library of congress · ik i.atkst nkws. bm'kit. n bl ((p\*;rir ti ir.b.r\rii, e>.vv,...

iK I.ATKST NKWS. BM'kit . n Bl ((p\*;rir ti ir.B.R\rii, e> .vv, '.iiVXA-KI^ feW itoBam-, ., ., 01 .*.¦ ni Miuvrv 14.- '. »4»f»_ . ai i x\KK a.«axw»i > lk.xl.alli ,»l Bl IAI I K>K"-^^k.v,u,aii .ii.l.l.ilv M farkera- 1 V" *"_ ,,;_., , lll. rti.h I,,...,''," wl... a-t x* n.a.'i.i.v.i flftao aeaoaal ('¦.». ad»-* bbb- m p r*z . -.. u ' ,.>n':,, fV .**-. *toaa ^-JV ^. , ;,, ., i,ir, nn.l oaVred __t;^p^a r^iv. jMk-f _r_ "M ,fir, ** T . elattx .... (..4 « .<.».' ot "..' rox.klutuktto tw he *" . X 1. "TLa . "-¦ '."'' lh* H0**"" 4a a ¦ »*9wa* mmm* ajTlj^jBtt--* **.' i,sl * '" W "'' '" ''' '"'' are* _.,,.. * raai M4X ammTaaTtlK UMISI v.t II I l ..lay. June ', IBM. xxea. ta * iiaar*'-* aiajaBara» hm adJamraod nll ,^..' . ,%aai -rrx^e.:.' * olectiea B V S. 4. r.-Jv e*^1- nu rnvm-N v.. HT1 W tTICAM. is.v-.x ma. KiuU.4, Jaae 9, I9M, .U Barrir **-»--¦ I toaaaaaaai Atol*.»"i*. Maaiafiiaf.- x- ¦*- toak aaaaaflB ? J j,__,.JM.||mBaa . BBal Baaaaa ratoj ^ Bamahieaaaaaaaal bbbb -Ux.,.1 Vi.TW in LKXINOTOJI BA1LBOAD |4,44kK'.vt vi 4. I S : l-tSaahe. i i " tx., iVjiaf ,-" »*¦. * ¦¦ > Bailmad le .-ekA*a*.aM .*.>' rr' . -j.,- waa pi.taB t.' I BfaTTaaoa, Boaaa ee a tX-av.** fti i !. thia Ot kuiaf, aa a a^ga Bf aaaaaro a-v Bartk* Waa."- fb | Bta-BAJ t)mw | tiiiar kat'it-; twvn NBaaBed ea bail. E.,_n-r aaaa Imtoahh aaartmimi aamax. ae- !¦. law arwanl. my fPh.lTI'Ml IM" ITaa IX (OWiNTIOX. Tatxr.'i, Knday. ;), ItM. BoVmtaaal tadaaar.- "daj m. on- ata* Baaahakaaa Br. BBaJdaa toBadafladaaaaahm BMlaaatoaaflfluleatoBimtom faaaaaaamB, whioh ram \ m 4- . ry mad Aatt^Xebrmba m favixrixf rn. i.-r.xn: aaoiothofof Nihr.i.ku Thr Aut. ¦*»'.-» very reeolatioaa ore> mM ..e;.*Mtia._. aad ex'tua' .erv i i>tx>d down. Mr. Laus, twaeware. krrt Uk Ji\l»ri3_; it t.> have -....: --:..-- '.I I-! J.xeee cait>e in ai.d ar.uouiii- d BBBBBBf C-. aara aw tivaxorryw. and ien. unccd th- ptvaeut one. B* wa* aM a lieaWeto. I\ag.M | *ar 1 "* aajh aaaa ao-day, acd wa* b. ba. aVaia. who had aeaembled at the wopto BB at T>* Aati-Xrbnvka men aiao 9981, aud eb.-era » i|-tiM ky tbrtn for Mr. tki BBa and othe-* who voted >|ggB '¦-' THK CAN Al. t\,iKKS. A'.axsr. Friday, JaBO :», lr-Sl. |iaB a li are adx-;ri*a.d 1"7 tt do the work on th- State Caaa-v rh OB Bto rtoaaptoto C'anal; on tho Kastern jBim a f tae ¦BaOaaal) on the Black Kiver C'anal: mmm* M:d:^ H.t1 .«'-": mt Krie, on the Weritern Di- atac of I. Kne. asd on th. Oen<r»ee Vallcy. Tho time a rty.**.»a»- propoaal* rancrs from the 6th to lrrth Joly- THE ono UQ1J0I LAW. Ci5ci55ATi, Friday, Jnne 9, 1*54. Tav* Onxad Jarr havt in-icted aeveral of the leadinj; jee* tk.r-a iMre for violating the Liqnor Law lately aaaml hy tbe LegielArtxre. -?-. fXf.M .VKU -r.KLKAXs- DKPARTITiK OF CAU- rOaWU»TEJA_E_<-THEPBE8IDEXT8PBOC A_lJtA Ii''N A> TuFILLIHISiKKS. BBmOaiBIBB. \Ve.lne*.lay, June 7. ls:,4. Tht aarainxii.p. I'cite 1 Sutea for Aapinwall, and l'aiapero $aa Jaax. aailed to-day. ibe I^xreident a proclatnaiioii hu caua*.l con.ideratil.' m,,.., ._. i i h:lihuattr»aretin.lera900d taharre *o ortraniacl their m'.it-ments M not to violata thit KETrRX OF A FITJITIVE SLAVK. BaATIBOBB, Friday, June 9, 1954. Ib* .lec:: -4:p Florida ou h.-r Ivt trip to Savannah took btvcl a fnf itirt *lave. who had escaptd in the Charleaton aaaaau-r Ba lille, and was trauaftrred at OM to the JTarvia._, U\Y aHAAtVPBHJME LEQ18LA TVEE.BEIBK TRADE AT HEADQUAMTEMB. t ia«| 11 il of Ae N. Y. Tnbnne. (omcord, X. II-, Wcdnesday, June 7, IB94. Tm bare no doubt BBBB notified by telcgraph, ere thit, 4pf th* rMnlt of tho bollotiiig here to-day for Spcakcr of tho -toeae of l^preeentixtivfce. Shurtly after tho Le;.i.lature bltxd, the roll of the Houao waa ealled and cvery er elect preeented hi* credentiala. The ballot for kpooker thowt that cvery inenibcr i-oted. There were torm bondrc-d and teu votes .-aat. F. U. Chaso (Admiuin- tratian Demwrat) had 1",(;, nn'l M. W. Tappan |Fr4M}-Soil titi Wh ' hiul 1.13, acattcriti,. iBurke) l. Tbe Hurke Democrata "euve.liii'' to the j\duiiniatra- Irva, mueh to the aurprlai. aml r onateniation af their lead- or, tWroiiiid Durke, and raOod for Chaac. Hurke ia here aai did all he could lo prevCntit. The Hunkers nre in iVj_ glrx-. Tkhy have g'.t more than they expectc L Soine hrttor ineta will .how how it waa done. Aa ex-Surveyor of the j.ort of 1'ortnniouth under Polk, to retired from office with an old cluim aj,'a4iiat the Oor- 9Tament. LBfMMaa a toim on tln bnnks of the I'iacata- 9ia He haa reccntly nut with a ludilcu couveraion. r»b4irtly after the March election he came out atronp for Barkc, and a|rain«t the Adminiatration in gentral, and tlarry BIbkard in particulnr. He becaine iiuite aetive hatil aboal teu day* ainec wheu he had a audden eall to bait Waahinglon, whither ho went. Ha appeartd in hi* aat, to-day, and voted for the Jidminirtration Speaker! Bl my. he g.t hia claun aud thowed a check upon tho rahed S;at( - Treaaury of loa hundred dollara! Coi. Whipplo, chief acullion of the Kit.-hon Oubiuet at fVaaLiiigton, i* here with plenty of money to buy up e4-ery Baa aho hia the market. I'riaii Lainprcy, Guano Comuii*e:oiicr, whoee head- ajBArtm ia ),. tvv,( 11 KamTark «'ity aml tlie White llouae, Bad one af (Jov. MartiiH ('..iint-il, ia here, haBfhaj that he Ma beui-lit np four Whig., and tliat he could have had ai- tf aeaantcd them. Gm. I'l-AM-U-c. Colleetor of the Cnatom-Houae nt Hoa- »ob, m:d Wobert Miajj*. I.aac X. Center, tnd 1 them of hi. Vapai'tor., aie here working hard. lian-y Hibhrfrd ba. been here, and having aceomplished hia work hc. left for Waaliington. Tbr \1'hiA;a and Free-Soilera are unite-.l and firm in their a^pejiition to tlie NcbraAa villaiuy. Tho election of Mr. Chaee a.. Spcakor ia uot .onsidered a t.-.t <|uostion here, aaataiiy u.en.ben were .nppoaed to be governed in their Botaa by ]«.rHonal con.idcration.. At an early day, a BtTtta af anti-Xebraeka reaolutiona will be preeented, when the Legialoture will proeent a very diffon-nt frout froui that ahown to-day. The Adiuiniatration, it ia I - aW-otl, w^ll not ahow a reapectable minority. The aeaolu- .ieaa will t>e the real BBi BBBBlBBB. T. 1 eritire Democraey, ofli. ials and othora, ar© cent4*red to ('i.ncord. It M8999 oa lively here now aa in Itroad- Bay. Tho Hoo. N. U. Hakor. Oovornor elect, will be in- aofaaUdtouiorrow. whenthcte will be a diaplay. Be . quite pr-pular. Aner organining, tho lafBBBBflB Bd,. rnt<l. Bere anon. "" Ce. mitidrnceof TbeK Y. T-iUnr. Coacoaa, x. j|.. Thuraday.^1 uae B, 1831, 3 ia gencrally beliet«i that thero are anti-Xebraaka tta crat. eiiough to carry Um.. reaolutiou. of Mr. Flandera hVr ^h (he Houac haadtomely. 7 .. ,,i w (Jorcrnor, Hoa. N. b. Haker, h M ji-t taken .e iiath of office and'i. u >w reading hi. inewagc, an odrinco eopy of whieh 1 am [nrmitted to aend You wiU perceivu that Gov. Ital.or laila to indorae tho Xcbraa- aa iafamy. It ia reporteil here that he Iim boen oppoaod 0 tbe meaMire from thy. hexiiining to the ead. I cannot <rtA tell what effect it will have upon the dem'Krrayy bere, '.|I kaow they hare cxpected heawould iudorao the '.'.ity. Tbe miulia about Icaviagand I mwtclxjtt. u. IV. i ; k s l T.'TF 7" UP " " Cl CON I F.ATIOS *> . 4VitT«|,...d. are etTk* B k TribaM II t, i. ThiiiT- lar !,i,... h, w , | The .nn ttt i." '"'I At tho kk .mi'ii. ptalo Temporanco b in progrw ia thb oity. Tha. Ihr tho tnoetiug I. 1., .it . in.i. t< ..¦(-,! bi ll-e nlin.nt ilb'.-.ntin ninl the moB i'c, ..; bai bmb] Ahboagh d-iappotatel .-n afl m.t ol thc nl'.- n, c of | nuinl.n- of ..... o\jn-< I. il tjo- .kc'e, ll.crc bn. bc, n BO ln fk af BpB aha <.! flMBty an.l iiid-r »' Lni.'.a Cloth, i.lixii* I'oicil.l,- mui ariruiii.'il-i-ii p in h,.i addrcv.i, haa matlo .mne of b.-r l.-ipplett bit* iu the ilmrt v kleh »b" bnt. m-1,1.1 h tb<a . eiii.c ol (lirciirrn. n. Mr*. FUll of Vi. tur, ha-< intcre.tcd Ihe ii.t.c.ic. * greatiy bj Ut hoaa .int paaajaal taraaaBBB t-,l I u pathetie apprah Mt.. IMo.-iiicr oi'Ohio, b-. 11 :-¦ I n flti.a addrer*. Hr.. I M Wtighl Pai i. ol' l'rn\ letfl-.-.« M " itl. u* yo.ti-r.lay, aml iiiive fl .hoit add-.i-M rclnliic t>- tn ln.niablc ilriukin-^, aad touehed upon tbe pliyaiological vi.-w oftha ttL*Utk, 'Ibe *|-> ci b«* bm e been very luinicroui, moat of then -le-it in1 it.iuli t<< |he point. Hul few ire:itl,",..-.i Imve Hp >ken, Ihe au.licn.e cii.lciitlv iiicltiiing lo b©M ihe lutlic-a. Tbe Hu. in.-*. Coaunlttee repettad a li*t of peiatod reeo- liiiion.. boom of tt Ll. li baadbd Gea. Bey_Boei aad hi. voto Mflflflflfljfl ratbci- lou-ibly. CBaaidflriai Ihi hB tbat Qea. s. i, n citu.-n af Utiea, it haa .> teaad .oniwhat Braage thnt no paoBBR baa beea foaad M fldht . wor.l of iip..l»t'y fot l.i* C....I... in a.i*ir( r all ihe im'.i; naii. n ivbi, h baaheaa ihoweead apaah-aaW bi* iafiiniou. aet. Tbe followint; ofliccm w.-n- clcctcl for thc inccecdint,' year. nearly all ef whoin oeeBphd Iha BBBM pniitinna laat i. / klr*. M.-.iv c. Vaoghan ..!' Ifew-Torh. i .-/.- - .fa Mia.Dr.Lerd, Mra.EfflilyT.Trallef New-York, Mr*. J. Ileaedhl of I'tic.i. Mr*. r.'o. Rheperd of Wv.-tn iu; ('.-., Mra. s. li. Il.'li!!,-. of Kodaoa (-'..., Mra. M. 8. Haaaoaof WeedapaB. .Mr*. L. v. Pewhrof New-York. Mra. Dr. Lawreooeol PortJerria. Mr.*. II. B. II in. oi wcedauort, Mra. M. C. Gallap of Paaayra, Mra, y. D. Cory, l tic.l. Mi Jtifhob of Vennont, nml Hia. Bloomee ..f Ohio, wirc (I.. ed Hoiii-tti'-i Vlcc-PreeldenU. F* R .. r.l'rn- 6V. Mtf.. II. Atilla Albro of lli) !.- ( ', ¦¦.<:..,.,¦' >i ; S ¦¦!¦ '-ir.. Mt.*. AllL'.li'in Fi.*h ol' Victor. rrraawrrr.Hra. B. C. Mar.1. of Bocheeter. mm .' Mr*. II. W. ol' ItifTali), Mra. IV r. AUioa of Bocbeater, Mra. C. W. RobieofBuf- ia'... Mn. B. I'. l.imi -.1 PoDa, Mr*. M. W. Cbriety ol 11. tn lleade, Mta. II. Booth -,f ttoobeater, nnd Mi*'_ Lmily Cinik oi Bocheot. r. Tl.'.- Tharaday) afteraoo© a aaatlaa waaaaadeaadcar- rinl l-i a iiiiiiiiir.ii.u. rele to i-icimeiiee the iml.liciilii.n of n pipt r a. Ihe orgaa ..!' Ihe Boclety. Over 000 nhaerihaaa wi re pledged by iodiridoab preaeat, an.l the atotiefl waa leteired lo IheBiecatiTOCommittoe ef Ihe Boehtp. I belbrre it b i.e©_ldiiBllj expeeted aeaMMaeethepah lii.'.i:,.i ofaaeh a papM n ry aoee.aweaoa'g T**mr*%wm mmt.and it b* alao conlidciitly ex).- oted ilint theTci.i_.ei-- aiicc piblic will geoerooaly aoatoia t'.ir..venicnt. 11 raiag Hra. C. AaaeBe Barria ofOatario Couutj, nml Hba Kii.ilv ( Brk, nn- to ha tbo ape©hai©. Thh i* the !a.-: Baaaiaa, nnd it i* baOerad tbat nfter it r-hall bai e eaded kt wbo Ib.. flfloooflhlfld to thhtraiy plflaaaal mcet- in_- will r. tm it t,> tt_fl_ heaMB clicerc.l an.l _BTlg«Blod by .I,. -, taa dayt "i geaUl bBfahaaga ef ihoagH ami ieati* iiK-nt. an-l with reiicwed earm-.tneas und cntiiu.ia-tti in tho cauae. Tl c mrctil)^'* l.ivc IhrOOgbotll bee© w.ll flltcn, I.-.I. !.a ;,-. -.. an riily. BAR1 U. VAUOHAB. NATIONAL INDV8TRIAL CONGRE88. R I X T 11 I li R I I O H . ftam Ot.: Own Rrporter. TBBBTOB, X. J., Tlnirsday. June 0, 1094. aaaaaa bat.bobbiba st*--;..-.-. Aiier roaO-Bg the aBh-BOM af tbo ia*t MMtiag laperB of CommittccH lieie ctillcd l"»r and r.-c. ived. Mr. IJrtkKrn of X. J., moved to limit the titnc of *pcak- cri to fiflcen minutci, aml not to excecd twico on the rame .jinr'.i.'ii without 'eave. Furih.-r creilciitiali were roccived. Mr. llit.iiDkv.ioD thtu M_dl©e_ed thc ('oii^res* on tho lubiect af crtdeiitin.a, and triir-te-l that tbe /Vsraoeiationa reprct.cnt( wonl.l in lutuio send only Iboaepaflaeaa who wfll phdge thaaaaahroa te attead, m oaly one or two at- ltt.,1. ,1 froin Miuii' Ai-micilltioiiH wbicb liail r.-nt in ire. Mi'MiU NVe.*t of I'a. thou offereJ a leric-s .f Laad Itiv fi.fin iMelatkiM li wi n- reAnrred to tho Kur.inu.ia C>m- i_.:!t... S. tl. Laws ,,*" DeL, Chaiinmn. Mr. Bbabbb of N. J. introdnced nomc reoob-tioai rrla ti\c to Geerge Lippard, whieh aan _Borod ha reiurred Carried. . , . T. G. Haibm ef Sa. _©trea©eed aaerlM ol reaolan-tna reecwBiaiag bmm. iii.hi t,> thc oil, in favor ot a Uoflaeotead hw, i_ik ka© ii;n botm to Iha eetaal Mttlwa, aad i©Balal__g Ib© eoiir.t) of IboM i .tnixr" of CoBgreM who rotea main-t tbe Hehraeha biil, aad rebBkiag IboM la hit'li j l.i. ¦ ii be tiik ored thut conipirucy BgBaB frt aaaaa. l.'o wiad. ... .. .,- . A .eriei of rcioltitiotis in fuvor of the forination of l-.mi- irrarit Aaaociatioiia for KaiiHtit.i.u.1 Xebra.ka n* a pr.-v.-n!- ive to Ihe mliaohlfl of Slavciy iuto thoxe fcrlile regiont, Md pledgiag the effortfl of thft nflMh n of tl.e Coogreaa Bcaiiirt thc rc.-ldction of all IhoM McmbirHol thc l n ted Siates CoagteM ut Waahfaigtea, who pcrpttruted the V- braaha outra^t- aml vottu BganB fr.e bOflBM L.r all. The Bariaeaa Coaaatittea tliraiiu-L Mr. Lawa. rcported raaolBt-Oaa for tbr « tion of the Convention, wlncli were rcad bv IIr. Uraker. The rciolutioiia w.-re then taken up foradoptiont.paralely. Aualluiion to Illackatoneai "a "paaaioaed mithorof aaeeaieby," caaaad « nhort debate, in wbicb -rkcral mtmbers pnrtic'ipattd, but wan hnally adopted. with one ncL-ative. The other lviolutiotu were iidepte.l wilbouiany infiteiial amendini nt. 'Ibctirst reaolBtfofl controverta thc doet___fl ot l.iH.k- .tone and otbers thnt au indiii'lual With ...-cnll.-J civil muM I'ike up a portiou of hu natural right, i. fa'lne in t'n.t, eppreastTfl in r.Milt. and at vanance witb Ibe iclf-cvideiit truth, tbat (lovcrnmctit wan BUkda bv and ttt man nnd aot man for tba (ioveriimfcflt. ¦-',1 'llin! ( i* te 800 ita lnembem guaraiitec-il in the peii.-cnlle poeafl© iea oi" all tbcir BBB rtaincd natural riithts. 3d. Invitca thc Ainerioan people, lrrci-cctive of 1 a, ct or party, to eodperate with the Iadaatrial Coagreea iu it* eObria loaOeriaU Iha ptreaaat degraded pooditton of tho toiliog nnllioiifi, bv n.hoiatiiiK the ritfht ot tbe laa lleaa to a porii. n of tbe wild tenitory withbeld trom tht poor, kon- wt aml dependeot of our peeale. 4th. Laad Moaopoty b pronounccl n nin Bf:n':ii.*t God, nntl n cutm agaiBBt Baa. 'tb, AdvocatM tbepropM ealtiratioa oi the aml by tbe rkillful asd ci.tcipiiMiii.' Bgriealtaiht, a- eondadre to the iwii,r..vimtat ..f Ibe taeuai-Maadkborara,wbo are re- dueed t.- poierty aad deatitotiea l-y the hrga b___a_mtion fallias in comiKiition with Amerieea iodaaBy, to tbeae- rivuB-etriint-iit ot tbo tattor, thereby eahaaetBg tbopricee .f all tbe BOeaoBurhe, witboat the* of f-rabMng a ,orrc*i ondiug aapply, ahieh wouM I..- prereBtod l,y Kcfo-ni cth, ProtMta agaiaat the ooudaet «.f < lereraMeet i. giviog thc peoplei laad to nflraad aml .ther eorpoja- tiou*. "tb, nciionmc* Ibe Uaited Mate. Beaatefor r.- u*- to n. t ui.on tl.c Hotaeeteed Law, u_ fordag tbe lu-lui- %Coagia«ito the ahidiag eoaajartioa,thB th- Beaate doea not n-preaent tbe acitimt-nt. of tbe Ainoncaii peop-fl, and promiiing to work until t ic Am.-rii :-n Beaate 11 d (1,1!(|,I;l .!.! ,,.po., dbactiyto thoAini-riiaii or their aeeitioa aa Uaited Ratea Baaa -r*. .'th, De lor. the .lenth of Mr. Lippard. Aficr the edoptiea B !bm rcioluti...:*. thc CoagJaa tothe th*****x*k. ll I) BB008 ai MK)*. The Coiilt. aa "1 at I P. H. Lettan were read from 1>.-. 7. K. BaedpaM aad Geerga l. DarB. 'ib- BaBBeaa riiflflBfllilii rapertod more naelatBaa, wbicb w.rr n.lopted. .... ., _;..»,;..-. .| be i*t r, all in.litical or other orjranuationt totecoL'iii/c.i* BB-iBBBiy prineiple, tbe BBtarBIrigBt Ol !... .,. ,,i.v aad cultivaic tl,,; laad ef -ur ">.^»^ ,..w liaa in kiortbi. ** dbaae, _ eBaaaMMaaa afthe to« DeRioct «i"l (fieiagatd af Iha dattet ef our tewitory. wRe Za thoM aaaaathl aaaaMMat^Wajd^aaaiaprae. ti.1,1 woith toibe.r uuBfltitataB lluaagbaal kt VaMtoaa nnk otb. r lllllllag whieh l,-p.-!-iti«.n . ati c.iifcr. M, ta 18 unou Land l.'efonnem to withbobl tbcir *utTra-;. * fr...n ca i- .1 datea for oflice untavorable to the prineiple- af thc BB- !." Z Aaaaaaeea »* a *********** truth. tbat R_©M MaSea ef the totlhag miil.oi.a happreeaed tl.c wboh » y viiifcci iiicri...:.. aml agraeiag to eppeao witb kttt Z -le tr. agtk Sy o. ..,.- par, ut kt .J-J*' :.,i.iJct th. wenk and w ll Miuuic kheaaooaa theb ««. " V, m', n, sk,b.,,call.d. 1.., ofthe B-faa- I'.i ii.iiii,.- !,- Ibe unp-itaiicc of briag-BR Latinillag llmmlm^^ hb ... iha CoajiaM e-er »^*T«%_JS clrl- OAaap u**********^ .t&S***^^ (..B,.n.tteet...,!tctNatii.ual,Kucut.kea0d(.ei., aiittto*. Adj, tiriir,! t,, '.' A. M. to-morrow. ECOSOMY JA' FOOD. At heB one-half of the wTrld do'u-.t know Ihe ineauuig oi' the woril* Uiat thi.* article. " ___0flBBB| «> {oi,li< l),ev would aay, with a .tare, " what do you mt>au I ii tnii.t buy brend, and I gol a BBROBBB little loal for a aa- "ffOOBBj butl cant eot any bi^-er oue. 1 BBRBBl -without meat, aad that ia awful dcar; only ihiuk. -. eiahteen peoce a pound for l*ef and mutton I Ai for "lamb why, poor folkf cau t touch that; but I mutt have .. .,,./ for'l aul a bard-working maa, and 1 ean t eat . .wat all the tiiae withoB potatow to GU ap, and who \ " .icrJiraid if 9Bfll . 'ire now* an'' t\> " brvrc, itad ail .uch trn. k, i* jait aa dear. I *h..ald Rk. " lo ., e ."ur r. onoiri. if )on I "I to hny food f,.r a family. layeaaboiild anyou may, it you will c-riifi* wbrre wr I «t. We aaatooa (hat :, man enn work barl, and y»t ett ,,.. mcnt. (a iii.'mly, mttt i.rti naed of hia mak'tiT » p9B» frct camiverona Aiiint.l of hiinaelf, and beraneal flmat ytiiiiorit faaatof oti toato kttoeh. HiBiJ-work'.ii, f.,r ... .', ¦> ¦ j. rh dom toucli frrah n.-al ex--pi a' tl.e annial bal lime.. Iii.i.' iiowy f.r a [*>>r man to bfiyfre.b na ata it any tune. A* for ootiilo*., iiitic teiith. 9f Ih',:, .it thi. tiir. in t'lia city ar.- n it .lioleeouic nrrt they are tho d.'arret nr- tiele lhat ia anld |/>r tli" .ual'Dnvo of man. Tba pr:e«'i ibMBdyetoBMB are PBOfllad ut i. aejufll to fii. aaaaa a ]. BBi, and tlir-xe II. ':,,:. 1 i fll^M 99899, xn 1 tae litt!-'. vntiiy. proeoeloao, Baheahhy ihinj,-* caiied '"new pot»- loe*," are aold at a pri e ciual t.< twi 'p >unl. Al ihe .'line time, rr(.,,l family (l.tir :. .old for .ii au.l yet oTarykod] mba " what a apaaatol patoal" n.t ll.i i. ir chi ni,. r 1. ol than ilour. i...