library of congress · 2017. 12. 15. · j w i the sun tuesday march 10 191 n qfbe w tuesday march...

J w I THE SUN TUESDAY MARCH 10 191 n qfbe w TUESDAY MARCH 10 1801 I Lssdl0orN ft 1111 AB e BM at atl B IJ wpT4M a4 Enaea i iI SJO H Mw- PAILT by al1t 1 far Heath M 8- XUMT I Pst TM a- UXDAT FarTear- DAIXT I MID SUHDAT Peu B O J4YD SOWDAT fr Malta TO I Pi e 1- rsItags t raralfB Cautrlt aoU d- TflRIJXwYnkCtt1 4bIram41 lo Tai WHXKIT BDK- i I < mt ftwworrow wvrntoff must be handed in- f I I t aosi Wo oelodk Deaeeratto Boosomy la SUU and NatlOB Democracy to pledted and committed by Mraraaaaa the most solemn and binding to frugality la the publlo expenditure I awe ooontenanbo any olher policy sb violence to Ik record and disaster to tin I kop The Democratic Btate Convention 1 fcaU Syracuse In 1874 declared under the sruJdanoeof SAMOTII JTmmjffor economy In the publlo expense that lAbor might be lightly bee It w Mr TttDiM I Massif years before that mooraoyi- Ivary ieOne4 afe theory and usage of the J Beafal Md Betataary rvrB BUlerrte- a I B pie i I odBUva Ubor Ivtry sz- ibiMatusiIiIauv4 br thffleiairariya- raaai U kla what balaan I l 1 ike 71o71S We oonrratnlateV said the NaUoa pepotTaviio Convention I 18 I tfcittnntry up the honesty tt el th Congress which ha fooed tit pnbUa expendltar 4000X000 a fend upon the promise ot such change 7 i administration of the Government M- haQ Insure genuine and luting i In every department of the public n I The Chicago National Convention ot IBM 4ecjardthab Democracypledges itself t purify the Administration t rtr t1 respect fo e7 It only paraphrased the warning which Mr Trtwaf sent t the Beoretary before o the Treasury nineteen a Tntr U no rojal road toy a Oertrantat lr Ci far aalaarrUaal I C corporation What yon went to 4 cow I e SQ Acwnyaor pmu anA live within I MM lao I would fir all thi luudla o- tnaa Bnaaoltrtnx I would give bollt- J it J < Ia tk oUL ktraly lu Ur within your I LlThe Demooratlg party de the St- jQuU National Convention cbel- engea t the mot searching Inquiry concern ng tin ddet and devotion to the pledges f 1th Jb I Invited the suffrages of the I Mople b revln te Improvldenta- ndin party Democratic Convention held I- nYo Tel arraigned the Bepubllcan Legis ¬ 1 r imposing the heaviest Btt taxes both In rate and amount Ilc We pledge the Democracy It If In ¬ trusted with the control ot the legislative branch of the Government to lY t po- I vie lwe taxes end economical Despite oil these declarations there are sow pending I Albany b Introduced by Democrat b if will add nearly tJ000000 a the of the peo- ple ¬ e t 1 ot this city a passes but some adventurous local Democrat without the lit ot the HepubJJoans In Washington before his eyes brings for a new bill to add still fur to the The JUo coast office and the freed for liner pay at the peoples expense must b resisted and resisted firmly and aJaMpsJuUy by the Now York Democracy 01 the tt of last years victory may soon b The record of the last Bepubllcan Co- npinbefcrethepcop1ean41tin ¬ alongand- o mfMTtllr story of recklessness and waste A a of JRepresentatlves over- whelmingly ¬ Demoaratio la succeed lt end poi tin course much wjll depend The Dem- ocrat ¬ the State of New York against 0 great Qdlt obstacles and after having b 4t I the er the repeatedly Leglalature- witharessonable have hope t at this years election uoJ may not ony retain the As- sembly ¬ also secure th Senate If te- depo of the people I Jutfe and I pledges made to tbe voter a fulfilled To follow In the footsteps of the Bepub tlcans end betray the promises made bysuo esaive Democratic Btate and National Con ventlons would be merely to turn back the of affairs into the hands of the old ont parry o Jobbery and extravagance The 10DJ and Wild West Shows The permission granted by the Interior Department to BtnrrAiiO Bini to enl 1 Sioux Indians for h WUd West greet victory lo II I is a tore conspicuous success than that which be achieved during the recent Vine Ridge campaign when as Brigadier General commanding the Nebraska Bute- faroM p be received a written awle 4 ment of his services from Gn MI It has been accomplished moreover direct y In the face of a deliberate official decision pst him made by the Interior Depr ment itself In the last anu rpr Btoretary Noam dated a- apeslalchaptarheeded Wild WestBnows- la which their effect upon the red nan 1 vividly and anxiously pictured I P I ukom Into Na1 and moit titUlii u n I If toMbt ru U wIldcat inS noil r ap of i4C ma ld too ofun ttnpud- Ma I isr is lswii yiu Wn 112Wr orttiakM Hm IB anr form ot Sirius 0 r ccIdI- ibeprcWiekiuPtaihowo1 hliompWr bl- emdltlon oa r lorn bm I aol a food obi 11 Itwoc o- rt baIU ot IrtUwd l lit u tla bJ kin In CicpI t it OUT own or otbtr nllf f U teat 1 4ptoraU and It hu bn ond tkal no- ear wh IUa o wateaou nall be mad or a- Ir < sat that all ladlaa iasnt tbaU u trt Im itprBl a Citoll air MUBBU I ta lalur e lak ladlaa eo CI rtrTatt or ihiiwbr rO 4i p1071- 1wuohnMitcoDgT11wpMe or1144101 any proa or corporattoa 1 Uk Uto omplormtnt or I UB4reoBirl air indIan it would be ot nuob auU- tue e the Dtvartmont la nforolni Ibis policy Commissioner MOROAX In whose charge too Indians are put more Immediately was equally vigorous In denouncing their en- gagement ¬ for circuses The chapter on the subject In hU own Wit annual report was also pointedly hnadod Wild Wont Shows and Blmllar ExhlblUon3 It called them very harmful and it thauko Secretary KOBL for tile letter of Aug against per- mits ¬ It declared that the testimony- of those reservation agents who bal been lurlblnl Indians for these purposes Wits practice I Is a most pernicious one fraught with dangerous results both to those who go on the tours and those who stay at home TMIr r trDClt ot IfiU of MTUO dl- rlolldt lu at It fermtrlr iut d rlrldlr 4 rtflP isurdar as4 robbfrr for blol tbr w aa iU UcUlr applauded I dmcral- blBSJsMatr B dacra Thai kaMow atlMaaor last aad aundr imbued with the 14cr Ibat tb ditd 1 < r r f bhi K ibI ibsy Prtrar la theIr w rs kilo upeta ira p olallr pheilici l ta the whit o- plwkra dTllUatlon- Tbtlr thr bar bl CaolC tarsiard- Cf aa tiamplM nrnndlnc II IbM howl w nralirt thwtntandtbrplek up most diradlnf rlcta IB- auad ot blat t1ab In th rtUtlra of the blll8 10r that IUy corn to dutmt 1 throuih what Ibl vaaToldaMy HI bill and uprlo Thtr frqo Ur rttara borne Not net II wrSkd olJ and phjiUiltr ant la lathcaMa their axampl amoat th- olhirtadiani b thawent piibls Thi popular Inv tTuln ot th Indian obtaInS t1 Will WM Show aihlblullthatthtyar Ineapakl tlTniaatlaa inS tbto Imprtuloa wort alrtellf act pfI atalaM has Govirnotent 1111 bnfl nt ort Those are the enormous obstacles wbo BUFFALO DILL found in his path ad skill and success with which he surmounted- thomareproportlonatelygreat Fthe took some of his performing braves t ¬ ton to show the refining and eDnoblll fluenoe which European trave ha tem Then when tho Siou tulo broke and threatened t w plans especially aa It was the corn pant tribal of Imo of his trup had aBIVat very disaster his opportunity and hasten- Ing t the scene took care that none of his recent performers should b conspicuously hostile t the Government Ills next step was to procure recommendations from array officers showing Secretary NOL the mili- tary ¬ wisdom ot allowing some of the young restless Sioux braves t b taken away from the reservation his charge The Issue was then between BUFFALO BXL tyid Commissioner UOBOAM and the fnerwon heads of Europe and other eminent patrons of the Wild West o this great victory will b very wel- come ¬ And now the best tin for Corn rnlssloner MOBOAN end the Dr DOB BHBBTXB to do is t accept the first chance to see theehow> Terwprbblyenoy the spectacle sad o te prfe atonal progress of their wards He Pays the Freight The Eon EDWABD Fmxasv Joirw I car- rylngonhtsoanvaasforthe Democratic nom- ination ¬ for Governor with the picturesque vigor t bo expected of him I and it his afflu- ence ¬ mustachio unequalled we think save Policeman FBXXOH of the Tender- loin ¬ precinct o New fork falls t ap ¬ peal to the hen of the people h other qualities t back upon and not dep It I a great vantage some- time ¬ endldat t be well known and from the uttrot parts of Jjong Wand to where Nla who 1s better known than Gen Joir Ht motto Is inscribed upon all hearts Bonus and BOB never had a prouder one What is a btl of heraldic animals and devices Latin 6r old French t the majesty of mpe JONEShe pays And ten Is a simplicity a bluff directness abut the LieutenantGovernor which Mugwumps may seem foolishness but t nora persons with a satisfactory Uvsr 1 refreshing and like pf- l advertising omOI th Gen JOXBB wants to be Governor and h I glad of it not ashamed of I it and want everybody else t want him to be ernor If he were of the Mugwump or jlboose breed he would set all h fend t pulllnir wires for him while h mated a appearance of guileless ro te ways and wiles of politics and dele h tympana with cotton lest be bou to be too eager t have h out call him Not of the r of smug ad dandlprats dying fo office still cling to the prtnc that they must be sought by J it Gen Joins B knows that an office like a woman to 1 b cur and lot or man fashion and will not be for want of h fUllt coul No faint heart is he flay bold and though the may elude him he Is going t have a o deal of pleas- ure ¬ in puruln and a isby no means selfish pot object it the othe New Yorker come in for their share of the fun Gen 10K presides with admirable cour ¬ age over the deliberations and recrimina- tions ¬ of the State Benate and It valor hi I at times more conspicuous than hi J In the books of penur u8 th Btate Is jut a lpubU Senators do not play fair at parliament and their continual badgering- Is enough to make oaths drip from the r pages of OusmKos Mau The plug uglles ot Baltimore wer a formidable- to Gen JOKES a are the Republican Seas ¬ tr who eeem t labor under the delusion it Is their duty under the Constitution- to preside over temalve Thoi favt amusement I o rn ate chamber The LleutenantGovernor keeps the animals in as good order- as could be expected although from the amount of roaring that goes on at the State Capitol Innocent vltl would think that the Senate was ¬ est of irrepressible menageries Sparks fly from the UeutonantGovernors gavel and from his eyes for every week there Is war between him and some of the personally amiable but publicly obstreperous gentlemen who represent their districts or Mr THOMAS COLLTEB PLAT the smaller branch of the Legislature j and dauntlessly does the man who pays the freight face and outface his baiters Ha has bad to work harder than most LieutenantGovernors and it is natu- ral ¬ that he should think himself entitled to some reward Bo be says frankly Im going to be Governor U I con asks for support right and left and as befits a can ¬ didate well seen of the farmers puts In his spring ploughing for the nomination He has gone to work In good season it Is bet- ter to be too previous than too subsequent- It Is natural that a candidate so Ingenuous and of so sanguine temperament as is Jon JONES should imagine that the field is a little more thoroughly cleared than It Is Not even the cheery impetuous charge of Gen JoNas Is sufficient frighten all competitors from the lists There are known to bo sev- eral ¬ men willing to become the Demooratio candidate for Governor and plenty more will turn up before the dog days This is not strange but it Is true Jon JONES has persuaded himself that the Hon BOSWELI- PJETTIBONE PLOWBB once promised not to be a candidate against him and Mr POWBB Is equally confident that ho never made any such promise Misunderstandings 1th18 sort are not imrequeni it is uimcuit rotS a candidate not to take literally every com pllmout that Is paid to him and It Is equally difficult for him to comprehend that- it is not the duty of every othor candidate to take himself out of the way Doubtless Mr FLOWER something civil when Jon JONES unveiled lila ambition Doubtless Gen JONES unconsciously lot the wish be father to tho thought It would be conven- ient ¬ to have Mr FLOWEK agree not to be a candidate for Governor this year Therefore- it must be that Mr FLOWKU has BO agreed Such la tho knock kneed logic that even the wisest candidate may come to ride But the Democratic any of New York would have the right to overrule any agree- ment ¬ of any politician 11 his candidacy should eeem essential to Democratic suooess so thai what OeD JONW imagines that Mr FLOWED promised him Is of no great conic i I IJfd < V t tr quence If the LteutonantOovernor had promised not to be a candidate and yet his party should ask him to be would be say No Of course be wouldnt A hearty Yes would be beard from his eaehadowmg moustaches and he would take the nomina- tion ¬ with thank The race which he hopes to win Is free to all No Democrat e n be ruled out Souls Indeed may feel that it Will be no use to run against C sturdy but frisky charger like the Binghamton gray but nobody who feels like coming in can be kept out The more the merrier Great will be the glory of the LleutenantGovernor If he can win and ho liable to have a good deal ot fun even If he loses We dont know how Joros will come out but he Is going in In groat shape The Michigan Rainbow It I Is the fashion In Mugwump circles to point to Michigan as an example of the final triumph of the educational campaign con- ducted ¬ by the tariff reformers In 1B88 In spite of the glowing predictions of the rainbow chasers Michigan gave a majority 82918 for HAKBIBON over