library of congress...woman robbed intaxionferry austrian visitor. beatcn on mead. is in serious...

WOMAN ROBBED INTAXIONFERRY Austrian Visitor. Beatcn on Mead. Is in Serious Condition v tbo t etWe Boraaa of a ..e v :<-..-. b] Ira Aatoaie iooaalor, a c Austnat. v I >B arr-.vrd here fraM aad on T... -.avian Amencar. iiner Hollig She la now ia a ser lOB at the -pita'., suffering from la hrr diatoi . everal veraiona attark that was made upon her i.uken laaday morr ¦ the pohct I .reet, ." the injured woman Mru.k «»n llead \ rtOl bar baggage had bOOB paaaed imi it.'pectors Mrs. Kooeeloi H«4 f. r a taxicab a- .<d the dr ver to take her I .g his or- Koaali, drove Kb0,, r the Laaaawaaao forry boats at Fourteenth Strtot and atopped bia car IB the n.:dd> of the darkdme- .I made no attemp* to p datroaaa Mre. ^f'"1" BBT handbag a quatltltj of fcreign and domcstie money that she might "".p-'.*' .* J«" ng the botel. Bbabad hard- lv begin to count it when the door ot ai BBOMd by » man. who r..r ? fc-t aftar that unt.l Und,,rhi,1 ii .t. "*.; * he had had atw .. mih to dme bei fnend, Mp. French. was ste.ying. Utoi ln the day the woman became ualy .11 and Dr. Fred M. Kammer- Bixty-aixth S' reet, was ,.i'.d "tn her failure to respond to Pn? yesterday »he **s temoved boapitaL ( aaaj U l p »<> I aitad State* had r.o junsdic- ,. M-e aaaaaU aeaarrad « ., ,«t m the harbor. Thr dete. tive of Hobokea also leromniended that tha eaae be referred to H. Boowdaa Mar tttorney. rhroagn the rvqneat of Mr. btarahalra offiee -tarted art m- quiry yeeterday [,., . -.-,.,.. oni all touna ^ iterday, and h:» Al that told bv afrt K .... Mt last mgi t Mrn ... m |*ori i .. ta g^ am faaf tlg POLICE DEPARTMENT aVaaalaO aaa i . ¦... a m a Beeria ii. « v \l A ,- k i ¦¦- - . '.v U . \( . * - A < v , . . . - . hartaa <'.'.. H J ""r. \.L'"' ¦» i. - * I! V II , H «» * M .. A Q 'i - Ma .> « P T . I H M Triri'"» ¦ A- .. I. j » T»wa»rar> «..iap\m.nt, M ad Lia - . .. cfcaraa' ---«r. i - .- . s « R. Haa ' « lo auna (Ta. :... <"«-». <. «i ... |;'rJDi»r« M k«w i* ^ - « D datj la i«i i. 4. D '-m d*u in . ip. ¦: k ». ... i< -.. .4 li n*- . .1 . llal To ^ . i Kth; v. .. Mlen, «»<l. . B p-'innini Aktitara.att Olic.atlnuMl 1 II an- .-.- lai :¦. M .'.,.,*. ... . . a to I 0 -vjna-. Laa-sa al Aaaaaaa iwtth hill paj afeaatad Man- lanaai Johft A Parl O, ti eBanai ' " Dl . v i .. io a* JVararr Jaruaa J OaanlB *ni\ 1 day, No». II Patrol-, da> No»- IT laa*f Haaaal IIUi laj H - '¦. araa. ... \ . ;r n:\naoo lla.-l.vr «lt: iaa n»r.»» f, A ' .'..'.. daj Ne» ."». Johr. R nimrh, l'td. .1at Noi lt" f all Pa> Whila an llt* *ap»ri. Pauetaaa *ita- 11 I .-. a, ln SVii. IS to II i: rr baat II FIRE RECORD * \' \ M A * £ Siar '¦¦ i PI " . t ai Mn MoakoarlU; ailalu ..... viflt.i >a BlW trlfilni M ., « . I ¦.¦».!».! «ubwa» f«^»fr Aeali.i Mirhtna .' .r «. Paaqaa . niiinr.ton; . i 1 ,. ma *'¦"¦¦ k nea i*»i»f. M ||4) | 4 . p . riU IneMni « , ,,..!.'.. 0 Metralf. r.ona « ,- «.. Mnrrla «» r Braat; Haxn Uur&an. _ *W-'.5«". «. 1"1 M » Plada T1:a Brm,»; ji .,- ,<¦ .-, s iriaiaf, r fi<> ¦¦: Kaal h«->. .. John Kapi>. oitllrf II! UatHaan ai J.-ph inimaj.. 'rlflla| ;k> i.i .- . .. aamua J*n-li".«.. I" ; oo. .!. Daai ' Braai Wl tim ForJ. » otv.- W(«i lieu >-. "' lairai 'rtnini w*.- Mtii -i alaeoo Retioarta; 'iiBlr». Raataa at ai ki .». 'rlflh-i "i .; attaw »i«'i.w aaaaaeaj A .' > .-.- | ... ,- Klanaaa ? un Miiliaoo at. .'a eto Na.or. trlllln« "The Church That Is in New York" Two Questions Laymen Are Asked to Answer Why Has the Church Bern Stich a Trrincndous SUCCC -J and Why Has It Brrn 9uch a Gigatitk Failure? I),. you know why thc church haa been auch ¦ tremcndoua I uccetf? Can ytHJ tell why thc Church haa been auch a gigantic failure? If it has been either. <»r neither, in your judgment, will you write thc religious cditor of The Tribune. nnd teH its readers why <-r how you have trrived at theae conclu^ionsV Nolan K. Beat,editorof TheContinent,"hai 9rrittpn»«eriea of articlcs on "Thc Church" in which he trecea the cauaea for theChurch'a aucceaaea and failurea to thc clergymen, thc laymen, its method* of evangeliam and its educational Bvatem. That thc Church is lar from being a failure in thc larger sense Mr. Beat is firmly convinced. He BSyi in thc opening paragraphs of his series'of artules: "The Church is beyond i': comparison the most powerful force in the world to-day for up- holding integrity and morality. The stoutest and biggest foundation atotM underneath civilization cverywhere is the Church. Really. it alone holda society together." Not i p m BaportattaB None the less. Mi B08t BOBtiBBOa, lattiag that bo'.d elaim for the church ,<tatid unimpeached a:ui unimpeadial.'.e. the obaerver who sees atraight must admit that the Church of to-day does not accomplish what the world expecta of it. It is not as powerful as the world thinks that a divine institution should be in the midst of humanity. The Church is a success. all right, but not as much of a sucees* as it ought to be. It should be such a mpremely manlfest loeeeea that doobl of it couldn't b<- raised by the moii rapaeiooi eritic Why is it not ! Of the laymen ¦: tha < horeh to-daj "The Continent" eeriei aayf. "Kamest lay chure'nnianship alone can give ihe Church momentum. Min- isters lead, but laymen make, the Church. The pastor is the one to start the Church moving, but the decisive- r.ess with whirh it arrives depends wholly on the lay weight it carries and the lay vitality energixing it. Preach- ing, likewise, la never to be dispensed with or disparaged. But the sway of tiod's Waya and arill la not to be patab- lished by prearhing alone. BoligiOB and its iequirements must be eliached erarywhere by practica! demonstration. What la lived is what the world ac- ..This ii trae evea eoacaraiag '¦¦¦¦- peraaaal goepi ef repeataaee, fargtra ner><; and COBVetair.ii. K\angelif»tK mny dedara never no convincinifly Gea a offer of nalvtition. but it Ihkp* hold alawly unlrsn thone wl.o hear the niP*- nagr spp around thpm lifp proofs of the ronlity of the grace nroclaimi'd. r'eeling'of Laymen "l!y reaetiaa from what wai without denial a too garrulou* and too unctu- nu' type of piety in fonner day« thp layman to-day ha* stored bia *oul away ni artifieia] refrigeratioa II'' li at r.ot qnite bi maeh perni for miy- thina elaa aa to keep hiaaaelf eool iphr ituafiy. The baekffroui "f .¦¦ the widely dlffuaed lentimenl thal ia '¦'.'.'¦ raal iel rniit if a man lives clranly and Qaefully] .11 thp world tberr i* DOthiag more for' him to waal of Gad ar for Gad to aranl of bim, "And. uuircd, a Baad deter irunation to do thus and so beeausp it is right. eoldly and aaotractly eoaaidered, aeevea eon erall for erdiaary tiaaea when1 right raaa parailel With protit nnd honor. "In laeh a timp rnap need* foollag attaag fpi-linp, liriag feelinjc the feol infr of dod Inarardly praaeat n.< frtrmi and defender. It muy bp writteii larjre that tha Chriatlaa who ii afraid ef ¦piritaality, who holds to a Jaiceleaa, unemotional nioralizing a sufficient Cbriatian BOta in bla rhararter. iagoing ,,, ,, roid .( iaapiratioa and emptv ai romfort In llfo'a erlaao." \\r H,.<t beliovee, lOO, that a lavman nrerls a keener understanding of mat gtBOral M 'he-, are related t<> thi arorld and the kingdom of Goal II .,¦ tO this. h" belie\e« that the ol '.. .la. i.4 « wholehearted ncloeive eaooi nol ta be limited b\ maai of tbe CBoreba areoeat iaj barrleaaa Still (or Fvangeham ..Ihe t bareh to day," Br. Boal ""> tinues. "keeus its prow still BOlBtOd toward the pole star of evangelism, deapite man-, popular influences tend ng ta tuni the Cbriatian mmd aw»y from .ndividual i-egeneration and faa tor it wholly bb loeial rafona, Happi.y this modern thougi.t has imnressed on the < hurch a de< p lense of BBCesSlty .-,,, the aer lee arbli h II has urge.i without daatroyiag the ««n*e of Beeoa for personai conversion. Ihe aceordiagly, la gaining to day .-. evaagaliao, In plaBi to nlita aad, aaore ilowly, parhape, ..;- of evangelism. The prevailing memis la ii" at the moment is the 'uniofl taboraacla eampaign I'nder such influences a larger rmmber of Americans doubtless pro- feaied new or renowcl faith in '.aBBl hriat last winter and the winter be- fora than in any like seaaons for two! docadoa previoua at loaat No atecouBte that cautious judgment may suggest conreming many things done during ¦aeh meetiBga eaa eaaaty this fact of iti encouragemen'." SERMON TOPICS AND NEWS NOTES Baatlit r Ka ... - BkM "1 ai .. R/' r>: s . ..ior .if tha jU.llaot. A««ina .¦« ...<¦. aaaallna, a: M i al oi orroai rur.n.ina at 10 o'rlork Dr Batea . topU artll he, 'Tha Ma' al tha Kork pf tha R..a.U I.a»; Humlay « aiUndar..» of 13* BMti »: 'Ii" first mt**Jnf wa« r.rj. grattrrlna io tha Ir.'lir. ai..| «i ,>-a*i L'O'I aasa ar. .xi».-iopI ««'-.' .. la « raal aaaa'a eiaai for reai m.n ai.i iia." f.»r Ua MupcM Iba .1 aca*talea .»f tha aaaMaaal ,-; mr., !, i » ,...-.'... of frlendtl.lp. Mouni Morria, rtna »¦- and i:Ttn at At 10 .. ll-> :< cr I, li-illrji, on "n.i «i..| 'ha Xsw M --. Oi >r " Dr Oa il » :.. .'ai'»r.. »n<1 la aep-rrtarv iha World AJllanra fut I'runxrttna Ii.'arnatlunal ,. Ilir.'-if'i .e It. in BS* Cinirtiatlanal aad M al I a ¦ l llri \ ....:,. ln « arrtM of a.l- .ir.-sv^. laatli annlfttsan .'¦' Iba imrcu. M t'ir. h aaW Ihe War." Ethloal Cultura c Itn.iw 2 Waal .:i'h M II a m.. Df. l-.i . liei i;' 'A Waj of I.lflnt arttl I- ir .",> P«n ¦. Jawlah Kraa Cj aaofua rariiaaja Ha.'. II *'j . 