* ,: ly ni m- .-. ..n'.j';- ral, but more healthv. partiiularly for a variati'.n of diet. One thin/ i. the vari'..'. preparationn of Tndian e .rn.the ponrfflt of nll i. the tnenl grouiid nl,».>>>! iu> line m tl mr, wliit h nlinoat ipoil. it fof bread. Th-n _Hfl i. th- arti.-!* ki.iwn ut th. laatt BBd Wflet, afctaa '.: h CAtennively aaad, aadm tto aaam of keaatoy. Boi oal i*rup, aadhaaalal abaal t- 99 .. baaBel,aad um lia.he! i* wiiiii more ttom tom keakoh of poiatoe*. li k a palitaklB, wholcaoine. eeon;.i-i'al food. Baa a n»'>re gea, rally oc-cptnl'lc article i.t eall, d hotniny bam; at Ihe M' The Iib htodhal aam,tha trrain. l.rt ncmly whole. tka latter hhahod I OfB, I ra-kel BBogrBBM al'oiit the p:/..- af bfad-eaed bbB bt eaarm |aaaamaar, It a D f- r thrif and tl.r,. Bl I BBB OOUB a pmsrri. B'-th :;. ookod Ly aookiag ai'. ilow holTlng for boare, in etom wiitcr, oml wh'-.n eataa aa .ub.titutt fof fl¦_,. .,. a, with aaaat, am»' aaaa, d 41 _h 't u a rery Rtth batter. Both ai" i.ry BOad "iil. mcat gravy, ea Wfth tmgtl nr i.n>- l.i- ~. .«. Hy the *.ye, BUfBr and ni'ila-axse* are r ni ti- lcr of foad iu BoW'Tofk, and flhBdfOfl atonld he al- iiuv, ii 11 fri e u»r> nf tbom apea tbe am of oeoaemy. Ain.thcr artirl" i. Ihe kBfl rhiod aw,-. t oora, whieh, Ibongh naxweexpe-BrBthaa eilhmeftke two pre. artic'fr, i. nererthelrs. oooaomlcal than meit, pa* tntia., nflktoajo oad oO aorbi of jn. a (raah aow .n taarket, ai ii it ia aeeoptablo lo abaoB erery palat. Ibal app e i-t< -- ((-.ii when inthe i-ocating (ar. A BOthm eheaa a hooaooam food i* wheat grit*. At pre*- aat, awtol ta the adraaeeia grato,thh peeparatina U amek bifkm flma eoaaooa, bm ebeapoi than ilour, an.l Lealiliy. Ail tlicce prcparation" of e< aaoadoal foad, are innle by Um X'l'i-th Aamrieaa Phalaax, aml wa belhra alaa by Heeker, 1017 lnrf.»!y, n: 1 of ooarm aold to tonmbedy fki I haowa bow to Bea in ihh City. Dry bcna and ] ena are ,iWo articio that->h., iM enter meefa more iuto Ibo eoaaaaaptifla of nll wka atady 000a- on,y in food. Wobaaarra a awlhara wartk of ohfcm wculd go further than .ix dollai. WOfth ..." I'ne.'i, or ten (l<ill«r» werth af potatflflo. lviee i* another OOOBOmlOfll article of food, anl when mtood witb suciir. partieularly .... Tea had better bad a BBBgry boggaf upon rioo aaddiag tbaa tka tkoopoB froai, in. at lhat y.ti ean bay. ttjaje, orea nt tl.e i.*u.i bigh prlooo, are ekoaam thnn bateher*a meat, aml m. with rtae, ( jem add lagar ta tlnm, y.'U will be nblc to feed a ln.ngry fami'.y lar umre eco- n.mi. olly than y»u are dofabg nr pa »<iit. Wo mtoxtl ooattom onr i'..t B Beoaooaioo] artidmflf tt d. but we have n<> fuith in working a rel'..riu beoauso niLiikind have pot .0 wedded to that old round of bread, Bieat, i>Ktntor*, tlny do not appiar to know. aul i! inh i.iore do Biiythiin,' el.e. ftt, thfv Aa BM thin,: more; tke] ;.uiiii'.ic B Iko Ufh prlem Of their foa-Ofhfl foad, nnd yet koop riclit aloag the same olaVkflOtoB trark mad< ky folly. ar.l travele.l hy hor v.tariM. ...........- i;r.M and i.ah: To Ihe r.dit"r 0/ ThtS. Y. Trilnoie. Sin: Your article thia inoniiag with the above eaptiou hna done ua good. Tow k.nd takakfl to the Temperaare men in tln aaaarWardi ir rary oeym taaa aad Briodyjaot, V,t tbeir rommmem i. ao aaoam fot the Aldoiama. Tkon ia no Exeiae Coniini.sioiier in thi. City who ha. not beeu invoked pul.l'uly aad piivatxly in tln- nainc af jua:ioe aud htiinnnity, and l>y a .cn.o of private intere.t a. well na public duty, to idfue no lieenaea for the aaie af int»\icating (Iriiika. In addition to tho printed tnemoriala and argu- iiKnt. prcscnted to all ar.d to ea< h one by the City Taa> p, r.-iiue AUi.mee, aml to tho Bahato dhamaatom and deci- .,\. .... daa l.nd la kofk Baarda af tha Caoaaaaa f_4maoQ, in ae. ordnnce 11 ith and in eOflaMBBBam af those BBBBBf. rinlf, nenrly all tba BeOfda of have BOM I'.-it.-d by tho ntrenti-of the, and '-the Ifltmolof Bemam '.eiitirely, or ll. ir rclurtion ta BM lowert praeticable .¦ BIfOd upon them till nueeeM croirnci the el- ti'it mtkopowmof mmal aaaaloafikOod. Tha Affiaaco hai ahio roceaBj prepar, d. priated nn.l sent int.. th- mron ui.!, r Warda another brief Appeel to th.- Bieho Coaamo- iioaem,with aaaaraeatleqaeB lhal tbefrieadsofTem. poaaaea woald ehaalato the uotBloa, aad lay it with the Baama ottaebed before tbo Aldonaaa Ii' vou iv iil pabliah tln- aote, ll 141II remmd thoae eUciM Clilllllllmlnaan thut thev are all WOtehfldi ai.l lt you hnd icoiniileofot theappial. ora part ,.f it, thua ororj B- peraaeomaa, for they all takoTBa Tbibobb, eaa catlt ,,nt for eireulntion, aml in IkOOBO (lav'. labor yoa raggoB, name. ciiough mav be obtaincd in fo.f of Bo I. to de,-ide the <>uen"ion riirbt. B any Aldennan la 111 .loiiht. If alro Ibo irforti of tbo City Alhaara ara aot .enousiy delayi d by tba aaat ofa fow kaaomah,m baffledbyi .urt. and Jarim aetam aad docidiag omBearr toataadard ral decuiona,aereraJ oftbe Aldarmen will ba ladicted i"r th, ir iil, L-nl 11. lion. i" ll - matt, C.BBd BOaflf two 11 i.iiiaaii'l Ii< oa,. iriven in aoroa or ei^ht lowm \Tnrds. will ba J'- ilar.d null nnd ici.l, beraam fhrea witboal aa- aathority ,,f law. Thaa there mll bo work eaoaah foi all i.h,. wuh |0 Ipead time or monev to *,*e the law eutoreed. ln ).e).*lf of Ihe Cnv Teiiiperance AlliaBfe. .VeirYor*. June S. 11.44._( .1 WkMMMM, C88 Bta y. Old Nf.ivs.-Wc cliptho followint; paragraph from Tfu Aaajoaal lnttlligmcir. It aeema to ua that that paaaf minht have forborne, out of teuderueaa to the, the expoae that it o.ntaiua: Mefindin Th, Ntn*Yori Th ttt Moaday toBaoar- K.ioi'l.nie betwoeathoBrithhOt-orammdoadmaawa ,,. ,, iin the Ki-h.-n Qaeatioa. wUeh wr... emamaaaiatBl |o the iSn.ite eoiiti.lentiallv .ixtecn BBOathO ap-o. an'l wm ataiadbr Ia, Ztotoa, .a.aaw it the BrB time made public. Witboal any etom tooaoetfoa ... oo I.,,,!,,,!, COatodfrom Tkt Cmm.n^Ahrn'rK lynoMhof tbem bto oarWedaooday i aamber bat,on .",.ru-nl of tht in Ibe dayteOowtof, n wmdioi .i.r-liua! tl v 44. n- tho r-ame dutoaamti wh..-h oppaama la oar ;.l,n,f.8 oa tho i.t of 1959. Th.y pemmaaaim t.r.rt taree-er, whiehmbjhtaaaka tbafa raprodaettoa, at tbh parttoalm mimom.QjBaamiiptahli maaaajaahyal r.ailtra. ^^______m THE Kx-CIPnoCITY AM) ilr-IIIMi TBIATV.-Tar Tafiraal hiielhstncr of yaatordayeaatotoa the fol- towiB| reapcctiBg the BBB Tr, My nekiotiated by Lord Elgin: lt wa. inei.lentally BaMd in thi* paper a ive-k m tw.. BM tha. I.ord Eli-'in had cmc to \\ ««_«_« " ! ^m^ Lea of iini.ty. «ml aaaaaa.tka^Bto9aamjmw tomjH __m w, hiiukc tha. ¦Bkakjhm r-,-n.en^rnibfo- :.'.; ejtlbmoiw^^-to^of tkapSE -W^ W*" r -. l.ii iet at the term. af a trealy on the ffi v" .23to «>9mS .have heJn BBB*. , V-,iii.T i-rTa by Ike re-pectiie partiee, whieh ''- ra.^ed by the rc^tive Q^aammmB, i=^«__|«SB§ ", , 1 ea a f t 'lemagogue. aml bmaa* ra of atrifo n WM91, ..nflapipulMUifn.twh rVado flOl pro .4, ^iW^!&^ ably «Bi_. ln £"2K' I, d we are quite eonteal to leare _d ramtomimBay of tbe mpocti- aogaBJaama. Ti.e Baa. Joaa - Lhra m, mmahm of Ceairraao rmm Yir,;r.i« i.n aaad a BBaaato,aa Kam ayimt. wh,:, aagaBadia haatoom before the Ctaarl at Itoatoaa. BBBJi r7a> ____-_-_.......--.-" T Cxr.TiL.rra x.m. M.nri. ot-.-A (har. daenhfl f , .. f, it s,at,..l.ip Yamleiia. La i1 Oah ef Kaatoa ', ., h_. be.npu)'lie!,'dl,y I'rinh P. U~y, 11 I I I, lll. 11' liarT wlii.h ie ofthe Sreate.t itnportan, e to tl* 11, ., " ,,...,;tv -iv,. o correot aonuiltt.- fn.m S_S^m_ie tbotmTwrto Yem ot tbe MtaeWp pi. Tbi* iart b .a a Lum of aaaaatog eafoaamaj hamm Cmm hnd _rSh»^-VUS¦;¦; i. \ .^'^TitaTMtTwtta^ i Sfm MhtoB .Lad dhaatoaaad Fratia t-y to. jalta.1 _lman.lVr.hi.wa that tho aurrlv-y. of the wMef W9 .r. i.Vv. t d, nd ia liberality and po'.r,,,,,.,,,. (. onuoenia-1 vljici* tbroughout the Uolon plef.e copy (*rr*lo*iYTRi OF WI9T *MT IhefeiBWiRI 0flflRRB*l fl-t* c-tri-ioi inliu- ¦BaBRwe ¦BfllBB-eeR af t_e pna- tjlofl flad poaB bo our limBta'.iat* preaj.ilera. Taey are-ait'd farta.Jngar- liO.rd* flhag ibe bu'l.way* oi'haman pr<.r«ar>i'>n. I a |' iu kjaarfcawao©- . t.-.'-r ot V.i/n.ia. Ctiuu-il. and u RRBflOBf t>< H>-_ . t\ w! -. ti.l Iid in onr f 1;_n¦' ' .: In l-'.O-ai ooe buu-'red oal fifiy youiu wiraen of "agrejablc moaoeri' were aent froin En^Uml toV'u- cinia. aad eold to tbe piontet* for wire*. IB) lo 1 Bi poun.ia of tobaeee, eeah Tliii traBc in wiroa coaHaoed aaajr yeara. ar.l in 161'.' two yoang w.micB were BBBOBOBOR their fi_r*ai;e out, tad were iromediately icnt bi.-k, aa .. uniaoriby t.. BtepagaB the BBMref 1 i.vinian*." it I mi ivrM> an-l valuable w. M«" w.imea in -I oati en any vToima who .hrniM en- OOangi more 'laa one oi.tor at tim-\ Thia aai lo ob- viato t!;e incoi.Tenitnce r.-.ultins from thc --ardorand fr, .,t.. D.y ol'a-nor.,u. ci.-a.jKflitH,.-. . .Ilr e.irly cHvalrie euialien tt kht OH l)-> m «.u hi.r.iiy up to tLe apirit ofthe presen: af?e. a. IfpflflBB frt.ui tl.c f-illowim; l-.t.-r, f Sir WUliam Berkehy, dci rip- tiie af tbe \ ' ny, yr.r. after the nwtorati.-n of Charhfl II.: I tbi-tik (¦".! tbcrc are no fret ach ».,!, .ar pi.n:iu-»; and I . ©e ahaB aot haaa tbea tl: r .-. kaadrrd yean; f..r rbt hen iy an.l dbobadieaoe v w.-rld. and ptintii,-.' ba. dhalgad tb.-ip .nl libab .;.!.. be.t (ioT.nnn.-ut. GodAt-vp uaf.-ori lo lf. i -:. B tniijority .-;' thc peopao "I Yirviuia be- totht BatahBahod Chareh, aad tbe areeehiag af !>;-». nii;* ©M|flah_hh d.QaahadB aaaa boahhei) an.l if tlu v r, fcaaad aaa poB hohh uith death by ft-tute. Adultery and fornc ati.-n aflflB pBflhhod by a rine af BBB tin u .l'i doilaBB fwrfha IrB offeaae, aad SOOpeaadi :,.]. Woe ;i arieta 1 of daa r tm kt baabaad did n"t TtAtt nith-iu hy n BBBBBy ,.,-, t. Attbb porieithen aaa aat beokooBor- kht* m Tliaiiaa ead erea at tl.<- kegfaaaag af taa xvniti, n- tui v il.erc -*r_* i."t aaa ia \ Bgfaaa, Harylaad >-r Gareaaai oaly MMh X.iT-Y-nk, ahfla Bootaa had Iea prlntiug ( fi (t* i.l T.nuy b'x.>k-.h.-pi. I, ParitoM leaded B Eew-Pljuioath tfeveatber o, 111 Hflji lulaaiiltnl to artthi oa Iha Hedooa Birer. Tbcir Datch Captain. itig laid. WM br.bcd to land tb.-m inrt!,. r t" tb- a. iih. MMBottoit-ta Dateh -i.t'ii-ini ob Ih Hadeoa, whieh bad b©ea BoMfahedeoMe ...... ;-.a, ... Thaa Plyaaoath Beeh eadgraaB were a -. i |!. «i:-t. ,- l-.l, _.,.¦!. Bta," wim had beea ,,. ... ;,,. gi _ii,n.i ud ledto BoBaadj an.i ©bilalbat© parchaaed ibe I.t ef the WyMeath C-mpany B -1- oniic a pottioB tf their An.¦.ri.-an pMMflfltoafl. Bobert Browa waa an EagM ehtgyaaaa, aaeh ag c, n-ur-'l by t!>c Eatah-ahed Chareh ia ¦'-¦'>. raBad igaiaB theBbbofaaadtl ordisB ¦ of atialotert. Beaaoper> n atod bi a ilaBgniiiM haatfa nn r-pc.'..<. Hy iaapriaoaed. Boroaaaad abeat. labiagty proeUfaalafl thel hc imd baaa roted h tHrty-iweelaaBaBtprheaB. BbpiooBylM BatataBy iaewaaid, aml ha aadgrBed witb hb faOowaHla rnlead HfltehhChareh wm aoo© dbeolred, aad be re» tBTBed t., Ki.itland.«-. tbe K*;*h"-I Cli.irch. be- ' eaaa ilbauhle. aml laal] aya h iadelea. - bb 1 f. IW lo'low. r* «i Ihb mbm Reherl Bibwi were at fir-t eaBed Browabta, aad the© ladopeadoata. IhOOfl wbo Hi .1 from i:n_-l .n 1 ta II"'.! Btd flflBfl -heBBM-TM Hr-.iw.;.-:-. And whea they were aboal leavitn; DflU llniei-to plnnt n ...b-iiy in the Bow World, thehg.1 l'ntor Kiiiiiuf»,ii. ia hb Ihia woBflotewM. ©rged .b.-m --t-. "BbflBd.-n. avoid and-hakc off the namc of Hrowni.t.; n.ere nick-name and a brand for BMhhgfl .. nnd peofMflatflef beeaaa lolha Chrhtiaa world. In i....: ,i oa ,. Baaaary B haatoa t-, I...I.I MMthgfl B coniidcr the rerinoii flf thfl yifllhM BBaday aml arijiie the d,.< triaol j-'in'a. POaaaiM were n.-t all. aad to participate ln thr dbeaaehae, and Aaaa Datehiaafla, a *tr" marritd wotnan. dctcriiiim-d tbat rbc wnil-l no h©gM be ilcbiiired itoin ioininu' in the debnt. .. A. the Btaiptaia et.;...!.. tbe ei.ici- aaaaai la Beeh tha yeaaaar," *ha MUblbhed aeparatc female uaembliM. She waa called the Xontftich. and her feminioe gathering. wero ityled aga a aaed before that time of re*pc,-tHl>'o im- BOflt, I.M I'rom,,-,iliri/n.-.lto c.liteiiip. and ridicale. sb. woa (ordiaiiy flflflflflflaed by Jaaa Cettoa aaiOaieraar Vni-.r. nn.l bccniiie tbe lea-kr ef 0 BOOt Ibfl wan ban- bhed fr. in KaaaaehaaaeB, an ut to Rheda lalaad, an.l wba liiiiilly kill.d bv the Iiidian*. Her I'ollower. w.-rc guilty of tbe L't.-rFCt vice* and immoralitici. Fioiii IOM to H,4l tho C'-mmil and Frceinen of Ma.aa- ii....-::.- aaaaaahled legflOhflr, hraaiag tbe Geaaral Court. At: rwni.l tbcCi.Kinorati.l Ci.ui.cilar*cinblc.l apart frmn the Ytr, 1,., ii. flaahhg taa liranche* at tbe I-eiidature. Iti MmMiAmhIII Jc*ti;tf aml Koini.ab jui. Bl M'rc ban- bhed ni .1 aVe ka©a«fla4la© "f -hat earaad bbB '.(,uakera pfobibitod. On th© sabhath el paraaaa areee forhiddea to run or v.-alk. "except i-eici.-tiily ft, nn.l froin cluir.-h. -.r le piofhae Iha daj bpoaaepiagthah heeaaa, eaeUag Maharhg. Hethacaaare eaaaaaadad aet ta ki.*a their cbildrrii on 'tbat racrtd (Ifiy. an-l a fino wa.* itnpoacdon aay aaa " oha rrlag any laeh day a* ChrhtaBM." Ia 1040, eaypenoa who hhaadaperaaa h the itrwt, nn heaaB tah-te, wm lagged, and Ihb paahhaaaB wa. iiilfi- fod aa lutc ae tbe!i af tl"4 'flghtaaaB. tt***- ry. Xo man waaallowcl le keep atttv, rn, BBlflM ha 8TM of poo.1 ihaiaikw and eeflapetaal .*tate. Iu io3_ fteta wtrcbnttwo li, etae.l bflfl in Baatea. Whea artran_'cr aa Iaa, aa oBBBr»wcl aml ifhe eaBed hr BMiagtagdMadMaaaew-heaghtha eeald b< ir, it wan fUlhidlllB, nnd a le*. .[uantity adn.iniitcrcd. All persons wm r.-.jaircd to drein RBOorHRg Ifl their fortune. or be tinedby IhoOnBd Jury. WflOBBBwarafafld for ca'.tin_r l.fir bair like a man, orbavitiL' itbttii.' Boaoly over the face. Idli-neaa. lying. awearin? aud dninkemie*ri. were p«rfabed by Bblpphg, tha etocki, he. leaag aaaaaa «a--e t***Mt*i t '/I'ih- n.ti. hanther-leetmen ptOOBribod, orhe-baed. Aaypetaoa "eoertiega mai.l without her* eaaaaai, aaa aaed aad baaaheaed. A very f, a paaoaa kad Ihe title ef Mr., aad haarlhafl of Rtwuinu Thc eaual appellationi were " Goo<lman " and 'Gool- v .,-. Aflfloeiatiflafl aaw Bflraaed aml Maetieaod by law. to iiippreia drinking h. altha. wearinu hag bair and .- ©iga. Itii now lllBBdld by way of illu-fmii-'n. I ni j..-.-. tbat brcwint? was probibitcl .-n Satur.biy. bc- ctvte tht btcr iiould BOrh BB Sumlay. i i.. lir.t Ihiea ibildren baptbed in BlBlB, were Joy. Kic,iii|cnce aud Pity. and tbe followin,' beptiflBBal namc-a tuBfl mj iBBBBiiiB TaBh. Ifrp Ch-aBy, i».-:iv.renc.'. Depaadtaea, Piaeemd, Ceahat, PradBBiw, Poshaoo, lbai;kt'i:l. HaBB vib H'-blfait and the l.kc In liil-.'. BMM Puritan pr.-a.-hen. visited Vire uia and were .rflcr. d to kave, f.rtbwith. by a preehakMMB of f;,,v. Barheloy. I,. ' th. colonieiof N'.-rr-Plytn.'-ith. Maik*a-ha*ettg. Ccnnecticut, and Xew-Haven IBfllflll iato a League ,.f xpaipetafll coufideuce, offenaire aad dcfeuaive. und. r tbe titie of Thc luited ClIlBlB flf Ncw-Lukflaud. In 1044, a mint wa* eMBOfld f"r coinini? sUver _flOaop, in l!, i'r.i i:. nl auth-rity. Maryland ia Uie only ,,ih' r Coleay that ever aahaad aeaap. Iu Ul. tbe BflptlflB tint aaaaa tbcir aopearance in HaaaibMalto hd hy -tflalah ll<>lr.i<*- laay were eharged ahh -r. m baBeeaBthB.aajadgad a aabaaea, BadbeabbodtiM Piarhe©. ThB l'reaidcnt af Harrar^ C.ll. '¦, iB.b.-M fld the mw teneta, and waa durm-aed. It wa* about the fflflR '.tli that the Quakera firat ap- ," Baad h Amcrica.' QoaBBjO F.-xwa. the fouader flf the Klt in Lngland, and the tint a^tiakcr* were flOBjBBB pflaflfl- h M.. laaM wet,t to Home, -ther. to C-xatautinople. aud a patty uie to Amcrica. They are deecribc. aa . nouy ratiteri -women aa well aa mco praM-hiag whea the -pirit moved.tome daturbed reliirioa* tneetio.i.aro .aid t-. have walk"d the itretU naked. ani kl huve beea ., ,, dal, o- ;.- iu in -rai au-! faualit-ol. l^t-y were tn ¦.bkiT heahhed, Ac. aad. Ln lti^. the pt-aalty of detAb wa. ataataaetd, h MiinkiiilB bb all Quak.r* rc- tumiupir-m baa->l.UM0t: an-l many wer. eieeuted -i- hibitiBR the courase aud oaaL Mury l»yer waa lUtl. heeaaBBMaaref Aan..-ilutchir.-vn. The law af tonrccticat was No Bad M hdglBg .hall be aflkrdad to a yuaker. Adamite. or a_M t h 4 In it:--. tbe Un of CouiK-eticut ti.. n iu ma-.u-.-ript,i were i.dfi.d and printtd. and erery bcad ot a faniy prert Lttd a ith a copy aad ordered to read it w *ekly to hia lamilv. . . _j lu'l-- :!.- QflBOBfld CBBt of M-_BRBBBBtB daahflRR il,atthcN'aai,'ati.,n Aflt* invaded their r'^hta, Lbertie^ Wdaatf Wtiil, a.-th.-w r...inM ia Pariuv oneut." In 16-rt, a briirht mcteor. in tho IhOB flffl BBaar, the HtthflJ ttm, wa* at-B f-'i aeveral amc.a«Ta RM - in Xew.t.nffbu.d. It made i icriow aud Utt) \*V mmmtk on the min 1. of tho pco'.-*. -d l*"cJ a-*m g. the 00OR0BBI of a (fenera: refC'rtti in uiaBUin aw-l ren- val in r/l.giou. Tl« lleneral Court pabiiahed a lat of rr,Vr-,c..c«.amoiK: whit-U wcre-tho pride m nimB< -, .1 ******* th.- hair-e-caM of finery-itnaiodeet -Regligi ol iirriagc al fhun h-high pricea of flhop fleep- .rir.4, id't-nea*. and tA»ern-loun<iag. x'l th" Oraitii .1 ui:..a wctr di eote 1 to indk'l ."nd pual-h * ich r.'O). A.d otic Uolrcrt Keayi.c, a weallhy and " p'wi* me.- . <hart,' wAj.Gnc't i'ioo. and adoeoaiahad for tht' ''i-irrrapt i-ractice" of aelliog (h-nrer than ron*t tradM*. ln 16F7, marriagM were rcqnired to bc 99BBBB9B, ¦! 1> fore intaii>t«rv of th? Cb-rih of Kn,-land. there bt-tnu at that tiurf only ori.T in MaaMrbaaetta. Faata and th u,k»- toraBJB Bam .upr.rtwo!, jublic meetiiig* iti.Ar.i'red, aad paMpoia were required ia order to le 14I the pror- ip.f. Io 1 »>."«. an iinnriretion t?*ok place a* lki*r*.yn; j\ii- iln-t ar.d fifrf other. were iinpriacned; and Hrad.«troet. *x yeir* ol*. wa* mude (...vernor. In -*!'.. the (h tple of X.w-llampahire cuttkrtait'%1 the Btotoa ef .baiido.vlnir the et Uieir aituatio bal bx.iurv 'irkromo aad dan.:iroa«." At thi. peri'id the ,,.,- hi ' i'ui. -Orraito (\4V>uy were deeerihel ru» " a "aaaaarj BTeaaaBaaBaaBBJ pnaiuciag meu of tii-miieM a-td va'.ir. wi.