library of congress€¦ · n-he dispatch *-*w~*t*ht...

n-HE DISPATCH *-*W~*T*HT DrePATCH COMPAJsry. ..* AaW-jaV »Rt ABLY IH AOVAHCB. nfiiVDISPATCH lidelDniv-dtosal»-a*rt. 1*** .l^Vaas- c«*-ts per week, i-ayaMa io th* S*«__lliklv yiolled at per aaaum; BS tao sri*" "*Sr 61.50 for tb.e n-oatba; 60«. tot Bl tf-*X*""""« v sk-^vsii-WEEELY DISPATCH at 88 per aa* Vs* b', foi sU -r. ont hs. -an.<*rf-V-Ki,Y DtsPATt H al ll per anwam. . or'kVt ffIANC.1-. A . ¦TAIN SCIENTniC BKASHXNS Volt THE lilMATI. ' HAN.-E.- Willi ll ARK TAK1N..I'LA( BIN AMERICA. v. THE FFFFi T THESE ('RANGES ABE ' uiving i PON BO 1FT*. in BERBBAL .*' ' f\|) INDIVID! M.- IN PABTHIT IE iVKBY DP A NEW BEAT OF DISORDER ,*,W in THF BOM ANO HOW" IT V iNH-l-i- ITS-LP. waKD CF CAUTION AND AM ASSUBANCE '*'M ti HOPI. . Known tbat cutting down tWe treas la a '-Jt i*t_K*n lt*-**»* the amotini <**" ratnf-il In ** J_-o» And ll I- a t*tlhil fact tbat CO lllaa- :*»' r,",_*. the c.'imaie itt mint l<*ra'-ti**-. Now Ssa **_!__ D.v-. rteen rsr-t-lv Ulina place In S***" .__riM live pa-* fi w it-srs. ana ute tia vina hhwttrW^ a 1 A >tf_ SSS a. B____ .. ti.4 B.-.-.L I. *~*f_yaw t. ul. ii tbe c-tnsiituil--)» and bealih ot * _>!m»»* A- .' '* ' eh*-».*"*¦' ooolik-s Hut wei*-* *'f*«B-aon a fe** jean tine* nave now a'mu-.t ?_^. 4b_i'i**»:..L "bile new euuiplalnti of va* . ' .,.'.. . ,. tv cums ronsard tomya- .."*.,«:,, ,.'.-.-. TIU- -*-, ifltn \e-tr **_! M-sHion period. Tl*e t*tw> as well nature "T^Ii-aag bu . chaa-f*. and requires r.**, els I ¦* |xV-s--* .**..» IS inter toe ."-stein lu ere rv K. J*_M portion of the 1-o.ty which so readily J^HTar n ,.< ti-«guei.iivi10et*ed. aa the kid- iM wfcieB may surf io any -wsrt of Hi- .«,1 li* aow-rcniiv i_*ar*l*esr--d.hai in all flJ"___L-«.,i-.i*-ic kiodrvf. And her* ta where *F_J£UT**> *sn*er t""*-** la.for a eokt wiB **_Tst»"a tb. i'd" ya f-r we*"ks without Biting ""rt or pal'1 lo ihose i»»rt«. Rut Uiere will bo »*"lX-»; an art-tat la the Joint* sud muscles: a KiBellini bili Iriitietiev lo l-ufiuide, all .*r**LZ*; .. .. f., i. the ftct lhat Ihe kidney, are nt rln?en. s r> lallvt of PrBB. %r thin-lan. * t«> was saTicted as shove, ibm SSnMf t-I- nene-, and how tis wa. saved : F ( i l ¦ ri * >*r». February *.*:*., IPSO. S B. Wernrr A c.. ""* *f*r. .V. f, : Ont iTmnds.I lake pleasure in saying lhat I have ««-ifoar-T>bra!td Sal. KM-n x-an-l Llver-Cure, Snailc.'ii;inue t.. itt-ommetid P io ihe general Stir*."-*¦ benefit of -ufftrtug humanity wrxr- !T^ll(v al l.-lne or ab(-<*.*. ll has cured lue of -_B*.'- HI*-*".*" " »sf-i I ""*» Siven np to tile, and aliiB-t had fa I led to r»«ch mv cast, and l!to aol rare abo know, lt. '. F^cts are itobborn '__.**. id 1 arr -*i nug to testify to the truth "on ESiB or on (tu I usn git-uiid*. ~ linne, JaMTS PBBSCOTT. 0,-iet trln rir-t symptoms. They may hst dat*, bst If*** r.-ulis ms*. BB Mr.ide. Warner's aSEld-set-and l.iver-( ure. itt-c-te mentioned, nt Sr great and cull ctriatn helli fir ihe kidneys Itnwatetbe w*r)d. Ail drust-i-ts sell lt. Further t-iomsiloo on tb)s sub>ct will shortly l-e given in rvt-ctiiumnsiuitkr the lille "Up io Hie Pr, sent Ti»r.-_ ap BS-M 11 1 BR. C. !Rcl.*fNt.'**. VEK"1DI(.I. HF. UENl'lNE DK. C. MoLaNE'S (.ELELRATEI) AMF.RK AN WORM SPECIFIC, oa MRM1FUGE -11 Pl xi- i-r WORMS. Tbe c-.nntenance is pale aud leaden-colored, with ires-,ons! flu slits or a circumscribed spot on one or .els; the gfOt Kotnt dull; tbe pnpUs I re le run** along the lower eye- Id; toe nose ls Irritated, iwefls, ac-1 M rn?t:*_ci bi-tds; a swelling cf His upper Hp; occasional ..-fls'-be, with bumming or throbbing of the ears; u uiniiual secretion of saliva: tilmy or furred lsr trot; breath vt ry f.u1. particularly in the morn- ',-.,.. sppetlte variable, sometimes voracious, witb I tuawtng seniatlon cf the stomach, at others en- . nat Baatbaa Babas in the itomsch; aaaa* .oasI niurna and vomiting; violent pains through- -.'..kimei); bowels Irregular,at times costive; lt *:..* slimy, not u n fmilieu tl y tinged with blood; .lien sud bird; urine turbid; respiration orc'-i.slor.sMv difficult, and accompaiiieel by hlc- c.-agt) sometimes dry and convulsive: un- iny ind disturl-rd sleep, with grinding of the r variable. Int generally irritable, Ac. .-. irboie sjmptomi are found to exist DR. C. McLANE*** VERMIFlIGA WILL (EKTAINLY EFFECT A ('URE. IT LOSS NOT CONTAIN aUBCCBT I klv form. It I- au lnLoeunt prtparallon, nof ca- f d ot ny thi ifffitSflf Injury to the most inttr infant. Tbe genuiuc Dr. Mc Lama's YaaMtrror. bears seitjr-tstures r.f C. Mv Lank sud Fl km iso Rros. . i Ha* wrapper. M*. c. Mt LANI'S) LIVER TILLS si* not recomreen.led ss a remedy " for all the HU lift flr-a 1, h<tr to,*' but in aflecllouiof the liver iLd sh Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Hea.'-cl)e, er diseases of that character, they itaud ""taos*, i rival. AGUE AND FEVER. V't*--*-cathart'c can be used preparatory .to or **¦*-taking quin! tn-. Ai*simple purgative they sra unf*o,ual!ed. 15EWARF. QB IMITATION-. Tbtrenulne art never su-rar-coated. *-><*.) box has a red wax seal on tbe ltd. with the ""¦.'-<.*'>nl>-t. Mi Lan-:"*i Elvan Pillk. heh wrsppt-r bear- tbe signatures of C. KOLARR ¦aSSUnjM Baoti. -t*l B-xm liavtug the fenuine Da. C. MCLARR*! 1'ills. prepared by Rt.IBS rn-o*., of Pltls- *.*«*,Pa., t),c market tx-lug full of Imitations of ** lume Sltl.A.SE, rpelled differently but same '-¦ MRU -,. ;ii) i-i. t,.sh < "-Mn !. V I 1 N FOR Ol I II I \TT11K (K1LICITAT10N OF MANY v'J*" S" ''.'' *"N,*'l\') X1Y-M I A (ANDIDATE ....,,. ron thk *...,.,' V'."K H,4siH < ORBTABLE. k^L^r) .',* <1*c**-'jn 0I 'be primary e.tsilon. '.¦..TlVrBvl-i'' E HOLZINGER. F(>R HI0U owwAiu; ¦.I'DSO.V Cl VNTNGIIAM. IbTIMMII If W.KVATIVE PRIMARY ELECTION, MAY ians -.--!!!_____._ap 12-MAF(Mt18" (JllY8EltUEANT.---I heK leave to an- 'b toiT fert)f * 'ANDIDATE FOR THE OF- .*1»n..!Jry NEBGEANT. and rts|*ectfully .**»!_!_** *f ".! fellow.cltlwras at ibe |>r1- h5^';_mV.18,1880. :::::-:-^!**^i-^!i__ W. J. GENTRY. ?uT.Jy-M'*.«T. ooo iiros.i_jtn^ ^k***s»i-.Vf-1,",K-- ¦**»>'NETS a,,,/ HATH, all '.*-f^_!,'-,.','*-**»n» w**'l t-elore Durttiaslug elsewhere. mOkOt MKS. B. W. -ACMsH."s. 4**W Broad street. ^IfcAjBjnMJlRFJf. sta. li jfifS^TAL STEAJMEKOINES, v_- _**. BtATei-' Pfcrfs-ct order, GOVERN* i^.,'*«sflnk f.«; ¦"--1, ^-"-HPr- attached, some ^'^tnlaVf 21-^"'""f **_* V*ai*y, o'liers turn- ^»tt^,^"'l-*vlBE, PoBt-oRce Box 80O4. mh84*lB DAILY DISPATCH. VOL* LYU._RICHMOND, YA., MONDAY .MORNING* APRIL 26, 1880. NO. 98. Richmond Dispatch. .MONDAY.APRIL 26. 1880. SsT THK CIRCULATION OF THK DISPATCH I LARG RB THAN THK COMBINED CIRCU¬ LATION Or ALL TUE Ol HRH DAILY NKWS* fAr-r-RX OT THK CITY. (Enter, d at the I'osMHBc* at Rlebmoud, Va., as aecnnd-rlaas matter.! WEATHER REPORT. iNDtCATioNta fob Pcniuv..Kor !he Mid¬ dle States, nortbcsst winds reel.IB to aoulheti*! .foti possibly smithm **t, failing barometer, cloudy, rainy Nveather, and sla- tlonnry temperature. Tna wkathkr Saturday Rai cloudy, cool, and rainy. TUF.RllOVFTCR SATfRbAT : 6 A. M.. 57 J 9 A. M., 59; noon, 78; 3 i\ M.. G6; 6 P. M.. lt' niidnlchl. 59. Mean tc_pcrature. Gil. Th* < om liol A "story of I.n se nnd di I valry. BT SCAI.TKR WATT, BAKT. . {lilt-Oklj U Eagle.] With "Teat pain thc Kn it-lit raised him* self on his -.boulder anti looked wistfully at tho windo'v. The maiden duneed at iiim compassionately, and then turned lier eyes to IBB scene without. "Hew MCS tl)* fracas"1" he demanded impatiently. "Metala*"! 'twere Haas that be who eh a I lc rt ucl should have tn cn herc ere this. Laggard ! Dost pee Brian du Boll ("ilbert, or J".' Qom ? Thc game Knight of BrRals ihoniii mt bs waetetal of tbs time since lie hath much before him ere this c.'iite*t shiill bc Risen to crown him vic¬ tor.look, goad Rebecca." .. rixy bare pRcbed therina," sighed thc maiden, ..but thc space reserved for the eood Knight is sadly trampled, anti mi¬ tt,ink- there be great disput. s between the factions. Ol a verity they wrangle." "That is strange. Do not thc varlets know that there is danger In delay ? The squad may approach and bag them all. How dotb-evnow? Do they wrangle still ?" '. Ayr, and right wrangfully. Taara is much contention. Thev seek a referee, bul agree not. Cert***, there Banal Lc otic anion g them which could tell a foul "Tere one so base as to strike such. Rut novv they separate. They have decided. They agree on a tall, dark tuan, who has fust felled four. Il,* stalks among them. They Rive Way. Now he speaks. He taits them the lg., shall be on its merits, and may the bast man win." ». And yet lhere cm bs bm one ivho could speak thus ami be obeyed. Tell mc. Be- beera, docs last tall, dark man bear himself like one who bath bit much on tbe rc suit ? " "Nay, nay; not so. 'Twere more like one Nvti.> stand* sponsor for Braal stakes wafered br hR fellows and placed within those heads of his." i- lt is be ! It la Riobard ('(eur de Lion ! " exclaimed the Knight with a smile of de¬ light. "They do prepare to tight," said Re¬ becca, shielding herself with the lattice. .. They ihnke bandi and take position. Obi lorroii, that nen should meet thus and strike luce; lhal mothen have fondled. Rrian leads with a left-hander under the rlcht rja. The crowd of varlets applaud! Merciful God ! hast Thy pawer deserted Thee?" "And Goss, how hearcth he?" demand¬ ed the feverish Knight. " He counteicd on his adversary's chin.' "Dost see any carnage f" "Not vet. But the swaying crowd are mad with the Mow*. Tiny away bk.- tin- trees In a storm. The gladiators advance SgniB. He ol Goss landcth heavily on tba face of Brian. Thc Gilbert bleeds! He falls!" , , "And what saith good de Lion? " asked Ivanhoe " He saith words which tbe breath of the mob bearatb from me." "Catch their purport, good Rcbecaa! What saith lie?" I catch not the words, but their purport is tit st rora for Goss." " And tbs blll Saith he naught of the fall?" »«Verily, I mistake him, or he saith tbat tbs Knight of (Joss hath felled his adversary Iii st." " And Brian, how of bim ? " "They revive bim with sponges and much water. Now thev are up again. Their blows fall like rain. Their L.eis arc faces no longer. Fair heaven! they strive like great eogioes, while their f.