library of congress...if r if f1 f ip31 t1 1 tf w p f t tm fy ffv itm w 4 lr ti 1 71ji ll r iq...

If r If f1 f iP 31 t1 1 tf W P f t tM fY ffV itm w 4 lr tI 1 71JI ll r Iq Z1tl- I r iHE SUNS TUESDAY AUGUST 9 Im f = 1VES REFUSES TO EXPLAIN wONT IKLL TiE CtllCniTOIUi l 7fKttfl- HE HA I C DS AKSKTS- Nmlilna he InU the Question Isjr Tlifji pen4 a Majr Knplorln hi tronke- dWarnnd he DIn tit Meet Them for it Moment and Mock nt Their IIstrts Tho pooplo Interested In tho Clnclnnnt llunillton and Dayton Railroad flrm of llonry 8 hCI A Co put In a livoly daYs work yesterday hut according to nil accounts they did not accomplish much A formal and eihaustivo examination of tho books of tho company and of Ivos A Con relations to tlic- coirtpnny was begun by a committed of the stockholders Meanwhile the New York one Cincinnati creditors had a conference About the most that con ho nld of nny of thoso voy gos of discovery Is that the further tho nnvl catom went tho worM they found things Ivo out In tho plea that whatever ho bad done with the assets of tho Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton Company was by authority of tho Hoard of Dirctor If this IB tho cnso It simply In creases tho number those who are roepon rible for the wrecking of tho property INS has evidently boon Bhrowd enough be noath his vnlnRlorlousnoss to draw a Rood many people as deeply Into tho mud an ho Is It I the mire Ills creditors for Instance aro tlm up In various ways chiefly by having non marketable collateral Ho has according to his own account made his dummy Board of C II and D directors sanction tho clcarlnc nut of the treasury of that company and there 1 Ii a reasonable suspicion that Horns of Uio po pl who hMO lout him money did BO nromtso that they should sharo In the jrots of Iio root and Ohio deal Is BO ivo wlll allmor to bring quito a number of iwanectablfl partners to the surface Cincinnati hamilton and Dayton stock wn offered down vohterday afternoon until 10 shares were sold at 4U Tho last previous about 120 U Is understood 8 sold out of a loan that had been called The sale certainly hn tho effect of reducing the collateral on tho has ft Co loans- whether direct or Indirect so that moro collat oral could bo demanded and In default of its forthcoming the payment of the loan de- manded The sale referred to was doubtless of value In forcing tho question of hOB it Cos solvency As nearly al If not all of their loans are time loans ono hll been able to for payment but now the collnt ra hl press booomo Insufficient nnd Ivess ability to print more stock or It from corporate treasuries Is exhausted tho lenders can die pose of tho marketable oollterlon Account- of the amounts duo take 1 hand In closing up his affairs and In roorcan Izlng the properties he bus wrecked- It is understood that tho atockholdnrslnv- estliratlon of Cincinnati Hamilton and Day- ton affairs chiefly upon tho following points I The outstanding amount of prod tock Ae cording to the company official 1 H49o- at in clot of th Coa year ending March 31 IHHO ant RTSOooo 00 IKH7 Tbr t li irooil reason to believe that itlll more ha put out ilnce the last- mentioned date 2 How much of the outstanding preferred stock was be Issued by the lord of Directors t 10rldlthe company ai required by law 3 I eQutyalent of be sew Issue at par In money 4 Whalbubeeomeoftbecuh lbs company had on hand according to the last animal report March 31 INH7 tO WIt f4mt4ssj or In other words whether Henry 8 lye A Co who had possession of omit of I as the companys bankers can account for It a now mob of the cash reserves of the Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton Company were used by II I ITC- Si Co In changing the gauge and meeting other expenses In connection with the narrowgauge lines which they bought on their DrtvaM account and which they 1 saddle on the Cincinnati lmlol nnd Day Ilpldlo a lease paying 55UJJ11- gsaranted bonds or three times the amount of the cost of those lines to tbm In the evening at tim Fifth Avenue Hotel tho Cincinnati committee and some of tho New York and Boston creditors had n long session Those present were James Thomson Foster A Thomson counsel for William Fellowes Morgan it Co Mr Morgan Irving A Evans and John C Coombs ronrosontlnc tho Boston creditors and T J Emory Oazznn Gnno Julius Dexter nnd CC Waite second Vico President and General Manaicerof the C H- and D and tho Vandnlia system nnd Lawyer William M Itamsey representing the Cincin ¬ nati directors- Tho meeting was called to discuss n state ¬ ment which Ives promised In tho afternoon to send to tho hotel at 915 in tho evening This statement was to give hit exact relations with the C II and li The hands on the big clock travelled past the appointed tlmo nnd no state- ment ¬ was received Alfred Sully dropped In A little before 10 oclock Ies and Btnyner rattled up to the Twentythird street entrance to the hotel and popped in upon the conferring creditors Ho hadnt brought the statement but an ho wan before them tho committees time at him tho following three questions which they hud loaded themselves with How much C n and l > preferred stock baT you Issued t How much do the bootsof Henry 8 ITCS t Co show that the firm owes the U 11 and O and the Vandalla- Titem T What stock did you hypothecate for loans Ives rarely smiles Bs expression Is that of- a very earnest of divinity But ho tried to smile at the questions They were plumped right nt him and his effort to smile gave him the second or two that ho needed to recover himself Then he told tho committees that really he hadnt time then to give definite answers to their questions Besides ho hadnt his books with him Come down nnd see me tomorrow at noon he added Ho didnt promise that he would give them a statement then or that he would answer their questions Then ho and Btnyner climbed Into tho rnb nnd rated away The committees will tackle Ives office of his counsel this moraine and at noon they wilt march around to Ives B office again Some nf the creditors are becoming Impatient over Ivess delay Ono of them said last night When wo asked him questions in Cincin- nati ¬ about tho affairs of tho C I and D cor- porations ¬ ho pleaded that ho W too far frot home and too far from hit books Come to New York he said will be F made clear Bo far ho hasnt shown the slight- est ¬ disposition to make things clear I have come to the conclusion that I von will not resign from the road that ho Is adopting these diy ¬ dally tactics In the hope thatthu Now Inclnnat director of tho C H and D will among themselves and that Kt tlsldrow will become BO fierce that Ivua will b and remain in his place YOPYO MB KOHNSTASIST LET oo- He Win Beware In Future of Race Track Rangers On and OrstTCsend Pallet Young Eratuiuel Kohnstamtn of 951 Bed ¬ lor avenue Brooklyn who was arrested on Qravescnd race track on Saturday charged wit retaining tho principal and winnings of said t have been Intrusted to him by somebody to bet or not according to his judg- ment ¬ was released yesterday morning after examination before Justice Anthony Wa ¬ ring at West Brighton- In response to his telegrams his mother his aunt Mr Koussbaum of 506 East Fiftieth Street and other friends came out on Sunday and spent most of the day with him Ills uncle E V Kohnstnram of 12G Chambers Street came late at night to ball him out but as the examination wai to bo early In the morning Manny chose to remain whore ho was Hs accuser was on hand at 11 oclock yester ¬ da morning Ills name is Callimm Ho Is employed upon a pilot boat and lives on Staten Island He swore that he gave 30 to a total tranger on tho track on Saturday to bet at Jus discretion and be had Manny arrested on the supposition that ho was the man John say a colored man in the employ George Kngemann swore positively that Kohnstnmm wa the man he saw talking with Calllnan on track Bay had given Kohnstamm a tip early In the day which had won and thats tho knew him ButCnlllnmi wouldnt welr- IIeeterly that Manny was the man ho wanted slrand withdrew his months now before Manny many la 21 years old when ho gets there ho will Let nearly two million dollars Young Lastona Trlul for Murder riTEBHBUBO Va Aug 8Tho prosecution tested their ease In the Langtun murder trial this C evening After a brief examination ot two ur three hocus they proved by measurement that Lnloar- olodluma ninety feet before nrlng tbe fatal shot l that when he surrendered himself 10 the Ihlo of I ollee he IIllbllr he hud not tail Kuftln It A be fsuie he dlho todosti laniftlun I nUtuI was lammed by defence to be the weapon until Tftr tint witness introduced by the defence was Dr usrld Msr a practUln ph thirty years stand ins J lie neserlbeil the nurrillon no laparnlomy I as one Performed in a xry limited brcauie or ili ilan- nenainu fer I U As tn its propriety ther is great d liver > lror opinion I Midlral I records simw I list It lies brtnr- erforineil only ntly I seven tlinu for iuril is Wilt about tej per cent rl iieith Ak ior jIII he WI not an aihocate 0 Upsrotnmy but a Id icrjbta I urlilng plan of trtilmtnt which I he minutely Inrurtbed a Onnir r Horse TnleycsP- IEBBK Dakota Auif HCatto Inspector uVion has unrarlhed ten Ih Who have Pled their business between here and the HUck huh or two year The gene Is I led by a half breed named so Moore who I la wen town In lieadwood lockion- ai toltQTl bin in II h sl01 reervziItt and he Is now In I in 5tnre male a full cimfeulon Implicating low flfieen different men and Mid H hereabout of the stolen t hmts Muore Is now on Itt Mother alsO Muss tied MOXTBEAL tug 83Ira lra llronnnn of this 1 ely and her ten yearold son were drowned at 61 leand loday The boy was bathing the river I wes being J1 w< y b1 toe clrnt when the Ilar west u Us rescue sad was bcnut vanld away l I I WfIU r THE fianr AGAINST RUCUINE LA flOfl- Nearly f All the fllrlkeira I In Uoncliata Shoe Hhop Paid OH and Ultckurcce- BnocitTON I Mites Aug eTho battle of hnnd labor ncalnstt machines was fairly begun this morning I In Senator DuunlnsH r huO shop I Nearly ni of tho striking meters wont to the shop morning to Rot their pay They wore paid of und promptly tllHchnrscit Mr Douglass full of pluck und his old asso elates In tlio labor party know It 80 they ama already seeking employment elsewhere Mr Douglas was found In his engine room today with his coot off Im going to run thoso machines ho said with a decisive nod of tho head Rod nn tho union would not nl low ItO to put on onohnlf nonunion men I hull put on all Thoro shall be no strike Ibm for thn mon who dont como hack todn will never work for mo again whethor I win or lose this fight To every nll who stops from thn cars IUK who bo looklna for work a card I Is Rlvon bearing the following Lasterst All laden I are rtques ed tokeepawayfrom W L Douglass factory In Urookton as the men are out on a strike By order of toe Lester rrotectlv Union Mr Douglas smiled when he road the card nnd said Notwithstanding all that I have hud quite n number of applicants for work on ttume iiiaclilncH and I havo hired sovernl men who will BO to work tomorrow I thought I had rather be off with tho old hands before I commenced with tho now ones Any of the old hands who como bach before 0 oclock tonight will bo Rot to work but After that time they have got through with mo for Rood nnd wi never work for mo again IIB long na I business AH tho old hands will either get their kits or come back today I shall know how many new ones I may need and shall sot hum to work as fast as thoy como tomorrow There areeeverai men at work In other parts- of my factory who want jobs running tho ranchmen but I shall puton instate If 1 can got good ones who dont belong to tho Lantors Union I shah have nothing to say ns to whether they shall be Knluhts of Labor or not 1 have always been very favorably disposed to ward the Knlahtn anti toward organized labor and I havo no objection to LuBtors Union mon to do hand work but thoy cant run the ma chinos Mr Douglas says ho will not ask a man whether he belongs to a labor oreanlzntfon or not an that Is not what bo Is eontlndlnj for but for n principle Ho tfco union wanted to control the machines thoy went tho wrong way about It and inndo a great mistake ns ho was willing to divide the work- on tho machines with the union mon Ttii ro are rumors that a general movement will bo made against tho machlnel In other factories by tho Lusters Union Tho union says that tho manufacturers must em- ploy only union mon on the machines- To this the manufacturers wi not con- sent for they claim that union can InBtruot tho mon to so cauRO tho work ns to mnko the machines worthless to the mnnufnc- tururs This would compel them to abandon hut machines and return to hand lasting An Incident at the factory of A M Hermit the man who first used these machines In llrock ton shows how the union men can or rtnr hasten tho work Mr Ilerrod was his union men that they would last 100 pairs n day In place of GO If ho would see Secretary Carne and allow him to fix the prlco to be paid but as ho did not do so tho men dont last any moro than before THE WARDS ISLAND DETHB The Jury Declares that the CIty Must F- BI More and Better Attendant Inquests Into the cases of the patent Carl Fritz and John Llddoll who at Wards Island after receiving Injuries at the hands of other patients woro held by Coroner Levy yesterday In the case of Fritz Attendants McCann and finn testified hearing thonolso of a fall and finding Fritz lying on tho floor They called the doctors who found that the patients left log was broken Dr Douglass testified that ho had considerable difficulty In Undine how Fritz camo by his Injuries because Fritz spoke only In Gorman and only ono attendant in the place could understand that language Finally It was mado out thai Fritz acoused a patient nnmod Lusscnberger of having knocked him down Lussenberger denied this but admitted having put his hand- on Fritz Dr Hathaway testified that tho immedlato causo of Fritzs death was acute diarrhoea but that tile Injuries might have been an ad- ditional ¬ cause Medical Superintendent Trnutman explained that the fact of insuflt clent appropriations having made It ImposBl blo to complete tim system of plumbing in the institution had caused the necessity for Frt to leave his own ward and go into the whore he was hurt The jury brought in a verdict that Fritz died- of natural causes but recommended that the city should furnish the asylum with more attendants to meet the emergency of such cReelln the future Llddoll case Deputy Coroner Jenkins said that death was caused by heart failure and advanced disease of the kidneys Dr Trautmnn testified that Llddoll got into 1 Quarrel with a patient named Kohler and was being led away by a patient when he loaned over and received n kick from Kohlor In the mouth A tow minutes after he dropped dead Dr Triiutman thought that the shock of the kick might have aided the heart failure The testimony of several keepers agreed with this story and the jury brought in a verdict that the death resulted from accidental Inju- ries ¬ received from a fellow patient and added a recommendation that tho number- of atendRnt nt tho asylum be in ¬ that the compensation of such attendants bo raised to a decent living figure thus raising their qualification and fi- tness ¬ and that at least onothlrd of the attend- ants ¬ should be able to understand and speak the German language and that at least ono person be employed in each ward who thor- oughly ¬ understands the care and custody of Insane persons and their treatment In cases of emergency In the cases of Patrick OLenry and James MoIIugb Wards Island attendants Indicted- for the killing of George Farrlsh a patient Judge Olldorsleeve yesterday flied tho ball at t200Oeach A SUICIDE IDENTIFIED Tn Dodr wa ur I 8 Deveer who had Enough iloney but wu Lone me The body of the tall man found in tho middle- of the Sound off CornUeH light and taken Into Green port by a fishing boat has been Identified aa that of M i Deveer late of 5 West Twentyfourth street It was Identified yesterday In Greenportby his son C 1 Deveer of Boston The latter told thn Ircenport people that his father was a pasi euger on the Pilgrim going East o- atllhl and had probably alien overboard acci At River line pier > e onlclals ID the absence- of Ih could only tell hat they had heard the day before from those on boo bf her That was that one of the craw had seen the man Jump ovrbrd1l- b forward gangway on the mla deck a the four foot rail running solid from the deck was fastened before the steamer left the pier They also knew that young Mr Ueveer had staled Detective Ualton nf the fflgrlm when making his nrst inquiries on baturday that he received a letter from I his father containing ar2r suicide Mr Deveer was a I r about r5 years old from Holland and In r an income train an suite there which supported him At the Twentyfourth street house the people had noticed his despondency and at- tributed it to a feeling of being lonesome and homeless- lie lid not lire with his I son In Hoston It Is said because he did nl like his daughter law Hsfore lie left on Friday mailed a letter This Is thought to have been tb On In Inch he declared his Intention of killing him- self A early the next momlnl despatches cauie from the out sine was to Ih asking about the father Slid another wax to Ilnkerton asking that a detective be sent after him to tile care of him It wu then too late nrnshmaker Establish a H jrcott The annual convention of tho brushmakers unions of the United tales and Canada wa bun jes terday In Odd Fellows Hau 37 flowery Consideration of the lockout In the shops of Rennons Klelnle i Co of Baltimore took up the greater part of the day andlt was decided to ask all union painters not to use the goods of the firm The trot Is charged with having re- uulred Its employees to sign a contract tusking I various Imitations upon their liberty the fulfilment of which was to bo enforced by the retention of I ten per cent from their salaries end Its connacntlon In case nf dis- charge It Is also charged that the llrm makes a similar contract with apprentices aud discharges them on sum aohnlca excuse after they have worked fur two or three years The strike In the shops of Martin 4 Sons on Fulton street In this city will tie considered today They Could Not Pay and lad to Go Marshal Robert lull and his assistants yes erday afternoon elided the tenants of Jacob StrohlA Co the cigar manufacturers of 34bl IIO 3iJ3 North Third avenue Five families moved out on Friday The mltnce had not secured other quart Their personal suede were thereKiro pUced sidewalk Kleten Antilles Here etlcted Most of then seemed to care title about I the mal the ease was a sad tine rlvdrlech Voora agel clgarmaker has a pare ytlu daughter tue was rcmoteu to a hospital Ihu noiherKlthe girl sst cDlngmi she sidewalk I with her household effects plied around her ills Last Krqurit that he be Not Put Da Ice Alexander It Murray 68 yours old and well to do committed suicide last night by stabbing himself in the stomach with penknife Cnl a few > ear ago Murray wasa pattern mould maker Ills health filled hun stud ho retired from business Recently hl wife sis h has been very itespnndrn acted I WbI Lint night he sUed I Into Ills hedruom and as lie sitcud thin saul Dont put menu lie A nm tent liter Urn Murray I heard him griamnir mud when she 5 lllnnlh ijedrniim she found hint l h I ing on Iii Ilcor hlonil towing from the wounds In lila stomach lie died before a doctor arrived Smokers will hind our nw White Caps Cross rout try Latest full Dress the finest cigar sites ever Hmrlh ParticularLy I pleasant In warm wsalhsr Kinney Tobacco Co tw TerkAdP C r a Mv Mlat h A Ir Edwin Hancne seye i liar prescribed Dlgesty lln In several cues and nod It excellent and superior- to any other digestive agent I hays vsr used At all drujrUts s 4ap 11 botu or W f Kidder A CG u John au- XI C J 1 i finnudal I rro THE STOfKllOIJJKKS OF Till NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COUPAXn The undersigned representing tot themselves and- others n > eryinre ownnrshliln the Northern Icu Enllroid rompiny Ullee that a change In the Dor or I Pirtctom Mill iiniiiiote the best Interests nf the eoU isny nnd bring better results tn the stockholders I hove therefore decl led tn prepare a ticket for tha- otnlng election a hInt will Include some of the men here of the present Hoard alt nthers who can be relied spot for effecthe service and for which w ask thtatpi port of all rtoclholders Any stockholder desiring Information as t the ttekej to lie prepired n the policy to bo pursued will pIssed call upon any of the undersigned August li7J- OIIN I TItllVOR ELIJAH SMITH PresIdent YORK HTIOSII I CO of the Orenn sndTran r J P rilllUST A tO continental Co ClIAiifl A iiiniiiNsnx JOIINU HOIKKrELLEI DWAIUI fcVVKKT I CO CIIAS i rO AMES 11 COLI1ATK IIKMlARUriON HILL CO- LAUCSnUlKlllTllALMAX MOUItK I SUIILKY 1 CO liltAKF MAHTIN t CO IAC1CINTOSH KIOLS IIINHV CLKWR A co- t co roioATi HOY- TritiNiti t wiiiTrLY cimtus IIKAP co- ClINTHAl Rt I 11145 n COMPANY Of 1tltI iiuuiihitn NT hew urk Aug 31IW7 To the hollers i f the Adjustment Mortgage Itonds ol thin roniiuny hrehv mien tIttI or the total I issue of 5224- en tjiu I rloii it iris ot tub cOIIony date loy I I j C 10 ha sCotIcI I IrolIUon 0 Iii sill luS lr5Silt I I I uWIIIII t psii 11 I 1r unl I accrued I 1 1tAI TrusS oIliletl I i t 511 tt llh rll y of N lrk In ur b fore M t I IW7 0 elicit lal Itileresi wl I cease This I notice u given FUTSuSOt to the option reserved tot the iiiieny 10 I liay the sail b011 ot any Chits prior w- INfltAL nustn cit p RAILROAD COMlASV OP NKW Jl KSRC J H MAWrLJ President 1 H I Y ANKERS AND llIOKIiltM BROAD ST Sw York BltABCII OFHfh- Sv W1 St N v I 14 tONECflft I A Evans A Co Hnstnni i I U oIW- HrrhUdlrbl Co Chicago tnrot A Macartney Werrei I A Jostles Itlclniiiii I Va Andrews Co lialnmo- rIrivste n Ire 1mmfclifns Buy and sell Stock iiiinds and Wlicellaneous J Secnrltlel- on the New York Slock Kxrhang JOHN C I NOOKK 0B I hCIILtYWfc KITOHBU TUB EARTH lIAR YIELDBrToNrTo ITa5E Tit KARTII IH HURNINU SIJ CONSCSsWU IO YOU WANT TUB Jml 1 TIE NEW YORKS DEFEATED KKEFEBATIKn HARD AXIS OFTEN flY TI8 ClUIIUNA The DetroitContinue Dexrnand Ho- toaa Mtaek on the ItlieThr indians Be lr a Victory und so Do the nreuklras Tho Dntrolt Club dropped 0 point ycsUir day and no did tho Now Yorks while tho Chi- C anti Doston Clubs gained 1 point The result ot tho ftamo yesterday showed that Dos ton boat Detroit by 8 to 3 Chicago boat NOT YorkiatoS Philadelphia bent Indianapolis I S to 5 and Washington boat Pittsburgh 8 to 2 In tbo Association St Louis boat Cleveland i 8 to 4 Drooklyn boat tho Athletics 0 to I and the Metropolitans boat Baltimore 8 to i The record now stands pct rnis- octiTioi tSAGtJB I Oi 11 ml > Rf tc Wm Detroit H2M RL ous- rinclnnatLv 2 7it- SthiCaeo47 ttfl 011 > 502 notion 33 Louisville tO an r1c3 4 Hew York M MO Balllmor 40 37 M- Phlldelpa4l 3 nil Brooklyn 42 41 w- WashlngWai 0 431 Athletic41 44 452 211 47 OKI 5S JXT Wr 1 33 64 ZUOlllevefand r Kl 2K CHICAGO 12 sew vole 5 CnirAoo Aug H Chicago today paid off New York I in last Saturdays coin snatching I out a game that seemed- to be safe enough forth visitors II wa done by hard and ssf batting In chunks and there no way to avoid a detest except by hitting stilt harder This I Is easier said than done with CIrkll In the box for Chlcaio plays with I e vigor whenever he Is pitching I The Mw Yorkers played a flue adding game as usual bald well when I they batted al all aol took advantage opening un the bates they were slightly I outplayed and lost because II was not postble to win They had what looked like a winnin- gleaduptothefldof the Crib Inning and were playing great ball but then came a furious I streak of batting In thiS sixth slid another In the eighth nine runs eight of titers earned being I the total for the two Innings A larks delegation of New Yorkers here I In attendance on tn- lorester Contention attended the game In a body The again was agalntt the visIting