CLKVE Lawn But It Is explained that the literature sent out from the Reform Club had not then had time to work and the lIon GnovraC- LKmnAMD had not begun the series ot epistles to which he has ever since devoted such momenta as he can spare from bis law practice The fruits of victory were de- ferred until 1890 when the Reform Clubs pamphlets and the William street docu mente carried the Stile for the Democratic candidate for Governor by l1m plurality Such is the Mugwump theory Quite a different theory held by the more sensible Democrats in Michigan If we may believe the statements of the correspondent Of the NIII York Timtt Writing from the State capital to Mr Ozoisa Jonu Mug wump newspaper that authority remarks concerning the political situation I FollUMlath Stat U laantetnl7crl <J ala m fuss la alia lyrln thor wUl b aa ilMttaa l ta cans aw ltaor Sc U Sipram ktagh to JaMlea Joui W- On of Grand Kaplda asS lbs SIpebhilMi aad- Damtcrala sri lakorta aratlr for YUtorr T- bno1 laMrntlai wrk hai bp1 a 4005 tyr tk Ptnoerata- t wa daarW thtmthatlaatrall1 aUeUoa whO II win a Bpbueaai daftat lawlj tamh warn nl a Pma > rail vUMrr llwa fcapkaiard fniioa sod Bpah- Heaa > alI that thnw lbs majority ta 55 DBM aet- A Republican defeat but not a Democratic Victorystill less a victory for the tariff pamphleteers and the personal efforts of the Stuffed Prophet I This information will sur- prise ¬ JoaaB but I It astonishes nobody that studies the election figures In an unpreju- diced ¬ way- Although the Democratic candidate Mr WnfAHB was elected as Governor by 11830 plurality over the Republican TUBHBB- WIKANS was more than 15000 short of a ma- jority ¬ of the votes cast The Prohibitionist candidate got 88651 votes The Industrial candidate got 18193 The Republican vote of 1888 tall off M181 in 1890 while the Demo- cratic vote of 1888 tell off only ic744 These figures teU the story of haphazard fusion and Bepubllcan apathy precisely as Mr GXOBOB Jomtsa truthful correspondent toll it Michigan was not won toe the Democracy by the tariff reform educational campaign and it Michigan I is now held for the Democracy it will be on other Issues than tbosepromulgated from William street near Wall hat Vs Have the Other Letter In a very picturesque Interview with a re- porter ¬ of the Zfsw York Tribute the gallant OoL WATTWSO returns to the subject of his celebrated litter of advice and admoni- tion ¬ to the Hon DAVID BBMITKT Hnii 4 That litter remarked Col WATOBsajr thoughtfully It really looked worse In print than I thought it would It was written- he continued I after counsel with people in Now York and Washington The Colonel wanton to express his surprise that Governor HILL > should bave been Irritated or annoyed by the epistle when published On this theme the Colonel became so excited that he It sat up Ip bed and pulled the bed clothes around him It should be explained that the reporter had caught the distinguished Kentuckian the bed which be snatches A few bonnet repose after bis midnight labors with brain and pen It was from between sheets that there came the unexpected dis- closure ¬ which now follows i N TafklwaaaBiaudMkl IHiui link af n a Mew UtbatllUrwaala > rtlBBiIhadwrlltB- Bararbfor to Mr OUTBU that vu tar not Im prtlaaU only IniMad of Mr Ourtiuoi taktnf It u Mr UiiLdld btrtpUadlaaiplrltof oardtallir aol ao qalMMB I basWt epobn ot that Miii partly from Mntlmant Jet I ihonld bar ao holtatlon In pnbltib Inc ItltMr Otarau would prhl it II Ire that Mr OLZTKLAJP ak4 air adtleo inS OoTraor Hill dldBt The truth of history requires by all means that Col WATTBBSOU should obtain Mr CLSVBLAMrys consent to the publication of this earlier and sharper letter of advice an4 political admonition U it is only onehalf as rigorous and charaoteristio and Interest- ing ¬ as the missive which was lost In the malls between Louisville and Albany itt la bound to achieve a tremendous popular suc- cess ¬ But Gal WAtTKmaoMB recollection II that the letter to Mr CLKTBLAMD was tar more Impertinent than the letter to Gover nor HILL Col WATTEBBONS gloomy estimate of the political future before Governor HILL is per- haps ¬ somewhat affected by the personal cir- cumstances ¬ that have now become historic I He will go Into the Senate and be I lost is the prophecy of the brilliant Kentuckian I He II nothing but a good crganlcer any ¬ how Of course hes a bright levelheaded- man but hes not so orator or debater There are plenty of men In the Senate who will overmatch him MOBOAN QUAY Vooa gaza BXAOAX GEOBOB BDTZBB He Will lose control of tho machine and that will be the end of him And yet almost In the same breath the dis- tinguished ¬ journalist and statesman an- nounced ¬ from between the bed clothes that Governor HILL had only received the cele- brated letter and had accepted Ita admoni- tions ¬ In a spirit of cordiality and acquies- cence ¬ nothing in the world could have kept HILL down in 1894 Thus it is seen on what apparently Insig- nificant ¬ accidents the fortunes of statesmen and the fate ot nations zany turn This con- sideration ¬ will increase tenfold the publlo anxiety to know what advice It was that Cot WAxrBBSoH tendered to Mr GROTKB CLEVELAND Another regimental commander 001 HEXBT DOUGLass Tooth Infantry reaobsd bis 64th blrthdar Ttaterdar and paid the Inevitable statute penalty of going on the retired list Tb operation of thIn law loP the current of promotion fairly active and list year there wore many retirements for ago among rcl 1 mental eomiDinders and others ot atUl higher rank This year the proeeaa began promptly la January when Oon IUsi taj f of Ord- nance ¬ and Col H M DUCK TweDt third In- fantry ¬ both went oa lb abut New ooms the turn of Col PouotAta end thIs will be followed next month by that of BrlgOonJ- oiiNOtBBOH and the month after by tbat of Coin I DODOE Eleventh Infantry anti Cot U 0 Uieaoic Tbinl Artillery Lilac I Ju the year 001 H B MIZXK 8v ntaanth Infantry and OoL OBIBLMS H BMJTH Mlattntb will be retired Whim oflUtt at this reek are is < ntore4 from the istlys list by the ass law It I 4 a removal usually of those who were eon splououi the civil war Col DOUOLAM for example who was a graduate of West Point In 1863 received the brevet of Major for gallant services In the battle of MnrfreMboro AcUte years fly swiftly the tlm draws nearer wha even Our regimental commanders wilt be ot those who e tend the reaulerermy after teats It will be recollected that after Governor NoamBMolOsorglabsd refused to meat 1bYn Oouu who wMvUIUng that Btate not long ago the Boutr Allliuux Farmer danotrnoad 1111 action as the height of njolt1I11obJe dls- eonrUiy 1 in return for this lbs aortraer heal bB eherid up by the following exomiloa from Elk rails KantastJ- MMfttt l That wa tk Mmhr at Bd lint Valla Sal r A asS t V ot gaataa ward thl alt f- artaor MOITIIH nwrllorlow blfbtr coo mndbl- a LI worthy Ila admiration and nBUtUn ot Try tra and loyal clllttn ot th UnlKd Itsiw 9 That w Tlw this u a tarorabla omtn inS hope that It mar mark lbs btctnnlai tt an apooh la our history whta a ony 5hbSt trim nnrqalt Collr obtained thronch Iha attarlona obma mthda adopt d by our griM sins If thirtytwo Jot QOOLD rt- UX will tall to nanaU la the pos NOn th rfa- mi lotion dwtlnatlon M 3 That a eny at thus r clotlon t nttoOoT- traor Homix ot Oaortla with tba compllainta and wtitmot title ciloc alto that a copy ha int to lbs 4Burtean Mwwvwmui and WtOOf Critlt for pnblUa- Uos 3 B Teens rraildwt- Bm lOUis Icu Prom this It appear that besides Mr GOULD there are thirtyone others whom GeveraorN- OBTTIBH might have treated with the same discourtesy with the approval ot fled Rook Union No 583 of RealM Who are they r One of the latest phenomena worth reportI- ng Is toe reformed conception tt tho Hon JOHM JAMBS IMOALLS which seems to be Orson Inc irresistibly over the UuRnrnmp now its y bat bad a chance to lorA at hint out of aIDe What Col HOLSTKIU BIMOCBIT says la the PhUadflpMa Record falrry lllostrat this change I n mISS hliry lbs ors bill hw that as Saaator Iioiiu waitba moit pouch liD la dataat- ta tbal dannrou raaaiBr Iltwoald ntlthtr nBpart lbs Ataic clotnra aor I Uair tb chair to ucibhS some BBunpalon BpabU B tutor to ruts ta III taro Whll itnator luatuf nad maay nemis aBtBthnrao < rtl yklkltt rparUiaB Will i- oa tha floor ot tha Suate 4bautbbr ala ptnoaal soS political oppoatnta war ssotpsti4 to scbnowhdie bl laparrlallty sod tatairlty la lbs ohalr ot lbs Sanala by aaaardloc blot a BBaalmon VII ot hanka Inch Irlb- st l als tart far fr lhay sos ranly 1 duvad StaatarhaLu showed that a otic may be an a a mill partluB aad at tha aama Urn ittratyjut inS Impartial la Ih dktoharc ot poUtleal foncUoni Of course the Kansas stataiman will not be offended at Col BraainLTs expresilon but tha parties mot to be congratulated are th author and the other Mugwumps To be dellrarad from the rror of an obfuscating prejudice In regard to one of tb mot emi- nently ¬ able men la publlo life la worth vastly more than to hut a barmlessiold abuse pip flow praise Instead of blame HZfllr4W AXD ma a A it It Gall rrlantl Amnt t 110I Kaalmemt Grad- unt lwPoltr- o usa BDROB orTaaSo Mrs Ocr next natlaaal- neampmtnt 01 Cbe Grand ArmV ot the BapnUla which will U held at Dttrolt ntxt Iaal will be the ant from whisk Ota Bbtrataa Wj bias aUint shoes hi- Jolnid th ordr IB nS 119 hIs rtlnmat from lbs cOos of Ustisral of th Army eommacdlDf fins aad fifsr will t aadly mtMd Ws ahaU otslatiw- of na tnt not ofun aot for lane bit wbaTr we pillar andar tb fold ot tip old liar we ball mau hot we shall ratal him Thtra with be OB Tacaat chair 11S waS tha only on af tbo ntiuni efflcr ot tha Military Aeadray at WMHrolaVwho Tr socotutsc4 tk Uraad Army clot BaptbUopof attndd IIIIDIlaPo Did you know thai I ThToUntr offlean Itwiry patronUod it hit tha rtioUn td off Thy d oi Ilk U lTUloi ot all rank to on squat raak ot aomradMblp Thjy prtf r- th Sactoty if lbs Army or tba TnnMM lbs Loyal L- itoaBd ethic hlhralatiiartooraUo 111111 wblcn I clue BrlTat antlrly Xot ao with Dncl Mlly I araaMr than any other racnlaV iivhie cp pobly Grant aadthlacoiiaaloaliMIs inrlyto popular opinion Ill II not tots for toy me William Tenmh Iharmaa baa BO rival In ills military annali of all Urn Tt rut aa h wa h jjnl OB 111I ilapta cheap prlratti bloua tosS blmC oar equal and sac down with us In sit sir national oaactla Tha war being qvsr be sew BO dlffrone In rink herein there upon MOW Orttltr than any of tba- aon < ltd npnatt a4 aarpal knlrhu who liner mad tbtlrmatk aaywbara bat oa lbs pay rolls ha waa Just IaraoibtatMwbatthlruiUoala could nTr Ink I ln that Ttba pMtot honor U a print siMian that tha mm who did tb SikUni allot It orry bit af It ww Ot prlratM of h army nurafor- UUtnalw feBW Saarmaa tala la tk art of It all fanoh aa t a world has marvUdallfc Thaloadla of man In blot abs pa rl inS Ih hrartat and heM tba- ianibont u ames II Ulrew It radlaaoa round this BnlTra atod uOT r d inS wtpjai for thlrtraU long honrt alonf a llna of railroad a tkowand mllta lone tad wblta tbe rain ponrad down In torrtnti atmoit- la tfUwtaUr sod trot aa II tell thur thy aloof tbf fray batrd boys la hiM wsplng ill tha day all In I loot eight Ibroofh wblla sll4r111111 marobad dews let tha Ma of atmal rail lack a atlbt wag aster ton bofore II was sit aa- atapl aa ABa D mad hlmulf Cbe squat of b- lbnthru 1 Tbooch areaur than any kilt Ibat star hook tb plant wtb bh armlai bu as plain raadaik kind and gsuthe aa a Hula ablld And so wa lord Bkrn >an pimply IIi only bttau h lrd 11I1 I Thla I Ie Iba whola story rairin OIUILU Den af WIlliam OShe Duke Cs BU- BIncttr Leon rah PSLitters from Blarrlla Ml ma tbat sitcom has bin cut upon that fathtoaabl Saaan watering plata lbs wuur resort of many Aaurltaa slid Bultah famlUat br lbs almoat nddtn dtalh of hs ExatUBtltlmo Stlor Den Onlllwma OBba Dub d Sanlnoir Tb Dub a first cousin by Ih way of lbs now coo plevoot Ct OCbta u1I r for Chars and Oalway- waa for many yaart one ot lbs graatail larorlut and aoknowld4 Itadtr ot Kclily at BUrrlit It my Indttd be said that Blarrlla wa dltoortrtd by bit father who built a Tllla the when I It wa still a Ofhlac Tlllaia InS wba batera II died saw Blarrlta the nigh road to prosperity which U baa pint atialntd Wa American may owaanitblni to tb ICe Ouko father Da wa th Inllmat fri nd and aonnant bott Madrid l ot Washington IrTlny inS I bats bean loiS tbat It wa bs who Oral initd to our rrtat author u a ol Ice worthy of hi gntu a tht i lind of lit Albambra at Oranada Tbcs win a lima l let nt lIaC onttba yanl wbia Madrid tclty oppod that lbs I Me Dubs win engineS la Iba beautiful Biala 0aatt do Tab danihlar of the Ooant d MontUo who wa dtittntd fcowrr Ce be f or a time 11s West fortnnato sod steal nally ptrbap Ih most nntorlnnata oTrtliro lady ol Burop HUiUUr Mm dArooa hurtmalnad- ta tbU day tbo moat truilad sad dratd frltad ot C- bamp11I kr suIts TIIIaI l Dot himself Tnt allr marrltd Into Ollt- b noblest Ppanlib fnalllM cloif 17 ad III tb Pour boos Ha wa B rsale cf lbS Oral else and for many ytar durla lb nip of Quruu Iablla IL b- awaoaot lbs grand ahaoibarlalni of lbs pal W U R Harvards President TMlklna Polllle In the Wet IVoM fA < Aanid nit Tlitti- Tba toolal stint ot tbt Lsntan psainu wa lbe rctp loll lnd rd yeiderl and Mn Kllolalthi UnlTerally Club last uifht U14 i You want to know aomtlhlpf about olTlnd M- krr Uiler sill III sUed I Well It stopped Ib pfoioi d- UiUlatlon didnt t I think ChI IlInr letter will blp CIlIId lniad of Injurlnc him Th peopl In th Stat of Nuns hat ptrilittd In rolln the Kepubllo tlckt