-. an traveaae inouiirtiinand '!t*erl.», l"u..)unt.»r hardahipa. and fare sAenemy, .itliout torror." In 169:i. t.w belief ir. wit. herrfl waa 1.* anireraal aa aa. the bx-lief m Chriativwity. ncA every eayatoad aaaal ..*(! pcnnl rodt'Sajainat ,t S'.r Ma.Se>' Hi.' r|l'il:«.|« Bflaokmof ama'aad fcameam ,'.i, for wit hrrnft. n few raankoforalhh amtoa. Ihe aaaifBlaaof tho * af JTaibfi*. iu E'nabeth . ry,;!!. wa* coninie'iiorite 1 by an jar.uii! -ern-i n xt Hiinti-.- B BBgl . kkttt tlie BaidJBtoBtofltojtoaaatl Caaaaryi aai hto lootthkm mt ropeal ofthe p4"ral lawa 1. witchTAft a* AiiatiortAl .in. in 174J, BBd nprinted the:r protcr. a. !pt< a. IT9B The la.t execntior.t of witehe. io l.r._lanrf were ia 171ii and lltB. ln 16. 7, thm-witchef were hai.e-cd in Il.i.tfonl. OflBBk Bm t". w ic.taneea, however, (veur in America Bl 1999, when a weman waa ixecutcl in BflflflBB, and Kichard BBB* Im wtato oa aaeaaat Ihoioaf, aadarlag that any one ro- tu: iaa to beb 4 ¦ in 44 it, baaafl am an obdar.itc Baddaaaa Ia 1999, tl.' opflepoy paarafhMitoMhflaaoatoootto,, toaak. bm out '.n Snlem, an.l a. the phyaietam e.vuld ueither ex- plato meam tha aaaaaa, it wa. aaaribod t.< afhahaaa9\ 1 a tat n. baj "' it "pread throtich Xew-Knirlanl, r nionth. scenc* of blood, terror and n.adnea. pre- vailed. Tobbb waama aaaa tka thm aad maB Baaaaram I ii tiu.. 144. nty-x-iirht paraam aam aapBalty eaarletod, ,,i abma 11 1.11-> 11 had btoa lm.i.' aml oaopnam Itoaaaak f.r raahehaj t" plead. One hundr. .! and riiiy poiaom were in pri.-on on OBafBeo, and two baadred othor. pnwnted t'.ir imintinent. At thh period ot' the .Iciu.ioii. the wife of ('.,1. I'hipa, the neareat relativ.-i of Dr. Varher, aad a , af llo*ton wero ac u.ed of The BB* . Ufer. were nrrcittol lor .iifninnti.>n. nt the .uit ofthe II,.*- tt ii alttooa, aud one thou.und poaaria atofaaod m daaa- aaaa. Tho bbbB waa broken, and at the next Aml prir.iK rr> were tried; only three were BBBTlob t and B8M0 were iniu.cdiat. ly paBBJBned by tlie Qo.erBOf. ln Jur.e, 1793, an aaaenibly ol" Dirtom mlflOB Iv Ifletotfld ¦. That the aptaritior.a flf poptoti* atflietinf otlftra, wn. no preef of bflhaf witehee; and mnettnl evidenco .«. uot ragaidad aa matohad t.mriet, byjmtoa Hu? a |nr>r, |.,rt,,iii of the (veople *till lielnvml that the " recent ¦. wnr eaaafld, in faet. by witcherat't,' BBd aml Dr. Math. r wr»te n tn Bthfl in ."pport af tln* BBam oiiiuii.n. Sir Willii.m l'hi| «, Inwcvt r oratoed all pOfOom be re- leaa ,1. aho aaw la oBBhaij ,'.. akargm of altekOraft, and pardoaedall aba bad parttoipalod, mm laaaraoraitaoaaaa, n ;l. latoptaMfwadoaa. lha BoamtoAmooablyappototad B_iiB(ial foB aml aolemn .uppliention .. that l ld vvotild aardoa «ll ika aeram af bh aarvaah aml people in a 1 ito tfaaadj raired BBBOeUJ m by Sittnn aml bh ti.atru.iii-nr ,.'' Ihm !'!"'¦ Ih* 44,!, t.craf' 'Iclu-i.'ii. ln ii -.. il,< t'r-t Kpi-n'opV Soeiety wa. fornied in MiiAaa- ifcflatlta. aad lha liat Bpameaa) ch*|M.i am anatod in laaa, Tha liB Qaafcm Koottog^hoaa waaiiuilt iu Hoa- toi, in iti-. htam aaa tint aarforaaaal la Baaaaa bya llomm; (1 tlio'ic Priofltlfl ITetfj nnd the Churii, built for tho Ficinli PrateetaaBwIm Iod from Cotkoketxpotmua. aa, i4ii. t!.. r. ii.iCluiri h lhat !-,'(( 14 ed ihe Riiiii'in Cnth- aBmwho f. .1 t' th. Jamkha af Frnme. C.ttou Mtither, the a,,ni,f Iu, reane Mather, anroto Mi m rk» af al mftk Akava hi. rtiuly-d.ior wius inacihed, Ba -li.1,1. Orakaaae. atohiaaariaa, aayathat, aaaardfaaj :.. fjahuiy. th.- Mathere, ahaaagh Bhaaaj.MBd and laaBj fiom. ama "Boomtama c.rrupted byaaaaarato of paflflbmata raahy and aatoardily.' ln 1999, C,.tr..n MallnT.aid that tka Rhodablaad ('"lony ¦ta* a .. aeBartoi (a ainki of Aaatooaaaaa, laaaahaB, aaa* ..bapt'eta, A.iti-Sahbitarian., Armenittna, SiK-i-ian., Qua- " ken>, Bawaara, nn.l aimjlblag bad Baama Cochalm and ¦true (hiirtihiia. bonrt lerrn.midn gftt'.n g"od laud nml wieked 1 yx,\ le. Tlie town af PtBrldam 9 Ba inhab- ited bv the BBBhmBaBB tvho followed BBBMB Williama and Anne iluteliiii.on in cxile, and in 165.1 th. ro naa BBBBBI a trate am adahlmia ntolewa. All civil andecclc aloatfca] foiUlIoBOrlm who rcfuaed to servc f«.r mithing vxitl,,'.:t pa] ama eoB. d hhaBaaa. |fi rjrlaad wm tl tii.r ,,f lha Aaaarleaa Statee ln whieh ,-. lip-iotir. taleratiofl a m mtflldhlaal ky Iaa Laad BaBfcaaaa pin,hlmtid r.liu'iou. tolerottoa ohoald h». tho foada* n.entnl pttooiplo ot" the Colonial Ofloial union; nnd tho Aa- t,,l,lv in l'",::', Bkfletty BflOaBB Catholica, da lared and or- dained that m. pamflB piaf --in.' la boharraiu Jeeaa Ctoad atoahl 1" aioltatad oaaaeoaal ,.f hi* faiih, ardaaiedeto tnttstttkt ofhbaaod, ofwofahlp. Althtoaaamthaotho Hiritii. aan ttm 1:" rattBytaaharTob lamltoaBaaBtokTow. Eaglaad, Ike EpleeepaBaae of Vhudato pamaoaBag tho Paritam; 44 h',!. Cathelic Maryla.,,1 wn. aaoaaitaarj brtha r. tttgt (4 of nll diiaomliifllaim of Carhdoae, Ika plam where Frot. rtaiitH mmjkl a lafajfO frotn l'rote.tiint.. And attor* vv nn! t!.< .<. l,r.,t(.t.iikw.aVgflm aoti-ht the iihrot-ati'in of 1!., Cotkode WOffbip and roliglom Blaralfoa k Mnrylnnd, ¦ad uBtntod it l.y h jral Baaotaaaat in leoi' Ib 1999, Mamni;.! paaaad the iir.t law in the Provinecs I'T the nntiirnliiratiiin of It wa. a BtflBBtB of Kli/ the Vetak inflii tin,'baniah- e nt ea amamrom rogaao, ItwmJaama hto Fir.t wlm intro. ui a (I the practice of haaapaattag aaam la Vir-inia. ( l,i. 1 iluatice Pophaiu bfltog "0 Auieri-nn proprietor, *ug- Hiilid It, aad daabnaod Wrrr \*t*f.' aa the boB place. Ai'tertla BflBwifllwa. many Quakera were tranaported to An.trii a. a. Moaa. Mai-yland protc.ted aifnin.t it, but oalv ntjl.ort tiuieprior to tiie Am. rican Kevolution, 3*10 folam were annually importe.l into that State. M.ak peri ei,ly BBBBBBB Aneri.. a onee. in hia worka ,n tht T< inpt-t. where Ariel. elebrate* the .tonny .y.aAt 4if tle.t.n texed Iriniiuda.. And Milton tom not men- ti-n Ameri. a at a!l. but BB eA-uolly allude. t.. the Iudiaji.. r.g retn by ('.,liiiiibu., in Poradi... Laat, Ho.,k IX. .luan de Lb n. tii- Bpaahh Qororamaf eHnt Kiro. a ciiipanion of, firat diaeorcred that re- atoa to eaaatry, a part to wktok h now colled naeto. II. arrived on the coant iu April 1 BB, when the (yt'ntry am in the tnm blor.m af »pring-the trw. were flflaaaad with htoaaaam and the grounl with Howera. Fn a the vcrnol beauty that a-lorned the HBrfoeO, and beeajae bo BiadtbB had OB bto .S.Uiday before Eaeter -whi-.h Iho Sjaniard* callcd Putcua de floret-he ga.e it th. Blerida. Juan Poneo waa in qneat of the land, rr * ort( il bf tln nativer of the Corril>ee I.landt ".0 contajn 111 r-< k or founUin en.lowed with th<- miroial. nr power of rt-etorinir tl.e I'liN.m ar.d vigor of youth to t+'e and de- irepirniie. H. .hill?.l hia Ogod BBBBB by BBJmaJ ia eve'y atroam aad baatflBi toaaaUatoaV waa w by _n li;.:ian . arrow. and died in Cnba. T,, meeMttmwt immigratioa to Aaieric a Hir WiM a ScoiT trn!'. tl.e :'ill..wiii- HIX11 .it* tflLEI I thoaght how «d .oold be tbe . -_« Oo SoPiurLaonair. iwaoiry .n, 1;1J Krt.t .. it'i waud rncomtarrd t, /%_, Ai 1 wild Oataru,'. fjXiiiLdlra ^, 14 . 1 beart an-k etllee ia tM , rala Htxt.'.td (air fcexlaad'* bilU I jeaia. Thk V: rOBl u« I*"!1 '^'i.rKfA.. T+e PVBaaietpHt B./Urir r.i'.r- t" tbe rtault of thelat- atoetifd tlin*- TbehUyi atamMplodBadrntt maB rayhfamforaB II ..a .,. ii ¦¦ 4 .- '< -"... t*>lha 1-1 will 1... t.',,. 1,. t ti.. MfoofepiMBoamiMa*ye. VveBOB|' tta n "V-.. :ha. tl a tt.'.ur-aj.aa of «t»- abepa luai 4xro oj _ x.r - v. . ... Ou*. buaumm _) betrrgi maThatm -. \etgn t! 0,11 ahapa d da ..ntrrad.; tuat ara t ., :.¦ .. -. ii. :" a.' g tr!.-rvrvt,.,.! irwill wa«-. V'-ii.v. .:.¦!. "i ":- ^.Tv ma, rr;-rtr tl l-«_J M,.f.. ft,... r.. m ti.. -i.irfj..'.i.g .irui'Ut.i* _n,r;-T>\_,*r>t. rv --1. 'a- by rv»'*,» ."._*'? m ^ f.^'^",alO,. i \*U> r.t<y Ti1 ll" 9 I . PROGR ,:S8 OF XEBRASKA /.V OHH> We have, rccei red on a.r.iaiit ofthe BimaooflfBBja pf a. pabrio xv reting, without dialiuction of |>arly, heldat ( u. ,u (Irox e !<!,,,,., Htcblaad County, Ohio. 0,1 the l*t of J'.ua. Tbe rnrtting adopted a Mrie* of reeolutioua of thoaiTong- f*t ( barmter aKainBt tha Xebra-ka intamy. Tbe follow- _H il the laat of tbe .erie. 6. Thal we wiU nerer coaM to ik«itate and ..pivoec taid Nebraaka-KanaM ael by votin« for .ta ret»eaJ ao long a. it impair* tl.e fon-e an.1 practical i>jveration of '.hn t)t,h aactiva of the t'empn>mJB4e att of Mm«:U *¦, llfh AR AMFRICAS ll'OMAX W r/Rfs. .No. XIV. ¦-? . Bn-a. Oar Owa r>t*t*f<t*ii ttt. 1 _Bit, Thun-ajr. M«y 11, IdbA Thoae Ibn. iu.te-1 wbo spinout and *l;p the thraad flf hent.'n licatinT play atranre eatka witli our willfl. Kacb heart baal. a rwpooae to Paal'i, " that what we lf | t»- Uaat" I *'it'-l I a bbb 1 yaa ta-d©p -t HaaajB, BBoat, b«bmJ and u,fui-t>oi.-bi>M for I hahba pbBBfl lat Ibe ladiett. bit* of ntrwt aad |..i':'inr for tbe, aai n-Hnclionx for Ae». I _t Fate g hirbByer, who BBfB oar ***. ke- t, rtier* in tke icry bud orpromi* ani al thi. moaMflR .ho i. flappiitg her wing. a triuaiph oi.-r m4, while 1 rtfled IflOflORM. f'"1 n,>' -b-a«rahoVI god* Ifl eoattere©. me. (!nrnville, I »-.*ld panl»u her for, bat wl an rl 1 grapplcfl at tny beat-itHB)^. md h >l i. aie la an ..thanted eircle of inctioitar. lav.*, who n.w do lova to L'tad my ftelinga. I .-aonot ia-,1 at.ill f. r,:ive her. Xo. in bonr tffk, I walk.-d in a -now tmt* ot the gar- den, in tbe sliade flif a high BahaaBB-Rl an-f overhanging baflflkflBfloR_bl f»r you th.nifjh'i, BBflgai flflWOhflflflO aad ityliiih, t;II my I < 'd wa- loaded dow i Vuki- hii abo carriM frurt. I I. lakcd mto the deoerted c _K rrat.vy, aad cl.ppad ,i ooghl w two fn.m tlie v,nc eliinbin.-ot ¦« eocaata, aad ad k. w vt tbo vall.-y ca ar4 to grow »a Bb thatehed reed Ihea I haaat-katatefa, pet-pet, alaag ¦appooh boaid© n-.e aal baaaajaOtad, l .tartci. Deaa ttit bbbMBBB Ib- il 11. ;4rt*lar>.e. l.aii.l.omc, and i.ytifA'i periotb, tigur.. a. <i ..iri'o*.and like the uiilkmaid. I aigled, , .-¦-!. a 4.-.r MM©© eoutda l'4 11.. ti'iihadow ia, before me. I fancit-dthe loy lifldcaoM t. I i', -ml-.. .*!.. Half an h->ur ago, be \nA ed wBb --c. into mine. crampled my IVoek.oi roBed mp ;. r in bl-, rt* be Ved me through thc x.-rdeii. be- ai.l. rbe vnll* aml rnir-ed .:p tbe head* of Ir* mtrr* ie* aud (alleil them the prettieal of all Ibe Ho -ara, aad pi. ke«l ¦ tti'te and pnt it himielf in my button-ltde, and lurtK.i iate BraggBMi lau_!>*, diuiplea, dia.uoii.l* pearia. naahadfl and da n di ipr TrhBr 1 hald bim iu myi'imaJ kirr-.l bim be hhBfld me baek anaiu; th»n I e tuta- 11. .1 dowa my hair and iflid " nn revoir,'' aad hurled © Rba BB a b.i* lagM-Alpo, and ran away M m.4ot Mari" Kin- b. i, '.ti th c Bri Tbit annie llenri had eome bonal'iag baeh npniu ilifo tbe i:ariIon. Ileheld theeti.l. of hii *hit© apraa ln one hand and with thc other rattle.l the tliut H©nM ho had dag aal from tho honlera of tlie riowerbede. Hifl bioad-iiii fi cl Vavcr tolleivd en h,* hcud and ita blaek plttiiie Bodded orer thc wrong ihonlder. The bMt of hia Bifblaad tunic .ras nr-kew. One .tocking -tret.-hed wai BB un.l.-r it. ftart.-r abovc the knec, ahBfl thfl oiher, in tb© -1. il-ii of iot. rutfled pantalctte. .t.M.|H'.l dowu to earefl© hb lair auki". II. nn itood tranilixc.l an.l dofoui-cIeM, like Cupid bereft of ahga an.l arro-.v Il be ha.l ouiy anap|N-d !in> witb bi. tlintn, 1 Bdffld ha>«- writlen you all I hop.-d. Hul, Gl V. i 08, (ti| il. INyc'it., ai: 1 all pa who know what love is, i, :i un- ©bm wm .n b i yaa laahaaBa "i I w«i, I thoug'ut he wm I'o.jUcttiiijr wiih me nn.l would. in a mouieut call nynmie. and Inn own." Mon I'etit Ami ". die.l on mp 1 p. uk I .aw Marie Kinb. re by bii lide. Marie had itolea 4 i.| i.l'l h©a for a mo m\ crii.iip'.o.l up bia wimr* for ct.rla, tuk. u l.i. arrow-heud* I_r eyea, and faati-ne.l oa ta . hiup.-i laaBBi liiiee anJ |-ache., for a Ibtle ({irl'. head. Mui. i*four year* old, and llenri five. lleuri wore . nli;!,- aaaaa,aad Hflflifla black one, nud thia made the ,!m Iti thut crcptarouud iUhemlook r.lltbefrcher; with I.. r tb.: haay BagflB hfl pulled thc littlo chaiu about her BOth at:.l head it too rhort B bfl it« gold ctom comr into ber n.oiith but ibe *ho.vad her youn,- tc.-th, and lau^hed vificn ibe would not, a..d curl.-d up her cye-laahea with fcarlnlly ¦BBBBBBJ w it.-burie*. llenri. Momieur llenri. tbe BSRBRBflflflBO of liery fOOBBJ Friuco llal, who riuga tha iliuner-btsl when no ouo MOfl him, who ihowera me wiib tbe yitsrt'.t u a ai.-r-p,'., u* au invitation U> run after bim, wba tiitts like bi* tlinta when tonchc-d too reagMy Honri itop- ped nflCBBg the itone* in his apron and 1<><>'_..-<l on Marie, aml .M. rielookedmercil-Mcbarini, and llenri ipokeaod keehe tho .p< n. 4'. i.iu r !u m ln j/.-ix praurla, Mari*! 4' Oa aflflt Vflfll! I'. nninoi n' in rmbr*Aa4^ffl pM. .loflr.conimr |. t'.n.brMM- [Wht* MUgaayM yu have, Marie' llow protly they ftr,.._\Vby d. nt you kir. me, then, a. 1 kiM you l| AIm! our Baaahahaa lack tho 8aaBah_g aal, te, tu. You, ia lar froin ib. in att lieitr froin darling. Il.nri a Bpfl w.ic primed- tl.e flffflOR f.-ll tho itooofl rolli.l dowu--bi. ami* IflW out, but thc liltlc ohflOBROO ftew too, like a robin. Four yonr. old fivc year. old T.-n yoar* addod weakoa vioii.lniiilly our pOflOflfflHaa to iay: " Comnte tu at Im " yetix /¦.©-_;".yot we all know iwraothiiig about falliug ia ].vc.but wbo recollectt the earlieit date of thi. oft-rooar- |. pa I, ,n one * life ' Surely loiiie »oul» aro u.hored ia nt ny dawur, aml fall ia lovo ou carth in fallinx from th© -kicr." 'I kk (j-i ",ie nf youthful naireli' rominded me of, ........! chil.lbood, relatedofa good old lady, who, toax- BfoM Iha aaaat, Baaeaal MfflBflflBa af l.or huii.and, wko Iay dcad b( loio her, liko ouc ilcopini;. laid; " ***** ptt'tvr* i nn, ,1 ne tad pa* quil e»t motl.' (My poor daar, ha ,!,,»* u l know that hfl i.'deoil.J TloiiJ.i.., like gflflflfl, uro wuithed up at every moment bp ;, .ii, i.t if .ui lin*. and wheu, like pebblri, wodrop them dowu tho well of feoling, if we B00 no Hn.h of bub- blc, we bcarret-pon-ire ripplc, whirh tell ita depth. I haaa lai.i flflUb u now aoHha of Baoaoa. " Medicm d* ¦¦ Ct**tf*t " I envy yaa BBl plea.ureyou havo iu itor© if you have ncver read it. Ktmark tho BBBR at tho duatb- hoflhOfla flf 'he of a widow, who BflBBBB hor loag tn tn . au.l puU them iu hi. old hand am a plcdge of tbcir coi.liiii.ed uniou and ******. aud li«Un to ihe old flflMOO. liiitoriti of N'apoltona campaigna. FcMaut will toU tin m to pca_ant'* cl.ild whilo the memory of I'hom*** ,, Bfl Hngcra in tiieir aupentitiona. Tho peaaanta in tomtt ttk* pflaaiaaM believe that Xapoleon had hia faraUiar *tar, and, like Moie., talkcd witli Oeil and that in hi© Kgyptiun . ampaign, tba rial angel of the Lord appcarod te bim ou Mount Sinaia and that ho bad lupcihaayut -.piritn hdgOd iu hia oamp or at ihe Tuileric, wlio gore bim coum-cl. Such a maa, they iay, could nover die; bn. dhaapaaaad from th.-ir »s'bt, but will aaaa apain; aod they attcnl bia advKiit aa tho Jewi tbat of tho Meaaiab; und many reflfld f»r tiie pr«-ent Kmperor witli tko devoat lonviiti.n tbi;t it waa tiieir old hero rcturned fn>m tbe rotky i.l', nht-rc, thoy aay, thc Eiigi'iah trio-_ to poieoa him. LaaaBBB haa lately gii ea ua hie " Lecturoi, poarToua." It a aarmiiig u4X|Uflt, gathercd from hii variou* workfl, t'uli of thc lovUie-t floweg. and iweotont putumM. Wa l.ak t- head Ltmartiae io Americfl. We leivo wept with him, ind kiwad the wounda it coit hiint. loll hia aool'e liiit'.-ri-ht. tcto *ecrtd rcniiubeencea of childhood and MU.y, to inditm hia natal domaim. Wi _hud lerc 1 al th© Ci-ondiHt*. We aympatbim-d with Fr< u< h cnthuiiajni ia at*mk l.mi at Bhehead of tlio Prov'_iiona- floveniinenl, and ibroil,..- ia^lined to thc rougks we bt-iieved hia laagna- aiKjity ib the declaration that he wai. attracU-d tliare oaly w* a lixbtning-rud to avt-rt thtir Uiunder-bolu. from Fraoce. '.Afr.poide bottea, how grea'. a matter a little dr© hiiidlelh Dmctimc. Who know. the re»ult of ao idla word I Wbo knowa but a flattering pbra*^, toaiod play- fully ficmhuudto band, may flaally gather up momea- tuui to kii< ck d.wn hhffl, and make the throne. of eooti- w i> to tr.n.Ve ' Wbo know. but the g.rm of 1818 aad th.- i r< -nt I'.mpirc hi.d U.t ir embryo in tbe vaoityof Lami.rtii.cor Vi.tor liu_'..-and that their wiU to work .mt ther dtitinywni .ho otfcpring of Cbatcaubriaad ©od I.udk Ei.Iki Struihope? The former called Wtor Hugo aa "'enf.nit mblime." The laiter, in ber hcrmitage oo Mount Li banon, looked at thc foot flf Lamai_iie aud iaw ihat bii iwtep wa. ar.hed, and ihat water might Bow uuder it, and calltd it th. foot of an Arab, aod h.nted tbat it iboald fiud iti defltiny in pathfl to great event.. fcternt- tv Miy kuow. if Umaxtine . bB I al foot Maahol tho NBhflal ,.f the laat III ill 110. or if the ******* a-Uuoe ¦IfllBBd out ita hflfl-BB, ._..._ ._. ,|_ _,.. W. bav. new. of Bl aort*. traa e*A fohe. «boB th© .«, whirh I BBl aot *v* ny«lf to ^ ordar fot yoar ib- Btructloa- It - ail B .».«. >b* Brtf!»b ratiart M 1 BimI.b Wain.irir. wi.k atl th. Am t****rie*tUa. fl^M_Sakw© ih' Bal.Vi BirTgat.-D Hut ilxiy do m.v - - ti'ue -at ^Y^ation u progreaaiog, mt*4 lliai iu boinbarding, o»ly houaeaof go\<.-maieaUh wiB bt kanit dowa, while a* at Odewi*, ibe '-ouaefl flf privata ia4widaa-iaaietayata__ding. Au Btvoia. I. HaivT F.n.nri ifliit ir 4 Cvaaa..For a few daya ! naa tl.e pi.lifl. of oar city ha.abean in puriuil of tke elatfc !.f .nr four l-r*.- mercantile nrm, wbo, after heviag baa© t. .1 iii a .viteinatic leriea of embeiileineuU from Wa BflBahfflR bv'falae entriea in the booki and by oUmt ineana, «rd from thecitv, an<! b probably are thia oot oC tkfl Nflflfli ol iu.tice. Ttie amount taken ia aaid to be ba- tw.. ii 4i:..o*o aud 0.0,000. [BoatooTraTouer, otb. A bad iterni bM occorred at Edgefleld, 8. C, oaaalaf it ia rcported, conaiderablo iujory to the grow'mg oottoa. i -l.-k elaud and Obio Citv hare beea anited. Tha kk*j neutioa wm offected oa Hoaday ovotuag.

