library of congress€¦ · daily dispatch. vol. lx. richmond, va., thursday morning, july 28,...

DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LX. RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1881. NO. 24. .THEO IS PATCH. -~siy THE DISPATCH COMPANY. * J.-.r-.n-lwTSS'AUI.V IS ant ABC'S. _ _iiaILY HIM'ATt ., udeinero-t fcvnbMrt- JI*J nevsa* . BXrYl r*r week. nsysM* to live ...J? wss*!*. Malted at 66 P*r »«sum j 88 for ffu^Sti M** "-r tar** kostka: 60a. for os* .aSlfsfNbWKr.Bl.Y HWPATCH at 88 BSA aa- lz~ ll for i'.i month*. _ «.*,"Vak', v HisH'ATt fjatSI rssrsanais. '~~%-mr AstlKICAM MMAt'P-_ ~~**-~ v,i MOKE ROI ND THE. A M E R I Tats. «... brice. In EBjBSMBM con-trm-How tats all ». . J£S£ of t isasistTT for me pantaloons, ,\-re .mlt'wrT.Eaiian.HrenaaSlaasl. in-^CooTditarrtitrc Hie -birt bosom. I! """ rr\|ln nC the Slxvtlld, r. -J'T^.^ Ssss^"1" "" "" ,-,'<n,S * ,!" Hf*BSrsOMvA»*S t»f K'c i-ntalooat caa he adjusted .ftZ^esni <* the adjustable hack strap a gnuie V1 7 hr».v» way ba outa'ned. « e w ,"L w«t"" th- ptnuioo.s msv lie rahed J^jIXXm UUtVfcrlng, .hr fn.nt. fSJ OKDI'.KING RY POST, ^v r POil WMM THRtH (.il PRU K, twO-a Marc postal oh CARDOZt), Als. U'. 1006 EAST l iiivfUV.AN. PRICE. 420 BAB1 MU ( A I IONAL. ttViVEE^ITY fsC'HOOL (DA, AM' I ,- i.L'iiiAi. PETERSBURG. VA.-Seven- 1 MONDAY.Ocir.her 31. trr.i'e Cnlvtrtltyof rua-hprer-tra ncade-uM*. Higlilv rtcnin- N*«' v rttty; location healthy; --SiTu. if.'r'rr v -.. .. e tful. lariv afitllcalion ad- Ixiar.lert I- limited. Foi 'u; W.GORDON MCCABE, ,-«a* adtims. l-,n.,i .al Jiirn_ ll vMtol.rilM \c«»N COLLEGE, ASHLAND, VA. ..;... -KPTEMBEB 16, 1881. A .-.,. tl. sm! s< IENTIKIC COURSE moderate, i. eaikaa ae- nd io i-f \vKTT.Pre»'ent. ,, MILITARY ACAD- I KAIA' I"'-' plr uar.- addrct* Col. C. .1. ii nnclim;._J Aw*'.* Js hon i usn i uh rv big a- ^ -i m. ll AMHERs-T. VA. Aiekrl.Hmrt-rl snd bieh-vra"** kImmh, aulcly MMauatory U> th« Ciover-tiA ol' A'ir.-inla. -. -Mil mi'.h: Bm. issi, nedi n charge foi two br*Mb< rs. or for the ont ot ¦labtert f.-r cliculsr- idiir«-< the IT lu.-Ipa!. _IL A. STRoDE. i: H UMOND COLLEGE, RICHMOND, VA. x- miles I "-eilis SKI Ti MUKR2V..1S81. nih-. | a I'LTY: I iiucsn 1! vi ION.A MmProfetaor of Latin. II ii. iUHKic M A..Profeasorof Greek i;,, ii - sassie, A. BL, H. I... Profseaor f Mod. rn A il liiroAvs. n. H. I t-r.ssor t.r r ni-11-li. Epwabp II -Ainu. M. A., l'n-le.>i fl' Bl i ll ak: i - ll Vi in-ms..Al. A.. Pr ofes-or.-f PhvMcs. I ii in i ah. v. M.. LL. o.. I'n t.-- - oft bemwtry. vin 11 vu it. in n* Al. a.. H. IX,Profs* run,** itt. -ami li H. Dav ii - v-l- Of a UK-no si STUDENT. iiundrr.1 and ninety-rix. dollars, t>»r nine rei all the expense* ot entrance* r- ti., iiirli -. and walbina. B >l"l sr- and lifts r. m.-will mee', the student. la'ugu-'i. a, n v at tue bookatnre*. or addrt-si 0, PUBYEAB, smwtBelBtdlw_« InOrni-sn. LoilsTDALK ACADEMY .om. nee Us iwenty-fourtb a un mil icaaloa -I Pl EMMEB -'4 1881, « i.:,.mi n P. BOYD, of Baton Rosee, 1 bi former Instructor.LABKIB ai nil-and run.ii- ai Ajou, otinr ooaspetenl lindi: 6-1" f r all e\|i*ntes for nine momba J! t t.t nsi i. H. K. lloAT. LARKIN WILLIS, Madison emin' \. \ .. 1< HINOJvTbERNaRD conservatory oe music, nu t.r ihe .tireen ( AR.fl.INK BU HIS(.--lis i:s AIM) AND Pl I K II I H K R N A ll H, RICHMOND, VA. BaOag leased the Urge mansion lOUr) ea-t Clay ttre»t. weare n iw pr. pared m receive a limited nnin- ai i:i-ii.ks r rt P1L8 foi adi Al. itel lNs|R!'MENTAL INSTRUCTION. BorosaB Oslnlna um'tTtlie r»er- ..¦nal Bautiillus of Msdamt Hernani. Italian, .;. riiisi), Elocutioo. end au brancbeaol ada* cttlunuuthi ll rn-uired. For UrmiBOtdt to ( 1.NT. RICHINGS BERNARD, Je-aUi-dAw_ld Grace street. yiHGINIA PEMALE INSTITUTE, (DIOCESAN .-( HOOL OE VIRGINIA,) flAtMOX, Ya., Mit . (itsiBAi. J. BJ. IL STUART, Pms. it-al. -I TAUT WU! bl lU.lcI hv a full corps of assails* iraciur-, and tia- advantage! la ali depart* h.-ni- art BBBaraa* ana ol las prlaelpal ls ta maka teaching: and triming ISOroSBS, tod ttiu. prOBSOt* Hie bell coudl- : mind ant! hearL li.t bul.tliur- arr coniinoJloiis ami the groaadl bree tn! sttiaetlte. TUenn BS8EPTEMBEB 15tii. TlSl iii and all SXtlSSSSSS (itilogues lent ssea sissBcaUoB lo the Prlfactpsl _fjy 'J-roila!in)_ [ A W S (. H 0 0 L OK \l A.-IIINI. ToN AND LEI IXIYLK-II A . i["'.r.u^L"° b* TB XT. ROOK* Bad PRINTER .',,', I Ri- ii . OURBES "1 ii.- ll in- ns -in !A| .(,{.,, , Ts ,,, tmlatni J ron. Rr.-iiatioi,- elabteoa kanrs a w,-rk. l'ar- n-;iiiar aiti-mi..M io MOOT-COUBT EXERt l-l-. iciTioM axb Ebb* mo. wtatcb lucludeaall Uni- . no 1 tin,.,-s i,,r nine month* need At-. ,i ixz\ ,*" ii Muli: 15. 1881. - ml for VAT"V' ''. '. CAMPBELL, JB., Ja l^eoljiin ( A,.t< Leiinnion. V.-i. JOELLE VIE UK.ll school, ,,, s r . ¦...^RDOOUMTY.VA., en .ls ""''vv' s''r" railroad, Ifteen mlle- srasl r ,,v /..'"''¦ Votin: men alni boyi prepared for -. li-autilul am! healthy of iradi, rs ;iborn*jjrb Inatruc- .ii For tba accommodation mid furn..',? \'u''""*. i'.r eaiaioirues oonUlnlng lu* AA. IL ABBOT,Pnnclvn.1, JL^^*jtm___B-'Uvuf P.-s'-Qfiice. Va. Mt-RrArRAMT. gOPT CKAB8, W Vil.ITT) (RAIL-,' llOGM-H, ANTI KINK bPGTB, Bl SNKLLlNti A ADAM- -, BS.88 Km »*ROl I Kl KM, I.lsel (IRS, at<. "JJKNo- TIA, "TMKA NK( TAR" TEA, FlkBatTGlNIHrAA'DKItS ANJ>(io|.(,N(.s., BSBBIABa BRKAKKAST AND JAf.iA TEAS MALIA Itl'l TERA. .¦.ddGss-taaai Tonic Ulai lt delightfully aromatic ^¦¦tMittaAae, Kortaleby Iras JOBEEMM. UL Aft. (.rotor, No. b2fl Malu MrreL Si'u!!£L1*W <l,»KM.-a6 trade barrels J) lr* **. Y* "TOR KS A CO. ^ACrFreL AMlUERKLNUS: *.(' hiifrtfc *{* '* KAT »¦ ACE KRKL ; ^?.?1"1-" tARol.lNA '. IT HER- a. y. BTtAlLEB a co. Jiie ¦;.»** ^t HI .Vt, iv. P'Xrrr°LI) V H K N C " BRANDY, ^H'kA^V'iHsKVl-'* ****' *1- CUolt» T^ A. HUNDLEY. SSSISP^ AN1> 5KC* TEAS K»A-\ GKORI.K A. HCNHLKY. I'I RHO NA I.._ *Y s*RIENDS AND PATK0M8. sbandoued lou In Rleh- **<MtJr^ .^Jf ":* *ot .io"t l»»* ' h»<' *H*TSXl,'¦* Srtcuee of mr pr.rfWn u«siv iii:*'¦,* -'««tbad of tuttea tbat .*»*.¦» wi »v»nr« u a, ay abtonre f«>rr^iY^vVr,,M,.ih5« i will rcs(mkmy U^ >8«b ,A I»LTIEB IS HICIfMOKIl IS ps**aafaltai.!1'* <1*,,. '. lk*** ¦» frtcndaaad l'*t*aasa. r-nettaa-spamnsad maay acuot "*".» . 10B6 E bBUKrid tftaroj*, Mr aj. TsssB AMI RICAN BBAsVbTk SHOULDEK- ts\ tt ace: BfTBS, 1. This brace In Its peculiar conitnicilon has all tbe a.lvantajre* of a Chen-1.-.pander aim Skirt-Sup porter i otana ned. 'i. ii expands Ihe che*t and give* free respiration to the lungs. S. lt keep-, the shoulders perfecilv straight 4. Ii relieve* luck. hip. and alxtomlual organ! hy <ti|>ivirttnv ihe entire stlghl of Hie clothing from Ihe .h.utilers 5. ll is sum without anv Inconvenience what¬ ever an.I impart* new life to nu- Bream. 6. lt ls vainsb'e lochlldn-n while at their stiidtr*, "tiilmng Hu in to always Ml erect. SI ND (HFsT MP.AM'RE. OCT Hil IV IT KI I BTATBS. ll, 81.80, |2. Dr BS FAY Alli.1. lo afOBSl .* co.. Main stukkt, ¦ TEMPLE .1 t ... naOAl' KTRKST, NTS. PI.KKV Bills' PAIN till.I.IR. sJlMMKH COMPLAIN I S. At this vcan.ii vii1.un iinea-es ..f Hie bowels are Mt. AN1> MANY l.IVKS AUK l.'.vT through lack of knosslt-ilKc of a safe and sure remedy. PBRBY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER ls a BUBB CUBS BOB lil MUD ti; A. DY8BHTXBY, SIMMER COM- PLAINT, CUOLBBA, CHOLEBA- HUBBUB, kt( ., AND is PEBFEl UV SATE, BEAD I MK P0LL0W1N0: BAiBBBRKlB. N- V.. March ii. 1881. ri.kuy Davis' Paib-Killbb nt*erfalla to nf- furii inst int rtlirf for craiiin an.I pilli In the lp m.. u. PH BfURDITT, BlCBOLVIIXR, N. V.. Ki brum 'i. 1881. The wary Icm medicine I kaowol fordyaenterv, cholera-marou*, and cramp* in ibe stomach. Have lor year*, sml H iv mr. can erl rv tim.. .11 Lils w. DBE, MotsTooa s Iowa, m ircti IB, 1881. I base um i! >enr 1'Alt*-lill.I. Mt hi severe ... eravp. C die, and Cholera-IB' rt its, aiei ii kuso al¬ ni.'-! instant relit f. L. K. CALDWM I CABsraavii lb,ca FebrAari 88,1881, Ker iwentv searv 1 ii ve nved your I'.ais Ku.mi: mv limn y. lissa- uvei lt mans time for sovvel eoiiipi.iiiiiv. and lt alway! cures. Woui.i noi (eel Mfa wltboat a bottle In ibe boase, j. b. IVIE. vmd. Ali ...lau na rv ii. 1881. I ase ucl PSBBY DAV ii1 I'Ai.N-Kii.l.Kit for rears, ii |* taft,eurt*aud rtliablt. No motbt r 'b .Hld aitow ii io tu- nu of ihe ramIly. H. I. NAVES. hmh.s. N. V Pebraarv 18. ism. We bearan ming ii over thins yean ago.aad lt always gives immediate reltif. WoiUd hardly dare to j.-,, to bed vslihont a bottle Iii tie- lion e. W. 0. IPEBBT, 00BWA1 BOBO*, v. i K, bnnry BB, 1881. Nsarlv every family In this ai ellon keep* ii t.-ttie in the h Dr. E. Morton. CntTKD RTATBS tii\-li,STl'.( (itu iii i'. Hinsi-ii Piirsvi.A. Feb. 8 11-81. J 1 have known PBBBY DAVIS' Pain-Kii I.Kit ilmoal rrom int ilas it sv.iv luirotlncnl, ami atti r seai- of observation anda*e I reward it- presence In in> iiouseiioUl a.. au Indiaventubtt ntctttUy. 1. S. Pl. 1 I i !.'. Inn. il states nasal Hi UIHSt-tlN TB MT, 1 SUI.AND. I tine] I. en levetal 'las.-. Miff, rlnr stswii Iroiri disrihtea areompsriied sn h Intense pain, when I iiuii sour I'ais lin.i.Mt, and found simoat instant relief. H. J. NOONE, 'i\ MOBTAQITB STKItET, I 0HD0X, KMil.AM'. Dorina » reslOBBce ol IwenI y-ibree sears m ladla l base inseii it lu many eases of dtarrhou, dyann. Dd cholera, and ne ver knew u to lalI (ogive lt. i LABIDOat BO FAMILY (AN sae*LY BB WITHOUT Till- INVALUABLE REMEDY. Itt price bringi it sMilon lue r. Bt li ol all. For sale bj ail (Imgi'lsl* at li ."iv. , ."Oe ami M » '* PERRY DAVIS I SON. Proprietors, Jv 21-eodtSel Providence, lt. I. I KUI'ICI Kl IT LAXATIVE. I'KKSf RlllHD BY PHYSICIANS. rrUOPl( -Fltl'IT LAX ATI VF. PBBPABBD I'l.'OM TBOPICAL MOTTS AND PLANTS. A DELIC0U8 ANO KKFRKMHNO Finn LOZENGE, WHICH BBBVB8 IIIi: I'CKPnsE OB PILLS and D18AGBBBABLB PURGATIVE MEDICINES. TB0P10-PBUIT LAXATIVE i8 nu Bl Bl PBEPABATIOM IB THE WORLD poa CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHE, PILKS. AND ALL KINDBED4 OJBPLAIB 18 It ads gently, eSirtlvely. sud ls delicious tn take. Crtantlaa taetystaaB thoroughly, lt imparts siseeto mind and boils, and dispel* melancholy, nypocbon* aria, etc. oaa tbiax cowvixi rs. PACKED IN BBOBZB TIM BOXES "M.V. I'l let. ii5 ami 60 cent-, sold bs all .1i:igjflviti. I mr MhUl. *S81 IKON III I ILKS. ll NOUN'S IKON BITTERS IK'ts BITTEBS A True Touic. IKON HITTERS ( easplete 8tr.-ngil)iiiej. I hon BITTXB8 Sate Appell *er. Are h'fbiv re. commended f r ail diseases re¬ quiring a ci r- laln an.) iiii- .ient T0HTC es¬ pecially DTS- im-is. INDI lil.MltlX, IN- I I 1(11)1 1 IM ion. toai I SI UK .VU I li. ss o i orArra. Tl TE. I. Ai K Ot KM BOY, SIC, Enriches t k t- i.too.i, strength-1 PBS the muscles, and gives nets! life to the1 mises. Tiiky: ACT I. I K K A t iiai-.M on the digest! veer. aau*, reiiiovlug - all dyspeptic ymptpoin-. THY 11IKM. Solo bvalidruK-'IRON RITTERS Klvts. Wine for Um A ll c Book. A "ure Reviver. sk*, j ru rcs:. 1 IRON HITTERS (ure lis-i-spvU. I HON HITTERS K..r Delicate Fems lea.' See lhat all IRON BITTER-* are uianufscturesl l.v BBOWB < IIEMK AL COMPANY, and have eroes- t*J rt .1 Hues on the wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATION H. BROWN CHKMK AL COMPANY, ap lfl-eiHlly Baltimore, Mat. OlstsMSI.I llONft* rAKTNt.RNHIpBi. t?BOM Till* DA IK. VfBafl/LT, 1881, aV MY (*>AL HL'slNEHs will be .esndmied un¬ der the Seas-name of ALBERT BLAIR A CO. Mr. Mat,-I*KW GILMOUR baa a Mk-m iai. IB- Teiibst. ant Oas«.-ou;rl»«uie-1 Sse dollars Ul tbe sauie-, ALBERT HI.AIR, ff-BAL J Btatt of ViriiimtA, ri.|/ -/ Richmu>Hd.U tait: I. H L. S'aplcs, a U":ary »uOUc for the city afore¬ said, in ihe Stile o.' Vlrjrlula. rJo cerilty lWt AL- bbut Hi.aih, whose y***,l* ,,"^<J 'he.ibrm' srrlllnir. hrarlug date 2.7t" JuW. 1881. ha* ackaow- ledged ibe same before n'f. n»T "ll <-l«T; and I In further certify thai the. »ald AI.BBKT 1'iaib this dsy made oath In-fore me lb »}« atjbbw (jilmocb. ipecinf p.trfn*r. h»s sctns. "T Mid into the Brm of Albkbt Blaib A to. tha .