library of congress · the sun tuesday september 4 1900 j tf 4 11 lh 0i h w hit i the theatrical...

THE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4 1900 J tf Lh 4 11 0I H w hiT I THE THEATRICAL LAST xniiiT ix xmr FORK rout ft II IniPirtant Dramatic lion Manner tools Min- ntlM llpman I ew rl Two of Ij- Wlnlrf Here Drought Out The ficlora put forward t Aliening Trick Thentro lout nlt- injr I Mann ntnl Clam Ilpmnn T- n i t v pr enled wn AH on Acooti- tf i i Mim Iilprfian figured n- Sw Klrl teaching a dlstr- Kliool in i be tn1 rnr of tho Htiito Mr Mnni tale i Hi a comedian wa devoted to rvrtraya of yol MirewU old Ovrino- ihe rnairipan of ttio nohool Iruntoes a- t ref r n factor In tlio dlMurbann- iaiM n bout m mUtrrcw Tl air iffendiT wore tasteful cowi amatry bulltili and matin BUOC Tin nien liked her and the women ot ScTiiinnmt had become thus divided v mil llH when Into ono night In o rani w H1 tn k a IJItr Ho w her ow brother hUt thu folk didnt know nd io wa I1 ol1 lrinl fof thusoeiH- UT mii Idut Thi layout of story yleldi- jiii fi flu Hie of cood humor for the t i nclor UANI o w- elliattlt nl l t wn nnUm tllVOC ll8IICCCM- MMCU ii aiJ ilf irly a iiiucti of cerlocom- dlreri vein of comedy Mr Mat bml i iiid n reputation IM an elnborotodl- UNr f Mi1111 gn U Iiio Oermnn nnd rp Miiiu Iiingly broken Kruiiuti P pier In iniicli tlio aii- nulier1 f drull vi go und owkwurk ph 11 i diction vi tuurUedly In- WOT In atiming Viilin1 hecllln lttdloi- Mini d wenJ BOIIO and f nin i reiiim J If n w IIP woiil- m tui iil lnil liublt of iicilloMl pr- ttj vi e Hi1 now i lay Ml Ilpmnn tin brent iMiiiitiii ther uiuincjponwntof fem- iiiieiBiei 1retnh way Therefore sinful nriirlB tn ti mullcnco thi- IT f rnT wor iitlfllTiHl to on no hpri thir wiro nn nvowid tu- umrt on Ilironshotit tlio TO- of t i IT nho n n rofrcflilncl rnnk I ind lovnlili Atiiirlciu- iialilrn Tli U may In mild that Mr Man cr it in lid til own vhik Mls llpiua t jdd Mi il to fiir rtputntliri- Th uti pf All on Account of rll7n- Musiriiili1 I co IhotrlilMteln without tervt Mi mil tiiiriKlnnllty Itmmip 3d Ucn oft n l l rid nnd then wi r llio- in tli i th itrx In iikht wlii tliciuuht thoy d c vriil ni n lornmn rotirro In III Limit output lint hi l0iild be accounted In noivnt 01 pliuiarliin In this ca o until provi i lltv N otii will deiiv him duo credit fo- havlriK pruvldiil n orvl iMbl tiiflluin tfi Mntinli n pair of coiiudlanu Thi cliarmtfru rnr itiiii of an n sortod of owipliu anti nuddllnc matrons clnvttr t1 fir folk In n illvorwi compli- lurntof pwii1 nin woro nniopiitly clcnr nn K thoHCindi about wnHnmuiltnly ariil Mi t nfllco 1U culinlnatioi l a trial In tli wt re tlm ucciifuH nni tlio pondnmriccl gown nnc wn1 ludicrous pos nwlni IncldaiiWlly wmiM nnot and nic of tli uirl li ii yuuna lover Thorc the POI HV oat a third hut eiiouuh o- Ilium wer funny to the Iniiulitr from Miri ri b Mr In thlt POrtion or tho play should bovltliti- ntoJlllcd or It wan unrlcaxanU- Ttilenr That Ii the only fault to har hly with the which ourcl will UK one o the la pro p rttM of icason Two of our modish theatric wer reopenct tat nIght kepi them well filed half of IJith rerlrals wrro made tot u tnoMi only anil will bo followed by ifvr nnujirtion Tho Criterion sturtvd lit econd rear under It prraont title and the of harlm Prohnmn The play WM of Jonnloo and Jamw K llarkMt wa n nlti tho chief actor ThIs l rrmembcred a n Btn UN by AblK- Ha Ilchard nn and draco L lurnl ol Incidents In K rcrton Caatlos story of the name It wits thA Ideal of the matln f- BlrK but lu lopularlty didnt stOl thor The tory of the proud Knir- h hman who loved nnd married Irlncpw nnd then hnd fnhi t keep her bT eninilcs npt old tn many pivplo it waa no different lat IUht and us the uct rndod the nudl io appliudiJ heartily Aftr the third ad ctatorii were r ally entliutlimtic- an1 irwutoil that Mr llackett eipnH hits thank t word He had Just IltiWifd- Ullin a few vlllnliw und won about to rcfuinu- Liuihl rlnK In tlio not but long enough tu mak some plomatit brmthleM rtniarkn Tho play and IU- ictofn nro too fntnlllar inibjeot to Xew Yorkem to warrant now doncrliition It o M well actol oa btforc Mr llackftt wa agaIn n nnd- Wolc fleitrn t tin EnglIshman und Bertha mlland Bpcnt much forco actIng thii rt of hi wire who tcoted wlmthor- Mlnrc than his fatally nulln him believe In had married n Inrtylna- ltlng ln t ad of a Trlnces Th other proml nii ttii wero playiMl by Arthur 0orgeV Rubier Thomas Kl n Iifiht our fa hionnbl theatre that started lla Uist nl ht wits tIn Ilroodway undJacob n alrj imnind on niannxor IJenIlu- rw tin ii unit was from mitt Novoi- nw umll lialt tlironch Mny Homo novelty i rlvfnli thU revival by tho npponranrttoft- ran actors in four or five fonmo partxE- mroott Corrlitin who played two rfllea th melodrama nt different times fcaoo undertook n third In It ho tn n d more advanlnitoously than In either ho other Animeof the wlo men of the t he had too ltU to do and M Denllur too- th A hOlly medium wo struck In tt l of tu old merchant Simoniilu nnd he i llenlly Another nnwcomrr was Nellie Tnnrri n rt i t Vk forcibly i i her Predecessor In St fl drnmatlo IxHiity Mrt HtirtM- i wait William Farnum j enacted the tlllo l ulduo flattery better than Hut In thin sec on lie raM ndmlrnlilp Two nriKinn who wero nealn- r Shaw In the rnthcr- patnntlo and nhnrrn motherhoodj- ctor of II ff1 wAs tin t- o ly m y ranter and n Who Rf nnkn r aii u usa melo- klrnr in7Z rl t yinrn cnmo forwnra fcbertiWftlark In a drlinatlo nf 6 n n fantnMlo little ro r t J rw Mr SkInnier had nr arr4 of llll of t ll- tiiM k iitcT and tin author tutu toil I iiriii in acoonluiirc wllh tin te fr tnt i j v1111 iiiui uri till vrnnferrd to the Ktago- t lurnWi llmt Thnl thl l rocoiH- iicc s m several In hhitsoif of n looks SEASON lIMe TIUO tTUUV4L nrdtllh n Alain toll pIOtlOIlly tit r I n rk dl ill 1 h ant did k I I 0 n no- r I 1 I d t r d 0 log ud In Ihd lrwi Th ot In a l MIMI U or odds Ant Mi the wit Ian melt druna t r same I I I 1 t lat cud t r hand om In- n I prida by r lop A Hal arid Th D Ion 14 ws d last I onnlor ot r I b ilia l oran the lieros lbp h Iml I Q h Ie or new tO o t dl lh n notMI show un- ne or to It lot t I h that ho I In stitrtod and than Ire In UIMt I I bIIrr r RrR old and a I 01 I t14t1 n oh I unduly tmlo- fPI alc HI ho b rAn r much to Inc RIIlncllar Xe I Ion I 110 DIn was nl lat an llm 11 tlio 1 I 11 mom Iro ti wa i w fl I k prlc M r ornIlo 1 Ire I n r u I 81 tliit- a t I tO- T I it q r 0111 I Int I n 1a and I wlorl p 1 flE4DW1 tI 4 d iinite Y grave I1D 411 ut IirU P ii them I ii a k I h 4 C r t ers t 11I ci- t t tree rr Ii isld It S holly tinit ItttIIlC iUq II tee r it l II nil t lit t o er sit I or irk rural ait and true growth tie pcholinaflEii iiigg girl wore s court- ship act witi utids Out ann 1aytta for- M iLOl some a- irman frog the greater In Ui the LtwtiOloyedaniil was loocg llcnIfur Lea noblo lots d of jr1 the niw of etprfl hittt NOW Tonk tie can flattering reputatIon t Li4 WOrth It Ite dftDPOlfltgg lacking other act marked nail Item then its t kUhI c t IIur loving nurse In4 3 tie lii wa an a perforrnnn lttt wits t lie should crroetod the Is done S rarely Ieon s4ofl In durIng Li 0 g hone until n Litbi titFe first it flu lrRf1 IiiO4 unrVhItlcatiii i i01 xpot to S 0 e traigistto eIegont titi ii tiii i IAtii I tM rrlI sIrerthe its popularity now tYall < > < > > > > < < < > > < > > < ° > > > ° < > ° < = > > contents In the Hllghtcat degree and yet I- no hesitation In puttIng II forward as a version of the rtcry It JuilneJ by thosta- ard4 of tho theatre nnd Mnndu or tails by julto Independent to Ho relation to the origin work That will undoubtedly bo the foMiloi the many drnnmtbod novels that are to be durIng winter and rw provldo good plays under this method of In lent there aocin1 to exlit no caunn for plaint Mr Skinner linn used tlm nf veimon no far a served hU and that o i to liavo been In tin w- ofsucuiMlon 10 ho tin dellrato humor and nnllro of iho thiract would over lo nilln Innlnd the nnd tin incIdents of tin nro HO with the lln t elnineut nf hurle that the Inont would IK doiiutful on tho stag Nor l Prince lila 111 the huro of rnnmnc of the ordinary llln amiable vntlllatlon I every that a hero ihould posses tin of im rovenl It could never through t medium nf thn theatre The Mime la this Connltt Von feint and M- Hklnner without even Ntu ma features tit the tory ha tid soil of Its eone charuetom I- ahw the belwoon the mi and wife her weakness under II dominion of ttio Irlina Mlntter ni to free herself from his Inllnen- ctltlmntrly rw In the noyel the riitr nro with Uon of the principality thut hail cauwd nil the tniiry return much of the hook lu h en used but such ifenernl dlt of motive nnil that It was n tlellxht lo nbervo how slight tl made Sevnn on nhare In nltflit proceedlnu The play wi tttxin two In the iitor ThAt wn apology enoiuh for u li- tho tItle of the novel wit seam MitUfa tlon to admirer It wii ii nudlenw In thin main regarded thi tilny It wi to IH accepted or rejected front its litrlnaU It met eturtlng demands kind In Home particular while In othem fur below the wn n nnd nearly every scenic IK Interest Dm rnln for element of keiieril nr- mitnlno l atiMorptlon that cuiild aIm hae Kiven end forco to tl dram n n whole ltwnnntlno thing for I- iManro to see Iriner iletermlnnd to n e n u ruler duh into count nnd hn ak up tint con iiplratoro Hut thorn been nothing bfoi linn nne of tho play tn Interim thin nildleni In that pliHe of hnrncer and tho Iffi l i the pl wits slight and brief It tie aainn with every Inclden- Iho eloment of genuine theatrIcal vah wins freiil pre nt In them Hut hey wni nil link In 11 rliiilii tint did not hold At n tlmo whiMi thn vouue ol thn aratno alnmt ovirwhlmlnuly In control Ihenlrloil UM 1rln ndtto deserve mm- l reof irii N rily Hut It will snot in coherency and loci licca bits of toxt sham Jewcui In Hut thoatrliullinof mo t- he talk Of Mr Skinners er onnl success thorn wa never n doubt lln with frrvi slid lltuv with n mauler if HivnUlotinry rare etio itfh n move I throiuh mil distinction Ill speech nftor th- ourth art wa additional to admire ifHleveiiMin who present 1errv the ninlilllnu wife wa slice Knful that lraci rilken whoammeit 01110trniihl nMn that would havo puzzled anylmd- inieotieral WM eelcd In every detail by ta to anti Intelligence At nl thearm preTlouly opened ho season lnbor Day inatliieix wern given yc- crday excepting tIne fuxhtnnulilo Kinpln shore Ofllcors pasied Into the la alf of Its allotted fortnight Tbo uthc Jays continued were The Ilebel- irlth Andrew Muck at thin Academy arlnh Irlent wllh Daniel Holly nt the Four eenth Street and The Cadet filth at th herald S piare Tlm new stock company at th- uiiorlcnn with The Innt Huby situ which It had mado a good start on Satur Weather favored the openair vaudeville en prlalnmenton top of thn Victoria where th 111 retained familiar features and offered changes Tho Now York and Casino nrdorm were still open Thrve full audiences made the average her of yesterdays contlnuoui shows and thi wero a good niturn for tho visitors mooney t Proctors Fifth Avenue Press KM rid KB mrlln Bummervlllo were aniualng mimo- igiHts and Joe Hart and Carrie vely Hkotch players For Proctors UStl troot ckhirts elephants displayed inter ailing Milton and Doll iobles played tho short faron Why talker arid th lift bo id nf the roster of nwlnlUt- llert toot timid Maud the drnnvitli layer for Proctors Twentythird Hlrn t- i lng A proven worth it familiar Albert Her iarney were some of the ens mimicry timid HopnerV- ocallsm were conspicuous features nt r Pnlncv a engaging Kd Hind nd Mnudo bdnn Bother especially attractive iunil r kiclio fr Arid r ilw- i d were Included In tin bill nt Pastors hern It no lliehard two comic acrobnt- onded the milk Marl vnlnwriirlil a now short lit Keith and Irnpwin nd lance Prcllls dog Iorl o Drewer nnil- Furrell were others outdo con plcuom Among tIc many wellknovn performers nt- o ter A Illuls Miirlo Ire irbciui Allti Pierce Itiin ill truth g Heanion hind a capital bill i which lto o oghlan Ilenrl horton and llonnlo Thornton cxintrlliutid lie Ilurkes time Junker Quartvttn wore of the show given ar none concerts arid projections of mo picture went to wax Mu 4 Ktnr hnd a drama new In Its title ol uncle Barn In now In the form It Lava tu old material It wan loud and active lib episodes of tho Chinese uprising ralnst and foreign id Hi American herons revelled In buncombe Its author Charles V had deemed a coherent tory tentlnl hut timid roIled on