team a bail ulnplrlll boencher giving Chicago its two runs In the when IfeHer was cleverly caught on- nnt flue throw but was deolsred I safe Then a base on balls and a single produced IWo runs The gatne started out rather ragged for t- ad inufled thrown ball hy Anson two passed balls byojrl the singles ot Tlernan and Ward gave two rut Connor began the fourth Inning with a triple and Ewing followed with a double earning one run In the fifth fumbles by Williamson and hums and Tlernant- twobaser produced twu unearned runs Clarkson pitched a great game from this time on und nobody hit to speak of till Keefe In the ninth Inning drove a hard- liner between left and contra and Wards single earned the run Mingle by Ffeffer and flint a base on balls and Poeichsr I bud decision gave Chicago the two tallies In the second Inning aol In the slut after two men were out a base on halls for Sunday singled In rapid succes don t by Ryan Van llaltren and Anson and IfefTert- fonr bagger over tight Held fence earned Ore runs Hurnss triple and Flints long fly to centre earned one In the seventh and In the eluhih Ityan and Van llaltren hit singles and when Ward fumbled Ansons grounder- and then threw wild to Connor the hue were toll when a double pLoy should have been made On PfelTeri single I Isyan scored and again all i the bags were occupied Williamson put a safe g oundor In right purposely allotted himself- to be run out between hut andsecond while Van llaltren Anton and IhelTr were crossing the plate It was a smart ruse on Williamsons I part as Richardson and Connor were so intent on running him out that forgot all about looking after the home plate The bl tendance was fully lIve thousand left with his team for n n this nWrUlro confidently expects to get three the hoosIers It the New Yorkers of ball they played here there will Kay trouble In adding three victories to their record The score tHloao 111W you Sunday LlsPoLL 3 I n oI Dora e f I I 0 0 a 3 I lriernanlfO 2000V- antialtrenlf3 8 0 0 Wayd a s I 9 2 3 2 Arson hstb2 2 12 I I Connor bt 110 n 0 PrITr2db3 S I P 0 Ewing I I 2 0 Wtiuamsonesi 2 2 7 1 OltoitrkeSdbO I I 0 Burns 3d b I I t a I Itorgan i f 0 0 2 1 ylint o o I S 0 2 AIhdon2db1 I I 2 UlarksonpO I 2 4 7 0 TotaU 12183710 6 totals6102410 4 Chlcsgo 020O051 4 12 Nsw York 3 OOJ20001 = 6 Lamed runs Chicago II New York 2 Twobas hits Ansnn Tlernan Ewing ThrcI asa hitsflume Connor Keefe Horn run PfeSsr Klrst bass on balls Williamson riarkson Sunday Pfeffer lore First base rrrorsChlcmro 2 New York s struck out Iir Clarksou by Keefo 0 Passed balls Flint a Tuu 245 UmpIreDoescher MLTIXORX 8 IT OrOLITlf II Biin oii Aug BThe Metropolitans lId some hart and timely halIng today soil won the jams on Its merits Lynch was batted rather freely at times but steady at critical points and the errors made be- hind him were not nenerally costly The home team made a good uphill but could not once get the lead Palmer 9t1i leg In the fourth Inning I and had to give way tn Daniels I I who could not successfully bold KUroy The scoreB- ALTIMORE HKTROrOLmH Hlaroix i1srOAu Orlffln o f o J I 0 1 lUdford s 1 1OS3 Purcell r fo 0 3 0 0 OBrien I L f3 3 5 0 1 Kuimer c 1 301 0 Orr e f 3 3 3 0 II Daniels a o0 4 0 2 llanklnsn3dl 3410 Tucker 1stoI 2 9 1 0 Ryan 1stbo i e 0 0 Burns sa 23350 Rnteman r fl 3 I I 0 Rommers 1 L ft I 2 0 o Sommers 0 1 3 8 1 0- nvlldbO I 0 1 1 Oerhardt2dbo I 2 8 I Troll Sit b2 2311 Lynch p 1 0 0 3 0- Kllrop1 0 I tI UTolII1I 172714 7 Totals 8132713 I- lJaltlmoro OO3O4OI 0 B Metropolitan 3 0 2 0 1 S 0 0 2lI Earned run Baltimore 7 Metropolitan8 Twobase hlta Kuimer Burns frr OBrien iierhardt Three base hits Trott Ocr Double nlars fEadfordlerhardt and Kyan lilt by pitched ball Urllttn list base on errors Baltimore 4t Metropolitan 2 struck outfly Kllroy3 Lynch 3 Passed ballsDaniels 2 Sommers wild pftrhesrKllro 4 Time 2 hours and 30 minutes Um- pire ttulllTan ATHIIT1C S t BSOOILIK 6 rnitiDiirHti Auj STh Athletics had more hits and fewer errors than did the nrnoklyns today but the latter made the most runs tlenaersont West boa delphla friends were out In force and they pulled for the obese pitcher The visitors were fortunate In 1- Unllin their hits when they would do the most good Bmlth played a good canoe at short notwithstanding that his two wild throws gave the Athletics three runs tn the second McQarr also played good ball at short This score ATUUCT1C- R BROOBLT5- R Is OJIK l5ro A 5- PiorntanrfI 4 3 0 0 rinVney 3d bO 0 2 1 lJ I Lyons 3d t i o 0 McClellan2db 1 4 3 o Mann c 2 1 o 0 McTamnycr 2 3 o o Blerbauer2d I n 2 1 0 gwarlwondrf 2 0 0 0 Larkin 0 Peoples Istb 0 0 H o 1 Jrbl fAg ofiralthss 34 I 7 3 MrQarr a > 1 0 a 4 1 lark o 1 3 A 3 I Townsend oo o 4 J 1 rrrer I f O o S 0 0- Henderson Weyhlng 0 2 1 5 o 10 0140- TotalsS 13 24 ii2 Totals Tfll227W 4 Athletic 03100000 13 Brooklyn o 1022001 < Earned mns Athletics 1 Brooklyn 5 Twobase hiislackin Hwartwood Three base hits I Pnorinan- Weyhmir mitt Double plajs Hmilh McOlellan and Peoples First base on bull Tixirman Inn lsrkln- RtiTey XcClellan McTamany lilt by pitched bail Larkin McTamany First baSe on errors Athletic 3 Brooklyn I hlrockoutliierbaoer McGnrr Weyhlng- Mcfamany Peoples Clarke Henderson Pasieil baths Townsend 2 Wild pitches Weyblnf 3 TimeTwo hours Umpire McQuade AT DITEOIT Detroit 2 O O O O 0 0 O 13- I Boston II 0 0 O I 2 41 Date bits Detroit U Boston 12 Errort Detroit 3 Boston 0 Pitchers Beatln and Kadbourne AT ltDIAirOLIS Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 1 1 O 1 0tI- I Philadelphia I 0 4 I o i o I Bare hits Indianapolis II Philadelphia 12 Errors IndianapolIs U Philadelphia I PltchersBorle and Casey AT riTTSSCRGR IIIIbcrrh2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02I- I Washington 0 o 3 0 I 4 a- Base III hlta Washington Errors Pittsburgh 3 Whfalon O Iltcuera Oalrln and till more AT ST Loris St Lonls 302O3000 O fl- Clsveland 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 14B- ase lilts St Louis 13 Cleveland 10 Louis 31 Cleveland u I PitcbersYoutz and mt OTIICR O1NES At Waterbury Waterbury S Danbury INTSKNATIOVAL LXAGIHC At Toronto tA Mhiainhltott a Toronto PM Syracuse H Toronto At Jersey Tuy Niwnrk 0 Jersey City 5 At wtlkesbarre tlunalo in Mlkesbarre 1 At Blnuhamton lllnghainton l Hochester At Hamilton Hamilton lit hcranton 4 WKSTKRN tXAIlK- At Omaha Topekv Ill Umahu r- At HastingsHustings IK hsnas City O- At LincolnLincoln 16 Wichita saw EKGLA3I LKAGVR At Lynn Lynn Pt Manchester I At rortlondtialeuii Ot ottlsnJ 3 GAVEV TO PAT At Brooklyn Brooklyn anti Athletic- At W est Brighton Star Athletic and Union you THE BEST BALL PLAYER The Kotton XfcraMt base bill canvass shows the follow ngreiulti GENERAL PLAYERS FIRST CHOICE Morrlll Itoston416 Williamson Chicago211K- elly Bostnu iiu Ward New York 211 Anion Chicago Cs Ityan Chicago 10 tlchardson irtrolt H8 rul1lnlblldphl4Iw- lall New York SO Dunlap I Detroit Johnston Boston Sutton Boston 3 votes each Klchanlson New orki Polhemun I Indian polls OBrien Washington Denny Indianapolis tsdbourn Boston I vote each Total voice for Oral choice f07- sxconn CHOICE Kelly Itopton 157 Olthurke NYork 27- Storrill lIolon ISO JohuIOn Boston 22 mhardon Detroit I 24 Cergusun lhUdlpM II- Anson Chicago WIse Boston 7 Ewing Newcork IMI sinitk kittaburgli 7 Ward sirk ultnn 1011011 4 Wiliinntsuii Chicago hiiieg Whlnilon 4 He we Detroit llrouthers Uetrolt J llassciick Indian aliolist tonnnr New york Jtuteseach tan i lisllren nlmgoi lluttlnlon Ilitladelphla Kiichue Indlsnanolfs- luilden notion larrar Philadelphia ttidsorthiluw- eli I vote each Total votes for second choice 823- Tiiinn choirs Ichardson Detroit I in Ewing New York 14 Kelly Boston 131 Hulll rhlladelchla II Anton Chicago lOT Aniress 1hllailclphla 10 MorrilL lies im ID huiton Biwtun 7 Itourke Sew York 71 liennr Indianapolis 7 Vltllamson i hUago 1J Innnnr New York 7- Warel New York 411 White Detroit 5 ertuson Philadelphia DO llyan Chicago s ennelt Detroit 15- llanlon I i etrolt Ffeffer flilcaro Rronthers Detroit II ornung BOKIOU Illnei Washington I Wx Boston two votes earl jolmsiim Bostun Welch > ewYork snett Indiana oIls Tlerunn New York Bastlau- liiUdelplilu one vine encli I Total noIre for I Itilrd I rhi- IIFhT iu hUNNMU stIlT rnnick- Cellr llonlon 413 llanlon Detroit M Ward New York MTlJolmiton Boston II Sunday Chicago 46Kwlug New York u Vhaelock UosLn ItO Ryan Chicago 4I lornung Boston 17 WIiae Boston 8 Ocr 2lw York roiarty tHiUdslpala VorrlU be r I i ton Nash RoMwii I Andrews ptilladslphla two Tote I alert purdoek Utstoni Annon Onlesgoi Tlernan New Yorki Lovely ilav rhlll Laihatn bu Louts eilsyete- cccli Total votes for flrm choice i kacoivn cnninje Ward NawVork 31ft Wise IloaMn II Kelly Boston 1 03Tlernaii Vew York 1 Sunday Chicago 7n Anson Chlwgn 8 Johnston llonlon 41 Kogarty Philadelphia I llanlon Detroit yiHuVKm Boston 4 lore NewYnrk 311 Mcileachy lodlsnsps- brouthers 4 Jlllrnlln lIollon 22JleCrtliicaco 4 Wheehock Hoton 21 Satham St hula S- Ewing NewYerk I 17 WIlliamson Chicago Andrewi rblladlphl Ii- Richardson flew Yorkl OHCkrk New Ynkt Nash IlosIoni Iturliock fleeton iwo itea eaCh Itlcherdeo- nDIroltl Carroll VblnilOnl hjltney lUlibuflhl yin Iittsburgh Madden Uoetctl I Vlr1I1 lIlacs Total I votes for onIClUk TIQBD CHOICB t Sunday ChlernIWIylill hlfago 14 Ward Ijew York SI ogart >ViTnadelphla 14 Kelly Iloaton 55 I feller ViliAgo lt llaklon Vlrollellllno K > hlnlnnJI llornung Boston 40MorrllL Itvion t H Andrews Philadelphia80 Burdock fiusMn t Johnston Iloelon34 llasscnck Injjanariolls fi lore NewYnrk 84 Wise Hosteix L 7 Wheelook Hoiton 3H Tlernau NevYvrk 7 Ewing NswYork 33 Miller Pittsburgh I Anon Chicago FarviL L Washing tonI Van llaltren Uhlcsgoi Manning DetroV gash nil ton 4 votes each Williamson Chicago Snes Hirh ardson wYorkt Ortourke Boston Kodtyd Mstro- nolltan Latham fit LouIs 2 vote each luMnton- rhlladelphla Uslrymple I Httsbnrghi Dennv I iMItnono lie Uunlsp Jetroli Chicago Connor NOw york Hhindls lieirolt llronthsrs Detroit Erwin rhUaUiihia Annie Newark 1 vole each Total votes for third choice CIS cum taos TUB DIAKOXD The Qorhams played their Drat game at Newbnrghtu terday and defeated the Acme Clubot thUclty by 10 VS On Sunday At the Long shard grounds12i4lys Bndwelsers At Atlantic rorkBtocko 7 I iaclhio The Metropolitans have signed Ud llogan right fleldel of the Naihvlliss 111Is a great fielder and base runner Roseman will not however be released The Emporia Dan Hall Club was admitted Into the Western League yesterday In place of the 81 Joseph Club I which disbanded a week ago The League now has- a full I membership of eight I clnbe The player of the Dlnghamton Has Rail Club were yesterday lIned r lo each ny the directors because six weeks ago they refused to go on the held unless Fowler the colored second baseman wa removed At Mount Vernon on Ratnrday Morrison Herrlman k Co Id Vernon 7 Morrison Ilerrlman A tos hall nine hers disbanded for the season They played four- teen games winning thirteen They defeated the lead- Ing nines in the dry goods trade and therefore claim the championship Manager Mutrle says I have had I less trouble with my men this year than ever before Tbsp are all trying- to do their best We have more Independent players In our club than you can find In any other team some of our men have considerable property and therefore are not dependent upon us for a living and hence they want to take more liberties than they otherwise would How- ever tf nothing happens to our men we will certainly occupy A good iposltlon at the end of the season PiTTSBonon Aug 8It seems that the spirit Ininbor dlnailon I Is rampant In the Pittsburgh Club Mannger Phillips when spoken to In regard to the matter this afternoon refused tn say anything which may be taken as admitting that things are nearly as bail as reported President Nlmlck t at present away from home and what action he will take remains I to be seen The pros are that he will come round to see the boys unless Kcl work at the bat it was said today on good authority that J froI I the batteries bralth Whitney and Dalrymple others were playing a dont care game andthat most ot them were after release or more salary RACING IN SARATOGA Jubilee Orlando Volaintr Splnnette and Glcnstrm tile Winners BAIUTOOA Aug 8Thls was the fifth extra day of the race meeting here The attendance was good for an extra day the weather was magnificent antI the track was tout Pint Itace Pnrse 300 for maiden threeyearolds and upward threequarters of a mile PoolkT ysgln- f2S Jubilee CM Tidal Wave CIS the fleW W Jubi- lee I went off In tbe lead but waa soon passed by Tlda Wave who led to the lower turn after which Jubilee re- gained flint position and holding his advantage won by two lengths JJ Ilealey and Tidal Wave Stitched three lengtbs apart with tits others strung out Time 117U Second Face Pnrse WOOj one and onequarter miles Pools nedstone 133 thefteld tt Hedsume was the nrst away but he was soon passed by Orlando who led for half a mile when Redstone ran up on even terms with him Coming up the stretch Kensington showed In front In the run home however Orlando regained the lead and landed a winner by a nose with a hale length between Kensington and Redstone Time 2KK Third Race turse JMJ for horses beaten Saratoga this season and not having won a race since July JO one and one sixteenth I miles I Fools Volatile flu held KU Doubt tout the teAS at the start and held it to the half mile post when Alnrlo showed In front and mads the running the last furlong Then Volatile came through and gaining and holding the lead won by a lennth There was a like distance between the second and third horses and the rest were well up at the finish Time 131 H Fourth Race Selling race for three year olds and up ward which have uot won race since July 1 three quarters of a mile Pools Uurton gIll hplnnette 1- 1MalvaRS I the field MO hplnnet e started us with the lead and mas never headed winning by halt a length with I Fred H half a length before Burton and the othieracioss at hand Time 117J Fifth Race A hurdle race welter weights the winner to be sold at auction one mile and a furlong over nve hurdles Pools llenarm U the SaId JBS ton led over the unit two hurdles I len Hhsal i olIrba third and fourth and Otenarm over the fifth the last named winning by three lengths Ten Shell and Oeorge MeCuHoiigh a length apart and the others strung out Time 3 utt Brighton Beach Be- At Brighton Bench yesterday tho first race was three quarters of a mile Pools Subaltern Lucky Seven and Cochecn fas each Palatka CIO field C1- 3SubaUtrn won by a neck with tIrade second Time lllRX Mutuals paid 3045 Oracle paid 0750 Second Race Seven eighths of a mU Pools Moon- shine f2 Sweety and Uontauk l 15 each field 50- Cimmanitr won by six lengths with Sweet second Time 23014 klutnals paid 8143 place tun in Third Race One mils PooleChiarley i Russell 1910 ElIte Hardy WV Rebel Friend 2St field 120 Clarity Itvatll wun by a length with ECle hardy J second Time 144 Mutualapald 124O Fourth Raca One rails Pools Change V Banero- H5 field tM3 Change won two lengths with ileorge Angus second Time 144U Mutuals paid IfSlbo George Angus for place tmU- I Fifth ROn and one sixteenth miles Pools Ra InCa 60 tlarnet Sir Lucy II S7U Horenc M elS rink I Cottage 43 field 575 Flarence a won hv a length with Duplex second Time I31M Mutuals paid 21015 Duplex paid ti30 sixth Itaceitue mUe anti a furlong Pools James A II 4HU Adonia and Lute Arnold tO each field IBS James A 11 was left at the pst Lute XrnoM won by a ength with Adonis second Time tMIX Mutuals paid 1325 Today Race at Monmouth There Is plenty of material for firstclass racing on the programme for Monmouth Park The Camden Stakes for oyearolds BOll the Batnntown Stakes for three yearolds and upward will be worlh the Journey to see Following are the probable starters and weights First Race Handicap three quarters of mile Edi tor 114 pounds Patrocles 114 Ichl Ban 113 Eolls- nm Easter Sunday UH Florence E NX Utah 103 Rose IJ tuna Brown IV Second Race Camden Stakes three quarters of a mile Idallacolt I nw pounds Mr Dixon UH Prospec- tH Igaro 104 Alexandria KIN Austrlenna I IllS Peereiw UA lllmer ISO Ueitdlgo 112 tordham I lift Third Race Uatontown xtakcs one mile The Bard us pounds Barnum 117 Climax lets Editor Ill Flrenzl hut Preclosa 103 Estrella 103 Jrlsette 02- mrldeaway 87 ceolaH4 Fourth ItaceIlandicep one mile and a furlong Eu- ro 114 pounds lckham UH iionfalon UH 1untlco- UH llelvlUere u Kerona S7 Pat Bheedy i2 Fit It Race Selling nne tails sad three sixteenths livelier lOCI pounds This Bourbon III Pat Mieedy icu lonfAlnn lua Enigma U7 The stall event will be a handicap hurdle race at one mile and threequarters over six hurdles TrottIng In GuttcnbertT Tho postponed trot of tho 224 class which lad been set down for yesterday from Friday last drew quits large attendance to the track of the North llud eon thriving Park In lutienberg yesterday In addition to this a sweepstakes trot took pluce The following I is a summary Turin 130 unite heats best three In five In harness A U llklnss b in Ida Hf lie by Major Miller W Mixlnsl 1 II I I J ncllmIrpldownerl2 1122 P N Trlppsch m rlues aowner a a a j 3 PoolsIda TlmeJi7 Hells 22 ii 7c2I i27blrfld 17 Per- Plexed 2- Hweepstakes of 230 mile heats bout three In live In harness T F Tlmmtnss ch g Manhattan by Daniel Lambert owner 4 I 4 4 5 I VIIRollersbkg PetrqleumUllaserl 3 II 1 II a- w Nicholsons g Royauownsr 3 4 A 3 2 j- Ml C Kennedys m liellatowner3 3 s 4 2 I tereancearm Uame Parror owner2 2 2 J dr lime23834 S3UH 2 Uj 242 < 240 242M Cricket SOT nun In One innIng Tho Now Haven Cricket Club was badly bIn by the llrat elelen of the Staten Island Cricket Club at Llvlng rbn btaten Island yesterday For two hours the latter lilt the ball to all purls of the field antI did not desist until 2H7 runs wore scored This I Is the largest total tn tills vicinity of the seaion Cyril Wilson lit J JacksonMl to A Lindsay Jr43 Capi Cay4i ii I Lytton 23 t hldrlUiie 1St all hit well and freely The bowling against them wu weak and the fielding not up In the mark ew Haven with Its taU down went In to bat None of the team scored double Ilirures and only the small otalnt 37 was tallied With ami runs behind they had ofnllnwon nut again a small total was in ail e M which left the Islanders victors by an Inning l and Clay Jackson and Uutcrbrldue bowled In dllJfIU fur Staten Island Lawn Tonal at Ucrxrcn Point In nil except ono event tim Bergen Point Lawn Tennis Clubs inlilsuininer prize club tournament was completed yesterday afternoon The final round of entlemens single of the second class was won from J- F C llaywood by Ilayard T Klssatn who scored O 4 514 341 BA Edwards O Hchuyler and Robert II Russell beat Russell U Hunting and J I Pay by 6i- IlS I 61I in the final round of gentlemens doubles The final round of ladles andl gentlemens doubles was lostpnned until Thursday afiermwn after two eels had been played Miss Anna U toorhees and Russell L tinting I won the nrst set by 14 and Miss Lids n Voor bees and Charles H Coleman won the second set by 62 thereby tlelng the result The prizes won up tn date are as follows ladles sin- glee Miss IIda U Voorhees a hand painted gauia fan rnllemens singles first class Rnhsrt H Russell a Keekntaii long lawn tennis racquet gentlemens singles srcnnil class Hs > ard T klesain assoclsllon laSh tennis racquet gentlemens doubles KdwarJsO Xchuy her and Robert 11 Russelt a diamnn I and pearl scarf pin HE STRUCK HIS FATHER YOUNG MR CLAVIOIB TRACllES illS aiBlUOTHKll TO SXtOKE ills Father StrIkes Two llmrcttes Pram Her Ilund nnd then One of his Egos I- CUicd by the NanTwo Arrests Six yearn ago John Claypolo a carpenter formerly ot Hobokon moved to tile little town of Unlunvlllo on Gravosend Hay Ho was 08 roars old and ho took with him n newly wedded wife of 24 years anti a son of 10 tho latter the youngest of fourteen children by a former marriage Soon after mov lag to Unlonvlllo the boy wont away but ho turned up again two years ago It was not lung after his return that his father who had learned to distrust him thought ho found additional cause for distrust The boy hung too much mound the house when the father was away at work Many little things occurred to strengthen a suspicion that alter a time grow almost to a belief But he was the old mans son and a deal of affection for his last born remained Ho urged him to leave the town and enter Into some steady life of labor elsewhere but the boy hung on About a year ago a neighbor spoke plainly to Mr Cliiypolu and Mr Clnypolo hollond she spoke the truth Utlll ho withhold his hnnd against his son Ho however restricted his relations with both son and wife us much ns possible Yesterday morning things came to a crisis Mr Claypolo aroso early got his breakfast thid wont to work at n transient job near homo no was not In a pleasant mood fur the evening wore he bad bad some words with both son fM wife Returning about 9 oclock he went to Us wiles room ana found her and his son Blttncou the side of the bed drinking When the eld man cattle In thoy did not move V V1- IllampolitolyolToredhlSBtcpmothoraclcaretto oo shant smoke it cried tho old man louyo taught her to drink and now youre toaclmg her to smoke llo Attuck the clcarotto from his wifes hand The ypuig man coolly handed her another This tlojid man also struck to tho floor Tile young man then got up and struck his father In the taco completely closing the loft eye Ho was following H up with another blow when the old rann soiaqd a long sharppointed knife and shouted keen back Though youre my son you shan strike mo- Thpyounarnan desisted and the father still holding the knife loft the room and the house and got1olloonian Morris to como homo with him The policeman Induced young Claypolo tn come outsldn where he arrested him Tho old man meantime had gone to the room whore his wife wits Unexpectedly the son having broken away from Morris rushed Into tho room white with rage Another nnd per Imps deadlier contest was Imminent when the policeman anti the woman appeared on the scorn The latter attacked the policeman but finally he succeeded In getting both her and tho young man into custody The hearing comes oil tomorrow at J oclock I wont bring any charge against her said the old man but I will aualnst him I never rant to see either ono of thorn again TOE TALK OP A CA1ILE DEAL Macvsiy AvoIds Contrlbntlnc to the ConTe- rImtlonOould C s trlbtites a Little Wai street men and people Interested in the calje and telegraph systems of the country seemed to think yesterday that John W Mnckay fcrrlvod In Now York on the Servia on Sunday foj the express purpose of terminating the negotiations for a settlement of the war In oablo rates Mr Mackny was at the Now York agency of the Nevada Bank all day A wild rumor waa ok afloat to the effect that ho had locked himself In ono of the big safes of tho bank In order to avoid reporters A bright faced young man of tho name of Platt one of tile groat men at the bank didnt credit tho rumor but bo said that Mr Mackay couldnt- bo seen and hadnt anything to say on tho cable ratowac and its probable settlement or on the report that he had bought out Mr James Gordon Bennetts interest in the Ben nottMackay coWe ltuddyheaded r ° m Oohlltroo in a blue suit with big white stripes and a blue shirt and neck scarf pranwd Into the presence ot Mr Mackay It was aid that safe doors weighing a ton apiece anti a combination lock with a million oomhinajicns couldnt keep him out Mr A 11 Chandloi President of the United Lines and the PosUl Telegraph Companies the land lines of Urn Commercial Cable Com- pany ¬ and Mr 8 LM Barlow counsel for that cable company had a loc conference with tho Bonanza King It was vrgviod that these vie ¬ itors woro roprosontativo to a curtain extent of the oonfjrence commltl e appointed shortly before Mr Mackuys arrival see if torms of a settlement of the war coma not Do arranged This committee consists of MtSPSSISrSF EckertfoMh District Cs A B Chandler for the United Llnu and the Postal Telegraph Companlestbe land lines f the Commercial Cable Company Mr S L M Barlow