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Page 1: Library of Congress · iK I.ATKST NKWS. BM'kit. n Bl ((p\*;rir ti ir.B.R\rii, e>.vv, '.iiVXA-KI^ feW itoBam-,., ., 01 .*.¦ ni Miuvrv 14.- '. »4»f»_.IAI ai iI x\KKK>K"-^^k.v,u,aiia.«axw

iK I.ATKST NKWS.BM'kit . n Bl

((p\*;rir ti ir.B.R\rii,e>

.vv, '.iiVXA-KI^ feW itoBam-,

., ., 01 .*.¦ ni Miuvrv14.- '. »4»f»_

. ai i x\KK a.«axw»i > lk.xl.alli ,»l BlIAI I K>K"-^^k.v,u,aii .ii.l.l.ilv M farkera-1 V" *"_ ,,;_., , lll. rti.h I,,...,''," wl...

a-t x* n.a.'i.i.v.i flftao aeaoaal ('¦.».ad»-* bbb- m p

r*z . -..u ' ,.>n':,,fV .**-. *toaa ^-JV ^. , ;,, ., i,ir, nn.l oaVred

__t;^p^a r^iv. jMk-f_r_ "M ,fir,** T . elattx .... (..4 « .<.».' ot "..' rox.klutuktto tw he*"

. X 1."TLa ."-¦ '."'' lh* H0**""

4a a ¦ »*9wa* mmm*

ajTlj^jBtt--* **.' i,sl * '" W "'' '" ''' '"''are* _.,,.. * raai

M4X ammTaaTtlK UMISI v.t III l ..lay. June ', IBM.

xxea. ta * iiaar*'-* aiajaBara» hm adJamraod nll

,^..' . ,%aai -rrx^e.:.' * olectiea B V S.

