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  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Software License Activation and Control

    User Guide - Version 1.1

    Cogent Document # IG-EXT-UG-735-0.0(1.1).2007 Cogent, Inc. All rights reserved.

    This document contains proprietary and confidential information belonging to Cogent, Inc. No part of this document may be repro-

    duced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any meanselec-

    tronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwisewithout the prior written permission of the copyright owner,

    Cogent, Inc. All trademarks and tradenames are the property of their respective owners. This guide is subject to change without notice.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Document Revision History

    Document Version # Date Comments

    1.0 06/22/2007 Initial release of document

    1.1 06/26/2007 Revision to Web site address

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide






    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Software Acti vation Overview ............................................................................. 1

    Purpose of Activation ...............................................................................................1

    Overview of Activation Process ................................................................................2

    About this Guide .......................................................................................................2

    System Requirements ..............................................................................................2

    Chapter 2 Accessing/Logging In ...........................................................................................3

    Accessing the Cogent License Management Utility .................................................3

    Logging Onto the Software Activation Center ..........................................................4

    Next Steps ................................................................................................................6

    Chapter 3 Act ivat ing a License .............................................................................................7

    Chapter 4 Deactivating a License .......................................................................................17

    Chapter 5 Transferring a License .......................................................................................25

    Using the Update License Feature .........................................................................25

    Chapter 6 Using the Software Acti vation Center ...............................................................37

    Logging In ...............................................................................................................38

    Activating a License ...............................................................................................38

    Deactivating a License ...........................................................................................38Transferring a License ............................................................................................38

    Sending License Information Via Email ..................................................................39

    Viewing/Changing Account Information .................................................................41

    Changing Demographic Information ...............................................................42

    Changing Your Password ...............................................................................42

    Accessing the User Guide ......................................................................................44Logging Out ............................................................................................................44

    Chapter 7 Exit ing/Logging Out ............................................................................................45

    Exiting the Cogent License Management Utility .....................................................45

    Logging Out of the Software Activation Center (Manual) .......................................46

    Logging Out of the Software Activation Center (Automatic) ...................................46

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    Appendix A Software Activation Center - Window Descript ion ...........................................47

    Menu Bar ................................................................................................................48

    Orders Page ...........................................................................................................49

    Order List Fields and Buttons .........................................................................49

    License Fields and Buttons .............................................................................51Activation Fields and Buttons .........................................................................53

    Deactivation Fields and Buttons .....................................................................55

    Update Fields and Buttons .............................................................................56

    Account Information Page ......................................................................................59

    Fields ..............................................................................................................59

    Buttons ............................................................................................................61

    Appendix B Cogent License Management Util ity - Window Descript ion ............................63

    Welcome Page .......................................................................................................63

    Activate License or Check License Status Page ....................................................65

    Product Window (Opens During Activation) ...........................................................67

    Deactivate License Page ........................................................................................69

    Finish Page ............................................................................................................72

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Chapter 1 - Software Activation Overview 1

    Chapter 1

    Software Activation Overview

    This chapter provides an overview of Cogents software activation process.

    The chapter is divided as follows:

    Purpose of Activation

    Overview of Activation Process

    About this Guide

    System Requirements

    Purpose of Activation

    Cogents licensed software and software components include activationtechnology to help prevent unauthorized use. Activation validates that a

    product is not installed on more computers than is allowed and allows our

    valued customers to use Cogent software fully and legally.

    Activation of Cogent software can now be done easily and quickly over the

    Internet. Without having to contact technical support, you can activate

    licenses, review licensing details, and deactivate licenses (so that licensescan be transferred to a different computer).

    Note:License activation does not collect, transmit, or use any personally

    identifiable information.

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    2 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Overview of Activation Process

    The Cogent License Management Utilityand the Software Activation

    Center work together to allow you to easily manage the licenses for all of

    your Cogent software. To follow are the basic steps involved in the

    activation process:

    1. The Cogent License Management Utilityis run, which willdisplay a Site code and Machine ID; these are unique to thecomputer and the installed product.

    2. You will enter the Site code and Machine ID into the SoftwareActivation CenterWeb site.

    3. The Software Activation CenterWeb site will validate theentered information and will then automatically generate anAct ivat ion code.

    4. You will enter that Activation code back into the CogentLicense Management Utilityto complete the activation.

    About this Guide

    This Guidedescribes how to use the Cogent License Management Utility

    and the Software Activation Center Web site to activate licenses,

    deactivate licenses, and transfer licenses for Cogent software.

    System Requirements

    To use the Cogent License Management Utility, the computer must meet

    the following requirements:

    Windows XP or 2000 operating system

    To use the Software Activation Center, the computer must meet the

    following requirements:

    Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

    An Internet connection

    Note:Licenses can still be activated and deactivated if the computer does

    not have Internet access; contact Cogents Help Desk to obtain the

    necessary codes.

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    Chapter 2 - Accessing/Logging In 3

    Chapter 2

    Accessing/Logging In

    The Cogent License Management Utilityand the Software Activation

    Center work together to allow you to easily manage the licenses of all of

    your Cogent software.

    To get started, you will open both programs, as described in this chapter.

    Accessing the Cogent License Management Utility

    The Cogent License Management Utilityis a program that generates the

    machine-specific information needed to activate, deactivate, and transfer

    licenses. The program is installed on your computer when you install

    licensed Cogent software.

    To access the Cogent License Management Utility, follow these steps:

    1 Run the CogentLicenseUtil.exefile (the specific location of the file will

    vary). The Welcomepage of the Cogent License Management Utility

    will be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 2-1.

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    4 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure 2-1 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    2 You are now ready to begin using the Cogent License Management


    Logging Onto the Software Activation Center

    The Software Activation Centeris a Web site that communicates with

    Cogents server to validate licenses. To log onto the site, you must have a

    valid username and password, and the computer must have Internet access.