-iio,v-i,( in_- en- courage them. Tbey clinch tlu-m together like competing whirlwinds. They down. Their massive bodies heave with tbe struggle. Forgive mal I can look uo longer!" ..Nay, nav, maiden, say not so. Whee thev did full, winch, think you, was upper¬ most, Brian or the good Knight Goss I" Brian was next the ground, and be ol Goss was 'twixt him and the sky whose ,.c:ii',- their contending! desecrate." " Gaze again, Rebecc*. Methinks Brian cannot lon** endure. Haze and tell me il the *rood Goss slill puncht'th bim." " Aye, indeed, his blows are like the bolts of Jove. They fall like tbe wrath of the god". Blian sinketh. (Joss holdetli bis head under one arm and with the other he smashes him. Thecsrssge ls frigbtfnl. The ring is slippery with gore." »- And puncheth he him still " ? " And still his blows fall. The crowd cry as men who ure mad. Brian is struggling to release blaaseR. Be staggers to th* Dont of the circle. The Knight <f (Jo-< follow- db him. He handelh bin one on the no- seth. They clinch again. Row they break awav. Awaiti they fly together. They fall. Ah ! it is over. They ara dead." "Not dmd. Rebecca; they only wait to be picked up and sponged. Doth Brian seem badly hurt?" "'Ttvould seem as he were previously Injured. His eyes are like thc summer -torm-clouds, while his lower face lakes on thc hues of sunset." "And be ot Ooss,_elieecaf "He of Goss pnnic.-ili around like tbe voiui" war-horse and waved) his anns ilka thc nee -smitten by Hie wind". But lo! thev wrangle again; I hear great cries of foul; aud novv I sec a giant sponge fly up¬ ward toward the sky. I know not what thal may portend." * . .* ouickiv, Reheecs. tell mc quickly, rrora wbicb corner of (bering seemetb the sponge t0"J."romthat ol Brian. He Iles like dead noon thc ground and the crowd rush on the Knight of Goss and shake his dripping Whoop !" -urrnured Ivanhoe, ?. I have won 85 and I am content." "Aye," mused Rebecca, "and these are men, and some hammer each other teW others may wager and "vin. Ivy, do I get any ol that Vf" A Modbl Police hEROKANT.-Hon. John Sherman and a parly of biliMm*_vJj«*J 15,mum's Circus In New lork Ibursday evening. All the reserved seats were oc¬ cupied? and the great showman .nairneled ushers to pul seats in the aisles for the dis- tingul-hed party. Then the police sergeant in charge of ihe building bore doNvn upon the ushers aud ordered 18081 to take away the chairs under penalty of arrest, BM K was against the law to obstruct -Ja^hJ. Mr. Bainum expostulated, and called the officers atteotlon to the fact that it was Secietary Sherman for whomi thei seats were Intended. The sergeant did uot cale who he waa, slid aald his. orders were o ewlorce tbe law. So Mi. Sherman bad to evirorce vu** mn. ~" ... . ¦ . -. .._,, see tbe " greatest show yu earth" "lOBg with the gallery gods, LOCAL MATTERS. Family WAitKRTiM;--Retail I'sk-ks.. The following were Hie prevailing prices for family marketing mi Saturday : Meats.'. Heef, 8 lo 12 16 fe per pound ; mutton, 10 to 12Jc per pound; spring limbs, 15to 16fe per pound; -amlr-chop-, Ila, per pound; vest, 10 lo 12|rrl&c per pound; pork, lue. per pound; sausage, 1 Oe. lier pound; -moimi sausage, loo. per pound; bacon, 8 to 10*rJ12§c. per pound; mid¬ dling snd shoulder. 8 to 10c per pound; chipped beef, ""Oe. per pound ; bcof-tongiie, 15c. per pound; corn-beef, 8 to 10c per pound; liver, 8 lo 10c. per pound; chit-': lins 10c. per pound; tripe, 8c. per pound, il Foitls and Duller, tte.Live chickens, 80c. to J?I ptr -.-air, 50 to 60c. splice, or |5 per (Wen; -.prill;- chickens, 13 to 40e apiece, or ft to «4 per dozen ; dreiBfld chicken--, 13 to 16jc. per pound, 50 to 60c. iipiere; live tin. k-. }u to 30c. apiece: live turkeyi. 75c. to ll 50 apiece; dressed tur¬ keys, is to iG|c. per |>ound; live leese, 73c < to ">! ,V) per Bair; sipiah-, IBs. per pair: live rabbitn, ",0c. apiece, or fl per pair; .reese BffB, 40c. per dozen ; eg<*-, liga, pat il" zen: foxxlssnd poultry very scriree and hii-h. Lard, 10c. per pound. Oleomar- guilne, 23c to 30c. per pound; butter fur cooking, 20c, fair, 25c, prime, {JO-*., ehoic.-, Me. to 40c per pound. Sweeimilk, 8c per quart, or Ile. per gallon; buttermilk, 4c per Quart, or 15c. per **,illon» Vegetables..Sw-eri potatoes, 15 to 20c per half-peck, or .10 to 40c per peck: trish potatoes, 12J to 15c per half-peek, or 20c per peek; parsnips, 20c per dozen ; car¬ rots, 15c per dozen; sprint: onion-, 4ta "se. per bunch; red onions, iocs par quart, BI fine, per peek : rhuhai h. lite, per bunch : radishes, two hunches for 5c; eabbsga- iproRtB*. SO to SBe. per peck; iettBse, 15 to Me, ]ier dozen ; tornip--\ilad, 10c. per ball* peck, or 20c per peek: kale-salad, I,"»c. per peck: parly Tori cabbage, io to lMc-per head; asparagus, 10 te Ns. per hunch; dried but ter-bean-*, 10c per quart; dried hems-, uc. fer quart; xvhiie beans, Se. per quart; blackeye peat, Se. per quart; soup herbs lc per bunch, or 10c per dozen bunche.**; horse-radish, 20c. perpoBBd. nek..Petto, -Ju to 40e5oc perlmaeb; rucktish, 12}C per pound.very -carce; row -hud, 50c per pair; buck shad, 2.*>c p. r pair; chub. 10c per pound, or snailanes 25c. per bunch ; nerrin-*--, 10 to 15c per hunch, or 2,*>c per dozen: BtUmtOB, 0to 8c. per pound; salmon trout, g to 10c. per pound: crab*. 20c per dozen; hickory shad. 5e. apiece Fruits..Oreen tipple**, 8c per quart ar 23c per half-* eek, or 50c. per peck; dried apples, Br. per quart; dried peaebee, 12* to 15c. per pound; dried cherries, 20c "per pound; araages, ,35 to 40c. per doaea; iemoBfl, 20 to 25c per dozen; cocoanut.**, 5 to Hie. apiece; pineapples, 35c. --piece: prune*. 10c per pound; raisins, lt: par pound. _ PBRS0R6L.Bbibp Items..Colonel L>. *-. BoUBSbell and wife have arrive.I in thc citv, aud are at the Bi. Claire Hotel. The -teamer Ariel made, more tbfln I wea. tv landings* and arrived here at I o'clock 1'. M. Saturtlay. This is the quickest trip 'k- txveen Richmond and Norfolk that ha*- bren made for many years. Mr. T. T. Fauntleroy, Seentnry of t'.ie CoBHROBWeRltb, ii ft the city Saturday, lui- ria-: his absence Hie duties of Ibe office xxiii Le (lischarircd by Air. Sherwin MeRae, cleik and librarian. Detectire hi-o**: wai paid on Saturday the reward or $100 offered for the apprehension of the murderers of Mr. Walton, of Louisa. The following convicts xvere received nt the penitentiary Saturday from Lynchburg: Fred, rowell, for txxo years for forgery, and Lindsey Arrington, for one year for malicious assault. Mr. ll. C. Parsons, vice-president of the Richmond and Alleghany Railroad Compa¬ ny, left the city yisterday for a business visit to Nexv York. Judse Hugh W. Sheffcy xvas in the city on Saturday. The Board of Aldermen xviii meet tins evening. The l'ritir-h birk Olenville, Monroe mas¬ ter, cleared from tbfl custom-house Sal ur¬ du xvith a cargo consisting of 1.849 barrell and 200 half-barrels of flour, valued at SI 2.708. The season for selim!*- loose tobacco is now about over. Only a lew wag OB* loads xvi rc brought to the city last week. A largs quantity of looflfl tobacco, raised in Nun li Carolina and xmthwt stern Virgini-i, Wflfl sold here this season, and comni nuicd the Inanest prices. (Jailed States Senator John W. Johnston was in the eily Saturday. Tun Massacrssbtts Pbbsb Club-.The members of the Msssacbusetti Pres- club xvere in \V:i.-liin_ton Saturday, xvli'-rc tiny expected to retiiiiln yesterday and to-day. They will arrive in this citv tO-fltOITOW ab mt noun per thc Richmond, Fredcricks- buIR and Potomac railroad, lt is probable t Ii-it they will bfl met at the depot by some repr-'.-entatives ol the Stale and city press and others on behalf of the city. No reftu* Inr progniniine has been arranged. It is re¬ ported, hoxvever, that Ihev xviii bflVfl fl lunch at the Commercial Club. A trip xviii also lie arranged d-nvn the liver or ou the York Uiver railroad. The party are expected to be quartered at tba Exchange, although no definite ar- raBSeSMfttfl had been made on Saturday evening. Thc persons conipn*ing the ex¬ cursionists embrace some of the first jour- Biltttl in the Hay State, and theie are also a number of ladies xvith the party. They xviii no doubt be heartily welcomed and hospitably treated during their stay in the city. A Mill'LAN CR ('ALLS SATl BB AV.. TtlC City ambulance xva** called out twice Saturday. The first time it lespondcd to a call fruin the vicinity of the dock, near Seventeenth street. A sailor fell through tbs Watch way of a burgs vrssd about 12 o'clock, disloca¬ ting his right shoulder and fracturing one of his thigh-bones near the hip joint. The ambulance conveyed him lo thc Retreat tor the Sick after the nrcessary assistance was rendered by the ambulance physician. About 3 o'clock in thc afternoon tho am¬ bulance wis called out flgslfl to attend I small xvhite hov xvho had one of his feet badly mashed while at work al the Tredagar Works. A pile of lumber fell upon thc boy's foot and mashed it very badly. The ambulance carried him to Main street near the post-office, and from there he wa- taken to his home, on Hull street near ,**ixth streeton Manchester, in one of Beattie**! stages. He xvas unable to walk, and xvas carried bodily into the house. POLIOS Cotrrr..Acting Police Ju-tice J. J. Crutchtield disposed of the following cases at the Police Court Saturday : John McDoniiough, charged with unlaw¬ fully tics pass in? upon thc premises ol and threatening to beat Margaret Thomas, was discharged. Ellen Harper (colored), cbarsred with un¬ lawfully a-saultlng and beating Mary Jaw, Price, xvas required to give security to '.ic Ol j-ood behavior for thirty days. In -de¬ fault she xvas committed to jail. William Henry Lewis and Hiclia'.d Dil* bard (both colored), charged xvith '.rcatlng a disturbance on the street, and earrylBE concealed weapons. Continued until this morning._m Polrb Pickings..No arr*.sis of any im¬ portance were reported \-t either of tbc station-bouscs up to m'.dnight Saturday night. At the First oollce station only arretts were r-epoited. aad at tbe Second station there was but one arrest made. The part lot arrested were all charged witb assault. Ne, cases ol interest were re- portfld at the Third station up to a late hour, and lix., ind'calion* were favorable for a comparatively small docket al tbe Police Cor-rt Ibis morning . ' Hnno*er Pr*"*hytrry. ''OBMISSlONER.