yr lur ytar In spit nf lb fact that It wa 10 their lattrtit to dtmaud tariff rtforoatlon Aa- uoa 10 Rowwnld show that lbs ptopUof tilt Eat hay been rtMlui and studying and tblnklni about lbs tintS to Jetssf Ikp LIlian asS ittoppsd Prl Ilia Dr- A al > U- Th rpa ParlorS Dutip rises faUowlac totter waa raotivad at tka flue afflo today i Mr r o Burr UarVtrt Coi- NDun SMI Mr Zloty rfoIS l to pay lbs coupon you ectinforcahicflop Ifio tie ssya hi bat Jolntd- II Ulpru and ha tpptd paying bU dibu Shall wi rttorn tb coupon I Yours rtry truly R e luvamcK- Mr Lawrtnt I rrld l of lbs Wit Cldt Vatlonal Saab af Wichita Moa CoaiBtlaalorier Btooae ell Go I rrnt SAC fikttttciftia lines- Wasalwnro Cub T A ttpon U currt liar that Prer 4I1t Hairltoa It aqaltni W nil tvod plawi la RaoraaiaiMlTa Ulniali af MavMhweiu slid MaQaiuaef Karylaad aud that la araar to aa Ibis be will In lbe Dar tutu Mk for lbs Mlaaallaa of Clot StrrUa C mralaal an Lyman aid Raottlt 4 4 21tOUIJUI nr xx rracr- olk rcuuar r ra Matwaa ta > VnId Contr tor- Haa > Track Anew F K Deputy Collector Burr la charge of the Pub- lic ¬ Stores had bis hands full yesterday trying to iplt a labor problem and Acting Collector Couoh and Acting Deputy Collector Frank Bperry tried to halp him but at tha close of the day It WM decided to await the return ot Volleetor Erhardt fro hi Southern trip be- fore ¬ the question 1 is dflnltly settled About 160 laborers at the Public Stores notlfleiT Mr Barr that they would not work after 4 oclock In the afternoon They served a tdmtlnr no ¬ tice on him lat on Saturday afternoon but alter a commute et the laborers and Mr Burr had conferred all but two of the 160 reported for duty yesterday These two were sick Yetterday a inoond commute wetted on Mr Burr and announced their intention te quit at f oclock I la the afternoon Tbelr hours ninal lr ar Irma II A Id to i p itHmt oecaslonaUF tnsrq Is a ruah of uIOljll Ttban the dipu tloolIetor In charge ottlis store dlrQts oer to work until II For aeriral days Mr Burr has been forced to lu Bueh- A order and In a olsim nicked up by the cCl 1raot PIfDd by 1I1lor- re with the Collector of the fort This isis thy are employed work u I long as Jberel- Ulrementa ol pqbllf busmM demand Hlmon ness who Poe a Qovrnmnt cart tract his been In tb habit of lining up his lIneup alln thl d use atoro for the laboren to lrl1oofUb object to I this late boilneii and and yeiUrday thy rfud unload any of Hs trucks th t arrlVM after 4 oelook any lIpu lean diitrtat- oelooL I Uadsr heard of the trouble and fher were aronnuwafling for porlotip aotlon They have Nnilflents of man who want planes and if ths preiant mn eoa nUl to break their compass with Uw Oojle lot tl1elltttoDd ready to tnrnlib him with an ar nungry to work from BIO i- oolMk antI occasionally a little later for 730 a IIjt was cIrculated yterdsy tq the the Treasury Deparimnt at wean tngton Md abrogated Bimon Basss conirac- titwupremItu Aletter was ieoija aD- ounclna It to ho the opinion of the Treaanrr DapartL that Mr Hess could not satls faotorily fulfil lils contract at I1M sent a package This was apparent 1 it was cdec- yom to report of thio Bpeotai Tr5anr1eDij- ommtssioa It wa ivggeatedTtnat if tl e- trouble anti delays continued the Collector Dould provid btoiMir with tamporarr means to overcome the dTmonlUa and a a I last re son to break the onUlrI With Mr Real and aavartta for nw Mr HOSS himself bmdera to say iboit tb troubl lint t Uth t Hr be nsa stated his side ease jliT been doing this work he said for ajItlie over a year anti for the list tttmontb Shave ituowit well enough thnt tb facilities ths Government gave me to unload my trucks at tbe stores ware DQt adequate I doors atwlcii thetrnka ball I 40lIdWP upto I Last Thursday When e of the IJleO IH Agents Commission acting Cefletor- ih ouo gave me a thlnJ door 81notha I pay d < BO fat that ttisitrlke or the laborers at the stores was the result rhe average ziunber ofpacksses delivered dally baa bssn1loo Op TburadCy I delivered lOuu and on 1rtdav isco Saturday tjiq work wa tnterrQPticl by the refuial of the laborers 19 Work pftr 4 VelaoX al1d >beTwas silo be troUbl1l tooay 1he oOCllplalll of tbe- nd Importers cbargi delays bsyjean inch I have never sale otberwiie put the cuter have bell no fault of mine Tk today for instance when tho laborers refused to work alter 4 oclock 1 had to notify my foremen that All trucks must be at tbe etoraa not later than 380 ft mistake to sayl took the contraot at too IIJow price I can make money at UK I cents a package If the stores wore only put In ibap tolrecelvo the good ni fast u I quiver them The loss and expense have com from having the truck wallnpon the limited faollltus fur handlfng the goods It P J7N0 4041X97 DEACOXXB8K- 3TaieNaw Tork JPrcakytarr Negative the OrartaroB or tha Oeaerml ABacmMy The New York Presbytery spent two hours and a half yesterday in debating overtures of the General Assembly regarding the ap ¬ pointment of deaconeiMB and after taking What seemed for a moment to ho deoUh action in the negative practically left the mat- ter ¬ open The committee to whom tbe Ques- tion ¬ was referred for a second time reported that it was in favor of the objects sought by the overtures but nevertheless was constrained to negative botb the first because It affirmed what I is in disputeScriptural authority for the appointment of deaconesses of their ox istence tbe Apostolic chnrchand the MO > ond because toe proposed office sad Its duties were not particularly defined Aftr a long debate in which several aubRtltutoa and Amendments yore proposed tns report was laid on the table by a vote of 38o l 28 Tfl Overtures of the Oeneral Assembly were then dreetly voted on and tile first wa ng livid jy an almost unanimous Vr JB then made a long argument Tot favor 01 answering tile 5000e4 overture in the afflrma CiurphorfelaadT thi zampl of the of the hater rrotoi- ant denomination liItop e7je tSmiLb lbs bu in lien ur van Dyke tio tllhl10 spoke in t e Institution of ties oonea but lbs overture was negatived by a vote of 89 to 21 Then when i matter wa thus entirely dill posed of tbo iboy Dr flamplo reed a rulDt mont declaring that the new yolk Srsby trirecognfzas tue valublIJII e r Ddrll to the causo of ChilE ny Christian women and overtures the General Assembly to au ¬ thorize the Church Cessions to select and ap¬ point godly women to minister In oases Where their service are needed This proposition snd another to a similar ffect were referredtonoommlUe composedot Ur BampIeCDr Thompson and Elder Tucker Th9Bov Jr Burcbard rendered a report In regard to btioh CJurcblu which be advo cated the removal to another lo- cality and chine ng Its name the removal tbe pastor and the estrsplsm of the discordant elements Tbe nv lr uoblnson In < Ihls report spoke of himself pa nothing a rhetorielin l like Ir llprohard bo i report wo rsferreti blWk tolls originator The Sreabytery accented a CllDcollQd mort gage for SII000 on the Church oUsu jhrit atBroomaodlfiagS sheets presenod to It by Col- e hphi whose father ttlidati church Meeting of tba Brlac TraataaB At a meeting the bridge trustee yester- day ¬ President Howells recommendation that Policemen Clark Foster and Blechol ho dis- missed ¬ for misconduct wo unanimously ap- proved ¬ and William A Boblnson Patrick Foley and Patrick Bulllvan were appointed In their places Counsel for the trustees reported that the heirs of hiS let Col W H Paine had a claim for f 5000 from the bridge for tile use of some of bill Invention and recommended uts payment The matter was referred lo the two comptroll era and President lowell Comptroller Inn again brought up the oft dlscuiued oueitlon of the manner of awarding bids and dfiapprovod of the custom of giving Contracts to OthUs than the lowwt bidder His I motion that all supplies amounting in value to HMO and upward should ba advor tlsef for anti awardeti to the lowest withhe woeptlon of oils grease sad coat was auoptid- Iji accorasnce with this I reiolutlon tbo bid of I jRcobi for clothing for tbo bridge iiollceroon was accepted The contract calls for 2oU lieu 10rt100 blouse and 26 dress butts anti ii- priuo In 489111 The IttSS receipt for February to IMmat anti the e including S7MO for the Board or Fxiinrts tTTmol The total nnmber of passenger on tbe railroad wa 83118847 anti pn the promenade 21210X Htllwell am No iDjuattloa Judge Beach In Supreme Court Chambers yesterday refused to grant nn injunction against the American Soda Fountain Com- pany ¬ restrain It from taking ovr the prop rtleiof the oompaulua which It pea already bought out and bt restrain thorn from soIlIng Bllaa if Htllwell on whose application tb- caao eume up bad nothing to go on when counsfll for the oompanv demonstrated that Ut propriies bad already been tauIsri4 Navnl OHeer WIHta t tha Helm Collector Crnardt Is In the South Acting Collector Couoli received word vasterday of the death of bU father at Nwburyport and he will depart this mornlo to IIlIepd tl funeral Th Sort IJI rnk III banal Omeor willis and be wlllbbli AotlrigCojloctor until Inc return of Cal cr air vouch Tb Moat HUrUInK Tart In Aalroneiaiy from Ilit tall rranttKo Kiamiatr riot Cbarlw A Toon till tmlnonl rrlooitoa- troatntr so r < c nly eat I bailing III l his H art of th- falact One of 1111 11114cc l i could not r frala from- asking blot III IIn uffbq4wsy WbIIo you tho must wonderful inS itarHla- gfal of ulranomy I MTb fot that your irttt Lick MU eM rral iiuuftooaof pills a4 ikl vry ea of tkai k amp IlItDrljcaUJ ant by ansiocy drlat light saC hail lo bU Blantn Von know lbs Lick ttltopa r veal liars to iroall hal wtall reqIIIOOOO of inm- I be tiaibl i l to Ilissakad eye p Nat Even Wb n Ha Htanl Om- aOmMlf Oroft Wajtilaato bad kata 5 falktr M- aalUraa waal kara 4tlr tin rafally- ra lWky I- CJelecaue be could sot UU a ICe onra TO xoor vr tvaA MX- If lhay Wat 4swthr eabs sad It- Laska as Ifthp WesllsL Enrr Dick told the Beoat t oonmlttee atll Rebel Mttrepel yesterday that he did not know the terms on which the DlcX Mires Company joined the Sugar Trust He thought it got between two and a hilt and three mlllloa dollars In trust certlfloaU for its stbck plant and Roes will The reOnerr WM burned la- Bpl mbr 1889 anti hadnt beta rebuilt When asked how miD trust certificates he himself owned be refused to answer on the ground that Itwa a prlvatematUr The most definite bit of Information extracted troth him wa that the Pith ft Meyer Company bad con tinned to draw trust dividend sinCe Us burn- ing ¬ of tho refinery Before Mr Dick had told lit he didnt know 00 B Ellis accountant of the Central Trust Company gave a detailed account of his exam- Ination of the pars et Ihe Sugar Trust on Its norgjinitatlon He found no record of sU 1100000 of undivided profit hold by the con stltntnt companies when they wont into the- e trll Th committee proposed to adjourn gain without examining Mr Theodore A Have myr Ellbu Uoot protnied that It was an outrage to com cat attendance of witnesses thus to no purpose His protest had no other treat than to bring up lbS question of the pro Suction ot the books of the companies which ones constituted the Trust Lawyer Harris tbe committees ooanstl de elated tnt the books of tho Nw York corn panles must be produced Mr Boot declared that thli demand was unreasonable and un warrantable- air I Harris aid that the book ware sees spry for the purpose of lbs committee sad that the refusal to produce thorn showed that the offers of the officers of the Trust and their counsel to site the commute all Information In their power were mad for effect Mr Stool retorted that it tb book aneitlon has come up at the start ft would then and theft have been etUad lo tar ii his clients could settle it Thy had nev r offered to ex poi thslruriate afralrB to the pabllo senator CoBgeihall said that the eomiianl were chartered by the law of the Ttate anti that their affairs wore open to eglslatir In vitlgatlon Mr Boot saId that lb Legislator had so- right to compel a corporation to Jlxpoa Its mO le401 ping huslneia to rivals lie Suit no1 wou fend his clients right with every weapon th law put fa his binds Senator Vddr said that it tk beok Wire not produced on Saturday tile commiltie- Woulti arraign tfio persons responsible for their ponprodueilon biters the bet Of the UanaU and nave them imprisoned tor contempt l it t necessary XOORISOIT 8CALPSD- la r- ft GrasS Jury ay Look late atotta tha Btrea CIcawlBg IbcpsrtaaL- john Morrison the District Superintendent of Uw Strut Cleaning Department who was suspended about two wilks ago pending tb Investigation of charges against him was re- moved ¬ yesterday by Commisiloner Btatti Deputy Commissioner Dalton who conducted the Investigation sent this letter 10 Mr Seattle I respectfully report that in ay Judmtnt c t best IB tarsal ot lb Mtrlc riijulr his rtmoval from otSq a I Ihtrefor recommend that be be rtiaov IwonU slit iintl thai all snob ptptrt In this mlttr aa WIt soy offlcar or ampler of thl dspirmnl with titorUtg or atlrapllni to sMart monty or soy ethtr thin ot valna from any other odetr ar anplor of the diartmat hi lobmlttta lo liii PltutMUorny for lIIob solloit u to him ray tint proper to be takin provided of aaana that tb alltiauons 11 v ba worn to by Cbe perIOD maklnf tbtm Accusations of extorting money from Fore- man ¬ Flanagan sad adman Everett were made by these mop against Horrlion after be bad lodged a complaint of neglect of duty against Flanagan and of overcharging against Everett The men put their charge In writ ¬ Ins and thr and Morrison were