«» «'r*»5'h,'u«»ad lullars is ca*h IL k* »TAPLSS N. P. Jy'iS-TbSw __. t . . BOOK A5D JOB WORK K.KATLT IX- BLOTED at BM DBsTAXCH PBiBTlVOe loira*. I ^irhmoird ^tspatth. TIHRSDAY.Il'l.Y Ba, 1881, SfsT THE CIRCULATION OF THE DISPATCH IB LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCU¬ LATION OF ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWS PAPERS OF THE (Tl V. Entered at the Pott-Office at Richmond, Va., ai second-.-hm matter.! WEATHER REPORT. Indications Kir To-Dat..For thc Mid¬ dle Atlantic Stnte«, partly cloudy weathei and imssibly local rains near thc coast, vari- able winds.mostly north to west. station* ry or higher barometer and temperature. The wkathkb tehtkrdat was partlj cloudy and pleasant during the day, witt rain at night. TlIKRMOMKTBB YesTERIUT 1 6 A. M., 76 9 A. M., 76; noon. 82; SP. M., 86; «P M., 82; midnight. 70. Mian tempt -rat ti re, 78|. TtTisthiiiffinn Items. fKroin the Star !ast evening.| Ex-Mlabrter Chrlstlnncy, his friends sn} now, will arrive tn ttils country about iht last ol August. The offices about the United State* Bo prime Court at the Capitul will be closet to-morrow on account of thc death 0 Judge Clifford. United State- Internal Revenue Com missioner Reen bas ofcred ¦ reward <> three hundred dollars for tbe irred and de livery to United State- Maiabd Blythe ol McDow, tortlic murder of Depot* Collecto] Brayton. A telegram has been received ut thc Stub Department from Mr. Angeli, United State Minister to China, nnnnnncinir inc rsHltictt tion of thc two treaties .between thc Unlit ( State* and China, vvlii<-ti were exchanged Bl lb-kin July 19th. The information from thc President to dav is cheering indeed. Ile sb pt il tbrougb lad night, with ibe exception of 1 single brief interval, and tba beocflcen cfl'ects ol tbt* refreeblng rest, |uM at tbti time, could sc neely bc ovt 1-1-limited. Hi ls apparently CB the road to coiivale-ccnc once more Thc surgeons believe soar tba thc ivor-t is passed. Thc Lincoln monument, in front nf (lu City Hall, by thc maren ol Improvement ha- been put in quite ¦ si noii- dilemma occupying Inc middle of tbe sidewalk B 'tm-steps were taken by Judge Cartier an< thc District commissioner* to have ll roovet bick towards the City Hall, wbi rc ii woul( bein thc perking, and lowered. Aa tben ls no fund ivdisole, nothing ba* bees done The fact that the cilCUll of Ute late JuslICi Clifford Include* S*ew Eoalsud seem* t< lead to tbe cooclusioogenerally tbai tin new Jodee will beselcded from sec tion. Kx-Attoimry-Gent ral Devon- fal abs prominently mentioned lor tba vacancy lr i- BB open -ecret tba! had Judge Clifton died during Ibe idmlnldrstion ol Pres! dent Hayes, General Dereel would bavi been nominated to the vacancy. Mrs. Lucy Fowler is about entering sui iga!ns! Vf. J. crump. Hu kb P/ard ol tb White House, lor 110,000 damage*. 8b claims that defendant with intent to injtir Ber in h.r bUdne** of cook on the l.Vh in slant, and to canse her to lose ber employ mint at the presidential man-ion, dui Ul ol ind concerning her and Mrs. Lncrdl Garfield tba word-: "She 1-1 tbtel ead bi -tolcn meals and other tblngl from Hu- El ecutive Man-ioii." By rei- >u of this grlev ance she -taits -be has lost ber place 101 has been injured in the eyes of the public The colored Y4'H«berwmiiitir*s Mann I Below Frederiekstiiira. Thc North Aim rican ol ye-b rd iv recall tbe fad that General Kilpatrick, in 1 lt dur in Philadelphia, said : " In ibosc dara dav (the last week In June, 1868), the darked ii the hi-tory of the republic*General Bbarpe the head of the Secret.Service cup-', sat something mu-t bc done, and at the risk 0 his own life established a code of slgnsl with s colored washerwoman, vrbo** tabb was in sight Ol our most powerful Held kIssS, on tbe side of the river, belo* Frederieksburg. The plan wai tbii: Tin waabarwomao*! husband sold tobacco cakes, and spruce beer in the Conlederal camp; ibe instant be ww sign* of an; considerable loree 'breaking camp' bt WM IO Inn rv linnie, tell hi- wit to put up it nd cloth for artillery, a bin one lor Infantry, and a while towel lo cavalry, his adie lo place tin ta on the noni end of the clothes line if thev darted north in thc middle if they went west, ind d tb southern end if going -mitti. Taking favorable outlook, General Sharpe wallet with breatblea* anxiety ike result of bl darlog scheme, and Just at daybreak -aw red cloth hun!,' "U .!"' north end, linn an other, then a blue one, and Hun a towel until the whole north end wa- loll, when li hastened io headquarter- with tbe news tba tbC whole rebel anny wa- ma rellim: north This timely Informal ion iv*- afterward confirmed by-cont-: and then commences tbat race aaralnd lime and human slrenatl that broucnt our troop* undi r Rt rnoldi li Gettysburg barely nn hour in idvance a General Lee's vanguard under A. P. Hill. The Bar or West Virginia. [Frniu Hon. J. M. BeSBStl'i Sddretl al ihe Crt? Association tunas**. I The bar of West Virginia is not deterlo rating. It< distinguishing traits ol prole* liooil ch'.ractei- remain, and will cniluii the test* of time. 1 refrain from namiui Itu- living lawyers Ol the State, and only ri¬ fer to them as u profession, sud I fei my ¦elf cafe la saying that tbe Wed Virglnli bar i- equal to the bar of any other State 0 -itniiar Bambers in leg ii learning, elo (juence, and character. It is not Indelicate however, tn rt fer by name to -nine of tin prominent lawyer- avIio ure now dead, flu mention of Wboae minn- will be I Itlffl cunt testimonial of their great ins- ai lawyers, and maui'of them in politic- am literature. 1 will BamePhilip Doddridge of Brooke; Bussell, Jacob, ind Wheal of Wheeling; Wilson and Allen, ol Mor gintOWO; PlndlC, Jackson, Duncan. .Iona than Jackson, fa, her of " Stone wall " J uk son, Allen, Lea, and Hoffman, of Clark* burg; Maxwell, Tavcaer, and McWlmrter ol Weston; BflOdgraas, Stevenson, ant .lack-on, of Parkersburg; Lewis, Bummers (ioorge Vf. Summers and McCotnas, o Charleston; Frey, of Lcwisburg, and Ca perton, ol Monroe. The foregoing; uk Barnet In history never to be forgotten, ant will ever be loved and admired by the pea pie ol We«t Virginia. Tub Tribute of a Mbmbbbhtiab to A D. Banes..Tbe Vicksburg; Commercia flores a tribute to the late Major A. D Banks as follows: During thc wai he cami to Miaslsslppl on tbe staff of General J (MktpJ E. Johnston, and here mit the hand-oim sud accomplished Mrs. Freeland, of Wur reit county, to whom he was married. A more -ri nial companiou, a more truc-bc arie 1 and loyd friend, a ruoie liberal man, a mon reliicd iavtelltci, ur a more cultured gentle mao than A. D. Bink* ba* rarely been seen To us be ass a friend true snd tried, snd 11 be bas passed away wc miall mourn for bin without comfort. Hu cheerful laugh, hit bright wit, and genial humor made him 1 centre of attraction In every crowd. A FtNB Haib-Drksh bvo..Cosoainedresse* the bair perfectly, and 1* dso a pte-wratior unequalled! for the eradbtutlon of dandruff The superiority of BOroeit'a Plsvorlm BKtracu oootisu tn their purity snd gresi sWPfsm LOCAL MATTERS. Ward Mkrtlnos To-Nhjbt. -Conserva¬ tive-Democratic voters arc reminded ibat mroilngs are to be held In their respective wards ii-niuht at the following places: Jefferson Wsrd.At the Poliee-Coiirt room, corner of Franklin and Mayo streets. Marshall Ward-At Engine-house, corner Twenty-fifth street. Madison Ward.At sanger Halle, Sev¬ enth street. Monroe Ward.At Concordia Hall, 404 east Broad street. ( Its Ward-At Tholi's Hal), 70) west Broad street. Jaeksoa Ward.Corner Fifth and Baker streets. Tba following i* Ihe niimlHT of delegates to tbs Convention to which each wartrls entitled: Jefferson, ." delegates. Marshall, 4 delegate.*-. .Madison, 5 delegates. Monroe, fi delegates. Clay, 5 delegates. Jackson, ! delegates. Beeta ward elects five members nf thc City Central Committee. MaRIMAOF. TBBTSBBAT. MflNTAlil K-WlTH- BBB.*.Tbs marriage of Mr. Percy Monta- true, of the well-known firm of Montague A Co.. with Miss Inez Wither*, the lovely daughter ot Dr. W. M. Withers, was v ,h ionized yesterday morning at Dr. II »ge»i etuiii'll by the pa-tor, assisted by Kev. Joshua Peterkin. Notwithstanding there 'were no invltailons, the church BBS well Ulled with the many friend* and relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. Montague i* one of the most popular young met) In the city, ar bile bis fair bride ha* loaf beea con¬ sidered SS btigtll and accomplished ss ibe is beautiful. Tiie ushers on tbe OeCBSlOB were llessrs, Meredith Lfoatsgae, Baaioei B. Witt, Alfred (.ray, Wyndham IL Meredith, David J. Barr, Jr., and A. Salle Watkins. The brid't wss becomingly attired in a travelling costume, and av Hie eoupls en- tered the eborefe, preceded by tbe Babers, lbs wedding march wai played by I)r. ( (issan, who preskb d il tbs orfaa. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Montague li ft un the noon tr-nn for Nm folk, arbeoee tltey will sui on thc Old Dominion steamship for Hen York. A bon voyage lo them. ABBB8T0V MaTTHBWI TaTLOB, TBB MHB* BBBSB, in' Washinoton.An OrriCBB Sknt ABT8B Him..A tell gram was received by Major Poe yesterday morning from Major Brock, ciiii f of Police Watblniton, I>. C., stating that Matthews Taylor, toe morden r of Viol.i Miiiiatix. had i.e.n arrested it) that city. Bergeaal J. P. .leter, of tho Fit vt district, wav lasnediatelj detailed by .Major Poe to go to Washington after tru¬ man. That otlii-er SWOTS OBI I warrant be¬ fore tbe Police Jostles. cbargiag Taylor with tin- murder of Vini.-t Micbaux; after vvhieh lt.- went before thc (Governor, who i-vvin (] ¦ requisition oe tba satborttles of tbe District of sUoiumbia for tbe aceosed. Sergeant j.ier it ft for Wasbfoeton yester¬ day afternoon, and will probably return by tbe S P. M. northern train to-day. Later in Hie dav ti v,.nd telegram Bias received from Major Brock, itatlag (tint Taylor would come oa tvltBonl a ri qutsitioo. In I)»comber, IbiTt, Matthew «. Taylor lived in Maacbester, hoi wav known there a- MattersoB Miekols alias Madisoo Bcot!, is appears bj I warrant now Ir the posses- lion of SenteaBt Jeter, which wai sworn out sgaiosl iiini about tbal lime by one De* lia Bowles for break (BR into her trunk lad stealing elotbiog to tbe value ol 1*25, if.. lt fi Msocbester, it supposed, lo ivoid arrest, ami wav |oat slgbl of until lie brough! himself Into notice u tbe perpe¬ trator of a I'oid-tilnoded murder. I. I.-Ill |M I V 111. »,t|, IM " ll, ,1 ,,| III, .nd tbe niau subsequently ipplring at tbe First precinct station for lodging waa re- ami committed natl I tbe authori¬ ties bare could bc commaalcated sritb. CAPTATS BBB. Scott Swallows a (Jul ur (Hm K.vntATKi) Ltb..>Captain Hen. Stott went to Fredericksburg tbe oilier day to look after a nesv colored military company, and while tbere was aa dasblogss Captain Jinks. Ordinary colored folks, of course, gave him a wide beith ll be parade,I ihe itreetl Of "the old 'burg" iii all " the pomp sod pride ead elreomstaace of alo* rious war." He bad reason to feel tbal bb wa* baviag a " H. O. T." Hi* vivii cain.