    Note:License Administrators provide usernames and passwords. Once you

    access the site, you can change your password if desired, as described in

    Chapter 6, Using the Software Activation Centeron page 37.

    To log onto the Software Activation Center, follow these steps:

    1 Open Internet Explorer.

    2 Type in the following address in theAddressfield:

    3 Press Enter or click Go. The Software Activation Center Loginpagewill be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 2-2.


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    Chapter 2 - Accessing/Logging In 5

    Figure 2-2 Software Activation Center - Login Page

    4 Enter your username in the Usernamefield.

    5 Enter your password in the Passwordfield.

    Note:If you do not remember your password, click Forgot password?and

    the page shown in Figure 2-3will be displayed. Type in your username and

    type in the primary email address that is associated with your account. (For

    security purposes, you must use the same email address). Click Sendpasswordand your password will be sent via email.

    If you do not remember your username, contact Cogents Help Desk.

    Figure 2-3 Forgot Password Page

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    6 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    6 Click Login. The Software Activation Centerwill be opened with the

    Orderspage displayed. An example is shown in Figure 2-4.

    Figure 2-4 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    7 You are now ready to begin using the Software Activation Center.

    Next Steps

    Using the Cogent License Management Utility and the SoftwareActivation Center, you can do the following:

    Activate a license, as described in Chapter 3, Activating a

    Licenseon page 7.

    Deactivate a license, as described in Chapter 4, Deactivating a

    Licenseon page 17.

    Transfer a license to another computer, as described in Chapter 5,

    Transferring a Licenseon page 25.

    In addition to the above, you can also use the Software Activation Center

    to view orders, manage account information, and change your password.

    Refer to Chapter 6, Using the Software Activation Centeron page 37for


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    Chapter 3 - Activating a License 7

    Chapter 3

    Activating a License

    You will use both the Cogent License Management Utilityand the

    Software Activation Center to activate licenses. Below is an overview of

    the activation process, followed by step-by-step instructions.

    1. You will run the Cogent License Management Utility(or theprogram will run automatically when you open a licensed prod-uct that has not yet been activated). This program will display a

    Site code and Machine ID; these are unique to the computerand the installed product.

    2. You will enter the Site code and Machine ID into the SoftwareActivation CenterWeb site.

    Note:If your computer does not have Internet access, contact Cogents

    Help Desk to obtain the necessary codes.

    3. The Software Activation Center Web site will validate theentered information and will then automatically generate anAct ivat ion code.

    4. You will enter that Activation code back into the CogentLicense Management Utilityto complete the activation.

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    8 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    To activate a license, follow these steps:

    Note: The Cogent License Management Utility will also run

    automatically when you open a licensed product that has not yet been

    activated. If this occurs, go to step 5onpage 9and continue to follow theinstructions.

    1 Access the Cogent License Management Utility, as described in

    Accessing the Cogent License Management Utilityon page 3. The

    Welcomepage will be displayed, an example of which is shown in

    Figure 3-1.

    Figure 3-1 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility


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    Chapter 3 - Activating a License 9

    2 Select theActivate a license or check the status of a licensebutton

    and click Next. TheActivate License or Check License Statuspage

    will be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 3-2.

    Figure 3-2 Activate License or Check License Status Page

    3 For the product that you want to activate, click on its row. It will be


    Note: You must select a license that is currently not activated to continue.

    4 ClickActivate or Check Status.

    5 A separate product window (the title bar will display the products name)

    will be displayed. An example of this window is shown in Figure 3-3.

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    10 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure 3-3 Sample Product Window

    The product window displays information that you will process through

    the Software Activation Center.

    Note:If your computer does not have Internet access, skip steps 6through

    13and instead contact Cogents Help Desk to obtain the necessary

    Activation Code. Once you have the code, go to step 14onpage 14and

    continue following the instructions.

    6 If you have not already accessed the Software Activation Center, do

    so now (as described in Logging Onto the Software Activation Center

    on page 4).

    7 The Orderspage of the Software Activation Center will be displayed,

    an example of which is shown in Figure 3-4. The page lists the Cogent

    product orders associated with your account.


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    Chapter 3 - Activating a License 11

    Figure 3-4 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    8 In the list, locate the desired product (which is the same product that

    you have opened in the Cogent License Management Utility).

    9 Next to the appropriate product, click . License fields for the

    selected product will be displayed beneath the list of orders, an

    example of which is shown in Figure 3-5.

    Figure 3-5 Software Activation Center - Orders Page with Status Fields Displayed

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    12 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    10 Click the plus symbol (+). The following blank fields will be displayed:

    Site Code, Machine ID, and Notes. An example is shown in Figure 3-


    Figure 3-6 Software Activation Center - Orders Page in Activation Mode

    11 Returning to the product window in the Cogent License Management

    Utility, copy the text from the Site codefield and then paste it (or type

    it) into the Site Codefield on the Software Activation Center.

    12 Returning to the product window in the Cogent License Management

    Utility, copy the text from the MIDfield and then paste it (or type it) intothe Machine ID field on the Software Activation Center.

    Figure 3-7shows an example of the Software Activation Center with

    steps 11and 12completed.


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    Chapter 3 - Activating a License 13

    Figure 3-7 Software Activation Center - Orders Page with Site Code and Machine ID Added

    13 On theSoftware Activation Center, clickAdd New License. The rowwill be updated with the values you entered, and the system-generated

    Activation Codewill be displayed in theActivation Codecolumn. An

    example is shown in Figure 3-8.

    Figure 3-8 Software Activation Center with Newly Activated License Selected

    14 Copy the A ti ti C d from the S ft A ti ti C t (or

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    14 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    14 Copy theActivation Codefrom the Software Activation Center(or

    otherwise provided to you by Cogent) and paste or type it into the

    Activation code field on the product window of theCogent License

    Management Utility. (The field is located underneath the Unlock

    applicationradio button.) An example is shown in Figure 3-9.