'n lir. Wlaa .m "Tbi Crtava ..f Priaana >. iha ai B'aM lita .. I>r. nullct oi InjfaJfrailon Problaau Raal . r,..lfrl i Roare, nn < Mcthadlit 4t » 5 m iha MrT I.. WUllare li Morcaa on Vr.n I>a ..-Ir. Ua-..- ' .:.. i'ItI. \\ ar " (irara, Waal INUi M l /;-. Df C P a> . nrr 11 i in, I- \l.|. It» | |i..j.l,rTt' ln| 7 «.'. r> "i '<¦' nl ' X'r -rr..-« ¦,. iu U l; . ira «»¦.. Brootlrn Ti.a llrt (,.- 11 . m on Tl a Katura » .-i At ,.r. | f ni 'ea . '. 4" p rc i,i o-l .-ari.ii itant '. '<.. a. a ni.ii joiix rrai bt m j .i m taa iur. Ii- i k W .-¦. r ¦¦'. . rloaa l-AIUv AVBNI l, || ..... ... a ai, iharlM Where to Go to Church To-morrow TEN THOUSAHD SOULS COULD DANCE ON THE POINT OF A NEEDLE was THl BgJLItl pr TNI BMMa. MUl OTHIR- HA. 0 "JJJH IT. "WHAT IS THE SOUl? DOES IT SURVIVE THE DEATH OF THE BODY?" CASINO THR.. 39th & B'way. Prof. Ever.on, New York's Foremoit Bible Lecturer. Sun., 8 p. m. Free. Twelee auadred preient latt Sunday. .. B B*»i'i mlolit. foon opf »\ii i-i PASTORI. M.HALDEMAN.D.D. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i< b BI ""<i '",l Btrw II \ M I III THMUXKHAX" llf.M THl li"" l\>l >K\ii<»\ or THl itiin i \m. it\ mi '»«]i0_,tA5!i \M \\ llll < IIKI-I <»l llll Bllll.h. V|«,. ....... i.a mi. TKI iaox 09 MIIIM l(S III Ol l»(.\ ..*.. ,.r k r VI -llll -M i>M> < OF IIKI-I IH IO I --' II liull Of THF III KC II I- II l»OM»IHI I II I M XI HIM 1 III I IIKI-I I W III II' AM MO- Ml M Wll Kl l IM.M/I I III >!."¦ Ntghi N..MH.K'-' M, a e'cleck. Ilr lUlclrmaii imII «|>'iik on " I II FT A II I.K N\tll \M> IKII -I IH'i'l' illunlralfd 1.1 I tmrl Mllll il 1...Ir-1 Calvary Baptist Church v ... Aifi REV. JOSF.PH W. KEMP, Pa.lor < \ v :¦.«.¦ .. \ .«!... \ u M najai bm Btala audj ,., , frnvhtct of l-i l IVIRYBOOV WILCOME. MIDISIV WIMI I1MII-I I III li( II C. A. EATON, D.D.,Pastor 10 \ M. IJllM'i < Ih>» I i.r M.n Dl !.(<>¦. It NabjPrli Ihr Man al llir I ..rU i>f Ihr H.....U 11 V M "H.,inflhln| lo Jiclk Abaat." . g » I" «¦¦»- I B ll>r ligl.l I I.. i ( I llall. Ldl CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. i . - l BMiaj v « . Ap.- . < * . . a . h \i i; D i> ... FlMN *Vl*lt BAPTIST CMUaCM i w. »! , . . ... t. H'- * Or WMlfkln .III fmtk at li ana I « III.I-I \v M HMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lu .«..,! II A M r«« | f.M W<4ntt<!».i I r M I Ifit C»w«»> u . . w. km<l Cfcaft* . i* Tuirl C»urth -. . »»»rt»i ClmftA i% | An flfr* C»«r»», a- . ,11, « w . COM.HK.AIIOVAI Broadway Tabernacle BROAoway and »th srau t . .»5»-, ¦., .. , .. , t n III-' II I IS (|| ( MRI-T CmraAt . «,.. »:«. at Ba risia MaiariAB rr>i t v\n ti » r h MUaCH Mutlral CKVM >U OrtHMtn IMIIM M l».\( F. iiii cHUfH or oivmr irium . A >.. V .> ir»u«M rai i ra u,»| TBB IIHK Al, (llll KF. thc socirrv roa fthical cultubi. Tmtr, !.<! !*;* Matttai II'.sf ".'-ai Parlt t\r«t i-.1 MI I Baaabaf Dr. felix adler al II a m A V»a> *l Llilnf »lth IncamaMlbla ar* Haatlk Paniin. Th* artaitd »f ¦ aerlaa of fl»l tjlmiii »n "Tha 8*lrltu»l OutltwK ia Llfa." Mlllinitisr grfjM orAL. MADISON AVE. CHIRCH, 60th ST. I m Prvacbar. wcrth m. ti»iy. i> i> , c \i PiTAfbai K#< It. ali >. ka 11 Mrar \l I'ri \ M 11 C . I ..(. M ..... ... CALVARY METHODIST |&ft Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. BI4 > ll| ¦ !. n h.--» !h( ini B ¦ ST. PAULS METHODIST CHURCH N' B IaWMI Rev. CHARLES L. COODELL, D. D., Paitor II i n. Bf» Mlllard I. n ¦ n _Sj- ii._1)1. Ooodiil Jioui |-i fliau .;_ PARK AVE. CHURCH, "^ 'II ll.WKMN Rl rin: PBKBBK1 Hi-i- XIT. ANBBEWa. B) ;».), BL, 1 1 «. rrr Winala* sun.i i> i> i ndaM 11. ? . . liod i> >M . li Um tir*ar r«: TampUU i. lo Voung M*o iM VTumra In rlr GRACt |Mut ai < m ChrttUai r »:.:«¦». "Baadlm l^ianara'lni " 7 4". Oad'aCaie." taaaai u aa ataai OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH, j , MOKMOV (HuncH of chri»t Or LATTlfl DAY SAINT8 M'a II '. rwl dtvibi n p Hail Run.ia< Bcl I" M i\,i. ai rr»,.,. i a«rrli i l oo r > nyturanxoi A-a<» litlei lirr.l ,i. » tl ?it»., MH IIIOlt.MI. Developing a Consciousness F. W."SEARS, M. P. i A M - Crtterion Thoatr« Jt'JJ?"«¦i> i. * . i. al . ... r >.»»!! ... -. . ».-..¦¦ I'P. f C0LLECTI0N. SCHOOL OF THE BUILDERS, lac. hotel aiLLiCLAiar Braadaa) 7;th St I I". M ra* ..... i lati . l , lirllij !».»;. , ,. | .. ¦ Ali-- i. .,. .. VVhi .. . - . I II ippmia . The BalnartJ . , tu -. Mn. MARY CHAPIN THF BILTMORI Kurt.iai A.T A M Wliat Al« *i llr . »or . '.' ¦« 1 . I A.. . Nraaan nUrfUtn an M'-» Tiaa UNITY SOCIETY, . fl . Mn ii «»...¦ ¦:- .... rajrai n,.' A.. I I'KIMII II Kl \S Maditoa Sq. Presbyteriaa Church, Ml4lM Avfit,, ,,j SA,h a,1rMt Paator, Ret. C. H. Parkhunt, D. D. Irrawiu. II J u ... I- i| I0RT WAINIMCTON I74TM IT Afcfj BROAOWAY R.. H'.rrWAX alAfttis i. |" i-aa-ar «'.? * ' -,.i i. M It.. H \.. ... . T , RUTGERS MnKSf:«r* »¦. as i. auaaiLL. be II A M f«(HffV»A I f M "BnvirMM. wai I e N C»a»f.'» Daut Vli| MAOiaON iviiui f Riaa» rraiAK cnurciT *ifl».»«i l»--a. af .1 at «.. a.'-i a aaaa C«*a* D 0 PaaU' Ttaear a*3et « It. ****!» a«». Baaart DaiU. I'BriBYTKKI W TheRev.Wm.H.ROBERTS.D.D., rra PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church CORNER 85th STREET To-morrow Morning at 11 o'clock. ihe paatoi tha Rev CHAS. w. WELCH, will prcacb al tha evpninc, service at S tVcalX l FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Flfth Ara. and FIfly-Bfth St. REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D., Putor. '.'.>. ., II A M «:..) i M I M Dr ji.K.'- mi.i praaet u haO aaryleaa OfOrloj fei Aaaraiti Board ot \ll«i. I :¦.-! Uaa . Bttda .»n al It i >l Tha Milar-k HarrW ln t.i* l.aprl Oii W.. It 11$ P. ¦ - M '.. Dt isn rPNTDAI phfsbyterian chubcm. s-Cll l ItftL MaUUen Atanut anH 3;th Sfrttt. Hrv. U'ilton Merle Smitli. !».!>. Paatoi MU i-rta.l- II II 1 M H-i Mu|h Black al i n (. \l Bpt > ... aa luartaitM n..i orrBaatri Bolo Qoirtatti ru>r'i Hif. .,| «.i.r...- Mim Mulford Hu A.-.. iPf OS ]¦¦ \.r I Blrto Hal i»..a ilaiir M Ullbafl. ..».. :.i AxtataO tc- Hit. laMj Ttallatot; k. Klrkaa '( i '. M l.»- I- THE BRICK CHURCH t ., A.c. te and 1... a M <. Wllliam Picnan Marrlll. aTatn ar,., Latlmer Ua*»ty. HR MfRltll.1. praafhM It 11 and I SOU.N M.K\I. KYBB1 B'KEKDAI 1- (JniacriitT Place PreiWjtlerian Churck, i urn.r loili Miaat Rr» c;»ur|» Alaaanilri l> I' MlaaMar, v. I. 11 A M ti -..¦..- -..-» a-i M . at . l' M BROADWAY ParSBYTtSlAN CHUBCM HARIEW NEW YORK WEST PARK PREMJYTIRIAN CMUBCM. Sblh St 1. AmitarJam *>. R<». ANSON P. ATTERfH'RY, D. D. ,...,_ Rr» ANTH0NY H. EVAN*. 6. 0. *"° IH BTAJia naaatti .< II a !.. * ITtBfll IU r ¦ P M WEST END WXg^* a i Dr A I'-mir, ka « :..,, i ...» Hu:. < lad »'*ii I. Jn --«.' iuib- M a.-k »k-- IT" A St. NIcholas Ave. ¦- M baiaa At, i Wm l.i i a.. Tdi.r WUtiAa' «crk I' 1p |'|,- 11 A M -Ohl R..-1. | Attaodn . I)r worl pr»».¦>.. wB*B I . -. , Second Reformed Preabyterian OLD FIRST CHURCH Vfi&ft rKorMTAM n-iMorAi. CatkteVa! of St. Joka tka Aaaajaaaaai A. ua a 1 i: uh St U II !.'. M- I i.uhU. Ia tl Tha II.. ...i raur.lcm I'allar A M Men., i l--»>»r II A M |-r»arl..r \*y Bat Dtir . t r II l-.a.ha- R.- W. r. I. IWf*r, f»ai;- iv--. - I A M ". I- M --. ai -,t CHURCH OF ZION aaai ST. TWOTHY i araa M .- BMor R.I II" -i l^j^a l> « r, H»i r.»nvj.i!or> . »4 A M Mornlfll Trirar -B>lof IIMl M »¦ . 1 i:. .- >'¦» . T It Kaa.iaoni iMr Rurflaaal 1 00 I' M. It MATTMIW B CMUBCH, M Waat M - %.. AUIH' n. a r-.,! D D. Bacwr BarrMaa, I. U aad I rion i m \\ i i fim 0*PAI« CHURCH OF THE BELOVED DISCIPLE l.i-t Hfnh M Nrar Mnrtiann Aff. !:¦ :ii -..;>. H t'Ui'il | !. I* Rl -. :3(i \. M i I" A. M.. I- ii \. H HcTl i"' >mmunlon Bermi H It. r l/i i.i.. Ufgl .' Kmi -.. v. ';,,. i" Mal 4 p.M. POPULARVESPERS ra, \ ,. Fraa l.< Orci . »...¦. - -.. 1 1 11 1.1 .. . Duri a it. r r iht Wui .:> h p. m /.«, » S-HNt.i.» i> i*. wilaon t'ongragatloDal siug laa CrinitP Clmrrij Sunday Scrriifi 7, 8 and 9 a. m., Holy Commanion. 10:30 a. m Morninf Prayar. II a. ¦.. Litant. Holy Comauniua aad Ser- mon. 3:30 p. m Evtmong and Sernon. 8 p as.. Servire and SeraBon. Wtrk-day Satekei 7:30. 9 a. m.. I p. m . Saort BMlita lor butinrii pruplt daily n i rpt Saturday al 12 m. Hl BI I! "i'l *> «.! i'\T All Angels' Church. WE5T F NO AVF. AND 8IST HTREE1 I. ». I. Bl L.nM) Tomaild [) D. It. II n .1 Kf tul A M < I* M H'tl ..;, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Flftk A. a'.d T^nth M--.I Rev. PERtY STICKNEY GRANT, Reclor ,. » ii m . i- - - d n . < r m u .- i D li k ». li i-, i n M luj Rliat'a U , i.. , ^t. Oomas's Cliurci) I II II A'. .A^ b i' -T Km EB.Vk.Hl *i -i IBER I' li Bl « A M i: II A U. Ucrnini i .. - 4 I' M I. ' .1- ,A I f It H alu CHURCH Of THE HOLY COMMUNION jyti St--»t art'l Ith Ai-nut. k v A M I' ¦. U kl II kl r m . r vi i Bn »'¦ ¦ 'i ;ii h-!'M Bjr.1 rai. ST. JAMES' CHURCH, K.t . . . t » >. I <C !i u r t li f, I nt a c ti 11 o n mi . \< .i p H< IHH . Itul.HI.SH l> I. |> I. II llu'i M < '. i . ll . 11 ST. BARTHOLOMEWS CHURCH >. a ia and 44 Brt UlllT PABKI .. U i. \ \i.... ... i 'I M . M ST. STEPHENS CHURCK MTH STREET '. t A R BR0AOWAY It,< Maihaa A a>a|la D. 0.. IW<i. *»r. A \! I , I I' U Church of tbe Heavenl) Reit, a , ¦ »¦. , .., Rt. H.Lart Shl»min H-'cr CALVARY CHURCH JVoaS'* Bat THEOINHU ICoaWt) K Ba -. . ,. t :; I- ra T»,« R«. U CHURCH Of THI TRAmFlGLRATiO'. !«.. rtlb a- l>R wui OHTO> OMMI MIONR . . i 10 W"IR « HA*» u.J ai'.RM'iV i . lI'iRAV Bl v«'i\,. r-v,,. (.BACB CafUBCB. Br-aewar anal 10th BL lai Ckarlat l4Vt SUttar* D. 0. Bmm I. 11 li '.! {S 'B.