library of congress · inew-yorktribune. i'hiladklphia. indictmentstor huntreason...

INEW-YORK TRIBUNE. I'HiLADKLPHIA. Indictments Tor HUN Treason arain-t Forty ©r the Arcnsed The Prcsentment-Response of the Jndfc-e-.'rlortwlitr- To«- vliirkett. Ate. PiiH-AßEL: UlA. .Nov. 16. »S5I. Aftortvtodavs' falitK riinu'ly bad weather, it ha« become fine again. Trie latstsl rams, however, have benefited the streams in thu rinnuy. «hieb had become rolow a< seriously to affect rn»nBfcV- turinir Operation». Ytaltrday.U.e Tinted States Du.ri.-t Go art mti for the purpose of receiving the returns of he Gran I Jury, who have fÄ^^Ä^Ä Thatr present. W^^tion. ,hat ltd IOrieeledÄ^ , ;* .n w.,, n it adapted , . mammt The «mall rooms, bad ventilation, crowde 1 - arftheeniplovees. Ac. are a'l referrt I«, an 1 a C »m- narison is made with Post Offl. e ether eitir-. On examining the office tliey reaped to wonder that there arere eaaci of plnnder tn it, They tinted that a larger and better pcjatM be obtaixed. _ , They also visiUd the Pa-tern Penitentiary and reported fetarabl) on M Tne portion of the pre- ¦entnient in regard to list CWWMI CAJaTBfO 14 as follows About the pti.od whr n the Grand Jury wer«- ter- minatirig their labors, a great public outrage occur¬ red in a neighhorinr! <ounty, lntaiving tn ttaoonac- quenecs the crimes, of aturderaad ttaatoa Their attei.tion hemK drawa to the subjer* hy the very able and interesting charge "f the District Ju/ge> Hon. John K. Kane, they entered into its careful tud dlipaaslnaatri laTeStagsdio*. Their la- tors have rtsmtid in the findiiiir. of indictments aaau»t bot) peuac** f.-r the crime of high treason agatret the Goren.i ient of the United Males, au l other lr.Cictc ci ts fol miDOf OBs BSBS, arism^ out of the Käme kraosaftii n. ¦IfBQTTfl the Orand J r\ B»ve felt no hesitation in performing the duty imposed on thorn by the laws ol Um l'aitad lairs, i present . eriom accusations fo. bial. v< I they*) uutol but [induunaly regret the asaesstt) srh n h is !ed t it. At a period like the present. :n the hi lory of the Republic, when under the mild lafluaaoas of a i.ational (.' in, [.red,.-ated oa Ihi ,- iplaof tatSBgalilng respecting and i ing thi rtghl arid ins'it'itions of every meti. OrofthOi infi leracy, our country has pone oa increasing in great prosper¬ ity nml happiness, it palatal t" fie hear- of tne j.ati ml thai such id outrage '.; on the tUartity ol the nation and its law.-1 houiu hare en perpi ti ui 1 as that which has I d to tho tsdii Ii.i» ft) in bj 01 It is to l>e feared thai the lsnmediate a.s in this drama ot blood leuu not directly «»¦nrjl-'.tc.i.'jcen encouraged by there from iho- ¦: :..! a ,. 'i. opinion, and iBtOJlOCtaaJ lllturi bt Hi I Uli» p hatful have baS n « >|.e. d. From sm h -ourees we should expel to be taught, that obedien-e to the laws ol the! I State* en¬ acted by the ooo tltal osal authoritiea, was the leal aojlafatton« imposed on an Amors ui itizan ind that any other rtststanoa lo thttm Ui .-. tho constito tional rei:»tai)'e urni'i ;i ch a ii of 1:10 .v.i- among the political hi lasMa atosl tooe repudiated. h> an Aaaortean patriat. It la, be ardent'y hoped thtt the bloo lv tragedy ol I hrii'.iana m i) have a whole- one and abiding influence on our future n tl tri r thai it may imp >rl moOsaral ion to political ar'ajot», i :i agaaaa laating latooa ed the aecat it; of oot truac to the public laws w hile they remain unropealed .,o the statue Booh and m arils I thai ihora !- bul o is true rootedy foi griaeaaees, n al oi -u, ,i -ed. under which the nation m iy (after. tue remedy proacribed l>y the « 01 tr i on. The Grand Jury Caanotclow this prie*entment without te-iif> no- thoir highappraci Ii n of the pro fessional otTotti of tt i Pnil State« Oiatrict Attor- ncy, John W A'hmead. Csq who by hiagreat eu- argy and abilitv mthi discbaraaof tbaduiioaof lahoiinu- term, h is n Ueri ill) ntoiUl ued tha lahon «I the Grand Jury aa reo lere n NN lOtp u' 001 rices to Ihe Governnr.i i.t. Judce raapondod appi-orwratsdy tottst pre- sentinel t. He -aid that the port. <>' t'ir'.r pre¬ sentment vshiei reli.ted to tin Post Oilier crime to the public at a time whin alleged criaaeaaoraiaal that olTiCe aie rtUiut to !.e< .line tu»- sirij^ct of "i-it- rul InsefctiKMiioii. .No (|e|,"i'i' ol visilanoa on the part of tfiel'o-tm - lor could have gttAltte I agaiBSl spoliation, witn the piesent restricted lioaitsofthe t i- <lu v in w hich tlM '"ii-inesv |g tr d-. i. Taal Jadga said that utuVeaa the Grai lin.juesthid aoaoe saggestion lo make coavernaaji the matter, the Court wottld older ihiir praseatnaanl Sled, aad a M si i.t t«. e.i. h of tin hi id* ol utedop irtmciits at waahtaaton. fol. Horence. the Foraaaan, «tatr-d that thev hvl tBTtVtad 9jraSOlUttoni to bo sent v.> . . n nismtwr ol t'otgtssa »ro*n Uhs < toy and . oualj ol Phila lalphi . of » Inch the folloa llig is n etspy K>" .' I hat the one. laanad mem'.ers of the C-and Ia<|ussi. n o«n»irr for lbs Kaitern Dwtncl ol I'enn ) Ivasda, ieoi>eeifull|i eaasstih*asasshsraofCoisgreaafrom tscl>'. IM, Hid aad IVthCoa ri'saiooal Duariets I iv r lb . .-. at. .1 -I,.no » -vai.-iiieni of the >trrm' nee»-» s»ty ¦. B « h ssiato fol moreaatSSsdad BeaaMBaaWtSBM in trie Philadelphia Past- OSes helwraas thai theheslth aad e n- eeaifii. . 11 tha F «'uiasuv ami» It rka, as «eil as a i«ne re- a*ard fc» aacssrst) and pahls a. -noiniodsiion, iai arto ialj Ssaiaad the I In the I'mted atlaaaaCiroatl '.mrt yestenlwv J.ouea McClaskey. the keepei of the Urot-rrs' apartment of Ihe Mcryaaaeaaiag Prison, returned thai he iid tut pwoduce the bodies of Ji>»c;ihus VVashmrfton n id John t laik, the ai iies*es in the i nn-'unn tieaMo« c.i-v. -s ihe said Josephus and John wore among tha n issu e. The he.inr,-; of the circum stances attencmg lha*tiauape vmU take pin e to-mor- rew. About grtno !..»,- U .'.: e-uitsii-utc 1 oy cur citizens to aid the snfieier- iy thedlSSOtTOUSits)Of WeXXSieS- day svi nimr ktsi .\ra:.'v 0 of tha ran hatrabaaa harded to Mrs t tos.;,, ah,, | art i httabadad <>o tin fetal «in, i .- W'm. s* I'rärea, Bs one of the counsel for the Catststtsataprisoaers, axoepted t», thai part of Um language ol the tinaal whl k related to in< Christiana priacaaera,ha Uioughl it wascalcnk :. t*» ¦rsgiaaka hia ehei is with tha pnbin In connection with the mattet ol tin m si rabli a . commodations for the bOStMIO of the To- -ObbC*, « e will state, that t^e fotastaa of ihe Gr ind Jury tc esrnt.y at> rssss d a Bolt- to Mr. Wnito, the Posti . er. asking Informationen he suh c.t. Mr tVhite, ra bis rsply. gives some inlsraaUog particulari It appears that m o .e room, thirtv Bvefoel hy Itreaty la iiim i sim s. rorty-serea carriers and clerks are .assaloyad durrag tbe time that Un mails ara baiag distiibuttd. in aaothai r-ooaa, forty»aesen nlarks ir- enipiovs.l apaca thirty-ava by forty feel rneroom .lUntr.l |o tlM re elju and p irt ire ot the at ills is otov bv ine fee: in ,li n, ... It appears that there is no p!.», e for the mail pouches nceal the aaalu passage where thay ara uaropled u|>oii b> those havBag bttStBSas with the odi e The rwB's are .itastmtroattl itioa, aad «»i.,rk that sjti< teial light has lo be used eichttsen hoairs In the Iseen- ty-four. »or fl»e rsveavtha of the venr Prom these facts it w id nr-jvear th tl the employees in ttie orfi c surJrr rrssa the bad!) arranged and insuffj lent inart. ataatsappropriaiedu>iheiruse Everyone haviaa awisaiess with the r*tabiisbment knows the mcon- srnienreeis vsbichthe pualic com palled to submit Thete v.. IMdaatb« n IBs Citj aad l.iherties duune th« k enduu ysatorday. Adults, s< t hiWJrea. lo. Oi consumption, 'J Uvscntcrv. a an all |s>r, 13. Bev-. i'j.iiip Ladot araarthti la our cetytastete) Krv Mr. 1 ad«N is a pisj i-her. of 11 i.trn >-e aad g.^ ss BaparmtaadOBl ol tne African Mis¬ sions of ihe MeUroditl Cuts.-, pal Church J v"?'lrr'?" "J ,ar,«e.i«;aiW VtVxV ,.«,w.t » nT" «it. e U tha l l ,r. i . ... H^V* r ou"os to» T l>"ir.»l a**dard hrai .is rtva saUs »i, ;, ... »'.rp»,1 f>r'kr snvplyof th* tndoatthis lee. aad belle, a: jj s.iW$,.»,,j , tttM . $4 r tt|. as m .;«»lis, l. Km Fi i n and C »n M. v. »i«. is Bolt oa doiry W ;.|.'.e r |ar:-iei at $3 V> aad th- 'attar ai |j with aarti ran hii t -d ¦MfSMl af aUm tafJaraa w ... lB d9mtnj at Ml rat*. Bale, of .1 -( BM l.».h w.roe Soutbera aad fc«»'1»*1' . fessl a Wb ts. «TS a araaleds sals , .n., , 3Jwi.iv tar Yell.w as ha quality Oats as*mdsaaaa ai S*rrA'^b*Ws " *'**J* *' >1*fl>We Salts prsre. ai-svrr RixirJ-$t,.sv en. n«ac's is? iSSSdo . IBS; giSO Ptnn Vs.SIJ. S3 00v tl ,w s , sst. SO* , iMWdo s.v.waj , g) rep (-Des A Del is. tash. Ml, »3 WO Cam B Assbey K K ts, Tt, Wi, St.O» do 8>i. $1 VSS Bes.iinj RK tt.TO, "t. V.» IUI.., bj, 11 > .s< ' s Hans ', Jt'i.-^VdAauk 111 Ids) tl, V avails. >i BttuHtn Boarr-Jr- ivRead e.- R B rs.'. *\ v dc , til. tMdo .131, 3»«1.< .»:; , Hs<do .Mwn.rTj arvsad Bo*eW .»v CS* C.t» R R « s. *9n. ie3. f HV C mn- V..' 1". '., S' '.'» vl.s": i or- II v.. 1ji; JPsi.0 R R i , :,i <. Kewiine H K .. MBtäshsV»»; «jos V » ajaeh.hi.« laado »" A.nrr Xecnlj liCRts»! RR, bi is ... IT ,l2 ¦ vl***! -~Jo to*d* b... * asoaVi MtaML ?».* lH "** M ,io **' m ^' '* ,S"L*y fk?'rrt~ ytr J.-V a {,, w |t(; v s s,. V7, i?'"* "J" B.latO.TV.ajO; Read lids ILT ia* « 1 . «ek.Sfdt»! . 8 Nav 7s. tat oa. 3J| Morirsf s.,,1 , auwCatal.lCMll.C.ra.J gsj iii a \ ., kt>,urx iJaij r*7 Kitz Hcnrv Warron is ba transfer- rad by the l\>stmas|er-Ger eral, oa tlV IJth.from the iBi"f5*5flat~l D ' ,r!MMsttotJaoesaisra i .fhce. U laatAll at..! |B the IVparimeiKl-iat franked irttera to Fu,«- aad or other f<>re>i;a esasatriat aaaal und.r our Pos-al tr..,-y w|t|, Great Brita'V > e chargeable as onpasd It'ters. with the Pall rate of in¬ land, sea ai.d fcr. ... s. Aksa11 t and Mattkrv..Two men fol- lowed a person aantad lUddl. tot so as , iMaaoa . p ! the Raiirtsad ironi Camdewi. and fieU as* r: led hi with sliing *ho:s snd robbed htm gf $3ti. which he -had 1111-t leceniv! in Philadelphia in the str.ieale Mr Raddle b.t Uie noss ol i-ne of the robbers ne Hy \m\ svarh a Ivt rttsrr. «TF*(m)v. Rfid has »{»pninteti Prof. Kl»c- aeser Kmmons, of the aama Mate. .»,.¦(>: ,\ ||ia .raJogical.Botur. cal and Agricultural Sarvevond JAfprih Carvlia». r*F Capt Leo.« Herkovitz, now a t99h dent of our City, addre**eS »h* following letter c",rule You tare my hcrty »isfca« for >°" fare N< dotted *ome of you, getükmeo. n *> ha e kro-D n,y falber, Berkowu. ^fL!^V. ' V>r the Poli*h Array, member of tue Legt « e K ot tue Golden « ro^cf F.Und Mr ^a^f a .^r Col. Beikorrtx, who fought »<a^\vlr« ,w V v- Catherine, and (ten. Zuwarn.ff. in \\ ^'w: "KJ M-ven v*ar« ago, *nd also under Gen Kos-iuskj wh&burtt-d at West Point. Mc wa* with Napoleon he fonaht ag-m-t th* Em|T*rorol SS«nd" wa.k.aed in left^Uho bUI e o Kock by eome Hungarian Hussar*, from wnr.rn he refu«e1 to take r":arter. My father, whotsabare mention? I. fo^ht attain st the I'.n]-r..r Vexander in Va>.!.-_;n« fri.m :-<..' to l-N affr this, ^ain*i ihe h n- peror Iwbolas, of Raaeia, oa the Mth December, two, and myself with hi:n. Oar lamily are we.l known, and its decJs re corded in the history ol Eu.ope, but! am rorry so sae, I h..- loot ev. r> thinsT even my sword, whirn i raiuei bo BSeh, antl apropcrtv of thirty thousand dollars. O :r family tr.tirely destroyed. »I an» noa in Vm.-,i ... m » w ol Uherty and plenty. with my wife and four atWrea, .early p»n-hii g witk hunger am' cold. 1 i nqqtTj t cannot.because of poverty, have the iionor of MMing any of you at mi house. I still haie last heart and feelipVof aeofcier, and ahoejld deem it a great i.le^Tire to have an interview with you. I live at So 217 Centre st. I hrpc the day is pot lal distar,. when I will tc a'ile to purchase a sword, and jouiyoa MtboBold of battle, to Pent loaethot for Uberty. C 4PT. Lr"N llSRKi 1t7. No. Il7C;ntre rt . Near-York. NEW-YORK. Mi ,,i-,.:..The Vronher Palladium gift* the particular- cf a supposed murder, whic'a appe tr exceed msly invstenouv Th* facta are brie If tbsteo \ Mr.J iieil a fanner, of BruehOC r ills went, as kc was woat, to a shanty he nad built in the rrooos about forty miles from Urashrr lie had beaa thwre some tune, and waa found dead in hi* sh uity. a r .»¦ bull hating pasaejd through his head. Suspicion re*t< d on a Mr. Shetrwln, trho bad been rcen in the I .ace and Crung. and who, it appears, was th, bat to report his death Boerwia, oa btaoaaat- nmtion before the Connor, ¦ ide, kg "i -! inee, the following rutaattecri ..After Mr. Man left the raup about 12 o'clock, M ,th*deoeasted ami myself were alone, and rt- psalaodalone; Inwnoporaon until thi*morning we reraainad at tr.e eamp and oonrers-c j aboat hunt ir g. and it W ,s finally at ranged en us that w. should kunt together, aad that we weald ao out on the pond in the night and s»ioot deer early in the eeening we fjyoughl beat to prepar* our cms for the excursion the deceased went to the door and die- liaise.: hi* gnn; I alao triad to dlaoharf* isttne, bat wilhoat effect nt first, the charge being wct.bjtby persevering aboal ten irnrmtes. by heating the bar rai,and stupfnng perctutuon cape, tha gun v»..s «: charaad, and took faul effect on the tfoeaaead I was niuch frightened on >eeing what an awful ai*c'. <!« nt I had occa-xned, ntid inM intly ran Otxl of the Camp, and did r ot r< turn." The Coroner*! Jury, notwUhstutdini Ihi**tate- ii < n foujt-i a verdi't of wiUfo] murder againal Bbcfw in. II 1 0 tSF The Pttrythtrgh Star itya tliat the pi artag Mill, in Manmea City, waaUtrnadon li ... iiiPbi of last week Nothing waa ;. oven the books. Loa* to the own r*. M***ay*. Bv*rdon <v t o , over MASSACHUSETTS. ». 1 :;:t: in Lvnn..Sair.imoro HaH.ii: Lynn, was DOtBttUatod by fire on Kridav night COMM ER(: IA L MATTERS. Sales at the Stack Exchange-.-No-, svbbb U *;.(ki r 8. Be, 'f.:_110*1190Erie.831 ;i et(i fio.110 00 do.83» Bk ol America..imilliil do. 83 IVOOO Lie td Mtf..alO NlilftO do.MO Bfj 5,(ini do.bawMMBf do.811 Mil Minoo do.83; |0I Del. A Hll4..M0 106*1100 do. 831 20 Ilk. N. Am.103!: 50 do.bM a:. Metropolitan Bk.lM Ml do.bit 8.1. 