library of congress · ßneitu«« xotue«. kail Ütom w «

ßneitu«« Xotue«. Kail ÜtOM w «<* las i- avertea Pa.. o---d. .¦' b**lavla.«. ee.e.-.d .j .r - >!.e «...<.?.. '»«*'d h-avty. Mal tri ooal.tie* rereto brreoih« to »hl« rmm**t Paaie Rtta Mafi _. IVanr« frotn Laer war** maker. k> "rent srrti... last» ao> i Hat«. (V .. rv 'e.- ptloo "'¦ '' »' '" "f UeBea UI P»«'» » ' *"¦¦»" ' UlM Aot » * i ' » ' °*T' Jol»i» » KlO <»1 0VBB, . Kam-. SS BnRajaaB«IBea/e«V *>Vy OBBttJ ««».. laM ^mmmm* 1 V.'. ,. Fashi N . 1 4 1 I -.- H. v b- ,'.w,v On «»» BmabM***.. White Pantaloons HaiWMI ¦ ..>r- Ft..'. i bbtei BM .. " ¦' ¦ .»<.- .. H a . M'-iatais !;.« u- are I'dl*Iii »im aanaabb K .. ftl' Milr of H . t .. n I a^aM «r«tt.. r *¦'. aa*c ... ¦ i> i caiaaaB. Mo B" *jw»y._ Cektikm»n - Km. Hat*..Brno, .v> Maaaav. at., ar ill ii.-r.4u a Bbl BOSS MrtS* ta FaiBSt S-p» 1. ajiajBaal to ti" rsAtateserasati al a nr* . Ta«« '*>¦ aaaa* tyies**?. Btsr>. Nr. rbbmmi AlrltfO Ml.fa KOI. A CO. No Ml Broadway »Avr. Momsi »> d Mr| yo .r <!».- Fi XT! ar* M Daii . v a. Co., Mas snd (.;; Broadway. rtA\k MomEl and buy your Fa»*« H I'Hiaa iNti (Ii... <*r Dan ».v a Co.. N». BM aaa BM Hr..*dw.y 8avl Mo.m;>. and boy foal Silvkb Platio Waik of fun..* a Oa No. BN aad «n Broadway Havk Mum.i and boy roel Tasli ( t ri i iv (I DaIL'.y a CB No.. 631 and fc-VJ Broadw-v. Tb«y bare in n rn. stock, and their prl. M are low) a. tau yon <an find itean e.« where. Lili.ik'm CaUin Ikon Saki: /. fAew'/y o*Jr m insrkr'. war h ouiblne* Kholai Psoor QaaLITIBI With I'liratT .Sri nan y aoais-t Kiar. tanas Bai. « have l.iLLir'. CoiaBnaTtaa Powoxs Psooi Ln<«. h AkA ' fcr retard KtiKtAka.» b Co Ap-nt*. N.. 111 BroaCa ar ftiMi mn sii.vkh Tea skts, Uava, Ta.VA, OaBLBTa, ir A... l/'.i«n. raraMhal IbrjpaaaaaatbMM K. v. h ivaaa avi it Ca., of Broadway and BfaaM .. OtjM aUMAMT KaMJ. Stock of Fit... ti ( him. Baoair.A, Wot, Caku. BraTPABV, A. 8«-i»<ie<i aaiaaaaly by Mr Havaawaar, aialela I r .p* aoar aaiiy arrivmi, and wilJ be soid at extremely modrrat. ardui K N HitüHwovr It Co ...roei of Broadway and Br enne .' OaL'I IKK M t KLKHKATLTi CftVCIBa>e8 and Stovr Polimi Tbr very be.t a.t lea in uae. Afei.u, ,M..i Baii.ui« b Many. _^No. ib John at.. New Yorb. SiMItH'« MHIMi M.M IIINKS..That Bwwlae Matibinea niak. tie beat MBV b MM invented Las been widely ti .au for year*. Other marbli.. may m.kv a . *- stücb ufexi a f. » list.' fabi, ^, but S>sota'> alone are couije- teat U> So every lind of work upon an> Tan. ty of fanr. \ Miaoia'- Nrw Family iBWiaB MaoNlars bare tb* seine relative sopenonty a. i a Ma t....e. for :. xt .*.» taiiaas |*aipoeea. Tbey are BbM irettre bvautlfol man any BBBar. H.,. o.low ao.l U..1.. i aa .»».. "-be mn.t improved tt .> are ap* jeUad. wbeu *e*Are^ to aey »f It Ar-i i Mectainaa. I M Btaaaa hCs V mb BBaalaaj, Maa-Tatr*. Grt-at laetlu» tion il tte pr.cea) of ftilh Twist. hi" ytLf a Tb/ea.1. N'ediet aad e' er yti,i. < r^ ba Bars a .M> bw-r*. hi* » - - ... N > I « M ¦ la BJT BTffrM Owaey*s Black Bevilaa BUb from.»7 V. to #1 11 t> ra L M lUBBB, No. AW Broadway. Hint, Wkbiatkr oV Vo.'* Ikruuub Tiomt SiitlM Sr wiau Mai iu»i«. for si1 niSJinta. tur.i t porp'.te. ar.rl la i. iy ..e arepi. v ,> toy otber nerbaie. Nu 419 Brutviw.y. '. prefer tb.m for faniilv uae." |N Y. Tr:b .r.e. WntUM «V Wilson s rteWOM Maciiisem. a VaLttaBLS IwrsovrMekT .a new T. nnon and e Hemn,.r tbat laru heina of any v. idtb witbout prevlooa taatiLf. USV» Me-.tMSatruadv.*.. N Y. Iii a i. a a vi or tub I/Ota Stitch. Tblt la tbs only ItSMh that Saatrt t>e rare led and that«:.t Mbj same spy. sran. e up..n each aide of the team It H rns.'e WIUi two thread., one upon taib aide ol tLe fabii.lad later loekrvd la the rent, r of It. Tiik Gbovbbi »v Bajuui Skwihu Mai mint: Ob n>». 4M iiwaaVay, sail tbe tu<> baM Hasaaaaa la »- Ove Maas IIa* Bai i m u> Lo. a s. itca a .tu. b -BGQEeOGQGGEÖ aalaaaate4Baras*jria| iscitli th.t air aat t,. baa iraoed, the oil.- . ¦ w Ma. Mit, BtakuMJ IBS oaiebrmted Cesavts a Bakss >tit. h. oi IA- Laai BtM t>i*t\- L.~.rd. ^tH M I I HU I t Tbw Machine u v »r».t ;. j |. ¦. .>!-,. 1 lo. . fui f.o... I ....if _S»»r> i oa a Ciai ri as. ¦bph DlAMOKTJ JlWiiRv m Hi I ill I i aaoud RiiAf*. Biaasaylas hia>-> > t. Ban «. ,\ e'ini. .in tu.'* irt.ii hk .... D. 0. PsatoLS, laryoetavi Ksueiaaaaitsd hy _l»AVil) Kait. N.. 40Ö Broauwav. up itaut. DVUXCS &alamaxdm SiH.s.-KoiiKur M. Tatbia a, Ball M.i <..',. ¦< r. .'. -!. '. g ,, ,. . | I'aTtst Tueiüak Fatal DttlABCB l.o.k» «n.l CaOSI H»si. AIavo, Fist, and Blraai »s Paooi BlBBBaaBB a:.t I'arior Bares, for aijver p.ate, a l>ep.*, N. iwFearl-at boi tool ba bra M%.d. i. lam Hit.ii Kbjitb pricwai Iqm rtata, Iobb I*1, a> S .... H..... 1 M |e BBBSS .'lass. tycOO to a'.foo. Hudson t»., aan.e class (owninn tBrj aae), »>J40. Tbatrvlorr «o to LakUO.k'a, N. 1.1 fj i CarrwM 0 v'» - A.- HOMIA .'ire.l by IfARBH'M R.AMCAI Cl'tl Tavk» Refer.-i. to all taa Brtaelral Burfi as aatl Fl B a:. «ttbiariiy. la', and rxamiu* h. :. re i.:r. ha.u s el-, w.n ie. x i ..' Ii as <.. k laiBaAii», RtrsoBTKBs, ^ Oflire No i \ . .. > .. \,- 11 b BT.Kkmoi \^ Ilm 11. .i,.vl.. s rt»ajdikif at ttc d.f!'..«ii II.t-U v. laal as tb. ra pmh f Roots aruTss -. sa rid Ladie*'. Bnsaaa' Bays and C. .1. . OaBwi H . i of ail tbe vsrio it .tTlra. |*>ad artlrtr ainiterata Bikes J. B. Mi: lit i o . No ei-7 Lai., a-. Fatthki oit's H mr Dtbv-Wmri ixdTot frrr Larae.t »to^k lu Iba world.Tbit reUbreted SSaaMbsBaaet » at No. M Brvssdwav IVsaliaptvateaasM larsaasar] 'ir ;_e afeohraaaoa ot lua Hais DTB, the be.t extant, bar. *a Iaa'iRTieiaaBTomiaiBaialaswolaaiaiili n111 ail innen: bbka is tbe oaly pie. <-white LteAH- tau. |t are i ;.. y.uc.r.: va li\KK\ > 'I'KIt ortu ROI * la tha B.-< .--i i asaaaat A laB* ;i e.. ..t Besulifviut, ( eBtiaus. C iriiuf. Fre*a-r\in» and Reston:OJ tae Ha I tawttee. try h. For aair by ail DnfwMM and P.-rh.rcera. Ml ALL UATf. Ill mt and BOACYEl lllt«'-t houses, store* and mMk) BMNR «* ho' No Ra Small «i vastttv t. RiTtBPATBB ttBl lw*l Tr»' Mere'. M.sti Bl Va VBBMIB Rtstl F nie« .'i-ui ... \. Baun au». Aaiiutvi aanaiatteaaaia it.* .inn ei aaaataal B....... sa sola *t Meauf*. t. re, » j-;.v Biaataaj*, Sei H -^i- st t*wa. A.-i . Fatntaica V Bfaii ro.». D- tt . H , |< ArAor Haeuee and 417 B.-.adwsy. ,or laoa:.t INI LA.MMATIO.V ON TMR 1,1 M>a, 5»*rre case CAired b\ tlx' Munt;, BALVI .Ii Ms> laabeJIa Row.. No. |p Uooub! k .'rev' Kol aa> I»! S tl b*MTa. Mo. Still i ai ai .-reet. t.anfc k, and »-\ Oi it fa aiao at (teaLa's, tbe'l.eset. Tribuae Bot'sm nATT>:K.»i Puxii t\n Tkimmim.m ref rve**f ssrrety, o p- 4 tBd to< .ale by RaanaTi t. Carnst i. Ra. IU Br.'sdw.r M h..Fri.oac>: CaBsttal. I Tur '>¦..> iMMBaafMMI CWW V rt, aaa inr (»:.:> I) BW T»»r«r. a-» mm!aBeaeke paeeat to* «ae N r tirnn, Hi «»»<»«. a On M 117 and II» Booth lOU-at t^y^-.fu *. VB'.f'f' »:..<»... .. >.' tekyl ' "">.'. Hi 9 P u .-. Ri - ll'irUu'i Vit 'iL« \ rt iBaakfi *'» *. ..» . r »i I/.'-- < *.r »od T< ip"" "*> ' * " °' Into dc.-ou.-o ib a et< !t s=-r " .*V'~-*' '''J"*1 . I P T' *.» l . iIm ¦*-*¦) t.r--.-. - . a t TNi a I Irnii.Tm Ali-Ii"' BCALIM IBI tl Jaa» wrick, tt i-«fr»d»d no tl kar.d. ar» »k* h*e- M 'he mark- A .a... B at. .IV IW ->i- laMB* . ¦ I " MBlBl l/Ooa- B'kM_ I!i i'.kiv.'1- I'Ai Kvr Champion run arA Bi n: Lai iv/", Si»h n ¦ l*»BtWlf BMBM m r:a/a'. ^ u- r Bj Ha;.. Haw I ri FRIDAY) BEPTEMBE1 84, 1SH, TO COUUCI FOHIrE HTM He. nitre e«n .».»! ' a »'.<.'¦¦. a-. .-i Wv »*er i* iLtend-d for it»> rum. muat o* ai.toer-.. mm 11 ¦MBi ai-d a*.drn»a of tbt- BlBae .1 i>e**-»aar_| BM [«i» A ti"k. but at «. waxty BB) bia t**i Utk VA"» mmmt '< a> rake v, p-'-.r. r-J, »d Caan n leatieca ¦..,... kjMfti f. r The laiataa Offi<* tb^u.d in »Ii < w% addxreaed to Hoaac r OaatLtv k Co. THE TRIBUNE MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. W* MVMtM to IBsue M tkc 1st day '»I October next the iccaod nurub«t mi The Tkibink Mir- ( A nth.p. AliVi.mtiskk. It will BC issued monthly hereafter, and devoted exclusively to the lutTeitt und use* of the Mercmitile Public, N the HBaPW* ing plan: I. It will contain fali reports of the Market», with wich other Commercial and Money [ntelligeace a- sball lie deemed of special ir.t»-r--t to MOM bant*. II. It wdi l>« Kent without rharge by ma:l, po«1»i,.. pn j.a.d. to .<M>,000('(iui:try M< ri bantu who buy .'--la in New-York, Philadelphia, BoJtMkWO, or Ii«.<ton. The LftDifcr will be ntlected by M's-wra. MiKi.lopAi Wood frooi thoee reoOOOOd on the hooka of their Com- roer' ial AgOACJ, and they gnaract'-e that not le<n than 50,888 shall be sent, tliiH lieir.i- the full n um Ire r of Country Men that tboj ffrtnflrTT :t <h.-'iah!e thna to addre,«. III. Tha tr.lal expense will l>e defrayed bf Merear.- tQe Advert i-ü.g, far wbieb Ooa DoOor per Boo will eborged, TboOOWbo roojoin the.r advertiv-mente to left displayed will make epeoioj barfcrnine therefor. It ia believed that no equal lippoiloiilj for ad- drensing Country Men haut« wan ever offered in the Tinted State*, even at double, or treble the OOOt of tin*. Tin* *hect ia intended for Men-bant* alone, and will contain no other matter than am aa i* adapted to their want*. We have every facili¬ ty for making a Mercantile Advertiser that w deoont the approbation of Merchant*, and we reapectfully invite their riaip* ration. Adrcrti*e. menta received at Till. .kiblnk Office. If by letter, addree* H08UCI Okkh.KY A Co.. .Vn« l or*, Srpt 24. 185». No IM N»«*« If a teb-siam from Trinity Pay 1* to be credited, the Atlantic telegraph i- .. aitaiu in complete working order," at lenat n* regard*, the transmit- «ioD of signal*. No "specitio BB00OOfMM have, however, been received from Vnlentia, BltkdWfl " glM^I eh-i ti jc currr nt* bat»- been pfJBwMJ lot " three day*." Tin* il n rorj BOBBlitfafrtorj BOB* dition of affair*, and one which require* explana¬ tion. Were the kwMMkttOfl and resumption of rigBolfl equally inexplicable ' Did the current suddenly ceaae to flow, aa it did frhib) the cobkfl WM boiof laid? I- it found inipoe*ible to trati*init nu-s. sa^ee. OT hu* no attempt boon made ' What have tho operator* been diuiiK dtuit| the In at three da>e ' Why wa* not the public apprised at once of the awakening of the Cable fjpBMI it* Ion«, and. ieeordin| to the London papera. iip<«u which, it would seem, wc depend for iiiformatioij.tttfid 'luiliber Wh) thll Silence eillee the 1st o| Sep¬ tember If the Teh uraph be a failure; if it haa not succeeded in doing it* Work, or haa dime if by fits Bod staits. 