library of congress€¦ · imanna.. 6 *¦. um« ... ..-».. y simeon draper,otflor nt» 4«...

i manna.. 6 *¦<»»< .>. um« ... ..-».. Y SIMEON DRAPER, Otflor Nt» Pin*-«.. MlMtf Wtlllta tontine *.«]-«.! sfc* M*r Beats' Y.t .tea,* KASHA »od FAID »V». tin, Specie! »«*H»M» other day* wksea requires*. Stock» eod HoeS* bought aal soli at Privat» Sal* alto at the Soar of *rok»r* To avoid acOtlusia qenta'lort an facilitate th '.*> who deatra to oiake boaa fi aale* Mr Draper srsB be present at tha H-'- rkoatvi xrhacg*. u I.', o r nek a. at *ooo <l«y au.i rsoGto for tola at aasslle sste'inri t C*r*i*oet.a >f Stock». Bond*, see aa abaR there presented for that parposs. addition to ait r»«i,lar', »n»«- :i.wo (let. Si r< Iai. SALB THIS DA», at IIS .<-; ..» ». tb* m cttata* Tt rHa|i r«* p*rtv>ii«#a .«* Cataloi«*,_ OX)"tk# STOCKHOLDERS, H fND'lOTJiRRS I aod CSF.D1*N»*S . ' - TOLEDO. W'AttaSH aad WK true IN lAlLBOAD COMPANY " HlUrrtu Tk» Toledo, Wae**lt a- A >A ?...,. R, *r\ Cotapaoy, Only organ*sed ua >r 'be i»i of th. strata*of OB** and losriana. By (be e^aaol'fttton 4 be Toiean and 111 BawS 1.11 road r ore pan i sad the Lake Erne Wsbaaa aad St Loots Raur od Cetnpeay bat b**ou,* »cnh*rr»»**9 sod uubla par tU debt* M tb-T motor*. And v*4r*e<M th> »r- liaat by aMtlgafOt oa the proper'* of toe eald Cnmpaor. trhtoa raste rartostfMd conflicting claims; And ssavreaa* It U the dealr* of all parti-» iilei.ated la Mid Cowpeny tu r.le»»e it fruos bo> Karataatwut aad UtUattoB bt the ieJ. ition fsnllng aad p*y b>«b< *f it» SelMa. »b4 lb* . irr»nd*r "I * poi U af tu Capital tHork: Aov, BAeae/ne*. we. too uadMtAfwd Houdholdert. Creditor, eui SSM khotdeu of tha (aid Com pea y a*v*r«: y h ml!ug the toter. .: <w. nk-< ope»*it* our f»»swotiv* i.a r.... for arj fat, eot»id»r*LwM. ot toe w n.i-'< aad l*4foiOtI .3* aerela c-atalaeA. o.*tat*»y tue'« by the a.derslgu-d to each *th-r aad to the eaM fiaspaiij dn b*r*h» promt** to nomply with, anl oe o>ir »>*p*«tiv* pa/ a perform the I ll/».n» stipulation» and afi>ea».aia: ..//tVat; We, the hplderaivf the Fi-at Boo 1a if to- Toled* and Inieota dim hi Company, or of to* Lat* Er" Uaaaib aad IK tVtile SaHroad <>.o.u»ny, um to fund no* year's ti,»> eo aaid eonda. repreeeo ed By tbe eon poo a die oo the irrt day of Aug i.t lt» an» t> b*eoan» due <ni lb* firat Ca» af Febfoary, IBf7; end »e. tbe b >tde.< of *be aViood ajortgage K .i d. of .aid Otropaniea ag'*» '<> fund one year »od X rooii'ha' Iniereat theraou. repreaootrd by the Conpin* d te oa the Srat aVoy of May. IkWT. and tbe firat da* of N'»etn6«r, III? aad thoa* to heoorue dae on 10» I at day of May, ItU; aud tak* tbertlor at par the ootra or Bond* of toe Company ptytbie la thro* Sour, firat, artt, and or-area tear a from the Brat dty o4 No*eo>b*e. IM1. oitbAB'tareat at toe fa'* of er»o P'l «il gaayabt* a**M attnaal y to* ,u» ti aw funded to be d*- aeatteo «n-b ata* ba'd bi a truatee at »*.uri:j for ?.:.* payment mi tkv* aaid note* or bvnd* ¦ latiati r Wt th* a* o r. of the loal Eatat* Bonti of aaid Caan Baal.« aar** to euirenoVr tr.rm. aud i*c ive io lieu the'eof fifty pat tea' of tbe anoint tb*r*of et.4 the unpa'd iut*r*at to tkv* l*t of D<x*tfi.b*r, In the Capital Stock of th« Ci<u r*»7 " T%md W* lb* b*id*r* of the lue at* B'iBda of (aid Bayj payMV I agree to »wri»uder tbrm aud r oetv» in lieu thereof l.-rty tear root of th* aiutuut littreof In the oap.ul St t.k of to* C.fapaay " r'rartA i We, the other ereditora of tha Company, agre* to .arrender mir teapaotie* claim, and recei** in u«u :her*of Preferred Stock of the Company, at par entitled l* a divlBend of eeveri per neat !¦»< annau. " Ej/IA Wr, the S .,rkholder, of the Company, agr** to e*rr*a*Ver and cancel seventy live p-r cent of to* a:u >unt of Starb tie.d py each o' ua I " Steal la be *t*nt n'the Intblüty to obtain t*>* general eonarat of the rredito'a cf tbe C ¦«!, »ny to thia agrnemeat, are tb* bolt era of the Oteond Mortgage Bonda Bgr.e. In oa*» of a itoariOaure of the m otgagra given 'o aecu re aild bonda, aal fl sol* of th* rood an ) the purohaa* thereof ou inch foreoio.ure, by Ba. Off on OBt beboif to «xteod to aaeb creditors of the Company as »hall aubaoribc I er to, the apidt ,f th a agreement la tbr rt-issur of near Secooa Mortgage R nds to the of the S'iond Mrrtgaga* B( nda a i'i- rhed b rrto, and the al atiiional coat of the road ob »uch aale and to tail' Btoot V. tie- subsonkers to tbla »gieemont in a. oordaoie with the proriai >nt hereof It being the intent of le parti*4 Bareto to carry oat tfte true rotitt of th » agree* ent t. all th- a .Wrib.ra boreto, upon Mm like positb I and terms aa if aK the predators sud ato'k- balder. SB pacr ihed hefeto.and cuuiumrotted tbla agreement sritb- out aucb foreciaauie and »al* " /rornIA Tbe fo edo, Vkakaah sod Wnf^m Ra;ir .ad Coo,pa*y b.rebv agre* to carry out tbe foregoing atipulationa on the port of tbe o r-. . *' /VerWed, That Una Asreemeot sbsil no» be binding opnn the partiea hereto unle.a the same can and tbail ba carried ont aa4 aerier'od. eltb» r by the general e SatBBM of psrtlea inter rsteo or by the aid of a Cou't of Law, should it b*cume neons- oar r la Itroka th* aid of auch Court Tbe«xp»aies acoessiry to be iocarred in rriug out thia svnai geBiiat to bo paid f cat tbe earnings of tb» R >tvd '. Toe feregattf, Atr-en.-r to be open fag aubseription by the parties iakrestea until he htt-.ntii on of .aauary nest." Partiea tatereateO ate inrited to ca'l at tbe otlion of the Com- pary. No fit William »t. oumsr of Pine-st .Nut , 1U7 Dividend..Th« Bf>»rd «f Directors of ths HUWaRD INSI'KANCE CIMPANi' hs»e d>*lared s Dividend cf 1U KLVK f f.K CtST upjn th- Capital awoak, paiabi- oc and after MONI»aV. ihr 7*h day ot De ember 1857 _HENRI A OAKLET, »»oreUry. OrriCB or thb .. .<;.-.. ». .. POLBDO) Baii.BoaO CostPasr, Not 4, Iüo7. 5 Toz matured COUPONS of the ß .nda of ste TOLEDO. NOR *'ALKand CLEVELAND RAILROAD COMPANY*, JVNCTION BAILR>AD i.OMPANT and the CLEVELAND ans* TOLEDO KAILROAD COMPANY will he paid at tbe RANK or NORTH AMERICA a Y mitU fur thet ontlee ia gfreti, Tbe salt* f nfiiu** No. 16 Wliiiam st are fortesM loo are of C. JENKINS at th* "ffio* J B WARING, President. Ths Nbw Tork Cbktbal Rsilboad Comi ssv i Tsta.vttK »Orrtci albasy N v. 17 isw j rjWE TRAN.SEEK-books ol'toi* Couipaiiy a\ill J. ba CLOSED at tbe dose uf bosi^eaa on SATURDAY, tb* ttth Say of Noroa ber inat preparatory to th* a..i. isi Eleetioa tor Dlreegots of th* C in pans spp >lnted t b he. J on tbe en aay of Ueneater next, and will be REOi'ENEi) on the morn- ana cf THURSDAY, the 10th day of Deoemb-r next. GILBERT L WILSON, Tr< aaurex. IR7IN0 SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 96 Was*rea-ot oo* doss from Grcuwich-st 1ataftSt at tu- ratorf SIX (6) PER CENTuo suru» Irom SI to »vT» Oper, daily frosa 1'ibIoSd m and on MONDAY, TBURS OAT and OaTURDAY from 4 to 7 p m V. L RtiXTOB, SeCy W. W. CONCKL1N, President »~~EW4llfeRK COMPANY.-A' MMawsS of ihn S'oekholdera I tb- flfW-i RES K COMPANY srlll b* held at tbsir tflice. No SI Walnal aV, PiUad^ipkla ou ( TUESDAY Dec i. IUT, at Ko'oeck. a m A g.neral at«-n I- I ox** is teouested on iuipottant bus'nsaa Ry oiler of the I strarsl P MERINO, ji , lekuy. 1 OfM| lal |i I . lH)fKJKKN~cTl Y WATER a^l^l.lWPsF, LOAN -Sealed propoatlswi l be received by lb* Boaid of Water mbjbbsMbI mers f the City of H'jH Aeu K.J. bo'II bATI'RDAV. tbe'.Sh day al N .winner, "=.7 at If o'clock, a m , at'heir of*fk«,N<> 73 W-jnlng* >u at l-ss'i City cf Hob ken. for tb* whole or sny part of the t- sb Water Loss, rf said city, issr*d p irsuant to an act of tee Leglalatare cf toe Sts'e as Mast Jersey, entitled so act to au- Usorioe '.be Watet Commissioners of tb* C'ty of h .bokeo to eootroot far and Introduce water Into asld city scd to prosido for tb* payaari.t thereof; approved March jo, l&:,7 Ail aro> bhosIs a net stair tbe time th saa.e tha I b* taken f .r (not to be leas thox ten net m .re thau twenty y*ars|. Int*r-»t not to »t ad sever, per cent per ai mm. and to be payable on the 1st stays of Januars and July In each year. TVs arris will aw taeurd: in ta> Ssai .bare*, aad all tbe real »«tat* aad r ba'tel. Il <he aaid city sse ma 1* liable f u the principal and ln e-eot i f the »»o>e Proptwais in aealed et relope marked, " p-opoaals 'or loan," to r»ed«r*a**d, board of W'»o-r OoaaaaatasJ BBBffe, OfiaOS No. 73 ¥.aabaogv«: at Hobokra N J. Cmav Clistob Obsra. EDMUNi) CU ARLE?, President. VaBMaaa' Kasb. BsincBi-aST. 1 RBii'uxr j*t. Conn Net is, Id57 > I^ROM nod AFTKB this <iatf (until lurthnruotice) th* ael** of the FARMERS' BANK H.ilgp.rt. Conn, wSI be rtdeeaned by L » LAWRENCE k Co.. No. 164 Nas aasi-*t New Yr.ik at one p-' n: ,. ^ .. irt, we aavirg aia.on- Unoed to rei. eat at the Suffolk Bank, Boswia. . t itfLINSOrf, Pre*id»Dt nf th* Farm-re' Bank. Billige* >rt, Coua 1^1 ETON HHF>INSURANCE COMPANY.. As ELECTION for DIRECTORS or tola Company wi.l b. . » d at the Office No *" W &jl-.t on MONDAY th-7tb ds/of Poftasbat n»s: bat warn tb* hnnra of i2 ra ant I p ra _JAMES M KAN KIN Secretary 1m1e rills of tie marine" bank OF BUFFALO srill be r*de*rr.*d at the SANK OF NORTH america Wa l.t at i ui p»r r-nt die-onu' Ai*» %: tn* .saws rat«, at the MECHANICS' AND 'AHMEKS' BaNrt, Aibary. We ate aotboiiged to asy that this Bsuk will roll** let tbe New Yoik City Ssavkl a d " result daily." at usual rates O n e Y W A l\ T E 1)..Wanted M borr iw, TI1RFF. Tdtii SAND DOLLARS for three or Its years, tri wlaasb s»veo per neat lotete.t wi.l b* stlowwL and **- SSUgtry alaren cl bbsswMM real rotato worth mrr* thau io - the aooaxal. k*-OCed in the b .sine** part of th* City of C.ev«- l*iA,0 Be»t aj retVien«-* given as regarda alte, pr .aiptrieaa, Aa oddse** B.X TS«, Cv-lauJ Poet Office Cl**el*n4. O. J Jai Fa a 9, i Joh* J Ks'X, H M. Ksox { N r,oi- ( -Unk .i v.rnjo, New Ynrk. SAINT paul MINNESOTA.J. j. KSOX sV Co.. RANKPRri kUsV* t> Atlsattc Bank, New-York; Marine Bank, Chicago Rem it iTnc^IsTIon^läIjd SCÜTLAN Ii aid WALES wi i...vb »ichs eilUSoa thb fMON BANK OF LUNOOM Rational Bank or scrTLaND. BELFAST BANKING COMPANY, lreUad. la sums from A upward, at tb per X TAYIioSTltltOTHFIRS, BANKERS, _No. ftj WALL ST NEW YORK. COPELAND. Banker, Evi»n4vi);c^I^idoä. e will attraA to all COLLECTION* la Evanav.Ile ».d vb-Jirty svad r.o.11 proo.ptly at la* onrreut late* of ex. bang* on N. w York k»f r. to Meaaia F-anor A Co., and M s.ra. Field »Glitt k Co New-Yoth._ \vav1ed. f 10,000 or $U,l>00, &t 7 p-r or>at, T Y <* tb* Wat 8>s>l Estate AlrxsVaff IgMalaaa HO IEI fo< sot* Ipuolre of «EA A POLLOCK No 48 Coartlandl at , New Y< fk, or No. 19 » ery ft. J*rs*y City. sfl^^üy i WANTED. Oo Boi,d and Morttra^e ?J? Qi\J\Jl ' "B Impr **" Cttv Property Worth S10,too, for Ovw ata. Inquire at No 1X3 3 lav._ ©r-xerue an5 propifliirtta. JOHN DWIOIIT tV Co., Msuuf».-turer* of DOUBLE REFINED AND FAMILY SALERATUSj AtSO, St FF R-CARBON ATE OF SODA. SAL SOIIA ETC, N< llCrtd alip Ha<r.ver square, New-Verb. rrRF t i'.eaM of tartar always »n hand. Jft<öifaL, SANDS' SARS A.PA RILL A. -This fumu\)m%\ sits- par scd PBOtrt rnV'arln .s v»g tab!., reo. \y, f.«f p.r!l(lng Gar u^o< d ard tit cur* ot sertafajaai ans sstaaaotgg <li.ea*ea, ¦not bo takssi a. ibis seak a with tbe greatest beuerit by every ob.* Tb* or it routtoo necestarv I* *. awl u to obteiu the sw'a^SaV sod genuin« artA le Prepared aud add by a. B. A D. EABIMi, No IW Puiua st. N. w imk,_ LONG ISLAND RAILROAD.Tmioa o^g Boot ¦¦ v* BrswkJyn I r 11 -np- :t at I* a. as. trn Synaaest «vi I »A p an los Hectipaaoad at a. m. 3:4» aad 6 f. at,, anal Sat *b«oe».-s M !? a so , l:«8, » sad «.» p sa. Bale* 'Atuucu AUCTTOli NOTICE.-E Ii. BAN'.3, Aar- I ti»i»s*r- RA*'.* k Co. wll ooeiieu« bo «.II Hit ?. m*nm . aw* ui u.Tt«a«' u* »t-« .* dry 0 JOD | r ,? B these, it- N>. 317 renal-*. ("J N "- .......«tu p«t«f Silks. Kbaole, tl«ek». f»» LtJue* P*id«. PMtseie«, aim- rtticsVt I'.-, -,-u« Mi #o» To»»vie«. Hnaleiy Lav-a a .d Kre- >n d.-e« .-ai* to eo»rr,*i:reei»sryd*j atlBo lock» m , raia or sblU«._ AhHi.NhEKALE..The h ilkur-- of th* %*vif>ta *f OekamitaA Krartot. *»«igtwii i the I'ibeiTi tier tW ckc be- »I . rf «rred»t«wa nonsts.far of K tea. Acoeonta H.*d* ito.*. ClMrua InBSspwt* aud all other aeeet*. enl] be Bald at au< .! .. t. the i. »¦]-.' kid or, av Ikeaf rooireo, at the City blaJl. .tj THt'K^HA y l>" I at 2 p .n. F irt.e-oirti,« on d«y .fiele .New York, Mo-.. A IEJ7. ß P StWTltB, Aaalriee. By A. M .«'.».» «. m .-r BT BANGS, BBOlHEB A Ce.~Twil flaaa K rr . .-: IS Park roar MONDAY KVKNINO. Nor. *' at * oVJork. I NOLIaH ai-d AMr K GAH BOOKS, mostly lata odit.ana, and It petfrct order, rompii«fo4 a era* eVWtloo of velieb'e ih-aiT otipie.ff standard wnkilo Hftv/rv. BleerapSy. Poetry. The Drana Be lea L-t'*-i. Art« and S-iUdcw. fia- Pulpit. Pearly e'.d P»> ket Bible«, aad . laria aaaortaxojt of cWa M'.f., an-.... LfeseUi* u aay of tnem lb neat tagluth cjf Obd Mi irav,© b*udlbgs. Also, a variety of esega-itly L.aatreted B.<ka paaaVadj iatballibil Jcverdlea, Ac. Cetelofiara may be had at the Kale Boom a GltE-TBALE OP CHOICE AND STANDARD ENGLISH BOOKS. B. M. A Co are im» preparlra a Catalogue of aattaMTM con- t'ji n .: t. »f Er-gl'aB Bxiki juat reesived. e/oleb have been artfully ae eeted atd rieb.y boned by Hay lor. Riviere, aad j here, ee'Ocuierly salted tt BBS c .mint IfaMai Season, to i "er with e varied collect'.» n of new aad valuable Slaodud H ik- I. BaoeaM aad n>..r>cco L.ndia... aulte'M» f r pieaeuta aid public acd priva'e llb'erle*. Tobe sold aBBfeBBR reserve, u oj aborrt the MB December ? .¦...jpertb'ulera bereafter. N. B Tbia ae> »li! be open to the p ildic, and w/1 pfeaeut a ae] i.i. opportunity to procure efeeaniand valuoole booki cb-ap. Haaav B Hiai>,Jr, Au' ti rteer By« and afoit CON f INL'ATIOM of «f MAMMOTH HALB of JOHN m OENIN'8 rURS. on PKIDaY aad 8 v K DAV, Ntv <7 ai d 2-1. commer> in« at 1" k ^»i-.i itj Tb» ra eloaue la a a-rai «ec tot tb ae daya that fro a 10 to II o'clo-.k eil. Ie devo-ed to tbe aale of Gentlemea'e Kurt Robea. Ae ; fr re 11 to II Ladies' Real Mink Beta oal) iroin 12 to I real Aua .At Sable aeta. and from 1 to t p. to. a «eueral aaaortmen'. Aa f . . .- v. be ....-. y o ... ap-jnctial a~tecdaace it :.- q"tted NOTICE..Tie flaletroom it critt'orttbly warm»d. CONSTAHLF.S SALE of SUJ'EHI' HOUSE¬ HOLD FL'RNITÜRE.Rick Wilton and Ve »et Carpau, .ty Prencb plate Pi. r and Mantle Allrr r«; tbreo auiua of i.<b Pailor Fu/nitore, roa.-«rM>d Piano Eotte. 7 .cteve. e.e- pautly tslaid »Ith peerl. and tol d pea 1 of toe mo«t tiipeib iLttrqmenU ever made; valuable OH Palu:(nja; Pearl ai,c riiver Cuilery Ac at No. 51 Wut Idtu it, i.-ar 5tb-ev P RASH Auctioneer. KRIDAY. Nov 27 at M o'clock the er.thre Pumiture of the above bbaati, wnich itof 'he beat d-orrip- RotA tyaaitlinf of Uite and cottlv Pier and Mantle Mirrort; auperior n^ewiKHl Pian>Korte | altigoatt tult-t of Parlor Euro'- lure, in rich rrimaon and mtiaon hr >cide; one do in rreen end «o|d cottly roaewood and 8c retary B'^ikcaaei; eolid creed roaewood Center. Sola o"d lief TaMea; three superior rotewood Elturera. marble tope, with mirror dcora and bncta; elegait roaewfKil teee(,tion Chaltt, in ri 'b latin aid tapeitrv ruK'Vtood Omer K M»n ¦. with mirror back«; Heb Lane Vtitdow Curtaini and Sriaoea; Brot fe aal Orrailu Cloekt; ci ttly Sevret and Dresden V««et, and r.cb Par! r O; ntn.euta kc. »Ith a number of hue Painti gl: Dining- t' m and Chamber Pumiture.e|e«ant Ei.n..i m Table«, C; e'r»; ll"h «o;d band dec rat» d Tea and Coflee Seta: eleaant Cat «lata Wire I* arl and Bi v. r Cutlery Cake Haaketa: Caat- ra Hiireaut; Waab«tai.