    Figure 3-9 Sample Product Window with Activation Code Added

    15 Click Continue on the product window of theCogent License

    Management Utility. The product window will close and theActivate

    License or Check License Statuspage will be redisplayed, showing an

    updatedActivated?field for the product you just activated. An example

    is shown in Figure 3-10.


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    Chapter 3 - Activating a License 15

    Figure 3-10 Activate License or Check License Status Page With Activated Entry

    16 Repeat steps 3through 15for every product that you want to activate.

    17 When you are finished, click Nexton theCogent License Management

    Utility to complete the process. The Finishpage will be displayed, an

    example of which is shown in Figure 3-11.

    Figure 3-11 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    18 The activation is now complete. You can exit one or both programs as

    described in Chapter 7, Exiting/Logging Outon page 45.


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    16 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information


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    Chapter 4 - Deactivating a License 17

    Chapter 4

    Deactivating a License

    You will use both the Cogent License Management Utilityand the

    Software Activation Center to deactivate licenses. Deactivation allows

    you activate the products license on a different computer.

    Below is an overview of the deactivation process, followed by step-by-step


    1. You will run the Cogent License Management Utility, whichwill display a Removal code; this is unique to the computer andthe installed product.

    2. You will enter the Removal code into the Software ActivationCenterWeb site.

    3. The Software Activation Center Web site will validate the

    entered information and will then process the deactivation.

    To deactivate a license, follow these steps:

    1 Access the Cogent License Management Utility, as described in

    Accessing the Cogent License Management Utilityon page 3. TheWelcomepage will be displayed, an example of which is shown in

    Figure 4-1.

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    18 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure 4-1 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    2 Select the Deactivate a license (for transferring purposes)button

    and click Next. The Deactivate License page will be displayed, an

    example of which is shown in Figure 4-2.

    Figure 4-2 Deactivate License Page

    3 For the product that you want to deactivate, click on its row. It will be


    Note: You must select a license that is currently activated to continue.

    Dea4 Click Deactivate License. A confirmation window will be displayed, an

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    Chapter 4 - Deactivating a License 19

    example of which is shown in Figure 4-3. From this point forward, the

    process cannot be reversed, so make sure that you want to deactivate

    the license. Click Noto halt the process; clickYesto continue.

    Figure 4-3 Confirmation Window

    5 An information window will be displayed, an example of which is shown

    in Figure 4-4. Write down the Removal Code.

    Figure 4-4 Information Window

    6 Click OKto continue. The Deactivate License page will be redisplayed,

    and the columns for the product you just deactivated will now display a

    Removal Code. An example is shown in Figure 4-5.

    Figure 4-5 Deactivate License Page Showing Removal Code

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    20 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Note:If your computer does not have Internet access, contact Cogents

    Help Desk to process the Removal Code. Skip steps 7through 14and go

    to step 15onpage 23to finish the process.

    7 If you have not already accessed the Software Activation Center, do

    so now (as described in Logging Onto the Software Activation Center

    on page 4).

    8 The Orderspage of the Software Activation Center will be displayed,

    an example of which is shown in Figure 4-6. The page lists the Cogent

    product orders associated with your account.

    Figure 4-6 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    9 In the list, locate the same product that you have opened in the Cogent

    License Management Utility.10 Next to the appropriate product, click . License fields for the

    selected product will be displayed beneath the list of orders, an

    example of which is shown in Figure 4-7.


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    Chapter 4 - Deactivating a License 21

    Figure 4-7 Software Activation Center - Orders Page with License Fields Displayed

    11 Next to the license that you want to deactivate, click the minus symbol

    (-). A blank Removal Codefield will be displayed, an example of which

    is shown in Figure 4-8.

    Figure 4-8 Software Activation Center - Orders Page in Deactivation Mode

    12 Type in the Removal code(obtained from the Cogent License

    M t Utilit i t 6) i t th R l C d fi ld th

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    22 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Management Utilityin step 6) into the Removal Codefield on the

    Software Activation Center. An example is shown in Figure 4-9.

    Figure 4-9 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    13 Click Deactivate License. The license will be deactivated. The license

    will no longer display and the status message (x of xx l icenses

    currently act ivated for th is orde r) will be updated. An example is

    shown in Figure 4-10.


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    Chapter 4 - Deactivating a License 23

    Figure 4-10 Software Activation Center After Deactivation

    14Repeat steps 3through 13for every product that you want todeactivate.

    15 When you are finished, click Nexton theCogent License Management

    Utility to complete the process. The Finishpage will be displayed, an

    example of which is shown in Figure 4-11.

    Figure 4-11 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    16 The deactivation is now complete. You can exit one or both programs

    as described in Chapter 7, Exiting/Logging Outon page 45.


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    24 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 25

    Chapter 5

    Transferring a License

    You can transfer a license from one machine to another in one of two ways:

    1. Deactivate the license on one computer and then activate it on

    the other computer, as follows:

    On the computer that you want to remove the license from,

    deactivate the license by following the instructions pro-

    vided in Chapter 4, Deactivating a Licenseon page 17.

    On the computer that you want to add the license to, acti-

    vate the license by following the instructions provided in

    Chapter 3, Activating a Licenseon page 7.

    2. Use the Update Licensefeature in the Software Activation Cen-

    ter, which allows you process all the relevant codes at once.

    Instructions are provided in this chapter.

    Using the Update License Feature

    The process for transferring a license using the Update Licensefeature is

    described in the following tasks:

    Task 1: Obtain a Removal Code from the Old Computer

    Task 2: Obtain Site ID and Machine ID from the New Computer

    Task 3: Process Codes for New Computer and Old Computer in the

    Software Activation Center

    Task 4: Activate New Computer

    N I h i i ld f h h

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    26 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Note:In the instructions, old computer refers to the computer that you

    want to remove the license from; new computer refers to the computer that

    you want to add the license to.