- H »a.j B Mal/i rHoiKvrvsT k.imm opai. St. George's Church Ali SeaVs Free Rfv»r»nrJ KARL PEILANO. R*.1. M-IOKMKD. TIIK NIDDLK (OI.IM.IATI. <-HrHLR. I md 7it, H< '"Hv .. raoc [. !, M »»aa A. M. aad I P 11 THE MAKiti.i: COLLCOIATI iiiihih. k.. uavid ia- in aai"';' n' n mu hh« lli Al »'.< 01 M IAH llai LfOD ;. Ip Ml ,- .- K. || ,. \, - * v . . I! A M WEBT EXD (oii.WilATi: (lllBfll. a-- and 7 st ¦\i:v evrbtk OBB r- 6 i PTM A M .i| 4 N) J- \, .v.V '. V| -.1'^1 n wi h u orka ni I'harl.i i. '. Wa ,iii l, llll 1 OI'.T WASH.MJTIIN llll.l II.IATK (in ., |V REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM l.p A< a* and I lr.. 0 n Mi a \i ¦. | r m HAMILTG* GRANGE W'L^ZT * Paul S«ib*rt Lrlnbac-i D. 0. M ' w ini. iii..if.i n..n r . i- m what <>i it kavioi it arAJ ra SIK IKIV OT 1KIKMK BCLIBIOUa SOCIETY oT FRIENOS. \r.,- aaa "¦' " :.*" i-;;'..;.»». A .l|iau< ta '. af Frl.nda lOrthodai.. MaaUnaa ¦. k 10 (Iraroar r Park s',%, I indl afaraita md Waabjnfi m ifs B I'MI AKIW ALL SOULS' IVll.Vft'. I! v ... >.l BK.V t«l I.M A" - \| mi mi --\.ii. i>r Kt i.n.lnv ii. M <. I ir- Vol'TH i rat of a Tha MaaMa* of Rallglan tha aad.Tn Wo.-ll. trrni-n it 11 1 II * CHURCH II A M.--0edlratli>- ot Hj.-klr» Wlndo.. Mr. holmfs "Baaaaarala a study ii Salrllual l."l«i' ( I f M Chark, F rgu-e.i -IXorm by Caa rolraay af M,«rr% of Mit. Hal.' LENOX AVENUF. UNITARIAN CHURCH "Endoriementa of ExUtence." jlay, Merla Sl. Croin Writkl. U. D.. Miaiitar i M\ KBBALUT. Tna CHliRCH af th. 3IVINI PATERNITY. Lrnirai Park w-,1 aad 7btli St. R-v frmk Hall 0. t) Paatar \ M --A Maaaaao fra-i tha Eait Wni'. laoarr Hn ta Tra,-h Ui." * M. I \. Dr.FrankCrane »- . » UlSi * Ith Ar 4 }. M nrill.K IBRVSCBB. BIM T. SEMINABY. i!r la.laa) . 120 i«ir.»- iraa m TOr -'I't rt'if AND rHT .TRIAI. BI1 ITIII R.. HAHR\ l v \ ". --. . aawia. -. - «. j- .. . .. THE UNION THCOLOGICAl KMINARY. .. I" .. .».-! I- .. \ M II l: l<l --l.i.l. l;.i« II. Ip U ' - i . . Bl .. a \ a Tn. a--. i ' r all ii-t rtfi-Ui aonMaatai . tl'r.l B-aB-<ar«ar^B TaT? 0L0 CHINItC TMIATBB. RLSClJat taaaai BBBM /irv^iwnrvitr BaJaaaM flaaaal Banrlaa SOCIETY rv ^:, 8TH AVE. MISSION, 290 8th Ara. OOBPIL TABIRHACL1 CMUBCM. a^n A.« and 44t>- «' H.r * B atm?a.«i Pum II I* A M pr»a.hi.< 'i Tha Paatn. a P M Mri A P fe'.aaia. <¦'¦ ina Haki Moom. (hauanooia. II i. ,... .t»,k mi Iba awtrtd hflati " " 9* ..,; ,,,,. . « . .-fara-lnja. <. *,.!»... tv»at :.¦ H 'I' K" F>~l*-i I w Adajna 11a.m. - railMrhgad af.Ood.,; I p m 'What li Um <;r*Al*»l TawpUto. ;.-« Mea i Waeaai h mm TaaBf" Htm Tkaulht rraTa%eIWiWT "" a&kaW'a ,; .... B.l>-Ulr» Hm.1 lBNOi. Mn H-i m 'i .*.»*, «' « »:¦ laaa II'" H ii ¦.. Praakytarla* I .. Bad a»- and ; . . » * H.1..T <*. N*» fart -I- haer. «*a R" 'l, rifil.wr I. P rn I" w"« "" f»" ;, i is .. iii»» Vo* waaorlee t»* *>, fir H..»arl H"JI.M, II A mi.. «' ..Th* TrJ n M*»k»r' I ;. m H.a T*ara ¦ BBBB rrataataat tpl.-aaal aaaaalea, 9lffa .*» « I lOBi «. II . . "' Ra, Iir ilrao'. .*i Afeajaa th.. M»l«w 4pm Hnl.1 fOMlifNION RUUl a»* aad 20th .' - II a m UM K>» Df. H'-'tat. a p rp Um R'» Wl.ilarn Mafla Tr.* flr»r of fo-jr organ ra 11. Al * P m ,., ¦ . *t iijmi MafBaan w and ':«' * ' .* B*' Dl r.,. ... >. a m Tba Hrv omrnanl- :'..* rraamlnnwi.a or C*'-t " UaltarUn All «>«il,'.h »»» »n<i :otr> »'. II . pv i, iu. Wniiaai i. BolUfaa ftrv of ajartg ai laflill a Pia M.a.aa* »? lUllplon ". th* JlndMl W Tll .i.'H.'J "Ta MM«n ^outi MmsUri P.rx aia and 340. at 11 A m <1*dl- ntloc of tha Tranoaa A ITa^k'.at mamorui «nn- dowii Tha H«». Ltr Hnimaji. aa HA»>jnarult Ail lllsiortril K'iMr In BatfBMa>l l^A.l«r»f.lp Ualranallit IMrtn. PaiwnllT. OtjkMl Park VVaat iM TUfc * 11 A tn.. t>-.a R" Dr. f <> Hall on A Maa tt<t from Uia BaM Wha: TAfOr* Haa M Taach RT' T»ia aanual "Piattegai i<v a IMir" «1".? hald ka tha Pirtah Hi>ua« KofaaaMr H m<l 24. .'- HUHBOI aii.l CTonlna* Othx Sarvlcaa ^. a imam Bea rart i* ia ,. u \o. (,.-.' nrrtct at .:.« I nion MiU-.orlU t.'burrb. 4Mb ar .aat <rf lt-.a;>a;- n.oyt..* on i tha World/i » H,««* . w k KIOHT1I aVaaNL'B MIBBIOS 1*0 l.iihtr. A»a Baalr.r.'na lu a»t«ii««':'.'Ii Aanlftraarj i.r.*ra. ..* ... i | p ra.. th. .p»a»»ri arfll tba KJa-I/ IU-t Artblif t Uo-,.1 anl ih* Riw Dr FauM* r.i* .p-«krr« auriaa. Um mUiii .*« tru) '.* kftavdtf. Iba Ba». E B HoUomy. Mn i. M WhltU«nor» T-.i««di ba Bjjf. »»-_*:¦ Sln-wi)h 'lia Ka» t>r H«t.rr ). l«£h Wo<Jn«A fSTSi nirV Br i«rh w k7v. ftwaiaj. Re» Dr H J<X"0. tba Kat Dr. J W. ' »J" KrtdU. -Ji» H*» I>r. F. W. Troy. tba Brf. W H Ra" wiihur C CaejraU; Bur.'iiy. {foBar. Dr h. ktattai aii.1 Mn ii L aNaaBeaa. fouu<w of aa "p^aavrr C. T E»«non. CMBI tBaalBk, Pro..!- «Af and Mth at.. At I t». ro «. Whit I»,;.l* i*.>ul« Dt»M El Hurrlw il.a DiAth (* Bkt B<><3t U. S. Shipi Shelli to Pershing r:i Paao, Tex., Nov. 17 Army offlc*r« arriving here from Columbus rfport the ihipmpnt of large of ar- tillery ah<>ll« to the punitive exp«dition in Mexico. The ordnance departmer.t aUo haa aent more than 2.000.000 rounda of amall arma ammunition south to the American fleld headquar- toi ; dariag the last month, the army oflicors say. BTOBAGE NOTICB8 The A k K. Fireproof Storage Ware- houte Co., Inc. *4R ,V 1MI BTMl enr.l >*tr^al Ne« Ifera, Kovaaafcer imit. mi :., Kartea IteraB ¦/.reboaaa C*., B Hilvarmaa, Mra. l> a i>rake. \v. c Clark, Treeri Julla Themaa, A i. Mmitt kira M f Ttvomlily. Mm. T. I P'nfo'.l. || . ;,| B, rehn H Bord, Mr Krai.k. Conatltutlon Kxprat.*. Jaaala Brav n, Mra M 9herhan, Mm. C T Johnaon, r p. H-.i.;. O. .' I.»ii«. A. Hunt'r. .!.>- . apMn» Wflnr. Mr StinlAV, K. A. flhorti. Mi TrofoOOB, I M Murpli>. R, MoDonalrt, I.lllian \V#a\ J. Thomaa. .1. C <Jr»y, COl- IIDI aV Ward, N I.aP.ow. A L P*rrv. Mn. Mr Johaaoa n Miitn»r, Mlaa La« IBl * Mr. Woleett. 'I Van Aukfii. Mr» 15. Buliock J ¦' H<«iii.' Mm Harvey, Iteadel .< Keaet, M Connellr. atra M Mttehael. t II, Jaokaotl It 0 I." If, laaa. M)-rs Mn II. Maaill and m '.'. Ball fea at..i *»ch of r*B «r» l.'-«hy DOtlfled '...a* IkB ;ln. for tli» pavr-iant. «,f our lian npun lh«> property h«i»lnafi«r ilaacrlba.l haviiig cx- pjrad, !.':. diie notlea *h»rojf ii»j ii»an (Ivei .'"! will oa'ia> a'lrh pr..partv. t.-> rioueeheld r,("i» pereoaa iSa ta, miir- rhandlaa. taraeta, ata, itered i>y roq vt In ..v..t 101 IB « h'.rh fOU rnav hav. BB Intareet), .'. Tae A ..: kt. .stnrH«H \v«.r«- M.iia*. te t>r ao..l at public BatetiOB, BOOord- ing to Mi* ata'.ui- In auoli ra^a mad* ai'.l prevldad, al Qaerfa Merle'i Auctlon R ;jj in Bi Waa Tork Clljr, on Tueaday, Deeamber lila. al I0:M a in an.: if iba «»> iharaof li r...t eoav p.«-« oi. Mld ii»t» ihe 8»tn<> will be '"H- tlnuad «' 'he aatii* p'.ar* on «ai'h and ¦¦ rneaday aad Wednoeda thereefter, B.. and m'.nuiiit ,.¦!.. a ... a bi aa .1 The A. a K. Flrrproof M.umr llin Columbus Storage Warehoute, Inc. 14 W E8T U4TH STREET N'oi v.,ik. So*. llth, llll To Jobn Htr.kaa. lUrrl* and T M tlrfaa Paarl Mnshafii. Iliii'l.' M'lJiriiin . M.i M i.eah Kata IVelkei Bl on, ''lisa. Ilurion, .1 Uutton M Robertaon, -i ij.ieiifn. H*tnn»l ."<w.i.:..: y.- r.isi*.:. Ellon Reberta. Mr* Wn;. ii Bbarry, Mm .m AlllaUr, tmmi Johnaon. Mra. AnnlA Rol »rio:i. J w. John- a, ii. Mra (,'aih»;. Illli/ Maaur.. Jolin Bmltli. .i..:i Mn. Vlralala Duvli M fl m. Parlen. Anna Junaa ''l.laholm. I Bppl M.iry Smitli, Mra M BMWBft, Mra smu.ii ii B tialnaa, Brmai Aab, E Cool .Mi~ RoWBB, 'Jhna. Tyaon. .Iaii'*» l.o'!!" ibla Mr* * W'iMlama. I.«"niri| !'.. ii-r Edna Johnaon B. *. Bontlay, M I.. "...,v.'i. M:a tt'iii Barbour, Ulllan Uoward, .:... {. Cracn Lwu Pl»aaani, Wlllla Bfaa Mra Bartha Boai all, V Murpb) W I lobnaon Mra B M. i;: Han ilhetio and 'aroiiiie raekee: fea an.l »ach <,t you »r» herob] notlfl».i that 'h* :1m* for ;h« pa\ m*nt of rm l*M 'ipon th» pnp«rt\ horeln- t< laacrtbed ha^ing eipi1'*'1 af'*r Bua otlee rh»i«.f ^i«'i '""tn aiv«>n you »» arill ai hj.-»p*i:y, to wlt. boiiMhold ao«"" i.-ranna. 'IT'.ta larpata. inai. han.Jlac. «t. aut* auch ¦aona. . ra.1 I > fOB or In vour ri»rti« mr li. uhl. li ¦., naa) bi i an Intereet) in th* >'<i. litoraaa Warehoiiae, lo ba aaid al publfc tion aocordinc to th» etatote .-i aaei .aa* martu Aii'l pruvlilad. At tha n»r*li..uaa. ilJ-14 U4tB Ai Ka ¦¦ forb Clti on I i*a.1i«\ S'ovambar Mth, !*!<> a' " k, '-; tha anle inaraol Ia noi compiatad on aaid .ia'* th* aama a III t>« aontlnuad ut th* bmm H * on aach and even Tuaadav thar»aft»r, t.*g:nn!i.t ai 1" 1 A M on .i .la> ai.l rontln.ilnf UTItll All th* §o.*l* ar* aold. roLCMBL'B BTORAOa 97 aI>.KH< II'BB, INC Metropol.9 Storage Warehouse. A0 VYIWT IS3rd «4TREET. Fl*l. I .!.¦. and Plflb ti#nii»« ,\»v. tork, Mevember Ith, i»!6. To M l»rn*a UhHtiuh, Mi .loaapli fohn Mi. t'haa HavM-ood. ,i. , * Mra ' an » W itaon Mlaa A w ..... (ta Su.ii* Elo) d, Mra Mr* <i:.i..-r« Baraeti 01 Mra Nellle .'. Ai'l ai ".'rlfht. Mr G w. Boyd, \i- l. i. LeCetn, Mra Ceellia i' Mra ,¦. ., y\ ,...» Mra Ka'l* P 0|< I Ml M li Mlaa Ruth Klna y. i and aach of on »r* hrrab) n'.tifl*.i I f,.r tn* pa'- mei of "ur llort upin lha propvti li»r-inaft*i d*a»-rtb*d r.avlna Aplr*d. *ft»r dvl n., - :lirr*..f ),a I h«»n «h»n >o'i >. will nuil «u<-h prrp*rtv to Brlt,'hold goud*. prraonal f». if ... ¦#, .arp*ta all itared \(,ni iiain* iti Th- M*ir,.polla i *hc ia# u he aold al publ auctlon aaeordlni '¦. »li» atatut* in raaa mada and Brevliea at <i*or»» M*n»a \u ;>.a ill Baet, lllth st n'*« york Ctty in Tueaday, Xovember ^ith. DID a' "i M A M. BBd on W'*dn*l.lav .- ovaml »r !»th, IBld tba »a'" tharaol . noi implated ald tha aama "tn b* rontlnn*d »' tha aania place .>r> aa.h an.l aaarj Tuaada ,i..v -haraaftar. batlnnlng a- A M on aach 'iay an.l '-oiitinulng until ) :'¦ rroi |. .!¦ ayABEHOUBB Connolly'i Expraas & Van Co., Oaaaa, .'a CeJaaaaaa irrnu*. Batwaan «"th anrt llal Htr'-.a \. Y.