counsel for the Commercial Cable Company It was stated by ono ol the forognlng that the committee hud Informally conMdeied the sub ¬ ject of nn advance In cable rates ft a uniform basis but that nothing doflnlto had been determined It was believed and semi ¬ officially stated that If any settlcnwnt was arranged Mr Mackay and Mr Jay Gould would arrange it themselves In person In ¬ deed many thought Mr Maokay and Mr Gould would meet each other yesterday Mr Gould howover said that be had had no negotiations with Mr Mackay They are not acquainted Mr Mackay said a short tlmo ago that he had once seen Mr Gould on the street Mr Gould wouldnt know tho Bonanza King If ho saw him The report that Mr Mackay has bought Mr Bennetts Interest In the Commercial Cable Company appears probable Mr Mackay seems to havo assumed entire charge ot tho negotiations for a settle- ment ¬ The International Medical Congress WASHINGTON Aug 8The programme for the International Medical Congress to be held In this city In September has been completed with the ex- ception of a definite arrangement for a reception by President Cleveland The meeting will U opened on Honds Sept 3 at Albauiha Opera House when the ConKreu will be organized the report ot the Secretary General submitted and an address of welcomedeltvered secretary Bayard In this evening a cnnoriazlone- nlll be held at the Pension Office General meetings will be hell on each mornIng of the weck and meetings of special branches of the medical profession will also be held cacti day t the week except osturduy Addreses- C iii be ietivered during the session of tb Congress by hr Austin Flint of ew York on meyer its tames and Rational Trealmentt by ir Narisno enunola of a pIes Italy on iaeteriology sod Ia therejeuthral flu latiun hr Pr P tI tsna of Ilautburg 5ermany on The Itelationsof liermatology to Ileneral Medicine by Or lb FIelding iilanford OX london on the Treat- ment of Itecent Cases sf Insanity in Asylums and in Privele lheueea by Sir A Uteau2 of Paris on The Influence or Iiiacoverles of American Surgeons on the Development of ynnttclogy in Europe ifld by itr Peudorfer nf Vienna on Tlle bIililarT tledidns of tue Preaent and that if the Sear The neial fee tures tir lie meeCtg will I a reception by riiiiscns on Wednesday eveiiii a general recelhin uid bulyet banquet at the Peion 1111cc on Thursday eveoing and a trip to Mount Vernon Saturday afternoon The Pint Pulrnt Extension In Ten Yes WAftniNOToiv Atic 8The Commissioner of Patents has directed that an extension of the patent fri a certain ttutlitfr machine bo extended seven years from June 11W3 this will be the Scat case In ten years in which an extension of a patent has been granted The last case was In 177 when the patent on wood pulp was eitended for seven years making the total life nf the patenttwenty fonr years This enlenulon of the life if C patent was at that time condemned by popular opin ion and fc that reason nit ensblini atsI thlseharacter have been athipteil by Congreos Cl to 1474 the power of extending the Utne of a palent was vested in the tout missioner if latent but then It was assumed by Con frre < TIlls particular reissue was made upon authority of an art of Congress of Aug 4 181 and authorlieil the omuilssioner of Patents to take testimony In regard to- the potent sad If upnt the evidence pieced betors him Its shall conclude that the petitioner has nt been corn peisated rur the tints and Inceitoity spent in perfecting the Ilatent the Coinrnisloner shalt have authority to extend It fur seven years beginning with June 12 isetI The Commisaloiier has taken the leslimuny as directed by the law and baa decided upon the reissue The Clothing Cutters Union BTOACUSE Aug 8The Clothing Cutters Union of America irs holding their second annual on cntlon at the Empire House here to day There are I 1540 cutlers In the union An effort will be made to erUlatii against the Inroads nf apprentices and to re qulre theta In serve three years before being silmllteit- o the union It Is proposed to allow but one apprentice every third year tn entry sell cutters In a shop llm Inehour a day s > steni ami the establishment of a ills rlct of the knights nf I labor rmtsed excItisi ely of clothing cnthere are In he considered J II lets of Sew bock city It acting rtttldtui A Dig Purchase of Pine Lands PiTTSBtinoii Aug 8A syndicate of Now York antI Pittsburgh capitalists has become the owner of nearly ltstittl acres of the finest pins foreiti In the outh The lands are along the northern line of South Carolina and the southern boundary nf Georgia most of- t being In the latter tale The price pall was Hnnini- n cash The deal was made throuirh a prominent real slate firm In this cIty I Ibe Intention title purchasers Is not tti develop the lands but to hold them as an ivestment until the advance In the price of lumber greatly Increases their value hrn Men Mtuhheil- TnoT Aug HTlurvu mon woro stabbed one of them seriously In a row In Church sheet last nUit- Blx arriils have been made One of the prisoners Is a herman one a Frenchman on a Canadian two Amerk cans asd one an IrUhman The moat seriously Inlursi James haley whohaaabi4woundlabiaaeck FINANCIAL ANSI COU3IE11CIAL New York Hteck isebangalse Aug B- mtiBOAn Lao fl5515 BOXM It lB floons 132 All A lau in33Jr4Ih lIt In 7 Cent mt 5 AtI A lac st tOM 2 nit AO cc A il44 Ill N Y ten 1st 2 Ch II se U 74 I N A Chat lit120- I ee 4 XV Chic A HI 11 Can HO ad vi ii ilVMmH- OrItANIat 4 Cen IMc tA tbr nil 4N W IChA KIII lstmrnll1- U > IUUM- S3 Central Iowa I 1st 551 ir B A N enisnil- 4l 4 Col Coal us I Ill hlnHn let Ktl 3 lies MAVl I 2tlMHI- U 3 Or a L K llt DelA II HI IU7 II Ieo I II A E1U TH 214 LIen a It O 1 la 4ttt 104 con4s7lti37tl 11 Mill t K Inc I Den A B U W M 71 7J87IM 1st as 70- 2Kv 2lthkliet IU A T II 1st115i- n 2 Bo hoc 01 tai 1st II4W II lenn ns u7Uai 7W 6 Ho Iac of Mil latIn x- e 7 ft rtrrth hat v7 >J ht I t Ma con auireenUlu 4 U44ii us IHHI0IIO 15 hindu 1st 5s 7SHW- 7JnintJtui 1 St I A Ma coo I NistitS 3lntlLNSle HI ft 81 I IAtIii 1st Dak- x Mnl A Up vd In- a 41 115 Mid ASn 1st- a 1117 I 811 A NK gen Vi114- a Hans I I1 lit Ill KI I r nt o A 5 han rag en Itd r wdn 4k8l4 1 KantTcn I lit SKI I IMsuS Mil lit 13 Lan A TglstM9ia9l Is st i A N P Knox All 1st IKl 2 L li A W 1110 hIll SO Bt L Ark A 1 Lake Xh 3d12394 Tex lit 00 I Louis A t K II 5 Itt i Ark M AN lit 11214 Tex 2d 44U iLottANNOA CTeiFag > It Od 7- 1MlivI00OI51 GUTei lac lgaJ rJ 8LKA A Ch- in 1 TaLk Hd Itsl 1st lil Terre II dlv 4- J3TolAOhloientlilul L MAA CIt cnIS 2H AHt L lit 110 7 TnU A Aa N 1 MetKI ad this M let IWHc 1 Mob AO 1st113 4 Tot Hi L A han Mob A O Itt deb 47 ciiv ut niv 61or IMit c flSH H M- IB I tin Iac HK 11iV N u A p 1st H- I6N 2 WheelgAU Kntlno J Cen en asliS4 Total sales of railway bonds per value fCir ixx- XaiiLttoan SlID nrnicn IIUBBS- li Rallreidl ONorfAWpf44i 43 4 275 All A laoI2t3h3H e4175 Nor lao 8O74555 Ml floe A L nt IkS 7213 Ner Pao pt 5oAMt IKIII K A Iltls Ml 13155 Nrwrn5l41ail4j ills Can ro fl ILK Norw pt 14 17711 Can Heutb MrjCl4 ISIS NV fflilUJi lwii- 1UH1N HIM Rent NJ74H YNE44o342t 82 Cent Iowa 7- Hi 461 Omaha 4bUi4i7- JUiUmaDf Cent fso sou- 20UC llljj KAO 14- 1m 1551 Ohio A N Vt- l2M ciiAII ut n- IKlOh OrKN A P hell rtn 40itni > a K21424sde 75 Cl a I Heading StIhldS SOII C A II V2VUia4- luoc lSS7ftlehsVl21hlgii llAD 40- Un Its 5taW fpt ClnI til L AO79 Itul lOci 1s- tlOlllloW 125 3iM > A lioHiixai1- 22IU A O- IIKI DL A WIWJIMIW- loi Salt Fr lien A ItG 27 2 ll > anK pf- II 4WD4ltODft3O34U Sen K lstpfI14 STixi Rrie comntsestl 3WI ht Pout 043t4Mlj SUUKrl nref57lt5k84 DM Bt P A Dul I44ll 25 E Tenn litd MtPA I pflO4CjitI Its E T adpf 31 Ito 1411 Jk M I 114 2211 III Cent7- IBtn 2IUKA W itl4llt kana lex 27t582htil 2IItTezIaeD4V427 201 KIngs Ieml f il34lt5i t ninit lee 57tn52 11701 Lake tfh S44tlJ34 HX Wab A Par 17 2OLKAW tt5lg4 HIKW A 1 P pf3 i <l 1ijl 1300 U LA Wtif S3HW5JU- 10UL 400 W ML Lno 4lho 4li NAACh Htlncfttanfoiu- MlOntnrlo 35Mt eeu a 2 ljtiih 2fll- iniiColCoai WeMll0pk455tefl 4oulJ- MO 841 MRv en 112 Tenn A I niUi- 4l Stem a Ch AI- 7tit 45 Con liu 714i57 Mint tsotStlj3424 103 Or lint Jo- 22M 3UI1I1L A L 8 H- 410IMALBD r X Trans27412tl4 lIt IBKIPO Mall 40WrilH 3OD1 Mo Iac KHiQWHU- ll fKKIMo ParlOr 3I11Ctlt l l8t I D 2UUM6X 25bti WeitUniui7447tli Uen U Total sales io- CLOSIKQ ttltRi Bin Jittd1 BU AIled tB 4t3eellld HIM NJ Cent 7524 74 U B 4< arloau niitj N Y c A Madlew ItS U B 4s r lJ7tJ USUS V AN K 41- ISHJs 41 B 4SO I Norfolt A West 17 l4t Consul Oas 144t 73 Norfolk A W pf 43- tliltNor < 4l Colorado Coat 42 iar com n- MU CanSouthern M Nor Iac uref- S4Uihorwest d04 nilij C U C A led 5414 comlt4H- 37h 4H- 47U Den racinc 5t14 tint A Western ttI K 17 Chic A Altontro 194 Omaha cola 47 J- li DelU A 0 m 5i oreron AT U 2ll l 204 Den AR Opf- ETennlst 541 eel honor Mall si- ilH 40 > t f54 Rook lstaildldi 127 Erie B- OKtW tO n CIch a WI 215 i 2S- O D City 4SA 4M Reading 55 52t4 Hocking Coal 31 8314 St Patilcom leI4 5i Len A Nosh Ill blk st Paul prefllfl 121 Lake Whore tel l4 Tea A PaC 2 +4 2 L K A H f it nf- allasoun 54 112t4 UnIon Iac 5A4 5 Fac- Mich 154 111 Wab A Par of 200il dO Cent M- M 145 West Cu Tel 7i14 79 LAT5L 21114 27 WheeilngLE 37 Nub a Chat 8U MONDAY Aug 8 The stock market showed a tondcnor today to relapse Into n brokers speculation Thero was a material falling oft in tho volume of business as compared with the daily average of last week and generally there was no snap to the trading Thoro was a disposition to sell stocks for both accounts but with tho short sellers the moro aggressive Thoy were con ¬ spicuous for their operations In tho Oranccr stocks New England and Western Union Tie defunct Baltimore and Ohio syndicate and its complications being shelved as a factor In tho market tho unfavorable Influence that was worked for all it was worth today was the damage to the corn crop DecIdes tills there was some disappointment that a restora- tion ¬ ot cable rates did not immediately follow Mr Mackuys return to this country Tile chances arc that tho people who lmn had the oablorato war nn tlio eve of mttlomont for some time past will have to wait n little longer for the fulllltnont of their hones There sPite considerable soiling of tho Northern 1aolllc stocks and they scored the greatest net de- clines ¬ Tim movement In them Is perfectly natural In view of tho fact that tIm trnnnfor books of the company cloNed on Saturday und that there Is no longer a demand for thu stock for election purposes Tho llrst public movement in the contest for the control of the Northern 1adllo Company was inndo today by tlio people who nra In torestod in elTectfncaclianKo in the muntiuu mont of the company They Iiuo begun promptly to reijuest proxies In Minport of theIr ticket Thi4 contest will doubtless attract a Rood deal of attention and the plei of those who have taken the aggressive sldo in It is cer- tainly ¬ worth listening to Tho greatest activity was In Bt Paul fol ¬ lowed by Western Union heading New EnB ¬ land and Northwest In the order named Tho movement ot prices was In the main uniform though a few stocks notably Western Union did not BtilTernt all while Uiion Pitclllo North west Lake Shore and Lackuwanua sustained exceptional losses There wits not muoli doing In the TJnllstod- Dnpartment Cotton Oil Trusts soul ut 11- 4S3Ji Kingston and Pembroke Iron nt 4 to 425 Hutro Tunnel at 38 to 40 cents per share Georgia Pacific Ists nt 107 Northern TiiclUc dividend bonds at 101 nnd Keoly Motor at 1U1 > The market closed heavy at the lowest prices The noteworthy chances In prices today are shown by the comparison of filial sales Auy G 5 AUQ fl AW A Canadian Pac A6- 9Cansouthern unfttt Nor Par pret M i M N Y Central 100 IifU consua 7ft4 75 S Y A N K- NJ 4114 42j4 Del LA West I3m I21JI Central 74tt 74 Pet A hudson hil24 101 dmaba corn 4HK- IL7U 47i Erie Sft Nt Or i K t N v- Dreion m < 143 Lou A Natti 6h0 A r U- Rnrk rtt- 1MU Lake nnore- LK lalsnd A W rf- Mich sc- n Rich A W f- wltl U7 >J cent- Missouri Resiling- m m- NM Ian < St Paul corn IP < Norfolk AW of 4I 4yUITex Iac 2s4 274 Northwest IIS4 ll4IUnion tactilev- Bl 5104 5it Nor fao 5O 29 WilnalinicA Lt 4l dlh Tho process of marking up lie quotations ol- 4H V cent Oovorninent bonds In nntlclpition- ofofferincs to thIn Treasury Uopartmont on WednoBdny continues Thoy woro advanced I i V cent mil today Tito ds closed > 4 V cent higher bits Hallway bonds dull und feiuure loss Atlantic and Pnrlllo inconuisadxiinced- i 5 cent to 321S and Denver and Hlo Ornmlo- consoHs > to7lli Phlladolphlu nod llind- InRlncoineBM 7o declined 14 tVent to 71t Money on call 4t 5 4S cent Sterling OxcilIllIgn dull and hnavynt tlSlii- MKli f for IOIIK bills unit JHV Hf484 fur demand Posted tlsklllg rates arts unehnniid at JlHJt for lotm bill and 485 for demand The applications nrclvoil nt tim Trpnmiry Depnrtmont Iii tinto for propaytnotil of tuiuret on reglMorml bunds wa as follnun 1our T cents i24liB250 4j f cunts 12713001 Pa cillo llallroad bonds taSOW total 5209250 Tho Treasury Is piling up money rapidly lodays statement shows bitlaucus us follows 4t 0 tt7 S- lStsS277 0 oil J1M1J74 Legs tenders hlttl52l i Tstals 19174112- 2141 Jii7M1707r lilleP Silver balance f72nonufli against 72241ln faturday The statement of the Donvorand IlloCintnilu Railroad fur Juno Hhowx gross earnltiKs of 1677240 an Incronm of 1121854 over last > enr and net oarnlngs 297700 nu Incroasoof tJ5- Prc 412 ldont Elijah Smith In behalf of the Ore Ron ansi Tran contln ntiil Company which IB the largest stockholder In the Northern Iacllio llallroad Company togeiiier with Misers John H Trovor John U llockefollor Jiune B Co- lgate and others who tire also largely Interest od in the Northern 1acillu Lniupaiiy reiiuost- otherstocklioldors to unite with thorn In ef- fecting ¬ changes In the directory of that com- pany ¬ at the approaching elenllon The nnmoa that appear In connection wit It I this tno mont tire sufficient guarontpe that tho bent Interests of the Northern PaelfUi Company will bo pro aiotud by Its success Jlonev In London 1 t5 cent Dhrntmt In the- open market for rihnrt anil t thron moiitliH bills 2l to2l T > cent Thn amount of bullion with Irawn i Iromthii Hank nf Kiunnd on halmim today It 70iHXI 1 Jarls niKlcos into u a V ellis at bl37S and exchungo on London iew York Markets MONDAY Auc RFaojn AND MKAL Tliern was a timer demand ami prices wore generally wril- malntslneil Kiour V2 hljl NU z s sos super an UUl4n3u shipping extras tI25 XX and XXXt4l454n5 patents WiSta70 cJ am 7- 5V C > lesS Pi- sforroxruturts were slightly deprened by a weak liverpool report ami better a cattier at the houih lint the clots was steadier aid 71V for August 37c fur Sep euiber i1te for OctoVer I2Ic lor Nuvemter miN- or Peremfcer 112cc for January 15 i v Inc Irbruary- 7c fur Murih imt for April antI nvw for Jlnv Mlles47 itt hales Spots thIieter inC I Ilte l erinild llnguplandsMi3iik ilulla 10 1 1ICc Receipts at the ports this day 2467 bales URAII Mlitst futures were moderately active and dearer there being some revival nf speculative conn- enes sales 3ii5Wut1J bush at W7uHo for August 7thlc lot September et34iIic forUctober seM for December MU5este for January tefl4Ip- 4147 for May and 103415440 fOr Jttne Itpo wbe was cattier CrItter wiih a fslr geiiernl dettiand shtpp twik ll5Ubith pales were mainly 240 2 red wlnte- 7II5454I1 delivered sail to J lnaAgn Tet4s delive ed Indian porn tutors were again drrldeUly hlghe owitig to unfavorable roll reloirle rales IlUitUJ bus No i tnUrl at 4rUit < wc for September 4HU- M < ntjc for October iJtViV for November frWl1C for lUMeinlier anil fJQiUUo for May Spot corn was lipId fr mi nIt niiic mil simmers had n4 orders to meet thu dearer market un I ae were small snes Inrluicd NO j mixed 4rilMV in elevator and nnnnt aol 474c distort tale were dearer In svmpa thy with tri lllnimiHleruleini vimunii t sales < 3ouC bush Including option Nn 2 nt lllUUi Uhc fur August illWiailtti cur trtiiiimlier Cull ll3eiLc for October and on I he spit mmiluiiKKfiio ail whl ealKttiHa- an In nunillv Salt Inn wlih senr Imlreelt rowed htsiesl wlc fter ChangeWheat steudvi Hot roil winter for Autiitt 7fc heptemlier wcOetob q H ci Oeceinli f tl JHituitrv 4ci Slay tAiHe Corn slesi Sn j mlxstl fur hepttmher IMw i Octoi her 4iii Niiietnlier 5 r lIe chillier MOdel Mar r k0 istsniilvii No J mUeil for August ttlHci 8 r teinber U ide nctilier SH > WPiniior ttlHc lOot i IioNoldtrd futures were tlrmvr tint rnther dnlti sales 11101 li5 al itM 4iiup for Hememher C B7- OITC I for October t li4ilOe Inr Anvemuer iiK80Hiiie for lirreniurr mid iiiiC4Hsi fr inuary AfteJ Change the close was II itt for hepieinber UfBo fe f tuber IJIA lur Zsovenohcr and t illS tor January Kfni l lard ilrmer hut iptliliI soles vjl ft at 011 a lit prltno cn il itiiv for prime I M choice Uettern n4J- c for rerneil for the Continent Iorkln teller tetnan nnd rtrni at Jiioyfliioi for old and new mesa Cut meats held wit It loire coiiflilence but nttt much wonted lIcensed hogs dearer at 7t4e14 Tiitloviiilet atiKol- lniler llrm nl IHrgjttr forcremuery Iliei se firmerAtvft- iv if for SlaIn fnciory Fresh eggs lK itt Short Rrqt5iflee on the spot Has In brisk demand Pslesttl l tiacs Iii al llc for No4nii I 1140 for No- In also 2511 mats JAII pt lllo options ipened higher lout closed loner i silea i575t tuna loll ig with seller at 17 AV7ilic for It early lunnthMinii liAiSe forth lisle montlm Itaw pillars quiet hut stetdy nt 41M60 fur fair renninit nnd 1 1IUc for stand ird centrltogali- anies IMX hugs ceuirlfugiM al r Slur inl avi bags lo- grndeat4r Keilneil quiet Molnrter dull and nominal NATAL Muats hnlrlls turpenllne quiet and easy M- rrtrnittM Crude rerlltlcatM trv lull npenlotr at- r7f < c selling at 57de7i i and cloning nt 97ia37H M sales Slettet ihliliI- RFKJIIT Ilceus Very dull soil rules eiider with sma4 shipments reported nt Ill to ll erpool Hit to Ix ntca- audaxd > to Hull Live Stock MnrketN- KW YonK Monday Aiy Hocclpta of beeves tn day end eslrility in ear lnid or 4ow head 111 car losil to tin cud tM cur loads fur exporter of cjktto and beef and M carlnade for home trad- KtHtightnrern direct the miirnhu salimtcro at ful- KrlrUys ciirreiii ilgurep hut with the arrlvi nf soms si car loans at a rather lute hnir nti eurle reeling wa- inottfesble and eoncwiliiiis were neci Kir to make clrurance lh drrlitie In Chlrngo helpltii the baytnf Interest Very rnimnmi I tn choice steom llll natlTi sold at3 Ill l toivllll 10 lbs vltli nfir title at 8512k- jffi ir bulls trim ff2 to tO 25 ixporls today and rrttordnytnilI Koten- Hecelpunf rnlves 1021 head Firmer nnd higher ii- 54llfr >t Vi for crab und at 2Wv ftic unseen and buttermilk Kecelpts of sheep end lambs 77 ear loads or la6Vl beau ilrtn for ffnml lo choir nlTerlntts dull and weak fur interior and rnnmintt and Hi pens could not 04 cleared Sheep sold In full lots ut to 47i f 10OH- lambsntl to f7V ultli A few teecnl exlradn At 8 Receipts of hou OT cur boils or B14iitind The ftl sales were at S fitssa Its Ttn Bull the market may be reimrted ilhnul steady ntfTi 4iltn 70 New You grades were selling In I hlcagn tu thy at r UU33 23 Court Culemliirm ThIs liar SupnnMr TOURT OirAMnrns No 45 98 Se BK MI tit IJU IhS likl ITU lfJ 1C7 1HH 1WI iOn l9 187 ItS nm jm nil SIC snn 204 21 ouuf itFASscrtut TfKM Wills of henry Itcg John Znlud nud famuel W Hsunlng in A Xli X- Iluner John Johnston and Lnufs Singer 10 30 A 11 MARISE IXTKMIG1SNC1SMr- rriTCRM ALMANAC THIS our Coin rloes s w I Sun sate 7 I0 I Moon rs iI01tn- ioti WATCH Tim IS T- fiandy Hoo1clt 101 Gor Istanit 11 4 li I Hell Gate 144- ArrlTd MOVPAT Ann 5 Sit Ems Junfcf firemen July 30 antI Booth am ptct Slit ttrece JefTrrr Iouidon July 22 and Havre 24Uk- S North tuiutiriA I tSans 1hlladetptila- Rn lUIlch IitUrflcld Key Westt- Oe UiulnlanH Gufier New Orlnnn- 8n rheroket iJoaue JuekKouville SKCnininniiwtJilth Vaiiklrk riitladelpbl- ait 5 Kairclotli Havana SB Utopia Morrlumi Gibraltar 8 State of Texas wllllainn Fernandlna Ship Llewellyn J Morse Carver Calcutta Bark Iuretta Untlerhlll Key Vest Dark Louts le leer And emu Gothenburg ARRITCD OCT PR State of Nebraska from Now York at Glasgow sAILeD rrow rtiRBinv roitr- PP Stats nf Indiana from Lame for New York DIED ALLEN John Infant ton of John F and Annie E 53 len I uneratfrnm the residence of liRparenta I East 111th nt today fit U I M- UK Kill At long Branch on Saturday Anjr a DavId H Herry the beloved husband of Carrie Fisher Berry ta his 421 tear The relative and friends are reRvectfully Invited to attend the funeral this morning atH oclock from hIs late residence Jacob cottftire North Math av Lonjf Branch CarrUjres will awali nt Jersey ClIp Iennrrtv- rtiila Railroad Ueiwt the arrival of tile train at 10iO A M Knitsun papers please copy llVltNltAt Weal Chester on Aug 0 Tho 671116 the belovril hiithand nf Catherine Dwyer aged TH years Iff tat hf and friend of thn family aro respectfully riled attend the funeral today at 2 oclock- CAMJHniL uddenly on Saturday AUK 6 Edward J eldest win of Catlierlne and the late I anlel Campbell Relatives and friends am re n ctully Invited to at t ad the funeral from hU late residence l2 Lynch at be- tween j Slurry anti Harrlcon aH Brooklyn today all I M I Interment at Calvary Cemetery CAlTMIhln Sunday Auir 7 Kate wife of Con neUuAJ Caulrtcld In the 37th year of her aye Funeral will take plAce today from her late reshden 202 11th nt lerxey city at 2 M nharj Interment li- ht Peters Cenieiery i old Relatives and friends ms quested to otteti- lldlVll43Itit Aiiir 7 the beloved dfttitrhterof Jamci and Catherine Crovriey aged it years born In Dormaal war county Cork Ireland Funeral frntii the renldt ncn nf Mr Patrick Mahon K- 4X haul lM ft to day at U H M Burial I In Calvary l ICKlSSJN At tracker Uoui New Iwindnn Conn on Minilny nmrnhii Auir7 Major Wm Dickinson Unit- ed ¬ state Army ccciil r7 reams Washington paper please ropy DIMIM ONiter a Itniferlnir lllneis Isaac 0 Ding man tn the t2it yenrof his togs Ilrlatir soul friends the family are reipectfntlyln- rlted m mteiil the funeral from hIs late residence id host Ireeiibueh X Y on Wednesday Auff 10 at id oclock IlKln At New Brunswick NJ on Saturday Anff 0 leone li Field HeUthff nil frtfndx are Invited to attend the funeral to dav ruin bin late revldence 12i George St N- Mrunnwlfk NJ OAYXilt 11 Ails 7 at tile late residence lOVthar- Hrookivn T Frank Uajnor ageul 214 years Funernl private- llAoTlNllittlmovned at sea on June no Ernest son nf the lets Kfintbtirn and Adelaide Curtis Mnitlnffs In the Ittth ysor nf iU utit Hndy recovered fitly HI- II LISuddenly at Far Korknwmy Wm Ualllnhlfl3- U1 vcar ft native nf Armuiili city Ireland Funeral from Mnthuh av to day at 11 M A M In- terment ¬ In Ireenuomt OmMery JAMKH On Atc 7 George 5 James aged 75 years Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral prrvicc to be held en eilnesday Atir in atJ odor 1 M at the niith Contrreuratlorml Chiirrh corner of- Cmrt tint Iritidctit mn Hrooklyn Members of Naaaati- Lodire NO Kin F I und A MI Hrooklyn Chapter iNo 4H It A ti Clinton Comnundcry No M 1C T are respect- fully Invitrd to atteiid Interment In Oreenwnod- KSKVAIJ Miilrlenly at hU late residence O Rail S ° ih st on Sumlft Auif 7 Hnv ell I II I Knevals only BOQ of Hi rmiu W uiul A mm K KnrMtU aged 21 years dl t Hill YAt Mnnicrit Iolnu L I on Sunday Aug 7 hiiRtn wife if Bartholum Murphy aired 41 years Funeral to day at i r M front tier late reside nee 107 Vernon av S4I p FH4cn Sitmlay morning Aug 7 at her late rest clence after u ohort lllnrM tarah IMen Hafl n dangh ter nt the late John II and Sarah W Sattan- rrnvMenc1 It I papers please copy MUINMiddenlj on oturday morning John Surto aired 71 veurs ItfatieHtd fmlenIs its Invited to attend the funeral from hU late re tl nre t 3d ot Hrooklyn today at IO A M Vino imlt lIeu ems TttlIflSAl htony Pnlnt S Y on Saturday Aug n Frederick Tom kliis In tIle Ilth year of his age Funeral secure at hU Isle residence today at 1 or lork ItciatU soil frlemln may tat ferry at Jays at IS A M and at 4d nt at I 11515 A M connecting with West tShoro Itailroad returning tearo Stony Point at 523 I M