    Task 1: Obtain a Removal Code from the Old Computer

    1-1. On the old computer, access the Cogent License Manage-ment Utility, as described inAccessing the Cogent LicenseManagement Utilityon page 3. The Welcomepage will be dis-

    played, an example of which is shown in Figure 5-1.

    Figure 5-1 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    1-2. Select the Deactivate a license (for transferring purposes)button and click Next. The Deactivate License page will bedisplayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 5-2.


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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 27

    Figure 5-2 Deactivate License Page

    1-3. For the product that you want to deactivate, click on its row.It will be highlighted.

    Note: You must select a license that is currently activated to continue.

    1-4. Click Deactivate License. A confirmation window will be dis-played, an example of which is shown in Figure 5-3. Fromthis point forward, the process cannot be reversed, so makesure that you want to deactivate the license. Click Noto halt

    the process; click Yes to continue.

    Figure 5-3 Confirmation Window

    1-5. An information window will be displayed, an example of whichis shown in Figure 5-4.

    Figure 5-4 Information Window

    1-6. Click OKto continue. The Deactivate License page will beredisplayed, and theActivated?and Removal Codefields orth d t j t d ti t d ill di l R l

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    28 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    the product you just deactivated will now display a RemovalCode.

    Figure 5-5 Deactivate License Page with Removal Code

    1-7. Write this code down.

    1-8. Click Nexton theCogent License Management Utility tocomplete the process. The Finishpage will be displayed, anexample of which is shown in Figure 5-6.

    Figure 5-6 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    1-9. You can exit the program as described in Chapter 7, Exit-

    ing/Logging Outon page 45.


    Task 2: Obtain Site ID and Machine ID from the New Computer

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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 29

    2-1. On the new computer, access the Cogent License Manage-ment Utility, as described inAccessing the Cogent LicenseManagement Utilityon page 3. The Welcomepage will be dis-played, an example of which is shown in Figure 5-7.

    Figure 5-7 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    2-2. Select theActivate a license or check the status of alicensebutton and click Next. TheActivate License orCheck License Statuspage will be displayed, an example ofwhich is shown in Figure 5-8.

    Figure 5-8 Activate License or Check License Status Page

    2-3. For the product that you want to activate, click on its row. Itwill be highlighted.

    2 4 Cli k A ti t Ch k St t A t d t i d

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    30 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    2-4. ClickActivate or Check Status. A separate product window(the title bar will display the products name) will be displayed.An example of this window is shown in Figure 5-9.

    Figure 5-9 Sample Product Window

    The product window displays the Site codeand MIDthat youwill process through the Software Activation Center.

    Task 3: Process Codes for New Computer and Old Computer in the

    Software Activation Center

    Note:If your computer does not have Internet access, skip this Task 3 and

    contact Cogents Help Desk to obtain the necessaryActivation Code. Once

    you have the code, go to Task 4: Activate New Computeronpage 34and

    continue to follow the instructions.

    3-1. If you have not already accessed the Software ActivationCenter, do so now (as described in Logging Onto the SoftwareAct ivat ion Centeron page 4). The Orderspage of the Soft-ware Activation Center will be displayed, an example ofwhich is shown in Figure 5-10. The page lists the Cogentproduct orders associated with your account.


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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 31

    Figure 5-10 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    3-2. In the list, locate the desired product.

    3-3. Next to the appropriate product, click . License

    fields for the selected product will be displayed beneath thelist of orders, an example of which is shown in Figure 5-11.

    Figure 5-11 Software Activation Center - Orders Page with License Fields Displayed

    3-4. Click the double-arrow symbol , located at the end of the

    row. The following blank fields will be displayed: Site Code,

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    32 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Machine ID, Removal Code, and Notes. An example isshown in Figure 5-12.

    Figure 5-12 Software Activation Center - Orders Page in Activation Mode

    3-5. For the new computer: Returning to the product window inthe Cogent License Management Utility, copy the text fromthe Site codefield and then paste it (or type it) into the SiteCodefield on the Software Activation Center.

    3-6. For the new computer: Returning to the product window inthe Cogent License Management Utility, copy the text fromthe MIDfield and then paste it (or type it) into the MachineIDfield on the Software Activation Center.

    3-7. For the old computer: Type in the Removal codethat youwrote down (obtained from the Cogent License Manage-

    ment Utilityin Task 1: Obtain a Removal Code from the OldComputer) into the Removal Code field on the SoftwareActivation Center.

    Figure 5-13shows steps 3-5through 3-7completed.


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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 33

    Figure 5-13 Software Activation Center - Orders Page with Codes Added

    3-8. On theSoftware Activation Center, click Update License.

    The row will be updated with the values you entered, and thesystem-generated Activation Codewill be displayed in theActivation Codecolumn. An example is shown in Figure 5-14.

    Figure 5-14 Software Activation Center with Newly Activated License

    Task 4: Activate New Computer

    4 1 For the new computer: Copy the Activation Code obtained

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    34 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    4-1. For the new computer: Copy the Activation Codeobtainedfrom the Software Activation Center(or otherwise providedto you by Cogent) and paste or type it into theActivation codefield on the product window of theCogent License Manage-

    ment Utility. (The field is located underneath the Unlockapplicationradio button.) An example is shown in Figure 5-15.

    Figure 5-15 Sample Product Window with Activation Code Added

    4-2. Click Next on the product window of theCogent License Man-

    agement Utility. The product window will close and theActivate License or Check License Statuspage will be redis-played, showing an updated Activated?field for the productyou just activated. An example is shown in Figure 5-16.