-rK Nu.n.ti.r 11th l»!< -r. \ir. 1 \,>n. Mra H i"u»a'i M D Delaa hl»a m ,i">nnin Mi» Olaa- ,,,,, >t Mannon. t'arollna K... Jullua I».rn Mra Wllllain '.*». Mra Kll«ah»th Mii'rea Hllda O PBttaraen, i I. Pulti Mra Munngham. Mra Kya* Nellle Ml Cartb klra Fitipa'ru-a. Mra Annta ,| . I " a . Mll , .. y- ia boi Oertmda \ii'*n i I Lyncher M Haard i»r*n.l pianm. Mia Alfard. Marear»t Oragua. Jamai H X.ukr. h n. Dewey aad Bfi Downay Vo.j and ,.,, t. ,f yen ara bareb; :',otin»rt that th* tim* f r Um Beymeai ..f aar liea upon tl>* propariy liaralnaftar ilaacnaaU gg 'jplred, af'»r .';i* i..'i.» th»r*of ...A.i baea g^»n reo. ». «m raua* n h propart>. ta arll, houaali.iie: goutla p»r»onal »ff*-ta. rnar. handla*. .-aip«t*. »ti atorad t.v ou or In >our nama In t'nnnoII) a B>> pr**a ar.t \an Ce s».>rag* a/arahouea, t<. aold *' piihl <" au. tion. ao'or.ling 'n tha | - in Mi l' '... Bad, a' '.'....'.*. i' a ..rn»r Tth a and llal a Ni Forh Clti ufl MOMUV, I»E4 KMHr.R ITH. 1111. at 10.10 a m.. If th» a»!« Ia not eeiRgletod <.n ... 1 a«ta K.* aam^ v>i:i ba eontlnuad At th* aam* pla<-# on »arh and »v*rv Monday .h*r**ft»r t.*ginnlrg at 10 10 , m on aafh day and <-«intinulnf until ail th* (onda ar* aold (ONNUI.LY'B K\|faUv>>i « iA\ IO. AnvwnnmrtrT htyflmnj injil^&i'm <orhamfs} It is a mistakc to think of the Gorham Shops as shops in the accepted sense of the word, carrying the arbitrary selections imposed by limited space. In the first place, the two grcat Gorham establishments, one at Fiith Avenue and 36th Street, and the other at 17-19 Maiden Lane, are institu- tions in themselves. In the second place, they are exhibl- tions rather than shops, maintained for the display and distribution of the silverware and goldware produced by our thirty acre plant at Providence, which is the largest silversmithing plant in *he world. It is really literally true.if Gorham hasn't got it, it isn't to be had. THE GORHAM CO. Silversmiths and Goldsmiths FIFTH AVENUE & 36th STREET 17-19 MAIDEN LANE BTOKAGE WOTICM Hud$on Storaga Warehouac Co., 8laV88aV8S8 W. 43.1 st. N... VmK Novamber i *. h. 1*1* Ta Mr. Barry. ¦ O. H*atn. m iici'- wn, Mra r,r..h'r,ry. Mr H. Deltoa af; r'ltipatrlck. Mr Davanport. Mra J f) Doodl Matloa Plei ire Co. Mra. B Brnwn, Mr B BfUk, Mr. W C. CtBTB, M". K.Idman. Mr llaanion.l, Mr (haa. Atirerr.. ..., m Hall, B iv g Exareeo 1. Mar- ahall Mr. aVrn Wlleea, Mr. .1 Deater. Mr. rtaletlfl aad Mr .1 Kartw: Toa aad ara hereby n.>tir.*d tl at th* for the paymeoi of our llea upon tna property herelnaftei deecrlbed r.a-s.ig ea- j. rad Bfter .1- aotloe thereaf had »eeo atvea you a*e avtll ceaae a. k areaertr, to 11 rtouaohold Ooode, ISrsonal Effoete an.1 afarehandlee storad ln th* Hudaon Htorag* Warehouae. at $18,818,818 Wee*. 4-id rit fork City, by you or Ir. jreur nania ier ln inrh jou :r.a-' hav. an latereet), te be aold at bAibIIo auotlnn. arcor.iirg lo 'ha aaluta ln Btteh eaae made and Broylded. «. th* Warehouae, sn-*^0-$2J weet lld b< Naw Terfc City 00 i-riiiay. DECFJI- BKR IftTH. I»ia. at ItlM A. M.. and If th* . ., -.,'rauf ia not o.impl»-*d an BBM dat* tn( aai.III be MBtwaei at the aaaaa pi>> on *n. h aad eyery Krwiay taareerter. '¦.<ir.t-.lnf it ;<l »0 a n; on .«.. h day. and lontlnulna un'.ti all tha Boo4a_are ao14. IIt l>SOV STORAGE tTABatMOCBE CO. I'OREt LOHl.RE SA1.E8_ Bl PREMB COl'RT COl NTY 08 N BW' r. MOHB E8TATK. INC. Plalnttff. igilna" LOUItE A PHIiXtM i-r- fn auauanea of * Judamv ai ot for. loaure ... made and entered ln the ,,r (».-toh«r. i»l». I. ti.- sifiie.l. tha raf#r»o ln aald |VdBm«nt V..I1 eell at puollr- au. t ..... at lh» ,(. Balearoom, Si 11 »>.*.¦> gtre«i m the Borougb at atanhattaa, Ity of N'.t- York. on tha lat day of Dec»nib«r. i»i>; ». 11 e'cleek noon 011 that. day. b> ,( K.nn»;: An. tlonaer, tha prem- :-. to.i by aald (adamant to be eeM, a .1 -iitrain daacrlb-d aa rollewo \[.I. thoe* t-vo eertalB lota. p.«.-»« of par.*i* of land. arlth th* bulldMMfo ar.d Improvemanta th*r*..n erectad, oltuate, h Iiik and t)»-:ng !r, the Hotough Of Mati- .1.,-tan ol the City ol Nea Yurk Ii « ounty Hi.d BtaU of Na* Vork. BMadcal ., ..1 deacrlba follewe: BEOINSINCI al < pot.-.. on -.'ia northrrljr , . .ath Btraart. dletaai i«'' ieei ^aar- ,,,- fr..n. ti..- Lornay termed bj -.!». Inter. arctlon ..f tha northarl) alda of ^^-h .stra.t Klttl Iha »a»terl. alde of I.-vington Av. nu«. 1 thonce .aat^il\ along ri.- iionhTK Hld«- Of leth Btroot If Taet to a p,,ini in ..:. oppoalta thr centre of a aa/i ..all ihenee aorttaarl) at.,i pat- or tha «iv ilirough tha -.ti..- of aald parf a » and along lar.d Bw«i "i U'e of 000 ".alrna at I laahaa U the irnlr. Ilna of Ihe t>i,,,-k .,."-.- reatert) u'..<i.g the <entre f the I I '¦<¦ " .* 'r k*ai ..> * p. i,i dletaat IBB fe-t eogtorly frot.'. th* ... t^rl-, »iu* of t^\ingt..ii Avenuoi 'I..III6 ,\ parail.l avlth th*- '-aatari aldO ,.r Laxington Avcaue and pt.n of tha di.- ti.iongh a psriv wall »« f'-t * InehOO to lli* polnt or pia.a ..f '.ag.nnlng. Bl tho aald aa^aral .llnianalor.a mor» .1 >as Bald pr»M.-ia»a l-'tna >'. 0 t. -.». 0 I ar».t numbara I1» and 14' Kua Btreel Jiaird N>» Toik. Kevembei iaila. 1»U. l/HHu.N A. RAYMil'. Itaft-ree CREEVET * ROOBR.o. Auornaja for Plalntlff, OfBca * I* 0 A.lireaa. (0 Will Htraat. N'-a. Tork Tha folloali.g la a dlaaram of iha prop- »r.s to . la atra.i n.imhar a 1J»- 141 Kaa' Mth Biraet. Ka.t 39th 8Jt Thr apprnxli.iat* imour.- or th* ..*n or rharge. to aatlafy avhlch tn* al).*-<la- aorlbod pri.part-. ia to h* aild. ia 8*v»nty- 011^ thooooad *lgit hwi.dr.-d and tv.anty a-,.1 ao lf'0 Dol'.ara 1871.818), «ltl; »rait th.raon from -.ha }lth da\- ef O.-tobar. tOfOthee «lt'\ tha coats and BllOW- - imoiiatlaa to Thra* lundrad and i.inaty-alx 41.150 Oollara (!!<.« ul,. «,ith latereet from October tlth. 1114 t<ig*th»r arlth tho .»p»r.a.s of th* aal*. Mubjai-t to t|.. -..t- ..f fa.-ta arhleh an accurete aur- ¦ ll-l-A-. DatOd, N*«r Tork \o\*mh»r $th. 1»I4. ORBON A. RAYNOR. Ilafara*. U)ST, rOUKD ANI) KKWARDS I.UHI IMVkHIHIKV J.OOT -PaaatV^k N .r tha r>uikiln Bar 1,(1 llank. Iv.ue.1 la Julia i.agan. aoaMBl ,n--. :.!*aa* rarum t> Banl AM lUi an >iy« ^..rk iliy All i«»r«o«,» ir* au'lohad not to PAU- haao ". bobi .«'.# u. ,»ni* paaabaat ibMtI af ibe rrat.k a«t i' BaV . . 1..1.1, (;ur 10.1 u, trual fea Bobaii Nala Ooi oajmanl at.^p*.!. plaaaa ra Ha, t «'.« M t«» \n Vork ftt, Ad . N 1.1 pa. tiaaa or<lata aa a»m» 81TLATIO.N8 WANTED Mala. ItHlll MAN. |ond adwatlon daa'.raa poaltloo »|-| ^ppofunlt* to '.acri. idawttahig A B Boi lfl» T'lroma tifltra DOMESTK HITl AT10NS WANTEI) Male IAPANBBI BiTBENT daalraa a po*ltt«o o' kouaa ¦aaeBi ¦eUaa i *> lal «'aai r'.i §t Femalo (Ol i-i.i. Bullar and 000a, Nanh aT IraUnd I'f Mtanta t>Hh ihnraogBlr anfAoatant anaallaat raf . .w ..a.n«r» r«r»f«rr».1 Mr> Bnanftxiaa*) . Aaat.-T IT B'aat H4 »' Tal. 6114 Bryaat. IN8TRITTI0M _ >K» liiKK Mtnlialtan Learn LANGUAGES Berlitz School .;s-id wrtr mtti rrariT p Braacb. .:> i..,. <.i«b a By th* fl.-Mfa af.fKod f»%« BBM aa <m.v rtad o*d ttrtl*. »»l *«*«<-wft| * fct'/'rsfomf ond fo ap'ok IA* 'arnrs 4*****i 1R1AL i I.--MIN rai.t_ r*rna af Laaaon* uaa Una u aai Baa HAMILTONporBOYS i»» West Ead At*., B. W. Car. Bftb 81 25tn Vaar Ualar Baa* Prlaaiaai HAM1LTON forGIRIS l,.,*ral.l liiii. and BOth -I 14th Vaar i. amr **«a PrlMlpal .".n-r.tirt ar.d repaMtdoa < *m aa* ... | rV-t.^l 4.nid< .JialU o BOaaMOBBB) T«k aaaa:.ta' tiamoni* Apttro»*.1 0'. N**» ERSifor LANCUACIS MI Mawllaon A'MOf. A .>h -ol for Ladi*a and 0»pi:aiTi»a Bp»^!a; Evanmg ilaaao* In BPANUB Bl'BlNEAO, NCnuOIA zuwrnsm peHMR Shorthand.TypewntlnfJ Bualnesa Practice. Individuel dttefrtHa Cay Seesrona. Artor Bjb "OMSeaaion g Br0.dwi/,n,Y,a, JftBaaqflaaaaaaai DANTING LOUIS H. CHALIF (.. aa<iu' ,K.***an /mpariol Bo/.af l«»oal fooehlng Ir.iarpratln BaajBM Claaa liatfal ar.d Ba ;rx.m Clum !»' ..» ¦»'.«. *. Iiari and rbl.dran 7 \ 4tnd BTBEBT. X Y I Itt MI SU'AL INSTRLCTION_ Inatitute of nDu0ica! Hct of tbeairjotnewiToii IR \N»f DAMRiiM II btrertof »tudent* t/f raualc «'.:. 8i ""VJ* ¦ ff.r*d ti? tbtl oadastaal ,»¦.***.,¦ v.. th* adfinuaa* « Euwpaee Iramli* ¦» catalsa i lraaa Yh« a**r*ta/y. Bm tU 120 :iara*»aat A.a., aHw W* Cit>- MAKAOi: <J AND PROnVCINO CO. IBC. ui w**t nth at_ Tiir: iiin f,\ur b< h«QL pi" Ri'8K. 44 we»t aaTtTaf.. S. « SCHOOL MEItB__ Am*r.. aad torrt,u T*o<-n*r* Aaoi**#j- Buppli.* Prof***or«. T*avcb*ra. TOtana Go\*:n»ae»*. otc.. to Collagoa, TiiilS Bamillaa Appiy to Mr* M. * BBBJBP Bl LTo.n II Onaoe Bowero. BUSINESS CARW_ l.MhA AwuomcB rvaWiir** roV-eOB Otficat Furnitara Ib gr**j» yarloty of *trl* ond pr|(o T.6.SELLEW 111 ITI.TOR BT. N*w ¥orh._ CaJLPaTT CXEAXDIO xrw tobr CAR?rr <> ^^JJ^STa! r.l *4IJ « ?! Brjaot. &**?,£, JT Cl*a. la*_at*rlaf-ATtaHaa-Bataa'JB^ rABBrtx CAfrrr c^^^aaa'^BT fa! nl-UiB. DIAJfOMM DK^sm$j$&5£SC> BICLTIQRAPRIRO ntoaTj^raxSla? yiATrcBfortP lif fcmd«M (aay*B*»a a*p Bvi.i llll Baata* 4*41 aaa SIRROGATES' NOJTICI Tn Pf St RROUATE3- ^wi iv- Its:-ASCE OP AN °KV.?;J\* jftllNP COHALA*. a "V'^KiV, #s»» .-.,.n" Of N.w Tor'< N-lleo lalMfjRB HARRlKT TOTNO laia^^JSj^toaaa* don. of Or*at Rrltala and leolai-l ^ , to pr*a*nt th* a*mo «»h voo. »* ' J^af .h,P e-a«plbar. M to Btaaejal £%?[ bnatn**a No 4. Wa.l !yr*T' Tnrt. *a * Maahattan, ln tb* Otr of Nea'if* boforo ih« iatb aay of aiareB o.<« ^ Dat*d Noa TorB. th* -i»t oa t*tnr..r 1*14 , __,._- ,-«i:PA>'T BT INITBD <TATEB TRIBT CO-l * NEW YORK. Apfmwf k*** Atton\*y* f*r AnclHory »»."- «| \Vall Btroa*. -aaaBBaT Maaho"** Rooj i«»*