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Page 1: Library of Congress...If r If f1 f iP31 t1 1 tf W P f t tM fY ffV itm w 4 lr tI 1 71JI ll r Iq Z1tl-I r iHE = SUNS TUESDAY AUGUST 9 Im f 1VES REFUSES TO EXPLAIN wONT IKLL TiE CtllCniTOIUi

If r If f1 f iP31 t1 1 tf W P f t tM fY ffV itm w 4 lr tI 1 71JI ll r Iq Z1tl-



wONT IKLL TiE CtllCniTOIUi l 7fKttfl-


Nmlilna he InU the Question Isjr Tlifjipen4 a Majr Knplorln hi tronke-

dWarnnd he DIn tit Meet Them forit Moment and Mock nt Their IIstrts

Tho pooplo Interested In tho Clnclnnntllunillton and Dayton Railroadflrm of llonry 8 hCIA Co put In a livoly daYswork yesterday hut according to nil accountsthey did not accomplish much A formal andeihaustivo examination of tho books of thocompany and of Ivos A Con relations to tlic-

coirtpnny was begun by a committed of thestockholders Meanwhile the New York one

Cincinnati creditors had a conference Aboutthe most that con ho nld of nny of thoso voy

gos of discovery Is that the further tho nnvl

catom went tho worM they found things Ivoout In tho plea that whatever ho bad done with

the assets of tho Cincinnati Hamilton andDayton Company was by authority of tho Hoardof Dirctor If this IB tho cnso It simply In

creases tho number those who are roeponrible for the wrecking of tho property

INS has evidently boon Bhrowd enough benoath his vnlnRlorlousnoss to draw a Roodmany people as deeply Into tho mud an ho Is It