**. uith rn»rh> topt; c«!ly de> cora>'d ( hin» To'l.t Se»., beat H»ir Mat re.»«» Pe»»ie: Bedk eid B»d!ii.(. Fn B4 i. val Mirror. maboganv lu'tea o| Purni- tnre In ha'.r cloth C< ttaae and mah'.pany Sp iui aeat Cbaira r<>aew<u>(l Hall Bta.ide. Oil Cloth, Ac Sale pontive, DANIEL 8. HOUGH, AH^tinnevr. OkleB No. Tl:..,.i.t bbB| parttiiilat attention of pere>n* In »ant of really Orot elate HOL'vEUOLD >oDS to hit tele at eiictioo on FRIDAY (thia cav; Nov 27, of all the rieh and eo»tiy goodi <.< utvined iu the private Ret dence No 24t Weit aS-l t ., i egr nil av All the g' od« trete mate {or the preeet.t oener, hove been but little uaed, and are Ii 6 je condition. Sale po»i'ive No piatponement on tny a< cojnt Dep.eila req.irad of ell purchaaeii In 'he Baa-men are tuitet of wain .t DiMNi> Rt.»oM PI RNITI KB co Dpl»te t 'getter witn all th> Ki'cben I'tenalli and elegant t bin» Dinner aud Tea Sete, Ivory Cutlery, Biieer Ware, Cut Gleet, Ac beloaglbg to the fami'y. la the PARLORS are Velvet Carpet* and Rata and three r'>.wix.d Pail r Suitet Center and Bide Tab'ea, Comer and Will Ettgeree, Lace Wltdnw Drtpiry. Pi -r Olaaent China Varbe, BroLze Pigurrt. Cloeka, Ornamente, Paintiugt, En- g-aviLci Laci- a avcre'ary. Worh Tablet, iltay Chairi,Bo.k- cataa. Ota Pizturee, (uie ltoeewood 7-octate Piano, Btiol and Cover. Ac In the CH AMBK1S ar» a fine aaaortment of carved Rotewood .i d Mai «»i y B< dtteada Burraua, Stauda Coochee, Cbaira, Ctrpett. (>ih«, Sofa*. 10 QI e enned hair Mattr<-a»a Blauknit, Hi .f. and Bedding and a line variety of deti/able good*. '. o Liimeroui to metition. Paaarlaflva Casalaaaaa oa th* morning of tale Bair commenoei at 11 j a m. preciaely Jona Lloyd, Aacttoi e. r JOHN LLOYD & hON will SELL nt PUBLIC Al CTION, at the WACSTAFP BOUSE, corner of 'tb ar aid 7rttU it , on THURSDAY, Dec. 3, 1M7, at L2 o'clock m.. by order of the BOtRD ÖF CENTRAL PARK COMMISSIONER 1, all the BUILDINGS on CENTRAL PARK, witn the eXeepUoa of th >ae watch ere rear red by the Comnuationeri, for dracrip- tlon ol which ice catal TERMS, CASH. All bniiJii gi to be removtd betöre the lVtb day of Dtoinb-r, r.'7, or forttited. CATALOCUES ceu be had ai the Auctioneer or at the < Baa of the CoBIBtW- ti neri, Bonk of C'.uin.t-rce, and at .he W.gttatT Ho-.te, tee date pieviout to the aale J01IN' LLOYD k SON, (ii9> No 15 Naaeau at , C.4HU1 uiarea th Bu.idioga £anb (Harrants. I AND WARRANTS WANTED*, taylor BROTHERS* bankerb No »Ö VV.\LL-ST, NE V-yorr, We w t t BBjBrf r-rdert b f«Y WarTeata alwara on baadt ©«on ötcaTncrß, &t. STEAM br-twi*D NEW-YORK and GLASGOW. EDINBURGH, 2,aOttuna Win. Cnmmtng, Commander; Nt U-YORK, a. : .i e Robert Cralg, Coaunandar; GLASGOW. I 942 tuna, John Duoean Caimmander. The Glragnw and New-York Steaineblp Company lb.end aaS- i: « Mm te new and p< werful iteamert f:( m New- York and Glas¬ gow direct at fpUwB a: i BOM BtW-YOBK. rkOM CLilCOW. Glasgow....Wtdnesday, Nov. a^lEd'.r.b.fgh . .Dec 2 fcamattith..Wodaaaday, Dee joltiia.giw.Dec M kATbt or fasaai.t. Plrat-Clsas.»78 Third Claaa, found with co >ked provttl .ci.$St An ezperienced flurc- attached t-i eaUi Steamer. Et r freiabl or naatag-i apply to JaMES RAEBUKN. Ae-at. N 17 Broadway. New York. City bi le or gold only re-'nivrd for (vaaaege. NOTICE..The s'eamihlp NEW YORR will Ml g»n fje Glasgow on the 16th cf December, aa f >ruier!y/ adv. rt ied JAMES RAEIil'RN Agen' N. 17 lir. »dway. 1HIE LIVERPOOL. NEW-YORK AND PHIL¬ ADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Clyde-built boo laiBta a'tkinahipa CieY OP BALTIMORE ... 2 SCT tuns.. ..Capt R Leitcb. CITY OP WASUINOTON ...'S SBDtuua_Capt. f. C Petr.e. i IIV OP MANUIEÜTER...2 iObtum....CafS J. Kennedy. KANGAROO..1,«7-1 tuna....(apt Jeffrey. The undernobed or other vessels are inteudad to sail aa foi- 1 wa: Pbom LirrBroot. KANGAROO.Wednei^ay.Nov. IP. 1BS7. ( IT\ OK BALTIMORE....Wrdiietday.U-c. IX lt>7. KANOaR'.iO.Wrdn->!ay.Jan. 13, iSöd. PaoM Nrw-Yoaa. CITY OK W'ASHINGlON. Thursday.Nov. 2«. Iti7. KAM.AROO..-.-Th»u^day.Dee. 1". IKS?. CltY OP H ALTlMulRE .. Tltira,Uj.Jar.. 7 s?, KaNi.AHOO.Thursday.Frb. 4,18». A: 1J y. ;0.B i^on. Ran s oi Cativ*g>.- Kr .: N-w Yorka».i rhi'ad- iphia B7A. Prem Liverpool. 21 guineas. 17 gniaea* and lag t. a*, ae- c. dig t<> tbe aoooi moilalion hi the Srat. R.. ana a 1 havingthe aan.r BrivOaa/g lb 'he Saloon, Including steward'i Ases THiBb-CLAtt Ps'irtiCBk*.. A limited number of third BtaH paaeet gelt wli, he ttki u and fiutid In aa m>. -h pr-'riti nt as RsaaltMi from PLUadeiphia and New Y.ra, t> »lifrntB po.1 «45. Tl.»»e steamers sre ioostr -c»ed with i?ip->ved water l rht tuieott. P.a. h vcsael carries ai eaper . i. ed a,;rrf» ,aSsl svery attention paid to the comfort and BBaowaasJaBl m of pa*- t< g> rs Dr»ft« n I.iverp^>l from £ I upwsrd. Pi i fn lght or psssage apply at tue Olli a of tie O tppvty. JOHN G DALE, No. li Broaviway, n.w Y. rk a.-m UM. in VAN, 1 and 13 Tower Bnildi::Pi. Liv-rr etl A-9Lt. THE NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL 8TE AJdERS..To* ebipt txupocitf thai Lm» a.e: Th. ATLANL1C, Capt. O'dver El '.rtdt* Tbe BALTIC Capt Joeepb Comatank. Tbe ADRIATIC. Capt James West Thea* ahipa havin« been built bv ooitract eapreiaiy f.-t rAe Government service. *v«ry care has been tsaen in t..e:r ..-a- atraction, aa also in tbeur ersainea, t iumre atret gta and .peed and their eccoiumiJeiionj for uattengert are ucmiu^k ht »-e ganre atid comfort Price o| p.aaage from New Tork to Llverpi- I. Is ttit c.aitn . !"«'; in a-c..i d do #75. Eaeiusive nse ,.f -ttra si;-d .»**e -ooo »Si5 Prom UeasJBBI lb N. w T I ._i BJ g.iinoaa Ae turge. n attv hed to aa a ahip. No betaba oaa b* braaeed u*M paid I r. The ahipt of -kis lite have Imp-ovetJ wat*itlgritbulkb««da. PROPOSED DATES OP 8AILIN1 roots ttw voaa. racsi Livtaee JJov. 21, l»17;Wr-DNKSDAY..Nn,r. 2V ]MI «a11kday.Dec a, 1*57 WFDNKSDAY.. Dec. >. Kl _ . . a* . IWtDNJ£SDAY..Dec jf. l<*yi Por Prel«ht r r Paaeagr. apply to 1 DWARD K COLLINS, No BI Wall at, n y. BBOYSN. BHIPLBT A Co LaverpuoL STEPHEN .. r .V, a ; k Co.. _. M . No 2 AatRIa PrUrt Ladca R O. WAIN'.VRIOHT k 0a Psr.s JThe i.woersaflfcaM sLiot wu: a.>t be a < luuttl* f-r g< Id, SÜVef, bullion, spe. lr JeH e.rv, pi,. U, ,| »¦ n-s r r SDeUU 'i:. net btlls .>' lading ale tlgoeii thersfor, acd the value th-re-' ge*-vse*d therein. GF.EAT REDUCTION m FAJtE to EUROPE -First Cabiti, B"; Se. oud Cabic, aJ5«. In tt... fir.t cieet saddle wheel ateamtbipe ARIEL. a^iV tea*, CD w f«*.madder, and NORTH STAR, tUK tuoa. f £ L-fevre, ( -.0 d ander, to sail from Pnr j North River, at n«.oe or*- -e .sr rln« tbe UNITED STATES MA!L< ».: ^ Leave NEW YORK fur SOUTH-l BreL-sen for Havre aaA A.MPTON, HAVRE aud BRE-|Sojtbair.ptoA..|.S. nhauiptot MEN. I |«»rN Vit NORTH STARBatnrday, Ncv * flafy. Dec. ¦ We4.Deo.Jt ABIEL_-lAW'y. Nor.«I Wed, Deo 1 tfreer »¦ v. v. ra touch at Havre, Specie delivered ia Uom i i WBi Pstla. Per ,«**««* or fr. '«bt apply to *D ToRRaNCE. No » Ba würg Oreea. F)R LIYERPCOL..TtV In t d HtXet Ma*1 .team.btp *TL\NTIC. O Rldrlcg« romroaesor. will *. part with lb* United State* Mailt lor Karoo* p sitsooif OB SaTURDAy, at Ii o '-.-ta m rV..a b*r beta to* fret of Gsr.alst Fas Freich r Pa«*ag* barmd uaeoiaesd aa- <-<tnmodati- i . for e -rsne* arid romf- "I appiv to EDWARD IL COLLINS. Nr. « "At.I at. fBiBBBi | r- will please bo *b board ». 11 o'niort i in HI is*V M. mats part thr igh th* foat-O* - %i j cater* »Iii *.- txeraajl Norrct .Tb* «.»amen of this lloe hsee ImpTosred wUf t', ht raioipai^tTi'ttt*. Tb* HaLTIC, C*pt L I CtaottKk. o-Ul saoceed ATLANTIC aedsaii December 1A No ex .. bad beat spared to make the stsvaxpaes of tblt Msaj mill t--i' -. at t at a-w. To* r .uga examination givm tb*m pior*i th. a mod* of r n»»ri-tlnn ywt a.'.eoitled, N. B -H*T-»«*r to* rigalar bunt abipt lor tax* ito* srtil par¬ le in: 16» rn'lTt service f/tramboats anb Railroads. I^OR BOSTON And PROVIDENCE m NEW¬ PORT . d FALL RIVER..Tb* spsertdid ¦** wperlon *v*a»r BAY STATE Cxpt Jewett, l»av«* New York »v*ry TUESDAY, T*>'R.SDAY and SATURDAY, a»4o' lo*k am., at t. ? EMPIRE IsTATE, Ctpt Brayton, leeret N»w Yorh every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 4 o'olnok p m from P*t No 3, N. R.. near too lattery both to» hing at Newport eaab way. Hereafter ao rotr» will b> regarded aa seenr-d to aay appB eact urtll tb* tame stall bar* beea paid for. Freight bl h it fnrwatded through with tr*at dispatch by ao Expreae Preith* Train. _VVM BORDEN, Agent, Not 7* and 71 Wettot, THE REGULAR MAIL LINE tta 8T0NING TON, for BOSTON and PROVIDENCE.Inland root*. toe . .. rest and most direct, carrying the Eastern Mail. Tbe steamers COMMODORE, Captain Joel Stono. and C VAN DERBLLT, Cant W n Pra***, in e -r.i.- U-.n with tt-BTON1NOTON and PBOMDEtCE and BOSTON and PROVIDENCE RAILROADS, tearing New-Tor* datir 'Saa- dayt eifeptod) from Pier No Z North River, first wharf boot* Battery place, at 4 o'clock am. and 8t..ningt..n at I SO p m_, or on the arrival of the mail train whico learea Bo*too at '. ; m. TbeC VANDERBILT from New-York, Monday. WeAloasday a: Frida* fioan Stoungtoo. Tuesday, Thuraday and Satarday. Tbe COMMODORE from New-York Toesday. Thursday aad Saturday. '. n v r: ¦ Monday. Wpdneoday and Friday Passengers pro- ~d from Stonitigton p>r railroaJ to Prort- dere* ai.d Bnat/.u in th« Express Mail Train, res « said placet in advance of those by other routes, and in amp e time for all tb* early irurrir.g line* connecting North and Eaat Pas- Brnjera that remain on board the st»-sm*r. enjoys night'» rest «r.dl.turhed. br-ekfait if d»a1r-d. ar.J tear* Btoa- itifV/B in tbe 7:15 a m traia for PrortdVr.o*. A Ittriafc master scoomp&ni't the steamer and train thr-».rh .och wsy. For paisafe. bertba. itate-roomt or fr»i|ht. snp!y r.n board the steamer, or st th< Frelsbt Office, Pl*r No. 3, North Hirer, or at tbe office No. 13 Baltery place. Norember M CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY. Conneetios at New Hampton with the Delaware, Lodfca> wanna ani Western Railroad, sod st Easton with tbe Lehick Valley Raih-oad. PALL ARRANGEMENT, eommenclnd Ort ». ISfT-LeoTS New-York for Esston and intermediate placet from Pier No 3, North River, at 7j a. m., 13 m. and H p m for SomerVJls by above trains and at 5 p m. Tbe above trains connect st Ellssbeth with traini on the New Jeraey Railreod, wbtcb leave New York from the foot of C .str¬ ia. : f st 7, and Hi a, and 3:30 and 1 p ¦:. Fasten,*!! for the Delaware, Lackswanna and W>at*rc Rafl. rosd a ill leave st 7, a m. only. For L- it. Valley rUllroad at 7ja m.and 11m. JOHN 0. STEENS, gape Intend***. FLUSHING RAILROAD.LesTfsi FoItv.D MaN ktt Wharf, by steamer Island City, at 6:49 * snd 10a as., and I 3 V) and 5 p. m Tbe Casa Wave Fluaoin«. L. I., at tb* aaroe noura, meetint and t » .'. ^ p*a*enf*ra with tOe Boat at Hunter's Paint Thro .n, In fifty minutes. Fsre. 2S oenU Wbi. M SMITH. Receiver. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..From 0«w> ber 19, 1657, Trains wiM leave Chajr.t-rs st. Station as fel¬ lows : Express trains 6 a. m and 5pm.; Albany Mat! and Frstftt Trsin 7am.; Albany Psaaertfer Train, 11:30 a m ; for ... i "':.*. a m snd 4 p m ; for P .i-i-.- 1. k sxtd 1*1 m. for PeSksklll, .> v p. m. Tbe P nhk--pn», Peob> skill snd S 11 u Trains ¦. p st .. » wsy sta'.loos. i'neyn taB*n at Cbambera. CacsJ, Cbrlstopber and Slst-r.a. TYabas fir New.York leave Troy at 6:30 a m. snd 13:35 and 5:45 p. SB. East Albany at 7 and 8:35 a m aad land 6:10 p m. _A F BMITIi. S ip*linWodoaa. .a7EW-.TERSEY RAILROAD.For PHILA- I'EtiPHIA and the SOUTH and WEST, vis JERSEY CITY -Mall and Express lines Irsve Nsw Yorkst I and II a as. ard 4 and 6 p.m. fare + ,, 13 m t 1 JS, ttoppin| st all wsy eta tiotis; 11 and 1 fo to K- ... .' ¦. Thr Iv keta oildfor Cia- aluaati IS 17 and S16 50) and tbe West, snd for Baltimore, Was.-lr.t;ton, Norfolk, fcsv. and through bags, are checked to Washington In t > m snd 6 p m trains. W WOODRN'FF Aasistant SupvriatcndenL No Baggage vs ill h* received for any train unleaa deli ver*d sod aheeAed fifteen miuiites in sivsnre of the lime of lesviag. IAND ROUTE.NEW-YORK to PROVI- J DENCE, Ac-On snd sfter Oct. 36 1657. Trsin of khd PROVIDENCE, HARTFORD and FISH KILL RAILROAD ari'l leave Ii . after the arrival there of tbe Expreti Traia altb sNew Yoik snd New-Hsven snd New-Usren aad Hart wrd aad Spritigtje'el Rai)r>sdt, which leave New-York at * a at SAMUEL NOTT, SueerlnUndeoL N"EW-Y0RK laud NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. 1S57 FALL ARB« N' EME NT, 1807. CotlMrtriSG Octobib IS, l'''7. Pass*nger Statiou in New-York, corner 37th-st aad 4th-af., sntrsoce on 37tb-st TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK For New Haven, 7:70. t:*>, a m , (ex ). I3:ii, 3:10 (as.), S:4i sndt .3»p. m Per Bridgeport 7:*l, ItSts, m . (ex.), 13:45, 3:11 (ex.) 1:45 sud 4:30p.m. FogSttf >rd, Stratford.FairfieJd 8cnth port sod,Wi-stpjrt, 7:*s m .1.1'. 3:45.4:30p. ra PotNorwaaA, VSlla tn.; 12:45, 3:10 (ex.),3:45, 4:30, Ä-.S»p m For Danes ».: l .-.:»-!,*-¦«. n. 13:45.3:45, 4:30 5:3.5p.m. Por Staas- lord, 7:2U, 6:30 (ex.), a n Ii I«. 3:10 (eg), 3:15, 4:30,5:35 Bm. For Port Chester snd Uitenuediato Stations, 7:30 s. an. | :4b. 3:40, 4:30, 6:35 p rx. CONNECTING TRAINS, tot Boston, a (ex.), 3:10 p.m. (*x.l. For HsrtfordaaA Bprltifleld. » 30 a m. (ex ), 13:4-5 p. tn 3:10 p m (ex). For Connecticut River Railroad to Montreal, 1:30 a. m. (ax 1, and 3:10 p. m. (ex.). to Northampton For Canal Railroad, S:30 "a. at. (ex) and / U p. m. to Nrirtbampton. For Housatonl* lUllrrad, . r, m. For Nangstuck Railroad, 8:20 a. rr., 13;M snd 3 10 p. sa. For Danbury and Norsralk Railroad. 7:3* *. m_ 3:46 p. m. TRAINS TO NEW-YORK. Prom New Haven, 5:30,7, 9:55 a. m.; 1:30 (ex.), 4:«. * 45». so, (ex ) From Brtdgeport, 6:10,7:40, 10:18 a. m.; 2r07, (ex.) Pl1 L r - P BX (ex ) From Norwalk. 6,6:11 8:15, 10:5Sa. SB.: 2:85 (ex.). 5:45. ^50 p m. (ex.) From Port Chester, U. Tibs, 8:5«, 11:34 a. m 8: *7 p. rn JAMES H. HOTT, SaperintexidenA NEW-YORK snd HARLEM RAILROAD.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Cotnm.*i iug W E3NESDAY, Nor 15, 1657. Trains Leave Depot corner of White and Center-st: 9:50 v to...Mall Tis't. for Albany, stepping at sll Sutdosi north of Williamsbridg* 6:15 p. in...White Plalris Train, stopping st all Stations. Leive 37th it.: t 00 a ra... Wllllamsbridk-e Train, st ipplnj at ail Stations. 11:« s. in... White Pis'ua Train, atopping at all Sutioos 2 »t' p, m...Wilii»mabridge Train stopp.og a*, uil Stttima 3.0o p m... Milierton Train, stopping st Wulisnnbndg* and all S'atioca north. 4:00p m...Cot..n Fallt Train, ttipp'ng st sM Sutions 6 3" p. m... Williamsoriilge Train, stopping at all Staloos. WM. J CAMPBELL, Superintendent iTEW-YORK M,J ERIE RAILROAD..On snd sfter Momlsv, Nov. 9, 1857, and until further uottew, Pas¬ senger Trains wt'l leave pi^r foot of Duane-st at follows vis: DUNKIRK EXPRESS st 8 Btn., for Duakirk aad Buffalo, and Interuiedist.' ttatlont. ROCKLAND PASSEN'OER st S*p m from font f Chambers st. vis Pinrmont. tor Sufteros and intern..