ex dorluus and to thrill and tickle hi ldiiioes The effects sought wern rur ly thin where cf approval laughter were wild and frequent in nctre who 1 much In some ol- c but inns only a small New reputation niadn her first appearance as a heroynt as tine heroine of A Larfr of at hut Grand Opera Illalr beautiful woman an aotre more than common In the flrsr sccno tile madcap hoyden who has been Drought a n and merriment omed n lltle forced arid unnatural aln In thin fourth act murdering r betrayer and his under a sofa mi the laughingly guest lacked reserve power enough to Id the Ho no to tine intense sue nee that Julia Arthur did Those mint are ntloneil not to thud Mlu Illalr In tInt rftle but rather was Taken a lolo her performance was admirable and It n lltlln tn that she does not pear in New York more frequently Tho no cannot be said of many of her company nf them are welcome to wander nines vaunt the famous forty miles im Hrhtneotody to Troy TIM AXH Sit INKS fOR irOfTY fliers In the New head Central Union IValtlnc hood irenldent Cnllawny of tIne New York Central ecU that tim enlarged union paasoncor ttlng room In the Irand Control Station be for public uin by Oct I homn features aro to bo One will n ten room for women whuro n clIp of toil u bUcult will be sPry 1 at a merely nnnil- I prlco to women waiting for Thus mom will have nn ciinnoctlon with thn regu- riwtaurant Theta will also bo a bixit nicking exclusively fur women An feature will b toilet with all of thin convenience of a loon ihroom I winch an a lniU ion tee of flvo or i p iit will bo chargftl- OttlTVARY ernnrd B Oray a veteran tnickman and ntractor In llrooklyn died yierday of hits home 8M loan street in his Tiityninth Hs wa once tlio Uctno tic leiidor In th Ninth ward He leaviB two onn bilng Detnctlvn Hergeant Ilartholo- w dray and n daughter stay oe iml defeat for County big rumpus III I iem rrtulc organization nephew eter I Homer who nun of the eldest itnex men In tlm Orangii died yestortliv- riilng of Hrlght dlfa o at 2 k trent Orange Ilo horn In MontmlrS- JOarid ittled In Ornngo in isvi Ills widow I ono ron survive him lat llonlh of Kaltentwrn Conceit he Knltetiborn conceits began lot night time ot hula harden A Wagner festival to con 10 for three during the ik wo ot so the WM It kind ot I RIO An IcIr ot SrI e 111 0 hr old hi n ono atioihoi t Mid to thnl It tel fed Ih 101 of med of rat the lorA the for Ural her Tile t Is kept on seV- eral root lon and Do orn at I Un TII mod Ih mon r t CII h- oI OIYI lion at and Irl tie muse eltiosod III and Ih York tar She Is IIpl house his uf ilK Will how II III Many New will rend now 110 I IAr lit nr loon J llIallnll ar last onll a Iho WOo 1 rleI III 1 the I theIr at the St lveai I the Inc oi itTtin tong tin cot Hi It hut tIn toe t lIMIt inter toni Lit true struggle I In wIt lion Li its last nlsht tIn IL I iii y I his t inlet nub ink tin thin tonget tii manna t I Is Wa till I itrk unit iitnt lye nil t hit h4 tOYstlilil Ilk act iii I a till hineo his tni II with jlruo wore line sd 114 with a cIty lay Mar were were las mutt specialists S end vtrinl here V ore Inline louts Cllin nun lea body liow he itt stand her inpiexy hiorrise ye r sneh lila was lilt rice was t suonissIuI season < > < < > > > < > < > < > < > > > 11V1HANI JOORtXO FOR HVXAW- WIPK UADR A JtltTAKB lot Into Sllii VnrehMs net and Aim Strangled lint While tIer Two Male lloai- ei Looked On When tie law tier Face llsnl t Off a CIO Fine In fpu When n man who enters a strange hot and chokes a sleeping woman almost tn don pays fur It with a Ono of only ho I ecttl- olf easily At that Is thn way 1ollt man Murphy looks at It nnd ho succeeded convincing prisoner Iuko Kclmfer of Se t Fortydfth street that ho WIIH rlgl- Hch a for Is tine trout who Rot off with Iho dollar It wits May PurchaH who lives on thlnl Hour of tine house nt 103 Went Nimbi first street whom Hchafor clinked Mlw Ill thus rents out two of thin rooms of her flat two young men ono of whom In a nowcpap reporter Itoth refused to give their ruun to tIn police whon 8rhafcrR assault won vewtlgated The newspaper moan hiM high hair and the other man U dark Minx Iurchi was asleep In her room about 7 oclock on 8ui day evening when homebody rang the from thu street door The young man wIt the light hair was almost oMcop In his root Tho young man with the dark hair pushed t button nnd opened the street door Foot stop wero heard on thn utulnt and haired young man opened tho door openli Into the hull llofero him stood a big husk follow with no collar but with lot of conlldence The bU man Helmfnr Well said the darkhaired young man Ive conan after my wife young man n marked the caller Wrong phui said the darkhaired your man no married woman hero JucMS ruoilli young fillor said rkhnfe- I in I look green Without waiting for nn answer to this lion bo the nm unit walked Into thn private mall In fir room ho aw tuRn on bU boil anti looked Into the Ingroom arid seeing nobody there ngnln Ho looked Into und morn Then h to thn closed tutor 1tirrlutan room Thn d man trlod to H him to let that ulonc Humph grunted Sthufor and IIH IIH 11 door open lnrthn n Schaf- iMletl her by the throat with both hands un you Ill kill you now nlioutr thin Intruder Iho w- ntondnrliik why weren t provide for Mich The ll youn man thin IKIM arid ennui out I the hall with a formidable looking revolver UH luind Ju t then out of Ml IurchnXa rmmi ninth ft thin door The llghthulred youn f man mud PIUWH with li Mii hhoiited tine darkhaired youn- inaii to hi lt tho el out he only will wan tnennwldle Kolnu down the four at a nIntH him Iollee arid othi- thliiki Jilt III the was Iollcetimn Mm He till KelmfiT an after touring ho lied done lucked tilin u In tine Ve t MM whose throat Ivirn tine tnieex of Schafer linger iHHiimn d when her assailant left her but af ternn hour or two revived and went to th police Htatlnn where sino ImUiil u complain tint Invader All of thins In thin eauo went to th Went Side pollen ooiirt yetenlny morntnif their to hesan lute explanation of tine affair by miylni- do wa nn fluent and Hut ho wu married Thi all n mltnkn ho fftld M wife lift mo stop time ago anil I hnvo beer looking for her ever since I hearth that h living In Wet Nlnntyllmt o I through the street t for tin nnmn f Hohnfer I found It Oil the nail of tint nnd thinking my wife there I wont In A soon rut I KM worn in face I knew wnHiit fUn of ft I lrt sits her lying on tied I though ihn wn lrvnu n U tlm name height v my wife M I SAW my tnUUke tin tfndnlln- Ine the l enn mn lrt ondtint Hehafer couldnt and WN led to i oil In tho court Tine men who lIve In MU flat to my which f either of thorn wa named Sohafer vrsKT TWO nttowxun Cllnglnc to lien Keel Are llrmrd Life Narrri Two men wero drowned In ocean ycpter lay ofT Norton Point by llm uprvttlnn of awl Anna Tho other four men on tlm Anni- ero rescued by nminlior of Volunteer Life hivIng Crow Ko 4 of Sbi ph ad Hay In the anht Patrol With the life savers n a rw- Micor WOH ClinrleH T Pavlx the editor of Srrcrf rrietr who was Indicted In the rooklyn Ilniild TrnnMr eon plrncy laN ho wiii kupt In the Tombs for II long time nllltiK to bo bulled out Mr Pnva brollier- llallutt Pavlii wits the captain of the 1ntrol Ida con Waller H UnvN wan Ihn mate lolhnr powii r wiw W F Jlimphrey i nut DnvlK ninth hi friend their all with objeetof Koln around thin point lien the rats of the Atlantic Yacht Club wld Nortonrt Point HeMldix those mon on tho patrol It F Uuhons- nd William W of er Life Savers o 4 Thoy rounding tim when saw nn overturned boat anti fnll- i on ths wnvW Iwtween them Sandy look There won half n blowing at sets in shorn wa no and warm It wa hard reallrn that few storms that I up n oo tho o that canto racing In to thin lou TMtordav Capt Davl rather the Patrol ut a far a hewns although he t the time when young Davl the mate of the bOil tine captain ad announced that ho wa going back to All thought of turning hack wise nhandonH hen tine seen Four men soon Ix cllnglna to the hoe A tIne utrol went pounding over the rollemt o them nf thin men Thn tide whirled toward Patrol and Ilulxin threw n- r nt him struck hl head The swim icr caught It and twlt J It about hi forearm KO high thAt apt Davl did not dare to within easy distance of tier and throw taker of 2S9 was tiuuled aboard Wlmn alt wire Anna nllowed to drift Cant Johrwon said that tin men who were vrvl with him were only part of luIs er fifteen ml tIne Patrol her Tho two owned were Frederick Will of I7 Johnson yenta awl leoran KUcrn of ISO liVe e n those save v of avenue Wl- iStnuchof 201 Jackson avenue and Warmnn of 170 lnck on avnnuo They nald at they hail been out alllnc for n wn only experlenceii similar of the lot when they wern n utnlnnl I on of tho half gale that wa blowing all through afternoon luu- en unable to xhorten xnll inlckly enough to kneji out of trouble Shin went over thonn on board of hind plenty of Line to awl over her sldo and gel keel was eil wnl fliP wnve however 0 boy Will antI Filers befora they could 1 a secure hold on thin keel to hend n rexcniHl lumen nnd they were Mnt home by- illey On the way nmn on the Pntrol lIllian Ciirnui tin captain of the cat linn t who out II woman and child save cme Jame Kelly had cnt lwil In n calbuat In tin id ifoiio out alan i Ciiiran attempted tnw Kellyd l ont to wifely but effurt- olatn l crew said reunite In tlm off of the small bouts and r tine of tine rescuer thin and- o piwonger- rfmrle DnvK with son went to Hay K lln statIon to tIc u of the crew nf thn Thorn wits of reporter In the ntntlrin ivl and rci ntwl th f tory to them And who art you Mr a kid utw- Ihn reporter 1 1 am man who wrecked llnpd Transit Company Yon tell John Proctor Clarke F ihnn Vllllnm C Whitney and rent nm Hint for one least 1 have- n found runt t t llonrtl UN nt Homo limojlt to find In a city Such place lugh mitt to found suit iltr Select hoard lcfr CIIOKEDTIIEWRONGW01AN Ue lib 10 least III hula 31 I I 10 In hell I the dark n h lilt II dill d lit lIlIclo On I WAN hllolI11 to thnoke hur Mliii atsoko nund tJjfall 10- IIlrll gIn I vt iot start Iii stin Irs lr 1 uunlt grunt I tlelnnt In lion 1 III Itrn I < 1 Inl was box must < > In nit roll IOU I to get out Mnuitrnte Moll then irflletiti 1 refused Url lour by the the and n II there were 1111 rising lll ward had WM sure ot their HhCf CR cern nil J him VI In rtfloUtei ho Into lulrl 1110 than fho11 utuinltig 111 tta nt tine men on k1 of Anunit anti he II rolto to one the men One of them Voter Juhllllln aim awning a null MO nearly 1 that lie grasp th tOs and lot IN jut ho Willi er tine vt the Ito was mlllht- howoer hfore lie lund drilled out or reach and safety In yacht iavie said ho to to do toward she was M wu hn turned Ifnirtt Ilin John on I Ornham Ihull J ut 10 ho when It 1l11lll1j nWII HOW III C II ion lII fH ho III tI Taint rIsk Anna n Ir son ot tin th mil or In tine not ot wreckIng 14 ho tom firm Miss fit I wit ties you tar t ho till I omb li I ts grIm mit lint canine il law rti inn I inn liii nlommw ltIh itrklnntl rod nti ill at rniit J nnckts It t rvnnbll mint i cii coOl ittmliln tons stills I ihtitit tag at root s w t11 I stmet apt was street wont this thIn she hit tit sin ks tim lull inn Itt nIntoti Iii t tie low its his itnd nerve was the wait tint alive wins tIne the wits ulii barl as beIng side Capt sImply had trnta people- ii wto e Ieflr mini enl II sl was ream in lIves IrIs tIn Ott he thin I > > > < > > > < < > > > > Ucttlng at Sunn D Antbonyi lloroo L g- liallon of Vlo lu llanlU Oondtmocd- ItocilESTEii Hept 8 For thin vast tow di- n commIttee meeting of uncommon Inter to tho cau of woman Ktiffrnjro hiu bonn In tlita city at tIne homo of Susan II Antlioi which ban been In tIme naturu of hendiiuarti for thi movement ever tine rctlratnnnt Mla Anthony from tho orflco of Prenldent of national aocloty The meeting la now pn- tlcally over and tire re ulb nccompllnlied i now nnnonn ed ill committee consIsting of Pri ldent M- Cnrrle Chapman Cntt of New York Vlovlre- dontntIjirife the Her Anna 11 Hhaw of Phi tWphln llachi Fouler Avery of PKIIadolplila Itecordlng H rotary MIM Allen Stone Illaekwell of llwin- Trcaurir Sirs Harriet Taylor Upton of Wa ron thIn Auditor Mlm lAura Clay of m ton Ky Auditor Mm Catherine Vniigh M- Culloch of Clilcaio nnd Honorary PreIdo MIss II Anthony of city took octl while here upon tli totalled legalization vloe III Manila formulated plans for th nntlor bazaar of the iwocintlon to beheld In Now during the week beginning lice 1 nt Madl B tinre Jurden dli ca ed the national vetitlon to U