Ithe mire Ills creditors for Instance aro tlmup In various ways chiefly by having nonmarketable collateral Ho has according tohis own account made his dummy Board ofC II and D directors sanction tho clcarlncnut of the treasury of that company and there1Ii a reasonable suspicion that Horns of Uio popl who hMO lout him money did BO

nromtso that they should sharo In the jrots ofIio root and Ohio deal IsBO ivo wlllallmorto bring quito a number ofiwanectablfl partners to the surface

Cincinnati hamilton and Dayton stock wnoffered down vohterday afternoon until 10shares were sold at 4U Tho last previous

about 120 U Is understood8 sold out of a loan that had been calledThe sale certainly hntho effect of reducingthe collateral on tho has ft Co loans-whether direct or Indirect so that moro collatoral could bo demanded and In default of itsforthcoming the payment of the loan de-

manded The sale referred to was doubtlessof value In forcing tho question of hOB it Cossolvency As nearly al If not all of theirloans are time loans ono hllbeen able to

for payment but now the collnt ra


booomo Insufficient nnd Ivess ability toprint more stock or It from corporatetreasuries Is exhausted tho lenders can diepose of tho marketable oollterlon Account-of the amounts duo take 1hand In closing up his affairs and In roorcanIzlng the properties he bus wrecked-

It is understood that tho atockholdnrslnv-estliratlon of Cincinnati Hamilton and Day-ton affairs chiefly upon tho following points

I The outstanding amount of prod tock Aecording to the company official 1 H49o-at in clot of th Coayear ending March 31 IHHO antRTSOooo 00 IKH7 Tbr tli irooil reason tobelieve that itlll more ha put out ilnce the last-mentioned date

2 How much of the outstanding preferred stock wasbe Issued by the lord of Directors t10rldlthe company ai required by law3I eQutyalent of be sew Issue at par In money

4 Whalbubeeomeoftbecuh lbs company had onhand according to the last animal report March 31INH7 tO WIt f4mt4ssj or In other words whetherHenry 8 lye A Co who had possession of omit of Iasthe companys bankers can account for It

a now mob of the cash reserves of the CincinnatiHamilton and Dayton Company were used by II I ITC-Si Co In changing the gauge and meeting other expensesIn connection with the narrowgauge lines which theybought on their DrtvaM account and which they 1saddle on the Cincinnati lmlol nnd DayIlpldlo a lease paying 55UJJ11-gsaranted bonds or three times the amount of the costof those lines to tbmIn the evening at tim Fifth Avenue Hotel thoCincinnati committee and some of tho NewYork and Boston creditors had n long sessionThose present were James Thomson FosterA Thomson counsel for William FellowesMorgan it Co Mr Morgan Irving A Evansand John C Coombs ronrosontlnc tho Bostoncreditors and T J Emory Oazznn GnnoJulius Dexter nnd C C Waite second VicoPresident and General Manaicerof the C H-

and D and tho Vandnlia system nnd LawyerWilliam M Itamsey representing the Cincin ¬

nati directors-Tho meeting was called to discuss n state ¬

ment which Ives promised In tho afternoon tosend to tho hotel at 915 in tho evening Thisstatement was to give hit exact relations withthe C II and li The hands on the big clocktravelled past the appointed tlmo nnd no state-ment


was received Alfred Sully dropped InA little before 10 oclock Ies and Btnyner

rattled up to the Twentythird street entranceto the hotel and popped in upon the conferringcreditors Ho hadnt brought the statementbut an ho wan before them tho committees timeat him tho following three questions whichthey hud loaded themselves with

How much C n and l> preferred stock baTyouIssued t

How much do the bootsof Henry 8 ITCS t Co showthat the firm owes the U 11 and O and the Vandalla-Titem T

What stock did you hypothecate for loans

Ives rarely smiles Bs expression Is that of-

a very earnest of divinity But hotried to smile at the questions They wereplumped right nt him and his effort to smilegave him the second or two that ho needed torecover himself Then he told tho committeesthat really he hadnt time then to give definiteanswers to their questions Besides ho hadnthis books with him

Come down nnd see me tomorrow atnoon he added Ho didnt promise that hewould give them a statement then or that hewould answer their questions Then ho andBtnyner climbed Into tho rnb nnd rated away

The committees will tackle Ives officeof his counsel this moraine and at noon theywilt march around to Ives B office again Somenf the creditors are becoming Impatient overIvess delay Ono of them said last night

When wo asked him questions in Cincin-nati


about tho affairs of tho C I and D cor-porations


ho pleaded that ho W too far frothome and too far from hit books Come toNew York he said will be

F made clear Bo far ho hasnt shown the slight-est


disposition to make things clear I havecome to the conclusion that Ivon will not resignfrom the road that ho Is adopting these diy ¬

dally tactics In the hope thatthu NowInclnnat director of tho C H and D will

among themselves and thatKttlsldrow will become BO fierce that Ivua will band remain in his place


He Win Beware In Future of Race TrackRangers On and OrstTCsend Pallet

Young Eratuiuel Kohnstamtn of 951 Bed ¬

lor avenue Brooklyn who was arrested onQravescnd race track on Saturday charged

witretaining tho principal and winnings ofsaid t have been Intrusted to him by

somebody to bet or not according to his judg-ment


was released yesterday morning afterexamination before Justice Anthony Wa ¬

ring at West Brighton-In response to his telegrams his mother his

aunt Mr Koussbaum of 506 East FiftiethStreet and other friends came out on Sundayand spent most of the day with him Illsuncle E V Kohnstnram of 12G ChambersStreet came late at night to ball him out butas the examination wai to bo early In themorning Manny chose to remain whore ho was

Hs accuser was on hand at 11 oclock yester ¬

da morning Ills name is Callimm Ho Isemployed upon a pilot boat and lives on StatenIsland He swore that he gave 30 to a totaltranger on tho track on Saturday to bet at

Jus discretion and be had Manny arrested onthe supposition that ho was the man Johnsay a colored man in the employ GeorgeKngemann swore positively that Kohnstnmmwathe man he saw talking with Calllnan on

track Bay had given Kohnstamm a tipearly In the day which had won and thats tho

knew him ButCnlllnmi wouldnt welr-IIeeterlythat Manny was the man ho wantedslrand withdrew his

months now before Mannymanylla 21 years old when ho gets there ho willLet nearly two million dollars

Young Lastona Trlul for MurderriTEBHBUBO Va Aug 8Tho prosecution

tested their ease In the Langtun murder trial thisC evening After a brief examination ot two ur three

hocus they proved by measurement that Lnloar-olodluma ninety feet before nrlng tbe fatal shot

l that when he surrendered himself 10 the Ihlo ofI ollee he IIllbllr he hud not tail Kuftln It A befsuie he dlho todosti laniftlunI nUtuI waslammed by defence to be the weapon until

Tftr tint witness introduced by the defence was Drusrld Msr a practUln ph thirty years standinsJ lie neserlbeil the nurrillon no laparnlomyI as onePerformed in a xry limited brcauie or ili ilan-

nenainuferI U As tn its propriety ther is great dliver

> lror opinionI MidlralI records simw Ilist It lies brtnr-erforineil only ntlyI seven tlinu for iurilisWilt about tej per cent rl iieith Ak ior jIII heWI not an aihocate 0 Upsrotnmy but aId

icrjbtaI urlilng plan of trtilmtnt which Ihe minutely

Inrurtbed a Onnir r Horse TnleycsP-IEBBK Dakota Auif HCatto Inspector

uVion has unrarlhed ten Ih Who havePled their business between here and the HUck huhor two year The gene IsI led by a half breed namedso Moore who Ila wen town In lieadwood lockion-ai

toltQTl bin in IIh sl01 reervziItt and he Is now InI in 5tnre male a full cimfeulon Implicatinglow flfieen different men and Mid H hereabout ofthe stolent hmts Muore Is now on Itt

Mother alsO Muss tiedMOXTBEAL tug 83Ira

lrallronnnn of this1 ely and her ten yearold son were drowned at 61leand loday The boy was bathing the riverI wes being J1 w<y b1 toe clrnt when theIlar west u Us rescue sad was bcnut vanld away

lI I

WfIU r


Nearlyf All the fllrlkeira IIn Uoncliata ShoeHhop Paid OH and Ultckurcce-

BnocitTONI Mites Aug eTho battle ofhnnd labor ncalnstt machines was fairly begunthis morningI In Senator DuunlnsH r huO shop

I Nearly ni of tho striking meters wont to theshop morning to Rot their pay Theywore paid of und promptly tllHchnrscit MrDouglass full of pluck und his old assoelates In tlio labor party know It 80 they ama

already seeking employment elsewhereMr Douglas was found In his engine room

today with his coot off Im going to runthoso machines ho said with a decisive nodof tho head Rod nn tho union would not nllow ItO to put on onohnlf nonunion men Ihull put on all Thoro shall be no strikeIbm for thn mon who dont como hack todnwill never work for mo again whethor I win orlose this fight

To every nll who stops from thn cars IUKwho bo looklna for work a card IIsRlvon bearing the following

Lasterst All ladenI are rtques ed tokeepawayfromW L Douglass factory In Urookton as the men areout on a strike By order of toe Lester rrotectlvUnion

Mr Douglas smiled when he road the cardnnd said Notwithstanding all that I havehud quite n number of applicants for work onttume iiiaclilncH and I havo hired sovernl menwho will BO to work tomorrow I thought Ihad rather be off with tho old hands before Icommenced with tho now ones Any of the oldhands who como bach before 0 oclock tonightwill bo Rot to work but After that time theyhave got through with mo for Rood nnd winever work for mo again IIB long na Ibusiness AH tho old hands will either get theirkits or come back today I shall know howmany new ones I may need and shall sot humto work as fast as thoy como tomorrowThere areeeverai men at work In other parts-of my factory who want jobs running thoranchmen but I shall puton instate If 1 can gotgood ones who dont belong to tho LantorsUnion I shah have nothing to say ns towhether they shall be Knluhts of Labor or not1 have always been very favorably disposed toward the Knlahtn anti toward organized laborand I havo no objection to LuBtors Union monto do hand work but thoy cant run the machinos

Mr Douglas says ho will not ask a manwhether he belongs to a labor oreanlzntfon ornot an that Is not what bo Is eontlndlnj forbut for n principle Ho tfcounion wanted to control the machines thoywent tho wrong way about It and inndo a greatmistake ns ho was willing to divide the work-on tho machines with the union mon

Ttii ro are rumors that a general movementwill bo made against tho machlnel In otherfactories by tho Lusters Union Tho unionsays that tho manufacturers must em-ploy only union mon on the machines-To this the manufacturers wi not con-sent for they claim that union canInBtruot tho mon to so cauRO tho work ns tomnko the machines worthless to the mnnufnc-tururs This would compel them to abandonhut machines and return to hand lasting AnIncident at the factory of A M Hermit theman who first used these machines In llrockton shows how the union men can orrtnrhasten tho work Mr Ilerrod was hisunion men that they would last 100 pairs n dayIn place of GO If ho would see Secretary Carneand allow him to fix the prlco to be paid butas ho did not do so tho men dont last anymoro than before

THE WARDS ISLAND DETHBThe Jury Declares that the CIty Must F-

BI More and Better AttendantInquests Into the cases of the patent

Carl Fritz and John Llddoll whoat Wards Island after receiving Injuries at thehands of other patients woro held by CoronerLevy yesterday In the case of Fritz AttendantsMcCann and finn testified hearing thonolsoof a fall and finding Fritz lying on tho floorThey called the doctors who found that thepatients left log was broken Dr Douglasstestified that ho had considerable difficultyIn Undine how Fritz camo by his Injuriesbecause Fritz spoke only In Gorman and onlyono attendant in the place could understandthat language Finally It was mado out thaiFritz acoused a patient nnmod Lusscnbergerof having knocked him down Lussenbergerdenied this but admitted having put his hand-on Fritz

Dr Hathaway testified that tho immedlatocauso of Fritzs death was acute diarrhoeabut that tile Injuries might have been an ad-ditional


cause Medical SuperintendentTrnutman explained that the fact of insufltclent appropriations having made It ImposBlblo to complete tim system of plumbing in theinstitution had caused the necessity for Frtto leave his own ward and go into thewhore he was hurt

The jury brought in a verdict that Fritz died-of natural causes but recommended thatthe city should furnish the asylum with moreattendants to meet the emergency of suchcReelln the future

Llddoll case Deputy Coroner Jenkinssaid that death was caused by heart failureand advanced disease of the kidneys DrTrautmnn testified that Llddoll got into 1Quarrel with a patient named Kohler and wasbeing led away by a patient when he loanedover and received n kick from Kohlor In themouth A tow minutes after he droppeddead Dr Triiutman thought that the shockof the kick might have aided the heart failureThe testimony of several keepers agreed withthis story and the jury brought in a verdictthat the death resulted from accidental Inju-ries


received from a fellow patient andadded a recommendation that tho number-of atendRnt nt tho asylum be in ¬

that the compensation ofsuch attendants bo raised to a decent livingfigure thus raising their qualification and fi-tness


and that at least onothlrd of the attend-ants


should be able to understand and speakthe German language and that at least onoperson be employed in each ward who thor-oughly


understands the care and custody ofInsane persons and their treatment In cases ofemergency

In the cases of Patrick OLenry and JamesMoIIugb Wards Island attendants Indicted-for the killing of George Farrlsh a patientJudge Olldorsleeve yesterday flied tho ball att200Oeach


Tn Dodr wa urI8 Deveer who hadEnough iloney but wu Lone me

The body of the tall man found in tho middle-of the Sound off CornUeH light and taken Into Greenport by a fishing boat has been Identified aa that of M

iDeveer late of5West Twentyfourth street It wasIdentified yesterday In Greenportby his son C 1Deveerof Boston The latter told thn Ircenport people that hisfather was a pasi euger on the Pilgrim going East o-

atllhland had probably alien overboard acci

At River line pier > e onlclals ID the absence-of Ih could only tell hat they had heard theday before from those on boo bf her That was thatone of the craw had seen the man Jump ovrbrd1l-b forward gangway on the mla deck athe four foot rail running solid from the deck wasfastened before the steamer left the pier They alsoknew that young Mr Ueveer had staled DetectiveUalton nf the fflgrlm when making his nrst inquirieson baturday that he received a letter from Ihisfather containing ar2r suicide

Mr Deveer was a I r about r5 years old fromHolland and In r an income train an suitethere which supported him At the Twentyfourth streethouse the people had noticed his despondency and at-

tributed it to a feeling of being lonesome and homeless-lie lid not lire with hisI son In Hoston It Is said becausehe did nl like his daughter law Hsfore lie left onFriday mailed a letter This Is thought to have beentb OnIn Inch he declared his Intention of killing him-self Aearly the next momlnl despatches cauie fromthe out sine was to Ih asking about the fatherSlid another wax to Ilnkerton asking that a detectivebe sent after him to tile care of him It wu thentoo late

nrnshmaker Establish a H jrcottThe annual convention of tho brushmakers

unions of the United tales and Canada wa bun jesterday In Odd Fellows Hau 37 flowery Considerationof the lockout In the shops of Rennons Klelnle i Co ofBaltimore took up the greater part of the day andltwas decided to ask all union painters not to use thegoods of the firm The trot Is charged with having re-uulred Its employees to sign a contract tuskingI variousImitations upon their liberty the fulfilment of whichwas to bo enforced by the retention of Iten per centfrom their salaries end Its connacntlon In case nf dis-charge It Is also charged that the llrm makes a similarcontract with apprentices aud discharges them on sumaohnlca excuse after they have worked fur two orthree years

The strike In the shops of Martin 4 Sons on Fultonstreet In this city will tie considered today

They Could Not Pay and lad to Go

Marshal Robert lull and his assistants yeserday afternoon elided the tenants of Jacob StrohlACo the cigar manufacturers of 34blIIO 3iJ3 NorthThird avenue Five families moved out on Friday Themltnce had not secured other quart Their personalsuede were thereKiro pUced sidewalk KletenAntilles Here etlcted Most of then seemed to caretitle about Ithe mal the ease was a sad tinerlvdrlech Voora agel clgarmaker has a pareytlu daughter tue was rcmoteu to a hospital IhunoiherKlthe girl sst cDlngmi she sidewalkI with her

household effects plied around her

ills Last Krqurit that he be Not Put Da Ice

Alexander It Murray 68 yours old and wellto do committed suicide last night by stabbing himselfin the stomach with penknife Cnla few > ear agoMurray wasa pattern mould maker Ills health filledhun stud ho retired from business Recently hl wife

sis h has been very itespnndrn actedI WbILint night he sUedI Into Ills hedruom and as

lie sitcud thin saul Dont put menu lie A nmtent liter Urn MurrayI heard him griamnir mud whenshe 5 lllnnlh ijedrniim she found hint lh Iing on IiiIlcor hlonil towing from the wounds In lilastomach lie died before a doctor arrived

Smokers will hind our nw White Caps Cross routtry Latest full Dress the finest cigarsites ever HmrlhParticularLyI pleasant In warmwsalhsr Kinney Tobacco Co tw TerkAdP


r a Mv Mlat h A

Ir Edwin Hancne seye i liar prescribed Dlgestylln In several cues and nod It excellent and superior-to any other digestive agent I hays vsr used At alldrujrUts

s 4ap11 botu or W f Kidder A CG uJohn au-


C J 1 i




The undersigned representing tot themselves and-others n > eryinre ownnrshliln the Northern IcuEnllroid rompiny Ullee that a change In the Doror IPirtctom Mill iiniiiiote the best Interests nf the eoUisny nnd bring better results tn the stockholders

I hove therefore decl led tn prepare a ticket for tha-otnlng election a hInt will Include some of the men

here of the present Hoard alt nthers who can be reliedspot for effecthe service and for which w ask thtatpiport of all rtoclholders