20 lrvinp Bank.<.*.<i\ M do.83; 130 N J Muting Co.. 10 loo do.bwl 11 50 do.»10 IDs 50 do.txif, Sit 1(0 do. H',1 50 do.83. ao.neu toijino do. fvli 2l(? lldtltilllt. K.Osj 10.) im..alO SSI 300 do.sf,o or.j 1...» ,lo.s:t p>3| ;nsi <|<s.*M**i 180 Norwich.sr3o 55. MB do.s3 6611 15 do.551 ICO do.bCO fjCli 50 IM M V. do.551 150 do.«60 6m :«'*i Reading K- H_55: 3ii» co.b3o eei mo co.bJBM] MO do.MllMB do.5i: MO do.b60 66J 50 (" inton Co.63 list Long Island...060 151) 50 Morris Canal.Hi loo do.15i'l00 Aln.inTA Schea.. 90 50 lUgcwortti. I 10 Roch. A Syracuse.lln SECOND UOARO. t.^. Brit M M Bdi W I E .. 'i_ana Ml 4,000 Erie Couv "Tl. ÖI||M0 do.bM Mj 1 is n do.'Jl'iioo do.030 85 6.UO0 do.I« [Mo do.81; MO f.r.|| 25 do. 8t| 100 Heading.bM M 100 do.M0 - l; 100 do.b3 60 llOO do.otal 85 Ho do.MO MUM do... .bM M IM i'o.slO 55,". 5<l do.8lf Ho do.MO 55| M «do.Midi II i' Er.v B.H.s60 81 50 do.8«; Mo do.siij Satirhav, Nov. 15 -P.M. The Stork timrkct is ralltor active for one or two lead hi l: MmMO ami is wrll sustained in the face of the considerable ipotlla azpoita. Erie was the most active Stock, and after advancing under lar»rr sales to Mi rerul .r. and M, buyer thirty, CsOOOd nt Mti an improvement of I {;> ccat. on Pristay*! price. The question of the January dividend is a paramount one in the street, and tHhOtlfh it is mast probable thai a diviilend bj sin s h ,s keaMtalkod of among lh* Directors, yet the ptwYailingopinion there w.ll bi a cash diridend of 31 or 4 »> cent. Heading was buoyant and luiproied i |> cent. Nor. with iraahrxa. CoaraaetsMaa*****hattar,¦*lllfn M Harlem without change. Government BtO ;»r. dull, as are State Stocks als j. The niaiktt olotMhj linnJy for Sterling al MM a>MM for twMMkJ bankers' bills, t-ra;.--. 5 13|«5 11t. The rapolj was moderate. Tha extreme low water at the South has pre- i t ilted the rwM »pt of CMtOR M thf ahlpphflg port*, Msitk kt chochosj transactions in tlu - v>, fr a wh oh we Mi§M have had some supply of bills. EVtMfItM) are without clitn^e of inpori. Hnce. Ei gigements l.o H' to 1,000 lols FMW, 121 10,odd bushels Grain 4d I 4id Cottan, ,d. (. hcese, MB, Na>.,l Stores, 12J 5»>> los Beef on privtte terms. To l.otidoa Klent, 2s. MO tcs Beef. 4s , and some t hcese at 35*. An Anteri ati bark was Ukrnfor Cadu at $13 for Pipe Staves. Within a fe m Jaysthcre have also been engaged to I Irasaaoj.M tuns Bacon at 20$ 63 tuns Tallow, l.arJ, Ac. 15*. Wtcs. Kice, 4s.. to bbls. Chrome Ore. Is. 50 pipes >\ inc. .«* 5w ytMs. Besm on private terms. To LsW*. don, IMhhhs, Resin, 2s Ml Turpentine. 2s. 3d 33 kegs Toba.oo. 3s , and Measurement Goods. IM To Havre, the pachet 1st Decemberhas IdkM oaj; (jucr- . Uon Bath, al gi'.per t a..iherc will oe ujpicxtt on the 24ih insl. To Bremen, the bark > « ...: .* a.iinj al Ma, for BMO and Toba. o, l*s i«d f r Meisure- mtnt Goods, Is W. fwr Fimir, BStd 12, r 1N :. wh Rye. To l.ubon. two barks too* Matt f s,.,,p« ;i. |11 ard M Oporto and back, a vessel wa* tsken a i on pnrate terms. To Charle.-t. .i a Teaislteah 2oo tuns Coal at |2 per tun and another ei.jagtsl a freight from Gcorgetowo. S c . to anauMtnaarl, al 010 tor limber. Coastwise, there is no Ikathaw i hanje. In port Fridav Steamcr«.». 2I.Bru;s.ju^ Ships..MMisVhoaner*_ "¦>,« Bark*.X _ Total.MS The Franklin did not tike <;uuo hSaWteh Sp*SM as was cxpe.-ted, some loM har;ng bgeu a*jaa> Icrtuandrd 1'fce ain.>;:r.: was 9 . .. $.-3,>i iss* f\ir the vear. Anther Cali'ora a »r.iv.»l is ai hard with .n «upply of dust mo:e thai: sj:fi to meet next week s Jcmands The Mi;,t now fmj alipvhil CwrtbwCaawS up to No |T</ifl7 Metier continues easy en call at 0 * T pei oggit, ou fiist clau sUvks. As vet the oMB sh:t>a«:its hjvie had lilUe or no efftvt. The receipts «i the Sub-Treasury »re> $.i",('"6. Payment*, $7Jd>*. Baian:-*. 11.111 MB Th* receipts durr* the wrek were $393,M* Paj menu, fW.ttkj The Knrkerb.'Hcrr IruMWMCfl C'Mipiny bare declared a dindeni al 10 V cant. TAe Journjl of CtlmVmmfT*, that the imr^'t« :t"tn «h « eountry. dtirin* the ß'-H vir er/ing J-r.'.e 30 1031, wem, ff»M.'. M . »J $1 -><.<<> f- shawl Bnj *«t. of MMMM IffAIOtV OtV). arxlful.TS that tbi« rather a f .Hing o:T tana ihe |80000*OM «COM of itMMfti jr-lictel by panic makers and protection sta. It MrlvM mm, th it TU Journal has little MOM to crow orer hm ia kkMB of meh a prediction »I the alive cxp-vrts «r> doubtedly included spc,ic. of waith wa bai c; ported op 'o Jtine 2". M um laffMiiirll to! of BMV f*n Mio, which, with the a-' raorjrnftas tfftl ¦',..'.> mil er exceeds the ujeoatNisa, The Anthracite Coal trade COOiimiet BO- tire.the demand good and prlCOJ f.rm. The Le\.£^ Navigation Company brought for t'.i? we:k ending en Saturday la«t. 23,131 tu.n;. and for th? teason92f ,M7 tuiis Tncre v. as broujit dov. n, over the Reading Railroad, for the week Mfdjaj 00 Thurjd.iv le.-t, ö-.SjI tous, a:: 1 for Me enooofl LOOoyOOO Iom The Behoylaifl Maeigatioa beasajM down for the week 17 S32 tuns, and ft U»Saoaaaa IWJOtltiQB ¦aiiac"L"fJlf*'l*>* mimt wee'<. by the thrre lints, of «"B^iStOns, aad for UM s.. u >.i ' ? i-'.;..2> tui.f. Twawaoinit*! flttni Note Reporter wsj* The Htrkfemdl and eapttal of the Bon in. Hi .-V «| and Ptn*adelphla üa: its, i >r Um yoni 1891, b .ve been Comparative.> as follows Averaee capital, Divideeds. P^r el Boston.$22.710,oOO $1 744.3T3 $7 .64 New-York.... M.M1.430 UIOMN 9.91 Philadelphia.. 7.784,009 717,900 9.67 The uit.ui r.ds in Ncw-Vork are oa tha workia capital u r the ve..r. 1 nere are in Ne v.York 'en Hniks, with neariy 17 080 "-mi of eap:t U. whteh ¦ H bem in opcn.r.on MB I few month ^, and have not >ct declared full dlridaads. In Boston the la re iae of eapttal baa been aaore rapid, aad baa, therefore, affected Uto aeeraga of dividend* Comparatrrely. the capitals and averaee dividend? ;n Button aid Rt W-xOrk have !.ee;i at tollO art bo-ton. ntw-roBk. r»i.ii d.v i t r, lital !>¦. '. 'i. D is_.<.:: 4so,< oo r.$2.i.«>st.i ¦> fi 21 le4d_ 18,180,000 s 97 2I..I I 11 7.09 1M7_ 18,180,000 7 0 » 83,061,1)11 19 IBM_ 18,090,000 7.55 93,391,100 Mil 1640_ l9 2Sor..,!i 7fo 11,497,890 |6M_ 10,710,000 7.88 17,440 970 800 1*51_ 13,000,000 7 tl!) 25,031.IX MO The eapttal now in operation m New-York is 834,003, lOO, and the amount and competftton will pro bnbty effect ataterially the dlridsa la tot i 191. The Deponit! at the New Orieafio Mint in October were $900,198 and the coinage .*r»71.'¦ T!:e Provident* Journal of yesterday, in noticing the falrely reported failure of ftc C .-. oral Bank of that city, ntyi Nobody ta Pforhlenoo needs t3 he told that the bills ot this Hank are at |OOd M those of ..ny II ink in New Bag land. The Baak ia oaodo ted npow tha aoundeat principlei and is in the moatproeperou1 OOndlfion. 'The' private property of t ie Stockhotd- crc, Including feme of our niost we ilthy cfttli na, la holden 'or the ri'dernplion of t'iehiil- and the IV"- dent of the Bank eottU p y the entii . circnlttlon and deposits fromhu own private fortttno trllhooi ii (. ;.t it. TtW Cashier of tho Trasteei of tha old T. i, Hank, (ch .rtcred ta 1791) h.s notified th* stockholder- who doaffO to participate in the fln.d dtrhfend of tho Basoti ofthe sto dyJj iiders' Trust, ex- pectod to be made nadot a deuoe of the 1 ,8.1 Jotnta, to known ih it e'esire on or boforo Monday, the 17th baai Tho Philadelphia Ledger aayo: Money la unchanged. The rate of 8rst-ola*e paper may be fairly qooMd at ten \t Cent,, with an occasional lion, ur.drr pc all ir I ill llimstT a II cs. at soui-- thing less Bacono«elaaa papal cannot be done al l. 's than 12or 15 \> OSttt WO umt- r-iarid ta o «. i n pros, enttona hive boon commenced againtt pirtie- in this city who re. i ntly f iltad in business, with the slew of in ikins; out agaiosl them a caae >-( <. »n- spirncy to cheat anddattaud creditors. It is stated tin* theaward of t!i" «'oin- mi;fioiiers in the Helkr.ap ,i*c, agar.-: the t erm >..t Central llailroad, was ghrtH on BlidaybsSt,and it was tlootdad the aonspaay should p iy to tue est itn of Balk nap one boadted thousand do'lars -fro'n which tiinr nil* mi appeal.low parties tjein^ oaflCf bonds to abtda tin- dooialoa of the Commiesiouert. It wBlWtwaMonbaend that the Treaturer, ia his Ute annual report to the sto khollers. stated the re¬ sources o! IhO OOtlipany I"be il^M3,00O, in which was included upward of fjOOO.fJOO in a claim against .Mr. D. Utaap^l c-tate. There is also a report that of the cicrks of tins road is a defaulter. TJko itaceiptn on tho Illutoio and Ifiobi* g m Canal during eight months ofthe year 1851, boa March to October, Inctatifa, are.$97 2M S«, S ill,e period in 1190_.70 515 91 Increase in 18.M.$811,773 07 The roTonne for the month <if Oolober, on the Baltimore and O'uo Railroad, h is been 813.1,- 251 M,ol whu h » 90 were from the .Main Bteat, and ISfJslwl N frant Um Washington Urauc'u. Tweirty-six miles of the NeetvAlfa my and Salem dnd.i RallriMul, bMwaan Bedford and the Kankulu River, have been let to Messrs. L. A II. Raat,contractors, of New-York. The following knhto will compare smnc of the item» of the stiitements 0f the Bank of Virginia .mi Brandies, ehowiag their condition on the l>t of Oy,. MM und 1S51 I860, 1881. On IM .Höing Debt... .84,722 5*. 7 40 $190,1 3 P 91 Spe?ie. 093 848 M 001,313 32 l atutal._ 9.550 ^:o Ol) 2 W W » 00 CtrcnJation.2,nii.:pj5 63 9,i3i069 w Deposit Moi ey.1,307.454 m 1,101 0S3 HJ The Charleston Newt of the 3th says The res i p'sof the revenue a' the Custom-House of thi» ity.ior trie last three mAnttr*. have averaged nearly $100,000par atoath, exclusive ol the d.mes to be paklon gorata whteh have (snao into arar*aou»e. The naual qoarterlt arerage receipt for duties hero hMh*a»$IOOy088, showingi at tais rate, a quarterly tncraaec ot vt^i per eat. Tkc eitiseiM of Ohio CouatTi Va.. luve dacMsyd b] BS abasnal unannnous vote in favor of aa add I < ti H »utiseiipiion Ny that county of $150,000 to the aUh k of the Heui,if:eld road. Tnis, with previ¬ ous subseriptioiis. u ie stated, will st- mre the early oottMaanoaaaend of ihe a*orh, which is to be put un¬ der oootrad this (all, Markets CABBTVU.S Rei-orho kor Ths Txibi ns. sssssssss mm. ASM r S. I he market w.lh .if .'it) till!,. »t 04S)|«$tMr«r IV .. »id »i3T, f.. pr.. rn-..,, -n tai.dr..i... .1 l,37t bbls Puiaasstrtt I'>is I'e oU. IUI TU SI- 1 fce maiset ,s n. ... u ii v.- ;,at seeMkcs in price. 1 Sue n«lcs have . t.aac,u 1. tnj. iwrt at ,«¦ .!«. in 1 rUM H tHDMKALr Oar market for the '.i» eradrs sd mu mm sit. nt Seer t,..M«e« Oa t-lalL-e ^ ia. . besteedee aad,b ia ks Baal »u: i.,. .,,t wt < j k».,t..s. Sues m.,!!, t\. ,h, E., rae 'sJo- e.. by .Ue t aiubris »rv s rerora' |0 tha. ths nnv th?j m eats . o s.. mm s eSJer S»1 . # ? ij| hettefjradas are steady, bat «asw t^*| Vw h?M Srmlv irpXZ'itV. , .,- SÄ'«T,eÄ ::-\.. ^zr^r- aae prrce.-teidy. TatlVJwJ Mbh WtwLVJffi to g<- a . raj m braaca aw 11 SI, a 45 * , il, \\V£ mgSm Piaarsss ees OsSes i iH tests at 13 ii r>?y Ina at c ha Jsesey.aad p* :,rBraWyV£ " t.B.*.l.\~4.armsrkc' I t w -rm, ... ". ,K7* , £r.s, ar., sjeovrall^l.'ilS/-^? » tWe .. or assttae aad r... , :.; % »».e tent,.., M'rs"f s is,. . n .* firm, ate hasfta^ .Sm^.^V*;'^'?". f"** . ' Jrf< »aasared <a scare, aaessasJ , u .:;,v,"r,,^4 15a?-3 - .^'-^ U..stl.t...;-. ». w . .J,, ,.,,.. ,. s J.IHSl g -^t^Her^ Osrye t urty Che««,. ,, 1 ,J :*- far .»iaMÄwslr^^ at th. far»e,,,K-. f..r Lars.wi^:\^VlfU?*,i ä ro..gaa.dul'aa«4 svrv Hesiv laa. ,n . Ls*Wl» 1 r qaiet» i.^saerpr .-ee >u««f»«4 ficm OfLC4Ka7.kc -There .sar«d d-e.saa sw . , sWiktsjlsa aadwa Lee^uf ssaWaf u",,«^ e**,nl?. *mlibsaat »5»; Coy tkm c ^.,u.als |J7 od is^ i*'' ». .-. 8a>s..f ltt«.;»i $^:o . 4 *^ OlMsslis N STORVS-The ssarket is modern,'. , Tcr»-ei MM i* st»»»,'! ». « I » fch »»1«*. ml I .sso Vde. 9,'Wits are withoutms'r.ia' rhsn.,-e »he efcea 1 n t'itria« fr en 3-t tn 37«*. (.>' ¦ li I'll' ». » Ik i Mf>«7»»»H i. t'' B*l » > the la»t thrte Jut R*«n M V*«« trs.»e. Vtl hh|« e'a ¦ .* »o r »t fl 3C .' f N vrt.'. P. and 31 for | £t«t*t» whitat«dd at $::j*<3">. BICE 'si *t ». d sletuly . mJ bwraaa H * crop t v'-d hi 5* Pnroa it sol ,u m.rie". Ehl'IT.Tt f. Vca ai.u'erve y-.*.r. tt HaMawto day; ».».> t at böte* told at tl TI, bad ;t :.. t*r bnveaat Ms, Sir HOPS *r*a» W oe i' w:«-i moderate r*'»».evy 10 bal-s »t r.-in arteaai I. \IH.t..,c« sold t $1 7J. The aiarket it ea'irel. r- . PI. t^TTR-lC9 ran* Nat 1Sci.a sold a'. $t tl liere, an 1 $; f.: 3$- 73 no tt- - river SEK DS.There hire he#n an. .tai irtant s*>. sof if stsee 1 th( BMI wsek. aad al'hia^li th* suaply Waat it nal to bc'a.-re.tbe i*c*ip»s hcie are extraately taiaJ. aaJ $133 ail Mat freely aaaataaL Receipt- or Prodti.e. Fn '»r rwsrta P-i<r Maat*. r*te is. rMM bant Flvir; I9t.f>;< *»ho»; isobait.WaSSbey; 881 ptr» ReM, H .! >. Baeaai; I.HI d* Casne MSB da Batter; Ban. i.-uher, 3:o.l V".i ado. Wotsl . to.tfh iah. Hve, <Wl d->. bad t. U 'jrdo. Wheat. MARRIES, la tin 'I.e. lath intt hv R«- Th.,» A rmiue¦. Mr OLIVERS HOLMES to MissE MILT L M VltTIN". bt.thrfthe Wr-h American HhilaLi. M <am m h C . N J On TLtJ"rta» eraaiag he'3 h in«t.b7Rer Mr Mor¬ ris* OEOROI LtWRENCH,Jr to Mara MARIA E LKV. IS, a.l ol -rut i'ity. nun. On Meads? ...>. a'eWkP.M, aftera »hört tUn**s,Mrs LUCIWDa wifcof ras »t. Po:i|oa. and t-' t 1.11». v.. aaret da>if liter of Dam»'. Baaaaaa, deoeeMa Tie Maasda und Mlaatses of iKe family, those of her Lrot.'it J1.0 M Du 'I onl i'iiirle» Seamae, and hro'h- ai 1. law, Clarksoa t'i than, .1 L PuiU-hi. T A M«t.i. J ha Orr.. r,d 4i.d W n McPlawaoat, Jr., ir« invited t> at'er.d the funeral on Tuesday aftsTnooat, 18th in»t .at 3 entdeck.Meat her late reetdeaea, N'o. 73 Orchard-«t usir l!r »eine.) iritho'it funher lavrafion. n!7 tt*a <>n Vr' at list. Raw. MARTTJI BUHNS, sied 17 year* and 26 dr. a ' H 1 mead*, me aMataaeea tha aiauiheii 4 Merean*tle I. «..e .;. 1 o o r..a-1-l t U" .:; l. 'tre V >. 19. A O ofO P re .iivivti t,. attsad bis faaaral basnhai Wta rriadenre. Ho 1 0 EstK ?