held In June tuot In Mlnneai oll took meaurert whereby If tins tlnnno- of th iiKodatlon penult work of orennlK lion will be to Virginia Neura k- Iowa and Uklolioma nnd large confereno to tnivt nt tine opening of tine laturv of thus Uotlthern to brli before this leulolulviH the objects mud fco of woman ouiTriuie a tier of rigardln thin work nil over t could within biich a xhort npace of time Tli- ruMtlutlnn Tho an ny tem of Stat of via IK II In Muni tine United States Army authoritIes thcr foroIttiilml ThAI w jirotwt wralni thIs action tint following ren oiiM FIrt To lM iie iKTinttH to IKIIWH of II fame IH contrary murals amid mill lmiiri s our soldiers and tho nutlvnt r Ktnctlon to vltw Second It In a violation of to nppl to vicious women ineoftiri that are tent lo vlclou men of vice whIm It lower th mural tone ot the oommunlt to protect tIne public henltl In Iorli the head centre the rlgt regulation IIIIH iri riitlid for morn than a cvi- tury yet IM to n notorloi regulation U dehlgned to and the allan nf Paris has repeatedly recount mended UM nhollllon In lit garrison towns for Die benefit of her eoldlei and HiUlorw und It by a heavy Im- llamititary after revonteen yours exixTlencn hill It a cnmpl tn failure aii well a fruitful noureo of demoral An In thai bnnnr to bo tmld In Sew rlty it U to have the tables urn designed to honor woman miffru UtM c national reputation ta t present prenlde- uver an Ihony already to cuiitlbut something of Interest for exhibition r bazaar It I n ijullt which wan ploced b of other thing which will bo on view will lie nn number of written by tho me- wid women of a half ago From tdMorlciil tlie Anthony Htand preeminent SVFPIIES tOll CnPFKF equipment end fommlmary SupplIes lleln Mini ilanlla and Mao FranclicoW- ASIIINOTDN Sept 3 Tho War Dvpnrtmer- cxtenlny afternoon rcivlvod a dexpatch froi- JrlgCmn Harry nt TnUil telling of thin mill lnr In China and explaining iccnsHlty for Incrpnulfitf tIne field trntmportd loin und for opening the railroad from Thin sin to Pekln In order to facilitate tine nov mont of supplle for troops In the Chlnettu cap Tim Secretary of War morning dl that thu part of Oon Harry olegram tie made putillc- tlen ChalTen well In hound driving power materially ONalited thin relIef of Conalderlnu services the condition of tine troop n excellent work supplying Oen Cnnffeon expedl Ion In contlntien nd comml ar provIsions are being both len cabled to tho War Department to jay follow Port MlIe I Sept 1 SMith via Tnkn Curried wagons pay nnter for ChnJTec len Shafter nn Saturday he Hecretar of telling of the der artim- f emiiloyeoM of Mali dc arttncnta for China In Freight K t rt for Taku t Tngawikl will nail today le hlre- nartermnxter and nineteen civilian B medical and ubuliitenct- opartmentJi under orders for China Sick and TTonndtd In China Doing Well WAHIIINOTOM Sept 8 A rejxirt from Major erley tine Kiirceon In charge of the hospital t Taku rowlvwl by Sitrtfeondeneral Sterns afternoon nhown tint thin American ck In China number than 4 i nil of whom n doing welt The dnnpatch U ax follows llanlter rei ortH sick nt the front end oat Tientsin III All wounded v brought front tine front Till relief will rite enneo nnd boat iv returned Plenty of supplied All Iloer rmldrnli Reported at Nrltprott- Spwal CoW DttfUlth lo Tint HUN IXIIIKNXO MAHQUKS Sept s Oflloera of Um wounded report that eiPrcsl- mt KrQgcr and Hteyn were at NcUprult yes rdny In n railway aaloon carriage which wan to van covered with large lied Cron- iod to prevent the train from being fired onJ Court Calendar ThIs Day Court fleeces court under railed at 1030 AM Part 11 Fxparte- ltrn teiCourt liamb ra No day calender- Ctlr muitflpfrtal Term Court at 10 A Motions Colored Dress GoodsT- he following specials for this week 54inch Golf Plaid Backs 25 styles at 100 a yard 54inch Golf Plaid Backs 15 styles at 150 a yard 56inch Black Venetian- sat 75c a yard Black Hop Sacking- at 750 a yard joinch Black Pebble Cheviot at a yard oin Black All WoolChcviot at Soc a yard formerly 650 75 a yard Lord Taylor Broadway 20th 8t IroJz4N ltUPIlttOUT CTnl hold at Secretary Irs e I IIUl Susan ot fork con I II of SPeakerS lJociallon wIll 110 I reports all t hunt lIrllI wr J Y I winr mile 1111 ott ot itintlitnilos which Irk nlll h Ialil inor Is 1111111t n 11 rum tint till Ill III Ills their from to lea I TI tell In barge Appellate rl1 I MotIon M Open S 50inch 100 shim orrecpondltuii huts the best In tine own sluort flint hut hunts lint mist lee II gtmtnm lou sciirrg d t Inc clinic i laud orlt izitt ion t inn t lnnlr a hits t ito Iii 153i wati enifln mit tat tort lila evor soul its tar erg thIs s b Many eltinhitly doing ItIalon Supreme Black > > > > > > < < > BURGLARSCAUGHTATWOrii- BYD Tiiouaitr rnor FAUHEOQ novas IM EUPTY Were ilolngr Through It at IIMday When Proreitor Who Arrived From Knropn Sunday UpOn Caught Alter Chase mad Police Now After Two PA Prof IVJrnlr Fobrrgou n toucher of Frcr In tine allege of the City of Now York i Ihreo burulum at hi riwldonco HI 130th street while thoy Were robbing Iho hiw- Prof Fitbrogou returned on Hundny from extended trip In Europe lining tired husU lithe yesterday Ills fatally are still In anti will return In n few weeks Tho professor was In n room on t- focoml floor nt I oclock In tine afternoon wh ho was aroused by litarlnu a fhufttlnt of ft on thn floor nbovo Ills trunks were nut n packed and ho could not get his revolver roadll lie tiptoed out In tine hallway but the no made by tho opening of his own door alarm the burglars Ono of them caught sight of t- profonsor wid tInt three mado a diiU for t root and escaped by tho scuttle by which the land uiiterud tine liotwa Mr Fabregnti dldti care to follow tlicin a he was imarined I- rul the front window anti began to shout Pollcol Thlnves Help ho Hut the indict were changing posts and u patrolman wits near One Hundred at Thirtieth street which I un u usually iiulnt thoroimhfure Wit soon In r uproar hut nobody saw any burglars Hn- u dozen men wets standing In front of lIP o Mill street each other what tine v- cltvmetit was nil utiout when thin turn tblevi- wulked leisurely out of tine lioii o Two tho burgluix sturteil liiwurd Ixnox nvenili and tho third went wot In tine direction Hnvuntti itvonuo Tho two who wulkcd t lennox avonuo Mopped on tlm corner lint n tc- inlmtto talking together eirnlossly woman tint block wi In tine rc- ery store at tine corner Hearing the otitir- ho rtl hcd out to the two burglars and sal tluiwaiHimi It wa her hou e that hud boon rob Thn burglar wild they hoprd riot an kept rn talking Fabregoit lund dressed by this tlmn nn was In tint streot Standing front of h- hoitMi worn Hurry Hnmpson of izii 8xvi nt- uvnntin hurlcs King of 4U Ixiiiox avi nii and they volunteered their melt to him thief two thlnves wIno were talking on th corner caught sight of professor started away on n turn In thins Ono went up lennx nvtiuiH unit th other down Tint thlof wino ran up thu uventi ill but other didnt bnvo Ui luck nnd King followed II crown of men mid IMIVH him to llJtb slno and Fifth avenue and there ho ruth Into th firm of Policeman OC iini r At llln till mun sold ho Wllllitrn 22 years pf 22 oit Niiino and ar bellevHi to bo In hi itorliul were a numlxT of email artlclefl nt nllviTwuro four u acer n bunch of Hkeieio a hirge and a book with abni- iw addresses of wealthy resIdIng I Harlem lrnf Fnbrogoii Identified him the man hn had n at tho top of tho stain when he dlAcovend When rxttirned to his hoinn with detective lo set what had been stolen i round thud tint thieves hod got away with 1fi In cash from hula disk on the thi d Limit Im- tocurud txiUiIng of much value Tlm matins on lliKru wern U it Tho family silver ware is locked on tine third floor H- iUilern hiidnt reached When detective oxamlned tine roots of Irnl- FabremMia and time neighboring ImurOA Um found thin of nni tIn Ilk HiiiUHhed A Mr Havlland liven thorr Pliii been riUKncketl from top t tine thleviwln tlielr H rch The IlntFiouwt at 111 fnuii which the thieve merited I a nvi the lions it 117 n bulldlnir Tho detective hnuuht that the men must have KUDO mutt 10 got down the cm others nhouldmx nnil have Bnno mark the unm cay with n to n M t them Flinty am ur hat tine thief arrested in one of the KniiB thai Mn KlUabnth 21J2 Fifth nvenun a few berati anti rln marked seers found tho urtlclin hU pocket think that If lucy can capture Uiey will how trio who boor operating In Harlem recently riro lotion nir rAinnKs lot Neither of Theta ai I rge a Former Vrar For the first time since It was liiKtltutet elixir hay pmwxl oft In Manhattan bornind- asterdny without n parade or demonatrutloli- f I by the CentmJ Federated tnloi- T other central labor organization Tlnri- fere plenlcn and parades however gIven bj- ndlvldual unlonn In the other borough1 whir he rnemlxra of Central Federntiil fnlcit- nd tine Central Iaborrnlonnttciide l TheprlnI- lial labor event In Manhattan won tint parud- if till llouwamitlus and llrldBemenX tnlnt inns a strike In progress nt tine pier of thr- ew Kust Illver llrldgo Tho houmsmlth OMRcmbl nt 10 oclock lie forenoon uppmltu Cetitrid lull 117 We l Mreet to the tiumtivr of M Th line hoadetl a bruis band nil other tmndx had In It lneli memlHT worn a uniform provided for Iti wcoaloll cuiisStinK of soft while n shirt waIst timid a leather wIt Tlio non n generally speaking stalwart and they iniidv wer el lloiiU- tlutrntlnir thins different proccxscri of time trade he one that mt mini Kteam engine with unbolt at work engine whlxtlliur Nlirllly anti blowIng of Rt nm Another lUxit was n mude- lf the Now Vork tower of now F i t Jtlver- rldim Th hrldtf strikers hind n banner the wnriU In IH Klrenirth- Te Intend to let IXIght Hours From Malno to ollfornln The inarch a follows Central to Eighth avenue to Kln i Filth nvoiuie to Tlilrtyiipvontli street to lrnt avenue to Ktre t tnMadl- in H uure where tine itUlianded- he of the nay wiw paradeix a picnic nt run Ralph avenue and rtmpect Brooklyn The Bronx of line llrother of Can nterH turned cut tfloO strung In mtrhMtnv urtinty Among K local union represented wore from elnwe Won Trpmont bridgo They wero leBntn from the Yonkers Tarry wn and Now Uochellc monstrutlon wnund up with a picnic In tlio Brewery lark GLOOMY HEWS FOIl tlltrAX- lironrailnc Report KtcrlTrd From States Carried br Him In 1MOO- CIIIUAGO Petit 3 An Important conference in hold nt Democratic National Headquarter day when tine chairmen and secretaries of veral Stuto committees niaila reports to Ben orjonos on tine state of the canvass Most the visitors from Wetern States ilch In IKQO and a mo t dicQuraKlnu reports tn headquarters that antllmt wax provlnv n- or card In tine Middle nnd Wostrrn States i n paramount issue It was said to be I hn lasted nearly nfl day mind In 0 afternoon Included Col wino lrd to hear what tine e of hnd to Tint National mniltteo Is said to be badly handicapped hy- k of motiev so 1 callers XPAXSWX ix xonni CAKOIIXA- pobllctni Hope to Carry tine State VTIthj the Aid of Ulrinlt N C Sept 3 A II Ilnlton the chairmanship of tine Kepubllcnri Kxerutlvo Committee today and Senator C 1rltchord was elected In hit place It want clued to begin tine national campaign at one 10 nmnaireri expre rune hopo of with line iicttve of my expansion WIth voted nirnlnst In They do not lo ns their pleasure over lh attitude of the the lures majority whom will vote or t wits announced niter the ini etlni of the ate Committee that thorlaht of way In soy 11 districts be given lo the huiiie n of tIne Stat who are tn with tl Helen of MrKinlvr Administration ThUI- HIIB that Gold nominated r CoiiEroHH In tine Second and Fifth district SInger Itrrlcweit br Admiral IlrwfrM- AIIIIAIIASNKTT Piwi Sept 3 The Anon clety of New York 1W members strong rived nt NnrrauaiifwMt today nn an outing p from New Vork after vIMtlnc llcxton iwport Tine memlxr this la nt returnIng to the station wn rnlntud and reviewed by linlrul amid Mrs Dowoy front the piazza of MgUaii cottneo on Waked a 1 1111 Europe asleep cUed nuking wino lIvtn art 1 twit Jut tine tino nt his Itllll nit kl 1111111 1 Irlll IIlIf limit In tnnmtecthtumt tlllllllr for 11111 h at o II lI Thl two Those ill an d which In plac r mint II r nA fI BllrnI II hounds priced Vic inn nun aunt t lie b itt mt w liilnthn street In IUt ntjckptlsntik J inn t hun tin cisc Inotuo is away with ink I I sail robbed tine was hoist lmunn inn the ohm itt was lull t cod nil if Thc roD r were hey tine Stat sit Democrats re- nd Cats tine State Ihnuou mans win roes nuiullstnm Itt