Any stockholder desiring Information as t the ttekejto lie prepired n the policy to bo pursued will pIssedcall upon any of the undersigned

August li7J-OIIN I TItllVOR ELIJAH SMITH PresIdentYORK HTIOSII I CO of the Orenn sndTran r




TritiNiti t wiiiTrLY cimtus IIKAP co-

ClINTHAl Rt I 11145 n COMPANY Of1tltI iiuuiihitn NT

hew urk Aug 31IW7To the hollers i f the Adjustment Mortgage Itonds ol

thin roniiunyhrehv mien tIttI or the total Iissue of 5224-

en tjiu I rloii it iris ot tub cOIIony dateloy I I j C 10 ha sCotIcI I IrolIUon 0

Iii sill luS lr5Silt I I I uWIIIIIt psii 11 I1r unlI accrued I 1 1tAI TrusSoIliletl I i t 511 tt llh rll y of N lrk In ur bfore M t I IW7 0 elicit lal Itileresi wl I ceaseThisI notice u given FUTSuSOt to the option reserved tot

the iiiieny 10 Iliay the sail b011 ot any Chits prior w-

INfltALnustn cit p



BltABCII OFHfh-Sv W1 St N v I 14

tONECflftI A Evans A Co Hnstnni i IU oIW-HrrhUdlrbl

Co Chicagotnrot A MacartneyWerrei I A Jostles ItlclniiiiiI Va

Andrews Co lialnmo-rIrivste n Ire 1mmfclifns

Buy and sell Stock iiiinds and WlicellaneousJ Secnrltlel-on the New York Slock Kxrhang






TI8 ClUIIUNAThe DetroitContinue Dexrnand Ho-

toaa Mtaek on the ItlieThr indians Be

lra Victory und so Do the nreuklrasTho Dntrolt Club dropped 0point ycsUir

day and no did tho Now Yorks while tho Chi-

C anti Doston Clubs gained 1 point Theresult ot tho ftamo yesterday showed that Doston boat Detroit by 8 to 3 Chicago boat NOTYorkiatoS Philadelphia bent Indianapolis IS

to 5 and Washington boat Pittsburgh 8 to 2

In tbo Association St Louis boat Cleveland i8to 4 Drooklyn boat tho Athletics 0 to I andthe Metropolitans boat Baltimore 8 to i Therecord now stands pct rnis-

octiTioitSAGtJB IOi 11 ml > RftcWmDetroit H2M RL ous-

rinclnnatLv 2 7it-SthiCaeo47 ttfl 011

> 502notion 33 Louisville tO an r1c34Hew York M MO Balllmor 40 37 M-Phlldelpa4l 3 nil Brooklyn 42 41 w-


431 Athletic41 44 452211 47 OKI 5S JXT

Wr 133 64 ZUOlllevefand r Kl 2KCHICAGO 12 sew vole 5

CnirAoo Aug H Chicago today paid off New York Iinlast Saturdays coin snatchingI out a game that seemed-to be safe enough forth visitors II wa done by hardand ssf batting In chunks and there no way toavoid a detest except by hitting stilt harder This IIseasier said than done with CIrkll In the box forChlcaio plays with I e vigor wheneverhe Is pitchingI The Mw Yorkers played a flue addinggame as usual bald well when Ithey batted al all aoltook advantage opening un the bates theywere slightlyI outplayed and lost because II was notpostble to win They had what looked like a winnin-gleaduptothefldof the Crib Inning and were playinggreat ball but then came a furiousI streak of batting In

thiS sixth slid another In the eighth nine runs eight oftiters earned beingI the total for the two Innings A larksdelegation of New Yorkers here IIn attendance on tn-

lorester Contention attended the game In a bodyThe again was agalntt the visIting team a

bail ulnplrlll boencher giving Chicago its two runs In

the when IfeHer was cleverly caught on-

nnt flue throw but was deolsredI safeThen a base on balls and a single produced IWo runsThe gatne started out rather ragged for t-

adinufled thrown ball hy Anson two passed balls byojrl

the singles ot Tlernan and Ward gave tworut Connor began the fourth Inning with a triple andEwing followed with a double earning one run In thefifth fumbles by Williamson and hums and Tlernant-twobaser produced twu unearned runs Clarksonpitched a great game from this time on und nobody hitto speak of till Keefe In the ninth Inning drove a hard-liner between left and contra and Wards single earnedthe run

Mingle by Ffeffer and flint a base on balls andPoeichsrI bud decision gave Chicago the two tallies Inthe second Inning aol In the slut after two men wereout a base on halls for Sunday singled In rapid succesdont by Ryan Van llaltren and Anson and IfefTert-fonr bagger over tight Held fence earned Ore runsHurnss triple and Flints long fly to centre earned oneIn the seventh and In the eluhih Ityan and Van llaltrenhit singles and when Ward fumbled Ansons grounder-and then threw wild to Connor the hue weretoll when a double pLoy should have been madeOn PfelTeri singleI Isyan scored and again allithe bags were occupied Williamson put a safeg oundor In right purposely allotted himself-to be run out between hut andsecond while Van llaltrenAnton and IhelTr were crossing the plate It was asmart ruse on WilliamsonsI part as Richardson andConnor were so intent on running him out thatforgot all about looking after the home plate Thebltendance was fully lIve thousand

left with his team for n nthis nWrUlro confidently expects to get three

the hoosIers It the New Yorkersof ball they played here there willKay trouble In adding three victories to their record

The scoretHloao 111W you


3 I n oI Dora e f I I 0 0a 3 I lriernanlfO 2000V-

antialtrenlf3 8 0 0 Wayd as I 9 2 3 2Arson hstb2 2 12 I I Connor bt 110 n 0PrITr2db3 S I P 0 Ewing I I 2 0Wtiuamsonesi 2 2 7 1 OltoitrkeSdbO I I 0Burns 3d b I I t a I Itorgan i f 0 0 2 1

ylint o o I S 0 2 AIhdon2db1 I I 2UlarksonpO I 2 4 7 0

TotaU 12183710 6 totals6102410 4

Chlcsgo 020O051 4 12Nsw York 3 OOJ20001 = 6

Lamed runs Chicago II New York 2 Twobashits Ansnn Tlernan Ewing ThrcI asa hitsflumeConnor Keefe Horn run PfeSsr Klrst bass on balls

Williamson riarkson Sunday Pfeffer lore Firstbase rrrorsChlcmro 2 New York s struck outIir Clarksou by Keefo 0 Passed balls Flint aTuu 245 UmpIreDoescher


Biin oii Aug BThe Metropolitans lId some hartand timely halIng today soil won the jams on Itsmerits Lynch was batted rather freely at times but

steady at critical points and the errors made be-

hind him were not nenerally costly The home teammade a good uphill but could not once get thelead Palmer 9t1i leg In the fourth InningI andhad to give way tn DanielsI I who could not successfullybold KUroy The scoreB-


Orlffln o f o J I 0 1 lUdford s 1 1OS3Purcell r fo 0 3 0 0 OBrien IL f3 3 5 0 1

Kuimer c 1 301 0 Orr e f 3 3 3 0 II

Daniels a o 0 4 0 2 llanklnsn3dl 3410Tucker 1stoI 2 9 1 0 Ryan 1stbo i e 0 0Burns s a 23350 Rnteman r fl 3 I I 0Rommers 1L ft I 2 0 o Sommers 0 1 3 8 1 0-

nvlldbO I 0 1 1 Oerhardt2dbo I 2 8 I

Troll Sit b2 2311 Lynch p 1 0 0 3 0-

Kllrop1 0 I tI UTolII1I 172714 7Totals 8132713 I-

lJaltlmoro OO3O4OI 0 B

Metropolitan 3 0 2 0 1 S 0 0 2lIEarned run Baltimore 7 Metropolitan8 Twobase

hlta Kuimer Burns frr OBrien iierhardt Three basehits Trott Ocr Double nlars fEadfordlerhardt andKyan lilt by pitched ball Urllttn list base on errorsBaltimore 4t Metropolitan 2 struck outfly Kllroy3Lynch 3 Passed ballsDaniels 2 Sommers wildpftrhesrKllro 4 Time 2 hours and 30 minutes Um-pire ttulllTan


rnitiDiirHti Auj STh Athletics had more hitsand fewer errors than did the nrnoklyns today but thelatter made the most runs tlenaersont West boadelphla friends were out In force and they pulled forthe obese pitcher The visitors were fortunate In 1-

Unllin their hits when they would do the most goodBmlth played a good canoe at short notwithstandingthat his two wild throws gave the Athletics three runs tnthe second McQarr also played good ball at short Thisscore



PiorntanrfI 4 3 0 0 rinVney 3d bO 0 2 1


Lyons 3d t i o 0 McClellan2db 1 4 3 oMann c 2 1 o 0 McTamnycr 2 3 o oBlerbauer2d In 2 1 0 gwarlwondrf 2 0 0 0Larkin 0 Peoples Istb 0 0 H o 1Jrbl fAg ofiralthss 34 I 7 3MrQarr a > 1 0 a 4 1 lark o 1 3 A 3 ITownsend oo o 4 J 1 rrrer I f O o S 0 0-

HendersonWeyhlng 0 2 1 5 o 10 0140-TotalsS 13 24 ii2 Totals Tfll227W 4

Athletic 03100000 13Brooklyn o 1022001 <

Earned mns Athletics 1 Brooklyn 5 Twobasehiislackin Hwartwood Three base hitsI Pnorinan-Weyhmir mitt Double plajs Hmilh McOlellan andPeoples First base on bull Tixirman Inn lsrkln-RtiTey XcClellan McTamany lilt by pitched bailLarkin McTamany First baSe on errors Athletic 3Brooklyn I hlrockoutliierbaoer McGnrr Weyhlng-Mcfamany Peoples Clarke Henderson Pasieil bathsTownsend 2 Wild pitches Weyblnf 3 TimeTwohours Umpire McQuade


Detroit 2 O O O O 0 0 O 13-IBoston II 0 0 O I 2 41Date bits Detroit U Boston 12 Errort Detroit 3

Boston 0 Pitchers Beatln and KadbourneAT ltDIAirOLIS

Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 1 1 O 1 0tI-IPhiladelphiaI 0 4 I o i o I

Bare hits Indianapolis II Philadelphia 12 ErrorsIndianapolIs U Philadelphia I PltchersBorle and


IIIIbcrrh2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02I-IWashington 0 o 3 0I 4 a-

Base IIIhlta Washington ErrorsPittsburgh 3 Whfalon O Iltcuera Oalrln and tillmore

AT ST LorisSt Lonls 302O3000 O fl-

Clsveland 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 14B-

ase lilts St Louis 13 Cleveland 10Louis

31 Cleveland uI PitcbersYoutz and mtOTIICR O1NES

At Waterbury Waterbury S DanburyINTSKNATIOVAL LXAGIHC

At Toronto tA Mhiainhltott a Toronto PMSyracuse H Toronto

At Jersey Tuy Niwnrk 0 Jersey City 5At wtlkesbarre tlunalo in Mlkesbarre 1

At Blnuhamton lllnghainton l HochesterAt Hamilton Hamilton lit hcranton 4

WKSTKRN tXAIlK-At Omaha Topekv Ill Umahu r-

At HastingsHustings IK hsnas City O-

At LincolnLincoln 16 Wichitasaw EKGLA3I LKAGVR

At Lynn Lynn Pt Manchester I

At rortlondtialeuii Ot ottlsnJ 3GAVEV TO PAT

At Brooklyn Brooklyn anti Athletic-At W est Brighton Star Athletic and Union

you THE BEST BALL PLAYERThe Kotton XfcraMt base bill canvass shows the follow



Morrlll Itoston416 Williamson Chicago211K-elly Bostnu iiu Ward New York 211

Anion Chicago Cs Ityan Chicago 10tlchardson irtrolt H8 rul1lnlblldphl4Iw-lall New York SO

DunlapI Detroit Johnston Boston Sutton Boston 3votes each Klchanlson New orki PolhemunI Indianpolls OBrien Washington Denny Indianapolis

tsdbourn Boston I vote eachTotal voice for Oral choice f07-

sxconn CHOICE

Kelly Itopton 157 Olthurke NYork 27-

Storrill lIolon ISO JohuIOn Boston 22mhardon Detroit I 24 Cergusun lhUdlpM II-

Anson Chicago WIse Boston 7Ewing Newcork IMI sinitk kittaburgli 7Ward sirk ultnn 1011011 4Wiliinntsuii Chicago hiiieg Whlnilon 4

He we Detroit llrouthers Uetrolt Jllassciick Indianaliolist tonnnr New york Jtuteseach tan ilisllrennlmgoi lluttlnlon Ilitladelphla Kiichue Indlsnanolfs-

luilden notion larrar Philadelphia ttidsorthiluw-eli I vote each

Total votes for second choice 823-

Tiiinn choirsIchardson Detroit Iin Ewing New York 14Kelly Boston 131 Hulll rhlladelchla IIAnton Chicago lOT Aniress 1hllailclphla 10MorrilL lies im ID huiton Biwtun 7Itourke Sew York 71 liennr Indianapolis 7

Vltllamson i hUago 1J Innnnr New York 7-

Warel New York 411 White Detroit 5ertuson Philadelphia DO llyan Chicago s

ennelt Detroit 15-

llanlonI i etrolt Ffeffer flilcaro Rronthers DetroitII ornung BOKIOU Illnei Washington I Wx Bostontwo votes earl jolmsiim Bostun Welch > ewYorksnett Indiana oIls Tlerunn New York Bastlau-

liiUdelplilu one vine encliITotal noIre for IItilrdI rhi-

IIFhT iu hUNNMUstIlT rnnick-

Cellr llonlon 413 llanlon Detroit MWard New York MTlJolmiton Boston IISunday Chicago 46Kwlug New York uVhaelock UosLn ItO Ryan Chicago 4 Ilornung Boston 17 WIiae Boston 8

Ocr 2lw York roiarty tHiUdslpala VorrlU ber


ton Nash RoMwiiI Andrews ptilladslphla two ToteI alert purdoek Utstoni Annon Onlesgoi Tlernan New

Yorki Lovely ilav rhlll Laihatn bu Louts eilsyete-cccli

Total votes for flrm choice ikacoivn cnninje

Ward NawVork 31ft Wise IloaMn IIKelly Boston 1 03Tlernaii Vew York 1Sunday Chicago 7n Anson Chlwgn 8Johnston llonlon 41 Kogarty Philadelphia Illanlon Detroit yiHuVKm Boston 4lore NewYnrk 311 Mcileachy lodlsnsps-


4Jlllrnlln lIollon 22JleCrtliicaco 4Wheehock Hoton 21 Satham St hula S-

Ewing NewYerk I17 WIlliamson ChicagoAndrewi rblladlphl Ii-

Richardson flew Yorkl OHCkrk New Ynkt NashIlosIoni Iturliock fleeton iwo itea eaCh Itlcherdeo-nDIroltl Carroll VblnilOnl hjltney lUlibuflhlyin Iittsburgh Madden Uoetctl I Vlr1I1lIlacs

TotalI votes foronIClUkTIQBD CHOICB t

Sunday ChlernIWIylill hlfago 14Ward Ijew York SI ogart >ViTnadelphla 14Kelly Iloaton 55 Ifeller ViliAgo ltllaklon Vlrollellllno K > hlnlnnJIllornung Boston 40MorrllL Itvion t H

Andrews Philadelphia80 Burdock fiusMn tJohnston Iloelon34 llasscnck Injjanariolls filore NewYnrk 84 Wise Hosteix L7Wheelook Hoiton 3H Tlernau NevYvrk 7Ewing NswYork 33

Miller Pittsburgh I Anon ChicagoFarviLL WashingtonI Van llaltren Uhlcsgoi Manning DetroV gash nilton 4 votes each Williamson Chicago Snes Hirhardson wYorkt Ortourke Boston Kodtyd Mstro-nolltan Latham fit LouIs 2 vote each luMnton-rhlladelphla UslrympleI Httsbnrghi Dennv IiMItnonolie Uunlsp Jetroli Chicago Connor NOw yorkHhindls lieirolt llronthsrs Detroit Erwin rhUaUiihiaAnnie Newark 1 vole each

Total votes for third choice CIScum taos TUB DIAKOXD

The Qorhams played their Drat game at Newbnrghtuterday and defeated the Acme Clubot thUclty by 10 VS

On Sunday At the Long shard grounds12i4lysBndwelsers At Atlantic rorkBtocko 7 Iiaclhio

The Metropolitans have signed Ud llogan right fleldelof the Naihvlliss 111Is a great fielder and base runnerRoseman will not however be released

The Emporia Dan Hall Club was admitted Into theWestern League yesterday In place of the 81 JosephClubI which disbanded a week ago The League now has-a fullI membership of eightI clnbe

The player of the Dlnghamton Has Rail Club wereyesterday lIned r lo each ny the directors because sixweeks ago they refused to go on the held unless Fowlerthe colored second baseman wa removed

At Mount Vernon on Ratnrday Morrison Herrlman kCo Id Vernon 7 Morrison Ilerrlman A tos hallnine hers disbanded for the season They played four-teen games winning thirteen They defeated the lead-Ing nines in the dry goods trade and therefore claimthe championship

Manager Mutrle says I have had Iless trouble withmy men this year than ever before Tbsp are all trying-to do their best We have more Independent players Inour club than you can find In any other team some ofour men have considerable property and therefore arenot dependent upon us for a living and hence they wantto take more liberties than they otherwise would How-ever tf nothing happens to our men we will certainlyoccupy A good iposltlon at the end of the season

PiTTSBonon Aug 8It seems that the spirit Ininbordlnailon IIs rampant In the Pittsburgh Club ManngerPhillips when spoken to In regard to the matter thisafternoon refused tn say anything which may be takenas admitting that things are nearly as bail as reportedPresident Nlmlck t at present away from home andwhat action he will take remainsI to be seen The pros

are that he will come round to see the boys unlessKclwork at the bat it was said today ongood authority that J froIIthe batteries bralthWhitney and Dalrymple others were playing a dontcare game andthat most ot them were after release ormore salary


Jubilee Orlando Volaintr Splnnette andGlcnstrm tile Winners

BAIUTOOA Aug 8Thls was the fifth extraday of the race meeting here The attendance was goodfor an extra day the weather was magnificent antI thetrack was tout

Pint Itace Pnrse 300 for maiden threeyearoldsand upward threequarters of a mile PoolkT ysgln-f2S Jubilee CM Tidal Wave CIS the fleW W Jubi-

leeI went off In tbe lead but waa soon passed by TldaWave who led to the lower turn after which Jubilee re-

gained flint position and holding his advantage wonby two lengths J J Ilealey and Tidal Wave Stitchedthree lengtbs apart with tits others strung out Time117U

Second Face Pnrse WOOj one and onequarter milesPools nedstone 133 thefteld tt Hedsume was the nrstaway but he was soon passed by Orlando who led forhalf a mile when Redstone ran up on even terms withhim Coming up the stretch Kensington showed Infront In the run home however Orlando regained thelead and landed a winner by a nose with a hale lengthbetween Kensington and Redstone Time 2KK

Third Race turse JM J for horses beaten Saratogathis season and not having won a race since July JO oneand one sixteenthI milesI Fools Volatile flu held KUDoubt tout the teAS at the start and held it to the halfmile post when Alnrlo showed In front and mads therunning the last furlong Then Volatile came throughand gaining and holding the lead won by a lennthThere was a like distance between the second and thirdhorses and the rest were well up at the finish Time131 H

Fourth Race Selling race for three year olds and upward which have uot won race since July 1 threequarters of a mile Pools Uurton gIll hplnnette 1-1MalvaRS