-i TCHK HEKERAL AHSKMRLT. -"n-iilXTRKNTS FOR *VBVAX FRBA( TUM) . BB. R. R. IIOW1HON LICESSm TO PltKA. ll ItFl-ORT ON SABBATH St H*l*,LH. RR. RRAO'S I'trun.f fmxok or rASTosaL bblatiobh. THIRD OAT. The Presbytery was called to cider at ";'l" A. M. by the Moderator, Ber. ry. K. winn, and was .opened with prayer bv ibe lt*v. Neander M. Woods. Tba paper present id bv Dr. Brown, and 'Mbh-ihed in the Dispatch on Frith?, was idopted timnlmonslv and ordered to bel! orwarded lo tbe General Assembly. .' Thc following members appeared and'( s-ere enrolled : Rev.J. J. Anderson, Rev. '' LO. And.T*on, Rev. Alfred Jones, and uling Klilci- William P. Mayo, of Asb- and. and William I). Revnolds, of Norfolk. Rev. .1. D. DiKlify and Rev. William N. 'con, and Ruling Elders David Cullender, >f Petersburg" and Major Willis j. Dance, >f Powhatan, were spi*oin!ed commisslon- ¦rs to tbe Genera) Assembly; sad Rev. loba M. Hoe, Rev. T. D. Wither«poon, D. >., snd Ruling Elders J. 1). K. Sleight, ot tiehniond, and John Donnan, of Peters- -iirg, were appointed ns their ahernates. Hebron church, in DinNviddle, was Er¬ ected as the place for the next stated roeet- ng of Prcsl)\t*-ry. and Wednesday before be second Sabbath of September was Axed is the time for said meeting. jr, ga! ritoTnACTKn muftis'os. Rev. B. II. Dupuy pieseoted a paper naking provision for protracted meeting- in he country churches by each niini-ter of be Presbytery. The paper was docketed. lite records of all the sessions were ap- inired, vv it li a minor exception in one ¦ase. Tba report on payment of pa-tors' sula- ii s, presented by ihe chairiniin of tho com- nitteo on that subject, (R. R. HoNVison, .2-q..) showed that nil tba chin ches bail mid the salaries of their pastors In full, ex- ...pi aaren* and the deasBjeuean* in these iburebes were small. Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, on txehalf of the SxecuttTi Committee of Domestic Missions, jeeaented their report. Reeotn* nenilations .,f the repoit that ceitain .burches be grouped under the same pas* oral charge. Mit. nOlf1888 LICENSKIi. Thc Presbytery determined to proceed to he lleeasnre of Mr. Howlsoo, and for that mrposc held a session at thc close of [Hill¬ ie WOrablp Bt night. At this session Mr. SowisOB passed the examination and iras kensed. FOURTH DAT, Rev. James P. Smith presented a report in Sabbath schools, which exhibited the act nearly all of the churches have reboot! in ¦ iloutishiiig coHdifion. Mr. -iiiitli als,., as superintendent of Babbstb lebools, made a verbal renee, of bte risBi to som.- of tbe churches in the interest of Iii* eilis,.. The Rev. (Uarles IL Read. D. D., on behalf >f toe Permaneal Committee oa tbe Bah* bath, of vvhich io- bjchairman*presented an iblS report on this sul.jeef, winch was re¬ ferred loins Presbyterial Coinesltteeol Put*- iH.tiofl to h.' published, if they deem it ad- rlsable, la tract form (or circulation. PASTORAL BRI.ATKINS RESK. BBB. Thc Kev. J. J. Anderson, for reasoai iv hi li he a-slgncd, asked leave to resign iu- charge ai Samuel Davits ebureb, in llanover. Thc ebureb, Whilst expressing regret that their pastor iva* compelled to leave them, co nc u ried in hi* reqoesL The pa-toral was thereupon dissolved,and leave was given Mi. Anderson to labor for twelve monika without the bounds of thc Presby¬ tery. Hr proposes to remove to Kentucky. The pastoral relation between Har*. Henry M. Anderson and thc chinches of Christ and Bethany was dissolved, and Mr. Anderson was, at his request, dismissed to tbe Presbytery ol Florina, whither he has already removed. -.USSION WOBI IN RUTHIONI). Mr. (harles (iUaelia, a licentiate of this Presbytery, and l recent graduate of I.'nion Theological Seminary, was directed to en¬ gage in aoisaionsry work in the weatera perl Ol Richmond, under direction el the Executive Committee of Domestic Missions. The paper presented by Mr. Dupuy, re¬ lating to protracted lervfces In the country chin che-, was postponed for consideration till the next met ting ol the Presbytery. THANKS. The usual resolutions of thanks were adopted, and the Presbytery the*! dosed Us Bcasiooa with singing, prayer, and the apostolic benediction. stnday a rr, i i st mkBia. ijhe lollowiag appoisitments for 8*. ndav WeM inaoiinced : Third PreabyteriaB church: il a.m.. Rev. s. K. Winn ol Petersnura, 7:40 P. M., Ber. O. D. Armstrong, D. D., ol Nor¬ folk. Gracc-Strett PresliN lei ian church : ll A. M., i: v. Dr. Armstrong; 7:4') P. M., Ber; John M. Boss*, of Portsmouth. First Presbyterian church (Dr. Preston'-): ll A. _., R'V. John M. Rose; 7:4') P. M., Rev. s. K. Winn. Trinity Methodist church: ll A. M., Rev. R. D. Stimson ; 7:1') P. M., Rev. J. .J. Anderson. Leigh-Street Baptist church : 7:45 P. M., Ber. J. D. Dudley. i jay-Street Methodist church: ll A. M., Rev. J. A. Waddell. Park.Place Methodist church: ll A. M., Ber. B, Hunter Dupuy. Henhico News. During the past fciv days several large brcs have broken out in the Nvoods in Ileiirieo and destroied a great quanti*! ol wood and fencing. The woods in the victnty of Seven Pines was burning Friday and Saturday, and the eitiasm cd that adgfaborbood iiirm-d out cn Biases to put .ait the tire. Warrants h;ive bOefl issued against several pallara charging them with letting Bra te the woods. Th* warrants have bena placed la the hands of an oflcer, and the parties, if arrested, Will probably in tent on to the grand Jory of the County Court for indictment. Thc Central Lunatic Asylum, in Henrie,i near the coipofate limits, is to be enlarged in order so accomodnte al least 100 more lunatics who ore at present contined in the different county aad city Jails ihrougboot the ,-iatc. Work has already been eon> meneed lo tins direction, and win bs pushed bu iv mi ai rapidly u possible. At preeenl lhere an-about "".vi inmates at tie asylum (colored), and more than one half a:e fe¬ males. There, are two lunatics in the t(en¬ rico jail awaiting le Its' sent to (his asylum. Tire- county has not us yet B.reheard I site for the new pool-house. Th.- Board of Supervisors will not meet again until next month. The. cleik of the Countv Court Issued about hast a doscn marriage-licenses la-t Reek. One white and one colored delegate rcpre* aented BeariCO al the Staunton Republican Convention. _ Tn Excursion Season on thu Rivkr.. Thc Virginia Slealuboat Company an¬ nounces thHt they are now ready to Basks engagements with churches, societies, (fcc., tar day excursions to Old Point, fee., and for moonlight exclusions through and around Dutch Gap by iheir steamer Ariel from ibis date, and by their new steamer (now building) after the 15ih ol June utxt. BBV Mrsic-Reeelvcd from the pub¬ lishers, M..-srs. Ramos A Mosts, a verv creditable musical production by Mr. M. Stuart Turner, formerly ol Richmond, but now of St...inion, Va. The piece, a sacred quartette ol cboius with aolos.and diift-% ls well made, and entitled "Son of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear." Mr. Turner baa ahown talent ss a composer-In thia effort, that will be easily reco.'olsct. hy those ***no criticise it. UrxiTkitovn it tub IbbSBB Ba**ti**t Jhchch To NroBT.---Oor people have a real reat In store for them to-night at 8 o'clock attie recitals which xtlll be-riven hv Wil¬ lam .M.i-on Evans. The church ouj-ht to ie crowded to henr tho eminent eloctillon- -t, and tbe public nre promised an eve- itng of real enjoyment. Thone who heard Hf. Evans a few week*since were dclli-hfed villi his readings. Ile has bean deliverinr emperanee reetures in Petersburg during he past week to croxvrted bouses, and gave ?ne reading to a Bne audieaee. lt ean lie said that Mr. Evana thoronghlv ndivldualizes his ai the riust dlftlcult accuiiplisbments. Represenl- »g one chm arter in an eveninr ls. mere hild's play in comparison xvitb soeeessfnlly ssuminga cottpleof dozen in a couple of louris. The delightful ease snd the extreme wiriness of I hr- transitions be gulle.tbe urines* and Hie hormunious perfection of be craft make ns a|toaf*ther forget Hie ffort that the task requires. With a choice programme this evening a nost delightful time is promised those who ttend. Cindebbli.a To-NioiiT.-The Amateur )pera (Jompanv, under thc direction of lr. Charles Siegel, will -(ive the beautiful pern of Cinderella to-night at the Theatre, rue prospects for full houses during four serformai(Ce-) to be given during the week re very flat tenn .-. Tbe worthv in-*! un¬ ion.thc Retreat for the cid ot vhich the opera is given, deserves every onslderotlon at the hands of our citiz'oson ccountof the in.-stiinil.le good it d'"*- in he community. So excellent an entertain* aent, then, and in behalf ot so good Bcaine, annot fall of attracting large houses. Offical Visit..Frid iv night Past Grand fasterBHefc, of Portsmouth; Grand Mas- er Lamala, of Rlcbmoadj Grant Reporter tallie, GrflRd Sentinel Haynes, of Rich* ssad; and other dignitaries of thc Knights ii Honor and visiting members of :he order rom the city and vicinity, vi-ited Dalt .odgc, in Manchester. The work was ex* niplitied, and a very pleasant lime spent at he lodge-room, at Covenant Hall. The lodge, * v it li the guests, then adjourned to the Cen- t r.d lliui-e, xvhere they xvere hospitably en- " ertained. At a lats hour the party" dis- r .crscd, well pleased with thc evening's ¦ voik. I PRESS Musting .A conference of mpm- I ten "f Ihe Virginia Press AlflOCBBlOB,nf I he Richmond Press Club, and of the press vho are not connected xvith either organl- ¦ tatlOB, Will bo held at ll o'clock A. M. to- lay (Monda)) at the otllee of the Virginia iioiiie Insurance Company, No. 1014 .Main itreet. _ (COlllIllUlllc.Vt.