4. r.-Jv e*^1-

nu rnvm-N v.. HT1 W ma. KiuU.4, Jaae 9, I9M,

.U Barrir **-»--¦ I toaaaaaaaiAtol*.»"i*. Maaiafiiaf.- x- ¦*- toak aaaaaflB? J j,__,.JM.||mBaa . BBal Baaaaa ratoj

^ Bamahieaaaaaaaal bbbb

-Ux.,.1 Vi.TW in LKXINOTOJI BA1LBOAD|4,44kK'.vt vi 4. I S : l-tSaahe.

i i "

tx., iVjiaf ,-" »*¦. * ¦¦ > Bailmadle .-ekA*a*.aM .*.>' rr'

. -j.,- waa pi.taB t.' I BfaTTaaoa, Boaaaee a tX-av.** fti i !. thia Ot kuiaf, aa a

a^ga Bf aaaaaroa-v Bartk* Waa."- fb | Bta-BAJ

t)mw | tiiiar kat'it-; twvn NBaaBed ea bail.E.,_n-r aaaa Imtoahh aaartmimi

aamax. ae- !¦. law

fPh.lTI'Ml IM" ITaa IX (OWiNTIOX.Tatxr.'i, Knday. ;), ItM.

BoVmtaaal tadaaar.- '¦ "daj m. on-

ata* Baaahakaaa Br. BBaJdaa toBadafladaaaaahmBMlaaatoaaflfluleatoBimtom faaaaaaamB, whioh ram

\ m 4- . ry mad Aatt^Xebrmbam favixrixf rn. i.-r.xn: aaoiothofof Nihr.i.ku

Thr Aut. ¦*»'.-»very reeolatioaa ore>

mM ..e;.*Mtia._. aad ex'tua' .erv i i>tx>d down. Mr. Laus,twaeware. krrt Uk Ji\l»ri3_; it t.> have

-....: --:..-- '.I I-!

J.xeee cait>e in ai.d ar.uouiii- d BBBBBBf

C-. aara aw tivaxorryw. and ien. unccd th- ptvaeut one.

B* wa* aM a lieaWeto.I\ag.M | *ar 1 "* aajh aaaa ao-day, acd wa*

b. ba. aVaia. who had aeaembled at the wopto BB

at T>* Aati-Xrbnvka men aiao 9981, aud eb.-era» i|-tiM ky tbrtn for Mr. tki BBa and othe-* who voted

>|ggB '¦-'

THK CAN Al. t\,iKKS.A'.axsr. Friday, JaBO :», lr-Sl.

|iaB a li are adx-;ri*a.d 1"7 tt do the work on th- State

Caaa-v rh OB Bto rtoaaptoto C'anal; on tho KasternjBim a f tae ¦BaOaaal) on the Black Kiver C'anal:mmm* M:d:^ H.t1 .«'-": mt Krie, on the Weritern Di-atac of I. Kne. asd on th. Oen<r»ee Vallcy. Tho time

a rty.**.»a»- propoaal* rancrs from the 6th to lrrth Joly-

THE ono UQ1J0I LAW.Ci5ci55ATi, Friday, Jnne 9, 1*54.

Tav* Onxad Jarr havt in-icted aeveral of the leadinj;jee* tk.r-a iMre for violating the Liqnor Law lately

aaaml hy tbe LegielArtxre.-?-.


BBmOaiBIBB. \Ve.lne*.lay, June 7. ls:,4.Tht aarainxii.p. I'cite 1 Sutea for Aapinwall, and l'aiapero$aa Jaax. aailed to-day.ibe I^xreident a proclatnaiioii hu caua*.l con.ideratil.'m,,.., ._. i i h:lihuattr»aretin.lera900d

taharre *o ortraniacl their m'.it-ments M not to violata thit


Ib* .lec:: -4:p Florida ou h.-r Ivt trip to Savannah tookbtvcl a fnf itirt *lave. who had escaptd in the Charleatonaaaaau-r Ba lille, and was trauaftrred at OM to theJTarvia._,U\Y aHAAtVPBHJME LEQ18LA TVEE.BEIBK

TRADE AT HEADQUAMTEMB.t ia«| 11 il of Ae N. Y. Tnbnne.

(omcord, X. II-, Wcdnesday, June 7, IB94.Tm bare no doubt BBBB notified by telcgraph, ere thit,

4pf th* rMnlt of tho bollotiiig here to-day for Spcakcr of tho-toeae of l^preeentixtivfce. Shurtly after tho Le;.i.lature

bltxd, the roll of the Houao waa ealled and cveryer elect preeented hi* credentiala. The ballot for

kpooker thowt that cvery inenibcr i-oted. There were

torm bondrc-d and teu votes .-aat. F. U. Chaso (Admiuin-tratian Demwrat) had 1",(;, nn'l M. W. Tappan |Fr4M}-Soiltiti Wh ' hiul 1.13, acattcriti,. iBurke) l.Tbe Hurke Democrata "euve.liii'' to the j\duiiniatra-

Irva, mueh to the aurprlai. aml r onateniation af their lead-or, tWroiiiid Durke, and raOod for Chaac. Hurke ia hereaai did all he could lo prevCntit. The Hunkers nre in

iVj_ glrx-. Tkhy have g'.t more than they expectc L Soinehrttor ineta will .how how it waa done.Aa ex-Surveyor of the j.ort of 1'ortnniouth under Polk,to retired from office with an old cluim aj,'a4iiat the Oor-

9Tament. LBfMMaa a toim on tln bnnks of the I'iacata-9ia He haa reccntly nut with a ludilcu couveraion.r»b4irtly after the March election he came out atronp forBarkc, and a|rain«t the Adminiatration in gentral, andtlarry BIbkard in particulnr. He becaine iiuite aetivehatil aboal teu day* ainec wheu he had a audden eall tobait Waahinglon, whither ho went. Ha appeartd in hi*aat, to-day, and voted for the Jidminirtration Speaker!Bl my. he g.t hia claun aud thowed a check upon thorahed S;at( - Treaaury of loa hundred dollara!Coi. Whipplo, chief acullion of the Kit.-hon Oubiuet at

fVaaLiiigton, i* here with plenty of money to buy up e4-eryBaa aho hia the market.

I'riaii Lainprcy, Guano Comuii*e:oiicr, whoee head-ajBArtm ia ),. tvv,( 11 KamTark «'ity aml tlie White llouae,Bad one af (Jov. MartiiH ('..iint-il, ia here, haBfhaj that heMa beui-lit np four Whig., and tliat he could have had ai-tf aeaantcd them.Gm. I'l-AM-U-c. Colleetor of the Cnatom-Houae nt Hoa-

»ob, m:d Wobert Miajj*. I.aac X. Center, tnd 1 them of hi.Vapai'tor., aie here working hard.lian-y Hibhrfrd ba. been here, and having aceomplished

hia work hc. left for Waaliington.Tbr \1'hiA;a and Free-Soilera are unite-.l and firm in their

a^pejiition to tlie NcbraAa villaiuy. Tho election of Mr.Chaee a.. Spcakor ia uot .onsidered a t.-.t <|uostion here,aaataiiy u.en.ben were .nppoaed to be governed in theirBotaa by ]«.rHonal con.idcration.. At an early day, aBtTtta af anti-Xebraeka reaolutiona will be preeented,when the Legialoture will proeent a very diffon-nt froutfroui that ahown to-day. The Adiuiniatration, it ia I -

aW-otl, w^ll not ahow a reapectable minority. The aeaolu-.ieaa will t>e the real BBi BBBBlBBB.

T. 1 eritire Democraey, ofli. ials and othora, ar© cent4*redto ('i.ncord. It M8999 oa lively here now aa in Itroad-Bay. Tho Hoo. N. U. Hakor. Oovornor elect, will be in-aofaaUdtouiorrow. whenthcte will be a diaplay.Be . quite pr-pular. Aner organining, tho lafBBBBflBBd,. rnt<l. Bere anon. ""

Ce. mitidrnceof TbeK Y. T-iUnr.Coacoaa, x. j|.. Thuraday.^1 uae B, 1831,

3 ia gencrally beliet«i that thero are anti-Xebraakatta crat. eiiough to carry Um.. reaolutiou. of Mr. FlanderahVr ^h (he Houac haadtomely.7 .. ,,i w (Jorcrnor, Hoa. N. b. Haker, hM ji-t taken

.e iiath of office and'i. u >w reading hi. inewagc, an

odrinco eopy of whieh 1 am [nrmitted to aend YouwiU perceivu that Gov. Ital.or laila to indorae tho Xcbraa-aa iafamy. It ia reporteil here that he Iim boen oppoaod0 tbe meaMire from thy. hexiiining to the ead. I cannot<rtA tell what effect it will have upon the dem'Krrayy bere,

'.|I kaow they hare cxpected heawould iudorao the'.'.ity. Tbe miulia about Icaviagand I mwtclxjtt. u.

IV. i ; k s l T.'TF 7" UP " " Cl CONI F.ATIOS

*> .

4VitT«|,...d. are etTk* B k TribaMII t, i. ThiiiT- lar !,i,... h, w , |

The .nn ttt i." '"'I At tho kk .mi'ii. ptalo Temporancob in progrw ia thb oity. Tha. Ihr tho tnoetiug

I. 1., .it . in.i. t< ..¦(-,! bi ll-e nlin.nt ilb'.-.ntin ninl themoB i'c, ..; bai bmb] Ahboagh d-iappotatel .-n afl m.tol thc nl'.- n, c of | nuinl.n- of ..... o\jn-< I. il tjo- .kc'e, ll.crcbn. bc, n BO ln fk af BpB aha <.! flMBty an.l iiid-r »'

Lni.'.a Cloth, i.lixii* I'oicil.l,- mui ariruiii.'il-i-ii p in h,.iaddrcv.i, haa matlo .mne of b.-r l.-ipplett bit* iu the ilmrt

v kleh »b" bnt. m-1,1.1 h tb<a. eiii.c ol (lirciirrn. n. Mr*. FUll of Vi. tur, ha-< intcre.tcdIhe ii.t.c.ic. * greatiy bj Ut hoaa .int paaajaal taraaaBBB

t-,l I u pathetie apprahMt.. IMo.-iiicr oi'Ohio, b-. 11 :-¦ I n flti.a addrer*. Hr..

IM Wtighl Pai i. ol' l'rn\ letfl-.-.« M " itl. u* yo.ti-r.lay,aml iiiive fl .hoit add-.i-M rclnliic t>- tn ln.niablc ilriukin-^,aad touehed upon tbe pliyaiological vi.-w oftha ttL*Utk, 'Ibe*|-> ci b«* bm e been very luinicroui, moat of then -le-itin1 it.iuli t<< |he point. Hul few ire:itl,",..-.i Imve Hp >ken,

Ihe au.licn.e cii.lciitlv iiicltiiing lo b©M ihe lutlic-a.Tbe Hu. in.-*. Coaunlttee repettad a li*t of peiatod reeo-

liiiion.. boom of tt Ll. li baadbd Gea. Bey_Boei aad hi. votoMflflflflfljfl ratbci- lou-ibly.

CBaaidflriai Ihi hB tbat Qea. s. i, n citu.-n af Utiea, ithaa .> teaad .oniwhat Braage thnt no paoBBR baa beeafoaadM fldht . wor.l of iip..l»t'y fot l.i* C....I... in a.i*ir( r t» allihe im'.i; naii. n ivbi, h baaheaa ihoweead apaah-aaWbi* iafiiniou. aet.Tbe followint; ofliccm w.-n- clcctcl for thc inccecdint,'

year. nearly all ef whoin oeeBphd Iha BBBM pniitinna laati.

/ klr*. M.-.iv c. Vaoghan ..!' Ifew-Torh.i .-/.- - .fa Mia.Dr.Lerd, Mra.EfflilyT.Trallef

New-York, Mr*. J. Ileaedhl of I'tic.i. Mr*. r.'o. Rheperdof Wv.-tn iu; ('.-., Mra. s. li. Il.'li!!,-. of Kodaoa (-'...,Mra. M. 8. Haaaoaof WeedapaB. .Mr*. L. v. PewhrofNew-York. Mra. Dr. Lawreooeol PortJerria. Mr.*. II. B.II in. oi wcedauort, Mra. M. C. Gallap of Paaayra, Mra,y. D. Cory, l tic.l.

Mi .¦ Jtifhob of Vennont, nml Hia. Bloomee ..f Ohio,wirc (I.. ed Hoiii-tti'-i Vlcc-PreeldenU.F* R .. r.l'rn- 6V. Mtf.. II. Atilla Albro of lli) !.-

( ', ¦¦.<:..,.,¦' >i ; S ¦¦!¦ '-ir.. Mt.*. AllL'.li'in Fi.*h ol' Victor.rrraawrrr.Hra. B. C. Mar.1. of Bocheeter.

mm .' Mr*. II. W. ol' ItifTali),Mra. IV r. AUioa of Bocbeater, Mra. C. W. RobieofBuf-ia'... Mn. B. I'. l.imi -.1 PoDa, Mr*. M. W. Cbrietyol 11. tn lleade, Mta. II. Booth -,f ttoobeater, nnd Mi*'_Lmily Cinik oi Bocheot. r.

Tl.'.- Tharaday) afteraoo© a aaatlaa waaaaadeaadcar-rinl l-i a iiiiiiiiir.ii.u. rele to i-icimeiiee the iml.liciilii.n ofn pipt r a. Ihe orgaa ..!' Ihe Boclety. Over 000 nhaerihaaawi re pledged by iodiridoab preaeat, an.l the atotiefl waaleteired lo IheBiecatiTOCommittoe ef Ihe Boehtp. Ibelbrre it b i.e©_ldiiBllj expeeted I© aeaMMaeethepahlii.'.i:,.i ofaaeh a papM n ry aoee.aweaoa'g T**mr*%wmmmt.and it b* alao conlidciitly ex).- oted ilint theTci.i_.ei--aiicc piblic will geoerooaly aoatoia t'.ir..venicnt.

11 raiag Hra. C. AaaeBe Barria ofOatario Couutj,nml Hba Kii.ilv ( Brk, nn- to ha tbo ape©hai©. Thh i* the!a.-: Baaaiaa, nnd it i* baOerad tbat nfter it r-hall bai e eadedkt wbo Ib.. flfloooflhlfld to thhtraiy plflaaaal mcet-in_- will r. tm it t,> tt_fl_ heaMB clicerc.l an.l _BTlg«Blod by.I,. -, taa dayt "i geaUl bBfahaaga ef ihoagH ami ieati*iiK-nt. an-l with reiicwed earm-.tneas und cntiiu.ia-tti in thocauae.Tl c mrctil)^'* l.ivc IhrOOgbotll bee© w.ll flltcn, I.-.I.

!.a ;,-. -.. an riily. BAR1 U. VAUOHAB.


ftam Ot.: Own Rrporter.TBBBTOB, X. J., Tlnirsday. June 0, 1094.

aaaaaa bat.bobbiba st*--;..-.-.

Aiier roaO-Bg the aBh-BOM af tbo ia*t MMtiag laperB ofCommittccH lieie ctillcd l"»r and r.-c. ived.Mr. IJrtkKrn of X. J., moved to limit the titnc of *pcak-

cri to fiflcen minutci, aml not to excecd twico on therame .jinr'.i.'ii without 'eave.

Furih.-r creilciitiali were roccived.Mr. llit.iiDkv.ioD thtu M_dl©e_ed thc ('oii^res* on tho

lubiect af crtdeiitin.a, and triir-te-l that tbe /Vsraoeiationareprct.cnt( wonl.l in lutuio send only Iboaepaflaeaa whowfll phdge thaaaaahroa te attead, m oaly one or two at-ltt.,1. ,1 froin Miuii' Ai-micilltioiiH wbicb liail r.-nt in ire.Mi'MiU NVe.*t of I'a. thou offereJ a leric-s .f Laad Itiv

fi.fin iMelatkiM li wi n- reAnrred to tho Kur.inu.ia C>m-i_.:!t... S. tl. Laws ,,*" DeL, Chaiinmn.

Mr. Bbabbb of N. J. introdnced nomc reoob-tioai rrlati\c to Geerge Lippard, whieh aan _Borod ;» ha reiurredCarried. . , .

T. G. Haibm ef Sa. _©trea©eed aaerlM ol reaolan-tnareecwBiaiag bmm. iii.hi t,> thc oil, in favor ot a Uoflaeoteadhw, i_ik ka© ii;n botm to Iha eetaal Mttlwa, aad i©Balal__gIb© eoiir.t) of IboM i .tnixr" of CoBgreM who roteamain-t tbe Hehraeha biil, aad rebBkiag IboM la hit'lij l.i. ¦ ii be tiik ored thut conipirucy BgBaB frt aaaaa. l.'owiad. ... .. .,- .

A .eriei of rcioltitiotis in fuvor of the forination of l-.mi-irrarit Aaaociatioiia for KaiiHtit.i.u.1 Xebra.ka n* a pr.-v.-n!-ive to Ihe mliaohlfl of Slavciy iuto thoxe fcrlile regiont,Md pledgiag the effortfl of thft nflMh n of tl.e CoogreaaBcaiiirt thc rc.-ldction of all IhoM McmbirHol thc l n tedSiates CoagteM ut Waahfaigtea, who pcrpttruted the V-braaha outra^t- aml vottu BganB fr.e bOflBM L.r all.

The Bariaeaa Coaaatittea tliraiiu-L Mr. Lawa. rcportedraaolBt-Oaa for tbr « tion of the Convention, wlncli were

rcad bv IIr. Uraker. The rciolutioiia w.-re then taken upforadoptiont.paralely. Aualluiion to Illackatoneai "a"paaaioaed mithorof aaeeaieby," caaaad « nhort debate,in wbicb -rkcral mtmbers pnrtic'ipattd, but wan hnallyadopted. with one ncL-ative. The other lviolutiotu were

iidepte.l wilbouiany infiteiial amendini nt.

