Slraon itorg soil hlsassoclates nnd that they do not approve of Its provisions A comparison of the two plans will show clearly why this conclusion lies been reached by time hellos committee TOo Memphis and Charleston main line ex- tends ¬ from Memphis to Stovcn on Ala 272 mile and trout Sleensou the tracks of the Nashville Chattanooga amid St Louis are used Into Chattanooga whore connection Is made lth the southern Hallway system The South- ern ¬ Halluay Company Is the largest stockholder of the Memphis coil Charleston Company and can of course give It a very large business If It chooses or else can send It hy other lines In order to Insure a continuance of Interest he- tueen tho two companies thor I elln plan pro- vides ¬ that all of the common fitnek nf the corn iany to bo formed after riorganl7atlon ihall bo Isluetl to the Southern Hnlluuj turn patty not however ithout valuable consideration The Borg plan treats the Southern Hallway Com- pany ¬ as an ordtnar stockholder and makes no provIsion for a closer alllanci rio Memphis anti Charleston without a com- munity ¬ of Interest with the outturn has a formidable rival In tho Kansas City Memphis and Itlrmlngharo which extends trim Mem- phis ¬ to a connection with the Southern Hnllwii- yit Illrmlngham The loss of earnings of thn- MemphNand Charleston in recent years Is said to tie duo largely to the rivalry of tliK linn The net amines of thus Memphis and Charles on have beets on t AStcadil dcLllnlng cale fur I he past llxo years leillnj an iiterneo of only SHSOno n year In the Horg plan this average Is stated at 21iI41 1 anil I tho statement Is mado that it would have been S nu004 If certain ex icndttures on the propert hail loon charged to I ho ereonienient onstructlon account The allacy of finch argument Is made apparent by the bankruptcies of recent years The plan of the Iselln committee has already been approved hi IIJ tier cent of nil of the hold- ers ¬ of the 7 per cent Iwnds Thny control thus situation to Ohio extent that If they refuse to consul Into any plan the reorganlers must nav them par and Interest for their bonds before the property ean bo conveyed ton new company O t O Car Trust CertineistB- AITIMCIIIE May 14 The receivers of the Baltimore and Ohio Itallroad Company have nj plied to the United States Court for authority to Issue 81400000 six tier cent car trust certifl- otes Onehalf of the concoct will bo allotted to the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore and thin other half to the Mercan- tile Trust Company of New York The Mer antlle Trust nod Deposit Company has already eceived subcrlptlon for its share Iho pro fed s of the Ralo of thn securities will be used In- payIng for the new equipment to be purchased his the company The certificates were quoted oilay at 101 In the open market Judtres loir antI Morris are expected In the city tomorrow anti they will Immediately grant thus nppllca lon lllcrrl Tree on the PennsylvanIa CIIIOAOO May 14Tho Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh have come to the conclusion hey cannot consistently make a charge for bicycles on their Western roads which tile are Toot permitted to make on some nf their Kutern lines Notice huts therefore been Issued hid loreafter bicycles will be transportul fu ceo In baggage cars between alt points on their lines 5050 of Pittsburgh and the Vuiulalla line FIRE VXllEltlrJtlTEKS ZV SESSION DvcretBM of Incendlnrlnm Through Their EBTbrtiTha flection The thirteenth annual meeting of the Na- tional ¬ Hoard of Fire Underwriters took plane yesterday afternoon in the Hoard room at 32 Nassau street Marshall U Drlgc Chairmen nf thus Executive Committee reported that this losses of the 104 companies In the Hoard amounted to lir 45441 during 1NH3- O A Van allot Chnlrmun of thus Incen diarism and Arson Cnmmlttoo reported that during IHII5 813 rewards were olleml lunoutit- ItiR Oil SflMBO SuIt of thin II1VT rnniinH uf- ferrd slncolKT110J i have I won palilaniuunilnK- to 5 10 and 27I convictions n ire eecilrrii the average sentence of eacli lx lnc live earn Reports of Committees Legislation Marine Form uf Kiillcy Tire Departnienta and Light the heating and 1atents were also rend 1 Iho annual election reiultoil In tlm election of the following 1resldont Vllllnm II i Clark > tna of Hnrtfordi Vlce1reslilont llenrv V Katon Liverpool London and fllnlio Now Ynrk Srrctnn hubert H Hi nth Inlted lire initnV Ilillndclplila Treasurer nrderlck V Urlnold Equitable 1rovldencH U I Threo members of tlt Kxecuthe rommlttee acre also elected Thud were Ilinrles Sour Now York Charles H I Hiilllnicjhead Ihllsdelphla nnii Charles H Whitney Hurtford Comm Woman Scorcher ntMchnrced Emma Roosslio tile bicyclist who was arrested scorching on hue Houle > nrd Wednesday even log WItS arraigned before Magistrate Hrannat the Harlem Court yesterday On tier promise o bo careful not to ride at Illegal speed lit the uture shue wits dUchnrgrd Miss Hoesske wits ilreurd In a darK skirt a 5 Hint of brilliant re d material unit n blui k si rutty tint trimmed with scarlet ribbon When ur- estod she wore rloncIlttlng gray knlckurboc- krs black stockltigi bicycle slippers a short gray Jacket shirt front collar tie unit a gray gulf cap Lived on Htolen Hnnilnrlcbel and Ile Caterer Thomas Hamilton of lOt Prospect street llrooklyn has been held for examination by Police Justice Walsh for falling to support liii wife Minnie Hamilton and their pneyer > r old daughter Mm Hamilton city s that since theIr marrlBge two years ago she lust been corn lulled ho lIve for the most part on stolen seoul < vlchet and pie Shot also avers that while her lutband showed tier little or no affection ha was not averse to kissing some of her women cquulntancts Fii rr 1 n iniin fti- Nenrlr All tile New law AfTect New AorU- nnil ItrooklynA- IBANT May 14 Oov Morton today signed fiftyfive bills nearly nit of width were measures nfToptlng Now York and Hrooklyu Among thus bills signed wero the following AMctnhlymnn Itobhlnss amending the compul- sory eilutntlon law As ttnhmun Armstrongs relatlrn to thus np- potntminf uuhoul compensation of clerks an 1 attend tints arid the eniplo > mi nt of stenographers lu tOo pellnle 1M Islou of tin 1Uin tni CiUtrl senator Fords providing for a Ktiitlon at t2th street In New > ork city on tin New Vorl and lIar bin llallroad leaned bj i Ih New York Central As cmbt > mnn Hultss providing for au awaM for danugis railftel byehingtug tho grab of 107th- strei t In New York eOty Si n itor Cantors and Senator Fords hills re garillng the College or tho CIty of New York Ilia rormir iillo liiK the city to utilize till t MilMIUKi for colleges nnd the latter nxlng Interest on collctco- tioiiils at 4 per cent Mr Austins protlillng for tho acquirement ol property for tho Improvement of the New York City water roOt whiriMho property IH owned In- co imim or lu Joint tenancy ny the cloy and other p rson- sru ator Icinws legalIzIng the construction of buildings lu vw York cloy which extend out four ini hi s on i street line 0 t mblj mm Imours providing for the ex animation of the aciounn of a recelier or deputy In New York illj Senator f Lcowo providing for the construction of the brldgo cnur the fast lllver iHtwien New York unit lirooklvn under Ihe law of isuj anuS nu- thorltliu the couileiuiiatiuu of retry i rope rty for brl Igo purposes Mr Stints t providing for the construction of a 6fc el strut tun over the tracks of thi1 1ort Morris brunch of the New York coil Hnrlcm Hnllronl on- Hrook iixtnuc from the southerly slOe of hast 157th street to thu wisterlj iilile of Hrook atcnue near Third avenue In New York i Ity nt a ot of Sinnooo- Ai miMvnifn Huttstt providing for tho construc- tion of a brMsoovcr the llronx lOver at Ue tcheater- avinue In tIle city of New York at an expense of II II 000- Mso exempting tho property of religious cor- roritlous In the inncied dlstrlc of New York oily from i ublli Imi ro mcnt assessments for three 3 curs from Jan t lint senator ravis auihorlrlng on Increase of the pension of LdMurd McOufTney u retired fireman of Non York cllv Senator luxnwh the bill which senator Orady fought so leoroiisl which authorizes New York clt to lease n site for n eontagtous disease honpl till lu Scoot Oraujs illstrl t AscnililMirui Finns Olin John ORourke claim against New York uOty ssi rnbl man II T Xiulrews nuthorltlng the New York city Commissioner of Correction to ex lend MIIIIOOO to alter bullillngs unler his super- vision nnd to rebnllil or pxtenl tOw Tombs ant I tie penltentlir 01 Hlai kw ells intent emttor I exow authorIzing tuo sate of Innils In Nnv York i Itj detlsed bv William Their rsuun ARHembl > min buttes prov Ming for the irttatillsh- mcnt of Host hill plate tsemblv n an tatuuiui prov Ming for tho constru- ctln of it brl lae over Mott Haven Canal nt 113th strict In New u ork cit nt an expense it Ji noo- ASMiinlil min Newman granting exemption ctrtliuite to flrnvehcnd ilrrmen 5 ho were onus tore I out by reason of nnneintlnn- Assemhli man lire nnimii to establish a free pub- lic lllirtrj bj tubscriinioii of lniooo by the city of IlnoKl > n- ASM mliij man Hn nnnns provi ling for a deputy lollc CommUslonir In lirook lyn i mbiMiiun iPedrnws pro illng for lii pay mint of travetenl bonds s mblmHii Oatlus consolltlntlng thus Flat biuh Mwir omnilsBlon with the llrooklyn Com- mission of l It 03 nrki- Vvi nililvmin Mnrshalls ngarllng the construo- tton of public bull tings In Ilrookljn- fiKemhlmnn I SuluOuus to oboe a portion of East Nlnetv Mcontl strut Hrookl h- oAssurriO mourn Mckeowtis to pay certain em plus uis for extra work In the Brooklyn Depart- ment of Arn irs SunnIer Hrushi appropriating 813000 for the Thirteenth Hi Intent armtirv humor ruuys proprliitlng 