- to ¦a ead yesterday, and be proceeded to the dei 5*, escorted by a hovt of admiring ti lends. Unfortooalel) he slopped ob the ssas it tbe house of s Fredericasburg sol* dier-bov. when- lie vv:i> Hie cntic Of SB tuliiiii lng crowd. Discoursing on tactics, the wa..I lier, A., hi* throat lire ni,ea- dis a* i powder-born. To motstea it be seised a i.uii sshich be supposed contained Na* lure's awn cooling crystal beverage, and quaffed ¦ gill or mon- before be tt-eeit lined, to hi* honor, that he wa* drinking concentrated lye. Teare.gushing tears.came from his mar- tial eyes, anti ii" time d a eui can, io the .mua/lint nt of ali present. Some declared bs was poisons <i, and otb) rs be cert tin* is li ul 'tm. An antidote eras speedily pro* cure.!, wbtcb, win ti swallow* d, unit d with Ibe lye and left a huge bell of soap In tbe centre ol bli stomach. I bbl everybody koowa caa be easily removed, bul Hw doe- tort think it Will take time anti e tri ful treat* incut io reston- tiie Captain's mouth and tiitoai to tittil normal condition. Moral: Look before you di ink. Cokssbvatives!.Bkmkmbsb tbs wabb feUEBTINOa To-MUHT. A FOBMSB BlCBMOXB Hov VlCTOBIOCI IB Enolaxd..A leilei nf ntl. received by a rentleman in this city, dated London, July Tib, brioaa Intellieeoce of tbe success) of i former Richmond boy.Mr. Lawrence E. .Mst i--in *t vii al racing contest* in that metropolis. The letter itatei tint .. he ran Iii* (ii s| race On the -.alli of June, defeating Ihe English di nil).i..n and half a dosen other 'cracks'; distance, a quarter of i mile; time, u* ¦!.."» -econds. Tbere were ai.out ii,(uki or 7,000 people present t lum fun, and that, too, in a raiu-*torin. Ile ran in the rain attain last Saturday, and again scored another victory for America. at a half-oule.again beating record time, peing the distance in one minute and tjfty- vi\ seconds, vvhieh is not only tbe fastest In England, bat thc faste«i ia tbs world. He was thereupon introduced to thc Kiri of Jersey, wbo congratulated him." Mr." Myers lived in Kicliaiunii from the lime of his nativity until a few roan ..ince, tv ben he moved to New York. He i* about twenty-three j ears of ago. Ho is an ama¬ teur, and S member of tho Manhattan Ath- le'ic Club, of New Yoik. However, those honors he has achieved in athletic prowess redound to the credit of bis old motber State snd city. From London bo goes to Furls, yyhore, lt ls bojied, he will gain addi¬ tional laurel*. ItKSlONATION OK BANK CASHIER..At a meeting of tho Board of Directors of tho Citizens Bank the resignation of Mr. Ed¬ win B. Snead, tbe cashier of the bank, was accepted, be having taken chime of ibo finances of tbe (treonbiier White Sulphur Springs Company as treasurer. Mr. Samuel G. Wallace will discharge the duties of mahler. Th* Board appointed a commit¬ tee to purchase and present to Mr. Snead a suitable testimonial to ahow tho apprecia¬ tion of tbe faithful manner in which bo has discharged tbe duties of his office. Mr. Snead issn efficient officer and a courteous aentleaaan, and tbe White Sulphur Springs Company are to be congratulatad upon tbe sr lection msds. After tba sr-saon Mr. boesMj's bieta|uariers wHJ be io A'sw York, the ci Mri.:* mi a i. chorim. The Orirrlaal Ode ky fan I A. Mayne and Prayer hr (hariet Poindexter to be Sang at Yerkuwa-PrefetMir Siegel* Prac- ti< lng tbe (berni. Professor Siegel I* earnestly st work or¬ ganizing and drilling the chorus for thc Centennial. Having divided the eily in three section*, he bas now, with thc addi¬ tions last night, shout 275 names of singers enrolled. Tlie rehearsal at Sanger Italie last evening was a successful opening, there being about eighty voices in the dif¬ ferent parts represented. The prayer, which ha* Just been written by Mr. Charles Poindexter, of this city, bas been set to tbe music of an Ave Marla by J. E. Schmoel- zer, arranged by Professor Siegel. Tho prayer as it stands is a highly-creditable production, tbe solemn character of the inii-ic adequately breathiiirr the lofty senti¬ ments of Hie poem. Tbe following i- tin text of tbe TRBERATRB. Our ftthers' Hod. who on these plains Of old gave viii'ry to onr lind. E'en now In gracious favor d'lgns To h'esa hr labor of oar hand. To Him let us our strain upraise In solemn no'et of prayer and praise. our |-rali-1ul homage gladi, pay. Twas faith In Him that nerved ihelr heart Ami gave Hie vlct'ry io Itu lr bands. Il* did thc wi-tom hh-h Impart Thai I., ffl'il all Hie foeman'i p'ans ; Ami give our laada,la 8tyaof sots. Heilveranee -trouir Hom ironhle sore. Of bitter "lille ana fearful war. Iltiilt on foiiiitlallnii Orung -tel deep In- -ttrrv p-iititina shaft we rear. Tba BKBl'l y of hr. ve decdi lo k-ep, And tell to evrrv entiling year. n In our h'-trts npraiie The u>onuini ul of ihoae hiave day Of fanh and glorious vlc;ory. Thc tele liv Mr. Paul II tyne, of Qeorgla, wliicii baa been set to nni-ic by Professor Moeeatbal, of Philadelphia, has In en re¬ ceived, and »he [.arts grill -nun bf litbo grspbed for rehear-al. Tlie nni-ic, though aa di mad.-, doe* not seem at lir-t ttlti-li eal* eulated to arouse any enthusiasm. The foi- lowlag i- ibe full lest ol TUC CBMTBJntlaAIi OVK. Hark! Hark t duwn the ceuluiy'i loug reaclitug llope, Te those trasaportl d l*Uunp)i.those raptures of ll. pe Th" v lt i a of Alain and "f Moiiutaln rnmhliiril. In glad reannance bonn- on tbe wings of ihe wind;. The bSSI *f Hit- di uni, ami Hie trtimnet tbat hrllls 'Ilirouali Hie inuit ip Ted redoes nf Juhilair hills !.- And SMUTS,! how the year*, uicltinir upward like mitt, AA'hlch the br. nth of some splendid enchantment baa lusted, Reveal on Ihe orran, reveal on the Shore, Tbe proad peasant ol c ni|ue,t that graced them of vine, f '/lum*.. AA'herc blended forever lu love as In fame, -.>.: Hie stan.lani winch stole from the starlight lt-, fltme. Anti type nf all Chivalry, glori', roSBSBCS. Tbs Mr I'll-, lb* Itt ru I.¦ linea ut Kranre! ii. (i: rtabborn 'he «irlfr, ere iii' eoalki was won I And Hie wild whirling war-wraf* ball silfl- .1 UM sun: The thunders of cannon (bat boomed on tbe 'ea Hut re-echoed Bu (banders pealed up rroai tb*sea. AA lu re giitrdlllg lil* BBS-Ulta A kulltht on IB* waves - Holli Ik-(ira--,, kepi at bay lb* blsfl tsUldogsof (ira\ Theda] lamed to darkness, ihe nlglit clianged to tire. Still more fierce Mixed Hi" combat, more deadly the In . Cn man .1 ;,v the gloom, iii iii ij.'-tle idtai .. Alii behold wtisre they Hde, o'er Hie rel battle- itde- Chorit*.. I'ho-e limners Baited Iii love a- In fsnii 'lh-j brats standard which drew from tb* stall,din- their flame. And type of all clilvtliy. elory, romance, ihe tab- dies, lin- lumiiioii-i lula* of Fraae* HI. So respite! Bo pas** H* tbe York'* tortured ft md Tte gray Lion or England li writhing In blood I Cornwallis inn v chafe, ami coarse Tim -tun aiei . As he tharpt nt hi- br sd sword and bucklea lils ¦par. 'TliH blade, which po oft has reaped Retiela like grata, shall now barrett, for di ai ti, ih- rn.le yeomen Baste.*1 Vtln h. mst! for ere ranee! lu'- fl) lue In fear, With ibe rebeli be icooted clo .-. cloie In ihe rear! l be French on Ms Bann hurl inch tolk yi ol sad ii u e'en Utoacestei '. redoubt innst be growing too hot. I'lf, nt..Thin In lo-e. as tiiillnl tn tame. Lol the st a mia ni iii at -tole from the tt.r- llght tts flam. . Ami type ot' au chivalry, glory, romance. lin- fair ll les, Un taannoui mies of Fra iv. Ol ni n.hi' sujierh! when the liege read -.¦< Hie "tintlawu ciithluoiii like the Alchemist's re I ! The la<t wreaths nf 'muse from illili trenches up¬ ended Are transformed lo Bglory that ?ml!es on Hie world. in' .Liv I Save tbe waa, watted froat of tba toe. AV) Hi his hank fl ur-furled ami Ins arius trailing low. Ite-t" ct for Hie brave lu grim s!h nee thev yield. And in .Hi ncr they pass with bowed heads froin the lieltt. Thru ii nun ph tr:ui*ef mit nt Bo Tl sn of too* Ihii -"tin vowed it must startle Kin).' (I for ur mi hu thinne! CA*-****..O! wadded In love, as- united lu fume, -e. j Hie standard that Hole from the atarliidit Itt flame. Ami tj|ie ol ali chivalry, glory, roman-.*. 'Hie fair lilies, the luminous Milei of Erases! A. AVti.-n Peace lo tn r own timed the palie of the lam!. Anti the wats,waagoa tunk Iroin the war-waarnd bead, Young Freedom, spborne lo Hi" beteli! of the goal. ¦ im iud y.amed tor io long with deep trataii of A ¦ons' of ber fuiare rai ed, tbrllllna amt clear. Tin tbe woads leaned t" iit-irkt u, the bill-stood t.. hear! Vet, fraught with til magical gramlenrs tliat lleain, (ni ibe hero's liiacti bone, or the patriot's dream, What Kn'itre. ibo' lirlt'h-. in cold shadow shall catt 'iii. -tern beauty tbat iia'o-* ihe brow of Ibe Casi - Chorus..* w.1.1. d Ui love si united lu fame itu- naadard that stol..- fruin thu star¬ light Us Aime And type "i Bil chivalry, glory, ru¬ in mei TBS fair llilet, Hie luminous Hiles of Erasee (in m fRI WARR MBBTIE08 TO-BTOHT, ABB DON'T COMPLAIB THAT fOC WBBB BOT BOTT* LIKU AETEB BELEOATKH ABB CB08BB. Tun Xkav Abmoby..Mr. Joseph Hepped, the contractor, la pushing forward tue work on tbe aew armory, ah thc "id building* OB the lol have b.-cn pulled down, and the rubbish nearly all taken away. Thc laying of thc foundation ol tbe southern wall was commenced yederdsy. Thc heavy timberi to he med in ibe construction ol the build¬ ing are now mi rivio^ from Nortb Caroline. Tbe contrsctor -ay- ne ls determined to tm every effort to have thc work completed early in October. P8880BAL..It ll now BBBOUBCed Hint Mr. I'ai ker Campbell hai Buffered psralysla <d thc ii fi -ide. Dr. Brock, wbo wa- mm- moned to attend him, bsa returned from tba White Sulpber, and pronounces his condition someAvhat Improved. Mi-, riui'" A. <ir;iAc- died last evening st th- reddence of Mr. H. M. smith. She was in tin- elgbty-tbird year of her Bate. Her funeral will take place this afiernoon jr o o'clock from the residence. Mi lita ht Blecttob. . Tbe Governor'* Guard la»t night elected Captain Alonzo L. Phillips first lieutenant by acclamation, and he accepted the position. He com¬ manded a company during the war, and was some fenn bro esptala ol thc " Sidney (iray-." u leurtabtag miiitarv company Wbicb Colonel Ordway and Mayor Curring- ton once commanded. Be M I tine officer, and will ittsngtBCB this flourishing uiilitary organization. ATTEND TUB WARU MEBT1XUS TO-XIOIIT and select good men for the BOCCCM of tbe party und not of person*. Convicts RECKivr.n..The following con- vic's were received at the penitentiary yes¬ terday : Henry Jordan (colored), Pittsyl- vania county, Ave years, for obstructing railroad; Robert Jones (colored), King William county, five years, for a->auit with Intent to kill. From Lynchburg : Robert Maker, three year-, for felonious ssasolt; Margaret Forgus, three years, for grand lar¬ ceny ; same, Ave years, for attempting lo poison. _ Valcabli Lot rcitCHAHBD..Mr. M. Hess- biirir on yesterdsy purebssed from Messrs. A. Y. Stokes & Co. tbe valuable lot corner ot Franklin snd Fifth street*, where be will sises, at anec * ssw-gsome dwelljsg. tallowal Aaaorlallon Flea En*laaars. TBK A?PROACBlN(l MRR1IKO IN THIS CITT.IN- TERKstriNO CBBBBBBBBBBBOB. The following interesting letter, suggest¬ ed by tbe approaching Convention ol Na¬ tional Association Fire-Eoginiers, which will convene in this city on September 13, ISSI, bas been banded us for publication : Jblt 26, 1881. George A Ainsley, Esq. : Dear Slr,.1 sm glad to seo by tbis morn¬ ing's Dispatch tbat tbe alteritlon of tbe Board of Cnderwriters has been called to tbe proposed Convention af tbe '* National Association ot Fuc-Engineet*" and the flue's nf the fire department throughout the country In tbis city on tbe 13th proximo. If the people of Richmond knew as you and I do the strong inducements held out by other cities to got the benefits of these annual meetings they would feel flattered and honored by the compliment jiaid our elly by ibis Association in coming heroin- stead of going elsewhere. As lhere will be a large attendance of manufacturers of ap¬ paratus for tue suppression of ires yea will have to provide a large ball for thc oxblbi. tion of steamers, base, chemical mgincs, trucks, and all machinery connected with thc tire department. Our people wili bc amazed to seo th. wonderful iaiprovotni nts in fire apparatu-, and how promptly lt can bs applied to the extinguishment of fires. I should like them ta see the sight we witnessed at tbe Chicago race-c >urse, when a two-story wooden building, oom- plrteiv enveloped In Hunts, ihe biases leaping from tbs WlBdOWl lad bursting from the roof, wss saved from de- ItructlOD and tho tire completely extin¬ guished in twen'y minutes by a chemical engine. Mow wauld it do to have an exhi¬ bition rf this kind at the F.iir-fJtound*? The rsce-e miss at Chicago is not as avacessb ble from Chlssgo aa the Kjir-Ground* from Blcbmood; mt ill tbe exhibition tbere drew about 10,000 people to witness it, notwitb- itandiag tbe admissions-fee was Bfty cents. I hope vmi will be able to make tbe re¬ ception of this Association creditable to tbs cit v. Yours ti lily, I,l.t. vu .I. ISkai.l. Our people are not licking in either enter- prise or bospltalUy, and we feel sstlsfled thu tho represeatstives ta ins ipprbacbioi Convi ution will be received sod entertained ina meaner tbat sst! reflect crediton our selly. _ Doh-Davs' Itkmv tm i B0T80 hv thk Mi- rink Bbpobtsb..