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    Chapter 5 - Transferring a License 35

    Figure 5-16 Activate License or Check License Status Page With Activated Entry

    4-3. Click Nexton theCogent License Management Utility tocomplete the process. The Finishpage will be displayed, anexample of which is shown in Figure 5-17.

    Figure 5-17 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    4-4. The transfer is now complete. You can exit one or both pro-grams as described in Chapter 7, Exiting/Logging Outonpage 45.


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    36 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

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    Chapter 6 - Using the Software Activation Center 37

    Chapter 6

    Using the Software Activation Center

    This chapter provides instructions on using all of the functions available in

    the Software Activation Center. The chapter is divided as follows:

    Logging In

    Activating a License

    Deactivating a License

    Transferring a License

    Sending License Information Via Email

    Viewing/Changing Account Information(including Changing

    Demographic Informationand Changing Your Password)

    Accessing the User Guide

    Note: To use the Software Activation Center, your computer must have

    Internet access, with Internet Explorer 6(or higher). If your computer

    does not meet these requirements, contact Cogents Help Desk to obtain thenecessary codes.

    An example of the Software Activation Center (with the Orderspage

    displayed) is shown in Figure 6-1.

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    38 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure 6-1 Orders Page

    Logging In

    Refer to Chapter 2, Accessing/Logging Inon page 3for instructions on

    logging into the Software Activation Center.

    Activating a License

    Refer to Chapter 3, Activating a Licenseon page 7for instructions on

    activating a license.

    Deactivating a License

    Refer to Chapter 4, Deactivating a Licenseon page 17for instructions on

    deactivating a license.

    Transferring a License

    Refer to Chapter 5, Transferring a Licenseon page 25for instructions on

    transferring a license.


    Sending License Information Via Email

    Once a license has been activated, you can send the license information via

    il il dd ( d h il dd if d i d) Thi

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide





    Chapter 6 - Using the Software Activation Center 39

    email to your email address (and to another email address, if desired). This

    can be useful information to keep for records.

    To send license information via email:

    1 From the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center, select the

    product and click . License fields for the selected product will

    be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 6-2.

    Figure 6-2 Viewing License Fields in Software Activation Center

    2 On the license information line, click the Send Activation Emailbutton

    . The Send Emailpop-up window will be displayed.

    Note:Depending on your security settings in Internet Explorer, you may

    see a Pop-up blocked message just below the address bar. Click on the

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    40 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    p p g j

    message and then clickAlways Allow Pop-ups from This Sitefrom the

    drop-down menu. An example of this process is shown in Figure 6-3.

    Figure 6-3 Allowing a Blocked Pop-up Window in Internet Explorer

    After clicking the menu option, a confirmation window will be displayed;

    clickYes. The Send Emailpop-up window will be displayed.

    3 An example of the Send Emailpop-up window is shown in Figure 6-4.

    The fields populated with the license information are not editable. The

    Tofield contains the primary email address associated with your

    account. If desired, you can edit the email address and you can send

    the information to an additional email address, by typing it into theCC


    Figure 6-4 Send Email Pop-up Window

    4 Click Send email. A confirmation window will be displayed; clickOK.

    5 When the email has been sent, an Emai l successful ly sent status

    message will be displayed.

    6 Click Closeto close the pop-up window. The Orderspage will be


    A sample email message is shown in Figure 6-5.


  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide




    Chapter 6 - Using the Software Activation Center 41

    Figure 6-5 Sample Email Message

    Viewing/Changing Account Information

    TheAccount Informationpage contains various demographic

    information associated with your account and allows you to change your

    password.From the menu bar of the Software Activation Center, clickAccount.

    TheAccount Informationpage will be displayed, an example of which is

    shown in Figure 6-6.

    Figure 6-6 Software Activation Center - Account Information Page

    You can view the demographic information, change the demographic

    information, and change your password. Instructions for changing

    demographic information and changing the password are in the following


  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    42 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information


    Changing Demographic Information

    To change demographic information, follow these steps:

    1 Type in the new text in the field. You can change any of the fields

    displayed on this page.

    Note:Detailed field descriptions are provided in Appendix A, Software

    Activation Center - Window Descriptionon page 47.

    2 When you are finished making changes, click Update. AnAccount

    information updated status message will be displayed.

    Note: To discard any changes and revert to the data that was last saved,

    click Restore.

    Changing Your Password

    To change your password, follow these steps:

    1 Type in your existing password in the Old Passwordfield.

    2 Type in the new password in the New Passwordfield.

    Note: Passwords must be at least 6 characters and no more than 9

    characters. You can use any combination of letters or numbers, and

    passwords are not case-sensitive.

    3 Type in the new password again in the Confirm New Passwordfield.


    A sample window showing steps 1through 3completed is shown in

    Figure 6-7.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide




    Chapter 6 - Using the Software Activation Center 43

    Figure 6-7 Software Activation Center - Changing a Password

    Note:All password fields will be displayed in a masked format.

    4Click Changeto complete the changing of your password. A Passwordsuccessful ly changed status message will be displayed.

    Accessing the User Guide

    1 From the menu bar of the Software Activation Center, click User

    Guide. The User Guide will be opened inAdobe Acrobat Reader, as a

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    44 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    p ,

    .PDF (Portable Document Format) file.

    Note:If you do not haveAdobe Acrobat Readerinstalled, you can

    download it for free from Adobes product page. The Web site address is


    2 You can view the file or save the file to your computer.

    Logging Out

    Refer to Chapter 7, Exiting/Logging Outon page 45for instructions on

    logging out of the Software Activation Center.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Chapter 7 - Exiting/Logging Out 45

    Chapter 7

    Exiting/Logging Out

    Exiting the Cogent License Management Utility

    To exit the Cogent License Management Utility, follow these steps:

    1 When you have finished processing license changes or viewing license

    information, theFinishpage of the Cogent License Management

    Utility will be displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure 7-1.

    Figure 7-1 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    2 Click Finish. The program will exit.