'Ibctirst reaolBtfofl controverta thc doet___fl ot l.iH.k-

.tone and otbers thnt au indiii'lual With ...-cnll.-Jcivil muM I'ike up a portiou of hu natural right,i. fa'lne in t'n.t, eppreastTfl in r.Milt. and at vanance

witb Ibe iclf-cvideiit truth, tbat (lovcrnmctit wan

BUkda bv and ttt man nnd aot man for tba (ioveriimfcflt.¦-',1 'llin! ( i* te 800 ita lnembem guaraiitec-ilin the peii.-cnlle poeafl© iea oi" all tbcir BBB rtaincd naturalriithts. 3d. Invitca thc Ainerioan people, lrrci-cctive of 1

a, ct or party, to eodperate with the Iadaatrial Coagreea iu

it* eObria loaOeriaU Iha ptreaaat degraded pooditton of thotoiliog nnllioiifi, bv n.hoiatiiiK the ritfht ot tbe laa lleaa to

a porii. n of tbe wild tenitory withbeld trom tht poor, kon-wt aml dependeot of our peeale. 4th. Laad Moaopoty bpronounccl n nin Bf:n':ii.*t God, nntl n cutm agaiBBt Baa.'tb, AdvocatM tbepropM ealtiratioa oi the aml by tberkillful asd ci.tcipiiMiii.' Bgriealtaiht, a- eondadre to the

iwii,r..vimtat ..f Ibe taeuai-Maadkborara,wbo are re-

dueed t.- poierty aad deatitotiea l-y the hrga b___a_mtionfallias in comiKiition with Amerieea iodaaBy, to tbeae-rivuB-etriint-iit ot tbo tattor, thereby eahaaetBg tbopricee.f all tbe BOeaoBurhe, witboat the* of f-rabMng a

,orrc*i ondiug aapply, ahieh wouM I..- prereBtod l,y La.idKcfo-ni cth, ProtMta agaiaat the ooudaet «.f < lereraMeeti. giviog thc peoplei laad to nflraad aml .ther eorpoja-tiou*. "tb, nciionmc* Ibe Uaited Mate. Beaatefor r.- u*- to n. t ui.on tl.c Hotaeeteed Law, u_ fordag tbe lu-lui-

%Coagia«ito the ahidiag eoaajartioa,thB th- Beaatedoea not n-preaent tbe acitimt-nt. of tbe Ainoncaii peop-fl,and promiiing to work until t ic Am.-rii :-n Beaate 11 d

(1,1!(|,I;l .!.! ,,.po., dbactiyto thoAini-riiaii .e.-.lcor their aeeitioa aa Uaited Ratea Baaa -r*. .'th, De

lor. the .lenth of Mr. Lippard. Aficr the edoptiea B!bm rcioluti...:*. thc CoagJaa tothe th*****x*k.

ll I) BB008 ai MK)*.The Coiilt. aa "1 at I P. H. Lettan were read

from 1>.-. 7. K. BaedpaM aad Geerga l. DarB.'ib- BaBBeaa riiflflBfllilii rapertod more naelatBaa,

wbicb w.rr n.lopted. .... ., _;..»,;..-..| be i*t r, all in.litical or other orjranuationt

totecoL'iii/c.i* BB-iBBBiy prineiple, tbe BBtarBIrigBt Ol

!... .,. ,,i.v aad cultivaic tl,,; laad ef -ur ">.^»^,..w liaa in kiortbi. ** dbaae,


eBaaaMMaaa afthe to«

DeRioct «i"l (fieiagatd af Iha dattet ef our tewitory. wRe

Za thoM aaaaathl aaaaMMat^Wajd^aaaiaprae.ti.1,1 woith toibe.r uuBfltitataB lluaagbaal kt VaMtoaannk otb. r lllllllag whieh l,-p.-!-iti«.n . ati c.iifcr. M, ta 18

unou Land l.'efonnem to withbobl tbcir *utTra-;. * fr...n ca i-

.1 datea for oflice untavorable to the prineiple- af thc BB-

!." Z Aaaaaaeea »* a *********** truth. tbat R_©MMaSea ef the totlhag miil.oi.a happreeaed tl.c wboh » yviiifcci iiicri...:.. aml agraeiag to eppeao witb ktttZ -le tr.agtk Sy o. ..,.- par, ut kt .J-J*':.,i.iJct th. wenk and w ll Miuuic kheaaooaa theb ««." V, m', n, sk,b.,,call.d. 1.., ofthe B-faa-I'.i ii.iiii,.- !,- Ibe unp-itaiicc of briag-BR Latinillagllmmlm^^hb ... iha CoajiaM e-er »^*T«%_JS clrl- OAaap


Adj, tiriir,! t,, '.' A. M. to-morrow.


At heB one-half of the wTrld do'u-.t know Ihe ineauuig

oi' the woril* Uiat thi.* article. " ___0flBBB| «> {oi,li<l),ev would aay, with a .tare, " what do you mt>au I

ii tnii.t buy brend, and I gol a BBROBBB little loal for a aa-

"ffOOBBj butl cant eot any bi^-er oue. 1 BBRBBl d»

-without meat, aad that ia awful dcar; only ihiuk.-. eiahteen peoce a pound for l*ef and mutton I Ai for

"lamb why, poor folkf cau t touch that; but I mutt have

.. .,,./ for'l aul a bard-working maa, and 1 ean t eat

. .wat all the tiiae withoB potatow to GU ap, and who \

" .icrJiraid if 9Bfll . 'ire now* an'' t\>" brvrc, itad ail .uch trn. k, i* jait aa dear. I *h..ald Rk." lo ., e ."ur r. onoiri. if )on I "I to hny food f,.r a family.layeaaboiild anyou may, it you will c-riifi* wbrre wr

I «t. We aaatooa (hat :, man enn work barl, and y»t ett,,.. mcnt. (a iii.'mly, mttt i.rti naed of hia mak'tiT » p9B»frct camiverona Aiiint.l of hiinaelf, and beraneal flmatytiiiiorit faaatof oti toato kttoeh.HiBiJ-work'.ii, f.,r ... .', ¦> ¦ j. rhdom toucli frrah n.-al ex--pi a' tl.e annial ballime.. Iii.i.' iiowy f.r a [*>>r man to bfiyfre.bna ata it any tune.A* for ootiilo*., iiitic teiith. 9f Ih',:, .it thi. tiir. in t'lia

city ar.- n it .lioleeouic nrrt they are tho d.'arret nr-

tiele lhat ia anld |/>r tli" .ual'Dnvo of man. Tba pr:e«'iibMBdyetoBMB are PBOfllad ut i. aejufll to fii. aaaaa a]. BBi, and tlir-xe II. ':,,:. 1 i fll^M 99899, xn 1 tae litt!-'.vntiiy. proeoeloao, Baheahhy ihinj,-* caiied '"new pot»-loe*," are aold at a pri e ciual t.< twi 'p >unl.Al ihe .'line time, rr(.,,l family (l.tir :. .old for .iiau.l yet oTarykod] mba " what a apaaatol patoal" n.tll.i i. ir chi ni,. r 1. ol than ilour. i...* ,: ly ni m- .-. ..n'.j';-ral, but more healthv. partiiularly for a variati'.n of diet.One thin/ i. the vari'..'. preparationn of Tndian e .rn.theponrfflt of nll i. the tnenl grouiid nl,».>>>! iu> line m tl mr,wliit h nlinoat ipoil. it fof bread. Th-n _Hfl i. th- arti.-!*ki.iwn ut th. laatt BBd Wflet, afctaa '.: h CAtennivelyaaad, aadm tto aaam of keaatoy. Boi -¦ oal i*rup,aadhaaalal abaal t- 99 .. baaBel,aad um lia.he! i*wiiiii more ttom tom keakoh of poiatoe*. li k a

palitaklB, wholcaoine. eeon;.i-i'al food. Baa a n»'>re

gea, rally oc-cptnl'lc article i.t eall, d hotniny bam; at

Ihe M' The Iib htodhal aam,tha trrain. l.rtncmly whole. tka latter hhahod I OfB, I ra-kel BBogrBBMal'oiit the p:/..- af bfad-eaed bbB bt eaarm |aaaamaar, Ita D f- r thrif and tl.r,. Bl I BBB OOUB a pmsrri. B'-th:;. ookod Ly aookiag ai'. ilow holTlng for boare, in etomwiitcr, oml wh'-.n eataa a a .ub.titutt fof fl¦_,. .,. a, withaaaat, am»' aaaa, d 41 _h 't u a rery Rtth batter. Bothai" i.ry BOad "iil. mcat gravy, ea Wfth tmgtl nr i.n>-

l.i- ~. .«. Hy the *.ye, BUfBr and ni'ila-axse* are r

ni ti- lcr of foad iu BoW'Tofk, and flhBdfOfl atonld he al-iiuv, ii 11 fri e u»r> nf tbom apea tbe am of oeoaemy.

Ain.thcr artirl" i. Ihe kBfl rhiod aw,-. t oora, whieh,Ibongh naxweexpe-BrBthaa eilhmeftke two pre.artic'fr, i. nererthelrs. oooaomlcal than meit, pa*tntia., nflktoajo oad oO aorbi of jn. a (raah aow .n taarket,ai ii it ia aeeoptablo lo abaoB erery palat. Ibal app e i-t< --

((-.ii when inthe i-ocating (ar.

A BOthm eheaa a hooaooam food i* wheat grit*. At pre*-aat, awtol ta the adraaeeia grato,thh peeparatina Uamek bifkm flma eoaaooa, bm ebeapoi than ilour, Lealiliy.

Ail tlicce prcparation" of e< aaoadoal foad, are innle byUm X'l'i-th Aamrieaa Phalaax, aml wa belhra alaa byHeeker, 1017 lnrf.»!y, n: 1 of ooarm aold to tonmbedy fki Ihaowa bow to Bea in ihh City.Dry bcna and ] ena are ,iWo articio that->h., iM enter

meefa more iuto Ibo eoaaaaaptifla of nll wka atady 000a-

on,y in food. Wobaaarra a awlhara wartk of ohfcmwculd go further than .ix dollai. WOfth ..." I'ne.'i, or

ten (l<ill«r» werth af potatflflo.lviee i* another OOOBOmlOfll article of food, anl when

mtood witb suciir. partieularly .... Tea had better bad a

BBBgry boggaf upon rioo aaddiag tbaa tka tkoopoB froai,in. at lhat y.ti ean bay.

ttjaje, orea nt tl.e i.*u.i bigh prlooo, are ekoaam thnnbateher*a meat, aml m. with rtae, ( jem add lagar ta tlnm,

y.'U will be nblc to feed a ln.ngry fami'.y lar umre eco-

n.mi. olly than y»u are dofabg nr pa »<iit.Wo mtoxtl ooattom onr i'..t B Beoaooaioo] artidmflf

tt d. but we have n<> fuith in working a rel'..riu beoausoniLiikind have pot .0 wedded to that old round of bread,Bieat, i>Ktntor*, tlny do not appiar to know. auli! inh i.iore do Biiythiin,' el.e. ftt, thfv Aa BM thin,:more; tke] ;.uiiii'.ic B Iko Ufh prlem Of their foa-Ofhflfoad, nnd yet koop riclit aloag the same olaVkflOtoB trarkmad< ky folly. ar.l travele.l hy hor v.tariM.


i;r.M and i.ah:

To Ihe r.dit"r 0/ ThtS. Y. Trilnoie.Sin: Your article thia inoniiag with the above eaptiou

hna done ua good. Tow k.nd takakfl to the Temperaaremen in tln aaaarWardi ir raryoeymtaaa aad Briodyjaot,V,t tbeir rommmem i. ao aaoam fot the Aldoiama. Tkonia no Exeiae Coniini.sioiier in thi. City who ha. not beeuinvoked pul.l'uly aad piivatxly in tln- nainc af jua:ioe aud

htiinnnity, and l>y a .cn.o of private intere.t a. well na

public duty, to idfue no lieenaea for the aaie af int»\icating(Iriiika. In addition to tho printed tnemoriala and argu-iiKnt. prcscnted to all ar.d to ea< h one by the City Taa>p, r.-iiue AUi.mee, aml to tho Bahato dhamaatom and deci-.,\. .... daa l.nd la kofk Baarda af tha Caoaaaaa f_4maoQ,in ae. ordnnce 11 ith and in eOflaMBBBam af those BBBBBf.rinlf, nenrly all tba BeOfda of have BOM I'.-it.-d bytho ntrenti-of the, and '-the Ifltmolof Bemam'.eiitirely, or ll. ir rclurtion ta BM lowert praeticable.¦ BIfOd upon them till nueeeM croirnci the el-ti'it mtkopowmof mmal aaaaloafikOod. Tha Affiaacohai ahio roceaBj prepar, d. priated nn.l sent int.. th- mronui.!, r Warda another brief Appeel to th.- Bieho Coaamo-iioaem,with aaaaraeatleqaeB lhal tbefrieadsofTem.poaaaea woald ehaalato the uotBloa, aad lay it with theBaama ottaebed before tbo Aldonaaa

Ii' vou iv iil pabliah tln- aote, ll 141II remmd thoae eUciMClilllllllmlnaan thut thev are all WOtehfldi ai.l lt you hndicoiniileofot theappial. ora part ,.f it, thua ororj B-

peraaeomaa, for they all takoTBa Tbibobb, eaa catlt,,nt for eireulntion, aml in IkOOBO (lav'. labor yoa raggoB,name. ciiough mav be obtaincd in fo.f of Bo de,-ide the <>uen"ion riirbt. B any Aldennan la 111 .loiiht.If alro Ibo irforti of tbo City Alhaara ara aot .enousiydelayi d by tba aaat ofa fow kaaomah,m baffledbyi .urt.

and Jarim aetam aad docidiag omBearr toataadard raldecuiona,aereraJ oftbe Aldarmen will ba ladicted i"r

th, ir iil, L-nl 11. lion. i" ll - matt, C.BBd BOaflf two 11 i.iiiaaii'lIi< oa,. iriven in aoroa or ei^ht lowm \Tnrds. will ba J'-

ilar.d null nnd ici.l, beraam fhrea witboal aa- aathority,,f law. Thaa there mll bo work eaoaah foi all i.h,. wuh

|0 Ipead time or monev to *,*e the law eutoreed.ln ).e).*lf of Ihe Cnv Teiiiperance AlliaBfe..VeirYor*. June S. 11.44._( .1 WkMMMM, C88 Bta y.

Old Nf.ivs.-Wc cliptho followint; paragraph fromTfu Aaajoaal lnttlligmcir. It aeema to ua that that

paaaf minht have forborne, out of teuderueaa to the, the expoae that it o.ntaiua:Mefindin Th, Ntn*Yori Th ttt Moaday toBaoar-

K.ioi'l.nie betwoeathoBrithhOt-orammdoadmaawa,,. ,, iin the Ki-h.-n Qaeatioa. wUeh wr... emamaaaiatBl|o the iSn.ite eoiiti.lentiallv .ixtecn BBOathO ap-o. an'l wm ataiadbr Ia, Ztotoa, .a.aaw it the BrBtime made public. Witboal any etom tooaoetfoa ... oo

I.,,,!,,,!, COatodfrom Tkt Cmm.n^Ahrn'rKlynoMhof tbem bto oarWedaooday i aamber bat,on.",.ru-nl of tht in Ibe dayteOowtof, n wmdioi .i.r-liua!tl v 44. n- tho r-ame dutoaamti wh..-h oppaama la oar;.l,n,f.8 oa tho i.t of 1959. Th.y pemmaaaimt.r.rt taree-er, whiehmbjhtaaaka tbafa raprodaettoa, at

tbh parttoalm mimom.QjBaamiiptahli maaaajaahyalr.ailtra.


THE Kx-CIPnoCITY AM) ilr-IIIMi TBIATV.-TarTafiraal hiielhstncr of yaatordayeaatotoa the fol-

towiB| reapcctiBg the BBB Tr, My nekiotiated by Lord

Elgin:lt wa. inei.lentally BaMd in thi* paper a ive-k m tw..

BM tha. I.ord Eli-'in had cmc to \\ ««_«_« " ! ^m^Lea of iini.ty. «ml aaaaaa.tka^Bto9aamjmw tomjH__m w, hiiukc tha. ¦Bkakjhm r-,-n.en^rnibfo-:.'.; ejtlbmoiw^^-to^of tkapSE -W^W*" r -. l.ii iet at the term. af a trealy on the

ffi v" .23to «>9mS .have heJn BBB*.

, V-,iii.T i-rTa by Ike re-pectiie partiee, whieh''- ra.^ed by the rc^tive Q^aammmB,

i=^«__|«SB§", , 1 ea a f t 'lemagogue. aml bmaa* ra of atrifon WM91, ..nflapipulMUifn.twh rVado flOl pro .4,

^iW^!&^ably «Bi_. ln £"2K' I, d we are quite eonteal to leare

_d ramtomimBay of tbe mpocti- aogaBJaama.

Ti.e Baa. Joaa - Lhra m, mmahm of Ceairraao

rmm Yir,;r.i« i.n aaad a BBaaato,aa Kam ayimt.wh,:, aagaBadia haatoom before the Ctaarl at Itoatoaa.

BBBJi r7a> ____-_-_.......--.-"T Cxr.TiL.rra x.m. M.nri. ot-.-A (har. daenhfl

f , .. f, it s,at,..l.ip Yamleiia. La i1 Oah ef Kaatoa', ., h_. be.npu)'lie!,'dl,y I'rinh P. U~y, 11 I I I, lll.11' liarT wlii.h ie ofthe Sreate.t itnportan, e to tl*11, ., "

,,...,;tv -iv,. o correot aonuiltt.- fn.mS_S^m_ie tbotmTwrto Yem ot tbe MtaeWp pi. Tbi*

iart b .a a Lum of aaaaatog eafoaamaj hamm Cmm hnd

_rSh»^-VUS¦;¦; i. \

.^'^TitaTMtTwtta^iSfmMhtoB .Lad dhaatoaaad Fratia t-y to. jalta.1_lman.lVr.hi.wa that tho aurrlv-y. of the wMef W9

.r. i.Vv. t d, nd ia liberality and po'.r,,,,,.,,,. (. onuoenia-1

vljici* tbroughout the Uolon plef.e copy

(*rr*lo*iYTRi OF WI9T *MT

IhefeiBWiRI 0flflRRB*l fl-t* c-tri-ioi inliu-

¦BaBRwe ¦BfllBB-eeR af t_e pna- tjlofl flad poaB boour limBta'.iat* preaj.ilera. Taey are-ait'd farta.Jngar-liO.rd* flhag ibe bu'l.way* oi'haman pr<.r«ar>i'>n.

I a |' iu kjaarfcawao©-. t.-.'-r ot V.i/n.ia. Ctiuu-il. and u RRBflOBf t>< H>-_ . t\w! -. ti.l Iid in onr f 1;_n¦' ' .:

In l-'.O-ai ooe buu-'red oal fifiy youiu wiraen of"agrejablc moaoeri' were aent froin En^Uml toV'u-cinia. aad eold to tbe piontet* for wire*. IB) lo 1 Bi poun.iaoftobaeee, eeah Tliii traBc in wiroa coaHaoed aaajryeara. ar.l in 161'.' two yoang w.micB were BBBOBOBORtheir fi_r*ai;e out, tad were iromediately icnt bi.-k, aa.. uniaoriby t.. BtepagaB the BBMref 1 i.vinian*." it Imi ivrM> an-l valuable w. M«" w.imea in

-I oati en any vToima who .hrniM en-

OOangi more 'laa one oi.tor at tim-\ Thia aai lo ob-viato t!;e incoi.Tenitnce r.-.ultins from thc --ardorand

fr, .,t.. D.y ol'a-nor.,u. ci.-a.jKflitH,.-. .