10 SI to be pnctiOBlIy BBOlcOB Bl B channel ot < <uiini'i!iicatio_. tie fact MiigM «» Weil be kiiottii now Bs OTOTi Wt BBBC ben very potiont] vac Luve BOOB willing to let the Direeton take their own course, and have felt BO disposition |0 grumble boCBBOOtBC ratorprioc waa not broogb! to porfectioii in bdoy, But we submit that it is time to give the public some Ugbl OH the nature ami extent <d the iliffi. rultic* which baTC Bfiaan »thBl one rule shoiilti uot obta u at Trilit) Baj and another at ValoBtia, bur that we mi this BBfl of the cable should l»> put iu pMOOWBeOB of information ftfpoctitvg « matter in which we are at least equally interested with the Engl -1 b4 ipefd Ij .onl ne coinph tviy a- they. I he ti Latl oj the Bupoiiotoo_c_t ol Polier*, Ircdciok W. Tiiilnikiigc. was (oiitiniicii ye-terdar before tin- police CoMunieaioBora, Variotu Brit* iic-ses were exsmined relative to the refusal td QOM, fnliuindsc to -end men down to QHOJBHtiBe without a Ko,ttiaitioo troui th,- CoanuatfeeioMra, and bw to then that the Marines were scut doWB, a* it wj* KuppoM-d, aa a protection to all the propcitj tboro, eVc and the case miBBaijoonod tai to mmj, A lull rcp»irt will BB MMBa iB BB4XBBI i oiumti. The largt iBBaBOI yard oi >mi- A Grant, to. gether with the steam jilai, ng n.iii ..t Lawrence »V Woden ort! «..d « BottioB ..! Um Mohci drooling Bfü ot Mhb8biboM| Smith Jt s.u.ifcr. hmt of I Wtllt\-!i!(lth atid Thirtieth etrerfi.. l.s,ef K:\er. wa* destn.wd by fire laat nijht. TV total lost Mill Dot tali »bort of $80.000, AN',- hate Lo l irtl.i i i> w< r> «p> ¦. n. «traiii- ahip *'fn ol fire in Dlid-tK-ean by the »h p Kosen- Lrath. a\Bj ooc of Bororal MeaBaerl naj bare been in the lacaiitj whtTf she waa BT OH. and the dc- scliption aivru too impel feel lor identification. The Auvfr:;», frmn *>oiifi,.nnptoii t'..r tLi. porr. Iftf BffVJ Urn twenty days out. WopflblMaiBbetaf her paOOfapjCTI cl-ewhiTc. .aMHHM^MivaaaavAaaaaaaaaaaB The Kepubicana of our City have . hi.«en dele- t»tea t<- »b r arraonl I^oBaiMtini CoatoaUoas. .'f the p!»-j,,..,-«-.! :,« and purpo«es fi ihiHc ,ii',. i'a'es arc kaoa very tit/tie?; bal ere bMMebb, in tho BBeraca oi roalictiag maVHca*, tt.,* fktm have been CaOBCE to atretigthi n and pdlBBt» H Ro> publican i-a iae. not to poMMBM the pr täte ax- KlaUd:reluri.t o| aft BQWOBj or per-»:.-, [p t\ml oaMoaoa, ire desin- la s* t bo8ata rh. ¦ ».me gen- eral con- -UrBtltl * Tfcat a Kepubiicau ticket pure ami -in:j b>, ataet be beater, m our City, all BkOH BB kn..w. «.»n 'hat head, the Biyrieaca af i-"-o" :s mm R«aa1 and conclusive to be disputed. ThoiijTh ttc had Qlirgi: Waabitigfon fo head it. and Ji IBBBBH, lfa.|;a,.n. .lohn.Iaj oni (ieorge Clinton to fill it. it would be beaten all the name. But it ia within om power, b] conciliating and uniting with some Tflecn or Tvraat] Thousand toter* who im aaaaa] po ,t, ,uh .tantniW nti"** with ua, to aeod four or fi»e M«*m- .--s r,, r.,ngr.«*s to opn**»** th*- I>*<v>mpton and d-b:-.... vrfeBf poBej Bf Basdaaaaa iaJ L.-adviaera. risoi ant-Tamman) Count) officers, and .nd t<> Albany .-i-fbt or hfl A«¦>*.!:,bhui*-'! It mpport a fflghillllwi ti Te-gai Ttdon and every other mMaajf mi salutary and pravti'-al Reform. AI! tl .* .s »ith.n our r«-*.-b.aithin ewer reach. Mktan Delegate* .but to it* attainiueut ;t ia b> i,-.ih ; lasjiiatte Laad job. aaararii« hl share of the nomination* ti those Americans who ir>- .tilling to pi-if-erat*- with <>n the Hann BBU- eat»«d at the I*i.i..n f'ify Meeting "f tbe 6th in-t.. and more fully tet forth at Syracuse on the 9th. and that rag present a* eaa»iaB»Mi oi'-n of un- : ajadcd eapacitv and imiaow! private worth Warn arr kncviij to be sul-tantml, exemplary citizen*, uotadd.cte.l to ..(};... -«.¦..",.ng and who Dare had no haad ia paekaeg <>r maaipaBBtiagaVdaajataa with a wot* to the-ir o«I nomination. In «hört, »hat heeded that you nominate candidate*, not be- eaaac tbej iraat, bei .tbej waited. Do thi*. and our chu«e will triumph: it other*i*>\ we ihal ur beates, and paa w;ü be respontible for it. A* to ti.> CsMgiesMM, tac a-k only that tb- American* tw aeeattied thoil «harn of the strong a* well the lo«« hopeful di*tnct*. and that Horace 1'. ' lark he heartily »upported in the up-fown d;s- j trict. Our rea»<>n* fur wising him Ba^eorted, though often isdb atWt may he briefly restate*, at follow*: for aomo year- paat.indeed, fur nearly all of the last thirty year*.the Federal Government has hen. La the ha.'.di ot those politician* whose cardi¬ nal purjMsv is the extension arid perpetuation of Human Slavery. To thi* purpose. . very pubic- interest, every question i.f foreign or dom>*t.e pol« icy. Las been subordinated. I* was tin- pafpoao which carried the Annexation of Texas, wh.!-- an ioavgent province of Meuoo, at the ex|>en-.' of food faith and of aa. unjust war. It wa* this pur- peac which dictated a re|n>ni ot the Miaeovri He- »Iriction. It was this purpo-e whreh subjected Kansas for >ears to the most OBtiagOOBB tyranny and OppWBBkBJ ev. r endured hy a civilized coinmu- ty. It this purpore irUek impel'..-.! the Di. d Scott decision. It whs this purpo*e which instigated the Leconijitmi fraud, which was in- tended to perpetuate by a bogu« State Const.tution the alfiveholdine domination which hod been eitab- Hahraj ja. Kansas by liOaetbCe and ballot-stuffing. BDdel the protection and w ith the connivafi.-e of the Federal authority. Iu tail last attempt, the BlaTC PoWOI wn* *ig- fittliy, ifTHWlfakplflji foiled, and foiled by the help of such Southern Americans as Crittenden, Bell. Humphrey Marshall, Winter Davi*. Ac, and such Democrat* a* M. ssis. Ha-,kin. Clark. Hicktnan. John 0. I>au*. Ac. It wa« the first time that the solid tote of \ ircinia, South Carolina, Qaajj'gla, aMahan. Ac, had bcai oecraoraa in the Hooao on anv <rie*tion rttailjr aatVftj|l| the aggrandize-- meiit of Slavery. The defeat of Lecompton MTM a practical reply by the IVnplc, through their Rep- res« ntativ. s. to the l»red Scott decision. And. though tins defeat vsa* salveil over by the passakje of the Ktmlish bill, the ree. i. r, w.v«- ajiparent OBiJ, aod had no practical vnlue. The I'e..p!e >.f KiHisa* promptly, rraphitkitiTj put thsvir feet on the bribe held out to them; while, as to th>' MOSOt of |m-r*isteut exclusion fioin Ike LTDMM einbo'iicd in that bill, evtl its supporter* fjaaj the Free States are now recojiug troin it. and proiuisiug the People that, if reeicctcd. they will vote to a.lniit Kansas forthwith and on any reasonable tenns she may pr> «er be. So (hat bill i* pretty cflectuallv di-. poped of. Now there are Democratic Metiihers «Lo ..p. posed the Locompton and Lnglish billa who hftTfl liaCi liasfeiird to abase theinsehrs at '.h>' fooiBtas)] of l'ower.1-« protest that UaBJ mesnt li-.thmg. or as tieaily nothing as poaaihln, hy that tmU.and to promiiM' to swallow blindly every Executive edict hi-nceforth. Some of them have bad the c.^lnen to bsarrt that, hs the rejection o| the Fngii«ii bribe, the w hole matter U settled'.B> BaBBTtiol only stirpa*s4-d in impudein e h) the Aikony Argnr'3 declaration that, since Died Scott is dead. Uta Du d Srott derision 00 longer of any practical account of BOBUao, we d- ».re the BBBCtiOB of none of this sort. Bur. u* tor th.-*t» Meiuh.-rs chosen .*.* DtfjBMlatl w n itBfDlj oppmed the orig¬ inal LftPoaiptoB scheme and ita liiBtial anrouBBor. who braTcd ths) frowoj of Power and ipatwjod Um n. uieinent* of 1'ationage bl order to wiest Kanss« troui the clutch of Slavery ai d usuipation.we feel that the Country OWOB taOBI a deht >.f grati¬ tude which no J,. puhl imii BhaaJd hesitate to ac¬ knowledge. The\ raied the OOttatT] from couvu!- aion, pBraapS from citri] war: aiaea the people of were inclined to resist the imposition of I.. omptoa Bpoa tin iu. aas] tLe) had friends in the 1'iee Mat. k m ho »oii,d nor have stood tain, .v j bj and seen them nuked objI by a kireliag loldiery. 14.aj at tacae hleaiaara have been dischidcd and deaerted by the managers of ih.- paitl which elected tbent because of their Course- om tin- LrBeouptaa aad Knc-ii-h b Hi.en we con¬ sent t.. HI them biok- ii down foi tL» cause If arc eSfBX t ..; d. -:ie . vcr to be bj aaajVCir, WMt) w.- not prove to thoee anaved BfaiMB] u< that tl.ey may vote with Us. when impelled by their ci.uvn t'otis to do without couim:rt;tii; »nucide BmtH .' a iii.norit» .-.i i to become .> atajorit) exeapl hp aoceaaaaaa aasl what ao rjcttaai la hriag tecea- - OBI to th- .>pp..s.t.ou as the spe. tacle a| a fmf. I ..i: af tM i' l'iescutalivcs of IM mnj..r.ty defying pow.i. eschewing patronage, si.d acting iu Ma> pert with the p preiscutat.vci ol the minority »£»iii»t the ponOOMCB and distributor* of " the Sjh.,1.« Wr can nothing. OtsWfa, then. wiU ait as they see lit; but to us HeM 'he dictate l< ke (B e »n,| p... i hoBBW and expe diency, that the IJepuL-ii. aus should sup|Nirt the reeic. t ii ..f . \. \ DawaeeTBtkBOMO* i.i nt of |M LoCOMptoa aud Eugliih bull who maintains hta att.tude ot raamtMBBB to thoae measures and the.r ha. kers. . .p. . ially where one Mi -osr the favuf mi the liruiiK ratic ariiH wailaii therri'V. And »r are e*j»rc ally btdieitaaa that the Bef lUh Mi of our own iMaslI 41V0 au undivided, OfltlMaiailil BBayajf, t^i III M 1(.' ark and Hasa.L. !.;<. KaaVstt hi MMM | to 1 i Govern- meal tbe .|a|MI mi the s a^e: p. M, gsie laJMMt* Um that in the courie of the month of October anrite » number af »l-»v. r«. which had sailed f.»r At't.. a under the Ameri. an flag, wcrr expa.-t.-d on the Cuban coa«f. We are very j!ad to see ir an¬ nounced that the GoTernmenr. acting en th!* aud ti er information, has acut tie »teamer».