impended vending the fnveiltgatlon l Morrison 1 e a Tammany man and lives In the Seventeenth district Ba wpe mftdo dl- trlct superintendent lIa the brief reign of Commissioner Loomis through tbe Influence of exSenator Ilunkltt Ho wa formerly Master Workman of the Carrot Workers and got title a snarl with the Knights of Labor A BAQQAQK CAR BUBXE- Dmi Hundred Fonada at Mall Matter Con ted The BacBnyenaaa Narrow Kaeatpe- AiuTKBDAif March 9A Lake Shore bag- gage ¬ oar containing 000 pounds of mall lo through Western pouches and sixty pieces of baggage was Burned two miles east of here last night Baggageman McNeil of this place who wa asleep narrowly escaped cremation The car was attached to tbe teat St Louie caLl Chicago express No 6 The trt11I loLl Albany at 10 PM In two sections At l0t the first 10- tionln charge of Conductor Markell and En- gineer ¬ Hagerwas topped In response to a tug QQtbo bell mops Head Trpinmgn Eldonelttlu In the smoker we alarmed by the odor or burping timber anti goiflg upon the for- ward platform saw flames bursting froni the roof of the baegose car Stopping the tram he endeavored to arouse tho baggageman who was finally rescued not seriously scorch ed but badly frightened The plo Wall pullud and tie engine pulled the blaring baggage car Into ibis station at the rate of a rallp a minute Passengers describe tbe spectacle as tbs grandest sight they ever witnessed a pillar ot lire shooting aoroes tho country like a meteor and reflecting an Illumination for miles around The necond section wns flogged and ooupled to the deserted train The bag gaga car was completely burned out There were pouches for Syracuse Bneheiter polnt- i h i Ohio anti Indiana Chicago and the tar Welt Three pouches for Toledo and In- uonolU d were saved sun two or three npleoasfs 1 hey were sent back toAJbany lb mall on the car left the New York Post OIDclI at 480Sunday afternoon There wore 78 5 pounds of It SOt LEO STILL LlTZQATHfO- Ue Thinks that V 4ar the Canatltatlon He- Bemalna dipt Xo When Company I Twentystcond Rqslment was disbanded by tbe Governor Capt Leo was pat on tile supernqrnerary list HU paw baa since boon dropped from that list nnd accord- ing ¬ to the ruling of the authorities bU con- nection ¬ with tbo re Imnt I Is entirely severed Mr Leos counsel served notIce yesterday of an application to th6upremo Court fora man- damus to compel Col Camp of the Twenty econd to replace Mr Leos name oa the roll of Iba realment The case will come up for trial on 1d rub 17 Mr LeO I oouneol will claim that tile law of 188H entabllihlDK the up rnumrary lIt U- uueonttltutlunal This claim I is based on a section of the Constitution wblfih ay No commissioned oflleer iball ho removed from moo unless by the tends on the recommen ¬ elation of the Governor stating the ground on which such laruovalls rBcoinmnddTorby the derision of a courtmartial pursuant to law The Ocooral Term of the liD rm Court denied an anjillcotlon for n writ of certiorort to review this Governors action In dltbandlng fomrany I holding toni as the Captain was on the Huporntimeriiry list he wa still on the roll this deofolon has bon anpealea against but tho case In th buiirame Court will go to the root ot tho matter fa totting tbe constitu- tionality ¬ of the supernumerary list TcneblB Wllcr aI aaan IB PatUnca In the trial In the Oeneral Beislon of Nathan Becker charged with anon lu the first degree In setting tire to his tailor shop at 85 Avenue A Joseph Whir ot the firm of Wiler A Check tailor of 9 Great Jones street was enbpcenaad yeaUrday as a witness After ha had sat In court for several hours be told the Assistant District Attorney that he was going back to bi business and did not propose to eArns Mimln Iiocorderlimyth called Wiler to the bar end asked In a tone of bland courtesy- Did to you tell the District Attorney that YOU could not or would not ty her undllGb pana and did pot moan to come again r to I did renlled Wllir And rou meant what you saId V- Th did n Captain said the Recorder yen will take this man Into custody and keep Lint until ho I Is wanted Bo Wller was taken to a bench In the rear of the court room sail wo kept hero during racesa anil until Ilia hour of adjournment Then thy liororder naked him If he thought be could miik It eon > enlnt to come again to- day adding that II ho thought be could not It would be uocesnary to send him to tile uouno of Detention WHir made baste to iay that be- could make It purely convenient to appear In court today and Recorder timytb < ucharKad blm from custody Th rrcaaat Aafcet from tin Solos Courier Tis polls oft have intOBe4 cbs ina IIS4U1I4 iaaa- Tba liajorlaf or wlnur- lo jrtga UftiUal lap BM the war Uila0 aev ins olD It rathtr IMOI to ma That wiour lIb cntl IJrtuf Atro felt ckllly kat tauuAir ZOMH ran anr- n Ohs east Pay Maaagr r The RI VonpaeyTAs Tte rre Judge Frtednaa of tbl Superior Court hie decided against Lillian Bniseli in the i7tl brought by her former msnagsr Janie Q Duff to recover damages Dd for Injunctlo to restrain her from appearing with any other manager during her contract with him Atls time the temeerary InianeHton wa graata < i January 1889 Miss RusU had already e 11 gagodtoplay with the Casino company lit 1 In viewof the largeexpendItureitbitj btM made Miss Buaehl gave a bcllfClf si agreeIng to say tb as rtnn1ulnU 10 rg II inlunothon UIrItc was allowed tl ellio fill I her endmeat at Casino he bad nra sit ip porter for i onuaa bsTreqalr- ilclan a Ucbu- sh 1 i havi UM a r wu dangerous ut sttt to appSVt I J such a costume Her with UulTwi towrplr in June U8- 0IBJndgiayitbattb claim fut dfepd I counsel that the was Incqnhtabl iI untenable I A similar roLipi Ie side tha out 110 that tbl fnfi7ntwTirrusffi breaking Tier contract with ihe plaln1fl 1 cauM the hlllntlff bad refuted to luUtltnta- more C heslfhiul costume for lbs tight Before 4hs prpducUon of the opart tk itui QQe jtena- ndTntoimad say the Jng tilt Se- oninired b thatTtwoud with ik neqeusa nande F lJ br to wear Ugbtsjiau she a rsq thu I di would 10appear Thjihas teen aqinit C her but at Inc san time sac 0111mb- sit gred to do uring bat In point of epla summer net u > lll um rear Intlgota dnriqg co r and nim eUlmed elemotTon hI agreement durtBgnii weather And no jdnae ha I- adduced that the copjposofen onereoba with the sasoj of tile year or UIJLt lb fsndautevm claImed apv riglittosuehensu I canifot find this tuwieiiiu new advanee4 tie d nd9UD Ibis respect his any to- pe3ge In S t l8hl made no attempt ttoooJo rom tit l lenity it any tbr WM rat j lIIowt i boldi that tbeevldine 5 =1u5 conclusion that her KQUI was tij- erelt messnr a mr pretence wAr in Ann AKZ TAXKOTQ Aso One of the pletnre In the recent waterolt exhibition In the Academy of Design wa thai of a young woman standing ea a rivers brig under thl shadow of a widebranching trai and calling to the ferryman on th frt Shore itwa termed UnAppel and ittas set aom of the artists talking about a aej artist acd his art The artist I Is Aug yraciia a nandtom vouag Swede is tee in heigb and as stalwart as Frederic ltsrniflgtoii Fr li ben classed with the In- ilpnlili rlfo bqJte resents the nargi BooJhJ moredly Us palate moatlyln water andiayi be follow npMhaol bnt ha d a f eiohoolof his own Francen was a a Bouvorot In Iarls end be brines to town a I vry larg collection of his nacullar plcton il which will be put eyiilbtUon IB March A wife whose husband has a bulging bra anti a homely face used to try fo raak things pleasant at home by expressing her odmlrt- tlon of his talents and giving him the pit 1l1mt of rains lIer delicate fluttery did a to Lava much Infuse upon his ah she kept I Imp for a whole yiar altM fern marriage use time not long Ito w ig In a happy frame or melting mood ot JII Itatlve plate she expressed her adtnlr ox his I Cornell countenance anti at last wIts so far aa to say she Would give him thu net 1 name of Beauty He smiled as she rgeatd i- she word With A full conkolousness that shi 4 bad touched 1119 weak point And now what- ever ¬ Ii be pie mood of mind or the ylclsijltiidei of lire that word dispels nil other thought and the twain are happy One of a series of Ingenious model with which frof Eckhoff of Jersey City IllaitntlVl i his leeturnn for the training of leathers in the Jersey City high i school a a cubs root extras tor Thu name iiuggkst a dejlal Imtnimaol- er some ort TJii tplng JUrK However Is a erdduatvd rnno Immersed apex down la graduated jarhalf full of water Aa the con dUplao water the line on itstld at water piark Ia slwys Ihu oube root of lbslu on tb tars aids at wnter mnrv ThIs IngBnlQus coat trlvnnce IK lisa fioik of George ut of New York who has thought out msoy such models The funeral of th Ute Jwliien B Bebuiti brought toeether a queer jumbling of wiedi and nolitlral predjlatlon Blehnp Potter and the Rev Heb rt buyer camd tbre with Oo- LItobert Ingarnoll end Col Jeorg Bflaa who Jl i a Itnman Catholic Mr Depew wo with tk- lleimbllean k mitjorlty but the Hop Irnlth Uf found many Jf mocrai In the orowd The nighthawk eaboisn who was ropndlt scolded in court lest week for driving aomi- Phllodalphl high rollers to the vicious rcaortf was making it sonil toll of money every yetk Without doubt Noel of the nhgflt hitwks do tine who talked Sc a rOcortet of tuz SUN the other 65y asIC that ho hat 4 onci been chief bookke per in a fftinous whol ale house hut- would not glvi tip his cib to gvt bin olI phuua bock again I go to boa at nbout5 i In tpe onrn- Ing said be ngt UP M noon enil have until H oclock at pleat to epioy invest Then I rill out on my cab and go tn work I iaye 11k It see whatever they Ilk and chare ihem Thu 5 ever L think tbeyII stand Ill cQld weathef when I dont clear 160 In a week JervU Mclntee the artist who died Sot bog ago was the ion of a hotel keeper Klnwloj M Y While a mere boy he began to scrawl charcoal pictures all over itis father out buildings >t monatrat d with for Ibis be ei < plahnsd that he was going to be an artUt Artist replied his father youd be- tter bo atudyinit your hooks Cad doing roar chore However the boy baa It In hint anJ fortunately obtained proper tuition As S painter autumn Impressed him more t iht5 any other puiue or part ot nature and o armed ton known as the best Interpreter pj October anti November There i Is a long stretch of corrugated ices fencing on tho east side of Madison arenas above Fortyfifth street It simple curves hart a curious trick of echoing the clatter of hoofs and wagon wheel with the effjct ol psoj aparrQwa chirping At Eighteenth street and Fourth avenu there Is another shorter reach of the damn fVnilng and there again the eelS Is noticeable In this there 1 Is a hint lor this If- ventor who study how to Imitate outdoor sounds on the theatrical stage WOXEff WHO DONT WAX TO TOO ass Fray be Illlnol IralaUtora to Pi- tec Ike Home by JKceplng lla kfolki- ttBfll9tlrl rrom fie Btlm JournaL fipuiNOTiELn March 8An Interesting pIll lieu bias reachod members of the IlllnoltU- IHMIU Uli- ScM Assembly St is signed by sonic of the tail known of Clitcsiros society ladies an4 IS protest againat thu bill tendlng mUnl i- Qsilflragu to wonton and denouncIng ii gitlS and porniolopit all attempts to secure leghIl- Iton in lhijt 4irelon wopg the elgpfr ifl air 0 1 P Oaell wIre or the weitjpof- lojjqcgauray fs YIiriggs MrLlcrnL- Ilc PloSTor airs Uporge W timid1 iraOcIJI PWW Isabella M unit The iolioil extraoU are taken from the petition i Busy In the cares of their bcmes won have neither time strength nor inclhnatiOfIi enter the public arena and defend tbemsels jtgalnat the doings which thor ourneslIt iS hero to bo pernicious sod 4estruellvcOI tl true nywsLantLlnflqeoe ci women In tusf hontss 4ho sencn revolution is rsiIOw anti nutbojitles cited to prove thaI wui2SU I- frageyoula rHulj lit the degradation ot sex J55LIJICUOI cmmunleue ilelIes- acelustaziced antI the petition edde When wprnsn shari with men the butdfft- of labor one govirarnent cominunlaffi who s stt mpen Ii already eaun We gstc the questIon of tb property risbts of 4 COO psratlvely fw women w one oi little Im lance compared with the raatly greater gas of women In general to maintenance and r- taetlon in tbeTioni whiZ Iker pro ° the aDsorbing omoss and Ittuss 01 w0ma hood and- threaten 1iI paramount right of wOf with entire destruction ui- nilIalth lnnOlna aimea Iad above in- human law stand thou gyeat caturil lswnr- uni di- of In the universe welch no 5V1 andthat I U men can bate forcoeresta is cii a ifforenci twec- arvlsgaso ° I sxtO WJO- I Avro the pn4i hi tO are enforced biS 700 consider I froIuUon of France do not overol e these aws but tel crushed theburdenit atInsofaraa 1rPOlitl051 In this country his attempt Buffered defeat an ie Ive 110 LISt Ii misfortune can attend I e forming of the lSid vent of thiscountri a is attsmpt tO Urul- lezjsiatlon In the in erait of farmer IiI3n than at It ahou d espOUI ib pernicious dontriuo of politico1 iii I- owouisn pray therefore that no pattsr what Sf- gumeni Ii- We coutisms pisy ite urd upQ5 as legislators for thecowinonwe win elan sot by that nolan buIwar rtyitbe outs rmsnberIn that tbeqiJ power which says toall mon bib- your attieranti all ya are brethren bin oiai also th e husband and wife as enS dash for 111 orderly bearing and rearing of children 5 oj the maintenance of societyand l baCitCtl l b llioir own distinct cc and equallY hono1 In abors and rewards of Illo TtI conclusion isv ther bAte hilt epunael wUbmany woman in tb State and teal assured the JSoS santa the wlba of an oerw of the women ot Illinois 4