810000 for pro- fessional ¬ training of tiiKiiem- 9simbl > mnn lurkOnss appropriating f 40000 for tho Twenty third Heglment armory trCuuiutnuutIi Mitrthillri repealing extension of becoul atinua In Hrookljn- Astembljinnn Niwman permitting frame dwell log to Im reeled within tho clt tire limits In lirooklvn In tcrtnlii cases AsscmbUmiiu SKwnrt nmenllng the law estab- lishing n Hocilver of fixes In I ast healer VAscmblinan Martih ill s continuing a convey nco of Now York cloy luluI to Curt Ilulnrlch 7an- der sscmbl man Hoffmens exempting the real es itc of iho llnnie for Aged ant Inllrm Ilebrevvs of Nero York clt > from laxltlon assess nts anil wilier rates Assc nibl > min Matonos nltllng lee flowers coal anil go kit ford to the uurt ides whlth oiuay be sold on sun In- Ansembljnmn Austins giving tho New York cloy Iarfc Dcpirtment JurKllrtlon over Set Nloucty htxth street from Veh I loul avenue to the Hu Uon- Hlver Wctti i2il street fnim tho lavt sIOi of- Mornlngslilo avenue west to Ill wcsierl terminus snemblvinnu iluttss In nlatlon to thaw Men Ing ant Improvemi nt East 141th street from tist lllver to IHrlem hover providing for raising part of tire expense b> assessment ant part out ot- Iho fund known au hit lima for btroet ant lark Openlnks In New York city Assemblymnu MeCojs providing for the Im- provement of flynn Iark In rust Forty seco a- streit Now York clly The linernnr alFO nlgned hills exempting Brooklyn strci ts fruIt rnllroniK without thin toiiClitof ft majorltv nf property owners in follow is Keep Klovil Plinth Nlnth Hlliry- Itutlcdge and htockton ituef and tlrcenuoodI1- VU1IIO JoIc Off Till fTITL CtlITOt Contract to He Awnrdrd to Iovreat Hid dm her lorllon or the Work AIUANV May 14 Thin New Capitol Construc- tion ¬ Commission met today and selected 400 men to resume work on tOo Capitol building on Saturday- Iho Commission discussed this question of completing the building by contract for which a preliminary appropriation of 5500000 Is now aMilliiblo A resolution was adopted providing that the contracts be lot to the bidders who I hiote made thus low eht bids fur the uilous por- llnns of thin work for tho completion of the building nnd that surh bidders bo notified I to attend I t tho luect meeting of the Commlslon 5s huh t thinout Facts will iI be formally awarded The I Individual I tunes hub for the different I jr lotus ot thin work aggregate h300pt4M us fol- lows 1ur the several siibi1vliions i j Cnrlln a Co of llrooklyn east centre ee lion 4405024 crust and west lobhlus 4 1 in I loo weiiiru stulrciisa iiJ14 t sky Ilkhts etc UJ ltiJ 7il iiu- ilomplitln lowerMi rrlam ft le Strange Byra- cusi Sttul207N- iurhlu Minih ami west portions Ircscott- Buiklei i nllimnn Kee vile N 1 t4KOcioo- Lo iiptrolert noel In 1 usurers unices fi S lies t Co New York clly Jimim ll50lia IIIIU Vetoed lit Mayor Strong A1ItNY May 14 Thus following bills have been returned to boy Morton unaoiiptedi- Ami inblynmn II W llsons for placing electrlo- llghtk on tlm Now inrli unit Hr okl > ii llrldgu to bo ucut during liun- Asseinbhiiuin 1nrsun amending Iho Nevv York city I unsoililatlon lout rrlnllve to llrll Oito pilots Hudson Cnnnly Inniin 12n to HnuUe hut MoiuuHTDUN May 14 Ihe two hundred Hudson county Inmates of tlio Stole Hospital for tIle Iiibitno nt Morris Plains wore transferred toda > to thom Hudson County Inbane Asjhun at Hnaku Hill Vhlloillnner was being served a special train of four imfsenger couches arrived upon Ohio hospital grouiuU 11 was In charge of lie King warden of the Hudson county Inntltti tlon with a corps of ivttetiilnnls I Die Inmates then embarked upon the w altlng cars 1 he ma ¬ jority ot the patlonts riV nli il thus trip as an eicurslon anti were as Joll and happy as a- purly of school children llm train reacbed Snake Hill over tile lloonton branch and main lInt cut tIle Delaware lm kawannaaml Western Hullroail In time for stiller I Ihe departure of this largo iiumler of inmates will greatly re llevi I tlui nvercowiM ond Ion of the hospital SMASIIIlfO JKltSKT FOOt RQOStB- Inotlee Ttpritnentt Comes Down Heavily on One n llnrrlso InformatIon roaclied tintlce Mpplncott of the Hupreme Court of Now leriey n few lays ago that a pool room teat ilolng business at Railroad ruemio alid lint street lot Harrison and that from Tfl to loch men frequented the place every attornoon Justice llpplncott summoned Slier TofToV anti requesteil him to secure evidence against the plain If possible The Sheriff sent William H tloldlo hut to Harrison on Tuesday anti Wcdneicla anti OolJio returned with evl- donco n lilch w as thsught sufUclent warrant a raid Justice tlpplncott thought It utrnngo that after tho repeated warnings he hunt given to pool sellers and thin proprietors of other gambling cantos In hula charges to thin Oranil Jury anybody should have the temerity to violate tho law almost under lila noo He Issued bench war- rants ¬ for thus arrest of the proprietors of the room and their employees flluil gave Instructions thnttomoof the speotatorslt any were found there should bo brought In as witnesses Iho management of thus rilil was Intrusted to Under HhurlfrToliMT KrnIn Accompanied by sixteen deputy sheriffs and constables Lrwln left thou Court Holm In Jer ¬ sey City at about il t oclock On reaching tho place he ftntlotieil u musts on First street antI another on Hnllinait nventio to prevent escapes Then he marched tho rest of his pause up stairs and took io > sc slnn of the pool rooms Con- trary ¬ to the custom In such cutsos the proprie- tors ¬ loath not received any tip noel were taken by surprise The pool room whleh wero two bodrooMS over John 1 hunts saloon scorn crowiltd and n thriving business win In progress Erwin thinks tin to Worn about clghtv or ninety persons In tho two rooms Two tltki rs ono lu each rosin were ticking tufT thus betting tho post odds the progress and I losults of tho races Ono mali was marking up tlio names of horses on the blarkboalil together with the iKhls Olin pool sellers wire willing to gtxe Another man and nn assistant wete sit- ting ¬ nt a table taking In mane churl giiliiu out tli kets ihu appearance of Under MierllT Krwln and his s jtian created consternation A buak wns made for thin doots and window but they weio nil guarded ex molt 01111 A lihgrnph operator ttlmlicd throuili I hut and dropping down tn thu runt of rio extension nnd llmitrin thin back ard undo his I i cape Jen trictu run rs worn akin on a trotle cnr to thi Court I House In lercy Pity wh re lustlio Lipplncott Wits awaiting thelt arrival Among them wero John Tbum proprietor of the tltruiitt James 1 Mar- tin nnd Arthur M I ii r prO rick imprinters of t the pool rooms Patrick llghe morel lohhlaw- rence eraplojeen and Hent y I Ulli lilniui who paH > ed as an emploco but declnnd that iu Sons only ft clued uttor Tho names of tin other 1 rl > oiiiri wore not dleelosidns they viro at- reMed onlv as witnesses John Tlium 1 wu- tlie first prUoncr arrnlnned You are charged pain Justice llpplncott with being thi owner of tin Plain in whlih this pool rouiii was located Tin Court ssiii fix ball and dsires to city at the snino tint that the ball offered must be substantial Ihn law fixes lie penalty for thn crlmooii soiL which you lire clmtced at from onr to Hve wince Imprlxon mont and Odin SlUUU tii 000 tine Iho bull In your case will iuu 82000- Thorn gre pale lie raid no had no bonds- man ¬ at present but expoited to get one Juos thee Llpplniott told Martin that ho was arrested under another section of the law which made the penalt 3500 tint or two years Imprison- ment lIlt ball and KltpatrlckH nor lixed nt- SnoO each and Tlgbe s and Lawrences nt- S 2000 each- llicliman was allowed to make a statement He ald lie w is only n spectator and had no In- terest ¬ In the concern except to make bets Jus- tice ¬ Lipplncott remarked that he would make n viii ii sOle sott rems His l bali autO hue tail of thin other witnesses Over fixed at 81000 eai h Jus- tiio Lipplueott said he would eomo to the otirt- Hoiibe at any thom tip to 10 oclock to accept ball Under SherllT frvvln In ought down as evidence tlutlckers telegraph i Instruments and other paraphernalia In tho pool rooms rAXTS A 30000 FEE Lawyer Vsin Cott Value lilts Service itt ThIs Amount Donald Macknv head of banking firm of Vermile Co and a former President of thin Stock Exchange was tho defendant in the suit on trial yesterday In thn Mipremo Court In Brooklyn In which oxJudge Joshua M Van Cott claims SUOOOO for legtl services The litigation grew out of Ohio contest over the estate of Gilbert liuvvne who died neveral years ago Suits wero begun by Mrs H U King a niece of Mr flown against Lawyers John Lew ridge nnd IlKriiianus I It Dtirven the execu tort anti Mr Van ott suits her roundel 1 lie ctts were tried before Judgo Van Vorst who ulictiitl that ttey would hao to bei retried About the time this deililon wni rendered Mrs King diet antI Mr Mnikay as her etecu- tor took her place as plalntlir but It wasdc clued not to go on with thin litigation unless tin lawers were wllline to take it on u con- tingent ¬ f fi Mr Van Cott nirreed to these terms ami finally Judge Ingralmm gave Judg- ment ¬ for the tuirotnlllT In SiDOODO nenrl one lUnrti of which was collected front the estate of Kxecutor Durjee who had died In the mean iim When Mr Van CoOt put In his claim for a 0000 feo Mr Mnckay refused to recognize It averring that ho had riot emplo ed him Trolley Fare Iteiliictlon In llrooltlm Thus threecent extra fare an the llrooklyn Queens County and Suburban roads trolley lIne In Metropolitan avenue from Lutheran Cemetery to M1 Johns Cemetery has boron abolished anti tho whole ride from thin Uroad ¬ way terry to tho cemeteries costs now only live ciluti