*<h »» day,a' 12, o'clock. Iii. rim.iii« v».li awtahaa t' OraaaaioaaCaaaaAat*tar hsM rnient. On Satvrdar evrninr the 15th last., SMITH W AN¬ DERSON, is the iSib year of hia are. The relatives sad friaadaof lb* famür ara reap*. Mriled to a'tca . Ins funetal at the Batarasau Datsa (."hi'rb. Ls Pate'te jla'-e come tt!i St.. on T i»s<tav. the 18th tn«t at 2 n'rhi P. M withottt f uthsr taril r. 1 oa laadar aftara «'n, the e^-ns' ot lafltattaattoaof taw awwtdsitBtta JAJIM P. BKLL, mtJas MM yaa« fl r ar*" .. hrisadi and aoqa out mrr< of the ramirr ara *es? -t- fn'l» atvrUrd to attsad bar faaaral on I^aaadsw aftsras-va, the 'H'h insl . at 1 <'V " Iron ths rrsidsnr* o:' ber ii. .. i.t 1. N.. t feaaaa -t wBhnsil f*ther iaratati a Har rewaias a .11 l>* ta»»n to U'eenrto sl C«aa***ry On Batardas aaa aiatr, N"< v 13 hi thai aratraf Ma .nirr.K » T JARVIS CARTKR, Rae r i Or*. 1 Chi Clawlaaid. Ohio. Rai isaaaias irtU a* lakaa ts Clen tad for intrrment. In Broakl)s>,oa s .'nrdav. No» IS, HOB vi: fl. und scat of H. H tad Abby S. Holt, aged I 7 aisassl taasaths. P.i»-ri»!;rrs Irrlvrd. Jhafda Imoori. rVaat ITiraifiars TT U l.lncV. Mr la » her.738 ir. »trrrare fa swarf tkip Aswriena Bsafs. rVaat Lssmbm aad Partr- rir-.i.Mrs Tacknlwrv. Mr. Ra-it. ,r. I. Mr. Rai 1 , Mr do -1 vir. MUt.-a ml Iv'r. 1* ot N v-V-r.. M - 1 u. 1 *. ..f I.)me. c nn Hi s idstaaar. i t If aad 1 ,i.t ha h..I . ¦. Mr m 1 ::. Mr I .. Mr MaitJa.Mr Haffhsa,Mr H n, -t Laidaa; Mr.Ineiri betg,af Qeimaan; .Mr. Poaraa a,of Mra rot HiaiATsai aX'jtMsc. dat. 8c*.Bates....! 1 I.v *_1 11 IMnnB Tliaaa in rt:e.n a-it.-V.» it Stil» Hath I Bka ! 0asr. I»:aad...' l-'m Hell aatM.1 M a asABINB [OÜRN "iL. POUT OF K*:Vs'.Vo:.K_VilVTMRKR 1. Str .V' t'. 's Prtje/'T additional1 Shipp-w; I'ttf . . < ".. ired. E'l 111 ¦:.!' 4- A' ih .!...!. I. ill.' .-savannah. S. I.. M ir', 11; Maroa,Barry,Charli .ins", ffwd, iSssatoahCo Bl .1 atartaa, Pat! n a, Hi r-Orlsaaa, Ban m - I ;e, I WatttThBI n Puak, l.verp ¦! i'avh.r M Math J t .st.»: s, Hsmmoexl, Londoa, Bord ft Hia tea; Osrms- ¦ ra. Woo . Hane, * WhirlaeA, Jr la lia, Bear**. H 1- m ill*. RusteU ft Nottaat; Haatara, 11 iync. Apala ihk .1 ii W ard [iarks- Wave, iBr HMaÖt, M lohn, ft B Loa in M r I es; Solan,(lirem Malta**, Bra a ia, P ippa v C»; P. I . ler-.Norw ) Helsa, K wastes Ja Prince b; M in li ; Johl Ctd t». Hall h. tr ;e. ura, Alande. Hre we.-, t'oarh- I, b.J W. ElssalL Biiits-.: W.LawrsBM Wall, Ifatrritai, I. W 1: BtKitle. «lir) Patrick». 11. tllssa .w. E Denaisoa \ «'" Laa tl ,1 a ..:,iil. lirl.ze, H-.i .J Jaaka; Orussco (Bt 1. gaps Cuidad Batirar, MeBer.Saad k H h , irab- th Hall.Tathill, Aps lehieola, mi¬ ter ; Eleanor. Chase, st i'i mas,ftc. B Mat .V K ra- l<ae, Ha't-e, (tewhern, rnaater; H v.- Qaadr.Jaf fries, Pl.ilsdel; h'a. j W.MeKee; Meal taaa Lewis, Alst ¦ »iid.ra, fiii'tes. Cle::rm n- x i '.. »1 a.-i.'e S'a'. 11 i::sf. Boston.S. W LetrtS; Bay State. It. :er. B «t Diyt m ~ n re i r 8lr.eps.Rimrrtd. Patteraan, Derby, Ca fansaa Gra- b ,i.. N eWa, rail U.ver sieiot., r- h>. .,. ,(..-. I'i. ,.',. Bi -'i.ii -ti.l and N >n' .'. .. LV .; I boratoa Aathrtcits, Morlev. f n UaMlphbti ««. ma, 11. aa, Bo<t.« Arrlred. EbipBopbia Walker, WtawaL S-ivrni Mdaps,waalaUd t'its to |) luhl x Co m ip si.eritian.t.'-trniah. Ms ¦seit, Walas, 32 , r.n'r nut BwnaadMpaas to Spot! liUs'.on Hup Ooaaaa, (Nesw.) Btsiaassa, Kawaaatla M aaya, ndss la order, eh j. Howard) Hamb ) Jaeobe, Hi nhur.- M da. mJs.. ai ,i paaa le w s BahaaVlt, Fark A/..[. Cii.tpmaii, Malar i 3i diys, wine and fruit to Aeinre a .«lv/ .y Park A:- I la. Miller, Arnster.lbbs 1" <!». bmi ts m i«le-. B uk Harraet, ft eltaatj j ivannah ,!»>.«,c >t' 'i aa I n tostuice*. Claannsa k Co. Bark Cuba, PMaea c.'t'e Miaaaa, Idars, to H I..11 ¦atk Leaiae. Braas I Schan*, Brassaa Mawya, aadaa.BM 1371 s tu;. T II elite! Eric H' aas«wt,| Ur It. laass, Cam nallus, N S , 1 .1 ty«, p. ';,t. ts and pmrtsr to m strr. l-rt* I i" nice '¦.( Murhi .-) Hr.iJ' . 511..«» 3" d i,s, froi't*AgvreftssAlsrn , . Hnr BasraId. Carl«, -ij la*r I dara.e.n] t > A Ler.iin Brit Iwaa, Pisres, Barmodaf days, m hathuS to .n< n,nli a Bana ,». (Br ) Own, Hamns 13dajB,aagBTtoRo> ails ft WitfiaBia yraaalta A I.eary. Brkj Auel..Be, Dayton,St Jaio.o- <. BBB, i) dt. «, . .. baes ... ftc 'o uiuj.t^r. BalgCtri mesa. »,. ia "i Pabrag is, M .Wt i '. ds, \ w. .- and rtui*. to As-iickUaUat Bnr Lai ae, Osboras, MiUbridcs i-' dayt, lam r Bns; Hudson. HaBett. Calais 12 days, lamhni toasastst Sehr A J Mataaoa,-. Calata II dar« htathnr e, hi Ortan.Wraas, Fraa tin. Ma , Is days, a . < 8< hi Pat>Mt,BacsiiB,B rklaad SaaysJUaaa. gcbi Carolaw.lDaa.) Ansaa Mataga 19 days, fralt.fti to tan ra ft 0*1* v . _ Schi Ira Bie»«'er Horton, w>i'n net a, n c . aa al »t res and co-tan t* N I. Met ready ft Co. s. i.r. 7. A Pnina, Wsastsr, riistp.rt Idayt, nth aad ts.. lo S BSSBBS V Oa Malt Byioa.Kit'i mi, K..i-» "ii. b i'i'i.l 10 \'r »al» BAILID "1 iaad :i) al .Wot ..i rlla re, Al- aftaie -, 1 lew Marine ir t". > V - ton; RosboKs, **arri«h, for ami Bachmmd; ahia Cr*ais, Pssree, Naw-Orlaaaa; brig Ptulnrs, Thateb*r, rasank aadatasra 8!.l Plata} lata, H im ü ... iu. Bu bj I a ft* a -"1 ant, WIND- S Line. E S.E . with 1-1. .1! f ., ¦ iridl. 1 M N w .a- Arrlred.ROI M S'samshii. 1' Wel«-er, Bald wit, 'ruin ^an Jon. Nov a, with p .s-irrcrs uae »1 er e to I). 11 \ ".«. Wu« I? hours v v, 1 rtt lc-J as.-.. ,e V .r'her. . 1 laatad d. ". I 'tl he .Ml. L'.LS'i .'. "I t'i.l Ta'oia» e |. o i t' -e<i a atiaai «.»!« MtBB' n 1 >utaea>t whwk narrssdS *«j p ddle iHnes IftaShTB BBftBTaMt BOBj*th llhlBBt lhati'i Man*th*paeaagnnasas Baa Juan in 1 ya,to* »?thi ati indn »t«. Mitral An tsasa f.' m the aiaarf at Ne* sa :% t" Ml JuaB Rhu« Aai-r.esn E».-'». or 1 salwi-'». Lull ., 1 PssnsSBsathM asa\abSaa ud jji steerais 1.1 t, 1 ,:.:i Orssna d Btaaawr I'. n.>rj»cot. Ctark. Philadelphia s IpJeaaftLant afTho aetnaiCarl -.1, Lirerpool M d os rpi'so and 130 BB s to 'la' is Hr.isii. B-r'sCotaashBt (Binn farkon.BVeanaa a aapa,¦ana. ar..! IT'i ; :.. Meter ft St . kt«. Rjrk Jiaits Hail, Wb.te M Jasn do CiSs. O, t TO..,- ear t* order. Rnr. l, cd Cape Mais«, »,«>». brig iaati 1; hear* Mr St Jago. Hnr Delmsnt. (Br CaSJ*«. lananl a 21 Jtvs. ,jmo' ., k, ane 1 ; sss toop!»r -rtir B- s'-rhsmp, Miller. Wil ...a dai'S. p datues. I-*.-ml to Boston. S< br Einpite. Bunker, Norfolk 6 days. mdse. to St iuc», C- ara aa a Co Behl CSartotte E Hues, T ime:, Fraavi>rt Ii ds »pari bi a <; ItwnaS M or Char'es H .R *er« SLselmsn, 11 iyvi 1! 1, P H It ...s. . t:,r and molasses t«. , Da ¦'».;:» LaB Bt I' a. t.' r.i James W E »¦ '!. ." .'ans .a. t \r<» » j- da S. I < At a Ooyaadla, bna Charlotl*. Spark*, ! >r Halo- c e or it dar. S. br. Pst-ei. ,1/Portland Yoan», Baltimore I 1< , e**L Mi; Wast. Bru's' W.. 1 n.-U-<., N 1' j at. r»s. f, he Ca'inct, Rice. Wilauaiton. aara! atnraa -. N !. M< C eadr gehr T P. J'hB«.-n. t^uina Jacae!, Oct :t. . . WsfweodtaH k Vt DeiaSeld Le t scar ChatB * \ »t'S'ti. I »»encer. cow Bi-a'oB 15 4its ansOra - fn L ven.-d i' -r Hsrabn t. Ii ¦ On the'Th in th* II .f i'utiaf s best» (sie irom N E «p t »!»,!.. a t A. sm_d !*>* tJu'f rr'ui tbr** time*-. |jtu Saady il^tk i. a ii i N H.w MBsiksa,aiaaad a wn- . ms,-*ith aevi i iwaalssd part ..f lbs s o*i? tr. wa'sr Slooo Bhasl* laland. 8tijr»;e*. Pr-isideare BAILED antraCoaatsOati a.Allna»Lrrarnowl; w n ){>.rers. C-nwav. \ta achiroL). Ind.a. B. w»e. M mt-t- n,;:» Msaltwasta, Pa*-al. Maalls.Car.atiias. BjaSBSaaad, L-' a « BtVI.t:w_6t..:, Me haei layrlt. afaTarrt a. w,i«on, ir« CsranT Wales,Oat 3 with rsdrond ima to urJ*r; »car, Jobs Cittbsuts, tt atys f'om Ma aca. W IND-Saanse, N W . menliaa, W N.W Br Telecrwsh. CH APl.ESTuN \ t u -4M hasft Virsnaia hnaj I. lUtklwra; acht B M'-m», New. York onzt Bio war. Bath Me A'a Bvatoa ' [pt.vm jut Corrrsp wdeata.7 pHILtPFI.PHI.t N-» ; Cb^»* I i«»row*,.Oct I; barks Emily Caan or Hay Le--' h.a. K.*sa.fc>B. Po« 1»*. lvniarar*, Tta 1-iraj'istiil.' nr ¦:.»:.. ». J .rTasd.iBi iSc.««, Hdlsboro-ita N «. tn' p- . Cr. »,:i. B«.'oB C. st. at.i l s'-rs Chase. Ca;« Ana. Caas Moor*. Smib. N rf Ik rAui/ Iie'BBd B.;a. s. PaUR,».r. J,dre IU-r.nct ,n MaUe. D »er Dei. bu«jb Bxkards. Canada. D.I ja,} C'-rtoa. Ca' haro M.lford. O iaaowd.r. Bird. «f Vor« H «1' 1 f --i u . - lit. ,-e. -r. h {:, Bv.nd. SUteesoB. New k Thavaa» itH. r*.^ t." Dr.s-areCity; St Ne-holat. Wbtafr 1 .,e, ri'.l .I Mliaik ilWen. 4.r.a.a;NV*.V rt*WfJ Alboar. j"n<«. New Y.r* s, uu < »¦»*.> ....». ¦. N j W POBTRoe ll-A-r. aokra Amer m. Wnct'-r r- v #.¦«. l iv i Y rk; A RelTi . i «.* «. f*d ; ahavpl H Burden. Domain?. Fall K.ver M N«* VefB. lllllllll .V«'. BBorBi Ej mr>«4 m*i m Caea%*, ftmm csd-x. ah»v. Sored ate-s.sp/nrr a rak ia heavy waa'kl MvL, II p M *> ia ¦ Mreaar.l M fast ttiat rx»ih pu m ¦ «null not tr»*htr !*"Hir »t km cargo ¦*> tk ... r t m" * t«rti> r«-m h thf Wt» «rn l».»ait». IJo miles dis'ast. Iti- lr..k »*« I'UIkI to i « ¦ 'he nin .ludau.,' >-. In, r -rii » »a* made 10 ir^ck i; She waa taJoard tl 1 V.M UM eaaw/taklBf to the three heats, .here '.no? Ihca *n Isol water id the hold, and tha skip *e*tlBsg fast Sliir Norfolk, armed at V rw Orl-xas I'h trv* It .«. ton reports that a sh ia ,,»n.;unv str..k aa W rail Kee'. near Kay Soaib.-era. »a th« ta a'.t. B l r N .net tight ut her several wreckers were observed gaBaf '"shi'' Akhar a as mid t>r *oe*i net BaTea, «b Brato. forSlJUti. one-iuarter e-i»h, the haleaei in 4, .> sad i men ha. interaet added. She is too tuns re.-ster. kaltl H East Bost-a . .. . Bark Claba C. BSLt .tr.i tan» kgethea. Basil «nJ3<<. waa *>;d at aueti .a a' Boeiea oa weuoesdav, far Si ..,,. about half her eoot T.«r oi* o:.e h llf I ask au.l eaj ii Ml .> ui« nthr. , ,, s, iir. Edw'»bi\ T .. ths.-re, frvn ( slats frS »mr.irl. r>, uk. aeaaavi iwinain . ,. ,- C«na, which went as1! >re on Qardtaers lWi.ii-» three weeks s:nce. his bera £ it od aud lakru into N LOLtl.l spoken. safe Ort ». .'ob.. ei v K bf I ;r* S B .a Jer.e. T.e.l »»U, fiom P.j«-, n Sf..t in r jmvrea. Oct SI.let It, l<m. li.akr' F.ssei, Br. Smith im Li erp.h'l for Rew-Yw k No* J let.44),loa.49.waereen a l*-r* propeller twatr aail.awaadB eappsood the City ee Piltebaisb^tBa. HhiU- drlnhialur I.urr N..e '*. lat 14 leu 1 h*rk !¦>!» a. K.i :f, mi. Mirr- na t.,r F> >i< o ., , , >od.ite. Ut. 4.1. loi. ti, «!.., Bee..i.i"i-, (iti f !.«». irpael far Mew-Yotk. Oft si. tat. :i. mm IS. waa iiail ehto t a..i of Naw Orlaaae, itaerraj S K ut ¦..<.<> teporteS Oft. IS la' -ü. lou n. Ur. batfc Irabeila, froai L tM for New OririDS , Ha* LeaTQeorfee Baskt. waa *-<ea .> »a »» '> letter T in f,,rct(>!»eit-iproi.a!i!y tke Piy:aoJt£ Beet.arr. at lii etm ) .. Url it. .at .'0 l.l n. '. w ., hum m- .r t .. i :e;i :. ot ttwtalk.elsilfcil t- Torei^-'i TortH. 41 CalealtaBrek.MM.ahiaeMaeaake, Caaagr, fraai Sm fraiir ». .ur Ma, to load tor Loaitna; I raiaa. Baaletl, tad Oertrada,Bailey¦ fruade .ur nth. t.» lead wr Load ¦; Bfahaa,Naaea, iron do arr. 2t«t, to ,i-l f »r Laadoa: HoraSvt. Oefpod, from Beetoa (Jaae I ir* 19th. to lead for Bettoa; Wa> Oeddaid, hwaaeB, froai de Inae tri seih, .to da ;Albeay, Qathaea, frota Hear-Tack M iy ti) arr. lead lorda; Oray tTaather, MoLaaxhtaa, fro a Sao Franc.sco, ju»t an to load tot Loadua; Mareaaeai». S: ro.ii. Bohert C. Wtathi v . \ ras Delhi, Bar.i,« Um Btargee,Freeaaaa, forBoetoa, Ids; wm v K I, \ uri.1 y .»i»rv, >l ,;«|, ill V.. .. » N ' . 1' '' 1'. Riekaraoa; JohaMernck.Btereae; Raacee Brrae;0/a Butlett,aad Coauaaaerealtk, Baxter; for I. n *l lark*Heaaa. Baxter, troat New-York i . i tae !' .* . .»«. lUt,ta leaS for Itew-twk; Hary. Byder. to Lire .' ¦aea thd.IMh.karkeAlhotk Laar, London; IHh,B*e« Kane. Binrtar, Saaaehae 1 Lh.ektpe L^tuaiaaa, Baratow, ptew»lferfc;Strabo, t;.«., !t. sti.n. Sid. from Madrai Stft ll*t,thly Müton, Beala, f >r C»'- r tui I, :id t.,r U «t, .i. At Beaabai Oct. üd. bai 18 .i Breeae, B >wa. i irChtaa ¦<'ca; Arthur Pickcrüi;. It oaa.for Bfoacat. lUJedBeut, 17th, ship Eqnator, a> r.CalcatUta I id for Boat a AtMnTrni, lith no Li. , Os. ,!..i. K ¦'¦ ».t>- II 1 :i l'.M BarkBlaaib al Kinsiaaa,from Alexaadiki lashsar* l\ r\prrU d, to Ii :,d Sir H atOO. 'At Mreeiaat.'d u.l..liaik I. a; A. H.^i' ii<don.for Bosti n ; bm:» Toruo, Berry, aad * W. ( aahtaf, u 11' ' ' New Voi k, all i,, rail ia I or II day* At Vai'i l>>\ u'.t ,htK('.,. o, h, !>, froai C d ma arr r*\, i. r Baeioa Moa. (She ipoke m o!t i P M 3ii mAw% Bhat ti Haha, barkSaaaa jaae, tr...n ulaaaa ret Bhttraa) , , , ._ At Trieste2t:h ult..stn;> At.ui.tton. Byaa.l rÄts-Vna, Ids.;rarkOae lh 'n ia,f*isk At Lerkoratith ",* st,., - >,' ,.n Vi t .na. Cu.-. M, dtater, Bowers, and JuBet, hi lultua, f..r Rt a-Tor j 11- ; bar» kotara, W.isLDiiti. for Boston Hoe. I (noltuled hefere lepctrted) _ , AtMarMiil eatTtkutt .sa -l) oi", v .es ,-r. I -r N. Oiktaas. Idf ; Sarah B L, usa. M'Lellaa f»r Ifaw-xoek, darker as Fair*. Cook, far Boatea .a. Bai raes, t'r l.a» lays. At Malaea2M ult .i.arks Wuirrar-i, Klervli. for Borton ; Cliirisi.s. Cank, f,.' New-Orl, Saeita ,-. .Ilr.l I <i titm Vtak;brnnH P.Caahiay,Codr, fraaade., ins arr, to load for Sa; Solo, (8t« ) fur da Kid. l»th. heik «ieneral Jones. Ilordlag, New-1 ik;t I a Johesaa, (By )de; sehr. Loaaao, Pareeas. .!.»; lath, Ur ». Ur. Brau, do j Ittk. bnsa Byllu, (Oaoi In feMaasea, da.; Paulsta, (Sp*a » Baltimore AtCadixxlst it brigJoaathiae,eoads.daadsi .\t Ucird' aaa ITth all skip I Icaa i S;ar, Loid, foi St r. Orleaii« »i oa AtCraastasBBMh alt., larks Laer L Hale, Tbom«s, foe Brist«'. Raa.,few days; Hcury >he!t m, Altea, i t L .- rrp.k.1, de Sid I'r.ii. El.iui-ur ii'U ull (aotS3d)ehlS Mel'. ,.!.,>. i. i.. i., i i,.i.»ind«i r>,t Bvseoa. At Kiit'r-tiiain "Rh ><\< ship Ta'lnt, Ooolhi.'. far BTaw. Orleans, it's baik Ma-y Smith. Smith, for do. Istiusi atavala.tPrwa.) kfaar.r, Naw-Tack aad Ka'.'i.iiorr. hnrs All,«',«"». (Dasaai ., Baal. Ka -....«. ,U.vena,,) Maaaeat Bfartia Pnedrsth, KtaftT. >iil I.s ,ra at Adele.ili-iubl8»arc. f tlfew York.ldt ;aehra Poiana, (Datea) Haasea, ti dBod ao. ( D itofcl P ipkaa, I « Boetoa, tl i.mi!»t, list nit. tri i Baa art we, I haver, and L c.uda, Nsshals.f r II st tt.ldjr.: aad orl.ors as before. At l.ivrrr.