-.list* atatiosxd WAY PASSENGER at 4 p m , for Newburgh. Middletown, and Intern .-dJare .tat'ona. EMIGRANT at 5 p m for Dunkirk and Baffal i and interme- lUate stations THE AEO\ E TRAINS RUN DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCXPTIDL ND.HT EXPRESS Bl 5 p m , for Dunkirk snd Baffslo, every dsv. Tl^m' Expr-at Trslr.i tenneet st Elmira with the Elmlra, CaiiAiida'giis snJ Niagara Pal's Ralln«d. f.w Niaeara Kalis; at Ithigbamton with the Syrscute aid Buighamtin Rsiln<*L for Syra. ua.-; at <"o-i bx| with the Bs^bJo, ('ornlng and Ncw Yurk Ral3n*d. for Rneheater at Gr«st Bend with the Delaware. Lack- awannaand Western Rsilroad for Sersjiton; at HopoeJarille with the BoFalo a::d New-Y nk City Railriad fir B'iffaloj tt Bufiaioaud Dur.t'rk with tbe Lake Sh .re Railroad, for Cleve¬ land, Cincinnati, Toledo. D*tr- It. ClrlaaBe, he _CHARLES MORAN. President. NEW WIDE-^AUGE ROUTE fD.m NEW- YORK t- ROCHESTER.-Th* ROCHESTER snd 3EN ESEE VALLEY RAILROAD ts now np,-n. anllr. conneetiua wub the Buffalo, Corur.g snd New-Yurk, and New.York sod Epe RaUn ad.fosrjiisddrort tout*from New Y'orkt. R.^-h>-ater. The directness of thia route, together with th. superior com- sV.rt afiorded by th.- wide cars, renders it by tar the intst deiiro- ble betwteu tbe above-named dtiea T1.Act* can be procured at the Naw-Tork and Erie Railroad Ticket Off.c*. foot of Duane st.snd No. 193 Broadway; also la i.e. CiU. Barrage checked through Fr«1<hts*wi;i bs trantp.rted between New-Tork snl R.«kw«v tar with diipat- h Any usfonna: tru J,¦...r*a tn regtri thereto .a: be obtaiued by calling on tb* General Frsight Agent of th* New Ycrk snd Erie Railriad, Er:e Bji;<,ln;»,0r C 8.TAPPAN, Expreit Freight Agent No 193 Brcadsrsy. No traun on th* Buffalo C- rein asxd N»w-Y.*k Ratlrnad oa Svaday._J. A. REDKIELD SuperinUndeot PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.- Tbe GREAr CENTRAL ROUTE .oaxie.-ting ib* At U cities wttl Western. North western aad S .jsn wntern ITatea by a cos ^nuoaa Railway direct Tale Road also ooooeete at Pittabcrpl with (ti'y Hr.e *f Steamer* to all p-Kts on lb* Wistern R:v.-s - st Cleveland and Saudutky with stoamers te all puts en the North-sreat-rn Lak*s-tniktng kbs osost ttltect ehesp snd reltsble rout.- by which 'HEIGHT eaa be 4 rwartfeC te slid from the Groat We*t RATES BETWEEN PHILsTTlCLPHIA and PITTSBURGH. Fis.-t CLASt-S.wts, Shoes, Hats sod Caps,) 1Jft_ . Bciks. Dry Gooda (la boxes, bales aad trankt). S »^SaaTT Drags (in Vexes and bal*s), Kearhen. F irs, kt... ) m ¦ .pcosd Ctsts D tiveatic 8besting, Shlrtiis sad j Ticking (in orislnal bale*). Drags On csaks), Hard- ! 75n*sitaS» ware. Leather (tn roll* oi boXeai, W oo. and Sheep lss) St. Pr as, eastward, fca ft N 9 otitBD Ctsss.Anvils. Steel, Chains (in casks).),,_. Hemp. Bacon and P. rk, tailed (loooo or la sacks). "ÄS' Ti 1 .en. manmact'tred *x. ept Cigars or sue As. ) FoVBTN Cla.i .CotTea, Fish, B*c n, Beef aad) Perk (in caaks or lose*. Eastward). Lard and I 50ean*st* t«wd Gil. Nails Soda a- German C as Tar. } i«t 95. Pitih, I.wln be.j Ftocs.Ma s)> bbi. antii fuitber not!**. asAit.34 neota ap I'»1 P> ''DfI farther notion. Ottc*-sj3 f halo, not ex erdtng !»<> & weight oaBa furo« aotler. In ahippse* 0.-«ds T"m soy porrf east of PhfsAVipoAt, b* parti, ular V p*.k the ywekage Via Peoaerivama Raitr«wd." i j Goods <-** signed to th* Agent* of this Road at PruiadelpBls tr PimbargA wil' he f .rwaritd wltboat de-entton. Fbcicht AuitBT*. llama Woraiiev A C«., Memphis *rVon R. ». Saas A Co St L-Mila P G. O'Reiitp A Co Era;i . knd., Durneariil-. Be'l h Co snd Coiter k J»*>f L-allvilla Ey.; B. C. Me drum, Mad1».a. too. H Brown A Co, aad Irwte A to. Cm-icniti N. W Oraham It Co, Zanesvfl* risao; Leech A O No M KUbr st. Boston; Leech A Ox. No » Aster House, New York, ami No 40 South St New Tortt f J. Bnoedet. Pti'lauelphia; Mat s* k Keotaa. laiUrn.** D. A St.wsrt PiUsOurgh M H HOUSTON General Fmn-at Ageot. PLU H J LOMBAERY. sVspdtla-e*isj*. Us Nut JB. 1481. PENNRTL VARIA KAILBOAD TtTP OR f. AT CENTRAL Rot/TR TS» ¦ rury \v<% Railroad oosjnects et etatebtr-wo wtta rata .ami* b »od *ro«Dj 8*. L03U, Mo.; Allow Qeieoe «».4 CbMkJO. CiL, Prem fort. LeatasjBoa «od L- ulsri ie, Kr.; Torr» Hu** Modi «ort. LeiayKt* Bai l»Jltou j**a. lad {: »rinn all. Darre« Bartr.*!>U, Bwl-faovaln«. Aajadutky. Toäe-lo, Cer-'ead, Co nrmbat, 7-iiw ;, Mu«..' ami Wiester Ohl»; elar. tritt *? steer» pwi 1 »u froa ul *a New i vu *c L ..'«. Lveii*riile aad Ctortr,aeti. Thi o»h Ttekets foe th* East rea V- bad at aar of above ¦ euti Jted piece* to the W .. Pu^Li«n »vi End tnii to» abarltMt, avoet expeditle«* aal >OTfort%h!e roaaVa Wtwee-n tn» Put eod V.'L PEOM NEW-TORK TO CINCINNATI IM » HOCRB PROM NEW-TOAR TO CHICAGO IM a HOURS PROM NMV-TORK TO 8T. LOHR IN HOUR*. Pere es tow at 007 ««her B»«t« 8*»band um i ah» ki b of tali oft*. ?ae 1: Vii kmU or further tn*< rmoriA, raar Do beJ ot IBs .saoeof tee PRKKtTLV ANTA RAILROAD. Mo. t Aatvr-Rooaa. Br-iedwey, JL L RLA.IOTT AfmX. Crgai Koticcs. ri PURSUANCE of an onle?r of the SiairrkrAt« of Ii- Coanty nf N»w Tort, r. »' . la hereby flren to a ¦mane bovine w.- 1 araiaat ELIZA TRACT. lake ef the City of New-Yo'k. 1 ¦'.»»» to preeentthe sum* wirb r^u-heee»' f to the .üb»- rfiVr, at tue piece of hai annas Noe, SJ1 aad Broedwev, la 'he City o/NewYork. 00 or o-: the afalaatrtb dav'af November oeaaV-Doted New York, the r*t oay of May. PREDLR'CR TRACT, Executor. my» lawCrarrt* N PURSUANCE of an order of th« Sorrotjatv» of the Cour-t y of NewYork. notice U herebyjlv-a 1 all per- anr.a bovin« '.a.c. . acataet SAMUEL A. WATERS, '.atoof the Crty of Naw-V' rk, deceased, to pre writ the seme wi'h rouaheee there* f the subscriber at the office of WaHaes R. CaldwJ, No 6* Wall street. In kh* CKy of New Tork. no or befjfe -he third dsv f Apru nsxt . Dated N. w York, um trat day of Oe- tober. \tn. o21ewejmP oe0r0e WATT RS. Administrator. I IN PURSUANCE of m «rderof tke? a^aaMpa. of ab» C-maty <*f New-York. Notice ., kerebr aiesta U ell p«r- eoai btvina clainu aaraliut PRIdClLLA BRADFORD, Late of tb« City of N»» T. rk. deeeaaed te pr»ernt the muni with ro chees thereof to the fcWib*. rlber, at his reeidwno». Ni. LSI A era. et, In the Gity of New York, oq or bef ire the »ch day of Masch r.eit Dated New-York, th»ltd day of B^ptetnher. ltSt. BZ-IaeemPrl_CHAS H REDMAN, Exc utor. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the? >,,f r,,.; .7, of the C- -.1 ty oa New York, nottee Is hereby siren to all perencs harin* daunt ataiait WILLIAM ROBERTSON, late of the City I New York, aeeeaaed, U preseat the sarn. wttb »oAiaaers thereof kg th, «Bberrrber. at the taata of UK.NBY v Bf HENCR. No. IS West si. in th- City of New York, oa or before the third day of April aext .Dated New Y rk. tar or ..fOeteeesr, ItuTf. PETER 9CHKNCK. 0! iaeeaniP- Exer.itor. SUPREME COURT-Cininty of KinATa..THE «LINTON PIRK INBl'RANCK COMPANY-, P.eiotuf. asa.1-.- »AMrEL COIT obd MARY E.. bit wif.. DefeodauU .Sermr.ota lor relief. (Com. not terred >.To the eberw- named Deferadsnla: Yon are hereby turjim.ieied and referred to aaswer ahe eompieatat In this actKn. which wtTJ be filed m .Aw otnee rf the Clerk of the Coenty of Kiop. at the Ciry Hall kr the Oily of Brooklyn, and to serre a cpy of your an<w»r tn the ea.d eeAgrpiasnt on the subscriber, at Us orloa. No. M Wall tAn-»t, bi the City of New-York, with in twenty dayt aA»r the eersire of thlt t^o moot cn you. saeiusir* of tbe daynf sush arewiee, and tf ynu fall to answer the arid rornpLaiat within the an e aAn-eaeid, the pieinOtt in this ertivn wlS apaly to the c»<att Aer the reliaf deananded la the compieeaL.Doted New- V fk Ootober ». ia«T. william B LEEDS, lltar.tirt Att-amey. The ».enplaiat In ttdt acttoti wee Bawd to the otfiee. of the CVrk of the Counts ef I. mi at the City Hail in the City of Brookty:.. cn the do day of o»b »- r lt»7 00 ltw«wp« WILLIAM B leeds, Pleintia?« Att-wney. SUPREME COURT.Tb« MTJTUtlL UFI INMjBANCZ COMPANY of New-York, aaalnet A s »..« M. DOBJALD SAMV1EL P BARTOL.SAML'EL W CK iNK. CHARLRR at SOUTHARD, JACOB PECARE. and BER- TH A hu wbW- ISummoae, salt O) Tea are hereby eumoieaed tu aaiwer bbe srjrapiaint ta this cause, of which a cessy. Mae- n aadiiL wilt be tereed upoa rne. and terre a op» a' yo»ir aritwrr on as at oar office, No 12 Wad-at,, in tho Clt? of (few- York, within twenty east «Her the tertio* hereof eaclearre ef toe day of auch tersie». or within twcotr dayt after aerr.oe of a e-py of >aid ceanpltiat. If such enpy be demanded witbiu tweotr daya after aerelce hereof, and if yee fall to antwer the oeropiatnt ob af. raeaid. tbe plaintiffa wil -,»p to this Court for the relief de¬ manded In tb» complaint. The romp'aiBt Is üb-d <? the nSiee of tbe Cu rb of the County of Kio«s-Dited New y n | J -eabcr L1S57. BBTTH. ROBINSOS A BETTd, Plaiotiffa' Attnrorra, No SI Wa 1 r. To tbe defetdant ANQI'S McDQMALD. Woe 1 lttrewP SÜPRE ME COURT-COUmr of WE3T- CHP.8T>:R-PHILIP J A. HARPES, afainst ISAAC f. AHBT1N, Henry Johtutoa, Ji«enh J P Delreocbio, J ho 8 Peaa^ttoo, > 1: ii a. wife af Joaepb J P. Delp»rchi<i,-Camp betl..Swroinons for relief (Com. not aer ).To each ef the abore- basord Defrr.daatt: You are hereby tummoned and repaired to antwer th» complaint is to It action, which w.ll be filed ia abe orTtee ef the Clerk of the County of Wettcheebsr, ot WbJte I tan 1 In eald county, and to aerre a copy yoar auawer to the laid complaint ou the subicriiier, at his oCoe, No. Ab' Pine- it.. New-York City, withia twenty deyi after the terrice of thlt iiucnx'ti on you, exolniire of the day of auch service; and If ynu fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the p .a tiri io this action will apply to the Coail Air the reiief deajosided ir the compleint..Doted Aunat IS. laTTT. A v. W. van VP.CHTEN. PlainauT« Attorney. Tie c n:plaint in tbe abore eutitied action was duly fiiea la the off e at th» Clerk of tbe County of Weetoheater, et White Plains, oo the 3d day of n ieember. 18AT. A. Y. W. VAN VKCHTEN. n3e lawAwPri_PlauititTt AlAoraey. SUPREME COURT.-THE Ml/rUAL~LIFE IPS! KANCE COMPANT OP NEW-YORK ANGUS Ml DONALD, SAMUEL P BARTOL SAMUEL w. CRONK. WASHINGTON A. CRO.NK and MARY bio Wife .Surxmooi (Suit N ). Yoe are hereby aummooed to an¬ twer tbe com pi alot in this cause, of which a eoay, if do aanded, w!v be aerved upon yoa, and serraaeopy of ynor auawer 00 us. at our oaVe, No. ST «ViU street, in the City of New-York, within twenty days Baker the service hereof, eaeluaive of tee day of tuch service, or within twenty days after serviee of a copy of aald eoaipls^Lat. if ai cb copy be demanded within twea tv dayt after aeiviee hereof; end if yoa tail tu astswerthe com¬ plaint as aforeaald, the pla'iitiifi will apply to tble Court fur the relief demanded In the romp.alat. The amtplalnt ia ü.eal io the atMa of the Uertwif the County of Kin«a.Datei New York, Oct. L um. BETTS, ROBINSflN A BEITS Plalr.tihY AtV raeya, Mo. 52 Wall street, New Turk. To the Defendant ANGL S McDONALP. n* law8wP SUPREME COURT.-TnE MUTUAL UFB IN8URANCE COMPANT op NBW-YORK aaaka.' angus McDonald. Samuel w. cronk and Jacob PECARE and berth a hie wif. i («Jalt DA) Yon an- hereby isnirasi »d to ana wer tho compataat ha thii cauaa of which a copy, If demanded will be served op-.a you tad a*IV» a eopy of yoar aaswer 00 us at BW otBee, Me St Wall- it , la the City of Hew York, within twenty dsyt aJkat the service hereof, exoioeive of the day of ssoh aervlea, or wlthka twenty dayt öfter aervice of a copy of said complaint. If s ieh copy be dean ended within twenty dayi after aea-rie* tare.>f, aad if yea fall to aaiwaer the or>oplaint as atoreaaid the paeiaufi . Ul appke to this Coart forth* reliaf damsndod ko ta* ¦>*» t lair t Toe complaint Is Lei in the office) of the Clerk of th County of Kioaa Dated New York, October 1, .-7 BETTS KOBINSON A BETTS. PltlntlrTs' Attoraeya Nu 91 Wa£ at New fork To Uu- daitbadaaa, ANGUS MeDORALD. aj>. lewtiwP Tin Iaovp Ci'Rv*..Our Weatarn ICeaerre 1 becora- irg (|uite noteti for ita adoption of illicit do >trinet an 1 prat'icet. The " biBher inw principle, firat invoked, dntioA; an inteudlaeil ieevling relatireto Slarery, ia now applied to qatat oru of a moral or social an areii ai \> liiictl nature. The .a-: moretnant of especial Impor¬ tance in that region, ia the eatabliihment of what it termed a ' Ixiva Cure." It menu that a cainur unity cf Stt ia! Rnvolntinniets has been organized at Harlin Highta, ii Erie County, that they nave purrhaaed ,>ropa-rty. and are tow makiag a.'-, n -!..en'e tv democrtrato in their own litres, UV bcaaty of their ' reformation.' There is noting- e-p- -.e'ly tew, we believa, ifi their cajda. Tbcy are, all such Ref(>nDt)rs, belitrers to sp'ritualisin, and re- ..ttrd tbe revelatiuns of tbe Hible as MS i.'lu y t the lepiratitns wi'Ja which they ara pe?rr*oeally lavxjrad. They revttre individual independnac«. and bold that exM-iety has no right to ata ' any law or to install *nv cn.atcui which in tba leaet tramsnels the individaal action, r r 11-tar ». tbe laws in operation and tba cuatoma in TOgue telaliae t mariiage are Cuusidere 1 by tbeee " rtformers" as tyracnijaJ and odi >ut, be¬ cause, or,< e married, a man'* or a woman's action is tleicefottb fettered. Tfeey repadiate theae laws, and all ctbtTc which prevent utiiau'.ed loditidaalt/eedom. The roma.iu.ity at lierha liights is said to aamijer eighty etroctr, incladjig tiürty fnnalas. .n 'heir erub.irbments is a hotel, whrrh Is sondacted on Jte vegetarian ard hydropathic principle, aad which they have beea pleaaed to deaoroibate the "Li Cute." It is not intended, as its ntme) inrfira'ee. to cure that most holy of paeatotta in the humaa htsart, love: but. by pre per treatmeiitj eradicate the p *p j- ailRufkaaS SB love, or tbe dntie* ot lore. In other wince, regarding all mind.- nut their own diteaaod In fen tu e to matnmi ny ttey prop.iee to cure tboee who favnr them with tbeir ptlrooa^e, by a practical appiicatioc cf the dictrinee of freer love It ia said that some opj ,>iti->n has b»ea ma-..'..«*» 1 to this patent moral reform inetitatiurn iu Ki 10 CiTunly, Met. v. baTe wivts they lore, and w>>men wno Lave hor they estesm and parents wv> I. . oJ.iJdien upon wh uu u et b^s ow tvtl'ccDoa faar the totswSsMkt of tbe Ixive Cure. They have m^t aad ax- pr»setrd their disapprobation bat as yet hare filled to »iTect the Bailie lligbt' HRaaJt Tho " r»fo.-mars' hare planted ti -n -eiv a ... t the " kugh-r law pria*iple, and regard all c*'j>¦-ifIon perteeriiRon. S) far thev bold their own. act they will ivoLnu-- to d* so nntil tbe novelty of taa " leform" Si** asray. CiacV aati timae. ItirOKTAST WttX Cist..The case) of John T. Lonctf, apitrllaa', egt. Joiia 6. l'ark «t aä., eine itore ol tte at 1 I of 'he lutea JcLsthan I. .:: v <f U.'.ton. it bow on tiial in ibe Snpreme Ci art at (Jauibrid<r^. %A excites greaf int« rest. Mr. (aortcp; died io ISM, ItaW* !sg a pn>e>e?rty of aSaut t»ret,ty thooa;.cd djiltrt, acd a widt w and no okWaasta la bii will lie oitkea a lib- .ral protieifjaj ior hid mi'o. ard fcieee Lgai i-e toeach <>t hat hr.'thef- «cd e sfarw. H- als) UerissM tit the It- .