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  • J wI THE SUN TUESDAY MARCH 10 191 nqfbe wTUESDAY MARCH 10 1801


    Lssdl0orN ft 1111AB e BM at atl B IJwpT4M a4EnaeaiiI SJO H Mw-

    PAILTby al1t 1

    far Heath M 8-XUMTI Pst TM a-



    MID SUHDAT Peu B OJ4YD SOWDAT fr Malta TOI Pi e 1-rsItags t raralfB Cautrlt aoU d-TflRIJXwYnkCtt1

    4bIram41 loTai WHXKIT BDK-iI < mt ftwworrow wvrntoff must be handed in-fII t aosi Wo oelodkDeaeeratto Boosomy la SUU and

    NatlOBDemocracy to pledted and committed

    by Mraraaaaa the most solemn and bindingto frugality la the publlo expenditure Iawe ooontenanbo any olher policysb violence to Ik record and disaster to tin

    I kop The Democratic Btate Convention1 fcaU Syracuse In 1874 declared under the

    sruJdanoeof SAMOTII JTmmjffor economyIn the publlo expense that lAbor might belightly bee It wMr TttDiMI Massif years before thatmooraoyi-


    ieOne4 afe theory and usage of the JBeafal Md Betataary rvrB BUlerrte-

    aI B pie i I odBUva Ubor Ivtry sz-ibiMatusiIiIauv4 br thffleiairariya-raaai U kla what balaanI l1 ike 71o71S

    We oonrratnlateV said the NaUoapepotTaviio Convention I18Itfcittnntry up the honesty ttel th Congress which hafooed tit pnbUa expendltar 4000X000 afend upon the promise ot such change7i administration of the Government M-haQ Insure genuine and luting

    i In every department of the public nI The Chicago National Convention ot IBM4ecjardthab Democracypledges itselft purify the Administration trtrt1 respect foe7 It only paraphrasedthe warning which Mr Trtwaf sentt theBeoretarybefore othe Treasury nineteen a

    Tntr U no rojal road toy a Oertrantat lrCifar aalaarrUaal IC corporation What yon went to4 cow IeSQ Acwnyaor pmu anA live withinI MM lao I would fir all thi luudlao-tnaa Bnaaoltrtnx I would give bollt-J


    <Ia tk oUL ktraly luUr within your ILlThe Demooratlg party dethe St-jQuU National Convention cbel-engeat the mot searching Inquiry concernng tin ddetand devotion to the pledgesf 1th Jb I Invited the suffrages of theI Mople brevlnte Improvldenta-ndin party

    Democratic Convention held I-nYoTel arraigned the Bepubllcan Legis ¬

    1 r imposing the heaviest Btttaxes both In rate and amount IlcWe pledge the Democracy It If In¬trusted with the control ot the legislativebranch of the Government to lYtpo-I vie lwetaxes end economical

    Despite oil these declarations there aresow pending IAlbany bIntroduced byDemocrat bif will add nearlytJ000000 a the of the peo-ple ¬et 1ot this city a passes butsome adventurous local Democrat withoutthe lit ot the HepubJJoans In Washingtonbefore his eyes brings fora new bill toadd still fur to the TheJUocoast office and thefreed for liner pay at the peoples expensemust b resisted and resisted firmly andaJaMpsJuUy by the Now York Democracy 01thettof last years victory may soon b

    The record of the last Bepubllcan Co-npinbefcrethepcop1ean41tin


    alongand-o mfMTtllr story of recklessness and

    waste A aof JRepresentatlves over-whelmingly ¬Demoaratio la succeed lt endpoi tin course much wjll depend The Dem-


    the State of New York against0greatQdltobstacles and after havingb4tIthe ertherepeatedlyLeglalature-witharessonable havehope t at this yearselection uoJmay not ony retain the As-sembly ¬also secure thSenate If te-depoof the people IJutfeandI pledges made to tbe voter afulfilledTo follow In the footsteps of the Bepub

    tlcans end betray the promises made bysuoesaive Democratic Btate and National Con

    ventlons would be merely to turn back theof affairs into the hands of the oldontparry oJobbery and extravagance