-h to look Itter the*e veaaei-. A single iteamer. however, ssN-nn rather a IbtUb m.Mna ü.r watching the whide coast of Cuba, ar..l we cotild well wish that Lieutenaf Maffit and the IVIphin had been sent back on this business, instead oi dispatched 00 the Paragusy expedit.on. Indeed, m it app-Mr-. that in th* ce**» of Paraguay. M| bat i ;. to precede, and perbapa j to eoprarde boetihtiee. and aa it ia intended that ' Mr. BowHa, th-- ,-. '.. ,r,. "hj" i»cer.d tho nrer ::. advance of the naval fore-**, we do not *ee why the who * Ptragnay fle.t. by VOJ of g: vt rg Mr. IWIjn the aurt. should not atop on their way tor a tew week* to cruiae oo the i'-a*t of Cuba, and thu« to Tir.dfate the strong profession* which onr fiotern:rient ha* all along made and »tili e«.n- t.nuea to make of a de«.re to «uppr> «- *! The appearance of such a fleet H tit Cuban ru«at. end their »ueeeM in rapturing five or 1:1 *la>er«. wouid go a great way toward frighten¬ ing the slave-trader* out of th- uae and abu*o of the ivtWliSM flag- The truth i*. that if Mr. Buehunan w:*h»"* to do an essential BOfrtOB to the Southern »lavehold;ng intere«t. he w;" enter heart.if, sincerely and decisively into the biiiir.e** of putting down the uae of the Amer.. ran flag and the aj f Ar:.*rican ship* in the business of the Cuban slave-trade; in other word*, into the luppressior. ot' the Cabal alive- trade, il now rallied ao oalj b] tni* means. S.i long as the Cuban riaro-tnde continue* the Bffi- tati«»n will go on in the Southern State» for repeal¬ ing our own proh.bitite act*. The most effectual inetuafor putt.ii. a »top to that agitation to ei- tingutsh the Africanilave-triole altogether. There cannot be the |ea«t doubt that the great body of the existing llaTtclaOwltltl are utterly opp.w.«l to the ret.val of th:* traffic, many of them, no doubt, from a aincero horror of it* atpM-if.e*. and all of them from o«n sidera- tiona of pecuniary interest. Within the !a»t ten year* «la-.e« have atU.I.ed an average DMQOJ ft! .'' at |ea«t twice aa great a-< th. y er. r hvl before. To rev;ve the slave-trade, to bnng in a large sup¬ ply of freab »lave» from Africa, would speedily btiog down the price to a point lower than it ever yet touched. The large and wealthy slaveholder* know tail perfectly well, and they will be ia the k gboot degree grateful to anybody who w 11! put a atop to aa agitatmu which threaten* them with thia lerioai Iota of property. They theui«-'lve» are ,ju:fe powerkaa m the matter, and they know and feel it. The idea of bringing down the price ,.f slaves to so low a point that every white man in the South shall be the owner ot hi* dozen or M :* exceedingly gf_0C< tive to the ignorant and poverty -strickeu mob, who. in the slaveholding States, under the loadtirBBif IB* " if«M0kJag poHtif jOaO, have constituted themselves the champion* and guardian* of slavery. It is in¬ deed a eorioai fact that while slavery is all power¬ ful ot the South, the slaveholders, considered a* a body, Bavo loot the power to control the *tonn tbej h.i.e r.K-ed, and are in danger of becoming the tietims ot the very fanaticism which they have fostered into lite, Kor all they . an do to prevent, thi- demand for the revival of the slave trade »und» a fair chance to become the te*t of Pro-Slavery orthodoxy in at least all the cotton-growing State*, and they would doubtless feel sincere grati¬ tude to au Administration which would extinguish this agitation by extinguishing the trade itaelt. There another cou-ideiation al«o which ought to have some weight with the Administration. If the) do Mot take measure*, themselves to catch these expected American slavers, in all probability they will fall into the hands of the British cruiser*, and t Im« k; to the revival of the search and seizure question j'lst so amicably di-po-ed of. There eai be n.» doubt tliat if the Echo had BOOB overhauled by i British instead of an American BiaaOT, slo- would hate been captured and carried into a British port for condemnation. When taken .-he had'-r llag nor papers. She would have bOOB taken possession af as being a ves«el without auy nationality. This has been the COttTMBOifonBlj pursued of late by the British cruiser* m such cages, and the subject of bitter complaint* on the part of aoHM of our naval Commander» on the African coast, who have BBBBeed the Unti-li of] covering over in thia way their capture of American >c*«c!s. Here evidently room for raising a aWi* cat.- .|'icMtio;i, which a Secretary of State so exceedingly jealous of American right* on the aea »» Mi. Ca»». eoald hardly let alone. I)., vesaels poaaoai the right of denationalizing themselre*' ( an an American VOOOOl, BBOrely by throwing her flag tad papen overboard, eeaee to ba an Aaatriaaa rtoaolf If will be Mach better to avoid getting to any controversy on this point by aeitiaf the tesaebt ourselves. Let it 0DCC be BBaV rat.i that the American Covcmment il ifl earnest ill suppress- :ng the «lrj\e trade, and it w:il be ipocdilj tapptt s-*.*d. It areaoaoo tae boa* t of the Daaaocratic party, carefully coi(f,u<-d iu its enunciation ro faaiton ia which ¦ laeatc on of oultwa atul rrttnaaaant eoald do aa harm, that :f had etfJietfd the eaPTOreat men of letters iu the land. It musr be admitted that the claim was not Jestifute of presiimptioa, and that nominally the show was a fa.i OBO, >,-,.-. ,i able wr fer- were ,-alle,I by the party name, swal¬ lowed the party p»p. Bad pavasled theiii«--lv.-» aa Uae ornament* If not the MaVgaifdl <>f tbe party. Their condesci-ns on wa* tolerably ro^aitcd by an organization, the Ch ef of \\hu h could not ipell, and the camp-foilowers of waiob could not r>'ad. Mr. In g wj. cael i Dbaaaoiat, ami ma a il to sp.t.i, Mad to t..a kajlaocd A.tiambra. Mr. Baaerofl was dabbed I Dcinis rat, and was aaado CoOl etof of Boston and Minister at sr. JamesY Mr. Paalding was aV ¦ at* i a DeaMH rat. tad received a port* I it Wn iftoa, Mr, taao mat i aria* braod a Deaaacrat, and araa appoiatod Maatar of CaelaBa Haaajatil laaioa, karwoTci wan ble» at the gigantic loaf at Ltec.t.-.e pateoaago, while the disi>o:tioL of the thicker si.i-e» ladkatad painful accuiacy the ta«tea of the Democracy. A.I Wastdaftaa, ;r* newspaper Was sometimes itrOOg, alwats coaise. and f MM p....shed. to n. Jacks, a . uid not w rite the En- ibak **rf *|*i Mr. \'>i> Sarai Baad itadra but tiet»r w th the *k..i or bV t.t-'e it a seholar; Mr. Folk, it' he rutertmiird the least pasaiou fin- It tters, Ueter fold his love, and succeeded chann- ingly in concealing it; Mr. Pierce wa* a country urarror, who read what bt araaaafifodtafaadaad Bataaaj more; Mr. Buchanan's i.u niry aspirat.oi,. culminated nearly a century ago fag the .pjb:. u- »loipc of a more dubioti* Fonrth-of-Ju'.y Oration, tor uttcnng which he ha* indub.tabiy cursed h.m- BbU aid h:s sfan u.ncty and tune*. Of the Dt niocratic dis'tors. we know nothing and car. ... kr.ow nothing. Ol the IVmovratv lawyer*, w- can only -ay that, J the National bar can yield >i« no brighter National bench, the brilliancy of kj memt-rra may be utterly blinding in a Pierx»wde: Court, but ha* not thua far ili'iminated loftier tri¬ bunal*. Of DemtK-ratic clergymen, we may remark ttut we never saw one, and never heard <j{ one. if we ex.-ept fhi»ae good men who guard the moral* at oiir piou* tara. and miuister to the «oula dia- e.iM-d of our Senators and Kcpre*entativo*. But if some suspicions readei think* tbat he ba« sp.««i iii our reSBBrka i morc-i of niaie»i«leao»*, we Ln+U n to BafTOOt 0.« egregious error. We have, f»:th our MM* art. fit.: ted lark sid*». bl <.rii»-r that tt.'- bright ...!»» tntght tl the more IBM and deicht the public ey«\ We bavr indicated the ti< ...DC.« » of th*- pn»t. that the gi..ry of the pr-- sent might .eem the grand- ' ». » | T he Deaaoenbtie pa it > bee owe literary gentleman lefti who ¦ .-i biawetj a heee, or. to speak tigura- tivaiv. who a forest of go.nw-.iti.,!.. an .*ce*n el ink. and a pyramid of paper.wh.. an wr.te even U-t:> r !!..«.:: Mr. 0'!»uii:van.»li*-ee fee :y ae^le-araaa, a:.d Bjrko kit tTtfJ BtrW] kfil i- tn-n. except taste, sense and knowledge, ajaj every political qualification except Demi-racy, having eea a Whig. man. and Kii-w-Noth- mm, all with great real and effe.-t. Ktea] we -ay that we refer to Mr. CtaltM Mat ird U at) 1 wkoofl I.k mm the The '.lory and >hame af K.nglajid" bl jmpularl) BBjpaajawJ to have eVMeWaMl the (i.ra« li.!:oti of Kng!:sh Ministries and trie - ,.i bk MM E..g!.ah M:n:*.tera I We do refer m h:m. Wr , rethl Nit Lester il the man. The CMe«a| Man. The Mm wLo Has Arnved. 1 he Man who has launched a new magazine called I if not known aa The Democrat* Age. Mr 1st iMl haa he M«l aboel »ad but penetrating eye. and Ml M ft -covered a total ImÜM of " bold, honest .and discriminating literary cnticism," modeatly hutnnniy say*. " Xft shall endeavor to do something " M supply this want.' "A New Age is on us.'* say* Mr. Lester, referring in thia iaatance nut to bit magazine, but to the present respectable year of 1 - *>-. "The arrange- .. ment* of the Keview have contemplated "taVMNewPetioeun It would fire u * satisfaction to behold an'in. at OMtM plating anything; it would me rapture to gOM upon an Arrangement contemplating a New Period. aqajntzBg wtik ItlCtJ Oje keJ power at what Mr. Lester calls " the electric piflfJNM of Kightecu ¦Hundred and Fifty-eight." and at the same time nibbing its pen to respond to the fresh demands ..which are tOMmo M .Io'ir!..n..-m." Journalism will be very ni'.eh obliged to Mr. Lester for his .r dlyaid: the New Period owes him countless th.-.:.k-. tM New Age. n/utt the Democratic Age, is under inhnitv eW git:ou*. Mr. Lester enters bravely upon the work, eonsnb-nng it* peril. The hand which now holds the pen." says Mr. Lester, referring to his own private Mai personal dexter, must feel the *r,.--k of the Telegraph in .. eve.-y puNatiou." We have m our day BSO! many gentlemen writing leading articles in various position". BOBBB were sitting; aOBBO were stand¬ ing; MM Were sprawling. Hut wc can lay our bund iu sol. mn kOMtCJ upon the pfOWf aWal mi our waistcoat, and, appealing to the world to wit* ness the truth of our declaration, avow that w.« have never aeeri any gentleman wntmg u article, and at the same time receiving in his pen-hand a succession ol electrical shocks. We are mm\ ashamed to own that we should like to see the operation. Wc have our doubt of the feasibility of the plan. Wc should appreheud a manuscript MBM remarkable for what we may cnli ''JttjtkMM than legibility. As an editor, we should not wish, to read that manuscript: as a compositor, we should BOtWiaktfl .'-et that manuscript; as a proof-r«'a«l- er, we should prefer to have nothing to io w ith that manuscript; but as a man who has gared with ¦We upon the poi tentoiis cacosenpt of the H»u. i(. t ho.nte, we akoeld like to sc.