*¦ t dba Qicioal M DtatatraJ p'arji the reaaaindsr of his\f *periy. Ji ha q. !/>¦ 1 c, » -.ephew. apoeile 01 (He ovo1 en of the J 1 ! i'r ibae) ..» '.4 'f- will of hit une'e, »nd cotr*« «*i \U ea' dify c*a t,ie *roaod of the unn fjn«iu»«e of II » tt»*alof « t i'td and nn1a* ii ftu< no- aurted oter hwr. 94 'b« atr Cairb Ho'lei, e'ij , of tiio'on. Bad otöe-r txe-Jtiii>»Bof r^e^e «taoiüty. I owattJ 0! for'} wi»:e**»«a hart, I. en aaiiitatfrjaMl in tbe ca*-*, wtwcii ata 1 p««Ba d 00 S* iast, aad Rei",. cxpy the a«-t' ca i 1 Ifba C-»t « eajraraadaya cagM. itWAea ;v."aal. (Bt IU£D SEGRtfCS C1UDI. Inquiry into theix Condition. IRS TflST LmiSI )i THK ODiTlIAITf ttsufetfo of EdtKatloB. Healüi tnd IrlaKe UtMTt St* TW TtlWl jjJWM CXTIBIMI « BT rv. GKNKRAL 80CIAL CONDITION.HEALTH. Ii our mcou». of the colored people of Canada ire have stated oniy what we hw, or what tu siren oi 00 undoubted aathority. We were ua prepertxi for a «Ute of things «o favorable. Tb at Otters, !<*>kir g at kheen frora . differetii point of view, may tee Uten m » different light, ie probable .indeed, certain. The blacks nuut bete among them their quota of the id e, tbe rieteas end tbe do grnJed. There can be no doubt that tone, disap pointed ia their expextatlont and pinched bi the afkoaate, Vooh beak with regret ap«« their condition in the State*, bet whet doe* prove I The con¬ ation of Ute Irith atd German laboring man it, tvt t nie, grvAÜ» asxeHorated by emigration to the ftüted StaW. jet how many of them een we fin I Itxigutf for tte old c.twtry or the mhiertani, tad dtrlsxng that they did better end wort happier at boane. It it eertain that the mitt nai and tot*'*) tradition of the eoltred people it tetter in Canada tium en jw here in the Stetec. There it among them a trtanlier tone of feeling, more avenues epen to ex¬ ertion, more intelligence, hgber oaltore. Thit it mott »een among the older residents, and will be .till more iiiarked among those who hate been born and edooateJ in the Province*. Something, too. of that dependt upon the character of the emigration there. It it a mistake to think that tte fugitive elave anry fladt a refuge in Canada; many of (he mott intelligent of the free colored people, who hare acquired in the Union tome capital by their andnetry, teet m Canada mere liberal iuatitutieni aad a better education for their chiMren. Many, too,who find it te their tnierett to panne their ¦vocations in the Btatet darag a part ef the year, hare their permanent hornet on the other aide of the border. In Toronto end Hamilton, we heard among the colored jam the opinion frequently eipretted thai toAsv did bett in Canada who had recided a time in the Northern Btatet; that the ftigitivea in general had not the neeettary habitt of aelf government and steady«try, that these came tlewly, and by many were never aeqnired. The experience of Blr. King, on tte other hand, led him to think that the fogitivea were quite equal to the free blackt and, indeed, that the very fact of their eacape .bowed aaperior energy and determination. Which of the two opinions may be correct, we hare no mean* of knewing. The vatt majority of the colored people in Can¬ ada are of mixed race. Mr. King ettimateL that .f those at Bexton one-third were of pare African desemt; but even thit proportion seems to me mach greskter than obtain in the Province at large. At a rale, not, however, without many exceptions, the matafoeu are the meat intelligent and tbe beat educated; they are the prominent meet of their class, and take the lead in all queationa which affect them at a race. Tbe more mteUigent of the colored men are loyal and devoted mbjeota of tte british crown. They set a high value upon the equality under the law which ktey enj jj. " Can we," eaid one of them a shrewd, hard Insinett man well advanced in middle Mle, "Can we help »virg a govenunont which is " ao kind aad which hat dune te much for at f " aad hie voice wat uatarbed by emotion. And if grafckude on the one hand indacet loyalty, hatred. ao aofter word will do.on the ether oonfirm* and itTcagtheDi ii They hold frequent meetings among uemtelvet, »od the staple topic of dis- eotirte it the isjuttice under which their race ruffe ra in the United Btatet; bad at the fastis are ttey lote rotting in repeteteon; ao djjtioetiona are made, aad North and Booth are involved ia a to bi¬ bboo eoiideasaatioa. Like aV other men who taffer tsppraaaitm, they are apt to fancy the atteatien of tue »vi rid fixed upon themselves; the evil whieh overtops every other evil in their hon*on, mutt teem equally prominent to ail mankind. Thny underrate the difficultiea ander which their well- wiaheri ia the Stattet labor; they tee on!y the obloquy ander which their race tuffert, and do not and will stet tee the ceases which readar their re¬ moval a work of time aad patience. They overrate, coo, greatly the power of England, and underrate that of the Union. In any dasension bettreen the two eotmrriec, England would have no warmer frieiida and America no more bitter and uareieatLag ft* i than the eolored men of Canada. On one subject, equally at Toronto and Hamilton, at London and Chatham, all the oiored people alarm we taw agreed.ill repudiating those who tisught in the Umted Stntet frintnbehoosi in olothet and in money for the destitute negroes ia Canada Tney deny that there is anykhsag like d'stitution aoiing trhem except that arising from tickaeat, fn>m vice, or from idismeti; they affirm that th«y are abaiidantly able and willing to maintain their owa poor; that the MQtribaticaa rarely reach thoae for whom they were Utended, and that wait in tttne ratet aid may be aalieited by wels-useanhig or iO-advtatd ptraont, in most it was sought by mote veto- converted the eentrJ>utioat they re¬ ceived to their own benefit On what facts the latter ataertion wat founded I did not inquire; we give the statement at it wat repeatedly mide at bjd it would be weil for these in the Nortnern lutea, wte are applied to for auch ob/aet*, to bear it in otind aad look clestely to tte Hiaracter of the up- plioanta. While by the law no distinction it made among tte itmabitanta, either ia nghta er priviiegaat, on aceouiit of color, a<>eiftlly, the tamt prejudices), if not te the taanie exteat, exitt tgainsit Ute colored petiple :a Canada as ia the United State« The belter cJaatet of aociety caatae Uttle ia ontact with ttcm, and know nothi ng ef their aims aad progret«. Mott are indifereat upon the aubject; many are it n i g!) prejodiced agaiatt them. At wu before a-ated a prominent editor of a daily paper in To¬ ronto.a bberal kitocly aad weU-mtermed tun. U Id me ttat they were there svdattW to tn. far sxd brawka, and Utat be believed that ike jail was Giiid w.tJ. them; ftt, öl accompariying kirn to the »i -s.«j, we u uj -1 but tarer crdtred i.-«r 1«- Li it In ii>any places white tneefcaaics wifl n t w in et iupany aitt a colored man, ai«i. while by law ¦a aaajMl tckvMda are open to all without'ae- »1 color. Use coilslreaevea of ligli- col.p l mu *tt.- . are freqaently refuted admiashm to private ichsaslt. Wkat it cts^e. all tt«e U referred by tte e*sTTtsM taeasawjlaaaa to tbe ttrflutaae of Anten MM! fear* prf-tuMj.Tj »taiM «r« foaad »ral e«* the) eh.ldrea and youtaut panuing t.« «t^i- of ttV» «W aaae^skase, ^ Hr K.(<l, 4a4ra« .hat free 1W1 ,ifcf»k p«, now* tn com Beutst»«, ,t mv| tw raUM.h.«] i, ta«. UnivetaiMea for the catorvj, jeeajeple. fto far a* ta*. njooiti sj of UisJee ort*, ia traded for the ImitiM pr .fe*«M>na 1* r«***,^ that u»> Tert web; bat La oi*W ea*e>e, bh* time dero'ed to ta* deed latvfn»^ apse>eri tpent ar not -pent so profitably ** it m Ka» To thcee wb* hare to struggle in »cae *cMoeea which aar» aa lanrxWiab* beer¦ i.#t. matheniatic», natura, phii-««pkr try. ecgiDer^rtag. Ac. .an» maco m .r» >u> Lataa aod Greek. fur ta« eseratsea of ^ the ooiored niao who invent* a lab « n< ^ chine, btuid* b saps.'nor bnrV or unke» a value, bit* «weorrry lb tbe art*, wui da for more f.f m people ülv! ose who may be able to edit Laeretrri, or Ar-ot 'ptioJir« One other topic im rv-ofin/!**. || u well known that tbe cejgru in America, art*. W liable to form, suffer* more from tubercular dav eeee thac tae white man, aad that hu uaMkty ta it ia much a/eater at the> N.-rth than at ab« !j «trat. A part of thu tendency may be oanag, ia nteea, to over croavdi»| ai d r»at>t of t-l: «tu*, bat « \Mjmm part of it would ae^ra due directly tbe et>cai af clLoibte. Matij physicians believe that the malatta haa thia tendency to tubercular diaeaae ta a etil higher degree tbaa tbe black maa. For taeh aa pinion there ia at present do solid fiHiudaUoa, and the ntal atatietic* of tbe different race* reejair* ta be studied muck more carefully aad more ace*, retely tbaa haa hitkerto been dote, before nay ottt- tun coBclubbva eaa be am red at. The part of Cat.ada Weat chit-fly lakabited by tbe c^ored pea pie lira in the aame latitude aod partake* af tba climate of Weetern New-York aad Machittao; arkat ia the general mortality of the colored race tiere, and to what extent they autTer from part cabtr dm eaaea, it ia Lmpxiaeibi« to ascertain; the lUdttbaa on which such kuonledge muat real, are not ia et ist. nc« Tbe colored people theaiaelree almoet BnirerrBJJr maintain that the climate- agreta witk tkem, and that they enjoy there a full maaeare af health, ataiijr ciirvaittaooea inpniaaed me « contZBry opioiori, and I fear that romumpttia aad ita alied diaeatea wil pro re tetvy draa/backt ta the er j. j merit of more liberal i riebt 14 tioaa. Whether the Labali'y ta the diaeaae ioereaaea ahtt each lucoeeding geueratioa, or whetaetr, c »otrarjr to geoeral eipervence to auch dltoaeca, it may be irtdaally leaeeiard and extiabTU<ahed, reiaataiiaT eiprnieooe to detetiauaa. Thia whote aabj^et af eitmate, in ita effoct upxindiiTereot racea, forniaa« of the no t difficult aa well tv* one of tfi« mwat ia> portaat and iniereatiag qaeati»Bs to whiek Ike attentioc of medical men caa be directed. Bit ee our return fron Canada we bare reearred from Dr. J. D Litcbfield, tike uj.-d .-ti ru jeriateaa- eot of chmiDal lunai.ct in the Pniriaetal iff- turn at Kiogaton, an account of the compara¬ tive numberi of ct Vored and white met caa> fined in the genera) prison at that plaeo whiak is at rat iaaoe witk tke tvtarns of thoao coaflaaai it the jail at Toronto. The sthoie number af priaaav eraon the 31 at day of Dero after, IMkW, waaCaM, aad of this number 4"> were negroea and 17 were mulattoea, making m all oolored paopte, uearif i 10 of the total number. Now, u the odored da not form more than 1 &0 of the popalattoa of tke Preriaee, this would make crime fire hates mar* rife among them than among the white*. Tke retarn* for the year 1856 preaont a 111011«/ resurt,- thus in the total number of priaocere, '279, ib* (U nrgroea and ? mulattoes) were c/i/red peopVa. The cnij! were all of a serious ekarectar; of U aegrti coBrict* there were for: Aeeeuit. with Intent to kill... 1 Horte and ebevp tteelinf. I Bspe.1.1 Murder.S Botflery... 9 laaroeup.Bl Bobbery.S Sheep tteaLiOf. 1| Total. Horeeeteallai. * Felooy.1 Matt.lauabter. I rteoelvlu« etoleo Scotts ...... 1 H rt try end lareeay.I 'el.Miy ai.d leroeay.I AtaeeBead robbery.......... t .e.....Js) It will be noticed that while the ratio of Bearraoa to mulatto* in Upper Caoada i* aasuoiexl to be BJ greater thai) 1 to 3, here the proportion* an n-reraed, aad there are three oegroea to oneef mixed race. The explanation of the large proper- tioD of colored eonrict* ia probably to be tbaad a the fact that Canada ia not the refuge of tba fugi¬ tive slave or iaduttrieu* emigrant alone, but that many of oar colored cdminaLi, educated to no* ia onr large cihe*, erade the penalty of their craste» by escaping to Canada aod there, continuing taetr career, beo<>me iamate* of the provincial prieoa. Io the aame eomman cation of Dr. Liteht>asi, it i* atated that in KH eonricta, toe moritvlity was: kmoog tbe w hi tea. It) per cent; Afncaaa, 10 aar cent, and among the ladiaaa, 30 per cent Though the number of liegroe* embraced ia the u tlculatiaa is too tmall to enable as to place implicit irJitao* upon it, we caaaot but regard it aa a atrcng t*MU- eation of tke mjurioaa effeot of a northent fK.sjpj apon tbe black raee. Fatal Afprat..A lettar in TAe- Brijord (Va) Ihme er at says that Fratk Orear was shot aad kiU>d by Jame* Nichols, ia Pittsylraaia Couoty, Va oa lie 2d Lut, wbüe raturaicg from a fonerai ta liedford. Tbe letter tars that an affray commenced between them, when Nichols drew a pLatol ani shot flreer it the andrrmeD. Oreer fell aad aaid. " Nich >lt, yoa " bai>a kil'ed me for notbie*].Lord, hara meroy oa "ne! Iletbeoaeked to be raiead up, which wa* done. They placed him oo a cart to carry him boat*. He c ied in about thirty minute*. Tba writer says that Nii bols escaped, and adds-. It baa been reported tust said Nichols killed his mother a few years ega Ar. .ttj-r brother, by the name of Arnold, is eappraad to have shot bis father and killed bun; and Harsreil. a still t lder brother, killed Daniel Ashweil. Not one of ttitm baa been panicked. Ca« or TaAKsrcsior;..The delicate and iatertat- B({ <peration of tran-fusiug Wood froni oae place te t. ir'er baa atraia been «: *-f^ ly perf .rmed by Mr. 8 Wbeatcroft, turgeon, of Caniiock aeaitted by Mr. J. Blacktord and Mr. Samtel Waeatr-rtft. rk* patient waa Mrs. Benton, of Cannock. rVben atipev rintiy ezpirtg trom loa* of blood, a»oat '2 p mads of blocd was traaefosfd from iie veins of berba-baad into ber reins with the b*ppieet r -eu t. Io a few minutes after tba current of blood began to ri >*\ aad the ebbirg uf Ilia waa cbeofced, tba circa ation *eiog reOsUbhrned, and deliraraaca from appa aoi'y carvats atd at pri aching Oistolotioa secured Tue opera aaa wa* teiformed on the altimo. Mr. VVbe«v«r9ft -uggaate ti e trial of this operatioa ia 'ha last ata*j* at lew tjpbu* eul me a Hr pee of Asiatic cholera, wkaa all otber meaaa have faii'd. [Wolreitaaaatca (Eat ) Cb eaieJ* Cor., traca's Wacoa Rosa.The 8*cretary *f .he Interior haa received tntel ifcreaoa from Cot. Leash, dated f rarklin, Texas. Oct, at*tiog that a p>rtMa> of bis uaiA had leccct | arhrtd at that place, aad that tba roan were ail we 1, e'.d ta* mule* ingosrd 0 vadlttoau Tte road eaat of K .*. I.tramie was <iai a roatrb aa* i.ioch washed by rece-ut heavy raiea. K«rw>rkUC j.e. tiee Lao btan oraanixeid uid were at we k ajaaa the road between Franklin aod »'ort KiUmore. (' Lea. b ipre.aee with great oonB leece the oviaroa trat he will able lo report from Kort Yian*, dartaf ibe b orth if December, tba amoaat of work aaaea- earj to be rkvoa, tc«tber an» tb» proper ettiriatesj *t ne i oat.[Waahiitirtoa Uaioa. Thi Two DocoiAtsi* . The colored M*a»<fffjg r»fo aokrr.ecly tereteo bjthaHUoota l>oodlea, bare taaan np r^dgei* in their own bebatf. and. ta a .**» rl ree-luboBa paW-rkvud in tba Chicaga omf*n, eaa root, htm to are**- a challenge, from Ibatr ohaataMBb Fr^Murvck Ii ojia/e cf New York, for the disu*swxaa of the potab at iaeut betwtea tkam.