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Page 1: Library of · 2009. 3. 7. · rr I 7f i wc e 47 SUN FRIDAY MAY 15 189G t9 MOPPED SKELETON KEYS AnvHHtAtijirrtrCAtTvnnn

rr Ii wc e 477f



A nvHHtAti CAtTvnnn Avntn Ajirrtr c itAIE

Alan Dropped Two Htnlen Win IIn IIIrilchtItnn tn use nor or it Tenemenl-slniipeit Thrnnich n MkyllBht nnd Out orn WindowFiredI Ml l r Policeman

A buralnr who tolil the pollen that ho WMCrIes F Partlett 28 years old of tio Eas-tTwiityflit street but wbo 1Is thought to be

I Charles W Gtinn of 1702 North Grand ave-nue


t St Louie WI arraigned1 before Mngls-

tralo Cornoiln the York villa Police Court Jos-terdayI McCauley of tho Dvs-tThlrli fifth street station The policeman

I took II the court itloiiB with his prlroner twoI wlgt 1 hundred or more skeleton key and aI package ot lose letter which hlbeen written

by Jiurtlctt-ShortlI After IS oclock yesterday morning

I thn policeman while near the corner Of Tw enseventh utrcct anil Pccond avenue heard

I I cries ot Pollco Help IltirBlarsl halfa block down the avenue When ho reached

I fRtSecond avenue he found Ueorgo W Oate-irhoI hops Iu dry 1001 store on the groundfloor trii gllni llartlett When thehatter ell the policeman ho Jerked himself

I looso and darting lit the hail ot 4HO ran up-

tain Thn Ilnl drew Ills revolver andfolliwcl All say up to the root therewas tho Jingle of falllttr metal lu the wake nfthe fleeing thief

Whim Bartlett rcarhcd the roof ho buttopen tho scuttta and started on the run amisstho housetop lit the direction of Twentyseventh street Tin pol1 Iman followed tallIng to I11m that IIf ho did not stop ho weuldhoot tpon reaching the end of the root thnman tumid at d JJust I MeCnule vvits reachInn for Ii I 4 eAt inlliu Ixillidl I I e tmldinl tnonoSid Jnl Jumped fret first through II ktHght-

njriMinsI iu great rath nf unit thenJOimn Urn hist revolver point blank

irholeln the skylight Then Ihu followed-the fuultlve through the opening

nnrtlL who hind n good start ran down

nllt of stairs unil si clng a rear windowopen 1 tho second floor of the houe took I11Ing leap Into the yard Then ho ernwledInto thn cellir and lay down beside moil binU rlil his Ibreath Accr n tin mlniitis

I was ills pursuer coolt taken to the station houset I MrCnulev then returned to 4Rfl Second ave

nuo 10 make an I tkest lat loon IHe found Mr-Ontos tulklng to n greatly excited man whot eatd ho was Charles K Ilsher nn actor Mr

I Fl ierwns bewailing the loss of threo goldrings nnd two wig which ho ealc thobutplur hid Itakel rom hisl theeClnd floor Il policeman cot n light xnd

bj Mr Dates and the actor tnrteiinp the stairs On tho ei ond landlne he strucka trail of skeleton kep which led to the openscuttle In the roor There wero over n loindren keyo of every shape nnd description Onthe top floor the eenrchirs were mnfronted-oy Ir Henrietta Arnhiird who held a bushy

A wig each bund Mie said that some onohad drPIII1 Into her room through theopen I an hour belore

When the ixjlliemnn went to Ilnrtletts romat ilO Hast Tw cutfirst Street he found umOl1other IIhlnJ a bundle of forty orletters viltten by his prisoner Ono nhlehwoo vvrlten on a sheet of note paper bearingtic stamp of tho Continental Hotel nt 1ven-tleth street and Ilrondway was addressedto Ml s Mullarky Itlverheid IL I cnro ofMr Anthony In the letter Bartlett Rtioke ofthe pleasant time he and Miss MUlnrk had

k had a neck ago wandering through tho woodsand loni a hrok where they bud stopped to

t gather werA letter wo tlso found a4dresad to Mr MI

i L Sunn lTOJ North Grand nvenye Stt hoofIt bean DelI Mother cud iikrd forgivenew writer hoot neglected to vndtii word home oftener Dont n nd any moreletters to me for a while It went on hel-

J ll tnse I expect to leave New York within nfew-6a i The letter wns tinted May

When nrrnigned In tho Yorkville Court Hartlett refutfcd to make I statement and was held

jId In 1600 ball for trial


Becker Tlailted In the Jail In Newark byHim Jlnndnonic Wire

Charles Becker and James Cretan are lockedup In the county jJail In Newark In default of115000 ball each on the charceof swllllnithe Nevada Dank of San Francisco out 823

I000 with a raised check There Iso strong array

I of leeai talent for tho prosecution and formerIJ State Senator M T Barrett Is looking after the

1 Inti rests of the prisoners Mrs Becker thewife of one of the prUonirt called nt the jailyesterday She Is1 a tall handsome and ntyllsh-ly1 dressed oman about 41 jcarsold She ex-


her belief In her husbands innocenceShe nas permitted to have an Interview withhim In the corridor of tho jail In the presence ofWarden Boet After talking for n tow min-

ute In English the couple began to speak Ger-man


Warden floret lid not Interrupt themHicker suddenly turned to him and said OhMr Warden do you understand Herman

The WnrIpn does urduratand German hut hohood not suld ooo and he IU still wondering atDeckers harpne 1Ihe pair resumed conver-tatlon IIn Kntllsli-

HherlfT lelilbnch has made an attachment onthe4111ID which was taken from the pris-oners


Tlier jewelry Iao attached at tholoisttatlon of the American Hankers Association Thesatchels containing clothing and papers belnnfIng to the prifoner were taken from th IarkHoiie by a deputy sheriff It WHS said that noIncrtmlnatlnc papers werofoandln theBatclielBThe men It Is said expect to get ball fromfriends In HrooUjn

CAIlKTt II13I IFOUlllYEn JOEChine and Capture or un Alleged loreTblvf la Jersey

SOMERVILLE May 14 Assistant ManagerKeefe of tho local telephone office eprnuii fromhis disk this afternoon and started down thostreet In pursuit of a mldeleacd man whowas driving a to 1phaeton lie overtook the rig and sprang fortho horses head shouting Thief Iher AsKeefa brought tho horse to R ttop man Inthe phaeton said I Young man what are youtopping my fierce for Kecfo explained toPoliceman Koch and to the crowd that currounded the outfit that the buck kln hnro hutbeen stolen from Ileniy Keenan of Elizabeth onMonday

Thin policeman took from his pocket a postalcarol hearing the detrrlptlon of tho stolen norioand the thief Both driver and horse InsworOItliedeecrlutlon The man who gaTe nameM Fred Franp was arrested and placed In thecounty jail-

Henry Keenan who keeps a livery stable InElizabeth arrived hero tonight and IdentifiedFraup as the man who stole his horse He ac-cused


Fraup of being a no-


horse thief of Long Island

ains BGOFiKiDH iionr CLAIMED

Iler Fit rally It I Hitd llUearded Her forrtoplnc with the Coaebmun

William Suoficld a saloon keeper of ArmonkWestchester county who e wife was founddead near Van Cortlandt Park on Wednc daymorning camo to New York yesterday to claimher body Mr Sc afield tool bten looking for hiswit since Monday She hind been Ill anti lefthome to BO to Tarrylonn to remain until hocould sell his saloon

Instead i f remalnlol there she came to NewYork And Klnuiton nf Hflil Knst-KIHth street Mie left hit house im luesdaynail was found dead the next day In a littlecreek Mm toad heart dlsra Mr NulIeld saysand had been under trintment for It She will

turleelln Vioii laaoi tndiiy

tierb Icolehl mallol IRe was SarahKngland


HIT ImbTiul was a cuachmuii when ho marned her Her family IIs ncnlthr am It Isdiscarded her for eloping with the cuachman

t 11B CAK Ins llUltfi CAlA Passenger InuredSInn llun Howe In

Third voleOne of the Columbus avenue cable car col

lid d at Fiftyninth street and Columbus avenueyesterday morning with a bcltllne car JettiesOIrnof MHd Tenth aenue a passmitrr on thestreet car sustained bruises tho riKhl kneeHe refused surgical attendance

Patrick Cass A7 ell old of HI Ninth streetLoaM Island City criusluc llilrd avenueat Fort iu tilth Street jrsterdny was rundown b > a cable par lln received a scalpnound

nd his rltht shoulder was dislocated Ilo wuremoved tFlower HospItal

Tornser Rlr 11bTriall Iewli Anxious for

Former Flr Marshal Ilenjamln F LeaIs ofBrooklyn who tins bei n under Indlcttnint foroverul months fur alltcvl1 conspiracy In runnectlon with the Jacob Klein tltvbutf cue tinsWeii lunnliestlng anxiety to IonIc the matterdlsrxirrd nf lie declares that lots pronecutloii-llIs an outroitemid he ions Urn vainly untilDistrict Altorno Ilackus to Kite him 1 trialtire H V Jrac hll ioim l wi appear tudayin mhiCouniyCourtept for the illscilwolnf the ludlctment uu the ground thatphi tolsIl bsa teoodiUyed cuedlessly

1 4 11

TT nceterranything our

2o Suits For nojMany mils have been making

cloths keep their handsemployed nnd looms workingWe have been able to buy goodsat home and abroad atour own prices These 1were made into suitsand priced at 1250 47The value was extra L1good and attractedmany sales from ourhigher priced suitsRather thnn carry-over these high pricedsuits we have reducedthem to 10 By thismeans we will evenup our stock and notbe hampered with old Alike snotstock next spring of it

If you want a good suit youcan get it for very little

Golf Suit and Ocycle Suits Its 50 Smallprice GooJ qualities and style

E 0 THOMPSONI 245 Broadway

OppoMti City Hal Park Cor Murray St S

I Children Cry for-Pitchers Castorla

THE DUTY ofaiallractiveaa-sibIc

teryonelsW baYsciat boap-

ualL liouUorlaJUatUiQUdliced atiracUTtneas taw

Womens111 Health

Is the cnuso of untold suffering and sorrowHad licnlth steals away youth and beautyand darkens fioRD n life It mnkos nmny nwoman feel snd weary and despondent

Hut women might easily ovcrcomp nil theirillfltresslng ailments If they would only ns-

nlit imturo by ushiK that great henlthglrIng Htlmttlnut

Duffys PureHalt Whiskey

which bull up thu system nnd linpirtinow life Tlitro Is nothing rqiml to It for

quickening the circulation enriching thoblood nnd rpplncliiB IntiKUor nnd ncakucsiwith briuhtncss anti lIlor Thoiisniidt ofwomen testify to the wonderful benefitthey lmv0 derived from taking It

ii i1ElI1I UISRELIABLE ltttfu BllecltenCARPETS lowest priceLou tUEDJT

10 Wst IsUb Mtrs c

tsf400 TAX ShOES AT 239

Uadoby the belt

i1 LLtCommercial Shoemakers

In AmrrlCaV

sues narrow and broad1toes

And at EOT 308 and 403Shoes almost Ocheap


orlhvHerry Mtyle nod at fair lirteev-lVrl Alplnis 1 IO to fi lioTon Dirlijs 150 233 200Imputed Uo f Caps 600MlIlAW HATH A 111 HKADV

lESS FUlllflSIIIXUSStir Colored Shirt sore biirfxnln Judged

by the ntovt rxnetluic HtnndnrdMadrasI Segllfeo Ota each1orcales 2 starched cola eTa eahfcplder Wpho on hle bodies

with one lair separate cuts OSaBlotch Z lhH VegllRee Uoitj vvItlt

2 stfirctiid collars milI one pairciiiTs 1 49 inch

tltct oartIo tittt Him

cyril ST 40 TSTLarKe orally furnished frontI ronni stumble fur two aliootlu C iiliibIe rooinm i

ninveiilotiri n nxitflltnt neUliborhuod aplenilld1talll near hiriiitI WayiTUH sirl lit IithT iJirge pool room well furI l unhid flhiiiic cloUt every coiiTiulenca n-

cIi lot biarJ luo li ranI SII ST tiIPVST 1 arrfo limit c i lherfII1 riioii bitltabl for tail alto oU