- that mauu- When Mr. LsBCfei ha* got well to work; when M MM down |aj ms machine, With the New Age upon one side, with the New Period on the other, with a new pen in his hand and I new sheet of paper before him; when "the hand which now hold* the pen " ha* been plentifully charged with the fluid,and is trem¬ bling with eagerness to get on.070 shall be much ohlige.I to Mr. Laeeter if he will send for us, and we trust no lil-timed politeness will tempt him to rise upon our entrance. We to see Inm upon bis tripod. We wi-h to scrutinize h> pulsa- "tiOM" and witness hi" vigorous jump*. We have seen the mermaid: we have seen the bairieas MfM| we have seen many of the ele¬ phant; but w-i think we -hull d;e more easily if we can see th> Mhyl of the NiaetoeBtk Century iu pantaloon-, bobbing upon h.s stool and sinvering and out in. .. repoonea to the freak de* " mands which are made on journalism. The t.mes have MOS hard, and are liot fat pre. i»eiy soft; but. rather tnan nuss this Olkikf^aOB, we should not reluct at the disbur-ement of two .hil¬ lings. Federal currency, or of t\m\Wo in bflh aaaaj any bank in Aikansas or FhtrfcaO, PrOM Iko aWMIMM MMaWl ol Tkt DmtoXtmmt Agi w. * we t.a.e ie.vive.1, we infer mat t|,e editor ia already mounted upon an [WBOrfeel ma- hine. II.s lans iage - gorgeous, his n is prompt, but his thonghti ne wofklh bebteaL .. lhe brain .. of Shakcpa'arc.-' be tells us. .. sprung from the .. same molding band that ekjaakaj the Qadkie peak* of the Alps, and (.suited las*'« " sunset." N..h<«dy. unless .--are.l apaa a tripod, would «pa-ak '1 a molding hand Ä|.| at the same t ine. Hut who shall limit the lofty eccentr.c.ties ..f Lester ./Jfeti*. ' I here is .. a law of existence f,,, »\\ beings and ad things. " IfW tkt Uiofc Hint floets ,n the sunneam to the " Bengal t.ger in his jungle.' So say* the Aged Deaaocret. W>- w oat deny to him wfcaf .-»-.- eeajeOtli to 'he mote: nor shall be have harder treat im mt than the BoaO/al b. mi aMWaWshla TkOM .a a .. >w of cxistecee " even fag him; his MMMM « preoplai ..<!: and il tons.- his own Words; .'» .. thousand tiaiileoa eould not make the pe;>»anf of .. the A|s nMl I both *a that the sun wiil BOC riae '.to-morrow." we are satisfied that a gentleman with ,-a New A^e m" ti.m must be baf) Maajajeak and g;hh. r at btt »»n d.-sonant will. Mr. James Bu.'haimau, however, will l.e pl.-.,s. d to notice that hi* A.'.mu .strati .? meet* with the full approval of the Voasjiaklo Dem-K-raf. Bfokasl) e!s«- has recently .3 .! su< h handsome tLng- of the poor old man. Bt if OOfiOMay, not sarca«tic.aJJv, railed .. vigilant and ab..-." He it eaaaaaMd lo Saul among the Hebrew.. He u head and "shoulders above them all.' He " abo.»ta elec- .. trie-?T tkiaaarMM the rank*.'' He > the Immo- bbMl of the Niggei BmMOH Wu-u (hi Aged DoMOtrat tkiaka mikfawko rtiaa, He-ays tha' " *ilent teara MMI down each cheek." t'r):u| not much m our line, but we would «uggesr that a tthot **t*~lH he lHawed to OOMO down --ne baek aud a mmi tear down the OaMf* But if Mr. Buchanan ia vigorously puffed, so are otbert. The DrmorrcU Ag» .i. v..{,'» n,_,t a iittle space to rather elaborate advert.r.Lg. Mr. Bu¬ chanan .1 lauded in eloOOOeaBect'BM with Webster's Diets)mttj, Ss.mebvdy . Wines aud Liquors, The Improved Billiard Table, The Family Ma¬ chine, Dagua rreotype*. Fine Cut Tobacco, Sab m.nidei N«fe-«. The Ht».p*-d ^klrt and The fcliuprie Spring B«-d. He is b-»Uer advertised th»o either of the** anuderrul srticVi vf ^trhaadise. md in ic*ic4xt kofj that he ryfj ,,.t ajg^ . B . wOEa* ha aaajiiiiti laan. ,. n# raafc it1«JTJ fcff * .nK.. mftmB g,.|. MMm We ^;'.f this m.Tiitvg one more finanrral raarabty in the C;f t (;, t, I -i ate eubb-ct be BJ t collect:,,,. ..f u* . ** LbbbI Ba-fimamafc Pea aj n .... jJJJ JJ Mil par, im leciiaali af the .,r^i*7 <"» Bare t. nj *. i bj ... .j JJ|| eaBdaaaaa af wiari af pj k a,),_hT frja. J erasures and ther de;i.-e,. M r,,\rT ,;p J^;,^/ BBi pr.-v. nr e,|KMr, I bji ^ jJJ P IMl ¦> .- . I - ice. in !»V,,( , ^* '"'*' . MobbjW Iler.t. : .:>¦: kfaBtfii .ya] .,, ba»e been geeti general rather than partfeaJBri now the In\...tiiTAt ns C*BBBB , particular* and « bjbbjbj, ^ Although the labor il fat lnll||,tJi , m mat be vet undeveloped, what ae v»r- v i . _ r ut' N Ion bj would be sufficient t<> startle »ha «..k.i I''1' SI we n--t h. r. t. f. re cnn-ved many and mm, ^T^|0 u n hi «.f the k adj. Of* the return* uaAt to the C lerk of Arrean», containing more than 4,000 beat- on r.-al e-tate hi thia citv amount, ng a all t0 hj f^*'.!"*1. it bOBbM that I lar.e portion to have been paid, and the general unpraauo, a that nearly all of it has bo.-n collected tai ^ credited: and the Committee are mi toenauuj, that the whole Mi oral ultimately hate. hj charged t«> profit and lo<*. Commencing -. lajji with the beginning af the ter n of Isaac War»^ ( BoetOf if Asst'esmttits. and hia deputies, »». pointed by .James Kur.y. Street L'oaaaa- ¦Ntr, they lay before the Couunon Cap*, tl a statement of each account, eip«^ the error* a* they appear, which consist of error« in footing up, i.nd in returns, and further Hi}, a payments made to Collectors, and the money b> tamed and no entry whatever made a regard toil, accounts are then taken up. andilenVia*. rie» shown, varying in amount trotii &4 ur $5 to thousand*. In the widening of Puane street, lip I.uient amounted to iJVTo i«*i, of which $1%,. 1*41 has been paid into the Treasury, while f64,07| remains unpaid and charged, le.nnig M unaecouot- able defit ot pllta88. In regulatiog tad grading Fifty third street, from Third t- Snlm avenue, there :<pp4-ars a d' tjciencv .»( $.l/at3.tbat same man being collector in both c&s*». \t\er *a> plaining the d"dge* by which this last tifir. baf was achieved, the Committee at; that, owing to the want of proper boot* <>f account in the Finance lVpartinent, the Con¬ troller ho* n<> ready mode of ascerlitimng to a kit extent bonds in anticipation of aaa v>meat kira 'seen aaaatd) beaat a fl.witing d. bt bearing internat is constantly kaiaf created ami augmented, mmm doc* not appe ar conspicuously iu the official repurta, but which the taxpayers will find in due tuuebia* a painful reality. They and that the uusat »ia.-l.rj cotiditiou of the accounts of the Finance L'epartaatt ha* I strong t. udcucy fco disturb the confidence of capitalists in the value of city secuntiea, and henot the Weight of naaaalVa interest falls where dal ejoaaai and frauds also bear the hardct, upon tb> taxpayer. Among other dctic cncca noticed, aa observe ifcoh").'**' in opening Fourth avenue, fna Thirty-eighth to One-hundn-d-atid-fiffy-thirditrsatj K 6 in I ¦ wer bleaaaaj street. Ac: aviiar in all the accounts examined and reported upaa thus far, a total deficieucy of f'^.'.flö. Aaaaay the interesting itema discovered by thi* sxaauaa- tloli, were re«-elpts .i.eii BJ collectors for BUB«) paid in wheie the acci*ints Were not diwhargaa from the record, amounting in aJltonejr/y J'.AW. Tkia Ijaiiai of tillainy has bee n going on for years, and aa we turn from one branch to another n the) City Government, the mind grows su-k witl disgust at the amount of depravity winch basil- feeted and invade alim-st every one. The erü kai spread through the whole municipal orgaiiiiatioa; BlOaeitt owners all over the city have coice. to th* Committee exhibiting receipt* and Jemand'Bgtas canceling of liens against the estates. ItiiMl surprising such deuimid* have been atteoaW by the BOet bitter ileiiumnatiolis of the City Gel* ernment. and especially af officers immediately ia tereetod. cn./en* of the higheat eaaiMalBf ui standing, as we!! a* more humble property owoars, Lave giv I. vent to their mdigiiation m the must v oh t . v p-c.-ons, when they found aaa* for lb* h rat tune that li.-n* have he. n sfai,./ on their propertj t. rjraara, oa whieh they must pay froo* thirty-six t<> auty p«-i rent a* arrears. Thun* alaoioaaWtkmto twelve mi cent fttaaaaaan back aaaeoaakBata, a late whicfc .s perfectly rum- .iii* t<> the pio|M ity owner*, m atrely one ol whoa baa . v. r beoa adv.-. d that they bad i.eea aaseaaa. Bt a I. Ui- grow tired of these con.tantly recur- lag xh.bit.on« ot imaadiHiaai, and hurriedly paa aaai loan otikM aaaaaata hi regard tiiermnu i- ot.ig nj.. and the iaoeitioa "i items a contractaforatreetwork, a sy-t.-m of iaBMBBal eapeaeea to thai pndll at Bhe Jabaar, w hich wa pretty*fall] ilayalayc j ia tlae warU-raaaMabeved OBB oi c harlea Daaaa. What «hall bt doie' |t taaaa that alaaa* Without except..;, th*) ( Ij < o. V e nine n t, |a ail (ft) hraachea - ieaai atolj rotten and eoriapti th* .< >.' Bad tat Eiooatioa hoc***/- have been going oa aadaTaw ai . edge und, the connivance of whatewr part] bappeatd »..i tat tiaao boiaa to be daflaaal .n it- Braach of the Gesranaaeat, > beyond «Viebt I* it Bat p.. -. c ,- (hat at'er th'-ae dari.unigexj*' -ure-: a*t> r - .owing that potf aftct ..'.ir. *odei| fctts y. the knave- who have coutiiiued loCfOlf OBsce. bave spent then w hole tnue tml eitrt- giei il BeviaiBI way-and me*na to *t**aJ friron tba city at large , Irom the payer »r l"***' un' prosreBatataj tha* th* ..ifiViiiig i«eople, *'."> ** Meadiag to taa aMaaal of aavra ihau it-",^^ a y»ar. f. r tL> scandalous n.rflii..n' y "kit* paaOM !or c.fy go-, erninei,», .1 for once If"** laaaaatiTfa naäaal ami see that no p-aia**** picked cam us. aj any hi le ami comer noimnalJ** -ha .-.g:..ri thni-r ..]-- r; th.-ni auch an 'info ibte < i.- -i kpocio.; - Th. alflowg Ita^BOBaaB ar^'ies'Lattne Rvf*****1 Mate be ben'en i not by The Ürntt***1 J .. k. . BvtafjBBat the rJkm kradia| pap***-* the L u.on .to w.f. lilt IKIBIM. tmM BB H<ra!d. which supported ur r.. ket in l"?io\ oao (Tn TataVnrg) iaea tko iJt« thj fm\ *** teat *!i:s aaa g.vea it a left-handed n9fort Let M .onifop 1'itr oaaOaaaoa v* th a le* ***"' s-BBBl , If ia trie that we we:r d.aai'poinfed and a^"?TW by the faJuic bj form a fua.on tc-kct at Syraca»«« and that we conaider certa.n leading K*\yx.*T mo.til) t«. blame for that failure. More oa ,lM,*\ ject in due time. But if Thr Statuta* That we do not think the RepubLcan State BIP an untoaumoiil) good one, it is endly ou» in i«« "W ooaiig. We cvBiadcr il ,ä- bgat ticket b*»«