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · imanna.. 6 *¦. um« ... ..-».. Y SIMEON DRAPER,Otflor Nt» 4« Pin*-«.. MlMtfWtlllta tontine *.«]-«.! sfc* M*r Beats' Y.t.tea,*KASHAV«»odFAID»V».tin

i manna..

6*¦<»»< .>. um« ... ..-»..

Y SIMEON DRAPER, Otflor Nt» 4« Pin*-«..MlMtf Wtlllta tontine *.«]-«.! sfc* M*r Beats' Y.t

.tea,* KASHA V« »od FAID »V». tin, Specie! »«*H»M»other day* wksea requires*. Stock» eod HoeS* bought aal soliat Privat» Sal* alto at the Soar of *rok»r*To avoid acOtlusia qenta'lort an facilitate th '.*> who deatra

to oiake boaa fi 1» aale* Mr Draper srsB be present at tha H-'-rkoatvi xrhacg*. u I.', o r nek a. at *ooo <l«y au.i rsoGto fortola at aasslle sste'inri t w» C*r*i*oet.a >f Stock». Bond*, see

aa abaR there b» presented for that parposs. '» addition to aitr»«i,lar', »n»«- :i.wo (let.Si r< Iai. SALB THIS DA», at IIS .<-; ..» ». tb* m

cttata* Tt rHa|i r«* p*rtv>ii«#a .«* Cataloi«*,_OX)"tk# STOCKHOLDERS, H fND'lOTJiRRSI aod CSF.D1*N»*S . ' - TOLEDO. W'AttaSH aadWK true IN lAlLBOAD COMPANY" HlUrrtu Tk» Toledo, Wae**lt a- A >A ?...,. R, .¦ *r\

Cotapaoy, Only organ*sed ua >r 'be i»i of th. strata*of OB**and losriana. By (be e^aaol'fttton 4 be Toiean and 111 BawS1.11 road rore pan i sad the Lake Erne Wsbaaa aad St LootsRaur od Cetnpeay bat b**ou,* »cnh*rr»»**9 sod uubla V» partU debt* M tb-T motor*. And v*4r*e<M th> r« »r- liaat byaMtlgafOt oa the proper'* of toe eald Cnmpaor. trhtoa rasterartostfMd conflicting claims; And ssavreaa* It U the dealr* ofall parti-» iilei.ated la Mid Cowpeny tu r.le»»e it fruos bo>Karataatwut aad UtUattoB bt the ieJ. ition fsnllng aad p*yb>«b< *f it» SelMa. »b4 lb* . irr»nd*r "I * poi U af tu CapitaltHork: Aov, BAeae/ne*. we. too uadMtAfwd Houdholdert.Creditor, eui SSM khotdeu of tha (aid Compea y a*v*r«: yh ml!ug the toter. .: <w. nk-< ope»*it* our f»»swotiv* i.a r....

for arj fat, eot»id»r*LwM. ot toe w n.i-'< aad l*4foiOtI .3* aerelac-atalaeA. o.*tat*»y tue'« by the a.derslgu-d to each *th-r aadto the eaM fiaspaiij dn b*r*h» promt** to nomply with, anloe o>ir »>*p*«tiv* pa/ a perform the I ll/».n» stipulation» andafi>ea».aia:

..//tVat; We, the hplderaivf the Fi-at Boo 1a ifto- Toled* and Inieota dim hi Company, or of to* Lat* Er"Uaaaib aad IK tVtile SaHroad <>.o.u»ny, um to fund no*

year's ti,»> eo aaid eonda. repreeeo ed By tbe eonpoo a dieoo the irrt day of Aug i.t lt» an» t> b*eoan» due <ni lb* firatCa» af Febfoary, IBf7; end »e. tbe b >tde.< of *be aVioodajortgage K .i d. of .aid Otropaniea ag'*» '<> fund one year »odX rooii'ha' Iniereat theraou. repreaootrd by the Conpin* d te

oa the Srat aVoy of May. IkWT. and tbe firat da* of N'»etn6«r,III? aad thoa* to heoorue dae on 10» I at day of May, ItU; audtak* tbertlor at par the ootra or Bond* of toe Company ptytbiela thro* Sour, firat, artt, and or-area tear a from the Brat dty o4No*eo>b*e. IM1. oitbAB'tareat at toe fa'* of er»o P'l «il

gaayabt* a**M attnaal y to* ,u» ti aw funded to be d*-aeatteo «n-b ata* ba'd bi a truatee at »*.uri:j for ?.:.* paymentmi tkv* aaid note* or bvnd*

¦ latiati r Wt th* a* o r. of the loal Eatat* Bonti of aaidCaan Baal.« aar** to euirenoVr tr.rm. aud i*c ive io lieu the'eoffifty pat tea' of tbe anoint tb*r*of et.4 the unpa'd iut*r*at totkv* l*t of D<x*tfi.b*r, In the Capital Stock of th« Ci<ur*»7

" T%md W* lb* b*id*r* of the lue at* B'iBda of (aidBayj payMV I agree to »wri»uder tbrm aud r oetv» in lieu thereofl.-rty tear root of th* aiutuut littreof In the oap.ul St t.k of to*

C.fapaay" r'rartA i We, the other ereditora of tha Company, agre* to

.arrender mir teapaotie* claim, and recei** in u«u :her*ofPreferred Stock of the Company, at par entitled l* a divlBendof eeveri per neat !¦»< annau." Ej/IA Wr, the S .,rkholder, of the Company, agr** to

e*rr*a*Ver and cancel seventy live p-r cent of to* a:u >unt ofStarb tie.d py each o' ua

I " Steal la be *t*nt n'the Intblüty to obtain t*>* generaleonarat of the rredito'a cf tbe C ¦«!, »ny to thia agrnemeat, are

tb* bolt era of the Oteond Mortgage Bonda Bgr.e. In oa*» of a

itoariOaure of the m otgagra given 'o aecu re aild bonda, aal flsol* of th* rood an ) the purohaa* thereof ou inch foreoio.ure,by Ba. Off on OBt beboif to «xteod to aaeb creditors of theCompany as »hall aubaoribc I er to, the apidt ,f th a agreementla tbr rt-issur of near Secooa Mortgage R nds to the ofthe S'iond Mrrtgaga* B( nda a i'i- rhed b rrto, and the alatiiional coat of the road ob »uch aale and to tail' Btoot V. tie-

subsonkers to tbla »gieemont in a. oordaoie with the proriai >nt

hereof It being the intent of le parti*4 Bareto to carry oat tftetrue rotitt of th » agree* ent t. all th- a .Wrib.ra boreto, uponMm like positb I and terms aa if aK the predators sud ato'k-balder. SB pacr ihed hefeto.and cuuiumrotted tbla agreement sritb-out aucb foreciaauie and »al*

" /rornIA Tbe fo edo, Vkakaah sod Wnf^m Ra;ir .adCoo,pa*y b.rebv agre* to carry out tbe foregoing atipulationa on

the port of tbe o r-. .

*' /VerWed, That Una Asreemeot sbsil no» be binding opnnthe partiea hereto unle.a the same can and tbail ba carried ont

aa4 aerier'od. eltb» r by the general e SatBBM of psrtlea interrsteo or by the aid of a Cou't of Law, should it b*cume neons-

oar r la Itroka th* aid of auch CourtTbe«xp»aies acoessiry to be iocarred in c» rriug out thia

svnai geBiiat to bo paid f cat tbe earnings of tb» R >tvd'. Toe feregattf, Atr-en.-r to be open fag aubseription by the

parties iakrestea until he htt-.ntii on of .aauary nest."Partiea tatereateO ate inrited to ca'l at tbe otlion of the Com-

pary. No fit William »t. oumsr of Pine-st .Nut , 1U7

Dividend..Th« Bf>»rd «f Directors of thsHUWaRD INSI'KANCE CIMPANi' hs»e d>*lared s

Dividend cf 1U KLVK f f.K CtST upjn th- Capital awoak,paiabi- oc and after MONI»aV. ihr 7*h day ot De ember 1857

_HENRI A OAKLET, »»oreUry.OrriCB or thb .. .<;.-.. ». .. POLBDO)

Baii.BoaO CostPasr, Not 4, Iüo7. 5

Toz matured COUPONS of the ß .nda of steTOLEDO. NOR *'ALKand CLEVELAND RAILROAD

COMPANY*, JVNCTION BAILR>AD i.OMPANT and theCLEVELAND ans* TOLEDO KAILROAD COMPANY willhe paid at tbe RANK or NORTH AMERICA a Y mitU furthet ontlee ia gfreti, Tbe salt* f nfiiu** No. 16 Wliiiam st arefortesM loo are of C. JENKINS at th* "ffio*

J B WARING, President.Ths Nbw Tork Cbktbal Rsilboad Comi ssv iTsta.vttK »Orrtci albasy N v. 17 isw j

rjWE TRAN.SEEK-books ol'toi* Couipaiiy a\illJ. ba CLOSED at tbe dose uf bosi^eaa on SATURDAY, tb*ttth Say of Noroa ber inat preparatory to th* a..i. isi Eleetioator Dlreegots of th* C in pans spp >lnted t b he. J on tbe en

aay of Ueneater next, and will be REOi'ENEi) on the morn-

ana cf THURSDAY, the 10th day of Deoemb-r next.GILBERT L WILSON, Tr< aaurex.

IR7IN0 SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 96Was*rea-ot oo* doss from Grcuwich-st 1ataftSt at tu-

ratorf SIX (6) PER CENTuo suru» Irom SI to »vT» Oper,daily frosa 1'ibIoSd m and on MONDAY, TBURSOAT and OaTURDAY from 4 to 7 p m

V. L RtiXTOB, SeCy W. W. CONCKL1N, President

»~~EW4llfeRK COMPANY.-A' MMawsS of ihnS'oekholdera I tb- flfW-i RES K COMPANY srlll b*

held at tbsir tflice. No SI Walnal aV, PiUad^ipkla ou (TUESDAY Dec i. IUT, at Ko'oeck. a m A g.neral at«-n I- Iox** is teouested on iuipottant bus'nsaa Ry oiler of the Istrarsl P MERINO, ji , 8» lekuy. 1

OfM| lal |i I . lH)fKJKKN~cTl Y WATERa^l^l.lWPsF, LOAN -Sealed propoatlswi l be receivedby lb* Boaid of Water mbjbbsMbI mers f the City of H'jH AeuK.J. bo'II bATI'RDAV. tbe'.Sh day al N .winner, "=.7 atIf o'clock, a m , at'heir of*fk«,N<> 73 W-jnlng* >u at l-ss'iCity cf Hob ken. for tb* whole or sny part of the t- sbWater Loss, rf said city, issr*d p irsuant to an act of teeLeglalatare cf toe Sts'e as Mast Jersey, entitled so act to au-

Usorioe '.be Watet Commissioners of tb* C'ty of h .bokeo toeootroot far and Introduce water Into asld city scd to prosidofor tb* payaari.t thereof; approved March jo, l&:,7 Ail aro>bhosIs a net stair tbe time th saa.e tha I b* taken f .r (not to beleas thox ten net m .re thau twenty y*ars|. Int*r-»t not to »t

o» ad sever, per cent per ai mm. and to be payable on the 1ststays of Januars and July In each year.TVs arris will aw taeurd: in ta> Ssai .bare*, aad all tbe real »«tat*

aad r ba'tel. Il <he aaid city sse ma 1* liable fu the principal andln e-eot i f the »»o>e

Proptwais in aealed et relope marked, " p-opoaals 'or loan," tor»ed«r*a**d, board of W'»o-r OoaaaaatasJ BBBffe, OfiaOS No. 73¥.aabaogv«: at Hobokra N J.Cmav Clistob Obsra. EDMUNi) CU ARLE?, President.

VaBMaaa' Kasb. BsincBi-aST. 1RBii'uxr j*t. Conn Net is, Id57 >

I^ROM nod AFTKB this <iatf (until lurthnruotice)th* ael** of the FARMERS' BANK H.ilgp.rt. Conn,

wSI be rtdeeaned by L » LAWRENCE k Co.. No. 164 Nasaasi-*t New Yr.ik at one p-' n: ,. ^ .. irt, we aavirg aia.on-Unoed to rei. eat at the Suffolk Bank, Boswia.

. t itfLINSOrf,Pre*id»Dt nf th* Farm-re' Bank. Billige* >rt, Coua


. » d at the Office No *" W &jl-.t on MONDAY th-7tb ds/ofPoftasbat n»s: batwarn tb* hnnra of i2 ra ant I p ra

_JAMES M KAN KIN Secretary

1m1e rills of tie marine" bank OFBUFFALO srill be r*de*rr.*d at the SANK OF NORTH

america Wa l.t at i ui p»r r-nt die-onu' Ai*» %: tn*.saws rat«, at the MECHANICS' AND 'AHMEKS' BaNrt,Aibary. We ate aotboiiged to asy that this Bsuk will roll**let tbe New Yoik City Ssavkl a d " result daily." at usual rates

O n e Y W A l\ T E 1)..Wanted M borr iw,TI1RFF. Tdtii SAND DOLLARS for three or Its

years, tri wlaasb s»veo per neat lotete.t wi.l b* stlowwL and **-

SSUgtry alaren cl bbsswMM real rotato worth mrr* thau io -

the aooaxal. k*-OCed in the b .sine** part of th* City of C.ev«-l*iA,0 Be»t aj retVien«-* given as regarda alte, pr .aiptrieaa,Aa oddse** B.X TS«, Cv-lauJ Poet Office Cl**el*n4. O.

J Jai Fa a 9, i Joh* J Ks'X,H M. Ksox { N r,oi- ( -Unk .i v.rnjo, New Ynrk.


kUsV* t> Atlsattc Bank, New-York; Marine Bank, Chicago

Rem itiTnc^IsTIon^läIjdSCÜTLAN Ii aid WALES

wi i...vb »ichs eilUSoa thbfMON BANK OF LUNOOMRational Bank or scrTLaND.BELFAST BANKING COMPANY, lreUad.

la sums from A upward, at tb per X


COPELAND. Banker, Evi»n4vi);c^I^idoä.e will attraA to all COLLECTION* la Evanav.Ile ».d

vb-Jirty svad r.o.11 proo.ptly at la* onrreut late* of ex. bang* onN. w York k»f r. to Meaaia F-anor A Co., and M s.ra. Field»Glitt k Co New-Yoth._\vav1ed. f 10,000 or $U,l>00, &t 7 p-r or>at,T Y <* tb* Wat 8>s>l Estate AlrxsVaff IgMalaaa HO IEI

fo< sot* Ipuolre of «EA A POLLOCK No 48 Coartlandl at ,

New Y< fk, or No. 19 » ery ft. J*rs*y City.

sfl^^üy i WANTED. Oo Boi,d and Morttra^e?J? Qi\J\Jl '

"B Impr **" Cttv Property Worth S10,too,for Ovw y« ata. Inquire at No 1X3 3 lav._

©r-xerue an5 propifliirtta.JOHN DWIOIIT tV Co.,



N< llCrtd alip Ha<r.ver square, New-Verb.rrRF t i'.eaM of tartar always »n hand.


SANDS' SARS A.PA RILLA. -This fumu\)m%\ sits-par scd PBOtrt rnV'arln .s v»g tab!., reo. \y, f.«f p.r!l(lng

Gar u^o< d ard tit cur* ot sertafajaai ans sstaaaotgg <li.ea*ea,¦not bo takssi a. ibis seak a with tbe greatest beuerit by everyob.* Tb* or it routtoo necestarv I* *. awl u to obteiu the

sw'a^SaV sod genuin« artA le Prepared aud add by a. B. A D.EABIMi, No IW Puiua st. N. w imk,_

LONG ISLAND RAILROAD.Tmioa o^gBoot ¦¦ v* BrswkJyn I r 11 -np- :t at I* a. as. trn Synaaest

«vi I »A p an los Hectipaaoad at I» a. m. 3:4» aad 6 f. at,, analSat *b«oe».-s M !? a so , l:«8, » sad «.» p sa.

Bale* 'Atuucu

AUCTTOli NOTICE.-E Ii. BAN'.3, Aar-I ti»i»s*r- RA*'.* k Co. wll ooeiieu« bo «.II Hit

?. m*nm . aw* ui u.Tt«a«' u* »t-« .* dry 0 JOD | r ,?

B these, it- N>. 317 renal-*. ("J N "- .......«tu

p«t«f Silks. Kbaole, tl«ek». f»» LtJue* P*id«. PMtseie«, aim-rtticsVt I'.-, -,-u« Mi #o» To»»vie«. Hnaleiy Lav-a a .d Kre->n d.-e« .-ai* to eo»rr,*i:reei»sryd*j atlBo lock» m , raia

or sblU«._

AhHi.NhEKALE..The h ilkur-- of th* %*vif>ta*f OekamitaA Krartot. *»«igtwii i the I'ibeiTi tier tW ckc

be- »I . rf «rred»t«wa nonsts.far of K tea. Acoeonta H.*d*ito.*. ClMrua InBSspwt* aud all other aeeet*. enl] be Bald at

au< .! .. t. the i. »¦]-.' kid or, av Ikeaf rooireo, at the City THt'K^HA y l>" I at 2 p .n. F irt.e-oirti,« on d«y.fiele .New York, Mo-.. A IEJ7.

ß P StWTltB, Aaalriee.

By A. M .«'.».» «. m .-r

BT BANGS, BBOlHEB A Ce.~Twil flaaaK rr . .-: IS Park roar

MONDAY KVKNINO. Nor. *' at * oVJork.I NOLIaH ai-d AMr K GAH BOOKS, mostly lata odit.ana,

and It petfrct order, rompii«fo4 a era* eVWtloo of velieb'eih-aiT otipie.ff standard wnkilo Hftv/rv. BleerapSy. Poetry.The Drana Be lea L-t'*-i. Art« and S-iUdcw. fia- Pulpit.Pearly e'.d P»> ket Bible«, aad . laria aaaortaxojt of cWaM'.f., an-.... LfeseUi* u aay of tnem lb neat tagluth cjfObd Mi irav,© b*udlbgs. Also, a variety of esega-itly L.aatretedB.<ka paaaVadj iatballibil Jcverdlea, Ac. Cetelofiara maybe had at the Kale Boom a


B. M. A Co are im» preparlra a Catalogue of aattaMTM con-

t'ji n .: t. »f Er-gl'aB Bxiki juat reesived. e/oleb have been

artfully ae eeted atd rieb.y boned by Hay lor. Riviere, aadj here, ee'Ocuierly salted tt BBS c .mint IfaMai Season, to

i "er with e varied collect'.» n of new aad valuable SlaodudH ik- I. BaoeaM aad n>..r>cco L.ndia... aulte'M» f r pieaeutaaid public acd priva'e llb'erle*. Tobe sold aBBfeBBR reserve,u oj aborrt the MB December? .¦...jpertb'ulera bereafter.N. B Tbia ae> »li! be open to the p ildic, and w/1 pfeaeut a

ae] i.i. opportunity to procure efeeaniand valuoole bookicb-ap.Haaav B Hiai>,Jr, Au' ti rteer By« and afoit


DAV, Ntv <7 ai d 2-1. commer> in« at 1" '¦ k ^»i-.i itj Tb»ra eloaue la a a-rai «ec tot tb ae daya that fro a 10 to II o'clo-.keil. Ie devo-ed to tbe aale of Gentlemea'e Kurt Robea. Ae ;fr re 11 to II Ladies' Real Mink Beta oal) iroin 12 to I real Aua.At Sable aeta. and from 1 to t p. to. a «eueral aaaortmen'. Aaf . . .- v. be ....-. y o ... ap-jnctial a~tecdaace it :.-

q"ttedNOTICE..Tie flaletroom it critt'orttbly warm»d.