IcKlnnk lit non nail tin lit < < < < > > > > KILLS ar nt Bin PATROL vox Crossed Wires Cam th Dath of Two Louis Iollcunen ST Ixitiis Septs Two policemen w killed tonlvht and eleven othcre scriot Injured In the Fourth district by the crr of electric light wire with police wires V- tho went to tilt patrol box on hU bent to rep to headquarter each man received rvn oleoi- ahocU UHJ moment ho attempted to tnko from hook Tine fIrst victim was Nicholas lleckmnn SIxteenth ajiJCnrr streets Ho wn sound d- nloiu ldo patrol box with hi hand anti frightfully btirm d Policeman ilohn Imr found dead nlonuddn tine box at Twel and Morttnn ntjvcto In this cose also bode horribly burned Morn were sent out on electric car on lion back amid In wagons tn notify policemen tn away from the patrol boxes Kloven otl patrolmen wont found to have idiock anti In stints ennoH tiadly burned sninrirAiitT TnimtiRira Legal fltatni Good on Sonthern 1acl- lUllroad A wcman pvNenRcr on a Southern 1ifl Railroad train toads nfnrmnl complaint that mann wearing a neidletV shirt anti no coat c what also termed a womai coach Tine matter was referred to tine lena department or tine road nnd an uflldal oplud was wibmllted that HO long as a man Is d centlv dressed whether he has on hula coat not his appearnnco cannot bo cIen lvo to ni- MMwlbl per on- nniniRitfi FIGhT niooimorxim A Mob funning the urn Who Klllrd the Do After Wounding Their Matter IxmsviuK Sept 1 In n light with hun hlghwiiymiii todny Ju t tho limit Deputy c iii tiihl J 8 Warren mortnlly Injured nnd hi two we- ItnhlxHl to doiith A shnrlfts io nmouii mum prnctlcally In n mob Is In r1oo purni The llsht miotirrtd shortly Kforo noon nei- Sllne Thi the faint uf J II Iiwls of that place xuiit down slal- Ihey found that took had beiin bound inn tfOBKid by three rohlHTH mimi that r f value lind limO utolett Deputy Varrc- tvax nollflid mud ho hroii ht two limit blood liDiind They nt 10 oclock Tint roblHip tuui endeavored to throw r lie ciint by wadlii lint a dl liuiC In llcarlra Creek but they were truckil- o n den i tldekel Warrin mimi refutl- o wall for tho sii i l ipnn of the robber lie succeeded Intuit hut Jiift a tie WHH iibdi- lo lenvo with hi revived a cnifl blow nn the head from behind with win litTwin il proved to hn a hammer He tell bt- rnl ed on and betran Tim men dlllerent dlni lion tint tIme tune bullet Nlrut- iViirron In the nhoulder hut not until he h- nlrnptd one of robber Tlieli blinded wit fell thi ground wounded robber wn carried a ind tlnn dropped hud itartnl In pursuit Thn path taken ty the roblient nn to the tioww under wh- ircrn already on Inn occtirn- VftiT thin path for about tun- Ired a plncu wherna riiKH- md evidently o cnrred One of the dogs wo tine other was dylnB front ha- i dozen knlfu wound Warren cannot nrou cd caught time rnhlxTH will be I treat danger of mob violence At H oclock tc- ilflht hirIng wits re orted from direction vhlcb tho poiwo went SHOT TIlL surens IIAXD- ll h p In a llattte Scene In Uncle Sam I China nrrntng The battlo scone In the second act of Und In China nt the Star TinctUre this wee rasa little hit too realistic for the comfort c I IiUintarl fine loader of tine siipcrM win represent tints American army In fecon- ct tine iillled forces charge upon tim wall t- eklii It drfendrd ubout lift loier and chief ainoni them I Paine rioole liiinbort got on top of th wait lust nlBht l ecnin o ho flBht that he placed hi Mile loaded with lnnk cartridge against nnd th trigger been n sniper enough t that thT i lank cnnrldgi Hn tried to knock time gun tinnd wn over tInt murrln WOK dIscharged Tine wadding rounded bund but tine nudlencn knew noih of tho Inclilon- tUimtert want taken to Ilellevun Hospital here It was wild that th hand so torn ani- nrned that there was danger of lute hnliiB I- Iamb said last that in thn future lion1- IToole would ho nno of the attncklnB party a 10 wade too enthusiastic a Iloxer ir iF srimx uoxonnnn- qact In Honor of llUtlngalihrd Swede irtynrt Illrthday- Tho Fwedlsh Engineers Club of Now Vor ave a banquet hist night In Its clnbhousn a- m Henry street Pro Itlyn to Walfrld Sylvcn nelneer f marine construe In tniled stiitrn MchthoiiHti Service i honcvr of hN flflyflrHt birthday Mr Sylven now llvii 1 C fi under of tine Now York Hub ns with of tine American So of Each which now Imo liranehnd most nf tine rlnoltxil H I f tint ber known Mvcdes In the Vnllid Slates IOM achievement mnrlnn liav- iItractid The i lat might presided over by rust tundBreii rhalrmnn of the club ant nten l d by about fifty H edj horn had comma from croat dlslnnoM to hono- ir Many trlcBrama of conrratula Ilr rfllllnnn and the Slm llody To TUB KntTOIt OP FInK Strx Sir Mr U inkln Mertx n mplnln that I nninved Id- otherV lH dy to tine Harlem Mortrur nnd- i a second order from them to Morion Htriet A n fact did In tine dUcharge of my unity order the mnviil of the bmly from H roon Street It it o removed tine city hearse within y two hours but a ieiit that evening t Harlem to await transport bj- uamboat next day to a of detail wIth which nm until concerned Tliere wn no orders me I rlinll tint permit write unkindly of one In hint Mr- ertg wa huts wisest mood whom that a ti li tinnier front Detroit on undertaker In Now rk n ii t ne w nutter A little delay occasion In ln oiuo of nth I am not nt nil referring to present nconiu In somewhat handy In our ly HAMILTON WILLIAM 248 WFJtT FotHTPKXTlt STIIKKT Sept 1W- IIJrctrlcal Knglnrrr Klllrd br a Lire WIre rKtilioH N M Sept 8 Frank liltzcndorf Schenectady N V Instantly killed to at powdr plant by a live wire i wits an eleitrlrnl engineer employ o enernl Electric Company llr ninilnw1 Southing Syiup tot chIldren thing nllrni line irdurtu lnn mm ilcin- ays corns wind dhrtlifr c a boutS lOliniN Itiomai not fiarnh Hood Kin he luncrsl will take blare from bis bitr rm ldtnee03l- lmliwlck Iruoklynon WonrsJay mornIng IUOuat 3 cloel thnie loihcChurcti- bf fur ol iooj CoUnsel Madison L nttr- llalph ar Mtmbrrt ot ljMvtttf Council C K 1 PalmCounrP lloyd Airanum Ituntauk- XnncU K of U ate Invited toatund Intctmrnt In Calvary Cemetery IlrNAt IWiylirad N J un Sept 2 1900- rrrilerlck TraUjn naly ton o tine lane John Amy nOd Kllutxtb oivln IuUrn uncial MTlrtu at hU late r M lcnr North Droad- V lill tieth N J on Tuesday Sept 4 1BOO U IMIll tecotn II youlhlul arid trf nine uw ot IAIIUKH 11A1H HAU1AM tIne tvtt lui rornx in Santerx HMorr c11 li- uV Voltaire I HI eta a I t entail iihuonn hue tin fit was want his been the cupied a sent in C outside cIt tnt ruIn of tin fmngittve4 etttt iou mann I mug c lion I Inn rver t mImi his t t inn a I- ioerIis inn unit ttnmtr luau tuinit inn In Ills tint nt I lint ret rmnm Imig ntnlI med t Iii iiloon I Tin l t wan 0 I tnt i itt ss Wa wnui tine tight tin st The Is then Last Ram June Ito Just as I TonIc inns long knot of Ill tmnd J tit as his t iitdlb him lag was nigh t i Ion I Ins tint Wit one inn is iit Per tin vlnnc4 cut tints also otiut ins cmngt ser wide attention ABS nit several of Ion were tin I thin was 1 lie ltiit native reiiisitntn Li 1054- t inn p > tint tin ala was glut I ulllf oUCc5 genie I Themes and in Sept it Lad ann nit ptciilt 3IOtLlt FAith mInt tnt cure etc lcw ub1icatlo- nAIiiPr Ii I < < < > > > > < > > < > > > > In trousers the variety wo offer is ninety diflorent patterns priced from G to 10 legs nnd tnste if inclined you cnut find nil these sonio ouo- thntll touch the spot 5 mid G are particular winners JlooKiis LKKT COMFANT 230 lUonilwAV mr ttnrrrn and 7 U Wanen St tiNe llrnivdnny eon Illnw con aid and AI Vtt33dSk We nil ordefl by naIl iortiitr Tiirsr KXIM ix uvnnrnl- Urle Klllrd by the HrUtlvef of GuI U- llrt In Secret CfllirMHM 8 C Sept 8W Tnher Fxrle a ri tnurant keepir nt Sonora inns tnvn mur tiered It I chnririd by the two brother and brotherinlaw of limma to whom hn wn attention Tho girls fmnlly ohjeetotl to him anti tine cotipln met Ivirln rldlni to thnlr anointIng plnm on hU hlcjcle On Saturday Firli dlnp eared Home on had feon liltn anti tIne girl together on Hint day and tlm girl wiv nrniled Sine at first denied knowing KnrloM whereabouts hut Ilimlly oonftwed that hit two brother nnd her brotherinlaw T II Slut had wecretly followed her on Satur- day nail ciimn upon narle nnd herself Tine throo prneieded to fhoot him to dentin ThU done they tell tmdy to bicycle added a shorn for weight arid threw It Into river That woman took thn ofllvr to tho and the body nnd bleyeln urine tlhed up lien brother threatened to kill met If mI- nformntlon The young men hnvo been SrUootjj For Itoyi J Votia MenCity Country NEW YOIIK N Y 433 MadIson Ave Berkeley School CMT- wtntyllrst year Oft I attention to Harvard Yale Columbia sod with opportunity rapid advancement New Gymnasium Swimming Pool Lnt tMtlev EIght boarders re cclrnt into teachera amlltea For new rrtkilei and prospectus address J Cl Hli IinAD A M Registrar Dwight School IB Writ 41d Street New Tork City 21tt Year Sept aath Ill h rlai fhool for from T In 18- jnraofage Individual boys wbi- cdutailon been Lar acuity LAti- olatotlt Uymna lum Alblttlo- KINBSLEY SCHOOL faWn Individual training I manly cwlturMaetf- ji trry Ideal locatIon In bill country 12 mInce tram N Y CUy Hr ld nrc new ll Imptove merits Term SO Otn day 0 1 AM Itnom 1 70 Fifth ave tend rot lo J n CAM HUB1 ST FRANCIS COLLEGE IIALTIO STHEI7T IIIIOOKITSC- ONDLCTKU by lh lIHOTHEliaC- UsMMl and Commercial Courw- Entranrr 41 Duller Ai ply for CnUloroa- IIIIUTIIUII KIIIICIIS O S Rector PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE hr tfr luth rear begins Sept loth- IVtrrei In CUII tlitinlmrj Ants Alee rtioiotith Ciunw Inlanlrr Aittllerr anti CjiT lry Drill A mllKarv of Col C B IIVATT Trentdent BARNARD SCHOOL ill WEST STREET ninl rnrranrr I la Writ I JOth SI Thorough for College nail Uuslnesa- alalogiic lath yfsr bfjlnsHfpt 20 HAMILTON INSTITUTE 1 Urtt bltl Nt Jlnnhstlnn Square North HIMiPINS SlIT J Til roe Intorinmlonor cit loiua addrf i Jr M A Pflnclpa- KVladison School TfiArAtorv fur the Appllnl clrnce In cVtlumWa or course ImrMinaniililp rrnrtnf- uttiirnlory workshop arid tlrlrt wort k to 2n IndlvlriuO to very pu ll i 1 TAUIIH Principal SYMS SCHOOL Itobrrt II H m William C Simmo- nAi1iv ron cincuiAii- 2ii West 45th Mtroot BETTS ACADEMY II Jlrll l t M r Till INIHVinUAI TIIU Jprdal advantnses for time In preparation WM J M A Vale IlKCTOnV SCIIOOU Xe Mllford IJUh- I Held Oi Quinn Addre Head maitrr ItaiTCf Taylor formerly of Pomtrek Cone or Mr Charles lietrenct by permission Mr Wro tt flack GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY WASI1IM8TON U C Art and law rnedtttne College and pr- ratory deiuirtmeat I Hid or Girls Tonau UomeaCtly Oonntr- ycd my ol Our of Angela Under Direction of tb FrancIscan Formerly Cranitonf AUYVLIrr HKST learnt ATull on floP per year Send NsflTOTK T1SNK Eighth Year opens 21 luon Preuarntlon tot heeding Un TtRVP ofTWr nt lh- drmle arid offlrtM delegate ol tins lilted State lo international OonKteucs on 1uUlo- Mtuctlon beld at IarK 1900 No 1JS WBST KNU AV NEW YOHK CITT Till A DTH A C INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL ir girls of Rood IlROXZytLLR 8T- odr lint care of tIns HlBIEUS Of- AZARCT1I tRpIacopall or Tounc Men A Women City A Country llruik year both size tieaUbful hoe I undoing our coulant Him 185wo Improve ifoMAS OllANlJOM P PrMlden- UirNTHAL IlVKPAIUfonY fiCIUKIt 1 ANt 20 KAST tll ST W W HUITil HA Illo pat for all Regents cXilleee C H A overnmen stud other tlonv- TBW vofiit ViiiiPAnAtunv SChOOL i Wet lid il llrooklrn too Juralemnn Uprtptrei- iy one for rolleei tcbuoli open now Ilnilnrx Colleen ong Island Business College 141 lo 1411 South nth St TIlE MILLER SCHOOL St J mr llolldlnr I I3n HrnndwaT- AV UII KVKMMO HIICV1AMS MO VACATIONS Mo lintrr School nt Any rrlreJ- HATT INSTlTTr HHOOHIVN N V- K ll term bf tflm t S- llw Schools EW YORK real Hrhool S5 Vawau St I l nln Hehool e WwiuthSu AW SCHOOL DwIght HnhodoilDitrmo LUII In lw c pears uwt toe MtaldCtM UEOUUE CUA3E hoer art hue tIn t pie lai net lcl l runt clttnnhst I tel his his tin spot sIns arrested lihtnceinin open boys roomy Nit estrits hours TUCo bloc 0 1UeL Esils New iitiey silent Im t WAR mirrC- niaiogtnrs THE iginee N ARCfflBALL SHA tOnT AtM eW in sating I ii hceresL lit A lintronee tnt sciences SepL 5IyYIjx11r lit for Sept L character i Ji S1tMINARY on hiouu4 1 d mat home comfort ot ciiasacUt Lad car new 1 ita a The bustnecns uatntng aehrs4 of today for yours limb ininiI young womnein and Lcennag I1 S ShiTEMltthI tim iiVNH C IrladroL SHORtHAND 1tPLWItIIhG I Set Ion > < < < > > > > > > >