Ti imis en lleiit tiitli suiainer iirlcf brat of refersloe c ripiireI

e t Mills

T NlSItSiT 1IlACI1 31 corner Itthstlarge andl > mull in jots furnlihid roims nilI Con5rntcoice-ioelloit


nIiKlllnrlioid1 splenilli table baum ookbig oils Ilxk of llroailvvuy riu onub-la1TII 11 4Usr > er nail eltftantly furulsbcd-

ii in svvltli hoard nferenc-

i3kill XT JlI WtST Hiantly furnished suliijstccnid llinr remit with prlvatfi butt alsosmall-

looniO I TM Rf 87WFST Attmetlve rooms for familiesVJ or Klilluiun rxoelli board referrnces-

II ITII STIH VLSI bear llrnidwnyI Large aad-Ikl stnnl iiientb furnlslmil r ous encillent neUh

st mild tahOe hniuo iiKiklUh cool CheerIIh1It firencis riitnlroi rensonati-

liII III HT 1JMVKHT lane sOil small neatly furJ 1 uUli d rooms wIth or wltliout excellent tahoelourI liunii inikliiB wood uefuhburbooai cootchicrfiil refir tie jrniiilred-j7 < TI hT uii i TNoatlr furnl hxl room1 0 with exulltfnt permaneut aud transient

accommudatid refeieDc-olOrllhT

ululrllI 51 Wfcsr nuir Ctli av Ilaiuliomtly fur

1 iJ nUUeil rooint excellent table uierlor buuwi-eia nabl reference

HTO W KbTlArKe fiiiiali neatly furC il nhliMil roonii all rouinltiues eicellvnt-

eliibbirlioul ctiolntiiDts miniI upli mllit table

hI eoi ltlui tool churfiil references roiulrc-


hclrtt 01t 1oo11111

A Y Il0JM corner Uifiitl on tlie HIMI

J Ileaiant double and ilnBle ronin every vonveDlrucr eicflKnl talils onvllolutOuol limedroutes rHK nllrbT uiL Cams Dtaily tarnished room

nlanocCLINTON fur twocouTDulsuitobrWge and turl

A bunch of VioletIn all

prlstlno fragrance


tct g oanl g-


Alir i tlerge oluae ninlly furnishedI I al ii i other Hi ihei ronmn SOil

toni en110 cii otirllmt litnbnrninnti I good tat U

hOI enkln bunt cI ftrnnon rfiulrcii-TvlNdsroN1 HT IIS Hinnlnii the iieightsli rRMplennnnt roitta on nreond floor nHn nIjl roan rcaoimliloI fur the Ktiininrrt table first

class ri fnroa-clo > Tl tK8T 142 LarjplinniliomrlrfiiriiUhwi

11 nliino rottni cliiIAhh for Ilun K ntlpiiinn wlttt-ll ofrefirruin rxi nrlrfhborliocdi convenientt1 lRe suit ferry rr A < onftt li-

MONTAilfRI ST If ft large hiniiinmeT furnuitnliln fir two Hlth mcollcnt-

bimnli reforenoo raiulruli rfnllon b-


li I l MontiRUn itih m iI from nIt MIII1 rrj 0 inlnuicn from IlrliUoillisa nnil liirotcoii plan table ithole itlnncri rcstaurant opulnr pricesKFMHKN HT 1U iTanilmunelr furnlihil rooTnn

nliMCMi pfllfnt nilitlitmriiood eonvenlrnt tu brliU Cry ami Ciiiu y Iiclioiiil routei

auto hoaio nfereniort required101IOMIKtNS AV IIVI Jnllroimrlor floor aio other1 ioently furnUlid rooin nil eonvenloncmi excel-

lent nrUhtiorlinodI eoiiTpnlont to bridge ferry OtAble horn conklnc rcanonnble

tlml lcI1 tcantpnrttncntfltoct-at HI-

T rXINOTON AV 110 between flSth and 20th staj Newly tiiriiiiild room running i alert alt coo

cnhceo reSiiiniiciTS MT425AMTTWO large neatly furnished

i I rnonH uimblt fur too o fernmiirtit nr transientPJU Hliiit iirlniiborhnI mar Urosdwiij I alto tiandoinr front parlor rpasnnablt-

OTH ST 41 FASTT I artfe front and tackr furnished romm nil nnvOi100iCct near nPlrwm to d MghburhoMi bet of reft renceiiiflilir lir1i5

OTH ST 4B KAHT NcMly ftirnUnal room near1 Itrnndnuy nit cnlvolrno excellent neighbor

liooj hoard olloMI able

TST iiii 4 tATo let Two large dry rooms

OTIT HT B48 ANt 21T KAST Eleirant roomiCO F 91 Oto9A KrntcDian or respectable couplestrutiait accomniHiule-


ieut StubfiT OT Ttoom newlj renovated for

tile or two or housekeeping summer priceswill ventllatoU

1 ATI ST 4b WFST nenr Oth aSpaiJ J fished second tone rsrlor suitefrtMtlenien oxtellfiit neighborhood superior housetool cheerful reference1 ATII STT04 WIS r tour flth nr Lartco nntl dmnll1 17 nentlr furntihert ro nn nllcourenlences excel

lint neuihbnrhroa nuprrlnr house cool cheerfulrifwonable rofi rencoriMiilrctl

OATH ST 1Hi VEST Neat large room P 1 halw t2 table board hronch family reasonable41 Iii S f 4 i TClE1 II louse with owai ntat-M j Ih furnlbhvil room tinproveinents innalsop

11O7TII ST lift EMTIarce desirable furnishedJ t room gui I iglitmrhnuii BUUIO cheerful rca

minable good n fen nee rrqtilredI l ST 41 Wl ST npposlte flrynnt Perk near115th nv Inre nn 1 BUI nil neatly furnished-

room Bt ntlinn pnf rrcil cool cheerful summerprices rufert nco inlred

OT Sf lit WEST Ibetween lob lund futh art Flri-O1 Alrable roonit nil ImproriMuents nultnhle

for ainily nlleht business excellent neighborhood i

r f rrenoo required

j1 s T ilit WEST Han lnoiiiely furnimod roomr nrnmlMny oxullenl nelghtorhood supe-

rior hiiiut ttultntilc rntwoi Kin ST 141I WESTI nine Uroft 1 way HandsomelylO rorlhrJ parlor suite suitable fur two nlno

oilieri sir mDiiiH oclcOIIIIhborhoO urlS ato bath breakfast nplnnljI OTH IT I114I W STrorIA front room ltTIOI for or also hall

moderatefOTK Sf lit WIST near nroa TwHjHand-t tfsnmelj furnished room Colon lellhlorhoosuperior hOIe rrnsonalilH I

fCJTH ST H30 VESTLsrge and aOl orenmiltoI rnnnlniri 0 50cr J llrfrtrlltg1I 1 OTI ST T JWFST frl nti hou1 L nrl hltthleet nail most ncoenslbloInlollopart of 1arp rooms callable for geetleman and Ue or two gt ntlomen terms moderatereference cxLlnntio-

drf urmslutl Itoomtf Co et1rookhjnflT-

IttTON ST at 1 Arse nlcelr furnlihed rooms on0 HotchU near brripo nut fprrj convenient toConey Island cars dcctrle l ht8 liaths bell water

TOKWMiN ST 71InrI and small newly furall conveniences convenient to

bridge soil ferry ref t reiic ti

ttiNV hT 05 near Marcy av Cheerful squareit rooms comfortat fiirnlh for hou ekeplnff

allI tmprorements t2 to 9J hall room U convenientto hrlagp-

TII LO PLCR 9Tao large desirable PoeS iilnhed rom nultabl for two oxccllent neigh

borhool reference rotulred reasonable

glate IBId ijutmrntsi Co SetASP triHIMFSTS nnfurnMhc i rnrolheFIATS location rent 530 to SI

JOISOM imOTIirKS hMIIroa1 ay cor 12th otUHtF TIirY ARE Slx room nnd tilth light prill rate Imll low rent SSJ to 8211 At SilH872 Wentll7th > t St Nicholas as soul at 1781 East dOthftt near hrhrv also 11 rooms nt 17 Kant 0Hh St

42 nt IIthRot corner Itrnlhurstar anuS 14Hih Stnest of soull opi osltc nnvr Colonial 1ark i-

rooiiin with nil without hath 18 17 IniUlrjanitors <

Im ST 12 m nr Illrrckcr Sliielc flat 4 mergeItJanitorlight rom front all Improvement low rent

tn let six large rooms nillWAIJIATRNISTII must be seen to le apprp laied r ntn from 24 to 28 Apply to owner onpremises HfH end H J Jant ItIOIIIA FIATN liSts 0 t netTllth andOth ass ne moons nail bali halt 1ecornted lowtenOn Janitor attendance W DOWSES 134 nth av

llAC1hiIOltI quarters rn suitel ilnitryPconveiT1 lent principal hotels clubs 13 East Sum Oth andMaillnon-

O K ril ST till fST8dlloorH largo room liath-J private house Immediate poHHiflon rent 2H HAN AOAN 4 M > N 1 844 lUroadway-

ITIIis I ST I 7 WiT prlrato home block Mena-ntntrent

light airy roml nil roomi and both low

71 tit 77 EtMT HOTI HTUnrTii nut tail m set th 01111 flour IioitA failr

rooms aol lintli fnl woo I steamheatil hnt wntir luniinhed oul neil gas algescheap rents App yon I remlRc-sOUTII ST tiO AND 11IIT AtIrActI ye flats rmIOO rooms loth and range ant private hallsjanitorOfJTIT 5f 2 iT TO OtISj IAKT sew housed Hroom

M > apartments 87Sntoinno dumb wnltersil elec-tric Itelln hot liaths free to tenants wide streetfloors dfadrtiAJ Offli In M3

1I 01 ST TThtwi en Park and Madison aaFour-omI with and without bathl4toIH

1 orTMKTZJS K parmpou rUa-DcJ M l fume rooms all Ituht rnnrolI QQri ST B WPST Tlegant Ina onfirst clui

sIS tnllnil Improvemi ntH low rnIntel nnrt P8VtlflCltr0O1l1tJIiN

285 AND 287 QUINCY ST-

Ir o nmrtmenti 0 rooms all lIght steam heatedmul c Ivuior txiellent neighborhood reference re-


I nice pirlor floor nnd basement Ft rinvns1 tTA nil Improvcnienm Apply log Illmrod-

HI Kancnipnt to let lOd

1tl11 OIt Co t CityrysiHMIIFl HorsEs furnUird and nturnlheJ I In clrlh11lonl rent 1 Vim to