.ty Prencb plate Pi. r and Mantle Allrr r«; tbreo auiua ofi.<b Pailor Fu/nitore, roa.-«rM>d Piano Eotte. 7 .cteve. e.e-

pautly tslaid »Ith peerl. and tol d pea 1 of toe mo«ttiipeib iLttrqmenU ever made; valuable OH Palu:(nja; Pearlai,c riiver Cuilery Ac at No. 51 Wut Idtu it, i.-ar 5tb-evP RASH Auctioneer. KRIDAY. Nov 27 at M o'clock theer.thre Pumiture of the above bbaati, wnich itof 'he beat d-orrip-RotA tyaaitlinf of Uite and cottlv Pier and Mantle Mirrort;auperior n^ewiKHl Pian>Korte | altigoatt tult-t of Parlor Euro'-lure, in rich rrimaon and mtiaon hr >cide; one do in rreenend «o|d cottly roaewood and 8c retary B'^ikcaaei; eolidcreed roaewood Center. Sola o"d lief TaMea; three superiorrotewood Elturera. marble tope, with mirror dcora andbncta; elegait roaewfKil teee(,tion Chaltt, in ri 'b latin aidtapeitrv ruK'Vtood Omer K M»n ¦. with mirror back«; HebLane Vtitdow Curtaini and Sriaoea; Brot fe aal OrrailuCloekt; ci ttly Sevret and Dresden V««et, and r.cb Par! r O;ntn.euta kc. »Ith a number of hue Oü Painti gl: Dining-t' m and Chamber Pumiture.e|e«ant Ei.n..i m Table«,C; e'r»; ll"h «o;d band dec rat» d Tea and Coflee Seta: eleaantCat «lata Wire I* arl and Bi v. r Cutlery Cake Haaketa: Caat-ra Hiireaut; Waab«tai.**. uith rn»rh> topt; c«!ly de>

cora>'d ( hin» To'l.t Se»., beat H»ir Mat re.»«» Pe»»ie: Bedkeid B»d!ii.(. Fn B4 i. val Mirror. maboganv lu'tea o| Purni-tnre In ha'.r cloth C< ttaae and mah'.pany Sp iui aeat Cbairar<>aew<u>(l Hall Bta.ide. Oil Cloth, Ac Sale pontive,

DANIEL 8. HOUGH, AH^tinnevr. OkleB No.Tl:..,.i.t bbB| parttiiilat attention of pere>n* In

»ant of really Orot elate HOL'vEUOLD I» >oDS to hit tele ateiictioo on FRIDAY (thia cav; Nov 27, of all the rieh andeo»tiy goodi <.< utvined iu the private Ret dence No 24t WeitaS-l t ., i egr nil av All the g' od« trete mate {or the preeet.toener, hove been but little uaed, and are Ii 6 je condition. Salepo»i'ive No piatponement on tny a< cojnt Dep.eila req.iradof ell purchaaeii In 'he Baa-men are tuitet of wain .tDiMNi> Rt.»oM PI RNITI KB co Dpl»te t 'getter witn allth> Ki'cben I'tenalli and elegant t bin» Dinner aud Tea Sete,Ivory Cutlery, Biieer Ware, Cut Gleet, Ac beloaglbg to thefami'y.

la the PARLORS are Velvet Carpet* and Rata and threer'>.wix.d Pail r Suitet Center and Bide Tab'ea, Comer andWill Ettgeree, Lace Wltdnw Drtpiry. Pi -r Olaaent ChinaVarbe, BroLze Pigurrt. Cloeka, Ornamente, Paintiugt, En-g-aviLci Laci- a avcre'ary. Worh Tablet, iltay Chairi,Bo.k-cataa. Ota Pizturee, (uie ltoeewood 7-octate Piano, Btiol andCover. Ac

In the CH AMBK1S ar» a fine aaaortment of carved Rotewood.i d Mai «»i y B< dtteada Burraua, Stauda Coochee, Cbaira,Ctrpett. (>ih«, Sofa*. 10 QI e enned hair Mattr<-a»a Blauknit,Hi .f. and Bedding and a line variety of deti/able good*. '. o

Liimeroui to metition. Paaarlaflva Casalaaaaa oa th* morningof tale Bair commenoei at 11 j a m. preciaely

Jona Lloyd, Aacttoi e. r


WACSTAFP BOUSE,corner of 'tb ar aid 7rttU it , on THURSDAY, Dec. 3, 1M7, atL2 o'clock m.. by order of the

BOtRD ÖF CENTRAL PARK COMMISSIONER 1,all the BUILDINGS on CENTRAL PARK, witn the eXeepUoaof th >ae watch ere rear red by the Comnuationeri, for dracrip-tlon ol which ice catal

TERMS, CASH.All bniiJii gi to be removtd betöre the lVtb day of Dtoinb-r,

r.'7, or forttited.CATALOCUES

ceu be had ai the Auctioneer or at the < Baa of the CoBIBtW-ti neri, Bonk of C'.uin.t-rce, and at .he W.gttatT Ho-.te, teedate pieviout to the aale J01IN' LLOYD k SON,

(ii9> No 15 Naaeau at , C.4HU1 uiarea th Bu.idioga

£anb (Harrants.I AND WARRANTS WANTED*,

taylor BROTHERS* bankerbNo »Ö VV.\LL-ST, NE V-yorr,

We w t t BBjBrf r-rdert b f«Y WarTeata alwara on baadt

©«on ötcaTncrß, &t.

STEAM br-twi*D NEW-YORK and GLASGOW.EDINBURGH, 2,aOttuna Win. Cnmmtng, Commander;Nt U-YORK, a. : .i e Robert Cralg, Coaunandar;GLASGOW. I 942 tuna, John Duoean Caimmander.

The Glragnw and New-York Steaineblp Company lb.end aaS-i: « Mm te new and p< werful iteamert f:( m New- York and Glas¬gow direct at fpUwB a:

i BOM BtW-YOBK. rkOM CLilCOW.Glasgow....Wtdnesday, Nov. a^lEd'.r.b.fgh . .Dec 2fcamattith..Wodaaaday, Dee joltiia.giw.Dec M

kATbt or fasaai.t.Plrat-Clsas.»78Third Claaa, found with co >ked provttl .ci.$St

An ezperienced flurc- .« attached t-i eaUi Steamer.Et r freiabl or naatag-i apply to

JaMES RAEBUKN. Ae-at.N 17 Broadway.

New York. City bi le or gold only re-'nivrd for (vaaaege.

NOTICE..The s'eamihlp NEW YORR will Ml g»n fjeGlasgow on the 16th cf December, aa f >ruier!y/ adv. rt ied

JAMES RAEIil'RN Agen' N. 17 lir. »dway.


boo laiBta a'tkinahipaCieY OP BALTIMORE ... 2 SCT tuns.. ..Capt R Leitcb.CITY OP WASUINOTON ...'S SBDtuua_Capt. f. C Petr.e.i IIV OP MANUIEÜTER...2 iObtum....CafS J. Kennedy.KANGAROO..1,«7-1 tuna....(apt Jeffrey.The undernobed or other vessels are inteudad to sail aa foi-

1 wa:Pbom LirrBroot.

KANGAROO.Wednei^ay.Nov. IP. 1BS7.( IT\ OK BALTIMORE....Wrdiietday.U-c. IX lt>7.KANOaR'.iO.Wrdn->!ay.Jan. 13, iSöd.

PaoM Nrw-Yoaa.CITY OK W'ASHINGlON. Thursday.Nov. 2«. Iti7.KAM.AROO..-.-Th»u^day.Dee. 1". IKS?.CltY OP H ALTlMulRE .. Tltira,Uj.Jar.. 7 1« s?,KaNi.AHOO.Thursday.Frb. 4,18».

A: 1J y. ;0.B i^on.

Ran s oi Cativ*g>.- Kr .: N-w Yorka».i rhi'ad- iphiaB7A. Prem Liverpool. 21 guineas. 17 gniaea* and lag t. a*, ae-

c. dig t<> tbe aoooi moilalion hi the Srat. R.. ana a 1 havingtheaan.r BrivOaa/g lb 'he Saloon, Including steward'i AsesTHiBb-CLAtt Ps'irtiCBk*.. A limited number of third BtaH

paaeet gelt wli, he ttki u and fiutid In aa m>. -h pr-'riti nt as

RsaaltMi from PLUadeiphia and New Y.ra, t> »lifrntB «45.

Tl.»»e steamers sre ioostr -c»ed with i?ip->ved water l rhttuieott. P.a. h vcsael carries ai eaper . i. ed a,;rrf» ,aSsl

svery attention paid to the comfort and BBaowaasJaBl m of pa*-t< g> rs

Dr»ft« n I.iverp^>l from £ I upwsrd.Pi i fn lght or psssage apply at tue Olli a of tie O tppvty.JOHN G DALE, No. li Broaviway, n.w Y. rk a.-mUM. in VAN, 1 and 13 Tower Bnildi::Pi. Liv-rr etl A-9Lt.


Lm» a.e:Th. ATLANL1C, Capt. O'dver El '.rtdt*Tbe BALTIC Capt Joeepb Comatank.Tbe ADRIATIC. Capt James WestThea* ahipa havin« been built bv ooitract eapreiaiy f.-t rAe

Government service. *v«ry care has been tsaen in t..e:r ..-a-

atraction, aa also in tbeur ersainea, t iumre atret gta and .peedand their eccoiumiJeiionj for uattengert are ucmiu^k ht »-eganre atid comfort

Price o| p.aaage from New Tork to Llverpi- I. Is ttit c.aitn. !"«'; in a-c..i d do #75. Eaeiusive nse ,.f -ttra si;-d .»**e-ooo »Si5 Prom UeasJBBI lb N. w T .» I ._i BJ g.iinoaaAe turge. n attv hed to aa a ahip. No betaba oaab* braaeed u*M paid I r. The ahipt of -kis lite have Imp-ovetJwat*itlgritbulkb««da.

PROPOSED DATES OP 8AILIN1roots ttw voaa. racsi Livtaee

JJov. 21, l»17;Wr-DNKSDAY..Nn,r. 2V ]MI«a11kday.Dec a, 1*57 WFDNKSDAY.. Dec. >. Kl_ . . a* .

IWtDNJ£SDAY..Dec jf. l<*yiPor Prel«ht r r Paaeagr. apply to

1 DWARD K COLLINS, No BI Wall at, n y.BBOYSN. BHIPLBT A Co LaverpuoLSTEPHEN .. r .V, a ; k Co..

_. M .No 2 AatRIa PrUrt Ladca

R O. WAIN'.VRIOHT k 0a Psr.sJThe i.woersaflfcaM sLiot wu: a.>t be a < luuttl* f-r g< Id,

SÜVef, bullion, spe. lr JeH e.rv, pi,. U, ,| »¦ n-s r r SDeUU 'i:. netbtlls .>' lading ale tlgoeii thersfor, acd the value th-re-' e«ge*-vse*d therein.

GF.EAT REDUCTION m FAJtE to EUROPE-First Cabiti, B"; Se. oud Cabic, aJ5«. In tt... fir.t cieet

saddle wheel ateamtbipe ARIEL. a^iV tea*, CD w

f«*.madder, and NORTH STAR, tUK tuoa. f £ L-fevre,( -.0 d ander, to sail from Pnr N« j North River, at n«.oe or*-

-e .sr rln« tbe UNITED STATES MA!L< ».:^

Leave NEW YORK fur SOUTH-l BreL-sen for Havre aaAA.MPTON, HAVRE aud BRE-|Sojtbair.ptoA..|.S. nhauiptot

MEN.I |«»rN VitNORTH STARBatnrday, Ncv * flafy. Dec. ¦ We4.Deo.Jt

ABIEL_-lAW'y. Nor.«I Wed, Deo 1tfreer »¦ v. v. ra touch at Havre, Specie delivered ia Uom

i i WBi Pstla. Per ,«**««* or fr. '«bt apply to*D ToRRaNCE. No » Ba würg Oreea.

F)R LIYERPCOL..TtV In t d HtXet Ma* *TL\NTIC. O Rldrlcg« romroaesor. will *.

part with lb* United State* Mailt lor Karoo* p sitsooif OBSaTURDAy, at Ii o '-.-ta m rV..a b*r beta .« to*

fret of Gsr.alst Fas Freich r Pa«*ag* barmd uaeoiaesd aa-

<-<tnmodati- i . for e -rsne* arid romf- "I appiv toEDWARD IL COLLINS. Nr. « "At.I at.

fBiBBBi | r- will please bo *b board ». 11 o'niort i in HI is*VM. mats part thr igh th* foat-O* - %i j cater* »Iii b» *.-

txeraajlNorrct .Tb* «.»amen of this lloe hsee ImpTosred wUf

t', ht raioipai^tTi'ttt*.Tb* HaLTIC, C*pt L I CtaottKk. o-Ul saoceed

ATLANTIC aedsaii December 1ANo ex .. bad beat spared to make the stsvaxpaes of tblt Msaj

mill t--i' -. at t at a-w. To* r .uga examinationgivm tb*m pior*i th. a mod* of r n»»ri-tlnn ywt a.'.eoitled,N. B -H*T-»«*r to* rigalar bunt abipt lor tax* ito* srtil par¬

le in: 16» rn'lTt service

f/tramboats anb Railroads.

I^OR BOSTON And PROVIDENCE m NEW¬PORT . d FALL RIVER..Tb* spsertdid ¦** wperlon

*v*a»r BAY STATE Cxpt Jewett, l»av«* New York »v*ryTUESDAY, T*>'R.SDAY and SATURDAY, a»4o' lo*k am.,at t. ? EMPIRE IsTATE, Ctpt Brayton, leeret N»w Yorhevery MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 4 o'olnokp m from P*t No 3, N. R.. near too lattery both to» hingat Newport eaab way.

Hereafter ao rotr» will b> regarded aa seenr-d to aay appBeact urtll tb* tame stall bar* beea paid for.

Freight bl h it fnrwatded through with tr*at dispatchby ao Expreae Preith* Train.

_VVM BORDEN, Agent, Not 7* and 71 Wettot,


toe . .. rest and most direct, carrying the Eastern Mail.Tbe steamers COMMODORE, Captain Joel Stono. and

C VAN DERBLLT, Cant W n Pra***, in e -r.i.- U-.n withtt-BTON1NOTON and PBOMDEtCE and BOSTON andPROVIDENCE RAILROADS, tearing New-Tor* datir 'Saa-dayt eifeptod) from Pier No Z North River, first wharf boot*

Battery place, at 4 o'clock am. and 8t..ningt..n at I SO p m_, or

on the arrival of the mail train whico learea Bo*too at '. ; m.

TbeC VANDERBILT from New-York, Monday. WeAloasdaya: Frida* fioan Stoungtoo. Tuesday, Thuraday and Satarday.Tbe COMMODORE from New-York Toesday. Thursday aad

Saturday. '. n v r: ¦ Monday. Wpdneoday and FridayPassengers pro- ~d from Stonitigton p>r railroaJ to Prort-

dere* ai.d Bnat/.u in th« Express Mail Train, res « said

placet in advance of those by other routes, and in amp e timefor all tb* early irurrir.g line* connecting North and Eaat Pas-Brnjera that remain on board the st»-sm*r. enjoysnight'» rest «r.dl.turhed. br-ekfait if d»a1r-d. ar.J tear* Btoa-itifV/B in tbe 7:15 a m traia for PrortdVr.o*.A Ittriafc master scoomp&ni't the steamer and train thr-».rh

.och wsy.For paisafe. bertba. itate-roomt or fr»i|ht. snp!y r.n board the

steamer, or st th< Frelsbt Office, Pl*r No. 3, North Hirer, or attbe office No. 13 Baltery place. Norember M

CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY.Conneetios at New Hampton with the Delaware, Lodfca>

wanna ani Western Railroad, sod st Easton with tbe LehickValley Raih-oad.PALL ARRANGEMENT, eommenclnd Ort ». ISfT-LeoTS

New-York for Esston and intermediate placet from Pier No 3,North River, at 7j a. m., 13 m. and H p m for SomerVJls byabove trains and at 5 p m.Tbe above trains connect st Ellssbeth with traini on the New

Jeraey Railreod, wbtcb leave New York from the foot of C .str¬ia. : f st 7, and Hi a, and 3:30 and 1 p ¦:.

Fasten,*!! for the Delaware, Lackswanna and W>at*rc Rafl.rosd a ill leave st 7, a m. only. For L- it. Valley rUllroad at7ja m.and 11m. JOHN 0. STEENS, gape Intend***.

FLUSHING RAILROAD.LesTfsi FoItv.D MaNktt Wharf, by steamer Island City, at 6:49 * snd 10a as.,

and I 3 V) and 5 p. m Tbe Casa Wave Fluaoin«. L. I., at tb*aaroe noura, meetint and t » .'. ^ p*a*enf*ra with tOe Boatat Hunter's Paint Thro .n, In fifty minutes. Fsre. 2S oenU

Wbi. M SMITH. Receiver.

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..From 0«w>ber 19, 1657, Trains wiM leave Chajr.t-rs st. Station as fel¬

lows : Express trains 6 a. m and 5pm.; Albany Mat! andFrstftt Trsin 7am.; Albany Psaaertfer Train, 11:30 a m ; for... i "':.*. a m snd 4 p m ; for P .i-i-.- 1. k sxtd1*1 m. for PeSksklll, .> v p. m. Tbe P nhk--pn», Peob>skill snd S 11 u Trains ¦. p st .. » wsy sta'.loos. i'neyntaB*n at Cbambera. CacsJ, Cbrlstopber and Slst-r.a. TYabasfir New.York leave Troy at 6:30 a m. snd 13:35 and 5:45 p. SB.East Albany at 7 and 8:35 a m aad land 6:10 p m.

_A F BMITIi. S ip*linWodoaa.


CITY -Mall and Express lines Irsve Nsw Yorkst I and II a as.

ard 4 and 6 p.m. fare + ,, 13 m t 1 JS, ttoppin| st all wsy eta

tiotis; 11 and 1 fo to K- ... .' ¦. Thr Iv keta oildfor Cia-aluaati IS 17 and S16 50) and tbe West, snd for Baltimore,Was.-lr.t;ton, Norfolk, fcsv. and through bags, are checked to

Washington In t > m snd 6 p m trains.W WOODRN'FF Aasistant SupvriatcndenL

No Baggage vs ill h* received for any train unleaa deli ver*d sodaheeAed fifteen miuiites in sivsnre of the lime of lesviag.