    Logging Out of the Software Activation Center (Manual)

    To log out of the Software Activation Center, follow these steps:

    1 Cli k L t f th S ft A ti ti C t b

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    46 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    1 Click Log out from the Software Activation Centermenu bar.

    2 You will be logged out of the Software Activation Center and the

    Software Activation Center Login page will be redisplayed. An

    example is shown in Figure 7-2.

    Figure 7-2 Login Page of the Software Activation Center

    3 You can close Internet Exploreras you normally would.

    Logging Out of the Software Activation Center (Automatic)

    If there is no activity after a specified amount of time, the Software

    Activation Center will be automatically logged out and theLogin page(shown in Figure 7-2) will be redisplayed.

    You can either log back into the Software Activation Center, as described

    in Chapter 2, Accessing/Logging Inon page 3, or close Internet

    Exploreras you normally would.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 47

    Appendix ASoftware Activation Center - Window


    This appendix describes the menu options, fields, and buttons that display

    on the Software Activation Center. The appendix is divided into the

    following sections:

    Menu Bar

    Orders Page

    Account Information Page

    Note: For instructions on using the Software Activation Center, refer to

    Chapter 6, Using the Software Activation Center on page 37.

    The Software Activation Centeris a Web site that communicates with

    Cogents server to validate licenses. An example of the Software

    Activation Center(with the Orderspage displayed) is shown in Figure A-


  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    48 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure A-1 Software Activation Center - Orders Page

    Menu Bar

    The menu bar on the top of the Software Activation Centerallows you to

    access the pages in the program, to access thisGuide, and to log out. An

    example of the menu bar is shown in Figure A-2.

    Figure A-2 Software Activation Center Menu Bar

    The following table describes the options in the menu bar. The menu bar is

    accessible from both pages of the Software Activation Center.

    Menu Bar



    Orders Click this option to access the Orderspage.

    Account Click this option to access theAccount


    OrdersPageUser Guide Click this option to open this Guide.

    Menu Bar



  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 49

    Orders Page

    The Orderspage lists all of the orders associated with your account and lists

    all of the licenses associated with each order. The processes for activating,

    deactivating, and transferring licenses all occur on this page.

    To access the Orderspage, click Ordersfrom the menu bar.

    The following sections describe the fields and buttons that display on the

    Orderspage. The specific elements that are displayed on the page willdiffer depending on what function you are running. The section is divided

    as follows:

    Order List Fields and Buttons

    License Fields and Buttons

    Activation Fields and Buttons

    Deactivation Fields and Buttons

    Update Fields and Buttons

    Order List Fields and ButtonsThe Order Listalways displays at the top of the Orderspage. The Order

    Listfields and buttons show all of the orders associated with your account

    and allow you to access information for a specific license.

    When you initially open the Orderspage, only the Order Listwill be

    displayed. The fields are read-only.

    The Guideis in a .PDF format, which requires

    Adobe Acrobat Reader to open.

    Log out Click this option to log out of the Software

    Activation Center.

    An example of an Orderspage showing only the Order Listis shown in

    Figure A-3.

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    50 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure A-3 Orders Page Showing Orders List

    The following table describes the fields that display in the Orders List on

    the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.

    Order List



    Order ID A unique number to identify the order

    Product Name The name of the product ordered

    Order Date The date the product was ordered

    The date format is Day/Month/Year


    Licenses The number of licenses ordered

    Payment Type The type of payment used to pay for the order


    The following table describes the button that displays in theOrders List on

    the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.

    Button Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 51

    License Fields and Buttons

    The Licensefields and buttons display beneath the Order List.

    When you select a product from the Order List and then click ,

    the Licensefields for that specific product will be displayed. The fields are


    An example of an Orderspage showing Licensefields is shown in Figure


    Figure A-4 Orders Page Showing License Fields

    Next to the desired order, click this button to display

    the license-related fields and buttons.

    Refer toLicense Fields and Buttonsbelow for


    The following table describes the fields that display when viewing license

    details for a specific order on the Orderspage of the Software Activation


    Product Description

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    52 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information



    Site Code For an activated license, the associated Site Code

    will be displayed.

    For a license that has not been activated, this field

    will be blank.

    Machine ID For an activated license, the associated Machine ID

    will be displayed.

    For a license that has not been activated, this field

    will be blank.

    Ac tivation

    CodeFor an activated license, the associatedActivation

    Codewill be displayed.

    For a license that has not been activated, this fieldwill be blank.

    Notes For an activated license, if any notes were added

    during activation, the text will display here.

    For a license that has not been activated or if no notes

    were added during activation, this field will be blank.

    Ac tivation

    DateFor an activated license, the date the license was

    activated will be displayed. The date format is


    For a license that has not been activated, this field

    will be blank.


    The following table describes the buttons that display when viewing a

    license fields on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.

    Button Description

    Cli k thi b tt t d ti t li

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 53

    Activation Fields and Buttons

    When you click the plus symbol ( ) next to a license, theActivationfields

    will be displayed beneath the Licensefields. TheActivationfields allow

    you to enter and copy information that is needed to activate a license.



    Click this button to deactivate a license.

    This button will be displayed only next to a license

    that has been activated.

    Refer toDeactivation Fields and Buttonson page 55

    for details.

    Add License

    Click this button to activate a license that has been

    purchased but not yet activated.The button will be displayed next to a blank row, and

    only if there are licenses remaining.

    Refer toActivation Fields and Buttonsbelow for


    Send Acti vation


    Click this button to send an email with the activation

    information (Site Code, Machine ID, and

    Activation Code). This can be useful to keep for

    your records.

    This button will be displayed only next to a license

    that has been activated.

    Update License

    Click this button to update a license with transferinformation.

    This button will be displayed only next to a license

    that has been activated.