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Post on 05-Nov-2020




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Page 1: Library of Congress...WOMAN ROBBED INTAXIONFERRY Austrian Visitor. Beatcn on Mead. Is in Serious Condition v tbo t etWe Boraaa of a..e v :

WOMAN ROBBEDINTAXIONFERRYAustrian Visitor. Beatcnon Mead. Is in Serious


v tbo t etWe Boraaaof a

..e v :<-..-. b] '¦ Ira Aatoaie iooaalor, a

c Austnat. v I >B arr-.vrdhere fraM aad on T...

-.avian Amencar.

iiner HolligShe la now ia a ser lOB at

the -pita'., suffering from

la hrr diatoi. everal veraiona

attark that was made upon heri.uken

laaday morr ¦ the pohct


.reet,." the injured woman

Mru.k «»n llead

\ rtOl bar baggage had bOOB paaaedimi it.'pectors Mrs. KooeeloiH«4 f. r a taxicab a-

.<d the dr ver to take her I.g his or-

Koaali, drove

Kb0,, r the Laaaawaaao forryboats at Fourteenth Strtot and atoppedbia car IB the n.:dd> of the darkdme-

.I made no attemp* to

p datroaaa Mre. ^f'"1"BBT handbag a

quatltltj of fcreign and domcstiemoney that she might "".p-'.*' .* J«"

ng the botel. Bbabad hard-

lv begin to count it when the door ot

ai BBOMd by » man. who

r..r ? fc-taftar that

unt.l Und,,rhi,1ii .t. -¦ "*.; *

he had had


.. mih to dme beifnend,

Mp. French. was ste.ying.Utoi ln the day the woman became

ualy .11 and Dr. Fred M. Kammer-Bixty-aixth S' reet, was

,.i'.d "tn her failure to respond to

Pn? yesterday »he **s temovedboapitaL

( aaaj U l p »<> I aitad State*

had r.o junsdic-

,. M-e aaaaaU aeaarrad « .,,«t m the harbor. Thr dete. tive

of Hobokea also d.acle.medleromniended that tha

eaae be referred to H. Boowdaa Martttorney. rhroagn

the rvqneat of Mr. btarahalra offiee-tarted art m-

quiry yeeterday[,., . -.-,.,.. oni all touna

^ iterday, and h:»Al that told bv afrt


Mt last mgi t Mrn... m |*ori .¦ i

.. ta g^ am faaftlg

POLICE DEPARTMENTaVaaalaO aaa i . ¦...

a m aBeeria


v \l A,- k i ¦¦- - .

'.v U . \( .

* - A <

v , . . . - . hartaa <'.'.. H J

""r. \.L'"'¦» i. -

* I!V II

, H «» *

M .. A Q 'i- Ma .> « P T

. I H MTriri'"» ¦ A- .. I.

j »

T»wa»rar> «..iap\m.nt, M ad Lia -

. .. cfcaraa'---«r. i

- .- . s «

R. Haa ' « lo auna(Ta. :... <"«-».

<. «i... |;'rJDi»r« M

k«w i* ^ -

« D datj la i«ii. 4. D '-m

d*u in. ip. ¦: k ». ...

i< -.. .4 li n*- . .1. llal To

^. i

Kth;v. .. Mlen, «»<l.

. B.¦ p-'innini

Aktitara.att Olic.atlnuMl 1 II an-.-.- lai :¦. M .'.,.,*.

... . . a to I 0 -vjna-.

Laa-sa al Aaaaaaa iwtth hill paj afeaatad Man-lanaai Johft A Parl O, ti eBanai ' " Dl

. v i .. io a* JVararr

Jaruaa J OaanlB *ni\ 1 day, No». II Patrol-,da> No»- IT

laa*f Haaaal IIUi laj H - '¦. araa.... \ . ;r n:\naoo lla.-l.vr «lt: iaa

n»r.»» f, A ' .'..'.. daj Ne» ."».Johr. R nimrh, l'td. .1at Noi lt"

f all Pa> Whila an llt* *ap»ri. Pauetaaa *ita-11 I .-. a, ln SVii. IS to II

i: rr baat II


\ M A * £Siar '¦¦ i PI "


t ai Mn MoakoarlU; ailalu..... viflt.i

>a BlW trlfilniM ., « . I ¦.¦».!».! «ubwa»

f«^»fr Aeali.i Mirhtna.'

.r «. Paaqaa . niiinr.ton; . i1 ,. ma *'¦"¦¦ k nea i*»i»f.

M||4) | 4 . p . riU IneMni «

, ,,..!.'.. 0 Metralf. r.ona« ,- «.. Mnrrla «» r Braat; Haxn Uur&an.


*W-'.5«". «. 1"1 M » Plada T1:a Brm,»;ji .,- ,<¦ .-, s iriaiaf,

r fi<> ¦¦: Kaal h«->. .. John Kapi>. oitllrfII! UatHaan ai J.-ph inimaj.. 'rlflla|

;k> i.i .- . .. aamua J*n-li".«.. I"; oo. .!. Daai ' Braai Wl tim ForJ.

» otv.- W(«i lieu >-. J» "' lairai 'rtniniw*.- Mtii -i alaeoo Retioarta; 'iiBlr».

Raataa at ai ki .». 'rlflh-i"i .; attaw »i«'i.w aaaaaeaj

A .' > .-.- |... ,- Klanaaa ? r« un

Miiliaoo at. .'a eto Na.or. trlllln«

"The Church That Is in New York"Two Questions Laymen

Are Asked to AnswerWhy Has the Church Bern Stich a Trrincndous SUCCC -J

and Why Has It Brrn 9uch a Gigatitk Failure?

I),. you know why thc church haa been auch ¦ tremcndouaI uccetf? Can ytHJ tell why thc Church haa been auch a giganticfailure? If it has been either. <»r neither, in your judgment,will you write thc religious cditor of The Tribune. nnd teH its

readers why <-r how you have trrived at theae conclu^ionsVNolan K. Beat,editorof TheContinent,"hai 9rrittpn»«eriea

of articlcs on "Thc Church" in which he trecea thecauaea for theChurch'a aucceaaea and failurea to thc clergymen,thc laymen, its method* of evangeliam and its educationalBvatem.

That thc Church is lar from being a failure in thc largersense Mr. Beat is firmly convinced. He BSyi in thc openingparagraphs of his series'of artules: "The Church is beyond i':

comparison the most powerful force in the world to-day for up-

holding integrity and morality. The stoutest and biggestfoundation atotM underneath civilization cverywhere is the

Church. Really. it alone holda society together."Not i p m BaportattaB

None the less. Mi B08t BOBtiBBOa,lattiag that bo'.d elaim for the church

,<tatid unimpeached a:ui unimpeadial.'.e.the obaerver who sees atraight must

admit that the Church of to-day does

not accomplish what the world expectaof it. It is not as powerful as the worldthinks that a divine institution shouldbe in the midst of humanity. TheChurch is a success. all right, but not as

much of a sucees* as it ought to be. It

should be such a mpremely manlfestloeeeea that doobl of it couldn't b<-

raised by the moii rapaeiooi eriticWhy is it not !Of the laymen ¦: tha < horeh to-daj

"The Continent" eeriei aayf."Kamest lay chure'nnianship alone

can give ihe Church momentum. Min-isters lead, but laymen make, theChurch. The pastor is the one to startthe Church moving, but the decisive-r.ess with whirh it arrives dependswholly on the lay weight it carries andthe lay vitality energixing it. Preach-ing, likewise, la never to be dispensedwith or disparaged. But the sway oftiod's Waya and arill la not to be patab-lished by prearhing alone. BoligiOB andits iequirements must be eliachederarywhere by practica! demonstration.What la lived is what the world ac-

..This ii trae evea eoacaraiag '¦¦¦¦-

peraaaal goepi ef repeataaee, fargtraner><; and COBVetair.ii. K\angelif»tK mnydedara never no convincinifly Gea a

offer of nalvtition. but it Ihkp* holdalawly unlrsn thone wl.o hear the niP*-

nagr spp around thpm lifp proofs of theronlity of the grace nroclaimi'd.

r'eeling'of Laymen"l!y reaetiaa from what wai without

denial a too garrulou* and too unctu-nu' type of piety in fonner day« thplayman to-day ha* stored bia *oulaway ni artifieia] refrigeratioa II'' liat r.ot qnite bi maeh perni for miy-thina elaa aa to keep hiaaaelf eool iphrituafiy. The baekffroui "f

.¦¦ the widely dlffuaed lentimenlthal ia '¦'.'.'¦ raal ielrniit if a man lives clranly and Qaefully].11 thp world tberr i* DOthiag more for'him to waal of Gad ar for Gad to aranlof bim,"And. uuircd, a Baad deter irunation

to do thus and so beeausp it is right.eoldly and aaotractly eoaaidered, aeeveaeon erall for erdiaary tiaaea when1right raaa parailel With protit nndhonor.

"In laeh a timp rnap need* foollagattaag fpi-linp, liriag feelinjc the feolinfr of dod Inarardly praaeat n.< frtrmiand defender. It muy bp writteii larjrethat tha Chriatlaa who ii afraid ef¦piritaality, who holds to a Jaiceleaa,unemotional nioralizing a« a sufficient

Cbriatian BOta in bla rhararter. iagoing,,, ,, roid .( iaapiratioa and emptv airomfort In llfo'a erlaao."

\\r H,.<t beliovee, lOO, that a lavmannrerls a keener understanding of mat

gtBOral M 'he-, are related t<>

thi arorld and the kingdom of Goal II.,¦ tO this. h" belie\e« that the

ol '.. .la. i.4 « wholeheartedncloeive eaooi nol ta be limited

b\ maai of tbe CBoreba areoeat iajbarrleaaa

Still (or Fvangeham..Ihe t bareh to day," Br. Boal "">

tinues. "keeus its prow still BOlBtOdtoward the pole star of evangelism,deapite man-, popular influences tendng ta tuni the Cbriatian mmd aw»yfrom .ndividual i-egeneration and faa

tor it wholly bb loeial rafona, Happi.ythis modern thougi.t has imnressed on

the < hurch a de< p lense of BBCesSlty.-,,, the aer lee arbli h II has urge.iwithout daatroyiag the ««n*e of Beeoa

for personai conversion. Ihe

aceordiagly, la gaining to day.-. evaagaliao, In plaBi to

nlita aad, aaore ilowly, parhape,..;- of evangelism. The prevailing

memis la ii" at the moment is the

'uniofl taboraacla eampaignI'nder such influences a larger

rmmber of Americans doubtless pro-feaied new or renowcl faith in '.aBBlhriat last winter and the winter be-

fora than in any like seaaons for two!docadoa previoua at loaat No atecouBtethat cautious judgment may suggestconreming many things done during¦aeh meetiBga eaa eaaaty this fact of

iti encouragemen'."


Baatlitr Ka ... - BkM "1 ai .. R/' r>:

s . ..ior .if tha jU.llaot. A««ina.¦« ...<¦. aaaallna, a: M

i al oi orroai rur.n.ina at 10 o'rlorkDr Batea . topU artll he, 'Tha Ma' al tha Korkpf tha R..a.U I.a»; Humlay « aiUndar..» of 13*BMti »: 'Ii" first mt**Jnf wa« r.rj. grattrrlna io thaIr.'lir. ai..| «i ,>-a*i L'O'I aasa ar. .xi».-iopI ««'-.'

.. la « raal aaaa'a eiaai for reai m.n ai.iiia." f.»r Ua MupcM Iba .1 aca*talea .»f tha aaaMaaal,-; mr., !, i » ,...-.'... of frlendtl.lp.

Mouni Morria, rtna »¦- and i:Ttn at At 10.. ll-> :< cr I, li-illrji, on "n.i

«i..| 'ha Xsw M --. Oi >r " Dr Oa il» :.. .'ai'»r.. »n<1 la aep-rrtarv

iha World AJllanra fut I'runxrttna Ii.'arnatlunal,. Ilir.'-if'i .e It. in BS*

Cinirtiatlanalaad M al I a ¦ l

llri \ -¦ ....:,. ln « arrtM of^. .¦ laatli annlfttsan .'¦' Iba imrcu.

M t'ir. h aaW Ihe War."Ethloal Cultura

c Itn.iw 2 Waal .:i'h M II a m.. Df.l-.i . liei i;' 'A Waj of I.lflnt arttl I-

ir .",> P«n ¦.

JawlahKraa Cj aaofua rariiaaja Ha.'. II *'j . 'n lir.

Wlaa .m "Tbi Crtava ..f Priaana >. ihaai B'aM lita .. I>r.

nullct oi InjfaJfrailon Problaau Raal. r,..lfrl i Roare, nn


Mcthadlit4t » 5 m

iha MrT I.. WUllare li Morcaa on Vr.n I>a..-Ir. Ua-..- ' .:.. i'ItI. \\ ar "

(irara, Waal INUi M l /;-. Df C P a> .

nrr 11 i in, I- \l.|. It» | |i..j.l,rTt'ln| 7 «.'. r> "i '<¦' nl ' X'r -rr..-« ¦,. iu

U l; . ira «»¦.. Brootlrn Ti.allrt (,.- 11 . m on Tl aKatura » .-i At ,.r. | f ni 'ea . '. 4" p rc

i,i o-l .-ari.ii itant '. '<.. a.ani.ii joiix rrai bt m j .i m taa iur.