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Page 1: Library of Congress · ßneitu«« Xotue«. Kail ÜtOM w «

ßneitu«« Xotue«.Kail ÜtOM

w «<* las i- avertea Pa.. o---d. .¦'

b**lavla.«. ee.e.-.d .j .r - >!.e «...<.?.. '»«*'dh-avty. Mal tri ooal.tie* rereto brreoih« to »hl« rmm**t

Paaie Rtta Mafi _.IVanr« frotn Laer war** maker. k> "rent srrti...

last» ao> i Hat«.(V .. rv 'e.- ptloo "'¦ '¦ '' »' '" "f

UeBea UI P»«'» » ' *"¦¦»" '

UlM Aot » * i ' » ' °*T'

Jol»i» » KlO <»1 0VBB,

. Kam-. SSBnRajaaB«IBea/e«V *>Vy OBBttJ ««».. laM

^mmmm* 1 V.'. ,. FashiN . 1 4 1 I -.- H. v b- ,'.w,v

On «»» BmabM***.. White Pantaloons HaiWMI¦ ..>r- Ft..'. i bbtei BM .. " ¦' ¦ .»<.- .. H a .

M'-iatais !;.« u- are I'dl*Iii »im aanaabb K .. ,«

ftl' Milr of H . t .. n Ia^aM «r«tt.. r *¦'. aa*c ... ¦ i> i

caiaaaB. Mo B" *jw»y._Cektikm»n - Km. Hat*..Brno, .v> i»

Maaaav. at., ar ill ii.-r.4u a Bbl BOSS MrtS* ta FaiBSt S-p» 1.

ajiajBaal to ti" rsAtateserasati al a nr* . Ta«« '*>¦ aaaa* tyies**?.Btsr>. Nr. 4» rbbmmi

AlrltfO Ml.fa KOI. A CO.

No Ml Broadway

»Avr. Momsi»> d Mr| yo .r

<!».- Fi XT! ar*

M Daii . v a. Co., Mas snd (.;; Broadway.rtA\k MomEl

and buy yourFa»*« H I'Hiaa iNti (Ii...

<*r Dan ».v a Co.. N». BM aaa BM Hr..*dw.y

8avl Mo.m;>.and boy foal

Silvkb Platio Waikof fun..* a Oa No. BN aad «n Broadway

Havk Mum.iand boy roel

Tasli ( t ri i iv(I DaIL'.y a CB No.. 631 and fc-VJ Broadw-v.

Tb«y bare in n rn. u» stock, and their prl. M arelow) a.

tau yon <an find itean e.« where.

Lili.ik'm CaUin Ikon Saki:/. fAew'/y o*Jr m insrkr'. war h ouiblne*

Kholai Psoor QaaLITIBIWith I'liratT .Sri nan y aoais-t Kiar.

tanas Bai. « havel.iLLir'. CoiaBnaTtaa Powoxs Psooi Ln<«.

h AkA ' fcr retardKtiKtAka.» b Co Ap-nt*. N.. 111 BroaCa ar

ftiMi mn sii.vkh Tea skts,Uava, Ta.VA, OaBLBTa, ir A...

l/'.i«n. raraMhal IbrjpaaaaaatbMMK. v. h ivaaa avi it Ca., of Broadway and BfaaM ..

OtjM aUMAMT KaMJ. Stockof

Fit... ti ( him. Baoair.A,Wot, Caku. BraTPABV, A.

8«-i»<ie<i aaiaaaaly by Mr Havaawaar, aialela I r .p*aoar aaiiy arrivmi, and wilJ be soid at extremely modrrat. ardui

K N HitüHwovr It Co...roei of Broadway and Br enne .'

OaL'I IKK M t KLKHKATLTi CftVCIBa>e8and Stovr Polimi

Tbr very be.t a.t lea in uae. Afei.u,,M..i Baii.ui« b Many.

_^No. ib John at.. New Yorb.

SiMItH'« MHIMi M.M IIINKS..That Matibinea niak. tie beat MBV b MM invented Las been

widely ti .au for year*. Other marbli.. may m.kv a . *-

stücb ufexi a f. » list.' fabi, ^, but S>sota'> alone are couije-teat U> So every lind of work upon an> Tan. ty of fanr. \

Miaoia'- Nrw Family iBWiaB MaoNlarsbare tb* seine relative sopenonty a. i a Ma t....e. for :. xt .*.»

taiiaas |*aipoeea. Tbey are BbM irettre bvautlfol man any BBBar.H.,. o.low ao.l U..1.. i aa .»».. "-be mn.t improved tt .> are ap*jeUad. wbeu *e*Are^ to aey »f It Ar-i i Mectainaa.

I M Btaaaa hCs V mb BBaalaaj, Maa-Tatr*.Grt-at laetlu» tion il tte pr.cea) of ftilh Twist.

hi" ytLf a Tb/ea.1. N'edietaad e' er yti,i. < n» r^ ba Bars a .M>

bw-r*. hi* » - - ... N > I « M ¦ la BJT BTffrMOwaey*s Black Bevilaa BUb from.»7 V. to #1 11 t> ra

L M lUBBB, No. AW Broadway.Hint, Wkbiatkr oV Vo.'*

Ikruuub Tiomt SiitlMSr wiau Mai iu»i«.

for si1 niSJinta. tur.i t porp'.te. ar.rl la i. iy ..e arepi. v ,>

toy otber nerbaie. Nu 419 Brutviw.y.'. W« prefer tb.m for faniilv uae." |N Y. Tr:b .r.e.

WntUM «V Wilson s rteWOM Maciiisem.a VaLttaBLS IwrsovrMekT .a new T. nnon and e Hemn,.rtbat laru heina of any v. idtb witbout prevlooa taatiLf. USV»Me-.tMSatruadv.*.. N Y.

Iii a i. a a vi or tub I/Ota Stitch.

Tblt la tbs only ItSMh that Saatrt t>e rare led and that«:.tMbj same spy. sran. e up..n each aide of the team It H rns.'eWIUi two thread., one upon taib aide ol tLe fabii.lad laterloekrvd la the rent, r of It.

Tiik Gbovbbi »v Bajuui Skwihu Mai mint:Ob n>». 4M iiwaaVay, sail tbe tu<> baM Hasaaaaa la »-

Ove Maas IIa* Bai i m u> Lo. a s. itca a .tu. b

-BGQEeOGQGGEÖaalaaaate4Baras*jria| iscitli th.t air aat t,. baairaoed, the oil.- . ¦ w Ma. Mit, BtakuMJ IBS oaiebrmtedCesavts a Bakss >tit. h. oi IA- Laai BtM t>i*t\- L.~.rd.

^tH M I I HU I tTbw Machine u v »r».t ;. j |. ¦. .>!-,.

1 lo. . fui f.o... I ....if

_S»»r> i oa a Ciai ri as.

¦bph DlAMOKTJ JlWiiRv m Hi I ill I i

aaoud RiiAf*. Biaasaylas hia>-> > t. Ban «. ,\e'ini. .in tu.'* irt.ii hk ....

D. 0. PsatoLS, laryoetavi Ksueiaaaaitsd hy_l»AVil) Kait. N.. 40Ö Broauwav. up itaut.

DVUXCS &alamaxdm SiH.s.-KoiiKur M.Tatbia a, Ball M.i <..',. ¦< r. .'. -!. '. g ,, ,. . |I'aTtst Tueiüak Fatal DttlABCB l.o.k» «n.l CaOSI H»si.AIavo, Fist, and Blraai »s Paooi BlBBBaaBB a:.t I'ariorBares, for aijver p.ate, a l>ep.*, N. iwFearl-at boi toolba bra M%.d. i. lam

Hit.ii Kbjitb pricwai Iqm rtata, IobbI*1, a> S .... H..... 1 M |e BBBSS .'lass.tycOO to a'.foo. Hudson t»., aan.e class (owninn tBrjaae), »>J40. Tbatrvlorr «o to LakUO.k'a, N. 1.1 fji CarrwM 0 v'» - A.-

HOMIA .'ire.l by IfARBH'M R.AMCAI Cl'tlTavk» Refer.-i. to all taa Brtaelral Burfi as aatl Fl B a:.

«ttbiariiy. la', and rxamiu* h. :. re i.:r. ha.u s el-, w.n ie.x i ..' Ii as <.. k laiBaAii», RtrsoBTKBs,^ Oflire No i \ . .. > .. \,- 11 b

BT.Kkmoi \^ Ilm 11. .i,.vl.. s rt»ajdikif at ttcd.f!'..«ii II.t-U v. laal as tb. ra pmh f Roots aruTss -. sarid Ladie*'. Bnsaaa' Bays and C. .1. . OaBwi H . i

of ail tbe vsrio it .tTlra. |*>ad artlrtr ainiterata BikesJ. B. Mi: lit i o . No ei-7 Lai., a-.

Fatthki oit's H mr Dtbv-Wmri ixdTot frrrLarae.t »to^k lu Iba world.Tbit reUbreted SSaaMbsBaaet »

at No. M Brvssdwav IVsaliaptvateaasM larsaasar] 'ir ;_e

afeohraaaoa ot lua Hais DTB, the be.t extant, bar. *a

Iaa'iRTieiaaBTomiaiBaialaswolaaiaiili n111 ail innen:bbka is tbe oaly pie. <-white LteAH- tau.|t are i ;.. y.uc.r.: va

li\KK\ > 'I'KIt ortu ROI *

la tha B.-< .--i i asaaaat A laB* ;i e.. ..tBesulifviut, ( eBtiaus. C iriiuf.

Fre*a-r\in» and Reston:OJ tae Ha Itawttee. try h. For aair by ail DnfwMM and P.-rh.rcera.

Ml ALL UATf. Illmt and BOACYEl lllt«'-thouses, store* and mMk) BMNR «*

ho' No RaSmall «i vastttv t. RiTtBPATBB

ttBl lw*l Tr»'Mere'. M.sti Bl Va VBBMIB Rtstl

F nie« .'i-ui ... \.r» Baun au».

Aaiiutvi aanaiatteaaaia it.* .inn ei aaaataal B....... sasola *t Meauf*. t. re, » j-;.v Biaataaj*, Sei H -^i-

st t*wa. A.-i . Fatntaica V Bfaii ro.». D- tt . H , |<ArAor Haeuee and 417 B.-.adwsy. ,or laoa:.t

INI LA.MMATIO.V ON TMR 1,1 M>a,5»*rre case CAired b\ tlx' Munt;, BALVI .Ii

Ms> laabeJIa Row.. No. |p Uooub! k .'rev' Kol aa> b» I»! Stl b*MTa. Mo. Still i ai ai .-reet. t.anfc k, and »-\ Oi it fa

aiao at (teaLa's, tbe'l.eset. Tribuae Bot'smnATT>:K.»i Puxii t\n Tkimmim.m

ref rve**f ssrrety, o p- i« 4 tBd to< .ale byRaanaTi t. Carnst i.

Ra. IU Br.'sdw.rM h..Fri.oac>: CaBsttal.

I Tur '>¦..> iMMBaafMMICWW V rt, aaainr (»:.:> I) BW .«

T»»r«r.a-» mm!aBeaeke paeeat to* «ae N r

tirnn, Hi «»»<»«. a On I«M 117 and II» Booth lOU-at t^y^-.fu *.

VB'.f'f' -¦ »:..<»... .. >.' tekyl ' "">.'.Hi 9 P u .-. Ri - '«

ll'irUu'i Vit 'iL« \ rt iBaakfi *'» *. ..» .

r »i I/.'-- < *.r »od T< ip"" "*> ' * " °'Into dc.-ou.-o ib a et< !t s=-r " .*V'~-*' '''J"*1 .

I P T' *.» l . iIm ¦*-*¦) t.r--.-. - .

a t TNi a I Irnii.Tm Ali-Ii"' BCALIM IBI tlJaa»

wrick, tt i« i-«fr»d»d no tl kar.d. ar» »k* h*e- M 'he mark-A .a... B at. .IV IW ->i- laMB* . ¦ I " MBlBl l/Ooa-

B'kM_I!i i'.kiv.'1- I'Ai Kvr Champion run arA Bi n:

Lai iv/", Si»h n ¦ l*»BtWlf BMBM m r:a/a'. ^u- r Bj Ha;.. Haw I ri


TO COUUCI FOHIrE HTMHe. nitre e«n k» .».»! ' a »'.<.'¦¦. a-. .-i Wv

»*er i* iLtend-d for it»> rum. muat o* ai.toer-.. mm 11¦MBi ai-d a*.drn»a of tbt- BlBae .1 i>e**-»aar_| BM [«i» Ati"k. but at «. waxty BB) bia t**i Utk

VA"» mmmt '< a> rake v, p-'-.r. r-J, »d Caan n leatieca¦..,... kjMfti f. r The laiataa Offi<* tb^u.d in »Ii < w% b»

addxreaed to Hoaac r OaatLtv k Co.


next the iccaod nurub«t mi The Tkibink Mir-( A nth.p. AliVi.mtiskk. It will BC issued monthlyhereafter, and devoted exclusively to the lutTeitt

und use* of the Mercmitile Public, N the HBaPW*ing plan:

I. It will contain fali reports of the Market», withwich other Commercial and Money [ntelligeace a-

sball lie deemed of special ir.t»-r--t to MOM bant*.II. It wdi l>« Kent without rharge by ma:l, po«1»i,..

pn j.a.d. to .<M>,000('(iui:try M< ri bantu who buy .'--lain New-York, Philadelphia, BoJtMkWO, or Ii«.<ton.The LftDifcr will be ntlected by M's-wra. MiKi.lopAiWood frooi thoee reoOOOOd on the hooka of their Com-roer' ial AgOACJ, and they gnaract'-e that not le<n than50,888 shall be sent, tliiH lieir.i- the full num Ire r of

Country Men that tboj ffrtnflrTT :t <h.-'iah!e thnato addre,«.