    Refer to Update Fields and Buttonson page 56for


    An example of an Orderspage inActivationmode is shown in Figure A-5.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    54 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure A-5 Orders Page in Activation Mode

    The following table describes the fields that display when activating

    licenses on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.




    Site Code

    Paste or type in theSite Code

    for the computer thatis having a license activated. The Cogent License

    Management Utilityinstalled on the computer will

    provide this information.

    A valid entry in this field is required.

    Machine ID Paste or type in the Machine IDfor the computer

    that is having a license activated. The CogentLicense Management Utilityinstalled on the

    computer will provide this information.

    A valid entry in this field is required.

    Notes Type in any notes related to the activation.

    An entry in this field is optional.


    The following table describes the button that displays when activating

    licenses on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.




  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 55

    Note: For instructions on activating a license, refer to Chapter 3,

    Activating a License on page 7.

    Deactivation Fields and Buttons

    When you click the minus symbol ( ) next to a license, the editable

    Deactivationfields will be displayed Licensefields. The Deactivation

    fields allow you to enter information that is needed to deactivate a license.An example of an Orderspage in Deactivationmode is shown in Figure


    Figure A-6 Orders Page in Deactivation Mode

    Add NewLicense

    Click this button to validate the Site CodeandMachine IDand create anActivation Code.

    The following table describes the field that displays when deactivating

    licenses on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.




  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    56 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    The following table describes the button that displays when deactivating

    licenses on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.

    Note: For instructions on deactivating a license, refer to Chapter 4,

    Deactivating a License on page 17.

    Update Fields and Buttons

    When you click the double arrow symbol ( ) next to a license, the editable

    Updatefields will be displayed. The Updatefields allow you to enter both

    activation and deactivation codes when transferring a license.

    An example of an Orderspage in Updatemode is shown in Figure A-6.

    Removal Code Type in the Removal Codeobtained from theCogent License Management Utility.

    A valid entry in this field is required.





    LicenseClick this button to validate the Removal IDand

    complete the deactivation.


  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 57

    Figure A-7 Orders Page in Update Mode

    The following table describes the fields that display when

    updating/transferring licenses on the Orderspage of the Software

    Activation Center.

    Update Field Description

    Site Code Paste in or type in the Site Codefor the computer

    that is having a license activated. The Cogent

    License Management Utilitywill provide thisinformation.

    A valid entry in this field is required.

    Machine ID Paste in or type in the Machine IDfor the computer

    that is having a license activated. The Cogent

    License Management Utilitywill provide this


    A valid entry in this field is required.

    Removal Code Type in the Removal Codefor the computer that is

    having a license deactivated. The Cogent License

    Management Utilitywill provide this information.

    Update Field Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    58 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    The following table describes the button that displays when updating

    licenses on the Orderspage of the Software Activation Center.

    Note: For instructions on transferring a license, refer to Chapter 5,

    Transferring a License on page 25.

    A valid entry in this field is required.Notes Type in any notes related to the update.

    An entry in this field is optional.

    I dont have a

    valid removal


    Select this check box if you have misplaced the

    Removal Code. In many cases, the system will be

    able to process the update without the code.However, in some cases (due to regular system

    operations and clean-up), the Removal Codemay

    not be able to be recovered. Contact your License

    Administrator if you encounter this problem.




    UpdateLicense Click this button to validate the Site Code,Machine ID, and Removal ID. The deactivation

    portion of the process will be completed and an

    Activation Codewill be generated, to allow you to

    complete the activation portion of the process.


    Account Information Page

    TheAccount Informationpage allows you to view or change information

    associated with your account, including your password. To access the

    Account Informationpage, clickAccountfrom the menu bar.

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    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 59

    An example of theAccount Informationpage is shown in Figure A-8.

    Figure A-8 Account Information Page

    The following sections describe the fields and buttons that display on the

    Account Informationpage.


    The following table describes the fields that display on theAccount

    Informationpage of the Software Activation Center. All fields are


    Field Description

    First Name The first name associated with the account

    Last Name The last name associated with the account


    NameThe registration name associated with the account

    Note that the Registration Name is not your

    username. Usernamesare set by License

    Field Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    60 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Note: For instructions on changing your password, refer to Chapter 6,

    Using the Software Activation Center on page 37.

    Administrators and cannot be changed on theAccount Information page.

    Company The company name associated with the account

    Address The street address associated with the account

    City The city associated with the account

    Country The country associated with the account


    NumberThe phone number associated with the account

    Fax Number The fax number associated with the account

    Primary Email


    The primary email address associated with the





    The secondary email address associated with the


    Old Password If you are changing your password, type in the

    existing password in this field.


    PasswordIf you are changing your password, type in the new

    password in this field.

    Confirm New

    PasswordIf you are changing your password, type in the new

    password in this field again, for confirmation.



    The following table describes the buttons that display on theAccount

    Informationpage of the Software Activation Center.

    Button Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide



    Appendix A - Software Activation Center - Window Description 61

    Note: For instructions on changing account information and changing your

    password, refer to Chapter 6, Using the Software Activation Center on

    page 37.

    Update If you are changing account information, click thisbutton to save your changes.

    Restore If you are changing account information, click this

    button to discard your changes and revert to the data

    that was last saved.

    ChangeIf you are changing your password, click this buttonto save your changes.


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    62 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    Appendix B - Cogent License Management Utility - Window Description 63

    Appendix BCogent License Management Uti lity -

    Window Description

    This appendix describes the fields and buttons that display on each page of

    the Cogent License Management Utility. The appendix is divided into

    the following sections:

    Welcome Page

    Activate License or Check License Status Page

    Product Window (Opens During Activation)

    Deactivate License Page

    Finish Page

    The Cogent License Management Utilityis a program that generates the

    machine-specific information needed to activate, deactivate, and transfer

    licenses. The program is installed on your computer when you install

    licensed Cogent software.