Ii- i k W .-¦. r ¦¦'. . rloaal-AIUv AVBNI l, || ..... .¦ ... a ai, iharlM



"WHAT IS THE SOUl?DOES IT SURVIVE THEDEATH OF THE BODY?"CASINO THR.. 39th & B'way.Prof. Ever.on, New York's ForemoitBible Lecturer. Sun., 8 p. m. Free.Twelee auadred preient latt Sunday... B B*»i'i mlolit. foon opf

»\ii i-i


i< b BI ""<i '",l BtrwII \ M I III M« THMUXKHAX"

llf.M THl li"" l\>l >K\ii<»\ or THlitiin i \m. it\ mi '»«]i0_,tA5!i\M \\ llll < IIKI-I <»l llll Bllll.h.V|«,. ....... i.a mi. TKI iaox 09MIIIM l(S III Ol l»(.\

..*.. ,.rk r VI -llll -M i>M> < OFIIKI-I IH IO I --' II liull Of THFIII KC II I- II l»OM»IHI I II I M XIHIM 1 III I IIKI-I I W III II' AM MO-Ml M Wll Kl l IM.M/I I III >!."¦ Ntghi N..MH.K'-' M, a e'cleck.Ilr lUlclrmaii imII «|>'iik on " I II F T A II I.KN\tll \M> IKII -I IH'i'l' illunlralfd1.1 I tmrl Mllll il 1...Ir-1

Calvary Baptist Churchv... Aifi

REV. JOSF.PH W. KEMP, Pa.lor< \ v :¦.«.¦ .. \ .«!...

\ u M najai bm

Btala audj,., , frnvhtct of



C. A. EATON, D.D.,Pastor10 \ M. IJllM'i < Ih>» I i.r M.n Dl

!.(<>¦. It NabjPrli IhrMan al llir I ..rU i>f Ihr H.....U

11 V M "H.,inflhln| lo Jiclk Abaat.". g » I" «¦¦»- I B ll>r ligl.l

I I.. i ( I llall. Ldl


. Ap.- . <* . .

a . h \i i; D i>



»! , . .... t. H'- *

Or WMlfkln .III fmtk at li ana I

« III.I-I \v M HMI

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHESlu .«..,! II A M r«« | f.M W<4ntt<!».i I r MI Ifit C»w«»> u . .<l Cfcaft* . i*

Tuirl C»urth -. .

»»»rt»i ClmftA '¦ i% | Anflfr* C»«r»», a- . ,11, « w .


Broadway TabernacleBROAoway and »th srau t

..»5»-, ¦., .. , .. , t n

III-' II I IS (|| ( MRI-T

CmraAt . «,.. »:«. at Ba risiaMaiariAB rr>i t v\n ti » r hMUaCH Mutlral CKVM >U OrtHMtn

IMIIM M l».\( F.

iiii cHUfH or oivmr irium. A

>.. V

.> :¦


rai i

ra u,»|TBB

IIHK Al, (llll KF.

thc socirrv roa fthical cultubi.Tmtr, !.<! !*;*

Matttai II'.sf ".'-ai Parlt t\r«t i-.1 MI I

Baaabaf Dr. felix adler al II a mA V»a> *l Llilnf »lth IncamaMlbla ar*

Haatlk Paniin. Th* artaitd »f ¦ aerlaa of fl»ltjlmiii »n "Tha 8*lrltu»l OutltwK ia Llfa."

Mlllinitisr grfjM orAL.

MADISON AVE. CHIRCH, 60th ST.I m Prvacbar. R« wcrth m. ti»iy. i> i>

, c \i PiTAfbai K#< It. ali >. *¦ ka 11Mrar \l I'ri

\ M 11 C . -¦ I..(. M ..... ...


BI4 > ll|¦ !. nh.--» !h( ini B ¦


Rev. CHARLES L. COODELL, D. D., PaitorII i n. Bf» Mlllard I. n ¦ n

_Sj- ii._1)1. Ooodiil Jioui |-i fliau .;_


rin: PBKBBK1 Hi-i-

XIT. ANBBEWa. B) ;».), BL, 1 1 «.

rrr Winala* sun.i i> i> i ndaM 11.? .

. liod i> >M . li Um tir*arr«: TampUU i. lo Voung M*o iM VTumra In

rlrGRACt |Mut ai < m ChrttUai r »:.:«¦».

"Baadlm l^ianara'lni " 7 4". Oad'aCaie."taaaai u aa ataai



(HuncH of chri»tOr LATTlfl DAY SAINT8

M'a II '. rwldtvibi n p Hail

Run.ia< Bcl I" Mi\,i. ai rr»,.,. i a«rrli i l oo r >

nyturanxoi A-a<» litleilirr.l ,i. » tl ?it».,


Developing a ConsciousnessF. W."SEARS, M. P.

i A M -

Crtterion Thoatr« Jt'JJ?"J£«¦ i> i. * . i. al

. ... r

>.»»!! ... -. . ».-..¦¦ I'P. f


SCHOOL OF THE BUILDERS, lac.hotel aiLLiCLAiarBraadaa) 7;th St

I I". M ra*.....

i lati . l ,

lirllij !».»;. , ,.| .. ¦

Ali-- i. .,. .. VVhi ..

. - . I II

ippmia .

The BalnartJ . ,tu -.


Kurt.iai A.T A MWliat Al« *i llr . »or

. '.' ¦«1 . I A.. .

Nraaan nUrfUtn an M'-» Tiaa


Mn ii «»...¦ ¦:- ....

rajrai n,.' A..I


Maditoa Sq. Presbyteriaa Church,Ml4lM Avfit,, ,,j SA,h a,1rMt

Paator, Ret. C. H. Parkhunt, D. D.Irrawiu. II J u ... I- i|


R.. H'.rrWAX alAfttis i. |" i-aa-ar«'.? * ' -,.i i.

M It.. H \.. ... . T ,

RUTGERS MnKSf:«r*»¦. as i. auaaiLL. b e

II A M f«(HffV»A I f M "BnvirMM.wai I e N C»a»f.'» Daut Vli|

MAOiaON iviiui f Riaa» rraiAK cnurciT*ifl».»«i l»--a. af .1 at

«.. a.'-i a aaaa C«*a* D 0 PaaU'Ttaear a*3et « It. ****!» a«». Baaart DaiU.



PARK AVENUEPresbyterian Church

CORNER 85th STREETTo-morrow Morning at 11 o'clock.

ihe paatoi tha Rev CHAS. w.WELCH, will prcacb al tha evpninc,service at S tVcalX l


REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D., Putor.'.'.>. .« ., II A M «:..) i M I MDr ji.K.'- mi.i praaet u haO aaryleaa

OfOrloj fei Aaaraiti Board ot \ll«i.I :¦.-!

Uaa . Bttda .»n al It i >lTha Milar-k HarrW ln t.i* l.aprl Oii W..It 11$ P. ¦ -M '.. Dt isn

rPNTDAI phfsbyterian chubcm.s-Cll l ItftL MaUUen Atanut anH 3;th Sfrttt.Hrv. U'ilton Merle Smitli. !».!>. Paatoi

MU i-rta.l- II II 1 MH-i Mu|h Black al i n (. \l

Bpt > ... aaluartaitM n..i orrBaatri Bolo Qoirtattiru>r'i Hif. .,| «.i.r...- Mim Mulford HuA.-.. iPf OS ]¦¦ \.r I Blrto Hali»..a ilaiir M Ullbafl. ..».. :.i AxtataO tc-Hit. laMj Ttallatot; k. Klrkaa '( i '.M l.»- I-

THE BRICK CHURCHt ., A.c. te and 1... a >¦ M <.

Wllliam Picnan Marrlll.aTatn ar,., Latlmer Ua*»ty.

HR MfRltll.1. praafhM It 11 and ISOU.N M.K\I. KYBB1 B'KEKDAI 1-

(JniacriitT Place PreiWjtlerian Churck,i urn.r loili Miaat

Rr» c;»ur|» Alaaanilri l> I' MlaaMar,v. I. 11 A M

ti -..¦..- -..-» a-i M .

at . l' M



Sblh St 1. AmitarJam *>.R<». ANSON P. ATTERfH'RY, D. D. ,...,_Rr» ANTH0NY H. EVAN*. 6. 0. *"°

IH BTAJia naaatti .< II a!.. * ITtBfll IU r ¦ P M


Dr A I'-mir, ka « :..,,i ...» Hu:. < lad »'*ii I. Jn .» --«.' iuib-M a.-k »k-- IT" A

St. NIcholas Ave. ¦- M baiaa At,i

Wm l.i i a..Tdi.r WUtiAa' «crk I' 1p |'|,-11 A M -Ohl R..-1. | Attaodn .

I)r worl pr»».¦>.. wB*B I . -. ,

Second Reformed Preabyterian


CatkteVa! of St. Joka tka D..mrAaaajaaaaai A. ua a 1 i: uh St

U II !.'. M- I i.uhU.Ia tl Tha II.. ...i raur.lcm I'allar;» A M Men., i l--»>»rII A M |-r»arl..r \*y Bat Dtir .

t r II l-.a.ha- R.- W. r. I. IWf*r,f»ai;- iv--. - I A M ". I- M --. ai -,t


BMor R.I II" -i l^j^a l> « r,H»i r.»nvj.i!or> . »4 A MMornlfll Trirar -B>lof IIMlM

»¦ . 1 i:. .- >'¦» . T ItKaa.iaoni iMr Rurflaaal 1 00 I' M.


%.. AUIH' n. a r-.,! D D. BacwrBarrMaa, I. U aad I

rion i m \\ i i fim 0*PAI«


l.i-t Hfnh M Nrar Mnrtiann Aff.!:¦ :ii -..;>. H t'Ui'il | !. I* Rl

-. :3(i \. M i I" A. M..I-

ii \. H HcTl i"' >mmunlon Bermi

H It. r l/ii.i.. Ufgl

.' Kmi-.. v. ';,,. i" Mal

4 p.M. POPULARVESPERSra, \ ,. Fraa

l.< Orci.

»...¦. -

-.. 1

1 11 1.1.. .

Duria it.r r iht Wui .:>

h p. m /.«, » S-HNt.i.»i> i*. wilaon t'ongragatloDal siug


CrinitP ClmrrijSunday Scrriifi

7, 8 and 9 a. m., Holy Commanion.10:30 a. m Morninf Prayar.II a. ¦.. Litant. Holy Comauniua aad Ser-


3:30 p. m Evtmong and Sernon.8 p as.. Servire and SeraBon.

Wtrk-day Satekei7:30. 9 a. m.. I p. m .

Saort BMlita lor butinrii pruplt daily ni rpt Saturday al 12 m.

Hl BI I! "i'l *> «.! i'\T

All Angels' Church.WE5T F NO AVF. AND 8IST HTREE1

I. ». I. Bl L.nM) Tomaild [) D. It.II n

.1 Kf tul A M< I* M

H'tl ..;,


Rev. PERtY STICKNEY GRANT, Reclor,. » ii m . i- - - d n .

< r m u .- iD li

k ». li i-, i n M lujRliat'a U , i.. ,

^t. Oomas's Cliurci)I II II A'. .A^ b i' -T

Km EB.Vk.Hl *i -i IBER I' li Bl« A M i:

II A U. Ucrnini i .. -

4 I' M I. ' .1- ,AI f It H alu

CHURCH Of THE HOLY COMMUNIONjyti St--»t art'l Ith Ai-nut.

k v

A M I' ¦. U kl IIkl

r m. r vi i Bn »'¦¦ 'i ;ii h-!'M Bjr.1 rai.



t » >. I

<C !i u r t li f, I nt a c ti 11 o nmi . \< .i p

H< \» IHH . Itul.HI.SH l> I. |>I. II llu'i M <

'.i .ll . 11


Brt UlllT '¦ PABKI .. U i.\ \i.... ...

i 'I M. M

ST. STEPHENS CHURCKMTH STREET '. t A R BR0AOWAYIt,< Maihaa A a>a|la D. 0.. IW<i.

*»r. A \! I , I I' U

Church of tbe Heavenl) Reit,a , ¦ »¦. , ..,

Rt. H.Lart Shl»min H-'cr


-. . ,. t :;I- ra '¦ T»,« R«. U

CHURCH Of THI TRAmFlGLRATiO'.!«.. rtlb a- l>R wui OHTO>


10 .« W"IR « HA*» u.J ai'.RM'iV K»i . lI'iRAV Bl v«'i\,. r-v,,.

(.BACB CafUBCB. Br-aewar anal 10th BLlai Ckarlat l4Vt SUttar* D. 0. BmmI. 11 li '.! {S 'B.- H »a.j B Mal/i

rHoiKvrvsT k.imm opai.

St. George's ChurchAli SeaVs Free

Rfv»r»nrJ KARL PEILANO. R*.1.


'"Hv .. raoc [. !, M»»aa A. M. aad I P 11THE MAKiti.i: COLLCOIATI iiiihih.

k.. uavid ia- in aai"';' n' n mu hh«

lli Al»'.< 01 M IAH llai LfOD ;. Ip Ml ,- .-

K. || ,. \,- * v

. . I!A M

WEBT EXD (oii.WilATi: (lllBfll.a-- and 7 st

¦\i:v evrbtk OBB r- 6 iPTM A M .i| 4 N) J- \,

.v.V '. V| -.1'^1 n wi h uorka ni I'harl.i i.

'¦ '. Wa ,iii l,

llll 1 OI'.T WASH.MJTIINllll.l II.IATK (in ., |V


lr.. 0 n Mia \i ¦. | r m

HAMILTG* GRANGE W'L^ZT *Paul S«ib*rt Lrlnbac-i D. 0. M

' w ini. iii..if.i n..n r. i- m what <>i it kavioi it arAJ ra


"¦' " :.*" i-;;'..;.»».A .l|iau< ta '. af Frl.nda lOrthodai.. MaaUnaa

¦. k 10 (Iraroar r Park s',%,I indl afaraita md Waabjnfi m ifs B


ALL SOULS' IVll.Vft'.I! v ... >.l BK.V t«l I.M A" - \|

mi mi --\.ii. i>r Kti.n.lnv ii. M <. I ir- Vol'TH i rat of a

Tha MaaMa* of Rallglan t» thaaad.Tn Wo.-ll. trrni-n it 11 1 II *

CHURCHII A M.--0edlratli>- ot Hj.-klr» Wlndo.. Mr.

holmfs "Baaaaarala a study iiSalrllual l."l«i' (

I f M Chark, F rgu-e.i -IXorm by Caarolraay af M,«rr% of Mit. Hal.'