III. Tha tr.lal expense will l>e defrayed bf Merear.-tQe Advert i-ü.g, far wbieb Ooa DoOor per Boo willeborged, TboOOWbo roojoin the.r advertiv-mente toleft displayed will make epeoioj barfcrnine therefor.

It ia believed that no equal lippoiloiilj for ad-drensing Country Men haut« wan ever offered in

the Tinted State*, even at double, or treble theOOOt of tin*. Tin* *hect ia intended for Men-bant*alone, and will contain no other matter than am

aa i* adapted to their want*. We have every facili¬ty for making a Mercantile Advertiser that w

deoont the approbation of Merchant*, and we

reapectfully invite their riaip* ration. Adrcrti*e.menta received at Till. .kiblnk Office. If byletter, addree* H08UCI Okkh.KY A Co...Vn« l or*, Srpt 24. 185». No IM N»«*« I»

If a teb-siam from Trinity Pay 1* to be credited,the Atlantic telegraph i- .. aitaiu in completeworking order," at lenat n* regard*, the transmit-«ioD of signal*. No "specitio BB00OOfMM have,

however, been received from Vnlentia, BltkdWfl" glM^I eh-i ti jc currr nt* bat»- been pfJBwMJ lot" three day*." Tin* il n rorj BOBBlitfafrtorj BOB*

dition of affair*, and one which require* explana¬tion. Were the kwMMkttOfl and resumption of rigBolflequally inexplicable ' Did the current suddenlyceaae to flow, aa it did frhib) the cobkflWM boioflaid? I- it found inipoe*ible to trati*init nu-s.

sa^ee. OT hu* no attempt boon made ' What have

tho operator* been diuiiK dtuit| the In at three

da>e ' Why wa* not the public apprised at once

of the awakening of the Cable fjpBMI it* Ion«, and.

ieeordin| to the London papera. iip<«u which,

it would seem, wc depend for iiiformatioij.tttfid'luiliber Wh) thll Silence eillee the 1st o| Sep¬tember If the Teh uraph be a failure; if it haa

not succeeded in doing it* Work, or haa dime if byfits Bod staits. 10 SI to be pnctiOBlIy BBOlcOB Bl B

channel ot < <uiini'i!iicatio_. tie fact MiigM «»

Weil be kiiottii now Bs OTOTi Wt BBBC ben

very potiont] vac Luve BOOB willing to letthe Direeton take their own course, andhave felt BO disposition |0 grumble boCBBOOtBCratorprioc waa not broogb! to porfectioii in bdoy,But we submit that it is time to give the publicsome Ugbl OH the nature ami extent <d the iliffi.rultic* which baTC Bfiaan »thBl one rule shoiilti uot

obta u at Trilit) Baj and another at ValoBtia, bur

that we mi this BBfl of the cable should l»> put iu

pMOOWBeOB of information ftfpoctitvg « matter inwhich we are at least equally interested with the

Engl -1 b4 ipefd Ij .onl ne coinph tviy a- they.

I he ti Latl oj the Bupoiiotoo_c_t ol Polier*,Ircdciok W. Tiiilnikiigc. was (oiitiniicii ye-terdarbefore tin- police CoMunieaioBora, Variotu Brit*iic-ses were exsmined relative to the refusal td

QOM, fnliuindsc to -end men down to QHOJBHtiBewithout a Ko,ttiaitioo troui th,- CoanuatfeeioMra,and bw to then that the Marines were scut doWB,a* it wj* KuppoM-d, aa a protection to all thepropcitj tboro, eVc and the case miBBaijoonodtai to mmj, A lull rcp»irt will BB MMBa iB BB4XBBIi oiumti.

The largt iBBaBOI yard oi >mi- A Grant, to.gether with the steam jilai, ng n.iii ..t Lawrence »VWodenort! «..d « BottioB ..! Um Mohci droolingBfü ot Mhb8biboM| Smith Jt s.u.ifcr. hmt ofI Wtllt\-!i!(lth atid Thirtieth etrerfi.. l.s,ef K:\er.wa* destn.wd by fire laat nijht. TV total lostMill Dot tali »bort of $80.000,

AN',- hate Lo l irtl.i i i> w< r> «p> ¦. n. «traiii-

ahip *'fn ol fire in Dlid-tK-ean by the »h p Kosen-Lrath. a\Bj ooc of Bororal MeaBaerl naj bare beenin the lacaiitj whtTf she waa BTOH. and the dc-scliption aivru 1» too impel feel lor identification.The Auvfr:;», frmn *>oiifi,.nnptoii t'..r tLi. porr. IftfBffVJ Urn twenty days out. WopflblMaiBbetafher paOOfapjCTI cl-ewhiTc.


The Kepubicana of our City have . hi.«en dele-t»tea t<- »b r arraonl I^oBaiMtini CoatoaUoas..'f the p!»-j,,..,-«-.! :,« and purpo«es fi ihiHc ,ii',.i'a'es arc kaoa very tit/tie?; bal ere bMMebb, in thoBBeraca oi roalictiag maVHca*, tt.,* fktm havebeen CaOBCE to atretigthi n and pdlBBt» H Ro>publican i-a iae. not to poMMBM the pr täte ax-KlaUd:reluri.t o| aft BQWOBj or per-»:.-, [p t\mloaMoaoa, ire desin- la s* t bo8ata rh. ¦ ».me gen-

eral con- -UrBtltl *

Tfcat a Kepubiicau ticket pure ami -in:j b>, ataetbe beater, m our City, all BkOH BB kn..w. «.»n 'hathead, the Biyrieaca af i-"-o" :s mm R«aa1 and t.aiconclusive to be disputed. ThoiijTh ttc had Qlirgi:Waabitigfon fo head it. and Ji IBBBBH, lfa.|;a,.n..lohn.Iaj oni (ieorge Clinton to fill it. it would bebeaten all the name. But it ia within om power,b] conciliating and uniting with some Tflecn or

Tvraat] Thousand toter* who im aaaaa] po ,t, ,uh

.tantniW nti"** with ua, to aeod four or fi»e M«*m-

.--s r,, r.,ngr.«*s to opn**»** th*- I>*<v>mpton andd-b:-.... vrfeBf poBej BfBasdaaaaa iaJ L.-adviaera.risoi ant-Tamman) Count) officers, and .nd t<>

Albany .-i-fbt or hfl A«¦>*.!:,bhui*-'! It mpport a

fflghillllwi ti Te-gai Ttdon and every othermMaajf mi salutary and pravti'-al Reform.

AI! tl .* .s »ith.n our r«-*.-b.aithin ewer reach.Mktan Delegate* .but to it* attainiueut ;t ia b>

i,-.ih ; lasjiiatte Laad job. aaararii« hl share

of the nomination* ti those Americans who ir>-

.tilling to pi-if-erat*- with u« <>n the Hann BBU-

eat»«d at the I*i.i..n f'ify Meeting "f tbe 6th in-t..and more fully tet forth at Syracuse on the 9th.and that rag present a* eaa»iaB»Mi oi'-n of un-

: ajadcd eapacitv and imiaow! private worth Warn

arr kncviij to be sul-tantml, exemplary citizen*,

uotadd.cte.l to ..(};... -«.¦..",.ng and who Dare had no

haad ia paekaeg <>r maaipaBBtiagaVdaajataa with a

wot* to the-ir o«I nomination. In «hört, »hat i«

heeded i« that you nominate candidate*, not be-

eaaac tbej iraat, bei .tbej waited. Dothi*. and our chu«e will triumph: it other*i*>\

we ihal ur beates, and paa w;ü be respontiblefor it.A* to ti.> CsMgiesMM, tac a-k only that tb-

American* tw aeeattied thoil «harn of the strong a*

well a» the lo«« hopeful di*tnct*. and that Horace1'. ' lark he heartily »upported in the up-fown d;s-

j trict. Our rea»<>n* fur wising him Ba^eorted,though often isdb atWt may he briefly restate*, at

follow*:for aomo year- paat.indeed, fur nearly all of

the last thirty year*.the Federal Government hashen. La the ha.'.di ot those politician* whose cardi¬nal purjMsv is the extension arid perpetuation ofHuman Slavery. To thi* purpose. . very pubic-interest, every question i.f foreign or dom>*t.e pol«icy. Las been subordinated. I* was tin- pafpoaowhich carried the Annexation of Texas, wh.!-- -:.lian ioavgent province of Meuoo, at the ex|>en-.' offood faith and of aa. unjust war. It wa* this pur-peac which dictated a re|n>ni ot the Miaeovri He-»Iriction. It was this purpo-e whreh subjectedKansas for >ears to the most OBtiagOOBB tyrannyand OppWBBkBJ ev. r endured hy a civilized coinmu-

ty. It this purpore irUek impel'..-.! theDi. d Scott decision. It whs this purpo*e whichinstigated the Leconijitmi fraud, which was in-tended to perpetuate by a bogu« State Const.tutionthe alfiveholdine domination which hod been eitab-Hahraj ja. Kansas by liOaetbCe and ballot-stuffing.BDdel the protection and w ith the connivafi.-e ofthe Federal authority.

Iu tail last attempt, the BlaTC PoWOI wn* *ig-fittliy, ifTHWlfakplflji foiled, and foiled by the helpof such Southern Americans as Crittenden, Bell.Humphrey Marshall, Winter Davi*. Ac, and suchDemocrat* a* M. ssis. Ha-,kin. Clark. Hicktnan.John 0. I>au*. Ac. It wa« the first time thatthe solid tote of \ ircinia, South Carolina, Qaajj'gla,aMahan. Ac, had bcai oecraoraa in the Hooaoon anv <rie*tion rttailjr aatVftj|l| the aggrandize--meiit of Slavery. The defeat of Lecompton MTMa practical reply by the IVnplc, through their Rep-res« ntativ. s. to the l»red Scott decision. And.though tins defeat vsa* salveil over by the passakjeof the Ktmlish bill, the ree. i. r, w.v«- ajiparentOBiJ, aod had no practical vnlue. The I'e..p!e >.fKiHisa* promptly, rraphitkitiTj put thsvir feet on

the bribe held out to them; while, as to th>' MOSOtof |m-r*isteut exclusion fioin Ike LTDMM einbo'iicd in

that bill, evtl its supporter* fjaaj the Free Statesare now recojiug troin it. and proiuisiug the Peoplethat, if reeicctcd. they will vote to a.lniit Kansasforthwith and on any reasonable tenns she maypr> «er be. So (hat bill i* pretty cflectuallv di-.poped of.

Now there are Democratic Metiihers «Lo ..p.posed the Locompton and Lnglish billa who hftTflliaCi liasfeiird to abase theinsehrs at '.h>' fooiBtas)]of l'ower.1-« protest that UaBJ mesnt li-.thmg. or

as tieaily nothing as poaaihln, hy that tmU.and to

promiiM' to swallow blindly every Executive edicthi-nceforth. Some of them have bad the c.^lnento bsarrt that, hs the rejection o| the Fngii«iibribe, the w hole matter U settled'.B> BaBBTtiolonly stirpa*s4-d in impudein e h) the Aikony Argnr'3declaration that, since Died Scott is dead. UtaDu d Srott derision 1« 00 longer of any practicalaccount of BOBUao, we d- ».re the BBBCtiOB ofnone of this sort. Bur. u* tor th.-*t» Meiuh.-rschosen .*.* DtfjBMlatl w n itBfDlj oppmed the orig¬inal LftPoaiptoB scheme and ita liiBtial anrouBBor.who braTcd ths) frowoj of Power and ipatwjod Umn. uieinent* of 1'ationage bl order to wiest Kanss«troui the clutch of Slavery ai d usuipation.wefeel that the Country OWOB taOBI a deht >.f grati¬tude which no J,. puhl imii BhaaJd hesitate to ac¬

knowledge. The\ raied the OOttatT] from couvu!-aion, pBraapS from citri] war: aiaea the people were inclined to resist the imposition ofI.. omptoa Bpoa tin iu. aas] tLe) had friends in

the 1'iee Mat. k m ho »oii,d nor have stood tain, .v

j bj and seen them nuked objI by a kireliagloldiery. 14.aj at tacae hleaiaara have beendischidcd and deaerted by the managers of ih.-

paitl which elected tbent because of their Course-

om tin- LrBeouptaa aad Knc-ii-h b Hi.en we con¬

sent t.. HI them biok- ii down foi tL» cause Ifarc eSfBX t ..; d. -:ie . vcr to be bj aaajVCir, WMt) w.-

not prove to thoee anaved BfaiMB] u< that tl.eymay vote with Us. when impelled by their ci.uvn

t'otis to do without couim:rt;tii; »nucide BmtH.' a iii.norit» .-.i i to become .> atajorit) exeapl hpaoceaaaaaa aasl what ao rjcttaai la hriag tecea-- OBI to th- .>pp..s.t.ou as the spe. tacle a| a fmf.I ..i: af tM i' l'iescutalivcs of IM mnj..r.ty defyingpow.i. eschewing patronage, si.d acting iu Ma>pert with the p preiscutat.vci ol the minority»£»iii»t the ponOOMCB and distributor* of " theSjh.,1.« Wr can nothing.