.Ilr e.irly cHvalrie euialien tt kht OH l)-> m«.u hi.r.iiy up to tLe apirit ofthe presen: af?e. a. IfpflflBBfrt.ui tl.c f-illowim; l-.t.-r, f Sir WUliam Berkehy, dci rip-tiie af tbe \ '

ny, yr.r. after the nwtorati.-n ofCharhfl II.:

I tbi-tik (¦".! tbcrc are no fret ach ».,!, .ar pi.n:iu-»; andI . ©e ahaB aot haaa tbea tl: r .-. kaadrrd yean; f..r

rbt hen iy an.l dbobadieaoe v

w.-rld. and ptintii,-.' ba. dhalgad tb.-ip .nl libab.;.!.. be.t (ioT.nnn.-ut. GodAt-vp uaf.-ori

lo lf. i -:. B tniijority .-;' thc peopao "I Yirviuia be-totht BatahBahod Chareh, aad tbe areeehiag af

!>;-». nii;* ©M|flah_hh d.QaahadB aaaa boahhei) an.l iftlu v r, fcaaad aaa poB hohh uith death by ft-tute.

Adultery and fornc ati.-n aflflB pBflhhod by a rine af BBB

tin u .l'i doilaBB fwrfha IrB offeaae, aad SOOpeaadi:,.]. Woe ;i arieta 1 of daa r tm

kt baabaad did n"t TtAtt nith-iu hy n BBBBBy,.,-, t. Attbb porieithen aaa aat beokooBor- kht* mTliaiiaa ead erea at tl.<- kegfaaaag af taa xvniti, n-

tui v il.erc -*r_* i."t aaa ia \ Bgfaaa, Harylaad >-r Gareaaaioaly MMh X.iT-Y-nk, ahfla Bootaa had Iea prlntiug( fi (t* i.l T.nuy b'x.>k-.h.-pi.

I, ParitoM leaded B Eew-Pljuioath tfeveatber o,111 Hflji lulaaiiltnl to artthi oa Iha Hedooa Birer.

Tbcir Datch Captain. itig laid. WM br.bcd to land tb.-minrt!,. r t" tb- a. iih. MMBottoit-ta Dateh-i.t'ii-ini ob Ih Hadeoa, whiehbadb©ea BoMfahedeoMe...... ;-.a, ... Thaa Plyaaoath Beeh eadgraaB werea -. i |!. «i:-t. ,- l-.l, _.,.¦!. Bta," wim had beea,,. ... ;,,. gi _ii,n.i ud ledto BoBaadj an.i ©bilalbat©parchaaed ibe I.t ef the WyMeath C-mpany B -1-oniic a pottioB tf their An.¦.ri.-an pMMflfltoafl.

Bobert Browa waa an EagM ehtgyaaaa, aaeh agc, n-ur-'l by t!>c Eatah-ahed Chareh ia ¦'-¦'>. raBad igaiaBtheBbbofaaadtl ordisB ¦ of atialotert. Beaaoper>n atod bi a ilaBgniiiM haatfa nn r-pc.'..<. Hy iaapriaoaed.Boroaaaad abeat. labiagty proeUfaalafl thel hc imd baaa

roted h tHrty-iweelaaBaBtprheaB. BbpiooBylMBatataBy iaewaaid, aml ha aadgrBed witb hb faOowaHlarnlead HfltehhChareh wm aoo© dbeolred, aad be re»tBTBed t., Ki.itland.«-. tbe K*;*h"-I Cli.irch. be-

'eaaa ilbauhle. aml laal] aya h iadelea. - bb 1

f. IW lo'low. r* «i Ihb mbm Reherl Bibwiwere at fir-t eaBed Browabta, aad the© ladopeadoata.IhOOfl wbo Hi .1 from i:n_-l .n 1 ta II"'.! Btd flflBfl -heBBM-TMHr-.iw.;.-:-. And whea they were aboal leavitn; DflUllniei-to plnnt n ...b-iiy in the Bow World, thehg.1l'ntor Kiiiiiuf»,ii. ia hb Ihia woBflotewM. ©rged .b.-m --t-.

"BbflBd.-n. avoid and-hakc off the namc of Hrowni.t.;m© n.ere nick-name and a brand for BMhhgfl

.. nnd peofMflatflef beeaaa lolha Chrhtiaa world.In i....: ,i oa ,. Baaaary B haatoa t-, I...I.I MMthgfl B

coniidcr the rerinoii flf thfl yifllhM BBaday aml arijiie thed,.< triaol j-'in'a. POaaaiM were n.-t all. aad to participateln thr dbeaaehae, and Aaaa Datehiaafla, a *tr" wotnan. dctcriiiim-d tbat rbc wnil-l no h©gM beilcbiiired itoin ioininu' in the debnt. .. A. the Btaiptaiaet.;...!.. tbe ei.ici- aaaaai la Beeh tha yeaaaar," *haMUblbhed aeparatc female uaembliM. She waa calledthe Xontftich. and her feminioe gathering. wero ityled

aga a aaed before that time of re*pc,-tHl>'o im-

BOflt, I.M I'rom,,-,iliri/n.-.lto c.liteiiip. and woa (ordiaiiy flflflflflflaed by Jaaa Cettoa aaiOaieraarVni-.r. nn.l bccniiie tbe lea-kr ef 0 BOOt Ibfl wan ban-bhed fr. in KaaaaehaaaeB, an ut to Rheda lalaad, an.l wba

liiiiilly kill.d bv the Iiidian*. Her I'ollower. w.-rc guiltyof tbe L't.-rFCt vice* and immoralitici.

Fioiii IOM to H,4l tho C'-mmil and Frceinen of Ma.aa-ii....-::.- aaaaaahled legflOhflr, hraaiag tbe Geaaral Court.At: rwni.l tbcCi.Kinorati.l Ci.ui.cilar*cinblc.l apart frmnthe Ytr, 1,., ii. flaahhg taa liranche* at tbe I-eiidature.

Iti MmMiAmhIII Jc*ti;tf aml Koini.ab jui. Bl M'rc ban-bhed ni .1 aVe ka©a«fla4la© "f -hat earaad bbB '.(,uakerapfobibitod. On th© sabhath el paraaaa areee forhiddea

to run or v.-alk. "except i-eici.-tiily ft, nn.l froin cluir.-h.-.r le piofhae Iha daj bpoaaepiagthah heeaaa, eaeUagMaharhg. Hethacaaare eaaaaaadad aet ta ki.*a theircbildrrii on 'tbat racrtd (Ifiy. an-l a fino wa.* itnpoacdonaay aaa " oha rrlag any laeh day a* ChrhtaBM."Ia 1040, eaypenoa who hhaadaperaaa h the itrwt,

nn heaaB tah-te, wm lagged, and Ihb paahhaaaBwa. iiilfi- fod aa lutc ae tbe!i af tl"4 'flghtaaaB. tt***-

ry. Xo man waaallowcl le keep atttv, rn, BBlflM ha 8TM

of poo.1 ihaiaikw and eeflapetaal .*tate. Iu io3_ ftetawtrcbnttwo li, etae.l bflfl in Baatea. Whea artran_' aa Iaa, aa oBBBr»wcl aml ifhe eaBed hrBMiagtagdMadMaaaew-heaghtha eeald b< ir, it wan

fUlhidlllB, nnd a le*. .[uantity adn.iniitcrcd. All personswm r.-.jaircd to drein RBOorHRg Ifl their fortune. or be

tinedby IhoOnBd Jury. WflOBBBwarafafld for ca'.tin_rl.fir bair like a man, orbavitiL' itbttii.' Boaoly over theface. Idli-neaa. lying. awearin? aud dninkemie*ri. were

p«rfabed by Bblpphg, tha etocki, he. leaag aaaaaa

«a--e t***Mt*i t '/I'ih- n.ti. hanther-leetmen ptOOBribod,orhe-baed. Aaypetaoa "eoertiega mai.l without her* eaaaaai, aaa aaed aad baaaheaed. A veryf, a paaoaa kad Ihe title ef Mr., aad haarlhafl of RtwuinuThc eaual appellationi were " Goo<lman " and 'Gool-

v .,-. Aflfloeiatiflafl aaw Bflraaed aml Maetieaod bylaw. to iiippreia drinking h. altha. wearinu hag bair and.- ©iga. Itii now lllBBdld by way of illu-fmii-'n. I

ni j..-.-. tbat brcwint? was probibitcl .-n Satur.biy. bc-

ctvte tht btcr iiould BOrh BB Sumlay.i i.. lir.t Ihiea ibildren baptbed in BlBlB, were Joy.

Kic,iii|cnce aud Pity. and tbe followin,' beptiflBBal namc-a

tuBfl mj iBBBBiiiB TaBh. Ifrp Ch-aBy, i».-:iv.renc.'.

Depaadtaea, Piaeemd, Ceahat, PradBBiw, Poshaoo,lbai;kt'i:l. HaBB vib H'-blfait and the l.kcIn liil-.'. BMM Puritan pr.-a.-hen. visited Vire uia and

were .rflcr. d to kave, f.rtbwith. by a preehakMMB off;,,v. Barheloy.

I,. ' th. colonieiof N'.-rr-Plytn.'-ith. Maik*a-ha*ettg.Ccnnecticut, and Xew-Haven IBfllflll iato a League,.f xpaipetafll coufideuce, offenaire aad dcfeuaive.

und. r tbe titie of '¦ Thc luited ClIlBlB flf Ncw-Lukflaud.In 1044, a mint wa* eMBOfld f"r coinini? sUver _flOaop, in

l!, i'r.i i:. nl auth-rity. Maryland ia Uie only,,ih' r Coleay that ever aahaad aeaap.

Iu Ul. tbe BflptlflB tint aaaaa tbcir aopearance in

HaaaibMalto hd hy -tflalah ll<>lr.i<*- laay were

eharged ahh -r. m baBeeaBthB.aajadgad a aabaaea,BadbeabbodtiM Piarhe©. ThB l'reaidcnt af Harrar^

C.ll. '¦, iB.b.-M fld the mw teneta, and waa durm-aed.

It wa* about the fflflR '.tli that the Quakera firat ap-," Baad h Amcrica.' QoaBBjO F.-xwa. the fouader flf the

Klt in Lngland, and the tint a^tiakcr* were flOBjBBB pflaflfl-h M.. laaM wet,t to Home, -ther. to C-xatautinople. aud

a patty uie to Amcrica. They are deecribc. aa . nouyratiteri -women aa well aa mco praM-hiag whea the

-pirit moved.tome daturbed reliirioa* tneetio.i.aro

.aid t-. have walk"d the itretU naked. ani kl huve beea

., ,, dal, o- ;.- iu in -rai au-! faualit-ol. l^t-y were tn

¦.bkiT heahhed, Ac. aad. Ln lti^. the pt-aalty of detAb

wa. ataataaetd, h MiinkiiilB bb all Quak.r* rc-

tumiupir-m baa->l.UM0t: an-l many wer. eieeuted -i-

hibitiBR the courase aud oaaL Mury l»yer waa

lUtl. heeaaBBMaaref Aan..-ilutchir.-vn.The law af tonrccticat was No Bad M hdglBg

.hall be aflkrdad to a yuaker. Adamite. or a_M t h 4

In it:--. tbe Un of CouiK-eticut ti.. n iu ma-.u-.-ript,iwere i.dfi.d and printtd. and erery bcad ot a faniyprert Lttd a ith a copy aad ordered to read it w *ekly to hia

lamilv. . . _jlu'l-- :!.- QflBOBfld CBBt of M-_BRBBBBtB daahflRRil,atthcN'aai,'ati.,n Aflt* invaded their r'^hta, Lbertie^Wdaatf Wtiil, a.-th.-w r...inM ia Pariuv

oneut."In 16-rt, a briirht mcteor. in tho IhOB flffl BBaar, the

HtthflJ ttm, wa* at-B f-'i aeveral amc.a«Ta

RM - in Xew.t.nffbu.d. It made i icriow aud Utt) \*Vmmmtk on the min 1. of tho pco'.-*. -d w» l*"cJ a-*mg. the 00OR0BBI of a (fenera: refC'rtti in uiaBUin aw-l ren-

val in r/l.giou. Tl« lleneral Court pabiiahed a lat of

rr,Vr-,c..c«.amoiK: whit-U wcre-tho pride m nimB<

-, .1 ******* th.- hair-e-caM of finery-itnaiodeet ol iirriagc al fhun h-high pricea of flhop fleep- .rir.4, id't-nea*. and tA»ern-loun<iag.x'l th"

Oraitii .1 ui:..a wctr di eote 1 to indk'l ."nd pual-h * ich r.'O).A.d otic Uolrcrt Keayi.c, a weallhy and " p'wi* me.-. <hart,' wAj.Gnc't i'ioo. and adoeoaiahad for tht' ''i-irrrapti-ractice" of aelliog (h-nrer than ron*t tradM*.ln 16F7, marriagM were rcqnired to bc 99BBBB9B, ¦! 1>

fore intaii>t«rv of th? Cb-rih of Kn,-land. there bt-tnu at

that tiurf only ori.T in MaaMrbaaetta. Faata and th u,k»-

toraBJB Bam .upr.rtwo!, jublic meetiiig* iti.Ar.i'red,aad paMpoia were required ia order to le 14I the pror-ip.f. Io 1 »>."«. an iinnriretion t?*ok place a* lki*r*.yn; j\ii-

iln-t ar.d fifrf other. were iinpriacned; and Hrad.«troet.*x yeir* ol*. wa* mude (...vernor.

In -*!'.. the (h tple of X.w-llampahire cuttkrtait'%1 theBtotoa ef .baiido.vlnir the et Uieir aituatio balbx.iurv 'irkromo aad dan.:iroa«." At thi. peri'id the,,.,- hi ' i'ui. -Orraito (\4V>uy were deeerihel ru» " a

"aaaaarj BTeaaaBaaBaaBBJ pnaiuciag meu of tii-miieM a-tdva'.ir. wi.-. an traveaae inouiirtiinand '!t*erl.», l"u..)unt.»r

hardahipa. and fare sAenemy, .itliout torror."In 169:i. t.w belief ir. wit. herrfl waa 1.* anireraal aa

aa. the bx-lief m Chriativwity. ncA every eayatoad aaaal..*(! pcnnl rodt'Sajainat ,t S'.r Ma.Se>' Hi.' r|l'il:«.|«Bflaokmof ama'aad fcameam ,'.i, for wit hrrnft. n fewraankoforalhh amtoa. Ihe aaaifBlaaof tho *

af JTaibfi*. iu E'nabeth . ry,;!!. wa* coninie'iiorite 1 byan jar.uii! -ern-i n xt Hiinti-.- *¦ B BBgl . kkttt tlieBaidJBtoBtofltojtoaaatl Caaaaryi aai hto lootthkm

mt ropeal ofthe p4"ral lawa 1.

witchTAft a* AiiatiortAl .in. in 174J, BBd nprinted the:r

protcr. a. !pt< a. IT9B The la.t execntior.t of witehe. io

l.r._lanrf were ia 171ii and lltB.ln 16. 7, thm-witchef were hai.e-cd in Il.i.tfonl. OflBBk

Bm t". w ic.taneea, however, (veur in America Bl 1999,when a weman waa ixecutcl in BflflflBB, and Kichard BBB*Im wtato oa aaeaaat Ihoioaf, aadarlag that any one ro-

tu: iaa to beb 4 ¦ in 44 it, baaafl am an obdar.itc BaddaaaaIa 1999, tl.' opflepoy paarafhMitoMhflaaoatoootto,, out '.n Snlem, an.l a. the phyaietam e.vuld ueither ex-

plato meam tha aaaaaa, it wa. aaaribod t.< afhahaaa9\1 a tat n. baj "' it "pread throtich Xew-Knirlanl,

r nionth. scenc* of blood, terror and n.adnea. pre-vailed. Tobbb waama aaaa tka thm aad maB BaaaaramI ii tiu.. 144. nty-x-iirht paraam aam aapBalty eaarletod,,,i abma 11 1.11-> 11 had btoa lm.i.' aml oaopnam Itoaaaakf.r raahehaj t" plead. One hundr. .! and riiiy poiaom were

in pri.-on on OBafBeo, and two baadred othor. pnwntedt'.ir imintinent. At thh period ot' the .Iciu.ioii. the wife of('.,1. I'hipa, the neareat relativ.-i of Dr. Varher, aad a, af llo*ton wero ac u.ed of The BB*. Ufer. were nrrcittol lor .iifninnti.>n. nt the .uit ofthe II,.*-tt ii alttooa, aud one thou.und poaaria atofaaod m daaa-aaaa. Tho bbbB waa broken, and at the next Amlprir.iK rr> were tried; only three were BBBTlob t and B8M0

were iniu.cdiat. ly paBBJBned by tlie Qo.erBOf.ln Jur.e, 1793, an aaaenibly ol" Dirtom mlflOB Iv Ifletotfld

¦. That the aptaritior.a flf poptoti* atflietinf otlftra, wn. no

preef of bflhaf witehee; and .¦ mnettnl evidenco.«. uot ragaidad aa matohad t.mriet, byjmtoa Hu? a

|nr>r, |.,rt,,iii of the (veople *till lielnvml that the " recent¦. wnr eaaafld, in faet. by witcherat't,' BBd aml Dr.Math. r wr»te n tn Bthfl in ."pport af tln* BBam oiiiuii.n.Sir Willii.m l'hi| «, Inwcvt r oratoed all pOfOom t» be re-

leaa ,1. aho aaw la oBBhaij ,'.. akargm of altekOraft, andpardoaedall aba bad parttoipalod, mm laaaraoraitaoaaaa,n ;l. latoptaMfwadoaa. lha BoamtoAmooablyappototadB_iiB(ial foB aml aolemn .uppliention .. that l ld vvotildaardoa «ll ika aeram af bh aarvaah aml people in a 1 ito

tfaaadj raired BBBOeUJ m by Sittnn aml bh ti.atru.iii-nr ,.''