IAND ROUTE.NEW-YORK to PROVI-J DENCE, Ac-On snd sfter Oct. 36 1657. Trsin of khd

PROVIDENCE, HARTFORD and FISH KILL RAILROADari'l leave Ii . after the arrival there of tbe Expreti Traiaaltb sNew Yoik snd New-Hsven snd New-Usren aad Hartwrd aad Spritigtje'el Rai)r>sdt, which leave New-York at * a at

SAMUEL NOTT, SueerlnUndeoL


CotlMrtriSG Octobib IS, l'''7.Pass*nger Statiou in New-York, corner 37th-st aad 4th-af.,

sntrsoce on 37tb-stTRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK

For New Haven, 7:70. t:*>, a m , (ex ). I3:ii, 3:10 (as.), S:4isndt .3»p. m Per Bridgeport 7:*l, ItSts, m . (ex.), 13:45, 3:11(ex.) 1:45 sud 4:30p.m. FogSttf >rd, Stratford.FairfieJd 8cnthport sod,Wi-stpjrt, 7:*s m .1.1'. 3:45.4:30p. ra PotNorwaaA,VSlla tn.; 12:45, 3:10 (ex.),3:45, 4:30, Ä-.S»p m For Danes».: l .-.:»-!,*-¦«. n. 13:45.3:45, 4:30 5:3.5p.m. Por Staas-lord, 7:2U, 6:30 (ex.), a n Ii I«. 3:10 (eg), 3:15, 4:30,5:35

Bm. For Port Chester snd Uitenuediato Stations, 7:30 s. an. |:4b. 3:40, 4:30, 6:35 p rx.

CONNECTING TRAINS,tot Boston, a u» (ex.), 3:10 p.m. (*x.l. For HsrtfordaaA

Bprltifleld. » 30 a m. (ex ), 13:4-5 p. tn 3:10 p m (ex). ForConnecticut River Railroad to Montreal, 1:30 a. m. (ax 1, and3:10 p. m. (ex.). to Northampton For Canal Railroad, S:30 " (ex) and / U p. m. to Nrirtbampton. For Housatonl*lUllrrad, . r, m. For Nangstuck Railroad, 8:20 a. rr., 13;Msnd 3 10 p. sa. For Danbury and Norsralk Railroad. 7:3* *. m_


Prom New Haven, 5:30,7, 9:55 a. m.; 1:30 (ex.), 4:«. * 45».so, (ex ) From Brtdgeport, 6:10,7:40, 10:18 a. m.; 2r07, (ex.)Pl1 L r - P BX (ex ) From Norwalk. 6,6:11 8:15, 10:5Sa. SB.:

2:85 (ex.). 5:45. ^50 p m. (ex.) From Port Chester, U.

Tibs, 8:5«, 11:34 a. m 8: *7 p. rn

JAMES H. HOTT, SaperintexidenA


Cotnm.*i iug W E3NESDAY, Nor 15, 1657.Trains Leave Depot corner of White and Center-st:

9:50 v to...Mall Tis't. for Albany, stepping at sll Sutdosinorth of Williamsbridg*

6:15 p. in...White Plalris Train, stopping st all Stations.Leive 37th it.:

t 00 a ra... Wllllamsbridk-e Train, st ipplnj at ail Stations.11:« s. in... White Pis'ua Train, atopping at all Sutioos2 »t' p, m...Wilii»mabridge Train stopp.og a*, uil Stttima3.0o p m... Milierton Train, stopping st Wulisnnbndg* and all

S'atioca north.4:00p m...Cot..n Fallt Train, ttipp'ng st sM Sutions6 3" p. m... Williamsoriilge Train, stopping at all Staloos.

WM. J CAMPBELL, Superintendent

iTEW-YORK M,J ERIE RAILROAD..On sndsfter Momlsv, Nov. 9, 1857, and until further uottew, Pas¬

senger Trains wt'l leave pi^r foot of Duane-st at follows vis:DUNKIRK EXPRESS st 8 Btn., for Duakirk aad Buffalo,

and Interuiedist.' ttatlont.ROCKLAND PASSEN'OER st S*p m from font f Chambers

st. vis Pinrmont. tor Sufteros and intern..-.list* atatiosxdWAY PASSENGER at 4 p m , for Newburgh. Middletown,

and Intern .-dJare .tat'ona.EMIGRANT at 5 p m for Dunkirk and Baffal i and interme-


EXCXPTIDLND.HT EXPRESS Bl 5 p m , for Dunkirk snd Baffslo, every

dsv.Tl^m' Expr-at Trslr.i tenneet st Elmira with the Elmlra,

CaiiAiida'giis snJ Niagara Pal's Ralln«d. f.w Niaeara Kalis; atIthigbamton with the Syrscute aid Buighamtin Rsiln<*L forSyra. ua.-; at <"o-i bx| with the Bs^bJo, ('ornlng and Ncw YurkRal3n*d. for Rneheater at Gr«st Bend with the Delaware. Lack-awannaand Western Rsilroad for Sersjiton; at HopoeJarillewith the BoFalo a::d New-Y nk City Railriad fir B'iffaloj ttBufiaioaud Dur.t'rk with tbe Lake Sh .re Railroad, for Cleve¬land, Cincinnati, Toledo. D*tr- It. ClrlaaBe, he

_CHARLES MORAN. President.


ESEE VALLEY RAILROAD ts now np,-n. anllr. conneetiuawub the Buffalo, Corur.g snd New-Yurk, and New.York sodEpe RaUn ad.fosrjiisddrort tout*from New Y'orkt. R.^-h>-ater.The directness of thia route, together with th. superior com-

sV.rt afiorded by th.- wide cars, renders it by tar the intst deiiro-ble betwteu tbe above-named dtieaT1.Act* can be procured at the Naw-Tork and Erie Railroad

Ticket Off.c*. foot of Duane st.snd No. 193 Broadway; also lai.e. CiU. Barrage checked throughFr«1<hts*wi;i bs trantp.rted between New-Tork snl R.«kw«v

tar with diipat- h Any usfonna: tru J,¦...r*a tn regtri thereto.a: be obtaiued by calling on tb* General Frsight Agent of th*New Ycrk snd Erie Railriad, Er:e Bji;<,ln;»,0r C 8.TAPPAN,Expreit Freight Agent No 193 Brcadsrsy.No traun on th* Buffalo C- rein asxd N»w-Y.*k Ratlrnad oaSvaday._J. A. REDKIELD SuperinUndeot


U cities wttl Western. North western aad S .jsn wnternITatea by a cos ^nuoaa Railway direct Tale Road also ooooeeteat Pittabcrpl with (ti'y Hr.e *f Steamer* to all p-Kts on lb*Wistern R:v.-s - st Cleveland and Saudutky with stoamerste all puts en the North-sreat-rn Lak*s-tniktng kbs osostttltect ehesp snd reltsble rout.- by which 'HEIGHT eaa be4 rwartfeC te slid from the Groat We*tRATES BETWEEN PHILsTTlCLPHIA and PITTSBURGH.Fis.-t CLASt-S.wts, Shoes, Hats sod Caps,) 1Jft_ .Bciks. Dry Gooda (la boxes, bales aad trankt). S »^SaaTTDrags (in Vexes and bal*s), Kearhen. F irs, kt... ) m ¦

.pcosd Ctsts D tiveatic 8besting, Shlrtiis sad jTicking (in orislnal bale*). Drags On csaks), Hard- ! 75n*sitaS»ware. Leather (tn roll* oi boXeai, W oo. and Sheep lss) St.Pr as, eastward, fca



9otitBD Ctsss.Anvils. Steel, Chains (in casks).),,_.Hemp. Bacon and P. rk, tailed (loooo or la sacks). "ÄS'Ti 1 .en. manmact'tred *x. ept Cigars or sue As. )

FoVBTN Cla.i .CotTea, Fish, B*c n, Beef aad)Perk (in caaks or lose*. Eastward). Lard and I 50ean*st*t«wd Gil. Nails Soda a- German C as Tar. } i«t 95.Pitih, I.wln be.j

Ftocs.Ma s)> bbi. antii fuitber not!**.asAit.34 neota ap I'»1 P> ''Df I farther notion.Ottc*-sj3 f halo, not ex erdtng !»<> & weight oaBa furo«aotler.In ahippse* 0.-«ds T"m soy porrf east of PhfsAVipoAt, b*

parti, ular V p*.k the ywekage Via Peoaerivama Raitr«wd."i j Goods <-** signed to th* Agent* of this Road at PruiadelpBlstr PimbargA wil' he f .rwaritd wltboat de-entton.Fbcicht AuitBT*.llama Woraiiev A C«., Memphis *rVon

R. ». Saas A Co St L-Mila P G. O'Reiitp A Co Era;i .

knd., Durneariil-. Be'l h Co snd Coiter k J»*>f L-allvillaEy.; B. C. Me drum, Mad1».a. too. H Brown A Co, aadIrwte A to. Cm-icniti N. W Oraham It Co, Zanesvfl*risao; Leech A O No M KUbr st. Boston; Leech A Ox. No» Aster House, New York, ami No 40 South St New Torttf J. Bnoedet. Pti'lauelphia; Mat s* k Keotaa. laiUrn.**D. A St.wsrt PiUsOurghM H HOUSTON General Fmn-at Ageot. PLUH J LOMBAERY. sVspdtla-e*isj*. Us

Nut JB. 1481.


TS» P¦ ¦ rury \v<% Railroad oosjnects et etatebtr-wo wtta rata.ami* b »od *ro«Dj 8*. L03U, Mo.; Allow Qeieoe «».4 CbMkJO.CiL, Prem fort. LeatasjBoa «od L- ulsri ie, Kr.; Torr» Hu**Modi «ort. LeiayKt* Bai l»Jltou j**a. lad {: »rinn all. Darre«Bartr.*!>U, Bwl-faovaln«. Aajadutky. Toäe-lo, Cer-'ead, Conrmbat, 7-iiw ;, Mu«..' ami Wiester Ohl»; elar. tritt*? steer» pwi 1 »u froa ul *a New i vu *c L ..'«.

Lveii*riile aad Ctortr,aeti.Thi o»h Ttekets foe th* East rea V- bad at aar of U« above

¦euti Jted piece* to the W ..

Pu^Li«n »vi End tnii to» abarltMt, avoet expeditle«* aal>OTfort%h!e roaaVa Wtwee-n tn» Put eod V.'LPEOM NEW-TORK TO CINCINNATI IM » HOCRBPROM NEW-TOAR TO CHICAGO IM a HOURSPROM NMV-TORK TO 8T. LOHR IN *» HOUR*.Pere es tow at 007 ««her B»«t«8*»band um i ah» kib of tali oft*.?ae 1: Vii kmU or further tn*< rmoriA, raar Do beJ ot IBs

.saoeof tee PRKKtTLV ANTA RAILROAD.Mo. t Aatvr-Rooaa. Br-iedwey,


Crgai Koticcs.

ri PURSUANCE of an onle?r of the SiairrkrAt«of Ii- Coanty nf N»w Tort, r. »' . la hereby flren to a

¦mane bovine w.- 1 araiaat ELIZA TRACT. lake ef theCity of New-Yo'k. 1 ¦'.»»» to preeentthe sum* wirb r^»' f to the .üb»- rfiVr, at tue piece of hai annas Noe, SJ1 aad

Broedwev, la 'he City o/NewYork. 00 or o-: theafalaatrtb dav'af November oeaaV-Doted New York, the r*toay of May. PREDLR'CR TRACT,» lawCrarrt*

N PURSUANCE of an order of th« Sorrotjatv» ofthe Cour-t y of NewYork. notice U herebyjlv-a 1 all per-

anr.a bovin« '.a.c. . acataet SAMUEL A. WATERS, '.atoof theCrty of Naw-V' rk, deceased, to prewrit the seme wi'h rouaheeethere* f t« the subscriber at the office of WaHaes R. CaldwJ,No 6* Wall street. In kh* CKy of New Tork. no or befjfe -hethird dsv f Apru nsxt .Dated N. w York, um trat day of Oe-tober. \tn.o21ewejmP oe0r0e WATTRS. Administrator.


IN PURSUANCE ofm «rderof tke? a^aaMpa. ofab» C-maty <*f New-York. Notice ., kerebr aiesta U ell p«r-

eoai btvina clainu aaraliut PRIdClLLA BRADFORD, Late oftb« City of N»» T. rk. deeeaaed te pr»ernt the muni withro chees thereof to the fcWib*. rlber, at his reeidwno». Ni. LSIA era. et, In the Gity of New York, oq or bef ire the »ch day ofMasch r.eit Dated New-York, th»ltd day of B^ptetnher. ltSt.

BZ-IaeemPrl_CHAS H REDMAN, Exc utor.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the? >,,f r,,.; .7,of the C- -.1 ty oa New York, nottee Is hereby siren to all

perencs harin* daunt ataiait WILLIAM ROBERTSON, lateof the City I New York, aeeeaaed, U preseat the sarn. wttb»oAiaaers thereof kg th, «Bberrrber. at the taata of UK.NBY vBf HENCR. No. IS West si. in th- City of New York, oa or

before the third day of April aext .Dated New Y rk. taror ..fOeteeesr, ItuTf. PETER 9CHKNCK.0! iaeeaniP- Exer.itor.


asa.1-.- »AMrEL COIT obd MARY E.. bit wif.. DefeodauU.Sermr.ota lor relief. (Com. not terred >.To the eberw-named Deferadsnla: Yon are hereby turjim.ieied and referredto aaswer ahe eompieatat In this actKn. which wtTJ be filed m.Aw otnee rf the Clerk of the Coenty of Kiop. at the Ciry Hallkr the Oily of Brooklyn, and to serre a cpy of your an<w»r tn

the ea.d eeAgrpiasnt on the subscriber, at Us orloa. No. M WalltAn-»t, bi the City of New-York, with in twenty dayt aA»r theeersire of thlt t^o moot cn you. saeiusir* of tbe daynf susharewiee, and tf ynu fall to answer the arid rornpLaiat withinthe an e aAn-eaeid, the pieinOtt in this ertivn wlS apaly to thec»<att Aer the reliaf deananded la the compieeaL.Doted New-V fk Ootober ». ia«T.

william B LEEDS, lltar.tirt Att-amey.The ».enplaiat In ttdt acttoti wee Bawd to the otfiee. of the

CVrk of the Counts ef I. mi at the City Hail in the City ofBrookty:.. cn the do day of o»b »- r lt»700 ltw«wp« WILLIAM B leeds, Pleintia?« Att-wney.


M. DOBJALD SAMV1EL P BARTOL.SAML'EL W CK iNK.CHARLRR at SOUTHARD, JACOB PECARE. and BER-TH A hu wbW- ISummoae, salt O) Tea are hereby eumoieaedtu aaiwer bbe srjrapiaint ta this cause, of which a cessy. Mae-n aadiiL wilt be tereed upoa rne. and terre a op» a' yo»iraritwrr on as at oar office, No 12 Wad-at,, in tho Clt? of (few-York, within twenty east «Her the tertio* hereof eaclearre ef toeday of auch tersie». or within twcotr dayt after aerr.oe of a e-pyof >aid ceanpltiat. If such enpy be demanded witbiu tweotr dayaafter aerelce hereof, and if yee fall to antwer the oeropiatnt obaf. raeaid. tbe plaintiffa wil -,»p to this Court for the relief de¬manded In tb» complaint. The romp'aiBt Is üb-d <? the nSiee oftbe Cu rb of the County of Kio«s-Dited New y n | J -eabcr

L1S57. BBTTH. ROBINSOS A BETTd,Plaiotiffa' Attnrorra, No SI Wa 1 r.

To tbe defetdant ANQI'S McDQMALD. Woe 1 lttrewP


AHBT1N, Henry Johtutoa, Ji«enh J P Delreocbio, J ho 8Peaa^ttoo, > 1: ii a. wife af Joaepb J P. Delp»rchi<i,-Campbetl..Swroinons for relief (Com. not aer ).To each ef the abore-basord Defrr.daatt: You are hereby tummoned and repaired toantwer th» complaint is to It action, which w.ll be filed ia abeorTtee ef the Clerk of the County of Wettcheebsr, ot WbJteI tan 1 In eald county, and to aerre a copy yoar auawer to

the laid complaint ou the subicriiier, at his oCoe, No. Ab' Pine-it.. New-York City, withia twenty deyi after the terrice of thltiiucnx'ti on you, exolniire of the day of auch service; and Ifynu fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid,the p .a tiri io this action will apply to the Coail Air the reiiefdeajosided ir the compleint..Doted Aunat IS. laTTT.

A v. W. van VP.CHTEN. PlainauT« Attorney.Tie c n:plaint in tbe abore eutitied action was duly fiiea la

the off e at th» Clerk of tbe County of Weetoheater, et WhitePlains, oo the 3d day of n ieember. 18AT.

A. Y. W. VAN VKCHTEN.n3e lawAwPri_PlauititTt AlAoraey.


ANGUS Ml DONALD, SAMUEL P BARTOL SAMUELw. CRONK. WASHINGTON A. CRO.NK and MARY bioWife .Surxmooi (Suit N ). Yoe are hereby aummooed to an¬twer tbe compi alot in this cause, of which a eoay, if do aanded,w!v be aerved upon yoa, and serraaeopy of ynor auawer 00us. at our oaVe, No. ST «ViU street, in the City of New-York,within twenty days Baker the service hereof, eaeluaive of teeday of tuch service, or within twenty days after serviee of a

copy of aald eoaipls^Lat. if ai cb copy be demanded within tweatv dayt after aeiviee hereof; end if yoa tail tu astswerthe com¬

plaint as aforeaald, the pla'iitiifi will apply to tble Court furthe relief demanded In the romp.alat. The amtplalnt ia ü.ealio the atMa of the Uertwif the County of Kin«a.Datei NewYork, Oct. L um. BETTS, ROBINSflN A BEITS

Plalr.tihY AtV raeya, Mo. 52 Wall street, New Turk.To the Defendant ANGL S McDONALP. n* law8wP


angus McDonald. Samuel w. cronk and JacobPECARE and berth a hie wif. i («Jalt DA)Yon an- hereby isnirasi »d to ana wer tho compataat ha thii cauaaof which a copy, If demanded will be served op-.a you tada*IV» a eopy of yoar aaswer 00 us at BW otBee, Me St Wall-it , la the City of Hew York, within twenty dsyt aJkat theservice hereof, exoioeive of the day of ssoh aervlea, or wlthkatwenty dayt öfter aervice of a copy of said complaint. If s iehcopy be deanended within twenty dayi after aea-rie* tare.>f, aadifyea fall to aaiwaer the or>oplaint as atoreaaid the paeiaufi. Ul appke to this Coart forth* reliaf damsndod ko ta* ¦>*»

t lair t Toe complaint Is Lei in the office) of the Clerk of thCounty of Kioaa Dated New York, October 1, .-7

BETTS KOBINSON A BETTS. PltlntlrTs' AttoraeyaNu 91 Wa£ at New fork

To Uu- daitbadaaa, ANGUS MeDORALD. aj>. lewtiwP

Tin Iaovp Ci'Rv*..Our Weatarn ICeaerre 1 becora-irg (|uite noteti for ita adoption of illicit do >trinet an 1

prat'icet. The " biBher inw principle, firat invoked,dntioA; an inteudlaeil ieevling relatireto Slarery, ia now

applied to qatat oru of a moral or social an areii ai \>liiictl nature. The .a-: moretnant of especial Impor¬tance in that region, ia the eatabliihment of what ittermed a ' Ixiva Cure." It menu that a cainur unitycf Stt ia! Rnvolntinniets has been organized at HarlinHighta, ii Erie County, that they nave purrhaaed,>ropa-rty. and are tow makiag a.'-, n -!..en'e tvdemocrtrato in their own litres, UV bcaaty oftheir ' reformation.' There is noting- e-p- -.e'lytew, we believa, ifi their cajda. Tbcy are, allsuch Ref(>nDt)rs, belitrers to sp'ritualisin, and re-

..ttrd tbe revelatiuns of tbe Hible as MS i.'lu y t thelepiratitns wi'Ja which they ara pe?rr*oeally lavxjrad.They revttre individual independnac«. and bold thatexM-iety has no right to ata ' any law or to install *nv

cn.atcui which in tba leaet tramsnels the individaalaction, r r 11-tar ». tbe laws in operation and tbacuatoma in TOgue telaliae t mariiage are Cuusidere 1by tbeee " rtformers" as tyracnijaJ and odi >ut, be¬cause, or,< e married, a man'* or a woman's action istleicefottb fettered. Tfeey repadiate theae laws, andall ctbtTc which prevent utiiau'.ed loditidaalt/eedom.The roma.iu.ity at lierha liights is said to aamijer

eighty etroctr, incladjig tiürty fnnalas. .n 'heirerub.irbments is a hotel, whrrh Is sondacted on Jtevegetarian ard hydropathic principle, aad whichthey have beea pleaaed to deaoroibate the "LiCute." It is not intended, as its ntme) inrfira'ee. to

cure that most holy of paeatotta in the humaa htsart,love: but. by pre per treatmeiitj t» eradicate the p *p j-ailRufkaaS SB love, or tbe dntie* ot lore. In otherwince, regarding all mind.- nut their own diteaaod Inr» fen tu e to matnmi ny ttey prop.iee to cure tboeewho favnr them with tbeir ptlrooa^e, by a practicalappiicatioc cf the dictrinee of freer love

It ia said that some opj ,>iti->n has b»ea ma-..'..«*» 1to this patent moral reform inetitatiurn iu Ki 10 CiTunly,Met. v. baTe wivts they lore, and w>>men wno

Lave hor they estesm and parents wv> I. . .»

oJ.iJdien upon wh uu u et b^s ow tvtl'ccDoa faar the

totswSsMkt of tbe Ixive Cure. They have m^t aad ax-

pr»setrd their disapprobation bat as yet hare filled to»iTect the Bailie lligbt' HRaaJt Tho " r»fo.-mars'hare planted ti -n -eiv a ... t the " kugh-r law

pria*iple, and regard all c*'j>¦-ifIon perteeriiRon. S)far thev bold their own. act they will ivoLnu-- to d*so nntil tbe novelty of taa " leform" Si** asray.