Uroadway cor llhst-

iouira101101 IOTIM

t1nl iTa Set ItvaaUpIl-

IIlFKHKI HV nail basement withL rear 7 itnlli convenient to obi reelhldfJ IIAHPSI KV UU Ilastf St N Y

lbbttt tntiJ CoT-


ttfurnIshed gn tn hea Iqnarters rlOdtX select from riollocation no letay J

parlment 48D Silo nv betoeen Hist a-

nRantttZaXttytvaN it-

Jw1tIltn tjl4 ShUtS PM1K N Desirable furnIshed c010agea

11 for trOt ii nil for listMil141 nOSS Aslmry Irk K I-

tic11titflI J ou t to ct Counttijt

lOTTAtiI8 to let soanhnro sal Inland all prlcesiI

5 request lIstI CIUIU1I UUhllG room 1003 lieu

nol ImlMIng

SKASIInllK coTTAOK to renton the Hound nearlliillfort Iorm well furnished iainl bathing

hunting soil nslilnc hoit furnished TVrint Tttrtomonths 100 four innuths OtiiiI

JOHN JAnfcltSoN bns 4110 WllIngfoiul one

Ilhhttt 1otru iTo tt-V


II AM vl 4hi IV I I i uvr ullage 10 rent furjnlshelI aneight ur tosa 5u nxnu eutUgc rattlelanssulUress lire tAJACKbON

iso ILT at hheepslitfMit liar IOU romnUuly furX elevrn rooms cold wattr sitUatM 20juia 1151 corn Poach briulge

SLUYUCDdO nJ haesh4 liar llqUI

tu4 1aita ctgouutijOnrTIBHRn IIOtBS TO LET from tone I to Nov li-A table room for horses A A ft box tfi Jtatonah-K T ASEo tt for ntot0iij wevwtf-


UhnKMAK tTrii 8 orne withI rttytilMilifor photographer elsa nmce on first liner


AN OlllTsTAnttSHFD IIAKEHYI Will M rIifIresponslblo tenant Apply tn-RTKL


niioTllKUS 104 Vartok S-

tljijitfllNlhihores llofts others alid studios toldii rte lriMi Inr attnri4FUt OM liHOTllbUn S5fl tlrosutnitrcor tItbi-ltt ooitS 4IIIHH Stat Abii1I wllh power steam he aT-

cleTatiiril I lightI four sliles 1 II A U K SIMPtOH-Kenta aol Kvnpst Itronklr-



Cptntc nttitlotiTOSITIV AtTTIOS H tiE bynnlor and underI r ctMnCnMMIsslosntmH IOMMON USDS OFTill IIIHT WAItli CITY Or tiHOOKIYN formerlyTllwn cf-L1181t

OrI v i nilIJt fMOVi IIOTII A tOni ItN list I

CtlVIV 1111 tflf WlltUMI I HM roMlANV Au-ollnnreri llllid KIJN IlIM1 fsrTI IMIIAMir-l


ltill MllSlAlltF ST TtlSHV MAY VII Illlifwilt nell at auction all tho property knounns tlmfir ni tnlnn Motel consisting of lnrm framp hotelanl liii Outs griuuutuil alumI lout 2 III feet ci truSt nnn WestNW sU aitjnlnlne Vmiilerrepr s notiilnndidepot nf I1 I nlI Li t Iulvcr Ilillrnaili

Terms nnd pirtliitlnrsnf nnclloneern IUIJt P11 U COMPANY IHVMuntnguent Ilrnkljl-

iCjJtnte=c 41o 5alr Vroohlp f



rated In the 89th and nd ward tim very Cratesef rrookJn city

To Iliodrt desire A hotnp to thne who lplre AQ

ItiTrAtini tin ri IIs no pine Ihut offers boiler oppor-tunltlm tlmn our And Rico No 7

Tlmt this proiMrt fl the inoiit tlontrnbln III 11-

1Ir ATrr Xcw York lU Iutuiiinsllrnli1 to the tacO thatno are IlllttK lots tally sotuen All other prnpertlpRArotulle Vliilt amli rrurr r Ark AnilI At n glance you Millsee whAt roniitltute tho populArlty of the property

St eolAl jurcn Anne 1ottnii near FlAtbunh av w I-RSallI ItuprorHmenN 3 fioo 500 down balance

rent lots elm nail up to stud 10 monthly pay-ment

Call At our main omen right on the wound or ace lfor iimpi nnd particulars Junction of Mmtrand anatlatbunh avt



onflUT nPPinP until you neo my new DinC twoUUrt I UtUlUt rnmllr houses none better lallrookhn Uu only new houset ctinnected withthe sliver 82 <ICO 7 room all improvementsbani1i onply dwonited niarblo manii li rnlilnadoors turlekfIttl wnlli rementcd cellar Ran llglitl-In Ohio ttrntI STI1OO 11I roonn and two laths all-IunourruvmntsI i brliK Illicit wishs soomiut floor rentedfor Slit prrmnntliti tcrniKBICOO i n t n1t MlOanilInterest iuionthty Opcnsiinlnis IIFIISAtlantic aiiuiVan stclcn nyc llrooKln-

inc1 i 000 MiTOIl xin brleitninwool cii ln unrt boilers nil niw

nhaftln bfltlni steam hestd KII < nail nil mo l m-convcntt ncc will sell uncriilre light on nit sluhoalinow used in laboratory ann nib t nn I a1 ntIIkln-

t1l IGtntr for ntt 311liIld-

T OVFIY TirilDIVO TOTS BxlOO near vlllAin3 ono InhnbliAnM and gravel bouuu 51i up Send

for clnulars lEWiS Northport L I at iOi Broad-way


CTOCK KAKJI 475 sins nmrTnT tnland vonnd0 tO mile our price I7COO LMS 202 lirouuIw-

oyiirr SO b 127 fift erailid ctrets nearI 50 depot Deer lark L I cAsh or ninnthlj pay-ment Circular free 1IVUNI 4l Sn inii tlt

to Jlt or T-


o tt O1 ff1 nil It

Forty mlniile from pity Tioutln tlnhlne benchfinest In world limit cool And bnezv MwnlJl-centlv furnNhcd rottnKis fur rental lots lor alaKAItKLSl 10 Liberty cOy and Arr rni-


rrtnl LtitC f0 ttc1cw Mtfjtno-

F summer nildenee one block fromF li il horn noir Asiiutr3 lark elegantnew furniture all tmnroxi MM nti coach P-

nnyouromnTlTIIATllft01T111tM Anbury lark K J

come and tell us howmuch cafth down emit hllwch IHM year you canHinre nnd ni will bull n honac for son accorullngly-in Illixinifli free ninth dellverr rloiI lo city callend see plan now IIOMF tWIT TifltS ASSOCIA-TION room JlrtlHI 100 Nnaiall stNios yok-

lioTtHAI bury Irk dmlrnidnI corner restpart CAHI bnlnni utuurtCui-

glliitAEtTtriAM I Aibiirj Inrk N J

OVNAOUB OWN l1omfllI monihlr without1111Ion choice lot In hiss noun City on

troltey Mm IartkularH c1 s rlAHKKJr inollwa-yPENAtIY S 1 Una Itnint Mlln plot fur nl 71 II UFATIirUIIY CO J71 llroilnny-

ffov Sale or Co ttntll 3rroctjART OKAXriF near nosovlll Depot Threo flewI J house rontMnlnv nil tnodira Improveinenlii

month rent lui 40 Inoulr nt FISKs-Jfichnaire opposite POtoO J C SANDEHS IIChambers ml

r UKNl linirOTTVUFS nnl house to let llelniaf-J I and AUII X J Maps 01 triois on applIcation

dmA McDFUMorr III mar X J-

gltnl fatntc fOt i1lt 3frv6f i Citjj-

TrilTV ITV IIEIOIITSFfr sale 1 twostory-5J frnniBdwelllnK on 7abrlfklc so cheap IInnareofO-SCUUMAXNS SONS 283 Central av Jersey CloyJ3tI1 < tatefor neQttij-A WF HAVF the entire front on Pnlumhm ar-

SOPtli tnZlOlh at eight tote price UOOU 70per cent can T mMn for three ycnr-

HI VSiOLU1 t CO 4H2 Went Iimth ItWE TlAVF o7i 7lo7l 2TilOI on south stnrA Col i nhiisiv Hlrfet tianffid curbed n I aaaess

menu pallI chenne t lot up lown price 102I-Ol4lYilTlc t CO MJ West 1 I ht

wic HAVf four nra northeast corner of Illth-avA and 7UlhHt for AAP at nbirnlnR-

FYNOI 18 CO 2flZ West 135th it-

DAttatlNtS000 willlDilnhase flully rented flat1 with store nlsnnnc for 41 000 cnsttt mien rx

change full particulars nlven-W> II I IAMIIfAI L 24 Rut 4dilt

NI15O4E 1fnnt front four slory tirown slnnII front house with lini n In lows north slut ofEast isin st niljiuent to lilt in MI orderstnillt for stoutI occupied lIIv nwner only ft barKiiin toprompt rimer fur ptrlloulars In Ulrn of w L-

AVSIi0 iliiorllanltiit-

Vfotchcistri< tfo 2roirrtu J or Snlc-

noiSF° In 1 Tt II 7 room rurnlsheilI

tlte Tltli usit rlorr nnilritlt rentlinn lonllruf and llhliiK Aililn s I H ICThllSOirgot1 Fast hSil St

for alr or Za WcjJtrhriattr C0S-

OAHSDAIF X VlJirue mnilern house fully furImprovpmcntA IM rooms t arn ffarda-

Jl acres wooillnnl rtvate family only MM Dttmonth Juno tn i clnbi Ilux Oil arsilafe N y-

llral Cutatt 4or cSult Countrg

WEST PARKONHUDSONThis magnificent pltci contalnlni line farm lot

acres large nMiiientr beautiful crounili extenslrswater fmntiKe fur aliut half CIIKI tn rlisu estateluqulroDr nilI 111111081I i ran of Mr French

SAlF rann 1 see onfl mllo from 1inkerJOlt I1a threi luiiiri citIt iIrmn NHM I irkciyoiiIt-enillnK It II Kiiml iiilnelltni iiilllmuses ant plentyfruit eiitlrifurm nmliri ulilti iilnnr

AA FitNKUt Illcmirsstlir ej CltyHA I f1 on thouminilairtsiif taluitlile land ill

JOll lumllis friim Maillson RIII lulli fromMonllcrlli I inttis rrotn rallrniiI All

liar iillfiiiN M1 lilt tUV irliIIA u-

I iill hsl1y1 acres 1 H inllesnf th Ii oil Kiio3-

tiulldlnKSI fine land stream if running uateriwith crop emil linpleincnls ltriu HMi iiiiea h