    Welcome PageWhen you first open the Cogent License Management Utility, the

    Welcomepage will be displayed. An example of this page is shown in

    Figure B-1.

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    64 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure B-1 Welcome Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    The following table describes the radio buttons that display on the


    The following table describes the buttons that display on the Welcome





    Ac tivate a

    license or

    check the

    status of a


    Select this button to activate the licenses for, or

    check the status of, one or more installed products.

    Deactivate alicense (for



    Select this button to deactivate the licenses for one ormore installed products.

    Button Description

    Back This button is disabled on this page.

    Next Click this button to open the next page in the



    Cancel Click this button to close the program.

    Help Click this button to open the Help system for the


    Button Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide



    Appendix B - Cogent License Management Utility - Window Description 65

    Act ivate License or Check License Status Page

    If you selectActivate a license or check the status of a licensefrom

    the Welcomepage and click Next, theActivate License or Check

    License Statuspage will be displayed, an example of which is shown inFigure B-2.

    Figure B-2 Activate License or Check License Status Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    The following table describes the fields that display on theActivate

    License or Check License Statuspage.

    Field Description

    Product Code This field displays an internal code for the product.

    Product Name This field displays a short name to identify the


    Ac tivated? This field will display one of the following possible


    Yes(with a check mark) indicates that the

    products license is activated.

    Field Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    66 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    The following table describes the buttons that display on theActivate

    License or Check License Statuspage.

    Unknown (with no check mark) indicates

    that the products license is deactivated.

    Demo(with no check mark) indicates that

    the products license is not activated because

    it is a demo.

    Is Demo

    Version?This field will display one of the following possible


    Yes(with a check mark) indicates that the

    product is a demo.

    No(with no check mark) indicates that the

    product is not a demo.

    Demo Days

    LeftFor a demo version, this field displays how many

    days are remaining in the demo.

    For a product that is not a demo, this field will be



    For a license that has been deactivated, this field willdisplay the associated Removal Code.

    Button Description

    Ac tivate or

    Check StatusClick this button to continue with the activation

    process or to check the status.

    The button will be displayed and enabled only if you

    have selected a license that is not activated.



    Get More Info Click this button to display how many days are left

    for a demo version.

    The button will be displayed only if you have

    l t d d t d

    Button Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide



    Appendix B - Cogent License Management Utility - Window Description 67

    Note: For instructions on activating a license, refer to Chapter 3,Activating a License on page 7.

    Product Window (Opens During Activation)

    The product window displays as part of the activation process. This windowdisplays information that is processed through the Software Activation

    Center (or through the Cogent Help Desk). An example of a product

    window is shown in Figure B-3.

    selected a product demo.Back Click this button to go back to the previous page.

    Next When you are finished viewing or making changes,

    click this button to open the Finishpage in the


    Cancel Click this button to close the program without saving


    Help Click this button to open the Help system for the


  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    68 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure B-3 Sample Product Window

    The following table describes the fields that display on a product window.

    Field Description

    Site code A unique Site code for the installed product

    MID A unique Machine ID for the computer


    application /

    Ac tivation


    Once the Software Activation Center has

    validated the above Site codeand MID, the

    generatedActivation Codeshould be pasted in (or

    typed in) to this field.

    Appl ication

    statusThis field is a display field. Currently, this field will

    always display a LOCKED message.

    Days left This field is currently not used.

    Uses left This field is currently not used.


    This field is currently not used.



    This field is currently not used.



    This field is currently not used.


    nseThe following table describes the buttons that display on a product window.

    New Site code This field is currently not used.

    Field Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide



    Appendix B - Cogent License Management Utility - Window Description 69

    Note: For instructions on activating a license, refer to Chapter 3,

    Activating a License on page 7.

    Deactivate License Page

    If you select Deactivate a license (for transferring purposes) from the

    Welcomepage and click Next, the Deactivate Licensepage will be

    displayed, an example of which is shown in Figure B-4.

    Button Description

    Cancel Click this button to close the window without saving


    Continue Click this button to process the enteredActivation

    codeand return to theActivate License or CheckLicense Status page.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    70 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure B-4 Deactivate License Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    The following table describes the fields that display on the Deactivate


    Field Description

    Product Code This field displays an internal code for the product.

    Product Name This field displays a short name to identify the


    Ac tivated? This field will display one of the following possible


    Yes(with a check mark) indicates that the

    products license is activated.

    Unknown (with no check mark) indicates

    that the products license is deactivated.

    Demo(with no check mark) indicates that

    the products license is not activated because

    it is a demo.


    Is Demo

    Version?This field will display one of the following possible


    Yes(with a check mark) indicates that the

    product is a demo.

    Field Description

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide



    Appendix B - Cogent License Management Utility - Window Description 71

    The following table describes the buttons that display on the Deactivate


    Note: For instructions on deactivating a license, refer to Chapter 4,

    Deactivating a License on page 17.

    No(with no check mark) indicates that the

    product is not a demo.


    CodeFor a license that has been deactivated, this field will

    display the associated Removal Code.

    Button Description



    Click this button to continue with the deactivation


    The button will be enabled only if you have selected

    a license that is activated.

    Back Click this button to go back to the previous page.

    Next When you are finished viewing or making changes,

    click this button to open the Finishpage in theprogram.

    Cancel Click this button to close the program without saving


    Help Click this button to open the Help system for the


    Finish Page

    The final page of the Cogent License Management Utilityis the Finish

    page, an example of which is shown in Figure B-5.

  • 7/27/2019 License User Guide


    72 Cogent, Inc. - Proprietary Information

    Figure B-5 Finish Page of the Cogent License Management Utility

    The following table describes the buttons that display on the Finishpage.

    Button Description

    Back Click this button to go back to the previous page.

    Finish Click this button to close the program.

    Cancel Click this button to close the program.

    Help This button is disabled on this page.