¦" Shier Patsy, nosy obi i* your Juicy Abb?" asked a Bisiag sun brother of a colored Mvter. " Whv, Brother George, a* nigh tis I ken recollect, *he w'ar born in June par lime jest before Mi*s Sally Banks wur marri*, d." They b ul been court-bouse enemies for vfars. Jones w;is stsndlng in a crowd at Bowling Oreen when his aversion, Brown. cline up and Mid, " It'* gola' to rain be* fore sundown." "You irs unite a prog- Bosticsfor," remarked .lotus srltb a sneer. Down Jones '-veil* ns if Tom Tsylor'l old blind mule bsd kieketl bim, while the rle* toriou« Brown shook lu* ht ul, saying, "Notben tbal wesrs inr statll call my mother's son lich i name ss tbat sad stand lip." He wore a love of "Oil inti beautiful (y.-ei'iw(v. ii svi'ii d,linty inionailoB be avk-tl Jim Flood wbal the banda! tbe Hy* gels was playing. "The Beautiful Blue Danube," was the prompt reply. "I thought so; think von,'' he remarked, as lu walked off. The lund was playing .. Good-bye, Liza J n.e." "Colonel, how wi* tiie Presldi nt it latevt accounts?" '. Well, Judea, the Issi bulle¬ tin aayi be iv sine qua non." A Wasidngton correspondent lssu'.borltj for tbe il ifemenl (bat high-toned dead beats at the Fell'ral capital settle their board bills by whipping tbs landlord when he presents them. .. ir it isa ervinesbaase As wi- ' iil.ili.iv 'ia tn*-. '1 li it laen an 1 stirew^ ar- th* i-anie Beeta c thi vii th wear brteehet, Wey tliin. we iain! lt mu t appal A wo-nan sshT. sh*" »*es A *-t t-ai>f>tnsr fiiiosr with a'bawl A-rrjiiii. g i" bli knee*. " Cobsbbvattvbb!.Bemember tbal apathy on your part is taken ss a siun of weakness by rour enemies. Go to lbs ward meet¬ ing"'. _ * Polios Coobt..Tbe following cases were disposi tl "f si iterday: Vf. F. Bolssppel was fined f IO for keep, ing his bar-room open and selling liqu u OB Sunday. JohnGatewoodwas fleed $6 for fighting in the itreets, Charles Bmitta waa fined *i for being times. biol ls Wilkinson [col.I), i disorderly i it icier, svav j uied foi thirty days in de¬ fault Of Miiet.v. Bea. Bears [colored), charged wi»h a*- satiiting and abusing John A. Johoson in ihe public street. Case dismissed al cos', ol iii. prosecutor. John F. Keller wss tined -jj for selling gooda, war."*, md merchandls.i Sunday. Thk MbBABT lins Evbxixo..First, "Guaalta March," (Supne.) orchestra: .-li bsrli >ne, " Tar's farewell. (Adams.'! Mr. il. t. Cardnzo; third, sobi clarine'. <. ll Trovatore,"(Verdi,)Mr. Febx Jtrdella; fourth, mette, " s. -nt Love," (Biscb,) orchestra; filth, duo. alto and tenor, "Tin Wind and the II rp," Glover,] .Mi. sad Mri Greener, of Gt troll, Mich ; llttb. SOlO 'e. li). " I'oelne !> Amour," (Schubert,) Mr. C. W. railow; seventh, solo baritone, " By tbe Blue Sea," (Smart,] Mr. H. T. ('ii')i'zi; eighth, waltzes, ..Ton- jour- J un i'«." (VV ildti ufol,) o C lt Vu nus os rm: Kati. Uah.huh Awi m.m..rn.- bodies M K >'.'r forum sari George Moon, (be two colored mea svio died of injuries received from the accident wind) occurred on tbe Richmood sod Alie, ghaaj railroad Monday morning, wen brought to tbe cltj yesterday. Tbey wen lent to v itlsborg, (J all fax eounly, whore tbe ii> ft ised formerly liv- d. NtXIIlsTIK AMI VICINITY. School Board..A regaler meetlagof tbs City School Board was held Tuesday oigbl at ibe Baird boildtag. .Mr. Gibbs was re- elee'ed teacher of School Ho, ._' (colored; and Mrs, sTooldridae teacher of Behool Mo, o' .-oiond). I be election of leaeber fur the ottiir eoioied sebool was peetpoaed until next wuk. Tlif- Commlltee on tirades will mort at the residence ol Dr. T. P. Katbewi te-aaorrow night. Tbe following gentlemen compose Ibis commlttei Messrs, C. Vf. Turner, G. A. Popio, D. J. Wetelgtr, anti Dr. T. P. Mathews, _ Convention To-Day. . The Cb< sterfield DomocrsticCoiiVtniion meei* at ibo court¬ house today, ll will bs- eompoecd of forty- fOUr delegate*, anti was called for tho pur¬ pose of reorganizing tho party for tb# coming eaaspalge. All tbe delegates wen elected last wtek.and it is . spooled tbil nus district in the county will bo full) repreieated. Tba Convention will be callee lo order alu -ii* II o'd'ek. Brief items..Tbe Unslings t'ourt wai in Kialoa yesterday, and was engaged os tbe eheeesry docket. Tue court wm no bc in sees ion to-day. Tbe river liss risen about five inches ll Mayo's bridge during tue |ast tsvo iiavs owing to ihe reci nt heavy rains >u tb< mountains. Tba water i- very muddy, anc Ihe ludicitions aro tbal it will remain rt savcnil days to come. Mr. T. YV. Crow, who ter tbe pas! ulai months bas boen at work io We*t Vtriunia will remove bk family tBere tin* isaak Mr. Craw ti.** icsidt-d lu u-asy ss TiHB 'DISPATCH TKRMB OF ADVERTIfflNtaV ~ ( A*U-I»TABIABI,Y IS ADTAKta. i lae aqoare, woe laaerttos.?«...»*, <tus taus**, two bMsrtkraa.««,*. OBaa^mar*,'hiwalna-rrtlo-*................ <»n« tqaare, iii laaerttora.... '>n«tqo*re,tvrerrr InterUaas. me sa aaec, awe raaatb...- one Kinara, twa raoalhs. tine -a,atre, thr**s> two a Aha .. yesrs, sod st one time waa president of the old Town Board of Trustees. At the Blcbmond Stock Kxcbaace y«e> terdiiy 100 Manchester las-reeeivsble 8 per cent, bond* were told at BA. Twenty-lvedoliara la doetor'i vldta will lo yo* lest good lian one bottle of Hoe BiTTaas. - Tua cblbbbatbd i.ibbio CosrasT of Kaw York, Parlt, sud Londos bas altaintrd 1U ires: reputation by adnering tu two rates: It oaVt bo rb*ap good*, lt oCt-ra only honest BB***BBM6BBM at boot *t prtcee. and rontainently In bating prepara- ilona having the name and teal of thia rwpatahla '.mpanv, one bl csrtaiu of pontv ind excellence. The Limua CnMrssv's arni, ated FSTSACT or AViT(U Hazbl, fur ioi<anre, alikougbMid si the tania price aa ihe qoacfc, rohiriet*. weak traill told under tbe nam* of Winn BLASBUM io much luperlor Is every way ititi, once used. I* tore to cao.e lt to tie nsrd a wayt BMBwSfSar. lt core* puta, Sall-(thrum, skin-Unease., Khentntll.ui, Catarrh, I'aluful Monihlles. Sore Throat, and Neura'gta. Me tare to ask fur Likbui < oar a sri Abshoatbd Kxtract or Witch Haski.. Remember the mirlet ti Booded with worthies**; lint s'lon.".ff (i- torial in SeitntiHc Suvpltimnt nf Ki E.t-a*A>ri. Sold tn Bfiy-etHu sad dollar tlxct. Bus Lick st t mi r AVatbb. O - K I O A ii M u a « H T S * c a ti v OS B >, I. I I.I MOM AD* SOOA-WATRR, Whit* sii.phi r spRivoa Water. and all the oth»r MttERAI. -AA'ATKBS at OBOBOl St lines s. I.ignio (Ti.'g coca Bagr TORIC t-Bitiodlet ihr nutritive el.-uiruta of Ihe bi us, ult U'.r.-. i>lo.«L hone, ind brtln nf ctn fully lelecte.l healthy hull.ids. cita'dued with 'he p werfal BmM rlnssa .>r usa Ossa, »r BSersd Ltts-FBMM of Te: laea*. aud a eaAStsa nutllty nf Sheiry Win*. B. ware of iuil:a'lon<. It is a* laatarVTABLB ru T that xotmi-so BS rcach»vt and removes the atu-e of BBSS* terrible BesCaebes as that wcii-iniw-n am! we l-trleti sp»r 1 Tarkani'*) aperient. Sod by all drugglstl._ IlKTllRSDS AVATtlt. direct fr..m tie ipr'n BO*, per gillon,at A. Ul 1081*8, Main sireet. '. ll it (ill oN K AI-.' The Hiing d-sired fo'iml at last. A-k diumb i fur *S Kit*. If clt-ar- .ul rats, ml.-e, rt,firi, flu-, lie.l-liiia*. Cir. Iioxeit. Kkbpiin tiik siiai.v HOB OT TBS *TBBBrt ni I sion at AB rOSCS iud in t a iru-s .,r Balda *f Ml . Waler, ami you will a*ti r act -ni,struck. Fr,-h laVOkS d KBV-vTBII (ItiAR- Ms ritas, aa h. in hr a . i. BBTHSSDa AVA rail, direct from t' BO* ptrsalkt-a at a. tv toni'*. Alain -tn... HOTOrfl CBLBBBATBD Kill- r-l'nkUall M CHABtOTTBSVILLB ' I IRir lt H pirikBSB Bl CUBIST! AN A AA ni i.'-. iiKt ano MTSBI CATAWBA*.etaSSSl tam mer ala. -t In-ip. at christian ,t AV in ri'-. WOOD*! Hos HSBBISO*. hy Thom, for bWj ny aa. n Ht.air a Ca Voe Bearskjls, Pata* ss* AeSes in the Bark, Kidneys, or l.linh.-H<.P III I tr.Rs. -< Ocas'* Mimi: ai .Vi ri it -pa, . oitMKK Afaiv SOD H'viaiii STBBBTB, -< BS, AT hy, Huuvadi -I IBO*, Etisengen. VreOerlckthUI Hitter. 'nen Bot k. Bat tl iga, BcdCwd A um. Cong**-**, lac i.>r. Brefcbrloga Als*, Hathorn and Geyser, Allegmani >,»i n^ ll. Ui. ,t)i. W"ni--- -u'phiir. I'..iir,ii.> l.uhU, Hine Lick -ulphiir. AA'|i I.nhia. Url lastOlneer AM. Poi " I' Le. ii, Ko..' ll.-.r. Mph Boa .An-iiHmri-. b t-t ream ~oda. Keltb H. I rm..n i .rh made.! li-ttle*. Pit -Nh ('in a KS, fie Itt conic Lir* is iMPCKii.i.t t. d.a' Ju.lioloti.iy willi 'lie sMUiiloil!'. il ..nelli Mt Uiat IB* -Ht Ul St** ur-l'r or t'-liv in ty Im'.-in,,-a: ..h.tit. MS, la disease te asuerow. AsapreteaUv* madielBS tass 8IMMOM8 Lia tit ItKui'i.s rm:. WblriLbfll I ami '.in ft a tl Kilos "ii iii, liver, .t.tnat-h sad -pi-iii is etslaeatly ealesUted io ts nt siatur- 11 her tir-rt. io r.-e i:ii.:tsi, i, bealla, ssasBBse. !' aili abm reraore tbe ast*** af Blas mm wMbasI of iImi pre* rt.ion wMeb f"'i twa ibe ai* sf .Hs pura itttt - or anv af lbs lajttrtoai e'.r e¦- sf ali t pottom. iJuy only isa | atBHs wi aub n il r pu saud isslj ny I il 8 Co Bl . o ly nra i'li-S'u l IO ak. Hal O'- MAONOLIA BALBI, (.ll Ka in V kin A1 .i j i . A I SIS, EBBSH BBAtmrr/L covpi exit." No mit'.-r Bl uim-h >.y Batar* ot v lT-itic, -ok r snd i ikk THAT of Vu ni. it is bo r Es>B4ASTLV Pssreass, ka* it iu every w.n t umst a*Tf*et v lab as* i sn r Ri Arlu kathi g ot ;-.¦-'..' '¦« tBssrcl and i-t barm lest ai ->»trr. Ult h < IO Al Sd, .. RSS'f I. - ll gb ny." anni other li I - .ltd. \- D le vu; A t Lily Bki ,LB ( PDAS, Bf. Nt as- uki I sn- IO vi: WBSTMOStSLABtt, Qt eas BSB| Ulllli! ot*-. .¦¦'. pure Havana Ualga WT* Bra at . iiei-ri in 8 AVit- ii i i t i i«» . mus i ms DAT. INO. E. I.AI'iHI I'oN. -Ik lo A. M., wainui I cottagi rbambi .ul.h. hair- ai. I MMMS-ai lr- - ¦..-.. '. athel !.. d*. and oilier le.turbo d lu. . ture. S<-. i.-r ll H. liol' EWORTH, b-ss6reV val. ll 1/p. IV r, the Boas* of l'rt-ll«al A! i muse ,-i.uu't. Vt. B AMI MERE VT*. ICBMOND MOZART ASbOClATlOS, The reaalar weekly soiree will talc nltrv .' M airt Hali Mils (Tbax-adayJ KVr.MM. o'clock. A.tmlvnon ou:y hv m. n.i*-r-l'' > r 'in tailt u cards, which wait tue preu><:c f tl ike \»»r Ale tn Ur. ran oh air luvitt'lun- sn's on apo to C.L.MBeSL.681 B.otJ street,ur i . t Jons* SION. BIM Mna itr-*tk JHH ". DAIRYMAIDS.' RB.4'KPEMSM rkAJRYMAllis' ki:- u':ion THIKH rBB-BVTfBIAM t HITI?H, coMarasciso wedrfhoaY ev gu inc Jt.-s* vi7iii.AT H-So<v< um'k tsncnsTisviasa rna lilt:kr. M(.H IK The Dubhe arr inttied 'o tlteud tad give . .*.**». lng hand toa .'.-ttrving eau... Jy XO-Ji EX4 IBAIOAS AAO riC-MIISs. IrVJX- IIC-H'N 1<» BTAUS "s J BT CHEMAPCaBS AM. -till" UAH WAT. LITA ls-. BU iiu-'Nl* BaATCKttHAV NIOItT. 'COCST I***, irlu'i mi k Htsart tr- avtug *< t .¦uat bind vf st..ur tv w o'cie** a, B*aMd*lariati»*srai#f»'o-'t-'tt- «<.?*.». laranaier rta**Ul» *f -ntava-r reseat fW tai» by *S* e-vrntiiuuv- ^.Jl^2r,lrrH toa. 61S -af Betaad tlr-*..; l E. -f«svaiti**>ts. ^ * Rtta asrsrl; ll. T. a Aaa, c.-rii.r af fa*. e«t» w |y SfVbHJrlrti,*u\6AaAa* 66.1