-il.J .M-ssrs. Editors,.I notice the fare by .trainer Ariel (Virginia Sfeiiniboat Coinp-.i. n) to Norfolk ibu war landless b«fl bees .educed only on Mondays. I believe thai s the day the steamer J. |',. ".(-Iiiiyler leaves itieliinuntl for Norfolk and way landings. Will some one in authority please say what BB fare for the above-named places xviii be sn the BATS tbe Schuyler docs not leave vith the Arid " A Tk.xvellek. .-dAM IIKSrilt AMI VKIMTY. RoUof Honor nt the. Public Schools..The 'olloxxing pupils xvere on thc roll of honor it thc nuMic ? "Imols ia t week : High B. Morrl .cite principal. 'lagu-ie CallbrflB, Lula Duval. Lena Lilli- .ow. Edna Mathews, Haggle N'oi:d, Hattie Txxens, Minnie Vailen, Orie Vaden, Sallie Wliilxvnrth, Frank Dunford, Allie Partner, Willie Mathews, A. ll. Mcculloch, W. ll. .Vin free. School No. 2.Mrs. A. L.Walker teacher.-- fora Adkins, Agnes Ely, Beetle Hall, An¬ ne .lone-, Mattie Carena, Clara O'Brien, Kilima Turner, Margie Topham, Mattie Willi nus, Lula Waiker, Bettie Wells* Car¬ rie. Moore. School No. ,3.Miss Rettie L. Irvine i:i"iii r.Carrie Archer, Annie list vis. Lillie Jvei by, Ida lb anile!*, (dace Mall, I hollins raylor, John Bobertfloe, George Ray. School No. 4.Miss Rae-liel Lyon teacher.¦ I'arland Rurnetf, Lawrence Balley, Herold Duval, Thomas Lithgow, Jotepb BampflOB, Fred. BampeOB, John Topham. BON Dor- n i ii. Cora Dickerson, Fannie Foster, Maggie Holt. Minnie Jonis, Nellie Leonard, Boflfl McCullocb, liena IfeGruder, Cora srei- lings, Lillie Sneed, Clara Turner, Ida Wil¬ liam-. Behool No. 5 .Miss Nannie f. Hatcher teacher.Kita Adams, Hattie Blankenship, Bessie Farrar, .Mattie Fowlkes, Lena Fisher, Kite Higgins, Addie Leonard, Minnie Mor- lisette, Susie Nelson, .Minta Spain, Eula Spain, .Mny Bnelliags, Fannie Sharp, ('ar¬ lie Williams, Carrie Wilkinson, Edwin Adams, Walter Freeman, Thomas Robert¬ son, Paul Walker. Primary School.-Mrs. Hall teeeber. Es¬ telle Balley, Hand Cottrell, Hettie Goolaby, Hattie Mag, Florence Leonard, Katie Mc- Collonsb, Georgie McCullough. Carrie Mc¬ Cullough, Argie Raine, Annie BTIIkeraon, Willie III mk. usliip, ('laiidc Farmer, Alonzo Niiniiaiiv. Cnasurifl RlggBRfl, Douglas Sharp, Beary Ruell, Ollie Elder, Morton davis, Willie Mitchell, Irvine Nuniially, Tory Toity, Willie Rurton. Died from His Injuries..Jordan TIBS* lev (colon d), who xvas injured Friday morning by earth caving in BpOfl him xvhile at work excavating on Bridge avenue near HeDoBougb street, died from his injuries Friday flfternoOB, after suffering the most intense iigonv loriboul live hours. About a ton isf dirt fell upon Tin-ley and it was sonic tune before be could be dug on?. He resided at McKinney's old place near the F.i c bridee. _ Brief lieges,'-Tbe nexv Methodist ebapel in Sxvaii-bui o'xviii bfl ready for lise in .-.few dara. Electioneering bas begun la earnest m lins CUV, "Hld the "dear people" xviii de* eide nett month xx ho xviii In-lit Hie n-ia-s of our uinnicipal government. Thomas Atelier, a colored boy about thirteen vcirsof .-ore, -on of Henry Archer, bb employs of the Uaioo eoal Rda .. la CbeflteiiBeld, MldowB one of ihe shafts at ibe ebeSfl mine- Than la] and nat in SBatly killed. The buy RBI playing about the shaft Bl thfl time. A meeting ot Hip vestry and eoBflBTga* tion of the M.-adc-Mi morifll church will bfl held to nigh' to lake Into eonslder_Bno Um call lately extended to Ber. Mr. btiiagfel- |0R by ''The Church of Our Savio*!"-/' of baltimore. Tia' Mayor*! Court was not la sm-sion Bet- uidi), and very little buslncflfl wa-, done there dRftag tbe week. Rev. Dr. Rix ur preached at tbs Presby¬ teries chared saturday night. Manchester Division had two toltlatiOBt Beiarday night. The attendance at the florsJ festival r-at- Brdaf Bisbl xvas large and fl hand-uine sum 'was reallied for a very worthv object. PLBLtc Alctio** or TOBACCO. Theil! will he a pu'.'lc fair ..f Leaf TflBaitB to-OaY.bI 1 oYloct.. ut ihe wan-house of J.vmi:h *>. -OTU, coraer ( »ry and T. nih si reels. v pnuoRTlre- timk i- saoaatatBaB nta ait.-.i-i th,- uk. u ms ai -ii- Rasas' luntist hun-n tin* BfflBtBI Bl William atlflBR EE6BB. 10 AHT-Lovr.RS.-The sale of Halutluas tf/OOA latarSat fltealaSi tb.-* psaailalBg wbteBi eas May, BBS Hie choir*-i <-f the culledi.,n.«UI * off. rea al private tale TO-DAT up to 3 o'clock. na Vi'ru ci- R6RB. BSSBRBT, plalu andfaucy: quent hm natal .esr, ¦*..* »*{ *£""¦.! every .Icm tl/.lou st CAfiDOZA, FURBBBRBESB A co._,_. BE SVtlE TO HHAB WILLIAM MASON* Kv ASS'S « .. 5*co,", *"* e,ur ev..olo«. laciriEtr TABIAS A**fl> ecvur ttxtottotl li| kZSbA sUBSE-fl iasoiiwe Ds-tTircica, rtfiy caoia t box. BnariRaran or t.nst* ark m.^t iisrin TO VISIT A. SABS ft CO. Wk arr .v. .sr i Xl!.Biri\>; Fi-t-Tlvxi^Woot. s I'llllicivs AT S2.,*S. 82.75, ttl, ?3.50. ABD 84. At we manufacture all our goods,patrons can rely on hating .at a small expense * Cuitom Pantaloon!:" tqual to any made, nnd fur superior ta nine tenths of the gen¬ eral run of ready-mudd garments. The goods are thoroughly shrunk btfore being made, and are thta cut by Ihe Anett cutters Ci th* Cnited States : at me l/ear na expense to ler.ure the bttt talent, our trade ai utttl ai our patron! prntting by tuck an outlay. We allure th* people of Richmond that never before have such rforts been made to cattr to the wants nnd necestitiei of a com¬ munity ai we now make in our line, and our Increased sales exhibit how much tkit effort ii appreciated. WB STILL MUNT UN WK AUK TIIK Lt- UH Ni; clothiers, The La_n_B8eS Kasimok, ( VKIIV THE LAKOKST STO( K. A. sane a co.. Onn>PntCB clothiers, 1013 Main street, o|>i>o*l:e post-office. OH ROBUST, April 88.1 wc will offer. .nicy Dress Sillssat Be*.I >*r>l worth 75c; ancy Dr*** silk* st (ide. it y.tril worth IOC. ; ancy Dre*, silks nt 88*. a jar.I worth 85e.; lack Taff'ta silk at 50c. worth 75c; ilnck *"_**_ -silk at (We. worth SJOC.; SaaS (ir 'I* Hr.iln SUV at 75c. worth 90c; Hack (ir.w-Hraln Silk U ll worth 11.25*. Hack Urns <*Yaln silk ut SI.8 wort!, tl.50; il.-irk (ir,m (iraln Silk nt S1.5H worth BS : Mash liroi-Hraln silk at 11.75 worth 12 25; Hack Qr*B OialB Silk at $2 worth 12.50; iso, a larire assort tn. ii t Sjf murk and Colored Satin*. Pekin Strli"rt. mid Brocaded Silk*); ,l.-o, a IBIS* varietv of DlSM liood* rrmti 10c. to ?2 50 ikt yard. Levy Hhotiikhs. Reakin.js at the Second BBBtl*I church this vcnti>K t.y Wii.liam Mason Kvank. There'- not » .-liiirin flint Itvtits the face NN itti M Ineffjlde a Krncc As sweet, pink lip* and Ivory tefli; An.I MlblBft ii,,vv La ii. :.tb rle --ky ( .in BCBVilCfl such BB llie.e -npply, Save Sozodont. that wenr* the wreath. I)ls( 0L0BBD TEENI rendered BC**Ua_rj whit* r ta* bbb or BaAsaft Banes*,rosina den- irnicn. rut] a .ti i boa. In BBOIOaa win re liver complaint and I.ill,ti* ls. ase* prevail th. ie tm* kHtg s**B Mt tin- need or inedi.iiie that would act *|>ccltlcally on the liver, <. M i" iftS in after-. BaStSS, and vet so si tn pie that lt itara ba Basti hr anv .mc. Dr, Terr; liner IMSSUBfSjBB tlii- Tl. y ., pi K '-.' > lie most ph; von acwnneiva ur kath tmm decayed teeu nd dlsea-ied Kiims. use tts.SB A Ba k kr's Cab- iou.: MOLTn-NN'ASH. li Itv cents a bottle. BABOAIBI at llirzi.KR Brothers'. Koh 1'iXEi.A iud MuiTH, the healliiE propertln f RSAOB A Hakiur'.s Carbolic Moith-Wa-.I1 rr. unexcelled. Killy lints a Lottie. K.viinent Ohs. s. L. and I. c. Nidklkt, st. Loi is, write: * * ('olden'. LlSBIO'a LlQCrn F.xthact OK Ieee we h.ive pr.-crllK'd w|:h exeeiieiit success in ii.litl..ila, malarial, ivi.hoi,I fever*, de'dllly, fte. pow ali. diseases tar rna si.sra san oona .a Meade A Har ku's (akuolic Morin. .N'ASII. nftV*aatS ll l.uttle. M. Klltson Jt co., a<tverttsiii»r ai-ents. Insert ad ertlseracats la all of tbe M***-***pari of the Unlta. it pul-'Ubers' rates. Orders len at the DU latch conntlna-rooin will rSs-Br** pr»<niist attea lon. _ AJ \ I It.\(.KAN I' AND PLEASANT WASH for tnt ix,mil, there i- Botbitag noa as Reads ft Ba* km:".- UA8B01.IC ROC ;'ii-Wasii. Kitty cents a tottla Knit BLKBD1BO OmS, tile RBADS ft RAKER'" .auiii.i.n Mm rn-Wasn. riftr <.. ma a bottle. nve have bbb* latelyaBs-*al**-ftas-mtsfor tin ¦'.Iel,rated .. fc'irtltK" Whiskey, i lo* ls s mil- proof doohlB StanpWbl key na.leo. pui-e r;e. li ll rich an,! BMHow, ii..' i- .-ulled for nie- ili'inal and I", nilly u.-f. our price forth!- blab gladi iplrlt ls only 88.88 i. tBumu. NV. D. Hf. AI lt ft CO., 1 t08 Nt lill -free*. nPHIBTT \ r:ai:-* kxpkrikxck OF X AB OLD BURSE. MR*. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIM, sVIU f 1* the yir.bcription aa*om of Um Baal Bmais and In lin limed stat.B, and BM le-, ii used for thirty year-with iicvcr-ralllnir .-.ifety and sti<- ¦'.-. liv milli,,:;. ,.r m..thor-, and eli!!,lr. n, rrom t'. I,-, 1,1c Itifnnt of Mie w.'k old lo BBB adult, lt c..,-. reels acidity of tie sfosaach. relieves wind colic regulates tl,,- l.ow.l-.aiid aive,, re-f, tnalili. mid com¬ fort to molli, r and .101,1. 'A e BelMtOlt the Ix-t -ind sme*t reniedv la the wi.rld In aB ***** *f DT8KR* TKRT mid DLNJll'IKKN IN CHILDKKN, -.hellier it arlan fron sbbi_bborlYs*»oaretaarsa***, Kuli ftracUoaa tot i-inx win Bcoonpaas aaab i»«tti., None a,, milne arie-- the for.motile ot CURTIS A li I.'lvlNs li ,,,j IBS BBSasSS wrapper. Sold i,y Bli nu-,I.cine dealel.-s Jo cent, b I-.,tile. de 17-e,, ll* ll tl ION HALLS lill* ISA t. **- On a'l taits of Heal Bstat* mads bettteti We 1st of a and Inst of Jun- the taxes foi ',',. present year hove ttl be paid hythe purchases On all tales m,*debttw*eyithelst of July nnd lam jf the year th'.cnxrt lo***; to bi paid by the teller (Tills rusto ti waaadopt..* ahont urte.-n year*bes t>v all thi* real estate a.-.