OtsWfa, then. wiU ait as they see lit; but to us

HeM 'he dictate l< ke (B e »n,| p... i

hoBBW and expe diency, that the IJepuL-ii. aus shouldsup|Nirt the reeic. t ii ..f . \. \ DawaeeTBtkBOMO*i.i nt of |M LoCOMptoa aud Eugliih bull whomaintains hta att.tude ot raamtMBBB to thoaemeasures and the.r ha. kers. . .p. . ially where one

Mi -osr the favuf mi the liruiiK ratic ariiH wailaiitherri'V. And »r are e*j»rc ally btdieitaaa that theBef lUh Mi of our own iMaslI 41V0 au

undivided, OfltlMaiailil BBayajf, t^iIII M 1(.' ark and Hasa.L.

!.;<. KaaVstt hiMMM | to 1 i Govern-meal tbe .|a|MI mi the s a^e: p. M, gsie laJMMt*Um that in the courie of the month of Octoberanrite » number af »l-»v. r«. which had sailed f.»rAt't.. a under the Ameri. an flag, wcrr expa.-t.-d on

the Cuban coa«f. We are very j!ad to see ir an¬

nounced that the GoTernmenr. acting en th!* audti er information, has acut tie »teamer».-h

to look Itter the*e veaaei-. A single iteamer.however, ssN-nn rather a IbtUb m.Mna ü.r watchingthe whide coast of Cuba, ar..l we cotild wellwish that Lieutenaf Maffit and the IVIphinhad been sent back on this business, insteadoi dispatched 00 the Paragusy expedit.on.

Indeed, m it app-Mr-. that in th* ce**» ofParaguay. M| bat i ;. to precede, and perbapa

j to eoprarde boetihtiee. and aa it ia intended that' Mr. BowHa, th-- ,-. '.. ,r,. "hj" i»cer.d tho nrer ::.

advance of the naval fore-**, we do not *ee whythe who * Ptragnay fle.t. by VOJ of g: vt rg Mr.IWIjn the aurt. should not atop on their way tor

a tew week* to cruiae oo the i'-a*t of Cuba, andthu« to Tir.dfate the strong profession* whichonr fiotern:rient ha* all along made and »tili e«.n-

t.nuea to make of a de«.re to «uppr> «-*! The appearance of such a fleet H titCuban ru«at. end their »ueeeM in rapturing five or

1:1 *la>er«. wouid go a great way toward frighten¬ing the slave-trader* out of th- uae and abu*oof the ivtWliSM flag- The truth i*. that ifMr. Buehunan w:*h»"* to do an essential BOfrtOBto the Southern »lavehold;ng intere«t. hew;" enter heart.if, sincerely and decisively into

the biiiir.e** of putting down the uae of the Amer..ran flag and the aj f Ar:.*rican ship* inthe business of the Cuban slave-trade; in otherword*, into the luppressior. ot' the Cabal alive-trade, il now rallied ao oalj b] tni* means.

S.i long as the Cuban riaro-tnde continue* the Bffi-tati«»n will go on in the Southern State» for repeal¬ing our own proh.bitite act*. The most effectualinetuafor putt.ii. a »top to that agitation :« to ei-

tingutsh the Africanilave-triole altogether. Therecannot be the |ea«t doubt that the great body ofthe existing llaTtclaOwltltl are utterly opp.w.«lto the ret.val of th:* traffic, many ofthem, no doubt, from a aincero horrorof it* atpM-if.e*. and all of them from o«n sidera-tiona of pecuniary interest. Within the !a»t ten

year* «la-.e« have atU.I.ed an average DMQOJ ft! .''

at |ea«t twice aa great a-< th. y er. r hvl before.To rev;ve the slave-trade, to bnng in a large sup¬ply of freab »lave» from Africa, would speedilybtiog down the price to a point lower than it ever

yet touched. The large and wealthy slaveholder*know tail perfectly well, and they will be ia thek gboot degree grateful to anybody who w 11! put a

atop to aa agitatmu which threaten* them withthia lerioai Iota of property. They theui«-'lve»are ,ju:fe powerkaa m the matter, and they knowand feel it. The idea of bringing down the

price ,.f slaves to so low a point thatevery white man in the South shall be theowner ot hi* dozen or M :* exceedingly gf_0C<tive to the ignorant and poverty -strickeu mob, the slaveholding States, under the loadtirBBif IB*" if«M0kJag poHtif jOaO, have constituted themselvesthe champion* and guardian* of slavery. It is in¬deed a eorioai fact that while slavery is all power¬ful ot the South, the slaveholders, considered a* a

body, Bavo loot the power to control the *tonn

tbej h.i.e r.K-ed, and are in danger of becomingthe tietims ot the very fanaticism which they havefostered into lite, Kor all they . an do to prevent,thi- demand for the revival of the slave trade »und»a fair chance to become the te*t of Pro-Slaveryorthodoxy in at least all the cotton-growingState*, and they would doubtless feel sincere grati¬tude to au Administration which would extinguishthis agitation by extinguishing the trade itaelt.There i« another cou-ideiation al«o which ought

to have some weight with the Administration. Ifthe) do Mot take measure*, themselves to catch theseexpected American slavers, in all probability theywill fall into the hands of the British cruiser*, andt Im« k; to the revival of the search andseizure question j'lst so amicably di-po-ed of.There eai be n.» doubt tliat if the Echo had BOOBoverhauled by i British instead of an AmericanBiaaOT, slo- would hate been captured and carriedinto a British port for condemnation. When taken.-he had'-r llag nor papers. She would havebOOB taken possession af as being a ves«el withoutauy nationality. This has been the COttTMBOifonBljpursued of late by the British cruiser* m suchcages, and the subject of bitter complaint* on thepart of aoHM of our naval Commander» on theAfrican coast, who have BBBBeed the Unti-li of]covering over in thia way their capture of American>c*«c!s. Here i» evidently room for raising a aWi*cat.- .|'icMtio;i, which a Secretary of State so

exceedingly jealous of American right* on the aea

»» Mi. Ca»». eoald hardly let alone. I)., vesaels

poaaoai the right of denationalizing themselre*'( an an American VOOOOl, BBOrely by throwing herflag tad papen overboard, eeaee to ba an Aaatriaaartoaolf If will be Mach better to avoid getting

to any controversy on this point by aeitiaf thetesaebt ourselves. Let it 0DCC be BBaV rat.i thatthe American Covcmment il ifl earnest ill suppress-:ng the «lrj\e trade, and it w:il be ipocdiljtapptt s-*.*d.

It areaoaoo tae boa* t of the Daaaocratic party,carefully coi(f,u<-d iu its enunciation ro faaiton iawhich ¦ laeatc on of oultwa atul rrttnaaaant eoalddo aa harm, that :f had etfJietfd the eaPTOreat men

of letters iu the land. It musr be admitted thatthe claim was not Jestifute of presiimptioa, andthat nominally the show was a fa.i OBO, >,-,.-. ,i

able wr fer- were ,-alle,I by the party name, swal¬lowed the party p»p. Bad pavasled theiii«--lv.-» aa Uaeornament* If not the MaVgaifdl <>f tbe party.Their condesci-ns on wa* tolerably ro^aitcd by an

organization, the Ch ef of \\hu h could not ipell,and the camp-foilowers of waiob could not r>'ad.Mr. In g wj. cael i Dbaaaoiat, ami ma a il tosp.t.i, Mad to t..a kajlaocd A.tiambra. Mr. Baaeroflwas dabbed I Dcinis rat, and was aaado CoOl etof ofBoston and Minister at sr. JamesY Mr. Paaldingwas aV ¦ at* i a DeaMH rat. tad received a port*I itWn iftoa, Mr, taao mat i aria*braod a Deaaacrat, and araa appoiatod Maatar ofCaelaBa Haaajatil laaioa, karwoTci wanble» at the gigantic loaf at Ltec.t.-.e pateoaago,while the disi>o:tioL of the thicker si.i-e» painful accuiacy the ta«tea ofthe Democracy. A.I Wastdaftaa, ;r* newspaperWas sometimes itrOOg, alwats coaise. and

f MMp....shed. to n. Jacks, a . uid not w rite the En-

ibak **rf*|*i Mr. \'>i> Sarai Baad itadrabut tiet»r w th the *k..i or bV t.t-'e it a seholar;Mr. Folk, it' he rutertmiird the least pasaiou fin-It tters, Ueter fold his love, and succeeded chann-

ingly in concealing it; Mr. Pierce wa* a countryurarror, who read what bt araaaafifodtafaadaadBataaaj more; Mr. Buchanan's i.u niry aspirat.oi,.culminated nearly a century ago fag the .pjb:. u-

»loipc of a more dubioti* Fonrth-of-Ju'.y Oration,tor uttcnng which he ha* indub.tabiy cursed h.m-BbU aid h:s sfan u.ncty and tune*. Of theDt niocratic dis'tors. we know nothing and car. ...

kr.ow nothing. Ol the IVmovratv lawyer*, w-

can only -ay that, J the National bar can yield >i«

no brighter National bench, the brilliancy of kjmemt-rra may be utterly blinding in a Pierx»wde:Court, but ha* not thua far ili'iminated loftier tri¬

bunal*. Of DemtK-ratic clergymen, we may remarkttut we never saw one, and never heard <j{ one. ifwe ex.-ept fhi»ae good men who guard the moral*at oiir piou* tara. and miuister to the «oula dia-e.iM-d of our Senators and Kcpre*entativo*.

But if some suspicions readei think* tbat he ba«

sp.««i iii our reSBBrka i morc-i of niaie»i«leao»*, we

Ln+U n to BafTOOt 0.« egregious error. We have,f»:th our MM* art. fit.: ted lark sid*». bl<.rii»-r that tt.'- bright ...!»» tntght tl the more IBMand deicht the public ey«\ We bavr indicated thed« ti< ...DC.« » of th*- pn»t. that the gi..ry of the pr--sent might .eem the grand- ' ». » |T he Deaaoenbtie pa it > bee owe literary gentlemanlefti who ¦ .-i biawetj a heee, or. to speak tigura-tivaiv. who i» a forest of go.nw-.iti.,!.. an .*ce*n elink. and a pyramid of paper.wh.. an wr.te even

U-t:> r !!..«.:: Mr. 0'!»uii:van.»li*-ee fee :yae^le-araaa, a:.d Bjrko kit tTtfJ BtrW] kfil i-

tn-n. except taste, sense and knowledge, ajaj every

political qualification except Demi-racy, havingeea a Whig. man. and Kii-w-Noth-

mm, all with great real and effe.-t. Ktea] we

-ay that we refer to Mr. CtaltM Mat ird U at) 1

wkoofl I.k mm the The '.lory and >hame afK.nglajid" bl jmpularl) BBjpaajawJ to have eVMeWaMlthe (i.ra« li.!:oti of Kng!:sh Ministries and trie

- ,.i bk MM E..g!.ah M:n:*.tera I We do refer m

h:m. Wr , rethl Nit Lester il the man.

The CMe«a| Man. The Mm wLo Has Arnved.1 he Man who has launched a new magazine called

I if not known aa The Democrat* Age. Mr 1st iMlhaa he M«l aboel »ad but penetrating eye. and

Ml M ft -covered a total ImÜM of " bold, honest.and discriminating literary cnticism," modeatlyhutnnniy say*. " Xft shall endeavor to do something" M supply this want.' "A New Age is on us.'*

say* Mr. Lester, referring in thia iaatance

nut to bit magazine, but to the presentrespectable year of 1 - *>-. "The arrange-.. ment* of the Keview have contemplated"taVMNewPetioeun It would fire u *

satisfaction to behold an'in. at OMtMplating anything; it would me rapture to gOM uponan Arrangement contemplating a New Period.

aqajntzBg wtik ItlCtJ Oje keJ power at what Mr.Lester calls " the electric piflfJNM of Kightecu¦Hundred and Fifty-eight." and at the same time

nibbing its pen to respond to the fresh demands..which are tOMmo M .Io'ir!..n..-m." Journalismwill be very ni'.eh obliged to Mr. Lester for his

.r dlyaid: the New Period owes him countlessth.-.:.k-. tM New Age. n/utt the Democratic Age,is under inhnitv eW git:ou*. Mr. Lester enters

bravely upon the work, eonsnb-nng it* peril.The hand which now holds the pen." says Mr.