Ithe field MO hplnnet e started us with

the lead and mas never headed winning by halt alength withI Fred H half a length before Burton andthe othieracioss at hand Time 117J

Fifth Race A hurdle race welter weights the winnerto be sold at auction one mile and a furlong over nvehurdles Pools llenarm U the SaId JBSton led over the unit two hurdlesI len Hhsali olIrbathird and fourth and Otenarm over the fifth the lastnamed winning by three lengths Ten Shell and OeorgeMeCuHoiigh a length apart and the others strung outTime 3 utt

Brighton Beach Be-At Brighton Bench yesterday tho first race

was three quarters of a mile Pools Subaltern LuckySeven and Cochecn fas each Palatka CIO field C1-3SubaUtrn won by a neck with tIrade second TimelllRX Mutuals paid 3045 Oracle paid 0750

Second Race Seven eighths of a mU Pools Moon-

shine f2 Sweety and Uontauk l15 each field 50-

Cimmanitr won by six lengths with Sweet secondTime 23014 klutnals paid 8143 place tun in

Third Race One mils PooleChiarleyi Russell 1910

ElIte Hardy WV Rebel Friend 2St field 120 ClarityItvatll wun by a length with ECle hardyJ secondTime 144 Mutualapald 124O

Fourth Raca One rails Pools Change V Banero-H5 field tM3 Change won two lengths with ileorgeAngus second Time 144U Mutuals paid IfSlboGeorge Angus for place tmU-

IIFifth ROn and one sixteenth miles Pools RaInCa 60 tlarnet Sir Lucy II S7U Horenc M elS

rinkI Cottage 43 field 575 Flarence a won hv alength with Duplex second Time I31M Mutualspaid 21015 Duplex paid ti30

sixth Itaceitue mUe anti a furlong Pools James AII 4HU Adonia and Lute Arnold tO each field IBSJames A 11 was left at the pst Lute XrnoM won by aength with Adonis second Time tMIX Mutuals paid


Today Race at MonmouthThere Is plenty of material for firstclass

racing on the programme for Monmouth Park TheCamden Stakes for oyearolds BOll the BatnntownStakes for three yearolds and upward will be worlh theJourney to see Following are the probable starters andweights

First Race Handicap three quarters of mile Editor 114 pounds Patrocles 114 Ichl Ban 113 Eolls-nm Easter Sunday UH Florence E NX Utah 103Rose IJ tuna Brown IV

Second Race Camden Stakes three quarters of amile IdallacoltI nw pounds Mr Dixon UH Prospec-tH Igaro 104 Alexandria KIN AustrlennaI IllSPeereiw UA lllmer ISO Ueitdlgo 112 tordham Ilift

Third Race Uatontown xtakcs one mile The Bardus pounds Barnum 117 Climax lets Editor IllFlrenzl hut Preclosa 103 Estrella 103 Jrlsette 02-

mrldeaway 87 ceolaH4Fourth ItaceIlandicep one mile and a furlong Eu-

ro 114 pounds lckham UH iionfalon UH 1untlco-UH llelvlUere u Kerona S7 Pat Bheedy i 2

Fit It Race Selling nne tails sad three sixteenthslivelier lOCI pounds This Bourbon III Pat Mieedyicu lonfAlnn lua Enigma U7

The stall event will be a handicap hurdle race at onemile and threequarters over six hurdles

TrottIng In GuttcnbertTTho postponed trot of tho 224 class which

lad been set down for yesterday from Friday last drewquits large attendance to the track of the North lludeon thriving Park In lutienberg yesterday In additionto this a sweepstakes trot took pluce The following Iis asummary

Turin 130 unite heats best three In five In harnessA U llklnss b in Ida Hf lie by Major Miller

W Mixlnsl 1 I I I IJ ncllmIrpldownerl2 1122P N Trlppsch m rlues aowner a a a j 3

PoolsIdaTlmeJi7Hells22 ii 7c2I i27blrfld 17 Per-

Plexed 2-

Hweepstakes of 230 mile heats bout three In live InharnessT F Tlmmtnss ch g Manhattan by

Daniel Lambert owner 4 I 4 4 5 IVIIRollersbkg PetrqleumUllaserl 3 II 1 II a-

w Nicholsons g Royauownsr 3 4 A 3 2 j-MlC Kennedys m liellatowner3 3 s 4 2

I tereancearm Uame Parror owner2 2 2 J drlime23834 S3UH 2 Uj 242 < 240 242M

Cricket SOT nun In One innIngTho Now Haven Cricket Club was badly

bIn by the llrat elelen of the Staten Island CricketClub at Llvlng rbn btaten Island yesterday For twohours the latter lilt the ball to all purls of the field antIdid not desist until 2H7 runs wore scored This IIs thelargest total tn tills vicinity of the seaion Cyril Wilsonlit J JacksonMl toA Lindsay Jr43 Capi Cay4iiiI Lytton 23 t hldrlUiie 1St all hit well andfreely The bowling against them wu weak and thefielding not up In the mark

ew Haven with Its taU down went In to bat Noneof the team scored double Ilirures and only the smallotalnt 37 was tallied With ami runs behind they hadofnllnwon nut again a small total was in ail e M which

left the Islanders victors by an Inningl andClay Jackson and Uutcrbrldue bowled In dllJfIU furStaten Island

Lawn Tonal at Ucrxrcn PointIn nil except ono event tim Bergen Point

Lawn Tennis Clubs inlilsuininer prize club tournamentwas completed yesterday afternoon The final round ofentlemens single of the second class was won from J-

FC llaywood by Ilayard T Klssatn who scored O 4514 341 BA Edwards O Hchuyler and Robert II

Russell beat Russell U Hunting and J I Pay by 6i-IlS


61I in the final round of gentlemens doublesThe final round of ladles andl gentlemens doubles waslostpnned until Thursday afiermwn after two eels hadbeen played Miss Anna U toorhees and Russell LtintingI won the nrst set by 14 and Miss Lids n Voorbees and Charles H Coleman won the second set by 62thereby tlelng the result

The prizes won up tn date are as follows ladles sin-glee Miss IIda U Voorhees a hand painted gauia fanrnllemens singles first class Rnhsrt H Russell aKeekntaii long lawn tennis racquet gentlemens singlessrcnnil class Hs > ard T klesain assoclsllon laShtennis racquet gentlemens doubles KdwarJsO Xchuyher and Robert 11 Russelt a diamnn I and pearl scarf pin



ills Father StrIkes Two llmrcttes PramHer Ilund nnd then One of his Egos I-

CUicd by the NanTwo ArrestsSix yearn ago John Claypolo a carpenter

formerly ot Hobokon moved to tile little townof Unlunvlllo on Gravosend Hay Ho was 08roars old and ho took with him n newlywedded wife of 24 years anti a son of 10 tholatter the youngest of fourteen childrenby a former marriage Soon after movlag to Unlonvlllo the boy wont awaybut ho turned up again two years agoIt was not lung after his return that his fatherwho had learned to distrust him thought hofound additional cause for distrust The boyhung too much mound the house when thefather was away at work Many little thingsoccurred to strengthen a suspicion that alter atime grow almost to a belief But he was theold mans son and a deal of affection for hislast born remained Ho urged him to leavethe town and enter Into some steady life oflabor elsewhere but the boy hung on Abouta year ago a neighbor spoke plainly to MrCliiypolu and Mr Clnypolo hollond she spokethe truth Utlll ho withhold his hnnd againsthis son Ho however restricted his relationswith both son and wife us much ns possible

Yesterday morning things came to a crisisMr Claypolo aroso early got his breakfastthid wont to work at n transient job near homono was not In a pleasant mood fur the eveningwore he bad bad some words with both sonf M wife Returning about 9 oclock he wentto Us wiles room ana found her and his sonBlttncou the side of the bed drinking Whenthe eld man cattle In thoy did not move VV1-IllampolitolyolToredhlSBtcpmothoraclcaretto

oo shant smoke it cried tho old manlouyo taught her to drink and now youre

toaclmg her to smokello Attuck the clcarotto from his wifes hand

The ypuig man coolly handed her anotherThis tlojid man also struck to tho floor Tileyoung man then got up and struck his fatherIn the taco completely closing the loft eye Howas following H up with another blow whenthe old rann soiaqd a long sharppointed knifeand shouted

keen back Though youre my son youshan strike mo-

Thpyounarnan desisted and the father stillholding the knife loft the room and the houseand got1olloonian Morris to como homo withhim The policeman Induced young Claypolotn come outsldn where he arrested him Thoold man meantime had gone to the roomwhore his wife wits Unexpectedly the sonhaving broken away from Morris rushed Intotho room white with rage Another nnd perImps deadlier contest was Imminent when thepoliceman anti the woman appeared on thescorn The latter attacked the policeman butfinally he succeeded In getting both her andtho young man into custody The hearingcomes oil tomorrow at J oclock

I wont bring any charge against her saidthe old man but I will aualnst him I neverrant to see either ono of thorn again


Macvsiy AvoIds Contrlbntlnc to the ConTe-rImtlonOould C s trlbtites a Little

Wai street men and people Interested inthe calje and telegraph systems of the countryseemed to think yesterday that John WMnckay fcrrlvod In Now York on the Servia onSunday foj the express purpose of terminatingthe negotiations for a settlement of the war Inoablo rates Mr Mackny was at the Now Yorkagency of the Nevada Bank all day A wildrumor waa ok afloat to the effect that ho hadlocked himself In ono of the big safes of thobank In order to avoid reporters A brightfaced young man of tho name of Platt one oftile groat men at the bank didnt credit thorumor but bo said that Mr Mackay couldnt-bo seen and hadnt anything to say on thocable ratowac and its probable settlement oron the report that he had bought out MrJames Gordon Bennetts interest in the BennottMackay coWe

ltuddyheaded r°m Oohlltroo in a blue suitwith big white stripes and a blue shirt andneck scarf pranwd Into the presence ot MrMackay It was aid that safe doors weighinga ton apiece anti a combination lock with amillion oomhinajicns couldnt keep him outMr A 11 Chandloi President of the UnitedLines and the PosUl Telegraph Companiesthe land lines of Urn Commercial Cable Com-pany


and Mr 8 LM Barlow counsel for thatcable company had a loc conference with thoBonanza King It was vrgviod that these vie ¬

itors woro roprosontativo to a curtain extentof the oonfjrence commltl e appointed shortlybefore Mr Mackuys arrival see if torms of asettlement of the war coma not Do arrangedThis committee consists of

MtSPSSISrSF EckertfoMh District Cs

A B Chandler for the United Llnu and the PostalTelegraph Companlestbe land lines f the CommercialCable Company

Mr S L M Barlow counsel for the Commercial CableCompany

It was stated by ono ol the forognlng that thecommittee hud Informally conMdeied the sub ¬

ject of nn advance In cable rates ft a uniformbasis but that nothing doflnlto had beendetermined It was believed and semi ¬officially stated that If any settlcnwnt wasarranged Mr Mackay and Mr Jay Gouldwould arrange it themselves In person In ¬

deed many thought Mr Maokay and MrGould would meet each other yesterdayMr Gould howover said that be had hadno negotiations with Mr Mackay They arenot acquainted Mr Mackay said a shorttlmo ago that he had once seen Mr Gould onthe street Mr Gould wouldnt know thoBonanza King If ho saw him The report thatMr Mackay has bought Mr Bennetts InterestIn the Commercial Cable Company appearsprobable Mr Mackay seems to havo assumedentire charge ot tho negotiations for a settle-ment


The International Medical CongressWASHINGTON Aug 8The programme for

the International Medical Congress to be held In thiscity In September has been completed with the ex-ception of a definite arrangement for a reception byPresident Cleveland The meeting will U opened onHonds Sept 3 at Albauiha Opera House when the

ConKreu will be organized the report ot the SecretaryGeneral submitted and an address of welcomedeltveredsecretary Bayard In this evening a cnnoriazlone-nlll be held at the Pension Office General meetingswill be hell on each mornIng of the weck and meetingsof special branches of the medical profession will also beheld cacti day t the week except osturduy Addreses-C iii be ietivered during the session of tb Congress byhr Austin Flint of ew York on meyer its tames andRational Trealmentt by ir Narisno enunola of apIes Italy on iaeteriology sod Ia therejeuthral flulatiun hr Pr P tI tsna of Ilautburg 5ermany on

The Itelationsof liermatology to Ileneral Medicineby Or lb FIelding iilanford OX london on the Treat-ment of Itecent Cases sf Insanity in Asylums and inPrivele lheueea by Sir A Uteau2 of Paris on TheInfluence or Iiiacoverles of American Surgeons on theDevelopment of ynnttclogy in Europe ifld by itrPeudorfer nf Vienna on Tlle bIililarT tledidns of tuePreaent and that if the Sear The neial feetures tir lie meeCtg will I a reception by riiiiscns onWednesday eveiiii a general recelhin uid bulyetbanquet at the Peion 1111cc on Thursday eveoing anda trip to Mount Vernon Saturday afternoon

The Pint Pulrnt Extension In Ten YesWAftniNOToiv Atic 8The Commissioner of

Patents has directed that an extension of the patent fria certain ttutlitfr machine bo extended seven years fromJune 11W3 this will be the Scat case In ten years inwhich an extension of a patent has been granted Thelast case was In 177 when the patent on wood pulpwas eitended for seven years making the total life nfthe patenttwenty fonr years This enlenulon of the lifeif C patent was at that time condemned by popular opinion and fc that reason nit ensblini atsI thlseharacterhave been athipteil by Congreos Cl to 1474 the powerof extending the Utne of a palent was vested in the toutmissioner if latent but then It was assumed by Confrre < TIlls particular reissue was made upon authorityof an art of Congress of Aug 4 181 and authorlieil the

omuilssioner of Patents to take testimony In regard to-the potent sad If upnt the evidence pieced betors himIts shall conclude that the petitioner has nt been cornpeisated rur the tints and Inceitoity spent in perfectingthe Ilatent the Coinrnisloner shalt have authority toextend It fur seven years beginning with June 12 isetIThe Commisaloiier has taken the leslimuny as directedby the law and baa decided upon the reissue

The Clothing Cutters UnionBTOACUSE Aug 8The Clothing Cutters

Union of America irs holding their second annual oncntlon at the Empire House here to day There areI 1540 cutlers In the union An effort will be made toerUlatii against the Inroads nf apprentices and to requlre theta In serve three years before being silmllteit-o the union It Is proposed to allow but one apprentice

every third year tn entry sell cutters In a shop llmInehour a day s > steni ami the establishment of a illsrlct of the knights nf Ilabor rmtsed excItisi ely ofclothing cnthere are In he considered J II lets of Sewbock city It acting rtttldtui

A Dig Purchase of Pine LandsPiTTSBtinoii Aug 8A syndicate of Now

York antI Pittsburgh capitalists has become the ownerof nearly ltstittl acres of the finest pins foreiti In the

outh The lands are along the northern line of SouthCarolina and the southern boundary nf Georgia most of-t being In the latter tale The price pall was Hnnini-n cash The deal was made throuirh a prominent realslate firm In this cIty IIbe Intention title purchasersIs not tti develop the lands but to hold them as anivestment until the advance In the price of lumbergreatly Increases their value

hrn Men Mtuhheil-

TnoT Aug HTlurvu mon woro stabbed oneof them seriously In a row In Church sheet last nUit-Blx arriils have been made One of the prisoners Is aherman one a Frenchman on a Canadian two Amerk

cans asd one an IrUhman The moat seriously InlursiJames haley whohaaabi4woundlabiaaeck


New York Hteck isebangalse Aug B-

mtiBOAn Lao fl5515 BOXM ItlB floons132 All A lau in33Jr4Ih lIt In 7 Cent mt

5 AtI A lac st tOM2 nit A O cc A il44 Ill N Y ten 1st2 Ch II se U 74 I N A Chat lit120-I ee 4 XV Chic A HI

11 Can HO ad vi ii ilVMmH-OrItANIat

4 Cen IMc tA tbr nil 4 N WIChA KIII lstmrnll1-U

> IUUM-S3Central Iowa I1st 551 ir B A N enisnil-4l4 Col Coal us I Ill hlnHn let Ktl

3 lies MAVl I 2tlMHI-U

3 Or a L K lltDelA II HI IU7 II Ieo III A E1U TH

214 LIen a It O 1 la 4ttt 104

con4s7lti37tl 11 Mill t K IncI Den A B U W M 71 7J87IM

1st as 70-

2Kv 2lthkliet IUA T II 1st115i-n 2 Bo hoc 01 tai 1st II4W

II lenn ns u7Uai 7W 6 Ho Iac of Mil latIn x-e7 ft rtrrth hat v7 >J ht I t Ma con

auireenUlu 4 U44ii us IHHI0IIO15 hindu 1st 5s 7SHW-7JnintJtui

1 St I A Ma cooI NistitS3lntlLNSle HI ft 81 IIAtIii 1st Dak-

xMnl A Up vd In-a

41 115Mid ASn 1st-

a1117 I 811 A NK gen Vi114-

aHans II1 lit Ill KI Ir nt o A5 han rag en Itd r wdn 4k8l41 KantTcn Ilit SKI IIMsuS Mil lit

13 Lan A TglstM9ia9l Is st i A N PKnox All 1st IKl2 L li A W 1110 hIll SO Bt L Ark A1 Lake Xh 3d12394 Tex lit 00I Louis A t K II 5 Itt i Ark M

AN lit 11214 Tex 2d 44UiLottANNOA CTeiFag> It Od 7-

1MlivI00OI51 GUTei lac lgaJ rJ8LKA A Ch-


1 TaLk Hd Itsl1st lil Terre II dlv 4-

J3TolAOhloientlilulL MAA CIt cnIS2H AHt L lit 110 7 TnU A Aa N1 MetKI ad this M let IWHc1 Mob AO 1st113 4 Tot Hi L A hanMob A O Itt deb 47 ciiv ut niv61or IMit c flSH H M-

IBI tin Iac HK 11iV

N u A p 1st H-I6N

2 WheelgAU KntlnoJ Cen en asliS4Total sales of railway bonds per value fCir ixx-

XaiiLttoan SlID nrnicn IIUBBS-liRallreidl ONorfAWpf44i 43 4

275 All A laoI2t3h3H e4175 Nor lao 8O74555Ml floe A L nt IkS 7213 Ner Pao pt 5oAMt

IKIII K A Iltls Ml 13155 Nrwrn5l41ail4jills Can ro fl ILK Norw pt 14

17711 Can Heutb MrjCl4 ISIS NV fflilUJi lwii-1UH1NHIM Rent NJ74H YNE44o342t

82 Cent Iowa 7-

Hi461 Omaha 4bUi4i7-JUiUmaDfCent fso sou-


KAO 14-1m

1551 Ohio A N Vt-l2MciiAII ut n-


A P hell rtn40itni

> a K21424sde75 Cl a I Heading StIhldS

SOII C A II V2VUia4-luoc

lSS7ftlehsVl21hlgiillAD 40-

UnIts 5taW fpt

ClnI til L AO79 Itul lOci 1s-


3iM > A lioHiixai1-22IU

A O-


Salt Frlien A ItG 27 2 ll > anK pf-

II4WD4ltODft3O34U Sen K lstpfI14STixi Rrie comntsestl 3WI ht Pout 043t4MljSUUKrl nref57lt5k84 DM Bt P A Dul I44ll

25 E Tenn litd MtPA I pflO4CjitIIts E T adpf 31 Ito 1411 Jk M I1142211 III Cent7-

IBtn2IUKA W itl4llt

kana lex 27t582htil 2IItTezIaeD4V427201 KIngs Ieml f il34lt5i t ninit lee 57tn52

11701 Lake tfh S44tlJ34 HX Wab A Par 17

2OLKAW tt5lg4 HIKW A 1P pf3 i < l 1ijl1300 U LA Wtif S3HW5JU-10UL

400 W ML Lno 4lho 4liNAACh Htlncfttanfoiu-

MlOntnrlo35Mt eeu a 2 ljtiih 2fll-iniiColCoaiWeMll0pk455tefl 4oulJ-MO841 MRv en 112 Tenn A I niUi-