"Endoriementa of ExUtence."jlay, Merla Sl. Croin Writkl. U. D.. Miaiitar


Tna CHliRCH af th. 3IVINI PATERNITY.Lrnirai Park w-,1 aad 7btli St.

R-v frmk Hall 0. t) Paatar\ M --A Maaaaao fra-i tha Eait

Wni'. laoarr Hn ta Tra,-h Ui."

* M. I \.

Dr.FrankCrane»- . » UlSi * Ith Ar 4 }. M


i!r la.laa) . 120 i«ir.»-iraa m TOr -'I't rt'if AND rHT

.TRIAI. BI1 ITIII R.. HAHR\l .¦ v \ ". --. . aawia.


- «. j- .. .



I- ..\ M II l: l<l --l.i.l. l;.i« II. Ip U

'- i .. Bl .. a \ a

Tn. a--. i ' r all ii-t rtfi-Ui aonMaatai. tl'r.l

B-aB-<ar«ar^B TaT? 0L0 CHINItC TMIATBB.RLSClJat taaaai BBBM/irv^iwnrvitr BaJaaaM flaaaal BanrlaaSOCIETY rv ^:,8TH AVE. MISSION, 290 8th Ara.

OOBPIL TABIRHACL1 CMUBCM. a^n A.« and44t>- «' H.r * B atm?a.«i Pum II I*

A M pr»a.hi.< 'i Tha Paatn. a P M MriA P fe'.aaia. <¦'¦ ina Haki Moom. (hauanooia.

II i. ,... .t»,k mi Iba awtrtd hflati " " 9*..,; ,,,,. . « . .-fara-lnja.

<. *,.!»... tv»at :.¦ H 'I' K" F>~l*-i I

w Adajna 11a.m. - railMrhgad af.Ood.,;I p m 'What li Um <;r*Al*»l TawpUto. k»r« ;.-« Mea i Waeaai h mm TaaBf"

Htm Tkaulht

rraTa%eIWiWT "" a&kaW'a,; .... B.l>-Ulr» Hm.1 lBNOi.

Mn H-i m 'i .*.»*, «' «»:¦ laaa II'" H

ii ¦..

Praakytarla*I .. Bad a»- and ; . . » *

H.1..T <*. N*» fart -I- haer. «*a R"

'l, rifil.wr I. P rn I" w"« "" f»";, i is .. iii»» Vo* waaorlee t»* *>,

fir H..»arl H"JI.M, II A mi.. «' ..Th* TrJ n

M*»k»r' I ;. m H.a T*ara ¦ BBBBrrataataat tpl.-aaal

aaaaalea, 9lffa .*» « I lOBi «. II . . "'Ra, Iir ilrao'. .*i Afeajaa th.. M»l«w 4pm

Hnl.1 fOMlifNION RUUl a»* aad 20th .' -

II a m UM K>» Df. H'-'tat. a p rp Um R'»Wl.ilarn Mafla Tr.* flr»r of fo-jr organ ra .«

11. Al * P m ,., ¦ .

*t iijmi MafBaan w and ':«' * ' .* B*'

Dl r.,. ... >. a m Tba Hrv omrnanl-:'..* rraamlnnwi.a or C*'-t "

UaltarUnAll «>«il,'.h »»» »n<i :otr> »'. II . pv

i, iu. Wniiaai i. BolUfaa ftrv of ajartgai laflill a Pia M.a.aa* »? lUllplon ". th*JlndMl W Tll .i.'H.'J "Ta MM«n ^outiMmsUri P.rx aia and 340. at 11 A m <1*dl-

ntloc of tha Tranoaa A ITa^k'.at mamorui «nn-

dowii Tha H«». Ltr Hnimaji. aa HA»>jnarult Ail

lllsiortril K'iMr In BatfBMa>l l^A.l«r»f.lpUalranallit

IMrtn. PaiwnllT. OtjkMl Park VVaat iM TUfc *11 A tn.. t>-.a R" Dr. f <> Hall on A Maa

tt<t from Uia BaM Wha: TAfOr* Haa M TaachRT' T»ia aanual "Piattegai i<v a IMir" «1".?hald ka tha Pirtah Hi>ua« KofaaaMr H m<l 24. .'-

HUHBOI aii.l CTonlna*Othx Sarvlcaa

^. a imam Bea rart i* ia,. u \o. (,.-.' nrrtct at .:.« I nion MiU-.orlU

t.'burrb. 4Mb ar .aat <rf lt-.a;>a;- i« n.oyt..*

on i tha World/i » H,««*. w k

KIOHT1I aVaaNL'B MIBBIOS 1*0 l.iihtr. A»a

Baalr.r.'na lu a»t«ii««':'.'Ii Aanlftraarj i.r.*ra. ..*

... i ,¦ | p ra.. th. .p»a»»ri arfll lne.u.totba KJa-I/ IU-t Artblif t Uo-,.1 anl ih* Riw Dr

FauM* r.i* .p-«krr« auriaa. Um mUiii .*«

tru) '.* kftavdtf. Iba Ba». E B HoUomy. Mni. M WhltU«nor» T-.i««di ba Bjjf. »»-_*:¦Sln-wi)h 'lia Ka» t>r H«t.rr ). l«£h Wo<Jn«A

fSTSi nirV Br i«rh w k7v. ftwaiaj.Re» Dr H J<X"0. tba Kat Dr. J W. ' »J"KrtdU. -Ji» H*» I>r. F. W. Troy. tba Brf. W H

Ra" wiihur C CaejraU; Bur.'iiy. {foBar. Drh. ktattai aii.1 Mn ii L aNaaBeaa. fouu<w of aa

"p^aavrr C. T E»«non. CMBI tBaalBk, Pro..!-«Af and Mth at.. At I t». ro «. Whit I»,;.l*i*.>ul« Dt»M El Hurrlw il.a DiAth (* Bkt B<><3t

U. S. Shipi Shelli to Pershingr:i Paao, Tex., Nov. 17 Army offlc*r«

arriving here from Columbus rfportthe ihipmpnt of large of ar-

tillery ah<>ll« to the punitive exp«ditionin Mexico. The ordnance departmer.taUo haa aent more than 2.000.000rounda of amall arma ammunitionsouth to the American fleld headquar-toi ; dariag the last month, the armyoflicors say.


The A k K. Fireproof Storage Ware-houte Co., Inc.

*4R ,V 1MI BTMl enr.l >*tr^alNe« Ifera, Kovaaafcer imit. mi

:., Kartea IteraB ¦/.reboaaa C*., BHilvarmaa, Mra. l> a i>rake. \v. c Clark,

Treeri Julla Themaa, A i. Mmittkira M f Ttvomlily. Mm. T. I P'nfo'.l.|| . ;,| B, rehn H Bord, Mr Krai.k.Conatltutlon Kxprat.*. Jaaala Brav n, MraM 9herhan, Mm. C T Johnaon,r p. H-.i.;. O. .' I.»ii«. A. Hunt'r. .!.>-.apMn» Wflnr. Mr StinlAV, K. A. flhorti.Mi TrofoOOB, I M Murpli>. R, MoDonalrt,I.lllian \V#a\ J. Thomaa. .1. C <Jr»y, COl-IIDI aV Ward, N I.aP.ow. A L P*rrv. Mn.

Mr Johaaoa n Miitn»r, Mlaa La«IBl * Mr. Woleett. 'I Van Aukfii. Mr» 15.Buliock J ¦' H<«iii.' Mm Harvey, Iteadel.< Keaet, M Connellr. atra M Mttehael.t II, Jaokaotl It 0 I." If, laaa. M)-rsMn II. Maaill and m '.'. Ball fea at..i*»ch of r*B «r» l.'-«hy DOtlfled '...a* IkB;ln. for tli» pavr-iant. «,f our lian npun lh«>property h«i»lnafi«r ilaacrlba.l haviiig cx-

pjrad, !.':. diie notlea *h»rojf ii»j ii»an(Ivei .'"! will oa'ia> a'lrh pr..partv. t.->

rioueeheld r,("i» pereoaa iSa ta, miir-

rhandlaa. taraeta, ata, itered i>y roq vt In..v..t 101 IB « h'.rh fOU rnav hav. BB

Intareet), .'. Tae A ..: kt. .stnrH«H \v«.r«-M.iia*. te t>r ao..l at public BatetiOB, BOOord-ing to Mi* ata'.ui- In auoli ra^a mad* ai'.lprevldad, al Qaerfa Merle'i Auctlon R;jj in Bi Waa Tork Clljr, on

Tueaday, Deeamber lila. al I0:Ma in an.: if iba «»> iharaof li r...t eoavp.«-« oi. Mld ii»t» ihe 8»tn<> will be '"H-

tlnuad «' 'he aatii* p'.ar* on «ai'h and¦¦ rneaday aad Wednoeda thereefter,

B.. and m'.nuiiit,.¦!.. a ... a bi .¦ aa .1The A. a K. Flrrproof M.umr llin

Columbus Storage Warehoute, Inc.14 W E8T U4TH STREET

N'oi v.,ik. So*. llth, llllTo Jobn Htr.kaa. lUrrl* and T M

tlrfaa PaarlMnshafii. Iliii'l.' M'lJiriiin . M.i M i.eahKata IVelkei Bl on, ''lisa. Ilurion, .1Uutton M Robertaon, -i ij.ieiifn. H*tnn»l."<w.i.:..: y.- r.isi*.:. Ellon Reberta. Mr*Wn;. ii Bbarry, Mm .m AlllaUr, tmmiJohnaon. Mra. AnnlA Rol »rio:i. J w. John-a, ii. Mra (,'aih»;. Illli/ Maaur.. Jolin Bmltli..i..:i Mn. Vlralala Duvli M fl m.Parlen. Anna Junaa (» ''l.laholm. IBppl M.iry Smitli, Mra M BMWBft, Mrasmu.ii ii B tialnaa, Brmai Aab, E Cool.Mi~ RoWBB, 'Jhna. Tyaon. .Iaii'*»l.o'!!" ibla Mr* * W'iMlama. I.«"niri|!'.. ii-r Edna Johnaon B. *. Bontlay, M I.."...,v.'i. M:a tt'iii Barbour, Ulllan Uoward,.:... {. Cracn Lwu Pl»aaani, Wlllla BfaaMra Bartha Boai all, V Murpb) W Ilobnaon Mra B M. i;: Han ilhetio and'aroiiiie raekee: fea an.l »ach <,t you »r»

herob] notlfl».i that 'h* :1m* for ;h« pa\m*nt of rm l*M 'ipon th» pnp«rt\ horeln-

t< laacrtbed ha^ing eipi1'*'1 af'*r Buaotlee rh»i«.f ^i«'i '""tn aiv«>n you »» arill

ai hj.-»p*i:y, to wlt. boiiMhold ao«""

i.-ranna. 'IT'.ta larpata. inai. han.Jlac. «t.aut* auch¦aona. .

ra.1 I > fOB or In vour ri»rti« mr li. uhl. li¦., naa) bi i an Intereet) in th* >'<i.litoraaa Warehoiiae, lo ba aaid al publfction aocordinc to th» etatote .-i aaei .aa*martu Aii'l pruvlilad. At tha n»r*li..uaa. ilJ-14

.¦ U4tB Ai Ka ¦¦ forb Clti on I i*a.1i«\S'ovambar Mth, !*!<> a' " k, '-;

tha anle inaraol Ia noi compiatad on aaid.ia'* th* aama a III t>« aontlnuad ut th* bmm

H * on aach and even Tuaadav thar»aft»r,t.*g:nn!i.t ai 1" 1 A M on r» .i .la> ai.lrontln.ilnf UTItll All th* §o.*l* ar* aold.roLCMBL'B BTORAOa 97 aI>.KH< II'BB, INC

Metropol.9 Storage Warehouse.A0 VYIWT IS3rd «4TREET.

Fl*l. I .!.¦. and Plflb ti#nii»«,\»v. tork, Mevember Ith, i»!6.

To M l»rn*a UhHtiuh, Mi .loaaplifohn Mi. t'haa HavM-ood.