>si| Ist mit ship James TllfJaib, Mah.ix, f,>r Ca'f ntta, i"' h ai Bus a 1st oi*r shin ''t r,,. Tar'n-, for NewfTtlsaaa; bark HaaBahTbawataa, Davis,for New-Yerk. St fl asgstt ist last. harks ftsra BaiSiaa. (Urifir B »s- tsaj I an..' Hr ttt d,, Adv. at do. sJeamer Olaegow, Sie« .rt. forde Ithlaatj barks Hyadeford Bteeeaeea for Baa Praaciace sooa; Ja- aet, fnr do, "ttt At Oreeaaek ttst, aajp Ravoy, Bf*Laaa, fat H Orl uii rradi. ark Ta.. A.I i -. fol E ivaaaaB, At Port an Pr.n . ;,(:> ,:i ;,r.. II ,,-t C it's, f ir Rew- VtsrkraTdays:sehr .saicn,, (lit | for do . Idf. Bsd.ttth, sehr Triton. I Iir Ut stun Arr at st J> Im.-. N P., llth u!t hues Paasatia, aferri- aaa,Rear-York; Viola, Readeil, .: ih. Peerless .tl .!.<.!. bus, and Cerawall, Axrell, do.; nth. Carohee Schern Masford, do ( id ISth, erhr. J II Hraine. KobtHos, Bsatoa At A \ Cuvss. 11. i -it. I.r . A<l»':inr. \i""ii, fir *. York, in ii,!.»», in'i.i I ., ,.eu.| ae. , l'rne f >r do.,htgj At Bio de J*i r i, Sapl / Megaatie.s>k, I'air- baakt, m Boetoa; Hanaibal, rTiagmaa, (in u Boston July II ''.Si I .,.. .. arks Miaatonomi, Collia». for N,i Berk:Iowa,Bn i ropuvt I, but ra ira nkiiiy aaRerw-Orleaaa, aa before staled aVunett». Pr«ble, do . RrssaliB, Beas*a, da.;beisaW, U l;ewart, Btevi-os, f.,r Bjajtaaati. Claas . Pasaaatla Port«. Mi FOR, Roe, n--Arr itsaaahig Caasketa, (Br LaBeh.LiS r|i»,l ship Holy .e. Parkma Baat-ir -n a \* t; l*Wi»,(ai it.t.ert», Pwaoroke; brtfs C'swsnl Mayo, hlexaastla; pkcrbe A Page, Liaaekia, PhdadeU (.'. Baaiom, HaskeB, Beefi*. CM ship Beth' May Hawse,Horaol la; barks kaaheoclssa, Thorp. Kiagetoa Jam ; Aurora,(Br) Adamaoa Psalna; Baaabow, l.,u- u',i >. r-Oa saej b gsAeaiaa, Simmons, p.ut S.i.i. Tnsuad l>t;. I Br.irowlar. Aaa.A Bme-ta iB.- ) Dmiestt, Clare; Lyra. DoaJse, .. .: Otarisaa, Dar « Thrmaat'Hi; rears Hero,Sawyer, St. Jona. N H Air. lith, ship Le3aicaa.Jo»daa, Cadu ; barks William V I waa. Waas. Siayrra ; lo.Piibibary, Kara!; bi , V. a ,| San h. 'i At lent c ursan lada, H' iSwaie, Ls 'la/e N B. H < r**h Btroai, Pbiiadeii ma se rs.l .1 a as Blhat, Gear vetoam, p k I Presto, lacalls; P. am - Funsi Matilda. F.u.'.ii. and K W. p.cke-. Rayler. PklU adelphia. lets, Chase; IMyiimah Boca, Lacey: Raaey Baht>p Kalle] lost h Baker, A iee;Johe, fiosdiag ai ii Ia . a Chase. New Yo:k Cid l>h, barks EUw Peidltton. I' il Pr^ya. Cipe Venl l.'.iu<l» i«d a i-« -: Areyw, (Br) Bartoa.Bt Jeha, N B briga Moa a r.n- le.lhaiama.Maiseillce; HeJlsvader, Bdw Paealaad >.i. boa;J w :. ... Morneaa, Omhr. N S tti i< s irras. Rn * r, N B.; Bath Eliaa, k rers. Var¬ ia nth.H s Msrtaret EhzaSeth, Crowe Matflaad, R g j sehr Lysaeder,Pawers Hayti Aiso. r-!J^oiw ship Bcammm Prsoklin. Sears fh nft pb:a bark Z w*. i' >. Pri.pvr M..i ds briga Abbetl I.awrrm c. Crown I, Pluladalubia. U/m ii Spav Black. Portia aehrs I i- laaM HeJIaek. BsaMkw Meiala; K labow, h r.-tt- Bsetw moad.>a.,E r,-, Lmaell, do. H^iry Payaoa Cro- aril Norfolk; Vi'tor,Chaas New Y k. BAI'H.Rjv tt.Arr ache Hdwraia,Staaras, Raw-Yeek, .mFartaad . ,i hip Mesaeegei, usw teutaae I'm a- Kara, waeaaa; Cb..u,^laia ii.rv. i|3 tons., Wisalaats. .N«%% orl.-a. brig ha.J.u.or.'. It.^ r. Havana S.'.NCi.K .N , ... B.. t. .. . \ ... I. i i, : n 1 »I tditT, Toale.Gu Porto Baoa v Pailbreek, Ui.h'wa. s....» reaaeeaae, Black »nt Irwtirs BBI8TOL. Roe. 13.Sid. sloop Manx Lo iats. (; ,* fall h re r .N 1 CHABLESTOR, No* li^-Arr ship Mav i :,.«sr.'"r a New Tart C.d i.n -s An a . .., o ~- :.. u Taaaxj Uooat^r. Batk,Ms Br ssir. t bampam, Pradlea, Haihar Islsad, Bahan a, ,, hr T YA »¦ >n. R , ¦.. Msssjasto.(Tla.) Wrat to »i, Br shiaCrea, Ma-n.-a I...« . BOOaVRTOWR, Raa '4-In aset, »r... Barotai ,..r Pestssaaathj c iware, !(.,.¦, ... .%»» ; x ¦,. w .. n. u h. Air l. BALL Bl\ lit. Nor l; -Arr. Br br (V.u-.., I.- ajr.n P e-ou R«i r, sailed B. t >b Im i 0 ,»t I .t. Mct^ tor Ptctoa Noi u »rr brig Tukea, lot? I;.. .... P l.mroiavdfe via New B^;. J j, \.rra.a. wi..V..s- a PtUadclphta; sJ plaaaell Bor. >b. Deaniag, s. w y ig rtA?J$yL*-tl tBv s v ;*-*rt ic'ir V.c-ory. Alles. f.. Beveily for Vv, Verk; Irerr-se. d H at daad,fj N ulirm^J ! Vl?3**:}"* » rm, Ado.-ion for R Bark . I,, s ' »ehrs TeUgrapX wortb, Pbil,tal..!,ia. >iih Hartford. Smea. do sVooa Mary t n,e.a. W a,»»r. V.-» y .,k a,a M> u « Ca«.,,. Pratt,Iluiasd.liskaa; Aaa WmmW. dkm\\m) sJ- MACHiAsroar. No,. it-Bid. .), i.o.^v,,. ns,w1^:Vbo^lD:do,,f* r^r e.^Br^^^;.^-;^;- l^,Vr,. V«*' aV . rr'JL* ? /*. ' «--«er. B im 1 reroml w,.::rKpi eA>*"YI:rD*'!?.P N' v »«T » - ¦ , * Lil: trr s PrÄd^oa'' S" Yüik- UM M l- s ,N' C'.l v. Mr. , bra «>r!;^ '"».'»^«"..larrell. West lodes; I n. Caasavd-a. P-nvVAa.a^.a^h?I,.. 8,«1 -B. N*w-York. II. a' i1 JaLl r>" k- Sa'do. Sid. s. bra K B H. Fiteh. Bval. Pfci»ad. I-> a HAW .r- ,. C. .v. Ar. i.s- ute aedP -*f.i;«:.,. jT N, .. B.~loo. tirr.o .«, Wmi f..» Vr « Vo'« Dale*) H».».P it»!i. -'h k i t.l..»l f.» p. .. i rlo*M CW tel. Sndth > JM4 l>». .... Haaklns t M«r. Ieh,,. ' nr n*T» F. ( *" B.v/aM. l.tirT.. . Wm» h ?**<li"rJ Jatws N< . V"f» F.edo.n » Oardias. N#» V ik l id Br !n Ht*j!.:.r. K .. IV ( KM V;,.-Ami if a H x«. r.i .i P., .1., ii.iimi«. lutat»vd ... hi 11 fr.ue. l r. U.liU, aU.» Ti.oa%> M l Mill r New V rk KOhTl ».n;> n » t.trr bri« A'f. Mona», Will W r,>' (I: k*rte Damd V--.r». N Haraa*; Al- mira Tar, Ha'aa « | Dea BtaBB, fell r .. w. do ; wa. M"i* R.i-e»». Bi.t mo»»> RlJCkl AM) N' » -v-l.r ¦..',..« Vt. I' .'.*>***, Car. <?<¦ iv s...i*n >aid Pawta .. i mt, H York; » ai.» P., k»t, U*M*lt .' M »i WlW «' I. Ui ; 10th. bnar ft C. LowaP.ab-in.»«. . :0. Hort*. f*niiet.«. N tarl aid :i i. < a < >. M .. -n l. er»,.« B rklia » d Eliza «t.. trea «.. E V fcll HMOMV Nov. ij. \rr « kr. Hear.. rattle. H.Y. 8 A1 KM, N U .Cl-I aekr. At'aai.. Nvsaraoa New Vo k ,\;j. bni Maazsoillo; act. At.'aotie. An. IBh. «ehr I.- r I baker. Ricbaa «ad. LTJ.'tUi.. riao' EdwaH BaaaptM.a, ttWea SEABSPOHT. No*. . ttr. btrV: Mr rtti. Trejt. Baac*r(aad < >i * -va* t< i ..-c p. p«r km*, ÖTlke»; Harrte« Ree, iad Hi . art, Haa- r»r 1Mb I . H...1.« ST OEOkOE, N « »-^1 brlfCBa i. «*-.Ra- T:,nn'h a , , _ , U II V TVCTOR V.» |.v.trr fl-o" >.. -sal Tivl.r. sh to ClaV, Ifta,«ehr Jaaar-eO K Wa .«,h», Nt«. Yak WARREN. Ho* ||-Bid »! >H B«dr, Can _ _ i iiuuuinl. KAli Kl'Alt. ( I I V u;.! rllNTY ¦OHM FOR S vi R -Weoflei .r - . .ir rf*., th* Mawtaa PeeaeMea «*f the aaaat on.! i< -.1 harm-tar l. frtO.000 CIT1 Of CTINCMIKNATI. .mihi, su ikk t EN I COLPON IU).MIS. i.,'.... t N< vY«n k.911X000 m h.mvnv fan six pmcbxt, BONDS. Coupon» ratable in No* York JaaatBl i, aad July l.anaiaatrrd bjr the Ohio .tad Peon.'.v'v aaia Radiaad 1.1 iri^aaj; j. |t00( !. " BARY Cltt Bfl PKR a NT. Vi» TKK LOAN KDf i |10g0O0CITYOVCOTIHOTOH.(R «-«tetk* OBy af Caa aa M IIX PER ck\ l BO IM.gBWWe teed t \ the ('. \ taffttB »"d i e»intt«ii RaflNBd l'onpaa». I llBgROOt lit OB KoltlNMocri!. OIIIO, SKV. kn PRE ( I'M BOMDfl IM Baaata aBl Mickii s Van»» BaHraad Caapaap. Oaa| »< payableia HaW'Tarft laaa uj I, aad luijr t a. BM.O00 UTTLR fttlAJMl RAILRO tD B8'f U Bf>| CKM1 CONVERTIBLE BONOB. tfiaati mm fmjfm hieittNrw y ik, tat kprttaadOataftaf . 110,000 M A DlfON A IHOfAHAPOUBlAlkV* ROAD 81 I PER ( vsr HORTO40R ROJiTJI i.i Main atei .. kyafeh btkfaw-Yatk, ..t'otuMa*. Januar» Mai itJj 1 ItaVBOO BIO aad PEHNftYLVARIt sevkn PERCENT. BalLROAO CONYERTIBLR üonds, C. ....!». <iv I an.i J'. » I n n i York si-'.ti( t> ftticmoAH ftt^irmcRR n » :n per ci nt i; HI ;».»t I CO) ivns, . ia kTtwYart IB raaal. i i .r..l .May t. IftJLOCO CBAWrOlDtVlLLi in| WAJARR RAILROAD Cl NVRRTIBLH BETEN .'.-.H l'ENr BONDS, Ca - aapaftlftS n< «-. L).. c.i.b*r l.aad JmI ii 140,000 BOSS COUNTY, OHIO, IRVIff PH « KM ION.» ¦. i' ».1 y ..¦ .M; : . ...i Cm. .a- n.«n Rafeead c. aap «¦. IBe RAILfttuAlt BOhTDOaaaaaaarad ta «. «oa» an*> BaawaMtark Rat < .ae Baad at Pra .,..« at taoara MattaapaaaMi aittsaaaf Maua Y.ak, » i ¦mae.fttaaai M deiault. u, > Btat and «eil earb lino, wuh aB «.uiaat*ata, lay tt laarr an ta pay aaaaaat at* aateeea .<r .vaeipaj. rhet lit aaalOOI HTY BONDS at* Baatai, ia aaoh BO>e. »'rM .' . Bl .»<!¦ ti aaB ptapaf ' .. ».»»nr», ii laftBaj fttl i. ¦ aar that pwpeae, aad aai a d.ieet »<v» >t Baapaayla iBtaraatad i-a' rata beut*; !arie:r at rare* af Btaal ia»»m Ihelawaaadai Bkaah Uatae Raaaai are ateaBaa» r*a.aira th* |ir.i|.ri a. .|.;...» t-. .nana a IFEC1AL lett af TAXESt.. t *-'EI AKAhl'ei« lua.v, hj I ' M * i-arpoa* of MaaaBa)thaaaa daft fttMaaS, aadaji 0 aByta '«uBhuraa aWfaiMBpal vftfakeaa br «nforc*d ;krr V«''aartaaf \jCm, should ii he. 'in.* 11 <.; «»arf Thea« debts < a r, in the nature of » . r-rath ¦aBlftBtpaaaaaa] <»ta*ea w.thia the raw*' t'uy aad C.»uaty BbbBb The Raai i it BaVaptad by the r* a ORftj pe>- lulirs, ahs. lut. 'he rr. «t "l or auy f'ui I 'Is t liy Cooa- Haa, » - h aaadattat Tbia «tu praaaai * furtbir aaaa af aaewBn itnuicrt. Printed Eibihui, ia aaaft raa*. raa be had at arplarataa at our »Ac«. ftwaal mil and detail« 4 adhraai i at taa BMtnreofea. i' mm arBr Ra*r-Yark, Oct. ta, IftU, w [N8LOW, LAM Eat a ... vl-et. . It D'iW.M*. ktl An ELK! ViÖlS i\n DIRECTORS ot the BOB ERY BANK muII brt I .. I Iba lliuk.n< Hr>Ms*oa ii E'DALDacaaabara i:.. 4t eillaasaaa In.m It? D'cklCk V 'ii -il II' M n 7ti)2 N i, BRADFORD Caaaaar I OAN<3 in largo <>r jnnll Bttiai ROgO* R A i..,.»(} . rai ..i ..* «"...!* i i. >,y MOt.' BKiifiKR, Boat EwaU Braker aad \.t Nu 111 Broad¬ way office ftaara, into j bm f mabf* nKAK I > bb lh« II..NK of IRFaLAND P aU parti >.t Ireland.f»r »alc by th« Irnh hin f in' ».> VI ( :. .1 - t i.kMHlfcy Oil fr«a.d*at. laautaSTVABi rreaaarw »>¦':r_v*ajr* b;:oAri\V AV RaKl N » J. JaUl. nI VI DEN D..A fttHtti'SOiiosJ uvi.iernJ af kaar (4) pae rent kaaa tba eapetal >t ekafaabj BaaB,BBto lb* pioAta 4tba laatatt ¦ ath miU b* paid t ti e Stoi V h< . tad aiti i the IHb .- The iraaaiaf ba«>k trill ha .-loawd ir ...i the tth uut. aatfl the <i»y of ; i>ii,. :,t E, order, b>. J L RYERfTP. l athiar. N fOTIOK..The Director* of tlM Nnw- York aad No* Hsrou B R. C<- bare lay *d«r- r.l ii. e alle ii, «10 i the r> WBibSm of 'lie C tttal S-orh <4 UkMCoa»p*By.beioi teat »bare» «f ftibu n ib. (Ilftaaajj *~"*t|t tl.e ^i.-.,,.t «'..i nhoMer» ol my, at llio iv ..| one iba ¦ fat aat i ftva »hau», and in- fifth «.f one (bar* fur tarn odd »harr h«ild by th. ..i rri|a, tivrly .a the 1 it ta A'lf btat Tie fol Mr? T'a'mentt are to ha . aj ; Mv.TtBantj m lit septeiiiierriert. to. Oatafear aaaft Bti . .. .. November liett. t*j . " "" Deeemhrr BBZl A r. ..I-,, ad, ta aaa to earn ataekhordai a il> !7t hi-aiatrMtit HA N K DBPAKTMEN . .State öf N< ». i rk,- Mhn j. Not. ii. is:i . rIm OOSHEN HANK (Ooahl a. 11 -in»- Co i hai th * d..T tiled ia tb-iof- l ie a notice «f ih< app .utnieat al the OCEAN BANK. lataeCUyei Nr» V'.rk. ut ajtent for the n mptioa of i»» «-ire-i atiMi; n- t. » arreeaiile to iL« a^t natltiad M Aa art i-. .ii,. 1.1 th- t. >-r.i| art! ie'a'lB< to toe lucirptrat'd Baaki Baa n| Aa mt tuoaa aad ludirk .1 Bantara," 1 at., d apnl II I'll o 2 6t DANIEL h st JOHN, Saaariataaaaal HA NK Ü EPA It'I'M NT.'of N«;w. Fork - AtaaBT. Heraatbar I». ISM. Tke WHITE KI.Al.Nü HANK hat tfcli d.iy hie.) in t:.,a ... a aotiee.sf the apioiB'Mimil of hi,sett PHELPI h 8COVKL of the Ci i ../ Al .-y »» a cots forihe redereptioa.ef itteirca- laiur n.'ies isjather *Uh a reroratioB ol lue appoat- Bent af WiIj.ii f. nCo.f of .be Citr or s«-. York m »mh Atrat, »rri»n»,.e to the act ertrh-d ' Aa art aaaaad 'he arta rei.un» i<, h.rp«»rat*d Hnnkt, Bikkit.« *.ii a, mal ii. ividoal Baahaaa.** paws* Air,ll?,l»vl haMCL l>. b'l' JOHN, s e .rin*ri.leal aM 6t HA N K DEPARTMSN i -Stu- Ne' -\oik II IUI..Tba VALLEY BAI K af Li »W V I LI.E hat tu:t day fill 1 m ta* oBi e a ..' « i " tat ..f Mrtirt Wa\SHBURNRCO. of thai ttyol ». n>, at »reut» let Uta raaVtetatrai ofite euea «tu ; a*4a*.ti i*«h*r *ath area taaa -i tn* aafaaat- aeM«afSI« ire.'II a .s Adaaaa m Cm mt il 11 uy oi New Y-is. ». MBBh a.e hi. afrtrHtl* the art «Mti'i*d ** An a. I to an »ml the leraral an re'almr t> laroriwtiaUd Cai.ks, BaakiBf A> «u»n< and ladivtdual Baaaaaa," w».l A i.i 11 '7 o kit (.1 DANIELE *T JOlfV, S ..eadeat. 1 J.\i II Ii il INK, New-York, NOVUill- . I * r 11. I »'.'«.» .i.. .i. . .«. have d«- .'¦"' tlOl rtat. (or -.hi »:i uaotatM "j'l .ü'h .' which »in h* pa-.l oa aa-l afcar the '.'Dee a**. khe antfei m kr will h*el «elfraattth MBBXt* !«t ,.r--. nis te Hv .er.-f- H aH .Htm t. CAMPRELI Ir it»hier. B. ...... . , . Ntw Ti :::;.No.. :.b*r l.'iall. OW cl<\ BANK.-I lr I'o si.l. utand i.V'f,"'.,'" " '.eiarad a Smai Aaaaat DIYIDBHD IUIK 1 < EM.., .y_;«tcrfo.aho.4ara'iaa*aaf- ti i be lu.h ;n-t rhaTraaaB will b* n %%a from tLa IdtoUaStB nl ,w* N ti BRADFORD. Caahier. **^rr-a rnirr s*a rial IpaiifttBi ¦ QaiitBf. t »-". "" " M«tad»y, N'.» J ,ft)l I rile. BOAftfJ ol Dllthi 1'uK.S hire * I ire.l a lean BBBBal DI VIDEND of iJ ^ -y ' . -rat '. n ar. t af c: Svjrdiy. the l^lii i*« li.e t.-..u-t?r r. win he e «wesl Ir-IBI taatth t«»lie 13 b u.f. (niat»l M. o. LEONARD, tec 1. |\RAKJ'fc i'iir_n\ BAtruatosi si'* a-*" able in aaj irt af th* UatUB T'lirfrr .'aicolaaat) K>r>»c»» fam.'rC« i u. esrery Mit id* to «..*!,! b, tha F«r- »m Etartaa . l l)*V'AKDÖ. SANroliD ft CO -t AJa.> R Ca'a. V*. Wall-at »7 lm* VKAI r IJ PKUP08-%L8 wiU le re- J r<i«.! at .. i ¦.!'."., e* , Orl'.re, ijnlil Weinetdar. wUrm. aft, ei al k F M ftw ;ir wB*ta »ty ytrt '.. I' » >.i ' .»¦ -! In« M:w kOKK 'Tft FIVE Ki i. IT N1 iTo< K foe UO< a»«l bElPI a U*i;.«d ... 4.1 ..- le |e« »..|.,,r ..(In* ftU'e ,-.?.d J o.. .It, Mt, «toi ht an O'd oaso . of ia« C*a*aBMi CoiiactlifiLa« r ... i..».o by tt« n«>*r Aaaaat KV lAit. The ad s-.rk tt TI ewbrac* ] «4 sbar**, taa ia» v, ..a of v.l. L ..' e $ ict am th Bhara, aod will b*ar ov t.. »t a- the rat* of are par ctar par auuuat. pa»abl« i aa> " . lift t». af lha aaa bat ut «r ck »»aaJ w-..t be rtd< -a :«. a he flut d<> cf Novtraher, ta tka .rir i b the hrt? day »f Nore-nher. M each el the yea ¦ IftU, it**), ir/a, im aad it72 lte p/ee-wal* . .; na r t. taaa her ad akarat deand ».><* t-.* pre* that a I .. r . »bare, fbe paiB*a «hr*e BroBC*aJ»lu:i . .r..,l,d* l»:w|,-,r*J Up.y i..r-br . . a-aidseJ or... m! u it .r £.fm ,r,.r l*n,rotif.d by l!ul D«- ' Prtaa liagl baadr'raiaidtotha **daraapaaft ntl ind.-*ed "Pi '«*a"» for Th* No* York c.ty 'it* l'«r s 1) rk» and h..,» BBtl -r. O«** rw.Ye.rk No. u iaji 'JOSEMI R. TAYLOR.«' droller.

