lies and micro-expression( my coms 1010 presentation)

LIES and Micro expression

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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Page 1: lies and micro-expression( my coms 1010 presentation)

LIES and Micro expression

Page 2: lies and micro-expression( my coms 1010 presentation)

Did you know?

• According to a research done by psychologists a person speaks an average of 2 lies in a day.

• Humans are not biologically made to lie.

• Are lies harmful?

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• Lets consider what happens when people lie.

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• Motivational impairment effect

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Look at this video

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Common facts in the two cases?

• Eyes and the hands are not coordinated in the same direction

• They blink their eyes 2 seconds

• BUT why?

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Quick and easy method to detect a lie

• Increased pupil size• More nervous• Less eye contact• Press their lips together• Less relaxed posture• More blinking of eyes

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How do psychologists detect lies?

•Micro expressions

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Micro expressions

• What is Micro expression?

• Involuntary contraction and relaxation of the facial muscles.

Examples: 1. Smirks 2. Frowning 3. Smiles 4. Movement of eyelids and eyebrows

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• Micro expressions are better understood using the FACS

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• What is FACS?

• It stands for Facial Action Coding System

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A Part of the List of Action Units and Action Descriptors (with underlying facial muscles) AU Number FACS Name Muscular Basis

0 Face

1 Inner Brow Raiser Frontalis(pars medialis)

2 Outer Brow Raiser Frontalis(pars lateralis)

4 Brow Lowerer depressor glabellae, depressor supercilli,

5 Upper Lid Raiser palpebrae superioris ,superior tarsal muscle

6 Cheek Raiser orbicularis oculi(pars orbitalis)

7 Lid Tightener orbicularis oculi(pars palpebralis)

8 Lips Toward Each Other orbicularis oris

9 Nose Wrinkler levator labii suprioris alaeque nasi

10 Upper Lip Raiser levator labii superioris, caput infraorbitalis

11 Nasolabial Deepener zygomaticus minor.

12 Lip Corner Puller zygomaticus major


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• Consider only emotion-related facial actions. Examples of these are:

Emotion Action units

Happiness 6+12

Sadness 1+4+15

Surprise 1+2+5B+26

Fear 1+2+4+5+20+26

Anger 4+5+7+23

Disgust 9+15+16

Contempt R12A+R14A

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Study of Micro expressions

• Micro expressions can be difficult to recognize as they last only 1/25 to 1/15 of a second

• A camera is used to distinguish distinct emotions

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• Study Micro expression by Using of photographs

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Any question will be welcomed.

• Thank you all for you attention..