,i. , * Mra ' an » W itaon MlaaA w ..... (ta Su.ii* Elo) d, Mra

Mr* <i:.i..-r« Baraeti 01 Mra Nellle.'. Ai'l ai ".'rlfht. Mr G w. Boyd,

\i- l. i. LeCetn, Mra Ceellia i' Mra,¦. ., y\ ,...» Mra Ka'l* P 0|< I Ml M

li Mlaa Ruth Klnay. i and aach of on »r* hrrab) n'.tifl*.i

I f,.r tn* pa'- mei of "ur llortupin lha propvti li»r-inaft*i d*a»-rtb*dr.avlna Aplr*d. *ft»r dvl n., - :lirr*..f),a I h«»n «h»n >o'i >. will nuil «u<-hprrp*rtv to Brlt,'hold goud*. prraonalf». if ... ¦#, .arp*ta all itared

\(,ni iiain* iti Th- M*ir,.pollai *hc ia# u he aold al publ

auctlon aaeordlni '¦. »li» atatut* in au.liraaa mada and Brevliea at <i*or»» M*n»a

\u ;>.a ill Baet, lllth st n'*«york Ctty in Tueaday, Xovember ^ith.DID a' "i M A M. BBd on W'*dn*l.lav.- ovaml »r !»th, IBldtba »a'" tharaol . noi implated ald

tha aama "tn b* rontlnn*d »' thaaania place .>r> aa.h an.l aaarj Tuaada

,i..v -haraaftar. batlnnlng a-

A M on aach 'iay an.l '-oiitinulng until

) :'¦ rroi |. .!¦ ayABEHOUBB

Connolly'i Expraas & Van Co.,Oaaaa, .'a CeJaaaaaa irrnu*.Batwaan «"th anrt llal Htr'-.a

\. Y.-rK Nu.n.ti.r 11th l»!<-r. \ir. 1 \,>n. Mra H i"u»a'i M

D Delaa hl»a m ,i">nnin Mi» Olaa-,,,,, >t Mannon. t'arollna K... JulluaI».rn Mra Wllllain '.*». Mra Kll«ah»thMii'rea Hllda O PBttaraen, i I. PultiMra Munngham. Mra Kya* Nellle MlCartb klra Fitipa'ru-a. Mra Annta

,| . I " a . Mll, .. y- ia boi Oertmda \ii'*n i ILyncher M Haard i»r*n.l pianm. MiaAlfard. Marear»t Oragua. Jamai H X.ukr.h n. Dewey aad Bfi Downay Vo.j and,.,, t. ,f yen ara bareb; :',otin»rt thatth* tim* f r Um Beymeai ..f aar lieaupon tl>* propariy liaralnaftar ilaacnaaU

gg 'jplred, af'»r .';i* i..'i.» th»r*of...A.i baea g^»n reo. ». «m raua* n hpropart>. ta arll, houaali.iie: goutla p»r»onal»ff*-ta. rnar. handla*. .-aip«t*. »ti atoradt.v ou or In >our nama In t'nnnoII) a B>>pr**a ar.t \an Ce s».>rag* a/arahouea, t<.i» aold *' piihl <" au. tion. ao'or.ling 'n tha

| - in Mi l' '... Bad, a''.'....'.*. i' a ..rn»r Ttha and llal a Ni Forh Clti ufl

MOMUV, I»E4 KMHr.R ITH. 1111. at 10.10a m.. If th» a»!« Ia not eeiRgletod <.n... 1 a«ta K.* aam^ v>i:i ba eontlnuad Atth* aam* pla<-# on »arh and »v*rv Monday.h*r**ft»r t.*ginnlrg at 10 10 , m onaafh day and <-«intinulnf until ail th* (ondaar* aold(ONNUI.LY'B K\|faUv>>i « iA\ IO.


htyflmnj injil^&i'm<orhamfs}

It is a mistakc to think of the GorhamShops as shops in the accepted sense

of the word, carrying the arbitraryselections imposed by limited space.

In the first place, the two grcatGorham establishments, one at FiithAvenue and 36th Street, and the otherat 17-19 Maiden Lane, are institu-tions in themselves.

In the second place, they are exhibl-tions rather than shops, maintainedfor the display and distribution of thesilverware and goldware produced byour thirty acre plant at Providence,which is the largest silversmithingplant in *he world.

It is really literally true.if Gorhamhasn't got it, it isn't to be had.

THE GORHAM CO.Silversmiths and Goldsmiths



Hud$on Storaga Warehouac Co.,8laV88aV8S8 W. 43.1 st.

N... VmK Novamber i *. h. 1*1*Ta Mr. Barry. ¦ O. H*atn. m iici'-

wn, Mra r,r..h'r,ry. Mr H. Deltoa af;r'ltipatrlck. Mr Davanport. Mra Jf) Doodl Matloa Plei ire Co. Mra. BBrnwn, Mr B BfUk, Mr. W C. CtBTB, M".K.Idman. Mr llaanion.l, Mr (haa. Atirerr....., m Hall, B iv g Exareeo 1. Mar-ahall Mr. aVrn Wlleea, Mr. .1 Deater.Mr. rtaletlfl aad Mr .1 Kartw: Toa aad

ara hereby n.>tir.*d tl at th*for the paymeoi of our llea upon tna

property herelnaftei deecrlbed r.a-s.ig ea-j. rad Bfter .1- aotloe thereaf had »eeoatvea you a*e avtll ceaae a. k areaertr, to

11 rtouaohold Ooode, ISrsonal Effoete an.1afarehandlee storad ln th* Hudaon Htorag*Warehouae. at $18,818,818 Wee*. 4-id rit

fork City, by you or Ir. jreur nania ier

ln inrh jou :r.a-' hav. an latereet), te beaold at bAibIIo auotlnn. arcor.iirg lo 'ha

aaluta ln Btteh eaae made and Broylded.«. th* Warehouae, sn-*^0-$2J weet lldb< Naw Terfc City 00 i-riiiay. DECFJI-BKR IftTH. I»ia. at ItlM A. M.. and If th*. ., -.,'rauf ia not o.impl»-*d an BBM dat*

tn( aai.III be MBtwaei at the aaaaapi>> on *n. h aad eyery Krwiay taareerter.'¦.<ir.t-.lnf it ;<l »0 a n; on .«.. h day. andlontlnulna un'.ti all tha Boo4a_are ao14.IIt l>SOV STORAGE tTABatMOCBE CO.


r. MOHB E8TATK. INC. Plalnttff.igilna" LOUItE A PHIiXtM i-r-

fn auauanea of * Judamv ai ot for. loaure... made and entered ln the

,,r (».-toh«r. i»l». I. ti.-

sifiie.l. tha raf#r»o ln aald |VdBm«ntV..I1 eell at puollr- au. t ..... at lh»

,(. Balearoom, Si 11 »>.*.¦>

gtre«i m the Borougb at atanhattaa, Ityof N'.t- York. on tha lat day of Dec»nib«r.i»i>; ». 11 e'cleek noon 011 that. day. b>,( K.nn»;: An. tlonaer, tha prem-

:-. to.i by aald (adamant to be eeM,a .1 -iitrain daacrlb-d aa rollewo

\[.I. thoe* t-vo eertalB lota. p.«.-»« ofpar.*i* of land. arlth th* bulldMMfo ar.dImprovemanta th*r*..n erectad, oltuate,h Iiik and t)»-:ng !r, the Hotough Of Mati-.1.,-tan ol the City ol Nea Yurk Ii «

ounty Hi.d BtaU of Na* Vork. BMadcal., ..1 deacrlba ^« follewe:BEOINSINCI al < pot.-.. on -.'ia northrrljr

, . .ath Btraart. dletaai i«'' ieei ^aar-

,,,- fr..n. ti..- Lornay termed bj -.!». Inter.arctlon ..f tha northarl) alda of ^^-h .stra.tKlttl Iha »a»terl. alde of I.-vington«. 1 thonce .aat^il\ along ri.-iionhTK Hld«- Of leth Btroot If Taet to a

p,,ini in ..:. oppoalta thr centre of a aa/i..all ihenee aorttaarl) at.,i pat- or tha«iv ilirough tha -.ti..- of aald parf a »

and along lar.d Bw«i "i U'e of 000 ".alrnaat I laahaa U the irnlr. Ilna of Ihet>i,,,-k .,."-.- reatert) u'..<i.g the <entre

f the I I '¦<¦ " .* 'r k*ai ..> *

p. i,i dletaat IBB fe-t eogtorly frot.'. th*... t^rl-, »iu* of t^\ingt..ii Avenuoi 'I..III6

,\ parail.l avlth th*- '-aatari aldO,.r Laxington Avcaue and pt.n of tha ti.iongh a psriv wall »« f'-t *InehOO to lli* polnt or pia.a ..f '.ag.nnlng.Bl tho aald aa^aral .llnianalor.a mor» .1 >as

Bald pr»M.-ia»a l-'tna >'. 0 t. -.». 0 Iar».t numbara I1» and 14' KuaBtreel

Jiaird N>» Toik. Kevembei iaila. 1»U.l/HHu.N A. RAYMil'. Itaft-ree

CREEVET * ROOBR.o. Auornaja forPlalntlff, OfBca * I* 0 A.lireaa. (0Will Htraat. N'-a. Tork

Tha folloali.g la a dlaaram of iha prop-»r.s to . la atra.i n.imhar a 1J»-141 Kaa' Mth Biraet.

Ka.t 39th 8JtThr apprnxli.iat* imour.- or th* ..*n or

rharge. to aatlafy avhlch tn* al).*-<la-aorlbod pri.part-. ia to h* aild. ia 8*v»nty-011^ thooooad *lgit hwi.dr.-d and tv.antya-,.1 ao lf'0 Dol'.ara 1871.818), «ltl; »raitth.raon from -.ha }lth da\- ef O.-tobar.

tOfOthee «lt'\ tha coats and BllOW-- imoiiatlaa to Thra* lundrad and

i.inaty-alx 41.150 Oollara (!!<.« ul,. «,ithlatereet from October tlth. 1114 t<ig*th»rarlth tho .»p»r.a.s of th* aal*. Mubjai-t tot|.. -..t- ..f fa.-ta arhleh an accurete aur-

¦ ll-l-A-.DatOd, N*«r Tork \o\*mh»r $th. 1»I4.

ORBON A. RAYNOR. Ilafara*.


J.OOT -PaaatV^k N .r tha r>uikiln Bar1,(1 llank. Iv.ue.1 la Julia i.agan. aoaMBl,n--. :.!*aa* rarum t> Banl AM lUi an >iy«

^..rk iliy All i«»r«o«,» ir* au'lohad not to PAU-haao ". bobi .«'.# u. ,»ni* paaabaat n« ibMtI af ibe rrat.k a«ti' BaV . . 1..1.1, (;ur 10.1 u, trual fea

Bobaii Nala Ooi oajmanl at.^p*.!. plaaaa raHa, t «'.« M t«» \n Vork ftt, Ad

. N 1.1 pa. tiaaa or<lataaa a»m»


Mala.ItHlll MAN. |ond adwatlon daa'.raa poaltloo »|-|^ppofunlt* to '.acri. idawttahig A B Boi lfl»

T'lroma tifltra


MaleIAPANBBI BiTBENT daalraa a po*ltt«o o' kouaa

¦aaeBi ¦eUaa i *> lal «'aai r'.i §t

Femalo(Ol i-i.i. Bullar and 000a, Nanh aT IraUnd I'fMtanta t>Hh ihnraogBlr anfAoatant anaallaat raf. .w ..a.n«r» r«r»f«rr».1 Mr> Bnanftxiaa*) .

Aaat.-T IT B'aat H4 »' Tal. 6114 Bryaat.


>K» liiKK Mtnlialtan


LANGUAGESBerlitz School

.;s-id wrtr mtti rrariTp Braacb. .:> .« i..,. <.i«b a

By th* fl.-Mfa af.fKod f»%« BBM aa<m.v f» rtad o*d ttrtl*. »»l *«*«<-wft| *fct'/'rsfomf ond fo ap'ok IA* 'arnrs 4*****i

1R1AL i I.--MIN rai.t_r*rna af Laaaon* uaa Una u aai Baa

HAMILTONporBOYSi»» West Ead At*., B. W. Car. Bftb 81

25tn Vaar Ualar Baa* Prlaaiaai

HAM1LTON forGIRISl,.,*ral.l liiii. and BOth -I14th Vaar i. amr **«a PrlMlpal

.".n-r.tirt ar.d C« repaMtdoa < *m aa*

... | rV-t.^l 4.nid< .JialU o BOaaMOBBB)T«k aaaa:.ta' tiamoni*Apttro»*.1 0'. N**»


A .>h -ol for Ladi*a and 0»pi:aiTi»aBp»^!a; Evanmg ilaaao* In BPANUB


zuwrnsm peHMRShorthand.TypewntlnfJBualnesa Practice. Individuel dttefrtHaCay Seesrona. Artor Bjb "OMSeaaiong Br0.dwi/,n,Y,a, JftBaaqflaaaaaaai


LOUIS H. CHALIF(.. aa<iu' ,K.***an /mpariol Bo/.af l«» fooehlng Ir.iarpratln BaajBMClaaa liatfal ar.d Ba ;rx.m Clum !»' ..»¦»'.«. *. Iiari and rbl.dran7 \ 4tnd BTBEBT. X Y I Itt


Inatitute of nDu0ica!Hct of tbeairjotnewiToii

IR \N»f DAMRiiM II btrertof»tudent* t/f raualc «'.:. 8i ""VJ*¦ ff.r*d ti? tbtl oadastaal ,»¦.***.,¦

v.. th* adfinuaa* « Euwpaee Iramli* ¦»

catalsa i lraaaYh« a**r*ta/y. Bm tU

120 :iara*»aat A.a., aHw W* Cit>-

MAKAOi: <J AND PROnVCINO CO. IBC.ui w**t nth at_

Tiir: iiin f,\ur b< h«QL pi" Ri'8K.44 we»t aaTtTaf.. S. «

SCHOOL MEItB__Am*r.. .¦ aad torrt,u T*o<-n*r* Aaoi**#j-

Buppli.* Prof***or«. T*avcb*ra. TOtana

Go\*:n»ae»*. otc.. to Collagoa, TiiilSBamillaa Appiy to Mr* M. * BBBJBPBl LTo.n II Onaoe Bowero.

BUSINESS CARW_l.MhA AwuomcB rvaWiir**

roV-eOBOtficat Furnitara

Ib gr**j» yarlotyof *trl* ond pr|(o



xrw tobr CAR?rr <> ^^JJ^STa!r.l *4IJ « ?! Brjaot. &**?,£,JTCl*a. la*_at*rlaf-ATtaHaa-Bataa'JB^rABBrtx CAfrrr c^^^aaa'^BTfa! nl-UiB.



ntoaTj^raxSla?yiATrcBfortP lif fcmd«M (aay*B*»a a*p

Bvi.i llll Baata* 4*41 aaa


St RROUATE3- ^wi iv-

Its:-ASCE OP AN °KV.?;J\*jftllNP COHALA*. a "V'^KiV, #s»».-.,.n" Of N.w Tor'< N-lleo lalMfjRB

HARRlKT TOTNO laia^^JSj^toaaa*don. of Or*at Rrltala and leolai-l ^ ,

to pr*a*nt th* a*mo «»h voo. »* ' J^af.h,P e-a«plbar. M to Btaaejal £%?[bnatn**a No 4. Wa.l !yr*T' Tnrt. *a *Maahattan, ln tb* Otr of Nea'if*boforo ih« iatb aay of aiareB o.<« ^

Dat*d Noa TorB. th* -i»t oa

t*tnr..r 1*14, __,._- ,-«i:PA>'T BT


NEW YORK. Apfmwf k***

Atton\*y* f*r AnclHory »»."-

«| \Vall Btroa*. -aaaBBaTMaaho"** Rooj i«»*