-uts lu Richmond, and as plleslo Rlctiinoa.l iml vicinity.! JAMKS n. BOTT), i P. m.. lot of lobaees lajai.I Cy ri ecol nrr .n Cary -trtei. BORBBT B (TN*', r, P, M.. trn-te,-*. -a'e of the hrlck dselBus ai ibe t*ortB"*st*»rB*rrof FTbs niel l lih. i linet*, and .i -in,"! framed store rear of rh iftanBlBB. rURMAN Tl Vl-lt.'. 5 !' M., i-ssl! de's'li'd rVaned dwelilag v>. e.07 aria! _n***_tl am* ft. lt. Hdl "KA DAV- 18 A. Nt ..-ri sirv md Blai-- vv.ii-,.. ai \. ¦. li'jsi Nt .in street; als*, laira los ol potaioes, i"t "i -ii" rSna Soar,J r. PAINE AMoUMN. 18 lin stat**f Sr. L*. I. Bril.'. BO. 1505 Maui -trtet. dry |ussSa, cl,,iBiii.|. .ta. UH I IA Kl-son a (ii...'. P, R., t fr* huck dw-IUug stBOvacaal let a ijoiains "'* * nr.-h HUI. H.S. ANDKBBUN A SON, 10 A M.. |lBBIBt8Bi to- untoo, cijjiiv-, fte, t ¦ i .. .¦^.^^¦..¦a^ ri: it ko-Ni *j. INKOI'MaTION W \ NT Kl>.- illHX* MK HA NKINS, f.,n or Vr. Jaine* f. H. ni nu, baa been -ssi-Min* hi*, boin* -Inc-NI,,iel .v in, rnliiE. April I'Hil. Ile »nearly twelve years old, hut *> well- Bl"©WO an.), looks lo tx; air nt ihir- teen has H.rk l.alrand ts**, llaall le » ur«s>; and Oj.i .i when he lettbnassaftarSatrttal .loiht-.aus ,iiaw ii.. Any mic B*ot*laBof Sis wba-nssna's wall C io r :i |li-eat laver f,v <-oiniuuulci-^-_E with 'un* r-uiiec .! les bbsii BMuapsat, aaSaVBia Ol* IA**._ -TH> REG Alli POUR '-it.-it .*«. 1 S^RtUsOn *-_«T^P? c-ailat"."Ai Broad .>i*,"i snd re! a »air..f M'tH'TA- LKsior I.YK-OLV-r*. N !:u|»v a.-*.. ri ni mt .i lUpriloi -Jiiality "J#**>toa lund. I'ltie* lr.,iii Joe upward. SkllfulaS *.d|ust«ti ta Ilka "ff" 1 ( ('. WALTKB, Pl ic(leal (i,vlLian. NVa' Jeweller. .£'i$ Hi ona ,:net [****! t*>r W, IL Luwaroiui. nih (*.-3,n HOK*»ft"*t. BI'LlB^ft"^ \? WHIN h BIM KR A SUN, *fVjr J1*, KKNTLCKY STAR1.K*-", _8T7_ 1505 I BIN KU?" slKKtr, BM nBONl), Ns, W.OLE-.Vi K l.,^.,. jSJU*U*» <* rUrht^^'f^MlSt^ «SsW» rro|>._, THE DISPATCH. TERMS OF ADV£KT_-U*<->. cAsn-n-TaaratB-T rn AnvAnca.' ty*tsq-t-are,00*meerUoo......._-. |* ' Ssa sq****, two I imo Uot-s.- ,,,,, .' (^sqnore.UxrsoiaBortl<_i-«.«_... I Ots-eaarssJflalasnlluBB.~~_,.^... s Ons sgaa-o, tsrotvt lBasrt***as.^,. a a 'rna se,aare, 0 (*oo f-aoi-s, twa BMaibs^., ......_. . rms .*,««-*-.. tkre-jaiAalfco.........IS ¦RKVflRtMI. OFFICEBK AND NEMB_JM <*b. Ol* (rf.II IMIR'MOK mm-ne. xo. a* A t. K. OT r.,.Aitend a re-fiil-r meeline nt H 3 ymir castle hall, 806 raft Br-ani bi*-p->m HHS iMon-fav) EVkNINO.the -*0ih lu. ¦nat, at H ..Vi. ok. M-'iirvrs nf .,,trr_ Indi. .- ie- i-k. -tu'lT tnvl ..I. 1, fur -lt vt will be preen! at SH o'clock. **' ^5nT,ot "l,c B . * W* AT8.1BB, apgO-lt"_K.ot li. arni H. A LLKGHANY COAL AND IKON -(X COMPANY.-A tr-eetioacif tho 'utmerXN, s to ihe st-fck of the AiMrtiaay ('aslaa-d Iroa Camps ar .viii he ii.-'<! at lim ..«-.¦*¦ of ute BleBraoad aad Aile- i-ixi)-- <'not snd lu,,, torn ns ny. No. 1104 Mala .ri-e-t 00 BATI HDAY. Mav 8th, al IB hU tor lie- 1-ttrpn.r or er.eunir « Board of Db-vtur-, and |'rti--i-rsof aai-rennt-MiDy and inui-ae*lBa anv o ber .'"" ".-- ii'.it -nay pn.mrlr h- iirotuBi Before iB_ weenor-. Hfc. PabW"*. ~,we "~ C. M. KRY*V<)LI.**. .no_ .1 M* M- ALl.XAMiKB. j_¦*«*. IO OKORflK M. BARlHoLDRKW, THE ANNUAL .VEKTINO OF THEi iv rui w-'i*.' .'KR**'''I" THE VIROI-Vli HoMB IN **'.KAN Ck . iiMi-AVVwin -whe'datio«(o_! Wii y's ,ffl. e on T L EMI) A V lb.- 111 h or M v t «,»t *_»&_p**. a *¦. wiibhry.';;*1 * J"*__L_!_,_ Seiretaty. TRISH LAND LKAGUE.-The regular 1 neeHiifr o" th-> Irish Land Lss-ttii* will Ito held -I M)AV AFTKKN'odN. April '£%, IS80, at S I cloi u. at CatbH1.1l Hall. An InsiiaHon ls hei-chr "r<tlBllY»-Tended to all win ,le-lre to unl-e with na a aldin*- the eau*: ot "piufssid tn Un* to i*-> i,re- __._mi_apva-ii*^ RICHMOND MOZART ASSOCIATION. ^ J?*". AJWAL mkktimi or TH*. Rim. _'!?«_ ^Vi?***'''..*.IE*** V.BI take il-l-a tl Mozart 11.,11 XVKDSK-li.VY ihe gPttt ...ia".i»l ap IH-atiiwul_Heerf.sry. i: le h Mubo, Ai»rB rv. 188(T"" THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUB 1 MTO( KHiiLDKH*" or THK T K K I*) V. OAK COMPANY will he Ihjl.l at IIk c-iss-ainv's.rMre, Irs Kit-hin.'iid. it lg M..'11 Hie HK.-T MONDAY IM MAY Nh XT .I"-K|-H L. XNDKK.-ON. ap 7- I-i* "liv I'-t-sl-ienL I) _ A-nr-st-viK-irTn. I.A.MATIC READINGS. PBOriSson WILLIAM MA-oN "-.VAN'S 't the remelt of tuutv pi r-ou*. will u\\c another t lion K RKADINU AT THE BECORO ItAI'll.-T CHL'ltt ll orr MONDAY ETEBIBW, A rait. 20. 1880. at 8 o'clock. Admis.l ,ii. g-, cenr.. Ticket, for -rile ar Hie honk- .tores, Kain os A Musts*-, t . F. Juhnsiou';, A. 11s- clnt. Jr.'*. and at the dour. ap g j. lt R ICHMOND THEATRE. The 11 -ur Tn', i.i4-i.1 of Cjjl DEBELLA will Ih- pn>.<*n'eil ai ihe Klctunnti-l Tli''arr» tor ili-i BBNhVITOF THK IlK'ntl* AT loll THK ts|( K MONDAY. TCKsDAY. WKDNKsDAY. and MU* DAY NH.HTS, APBIL 2«, 27, i!8.anil 80, at 8 ..'clock. Oeaeral, tl. Nu ratraebasBS fur re- irrved sea's. Kanni v circle, 50 cent*: -nJIrrle*. g.V cents. BoX'Sh.-et tvlil ne oi-eii fur the isle of re- ..rve.l seal" ul C. K. J-hnston's on WKDNKHDW, April gist, at 8 o'clock. Nulls) w|i| he kept. t||^_ 'u.i excur«lon ratrs. lur-liul:n_ oo*a*'W10a tu I- * iii»rt mi Hie riiesj|H>akc .uni Ilium K10I1 mkukI and Danville, Krederlefcshurir. neil 1'. -ler.-lMirs ral lt .ri,!-. Sec I. .ca I in pen and hiimhiliN. .... 11 1.; 1 .-. _.* 21.2V". -"it 2 I .-J .I,govi 7 2.-),g0AS0 I.MTIRIi**. iriRGIKIA-HKB PAST, PRESENT, V AND Kl [TUBB. WITH A PEB-PK"ITIBE OK HEHBT A. Wl-K. ikXttS HAHito.N iiopk, or BorfMB. w iii deliver his reiebrBted attdrass larfart the Y'-una lieu's christian An«.m-Iu'|oh at AsMttelatloii II.iii 11 Tl K-D.XV. Amil 87, 1880,01 8 P M. .Xilinls-luii, 2o cclils. Ml Bibi rs fne. ap gO-Tit.lli.S,\llTu3t 'A FIC-Ml M. FIHhT GUANO ANNUAL 1MC- BIC BBdS>r Hie ail.plces of I'owhalKl! Lotlr- Ne. lt I si ' iHotx.' lain .*-! Uiver Brewei v. 0)1 MONDAY, M»v 3. Ifc80.' DAN! INC frem fl |». M. to fl A. M. A fnll-trini* tuml will lie In allen.lance, aad a *<>.,.I time ls pruin- Ised io all who attend. Mt sae- "Alli ba ma fruin tba Old Marker and terminus of the -tr. ci rallwav un- rlM Hie lulerval. Mth-t t.rd-*r will be oh-4 rved. snit nu )uipro|ier eharaniers adintttfd (<. Hie irrounds. I iii. els. a.iinti tins a Rentleniaa and ladies, oil i-euls. ( iiittiiilitee of Arr.'iriir.'iiienin! Audrew Mi!i"iie, L.-wh tireen. James CWMrBBB, L- Klclimond. ,I,.hii IL (irirne*, iind .lulin (iii-tur.'. rtaot Cuinmiitee: J..lin K. 1 ttrlcr, Tln-iuas (iauldtn. J hhpk ('oil-can, rind Joli 11 JUBB.Jr._apKO-M F.SJIMI.* tl BAND-PIC-N IC. PX M THK KIItr-T OK THK SEASON. MM. ItK-OPKMNO oK SIllKCT/.t-N HxTlB/jt (JaniM-Biver Hrewerv) MONDAY. April gfl.4-"*-* 1880. DAN'('|N(i lr..tu g till lg ..iii', k. nun.Hms will mu from (lld Market .-111*1 terminus or street rall ww. Aduiltuuce. 25 ctiili; 1 iilltj* free. apgii-lt» K. M. SIIKKBY. T H E A. st ur. LADIES" BALE. LA DIES OF THK GBACE- KT PRBBBTTBEIAR .Ml Hi II an* noiisce to their friend, ital, -Irciiiii-tuner., pr.- venrtne ihelr IsoldTag a Kalr this larra**, they ii.iv on lin in) a vt 1 v pi elli aaaortraeoil of CHILDK N'S lIMDV-MtliK DI:f>SK**. HCITM, SLIP**, A I'ltONs. nnd ut her li A lt MK NTS. Also, a niiinl-t-r .,1 C-LKl I. and FANCY Al:TH Ll>. r-HAXXL*-. TUM KS. *<.. : w! tell t Cv wl-li tuilt-iNi .- nf. iin-e tin.v -Aili rabiWt >u iheir LECTURE- ROOM, enrner ur Grace ami Fourtfl fireelt. <lmm-e Hie fur.-and aft»ra*soiiaof TU BSDAY, WKDNES-. iixx, .ml I iil'if.-DXV, Airii 27tb, 281I1. and BSlb, 'I hf-v rrijnest Mielr 1'iletnls nnil Indies *ren- ii-i'lvlii call and 1-undue tics- Boefls They are tresa uni desirable, aeatli 1*1000", ami of latot -tvi,rn, ap 24-'2t W A RTR._ W" A N I E I). T R At H ERS-SEP I E M- BEB I'n.-ITI'iN**..Coat!, man (Mclcll-1', fui-.Cl"i:-es: itrKinif- f " eulie"! its *»l mil" * i ttneli. r i-uiiiiiieri lal branches. All near HtlUniore. other vacan.-i. i. CENTRAL -< HOOL sOKKCf. sp BS-1:* 611 I'i". Kiea*, BL Lanfs. Ho. WA N TED, T W E N TY WO M L X- ((SisKS una (TIAMItK.RM AIDS Iii privase finnie - ni Hr..ol.lvn. New York, inti N. w J er-, y ; .il-i, K.'l's: KXIfM-.Mr-N in N>w Jers.-v. and oN *C XIAN |s|MNt.--H:VANT'. Applvto .1. P. JL'sTIS. Kinployin-'nt Asenl. BBSS*!'"1 No. B Fl fit erfttt stn <.». WANTED. ONE HINDULD COAL- MIREBB f"r Hit- silver l*roeBOnalOasspaar. In ob!., an-l TWO SAXV-MILL HANDS OB J-mea river below Rtehasond. Va. Aoply ra ,L P. JT.**Tls. Fiap'oviaea*. Aaeut, spgfl-lt"' No. BFHtre-ithsine!. WANTED, A MAN TO DRIVE A FAMILY CA lt Bl Ari r: Barf WAIT IN IMN- lNH-KooM. Mu»t lisve eaporleiue aud Ire well ret ("tum. oded. Apply t<t E. xv. 1-0.i-rs a co.. apgd-gr* _Llt-T Main .Heel. WANTED- PANT*5- AND VEBT- BAMD8 o*. (I'-Tuxi aniK«. Geed ral « mmkO, V* AD-VI*. a ItKltRY. W p'g|-3t lurtlli .-uni Mnlti ..|«*-!*. A N T E D I HAY!: BBEEBAL THoi:-.*s\D DOLLA-.*:*. (IN HA*!.', Minni wu.i. aa I.oAN LD ON .*sLTTABI.K _OU| AND TKt**-**l ON CITY RE Ai- AST ATK. at-gl-lut .!. fSDV l'-*ON RSoA V. i.taaT. s-ikut'.is 6-i> sro lt .*. ru-T, A BBTTBB BlVcH. *-***a_r_- J [,,r. wliiu- willi -ratio*- »w >t*. A NBOnBCSBa tal icwsr.l win eimid Uv M rel ara M apTO-i » _ liss Carr osnt*. t 1 '< dND, DN 'Ptlil**/ DAY THE JOfB IN- 1 *-l x.NT. A HAL.! -> / BAOOIBBi t-bRB 'bo i.w.j. riaii -tsibj p«*.*cias eostsoneft**\-jO v*foof* tv. E. L. H.'li-'sN. ung'I-lt_Jt "veiuii "trt-rt. jomUi fjua"._ NOTICK.I "-I)*-/ t applv to Ibe tbe Ruartl ,»r Uspaatori at* Hie Rl<-hiu-a-d aad Dunville Lai'i'.ad Coi..i.--n:** r.-r tba IDAKW AL ' J Mt- TlKilAfK Sit*. "*-*j:iS. dait^l li---euib-.r lt. ISO". un ..jj "-nar** erf ft *>, in ..tlc cwapoiiv rtaaetoa ra mv ns is-.-, toe nra lad baviBS i»-»si 1.-.1 .r uusiiid. a|7l>Mgm. WILLIAM BL'BloN. ( 1 Abtas/iAota. tswmmtmuuma* UXUUMiEB. 1 AKUIAlilS. 1.' !:-¦1 A. AINSLIK A *>ON-, BJABS-40BBRRRS or I.Ki'lT FAMILY CARBIAOK*. IMAETON-J. iu'«r.ti:-. Sc. 6 larne ftixk on liand. Auv ft) le of lidia*.' Vf-. ftisTwe*.1*rA"laWi\RVla«M%^ RI VI. rim! «- ire -'"i'* ""*. "-,v"'-' "",l'1 l",r-,,t,* wucu *-0.1. noss Sana. Rita at * *¦£-.-,-j,,, TT.vTl HAVJ-400 bales No, 1T1MO- 11 HY- ..ul OKI lUBiMirt V-H Wt***