J II MiUDMUAU liinir lidiilfr AfHIs IIn Sullltan count in ar lnIlUoIlni

tJ full fiirnlsheit hnn Iin rntms luriti lurru to1ittInca 5J20i luwn in II V Ml MINK S Irk row

gor alt or Za ttlOllttIHAth OK mST AT NOVAC Mr AOII TWOFMl I i MiipTLtY FfllMSIIhllI limiiV-


liSlhiib LNSLlllAbbHJ moT 1311 AN-



IIJ5ItCTlnIi8 SMITII IttO i IlItEhITY liT CITYl w Ill in infill HIK U

O mrr pisue ureniir nuiiitirof lusiratiel tealurestlian an Iilur n I ris i lluiau Idol u-

iurrnuiiilliu liiiiilhKlI I tinSl l rlng > a gim n arket-an I varied dlI < ir > li ni furiiuii i iittngiM withI i allmodern eiuo i nil n ci ul rrnlI from f MM t 0 J I 101Fur p urltuular It rile to IViUK Illlulllr > barn-lies HprliiK N V

Jlrnl tfstntr to etlt or QXChauflC

HAVE YOU ANYTHING-In n al utaui you suItl to seil or exchange If Msend full iiarilculun In-

C B REDHEADton into flWtls ltt IOIIK-

M 5 i i MI Vi m utrriiiNoA-

NTtl1111 I1r 1 thuuccL

rhiiriiuvll Iloel mull sill coitus iaplULV tu take entire tiiurg of a new kumtner holdI of-1ff rOuOuus salary to beglu Ml voice and contlnuafuel Is cmntu0coell wlmu mtlre prottis I M-

uondnalIrent will rtvut to lrsaee For furtcvi to-

Curmattua a4dr JJ JBB JmwrlU UaUiI

i tn lUIUlI von UKV FLEMINGCourt to Kit TnnlBht tn Try end flit Up

the llorCounsel In the trial of Mary Alice Almont

Ih InLMton FIcmltiK before Itecorder lofT Inthe General Sessions for tho poisoning of hermother KxellnaM1 lilIes broke their recordyesterday by 8eclrlnl two jurors In one dayThrro vaa 1 panel of 100 talesmen todraw from when court opened Nearly 11Blood In lino cool offered excuses but few gotaway-

MIss Livingston who add tho name of Femlog to hoer collection although she has no legalright to It entered tho court room Iooklnlbrighter than uMinl unit ort withslur riorenco Hllsi The latter remarkedthat ohe BUPP i ed ni the family secrets thatwere trim mil that wer not trould bonlrcd durlne the trial

Ono nit small WI excused by consent afterhe hail Maud ho wn1 member of theGeneral Committee of Tammany Hall al-though


It u ns not tnentlniud why this hnuld-illviunllfy him Mont of the toleimen eionped-In Fining that they hind conscientious rupleaagainst capital punishment ncainut Inftlctlngthe death penalty rn n rtoinan or ngnlnt conUitlnu nf murder on cir uniMnntlal eldonre-

lohn I liuchti1 a dialer In wino at 24Tnt Mftninth triPtnnss orn Rthe fourthjuror Edi In H Holden merchantwliom olllce is nt 1 limailnay became the fifthJuror A ought PI stooi will be held today toexpedite the securing nf a Jury

Tin CASE AGAINST JCIIllIEAPeople Allege that lie Tool n Girt nfSlOO

from Fuotlmll Game MunngerA Jury wn secured yesterday and the nose

was opened for tho people In the trial of Po-


Captain Thoma Klllilea before JusticeKeogh In the criminal part of the SupremeCourt He 1 nciu id of accepting S100 nj a-

IrLIII from the mnimp of the YnlelrlnrotOi football cnmi of I1MU at Manhattan FieldthrniiKli Ilioma 1 Hull

Pprilnl oumoel Austen O Fox told the Jurythat I wiiIn crime fur the defendant to takemonet for doing his duty Thomns 1 Bullwould testify tlmt Ihe paid Captain Klllllen thomoney In the form of n check In the laternrlvnte ofilce HI1 endorsed tho

Thnmpsmi so thoU tho cheek oould-be passed cononlently Ihey would alsoprove that Inlrl took the chock to tho saloon-of one precinct and asked Steinto cash iIt llr tint have the money anda Ked n man in named Ilergiran toCIb I Bergman cashed It and turned Itover to hits cashier The prosecution regrettel that 1111 wns In rurnjw Iiut they expectedto prove rarsact Ion Mifhnut him

An ndj lurnment was Ink1 at this roint un-til


todn > Justice K did not compel-the Jurors to rlmnl in the cuMody or thecourt duilni rihhit as his Ixen the cus-tom


in police trills hut allowed them to gowith the Matmori laiitlon not to talk about-t e case with nmbralv I IIs expeclethat thenasa will KO to the jury day

Old TIIIMTT CfrrnRTBSThe Fiftieth Anniversary of the ConnecrK

lon of thr IllilldlnB nt Vnll SirenServices of unusual Interest were held In old

Trinity Kpi cop il Church on Broadway yester-day


tho occasion being the fiftieth anniversaryof the consecration of tho present edifice at theheRe nf Wall btreot

Tho services were Ir accordance with theusual programme of ascension day except thatthe choir was largely rtPnforcud and there w-

In orchestra of thirtislx pieces Tho altaranti chancel were beautifully decorated withMowers coil palms In the processional appearedthe Hev Ir Morran Illx W II Vlhbort unitIII II andI the Itev J W Hill A WIrttllnlllI I Si Kemp and J IH1 Know lea coil sev

oral ntlurs innnectcd with lrinlt > parish TieHev 1 W Hill was toaster nf ceremoniesSeldom Ihits liner muli been heard within the

walls nf old Trinity Church R ascension daycirvlies After tho services orchestra ren-dered


the Finale to Mozarts Jupiter Symphony The sermon was preached by Dr IixSoxljoar the parish wilt celcurate the 200thaunlvoreury of tho founding of Trinity parish


Sllnlnter llun Say the tJnpnneie ArelluUInc No Slit Illcycle

SAN ruANLimo May 14Edwin Dun ofOhio Minister to Japan who hat arrived heroafter three years absence sojs

The supposition that Japan had grown ar-rogant


after her victorIes Is entirely wrongThere Is nothing In the story about cheap Jap-


manufactured goods amid Japanese labor-


coming hero I get letters particularly In-quiring


about Japanese 12 bicyclesThem IU no such thing as a Japanese bleyole

Tho Ilcrcle that people use there areIn I htate or In Kurope unit so theywill continue to be No ono need have any fearortlInlther own line Japan is going ahead andrapidly too I refer now to silk goods and sheIIs making great efforts too in cotton goods andcotlun larlis In the latter Hues they may atfectEuropean Interests hut wont affect ours

KILIEfl jir A IILI3TJn TlIMr Mulllvnn Mnv Ort SHaoo ror ncr

Ilnimliter lielltl-iWiiiTiPt INS May 14 Mary Sullivan as-

administratrix sued Dr Carroll lurlll ofIrvlnntiin before Justice Djknmn K-upruno Court for 515000 for thu loss of herdaughter Annlo 11U The rRQ has beenon trial federal dl> 01 Juno 10 lIt MissSullivan und another nullwoman were walKbig tlurK the hlghwaj lto Dr Durhamsplace Nnnu mol vtrn riniiiliig trees by theaid of ii roiniol II A rout whl h WtS blown fiointho triiHiiil feet cool so lieru thu wo-men wuru walking struck them k ii ounlM8Si

aril IInjuring he rcompanion1IIIlllnlnltl rein shock IlieiltfencnI

was iieRllKunee Tlio Jury ruturned a sealedveritlet this evening which IIs said to awardHjju to Mm Milllv an

Escort Ran Annv Vfhtn Hhe Was ShotUNIIINVII la May 14 While Miss Mamie

Peterscn aged 15 years was returning from a-

social gathering accompanied by Ucouo HliulUof Moulton on Tuesday ought boone one firedthree shots at her ihuHimg ludj djlnn alinnst-ItibtaiitU MmlU aascTU that hu was toofrlghlenwl tn npnad tho alarm and he tookhis heels 1 he body was found > u> terda tFred Homphlll of rnlnnvllle was am tiled ItIs eupolellhtL jealousy prompted the deed

TooklnK lulo 1leron IolluteU WaiterPATtinoN Ma > HTho commission no

pointed h > dov irlggs Inquire lit the potlHulono tho Pasale Itlvrr met In Pati rsan to-

day 1 lie mretin osas fur tIn purpose of hav-Ing thou I tiiiiontssoioitrs bolo locqiliotoite4 withtlu dlo aster liin coos shoivO that theamount nf nnlur uml111 Inlirmn dull IIn 10-

OtJUuuti LIIIOIIS the sewage dischargedtutu the 1 attuieI IU VUUOUllUd lialliun dally




With nisiI TTIfc Her Mother and a Friend-

lie had pet rrlnr Ih RallO JnmnKe-He


Sot for the LII of liii llrothxr IIJT

sin Aecldcnt111 Companions ArrestedUobert It Dolan a pliotoernphcr SD years

old who lIved In Ilroadwny mnr linker streetV kettod WAS found early yesterday morning

byOeoruD Erles it milkman who lied called todeliver milk leaning against thn fence In runtof the house with hits neck Jammed betweentwo of the pickets lie witsi dead After thebody load been carried lotto tho house n pliysclaIm who Wai outnmoncd ilcclded that Dolanlied been death for somo time

Tho police learned that there hodl been n quar-rel


In the hotun during tho early evening soButtons wife anti her mother Mary lllncs whowore asleep when the body was found were ar-


Tney hail evidently been drinkingThey said that they had not seen Dolan nlncaabout 8 oclock Wednesday evening when holeft the house to no to a saloon Hy degreesthey told this storyI

On Wednesday S2M was paid tho family by alawyer The money was the outcome of a suitfor damages for tho death of Dolano brotherwhich wax duo too railroad accident As soonus the Ilwyer went away Dolan anti lois familyhired a cab and drove about Vlaltlnit manysaloons during their drive William Haddocka friend living at Westchester avenue and rillton street Wnkcfleld accompanied them Ihoywere well under floe Influence of liquor whenthey returned about 7UO P M Haddock thouwent home

Mr llolan who carried tho purte containingtho 2i0 says her husband demanded tOomoney Hue refused to surrender It and hebeat tier until nho gave It up Ho then wentout and they went to bvd

The pnllcu atriatcd Haddock as well as thiswomen on suspicion of lielng contented In Do ¬

bans death The monej Part of ttue story WRsubstantiated comeulmt by the llndlng ofSVOoll the dead mans pncketn-Detectlvu Iok wtuoul arraigned thus prlsnnern