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Post on 02-Nov-2020




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_iiaILY HIM'ATt ., udeinero-t fcvnbMrt-JI*J nevsa* . BXrYl r*r week. nsysM* to live...J? wss*!*. Malted at 66 P*r »«sum j 88 for

ffu^Sti M** "-r tar** kostka: 60a. for os*

.aSlfsfNbWKr.Bl.Y HWPATCH at 88 BSA aa-

lz~ ll for i'.i month*. _

«.*,"Vak', v HisH'ATt fjatSI rssrsanais.

'~~%-mr AstlKICAM MMAt'P-_~~**-~ v,i MOKE ROI ND



«... brice. In EBjBSMBM con-trm-How tats all».. J£S£ of t isasistTT for me pantaloons,

,\-re .mlt'^CooTditarrtitrc Hie -birt bosom.I! """ rr\|ln nC the Slxvtlld, r.

-J'T^.^ Ssss^"1" "" "" ,-,'<n,S * ,!"

Hf*BSrsOMvA»*S t»f K'c i-ntalooat caa he adjusted

.ftZ^esni <* the adjustable hack strap a gnuie*¦ V1 7 hr».v» way ba outa'ned.« ew ,"L w«t"" th- ptnuioo.s msv lie rahed

J^jIXXm UUtVfcrlng, .hr fn.nt.


^v r POil WMM THRtH (.il

PRU K, twO-aMarc postal oh

CARDOZt), Als. U'.

1006 EAST

l iiivfUV.AN. PRICE.420 BAB1


ttViVEE^ITY fsC'HOOL (DA, AM'I ,- i.L'iiiAi. PETERSBURG. VA.-Seven-

1MONDAY.Ocir.her 31.trr.i'e Cnlvtrtltyof ncade-uM*. Higlilv rtcnin-N*«' v rttty; location healthy;--SiTu. if.'r'rr v -.. .. e tful. lariv afitllcalion ad-

Ixiar.lert I- limited. Foi'u; W.GORDON MCCABE,

,-«a* adtims.l-,n.,i .alJiirn_

ll vMtol.rilM \c«»N COLLEGE,ASHLAND, VA.

..;... -KPTEMBEB 16, 1881. A

.-.,. tl. sm! s< IENTIKIC COURSEmoderate, i. eaikaa ae-

.¦ nd ioi-f \vKTT.Pre»'ent.

,, MILITARY ACAD-I KAIA' I"'-' plr uar.- addrct* Col. C. .1.

ii nnclim;._J Aw*'.*

Js hon i usn i uh rv big a-^ -i m. ll AMHERs-T. VA.Aiekrl.Hmrt-rl snd bieh-vra"** kImmh, aulcly

MMauatory U> th« Ciover-tiA ol' A'ir.-inla. -.

-Mil mi'.h: Bm. issi, nedin charge foi two br*Mb< rs. or for the ont ot

¦labtert f.-r cliculsr- idiir«-< the IT lu.-Ipa!._IL A. STRoDE.


x- miles I "-eilis SKI Ti MUKR2V..1S81.nih-.

| a I'LTY:I iiucsn 1! vi ION.A MmProfetaor of Latin.II ii. iUHKic M A..Profeasorof Greeki;,, ii - sassie, A. BL, H. I... Profseaor f Mod. rn

A il liiroAvs. n. H. I t-r.ssor t.r r ni-11-li.Epwabp II -Ainu. M. A., l'n-le.>ifl' Bl

i ll ak: i - ll Vi in-ms..Al. A.. Pr ofes-or.-f PhvMcs.I ii in i ah. v. M.. LL. o.. I'n t.-- - oft 11 vu it. in n* Al. a.. H. IX,Profs*

run,** itt.-ami li H. Dav ii -

v-l- Of a UK-no si STUDENT.iiundrr.1 and ninety-rix. dollars, t>»r nine

rei all the expense* ot entrance*r- ti., iiirli -. and walbina.

B >l"l sr- and lifts r. m.-will mee', thestudent.

la'ugu-'i. a, n v at tue bookatnre*. or addrt-si0, PUBYEAB,

smwtBelBtdlw_« InOrni-sn.

LoilsTDALK nee Us iwenty-fourtb a un mil icaaloa

-I Pl EMMEB -'4 1881,« i.:,.mi n P. BOYD, of Baton Rosee, 1

bi former Instructor.LABKIBai nil-and run.ii- ai Ajou, otinr ooaspetenllindi: 6-1" f r all e\|i*ntes for nine momba


t t.t nsi i. H. K. lloAT.LARKIN WILLIS,

Madison emin' \. \ ..

1< HINOJvTbERNaRDconservatory oe music,

nu t.r ihe .tireen( AR.fl.INK BU HIS(.--lis i:s AIM) AND


BaOag leased the Urge mansion lOUr) ea-t Clayttre»t. weare n iw pr. pared m receive a limited nnin-

ai i:i-ii.ks r rt P1L8 foiadi Al. itel lNs|R!'MENTAL INSTRUCTION.

BorosaB Oslnlna um'tTtlie r»er-..¦nal Bautiillus of Msdamt Hernani. Italian,

.;. riiisi), Elocutioo. end au brancbeaol ada*cttlunuuthi ll rn-uired. For UrmiBOtdt to

( 1.NT. RICHINGS BERNARD,Je-aUi-dAw_ld Grace street.


flAtMOX, Ya.,

Mit . (itsiBAi. J. BJ. IL STUART, Pms. it-al.

-I TAUT WU! bl lU.lcI hv a full corps ofassails* iraciur-, and tia- advantage! la ali depart*h.-ni- art BBBaraa*

ana ol las prlaelpal ls ta maka teaching: andtriming ISOroSBS, tod ttiu. prOBSOt* Hie bell coudl-

: mind ant! hearLli.t bul.tliur- arr coniinoJloiis ami the groaadl

bree tn! sttiaetlte.TUenn BS8EPTEMBEB 15tii.TlSl iii and all SXtlSSSSSS

(itilogues lent ssea sissBcaUoB lo the Prlfactpsl_fjy 'J-roila!in)_

[ A W S (. H 0 0 LOK


i["'.r.u^L"° b* TB XT.ROOK* Bad PRINTER.',,', I Ri- ii . OURBES "1 ii.-ll in- ns -in !A| .(,{.,, , Ts ,,, tmlatniJ ron. Rr.-iiatioi,- elabteoa kanrs a w,-rk. l'ar-n-;iiiar aiti-mi..M io MOOT-COUBT EXERt l-l-.iciTioM axb Ebb* mo. wtatcb lucludeaall Uni-

. no 1 tin,.,-s i,,r nine month* needAt-. ,i ixz\

,*" ii Muli: 15. 1881. - ml forVAT"V' ''. '. CAMPBELL, JB.,Ja l^eoljiin ( A,.t< Leiinnion. V.-i.

JOELLEVIE UK.ll school,,,, s r . ¦...^RDOOUMTY.VA.,en .ls ""''vv' s''r" railroad, Ifteen mlle- sraslr ,,v /..'"''¦ Votin: men alni boyi prepared for

-. li-autilul am! healthyof iradi, rs ;iborn*jjrb Inatruc-.ii For tba accommodation mid

furn..',? \'u''""*. i'.r eaiaioirues oonUlnlng lu*AA. IL ABBOT,Pnnclvn.1,

JL^^*jtm___B-'Uvuf P.-s'-Qfiice. Va.




BS.88 Km

»*ROl I Kl KM, I.lsel (IRS, at<.



MALIA Itl'l TERA..¦.ddGss-taaai Tonic Ulai lt delightfully aromatic

^¦¦tMittaAae, Kortaleby

IrasJOBEEMM. UL Aft. (.rotor,

No. b2fl Malu MrreL

Si'u!!£L1*W <l,»KM.-a6 trade barrelsJ)lr* **. Y* "TORKS A CO.

^ACrFreL AMlUERKLNUS:*.(' hiifrtfc *{* '* KAT »¦ ACE KRKL ;^?.?1"1-" tARol.lNA '. IT HER-

a. y. BTtAlLEB a co.Jiie¦;.»** ^tHI .Vt, iv.

P'Xrrr°LI) V H K N C " BRANDY,^H'kA^V'iHsKVl-'* ****' *1- CUolt»




I'I RHONA I.._*Y s*RIENDS AND PATK0M8.sbandoued

lou In Rleh-**<MtJr^ .^Jf":* *ot .io"t l»»* ' h»<'*H*TSXl,'¦* Srtcuee of mr pr.rfWnu«siv iii:*'¦,* -'««tbad of tuttea tbat.*»*.¦» wi »v»nr« u a, ay abtonref«>rr^iY^vVr,,M,.ih5« i will rcs(mkmyU^ >8«b ,A I»LTIEB IS HICIfMOKIl ISps**aafaltai.!1'* <1*,,. '. lk*** ¦» frtcndaaadl'*t*aasa. r-nettaa-spamnsad maay acuot"*".» .10B6E bBUKrid tftaroj*, Mr aj.



ts\ tt ace:

BfTBS,1. This brace In Its peculiar conitnicilon has all

tbe a.lvantajre* of a Chen-1.-.pander aim Skirt-Supporter i otana ned.

'i. ii expands Ihe che*t and give* free respirationto the lungs.S. lt keep-, the shoulders perfecilv straight4. Ii relieve* luck. hip. and alxtomlual organ! hy

<ti|>ivirttnv ihe entire stlghl of Hie clothing fromIhe .h.utilers5. ll is sum without anv Inconvenience what¬

ever an.I impart* new life to nu- Bream.6. lt ls vainsb'e lochlldn-n while at their stiidtr*,

"tiilmng Hu in to always Ml erect.


OCT Hil IV IT KI I BTATBS.ll, 81.80, |2.Dr BS FAY Alli.1. lo

afOBSl .* co..

Main stukkt,

¦TEMPLE .1 t ...


PI.KKV Bills' PAIN till.I.IR.


At this vcan.ii vii1.un iinea-es ..f Hie bowels are

Mt. AN1> MANY l.IVKS AUK l.'.vT throughlack of knosslt-ilKc of a safe and sure remedy.



HUBBUB, kt( .,


BEAD I MK P0LL0W1N0:BAiBBBRKlB. N- V.. March ii. 1881.

ri.kuy Davis' Paib-Killbb nt*erfalla to nf-furii inst int rtlirf for craiiin an.I pilli In the

lp m.. u. PH BfURDITT,BlCBOLVIIXR, N. V.. Ki brum 'i. 1881.

The wary Icm medicine I kaowol fordyaenterv,cholera-marou*, and cramp* in ibe stomach. Have

lor year*, sml H iv mr. can erl rv tim...11 Lils w. DBE,

MotsTooa s Iowa, m ircti IB, 1881.I base um i! >enr 1'Alt*-lill.I. Mt hi severe ...

eravp. C die, and Cholera-IB' rt its, aiei ii kuso al¬ni.'-! instant relit f. L. K. CALDWMI

CABsraavii lb,ca FebrAari 88,1881,Ker iwentv searv 1 ii ve nved your I'.ais Ku.mi:mv limn y. lissa- uvei lt mans time for sovvel

eoiiipi.iiiiiv. and lt alway! cures. Woui.i noi (eelMfa wltboat a bottle In ibe boase, j. b. IVIE.

vmd. Ali ...lau na rv ii. 1881.I ase ucl PSBBY DAVii1 I'Ai.N-Kii.l.Kit for rears, ii |* taft,eurt*aud rtliablt. Nomotbt r 'b .Hld aitow ii io tu- nu of ihe ramIly.

H. I. NAVES.hmh.s. N. V Pebraarv 18. ism.

We bearan ming ii over thins yean ago.aad ltalways gives immediate reltif. WoiUd hardly dareto j.-,, to bed vslihont a bottle Iii tie- lion e.

W. 0. IPEBBT,00BWA1 BOBO*, v. i K, bnnry BB, 1881.

Nsarlv every family In this aiellon keep* ii t.-ttiein the h Dr. E. Morton.

CntTKD RTATBS tii\-li,STl'.((itu iii i'. Hinsi-ii Piirsvi.A. Feb. 8 11-81. J1 have known PBBBY DAVIS' Pain-Kii I.Kit

ilmoal rrom int ilas it sv.iv luirotlncnl, ami atti r

seai- of observation anda*e I reward it- presence Inin> iiouseiioUl a.. au Indiaventubtt ntctttUy.

1. S. Pl. 1 I i !.'. Inn. il states nasalHi UIHSt-tlN TBMT, 1 SUI.AND.

I tine] I. en levetal 'las.-. Miff, rlnr stswii Iroiri

disrihtea areompsriied sn h Intense pain, when Iiiuii sour I'ais lin.i.Mt, and found simoat instantrelief. H. J. NOONE,

'i\ MOBTAQITB STKItET, I 0HD0X, KMil.AM'.Dorina » reslOBBce ol IwenI y-ibree sears m ladla

l base inseii it lu many eases of dtarrhou, dyann.Dd cholera, and never knew u to lalI (ogive

lt. i LABIDOat

BO FAMILY (AN sae*LY BB WITHOUTTill- INVALUABLE REMEDY. Itt price bringiit sMilon lue r. Bt li ol all. For sale bj ail (Imgi'lsl*at li ."iv. , ."Oe ami M » '*

PERRY DAVIS I SON. Proprietors,Jv 21-eodtSel Providence, lt. I.



rrUOPl( -Fltl'IT LAX ATI VF.










i8 nu





It ads gently, eSirtlvely. sud ls delicious tn take.

Crtantlaa taetystaaB thoroughly, lt imparts siseeto

mind and boils, and dispel* melancholy, nypocbon*

aria, etc. oaa tbiax cowvixi rs.