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  • n-HE DISPATCH*-*W~*T*HT DrePATCH COMPAJsry...* AaW-jaV »Rt ABLY IH AOVAHCB.nfiiVDISPATCH lidelDniv-dtosal»-a*rt.1*** .l^Vaas- c«*-ts per week, i-ayaMa io th*S*«__lliklv yiolled at 8« per aaaum; BS taosri*" "*Sr 61.50 for tb.e n-oatba; 60«. totBl tf-*X*""""« vsk-^vsii-WEEELY DISPATCH at 88 per aa*Vs* b', foi sU -r. ont hs.-an.'NETS a,,,/ HATH, all'.*-f^_!,'-,.','*-**»n»**'l t-elore Durttiaslug elsewhere.mOkOt MKS. B. W. -ACMsH."s.

    4**W Broad street.

    ^IfcAjBjnMJlRFJf. jfifS^TAL STEAJMEKOINES, v_-_**. BtATei-' l» Pfcrfs-ct order, GOVERN*i^.,'*«sflnk f.«; ¦"--1, ^-"-HPr- attached, some^'^tnlaVf 21-^"'""f **_* V*ai*y, o'liers turn-^»tt^,^"'l-*vlBE, PoBt-oRce Box 80O4.mh84*lB

    DAILY DISPATCH.VOL* LYU._RICHMOND, YA., MONDAY .MORNING* APRIL 26, 1880. NO. 98.Richmond Dispatch..MONDAY.APRIL 26. 1880.


    (Enter, d at the I'osMHBc* at Rlebmoud, Va., asaecnnd-rlaas matter.!

    WEATHER REPORT.iNDtCATioNta fob Pcniuv..Kor !he Mid¬

    dle States, nortbcsst winds reel.IB toaoulheti*! .foti possibly smithm **t, failingbarometer, cloudy, rainy Nveather, and sla-tlonnry temperature.Tna wkathkr Saturday Rai cloudy,

    cool, and rainy.TUF.RllOVFTCR SATfRbAT : 6 A. M.. 57 J

    9 A. M., 59; noon, 78; 3 i\ M.. G6; 6 P.M.. lt' niidnlchl. 59.Mean tc_pcrature. Gil.

    Th* < om liol A "story of I.n se nnd di Ivalry.

    BT SCAI.TKR WATT, BAKT.. {lilt-Oklj U Eagle.]

    With "Teat pain thc Kn it-lit raised him*self on his -.boulder anti looked wistfully attho windo'v. The maiden duneed at iiimcompassionately, and then turned lier eyesto IBB scene without."Hew MCS tl)* fracas"1" he demanded

    impatiently. "Metala*"! 'twere Haas thatbe who eh a I lc rt ucl should have tn cn hercere this. Laggard ! Dost pee Brian du Boll("ilbert, or J".' Qom ? Thc game Knight ofBrRals ihoniii mt bs waetetal of tbs timesince lie hath much before him ere thisc.'iite*t shiill bc Risen to crown him vic¬tor.look, goad Rebecca."

