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Post on 08-Mar-2016




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Alyssa Mae ReyesBJ 3-1D


Never in my dictionary the word love is defined. For me, it is something that cannot be delimit by words nor bounded by uttered actions. The universe seem to design it that way that only people who actually experienced it can understand what it is and know what it is all about. What is more, everyone has access to it but few can own it like a public property made to be private and personal - like everyones kind of perfect. It is a complicated area of thought that even scientists cant associate with the definite laws of nature or construct a law or laws on it for that matter. Meaning to say, they cant comprehend on something since it cant be put into numbers or computation. So if a scientist cant really explain the mechanics and composite of it what more could we, ordinary people, extract from it aside from it is the butterfly in our stomach, the yearning of the heart, and it is blind. Eventually no matter how vague it can be, love made everybody crazy for it. That with just a mere thought of it people become happy and unfortunately irrational. How? They do crazy stuffs a man of reason would never dare to do. No sane person would be willing to be humiliated just to show his feelings he cant contain or starving himself to death so he could save to give a girl some festive stuffs or expensive jewelry. By this Im talking about the love teenagers and hopeless romantic people often talk and dream about. The true love that waits romantic love. There are different versions of love and this kind is the most common and clichd type. It is where pick-up lines are rooted. It inspired so many song writers and even novelists. And so love was put into another perspective. Famous lines and philosophy about love now have their own space in the pedestal lane where readers and other people lend most of their time and sometimes money. Because of this, many have become fascinated with the idea of being in love to the point where he or she cant function well or be efficient in school, at home or anywhere anyhow. They dont realize is that its just the surface of it all. Just the fragment of a whole. There are other parts that make-up the whole. Like the other versions of love. Love towards other people. Other quirky kinds underneath of what is apparent. The kinds that leads us away from the misconceptions about love. And above all those kind is the love of God.This kind was the center topic of the first talk for the months crazy love series. At first, it talked about the love in its most shallow sense where people are asked about the craziest thing they did for love. A girl said she sang it might be you for a guy. Another one answered he stalked the girl where hed know her schedules and watch go home everyday he even added a #creepy on his post. Then after sharing some more, the talk went on by defining love. Some definitions were circling around the thought about forgetting that there were 1.2 billion people in the world because of that one special person. In addition, love was associated with an undesirable feeling that affects a person. It also mentioned some misconceptions about love. There were three according to the pastor. Those are love is equals to sex, feelings and emotion. There have been more funny examples about it but theres this one concept that seem to be the center of the nights occasion and that is, above all else, love is not God, God is love instead. That we do not consider how godly love can be but how God showed his unconditional love to us as the pastor said a passage that goes something like this, for God so love the world that he gave his only son and those who believe in Him shall not perish but have an eternal life. Pure happiness in love can be found not in love itself but by seeing how God cherish us through love.