In the Morrlsanla Court Hy this tlni the police had eoncluded that Dolan haul managed Insonic way to tail ooer thin fence In trying toclimb into tho hull sii whlln drunk IHe unit beenBOOH about the vlllaitu vtsttlng snlonns as latu asabout 11 IP M It WM thought best IHUMMTto hold the prisoners until an HUtntixy was madeand Magistrate Klammer remanded them totho West Chester police station

Deputy Coroner Wesion who made an au-topsy


Inst evening decided that Dolans deathwIts due to strangulation caused b > th pressureof tho Picket against time stile of Dolans wiloulpipe The wound wax toot In Itself mortal


ffhe the ICearannlzntlon Jtln or the Iselln-tommlttee h 1reTerreil

The reorganization committee of whichAdrian Iselln Jr IIs Chairman has sent out acircular In which they soy that they have cnrotully examined tho Plato for tho reorcanlratlonof the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Com-


proposed by Slraon itorg soil hlsassoclatesnnd that they do not approve of Its provisionsA comparison of the two plans will show clearlywhy this conclusion lies been reached by time

hellos committeeTOo Memphis and Charleston main line ex-


from Memphis to Stovcn on Ala 272mile and trout Sleensou the tracks of theNashville Chattanooga amid St Louis are usedInto Chattanooga whore connection Is madelth the southern Hallway system The South-


Halluay Company Is the largest stockholderof the Memphis coil Charleston Company andcan of course give It a very large business If Itchooses or else can send It hy other lines Inorder to Insure a continuance of Interest he-

tueen tho two companies thor I elln plan pro-vides


that all of the common fitnek nf the corniany to bo formed after riorganl7atlon ihall bo

Isluetl to the Southern Hnlluuj turn patty nothowever ithout valuable consideration TheBorg plan treats the Southern Hallway Com-pany


as an ordtnar stockholder and makes noprovIsion for a closer alllanci

rio Memphis anti Charleston without a com-munity


of Interest with the outturn has aformidable rival In tho Kansas City Memphisand Itlrmlngharo which extends trim Mem-phis


to a connection with the Southern Hnllwii-yit Illrmlngham The loss of earnings of thn-MemphNand Charleston in recent years Is saidto tie duo largely to the rivalry of tliK linn

The net amines of thus Memphis and Charleson have beets on t AStcadil dcLllnlng cale fur

I he past llxo years leillnj an iiterneo of onlySHSOno n year In the Horg plan this average

Is stated at 21iI41 1 anil Itho statement Is madothat it would have been S nu004 If certain exicndttures on the propert hail loon charged toI ho ereonienient onstructlon account Theallacy of finch argument Is made apparent bythe bankruptcies of recent years

The plan of the Iselln committee has alreadybeen approved hi IIJ tier cent of nil of the hold-ers


of the 7 per cent Iwnds Thny control thussituation to Ohio extent that If they refuse toconsul Into any plan the reorganlers must navthem par and Interest for their bonds beforethe property ean bo conveyed ton new company

O t O Car Trust CertineistB-

AITIMCIIIE May 14 The receivers of theBaltimore and Ohio Itallroad Company have njplied to the United States Court for authorityto Issue 81400000 six tier cent car trust certifl-

otes Onehalf of the concoct will bo allottedto the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Companyof Baltimore and thin other half to the Mercan-tile Trust Company of New York The Merantlle Trust nod Deposit Company has alreadyeceived subcrlptlon for its share Iho profed s of the Ralo of thn securities will be used In-payIng for the new equipment to be purchasedhis the company The certificates were quotedoilay at 101 In the open market Judtres loir

antI Morris are expected In the city tomorrowanti they will Immediately grant thus nppllcalon

lllcrrl Tree on the PennsylvanIaCIIIOAOO May 14Tho Pennsylvania lines

west of Pittsburgh have come to the conclusionhey cannot consistently make a charge forbicycles on their Western roads which tile areToot permitted to make on some nf their Kuternlines Notice huts therefore been Issued hidloreafter bicycles will be transportul fu ceo Inbaggage cars between alt points on their lines5050 of Pittsburgh and the Vuiulalla line


DvcretBM of Incendlnrlnm Through TheirEBTbrtiTha flection

The thirteenth annual meeting of the Na-


Hoard of Fire Underwriters took planeyesterday afternoon in the Hoard room at 32Nassau street Marshall U Drlgc Chairmen nfthus Executive Committee reported that thislosses of the 104 companies In the Hoardamounted to lir 45441 during 1NH3-

O A Van allot Chnlrmun of thus Incendiarism and Arson Cnmmlttoo reported thatduring IHII5 813 rewards were olleml lunoutit-ItiR Oil SflMBO SuIt of thin II1VT rnniinH uf-

ferrd slncolKT110Ji have I won palilaniuunilnK-to 5 10 and 27I convictions n ire eecilrriithe average sentence of eacli lx lnc live earn

Reports of Committees Legislation MarineForm uf Kiillcy Tire Departnienta and Lightthe heating and 1atents were also rend

1Iho annual election reiultoil In tlm electionof the following 1resldont Vllllnm IIi Clark> tna of Hnrtfordi Vlce1reslilont llenrv V

Katon Liverpool London and fllnlio NowYnrk Srrctnn hubert H Hi nth Inlted lireinitnV Ilillndclplila Treasurer nrderlck VUrlnold Equitable 1rovldencH U I Threomembers of tlt Kxecuthe rommlttee acre alsoelected Thud were Ilinrles Sour Now YorkCharles H IHiilllnicjhead Ihllsdelphla nniiCharles H Whitney Hurtford Comm

Woman Scorcher ntMchnrcedEmma Roosslio tile bicyclist who was arrested

scorching on hue Houle > nrd Wednesday evenlog WItS arraigned before Magistrate Hrannatthe Harlem Court yesterday On tier promiseo bo careful not to ride at Illegal speed lit theuture shue wits dUchnrgrdMiss Hoesske wits ilreurd In a darK skirt a

5 Hint of brilliant re d material unit n blui k si ruttytint trimmed with scarlet ribbon When ur-estod she wore rloncIlttlng gray knlckurboc-

krs black stockltigi bicycle slippers a shortgray Jacket shirt front collar tie unit a graygulf cap

Lived on Htolen Hnnilnrlcbel and IleCaterer Thomas Hamilton of lOt Prospect

street llrooklyn has been held for examinationby Police Justice Walsh for falling to supportliii wife Minnie Hamilton and their pneyer > rold daughter Mm Hamilton city s that sincetheIr marrlBge two years ago she lust been cornlulled ho lIve for the most part on stolen seoul<

vlchet and pie Shot also avers that while herlutband showed tier little or no affection hawas not averse to kissing some of her women


Fii rr 1n iniin fti-

Nenrlr All tile New law AfTect New AorU-nnil ItrooklynA-

IBANT May 14 Oov Morton today signedfiftyfive bills nearly nit of width were measuresnfToptlng Now York and Hrooklyu Among thus

bills signed wero the followingAMctnhlymnn Itobhlnss amending the compul-

sory eilutntlon lawAs ttnhmun Armstrongs relatlrn to thus np-

potntminf uuhoul compensation of clerks an 1 attendtints arid the eniplo > mi nt of stenographers lu tOopellnle 1M Islou of tin 1Uin tni CiUtrlsenator Fords providing for a Ktiitlon at t2th

street In New > ork city on tin New Vorl and lIarbin llallroad leaned bj iIh New York Central

As cmbt > mnn Hultss providing for au awaM fordanugis railftel byehingtug tho grab of 107th-strei t In New York eOty

Si n itor Cantors and Senator Fords hills regarillng the College or tho CIty of New York Iliarormir iillo liiK the city to utilize tillt MilMIUKi forcolleges nnd the latter nxlng Interest on collctco-tioiiils at 4 per cent

Mr Austins protlillng for tho acquirement olproperty for tho Improvement of the New YorkCity water roOt whiriMho property IIH owned In-

co imim or lu Joint tenancy ny the cloy and otherp rson-

sru ator Icinws legalIzIng the construction ofbuildings lu vw York cloy which extend out fourini hi s on i street line

0 t mblj m m Imours providing for the exanimation of the aciounn of a recelier or deputyIn New York illj

Senator fLcowo providing for the constructionof the brldgo cnur the fast lllver iHtwien NewYork unit lirooklvn under Ihe law of isuj anuS nu-

thorltliu the couileiuiiatiuu of retry i rope rty forbrl Igo purposes

Mr Stints t providing for the construction of a6fc el strut tun over the tracks of thi1 1ort Morrisbrunch of the New York coil Hnrlcm Hnllronl on-Hrook iixtnuc from the southerly slOe of hast157th street to thu wisterlj iilile of Hrook atcnuenear Third avenue In New York i Ity nt a ot ofSinnooo-

Ai miMvnifn Huttstt providing for tho construc-tion of a brMsoovcr the llronx lOver at Ue tcheater-avinue In tIle city of New York at an expense of

II II 000-Mso exempting tho property of religious cor-

roritlous In the inncied dlstrlc of New York oilyfrom i ublli Imi ro mcnt assessments for three3 curs from Jan t lint

senator ravis auihorlrlng on Increase of thepension of LdMurd McOufTney u retired firemanof Non York cllv

Senator luxnwh the bill which senator Oradyfought so leoroiisl which authorizes New Yorkclt to lease n site for n eontagtous disease honpltill lu Scoot Oraujs illstrl t

AscnililMirui Finns Olin John ORourke claimagainst New York uOty

ssi rnbl man II T Xiulrews nuthorltlng theNew York city Commissioner of Correction to exlend MIIIIOOO to alter bullillngs unler his super-vision nnd to rebnllil or pxtenl tOw Tombs ant Itiepenltentlir 01 Hlai kw ells intent

emttor I exow authorIzing tuo sate of Innils InNnv York i Itj detlsed bv William Their rsuun

ARHembl > min buttes prov Ming for the irttatillsh-mcnt of Host hill plate

tsemblv n an tatuuiui prov Ming for tho constru-ctln of it brl lae over Mott Haven Canal nt 113thstrict In New u ork cit nt an expense it Ji noo-

ASMiinlil min Newman granting exemptionctrtliuite to flrnvehcnd ilrrmen 5 ho were onustore I out by reason of nnneintlnn-

Assemhli man lire nnimii to establish a free pub-lic lllirtrj bj tubscriinioii of lniooo by the cityof IlnoKl > n-

ASM mliij man Hn nnnns provi ling for a deputylollc CommUslonir In lirook lyn

i mbiMiiun iPedrnws pro illng for lii paymint of travetenl bonds

s mblmHii Oatlus consolltlntlng thus Flatbiuh Mwir omnilsBlon with the llrooklyn Com-mission of l It03 nrki-

Vvi nililvmin Mnrshalls ngarllng the construo-tton of public bulltings In Ilrookljn-