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Page 1: Library of Congress · THE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4 1900 J tf 4 11 Lh 0I H w hiT I THE THEATRICAL LAST xniiiT ix xmr FORK rout ft II IniPirtant Dramatic lion Manner tools Min-ntlM


J tfLh

4 11


H whiT


LAST xniiiT ix xmr FORK

rout ft II IniPirtant Dramatic lionManner tools Min-

ntlM llpman I ew rl Two of Ij-

Wlnlrf Here Drought Out

The ficlora put forward t

Aliening Trick Thentro lout nlt-

injr I Mann ntnl Clam Ilpmnn T-

n i t v pr enled wn AH on Acooti-

tf i i Mim Iilprfian figured n-

Sw Klrl teaching a dlstr-

Kliool in i be tn1 rnr of tho Htiito Mr Mnni

tale i Hi a comedian wa devoted to

rvrtraya of yol MirewU old Ovrino-

ihe rnairipan of ttio nohool Iruntoes a-

t ref r n factor In tlio dlMurbann-

iaiM n bout m mUtrrcw Tl

air iffendiT wore tasteful cowiamatry bulltili and matin BUOC

Tin nien liked her and the women

ot ScTiiinnmt had become thus divided

v mil llH when Into ono night In o

rani w H1 tn k a IJItr Ho w

her ow brother hUt thu folk didnt know

nd io wa I1 ol1 lrinl fof thusoeiH-

UT mii Idut Thi layout of story yleldi-

jiii fi flu Hie of cood humor for the ti nclor UANI o w-

elliattlt nl l t wn nnUm tllVOC ll8IICCCM-

MMCU ii aiJ ilf irly a iiiucti of cerlocom-

dlreri vein of comedy Mr Mat

bml i iiid n reputation IM an elnborotodl-

UNr f Mi1111 gn U Iiio Oermnn nndrp Miiiu Iiingly broken Kruiiuti

Ppier In iniicli tlio aii-

nulier1 f drull vi go und owkwurk ph

11 i diction vi tuurUedly In-

WOT In atiming Viilin1 hecllln lttdloi-Mini d wenJ BOIIO and

f nin i reiiim J If n w IIP woiil-

m tui iil lnil liublt of iicilloMl pr-

ttj vi e Hi1 now i lay Ml Ilpmnn tin

brent iMiiiitiii ther uiuincjponwntof fem-

iiiieiBiei 1retnh way Thereforesinful nriirlB tn ti mullcnco thi-

IT f rnT wor iitlfllTiHl to on

no hpri thir wiro nn nvowid tu-

umrt on Ilironshotit tlio TO-

of t i IT nho n n rofrcflilnclrnnk I ind lovnlili Atiiirlciu-

iialilrn Tli U may In mild that Mr Man

cr it in lid til own vhik Mls llpiuat jdd Mi il to fiir rtputntliri-

Th uti pf All on Account of rll7n-

Musiriiili1 I co IhotrlilMteln withouttervt Mi mil tiiiriKlnnllty Itmmip

3d Ucn oft n l l rid nnd then wi r llio-

in tli i th itrx In iikht wlii tliciuuht thoy dc vriil ni n lornmn rotirro In III

Limit output lint hi l0iild be accounted In

noivnt 01 pliuiarliin In this ca o until provii lltv N otii will deiiv him duo credit fo-

havlriK pruvldiil n orvl iMbl tiiflluintfi Mntinli n pair of coiiudlanu Thicliarmtfru rnr itiiii of an n sortodof owipliu anti nuddllnc matronsclnvttr t1 fir folk In n illvorwi compli-

lurntof pwii1 nin woro nniopiitly clcnr nnK thoHCindi

about wnHnmuiltnlyariil Mi t nfllco 1U culinlnatioi

l a trial In tli wt re tlm ucciifuHnni tlio pondnmriccl gown nnc

wn1 ludicrous posnwlni IncldaiiWlly wmiM nnot and nic

of tli uirl li ii yuuna lover Thorcthe POI HV oat a third

hut eiiouuh o-

Ilium wer funny to the Iniiulitr fromMiri ri b Mr

In thlt POrtion or tho play should bovltliti-ntoJlllcd or It wan unrlcaxanU-Ttilenr That Ii the only fault tohar hly with the which ourclwill UK one o the la pro p rttM oficason

Two of our modish theatric wer reopencttat nIght kepi them well filed

half of IJith rerlrals wrro madetot u tnoMi only anil will bo followed by

ifvr nnujirtion Tho Criterion sturtvd litecond rear under It prraont title and the

of harlm Prohnmn The playWM of Jonnloo and Jamw KllarkMt wa n nlti tho chief actor ThIsl rrmembcred a n Btn UN by AblK-

Ha Ilchard nn and draco L lurnl olIncidents In K rcrton Caatlos story of thename It wits thA Ideal of the matln f-

BlrK but lu lopularlty didnt stOlthor The tory of the proud Knir-

h hman who loved nnd marriedIrlncpw nnd then hnd

fnhi t keep her bT eninilcs npt old tnmany pivplo it waa no different latIUht and us the uct rndod the nudl ioappliudiJ heartily Aftr the third ad

ctatorii were r ally entliutlimtic-an1 irwutoil that Mr llackett eipnHhits thank t word He had Just IltiWifd-Ullin a few vlllnliw und won about to rcfuinu-Liuihl rlnK In tlio not but long

enough tu mak some plomatitbrmthleM rtniarkn Tho play and IU-

ictofn nro too fntnlllar inibjeot toXew Yorkem to warrant now doncrliitionIt o M well actol oa btforc Mrllackftt wa agaIn n nnd-Wolc fleitrn t tin EnglIshman undBertha mlland Bpcnt much forcoactIng thii rt of hi wire who tcoted wlmthor-Mlnrc than his fatallynulln him believe In had married n Inrtylna-

ltlng ln t ad of a Trlnces Th other promlnii ttii wero playiMl by Arthur0orgeV Rubier ThomasKl n Iifiht

our fa hionnbl theatre that started llaUist nl ht wits tIn Ilroodway undJacob

n alrj imnind on niannxor IJenIlu-rw tin ii unit was from mitt Novoi-nw umll lialt tlironch Mny Homo noveltyi rlvfnli thU revival by tho npponranrttoft-ran actors in four or five fonmo partxE-

mroott Corrlitin who played two rflleath melodrama nt different timesfcaoo undertook n third In It ho

tn n d more advanlnitoously than In eitherho other Animeof the wlo men of thet he had too ltU to do and M Denllur too-th A hOlly medium wo struck Intt l of tu old merchant Simoniilu nnd hei llenlly Another nnwcomrr was Nellie

Tnnrri n rt i t

Vk forciblyi i

her Predecessor InSt fl drnmatlo

IxHiity Mrt HtirtM-i wait William Farnum

j enacted the tlllol ulduo flattery

better than

Hut In thin secon lie raM ndmlrnlilp Two

nriKinn who wero nealn-r Shaw In the rnthcr-

patnntlo and nhnrrnmotherhoodj-

ctor of II ff1 wAs tint-

oly m y ranter and

n Who Rf nnknr aii u usa melo-

klrnr in7Zrl t yinrn cnmo forwnra

fcbertiWftlark In a drlinatlo nf6 n

n fantnMlo little ror t J rw Mr SkInnier had nr

arr4 ofllll of


tiiMk iitcT and tin author tutu toil

I iiriii in acoonluiirc wllh tinte fr tnt

i j v1111 iiiui uritill vrnnferrd to the Ktago-

t lurnWillmt

Thnl thl l rocoiH-iicc s m several In

hhitsoif of n looks



nrdtllh n

Alaintoll pIOtlOIlly tit



nrk dl

ill 1


ant did



0 n no-










u d

In Ihd lrwi Th otIn



U or odds AntMi



Ian melt








lat cudt


hand om


nI prida by


A Halarid


D Ion14 wsd



onnlor otr I b ilial oran the lieroslbp





new tOo t

dl lh nnotMI show un-

ne or

to It lottI h that hoIIn stitrtod

and thanIre In UIMt


IbIIrrr RrR old anda I 01

It14t1 n

oh I

unduly tmlo-

fPIalc HIho b

rAn r much toInc RIIlncllar

Xe I

Ion I

110DIn was nl latan

llm 11 tlio

1 I

11 momIro ti wa i


flIk prlc M r

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uI 81 tliit-a

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411 ut

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r t ers t 11I ci-


tree rr Ii isld It S holly tinit ItttIIlC

iUq IItee

r it


II nil t lit t



sit I or




true growthtie pcholinaflEii iiigg

girl worescourt-


witi utids

Out ann

1aytta for-

M iLOl








theLtwtiOloyedaniil was loocg llcnIfurLea noblo lotsd


jr1 the niwof etprfl hittt NOW

Tonk tie can flattering reputatIont Li4


It ItedftDPOlfltgg lacking otheract

marked nailItem thenitst kUhI c

t IIur loving nurseIn4


lii wa ana

perforrnnn lttt witst lie should crroetod theIs doneS

rarely Ieon s4ofl IndurIng



ghone untiln Litbi


it flu


IiiO4 unrVhItlcatiiii i01 xpot toS

0e traigistto eIegont

titi ii tiiii IAtiiI

tM rrlI

sIrerthe its popularitynow tYall







> < <










> >


> °





contents In the Hllghtcat degree and yet I-

no hesitation In puttIng II forward as aversion of the rtcry It JuilneJ by thosta-ard4 of tho theatre nnd Mnndu or tails byjulto Independent to Ho relation to the originwork That will undoubtedly bo the foMiloithe many drnnmtbod novels that are to bedurIng winter and rw

provldo good plays under this method of Inlent there aocin1 to exlit no caunn forplaint

Mr Skinner linn used tlm nfveimon no far a served hUand that o i to liavo been In tin w-

ofsucuiMlon 10 hotin dellrato humor and nnllro of iho thiractwould over lo nilln Innlnd thennd tin incIdents of tin nro HO

with the lln t elnineut nf hurle that theInont would IK doiiutful on tho stagNor l Prince lila 111 thehuro of rnnmnc of the ordinaryllln amiable vntlllatlon I

every that a hero ihould possestin of im

rovenl It could never through t

medium nf thn theatre The Mime lathis Connltt Von feint and M-

Hklnner without even Ntu mafeatures tit the tory ha tid soilof Its eone charuetom I-

ahw the belwoon the miand wife her weakness under II

dominion of ttio Irlina Mlntter nito free herself from his Inllnen-

ctltlmntrly rw In the noyel the riitrnro with

Uon of the principality thut hail cauwd nil thetniiry return

much of the hook lu h en used butsuch ifenernl dlt of motive nnilthat It was n tlellxht lo nbervo how slight tl

made Sevnn on nhare Innltflit proceedlnu The play wi

tttxin two In the iitorThAt wn apology enoiuh for u li-

tho tItle of the novel wit seam MitUfatlon to admirer

It wii iinudlenw In thin main regarded thi tilny It wito IH accepted or rejected front its litrlnaU

It met eturtlng demandskind In Home particular while In othem

fur below the wn nnnd nearly every scenic

IK Interest Dmrnln for element of keiieril nr-

mitnlno l atiMorptlon that cuiild aImhae Kiven end forco to tldram n n whole ltwnnntlno thing for I-

iManro to see Iriner iletermlnnd to n en u ruler duh into count

nnd hn ak up tint coniiplratoro Hut thorn been nothing bfoilinn nne of tho play tn Interim thin nildleniIn that pliHe of hnrncer and tho Iffi l i

the pl wits slight and brief Ittie aainn with every Inclden-Iho eloment of genuine theatrIcal vahwins freiil pre nt In them Hut hey wninil link In 11 rliiilii tint did not holdAt n tlmo whiMi thn vouue ol thnaratno alnmt ovirwhlmlnuly In controlIhenlrloil UM 1rln ndtto deserve mm-l reof irii N rily Hut It will snot

in coherency and locilicca bits of toxt sham

Jewcui In Hut thoatrliullinof mo t-

he talkOf Mr Skinners er onnl success thorn wa

never n doubt lln with frrvislid lltuv with n maulerif HivnUlotinry rare etio itfh n

move I throiuhmil distinction Ill speech nftor th-

ourth art wa additional to admireifHleveiiMin who present 1errv

the ninlilllnu wife wa slice Knful thatlraci rilken whoammeit 01110trniihl

nMn that would havo puzzled anylmd-inieotieral WMeelcd In every detail by ta to anti Intelligence

At nl thearm preTlouly openedho season lnbor Day inatliieix wern given yc-

crday excepting tIne fuxhtnnulilo Kinplnshore Ofllcors pasied Into the laalf of Its allotted fortnight Tbo uthcJays continued were The Ilebel-irlth Andrew Muck at thin Academyarlnh Irlent wllh Daniel Holly nt the Foureenth Street and The Cadet filth at thherald S piare Tlm new stock company at th-

uiiorlcnn with The Innt Hubysitu which It had mado a good start on Satur

Weather favored the openair vaudeville enprlalnmenton top of thn Victoria where th