4l Stem a Ch AI-

7tit45 Con liu 714i57

Mint tsotStlj3424 103 Or lint Jo-22M3UI1I1L A L 8 H-

410IMALBDr X Trans27412tl4

lIt IBKIPO Mall 40WrilH3OD1 Mo Iac KHiQWHU-

llfKKIMo ParlOr 3I11Ctlt

l l8t I D2UUM6X

25bti WeitUniui7447tliUen U Total sales io-

CLOSIKQ ttltRiBin Jittd1 BU AIled

tB 4t3eellld HIM NJ Cent 7524 74U B 4 <arloau niitj N Y c A Madlew ItSU B 4s r lJ7tJ USUS V AN K 41-


B 4SO I Norfolt A West 17 l4tConsul Oas 144t 73 Norfolk A W pf 43-

tliltNor< 4lColorado Coat 42 iar com n-

MUCanSouthern M Nor Iac uref-S4Uihorwest

d04 nilijC U C A led 5414 comlt4H-


47UDen racinc 5t14 tint A Western ttI K 17

Chic A Altontro 194 Omaha cola 47 J-liDelU A 0 m 5i oreron AT U 2ll l 204

Den A R Opf-ETennlst

541 eel honor Mall si-


> t f54 Rook lstaildldi 127Erie B-OKtW

tO n CIch a WI 215i 2S-


D City 4SA 4M Reading 55 52t4Hocking Coal 31 8314 St Patilcom leI4 5iLen A Nosh Ill blk st Paul prefllfl 121

Lake Whore tel l4 Tea A PaC 2 +4 2L K A H f it nf-allasoun

54 112t4 UnIon Iac 5A4 5Fac-

Mich154 111 Wab A Par of 200il dO

Cent M-M

145 West Cu Tel 7i14 79LAT5L 21114 27 WheeilngLE 37Nub a Chat 8U


The stock market showed a tondcnor todayto relapse Into n brokers speculation Therowas a material falling oft in tho volume ofbusiness as compared with the daily averageof last week and generally there was no snapto the trading Thoro was a disposition to sellstocks for both accounts but with tho shortsellers the moro aggressive Thoy were con ¬

spicuous for their operations In tho Oranccrstocks New England and Western Union

Tie defunct Baltimore and Ohio syndicateand its complications being shelved as a factorIn tho market tho unfavorable Influence thatwas worked for all it was worth today wasthe damage to the corn crop DecIdes tillsthere was some disappointment that a restora-tion


ot cable rates did not immediately followMr Mackuys return to this country Tilechances arc that tho people who lmn had theoablorato war nn tlio eve of mttlomont forsome time past will have to wait n little longerfor the fulllltnont of their hones There sPiteconsiderable soiling of tho Northern 1aolllcstocks and they scored the greatest net de-


Tim movement In them Is perfectlynatural In view of tho fact that tIm trnnnforbooks of the company cloNed on Saturday undthat there Is no longer a demand for thu stockfor election purposes

Tho llrst public movement in the contest forthe control of the Northern 1adllo Companywas inndo today by tlio people who nra Intorestod in elTectfncaclianKo in the muntiuumont of the company They Iiuo begunpromptly to reijuest proxies In Minport of theIrticket Thi4 contest will doubtless attract aRood deal of attention and the plei of thosewho have taken the aggressive sldo in It is cer-tainly


worth listening toTho greatest activity was In Bt Paul fol ¬

lowed by Western Union heading New EnB ¬

land and Northwest In the order named Thomovement ot prices was In the main uniformthough a few stocks notably Western Uniondid not BtilTernt all while Uiion Pitclllo Northwest Lake Shore and Lackuwanua sustainedexceptional losses

There wits not muoli doing In the TJnllstod-Dnpartment Cotton Oil Trusts soul ut 11-

4S3Ji Kingston and Pembroke Iron nt 4 to425 Hutro Tunnel at 38 to 40 cents per share

Georgia Pacific Ists nt 107 Northern TiiclUcdividend bonds at 101 nnd Keoly Motor at 1U1 >

The market closed heavy at the lowest pricesThe noteworthy chances In prices today are

shown by the comparison of filial salesAuy G 5 AUQ fl AW A

Canadian Pac A6-9Cansouthern

unfttt Nor Par pret M iM N Y Central 100 IifUconsua 7ft4 75 S Y A N K-

NJ4114 42j4

Del LA West I3m I21JI Central 74tt 74Pet A hudson hil24 101 dmaba corn 4HK-


47iErie Sft Nt Or iK t N v-

Dreionm < 143

Lou A Natti 6h0 A r U-


1MULake nnore-LK

lalsndA W rf-


Rich A W f-wltl

U7 >Jcent-


mm-NMIan < St Paul corn IP <

Norfolk A W of 4I 4yUITex Iac 2s4 274Northwest IIS4 ll4IUnion tactilev-


5104 5itNor fao 5O 29 WilnalinicA Lt 4l dlh

Tho process of marking up lie quotations ol-4H V cent Oovorninent bonds In nntlclpition-ofofferincs to thIn Treasury Uopartmont onWednoBdny continues Thoy woro advancedIi V cent mil today Tito ds closed >4 V centhigher bits Hallway bonds dull und feiuureloss Atlantic and Pnrlllo inconuisadxiinced-i 5 cent to 321S and Denver and Hlo Ornmlo-

consoHs > to7lli Phlladolphlu nod llind-InRlncoineBM 7o declined 14 tVent to 71t

Money on call 4t 5 4S centSterling OxcilIllIgn dull and hnavynt tlSlii-


for IOIIK bills unit JHV Hf484 furdemand Posted tlsklllg rates arts unehnniidat JlHJt for lotm bill and 485 for demand

The applications nrclvoil nt tim TrpnmiryDepnrtmont Iii tinto for propaytnotil of tuiureton reglMorml bunds wa as follnun 1our Tcents i24liB250 4j f cunts 12713001 Pacillo llallroad bonds taSOW total 5209250

Tho Treasury Is piling up money rapidlylodays statement shows bitlaucus us follows

4t 0 tt7 S-

lStsS2770 oil J1M1J74Legs tenders hlttl52l i



2141Jii7M1707r lillePSilver balance f72nonufli against 72241ln faturday

The statement of the Donvorand IlloCintniluRailroad fur Juno Hhowx gross earnltiKs of1677240 an Incronm of 1121854 over last > enrand net oarnlngs 297700 nu Incroasoof tJ5-


ldont Elijah Smith In behalf of the OreRon ansi Tran contln ntiil Company which IB

the largest stockholder In the Northern Iaclliollallroad Company togeiiier with Misers JohnH Trovor John U llockefollor Jiune B Co-lgate and others who tire also largely Interestod in the Northern 1acillu Lniupaiiy reiiuost-otherstocklioldors to unite with thorn In ef-fecting


changes In the directory of that com-pany


at the approaching elenllon The nnmoathat appear In connection wit It Ithis tno monttire sufficient guarontpe that tho bent Interestsof the Northern PaelfUi Company will bo proaiotud by Its success

Jlonev In London 1 t5 cent Dhrntmt In the-open market for rihnrt anil tthron moiitliH bills2l to2l T> cent Thn amount of bullion withIrawn iIromthii Hank nf Kiunnd on halmimtoday It 70iHXI 1Jarls niKlcos into u a Vellis at bl37S and exchungo on London

iew York MarketsMONDAY Auc RFaojn AND MKAL Tliern

was a timer demand ami prices wore generally wril-malntslneil Kiour V2 hljl NU z s sos superan UUl4n3u shipping extras tI25 XX andXXXt4l454n5 patents WiSta70 cJ am 7-5V C > lesS Pi-

sforroxruturts were slightly deprened by a weakliverpool report ami better a cattier at the houih lintthe clots was steadier aid 71V for August 37c fur Sepeuiber i1te for OctoVer I2Ic lor Nuvemter miN-or Peremfcer 112cc for January 15 i v Inc Irbruary-

7c fur Murih imt for April antI nvw for JlnvMlles47 itt hales Spots thIieter inC I Ilte l erinildllnguplandsMi3iik ilulla 10 11ICc Receipts at theports this day 2467 bales

URAII Mlitst futures were moderately active anddearer there being some revival nf speculative conn-

enes sales 3ii5Wut1J bush at W7uHo for August7thlc lot September et34iIic forUctober seM

for December MU5este for January tefl4Ip-4147 for May and 103415440 fOr Jttne Itpo wbewas cattier CrItter wiih a fslr geiiernl dettiand shtpptwik ll5Ubith pales were mainly 240 2 red wlnte-7II5454I1 delivered sail to J lnaAgn Tet4s deliveed Indian porn tutors were again drrldeUly hlgheowitig to unfavorable roll reloirle rales IlUitUJ busNo i tnUrl at 4rUit < wc for September 4HU-M < ntjc for October iJtViV for NovemberfrWl1C for lUMeinlier anil fJQiUUo for MaySpot corn was lipId fr mi nIt niiic mil simmers had n4orders to meet thu dearer market un I ae were smallsnes Inrluicd NO j mixed 4rilMV in elevator andnnnnt aol 474c distort tale were dearer In svmpathy with tri lllnimiHleruleini vimunii t sales <3ouCbush Including option Nn 2 nt lllUUi Uhc fur AugustillWiailtti cur trtiiiimlier Cull ll3eiLc for Octoberand on I he spit mmiluiiKKfiio ail whl ealKttiHa-an In nunillv Salt Inn wlih senr Imlreelt rowedhtsiesl wlc fter ChangeWheat steudvi Hotroil winter for Autiitt 7fc heptemlier wcOetob qH ci Oeceinli f tl JHituitrv 4ci Slay tAiHeCorn slesi Sn j mlxstl fur hepttmher IMw i Octoiher 4iii Niiietnlier 5 r lIe chillier MOdel Marr k0 istsniilvii No J mUeil for August ttlHci 8 rteinber U ide nctilier SH > WPiniior ttlHc

lOot iIioNoldtrd futures were tlrmvr tint rnther dnltisales 11101 li5 al itM 4iiup for Hememher C B7-

OITCI for October t li4ilOe Inr Anvemuer iiK80Hiiiefor lirreniurr mid iiiiC4Hsi fr inuary AfteJChange the close was II itt for hepieinber UfBo fe ftuber IJIA lur Zsovenohcr and t illS tor January

Kfni llard ilrmer hut iptliliI soles vjl ft at 011 a litprltno cn il itiiv for prime IM choice Uettern n4J-

c for rerneil for the Continent Iorkln teller tetnannnd rtrni at Jiioyfliioi for old and new mesa Cutmeats held wit It loire coiiflilence but nttt much wontedlIcensed hogs dearer at 7t4e14 Tiitloviiilet atiKol-lniler llrm nl IHrgjttr forcremuery Iliei se firmerAtvft-iv if for SlaIn fnciory Fresh eggs lK itt

Short Rrqt5iflee on the spot Has In brisk demandPslesttl ltiacs Iii al llc for No4nii I 1140 for No-

In also 2511 mats JAII p t lllo options ipened higherlout closed loner i silea i575t tuna loll ig with sellerat 17 AV7ilic for It early lunnthMinii liAiSe forthlisle montlm Itaw pillars quiet hut stetdy nt 41M60fur fair renninit nnd 1 1IUc for stand ird centrltogali-anies IMX hugs ceuirlfugiM al r Slur inl avi bags lo-

grndeat4r Keilneil quiet Molnrter dull and nominalNATAL Muats hnlrlls turpenllne quiet and easy M-

rrtrnittM Crude rerlltlcatM trv lull npenlotr at-

r7f< c selling at 57de7i i and cloning nt 97ia37H Msales SlettetihliliI-

RFKJIITIlceus Very dull soil rules eiider with sma4shipments reported nt Ill to ll erpool Hit to Ix ntca-audaxd


to Hull

Live Stock MnrketN-KW YonK Monday Aiy Hocclpta of

beeves tn day end eslrility in ear lnid or 4owhead 111 car losil to tin cud tM cur loads fur exporterof cjktto and beef and M carlnade for home trad-KtHtightnrern direct the miirnhu salimtcro at ful-KrlrUys ciirreiii ilgurep hut with the arrlvi nf soms sicar loans at a rather lute hnir nti eurle reeling wa-inottfesble and eoncwiliiiis were neci Kir to makeclrurance lh drrlitie In Chlrngo helpltii the baytnfInterest Very rnimnmi Itn choice steom llll natlTisold at3 Ill l toivllll 10 lbs vltli nfir title at 8512k-jffi ir bulls trim ff2 to tO 25 ixporls today andrrttordnytnilI Koten-

Hecelpunf rnlves 1021 head Firmer nnd higher ii-54llfr > t Vi for crab und at 2Wv ftic unseen andbuttermilk

Kecelpts of sheep end lambs 77 ear loads or la6Vlbeau ilrtn for ffnml lo choir nlTerlntts dull and weakfur interior and rnnmintt and Hi pens could not 04cleared Sheep sold In full lots ut to 47i f 10OH-lambsntl to f7V ultli A few teecnl exlradn At 8

Receipts of hou OT cur boils or B14iitind The ftlsales were at S fitssa Its Ttn Bull the marketmay be reimrted ilhnul steady ntfTi 4iltn 70 New Yougrades were selling In I hlcagn tu thy at r UU33 23

Court Culemliirm ThIs liarSupnnMr TOURT OirAMnrns No 45 98 Se

BK MI tit IJU IhS likl ITU lfJ 1C7 1HH 1WI iOn l9187 ItS nm jm nil SIC snn 204 21

ouuf itFASscrtut TfKM Wills of henry ItcgJohn Znlud nud famuel W Hsunlng in A Xli X-Iluner John Johnston and Lnufs Singer 10 30 A 11


rriTCRM ALMANAC THIS ourCoin rloes s w I Sun sate 7 I0 I Moon rs iI01tn-

ioti WATCH Tim IS T-

fiandy Hoo1clt 101 Gor Istanit 11 4liI Hell Gate 144-

ArrlTd MOVPAT Ann 5Sit Ems Junfcf firemen July 30 antI Booth am ptct

Slitttrece JefTrrr Iouidon July 22 and Havre 24Uk-S North tuiutiriA ItSans 1hlladetptila-Rn lUIlch IitUrflcld Key Westt-Oe UiulnlanH Gufier New Orlnnn-8n rheroket iJoaue JuekKouvilleSKCnininniiwtJilth Vaiiklrk riitladelpbl-

ait5 Kairclotli HavanaSB Utopia Morrlumi Gibraltar8 State of Texas wllllainn FernandlnaShip Llewellyn J Morse Carver CalcuttaBark Iuretta Untlerhlll Key VestDark Louts le leer And emu Gothenburg


PR State of Nebraska from Now York at GlasgowsAILeD rrow rtiRBinv roitr-

PP Stats nf Indiana from Lame for New York

DIEDALLEN John Infant ton of John F and Annie E 53

lenI uneratfrnm the residence of liRparenta I East 111th

nt today fit U I M-

UK Kill At long Branch on Saturday Anjr a DavIdH Herry the beloved husband of Carrie Fisher Berry tahis 421 tear

The relative and friends are reRvectfully Invited toattend the funeral this morning atH oclock from hIslate residence Jacob cottftire North Math av LonjfBranch CarrUjres will awali nt Jersey ClIp Iennrrtv-rtiila Railroad Ueiwt the arrival of tile train at 10iOA M

Knitsun papers please copyllVltNltAt Weal Chester on Aug 0 Tho 671116

the belovril hiithand nf Catherine Dwyer aged TH yearsIff tat hf and friend of thn family aro respectfully

riled attend the funeral today at 2 oclock-CAMJHniL uddenly on Saturday AUK 6 Edward

J eldest win of Catlierlne and the late Ianlel CampbellRelatives and friends am re n ctully Invited to at t ad

the funeral from hU late residence l2 Lynch at be-tween

jSlurry anti Harrlcon aH Brooklyn today all

I MI Interment at Calvary CemeteryCAlTMIhln Sunday Auir 7 Kate wife of Con

neUuAJ Caulrtcld In the 37th year of her ayeFuneral will take plAce today from her late reshden

202 11th nt lerxey city at 2 M nharj Interment li-ht Peters Cenieieryi old Relatives and friends ms

quested to otteti-lldlVll43Itit Aiiir 7 the beloved dfttitrhterof Jamci

and Catherine Crovriey aged it years born In Dormaalwar county Cork Ireland

Funeral frntii the renldt ncn nf Mr Patrick Mahon K-4X haul lM ft to day at U H M BurialI In Calvary

l ICKlSSJN At tracker Uoui New Iwindnn Connon Minilny nmrnhii Auir7 Major Wm Dickinson Unit-ed


state Army ccciil r 7 reamsWashington paper please ropyDIMIM ONiter a Itniferlnir lllneis Isaac 0 Ding

man tn the t2it yenrof his togsIlrlatir soul friends the family are reipectfntlyln-

rlted m mteiil the funeral from hIs late residence idhost Ireeiibueh X Y on Wednesday Auff 10 at idoclock

IlKln At New Brunswick NJ on Saturday Anff0 leone li Field

HeUthff nil frtfndx are Invited to attend the funeralto dav ruin bin late revldence 12i George St N-

Mrunnwlfk NJOAYXilt 11 Ails 7 at tile late residence lOVthar-

Hrookivn T Frank Uajnor ageul 214 yearsFunernl private-llAoTlNllittlmovned at sea on June no Ernest son

nf the lets Kfintbtirn and Adelaide Curtis Mnitlnffs In theIttth ysor nf iU utit Hndy recovered fitly HI-

II LISuddenly at Far Korknwmy Wm Ualllnhlfl3-U1 vcar ft native nf Armuiili city Ireland

Funeral from Mnthuh av to day at 11 M A M In-terment


In Ireenuomt OmMeryJAMKH On Atc 7 George 5 James aged 75 yearsRelatives nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral

prrvicc to be held en eilnesday Atir in atJ odor1 M at the niith Contrreuratlorml Chiirrh corner of-Cmrt tint Iritidctit mn Hrooklyn Members of Naaaati-Lodire NO Kin FI und A MI Hrooklyn Chapter iNo 4HIt A tiClinton Comnundcry No M 1C T are respect-fully Invitrd to atteiid Interment In Oreenwnod-

KSKVAIJ Miilrlenly at hU late residence O RailS° ih st on Sumlft Auif 7 Hnv ell IIII Knevals only BOQof Hi rmiu W uiul A mm K KnrMtU aged 21 years

dl t Hill YAt Mnnicrit Iolnu L I on Sunday Aug7 hiiRtn wife if Bartholum Murphy aired 41 years

Funeral to day at i r M front tier late reside nee 107Vernon av

S4Ip FH4cn Sitmlay morning Aug 7 at her late restclence after u ohort lllnrM tarah IMen Hafl n danghter nt the late John II and Sarah W Sattan-

rrnvMenc1 It I papers please copyMUINMiddenlj on oturday morning John Surto

aired 71 veursItfatieHtd fmlenIs its Invited to attend the funeral

from hU late re tl nre t 3d ot Hrooklyn today at IOA M Vino imlt lIeu ems

TttlIflSAl htony Pnlnt S Y on Saturday Augn Frederick Tom kliis In tIle Ilth year of his age

Funeral secure at hU Isle residence today at 1or lork ItciatU soil frlemln may tat ferry at Jaysat IS A M and at 4d nt at I11515 A M connecting withWesttShoro Itailroad returning tearo Stony Point at523 I M