I'l let. ii5 ami 60 cent-, sold bs all .1i:igjflviti.I mr MhUl. *S81




A True Touic.


( easplete



Sate Appell *er.

Are h'fbiv re.commended f r

ail diseases re¬quiring a ci r-

laln an.) iiii-.ient T0HTCes¬pecially DTS-im-is. INDIlil.MltlX, IN-I I 1(11)1 1 IMion. toaiI SI UK .VU I li.

ss o i orArra.Tl TE. I. Ai K OtKM BOY, SIC,Enriches t k t-

i.too.i, strength-1PBS the muscles,and gives nets!life to the1mises. Tiiky:ACT I. I K K At iiai-.M on thedigest!veer.aau*, reiiiovlug -

all dyspepticymptpoin-.THY 11IKM.

Solo bvalidruK-'IRON RITTERSKlvts.

Wine for UmA ll c Book. A "ure*, j ru rcs:. 1


(ure lis-i-spvU.


K..r Delicate

Fems lea.'

See lhat all IRON BITTER-* are uianufscturesl l.vBBOWB < IIEMK AL COMPANY, and have eroes-

t*J rt .1 Hues on the wrapper.


BROWN CHKMK AL COMPANY,ap lfl-eiHlly Baltimore, Mat.

OlstsMSI.I llONft* rAKTNt.RNHIpBi.

t?BOM Till* DA IK. VfBafl/LT, 1881,aV MY (*>AL HL'slNEHs will be .esndmied un¬

der the Seas-name of ALBERT BLAIR A CO.Mr. Mat,-I*KW GILMOUR baa a Mk-m iai. IB-Teiibst. ant Oas«.-ou;rl»«uie-1 Sse dollarsUl tbe sauie-, ALBERT HI.AIR, ff-BAL J

Btatt of ViriiimtA, ri.|/ -/ Richmu>Hd.U tait:I. H L. S'aplcs, a U":ary »uOUc for the city afore¬

said, in ihe Stile o.' Vlrjrlula. rJo cerilty lWt AL-bbut Hi.aih, whose y***,l* ,,"^<J L° 'he.ibrm'srrlllnir. hrarlug date 2.7t" JuW. 1881. ha* ackaow-ledged ibe same before n'f. .» n»T "ll <-l«T; and IIn further certify thai the. »ald AI.BBKT 1'iaib this

dsy made oath In-fore me lb »}« atjbbw (jilmocb.

ipecinf p.trfn*r. h»s sctns. "T Mid into the Brm ofAlbkbt Blaib A to. tha .«» «'r*»5'h,'u«»adlullars is ca*h IL k* »TAPLSS N. P.Jy'iS-TbSw __. t . .


loira*. I

^irhmoird ^tspatth.TIHRSDAY.Il'l.Y Ba, 1881,


Entered at the Pott-Office at Richmond, Va., ai

second-.-hm matter.!

WEATHER REPORT.Indications Kir To-Dat..For thc Mid¬

dle Atlantic Stnte«, partly cloudy weatheiand imssibly local rains near thc coast, vari-able winds.mostly north to west. station*ry or higher barometer and temperature.

The wkathkb tehtkrdat was partljcloudy and pleasant during the day, wittrain at night.TlIKRMOMKTBB YesTERIUT 1 6 A. M., 76

9 A. M., 76; noon. 82; SP. M., 86; «PM., 82; midnight. 70.Mian tempt -rat ti re, 78|.

TtTisthiiiffinn Items.fKroin the Star !ast evening.|

Ex-Mlabrter Chrlstlnncy, his friends sn}now, will arrive tn ttils country about ihtlast ol August.The offices about the United State* Bo

prime Court at the Capitul will be closetto-morrow on account of thc death 0

Judge Clifford.United State- Internal Revenue Com

missioner Reen bas ofcred ¦ reward <>

three hundred dollars for tbe irred and delivery to United State- Maiabd Blythe olMcDow, tortlic murder of Depot* Collecto]Brayton.A telegram has been received ut thc Stub

Department from Mr. Angeli, United StateMinister to China, nnnnnncinir inc rsHltictttion of thc two treaties .between thc Unlit (

State* and China, vvlii<-ti were exchanged Bllb-kin July 19th.The information from thc President to

dav is cheering indeed. Ile sb pt iltbrougb lad night, with ibe exception of 1single brief interval, and tba beocflcencfl'ects ol tbt* refreeblng rest, |uM at tbtitime, could sc neely bc ovt 1-1-limited. Hils apparently CB the road to coiivale-ccnconce more Thc surgeons believe soar tbathc ivor-t is passed.Thc Lincoln monument, in front nf (lu

City Hall, by thc maren ol Improvementha- been put in quite ¦ si noii- dilemmaoccupying Inc middle of tbe sidewalkB 'tm-steps were taken by Judge Cartier an<thc District commissioner* to have ll roovetbick towards the City Hall, wbi rc ii woul(bein thc perking, and lowered. Aa tbenls no fund ivdisole, nothing ba* bees done

The fact that the cilCUll of Ute late JuslICiClifford Include* S*ew Eoalsud seem* t<lead to tbe cooclusioogenerally tbai tinnew Jodee will beselcded from section. Kx-Attoimry-Gent ral Devon- fal absprominently mentioned lor tba vacancylr i- BB open -ecret tba! had Judge Cliftondied during Ibe idmlnldrstion ol Pres!dent Hayes, General Dereel would bavibeen nominated to the vacancy.Mrs. Lucy Fowler is about entering sui

iga!ns! Vf. J. crump. Hu kb P/ard ol tbWhite House, lor 110,000 damage*. 8bclaims that defendant with intent to injtirBer in h.r bUdne** of cook on the l.Vh inslant, and to canse her to lose ber employmint at the presidential man-ion, dui Ulol ind concerning her and Mrs. LncrdlGarfield tba word-: "She 1-1 tbtel ead bi-tolcn meals and other tblngl from Hu- Elecutive Man-ioii." By rei- >u of this grlevance she -taits -be has lost ber place 101has been injured in the eyes of the public

The colored Y4'H«berwmiiitir*s Mann IBelow Frederiekstiiira.

Thc North Aim rican ol ye-b rd iv recalltbe fad that General Kilpatrick, in 1 lt durin Philadelphia, said : " In ibosc dara dav(the last week In June, 1868), the darked iithe hi-tory of the republic*General Bbarpethe head of the Secret.Service cup-', satsomething mu-t bc done, and at the risk 0his own life established a code of slgnslwith s colored washerwoman, vrbo** tabbwas in sight Ol our most powerful HeldkIssS, on tbe side of the river, belo*Frederieksburg. The plan wai tbii: Tinwaabarwomao*! husband sold tobaccocakes, and spruce beer in the Conlederalcamp; ibe instant be ww sign* of an;considerable loree 'breaking camp' btWM IO Inn rv linnie, tell hi- witto put up it nd cloth for artillery, a binone lor Infantry, and a while towel locavalry, his adie lo place tin ta on the noniend of the clothes line if thev darted northin thc middle if they went west, ind d tbsouthern end if going -mitti. Takingfavorable outlook, General Sharpe walletwith breatblea* anxiety ike result of bldarlog scheme, and Just at daybreak -aw

red cloth hun!,' "U .!"' north end, linn an

other, then a blue one, and Hun a toweluntil the whole north end wa- loll, when lihastened io headquarter- with tbe news tbatbC whole rebel anny wa- ma rellim: northThis timely Informalion iv*- afterwardconfirmed by-cont-: and then commencestbat race aaralnd lime and human slrenatlthat broucnt our troop* undi r Rt rnoldi liGettysburg barely nn hour in idvance aGeneral Lee's vanguard under A. P. Hill.

The Bar or West Virginia.[Frniu Hon. J. M. BeSBStl'i Sddretl al ihe Crt?

Association tunas**. IThe bar of West Virginia is not deterlo

rating. It< distinguishing traits ol prole*liooil ch'.ractei- remain, and will cniluiithe test* of time. 1 refrain from namiuiItu- living lawyers Ol the State, and only ri¬

fer to them as u profession, sud I fei my¦elf cafe la saying that tbe Wed Virglnlibar i- equal to the bar of any other State 0-itniiar Bambers in leg ii learning, elo(juence, and character. It is not Indelicatehowever, tn rt fer by name to -nine of tin

prominent lawyer- avIio ure now dead, flumention of Wboae minn- will be I Itlfflcunt testimonial of their great ins- ailawyers, and maui'of them in politic- amliterature. 1 will BamePhilip Doddridgeof Brooke; Bussell, Jacob, ind Whealof Wheeling; Wilson and Allen, ol MorgintOWO; PlndlC, Jackson, Duncan. .Ionathan Jackson, fa, her of " Stone wall " J ukson, Allen, Lea, and Hoffman, of Clark*burg; Maxwell, Tavcaer, and McWlmrterol Weston; BflOdgraas, Stevenson, ant

.lack-on, of Parkersburg; Lewis, Bummers(ioorge Vf. Summers and McCotnas, o

Charleston; Frey, of Lcwisburg, and Caperton, ol Monroe. The foregoing; uk

Barnet In history never to be forgotten, ant

will ever be loved and admired by the peapie ol We«t Virginia.Tub Tribute of a Mbmbbbhtiab to A

D. Banes..Tbe Vicksburg; Commerciaflores a tribute to the late Major A. DBanks as follows: During thc wai he camito Miaslsslppl on tbe staff of General J (MktpJE. Johnston, and here mit the hand-oimsud accomplished Mrs. Freeland, of Wurreit county, to whom he was married. Amore -ri nial companiou, a more truc-bcarie 1

and loyd friend, a ruoie liberal man, a monreliicd iavtelltci, ur a more cultured gentlemao than A. D. Bink* ba* rarely been seenTo us be ass a friend true snd tried, snd 11be bas passed away wc miall mourn for binwithout comfort. Hu cheerful laugh, hitbright wit, and genial humor made him 1centre of attraction In every crowd.

A FtNB Haib-Drksh bvo..Cosoainedresse*the bair perfectly, and 1* dso a pte-wratiorunequalled! for the eradbtutlon of dandruffThe superiority of BOroeit'a Plsvorlm

BKtracu oootisu tn their purity snd gresisWPfsm

LOCAL MATTERS.Ward Mkrtlnos To-Nhjbt. -Conserva¬

tive-Democratic voters arc reminded ibatmroilngs are to be held In their respectivewards ii-niuht at the following places:

Jefferson Wsrd.At the Poliee-Coiirtroom, corner of Franklin and Mayo streets.

Marshall Ward-At Engine-house, cornerTwenty-fifth street.

Madison Ward.At sanger Halle, Sev¬enth street.Monroe Ward.At Concordia Hall, 404

east Broad street.( Its Ward-At Tholi's Hal), 70) west

Broad street.Jaeksoa Ward.Corner Fifth and Baker

streets.Tba following i* Ihe niimlHT of delegates

to tbs Convention to which each wartrlsentitled:

Jefferson, ." delegates.Marshall, 4 delegate.*-..Madison, 5 delegates.Monroe, fi delegates.Clay, 5 delegates.Jackson, ! delegates.Beeta ward elects five members nf thc

City Central Committee.

MaRIMAOF. TBBTSBBAT. MflNTAlil K-WlTH-BBB.*.Tbs marriage of Mr. Percy Monta-true, of the well-known firm of MontagueA Co.. with Miss Inez Wither*, the lovelydaughter ot Dr. W. M. Withers, wasv ,h ionized yesterday morning at Dr. II »ge»ietuiii'll by the pa-tor, assisted by Kev.Joshua Peterkin. Notwithstanding there'were no invltailons, the church BBS wellUlled with the many friend* and relatives ofthe contracting parties. Mr. Montague i*one of the most popular young met) In thecity, arbile bis fair bride ha* loaf beea con¬

sidered SS btigtll and accomplished ss ibeis beautiful.

Tiie ushers on tbe OeCBSlOB were llessrs,Meredith Lfoatsgae, Baaioei B. Witt, Alfred(.ray, Wyndham IL Meredith, David J.Barr, Jr., and A. Salle Watkins.The brid't wss becomingly attired in a

travelling costume, and av Hie eoupls en-

tered the eborefe, preceded by tbe Babers,lbs wedding march wai played by I)r.( (issan, who preskb d il tbs orfaa.Mr. and Mrs. Percy Montague li ft un the

noon tr-nn for Nm folk, arbeoee tltey willsui on thc Old Dominion steamship forHen York. A bon voyage lo them.

ABBB8T0V MaTTHBWI TaTLOB, TBB MHB*BBBSB, in' Washinoton.An OrriCBB SkntABT8B Him..A tell gram was received byMajor Poe yesterday morning from MajorBrock, ciiii f of Police Watblniton, I>. C.,stating that Matthews Taylor, toe morden r

of Viol.i Miiiiatix. had i.e.n arrested it)that city. Bergeaal J. P. .leter, of thoFit vt district, wav lasnediatelj detailed by.Major Poe to go to Washington after tru¬

man. That otlii-er SWOTS OBI I warrant be¬fore tbe Police Jostles. cbargiag Taylorwith tin- murder of Vini.-t Micbaux; aftervvhieh lt.- went before thc (Governor, whoi-vvin (] ¦ requisition oe tba satborttles oftbe District of sUoiumbia for tbe aceosed.Sergeant j.ier it ft for Wasbfoeton yester¬day afternoon, and will probably return bytbe S P. M. northern train to-day. Laterin Hie dav ti v,.nd telegram Bias receivedfrom Major Brock, itatlag (tint Taylorwould come oa tvltBonl a ri qutsitioo.

In I)»comber, IbiTt, Matthew «. Taylorlived in Maacbester, hoi wav known therea- MattersoB Miekols alias Madisoo Bcot!,is appears bj I warrant now Ir the posses-lion of SenteaBt Jeter, which wai sworn

out sgaiosl iiini about tbal lime by one De*lia Bowles for break(BR into her trunk ladstealing elotbiog to tbe value ol 1*25, fi Msocbester, it i» supposed, lo ivoidarrest, ami wav |oat slgbl of until liebrough! himself Into notice u tbe perpe¬trator of a I'oid-tilnoded murder.

I. I.-Ill |M I V 111. "» »,t|, IM " ll, ,1 ,,| III,

.nd tbe niau subsequently ipplring at tbeFirst precinct station for lodging waa re- ami committed natl I tbe authori¬ties bare could bc commaalcated sritb.