    The 10DJand Wild West ShowsThe permission granted by the Interior

    Department to BtnrrAiiO Bini to enl1Sioux Indians for hWUd Westgreet victory lo II I is atore conspicuous success thanthat which be achieved during the recentVine Ridge campaign when as BrigadierGeneral commanding the Nebraska Bute-faroM p be received a written awle4 ment of his services from Gn MIIt has been accomplished moreover directy In the face of a deliberate official decision

    pst him made by the Interior Deprment itself In the last anurprBtoretary Noam dated a-apeslalchaptarheeded Wild WestBnows-la which their effect upon the red nan 1vividly and anxiously pictured I

    P Iukom Into Na1 and moit titUlii un IIf toMbt ru U wIldcat inS noilrap of i4C ma ld too ofun ttnpud-MaI isr is lswii yiu Wn 112WrorttiakM Hm IB anr form ot Sirius 0 r ccIdI-ibeprcWiekiuPtaihowo1 hliompWr bl-

    emdltlon oa r lorn bm Iaol a food obi 11 Itwoc o-rt baIU ot IrtUwdl lit u tlabJkin In CicpIt it OUT own or otbtr nllf fU teat14ptoraU and It hu bn ond tkal no-ear wh IUa owateaou nall be mad or a-Ir < sat that all ladlaa iasnt tbaU u trt ImitprBl aCitoll air MUBBU Ita lalur elak ladlaa eo CI rtrTatt or ihiiwbr rO

    4i p1071-1wuohnMitcoDgT11wpMe or1144101 anyproa or corporattoa 1 Uk Uto omplormtnt orI UB4reoBirl air indIan it would be ot nuob auU-

    tue e the Dtvartmont la nforolni Ibis policyCommissioner MOROAX In whose charge

    too Indians are put more Immediately wasequally vigorous In denouncing their en-gagement


    for circuses The chapter on thesubject In hU own Wit annual report wasalso pointedly hnadod Wild Wont Showsand Blmllar ExhlblUon3 It called themvery harmful and it thauko SecretaryKOBLfor tile letter of Aug against per-mits


    It declared that the testimony-of those reservation agents who bal beenlurlblnl Indians for these purposes Witspractice IIs a most pernicious onefraught with dangerous results both tothose who go on the tours and those whostay at home

    TMIr r trDCltot IfiU of MTUO dl-rlolldt lu at It fermtrlr iut d rlrldlr 4rtflP isurdar as4 robbfrr forbloltbrwaa iU UcUlr applauded I dmcral-blBSJsMatr B dacra Thai kaMow atlMaaor

    last aad aundr imbued with the 14cr Ibat tb ditd

    1 < r r

    f bhi K ibI ibsy Prtrar la theIr w rskilo upeta ira p olallr pheilicil ta the whit o-plwkra


    thr barblCaolC tarsiard-Cf aa tiamplMnrnndlnc IIIbM howl w nralirtthwtntandtbrplek up most diradlnf rlcta IB-

    auad ot blat t1abIn th rtUtlra ofthe blll8 10r that IUy corn todutmt 1 throuih what Ibl vaaToldaMy HI billand uprlo Thtr frqo Ur rttara borne Notnet II wrSkd olJand phjiUiltr ant lalathcaMa their axampl amoat th-olhirtadiani b thawent piibls Thi popular InvtTuln ot th Indian obtaInS t1Will WM Showaihlblullthatthtyar Ineapakl tlTniaatlaa inStbto Imprtuloa wort alrtellf act pfIatalaMhas Govirnotent 1111 bnfl nt ort

    Those are the enormous obstacles wboBUFFALO DILL found in his path adskill and success with which he surmounted-thomareproportlonatelygreat Fthe tooksome of his performing braves t ¬ton to show the refining and eDnoblllfluenoe which European travehatem Then when tho Sioutulobrokeand threatened tw plansespecially aa It was the cornpanttribal

    of Imo of his truphad aBIVatvery disaster his opportunity and hasten-Ing tthe scene took care that none of hisrecent performers should bconspicuouslyhostile tthe Government Ills next stepwas to procure recommendations from arrayofficers showing Secretary NOLthe mili-tary


    wisdom ot allowing some of the youngrestless Sioux braves tbtaken awayfrom the reservation his chargeThe Issue was then between BUFFALOBXL tyid Commissioner UOBOAM and the

    fnerwon heads of Europe andother eminent patrons of the Wild Westothis great victory will bvery wel-come ¬And now the best tin for Cornrnlssloner MOBOAN end the Dr DOBBHBBTXB to do istaccept the first chanceto see theehow> Terwprbblyenoythe spectacle sad ote prfeatonal progress of their wards

    He Pays the FreightThe Eon EDWABD Fmxasv Joirw Icar-rylngonhtsoanvaasforthe Democratic nom-


    for Governor with the picturesquevigortbo expected of him I and it his afflu-ence ¬mustachio unequalled we thinksave Policeman FBXXOH of the Tender-loin


    precinct oNew fork falls t ap¬peal to the hen of the people hother qualitiest back upon andnot dep It Ia great vantage some-time ¬endldattbe well known andfrom the uttrot parts of Jjong Wand towhere Nlawho 1s better knownthan Gen Joir Ht motto Is inscribedupon all hearts Bonus and BOBnever had a prouder one What is a btlof heraldic animals and devicesLatin 6r old French tthe majesty ofmpeJONEShe pays And tenIs a simplicity a bluff directness abutthe LieutenantGovernor whichMugwumps may seem foolishness but tnora persons with a satisfactory Uvsr 1refreshing and likepf-l advertising omOI th

    Gen JOXBB wants to be Governor and hIglad of it not ashamed of Iit and wanteverybody else twant him to beernor If he were of the Mugwump orjlboose breed he would set all hfendt pulllnir wires for him while hmated aappearance of guilelessro te ways and wiles of politics anddelehtympana with cotton lest bebou to be too eager thave houtcall him Not of therof smugad dandlprats dying fooffice still cling to the prtncthat theymust be sought by Jit Gen Joins Bknows that an office like a woman to1 bcurand lot or man fashion andwill not be for want ofhfUllt coulNo faint heart is heflay bold and though the may eludehim he Is goingthave a odeal of pleas-ure ¬in puruln anda isby no meansselfish pot object it the otheNewYorkercome in for their share of the fun

    Gen 10Kpresides with admirable cour ¬age over the deliberations and recrimina-tions


    of the State Benate and It valorhi Iat times more conspicuous than hiJIn the books of penuru8 thBtate Is jut a lpubUSenators do not play fair atparliament and their continual badgering-Is enough to make oaths drip from the rpages of OusmKos Mau The pluguglles ot Baltimore wer aformidable-to Gen JOKES aare the Republican Seas¬trwho eeem tlabor under the delusionit Is their duty under the Constitution-to preside over temalve Thoi favtamusement I o rnate chamber The LleutenantGovernorkeeps the animals in as good order-as could be expected although fromthe amount of roaring that goeson at the State Capitol Innocent vltlwould think that the Senate was ¬est of irrepressible menageries Sparks flyfrom the UeutonantGovernors gavel andfrom his eyes for every week there Is warbetween him and some of the personallyamiable but publicly obstreperous gentlemenwho represent their districts or Mr THOMASCOLLTEB PLAT the smaller branch of theLegislature j and dauntlessly does the manwho pays the freight face and outface hisbaiters Ha has bad to work harder thanmost LieutenantGovernors and it is natu-ral


    that he should think himself entitled tosome reward Bo be says frankly Imgoing to be Governor U I con asks forsupport right and left and as befits a can ¬didate well seen of the farmers puts In hisspring ploughing for the nomination Hehas gone to work In good season it Is bet-ter to be too previous than too subsequent-

    It Is natural that a candidate so Ingenuousand of so sanguine temperament as is JonJONES should imagine that the fieldis a littlemore thoroughly cleared than It Is Noteven the cheery impetuous charge of GenJoNas Is sufficient frighten all competitorsfrom the lists There are known to bo sev-eral


    men willing to become the Demooratiocandidate for Governor and plenty morewill turn up before the dog days This isnot strange but it Is true Jon JONES haspersuaded himself that the Hon BOSWELI-PJETTIBONE PLOWBB once promised not to bea candidate against him and Mr POWBBIs equally confident that ho never made anysuch promise Misunderstandings 1th18sort are not imrequeni it is uimcuit rotS acandidate not to take literally every compllmout that Is paid to him and It Is equallydifficult for him to comprehend that-it is not the duty of every othor candidateto take himself out of the way DoubtlessMr FLOWER something civil when JonJONES unveiled lila ambition DoubtlessGen JONES unconsciously lot the wish befather to tho thought It would be conven-ient


    to have Mr FLOWEK agree not to be acandidate for Governor this year Therefore-it must be that Mr FLOWKU has BO agreedSuch la tho knock kneed logic that even thewisest candidate may come to ride

    But the Democratic any of New Yorkwould have the right to overrule any agree-ment


    of any politician 11 his candidacyshould eeem essential to Democratic suooessso thai what OeD JONW imagines that MrFLOWED promised him Is of no great conic


    IJfd < V t tr

    quence If the LteutonantOovernor hadpromised not to be a candidate and yet hisparty should ask him to be would besay No Of course be wouldnt A heartyYes would be beard from his eaehadowmgmoustaches and he would take the nomina-tion


    with thank The race which he hopesto win Is free to all No Democrat e n beruled out Souls Indeed may feel that itWill be no use to run against C sturdy butfrisky charger like the Binghamton graybut nobody who feels like coming in can bekept out The more the merrier Great willbe the glory of the LleutenantGovernor Ifhe can win and ho liable to have a gooddeal ot fun even If he loses

    We dont know how Joros will come outbut he Is going in In groat shape

    The Michigan RainbowIt IIs the fashion In Mugwump circles to

    point to Michigan as an example of the finaltriumph of the educational campaign con-ducted


    by the tariff reformersIn 1B88 In spite of the glowing predictions

    of the rainbow chasers Michigan gave amajority 82918 for HAKBIBON over CLKVELawn But It Is explained that the literaturesent out from the Reform Club had not thenhad time to work and the lIon GnovraC-LKmnAMD had not begun the series otepistles to which he has ever since devotedsuch momenta as he can spare from bis lawpractice The fruits of victory were de-ferred until 1890 when the Reform Clubspamphlets and the William street documente carried the Stile for the Democraticcandidate for Governor by l1m pluralitySuch is the Mugwump theory

    Quite a different theory held by the moresensible Democrats in Michigan If we maybelieve the statements of the correspondentOf the NIII York Timtt Writing from theState capital to Mr Ozoisa Jonu Mugwump newspaper that authority remarksconcerning the political situation I

    FollUMlath Stat U laantetnl7crl < J ala mfuss la alia lyrln thor wUl b aa ilMttaal ta cansa w ltaor Sc U Sipram ktagh to JaMlea Joui W-On of Grand Kaplda asS lbs SIpebhilMi aad-Damtcrala sri lakorta aratlr for YUtorr T-bno1 laMrntlai wrk hai bp1a 4005 tyr tk Ptnoerata-t wa daarW thtmthatlaatrall1 aUeUoa whO II win

    a Bpbueaai daftat lawlj tamh warn nl a Pma>rail vUMrr llwa fcapkaiard fniioa sod Bpah-Heaa


    alI that thnw lbs majority ta 55 DBMaet-

    A Republican defeat but not a DemocraticVictorystill less a victory for the tariffpamphleteers and the personal efforts of theStuffed Prophet I This information will sur-prise


    JoaaB but IIt astonishes nobody thatstudies the election figures In an unpreju-diced


    way-Although the Democratic candidate Mr

    WnfAHB was elected as Governor by 11830plurality over the Republican TUBHBB-WIKANS was more than 15000 short of a ma-jority


    of the votes cast The Prohibitionistcandidate got 88651 votes The Industrialcandidate got 18193 The Republican voteof 1888 tall off M181 in 1890 while the Demo-cratic vote of 1888 tell off only ic744