    .. rixy bare pRcbed therina," sighed thcmaiden, ..but thc space reserved for theeood Knight is sadly trampled, anti mi¬tt,ink- there be great disput. s between thefactions. Ol a verity they wrangle.""That is strange. Do not thc varlets

    know that there is danger In delay ? Thesquad may approach and bag them all.How dotb-evnow? Do they wrangle still ?"

    '. Ayr, and right wrangfully. Taara ismuch contention. Thev seek a referee, bulagree not. Cert***, there Banal Lc otic anion gthem which could tell a foul "Tere one sobase as to strike such. Rut novv theyseparate. They have decided. They agreeon a tall, dark tuan, who has fust felledfour. Il,* stalks among them. They RiveWay. Now he speaks. He taits them thelg., shall be on its merits, and may thebast man win."

    ». And yet lhere cm bs bm one ivho couldspeak thus ami be obeyed. Tell mc. Be-beera, docs last tall, dark man bear himselflike one who bath bit much on tbe rcsuit ? ""Nay, nay; not so. 'Twere more like

    one Nvti.> stand* sponsor for Braal stakeswafered br hR fellows and placed withinthose heads of his."

    i- lt is be ! It la Riobard ('(eur de Lion ! "exclaimed the Knight with a smile of de¬light."They do prepare to tight," said Re¬

    becca, shielding herself with the lattice... They ihnke bandi and take position. Obilorroii, that nen should meet thus andstrike luce; lhal mothen have fondled.Rrian leads with a left-hander under therlcht rja. The crowd of varlets applaud!Merciful God ! hast Thy pawer desertedThee?""And Goss, how hearcth he?" demand¬

    ed the feverish Knight." He counteicd on his adversary's chin.'"Dost see any carnage f""Not vet. But the swaying crowd are

    mad with the Mow*. Tiny away bk.- tin-trees In a storm. The gladiators advanceSgniB. He ol Goss landcth heavily on tbaface of Brian. Thc Gilbert bleeds! Hefalls!"

    , ,"And what saith good de Lion? " asked

    Ivanhoe" He saith words which tbe breath of the

    mob bearatb from me.""Catch their purport, good Rcbecaa!

    What saith lie?".« I catch not the words, but their purport

    is tit st rora for Goss."" And tbs blll Saith he naught of the

    fall?"»«Verily, I mistake him, or he saith tbat

    tbs Knight of (Joss hath felled his adversaryIii st."" And Brian, how of bim ? "

    "They revive bim with sponges andmuch water. Now thev are up again. Theirblows fall like rain. Their L.eis arc facesno longer. Fair heaven! they strive likegreat eogioes, while their f.-iio,v-i,( in_- en-courage them. Tbey clinch tlu-m togetherlike competing whirlwinds. They ..redown. Their massive bodies heave withtbe struggle. Forgive mal I can look uolonger!"..Nay, nav, maiden, say not so. Whee

    thev did full, winch, think you, was upper¬most, Brian or the good Knight Goss I"

    .« Brian was next the ground, and be olGoss was 'twixt him and the sky whose,.c:ii',- their contending! desecrate."" Gaze again, Rebecc*. Methinks Brian

    cannot lon** endure. Haze and tell me ilthe *rood Goss slill puncht'th bim."" Aye, indeed, his blows are like the

    bolts of Jove. They fall like tbe wrath ofthe god". Blian sinketh. (Joss holdetli bishead under one arm and with the other hesmashes him. Thecsrssge ls frigbtfnl. Thering is slippery with gore."

    »- And puncheth he him still " ?" And still his blows fall. The crowd cry

    as men who ure mad. Brian is strugglingto release blaaseR. Be staggers to th* Dontof the circle. The Knight f Powhatan, were spi*oin!ed commisslon-¦rs to tbe Genera) Assembly; sad Rev.loba M. Hoe, Rev. T. D. Wither«poon, D.>., snd Ruling Elders J. 1). K. Sleight, ottiehniond, and John Donnan, of Peters--iirg, were appointed ns their ahernates.Hebron church, in DinNviddle, was Er¬

    ected as the place for the next stated roeet-ng of Prcsl)\t*-ry. and Wednesday beforebe second Sabbath of September was Axedis the time for said meeting.

    jr, ga!ritoTnACTKn muftis'os.

    Rev. B. II. Dupuy pieseoted a papernaking provision for protracted meeting- inhe country churches by each niini-ter ofbe Presbytery. The paper was docketed.lite records of all the sessions were ap-

    inired, vv it li a minor exception in one¦ase.Tba report on payment of pa-tors' sula-

    ii s, presented by ihe chairiniin of tho com-nitteo on that subject, (R. R. HoNVison,.2-q..) showed that nil tba chin ches bailmid the salaries of their pastors In full, ex-...pi aaren* and the deasBjeuean* in theseiburebes were small.Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, on txehalf of the

    SxecuttTi Committee of Domestic Missions,jeeaented their report. Reeotn*nenilations .,f the repoit that ceitain.burches be grouped under the same pas*oral charge.

    Mit. nOlf1888 LICENSKIi.Thc Presbytery determined to proceed to

    he lleeasnre of Mr. Howlsoo, and for thatmrposc held a session at thc close of [Hill¬ie WOrablp Bt night. At this session Mr.SowisOB passed the examination and iraskensed.

    FOURTH DAT,Rev. James P. Smith presented a report

    in Sabbath schools, which exhibited theact nearly all of the churches havereboot! in ¦ iloutishiiig coHdifion. Mr.-iiiitli als,., as superintendent of Babbstblebools, made a verbal renee, of bte risBito som.- of tbe churches in the interest ofIii* eilis,..The Rev. (Uarles IL Read. D. D., on behalf

    >f toe Permaneal Committee oa tbe Bah*bath, of vvhich io- bjchairman*presented aniblS report on this sul.jeef, winch was re¬ferred loins Presbyterial Coinesltteeol Put*-iH.tiofl to h.' published, if they deem it ad-rlsable, la tract form (or circulation.

    PASTORAL BRI.ATKINS RESK. BBB.Thc Kev. J. J. Anderson, for reasoai

    iv hi li he a-slgncd, asked leave to resigniu- charge ai Samuel Davits ebureb, inllanover. Thc ebureb, Whilst expressingregret that their pastor iva* compelled toleave them, co nc u ried in hi* reqoesL Thepa-toral was thereupon dissolved,and leavewas given Mi. Anderson to labor for twelvemonika without the bounds of thc Presby¬tery. Hr proposes to remove to Kentucky.The pastoral relation between Har*.

    Henry M. Anderson and thc chinches ofChrist and Bethany was dissolved, and Mr.Anderson was, at his request, dismissed totbe Presbytery ol Florina, whither he hasalready removed.

    -.USSION WOBI IN RUTHIONI).Mr. (harles (iUaelia, a licentiate of this

    Presbytery, and l recent graduate of I.'nionTheological Seminary, was directed to en¬gage in aoisaionsry work in the weateraperl Ol Richmond, under direction el theExecutive Committee of Domestic Missions.The paper presented by Mr. Dupuy, re¬

    lating to protracted lervfces In the countrychin che-, was postponed for considerationtill the next met ting ol the Presbytery.


    The usual resolutions of thanks wereadopted, and the Presbytery the*! dosed UsBcasiooa with singing, prayer, and theapostolic benediction.

    stnday a rr, i i stmkBia.ijhe lollowiag appoisitments for 8*. ndav

    WeM inaoiinced :Third PreabyteriaB church: il a.m..

    Rev. s. K. Winn ol Petersnura, 7:40 P.M., Ber. O. D. Armstrong, D. D., ol Nor¬folk.

    Gracc-Strett PresliN lei ian church : ll A.M., i: v. Dr. Armstrong; 7:4') P. M., Ber;John M. Boss*, of Portsmouth.

    First Presbyterian church (Dr. Preston'-):ll A. _., R'V. John M. Rose; 7:4') P. M.,Rev. s. K. Winn.Trinity Methodist church: ll A. M.,

    Rev. R. D. Stimson ; 7:1') P. M., Rev. J..J. Anderson.

    Leigh-Street Baptist church : 7:45 P. M.,Ber. J. D. Dudley.

    i jay-Street Methodist church: ll A. M.,Rev. J. A. Waddell.

    Park.Place Methodist church: ll A. M.,Ber. B, Hunter Dupuy.Henhico News. During the past fciv

    days several large brcs have broken out inthe Nvoods in Ileiirieo and destroied a greatquanti*! ol wood and fencing. The woodsin the victnty of Seven Pines was burningFriday and Saturday, and the eitiasm cdthat adgfaborbood iiirm-d out cn Biases toput .ait the tire. Warrants h;ive bOefl issuedagainst several pallara charging them withletting Bra te the woods. Th* warrantshave bena placed la the hands of an oflcer,and the parties, if arrested, Will probablyin tent on to the grand Jory of the CountyCourt for indictment.Thc Central Lunatic Asylum, in Henrie,i

    near the coipofate limits, is to be enlargedin order so accomodnte al least 100 morelunatics who ore at present contined in thedifferent county aad city Jails ihrougbootthe ,-iatc. Work has already been eon>meneed lo tins direction, and win bs pushedbu iv mi ai rapidly u possible. At preeenllhere an-about "".vi inmates at tie asylum(colored), and more than one half a:e fe¬males. There, are two lunatics in the t(en¬rico jail awaiting le Its' sent to (his asylum.

    Tire- county has not us yet B.reheard Isite for the new pool-house.

    Th.- Board of Supervisors will not meetagain until next month.

    The. cleik of the Countv Court Issuedabout hast a doscn marriage-licenses la-tReek.One white and one colored delegate rcpre*

    aented BeariCO al the Staunton RepublicanConvention. _Tn Excursion Season on thu Rivkr..

    Thc Virginia Slealuboat Company an¬nounces thHt they are now ready to Basksengagements with churches, societies, (fcc.,tar day excursions to Old Point, fee., andfor moonlight exclusions through andaround Dutch Gap by iheir steamer Arielfrom ibis date, and by their new steamer(now building) after the 15ih ol June


    BBV Mrsic-Reeelvcd from the pub¬lishers, M..-srs. Ramos A Mosts, a vervcreditable musical production by Mr. M.Stuart Turner, formerly ol Richmond, butnow of St...inion, Va. The piece, a sacredquartette ol cboius with aolos.and diift-% lswell made, and entitled "Son of My Soul,Thou Saviour Dear." Mr. Turner baaahown talent ss a composer-In thia effort,that will be easily reco.'olsct. hy those ***nocriticise it.

    UrxiTkitovn it tub IbbSBB Ba**ti**tJhchch To NroBT.---Oor people have a realreat In store for them to-night at 8 o'clockattie recitals which xtlll be-riven hv Wil¬lam .M.i-on Evans. The church ouj-ht toie crowded to henr tho eminent eloctillon--t, and tbe public nre promised an eve-itng of real enjoyment. Thone who heardHf. Evans a few week*since were dclli-hfedvilli his readings. Ile has bean deliverinremperanee reetures in Petersburg duringhe past week to croxvrted bouses, and gave?ne reading to a Bne ean lie said that Mr. Evana thoronghlv

    ndivldualizes his ai theriust dlftlcult accuiiplisbments. Represenl-»g one chm arter in an eveninr ls. merehild's play in comparison xvitb soeeessfnllyssuminga cottpleof dozen in a couple oflouris. The delightful ease snd the extremewiriness of I hr- transitions begulle.tbeurines* and Hie hormunious perfection ofbe craft make ns a|toaf*ther forget Hieffort that the task requires.With a choice programme this evening a

    nost delightful time is promised those whottend.