CAPTATS BBB. Scott Swallows a (Jul ur(Hm K.vntATKi) Ltb..>Captain Hen. Stottwent to Fredericksburg tbe oilier day tolook after a nesv colored military company,and while tbere was aa dasblogss CaptainJinks. Ordinary colored folks, of course,gave him a wide beith ll be parade,I iheitreetl Of "the old 'burg" iii all " thepomp sod pride ead elreomstaace of alo*rious war." He bad reason to feel tbal bbwa* baviag a " H. O. T." Hi* vivii cain.- to¦a ead yesterday, and be proceeded to thedei 5*, escorted by a hovt of admiringti lends. Unfortooalel) he slopped ob thessas it tbe house of s Fredericasburg sol*dier-bov. when- lie vv:i> Hie cntic Of SBtuliiiii lng crowd. Discoursing on tactics,the wa..I lier, A., hi* throat lire ni,ea- disa* i powder-born. To motstea it be seiseda i.uii sshich be supposed contained Na*lure's awn cooling crystal beverage,and quaffed ¦ gill or mon- beforebe tt-eeit lined, to hi* honor, thathe wa* drinking concentrated lye.Teare.gushing tears.came from his mar-tial eyes, anti ii" time d a eui can, io the.mua/lint nt of ali present. Some declaredbs was poisons <i, and otb) rs be cert tin*is li ul 'tm. An antidote eras speedily pro*cure.!, wbtcb, win ti swallow* d, unit d withIbe lye and left a huge bell of soap In tbecentre ol bli stomach. I bbl everybodykoowa caa be easily removed, bul Hw doe-tort think it Will take time anti e tri ful treat*incut io reston- tiie Captain's mouth andtiitoai to tittil normal condition.Moral: Look before you di ink.

Cokssbvatives!.Bkmkmbsb tbs wabbfeUEBTINOa To-MUHT.

A FOBMSB BlCBMOXB Hov VlCTOBIOCI IBEnolaxd..A leilei nf ntl. received by a

rentleman in this city, dated London, JulyTib, brioaa Intellieeoce of tbe success) of i

former Richmond boy.Mr. Lawrence E..Mst i--in *t vii al racing contest* in thatmetropolis. The letter itatei tint .. he ran

Iii* (ii s| race On the -.alli of June, defeatingIhe English di nil).i..n and half a dosenother 'cracks'; distance, a quarter of imile; time, u* ¦!.."» -econds. Tbere wereai.out ii,(uki or 7,000 people present t

lum fun, and that, too, in a raiu-*torin. Ileran in the rain attain last Saturday, andagain scored another victory for a half-oule.again beating record time,peing the distance in one minute and tjfty-vi\ seconds, vvhieh is not only tbe fastest InEngland, bat thc faste«i ia tbs world. Hewas thereupon introduced to thc Kiri ofJersey, wbo congratulated him."

Mr." Myers lived in Kicliaiunii from thelime of his nativity until a few roan ..ince,tvben he moved to New York. He i* abouttwenty-three j ears of ago. Ho is an ama¬

teur, and S member of tho Manhattan Ath-le'ic Club, of New Yoik. However, thosehonors he has achieved in athletic prowessredound to the credit of bis old motberState snd city. From London bo goes to

Furls, yyhore, lt ls bojied, he will gain addi¬tional laurel*.


meeting of tho Board of Directors of thoCitizens Bank the resignation of Mr. Ed¬win B. Snead, tbe cashier of the bank, was

accepted, be having taken chime of ibofinances of tbe (treonbiier White SulphurSprings Company as treasurer. Mr. SamuelG. Wallace will discharge the duties ofmahler. Th* Board appointed a commit¬tee to purchase and present to Mr. Snead a

suitable testimonial to ahow tho apprecia¬tion of tbe faithful manner in which bo hasdischarged tbe duties of his office. Mr.Snead issn efficient officer and a courteousaentleaaan, and tbe White Sulphur SpringsCompany are to be congratulatad upon tbesr lection msds. After tba sr-saon Mr.boesMj's bieta|uariers wHJ be io A'sw York,

the ci Mri.:*mi a i. chorim.

The Orirrlaal Ode ky fan I A. Mayne andPrayer hr (hariet Poindexter to be Sang atYerkuwa-PrefetMir Siegel* Prac-ti< lng tbe (berni.

Professor Siegel I* earnestly st work or¬ganizing and drilling the chorus for thcCentennial. Having divided the eily inthree section*, he bas now, with thc addi¬tions last night, shout 275 names of singersenrolled. Tlie rehearsal at Sanger Italielast evening was a successful opening,there being about eighty voices in the dif¬ferent parts represented. The prayer,which ha* Just been written by Mr. CharlesPoindexter, of this city, bas been set to tbemusic of an Ave Marla by J. E. Schmoel-zer, arranged by Professor Siegel. Thoprayer as it stands is a highly-creditableproduction, tbe solemn character of theinii-ic adequately breathiiirr the lofty senti¬ments of Hie poem. Tbe following i- tintext of tbe

TRBERATRB.Our ftthers' Hod. who on these plainsOf old gave viii'ry to onr lind.

E'en now In gracious favor d'lgnsTo h'esa hr labor of oar hand.

To Him let us our strain upraiseIn solemn no'et of prayer and praise.our |-rali-1ul homage gladi, pay.

Twas faith In Him that nerved ihelr heartAmi gave Hie vlct'ry io Itu lr bands.

Il* did thc wi-tom hh-h ImpartThai I., ffl'il all Hie foeman'i p'ans ;

Ami give our laada,la 8tyaof sots.Heilveranee -trouir Hom ironhle sore.Of bitter "lille ana fearful war.

Iltiilt on foiiiitlallnii Orung -tel deepIn- -ttrrv p-iititina shaft we rear.

Tba BKBl'l y of hr. ve decdi lo k-ep,And tell to evrrv entiling year.

n In our h'-trts npraiieThe u>onuini ul of ihoae hiave dayOf fanh and glorious vlc;ory.

Thc tele liv Mr. Paul II tyne, of Qeorgla,wliicii baa been set to nni-ic by ProfessorMoeeatbal, of Philadelphia, has In en re¬ceived, and »he [.arts grill -nun bf litbogrspbed for rehear-al. Tlie nni-ic, thoughaa di mad.-, doe* not seem at lir-t ttlti-li eal*eulated to arouse any enthusiasm. The foi-lowlag i- ibe full lest ol

TUC CBMTBJntlaAIi OVK.Hark! Hark t duwn the ceuluiy'i loug reaclitug

llope,Te those trasaportl d l*Uunp)i.those raptures of

ll. peTh" v lt i a of Alain and "f Moiiutaln rnmhliiril.In glad reannance bonn- on tbe wings of ihe wind;.The bSSI *f Hit- di uni, ami Hie trtimnet tbat hrllls'Ilirouali Hie inuit ipTed redoes nf Juhilair hills !.-And SMUTS,! how the year*, uicltinir upward like

mitt,AA'hlch the br. nth of some splendid enchantment

baa lusted,Reveal on Ihe orran, reveal on the Shore,Tbe proad peasant ol c ni|ue,t that graced them of

vine,f '/lum*.. AA'herc blended forever lu love as In fame,

-.>.: Hie stan.lani winch stole from thestarlight lt-, fltme.

Anti type nf all Chivalry, glori', roSBSBCS.Tbs Mr I'll-, lb* Itt ruI.¦ linea ut


(i: rtabborn 'he «irlfr, ere iii' eoalki was won IAnd Hie wild whirling war-wraf* ball silfl- .1 UM

sun:The thunders of cannon (bat boomed on tbe 'eaHut re-echoed Bu (banders pealed up rroai tb*sea.AA lu re giitrdlllg lil* BBS-Ulta A kulltht on IB*

waves -

Holli Ik-(ira--,, kepi at bay lb* blsfl tsUldogsof(ira\

Theda] lamed to darkness, ihe nlglit clianged totire.

Still more fierce Mixed Hi" combat, more deadlythe In .

Cn man .1 ;,v the gloom, iii iii ij.'-tle idtai ..

Alii behold wtisre they Hde, o'er Hie rel battle-itde-

Chorit*.. I'ho-e limners Baited Iii love a- In fsnii'lh-j brats standard which drew from tb*

stall,din- their flame.And type of all clilvtliy. elory, romance,ihe tab- dies, lin- lumiiioii-i lula* of

Fraae* '¦HI.

So respite! Bo pas** H* tbe York'* tortured ft mdTte gray Lion or England li writhing In blood ICornwallis inn v chafe, ami coarse Tim-tun aiei .

As he tharptnt hi- br sd sword and bucklea lils¦par.

'TliH blade, which po oft has reaped Retiela likegrata,

shall now barrett, for di ai ti, ih- rn.le yeomenBaste.*1

Vtln h.mst! for ere ranee! lu'- fl) lue In fear,With ibe rebeli be icooted clo .-. cloie In ihe rear!l be French on Ms Bann hurl inch tolk yi ol sad

ii u e'en Utoacestei '. redoubt innst be growing toohot.

I'lf, nt..Thin In lo-e. as tiiillnl tn tame.Lol the st a mia ni iii at -tole from the tt.r-

llght tts flam. .Ami type ot' au chivalry, glory, romance.lin- fair ll les, Un taannoui mies of


Ol ni n.hi' sujierh! when the liege read

-.¦< Hie "tintlawu ciithluoiii like the Alchemist'sre I !

The la<t wreaths nf 'muse from illili trenches up¬ended

Are transformed lo Bglory that ?ml!es on Hie' .Liv I Save tbe waa, watted froat of tba toe.AV) Hi his hank fl ur-furled ami Ins arius trailing low.Ite-t" ct for Hie brave lu grim s!h nee thev yield.And in .Hi ncr they pass with bowed heads froin the

lieltt.Thru ii nun ph tr:ui*ef mit nt Bo Tl sn of too*Ihii -"tin vowed it must startle Kin).' (I forur mi hu

thinne!CA*-****..O! wadded In love, as- united lu fume,

-e. j Hie standard that Hole from theatarliidit Itt flame.

Ami tj|ie ol ali chivalry, glory, roman-.*.'Hie fair lilies, the luminous Milei of


AVti.-n Peace lo tn r own timed the palie of the lam!.Anti the wats,waagoa tunk Iroin the war-waarnd

bead,Young Freedom, spborne lo Hi" beteli! of the goal.¦ im iud y.amed tor io long with deep trataii of

A ¦ons' of ber fuiare rai ed, tbrllllna amt clear.Tin tbe woads leaned t" iit-irkt u, the bill-stood t..

hear!Vet, fraught with til magical gramlenrs tliat lleain,(ni ibe hero's liiacti bone, or the patriot's dream,What Kn'itre. ibo' lirlt'h-. in cold shadow shall catt

'iii. -tern beauty tbat iia'o-* ihe brow of Ibe Casi -

Chorus..* w.1.1. d Ui love si united lu fame-¦ itu- naadard that stol..- fruin thu star¬

light Us AimeAnd type "i Bil chivalry, glory, ru¬

in meiTBS fair llilet, Hie luminous Hiles of



Tun Xkav Abmoby..Mr. Joseph Hepped,the contractor, la pushing forward tue workon tbe aew armory, ah thc "id building*OB the lol have b.-cn pulled down, and therubbish nearly all taken away. Thc layingof thc foundation ol tbe southern wall wascommenced yederdsy. Thc heavy timberito he med in ibe construction ol the build¬ing are now mi rivio^ from Nortb Caroline.Tbe contrsctor -ay- ne ls determined to tm

every effort to have thc work completedearly in October.

P8880BAL..It ll now BBBOUBCed Hint Mr.I'ai ker Campbell hai Buffered psralysla <dthc ii fi -ide. Dr. Brock, wbo wa- mm-moned to attend him, bsa returned fromtba White Sulpber, and pronounces hiscondition someAvhat Improved.

Mi-, riui'" A. <ir;iAc- died last eveningst th- reddence of Mr. H. M. smith. Shewas in tin- elgbty-tbird year of her Bate.Her funeral will take place this afiernoonjr o o'clock from the residence.

Mi lita ht Blecttob. . Tbe Governor'*Guard la»t night elected Captain AlonzoL. Phillips first lieutenant by acclamation,and he accepted the position. He com¬

manded a company during the war, andwas some fenn bro esptala ol thc " Sidney(iray-." u leurtabtag miiitarv companyWbicb Colonel Ordway and Mayor Curring-ton once commanded. Be M I tine officer,and will ittsngtBCB this flourishing uiilitaryorganization.ATTEND TUB WARU MEBT1XUS TO-XIOIIT

and select good men for the BOCCCM of tbeparty und not of person*.

Convicts RECKivr.n..The following con-

vic's were received at the penitentiary yes¬terday : Henry Jordan (colored), Pittsyl-vania county, Ave years, for obstructingrailroad; Robert Jones (colored), KingWilliam county, five years, for a->auit withIntent to kill. From Lynchburg : RobertMaker, three year-, for felonious ssasolt;Margaret Forgus, three years, for grand lar¬ceny ; same, Ave years, for attempting lo

poison. _

Valcabli Lot rcitCHAHBD..Mr. M. Hess-biirir on yesterdsy purebssed from Messrs.A. Y. Stokes & Co. tbe valuable lot cornerot Franklin snd Fifth street*, where bewill sises, at anec * ssw-gsome dwelljsg.

tallowal Aaaorlallon Flea En*laaars.TBK A?PROACBlN(l MRR1IKO IN THIS CITT.IN-

TERKstriNO CBBBBBBBBBBBOB.The following interesting letter, suggest¬

ed by tbe approaching Convention ol Na¬tional Association Fire-Eoginiers, whichwill convene in this city on September 13,ISSI, bas been banded us for publication :

Jblt 26, 1881.George A Ainsley, Esq. :

Dear Slr,.1 sm glad to seo by tbis morn¬ing's Dispatch tbat tbe alteritlon of tbeBoard of Cnderwriters has been called totbe proposed Convention af tbe '* NationalAssociation ot Fuc-Engineet*" and theflue's nf the fire department throughoutthe country In tbis city on tbe 13th proximo.

If the people of Richmond knew as youand I do the strong inducements held outby other cities to got the benefits of theseannual meetings they would feel flatteredand honored by the compliment jiaid ourelly by ibis Association in coming heroin-stead of going elsewhere. As lhere will bea large attendance of manufacturers of ap¬paratus for tue suppression of iresyea willhave to provide a large ball for thc oxblbi.tion of steamers, base, chemical mgincs,trucks, and all machinery connected withthc tire department.Our people wili bc amazed to seo th.

wonderful iaiprovotni nts in fire apparatu-,and how promptly lt can bs applied to theextinguishment of fires.

I should like them ta see the sight wewitnessed at tbe Chicago race-c >urse,when a two-story wooden building, oom-

plrteiv enveloped In Hunts, ihe biasesleaping from tbs WlBdOWl lad burstingfrom the roof, wss saved from de-ItructlOD and tho tire completely extin¬guished in twen'y minutes by a chemicalengine. Mow wauld it do to have an exhi¬bition rf this kind at the F.iir-fJtound*?The rsce-e miss at Chicago is not as avacessbble from Chlssgo aa the Kjir-Ground* fromBlcbmood; mt ill tbe exhibition tbere drewabout 10,000 people to witness it, notwitb-itandiag tbe admissions-fee was Bfty cents.