    These figures teU the story of haphazardfusion and Bepubllcan apathy precisely asMr GXOBOB Jomtsa truthful correspondenttoll it Michigan was not won toe theDemocracy by the tariff reform educationalcampaign and it Michigan Iis now held forthe Democracy it will be on other Issuesthan tbosepromulgated from William streetnear Wall

    hat Vs Have the Other LetterIn a very picturesque Interview with a re-


    of the Zfsw York Tribute the gallantOoL WATTWSO returns to the subject ofhis celebrated litter of advice and admoni-tion


    to the Hon DAVID BBMITKT Hnii4 That litter remarked Col WATOBsajr

    thoughtfully It really looked worse In printthan I thought it would It was written-he continued I after counsel with people inNow York and Washington The Colonelwanton to express his surprise that GovernorHILL> should bave been Irritated or annoyedby the epistle when published On thistheme the Colonel became so excited that heIt sat up Ip bed and pulled the bed clothesaround him It should be explained thatthe reporter had caught the distinguishedKentuckian the bed which be snatches Afew bonnet repose after bis midnight laborswith brain and pen It was from betweensheets that there came the unexpected dis-closure


    which now followsiN TafklwaaaBiaudMkl IHiui link af n a

    Mew UtbatllUrwaala > rtlBBiIhadwrlltB-Bararbfor to Mr OUTBU that vu tar not ImprtlaaU only IniMad of Mr Ourtiuoi taktnf It uMr UiiLdld btrtpUadlaaiplrltof oardtallir aol aoqalMMB I basWt epobn ot that Miii partly fromMntlmant Jet I ihonld bar ao holtatlon In pnbltibInc ItltMr Otarau would prhl it II Ire thatMr OLZTKLAJP ak4 air adtleo inS OoTraor HilldldBt

    The truth of history requires by all meansthat Col WATTBBSOU should obtain MrCLSVBLAMrys consent to the publication ofthis earlier and sharper letter of advice an4political admonition U it is only onehalfas rigorous and charaoteristio and Interest-ing


    as the missive which was lost In themalls between Louisville and Albany ittlabound to achieve a tremendous popular suc-cess


    But Gal WAtTKmaoMB recollection IIthat the letter to Mr CLKTBLAMD was tarmore Impertinent than the letter to Governor HILL

    Col WATTEBBONS gloomy estimate of thepolitical future before Governor HILL is per-haps


    somewhat affected by the personal cir-cumstances


    that have now become historicI He will go Into the Senate and be Ilost is

    the prophecy of the brilliant KentuckianI He II nothing but a good crganlcer any¬how Of course hes a bright levelheaded-man but hes not so orator or debaterThere are plenty of men In the Senate whowill overmatch him MOBOAN QUAY Vooagaza BXAOAX GEOBOB BDTZBB He Willlose control of tho machine and that will bethe end of him

    And yet almost In the same breath the dis-tinguished


    journalist and statesman an-nounced


    from between the bed clothes thatGovernor HILL had only received the cele-brated letter and had accepted Ita admoni-tions


    In a spirit of cordiality and acquies-cence


    nothing in the world could havekept HILL down in 1894

    Thus it is seen on what apparently Insig-nificant


    accidents the fortunes of statesmenand the fate ot nations zany turn This con-sideration


    will increase tenfold the publloanxiety to know what advice It was thatCot WAxrBBSoH tendered to Mr GROTKBCLEVELAND

    Another regimental commander 001HEXBT DOUGLass Tooth Infantry reaobsd bis64th blrthdar Ttaterdar and paid the Inevitablestatute penalty of going on the retired listTb operation of thIn law loP the current ofpromotion fairly active and list year therewore many retirements for ago among rcl1mental eomiDinders and others ot atUl higherrank This year the proeeaa began promptlyla January when Oon IUsi tajf of Ord-nance


    and Col H M DUCK TweDt third In-fantry


    both went oa lb abut New oomsthe turn of Col PouotAta end thIs will befollowed next month by that of BrlgOonJ-oiiNOtBBOH and the month after by tbat ofCoin I DODOE Eleventh Infantry anti CotU 0 Uieaoic Tbinl Artillery Lilac IJu theyear 001 H B MIZXK 8v ntaanth Infantryand OoL OBIBLMS H BMJTH Mlattntb will beretired Whim oflUtt at this reek are is<ntore4 from the istlys list by the ass law It I


    a removal usually of those who were eonsplououi the civil war Col DOUOLAM for

    example who was a graduate of West Point In1863 received the brevet of Major for gallantservices In the battle of MnrfreMboro AcUteyears fly swiftly the tlm draws nearer whaeven Our regimental commanders wilt be otthose who e tend the reaulerermy after teats

    It will be recollected that after GovernorNoamBMolOsorglabsd refused to meat 1bYnOouu who wMvUIUng that Btate not longago the Boutr Allliuux Farmer danotrnoad1111 action as the height of njolt1I11obJe dls-eonrUiy


    in return for this lbs aortraer healbB eherid up by the following exomiloafrom Elk rails KantastJ-

    MMfttt l That wa tk Mmhr at Bd lintValla Sal r A asS t V ot gaataa ward thl alt f-artaor MOITIIH nwrllorlow blfbtr coo mndbl-a LI worthy Ila admiration and nBUtUn ot Trytra and loyal clllttn ot th UnlKd Itsiw

    9 That w Tlw this u a tarorabla omtn inS hopethat It mar mark lbs btctnnlai tt an apooh la ourhistory whta a ony 5hbSt trim nnrqalt Collrobtained thronch Iha attarlona obma mthdaadopt d by our griM sins If thirtytwo Jot QOOLD rt-UX will tall to nanaU la the pos NOn th rfa-mi lotion dwtlnatlon

    M 3 That a eny at thus r clotlon t nttoOoT-traor Homix ot Oaortla with tba compllainta andwtitmot title ciloc alto that a copy ha int to lbs4Burtean Mwwvwmui and WtOOf Critlt for pnblUa-Uos 3 B Teens rraildwt-

    Bm lOUis IcuProm this It appear that besides Mr GOULD

    there are thirtyone others whom GeveraorN-OBTTIBH might have treated with the samediscourtesy with the approval ot fled RookUnion No 583 of RealM Who are they r

    One of the latest phenomena worth reportI-ng Is toe reformed conception tt tho HonJOHM JAMBS IMOALLS which seems to be OrsonInc irresistibly over the UuRnrnmp nowitsy bat bad a chance to lorA at hint outof aIDe What Col HOLSTKIU BIMOCBIT saysla the PhUadflpMa Record falrry lllostrat thischange

    I n mISS hliry lbs ors bill hw that asSaaator Iioiiu waitba moit pouch liD la dataat-ta tbal dannrou raaaiBr Iltwoald ntlthtr nBpartlbs Ataic clotnra aor IUair tb chair to ucibhSsome BBunpalon BpabU B tutor to ruts ta IIItaro Whll itnator luatuf nad maay nemisaBtBthnrao an pimply IIi only bttau h lrd 11I1IThla IIe Iba whola story rairin OIUILU

    Den af WIlliam OShe Duke Cs BU-BIncttr

    Leon rah PSLitters from Blarrlla Ml ma tbatsitcom has bin cut upon that fathtoaabl Saaanwatering plata lbs wuur resort of many Aaurltaaslid Bultah famlUat br lbs almoat nddtn dtalh ofhs ExatUBtltlmo Stlor Den Onlllwma OBba Dub

    d SanlnoirTb Dub a first cousin by Ih way of lbs now coo

    plevoot Ct OCbta u1I r for Chars and Oalway-waa for many yaart one ot lbs graatail larorlutand aoknowld4 Itadtr ot Kclily at BUrrlitIt my Indttd be said that Blarrlla wa dltoortrtdby bit father who built a Tllla the when IIt wa still aOfhlac Tlllaia InS wba batera II died saw Blarrltathe nigh road to prosperity which U baa pint atialntdWa American may owaanitblni to tb ICe Oukofather Da wa th Inllmat fri nd and aonnant bottMadridl ot Washington IrTlny inS I bats bean loiStbat It wa bs who Oral initd to our rrtatauthor u a ol Ice worthy of hi gntu a tht ilind oflit Albambra at Oranada Tbcs win a lima llet ntlIaC onttba yanl wbia Madrid tclty oppodthat lbs I Me Dubs win engineS la Iba beautifulBiala 0aatt do Tab danihlar of theOoant d MontUo who wa dtittntd fcowrrCe be for a time 11s West fortnnato sod stealnally ptrbap Ih most nntorlnnata oTrtlirolady ol Burop HUiUUr Mm dArooa hurtmalnad-ta tbU day tbo moat truilad sad dratd frltad ot C-bamp11I kr suIts

    TIIIaIl Dot himself Tnt allr marrltd Into Ollt-b noblest Ppanlib fnalllM cloif 17 ad III tb Pour

    boos Ha wa B rsale cf lbS Oral else and formany ytar durla lb nip of Quruu Iablla IL b-awaoaot lbs grand ahaoibarlalni of lbs pal

    W U R

    Harvards President TMlklna Polllle Inthe Wet

    IVoM fA < Aanid nit Tlitti-Tba toolal stint ot tbt Lsntan psainu wa lbe rctp

    loll lnd rd yeiderl and Mn Kllolalthi UnlTerallyClub last uifht U14 i

    You want to know aomtlhlpf about olTlnd M-krr Uiler sill III sUed I Well It stopped Ib pfoioi d-UiUlatlon didnt t I think ChI IlInr letter will blpCIlIId lniad of Injurlnc him Th peopl In thStat of Nuns hat ptrilittd In rolln the Kepubllotlckt yr lur ytar In spit nf lb fact that It wa 10their lattrtit to dtmaud tariff rtforoatlon Aa-uoa

    10Rowwnld show that lbs ptopUof tilt Eat hay

    been rtMlui and studying and tblnklni about lbstintS

    to Jetssf Ikp LIlian asS ittoppsd PrlIlia Dr-A

    al > U-

    Thrpa ParlorS Dutip rises

    faUowlac totter waa raotivad at tka flue afflotoday iMr r o Burr UarVtrt Coi-

    NDun SMI Mr Zloty rfoIS l to pay lbs coupon youectinforcahicflop Ifio tie ssya hi bat Jolntd-

    II Ulpru and ha tpptd paying bU dibuShall wi rttorn tb coupon I Yours rtry truly

    R e luvamcK-Mr Lawrtnt I rrld l of lbs Wit Cldt VatlonalSaab af Wichita

    Moa CoaiBtlaalorier Btooae ell Go Irrnt SAC fikttttciftia lines-

    Wasalwnro Cub T A ttpon U currt liar thatPrer 4I1t Hairltoa It aqaltni W nil tvod plawi laRaoraaiaiMlTa Ulniali af MavMhweiu slid

    MaQaiuaef Karylaad aud that la araar to aa Ibis bewill In lbe Dar tutu Mk for lbs Mlaaallaa of ClotStrrUa C mralaal an Lyman aid Raottlt

    4 4

    21tOUIJUI nr xx rracr-olk

    rcuuarr ra Matwaa ta> VnId Contr tor-Haa > Track Anew F K

    Deputy Collector Burr la charge of the Pub-lic


    Stores had bis hands full yesterday tryingto iplt a labor problem and Acting CollectorCouoh and Acting Deputy Collector FrankBperry tried to halp him but at tha close ofthe day It WM decided to await the return otVolleetor Erhardt fro hi Southern trip be-fore


    the question 1is dflnltly settled About160 laborers at the Public Stores notlfleiT MrBarr that they would not work after 4 oclockIn the afternoon They served a tdmtlnr no¬tice on him lat on Saturday afternoon butalter a commute et the laborers and Mr Burrhad conferred all but two of the 160 reportedfor duty yesterday These two were sick

    Yetterday a inoond commute wetted on MrBurr and announced their intention te quit atf oclock Ila the afternoon Tbelr hours ninallr ar Irma II A Id to i p itHmt oecaslonaUFtnsrq Is a ruah of uIOljll Ttban the diputloolIetor In charge ottlis store dlrQts oerto work until II For aeriraldays Mr Burr has been forced to lu Bueh-A order and In a olsimnicked up by the cCl 1raot PIfDd by 1I1lor-

    re with the Collector of the fort This isisthy are employed work u Ilong as Jberel-Ulrementa ol pqbllf busmM demandHlmon ness who Poe a Qovrnmnt carttract his been In tb habit of lining up his

    lIneup alln thl d use atorofor the laboren to lrl1oofUb object to Ithislate boilneii and and yeiUrdaythy rfud unload any of Hs trucksth t arrlVM after 4 oelookany lIpu lean diitrtat-