111 retained familiar features and offeredchanges Tho Now York and Casino

nrdorm were still openThrve full audiences made the average her

of yesterdays contlnuoui shows and thiwero a good niturn for tho visitors mooney

t Proctors Fifth Avenue Press KM rid KB

mrlln Bummervlllo were aniualng mimo-igiHts and Joe Hart and Carrievely Hkotch players For Proctors UStl

troot ckhirts elephants displayed interailing Milton and Dolliobles played tho short faron Whytalker arid thlift bo id nf the roster of nwlnlUt-llert toot timid Maud the drnnvitlilayer for Proctors Twentythird Hlrn t-

i lng A proven worthit familiar Albert Her

iarney were some of theens mimicry timid HopnerV-ocallsm were conspicuous features ntr Pnlncv a engaging Kd

Hind nd Mnudo bdnnBother especially attractive iunil rkiclio f r Arid r ilw-

i d were Included In tin bill nt Pastorshern It no lliehard two comic acrobnt-onded the milk Marl vnlnwriirlil

a now short lit Keith and Irnpwinnd lance Prcllls dog Iorl o Drewer nnil-

Furrell were others outdo con plcuom

Among tIc many wellknovn performers nt-

o ter A Illuls Miirlo Ireirbciui Allti Pierce Itiin ill truth

g Heanion hind a capital billi which lto o oghlan Ilenrl

horton and llonnlo Thornton cxintrlliutidlie Ilurkes time Junker Quartvttn wore

of the show given arnone concerts arid projections of mo

picture went to waxMu 4

Ktnr hnd a drama new In Its title oluncle Barn In now In the form ItLava tu old material It wan loud and activelib episodes of tho Chinese uprisingralnst and foreignid Hi American herons revelled In

buncombe Its author Charles V

had deemed a coherent torytentlnl hut timid roIled on ex

dorluus and to thrill and tickle hildiiioes The effects sought wern rur ly

thin where cf approvallaughter were wild and frequent

in nctre who 1 much In some ol-

c but inns only a small Newreputation niadn her first appearance as a

heroyntas tine heroine of A Larfr of

at hut Grand OperaIllalr beautiful woman an aotre

more than common In the flrsr sccnotile madcap hoyden who has been Drought

a n and merrimentomed n lltle forced arid unnaturalaln In thin fourth act murderingr betrayer and his under a sofami the laughingly guest

lacked reserve power enough toId the Ho no to tine intense suenee that Julia Arthur did Those mint are

ntloneil not to thud Mlu IllalrIn tInt rftle but rather

was Taken alolo her performance was admirable and It

n lltlln tn that she does notpear in New York more frequently Thono cannot be said of many of her company

nf them are welcome to wandernines vaunt the famous forty milesim Hrhtneotody to Troy


fliers In the New head Central UnionIValtlnc hood

irenldent Cnllawny of tIne New York CentralecU that tim enlarged union paasoncor

ttlng room In the Irand Control Stationbe for public uin by Oct I homnfeatures aro to bo One will

n ten room for women whuro n clIp of toilu bUcult will be sPry 1 at a merely nnnil-

I prlco to women waiting for Thusmom will have nn ciinnoctlon with thn regu-

riwtaurant Theta will also bo a bixitnicking exclusively fur women An

feature will b toiletwith all of thin convenience of a loon

ihroom I winch an a lniU ion tee of flvo ori p iit will bo chargftl-


ernnrd B Oray a veteran tnickman andntractor In llrooklyn died yierday of

hits home 8M loan street in hisTiityninth Hs wa once tlio Uctno

tic leiidor In th Ninth ward He leaviB twoonn bilng Detnctlvn Hergeant Ilartholo-

w dray and n daughter stayoe iml defeat for County

big rumpus IIII iem rrtulc organization nephew

eter I Homer who nun of the eldestitnex men In tlm Orangii died yestortliv-riilng of Hrlght dlfa o at 2k trent Orange Ilo horn In MontmlrS-JOarid ittled In Ornngo in isvi Ills widowI ono ron survive him

lat llonlh of Kaltentwrn Conceithe Knltetiborn conceits began lot night time

othula harden A Wagner festival to con

10 for three during theik











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itslast nlsht

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tonget tiimanna t I


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tniII with jlruo

wore line sd114

with a



Mar were


las muttspecialists

S end


hereV ore













ye r snehlila


lilt ricewas

t suonissIuI season


















lot Into Sllii VnrehMs net and AimStrangled lint While tIer Two Male lloai-

ei Looked On When tie law tier Facellsnl t Off a CIO Fine In fpu

When n man who enters a strange hotand chokes a sleeping woman almost tn donpays fur It with a Ono of only ho I ecttl-olf easily At that Is thn way 1olltman Murphy looks at It nnd ho succeededconvincing prisoner Iuko Kclmfer ofSe t Fortydfth street that ho WIIH rlgl-

Hch a for Is tine trout who Rot off with Ihodollar

It wits May PurchaH who lives onthlnl Hour of tine house nt 103 Went Nimbifirst street whom Hchafor clinked Mlw Illthus rents out two of thin rooms of her flattwo young men ono of whom In a nowcpapreporter Itoth refused to give their ruunto tIn police whon 8rhafcrR assault wonvewtlgated The newspaper moan hiM high

hair and the other man U dark Minx Iurchiwas asleep In her room about 7 oclock on 8uiday evening when homebody rang thefrom thu street door The young man wIt

the light hair was almost oMcop In his rootTho young man with the dark hair pushed tbutton nnd opened the street door Foot

stop wero heard on thn utulnt andhaired young man opened tho door openliInto the hull llofero him stood a big huskfollow with no collar but with

lot of conlldence The bU manHelmfnr

Well said the darkhaired young manIve conan after my wife young man n

marked the callerWrong phui said the darkhaired your

man no married woman heroJucMS ruoilli young fillor said rkhnfe-

I in I look greenWithout waiting for nn answer to this

lion bo the nmunit walked Into thn private mall In firroom ho aw tuRnon bU boil anti looked Into theIngroom arid seeing nobody therengnln Ho looked Into und

morn Then h to thn closed tutor1tirrlutan room Thn d

man trlod to H him to let that uloncHumph grunted Sthufor and IIH IIH 11

door openlnrthn n Schaf-

iMletl her by the throat with both hands un

you Ill kill you now nlioutrthin Intruder

Iho w-ntondnrliik why weren t provide

for Mich The ll younman thin IKIM arid ennui out I

the hall with a formidable looking revolverUH luind Ju t thenout of Ml IurchnXa rmmi ninth ftthin door The llghthulred youn f man mudPIUWH with

li Mii hhoiited tine darkhaired youn-

inaii to hi lt tho el outhe only will

wan tnennwldle Kolnu down thefour at anIntH him Iollee arid othi-

thliiki Jilt III the was Iollcetimn MmHe till KelmfiT an

after touring ho lied done lucked tilin uIn tine Ve t MMwhose throat Ivirn tine tnieex of Schafer lingeriHHiimn d when her assailant left herbut af ternn hour or two revived and went to thpolice Htatlnn where sino ImUiil u complain

tint InvaderAll of thins In thin eauo went to th

Went Side pollen ooiirt yetenlny morntniftheir to

hesan lute explanation of tine affair by miylni-

do wa nn fluent and Hut ho wumarried

Thi all n mltnkn ho fftld M

wife lift mo stop time ago anil I hnvo beerlooking for her ever since I hearth that h

living In Wet Nlnntyllmt o I

through the street t for tinnnmn f Hohnfer I found It Oil the nailof tint nnd thinking my wifethere I wont In A soon rut I KM worn

in face I knew wnHiit fUn offt I lrt sits her lying on tied I though

ihn wn lrvnu n U tlm name heightv my wife M I SAW my tnUUke

tin tfndnlln-Ine the l enn mn lrt

ondtint Hehafer couldnt and WN led to i

oil In tho court Tine men wholIve In MU flat to my whichf either of thorn wa named Sohafer

vrsKT TWO nttowxun

Cllnglnc to lien Keel Are llrmrdLife Narrri

Two men wero drowned In ocean ycpterlay ofT Norton Point by llm uprvttlnn ofawl Anna Tho other four men on tlm Anni-

ero rescued by nminlior of Volunteer Life

hivIng Crow Ko 4 of Sbi ph ad Hay In theanht Patrol With the life savers n a rw-Micor WOH ClinrleH T Pavlx the editor of

Srrcrf rrietr who was Indicted In therooklyn Ilniild TrnnMr eon plrncy laNho wiii kupt In the Tombs for II long time

nllltiK to bo bulled out Mr Pnva brollier-

llallutt Pavlii wits the captain of the 1ntrolIda con Waller H UnvN wan Ihn mate

lolhnr powii r wiw W F Jlimphreyi nut DnvlK ninth hi friend their

all with objeetof Koln around thin pointlien the rats of the Atlantic Yacht Club

wld Nortonrt Point HeMldix those monon tho patrol It F Uuhons-

nd William W of er Life Saverso 4 Thoy rounding tim when

saw nn overturned boat anti fnll-

i on ths wnvW Iwtween them Sandylook There won half n blowing at sets

in shorn wa no and warm It wa hardreallrn that few storms that I up

n oo tho o that canto racing In tothin lou TMtordav Capt Davl rather

the Patrolut a far a hewns although he

t the time when young Davl the mateof the bOil tine captain

ad announced that ho wa going back to

All thought of turning hack wise nhandonHhen tine seen Four men

soon Ix cllnglna to the hoe A tIne

utrol went pounding over the rollemt o themnf thin men Thn tide whirledtoward Patrol and Ilulxin threw n-

r nt him struck hl head The swimicr caught It and twlt J It about hi forearm

KO high thAt apt Davl did not dare

to within easy distance of tier and throw

taker of 2S9

was tiuuled aboard Wlmn alt wire

Anna nllowed to driftCant Johrwon said that tin men who werevrvl with him were only part of luIs

er fifteen mltIne Patrol her Tho two

owned were Frederick Will of I7 Johnsonyenta awl leoran KUcrn of ISO liVe

e n those save vof avenue Wl-

iStnuchof 201 Jackson avenue and Warmnnof 170 lnck on avnnuo They nald

at they hail been out alllnc forn wn only experlenceii similar of the lot

when they wern n utnlnnlI on of tho half gale that wa blowing

all through afternoon luu-en unable to xhorten xnll inlckly enough tokneji out of trouble Shin went overthonn on board of hind plenty of Line to

awl over her sldo and gel keelwas eil wnl fliP wnve however0 boy Will antI Filers befora they could1 a secure hold on thin keel

to hendn rexcniHl lumen nnd they were Mnt home by-illey On the way nmn on the Pntrol

lIllian Ciirnui tin captain of the cat linn twho out II woman and

child save cme Jame Kellyhad cnt lwil In n calbuat In tin

id ifoiio out alan i Ciiiran attemptedtnw Kellyd l ont to wifely but effurt-

olatn l crew said reunite In tlmoff of the small bouts and

r tine of tine rescuer thin and-o piwonger-rfmrle DnvK with son went to

Hay K lln statIon to tIcu of the crew nf thn Thorn wits

of reporter In the ntntlrinivl and rci ntwl th f tory to themAnd who art you Mr a kid utw-

Ihn reporter1 1 am man who wrecked

llnpd Transit Company Yontell John Proctor Clarke F

ihnn Vllllnm C Whitney and rentnm Hint for one least 1 have-

n found runt tt

llonrtl UN nt Homolimojlt to find In a city Such placelugh mitt to found suit

iltr Select hoard lcfr





hula 31I






the dark



liltII dill





hllolI11 to thnoke hur Mliii atsoko nund tJjfall 10-

IIlrll gInI vt iot



stin Irslr 1 uunlt

grunt I tlelnnt

In lion


III Itrn I < 1



boxmust < > In

nit roll

IOU Ito get out

Mnuitrnte Moll then irflletiti




lour by






there were1111




WM sure ot their



nil Jhim


In rtfloUtei ho Intolulrl 1110 than fho11utuinltig111 tta nt tine men on

k1 of Anunit anti he

II rolto to one themen One of them Voter Juhllllln aim awning

a nullMO nearly 1 that lie graspth tOs and lot IN jut ho Willi

er tine vt the Ito was mlllht-howoer hfore lie lund drilled out or reachand safetyIn yacht iavie saidho to to do toward

she was

Mwu hn turned

Ifnirtt Ilin

John on

I OrnhamIhullJ



ho whenIt 1l11lll1j



II ion lII fH



Taint rIsk

Annan Ir




In tine not ot wreckIng




Miss fit



tiesyou tar

t hotill I omb li I

tsgrIm mit

lint canineil law rti inn

I inn liii

nlommw ltIh itrklnntl rod nti ill

at rniit J nnckts

I t

t rvnnbll minti


coOl ittmliln tons

stills I

ihtitit tagat root

sw t11 I



was street wont

this thInshe

hit titsin





Itt nIntoti Iii

t tie



hisitnd nerve



wait tintalive wins


witsulii barl

as beIngside


had trntapeople-

ii wto e



enl II


ream inlIves

IrIs tInOtt

















Ucttlng at Sunn D Antbonyi lloroo L g-

liallon of Vlo lu llanlU Oondtmocd-

ItocilESTEii Hept 8 For thin vast tow di-

n commIttee meeting of uncommon Interto tho cau of woman Ktiffrnjro hiu bonnIn tlita city at tIne homo of Susan II Antlioiwhich ban been In tIme naturu of hendiiuartifor thi movement ever tine rctlratnnntMla Anthony from tho orflco of Prenldent ofnational aocloty The meeting la now pn-

tlcally over and tire re ulb nccompllnlied i

now nnnonn ed

ill committee consIsting of Pri ldent M-

Cnrrle Chapman Cntt of New York Vlovlre-dontntIjirife the Her Anna 11 Hhaw of PhitWphln llachiFouler Avery of PKIIadolplila Itecordlng H

rotary MIM Allen Stone Illaekwell of llwin-

Trcaurir Sirs Harriet Taylor Upton of Waron thIn Auditor Mlm lAura Clay of m

ton Ky Auditor Mm Catherine Vniigh M-

Culloch of Clilcaio nnd Honorary PreIdoMIss II Anthony of city took octlwhile here upon tli totalled legalizationvloe III Manila formulated plans for th nntlorbazaar of the iwocintlon to beheld In Nowduring the week beginning lice 1 nt MadlB tinre Jurden dli ca ed the nationalvetitlon to U held In June tuot In Mlnneai oll

took meaurert whereby If tins tlnnno-of th iiKodatlon penult work of orennlKlion will be to Virginia Neura k-