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Page 1: Library of Congress · INEW-YORKTRIBUNE. I'HiLADKLPHIA. IndictmentsTor HUNTreason arain-tForty©r the Arcnsed The Prcsentment-Responseof theJndfc-e-.'rlortwlitr- To«- vliirkett


Indictments Tor HUN Treason arain-t Forty ©r

the Arcnsed The Prcsentment-Response of

the Jndfc-e-.'rlortwlitr- To«- vliirkett. Ate.PiiH-AßEL: UlA. .Nov. 16. »S5I.

Aftortvtodavs' falitK riinu'ly bad weather,it ha« become fine again. Trie latstsl rams, however,

have benefited the streams in thu rinnuy. «hieb

had become rolow a< seriously to affect rn»nBfcV-turinir Operation».

Ytaltrday.U.e Tinted States Du.ri.-t Goart mti

for the purpose of receiving the returns of he Gran I

Jury, who have fÄ^^Ä^ÄThatr present.W^^tion. ,hat ltd

IOrieeledÄ^ , ;* .n w.,, n it

adapted t» , . mammt

The «mall rooms, bad ventilation, crowde 1 -

arftheeniplovees. Ac. are a'l referrt I«, an 1 a C »m-

narison is made with Post Offl. e

ether eitir-. On examining the office tliey reapedto wonder that there arere eaaci of plnnder tn it,

They tinted that a larger and better pcjatM obtaixed. _,

They also visiUd the Pa-tern Penitentiary andreported fetarabl) on M Tne portion of the pre-¦entnient in regard to listCWWMI CAJaTBfO 14 as

followsAbout the pti.od whr n the Grand Jury wer«- ter-

minatirig their labors, a great public outrage occur¬

red in a neighhorinr! <ounty, lntaiving tn ttaoonac-

quenecs the crimes, of aturderaad ttaatoaTheir attei.tion hemK drawa to the subjer* hy thevery able and interesting charge "f the District

Ju/ge> Hon. John K. Kane, they entered into its

careful tud dlipaaslnaatri laTeStagsdio*. Their la-tors have rtsmtid in the findiiiir. of indictmentsaaau»t bot) peuac** f.-r the crime of high treasonagatret the Goren.i ient of the United Males, au l

other lr.Cictc ci ts fol miDOf OBs BSBS, arism^ out ofthe Käme kraosaftii n.

¦IfBQTTfl the Orand J r\ B»ve felt no hesitationin performing the duty imposed on thorn by thelaws ol Um l'aitad lairs, i present . eriomaccusations fo. bial. v< I they*) uutol but [induunalyregret the asaesstt) srh n h is !ed t it.At a period like the present. :n the hi lory of the

Republic, when under the mild lafluaaoas of a

i.ational (.' in, [.red,.-ated oa Ihi ,- iplaoftatSBgalilng respecting and i ing thi rtghlarid ins'it'itions of every meti. OrofthOi infi leracy,our country has pone oa increasing in great prosper¬ity nml happiness, it i« palatal t" fie hear- of tne

j.ati ml thai such id outrage '.; on the tUartity ol thenation and its law.-1 houiu hare en perpi ti ui 1 as

that which has I d to tho tsdii Ii.i» ft) in bj 01It is to l>e feared thai the lsnmediate a.s in this

drama ot blood leuu not directly «»¦nrjl-'.tc.i.'jcenencouraged by there from iho- ¦: :..! a ,. 'i.

opinion, and iBtOJlOCtaaJ lllturi bt Hi I Uli» p hatfulhave baS n « >|.e. 1» d.From sm h -ourees we should expel to be taught,

that obedien-e to the laws ol the! I State* en¬

acted by the ooo tltal osal authoritiea, was the lealaojlafatton« imposed on an Amors ui itizan ind

that any other rtststanoa lo thttm Ui .-. tho constitotional rei:»tai)'e urni'i ;i ch a ii of 1:10 .v.i-

among the political hi lasMa atosl tooe repudiated.h> an Aaaortean patriat.It la, be ardent'y hoped thtt the bloo lvtragedy ol I hrii'.iana m i) have a whole- one andabiding influence on our future n tl tri r thaiit may imp >rl moOsaral ion to political ar'ajot», i :i

agaaaa laating latooa ed the aecat it; of oot truacto the public laws w hile they remain unropealed .,o

the statue Booh and m arils I thai ihora !- bul o istrue rootedy foi griaeaaees, n al oi -u, ,i -ed. underwhich the nation m iy (after. tue remedy proacribedl>y the « 01 tr i on.The Grand Jury Caanotclow this prie*entment

without te-iif> no- thoir highappraci Ii n of the professional otTotti of tt i Pnil State« Oiatrict Attor-ncy, John W A'hmead. Csq who by hiagreat eu-argy and abilitv mthi discbaraaof tbaduiioaoflahoiinu- term, h is n Ueri ill) ntoiUl ued tha lahon«I the Grand Jury aa reo lere n NN lOtp u' 001rices to Ihe Governnr.i i.t.Judce raapondod appi-orwratsdy tottst pre-

sentinel t. He -aid that the port. <>' t'ir'.r pre¬sentment vshiei reli.ted to tin Post Oilier crime tothe public at a time whin alleged criaaeaaoraiaalthat olTiCe aie rtUiut to !.e< .line tu»- sirij^ct of "i-it-rul InsefctiKMiioii. .No (|e|,"i'i' ol visilanoa on thepart of tfiel'o-tm - lor could have gttAltte I agaiBSlspoliation, witn the piesent restricted lioaitsofthet i- <lu v in w hich tlM '"ii-inesv |g tr d-. i.

Taal Jadga said that utuVeaa the Grai lin.juesthidaoaoe saggestion lo make coavernaaji the matter, theCourt wottld older ihiir praseatnaanl Sled, aad aM si i.t t«. e.i. h of tin hi id* ol utedop irtmciits atwaahtaaton.

fol. Horence. the Foraaaan, «tatr-d that thev hvltBTtVtad 9jraSOlUttoni to bo sent v.> . . n nismtwr olt'otgtssa »ro*n Uhs < toy and . oualj ol Phila lalphi .

of » Inch the folloa llig is n etspyK>" .' I hat the one. laanad mem'.ers of the C-and

Ia<|ussi. n o«n»irr for lbs Kaitern Dwtncl ol I'enn ) Ivasda,ieoi>eeifull|i eaasstih*asasshsraofCoisgreaafrom tscl>'.IM, Hidaad IVthCoa ri'saiooal Duariets I iv r lb. .-. at. .1 -I,.no » -vai.-iiieni of the >trrm' nee»-»

s»ty ¦. B « h ssiato fol moreaatSSsdad BeaaMBaaWtSBM in trie

Philadelphia Past- OSes helwraas thai theheslth aad e n-eeaifii. . 11 tha F «'uiasuv ami» It rka, as «eil as a i«ne re-

a*ard fc» aacssrst) and pahls a. -noiniodsiion, iai arto ialjSsaiaad the I

In the I'mted atlaaaaCiroatl '.mrt yestenlwv J.oueaMcClaskey. the keepei of the Urot-rrs' apartment ofIhe Mcryaaaeaaiag Prison, returned thai he iid tutpwoduce the bodies of Ji>»c;ihus VVashmrfton n idJohn t laik, the ai iies*es in the i nn-'unntieaMo« c.i-v. -s ihe said Josephus and John woreamong tha n issu e. The he.inr,-; of the circumstances attencmg lha*tiauape vmU take pin e to-mor-rew.

About grtno !..»,- U .'.: e-uitsii-utc 1 oy cur citizensto aid the snfieier- iy thedlSSOtTOUSits)Of WeXXSieS-day svi nimr ktsi .\ra:.'v 0 of tha ran hatrabaaaharded to Mrs t tos.;,, ah,, | art tä i httabadad <>o tinfetal «in, i .-

W'm. s* I'rärea, Bs one of the counsel for theCatststtsataprisoaers, axoepted t», thai part of Umlanguage ol the t« s« tinaal whl k related to in<Christiana priacaaera,ha Uioughl it wascalcnk :.t*» ¦rsgiaaka hia ehei is with tha pnbin

In connection with the mattet ol tin m si rabli a .

commodations for the bOStMIO of the To- -ObbC*, « e

will state, that t^e fotastaa of ihe Gr ind Jury tc

esrnt.y at> rssss d a Bolt- to Mr. Wnito, the Posti .

er. asking Informationen he suh c.t. Mr tVhite,ra bis rsply. gives some inlsraaUog particulari Itappears that m o .e room, thirtv Bvefoel hy Itreatyla iiim i sim s. rorty-serea carriers and clerks are.assaloyad durrag tbe time that Un mails ara baiagdistiibuttd. in aaothai r-ooaa, forty»aesen nlarks ir-enipiovs.l apaca thirty-ava by forty feel rneroom.lUntr.l |o tlM re elju and U» p irt ire ot the at ills isotov bv ine fee: in ,li n, ... Itappears that there is no p!.», e for the mail pouchesnceal the aaalu passage where thay ara uaropledu|>oii b> those havBag bttStBSas with the odi e TherwB's are .itastmtroattl itioa, aad «»i.,rk that sjti<teial light has lo be used eichttsen hoairs In theIseen-ty-four. »or fl»e rsveavtha of the venr Prom thesefacts it w id nr-jvear th tl the employees in ttie orfi csurJrr rrssa the bad!) arranged and insuffj lent inart.ataatsappropriaiedu>iheiruse Everyone haviaaawisaiess with the r*tabiisbment knows the mcon-srnienreeis vsbichthe pualic i» compalled to submitThete v.. IMdaatb« n IBs Citj aad l.iherties

duune th« k enduu ysatorday. Adults, s<t hiWJrea. lo. Oi consumption, 'J Uvscntcrv. aan all |s>r, 13.

Bev-. i'j.iiip Ladot araarthti la our cetytastete)Krv Mr. 1 ad«N is a pisj i-her. of 11 i.trn >-eaad g.^ ss BaparmtaadOBl ol tne African Mis¬sions of ihe MeUroditl Cuts.-, pal Church

J v"?'lrr'?" "J ,ar,«e.i«;aiW

VtVxV ,.«,w.t » nT" «it. e U thal l ,r. i . ... H^V* r ou"os to»T l>"ir.»l a**dard hrai .is rtva saUs »i, ;, ...

»'.rp»,1 f>r'kr snvplyof th* tndoatthislee. aad belle, a: jj s.iW$,.»,,j , tttM . $4 rtt|. as m .;«»lis, l. Km Fi i n and C »n M. v.»i«. is Bolt oa doiry W ;.|.'.e r |ar:-iei at $3 V> aadth- 'attar ai |j with aarti ran hii t -d

¦MfSMl af aUm tafJaraa w ... lB d9mtnjat Ml rat*. Bale, of .1 -( BM l.».h w.roe Soutbera aadfc«»'1»*1' . fessl aWb ts. «TS a araaleds sals , .n., ,

3Jwi.iv tar Yell.w as ha quality Oats as*mdsaaaa ai

S*rrA'^b*Ws " *'**J* *' >1*fl>WeSalts prsre. ai-svrr RixirJ-$t,.sv en. n«ac's is?

iSSSdo . IBS; giSO Ptnn Vs.SIJ. S3 00v tl ,ws , sst. SO* , iMWdo s.v.waj , g) rep (-Des A Del is. tash.

Ml, »3 WO Cam B Assbey K K ts, Tt, Wi, St.O» do8>i. $1 VSS Bes.iinj RK tt.TO, "t. I« V.» IUI.., bj,11 > .s< ' s Hans ', Jt'i.-^VdAauk 111 Ids), V avails. >i

BttuHtn Boarr-Jr- ivRead e.- R B rs.'. *\ v dc ,til. tMdo .131, 3»«1.< .»:; , Hs<do .Mwn.rTjarvsad Bo*eW .»v CS* C.t» R R « s. *9n. ie3. f HV C mn-V..' 1". '., S' '.'» vl.s": i or- II v..

1ji; JPsi.0 R R i , :,i <. Kewiine H K ..MBtäshsV»»; «jos V » ajaeh.hi.« laado »"A.nrr Xecnlj liCRts»! RR, bi is ...

IT ,l2 ¦ vl***! -~Jo ;» to*d* b... * asoaViMtaML ?».* lH "** M ,io **' m ^' '*

,S"L*y fk?'rrt~ ytr J.-V a {,, w |t(; v s s,. V7,i?'"* "J" B.latO.TV.ajO; Read lids

ILT ia* « 1 . «ek.Sfdt»! . 8 Nav 7s. tat oa. 3J|.Ä Morirsf s.,,1 , auwCatal.lCMll.C.ra.Jgsj iii a \ ., kt>,urx iJaij

r*7 Kitz Hcnrv Warron is ba transfer-rad by the l\>stmas|er-Ger eral, oa tlV IJth.from theiBi"f5*5flat~l D ' ,r!MMsttotJaoesaisra i.fhce. U laatAll at..! |B the IVparimeiKl-iat frankedirttera to Fu,«- aad or other f<>re>i;a esasatriat aaaalund.r our Pos-al tr..,-y w|t|, Great Brita'V > echargeable as onpasd It'ters. with the Pall rate of in¬land, sea ai.d fcr. ... s.

Aksa11 t and Mattkrv..Two men fol-lowed a person aantad lUddl. tot so as , iMaaoa . p !the Raiirtsad ironi Camdewi. and fieU as* r: led hiwith sliing *ho:s snd robbed htm gf $3ti. which he

-had 1111-t leceniv! in Philadelphia in the str.iealeMr Raddle b.t Uie noss ol i-ne of the robbers ne Hy\m\ N« svarh a Ivt rttsrr.

«TF*(m)v. Rfid has »{»pninteti Prof. Kl»c-aeser Kmmons, of the aama Mate. .»,.¦(>: ,\ ||ia.raJogical.Botur. cal and Agricultural SarvevondJAfprih Carvlia».

r*F Capt Leo.« Herkovitz, now a t99hdent of our City, addre**eS »h* following letter

c",rule You tare my hcrty »isfca« for >°" *«

fare N< dotted *ome of you, getükmeo. n *> ha e

kro-D n,y falber, Berkowu. ^fL!^V. ' V>rthe Poli*h Array, member of tue Legt « e

K ot tue Golden « ro^cf F.Und Mr ^a^fa .^rCol. Beikorrtx, who fought »<a^\vlr« ,w V v-Catherine, and (ten. Zuwarn.ff. in \\ ^'w: "KJM-ven v*ar« ago, *nd also under Gen Kos-iuskj

wh&burtt-d at West Point. Mc wa* with Napoleonhe fonaht ag-m-t th* Em|T*rorolSS«nd" wa.k.aed in left^Uho bUI e o Kock

by eome Hungarian Hussar*, from wnr.rn he refu«e1to take r":arter. My father, whotsabare mention? I.

fo^ht attain st the I'.n]-r..r Vexander in Va>.!.-_;n«fri.m :-<..' to l-N affr this, ^ain*i ihe h n-

peror Iwbolas, of Raaeia, oa the Mth December,two, and myself with hi:n. Oar lamily are we.l

known, and its decJs recorded in the history ol

Eu.ope, but! am rorry so sae, I h..- loot ev. r>

thinsT even my sword, whirn i raiuei bo BSeh, antl

apropcrtv of thirty thousand dollars. O :r family i«

tr.tirely destroyed. »I an» noa in Vm.-,i ... m » w

ol Uherty and plenty. with my wife and four atWrea,.early p»n-hii g witk hunger am' cold. 1 i nqqtTj t

cannot.because of poverty, have the iionor of MMing

any of you at mi house. I still haie last heart and

feelipVof aeofcier, and ahoejld deem it a greati.le^Tire to have an interview with you. I live atSo 217 Centre st. I hrpc the day is pot lal distar,.

when I will tc a'ile to purchase a sword, and jouiyoaMtboBold of battle, to Pent loaethot for Uberty.

C 4PT. Lr"N llSRKi 1t7.No. Il7C;ntre rt . Near-York.

NEW-YORK.Mi ,,i-,.:..The Vronher Palladium gift*

the particular- cf a supposed murder, whic'a appe tr

exceed msly invstenouv Th* facta are brie If tbsteo\ Mr.J iieil a fanner, of BruehOC r ills went, as

kc was woat, to a shanty he nad built in the rrooosabout forty miles from Urashrr lie had beaa thwresome tune, and waa found dead in hi* sh uity. a r .»¦

bull hating pasaejd through his head. Suspicionre*t< d on a Mr. Shetrwln, trho bad been rcen in the

I .ace and Crung. and who, it appears, was

th, bat to report his death Boerwia, oa btaoaaat-nmtion before the Connor, ¦ ide, kg "i -! inee, thefollowing rutaattecri..After Mr. Man left the raup about 12 o'clock,

M ,th*deoeasted ami myself were alone, and rt-

psalaodalone; Inwnoporaon until thi*morningwe reraainad at tr.e eamp and oonrers-c j aboat huntir g. and it W ,s finally at ranged en us that w.

should kunt together, aad that we weald ao out onthe pond in the night and s»ioot deer early in theeeeningwe fjyoughl beat to prepar* our cms for theexcursion the deceased went to the door and die-liaise.: hi* gnn; I alao triad to dlaoharf* isttne, bat

wilhoat effect nt first, the charge being wct.bjtbypersevering aboal ten irnrmtes. by heating the barrai,and stupfnng perctutuon cape, tha gun v»..s «:charaad, and took faul effect on the tfoeaaead Iwas niuch frightened on >eeing what an awful ai*c'.<!« nt I had occa-xned, ntid inM intly ran Otxl of the

Camp, and did r ot r< turn."The Coroner*! Jury, notwUhstutdini Ihi**tate-

ii < n foujt-i a verdi't of wiUfo] murder againalBbcfw in.

(» II 1 0tSF The Pttrythtrgh Star itya tliat the pi artag Mill, in Manmea City, waaUtrnadonli ... iiiPbi of last week Nothing waa ; oven the books. Loa* to the own r*. M***ay*.Bv*rdon <v t o , over


1 :;:t: in Lvnn..Sair.imoro HaH.ii: Lynn,was DOtBttUatod by fire on Kridav night

COMM ER(: IA L MATTERS.Sales at the Stack Exchange-.-No-, svbbb U

*;.(ki r 8. Be, 'f.:_110*1190Erie.831;i et(i fio.110 00 do.83»

Bk ol America..imilliil do. 83IVOOO Lie td Mtf..alO NlilftO do.MO Bfj5,(ini do.bawMMBf do.811Mil Minoo do.83;|0I Del. A Hll4..M0 106*1100 do. 83120 Ilk. N. Am.103!: 50 do.bMa:. Metropolitan Bk.lM Ml do.bit 8.1.20 lrvinp Bank.<.*.<i\ M do.83;130 N J Muting Co.. 10 loo do.bwl 1150 do.»10 IDs 50 do.txif, Sit1(0 do. H',1 50 do.83.7» ao.neu toijino do. fvli

2l(? lldtltilllt. K.Osj 10.) im..alO SSI300 do.sf,o or.j 1...» ,lo.s:t p>3|;nsi <|<s.*M**i 180 Norwich.sr3o 55.MB do.s3 6611 15 do.551ICO do.bCO fjCli 50 M V. do.551150 do.«60 6m :«'*i Reading K- H_55:3ii» co.b3o eei mo co.bJBM]MO do.MllMB do.5i:MO do.b60 66J 50 (" inton Co.63list Long Island...060 151) 50 Morris Canal.Hiloo do.15i'l00 Aln.inTA Schea.. 9050 lUgcwortti. I 10 Roch. A Syracuse.lln

SECOND UOARO.t.^. Brit M M Bdi W I E .. 'i_ana Ml4,000 Erie Couv "Tl. ÖI||M0 do.bM Mj1 is n do.'Jl'iioo do.030 856.UO0 do.I« [Mo do.81;MO f.r.|| 25 do. 8t|100 Heading.bM M 100 do.M0 - l;100 do.b3 60 llOO do.otal 85Ho do.MO MUM do... .bM MIM i'o.slO 55,". 5<l do.8lfHo do.MO 55| M «do.MidiII i' Er.v B.H.s60 81 50 do.8«;Mo do.siij

Satirhav, Nov. 15 -P.M.The Stork timrkct is ralltor active for one

or two lead hi l: MmMO ami is wrll sustained in theface of the considerable ipotlla azpoita. Erie was

the most active Stock, and after advancing underlar»rr sales to Mi rerul .r. and M, buyer thirty, CsOOOdnt Mti an improvement of I {;> ccat. on Pristay*!price. The question of the January dividend is a

paramount one in the street, and tHhOtlfh it is mast

probable thai a diviilend bj sin s h ,s keaMtalkodof among lh* Directors, yet the there w.ll bi a cash diridend of 31 or 4 »> cent.

Heading was buoyant and luiproied i |> cent. Nor.with iraahrxa. CoaraaetsMaa*****hattar,¦*lllfnM Harlem without change. Government BtO ;»r.

dull, as are State Stocks als j.

The niaiktt olotMhj linnJy for Sterlingal MM a>MM for twMMkJ bankers' bills, t-ra;.--.5 13|«5 11t. The rapolj was moderate. Thaextreme low water at the South has pre-i t ilted the rwM »pt of CMtOR M thf ahlpphflg port*,Msitk kt chochosj transactions in tlu - v>, fr a

wh oh we Mi§M have had some supply of bills.