I hope vmi will be able to make tbe re¬ception of this Association creditable to tbscit v. Yours ti lily, I,l.t. vu .I. ISkai.l.Our people are not licking in either enter-

prise or bospltalUy, and we feel sstlsfledthu tho represeatstives ta ins ipprbacbioiConvi ution will be received sod entertainedina meaner tbat sst! reflect crediton our


Doh-Davs' Itkmv tm i B0T80 hv thk Mi-rink Bbpobtsb..¦" Shier Patsy, nosy obi i*your Juicy Abb?" asked a Bisiag sunbrother of a colored Mvter. " Whv, BrotherGeorge, a* nigh tis I ken recollect, *he w'ar

born in June par lime jest before Mi*sSally Banks wur marri*, d."

They b ul been court-bouse enemies forvfars. Jones w;is stsndlng in a crowd atBowling Oreen when his aversion, Brown.cline up and Mid, " It'* gola' to rain be*fore sundown." "You irs unite a prog-Bosticsfor," remarked .lotus srltb a sneer.Down Jones '-veil* ns if Tom Tsylor'l oldblind mule bsd kieketl bim, while the rle*toriou« Brown shook lu* htul, saying,"Notben tbal wesrs inr statll call mymother's son lich i name ss tbat sad standlip."

He wore a love of "Oil inti beautiful(y.-ei'iw(v. ii svi'ii d,linty inionailoB beavk-tl Jim Flood wbal the banda! tbe Hy*gels was playing. "The Beautiful BlueDanube," was the prompt reply. "Ithought so; think von,'' he remarked, as

lu walked off. The lund was playing.. Good-bye, Liza J n.e."

"Colonel, how wi* tiie Presldi nt it latevtaccounts?" '. Well, Judea, the Issi bulle¬tin aayi be iv sine qua non."

A Wasidngton correspondent lssu'.borltjfor tbe il ifemenl (bat high-toned dead beatsat the Fell'ral capital settle their boardbills by whipping tbs landlord when hepresents them.

.. ir it isa ervinesbaaseAs wi- ' iil.ili.iv 'ia tn*-.

'1 li it laen an 1 stirew^ ar- th* i-anieBeeta c thi vii th wear brteehet,

Wey tliin. we iain! lt mu t appalA wo-nan sshT. sh*" »*es

A *-t t-ai>f>tnsr fiiiosr with a'bawlA-rrjiiii. g i" bli knee*. "

Cobsbbvattvbb!.Bemember tbal apathyon your part is taken ss a siun of weaknessby rour enemies. Go to lbs ward meet¬

ing"'. _*

Polios Coobt..Tbe following cases weredisposi tl "f si iterday:

Vf. F. Bolssppel was fined f IO for keep,ing his bar-room open and selling liqu u OB

Sunday.JohnGatewoodwas fleed $6 for fighting

in the itreets,Charles Bmitta waa fined *i for being

times.biol ls Wilkinson [col.I), i disorderly

i it icier, svav j uied foi thirty days in de¬fault Of Miiet.v.Bea. Bears [colored), charged wi»h a*-

satiiting and abusing John A. Johoson inihe public street. Case dismissed al cos', oliii. prosecutor.John F. Keller wss tined -jj for selling

gooda, war."*, md merchandls.i Sunday.

Thk MbBABT lins Evbxixo..First,"Guaalta March," (Supne.) orchestra:

.-li bsrli >ne, " Tar's farewell.(Adams.'! Mr. il. t. Cardnzo; third, sobiclarine'. <. ll Trovatore,"(Verdi,)Mr. FebxJtrdella; fourth, mette, " s. -nt Love,"(Biscb,) orchestra; filth, duo. alto andtenor, "Tin Wind and the II rp," Glover,].Mi. sad Mri Greener, of Gt troll, Mich ;

llttb. SOlO 'e. li). " I'oelne !> Amour,"(Schubert,) Mr. C. W. railow; seventh,solo baritone, " By tbe Blue Sea," (Smart,]Mr. H. T. ('ii')i'zi; eighth, waltzes, ..Ton-jour- J un i'«." (VV ildti ufol,) o C lt

Vunus os rm: Kati. Uah.huh Awim.m..rn.- bodies M K >'.'r forum sariGeorge Moon, (be two colored mea svio

died of injuries received from the accidentwind) occurred on tbe Richmood sod Alie,ghaaj railroad Monday morning, wen

brought to tbe cltj yesterday. Tbey wen

lent to v itlsborg, (J allfax eounly, whoretbe ii> ft ised formerly liv- d.


School Board..A regaler meetlagof tbsCity School Board was held Tuesday oigblat ibe Baird boildtag. .Mr. Gibbs was re-

elee'ed teacher of School Ho, ._' (colored;and Mrs, sTooldridae teacher of Behool Mo,o' .-oiond). I be election of leaeber fur theottiir eoioied sebool was peetpoaed untilnext wuk.

Tlif- Commlltee on tirades will mort at theresidence ol Dr. T. P. Katbewi te-aaorrownight. Tbe following gentlemen composeIbis commlttei Messrs, C. Vf. Turner, G.A. Popio, D. J. Wetelgtr, anti Dr. T. P.Mathews,


Convention To-Day. . The Cb< sterfieldDomocrsticCoiiVtniion meei* at ibo court¬house today, ll will bs- eompoecd of forty-fOUr delegate*, anti was called for tho pur¬pose of reorganizing tho party for tb#coming eaaspalge. All tbe delegates wenelected last wtek.and it is . spooled tbilnus district in the county will bo full)repreieated. Tba Convention will be calleelo order alu -ii* II o'd'ek.

Brief items..Tbe Unslings t'ourt waiin Kialoa yesterday, and was engaged ostbe eheeesry docket. Tue court wm no

bc in sees ion to-day.Tbe river liss risen about five inches ll

Mayo's bridge during tue |ast tsvo iiavs

owing to ihe reci nt heavy rains >u tb<mountains. Tba water i- very muddy, anc

Ihe ludicitions aro tbal it will remain rtsavcnil days to come.

Mr. T. YV. Crow, who ter tbe pas! ulaimonths bas boen at work io We*t Vtriuniawill remove bk family tBere tin* isaakMr. Craw ti.** icsidt-d lu u-asy



( A*U-I»TABIABI,Y IS ADTAKta.i lae aqoare, woe laaerttos.?«...»*,<tus taus**, two bMsrtkraa.««,*.OBaa^mar*,'hiwalna-rrtlo-*................<»n« tqaare, iii laaerttora....'>n«tqo*re,tvrerrr sa aaec, awe raaatb...-one Kinara, twa raoalhs.tine -a,atre, thr**s> twoaAha ..

yesrs, sod st one time waa president of theold Town Board of Trustees.At the Blcbmond Stock Kxcbaace y«e>

terdiiy 100 Manchester las-reeeivsble 8 percent, bond* were told at BA.

Twenty-lvedoliara la doetor'i vldta will lo yo*lest good lian one bottle of Hoe BiTTaas.

- Tua cblbbbatbd i.ibbio CosrasT of KawYork, Parlt, sud Londos bas altaintrd 1U ires:reputation by adnering tu two rates: It oaVt borb*ap good*, lt oCt-ra only honest BB***BBM6BBM atboot *t prtcee. and rontainently In bating prepara-ilona having the name and teal of thia rwpatahla'.mpanv, one bl csrtaiu of pontv ind excellence.The Limua CnMrssv's arni, ated FSTSACTor AViT(U Hazbl, fur ioi<anre, alikougbMid sithe tania price aa ihe qoacfc, rohiriet*. weak trailltold under tbe nam* of Winn BLASBUM io muchluperlor Is every way ititi, once used. I* tore tocao.e lt to tie nsrd a wayt BMBwSfSar. lt core* puta,Sall-(thrum, skin-Unease., Khentntll.ui, Catarrh,I'aluful Monihlles. Sore Throat, and Neura'gta. Metare to ask fur Likbui < oar a sri AbshoatbdKxtract or Witch Haski.. Remember themirlet ti Booded with worthies**; lint s'lon.".ff (i-torial in SeitntiHc Suvpltimnt nf Ki E.t-a*A>ri.Sold tn Bfiy-etHu sad dollar tlxct.

Bus Lick st t mi r AVatbb.O -


ii Mu a« H

TS *c a

ti vOS B>, I.


Whit* sii.phi r spRivoa Water.

and all the oth»r


OBOBOl St lines s.

I.ignio (Ti.'g coca Bagr TORICt-Bitiodlet ihr nutritive el.-uiruta of Ihe bi us, ultU'.r.-. i>lo.«L hone, ind brtln nf ctn fully lelecte.lhealthy hull.ids. cita'dued with 'he p werfal BmMrlnssa .>r usa Ossa, »r BSersd Ltts-FBMM of Te:laea*. aud a eaAStsa nutllty nf Sheiry Win*. B.ware of iuil:a'lon<.

It is a* laatarVTABLB ru T that xotmi-soBS rcach»vt and removes the atu-e of BBSS* terribleBesCaebes as that wcii-iniw-n am! we l-trleti sp»r 1Tarkani'*) aperient. Sod by alldrugglstl._IlKTllRSDS AVATtlt. direct fr..m tie ipr'n

BO*, per gillon,at A. Ul 1081*8, Main sireet.

'. ll it (ill oN K AI-.'

The Hiing d-sired fo'iml at last. A-k diumb i *S Kit*. If clt-ar- .ul rats, ml.-e, rt,firi,flu-, lie.l-liiia*. Cir. Iioxeit.

Kkbpiin tiik siiai.v HOB OT TBS *TBBBrt ni Ision at AB rOSCS iud in t a iru-s .,r Balda *f Ml .

Waler, ami you will a*ti r act -ni,struck.

Fr,-h laVOkS d KBV-vTBII (ItiAR- Msritas, aa h. inhr a . i.

BBTHSSDa AVA rail, direct from t'

BO* ptrsalkt-a at a. tv toni'*. Alain -tn...

HOTOrfl CBLBBBATBD Kill- r-l'nkUall MCHABtOTTBSVILLB ' I IRir lt H pirikBSB BlCUBIST! AN A AA ni i.'-.iiKt ano MTSBI CATAWBA*.etaSSSl tam mer

ala. -t In-ip. at christian ,t AV in ri'-.

WOOD*! Hos HSBBISO*. hy Thom,for bWjny aa. n Ht.air a Ca

Voe Bearskjls, Pata* ss* AeSes in the Bark,Kidneys, or l.linh.-H<.P III I tr.Rs.

-< Ocas'* Mimi: ai .Vi ri it -pa,

. oitMKK Afaiv SOD H'viaiii STBBBTB,

-< BS, AT hy, Huuvadi -I IBO*,Etisengen. VreOerlckthUI Hitter.'nen Bot k. Bat tl iga, BcdCwd A um.Cong**-**, lac i.>r. Brefcbrloga Als*,Hathorn and Geyser, Allegmani >,»i n^ll. Ui.,t)i. W"ni--- -u'phiir.I'..iir,ii.> l.uhU, Hine Lick -ulphiir.AA'|i I.nhia. UrllastOlneer AM.Poi " I' Le. ii, Ko..' ll.-.r. Mph Boa.An-iiHmri-. b t-t ream ~oda.Keltb H. I rm..n i .rh made.! li-ttle*.

Pit -Nh ('in a KS, fie

Itt conic Lir* is iMPCKii.i.t t. d.a' Ju.lioloti.iywilli 'lie sMUiiloil!'. il ..nelli Mt Uiat IB* -Ht Ul St**ur-l'r or t'-liv in ty Im'.-in,,-a: ..h.tit. MS, ladisease te asuerow. AsapreteaUv* madielBS tass8IMMOM8 Lia tit ItKui'i.s rm:. WblriLbfll Iami '.in ft a tl Kilos "ii iii, liver, .t.tnat-h sad-pi-iii is etslaeatly ealesUted io ts nt siatur- 11her tir-rt. io r.-e i:ii.:tsi, i, bealla, ssasBBse. !'aili abm reraore tbe ast*** af Blasmm wMbasIof iImi pre* rt.ion wMeb f"'i twa ibe ai* sf .Hs

pura itttt - or anv af lbs lajttrtoai e'.r e¦- sf ali tpottom. iJuy only isa | atBHs wiaub n il r pusaud isslj ny I il 8 Co

Bl . o ly nra i'li-S'u l IO ak.

Hal O'- MAONOLIA BALBI,(.ll Ka in V kin A1 .i j i .

A I SIS, EBBSHBBAtmrr/L covpi exit."

No mit'.-r Bl uim-h

>.y Batar* ot v

lT-itic, -ok r snd i ikk THAT of Vu ni.

it is bo r Es>B4ASTLV Pssreass, ka* it

iu every w.n t umst a*Tf*et v lab as* i sn r

Ri Arlu kathi g ot ;-.¦-'..' '¦« tBssrcland i-t barmlest ai ->»trr.

Ult h < IO Al

Sd, .. RSS'f I. -

ll gb ny." anni other li I -

.ltd. \- D le vu; A t

Lily Bki ,LB ( PDAS, Bf.

Nt as- uki I sn- IO vi:

WBSTMOStSLABtt, Qt eas BSB|Ulllli! ot*-. . ¦¦'.

pure Havana Ualga WT* Bra at. iiei-ri in 8 AVit- ii

i i t i i«» . mus i ms DAT.

INO. E. I.AI'iHI I'oN. -Ik lo A. M., wainui Icottagi rbambi .ul.h. hair- ai. I MMMS-ailr- - ¦..-.. '. athel !.. d*. and oilier le.turbo d lu. .

ture. S<-.i.-r ll H. liol' EWORTH, b-ss6reV val.

ll 1/p. IV r, the Boas* of l'rt-ll«al A!i muse ,-i.uu't. Vt.


ICBMOND MOZART ASbOClATlOS,The reaalar weekly soiree will talc nltrv .'

M airt Hali Mils (Tbax-adayJ KVr.MM.o'clock. A.tmlvnon ou:y hv m. n.i*-r-l'' > r 'in

tailt u cards, which wait tue preu><:c f tl ike \»»rAle tn Ur. ran oh air luvitt'lun- sn's on apoto C.L.MBeSL.681 B.otJ street,ur i . t Jons*SION. BIM Mna itr-*tk JHH ".


rkAJRYMAllis' ki:- u':ion

THIKH rBB-BVTfBIAM t HITI?H,coMarasciso wedrfhoaY evgu inc Jt.-s*

vi7iii.AT H-So<v< um'k tsncnsTisviasarna lilt:kr. M(.H IK

The Dubhe arr inttied 'o tlteud tad give . .*.**».lng hand toa .'.-ttrving eau... Jy XO-Ji




LITA ls-. BU iiu-'Nl*BaATCKttHAV NIOItT. 'COCST I***,

irlu'i mi kHtsart tr- avtug *< t .¦uat

bind vf st..ur tv w o'cie** a,B*aMd*lariati»*srai#f»'o-'t-'tt- «<.?*.».laranaier rta**Ul» *f -ntava-rreseat fW tai» by *S* e-vrntiiuuv- ^.Jl^2r,lrrH

toa. 61S -af Betaad tlr-*..; l E. -f«svaiti**>ts. ^ *

Rtta asrsrl; ll. T. a Aaa, c.-rii.r af fa*. e«t» w

|y SfVbHJrlrti,*u\6AaAa* 66.1