Iowa and Uklolioma nnd large confereno

to tnivt nt tine opening of tinelaturv of thus Uotlthern to brlibefore this leulolulviH the objects mud fcoof woman ouiTriuie atier of rigardln thin work nil over t

could within biich a xhort npace of time Tli-ruMtlutlnn

Tho an ny tem of Statof via IK II In Muni

tine United States Army authoritIes thcrforoIttiilml ThAI w jirotwt wralnithIs action tint following ren oiiM

FIrt To lM iie iKTinttH to IKIIWH of II

fame IH contrary murals amid milllmiiri s our soldiers and tho nutlvnt r

Ktnctlon to vltwSecond It In a violation of to nppl

to vicious women ineoftirithat are tent lo vlclou men

of vice whIm

It lower th mural tone ot the oommunltto protect tIne public henltl

In Iorli the head centre the rlgtregulation IIIIH iri riitlid for morn than a cvi-

tury yet IM to n notorloiregulation U dehlgned to and the allan

nf Paris has repeatedly recountmended UM nhollllon In litgarrison towns for Die benefit of her eoldleiand HiUlorw und It by a heavy Im-llamititary after revonteen yoursexixTlencn hill It a cnmpl tnfailure aii well a fruitful noureo of demoral

An In thai bnnnr to bo tmld In Sewrlty it U to have the tablesurn designed to honor woman miffru UtM c

national reputation t a t present prenlde-uver anIhony already to cuiitlbutsomething of Interest for exhibition r

bazaar It I n ijullt which wan ploced bof

other thing which will bo on view will lie nnnumber of written by tho me-wid women of a half ago FromtdMorlciil tlie Anthony

Htand preeminent

SVFPIIES tOll CnPFKFequipment end fommlmary SupplIes lleln

Mini ilanlla and Mao FranclicoW-

ASIIINOTDN Sept 3 Tho War Dvpnrtmer-cxtenlny afternoon rcivlvod a dexpatch froi-

JrlgCmn Harry nt TnUil telling of thin mill

lnr In China and explainingiccnsHlty for Incrpnulfitf tIne field trntmportdloin und for opening the railroad from Thin

sin to Pekln In order to facilitate tine novmont of supplle for troops In the Chlnettu cap

Tim Secretary of War morning dlthat thu part of Oon Harry

olegram tie made putillc-tlen ChalTen well In hounddriving power materially ONalited thin

relIef of Conalderlnuservices the condition of tine troop

n excellentwork supplying Oen Cnnffeon expedl

Ion In contlntiennd comml ar provIsions are being

both lencabled to tho War Department to

jay followPort MlIe I Sept 1

SMith via Tnkn Curried wagons paynnter for ChnJTec

len Shafter nn Saturdayhe Hecretar of telling of the derartim-f emiiloyeoM of Mali dc arttncnta for ChinaIn

Freight K t rt for Taku tTngawikl will nail today le hlre-

nartermnxter and nineteen civilianB medical and ubuliitenct-

opartmentJi under orders for China

Sick and TTonndtd In China Doing Well

WAHIIINOTOM Sept 8 A rejxirt from Majorerley tine Kiirceon In charge of the hospitalt Taku rowlvwl by Sitrtfeondeneral Sterns

afternoon nhown tint thin Americanck In China number than 4 i nil of whom

n doing welt The dnnpatch U ax follows

llanlter rei ortH sick nt the front endoat Tientsin III All woundedv brought front tine front Till relief willrite enneo nnd boativ returned Plenty of supplied All

Iloer rmldrnli Reported at Nrltprott-Spwal CoW DttfUlth lo Tint HUN

IXIIIKNXO MAHQUKS Sept s Oflloeraof Um wounded report that eiPrcsl-

mt KrQgcr and Hteyn were at NcUprult yesrdny In n railway aaloon carriage which wan

to van covered with large lied Cron-iod to prevent the train from being fired onJ

Court Calendar ThIs DayCourt fleeces

courtunder railed at 1030 AM Part 11 Fxparte-

ltrnteiCourt liamb ra No day calender-

Ctlr muitflpfrtal Term Court at 10 AMotions

ColoredDress GoodsT-

he following specials forthis week

54inch Golf Plaid Backs25 styles

at 100 a yard54inch Golf Plaid Backs

15 stylesat 150 a yard

56inch Black Venetian-sat 75c a yard

Black Hop Sacking-

at 750 a yardjoinch Black Pebble Cheviot

at a yardoin Black All WoolChcviot

at Soc a yardformerly 650 75 a yard

Lord TaylorBroadway 20th 8t

IroJz4N ltUPIlttOUT CTnl



Secretary Irse






of SPeakerS lJociallon wIll 110


reportsall t hunt




winr mile1111

ottot itintlitnilos which


nlllh Ialil

inor Is 1111111t




tillIll III

Ills their








Appellaterl1 I MotIon








the best In tine


sluort flint

hut hunts lint

mist lee

IIgtmtnm lou

sciirrg dt Inc clinic


laud orlt

izitt ion

t inn

t lnnlr ahits

t itoIii 153i wati enifln

mit tat tort






erg thIss


Many eltinhitly


ItIalon Supreme












BYD Tiiouaitr rnor FAUHEOQnovas IM EUPTY

Were ilolngr Through It at IIMday WhenProreitor Who Arrived From KnropnSunday UpOn Caught AlterChase mad Police Now After Two PA

Prof IVJrnlr Fobrrgou n toucher of FrcrIn tine allege of the City of Now York i

Ihreo burulum at hi riwldonco HI130th street while thoy Were robbing Iho hiw-

Prof Fitbrogou returned on Hundny fromextended trip In Europe lining tired husUlithe yesterday Ills fatally are still Inanti will return In n few weeks

Tho professor was In n room on t-

focoml floor nt I oclock In tine afternoon whho was aroused by litarlnu a fhufttlnt of ft

on thn floor nbovo Ills trunks were nut n

packed and ho could not get his revolver roadlllie tiptoed out In tine hallway but the no

made by tho opening of his own door alarmthe burglars Ono of them caught sight of t-

profonsor wid tInt three mado a diiU for t

root and escaped by tho scuttle by which the

land uiiterud tine liotwa Mr Fabregnti dldticare to follow tlicin a he was imarined I-

rul the front window anti began to shoutPollcol Thlnves Help ho

Hut the indict were changing posts andu patrolman wits near One Hundred atThirtieth street which I un u

usually iiulnt thoroimhfure Wit soon In r

uproar hut nobody saw any burglars Hn-

u dozen men wets standing In front of lIP o

Mill street each other what tine v-

cltvmetit was nil utiout when thin turn tblevi-

wulked leisurely out of tine lioii o Twotho burgluix sturteil liiwurd Ixnox nveniliand tho third went wot In tine directionHnvuntti itvonuo Tho two who wulkcd t

lennox avonuo Mopped on tlm corner lint n tc-

inlmtto talking together eirnlosslywoman tint block wi In tine rc-

ery store at tine corner Hearing the otitir-ho rtl hcd out to the two burglars and sal

tluiwaiHimi It wa her hou e that hud boon robThn burglar wild they hoprd riot an

kept rn talkingFabregoit lund dressed by this tlmn nn

was In tint streot Standing front of h-

hoitMi worn Hurry Hnmpson of izii 8xvi nt-

uvnntin hurlcs King of 4U Ixiiiox avi niiand they volunteered their melt to himthief two thlnves wIno were talking on thcorner caught sight of professor

started away on n turn Inthins Ono went up lennx nvtiuiH unit thother down Tint thlof wino ran up thu uventiill but other didnt bnvo Ui

luck nnd King followed II crownof men mid IMIVH him to llJtb slnoand Fifth avenue and there ho ruth Into thfirm of Policeman O C iini r At lllntill mun sold ho Wllllitrn 22 yearspf 22 oit Niiino and ar

bellevHi to bo In hi itorliulwere a numlxT of email artlclefl nt nllviTwurofour u acer n bunch of Hkeieio

a hirge and a book with abni-iw addresses of wealthy resIdIng I

Harlem lrnf Fnbrogoii Identified himthe man hn had n at tho top of tho stainwhen he dlAcovend

When rxttirned to his hoinn with detectivelo set what had been stolen i

round thud tint thieves hod got away with 1fi

In cash from hula disk on the thi d Limit Im-

tocurud txiUiIng of much value Tlm matinson lliKru wern U it Tho family silverware is locked on tine third floor H-

iUilern hiidnt reachedWhen detective oxamlned tine roots of Irnl-

FabremMia and time neighboring ImurOA Umfound thin of nnitIn Ilk HiiiUHhed A Mr Havlland liven thorr

Pliii been riUKncketl from top ttine thleviwln tlielr H rch

The IlntFiouwt at 111 fnuii which the thievemerited I a nvi the lionsit 117 n bulldlnir Tho detectivehnuuht that the men must have KUDO mutt

10 got down the cmothers nhouldmx nnil have Bnno mark the unmcay with n to n M t them Flinty am urhat tine thief arrested in one of the KniiB thai

Mn KlUabnth21J2 Fifth nvenun a few berati

anti rln markedseers found tho urtlclin hU pocket

think that If lucy can captureUiey will how trio who boor

operating In Harlem recently

riro lotion nir rAinnKslot Neither of Theta ai I rge a

Former VrarFor the first time since It was liiKtltutet

elixir hay pmwxl oft In Manhattan bornind-asterdny without n parade or demonatrutloli-f I by the CentmJ Federated tnloi-T other central labor organization Tlnri-fere plenlcn and parades however gIven bj-

ndlvldual unlonn In the other borough1 whirhe rnemlxra of Central Federntiil fnlcit-nd tine Central Iaborrnlonnttciide l TheprlnI-

lial labor event In Manhattan won tint parud-if till llouwamitlus and llrldBemenX tnlnt

inns a strike In progress nt tine pier of thr-

ew Kust Illver llrldgoTho houmsmlth OMRcmbl nt 10 oclock

lie forenoon uppmltu Cetitrid lull 117 We l

Mreet to the tiumtivr ofM Th line hoadetl a bruis band

nil other tmndx had In Itlneli memlHT worn a uniform provided for

Iti wcoaloll cuiisStinK of soft while nshirt waIst timid a leather wIt Tlio non

n generally speaking stalwart and they iniidvwer el lloiiU-

tlutrntlnir thins different proccxscri of time tradehe one that mt miniKteam engine with unbolt at work

engine whlxtlliur Nlirllly anti blowIngof Rt nm Another lUxit was n mude-

lf the Now Vork tower of now F i t Jtlver-rldim Th hrldtf strikers hind n banner

the wnriU In IH Klrenirth-Te Intend to let IXIght Hours From Malno toollfornlnThe inarch a follows Central

to Eighth avenue to Klni Filth nvoiuie to Tlilrtyiipvontli street tolrnt avenue to Ktre t tnMadl-in H uure where tine itUlianded-he of the nay wiw paradeixa picnic nt run Ralph avenue and

rtmpect BrooklynThe Bronx of line llrother

of Can nterH turned cut tfloO strung InmtrhMtnv urtinty Among

K local union represented wore fromelnwe Won Trpmont

bridgo They weroleBntn from the Yonkers Tarrywn and Now Uochellc

monstrutlon wnund up with a picnic In tlioBrewery lark


lironrailnc Report KtcrlTrd From StatesCarried br Him In 1MOO-

CIIIUAGO Petit 3 An Important conferencein hold nt Democratic National Headquarterday when tine chairmen and secretaries ofveral Stuto committees niaila reports to Benorjonos on tine state of the canvass Most

the visitors from Wetern Statesilch In IKQO anda mo t dicQuraKlnu reports tn headquarters

that antllmt wax provlnv n-

or card In tine Middle nnd Wostrrn Statesi n paramount issue It was said to be

I hn lasted nearly nfl day mind In0 afternoon Included Col wino

lrd to hear what tinee of hnd to Tint National

mniltteo Is said to be badly handicapped hy-k of motiev so

1 callers


pobllctni Hope to Carry tine State VTIthj theAid of

Ulrinlt N C Sept 3 A II Ilnltonthe chairmanship of tine Kepubllcnri

Kxerutlvo Committee today and SenatorC 1rltchord was elected In hit place It want

clued to begin tine national campaign at one10 nmnaireri expre rune hopo of

with line iicttve ofmy expansion WIth voted nirnlnst

In They do not lo nstheir pleasure over lh attitude of the

the lures majoritywhom will vote ort wits announced niter the ini etlni of the

ate Committee that thorlaht of way In soy11 districts be given lo the huiiien of tIne Stat who are tn with tl

Helen of MrKinlvr Administration ThUI-

HIIB that Gold nominatedr CoiiEroHH In tine Second and Fifth district

SInger Itrrlcweit br Admiral IlrwfrM-

AIIIIAIIASNKTT Piwi Sept 3 The Anonclety of New York 1W members strongrived nt NnrrauaiifwMt today nn an outingp from New Vork after vIMtlnc llcxton

iwport Tine memlxr this la ntreturnIng to the station

wn rnlntud and reviewed bylinlrul amid Mrs Dowoy front the piazza of

MgUaii cottneo

onWaked a







wino lIvtn art






his Itllll nit

kl 1111111 1



limit In tnnmtecthtumt tlllllllr



at oII lI


Those ill

an d




r mint

II r nA fI



priced Vic




t lieb

itt mtw

liilnthn streetIn IUt







is away with ink


I sail




hoist lmunn




itt waslull






r were


tine Stat sit



tine StateIhnuou mans

winroesnuiullstnm Itt














KILLS ar ntBin PATROL vox

Crossed Wires Cam th Dath of TwoLouis Iollcunen

ST Ixitiis Septs Two policemen w

killed tonlvht and eleven othcre scriotInjured In the Fourth district by the crrof electric light wire with police wires V-

tho went to tilt patrol box on hU bent to repto headquarter each man received rvn oleoi-

ahocU UHJ moment ho attempted to tnkofrom hook

Tine fIrst victim was Nicholas lleckmnnSIxteenth ajiJCnrr streets Ho wn sound d-

nloiu ldo patrol box with hi hand antifrightfully btirm d Policeman ilohn Imr

found dead nlonuddn tine box at Tweland Morttnn ntjvcto In this cose alsobode horribly burned