SuluOuus to oboe a portion of EastNlnetv Mcontl strut Hrookl h-

oAssurriO mourn Mckeowtis to pay certain emplus uis for extra work In the Brooklyn Depart-ment of Arn irs

SunnIer Hrushi appropriating 813000 for theThirteenth Hi Intent armtirv

humor ruuys proprliitlng 810000 for pro-fessional


training of tiiKiiem-9simbl > mnn lurkOnss appropriating f40000

for tho Twenty third Heglment armorytrCuuiutnuutIi Mitrthillri repealing extension of

becoul atinua In Hrookljn-Astembljinnn Niwman permitting frame dwell

log to Im reeled within tho clt tire limits Inlirooklvn In tcrtnlii cases

AsscmbUmiiu SKwnrt nmenllng the law estab-lishing n Hocilver of fixes In I ast healer

VAscmblinan Martih ill s continuing a conveynco of Now York cloy luluI to Curt Ilulnrlch 7an-der

sscmbl man Hoffmens exempting the real esitc of iho llnnie for Aged ant Inllrm Ilebrevvs of

Nero York clt > from laxltlon assess nts anilwilier rates

Assc nibl > min Matonos nltllng lee flowers coalanil go kit ford to the uurt ides whlth oiuay be soldon sun In-

Ansembljnmn Austins giving tho New York cloyIarfc Dcpirtment JurKllrtlon over Set Nlouctyhtxth street from Veh Iloul avenue to the Hu Uon-Hlver Wctti i2il street fnim tho lavt sIOi of-Mornlngslilo avenue west to Ill wcsierl terminus

snemblvinnu iluttss In nlatlon to thaw MenIng ant Improvemi nt East 141th street fromtist lllver to IHrlem hover providing for raisingpart of tire expense b> assessment ant part out ot-

Iho fund known au hit lima for btroet ant larkOpenlnks In New York city

Assemblymnu MeCojs providing for the Im-

provement of flynn Iark In rust Forty seco a-

streit Now York cllyThe linernnr alFO nlgned hills exempting

Brooklyn strci ts fruIt rnllroniK without thintoiiClitof ft majorltv nf property owners infollow is Keep Klovil Plinth Nlnth Hlliry-Itutlcdge and htockton ituef and tlrcenuoodI1-VU1IIO

JoIc Off Till fTITL CtlITOtContract to He Awnrdrd to Iovreat Hid

dm her lorllon or the WorkAIUANV May 14 Thin New Capitol Construc-


Commission met today and selected 400men to resume work on tOo Capitol building onSaturday-

Iho Commission discussed this question ofcompleting the building by contract for whicha preliminary appropriation of 5500000 Is nowaMilliiblo A resolution was adopted providingthat the contracts be lot to the bidders whoIhiote made thus low eht bids fur the uilous por-

llnns of thin work for tho completion of thebuilding nnd that surh bidders bo notified ItoattendI ttho luect meeting of the Commlslon5s huh tthinout Facts willi I be formally awardedThe IIndividualI tunes hub for the differentI jrlotus ot thin work aggregate h300pt4M us fol-lows

1ur the several siibi1vliions i j Cnrlln a Co ofllrooklyn east centre ee lion 4405024 crust and westlobhlus 4 1 in Iloo weiiiru stulrciisa iiJ14t skyIlkhts etc UJ ltiJ 7il iiu-

ilomplitln lowerMi rrlam ft le Strange Byra-cusi Sttul207N-

iurhlu Minih ami west portions Ircscott-Buiklei i nllimnn Kee vile N 1 t4KOcioo-

Lo iiptrolert noel In1 usurers unices fi S lies tCo New York clly Jimim ll50lia

IIIIU Vetoed lit Mayor StrongA1ItNY May 14 Thus following bills have

been returned to boy Morton unaoiiptedi-Ami inblynmn II W llsons for placing electrlo-

llghtk on tlm Now inrli unit Hr okl > ii llrldgu to boucut during liun-

Asseinbhiiuin 1nrsun amending Iho Nevv Yorkcity I unsoililatlon loutt rrlnllve to llrll Oito pilots

Hudson Cnnnly Inniin 12n to HnuUe hutMoiuuHTDUN May 14 Ihe two hundred

Hudson county Inmates of tlio Stole Hospitalfor tIle Iiibitno nt Morris Plains wore transferredtoda> to thom Hudson County Inbane Asjhun atHnaku Hill Vhlloillnner was being served aspecial train of four imfsenger couches arrivedupon Ohio hospital grouiuU 11 was In charge oflie King warden of the Hudson county Inntlttitlon with a corps of ivttetiilnnls IDie Inmatesthen embarked upon the w altlng cars 1 he ma ¬

jority ot the patlonts riV nli il thus trip as aneicurslon anti were as Joll and happy as a-

purly of school children llm train reacbedSnake Hill over tile lloonton branch and mainlInt cut tIle Delaware lm kawannaaml WesternHullroail In time for stiller IIhe departure ofthis largo iiumler of inmates will greatly rellevi Itlui nvercowiM ond Ion of the hospital


Inotlee Ttpritnentt Comes Down Heavilyon One n llnrrlso

InformatIon roaclied tintlce Mpplncott of theHupreme Court of Now leriey n few lays agothat a pool room teat ilolng business at Railroadruemio alid lint street lot Harrison and thatfrom Tfl to loch men frequented the place everyattornoon Justice llpplncott summoned SlierTofToV anti requesteil him to secure evidenceagainst the plain If possible The Sheriff sentWilliam H tloldlo hut to Harrison on Tuesdayanti Wcdneicla anti OolJio returned with evl-

donco n lilch w as thsught sufUclent warrant araid Justice tlpplncott thought It utrnngo thatafter tho repeated warnings he hunt given to poolsellers and thin proprietors of other gamblingcantos In hula charges to thin Oranil Jury anybodyshould have the temerity to violate tho lawalmost under lila noo He Issued bench war-


for thus arrest of the proprietors of theroom and their employees flluil gave Instructionsthnttomoof the speotatorslt any were foundthere should bo brought In as witnesses Ihomanagement of thus rilil was Intrusted to UnderHhurlfrToliMT KrnIn

Accompanied by sixteen deputy sheriffs andconstables Lrwln left thou Court Holm In Jer ¬

sey City at about ilt oclock On reaching thoplace he ftntlotieil u musts on First street antIanother on Hnllinait nventio to prevent escapesThen he marched tho rest of his pause up stairsand took io > sc slnn of the pool rooms Con-trary


to the custom In such cutsos the proprie-tors


loath not received any tip noel were takenby surprise The pool room whleh wero twobodrooMS over John 1hunts saloon scorn

crowiltd and n thriving business win Inprogress Erwin thinks tin to Worn aboutclghtv or ninety persons In tho two rooms Twotltki rs ono lu each rosin were ticking tufT thusbetting tho post odds the progress and Ilosultsof tho races Ono mali was marking up tlionames of horses on the blarkboalil togetherwith the iKhls Olin pool sellers wire willing togtxe Another man and nn assistant wete sit-ting


nt a table taking In mane churl giiliiu outtli kets

ihu appearance of Under MierllT Krwln andhis s jtian created consternation A buak wnsmade for thin doots and window but theyweio nil guarded ex molt 01111 A lihgrnphoperator ttlmlicd throuili I hut and droppingdown tn thu runt of rio extension nnd llmitrinthin back ard undo hisI i cape Jen trictu run rsworn akin on a trotle cnr to thi Court IHouseIn lercy Pity wh re lustlio Lipplncott Witsawaiting thelt arrival Among them wero JohnTbum proprietor of the tltruiitt James 1 Mar-tin nnd Arthur M I ii r prO rick imprinters oftthe pool rooms Patrick llghe morel lohhlaw-rence eraplojeen and Hent y IUlli lilniui whopaH > ed as an emploco but declnnd that iuSons only ft clued uttor Tho names of tin other1 rl > oiiiri wore not dleelosidns they viro at-

reMed onlv as witnesses John Tlium1 wu-tlie first prUoncr arrnlnned

You are charged pain Justice llpplncottwith being thi owner of tin Plain in whlih

this pool rouiii was located Tin Court ssiii fixball and dsires to city at the snino tint thatthe ball offered must be substantial Ihn lawfixes lie penalty for thn crlmooii soiL which youlire clmtced at from onr to Hve wince Imprlxonmont and Odin SlUUU tii 000 tine Iho bullIn your case will iuu 82000-

Thorn gre pale lie raid no had no bonds-man


at present but expoited to get one Juosthee Llpplniott told Martin that ho was arrestedunder another section of the law which madethe penalt 3500 tint or two years Imprison-ment lIlt ball and KltpatrlckH nor lixed nt-

SnoO each and Tlgbe s and Lawrences nt-S 2000 each-

llicliman was allowed to make a statementHe ald lie w is only n spectator and had no In-


In the concern except to make bets Jus-tice


Lipplncott remarked that he would make nviii ii sOle sott rems Hisl bali autO hue tail of thinother witnesses Over fixed at 81000 eai h Jus-tiio Lipplueott said he would eomo to the otirt-Hoiibe at any thom tip to 10 oclock to acceptball Under SherllT frvvln In ought down asevidence tlutlckers telegraph iInstruments andother paraphernalia In tho pool rooms

rAXTS A 30000 FEE

Lawyer Vsin Cott Value lilts Service ittThIs Amount

Donald Macknv head of banking firm ofVermile Co and a former President of thin

Stock Exchange was tho defendant in the suiton trial yesterday In thn Mipremo Court InBrooklyn In which oxJudge Joshua M VanCott claims SUOOOO for legtl services Thelitigation grew out of Ohio contest over theestate of Gilbert liuvvne who died neveral yearsago Suits wero begun by Mrs H U King aniece of Mr flown against Lawyers JohnLew ridge nnd IlKriiianus IIt Dtirven the executort anti Mr Van ott suits her roundel

1lie ctts were tried before Judgo Van Vorstwho ulictiitl that ttey would hao to bei retriedAbout the time this deililon wni renderedMrs King diet antI Mr Mnikay as her etecu-tor took her place as plalntlir but It wasdcclued not to go on with thin litigation unlesstin lawers were wllline to take it on u con-tingent


ffi Mr Van Cott nirreed to theseterms ami finally Judge Ingralmm gave Judg-ment


for the tuirotnlllT In SiDOODO nenrl onelUnrti of which was collected front the estateof Kxecutor Durjee who had died In the meaniimWhen Mr Van CoOt put In his claim for a

0000 feo Mr Mnckay refused to recognize Itaverring that ho had riot emplo ed him

Trolley Fare Iteiliictlon In llrooltlmThus threecent extra fare an the llrooklyn

Queens County and Suburban roads trolleylIne In Metropolitan avenue from LutheranCemetery to M1 Johns Cemetery has boronabolished anti tho whole ride from thin Uroad ¬

way terry to tho cemeteries costs now only liveciluti