EVtMfItM) are without clitn^e of inpori.Hnce. Ei gigements l.o H' to 1,000 lols FMW, 12110,odd bushels Grain 4d I 4id Cottan, ,d. (. hcese,MB, Na>.,l Stores, 12J 5»>> los Beef on privtteterms. To l.otidoa Klent, 2s. MO tcs Beef. 4s ,

and some t hcese at 35*. An Anteri ati bark wasUkrnfor Cadu at $13 for Pipe Staves. Within a fe mJaysthcre have also been engaged to I Irasaaoj.Mtuns Bacon at 20$ 63 tuns Tallow, l.arJ, Ac. 15*.Wtcs. Kice, 4s.. to bbls. Chrome Ore. Is. 50 pipes>\ inc. .«* 5w ytMs. Besm on private terms. To LsW*.don, IMhhhs, Resin, 2s Ml Turpentine. 2s. 3d 33kegs Toba.oo. 3s , and Measurement Goods. IM ToHavre, the pachet 1st Decemberhas IdkM oaj; (jucr-. Uon Bath, al gi'.per t a..iherc will oe ujpicxtt onthe 24ih insl. To Bremen, the bark > « ...: .* a.iinjal Ma, for BMO and Toba. o, l*s i«d f r Meisure-mtnt Goods, Is W. fwr Fimir, BStd 12, r 1N :. whRye. To l.ubon. two barks too* Matt f s,.,,p« ;i.|11 ard M Oporto and back, a vessel wa* tsken a i

on pnrate terms. To Charle.-t. .i a Teaislteah 2ootuns Coal at |2 per tun and another ei.jagtsl afreight from Gcorgetowo. S c . to anauMtnaarl,al 010 tor limber. Coastwise, there is no Ikathawi hanje. In port FridavSteamcr«.». 2I.Bru;s.ju^

Ships..MMisVhoaner*_ "¦>,«Bark*.X _

Total.MSThe Franklin did not tike <;uuo hSaWteh

Sp*SM as was cxpe.-ted, some loM har;ng bgeu a*jaa>Icrtuandrd 1'fce ain.>;:r.: was 9 . ..

$.-3,>i iss* f\ir the vear. Anther Cali'ora a »r.iv.»lis ai hard with .n «upply of dust mo:e thai: sj:fi ie.itto meet next week s JcmandsThe Mi;,t now fmj alipvhil CwrtbwCaawS

up to No |T</ifl7Metier continues easy en call at 0 * T pei

oggit, ou fiist clau sUvks. As vet the oMB sh:t>a«:itshjvie had lilUe or no efftvt.

The receipts «i the Sub-Treasury »re>$.i",('"6. Payment*, $7Jd>*. Baian:-*. 11.111 MBTh* receipts durr* the wrek were $393,M* Pajmenu, fW.ttkj

The Knrkerb.'Hcrr IruMWMCfl C'Mipinybare declared a dindeni al 10 V cant.

TAe Journjl of CtlmVmmfT*, thatthe imr^'t« :t"tn «h « eountry. dtirin* the ß'-H vir

er/ing J-r.'.e 30 1031, wem, ff»M.'. M . »J$1 -><.<<> f- shawl Bnj *«t. of MMMM IffAIOtVOtV). arxlful.TS that tbi« i« rather a f .Hing o:T tanaihe |80000*OM «COM of itMMfti jr-lictel by

panic makers and protection sta. It MrlvM mm, th it

TU Journal has little MOM to crow orer hm ia kkMBof meh a prediction »I the alive cxp-vrts «r>

doubtedly included spc,ic. of waith wa bai c;

ported op 'o Jtine 2". M um laffMiiirll to! of BMVf*n Mio, which, with the a-' raorjrnftas tfftl ¦',..'.>

mil er exceeds the ujeoatNisa,The Anthracite Coal trade COOiimiet BO-

tire.the demand good and prlCOJ f.rm. The Le\.£^

Navigation Company brought for t'.i? we:k

ending en Saturday la«t. 23,131 tu.n;. and for th?

teason92f ,M7 tuiis Tncre v. as broujit dov. n, over

the Reading Railroad, for the week Mfdjaj 00

Thurjd.iv le.-t, ö-.SjI tous, a:: 1 for Me enooofl

LOOoyOOO Iom The Behoylaifl Maeigatioa beasajMdown for the week 17 S32 tuns, and ft U»SaoaaaaIWJOtltiQB ¦aiiac"L"fJlf*'l*>* mimt wee'<. bythe thrre lints, of «"B^iStOns, aad for UM s.. u >.i


? i-'.;..2> tui.f.

Twawaoinit*! flttni Note Reporter wsj*The Htrkfemdl and eapttal of the Bon in. Hi .-V «|and Ptn*adelphla üa: its, i >r Um yoni 1891, b .ve been

Comparative.> as followsAveraee capital, Divideeds. P^r el

Boston.$22.710,oOO $1 744.3T3 $7 .64New-York.... M.M1.430 UIOMN 9.91Philadelphia.. 7.784,009 717,900 9.67The uit.ui r.ds in Ncw-Vork are oa tha workia

capital u r the ve..r. 1 nere are in Ne v.York 'en

Hniks, with neariy 17 080 "-mi of eap:t U. whteh ¦ H

bem in opcn.r.on MB I few month ^, and have not

>ct declared full dlridaads. In Boston the la re iae

of eapttal baa been aaore rapid, aad baa, therefore,affected Uto aeeraga of dividend* Comparatrrely.the capitals and averaee dividend? ;n Button aidRt W-xOrk have !.ee;i at tollOart

bo-ton. ntw-roBk.r»i.ii d.v i t r, lital !>¦. '. 'i.

D is_.<.:: 4so,< oo r.$2.i.«>st.i ¦> fi 21le4d_ 18,180,000 s 97 2I..I I 11 7.091M7_ 18,180,000 7 0 » 83,061,1)11 19IBM_ 18,090,000 7.55 93,391,100 Mil1640_ l9 2Sor..,!i 7fo 11,497,890|6M_ 10,710,000 7.88 17,440 970 8001*51_ 13,000,000 7 tl!) 25,031.IX MOThe eapttal now in operation m New-York is

834,003, lOO, and the amount and competftton willprobnbty effect ataterially the dlridsa la tot i 191.

The Deponit! at the New Orieafio Mintin October were $900,198 and the coinage .*r»71.'¦

T!:e Provident*Journal of yesterday, innoticing the falrely reported failure of ftc C .-.

oral Bank of that city, ntyiNobody ta Pforhlenoo needs t3 he told that the

bills ot this Hank are at |OOd M those of ..ny II inkin New Bagland. The Baak ia oaodo ted npow thaaoundeat principlei and is in the moatproeperou1OOndlfion. 'The' private property of t ie Stockhotd-crc, Including feme of our niost we ilthy cfttli na, laholden 'or the ri'dernplion of t'iehiil- and the IV"-dent of the Bank eottU p y the entii . circnlttlonand deposits fromhu own private fortttno trllhooiii (. ;.t it.

TtW Cashier of tho Trasteei of tha oldT. i, Hank, (ch .rtcred ta 1791) h.s notified th*stockholder- who doaffO to participate in the fln.ddtrhfend of tho Basoti ofthe sto dyJj iiders' Trust, ex-

pectod to be made nadot a deuoe of the 1 ,8.1 Jotnta,to known ih it e'esire on or boforo Monday, the17th baaiTho Philadelphia Ledger aayo: Money

la unchanged. The rate of 8rst-ola*e paper may befairly qooMd at ten \t Cent,, with an lion, ur.drr pc all ir I ill llimstT a II cs. at soui--

thing less Bacono«elaaa papal cannot be done all. 's than 12or 15 \> OSttt WO umt- r-iarid ta o «. i n

pros, enttona hive boon commenced againtt pirtie-in this city who re. i ntly f iltad in business, with theslew of in ikins; out agaiosl them a caae >-( <. »n-

spirncy to cheat anddattaud creditors.

It is stated tin* theaward of t!i" «'oin-mi;fioiiers in the Helkr.ap ,i*c, agar.-: the t erm >..t

Central llailroad, was ghrtH on BlidaybsSt,and it

was tlootdad the aonspaay should p iy to tue est itn ofBalknap one boadted thousand do'lars -fro'n whichtiinr nil* mi appeal.low parties tjein^ oaflCfbonds to abtda tin- dooialoa of the Commiesiouert. ItwBlWtwaMonbaend that the Treaturer, ia his Uteannual report to the sto khollers. stated the re¬

sources o! IhO OOtlipany I"be il^M3,00O, in whichwas included upward of fjOOO.fJOO in a claim against.Mr. D. Utaap^l c-tate. There is also a report that

of the cicrks of tins road is a defaulter.

TJko itaceiptn on tho Illutoio and Ifiobi*gm Canal during eight months ofthe year 1851,boa March toOctober, Inctatifa, are.$97 2M S«,S ill,e period in 1190_.70 515 91

Increase in 18.M.$811,773 07

The roTonne for the month <if Oolober,on the Baltimore and O'uo Railroad, h is been 813.1,-251 M,ol whu h » 90 were from the .MainBteat,and ISfJslwl N frant Um Washington Urauc'u.

Tweirty-six miles of the NeetvAlfa myand Salem dnd.i RallriMul,bMwaan Bedford and theKankulu River, have been let to Messrs. L. A II.Raat,contractors, of New-York.The following knhto will compare smnc of the

item» of the stiitements 0f the Bank of Virginia .miBrandies, ehowiag their condition on the l>t of Oy,.MM und 1S51

I860, 1881.On IM .Höing Debt... .84,722 5*. 7 40 $190,1 3 P 91Spe?ie. 093 848 M 001,313 32l atutal._ 9.550 ^:o Ol) 2 W W » 00CtrcnJation.2,nii.:pj5 63 9,i3i069 wDeposit Moi ey.1,307.454 m 1,101 0S3 HJ

The Charleston Newt of the 3th saysThe res i p'sof the revenue a' the Custom-House

of thi» ity.ior trie last three mAnttr*. have averagednearly $100,000par atoath, exclusive ol the d.mes tobe paklon gorata whteh have (snao into arar*aou»e.The naual qoarterlt arerage receipt for duties herohMh*a»$IOOy088, showingi at tais rate, a quarterlytncraaec ot vt^i per eat.

Tkc eitiseiM of Ohio CouatTi Va.. luvedacMsyd b] BS abasnal unannnous vote in favor of aa

add I < ti H »utiseiipiion Ny that county of $150,000 tothe aUh k of the Heui,if:eld road. Tnis, with previ¬ous subseriptioiis. u ie stated, will st- mre the earlyoottMaanoaaaend of ihe a*orh, which is to be put un¬

der oootrad this (all,

Markets CABBTVU.S Rei-orho kor Ths Txibi ns.

sssssssss mm. BaWBnaT.104W.ilASM r S. I he market w.lh ?» r» .if .'it) till!,. »t

04S)|«$tMr«r IV .. »id »i3T, f.. pr.. rn-..,, -ntai.dr..i... t» .1 l,37t bbls Puiaasstrtt I'>is I'e oU.IUITU SI- 1 fce maiset ,s n. ... u ii v.- ;,at

seeMkcs in price. 1 Sue n«lcs have . t.aac,u 1. tnj. iwrt at,«¦ .!«. in


rUM H tHDMKALr Oar market for the '.i» eradrs sdmu mm sit. nt Seer t,..M«e« Oa t-lalL-e^ ia..besteedee aad,b ia ks Baal »u: i.,. .,,t wt < jk».,t..s. Sues m.,!!, t\. ,h, E., rae 'sJo-e.. by .Ue t aiubris »rv s rerora' |0 tha. ths nnv th?jm eats . o s.. mm s eSJer S»1 . # ? ij|hettefjradas are steady, bat «asw t^*|Vw h?M Srmlv

irpXZ'itV. , .,-SÄ'«T,eÄ ::-\.. ^zr^r-aae prrce.-teidy. TatlVJwJ Mbh WtwLVJffito g<- a . rajm braaca aw 11 SI, a 45

*, il, \\V£ mgSmPiaarsss ees OsSes i iH tests at 13 ii r>?y

Ina at c ha Jsesey.aadp* :,rBraWyV£ "

t.B.*.l.\~4.armsrkc' I t w -rm, ... ". ,K7* ,

£r.s, ar., sjeovrall^l.'ilS/-^? »

tWe .. or assttae aad r... , :.; %»».e tent,.., M'rs"f s is,. .

n .*

firm, ate hasfta^ .Sm^.^V*;'^'?". f"**.

' Jrf< »aasared <a scare, aaessasJ ,

u .:;,v,"r,,^4 15a?-3 - .^'-^U..stl.t...;-. ». w . .J,, ,.,,.. ,.s J.IHSl

g -^t^Her^Osrye t urty Che««,. ,,1 ,J :*- far

.»iaMÄwslr^^at th.far»e,,,K-. f..r Lars.wi^:\^VlfU?*,i äro..gaa.dul'aa«4 svrv Hesiv laa. ,n .


1 r qaiet» i.^saerpr .-ee >u««f»«4 ficmOfLC4Ka7.kc -There .sar«d d-e.saa sw . ,sWiktsjlsa aadwa Lee^uf ssaWaf u",,«^ e**,nl?.

*mlibsaat »5»; Coy tkm c ^.,u.als |J7 od is^ i*''». .-. 8a>s..f ltt«.;»i $^:o . 4

*^ OlMsslisN STORVS-The ssarket is modern,'. ,

Tcr»-ei MM i* st»»»,'! ». « I » fch »»1«*. ml I .sso Vde. 9,'Witsare withoutms'r.ia' rhsn.,-e »he efcea 1 n t'itria« fr en 3-ttn 37«*. (.>' ¦ li I'll' ». » Ik i Mf>«7»»»H i. t'' B*l » >

the la»t thrte Jut R*«n M V*«« trs.»e. Vtl hh|« e'a ¦ .*

»o r »t fl 3C .' f N vrt.'. P. and S» 31 for| £t«t*t» whitat«dd at $::j*<3">.BICE 'si *t ». d sletuly . mJ bwraaa H * crop t v'-d hi

5* Pnroa it sol ,u m.rie".Ehl'IT.Tt f. .« Vca ai.u'erve y-.*.r. i« tt

HaMawto day; ».».> t at böte* told at tl TI, bad ;t :..

t*r bnveaat Ms, SirHOPS *r*a»W oe i' w:«-i moderate r*'»».evy 10

bal-s »t r.-in arteaaiI. \IH.t..,c« sold t $1 7J. The aiarket it ea'irel.

r- .

PI. t^TTR-lC9 ran* Nat 1Sci.a sold a'. $t tl liere, an 1$; f.: 3$- 73 no tt- - riverSEK DS.There hire he#n an. .tai irtant s*>. sof if stsee 1

th( BMI wsek. aad al'hia^li th* suaply Waat it nalto bc'a.-re.tbe i*c*ip»s hcie are extraately taiaJ. aaJ $133ail Mat freely aaaataaL

Receipt- or Prodti.e.Fn '»r rwsrta P-i<r Maat*. r*te is.rMM bant Flvir;

I9t.f>;< *»ho»; isobait.WaSSbey; 881 ptr» ReM, H .! >.

Baeaai; I.HI d* Casne MSB da Batter; Ban. i.-uher,3:o.l V".i ado. Wotsl . to.tfh iah. Hve, <Wl d->. bad t.U 'jrdo. Wheat.

MARRIES,la tin 'I.e. lath intt hv R«- Th.,» A rmiue¦.

Mr OLIVERS HOLMES to MissEMILT L M VltTIN".bt.thrfthe Wr-h American HhilaLi. M <am m h C . N JOn TLtJ"rta» eraaiag he'3 h in«t.b7Rer Mr Mor¬

ris* OEOROI LtWRENCH,Jr to Mara MARIAE LKV. IS, a.l ol -rut i'ity.

nun.On Meads? ...>. a'eWkP.M, aftera »hört

tUn**s,Mrs LUCIWDa wifcof ras »t. Po:i|oa. and t-'t 1.11». v.. aaret da>if liter of Dam»'. Baaaaaa, deoeeMaTie Maasda und Mlaatses of iKe family, those of her

Lrot.'it J1.0 M Du 'I onl i'iiirle» Seamae, and hro'h-ai 1. law, Clarksoa t'i than, .1 L PuiU-hi. T A M«t.i.J ha Orr.. r,d 4i.d W n McPlawaoat, Jr., ir« invited t>at'er.d the funeral on Tuesday aftsTnooat, 18th in»t .at 3entdeck.Meat her late reetdeaea, N'o. 73 Orchard-«t usirl!r »eine.) iritho'it funher lavrafion. n!7 tt*a

<>n Vr' at list. Raw. MARTTJI BUHNS,sied 17 year* and 26 dr. a '

H 1 mead*, me aMataaeea tha aiauiheii 4 Merean*tleI. «..e .;. 1 o o r..a-1-l t U" .:; l. 'tre V >. 19.A O ofO P re .iivivti t,. attsad bis faaaral basnhaiWta rriadenre. Ho 1 0 EstK ?*<h »» day,a' 12, o'clock.Iii. rim.iii« v».li awtahaa t' OraaaaioaaCaaaaAat*tarhsM rnient.On Satvrdar evrninr the 15th last., SMITH W AN¬

DERSON, is the iSib year of hia are.The relatives sad friaadaof lb* famür ara reap*.

Mriled to a'tca . Ins funetal at the Batarasau Datsa(."hi'rb. Ls Pate'te jla'-e come tt!i St.. on T i»s<tav. the18th tn«t at 2 n'rhi P. M withottt f uthsr taril r. 1

oa laadar aftara «'n, the e^-ns' ot lafltattaattoaoftaw awwtdsitBtta JAJIM P. BKLL, mtJasMM yaa« fl rar*"

.. hrisadi and aoqa out mrr< of the ramirr ara *es? -t-fn'l» atvrUrd to attsad bar faaaral on I^aaadsw aftsras-va,the 'H'h insl . at 1 <'V " Iron ths rrsidsnr* o:' berii. .. i.t 1. N.. t feaaaa -t wBhnsil f*ther iaratati a Harrewaias a .11 l>* ta»»n to U'eenrto sl C«aa***ryOn Batardas aaa aiatr, N"< v 13 hi thai aratraf Ma

.nirr.K » T JARVIS CARTKR, Rae r i Or*. 1 ChiClawlaaid. Ohio. Rai isaaaias irtU a* lakaa ts Clen tadfor intrrment.

In Broakl)s>,oa s .'nrdav. No» IS, HOB vi: fl. undscat of H. H tad Abby S. Holt, aged I 7 aisassl taasaths.

P.i»-ri»!;rrs Irrlvrd.Jhafda Imoori. rVaat ITiraifiars TT U l.lncV. Mr la »

her.738 ir. »trrrarefa swarf tkip Aswriena Bsafs. rVaat Lssmbm aad Partr-

rir-.i.Mrs Tacknlwrv. Mr. Ra-it. ,r. I. Mr. Rai *¦ 1 ,

Mr do -1 vir. MUt.-a ml Iv'r. 1* ot N v-V-r.. M -

1 u. 1 *. ..f I.)me. c nn Hi s idstaaar. i t If aad 1,i.t ha h..I . ¦. Mr m 1 ::. Mr I .. MrMaitJa.Mr Haffhsa,Mr H n, -t Laidaa; Mr.Ineiribetg,af Qeimaan; .Mr. Poaraa a,of Mra rot

HiaiATsai aX'jtMsc. dat.8c*.Bates....! 1 I.v *_1 11 IMnnB Tliaaa in

rt:e.n a-it.-V.» itStil» Hath I Bka ! 0asr. I»:aad...' l-'m Hell aatM.1 M a


Str .V' t'. 's Prtje/'T additional1 Shipp-w; I'ttf . .

< ".. ired.E'l 111 ¦:.!' 4- A' ih .!...!. I. ill.' .-savannah. S. I.. M ir', 11;

Maroa,Barry,Charli .ins", ffwd, iSssatoahCoBl .1 atartaa, Pat! n a, Hi r-Orlsaaa, Ban m -

I ;e, I WatttThBI n Puak, l.verp ¦! i'avh.r M Math Jt .st.»: s, Hsmmoexl, Londoa, Bord ft Hia tea; Osrms-¦ ra. Woo . Hane, * WhirlaeA, Jr la lia, Bear**. H 1-m ill*. RusteU ft Nottaat; Haatara, 11 iync. Apala ihk.1 ii W ard

[iarks- Wave, iBr HMaÖt, M lohn, ft B Loa in Mr I es; Solan,(lirem Malta**, Bra a ia, P ippa v C»; P.I . ler-.Norw ) Helsa, K wastes Ja Prince b; M in li ;Johl Ctd t». Hall h. tr ;e. ura, Alande. Hre we.-, t'oarh-I, b.J W. ElssalLBiiits-.: W.LawrsBM Wall, Ifatrritai, I. W 1:

BtKitle. «lir) Patrick». 11. tllssa .w. E Denaisoa \ «'"Laa tl ,1 a ..:,iil. lirl.ze, H-.i .J Jaaka; Orussco (Bt1. gaps Cuidad Batirar, MeBer.Saad k H h , irab- th Hall.Tathill, Aps lehieola, mi¬ter ; Eleanor. Chase, st i'i mas,ftc. B Mat .V K l<ae, Ha't-e, (tewhern, rnaater; H v.- Qaadr.Jaffries, Pl.ilsdel; h'a. j W.MeKee; Mealtaaa Lewis, Alst ¦

»iid.ra, fiii'tes. Cle::rm n- x i '.. »1 a.-i.'e S'a'. 11 i::sf.Boston.S. W LetrtS; Bay State. It. :er. B «t Diyt m ~

n re i r8lr.eps.Rimrrtd. Patteraan, Derby, Ca fansaa Gra-

b ,i.. N eWa, rail U.versieiot., r- h>. .,. ,(..-. I'i. ,.',. Bi -'i.ii -ti.l and N >n' .'. ..