Morn were sent out on electric car on lionback amid In wagons tn notify policemen tnaway from the patrol boxes Kloven otlpatrolmen wont found to have idiockanti In stints ennoH tiadly burned

sninrirAiitT TnimtiRiraLegal fltatni Good on Sonthern 1acl-

lUllroadA wcman pvNenRcr on a Southern 1ifl

Railroad train toads nfnrmnl complaint thatmann wearing a neidletV shirt anti no coat c

what also termed a womaicoach Tine matter was referred to tine lena

department or tine road nnd an uflldal opludwas wibmllted that HO long as a man Is d

centlv dressed whether he has on hula coatnot his appearnnco cannot bo cIen lvo to ni-

MMwlbl per on-

nniniRitfi FIGhT niooimorximA Mob funning the urn Who Klllrd the Do

After Wounding Their Matter

IxmsviuK Sept 1 In n light with hunhlghwiiymiii todny Ju t tholimit Deputy c iii tiihl J 8 Warrenmortnlly Injured nnd hi two we-

ItnhlxHl to doiith A shnrlfts io nmouiimum prnctlcally In n mob Is In r1oo purni

The llsht miotirrtd shortly Kforo noon nei-

Sllne Thi the faintuf J II Iiwls of that place xuiit down slal-

Ihey found that took had beiin bound inn

tfOBKid by three rohlHTH mimi thatr f value lind limO utolett Deputy Varrc-

tvax nollflid mud ho hroii ht two limit bloodliDiind They nt 10 oclock

Tint roblHip tuui endeavored to throw rlie ciint by wadlii lint a dl

liuiC In llcarlra Creek but they were truckil-o n den i tldekel Warrin mimi refutl-o wall for tho sii i lipnn of the robber lie succeeded

Intuit hut Jiift a tie WHH iibdi-lo lenvo with hi revived a cnifl

blow nn the head from behind with winlitTwin il proved to hn a hammer He tell bt-

rnl ed on and betranTim men dlllerent dlni

lion tint tIme tune bullet Nlrut-iViirron In the nhoulder hut not until he h-nlrnptd one of robber Tlieli blinded wit

fell thi groundwounded robber wn carried aind tlnn dropped huditartnl In pursuit Thn path takenty the roblient nn

to the tioww under wh-

ircrn already on Inn occtirn-VftiT thin path for about tun-Ired a plncu wherna riiKH-

md evidently o cnrred One of the dogs wotine other was dylnB front ha-

i dozen knlfu woundWarren cannotnrou cd caught time rnhlxTH will be I

treat danger of mob violence At H oclock tc-

ilflht hirIng wits re orted from directionvhlcb tho poiwo went


ll h p In a llattte Scene In Uncle Sam I

China nrrntngThe battlo scone In the second act of Und

In China nt the Star TinctUre this weerasa little hit too realistic for the comfort c

I IiUintarl fine loader of tine siipcrM win

represent tints American army In fecon-ct tine iillled forces charge upon tim wall t-

eklii It drfendrd ubout liftloier and chief ainoni them I Painerioole liiinbort got on top of thwait lust nlBht l ecnin oho flBht that he placed hi Mile loaded with

lnnk cartridge against nnd thtrigger

been n sniper enough tthat thT i

lank cnnrldgi Hn tried to knock time guntinnd wn over tInt murrln

WOK dIscharged Tine waddingrounded bund but tine nudlencn knew noih

of tho Inclilon-tUimtert want taken to Ilellevun Hospital

here It was wild that th hand so torn ani-

nrned that there was danger of lute hnliiB I-

Iamb said last that in thn future lion1-IToole would ho nno of the attncklnB party a

10 wade too enthusiastic a Iloxer

ir iF srimx uoxonnnn-

qact In Honor of llUtlngalihrd Swedeirtynrt Illrthday-

Tho Fwedlsh Engineers Club of Now Vorave a banquet hist night In Its clnbhousn a-

m Henry street Pro Itlyn to Walfrld Sylvcnnelneer f marine construe

In tniled stiitrn MchthoiiHti Servicei honcvr of hN flflyflrHt birthday Mr Sylven

now llvii 1 Cfi under of tine Now York Hub ns with

of tine American So of Eachwhich now Imo liranehnd most nf tine

rlnoltxil H I

f tint ber known Mvcdes In the Vnllid SlatesIOM achievement mnrlnn liav-

iItractidThe i lat might presided over byrust tundBreii rhalrmnn of the club ant

nten l d by about fifty H edjhorn had comma from croat dlslnnoM to hono-

ir Many trlcBrama of conrratula

Ilr rfllllnnn and the Slm llodyTo TUB KntTOIt OP FInK Strx Sir Mr U

inkln Mertx n mplnln that I nninved Id-

otherV lH dy to tine Harlem Mortrur nnd-

i a second order from them to MorionHtriet A n fact

did In tine dUcharge of my unity order themnviil of the bmly from H roon

Street Itit o removed tine city hearse withiny two hours but a ieiit that evening t

Harlem to await transport bj-

uamboat next day toa of detail wIth whichnm until concerned Tliere wn no

orders me I rlinll tint permitwrite unkindly of one In hint Mr-

ertg wa huts wisest mood whomthat a ti li tinnier front Detroit

on undertaker In Now rk n ii t ne wnutter A little delay occasion

In ln oiuo ofnth I am not nt nil referring to present

nconiu In somewhat handy In ourly HAMILTON WILLIAM248 WFJtT FotHTPKXTlt STIIKKT Sept 1W-

IIJrctrlcal Knglnrrr Klllrd br a Lire WIre

rKtilioH N M Sept 8 Frank liltzcndorfSchenectady N V Instantly killed to

at powdr plant by a live wirei wits an eleitrlrnl engineer employo enernl Electric Company

llr ninilnw1 Southing Syiup tot chIldrenthing nllrni line irdurtu lnn mm ilcin-

ays corns wind dhrtlifr c a boutS

lOliniN Itiomai not fiarnhHood Kin

he luncrsl will take blare from bis bitr rm ldtnee03l-lmliwlck Iruoklynon WonrsJay mornIng

IUOuat 3 cloel thnie loihcChurcti-bf fur ol iooj CoUnsel Madison L nttr-llalph ar Mtmbrrt ot ljMvtttf Council C K1 PalmCounrP lloyd Airanum Ituntauk-XnncU K of U ate Invited toatund Intctmrnt

In Calvary Cemetery

IlrNAt IWiylirad N J un Sept 2 1900-

rrrilerlck TraUjn naly ton o tine lane JohnAmy nOd Kllutxtb oivln IuUrn

uncial MTlrtu at hU late r M lcnr North Droad-

V lill tieth N J on Tuesday Sept 4 1BOO


IMIll tecotn II youlhlul aridtrf nine uw ot IAIIUKH 11A1H HAU1AM

tIne tvtt lui rornx in

Santerx HMorr c11 li-uV Voltaire I HI eta a



entail iihuonn hue

tin fit






cupied a sent in


outside cIttnt


of tin fmngittve4

etttt iou mann I mug c lion

I Inn

rver t mImi

hist t

inn a I-

ioerIis inn unitttnmtr


tuinit inn In Ills tint nt

I lint ret rmnm Imig

ntnlI med

t Iii

iiloon I Tin


twan 0 I tnt i itt ss

Wa wnui tine tight

tin st






Just asI TonIc

inns longknot of

Illtmnd J tit as his t




nigh t

iIon I Ins

tint Wit oneinnis iitPer tin

vlnnc4 cut tints also otiut

ins cmngt serwide attention


nit several of

Ion were


thin was1

lie ltiitnativereiiisitntn

Li 1054-t


p >

tinttin ala

wasglut I

ulllf oUCc5


I Themes and


Sept itLad



ptciilt 3IOtLlt

FAith mInttnt

cure etc

lcw ub1icatlo-

nAIiiPrIi I









> <





In trousers the variety wooffer is ninety diflorent patternspriced from G to 10

legs nnd tnsteif inclined you cnutfind nil these sonio ouo-

thntll touch the spot5 mid G are particular



230 lUonilwAV mr ttnrrrnand 7 U Wanen St

tiNe llrnivdnny eon Illnwcon aid

and AI Vtt33dSk

We nil ordeflby naIl

iortiitr Tiirsr KXIM ix uvnnrnl-

Urle Klllrd by the HrUtlvef of GuI U-

llrt In Secret

CfllirMHM 8 C Sept 8W Tnher Fxrlea ri tnurant keepir nt Sonora inns tnvn murtiered It I chnririd by the two brother and

brotherinlaw of limma to whomhn wn attention

Tho girls fmnlly ohjeetotl to him anti tinecotipln met Ivirln rldlni to thnlranointIng plnm on hU hlcjcle On SaturdayFirli dlnp eared Home on had feon liltnanti tIne girl together on Hint day and tlm girl

wiv nrniled Sine at first denied knowingKnrloM whereabouts hut Ilimlly oonftwedthat hit two brother nnd her brotherinlawT II Slut had wecretly followed her on Satur-day nail ciimn upon narle nnd herself Tine

throo prneieded to fhoot him to dentin ThU

done they tell tmdy to bicycle addeda shorn for weight arid threw It Into riverThat woman took thn ofllvr to tho andthe body nnd bleyeln urine tlhed up lienbrother threatened to kill met If mI-

nformntlon The young men hnvo been


For Itoyi J Votia MenCity Country

NEW YOIIK N Y 433 MadIson Ave

Berkeley School CMT-

wtntyllrst year Oft I attentionto Harvard Yale Columbia sod

with opportunity rapid advancementNew GymnasiumSwimming Pool Lnt tMtlev EIght boarders recclrnt into teachera amlltea For new rrtkilei andprospectus address

J Cl Hli IinAD A M Registrar

Dwight SchoolIB Writ 41d Street New Tork City

21tt Year Sept aathIll h rlai fhool for from T In 18-

jnraofage Individual boys wbi-

cdutailon been Lar acuity LAti-olatotlt Uymna lum Alblttlo-

KINBSLEY SCHOOL faWnIndividual training I manly cwlturMaetf-ji trry Ideal locatIon In bill country 12 mInce

tram N Y CUy Hr ld nrc new ll Imptovemerits Term SO Otnday 0 1 AM Itnom 1 70 Fifth ave tend rot

lo J n CAM HUB1


ONDLCTKU by lh lIHOTHEliaC-UsMMl and Commercial Courw-

Entranrr 41 Duller Ai ply for CnUloroa-IIIIUTIIUII KIIIICIIS O S Rector

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGEhr tfr luth rear begins Sept loth-

IVtrrei In CUII tlitinlmrj Ants Aleertioiotith Ciunw Inlanlrr Aittllerranti CjiT lry Drill A mllKarv

of Col C B IIVATT Trentdent


ninl rnrranrr I la Writ I JOth SIThorough for College nail Uuslnesa-

alalogiic lath yfsr bfjlnsHfpt 20

HAMILTON INSTITUTE1 Urtt bltl Nt Jlnnhstlnn Square North

HIMiPINS SlIT J Tilroe Intorinmlonor cit loiua addrf i

Jr M A Pflnclpa-

KVladison SchoolTfiArAtorv fur the Appllnl clrnce In cVtlumWa or

course ImrMinaniililp rrnrtnf-uttiirnlory workshop arid tlrlrt wortk to 2n IndlvlriuO tovery pu ll i 1 TAUIIH Principal

SYMS SCHOOLItobrrt II H m William C Simmo-

nAi1iv ron cincuiAii-2ii West 45th Mtroot


Till INIHVinUAI TIIUJprdal advantnses for time In preparation


I Held Oi Quinn Addre Head maitrr ItaiTCfTaylor formerly of Pomtrek Cone or Mr Charles

lietrenct by permission Mr Wro tt flack


Art and law rnedtttne College and pr-

ratory deiuirtmeat I Hid

or Girls Tonau UomeaCtly Oonntr-

ycd my ol Our of Angela UnderDirection of tb FrancIscan

Formerly CranitonfAUYVLIrr HKSTlearnt ATull on floP per year SendNsflTOTK T1SNK Eighth Year opens

21 luon Preuarntlon tot heedingUn TtRVP ofTWr nt lh-

drmle arid offlrtM delegate ol tinslilted State lo international OonKteucs on 1uUlo-

Mtuctlon beld at IarK 1900



ir girls of Rood IlROXZytLLR 8T-odr lint care of tIns HlBIEUS Of-AZARCT1I tRpIacopall

or Tounc Men A Women City A Country

llruik year both size tieaUbful hoe

I undoing our coulant Him 185wo Improve


20 KAST tll ST W W HUITil HA Illopat for all Regents cXilleee C H Aovernmen stud other tlonv-

TBW vofiit ViiiiPAnAtunv SChOOL i Wetlid il llrooklrn too Juralemnn Uprtptrei-

iy one for rolleei tcbuoli open now

Ilnilnrx Colleen

ong Island Business College141 lo 1411 South nth St

TIlE MILLER SCHOOLSt J mr llolldlnr I I3n HrnndwaT-



K ll term bf tflm t S-

llw Schools

EW YORK real Hrhool S5 Vawau StI l nln Hehool e WwiuthSu

AW SCHOOL DwIght HnhodoilDitrmoLUII In lw c pears

uwt toe MtaldCtM UEOUUE CUA3E





t pie lai netlcl l runt

clttnnhst I tel

his histin






roomyNit estrits hours TUCo

bloc 0 1UeL EsilsNew iitiey



t WAR mirrC-niaiogtnrs



tOnT AtMeW




ii hceresL lit A

lintronee tnt






i Ji S1tMINARY on hiouu41 dmat home comfort ot ciiasacUt Lad car


1 ita


The bustnecns uatntng aehrs4 of today for yourslimb ininiI young womnein and Lcennag

I1 S ShiTEMltthI tim

iiVNH C IrladroL


I Set





< > >