    IUadsr heard ofthe trouble and fher were aronnuwafling forporlotip aotlon They have Nnilflents of manwho want planes and if ths preiant mn eoa

    nUl to break their compass with Uw Oojlelot tl1elltttoDd ready to tnrnlib him with anar nungry to work from BIO i-oolMk antI occasionally a little later for 730a IIjt was cIrculated yterdsy tq the

    the Treasury Deparimnt at weantngton Md abrogated Bimon Basss conirac-titwupremItu Aletter was ieoija aD-ounclna It to ho the opinion of the TreaanrrDapartL that Mr Hess could not satlsfaotorily fulfil lils contract at I1M sent apackage This was apparent 1it was cdec-yom to report of thio Bpeotai Tr5anr1eDij-

    ommtssioa It wa ivggeatedTtnat if tl e-trouble anti delays continued the CollectorDould provid btoiMir with tamporarr meansto overcome the dTmonlUa and a a Ilast reson to break the onUlrI With Mr Real andaavartta for nw

    Mr HOSS himselfbmdera to say iboittb troubl lint t Uth t Hr bensa stated his side ease jliT beendoing this work he said for ajItlie over ayear anti for the list tttmontb Shave ituowitwell enough thnt tb facilities ths Governmentgave me to unload my trucks at tbe storesware DQt adequate I doorsatwlcii thetrnka ballI 40lIdWP uptoILast Thursday When e of theIJleOIH Agents Commission acting Cefletor-

    ihouo gave me a thlnJ door 81notha Ipay d < BO fat that ttisitrlkeor the laborers at the stores was the resultrhe average ziunber ofpacksses delivereddally baa bssn1loo Op TburadCy I deliveredlOuu and on 1rtdav isco Saturday tjiq workwa tnterrQPticl by the refuial of the laborers19 Work pftr 4 VelaoX al1d >beTwas silobe troUbl1l tooay 1he oOCllplalll of tbe-

    ndImporters cbargi delays bsyjean inchI have never sale otberwiie put the cuterhave bell no fault of mine Tk today forinstance when tho laborers refused to workalter 4 oclock 1 had to notify my forementhat All trucks must be at tbe etoraa not laterthan 380 ft mistake to sayl took thecontraot at tooIIJow price I can make moneyat UK Icents a package If the stores wore onlyput In ibap tolrecelvo the good ni fast u Iquiver them The loss and expense have comfrom having the truck wallnpon the limitedfaollltus fur handlfng the goods It

    PJ7N0 4041X97 DEACOXXB8K-3TaieNaw Tork JPrcakytarr Negative the

    OrartaroB or tha Oeaerml ABacmMyThe New York Presbytery spent two hours

    and a half yesterday in debating overturesof the General Assembly regarding the ap ¬pointment of deaconeiMB and after takingWhat seemed for a moment to ho deoUhaction in the negative practically left the mat-ter


    open The committee to whom tbe Ques-tion


    was referred for a second time reportedthat it was in favor of the objects sought bythe overtures but nevertheless was constrainedto negative botb the first because It affirmedwhat Iis in disputeScriptural authority for theappointment of deaconesses of their oxistence tbe Apostolic chnrchand the MO >ond because toe proposed office sad Its dutieswere not particularly defined Aftr a longdebate in which several aubRtltutoa andAmendments yore proposed tns report waslaid on the table by a vote of 38ol 28

    Tfl Overtures of the Oeneral Assembly werethen dreetly voted on and tile first wa nglivid jy an almost unanimous Vr

    JB then made a long argument Totfavor 01answering tile 5000e4 overture in the afflrmaCiurphorfelaadT thi zampl of theof the hater rrotoi-ant denomination liItop e7je tSmiLb lbsbu in lien ur van Dyketio tllhl10spoke in t e Institution of tiesoonea but lbs overture was negatived bya vote of 89 to 21

    Then when i matter wa thus entirely dillposed of tbo iboy Dr flamplo reed a rulDtmont declaring that the new yolk Srsbytrirecognfzas tue valublIJII e r Ddrllto the causo of ChilE ny Christian womenand overtures the General Assembly to au ¬thorize the Church Cessions to select and ap¬point godly women to minister In oases Wheretheir service are needed

    This proposition snd another to a similarffect were referredtonoommlUe composedotUr BampIeCDr Thompson and Elder TuckerTh9Bov Jr Burcbard rendered a report Inregard to btioh CJurcblu which be advocated the removal to another lo-cality and chine ng Its name the removaltbe pastor and the estrsplsm of the discordantelements Tbe nv lr uoblnson In enlnt to come again to-day adding that II ho thought be could not Itwould be uocesnary to send him to tile uounoof Detention WHir made baste to iay that be-could make It purely convenient to appear Incourt today and Recorder timytb lll umrear Intlgota dnriqg co r and nimeUlmed elemotTon hI agreement durtBgniiweather And no jdnae ha I-adduced that the copjposofen onereobawith the sasoj of tile year or UIJLt lbfsndautevm claImed apv riglittosuehensuI canifot find this tuwieiiiu new advanee4ttie d nd9UD Ibis respect his any to-

    pe3geIn S t l8hl made no attemptttoooJorom tit l lenity it any tbr WM rat jlIIowt i boldi that tbeevldine5 = 1u 5 conclusion that her KQUI was tij-

    erelt messnr a mr pretencewAr in Ann AKZ TAXKOTQ Aso

    One of the pletnre In the recent wateroltexhibition In the Academy of Design wa thaiof a young woman standing ea a rivers brigunder thl shadow of a widebranching traiand calling to the ferryman on th frtShore itwa termed UnAppel and ittasset aom of the artists talking about a aejartist acd his art The artist IIs Aug yraciiaa nandtom vouag Swede is tee in heigband as stalwart as Frederic ltsrniflgtoii

    Fr li ben classed with the In-ilpnlili rlfobqJte resents the nargi BooJhJmoredly Us palate moatlyln waterandiayi be follow npMhaol bnt ha d a feiohoolof his own Francen was a aBouvorot In Iarls end be brines to town a Ivry larg collection of his nacullar plcton ilwhich will be put eyiilbtUon IB March

    A wife whose husband has a bulging braanti a homely face used to try fo raak thingspleasant at home by expressing her odmlrt-tlon of his talents and giving him the pit 1l1mtof rains lIer delicate fluttery did ato Lava much Infuse upon his

    ah she kept IImp for a whole yiar altMfern marriage use time not long Ito w igIn a happy frame or melting mood ot

    JII Itatlve plate she expressed her adtnlrox hisI Cornell countenance anti at last wItsso far aa to say she Would give him thu net 1name of Beauty He smiled as she rgeatd i-she word With A full conkolousness that shi 4bad touched 1119 weak point And now what-ever

    ¬ Ii

    be pie mood of mind or the ylclsijltiideiof lire that word dispels nil other thought andthe twain are happy

    One of a series of Ingenious model withwhich frof Eckhoff of Jersey City IllaitntlVl ihis leeturnn for the training of leathers in theJersey City high ischool a a cubs root extrastor Thu name iiuggkst a dejlal Imtnimaol-er some ort TJii tplng JUrK However Is aerdduatvd rnno Immersed apex down lagraduated jarhalf full of water Aa the condUplao water the line on itstld at waterpiark Ia slwys Ihu oube root of lbslu on tbtars aids at wnter mnrv ThIs IngBnlQus coattrlvnnce IK lisa fioik of George ut of NewYork who has thought out msoy such models

    The funeral of th Ute Jwliien B Bebuitibrought toeether a queer jumbling of wiediand nolitlral predjlatlon Blehnp Potter andthe Rev Heb rt buyer camd tbre with Oo-LItobert Ingarnoll end Col Jeorg Bflaa whoJl ia Itnman Catholic Mr Depew wo with tk-lleimbllean

    kmitjorlty but the Hop Irnlth Uf

    found many Jfmocrai In the orowdThe nighthawk eaboisn who was ropndlt

    scolded in court lest week for driving aomi-Phllodalphl high rollers to the vicious rcaortfwas making it sonil toll of money every yetkWithout doubt Noel of the nhgflt hitwks dotine who talked Sc a rOcortet of tuz SUN theother 65y asIC that ho hat 4 onci been chiefbookke per in a fftinous whol ale house hut-would not glvi tip his cib to gvt bin olI phuuabock again I go to boa at nbout5 iIn tpe onrn-Ing said be ngt UP M noon enil have untilH oclock at pleat to epioy invest Then I rillout on my cab and go tn work I iaye 11k Itsee whatever they Ilk and chare ihem Thu 5ever L think tbeyII stand Ill cQld weathefwhen I dont clear 160 In a week

    JervU Mclntee the artist who died Sot bogago was the ion of a hotel keeper KlnwlojM Y While a mere boy he began to scrawlcharcoal pictures all over itis father outbuildings >t monatrat d with for Ibis be ei <plahnsd that he was going to be an artUt

    Artist replied his father youd be-tter bo atudyinit your hooks Cad doing roarchore However the boy baa It In hint anJfortunately obtained proper tuition As Spainter autumn Impressed him more tiht5any other puiue or part ot nature and oarmed ton known as the best Interpreter pjOctober anti November

    There iIs a long stretch of corrugated icesfencing on tho east side of Madison arenasabove Fortyfifth street It simple curves harta curious trick of echoing the clatter of hoofsand wagon wheel with the effjct ol psojaparrQwa chirping At Eighteenth street andFourth avenu there Is another shorter reachof the damn fVnilng and there again the eelSIs noticeable In this there 1Is a hint lor this If-ventor who study how to Imitate outdoorsounds on the theatrical stage


    ass Fray be Illlnol IralaUtora to Pi-tec Ike Home by JKceplng lla kfolki-ttBfll9tlrl

    rrom fie Btlm JournaLfipuiNOTiELn March 8An Interesting pIll

    lieu bias reachod members of the IlllnoltU-


    Uli-ScM Assembly St is signed by sonic of the tailknown of Clitcsiros society ladies an4 ISprotest againat thu bill tendlng mUnl i-Qsilflragu to wonton and denouncIng ii gitlSand porniolopit all attempts to secure leghIl-Iton in lhijt 4irelon wopg the elgpfr iflair 0 1 P Oaell wIre or the weitjpof-

    lojjqcgauray fs YIiriggs MrLlcrnL-Ilc PloSTor airs Uporge W timid1 iraOcIJI

    PWW Isabella M unit The iolioilextraoU are taken from the petition iBusy In the cares of their bcmes wonhave neither time strength nor inclhnatiOfIienter the public arena and defend tbemselsjtgalnat the doings which thor ourneslIt iShero to bo pernicious sod 4estruellvcOI tltrue nywsLantLlnflqeoe ci women In tusfhontss 4ho sencn revolution is rsiIOwanti nutbojitles cited to prove thaI wui2SU I-frageyoula rHulj lit the degradation otsex J55LIJICUOI cmmunleue ilelIes-acelustaziced antI the petition edde

    When wprnsn shari with men the butdfft-of labor one govirarnent cominunlaffi who sstt mpen Ii already eaun We gstcthe questIon of tb property risbts of 4 COOpsratlvely fw women w one oi little Imlance compared with the raatly greater gasof women In general to maintenance and r-taetlon in tbeTioni whiZ Iker pro °the aDsorbing omoss and Ittuss 01 w0mahood and-threaten

    1iI paramount right of wOfwith entire destruction ui-nilIalth lnnOlna aimea Iad above in-

    human law stand thou gyeat caturil lswnr-uni di-

    ofIn the universe welch no 5V1andthat I Umen can

    bate forcoeresta is cii a ifforenci twec-arvlsgaso° I sxtO WJO-

    IAvro the pn4i hi tOare enforced biS 700

    consider I froIuUon of France donot overol e these aws but tel crushedtheburdenit atInsofaraa 1rPOlitl051In this country his attemptBuffered defeat an ie Ive 110 LISt Iimisfortune can attend I e forming of the lSidvent of thiscountri a is attsmpt tO Urul-lezjsiatlon In the in erait of farmer IiI3nthan at It ahou d espOUI ib

    pernicious dontriuo of politico1 iii I-owouisnpray therefore that no pattsr what Sf-gumeni Ii-

    Wecoutisms pisy ite urd upQ5

    as legislators for thecowinonwewin elan sot by that nolan buIwarrtyitbe outs rmsnberIn that tbeqiJpower which says toall mon bib-your attieranti all ya are brethren bin oiaialso the husband and wife as enS dash for


    orderly bearing and rearing of children 5ojthe maintenance of societyandl baCitCtll

    b llioir own distinct cc and equallY hono1In abors and rewards of IlloTtI conclusion isv ther bAte hilt

    epunael wUbmany woman intb State and teal assured the JSoSsanta the wlba of an oerwof the women ot Illinois