LV .; I boratoa Aathrtcits, Morlev. f n UaMlphbti ««.

ma, 11. aa, Bo<t.«

Arrlred.EbipBopbia Walker, WtawaL S-ivrni Mdaps,waalaUd

t'its to |) luhl x Com ip si.eritian.t.'-trniah. Ms ¦seit, Walas, 32 , r.n'r nut

BwnaadMpaas to Spot! ;» liUs'.onHup Ooaaaa, (Nesw.) Btsiaassa, Kawaaatla M aaya,

ndss la order,eh j. Howard) Hamb ) Jaeobe, Hi nhur.- M da. mJs..

ai ,i paaa le w s BahaaVlt,Fark A/..[. Cii.tpmaii, Malar i 3i diys, wine and fruit to

Aeinre a .«lv/ .yPark A:- I la. Miller, Arnster.lbbs 1" <!». bmi ts m i«le-.B uk Harraet, ft eltaatj j ivannah ,!»>.«,c >t' 'i aa I n

tostuice*. Claannsa k Co.Bark Cuba, PMaea c.'t'e Miaaaa, Idars, to H I..11¦atk Leaiae. Braas I Schan*, Brassaa Mawya, aadaa.BM

1371 s tu;. T II elite!Eric H' aas«wt,| Ur It. laass, Cam nallus, N S , 1 .1 ty«,

p. ';,t. ts and pmrtsr to m strr.l-rt* I i" nice '¦.( Murhi .-) Hr.iJ' . 511..«» 3" d i,s,

froi't*AgvreftssAlsrn , .

Hnr BasraId. Carl«, -ij la*r I dara.e.n] t > A Ler.iinBrit Iwaa, Pisres, Barmodaf days, m hathuS to .n< <¦

n,nli a Bana ,». (Br ) Own, Hamns 13dajB,aagBTtoRo>ails ft WitfiaBia yraaalta A I.eary.

Brkj Auel..Be, Dayton,St Jaio.o- <. BBB, i) dt. «, . ..

baes ... ftc 'o uiuj.t^r.BalgCtri mesa. »,. ia "i Pabrag is, M .Wt i '. ds, \ w. .-

and rtui*. to As-iickUaUatBnr Lai ae, Osboras, MiUbridcs i-' dayt, lam r

Bns; Hudson. HaBett. Calais 12 days, lamhni toasaststSehr A J Mataaoa,-. Calata II dar« htathnre, hi Ortan.Wraas, Fraa tin. Ma , Is days, a . <

8< hi Pat>Mt,BacsiiB,B rklaad SaaysJUaaa.gcbi Carolaw.lDaa.) Ansaa Mataga 19 days, fralt.fti

to tan ra ft 0*1* v ._

Schi Ira Bie»«'er Horton, w>i'n net a, n c . aa al»t resand co-tan t* N I. Met ready ft Co.

s. i.r. 7. A Pnina, Wsastsr, riistp.rt Idayt, nth aadts.. lo S BSSBBS V OaMalt Byioa.Kit'i mi, K..i-» "ii. b i'i'i.l 10 \'r »al»

BAILID "1 iaad :i) al .Wot ..i rlla re, Al-aftaie -, 1 lew Marine ir t". > V -

ton; RosboKs, **arri«h, for ami Bachmmd; ahiaCr*ais, Pssree, Naw-Orlaaaa; brig Ptulnrs, Thateb*r,rasank aadatasra 8!.l Plata} lata, H im ü ... iu.Bu bj I a ft* a -"1 ant,WIND- S Line. E S.E . with 1-1. .1! f ., ¦ iridl. 1

M N w.a-

Arrlred.ROI MS'samshii. 1' Wel«-er, Bald wit, 'ruin ^an Jon.

Nov a, with p .s-irrcrs uae »1 er e to I). 11 \ ".«. Wu«I? hours v v, 1 rtt lc-J as.-.. ,e V .r'her. . 1 laatadd. ". I 'tl he .Ml. L'.LS'i .'. "I t'i.l Ta'oia» e |. o i

t' -e<i a atiaai «.»!« MtBB' n 1 >utaea>t whwk narrssdS *«jp ddle iHnes IftaShTB BBftBTaMt BOBj*th llhlBBt lhati'iMan*th*paeaagnnasas Baa Juan in 1 ya,to* »?thiati indn »t«. Mitral An tsasa f.' m the aiaarf at Ne* sa :%t" Ml JuaBRhu« Aai-r.esn E».-'». or 1 salwi-'». Lull ., 1

PssnsSBsathM asa\abSaa ud jji steerais 1.1 t, 1 ,:.:iOrssna dBtaaawr I'. n.>rj»cot. Ctark. Philadelphias IpJeaaftLant afTho aetnaiCarl -.1, Lirerpool M

d os rpi'so and 130 BB s to 'la' is Hr.isii.B-r'sCotaashBt (Binn farkon.BVeanaa a aapa,¦ana.

ar..! IT'i ; :.. Meter ft St . kt«.Rjrk Jiaits Hail, Wb.te M Jasn do CiSs. O, t TO..,-

ear t* order. Rnr. l, cd Cape Mais«, »,«>». brig iaati 1;hear*Mr St Jago.Hnr Delmsnt. (Br CaSJ*«. lananl a 21 Jtvs. ,jmo' .,

k, ane 1 ; sss toop!»r-rtir B- s'-rhsmp, Miller. Wil ...a dai'S. p datues.

I-*.-ml to Boston.S< br Einpite. Bunker, Norfolk 6 days. mdse. to St iuc»,

C- ara aa a CoBehl CSartotte E Hues, T ime:, Fraavi>rt Ii ds »paribi a <; ItwnaSM or Char'es H .R *er« SLselmsn, 11 iyvi 1! 1, P H It

...s. . t:,r and molasses t«. , Da ¦'».;:» LaB BtI' a. t.' r.i James W E »¦ '!. ." .'ans .a. t \r<» » j-

da S. I < At a Ooyaadla, bna Charlotl*. Spark*, ! >r Halo-c e or it dar.

S. br. Pst-ei. ,1/Portland Yoan», Baltimore I 1< , e**LMi; Wast. Bru's' W.. 1 n.-U-<., N 1' j

at. r»s.f, he Ca'inct, Rice. Wilauaiton. aara! atnraa -. N !.

M< C eadrgehr T P. J'hB«.-n. t^uina Jacae!, Oct :t. . .

WsfweodtaH k Vt DeiaSeld Le t scar ChatB * \»t'S'ti. I »»encer. cow Bi-a'oB 15 4its ansOra - fnL ven.-d i' -r Hsrabn t. Ii ¦ On the'Th in th* II i'utiaf s best» (sie irom N E «p t »!»,!.. at A. sm_d !*>* tJu'f rr'ui tbr** time*-. |jtu Saady il^tki. a ii i N H.w MBsiksa,aiaaad a wn- . ms,-*ith aevi

i iwaalssd part ..f lbs s B» o*i? tr. wa'srSlooo Bhasl* laland. 8tijr»;e*. Pr-isideareBAILED antraCoaatsOati a.Allna»Lrrarnowl; w n

){>.rers. C-nwav. \ta achiroL). Ind.a. B. w»e. M mt-t-n,;:» Msaltwasta, Pa*-al. Maalls.Car.atiias. BjaSBSaaad,L-' a«BtVI.t:w_6t..:, Me haei layrlt. afaTarrt a. w,i«on, ir«

CsranT Wales,Oat 3 with rsdrond ima to urJ*r; »car,Jobs Cittbsuts, tt atys f'om Ma aca.W IND-Saanse, N W . menliaa, W N.W

Br Telecrwsh.CH APl.ESTuN \ t u -4M hasft Virsnaia hnaj I.

lUtklwra; acht B M'-m», New. York onzt Bio war. BathMe A'a Bvatoa '

[pt.vm jut Corrrsp wdeata.7pHILtPFI.PHI.t N-» ;

Cb^»* I i«»row*,.Oct I; barks Emily Caan or Hay Le--'h.a. K.*sa.fc>B. Po« 1»*. lvniarar*, Tta 1-iraj'istiil.' nr¦:.»:.. ». J .rTasd.iBi iSc.««, Hdlsboro-ita N «. tn'p- . Cr. »,:i. B«.'oB C. st. at.i l s'-rsChase. Ca;« Ana. Caas Moor*. Smib. N rf Ik rAui/Iie'BBd B.;a. s. PaUR,».r. J,dre IU-r.nct ,n MaUe.D »er Dei. bu«jb Bxkards. Canada. D.I ja,}C'-rtoa. Ca' haro M.lford. O iaaowd.r. Bird. «f Vor«H «1' 1 f --i u . - lit. ,-e. -r. h {:,Bv.nd. SUteesoB. New Y» k Thavaa» itH. r*.^ t."Dr.s-areCity; St Ne-holat. Wbtafr 1 .,e, ri'.l.I Mliaik ilWen. 4.r.a.a;NV*.V rt*WfJ

Alboar. j"n<«. New Y.r* s, uu < >¦ »¦»*.> ....». ¦.

N j W POBTRoe ll-A-r. aokra Amer m. Wnct'-rr- v #.¦«. l iv i Y rk; A RelTi . i «.* «. f*d ;

ahavpl H Burden. Domain?. Fall K.ver M N«* VefB.

lllllllll .V«'.BBorBi Ej mr>«4 m*i m Caea%*, ftmm csd-x. ah»v.

Sored ate-s.sp/nrr a rak ia heavy waa'kl MvL, IIp M *> ia ¦ Mreaar.l M fast ttiat rx»ih pu m ¦ «null not

tr»*htr !*"Hir »t km cargo ¦*> tk ... r t m" *

t«rti> r«-m h thf Wt» «rn l».»ait». IJo miles dis'ast. Iti-lr..k »*« I'UIkI to i « ¦ 'he nin .ludau.,' >-. In, r -rii »

»a* made 10 ir^ck i; She waa taJoard tl 1 V.M UMeaaw/taklBftothethree heats, .here '.no? Ihca *n Isolwater id the hold, and tha skip *e*tlBsg fastSliir Norfolk, armed at V rw Orl-xas I'h trv* It .«.

ton reports that a sh ia ,,»n.;unv str..k aa W railKee'. near Kay Soaib.-era. »a th« ta a'.t. B l r

N .net tight ut her several wreckers were observed gaBaf

'"shi'' Akhar a as mid t>r *oe*i net BaTea, «b Brato.forSlJUti. one-iuarter e-i»h, the haleaei in 4, .> sad imen ha. interaet added. She is too tuns re.-ster. kaltl HEast Bost-a . .. .

Bark Claba C. BSLt .tr.i tan» kgethea. Basil «nJ3<<.waa *>;d at aueti .a a' Boeiea oa weuoesdav, far Si ..,,.

about half her eoot T.«r oi* o:.e h llf I ask au.l eaj ii Ml .>

ui« nthr. , , ,

s, iir. Edw'»bi\ T .. ths.-re, frvn ( slats frS »mr.irl.r>, uk. aeaaavi iwinain . ,. ,-

C«na, which went as1! >re on Qardtaers lWi.ii-»three weeks s:nce. his bera £ it od aud lakru into NLOLtl.l

spoken. safeOrt ». .'ob.. ei v K bf I ;r* S B .a Jer.e. T.e.l

»»U, fiom P.j«-, n Sf..t in r jmvrea.Oct SI.let It, l<m. li.akr' F.ssei, Br. Smith im Li

erp.h'l for Rew-Yw kNo* J let.44),loa.49.waereen a l*-r* propeller twatr

aail.awaadB eappsood the City ee Piltebaisb^tBa. HhiU-drlnhialur I.urrN..e '*. lat 14 leu 1 h*rk !¦>!» a. K.i :f, mi. Mirr-

na t.,r F> >i< o . , , ,

>od.ite. Ut. 4.1. loi. ti, «!.., Bee..i.i"i-, (iti f !.«».irpael far Mew-Yotk.Oft si. tat. :i. mm IS. waa iiail ehto t a..i

of Naw Orlaaae, itaerraj S K ut ¦..<.<> teporteSOft. IS la' -ü. lou n. Ur. batfc Irabeila, froai L tM

for New OririDS ,

Ha* LeaTQeorfee Baskt. waa *-<ea .> »a »» '>

letter T in f,,rct(>!»eit-iproi.a!i!y tke Piy:aoJt£ lii etm )..Url it. .at .'0 l.l n. '. w ., hum m- .r t .. i :e;i :.

ot ttwtalk.elsilfcil t-

Torei^-'i TortH.41 CalealtaBrek.MM.ahiaeMaeaake, Caaagr, fraai Sm

fraiir ». .ur Ma, to load tor Loaitna; I raiaa. Baaletl, tadOertrada,Bailey¦ fruade .ur nth. t.» lead wr Load ¦;Bfahaa,Naaea, iron do arr. 2t«t, to ,i-l f »r Laadoa:HoraSvt. Oefpod, from Beetoa (Jaae I ir* 19th. to leadfor Bettoa; Wa> Oeddaid, hwaaeB, froai de Inae tri

seih, .to da ;Albeay, Qathaea, frota Hear-Tack M iy ti)arr. lead lorda; Oray tTaather, MoLaaxhtaa, fro aSao Franc.sco, ju»t an to load tot Loadua; Mareaaeai».S: ro.ii. Bohert C. Wtathi v . \ ras Delhi, Bar.i,«Um Btargee,Freeaaaa, forBoetoa, Ids; wm v K I,\ uri.1 y .»i»rv, >l ,;«|, ill V.. .. » N '

. 1' '' 1'.Riekaraoa; JohaMernck.Btereae; Raacee Brrae;0/aButlett,aad Coauaaaerealtk, Baxter; for I. n *llark*Heaaa. Baxter, troat New-York i . i tae !' .* . .»«.

lUt,ta leaS for Itew-twk; Hary. Byder. to Lire .'

¦aea thd.IMh.karkeAlhotk Laar, London; IHh,B*e«Kane. Binrtar, Saaaehae 1 Lh.ektpe L^tuaiaaa, Baratow,ptew»lferfc;Strabo, t;.«., !t. sti.n.Sid. from Madrai Stft ll*t,thly Müton, Beala, f >r C»'-

r tui I, :id t.,r U «t, .i.

At Beaabai Oct. üd. bai 18 .i Breeae, B >wa. i irChtaa¦<'ca; Arthur Pickcrüi;. It oaa.for Bfoacat. lUJedBeut,17th, ship Eqnator, a> r.CalcatUta I id for Boat a

AtMnTrni, lith no Li. , Os. ,!..i. K ¦'¦ ».t>- II 1 :i

l'.M BarkBlaaib al Kinsiaaa,from Alexaadiki lashsar*l\ r\prrU d, to Ii :,d Sir H atOO.'At Mreeiaat.'d u.l..liaik I. a; A. H.^i' ii<don.forBosti n ; bm:» Toruo, Berry, aad * W. ( aahtaf, u 11' ' '

New Voi k, all i,, rail ia I or II day*At Vai'i l>>\ u'.t ,htK('.,. o, h, !>, froai C d

ma arr r*\, i. r Baeioa Moa. (She ipoke m o!t i P M3ii mAw% Bhat ti Haha, barkSaaaa jaae, tr...n ulaaaa retBhttraa) , , , ._At Trieste2t:h ult..stn;> At.ui.tton. Byaa.l rÄts-Vna,

Ids.;rarkOae lh 'n ia,f*isk do.doAt Lerkoratith ",* st,., - >,' ,.n Vi t .na. Cu.-. M,

dtater, Bowers, and JuBet, hi lultua, f..r Rt a-Tor j 11- ;

bar» kotara, W.isLDiiti. for Boston Hoe. I (noltuledhefere lepctrted) _ ,

AtMarMiil eatTtkutt .sa -l) oi", v .es ,-r. I -r N.Oiktaas. Idf ; Sarah B L, usa. M'Lellaa f»r Ifaw-xoek,darkeras Fair*. Cook, far Boatea .a. Bai raes, t'rl.a» lays.At Malaea2M ult .i.arks Wuirrar-i, Klervli. for Borton ;

Cliirisi.s. Cank, f,.' New-Orl, Saeita ,-. .Ilr.l I <i

titm Vtak;brnnH P.Caahiay,Codr, fraaade., ins arr,to load forSa; Solo, (8t« ) fur da Kid. l»th. heik «ieneralJones. Ilordlag, New-1 ik;t I a Johesaa, (By )de;sehr. Loaaao, Pareeas. .!.»; lath, Ur ». Ur. Brau, do jIttk. bnsa Byllu, (Oaoi In feMaasea, da.; Paulsta, (Sp*a »BaltimoreAtCadixxlst it brigJoaathiae,eoads.daadsi.\t Ucird' aaa ITth all skip I Icaa i S;ar, Loid, foi St r.

Orleaii« »i oaAtCraastasBBMh alt., larks Laer L Hale, Tbom«s,

foe Brist«'. Raa.,few days; Hcury >he!t m, Altea, i t L .-

rrp.k.1, deSid I'r.ii. El.iui-ur ii'U ull (aotS3d)ehlS Mel'. ,.!.,>. i.

i.. i., i i,.i.»ind«i r>,t Bvseoa.At Kiit'r-tiiain "Rh ><\< ship Ta'lnt, Ooolhi.'. far BTaw.

Orleans, it's baik Ma-y Smith. Smith, for do. Istiusiatavala.tPrwa.) kfaar.r, e« Naw-Tack aad Ka'.'i.iiorr. hnrsAll,«',«"». (Dasaai ., Baal. Ka -....«. ,U.vena,,)Maaaeat Bfartia Pnedrsth, KtaftT. >iil I.s ,ra atAdele.ili-iubl8»arc. f tlfew York.ldt ;aehra Poiana,(Datea) Haasea, ti dBod ao. ( D itofcl P ipkaa, I « Boetoa,

tl i.mi!»t, list nit. tri i Baa art we, I haver, and Lc.uda, Nsshals.f r II st tt.ldjr.: aad orl.ors as before.At l.ivrrr.>si| Ist mit ship James TllfJaib, Mah.ix, f,>r

Ca'f ntta, i"' hai Bus a 1st oi*r shin ''t r,,. Tar'n-, for NewfTtlsaaa;

bark HaaBahTbawataa, Davis,for New-Yerk.St fl asgstt ist last. harks ftsra BaiSiaa. (Urifir B »s-

tsaj I an..' Hr ttt d,,Adv. at do. sJeamer Olaegow, Sie« .rt. forde Ithlaatj

barks Hyadeford Bteeeaeea for Baa Praaciace sooa; Ja-aet, fnr do, "tttAt Oreeaaek ttst, aajp Ravoy, Bf*Laaa, fat H Orl uii

rradi. ark Ta.. A.I i -. fol E ivaaaaB,At Port an Pr.n . ;,(:> ,:i ;,r.. II ,,-t C it's, f ir Rew-

VtsrkraTdays:sehr .saicn,, (lit | for do . Idf. Bsd.ttth,sehr Triton. I Iir Ut stunArr at st J> Im.-. N P., llth u!t hues Paasatia, aferri-

aaa,Rear-York; Viola, Readeil, .: ih. Peerless .tl .!.<.!.bus, and Cerawall, Axrell, do.; nth. Carohee SchernMasford, do ( id ISth, erhr. J II Hraine. KobtHos,BsatoaAt A \ Cuvss. 11. i -it. I.r . A<l»':inr. \i""ii, fir N« *.

York, in ii,!.»», in'i.i I ., ,.eu.| ae. , l'rne f >r do.,htgjAt Bio de J*i r i, Sapl / Megaatie.s>k, I'air-

baakt,m Boetoa; Hanaibal, rTiagmaa, (in u Boston JulyII ''.Si I .,.. .. arks Miaatonomi, Collia». forN,i Berk:Iowa,Bn i ropuvt I, but ra ira nkiiiyaaRerw-Orleaaa, aa before staled aVunett». Pr«ble, do .

RrssaliB, Beas*a, da.;beisaW, U l;ewart, Btevi-os, f.,rBjajtaaati. Claas .