    Cindebbli.a To-NioiiT.-The Amateur)pera (Jompanv, under thc direction oflr. Charles Siegel, will -(ive the beautifulpern of Cinderella to-night at the Theatre,rue prospects for full houses during fourserformai(Ce-) to be given during the weekre very flat tenn .-. Tbe worthv in-*! un¬ion.thc Retreat for the cid otvhich the opera is given, deserves everyonslderotlon at the hands of our citiz'osonccountof the in.-stiinil.le good it d'"*- inhe community. So excellent an entertain*aent, then, and in behalf ot so good Bcaine,annot fall of attracting large houses.

    Offical Visit..Frid iv night Past GrandfasterBHefc, of Portsmouth; Grand Mas-er Lamala, of Rlcbmoadj Grant Reportertallie, GrflRd Sentinel Haynes, of Rich*ssad; and other dignitaries of thc Knightsii Honor and visiting members of :he orderrom the city and vicinity, vi-ited Dalt.odgc, in Manchester. The work was ex*niplitied, and a very pleasant lime spent athe lodge-room, at Covenant Hall. The lodge, *v it li the guests, then adjourned to the Cen- tr.d lliui-e, xvhere they xvere hospitably en- "ertained. At a lats hour the party" dis- r.crscd, well pleased with thc evening's ¦voik. I

    PRESS Musting .A conference of mpm- Iten "f Ihe Virginia Press AlflOCBBlOB,nf Ihe Richmond Press Club, and of the pressvho are not connected xvith either organl- ¦tatlOB, Will bo held at ll o'clock A. M. to-lay (Monda)) at the otllee of the Virginiaiioiiie Insurance Company, No. 1014 .Mainitreet.


    (COlllIllUlllc.Vt.-il.J.M-ssrs. Editors,.I notice the fare by

    .trainer Ariel (Virginia Sfeiiniboat Coinp-.i.n) to Norfolk ibu war landless b«fl bees.educed only on Mondays. I believe thais the day the steamer J. |',. ".(-Iiiiyler leavesitieliinuntl for Norfolk and way landings.Will some one in authority please say whatBB fare for the above-named places xviii besn the BATS tbe Schuyler docs not leavevith the Arid

    " A Tk.xvellek.

    .-dAM IIKSrilt AMI VKIMTY.

    RoUof Honor nt the. Public Schools..The'olloxxing pupils xvere on thc roll of honorit thc nuMic ? "Imols ia t week :High B. Morrl .cite principal.

    'lagu-ie CallbrflB, Lula Duval. Lena Lilli-.ow. Edna Mathews, Haggle N'oi:d, HattieTxxens, Minnie Vailen, Orie Vaden, SallieWliilxvnrth, Frank Dunford, Allie Partner,Willie Mathews, A. ll. Mcculloch, W. ll..Vin free.School No. 2.Mrs. A. L.Walker teacher.--

    fora Adkins, Agnes Ely, Beetle Hall, An¬ne .lone-, Mattie Carena, Clara O'Brien,Kilima Turner, Margie Topham, MattieWilli nus, Lula Waiker, Bettie Wells* Car¬rie. Moore.School No. ,3.Miss Rettie L. Irvine

    i:i"iii r.Carrie Archer, Annie list vis. LillieJvei by, Ida lb anile!*, (dace Mall, I hollinsraylor, John Bobertfloe, George Ray.School No. 4.Miss Rae-liel Lyon teacher.¦

    I'arland Rurnetf, Lawrence Balley, HeroldDuval, Thomas Lithgow, Jotepb BampflOB,Fred. BampeOB, John Topham. BON Dor-n i ii. Cora Dickerson, FannieFoster, MaggieHolt. Minnie Jonis, Nellie Leonard, BoflflMcCullocb, liena IfeGruder, Cora srei-lings, Lillie Sneed, Clara Turner, Ida Wil¬liam-.

    Behool No. 5 .Miss Nannie f. Hatcherteacher.Kita Adams, Hattie Blankenship,Bessie Farrar, .Mattie Fowlkes, Lena Fisher,Kite Higgins, Addie Leonard, Minnie Mor-lisette, Susie Nelson, .Minta Spain, EulaSpain, .Mny Bnelliags, Fannie Sharp, ('ar¬lie Williams, Carrie Wilkinson, EdwinAdams, Walter Freeman, Thomas Robert¬son, Paul Walker.Primary School.-Mrs. Hall teeeber.Es¬

    telle Balley, Hand Cottrell, Hettie Goolaby,Hattie Mag, Florence Leonard, Katie Mc-Collonsb, Georgie McCullough. CarrieMc¬Cullough, Argie Raine, Annie BTIIkeraon,Willie III mk. usliip, ('laiidc Farmer, AlonzoNiiniiaiiv. Cnasurifl RlggBRfl, Douglas Sharp,Beary Ruell, Ollie Elder, Morton davis,Willie Mitchell, Irvine Nuniially, ToryToity, Willie Rurton.

    Died from His Injuries..Jordan TIBS*lev (colon d), who xvas injured Fridaymorning by earth caving in BpOfl him xvhileat work excavating on Bridge avenue nearHeDoBougb street, died from his injuriesFriday flfternoOB, after suffering the mostintense iigonv loriboul live hours. Abouta ton isf dirt fell upon Tin-ley and it wassonic tune before be could be dug on?. Heresided at McKinney's old place near theF.i c bridee.


    Brief lieges,'-Tbe nexv Methodist ebapelin Sxvaii-bui o'xviii bfl ready for lise in .-.fewdara.

    Electioneering bas begun la earnest mlins CUV, "Hld the "dear people" xviii de*eide nett month xx ho xviii In-lit Hie n-ia-s ofour uinnicipal government.Thomas Atelier, a colored boy about

    thirteen vcirsof .-ore, -on of Henry Archer,bb employs of the Uaioo eoal Rda .. laCbeflteiiBeld, MldowB one of ihe shafts atibe ebeSfl mine- Than la] and nat in SBatlykilled. The buy RBI playing about theshaft Bl thfl time.A meeting ot Hip vestry and eoBflBTga*

    tion of the M.-adc-Mi morifll church will bflheld to nigh' to lake Into eonslder_Bno Umcall lately extended to Ber. Mr. btiiagfel-|0R by ''The Church of Our Savio*!"-/' ofbaltimore.Tia' Mayor*! Court was not la sm-sion Bet-

    uidi), and very little buslncflfl wa-, donethere dRftag tbe week.

    Rev. Dr. Rix ur preached at tbs Presby¬teries chared saturday night.Manchester Division had two toltlatiOBt

    Beiarday night.The attendance at the florsJ festival r-at-

    Brdaf Bisbl xvas large and fl hand-uine sum'was reallied for a very worthv object.

    PLBLtc Alctio** or TOBACCO.Theil!will he a

    pu'.'lc fair ..f Leaf TflBaitB to-OaY.bI1 oYloct..

    ut ihe wan-house of J.vmi:h *>. -OTU, coraer( »ry

    and T. nih si reels.

    v pnuoRTlre- timk i- saoaatatBaB nta ait.-.i-ith,- uk. u ms ai -ii- Rasas' luntist hun-n tin*BfflBtBI Bl William atlflBR EE6BB.

    10 AHT-Lovr.RS.-The sale of Halutluas tf/OOAlatarSat fltealaSi tb.-* psaailalBg wbteBi easMay, BBS Hie choir*-i ccltlcally on the liver,

    well- Bl"©WO an.), looks lo tx; air nt ihir-teen has H.rk l.alrand ts**, llaall le » ur«s>; andOj.i .i when he lettbnassaftarSatrttal .loiht-.aus,iiaw ii.. Any mic B*ot*laBof Sis wba-nssna's wallC io r :i |li-eat laver f,v i*,"i snd re! a »air..f M'tH'TA-LKsior I.YK-OLV-r*. N !:u|»v a.-*.. ri nimt


    lUpriloi -Jiiality "J#**>toa lund. I'ltie* lr.,iii Joeupward. SkllfulaS *.d|ust«ti ta Ilka "ff"1 ( ('. WALTKB,Pl ic(leal (i,vlLian. NVa' Jeweller.

    .£'i$ Hi ona ,:net [****! t*>r W, IL Luwaroiui.nih (*.-3,n

    HOK*»ft"*t. BI'LlB^ft"^\? WHINh BIM KR A SUN, *fVjrJ1*, KKNTLCKY STAR1.K*-", _8T7_

    1505 I BIN KU?" slKKtr, BM nBONl), Ns,

    W.OLE-.Vi K l.,^.,. jSJU*U*» mHHS iMon-fav) EVkNINO.the -*0ih lu.¦nat, at H ..Vi. ok. M-'iirvrs nf .,,trr_Indi. .- ie- i-k. -tu'lT tnvl ..I. 1, fur -lt vtwill be preen! at SH o'clock. **'

    ^5nT,ot "l,c B . * W* AT8.1BB,apgO-lt"_K.ot li. arni H.A LLKGHANY COAL AND IKON-(X COMPANY.-A tr-eetioacif tho 'utmerXN, s toihe st-fck of the AiMrtiaay ('aslaa-d Iroa Camps ar.viii he ii.-'

    C. M. KRY*Vakc .uni Ilium K10I1 mkukI andDanville, Krederlefcshurir. neil 1'. -ler.-lMirs ral lt .ri,!-.Sec I. .ca I inpen and hiimhiliN.

    .... 11 1.; 1 .-. _.* 21.2V". -"it 2 I .-J .I,govi7 2.-),g0AS0



    ikXttS HAHito.N iiopk, or BorfMB.w iii deliver his reiebrBted attdrass larfart the Y'-unalieu's christian An«.m-Iu'|oh at AsMttelatloii II.iii 11Tl K-D.XV. Amil 87, 1880,01 8 P M.

    .Xilinls-luii, 2o cclils. Ml Bibi rs fne.ap gO-Tit.lli.S,\llTu3t

    'AFIC-Ml M.

    FIHhT GUANO ANNUAL 1MC-BIC BBdS>r Hie ail.plces of I'owhalKl!Lotlr- Ne. lt I si ' iHotx.' lain .*-!Uiver Brewei v. 0)1 MONDAY, M»v 3. Ifc80.'DAN! INC frem fl |». M. to fl A. M. A fnll-trini*tuml will lie In allen.lance, aad a *.,.I time ls pruin-Ised io all who attend. Mtsae- "Alli bama fruin tbaOld Marker and terminus of the -tr. ci rallwav un-rlM Hie lulerval. Mth-t t.rd-*r will be oh-4 rved. snitnu )uipro|ier eharaniers adintttfd (SK**. HCITM, SLIP**,A I'ltONs. nnd ut her li A lt MK NTS. Also, a niiinl-t-r.,1 C-LKl I. and FANCY Al:TH Ll>. r-HAXXL*-.TUM KS. *u iheir LECTURE-ROOM, enrner ur Grace ami Fourtfl fireelt. srolt .*.

    ru-T, A BBTTBB BlVcH. *-***a_r_-J [,,r. wliiu- willi -ratio*- »w >t*. A NBOnBCSBatal icwsr.l win eimid UvM relaraMapTO-i »

    _liss Carr osnt*. t

    1 '< dND, DN 'Ptlil**/ DAY THE JOfB IN-1 *-l x.NT. A HAL.! -> / BAOOIBBi t-bRB 'bo

    i.w.j. riaii -tsibj p«*.*cias eostsoneft**\-jO v*foof*tv. E. L. H.'li-'sN.

    ung'I-lt_Jt "veiuii "trt-rt. jomUi fjua"._

    NOTICK.I "-I)*-/ t applv to Ibe tbe Ruartl,»r Uspaatori at* Hie Rl