Ihm !'!"'¦ Ih* 44,!, t.craf' 'Iclu-i.'ii.ln ii -.. il,< t'r-t Kpi-n'opV Soeiety wa. fornied in MiiAaa-

ifcflatlta. aad lha liat Bpameaa) ch*|M.i am anatod inlaaa, Tha liB Qaafcm Koottog^hoaa waaiiuilt iu Hoa-toi, in iti-. htam aaa tint aarforaaaal la Baaaaa byallomm; (1 tlio'ic Priofltlfl ITetfj nnd the Churii, built fortho Ficinli PrateetaaBwIm Iod from Cotkoketxpotmua.aa, i4ii. t!.. r. ii.iCluiri h lhat !-,'(( 14 ed ihe Riiiii'in Cnth-

aBmwho f. .1 t' th. Jamkha af Frnme.C.ttou Mtither, the a,,ni,f Iu, reane Mather, anroto Mi

m rk» af al mftk Akava hi. rtiuly-d.ior wius inacihed,Ba -li.1,1. Orakaaae. atohiaaariaa, aayathat, aaaardfaaj

:.. fjahuiy. th.- Mathere, ahaaagh Bhaaaj.MBd and

laaBj fiom. ama "Boomtama c.rrupted byaaaaaratoof paflflbmata raahy and aatoardily.'ln 1999, C,.tr..n MallnT.aid that tka Rhodablaad ('"lony

¦ta* a .. aeBartoi (a ainki of Aaatooaaaaa, laaaahaB, aaa*

..bapt'eta, A.iti-Sahbitarian., Armenittna, SiK-i-ian., Qua-" ken>, Bawaara, nn.l aimjlblag bad Baama Cochalm and¦true (hiirtihiia.bonrt lerrn.midn gftt'.n g"od laudnml wieked 1 yx,\ le. Tlie town af PtBrldam 9 Ba inhab-ited bv the BBBhmBaBB tvho followed BBBMB Williama andAnne iluteliiii.on in cxile, and in 165.1 th. ro naa BBBBBI a

trate am adahlmia ntolewa. All civil andecclcaloatfca] foiUlIoBOrlm who rcfuaed to servc f«.r mithingvxitl,,'.:t pa] ama eoB. d hhaBaaa.|fi rjrlaad wm tl <¦ tii.r ,,f lha Aaaarleaa Statee ln whieh

,-. lip-iotir. taleratiofl am mtflldhlaal ky Iaa Laad BaBfcaaaapin,hlmtid r.liu'iou. tolerottoa ohoald h». tho foada*n.entnl pttooiplo ot" the Colonial Ofloial union; nnd tho Aa-

t,,l,lv in l'",::', Bkfletty BflOaBB Catholica, da lared and or-

dained that m. pamflB piaf --in.' la boharraiu Jeeaa Ctoadatoahl 1" aioltatad oaaaeoaal ,.f hi* faiih, ardaaiedetotnttstttkt ofhbaaod, ofwofahlp. AlthtoaaamthaothoHiritii. aan ttm 1:" rattBytaaharTob lamltoaBaaBtokTow.Eaglaad, Ike EpleeepaBaae of Vhudato pamaoaBag thoParitam; 44 h',!. Cathelic Maryla.,,1 wn. aaoaaitaarj brthar. tttgt (4 of nll diiaomliifllaim of Carhdoae, Ika plam whereFrot. rtaiitH mmjkl a lafajfO frotn l'rote.tiint.. And attor*vv nn! t!.< .<. l,r.,t(.t.iikw.aVgflm aoti-ht the iihrot-ati'in of1!., Cotkode WOffbip and roliglom Blaralfoa k Mnrylnnd,¦ad uBtntod it l.y h jral Baaotaaaat in leoi'

Ib 1999, Mamni;.! paaaad the iir.t law in the ProvinecsI'T the nntiirnliiratiiin of

It wa. a BtflBBtB of Kli/ the Vetak inflii tin,'baniah-e nt ea amamrom rogaao, ItwmJaama hto Fir.t wlmintro. ui a (I the practice of haaapaattag aaam la Vir-inia.( l,i. 1 iluatice Pophaiu bfltog "0 Auieri-nn proprietor, *ug-Hiilid It, aad daabnaod Wrrr \*t*f.' aa the boB place.Ai'tertla BflBwifllwa. many Quakera were tranaported to

An.trii a. a. Moaa. Mai-yland protc.ted aifnin.t it, butoalv ntjl.ort tiuieprior to tiie Am. rican Kevolution, 3*10

folam were annually importe.l into that State.M.ak peri ei,ly BBBBBBB Aneri.. a onee. in hia worka

,n tht T< inpt-t. where Ariel. elebrate* the .tonny .y.aAt 4iftle.t.n texed Iriniiuda.. And Milton tom not men-

ti-n Ameri. a at a!l. but BB eA-uolly allude. t.. the Iudiaji..r.g retn by ('.,liiiiibu., in Poradi... Laat, Ho.,k IX.

.luan de Lb n. tii- Bpaahh Qororamaf eHntKiro. a ciiipanion of, firat diaeorcred that re-

atoa to eaaatry, a part to wktok h now colled naeto.II. arrived on the coant iu April 1 BB, when the (yt'ntryam in the tnm blor.m af »pring-the trw. were flflaaaadwith htoaaaam and the grounl with Howera. Fn a thevcrnol beauty that a-lorned the HBrfoeO, and beeajae bo

BiadtbB had OB bto .S.Uiday before Eaeter -whi-.hIho Sjaniard* callcd Putcua de floret-he ga.e it th.

Blerida. Juan Poneo waa in qneat of the land,rr * ort( il bf tln nativer of the Corril>ee I.landt ".0 contajn111 r-< k or founUin en.lowed with th<- miroial. nr power ofrt-etorinir tl.e I'liN.m ar.d vigor of youth to t+'e and de-

irepirniie. H. .hill?.l hia Ogod BBBBB by BBJmaJ ia eve'yatroam aad baatflBi toaaaUatoaV waa w by _n

li;.:ian . arrow. and died in Cnba.T,, meeMttmwt immigratioa to Aaieric a Hir WiM a

ScoiT trn!'. tl.e :'ill..wiii-HIX11 .it* tflLEI

I thoaght how «d .oold be tbe . -_«Oo SoPiurLaonair. iwaoiry .n, 1;1JKrt.t .. it'i waud rncomtarrd t, /%_,Ai 1 wild Oataru,'. fjXiiiLdlra ^,14 . 1 beart an-k etllee ia tM , ralaHtxt.'.td (air fcexlaad'* bilU I jeaia.

Thk V: rOBl u« I*"!1 '^'i.rKfA.. T+e PVBaaietpHtB./Urir r.i'.r- t" tbe rtault of thelat- atoetifd tlin*-

TbehUyi atamMplodBadrntt maB rayhfamforaBII ..a .,. ii ¦¦ 4 .- '< -"... t*>lha

1-1will 1... t.',,. 1,. t ti.. MfoofepiMBoamiMa*ye. VveBOB|'tta n "V-.. :ha. tl a tt.'.ur-aj.aa of «t»- abepa luai 4xro oj _x.r - v. . ... Ou*. buaumm

_) betrrgi maThatm-. \etgn t! 0,11 ahapa d da ..ntrrad.; tuat ara

t ., :.¦ .. -. ii. :" a.'

gtr!.-rvrvt,.,.! irwill wa«-. V'-ii.v..:.¦!. "i ":- ^.Tv

ma, rr;-rtr tl l-«_JM,.f.. ft,... r.. m ti.. -i.irfj..'.i.g .irui'Ut.i* _n,r;-T>\_,*r>t.rv --1. 'a- by rv»'*,» ."._*'? m ^ f.^'^",alO,.

i \*U> r.t<y Ti1 ll" 9 I.


We have, rccei red on a.r.iaiit ofthe BimaooflfBBja pf a.pabrio xv reting, without dialiuction of |>arly, heldat ( u. ,u

(Irox e !<!,,,,., Htcblaad County, Ohio. 0,1 the l*t of J'.ua.Tbe rnrtting adopted a Mrie* of reeolutioua of thoaiTong-f*t ( barmter aKainBt tha Xebra-ka intamy. Tbe follow-_H il the laat of tbe .erie.

6. Thal we wiU nerer coaM to ik«itate and ..pivoec taidNebraaka-KanaM ael by votin« for .ta ret»eaJ ao long a. it

impair* tl.e fon-e an.1 practical i>jveration of '.hn t)t,h aactivaof the t'empn>mJB4e att of Mm«:U *¦, llfh

AR AMFRICAS ll'OMAX W r/Rfs. .No. XIV.¦-? .

Bn-a. Oar Owa r>t*t*f<t*ii ttt.

1 _Bit, Thun-ajr. M«y 11, IdbAThoae Ibn. iu.te-1 wbo spinout and *l;p the thraad flf

hent.'n licatinT play atranre eatka witli our willfl.Kacb heart baal. a rwpooae to Paal'i, " that what we

lf | t»- Uaat" I *'it'-l Ia bbb 1 yaa ta-d©p-t HaaajB, BBoat, b«bmJ and u,fui-t>oi.-bi>M for

I hahba pbBBfl lat Ibe ladiett. bit* of ntrwt aad|..i':'inr for tbe, aai n-Hnclionx for». I _t Fate i» g hirbByer, who BBfB oar ***. ke-t, rtier* in tke icry bud orpromi* ani al thi. moaMflR.ho i. flappiitg her wing. a triuaiph oi.-r m4, while 1rtfled IflOflORM. f'"1 n,>' -b-a«rahoVI god* Ifl eoattere© me. (!nrnville, I »-.*ld panl»u her for, batwl an rl 1 grapplcfl at tny beat-itHB)^. md h >l i. aie laan ..thanted eircle of inctioitar. lav.*, who n.w do lovato L'tad my ftelinga. I .-aonot ia-,1 at.ill f. r,:ive her.Xo. in bonr tffk, I walk.-d in a -now tmt* ot the gar-

den, in tbe sliade flif a high BahaaBB-Rl an-f overhangingbaflflkflBfloR_bl f»r you th.nifjh'i, BBflgai flflWOhflflflO aadityliiih, t;II my I < 'd wa- loaded dow i Vuki- hii abo carriMfrurt. I I. lakcd mto the deoerted c _K rrat.vy, aad cl.ppad,i l» ooghl w two fn.m tlie v,nc eliinbin.-ot ¦« eocaata, aad

ad k. w vt tbo vall.-y caar4 to grow »a Bbthatehed reed

Ihea I haaat-katatefa, pet-pet, alaag ¦appooh boaid©n-.e aal baaaajaOtad, l .tartci. Deaa ttit bbbMBBB Ib-

il 11. ;4rt*lar>.e. l.aii.l.omc, and i.ytifA'i periotb,tigur.. a. <i ..iri'o*.and like the uiilkmaid. I aigled,

, .-¦-!. a 4.-.r MM©© eoutda l'411.. ti'iihadow ia, before me. I fancit-dthe loy lifldcaoM

t. I i', -ml-.. .*!.. Half an h->ur ago, be \nA ed wBb--c. into mine. crampled my IVoek.oi roBed mp;. r in bl-, rt* be Ved me through thc x.-rdeii. be-

ai.l. rbe vnll* aml rnir-ed .:p tbe head* of Ir* mtrr* ie*aud (alleil them the prettieal of all Ibe Ho -ara, aad

pi. ke«l ¦ tti'te and pnt it himielf in my button-ltde, andlurtK.i iate BraggBMi lau_!>*, diuiplea, dia.uoii.l* pearia.naahadfl and da n di ipr TrhBr 1 hald bim iu myi'imaJkirr-.l bim be hhBfld me baek anaiu; th»n I e tuta-11. .1 dowa my hair and iflid " nn revoir,'' aad hurled ©

Rba BB a b.i* lagM-Alpo, and ran away M m.4ot Mari" Kin-b. i, '.ti th c Bri Tbit annie llenri had eome bonal'iagbaeh npniu ilifo tbe i:ariIon. Ileheld theeti.l. of hii *hit©

apraa ln one hand and with thc other rattle.l the tliut H©nMho had dag aal from tho honlera of tlie riowerbede. Hiflbioad-iiii fi cl Vavcr tolleivd en h,* hcud and ita blaekplttiiie Bodded orer thc wrong ihonlder. The bMt of hia

Bifblaad tunic .ras nr-kew. One .tocking -tret.-hed waiBB un.l.-r it. ftart.-r abovc the knec, ahBfl thfl oiher, in tb©-1. il-ii of iot. rutfled pantalctte. .t.M.|H'.l dowu to earefl©

hb lair i« auki".II. nn itood tranilixc.l an.l dofoui-cIeM, like Cupid bereft

of ahga an.l arro-.v Il be ha.l ouiy anap|N-d !in> witbbi. tlintn, 1 Bdffld ha>«- writlen you all I hop.-d. Hul, GlV. i 08, (ti| il. INyc'it., ai: 1 all pa who know what love is,i, :i un- ©bm wm .n b i yaa laahaaBa "i I w«i, I thoug'uthe wm I'o.jUcttiiijr wiih me nn.l would. in a mouieut call

nynmie. and Inn own." Mon I'etit Ami ".die.l on mp1 p. uk I .aw Marie Kinb. re by bii lide. Marie had itolea4 i.| i.l'l h©a for a mo m\ crii.iip'.o.l up bia wimr* for ct.rla,tuk. u l.i. arrow-heud* I_r eyea, and faati-ne.l oa ta .

hiup.-i laaBBi liiiee anJ |-ache., for a Ibtle ({irl'. head.Mui. i*four year* old, and llenri five. lleuri wore .

nli;!,- aaaaa,aad Hflflifla black one, nud thia made the,!m Iti thut crcptarouud iUhemlook r.lltbefrcher; withI.. r tb.: haay BagflB hfl pulled thc littlo chaiu about herBOth at:.l head it too rhort B bfl it« gold ctom comr intober n.oiith but ibe *ho.vad her youn,- tc.-th, and lau^hedvificn ibe would not, a..d curl.-d up her cye-laahea withfcarlnlly ¦BBBBBBJ w it.-burie*. llenri.Momieur llenri.tbe BSRBRBflflflBO of liery fOOBBJ Friuco llal, who riuga thailiuner-btsl when no ouo MOfl him, who ihowera me wiibtbe yitsrt'.t u a ai.-r-p,'., u* au invitation U> run after bim, wbatiitts like bi* tlinta when tonchc-d too reagMy Honri itop-ped nflCBBg the itone* in his apron and 1<><>'_..-<l on Marie,aml .M. rielookedmercil-Mcbarini, and llenri ipokeaodkeehe tho .p< n.

4'. i.iu r !u m ln j/.-ix praurla, Mari*!4' Oa aflflt Vflfll!I'. nninoi n' in rmbr*Aa4^ffl pM. .loflr.conimr |. t'.n.brMM-

[Wht* MUgaayM yu have, Marie' llow protly theyftr,.._\Vby d. nt you kir. me, then, a. 1 kiM you l| AIm!our Baaahahaa lack tho 8aaBah_g aal, te, tu. You, ia a©

lar froin ib. in att lieitr froin darling.Il.nri a Bpfl w.ic primed- tl.e flffflOR f.-ll tho itooofl

rolli.l dowu--bi. ami* IflW out, but thc liltlc ohflOBROO ftewtoo, like a robin.Four yonr. old fivc year. old T.-n yoar* addod weakoa

vioii.lniiilly our pOflOflfflHaa to iay: " Comnte tu at Im" yetix /¦.©-_;".yot we all know iwraothiiig about falliug ia].vc.but wbo recollectt the earlieit date of thi. oft-rooar-

|. pa I, ,n one * life ' Surely loiiie »oul» aro u.hored iant ny dawur, aml fall ia lovo ou carth in fallinx from th©-kicr."

'I kk (j-i ",ie nf youthful naireli' rominded me of,........! chil.lbood, relatedofa good old lady, who, toax-

BfoM Iha aaaat, Baaeaal MfflBflflBa af l.or huii.and, wkoIay dcad b( loio her, liko ouc ilcopini;. laid; " ***** ptt'tvr*

i nn, ,1 ne tad pa* quil e»t motl.' (My poor daar, ha,!,,»* u l know that hfl i.'deoil.J

TloiiJ.i.., like gflflflfl, uro wuithed up at every moment bp;, .ii, i.t if .ui lin*. and wheu, like pebblri, wodropthem dowu tho well of feoling, if we B00 no Hn.h of bub-blc, we bcarret-pon-ire ripplc, whirh tell ita depth.

I haaa lai.i flflUb u now aoHha of Baoaoa. " Medicm d*¦¦ Ct**tf*t " I envy yaa BBl plea.ureyou havo iu itor©if you have ncver read it. Ktmark tho BBBR at tho duatb-hoflhOfla flf 'he of a widow, who BflBBBB hor loagtn tn . au.l puU them iu hi. old hand am a plcdge of tbcircoi.liiii.ed uniou and ******. aud li«Un to ihe old flflMOO.liiitoriti of N'apoltona campaigna. FcMaut will toUtin m to pca_ant'* cl.ild whilo the memory of I'hom***,, Bfl Hngcra in tiieir aupentitiona. Tho peaaanta in tomtt

ttk* pflaaiaaM believe that Xapoleon had hia faraUiar*tar, and, like Moie., talkcd witli Oeil and that in hi©

Kgyptiun . ampaign, tba rial angel of the Lord appcarodte bim ou Mount Sinaia and that ho bad lupcihaayut-.piritn hdgOd iu hia oamp or at ihe Tuileric, wlio gorebim coum-cl. Such a maa, they iay, could nover die; b©bn. dhaapaaaad from th.-ir »s'bt, but will aaaa apain; aod

they attcnl bia advKiit aa tho Jewi tbat of tho Meaaiab;und many reflfld f»r tiie pr«-ent Kmperor witli tko devoatlonviiti.n tbi;t it waa tiieir old hero rcturned fn>m tbe

rotky i.l', nht-rc, thoy aay, thc Eiigi'iah trio-_ to poieoahim.LaaaBBB haa lately gii ea ua hie " Lecturoi, poarToua."

It i» a aarmiiig u4X|Uflt, gathercd from hii variou* workfl,t'uli of thc lovUie-t floweg. and iweotont putumM. Wal.ak t- head Ltmartiae io Americfl. We leivo wept withhim, ind kiwad the wounda it coit hiint. loll hia aool'eliiit'.-ri-ht. tcto *ecrtd rcniiubeencea of childhood andMU.y, to inditm hia natal domaim. Wi _hud lerc 1 al th©Ci-ondiHt*. We aympatbim-d with Fr< u< h cnthuiiajni ia

at*mk l.mi at Bhehead of tlio Prov'_iiona- floveniinenl, andibroil,..- ia^lined to thc rougks we bt-iieved hia laagna-aiKjity ib the declaration that he wai. attracU-d tliare oalyw* a lixbtning-rud to avt-rt thtir Uiunder-bolu. from Fraoce.

'.Afr.poide bottea, how grea'. a matter a little dr©hiiidlelh Dmctimc. Who know. the re»ult of ao idlaword I Wbo knowa but a flattering pbra*^, toaiod play-fully ficmhuudto band, may flaally gather up momea-

tuui to kii< ck d.wn hhffl, and make the throne. of eooti-w i> to tr.n.Ve ' Wbo know. but the g.rm of 1818 aadth.- i r< -nt I'.mpirc hi.d U.t ir embryo in tbe vaoityofLami.rtii.cor Vi.tor liu_'..-and that their wiU to ther dtitinywni .ho otfcpring of Cbatcaubriaad ©odI.udk Ei.Iki Struihope? The former called Wtor Hugoaa "'enf.nit mblime." The laiter, in ber hcrmitage oo

Mount Li banon, looked at thc foot flf Lamai_iie aud iaw

ihat bii iwtep wa. ar.hed, and ihat water might Bow

uuder it, and calltd it th. foot of an Arab, aod h.nted tbat

it iboald fiud iti defltiny in pathfl to great event.. fcternt-

tv Miy kuow. if Umaxtine . bB I al foot Maahol tho

NBhflal ,.f the laat III ill 110. or if the ******* a-Uuoe

¦IfllBBd out ita hflfl-BB, ._..._ ._. ,|_ _,..

W. bav. new. of Bl aort*. traa e*A fohe. «boB th© .«,whirh I BBl aot *v* ny«lf to^ l© ordar fot yoar ib-

Btructloa- It - ailB .».«. >b* Brtf!»b ratiart M 1 BimI.bWain.irir. wi.k atl th. Am t****rie*tUa.

fl^M_Sakw© ih' Bal.Vi BirTgat.-DHut ilxiy do m.v - - ti'ue -at ^Y^ation u progreaaiog,

mt*4 lliai iu boinbarding, o»ly houaeaof go\<.-maieaUh wiBbt kanit dowa, while a* at Odewi*, ibe '-ouaefl flf privataia4widaa-iaaietayata__ding. Au Btvoia.

I. -¦

HaivT F.n.nri ifliit ir 4 Cvaaa..For a few daya! naa tl.e pi.lifl. of oar city ha.abean in puriuil of tke elatfc

!.f .nr four l-r*.- mercantile nrm, wbo, after heviag baa©t. .1 iii a .viteinatic leriea of embeiileineuU from Wa

BflBahfflR bv'falae entriea in the booki and by oUmtineana, «rd from thecitv, an<! b probably are thia oot oCtkfl Nflflfli ol iu.tice. Ttie amount taken ia aaid to be ba-tw.. ii 4i:..o*o aud 0.0,000. [BoatooTraTouer, otb.

A bad iterni bM occorred at Edgefleld, 8. C, oaaalafit ia rcported, conaiderablo iujory to the grow'mg oottoa.

i -l.-k elaud and Obio Citv hare beea anited. Tha kk*jneutioa wm offected oa Hoaday ovotuag.