Pasaaatla Port«.Mi FOR, Roe, n--Arr itsaaahig Caasketa, (Br

LaBeh.LiS r|i»,l ship Holy .e. Parkma Baat-ir -n a

\* t; l*Wi»,(ai it.t.ert», Pwaoroke; brtfs C'swsnlMayo, hlexaastla; pkcrbe A Page, Liaaekia, PhdadeU(.'. Baaiom, HaskeB, Beefi*. CM ship Beth' MayHawse,Horaol la; barks kaaheoclssa, Thorp. KiagetoaJam ; Aurora,(Br) Adamaoa Psalna; Baaabow, l.,u-u',i >. r-Oa saej b gsAeaiaa, Simmons, p.ut S.i.i.Tnsuad l>t;. I Br.irowlar.Aaa.A Bme-taiB.- ) Dmiestt, Clare; Lyra. DoaJse, .. .: Otarisaa,Dar « Thrmaat'Hi; rears Hero,Sawyer, St. Jona. N HAir. lith, ship Le3aicaa.Jo»daa, Cadu ; barks William VI waa. Waas. Siayrra ; lo.Piibibary, Kara!; bi , V. a ,|San h. 'i At lent c ursan lada, H' iSwaie, Ls 'la/eN B. H < r**h Btroai, Pbiiadeii ma se rs.l .1 aasBlhat, Gearvetoam, p k I Presto, lacalls; P. am -

Funsi Matilda. F.u.'.ii. and K W. p.cke-. Rayler. PklUadelphia. lets, Chase; IMyiimah Boca, Lacey: RaaeyBaht>p Kalle] lost h Baker, A iee;Johe, fiosdiagai ii Ia . a Chase. New Yo:k Cid l>h, barks EUwPeidltton. I' il Pr^ya. Cipe Venl l.'.iu<l» i«d a i-« -:

Areyw, (Br) Bartoa.Bt Jeha, N B briga Moa a r.n-le.lhaiama.Maiseillce; HeJlsvader, Bdw Paealaad >.i.boa;J w :. ... Morneaa, Omhr. N S tti i<

s irras. Rn * r, N B.; Bath Eliaa, k rers. Var¬ia nth.H s Msrtaret EhzaSeth, Crowe Matflaad, Rg j sehr Lysaeder,Pawers Hayti Aiso. r-!J^oiwship Bcammm Prsoklin. Sears fh nft pb:a bark Z w*.i' >. Pri.pvr M..i ds briga Abbetl I.awrrm c. Crown I,Pluladalubia. U/m ii Spav Black. Portia aehrs I i-laaM HeJIaek. BsaMkw Meiala; K labow, h r.-tt- Bsetwmoad.>a.,E r,-, Lmaell, do. H^iry Payaoa Cro-aril Norfolk; Vi'tor,Chaas New Y k.BAI'H.Rjv tt.Arr ache Hdwraia,Staaras, Raw-Yeek,.mFartaad . ,i hip Mesaeegei, usw teutaae I'm a-

Kara, waeaaa; Cb..u,^laia ii.rv. i|3 tons., Wisalaats..N«%% orl.-a. brig ha.J.u.or.'. It.^ r. HavanaS.'.NCi.K .N , ... B.. t. .. . \ ... I. i i,

: n 1 »I tditT, Toale.Gu Porto Baoav Pailbreek, Ui.h'wa. s....» reaaeeaae, Black

»nt IrwtirsBBI8TOL. Roe. 13.Sid. sloop Manx Lo iats. (; ,* fall

h re r .N 1

CHABLESTOR, No* li^-Arr ship Mav i :,.«sr.'"r aNew Tart C.d i.n -s An a . .., o ~- :.. u

Taaaxj Uooat^r. Batk,Ms Br ssir. t bampam, Pradlea,Haihar Islsad, Bahan a, ,, hr T Y A »¦ >n. R , ¦..Msssjasto.(Tla.) Wrat to »i, Br shiaCrea, Ma-n.-aI...« .

BOOaVRTOWR, Raa '4-In aset, »r... Barotai ,..r

Pestssaaathj c iware, !(.,.¦, ... .%»» ; x ¦,. w ..

n. u h. Air l.BALL Bl\ lit. Nor l; -Arr. Br br (V.u-.., I.-

ajr.n P e-ou R«i r, sailed B. t >b Im i 0 ,»t I .t.Mct^ tor Ptctoa Noi u »rr brig Tukea, lot? I;.. ....P l.mroiavdfe via New B^;. J j,\.rra.a. wi..V..s- a PtUadclphta; sJ plaaaell Bor.>b. Deaniag, s. w y igrtA?J$yL*-tl tBv s v ;*-*rt ic'ir V.c-ory. Alles. f..Beveily for Vv, Verk; Irerr-se. d H at daad,fj Nulirm^J ! Vl?3**:}"* » rm, Ado.-ion for R Bark

. I,, s' »ehrs TeUgrapX, Pbil,tal..!,ia. >iih Hartford. Smea. do sVooaMary t n,e.a. W a,»»r. V.-» y .,k a,a M> u «

Ca«.,,. Pratt,Iluiasd.liskaa; Aaa WmmW. dkm\\m) sJ-MACHiAsroar. No,. it-Bid. .), i.o.^v,,.

ns,w1^:Vbo^lD:do,,f* r^r

e.^Br^^^;.^-;^;- l^,Vr,.

V«*' aV . rr'JL* ? /*. ' «--«er. B im 1 reromlw,.::rKpieA>*"YI:rD*'!?.P N' v »«T » -¦


* Lil: trr s

PrÄd^oa'' S" Yüik- UM M l-s ,N' C'.l v. Mr. , bra

«>r!;^ '"».'»^«"..larrell. West lodes; I n. Caasavd-a.P-nvVAa.a^.a^h?I,.. 8,«1 -B. N*w-York.

II. a' i1JaLl r>" k- Sa'do. Sid. s. bra K B H.Fiteh. Bval. Pfci»ad. I-> a HAW .r- ,. C. .v.Ar. i.s- ute aedP -*f.i;«:.,. jT N, ..

B.~loo. tirr.o .«, Wmi f..» Vr « Vo'« Dale*)H».».P it»!i. -'h k i t.l..»l f.» p. .. i rlo*M CWtel. Sndth > JM4 l>». .... Haaklns t M«r. Ieh,,.' nr n*T» F. ( *" B.v/aM. l.tirT.. . Wm» h?**<li"rJ Jatws N< . V"f» F.edo.n » Oardias.N#» V ik l id Br !n Ht*j!.:.r. \» K .. IV (

KM V;,.-Ami ifa H x«. r.i .i P., .1., ii.iimi«.lutat»vd ... hi 11 fr.ue. l r. U.liU, aU.»Ti.oa%> M l Mill r New V rkKOhTl ».n;> n » t.trr bri« A'f. Mona», Will

W r,>' (I: k*rte Damd V--.r». N Haraa*; Al-mira Tar, Ha'aa « | Dea BtaBB, fell r .. w. do ; wa.M"i* R.i-e»». Bi.t mo»»>RlJCkl AM) N' » -v-l.r ¦..',..« Vt. I' .'.*>***, Car.

<?<¦ iv s...i*n >aid Pawta .. i mt, H York;» ai.» P., k»t, U*M*lt .' M »i WlW «' I. Ui ; 10th.bnar ft C. LowaP.ab-in.»«.. :0. Hort*. f*niiet.«.N tarl aid :i i. < a < >. M .. -n l. er»,.« B rklia » d Eliza «t.. trea «.. E V

fcll HMOMV Nov. ij. \rr « kr. Hear.. rattle. H.Y.8 A1 KM, N U .Cl-I aekr. At'aai.. Nvsaraoa

New Vo k ,\;j. bni Maazsoillo; act. At.'aotie. An.IBh. «ehr I.- .» r I baker. Ricbaa «ad. LTJ.'tUi..riao' EdwaH BaaaptM.a, ttWeaSEABSPOHT. No*. . ttr. btrV: Mr rtti. Trejt.

Baac*r(aad < >i * M» -va* t< i ..-c p. p«rkm*, ÖTlke»; Harrte« Ree, iad Hi . art, Haa-r»r 1Mb I . H...1.«ST OEOkOE, N « »-^1 brlfCBa i. «*-.Ra-

T:,nn'h a , , _ ,

U II V TVCTOR V.» |.v.trr fl-o" >.. -sal to ClaV, Ifta,«ehr Jaaar-eO K Wa .«,h», Nt«.YakWARREN. Ho* ||-Bid »! >H B«dr, Can_ _

i iiuuuinl.

KAli Kl'Alt. ( I I V u;.! rllNTY¦OHM FOR S vi R -Weoflei .r - . .ir rf*.,

th* Mawtaa PeeaeMea «*f the aaaat on.! i< -.1 harm-tarl. frtO.000 CIT1 Of CTINCMIKNATI. .mihi, su

ikk t EN I COLPON IU).MIS. i.,'.... t N< vY«n

k.911X000 m h.mvnv fan six pmcbxt,BONDS. Coupon» ratable in No* York JaaatBl i, aadJuly l.anaiaatrrd bjr the Ohio .tad Peon.'.v'v aaia Radiaad1.1 iri^aaj;

j. |t00( !. " BARY Cltt Bfl PKR aNT. Vi»TKK LOAN KDf

i |10g0O0CITYOVCOTIHOTOH.(R «-«tetk*

OBy af Caa aa M IIX PER ck\ l BO IM.gBWWeteed t \ the ('. \ taffttB »"d i e»intt«ii RaflNBd l'onpaa».

I llBgROOt lit OB KoltlNMocri!. OIIIO, PRE ( I'M BOMDfl IM Baaata aBlMickii s Van»» BaHraad Caapaap. Oaa| »< payableiaHaW'Tarft laaa uj I, aad luijr t

a. BM.O00 UTTLR fttlAJMl RAILRO tD B8'fUBf>| CKM1 CONVERTIBLE BONOB. tfiaati mm fmjfmhieittNrw y ik, tat kprttaadOataftaf


i.i Main atei .. kyafeh btkfaw-Yatk, ..t'otuMa*.Januar» Mai itJj 1

ItaVBOO BIO aad PEHNftYLVARIt sevknPERCENT. BalLROAO CONYERTIBLR üonds,C. ....!». '¦ <iv I an.i J'. » I n n i York

si-'.ti( t> ftticmoAH ftt^irmcRR n » :n perci nt i; HI ;».»t I CO) ivns, . ia kTtwYartIB raaal. i i .r..l .May t.


BONDS, Ca - aapaftlftS n< «-. r« L).. c.i.b*r l.aadJmI

ii 140,000 BOSS COUNTY, OHIO, IRVIff PH« KM ION.» ¦. i' ».1 y ..¦ .M; : . ...i Cm. .a-

n.«n Rafeead c. aap «¦.

IBe RAILfttuAlt BOhTDOaaaaaaarad ta «. «oa» an*>

BaawaMtark Rat < .ae Baad at Pra .,..« at taoaraMattaapaaaMi aittsaaaf Maua Y.ak, » i ¦mae.fttaaaiM deiault. u, > Btat and «eil earb lino, wuh aB «.uiaat*ata,lay tt laarr an m» ta pay aaaaaat at* aateeea .<r .vaeipaj.rhet lit aaalOOI HTY BONDS at* Baatai, ia aaoh

BO>e. »'rM .' . Bl .»<!¦ ti aaB ptapaf ' .. ».»»nr»,

ii laftBaj fttl i. ¦ aar that pwpeae, aad aai a d.ieet »<v» >t

Baapaayla iBtaraatad i-a' rata beut*; !arie:r at rare* afBtaal ia»»m

Ihelawaaadai Bkaah Uatae Raaaai are ateaBaa» r*a.airath* |ir.i|.ri a. .|.;...» t-. .nana a IFEC1AL lett afTAXESt.. t *-'EI AKAhl'ei« lua.v, hj I ' M * i-arpoa* of

MaaaBa)thaaaa daft fttMaaS, aadaji 0 aByta '«uBhuraa

aWfaiMBpal vftfakeaa br «nforc*d ;krr V«''aartaaf\jCm, should ii he. 'in.* 11 <.; «»arfThea« debts < a r, in the nature of » . r-rath

¦aBlftBtpaaaaaa] <»ta*ea w.thia the raw*' t'uy aadC.»uaty BbbBbThe Raai i it BaVaptad by the r* a ORftj pe>-

lulirs, ahs. lut. 'he rr. «t "l or auy f'ui I 'Is t liy Cooa-

Haa, » - h aaadattat Tbia «tu praaaai * furtbir

aaaa af aaewBn itnuicrt.Printed Eibihui, ia aaaft raa*. raa be had at arplarataa

at our »Ac«. ftwaal mil and detail« 4 adhraai i at t« taa

BMtnreofea. i' mm arBr Ra*r-Yark, Oct. ta, IftU,w [N8LOW, LAM Eat a ... vl-et.

. It D'iW.M*. ktl

An ELK! ViÖlS i\n DIRECTORS otthe BOB ERY BANK muII brt I .. I Iba lliuk.n<

Hr>Ms*oa ii E'DALDacaaabara i:.. 4t eillaasaaaIn.m It? D'cklCk V 'ii -il II' M

n 7ti)2 N i, BRADFORD Caaaaar

I OAN<3 in largo <>r jnnll Bttiai ROgO*R A i..,.»(} . rai ..i ..* «"...!* i i. >,y MOt.'BKiifiKR, Boat EwaU Braker aad \.t Nu 111 Broad¬way office ftaara, into j bm f mabf*

nKAK I > bb lh« II..NK of IRFaLANDP aU parti >.t Ireland.f»r »alc by

th« Irnh hin f in' ».> VI ( :. .1 - ti.kMHlfcy Oil fr«a.d*at.

laautaSTVABi rreaaarw »>¦':r_v*ajr*b;:oAri\V AV RaKl N » J. JaUl.

nIVIDEND..A fttHtti'SOiiosJ uvi.iernJaf kaar (4) pae rent kaaa tba eapetal >t ekafaabj

BaaB,BBto lb* pioAta 4tba laatatt ¦ ath miU b* paidt ti e Stoi V h< . tad aiti i the IHb .-

The iraaaiaf ba«>k trill ha .-loawd ir ...i the tth uut. aatflthe <i»y of ; i>ii,. :,t E, order,

b>.J L RYERfTP. l athiar.

NfOTIOK..The Director* of tlM Nnw-York aad No* Hsrou B R. C<- bare lay *d«r-

r.l ii. e alle ii, «10 i the r> WBibSm of 'lie C tttal S-orh <4UkMCoa»p*By.beioi teat »bare» «f ftibu n ib. (Ilftaaajj*~"*t|t tl.e ^i.-.,,.t «'..i nhoMer» ol my, at llioiv ..| one iba ¦ fat aat i ftva »hau», and in- fifth «.f one

(bar* fur tarn odd »harr h«ild by th. ..i rri|a, tivrly .a the1 it ta A'lf btat

Tie fol Mr? T'a'mentt are to ha . aj ;Mv.TtBantj m lit septeiiiierriert.

to. Oatafear aaaftBti . .. .. November liett.t*j . " "" Deeemhrr BBZlA r. ..I-,, ad, ta aaa to earn ataekhordai

a il> !7t hi-aiatrMtit

HA N K DBPAKTMEN . .State öfN< ». i rk,- Mhn j. Not. ii. is:i . rIm OOSHEN

HANK (Ooahl a. 11 -in»- Co i hai th * d..T tiled ia tb-iof-l ie a notice «f ih< app .utnieat al the OCEAN BANK.lataeCUyei Nr» V'.rk. ut ajtent for the n u» mptioa ofi»» «-ire-i atiMi; n- t. » arreeaiile to iL« a^t natltiad M Aa arti-. .ii,. 1.1 th- t. >-r.i| art! ie'a'lB< to toe lucirptrat'dBaaki Baa n| Aa mt tuoaa aad ludirk .1 Bantara,"1 at., d apnl II I'llo 2 6t DANIEL h st JOHN, Saaariataaaaal

HA NK Ü EPA It'I'M NT.'of N«;w.Fork - AtaaBT. Heraatbar I». ISM. Tke WHITE

KI.Al.Nü HANK hat tfcli d.iy hie.) in t:.,a ... a aotiee.sfthe apioiB'Mimil of hi,sett PHELPI h 8COVKL of theCi i ../ Al .-y »» a cots forihe redereptioa.ef itteirca-laiur n.'ies isjather *Uh a reroratioB ol lue appoat-Bent af WiIj.ii D« f. nCo.f of .be Citr or s«-. York m»mh Atrat, »rri»n»,.e to the act ertrh-d ' Aa art t»aaaaad 'he arta rei.un» i<, h.rp«»rat*d Hnnkt,Bikkit.« *.ii a, mal ii. ividoal Baahaaa.** paws*Air,ll?,l»vl haMCL l>. b'l' JOHN, s e .rin*ri.lealaM 6t

HA N K DEPARTMSN i -Stu- .»Ne' -\oik II IUI..Tba VALLEY

BAI K af Li »W V I LI.E hat tu:t day fill 1 m ta* oBi e a..' « i " tat ..f Mrtirt Wa\SHBURNRCO.of thai ttyol ». n>, at »reut» let Uta raaVtetatrai ofiteeuea «tu ; a*4a*.ti i*«h*r *ath area taaa -i tn* aafaaat-aeM«afSI« ire.'II a .s Adaaaa m Cm mt il 11 uy oi NewY-is. ». MBBh a.ehi. afrtrHtl* t« the art «Mti'i*d ** Ana. I to an »ml the leraral an re'almr t> laroriwtiaUdCai.ks, BaakiBf A> «u»n< u» and ladivtdual Baaaaaa,"w».l A i.i 11 '7 o

kit (.1 DANIELE *T JOlfV, S ..eadeat.

1 J.\i II Ii il INK, New-York, NOVUill-. I * r 11. I »'.'«.» .i.. .i. . .«. have d«-.'¦"' tlOl rtat. (or -.hi »:i uaotatM

"j'l *« .ü'h .' which »in h* pa-.l oa aa-l afcar the'.'Dee a**. khe antfei m kr will h*el «elfraattthMBBXt* !«t ,.r--. nis te Hv .er.-f- H aH

.Htm t. CAMPRELI Ir it»hier.

B. ...... . , .Ntw Ti :::;.No.. :.b*r l.'iall.

OW cl<\ BANK.-I lr I'o si.l. utandi.V'f,"'.,'" " '.eiarad a Smai Aaaaat DIYIDBHDIUIK 1 < EM.., .y_;«tcrfo.aho.4ara'iaa*aaf-

ti i be lu.h ;n-trhaTraaaB -» will b* n %%a from tLa IdtoUaStBnl,w* N ti BRADFORD. Caahier.

**^rr-a rnirr s*a rial IpaiifttBi ¦ QaiitBf. t»-". "" " M«tad»y, N'.» J ,ft)l Irile. BOAftfJ ol Dllthi 1'uK.S hire

* I ire.l a lean BBBBal DI VIDEND ofiJ ^ -y ' . -rat '. n ar. t af c: Svjrdiy. thel^lii i*« li.e t.-..u-t?r r. win he e «wesl Ir-IBI taattht«»lie 13 b u.f. (niat»l M. o. LEONARD, tec 1.

|\RAKJ'fc i'iir_n\ BAtruatosi si'*a-*" able in aaj irt afth* UatUB T'lirfrr .'aicolaaat)K>r>»c»» fam.'rC« i u. esrery Mit id* to «..*!,! b, tha F«r-»m Etartaa . l l)*V'AKDÖ. SANroliD ftCO -t AJa.>R Ca'a. V*. J« Wall-at »7 lm*

VKAI r IJ PKUP08-%L8 wiU le re-J r<i«.! at .. i ¦.!'."., e* , Orl'.re, ijnlil Weinetdar.wUrm. aft, ei al k F M ftw ;ir wB*ta >» »ty ytrt'.. I' » >.i ' .»¦ -! In« M:w kOKK 'TftFIVE Ki i. IT N1 iTo< K foe UO< a»«l bElPIa U*i;.«d ... 4.1 ..- le |e« »..|.,,r ..(In* ftU'e,-.?.d J o.. .It, Mt, «toi ht an O'd oaso . of ia« C*a*aBMiCoiiactlifiLa« r ... i..».o by tt« n«>*r Aaaaat KVlAit. The ad s-.rk tt TI ewbrac* ] «4 sbar**, taa ia»v, ..a of v.l. L ..' e $ ict am th Bhara, aod will b*ar ovt.. »t a- the rat* of are par ctar par auuuat. pa»abl« i aa>

" . lift t». af lha aaa bat ut «r ck t» b« »»aaJw-..t be rtd< -a :«. a he flut d<> cf Novtraher, ta tka.rir i b the hrt? day »f Nore-nher. M eachel the yea ¦ IftU, it**), ir/a, im aad it72 lte p/ee-wal*. .; na r t. taaa her ad akarat deand ».><* t-.* pre* that

a I .. r . »bare, fbe paiB*a «hr*e BroBC*aJ»lu:i. .r..,l,d* l»:w|,-,r*J Up.y i..r-br . . a-aidseJor... m! u it .r £.fm ,r,.r l*n,rotif.d by l!ul D«-

' Prtaa liagl baadr'raiaidtotha **daraapaaftntl ind.-*ed "Pi '«*a"» for Th* No* York c.ty 'it* l'«r

s 1) rk» and h..,» BBtl -r. O«**rw.Ye.rk No. u iaji

'JOSEMI R. TAYLOR.«' droller.