Lester, referring to his own private Mai personaldexter, must feel the *r,.--k of the Telegraph in

.. eve.-y puNatiou." We have m our day BSO!

many gentlemen writing leading articles in various

position". BOBBB were sitting; aOBBO were stand¬ing; MM Were sprawling. Hut wc can lay our

bund iu sol. mn kOMtCJ upon the pfOWf aWal miour waistcoat, and, appealing to the world to wit*ness the truth of our declaration, avow that w.«

have never aeeri any gentleman wntmg u article,and at the same time receiving in his pen-hand a

succession ol electrical shocks. We are mm\ashamed to own that we should like to see theoperation. Wc have our doubt of the feasibilityof the plan. Wc should appreheud a manuscriptMBM remarkable for what we may cnli ''JttjtkMMthan legibility. As an editor, we should not wish,to read that manuscript: as a compositor, we shouldBOtWiaktfl .'-et that manuscript; as a proof-r«'a«l-er, we should prefer to have nothing to io w ith thatmanuscript; but as a man who has gared with¦We upon the poi tentoiis cacosenpt of the H»u. i(.t ho.nte, we akoeld like to sc.- that mauu- When Mr. LsBCfei ha* got well towork; when M MM down |aj ms machine,With the New Age upon one side, with theNew Period on the other, with a new penin his hand and I new sheet of paper before him;when "the hand which now hold* the pen " ha*been plentifully charged with the fluid,and is trem¬bling with eagerness to get on.070 shall be muchohlige.I to Mr. Laeeter if he will send for us, andwe trust no lil-timed politeness will tempt him torise upon our entrance. We to see Inm uponbis tripod. We wi-h to scrutinize h> pulsa-"tiOM" and witness hi" vigorous jump*. Wehave seen the mermaid: we have seen the bairieasMfM| we have seen many of the ele¬

phant; but w-i think we -hull d;e more easily if wecan see th> Mhyl of the NiaetoeBtk Century iu

pantaloon-, bobbing upon h.s stool and sinveringand out in. .. repoonea to the freak de*" mands which are made on journalism. Thet.mes have MOS hard, and are liot fat pre. i»eiysoft; but. rather tnan nuss this Olkikf^aOB, we

should not reluct at the disbur-ement of two .hil¬lings. Federal currency, or oft\m\Wo in bflh aaaajany bank in Aikansas or FhtrfcaO,PrOM Iko aWMIMM MMaWl ol Tkt DmtoXtmmt

Agi w. * we t.a.e ie.vive.1, we infer mat t|,eeditor ia already mounted upon an [WBOrfeel ma-

hine. II.s lans iage - gorgeous, his \» n is prompt,but his thonghti ne wofklh bebteaL .. lhe brain.. of Shakcpa'arc.-' be tells us. .. sprung from the.. same molding band that ekjaakaj the Qadkiepeak* of the Alps, and (.suited las*'«

" sunset." N..h<«dy. unless .--are.l apaa a tripod,would «pa-ak '1 a molding hand Ä|.| at the same t ine. Hut who shall limit thelofty eccentr.c.ties ..f Lester ./Jfeti*. ' I here is.. a law of existence f,,, »\\ beings and ad things." IfW tkt Uiofc Hint floets ,n the sunneam to the" Bengal t.ger in his jungle.' So say* the AgedDeaaocret. W>- w oat deny to him wfcaf .-»-.-

eeajeOtli to 'he mote: nor shall be have hardertreat immt than the BoaO/al b. mi aMWaWshla TkOM.a a .. >w of cxistecee "

even fag him; his MMMM« preoplai ..<!: and il tons.- his own Words; .'».. thousand tiaiileoa eould not make the pe;>»anf of.. the A|s nMl I both *a that the sun wiil BOC riae

'.to-morrow." we are satisfied that a gentlemanwith ,-a New A^e m" ti.m must be baf) Maajajeakand g;hh. r at btt »»n d.-sonant will.Mr. James Bu.'haimau, however, will l.e pl.-.,s. d

to notice that hi* A.'.mu .strati .? meet* with thefull approval of the Voasjiaklo Dem-K-raf. Bfokasl)e!s«- has recently .3 .! su< h handsome tLng- of thepoor old man. Bt if OOfiOMay, not sarca«tic.aJJv,railed .. vigilant and ab..-." He it eaaaaaMd loSaul among the Hebrew.. He u head and"shoulders above them all.' He " abo.»ta elec-.. trie-?T tkiaaarMM the rank*.'' He > the Immo-bbMl of the Niggei BmMOH Wu-u (hi AgedDoMOtrat tkiaka mikfawko rtiaa, He-ays tha'" *ilent teara MMI down each cheek." t'r):u| L«not much m our line, but we would «uggesr that a

tthot **t*~lH he lHawed to OOMO down --ne

baek aud a mmi tear down the OaMf*But if Mr. Buchanan ia vigorously puffed, so are

otbert. The DrmorrcU Ag» .i. v..{,'» n,_,t a iittlespace to rather elaborate advert.r.Lg. Mr. Bu¬chanan .1 lauded in eloOOOeaBect'BM with Webster'sDiets)mttj, Ss.mebvdy . Wines aud Liquors, TheImproved Billiard Table, The Family Ma¬chine, Dagua rreotype*. Fine Cut Tobacco, Sabm.nidei N«fe-«. The Ht».p*-d ^klrt and The fcliuprieSpring B«-d. He is b-»Uer advertised th»o eitherof the** anuderrul srticVi vf ^trhaadise. md in

ic*ic4xt kofj that he ryfj ,,.t ajg^ . B. wOEa* I» ha aaajiiiiti laan. ,.

n#raafc it1«JTJ fcff t» * .nK.. mftmB g,.|. MMm

We ^;'.f this m.Tiitvg one morefinanrral raarabty in the C;f t (;, t,

I -i ate eubb-ct be BJ t collect:,,,. ..f u* .** LbbbI Ba-fimamafc Pea aj n .... jJJJ JJMil par, im leciiaali af the .,r^i*7

<"» Bare t. nj *. i bj ... .j JJ||eaBdaaaaa af wiari af pj k a,),_hT frja. Jerasures and ther de;i.-e,. M r,,\rT ,;p J^;,^/BBi pr.-v. nr e,|KMr, I bji ^ jJJP IMl ¦> .- . I

- ice. in !»V,,( , ^*'"'*' . MobbjWIler.t. : .:>¦: kfaBtfii .ya] .,,

ba»e been geeti general rather than partfeaJBri h«now the In\...tiiTAt ns C*BBBB ,

particular* and « bjbbjbj, ^Although the labor il fat lnll||,tJi , mmat be vet undeveloped, what ae v»r- v i


r ut' N Ion bjwould be sufficient t<> startle »ha «..k.iI''1' SIwe n--t h. r. t. f. re cnn-ved many and mm, ^T^|0u n hi «.f the k adj. Of* the return* uaAt to theC lerk of Arrean», containing more than 4,000 beat-on r.-al e-tate hi thia citv amount, ng a all t0hj f^*'.!"*1. it bOBbM that I lar.e portionto have been paid, and the general unpraauo, athat nearly all of it has bo.-n collected tai ^credited: and the Committee are mi toenauuj,that the whole Mi oral ultimately hate. t» hjcharged t«> profit and lo<*. Commencing -. lajjiwith the beginning af the ter n of Isaac War»^( BoetOf if Asst'esmttits. and hia deputies, »».

pointed by .James Kur.y. Street L'oaaaa-¦Ntr, they lay before the Couunon Cap*,tl a statement of each account, eip«^the error* a* they appear, which consist of error«in footing up, i.nd in returns, and further Hi}, apayments made to Collectors, and the money b>tamed and no entry whatever made a regard toil, accounts are then taken up. andilenVia*.rie» shown, varying in amount trotii &4 ur $5 tothousand*. In the widening of Puane street, lipI.uient amounted to iJVTo i«*i, of which $1%,.1*41 has been paid into the Treasury, while f64,07|remains unpaid and charged, le.nnig M unaecouot-able defit ot pllta88. In regulatiog tadgrading Fifty third street, from Third t- Snlmavenue, there :<pp4-ars a d' tjciencv .»( $.l/at3.tbatsame man being collector in both c&s*». \t\er *a>plaining the d"dge* by which this last tifir.baf was achieved, the Committee at;that, owing to the want of proper boot*<>f account in the Finance lVpartinent, the Con¬troller ho* n<> ready mode of ascerlitimng to akitextent bonds in anticipation of aaa v>meat kira'seen aaaatd) beaat a fl.witing d. bt bearing internatis constantly kaiaf created ami augmented, mmm

doc* not appe ar conspicuously iu the official repurta,but which the taxpayers will find in due tuuebia*a painful reality. They and that the uusat »ia.-l.rjcotiditiou of the accounts of the Finance L'epartaattha* I strong t. udcucy fco disturb the confidence ofcapitalists in the value of city secuntiea, and henotthe Weight of naaaalVa interest falls where dalejoaaai and frauds also bear the hardct, upon tb>taxpayer. Among other dctic cncca noticed, aa

observe ifcoh").'**' in opening Fourth avenue, fnaThirty-eighth to One-hundn-d-atid-fiffy-thirditrsatj

K 6 in I ¦ wer bleaaaaj street. Ac: aviiarin all the accounts examined and reported upaathus far, a total deficieucy of f'^.'.flö. Aaaaaythe interesting itema discovered by thi* sxaauaa-

tloli, were re«-elpts .i.eii BJ collectors for BUB«)paid in wheie the acci*ints Were not diwhargaafrom the record, amounting in aJltonejr/y J'.AW.Tkia Ijaiiai of tillainy has bee n going on for

years, and aa we turn from one branch to anothern the) City Government, the mind grows su-k witldisgust at the amount of depravity winch basil-feeted and invade alim-st every one. The erü kai

spread through the whole municipal orgaiiiiatioa;BlOaeitt owners all over the city have coice. to th*Committee exhibiting receipt* and Jemand'Bgtascanceling of liens against the estates. ItiiMlsurprising such deuimid* have been atteoaWby the BOet bitter ileiiumnatiolis of the City Gel*ernment. and especially af officers immediately iatereetod. cn./en* of the higheat eaaiMalBf uistanding, as we!! a* more humble property owoars,Lave giv I. vent to their mdigiiation m the mustv oh t . v p-c.-ons, when they found aaa* for lb*h rat tune that li.-n* have he. n sfai,./ on their

propertj t. rjraara, oa whieh they must pay froo*thirty-six t<> auty p«-i rent a* arrears. Thun*alaoioaaWtkmto twelve mi cent fttaaaaaanback aaaeoaakBata, a late whicfc .s perfectly rum-

.iii* t<> the pio|M ity owner*, m atrely one ol whoabaa . v. r beoa adv.-. d that they bad i.eea aaseaaa.

Bt a I. Ui- grow tired of these con.tantly recur-

lag xh.bit.on« ot imaadiHiaai, and hurriedly paaaaai loan otikM aaaaaata hi regard tiiermnui- ot.ig nj.. and the iaoeitioa "i items a

contractaforatreetwork, a sy-t.-m of iaBMBBaleapeaeea to thai pndll at Bhe Jabaar, w hich wa

pretty*fall] ilayalaycj ia tlae warU-raaaMabeved OBBoi c harlea Daaaa.What «hall bt doie' |t taaaa that alaaa*

Without except..;, th*) ( Ij < o. V e nine n t, |a ail (ft)hraachea - ieaai atolj rotten and eoriapti th*

.< >.' Bad tat Eiooatioa hoc***/-have been going oa aadaTaw

ai . edge und, the connivance of whatewr

part] bappeatd »..i tat tiaao boiaa to be daflaaal.n it- Braach of the Gesranaaeat, > beyond «ViebtI* it Bat p.. -. c ,- (hat at'er th'-ae dari.unigexj*'-ure-: a*t> r - .owing that potf aftct ..'.ir. *odei|fctts y. the knave- who have coutiiiued loCfOlf

OBsce. bave spent then w hole tnue tml eitrt-

giei il BeviaiBI way-and me*na to *t**aJ friron tba

city at large , Irom the payer »r l"***' un'

prosreBatataj tha* th* ..ifiViiiig i«eople, *'."> **

Meadiag to taa aMaaal of aavra ihau it-",^^a y»ar. f. r tL> scandalous n.rflii..n' y "kit*

paaOM !or c.fy go-, erninei,», v» .1 for once If"**laaaaatiTfa naäaal ami see that no p-aia****picked cam us. aj any hi le ami comer noimnalJ**-ha .-.g:..ri thni-r ..]-- r; th.-ni auch an 'info

ibte < i.- -i kpocio.; -

Th. alflowg Ita^BOBaaB ar^'ies'Lattne Rvf*****1Mate be ben'en i not by The Ürntt***1J .. k. . BvtafjBBat the rJkm kradia| pap***-*the L u.on .to w.f. lilt IKIBIM. tmM BBH<ra!d. which supported ur r.. ket in l"?io\oao (Tn TataVnrg) iaea tko iJt« thj fm\ ***teat *!i:s aaa g.vea it a left-handed n9fortLet M .onifop 1'itr oaaOaaaoa v* th a le* ***"'

s-BBBl ,

If ia trie that we we:r d.aai'poinfed and a^"?TWby the faJuic bj form a fua.on tc-kct at Syraca»««and that we conaider certa.n leading K*\yx.*Tmo.til) t«. blame for that failure. More oa ,lM,*\ject in due time. But if Thr Statuta*

That we do not think the RepubLcan State BIPan untoaumoiil) good one, it is endly ou» in i«« "W

ooaiig. We cvBiadcr il ,ä- bgat ticket b*»« .»