CiacV aati timae.

ItirOKTAST WttX Cist..The case) of John T.Lonctf, apitrllaa', egt. Joiia 6. l'ark «t aä., eine itoreol tte at 1 I of 'he lutea JcLsthan I. .:: v <f U.'.ton. itbow on tiial in ibe Snpreme Ci art at (Jauibrid<r^. %Aexcites greaf int« rest. Mr. (aortcp; died io ISM, ItaW*!sg a pn>e>e?rty of aSaut t»ret,ty thooa;.cd djiltrt, acda widt w and no okWaasta la bii will lie oitkea a lib-.ral protieifjaj ior hid mi'o. ard fcieee Lgai i-e toeach<>t hat hr.'thef- «cd e sfarw. H- als) UerissM tit theIt- .*¦ t dba Qicioal M DtatatraJ p'arji the reaaaindsrof his\f *periy. Ji ha q. !/>¦ 1 c, » -.ephew. apoeile

01 (He ovo1en of the J 1 ! i'r ibae) .» ..» '.4 'f-

will of hit une'e, »nd cotr*« «*i \U ea' dify c*a t,ie *roaodof the unn fjn«iu»«e of II » tt»*alof « t i'td and nn1a*ii ftu< no- aurted oter hwr. 94 'b« atr Cairb Ho'lei,e'ij , of tiio'on. Bad otöe-r txe-Jtiii>»Bof r^e^e «taoiüty.I owattJ 0! for'} wi»:e**»«a hart, I. en aaiiitatfrjaMl intbe ca*-*, wtwcii ata 1 p««Ba d 00 S* iast, aadRei",. cxpy the a«-t' ca i 1 Ifba C-»t « eajraraadaya

cagM.itWAea ;v."aal.


Inquiry into theix Condition.

IRS TflST LmiSI )i THK ODiTlIAITfttsufetfo of EdtKatloB. Healüi tnd IrlaKe


rv.GKNKRAL 80CIAL CONDITION.HEALTH.Ii our mcou». of the colored people of Canada

ire have stated oniy what we hw, or what tu

siren oi 00 undoubted aathority. We were ua

prepertxi for a «Ute of things «o favorable. Tb at

Otters, !<*>kir g at kheen frora . differetii point ofview, may tee Uten m » different light, ie probable.indeed, certain. The blacks nuut bete among

them their quota of the id e, tbe rieteas end tbe do

grnJed. There can be no doubt that tone, disappointed ia their expextatlont and pinched bi theafkoaate, Vooh beak with regret ap«« their condition

in the State*, bet whet doe* prove I The con¬

ation of Ute Irith atd German laboring man it, tvt

t nie, grvAÜ» asxeHorated by emigration to theftüted StaW. jet how many of them een we fin I

Itxigutf for tte old c.twtry or the mhiertani, taddtrlsxng that they did better end wort happier at

boane. It it eertain that the mitt nai and tot*'*)tradition of the eoltred people it tetter in Canadatium enjw here in the Stetec. There it among thema trtanlier tone of feeling, more avenues epen to ex¬

ertion, more intelligence, hgber oaltore. Thit it

mott »een among the older residents, and will be

.till more iiiarked among those who hate been bornand edooateJ in the Province*. Something, too. ofthat dependt upon the character of the emigrationthere. It it a mistake to think that tte fugitiveelave anry fladt a refuge in Canada; many of (hemott intelligent of the free colored people, whohare acquired in the Union tome capital by their

andnetry, teet m Canada mere liberal iuatitutieniaad a better education for their chiMren. Many,too,who find it te their tnierett to panne their¦vocations in the Btatet darag a part ef the year,hare their permanent hornet on the other aide ofthe border.In Toronto end Hamilton, we heard among the

colored jam the opinion frequently eipretted thaitoAsv did bett in Canada who had recided a time inthe Northern Btatet; that the ftigitivea in generalhad not the neeettary habitt of aelf governmentand steady«try, that these came tlewly, andby many were never aeqnired. The experience ofBlr. King, on tte other hand, led him to think thatthe fogitivea were quite equal to the free blacktand, indeed, that the very fact of their eacape.bowed aaperior energy and determination. Whichof the two opinions may be correct, we hare no

mean* of knewing.The vatt majority of the colored people in Can¬

ada are of mixed race. Mr. King ettimateL that.f those at Bexton one-third were of pare Africandesemt; but even thit proportion seems to me

mach greskter than obtain in the Province at large.At a rale, not, however, without many exceptions,the matafoeu are the meat intelligent and tbe beateducated; they are the prominent meet of theirclass, and take the lead in all queationa which affectthem at a race.

Tbe more mteUigent of the colored men are loyaland devoted mbjeota of tte british crown. Theyset a high value upon the equality under the lawwhich ktey enj jj. " Can we," eaid one of them a

shrewd, hard Insinett man well advanced in middleMle, "Can we help »virg a govenunont which is" ao kind aad which hat dune te much for at f "

aad hie voice wat uatarbed by emotion. And ifgrafckude on the one hand indacet loyalty, aofter word will do.on the ether oonfirm* anditTcagtheDi ii They hold frequent meetingsamong uemtelvet, »od the staple topic of dis-eotirte it the isjuttice under which their race

ruffera in the United Btatet; bad at the fastis are

ttey lote rotting in repeteteon; ao djjtioetiona are

made, aad North and Booth are involved ia a tobi¬

bboo eoiideasaatioa. Like aV other men who taffer

tsppraaaitm, they are apt to fancy the atteatien oftue »vi rid fixed upon themselves; the evil whiehovertops every other evil in their hon*on, muttteem equally prominent to ail mankind. Thnyunderrate the difficultiea ander which their well-wiaheri ia the Stattet labor; they tee on!y theobloquy ander which their race tuffert, and do notand will stet tee the ceases which readar their re¬

moval a work of time aad patience. They overrate,coo, greatly the power of England, and underratethat of the Union. In any dasension bettreen thetwo eotmrriec, England would have no warmer

frieiida and America no more bitter and uareieatLagft* i than the eolored men of Canada.On one subject, equally atToronto and Hamilton,

at London and Chatham, all the oiored peoplealarm we taw agreed.ill repudiating those whotisught in the Umted Stntet frintnbehoosi in olothetand in money for the destitute negroes ia CanadaTney deny that there is anykhsag like d'stitutionaoiing trhem except that arising from tickaeat,fn>m vice, or from idismeti; they affirm that th«yare abaiidantly able and willing to maintain theirowa poor; that the MQtribaticaa rarely reachthoae for whom they were Utended, and that wait

in tttne ratet aid may be aalieited by wels-useanhigor iO-advtatd ptraont, in most it was sought bymote veto- converted the eentrJ>utioat they re¬

ceived to their own benefit On what facts thelatter ataertion wat founded I did not inquire; we

give the statement at it wat repeatedly mide |»at bjd it would be weil for these in the Nortnernlutea, wte are applied to for auch ob/aet*, to bear itin otind aad look clestely to tte Hiaracter of the up-plioanta.While by the law no distinction it made among

tte itmabitanta, either ia nghta er priviiegaat, on

aceouiit of color, a<>eiftlly, the tamt prejudices), ifnot te the taanie exteat, exitt tgainsit Ute colored

petiple :a Canada as ia the United State« Thebelter cJaatet of aociety caatae Uttle ia ontact withttcm, and know nothi ng ef their aims aad progret«.Mott are indifereat upon the aubject; many are

it n i g!) prejodiced agaiatt them. At wu beforea-ated a prominent editor of a daily paper in To¬ronto.a bberal kitocly aad weU-mtermed tun.

U Id me ttat they were there svdattW to tn. farsxd brawka, and Utat be believed that ike jail was

Giiid w.tJ. them; ftt, öl accompariying kirn to the»i -s.«j, we u uj -1 but tarer crdtred i.-«r 1«- Li itIn ii>any places white tneefcaaics wifl n t w r» inet iupany aitt a colored man, ai«i. while by law

¦a aaajMl tckvMda are open to all without'ae-»1 color. Use coilslreaevea of ligli- col.p l mu

*tt.- . are freqaently refuted admiashm to privateichsaslt. Wkat it cts^e. all tt«e U referred bytte e*sTTtsM taeasawjlaaaa to tbe ttrflutaae of Anten

MM! W« fear* prf-tuMj.Tj »taiM «r« foaad»ral e«* the) eh.ldrea and youtaut panuing t.« «t^i-of ttV» «W aaae^skase, ^ Hr K.(<l, 4a4ra«.hat free 1W1 ,ifcf»k p«, now* tn com Beutst»«, ,t mv|tw raUM.h.«] i, ta«. UnivetaiMea for the catorvj,jeeajeple. fto far a* ta*. njooiti sj of UisJee ort*,ia traded for the ImitiM pr .fe*«M>na 1* r«***,^that u»> b« Tert web; bat La oi*W ea*e>e, bh*time dero'ed to ta* deed latvfn»^ apse>eritpent ar not -pent so profitably ** it m Ka»To thcee wb* hare to struggle in»cae *cMoeea which aar» aa lanrxWiab*beer¦ i.#t. matheniatic», natura, phii-««pkrtry. ecgiDer^rtag. Ac. .an» maco m .r» >u>Lataa aod Greek. A« fur ta« eseratsea of ^the ooiored niao who invent* a lab « n< ^chine, btuid* b saps.'nor bnrV or unke» a value,bit* «weorrry lb tbe art*, wui da for more f.f mpeople ülv! ose who may be able to edit Laeretrri,or Ar-ot 'ptioJir«One other topic im rv-ofin/!**. || u

well known that tbe cejgru in America, art*.Wliable to form, suffer* more from tubercular daveeee thac tae white man, aad that hu uaMkty tait ia much a/eater at the> N.-rth than at ab« !j «trat.A part of thu tendency may be oanag, ia nteea, toover croavdi»| ai d r»at>t of t-l: «tu*, bat « \Mjmmpart of it would ae^ra due directly t» tbe et>cai afclLoibte. Matij physicians believe that the malattahaa thia tendency to tubercular diaeaae ta a etilhigher degree tbaa tbe black maa. For taeh aa

pinion there ia at present do solid fiHiudaUoa, andthe ntal atatietic* of tbe different race* reejair* tabe studied muck more carefully aad more ace*,

retely tbaa haa hitkerto been dote, before nay ottt-

tun coBclubbva eaa be am red at. The part ofCat.ada Weat chit-fly lakabited by tbe c^ored peapie lira in the aame latitude aod partake* af tbaclimate of Weetern New-York aad Machittao; arkatia the general mortality of the colored race tiere,and to what extent they autTer from part cabtr dmeaaea, it ia Lmpxiaeibi« to ascertain; the lUdttbaaon which such kuonledge muat real, are not ia et

ist. nc« Tbe colored people theaiaelree almoetBnirerrBJJr maintain that the climate- agreta witktkem, and that they enjoy there a full maaeare afhealth, ataiijr ciirvaittaooea inpniaaed me «

contZBry opioiori, and I fear that romumpttia aadita alied diaeatea wil prore tetvy draa/backt tathe er j. j merit of more liberal i riebt 14 tioaa.Whether the Labali'y ta the diaeaae ioereaaea ahtteach lucoeeding geueratioa, or whetaetr, c »otrarjrto geoeral eipervence to auch dltoaeca, it may be

irtdaally leaeeiard and extiabTU<ahed, reiaataiiaTeiprnieooe to detetiauaa. Thia whote aabj^et afeitmate, in ita effoct upxindiiTereot racea, forniaa«of the no >« t difficult aa well tv* one of tfi« mwat ia>portaat and iniereatiag qaeati»Bs to whiek Ikeattentioc of medical men caa be directed.

Bit ee our return fron Canada we bare reearredfrom Dr. J. D Litcbfield, tike uj.-d .-ti ru jeriateaa-

eot of chmiDal lunai.ct in the Pniriaetal iff-turn at Kiogaton, an account of the compara¬tive numberi of ct Vored and white met caa>

fined in the genera) prison at that plaeo whiakis at rat iaaoe witk tke tvtarns of thoao coaflaaai itthe jail at Toronto. The sthoie number af priaaaveraon the 31 at day of Dero after, IMkW, waaCaM,aad of this number 4"> were negroea and 17 were

mulattoea, making m all oolored paopte, uearifi 10 of the total number. Now, u the odored danot form more than 1 &0 of the popalattoa of tkePreriaee, this would make crime fire hates mar*rife among them than among the white*. Tkeretarn* for the year 1856 preaont a 111011«/ resurt,-thus in the total number of priaocere, '279, ib* (Unrgroea and ? mulattoes) were c/i/red peopVa.The cnij! were all of a serious ekarectar; of Uaegrti coBrict* there were for:Aeeeuit. with Intent to kill... 1Horte and ebevp tteelinf. IBspe.1.1Murder.SBotflery... 9laaroeup.BlBobbery.SSheep tteaLiOf. 1|


Horeeeteallai. *Felooy.1Matt.lauabter. Irteoelvlu« etoleo Scotts ...... 1H rt try end lareeay.I'el.Miy ai.d leroeay.IAtaeeBead robbery.......... t

.e.....Js)It will be noticed that while the ratio of Bearraoa

to mulatto* in Upper Caoada i* aasuoiexl to be BJ

greater thai) 1 to 3, here the proportion* an

n-reraed, aad there are three oegroea to oneefmixed race. The explanation of the large proper-tioD of colored eonrict* ia probably to be tbaad athe fact that Canada ia not the refuge of tba fugi¬tive slave or iaduttrieu* emigrant alone, but thatmany of oar colored cdminaLi, educated to no* iaonr large cihe*, erade the penalty of their craste»

by escaping to Canada aod there, continuing taetrcareer, beo<>me iamate* of the provincial prieoa.

Io the aame eomman cation of Dr. Liteht>asi, iti* atated that in KH eonricta, toe moritvlity was:

kmoog tbe w hi tea. It) per cent; Afncaaa, 10 aar

cent, and among the ladiaaa, 30 per cent Thoughthe number of liegroe* embraced ia the u tlculatiaais too tmall to enable as to place implicit irJitao*upon it, we caaaot but regard it aa a atrcng t*MU-eation of tke mjurioaa effeot of a northent fK.sjpjapon tbe black raee.

Fatal Afprat..A lettar in TAe- Brijord (Va)Ihme er at says that Fratk Orear was shot aad kiU>dby Jame* Nichols, ia Pittsylraaia Couoty, Va oa lie2d Lut, wbüe raturaicg from a fonerai ta liedford.Tbe letter tars that an affray commenced betweenthem, when Nichols drew a pLatol ani shot flreer itthe andrrmeD. Oreer fell aad aaid. " Nich >lt, yoa" bai>a kil'ed me for notbie*].Lord, hara meroy oa"ne! Iletbeoaeked to be raiead up, which wa*done. They placed him oo a cart to carry him boat*.He c ied in about thirty minute*. Tba writer says thatNii bols escaped, and adds-. It baa been reported tustsaid Nichols killed his mother a few years egaAr. .ttj-r brother, by the name of Arnold, is eappraadto have shot bis father and killed bun; and Harsreil. a

still t lder brother, killed Daniel Ashweil. Not one ofttitm baa been panicked.Ca« or TaAKsrcsior;..The delicate and iatertat-

B({ <peration of tran-fusiug Wood froni oae place tet. ir'er baa atraia been «: *-f^ ly perf .rmed by Mr.8 Wbeatcroft, turgeon, of Caniiock aeaitted by Mr.J. Blacktord and Mr. Samtel Waeatr-rtft. rk*patient waa Mrs. Benton, of Cannock. rVben atipevrintiy ezpirtg trom loa* of blood, a»oat '2 p mads ofblocd was traaefosfd from iie veins of berba-baadinto ber reins with the b*ppieet r -eu t. Io a fewminutes after tba current of blood began to ri >*\ aadthe ebbirg uf Ilia waa cbeofced, tba circa ation *eiogreOsUbhrned, and deliraraaca from appa aoi'y carvatsatd at pri aching Oistolotioa secured Tue opera aaawa* teiformed on the altimo. Mr. VVbe«v«r9ft-uggaate ti e trial of this operatioa ia 'ha last ata*j* at

lew tjpbu* eul me a Hr pee of Asiatic cholera, wkaaall otber meaaa have faii'd.

[Wolreitaaaatca (Eat ) Cb eaieJ*

Cor., traca's Wacoa Rosa.The 8*cretary *f.he Interior haa received tntel ifcreaoa from Cot. Leash,dated f rarklin, Texas. Oct, at*tiog that a p>rtMa>of bis uaiA had leccct | arhrtd at that place, aad thattba roan were ail we 1, e'.d ta* mule* ingosrd 0 vadlttoauTte road eaat of K .*. I.tramie was <iai a roatrb aa*i.ioch washed by rece-ut heavy raiea. K«rw>rkUCj.e. tiee Lao btan oraanixeid uid were at we k ajaaathe road between Franklin aod »'ort KiUmore. (' *¦

Lea. b ipre.aee with great oonB leece the oviaroatrat he will b« able lo report from Kort Yian*, dartafibe b orth if December, tba amoaat of work aaaea-

earj to be rkvoa, tc«tber an» tb» proper ettiriatesj *tne i oat.[Waahiitirtoa Uaioa.

Thi Two DocoiAtsi* .The colored M*a»<fffjgr»fo aokrr.ecly tereteo bjthaHUoota l>oodlea, bare

taaan np r^dgei* in their own bebatf. and. ta a .**»rl ree-luboBa paW-rkvud in tba Chicaga omf*n, eaa

root, htm to are**- a challenge, from Ibatr ohaataMBbFr^Murvck Ii ojia/e cf New York, for the disu*swxaaof the potab at iaeut betwtea tkam.