life insurance – the future

8/8/2019 Life insurance – the future 1/8 LIFE INSURANCE -  THE FUTURE FROM KARTHEEK.A.P MBA99614

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 What Is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a contract that pledges payment of an amount to the person assured (or his nominee) onthe happening of the event insured against.

The contract is valid for payment of the insuredamount during:

* The date of maturity, or * Specified dates at periodic intervals, or 

* Unfortunate death, if it occurs earlier.

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India·s life insurance market has g rown rapidly over the past six years, with new 

business premiums g rowing at over 40% per year. The premium income of  

India·s life insurance market is set to double by 2012 on better penetration and 

higher incomes. Insurance penetration in India is currently about 4% of  its GDP, 

much lower than the developed market level of 6-9%. In several segments of  the 

population, the penetration is lower than potential. For example, in urban areas, the penetration of  life insurance in the mass market is about 65%, and it·s 

considerably less in the low-income unbanked segment. In rural areas, life 

insurance penetration in the banked segment is estimated to be about 40%, 

while it is marg inal at best in the unbanked segment. The total premium could 

g o up to $80-100 billion by 2012 from the present$40 billion as higher per 

capita income increases per capita insurance intensity. The averag e household 

premium will rise to Rs 3,000-4,100 from the current Rs 1,300 as will

penetration by the existing and new players. India·s ratio of  life insurance 

premium to its GDP is around4 per cent ag ainst 6-9 per cent in the developed 

world. It could rise to 5.1-6.2 by 2012 in tandem with the country·s demog raphic 

profile. India has 17 life insurers and the state-owned Life Insurance Corp. of  

India dominates the industry with over 70 percent market share, though private 

players have been g rowing agg ressively.

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Considering the world·s larg est population and an annual g rowth rate of  nearly 7 per 

cent, India offers g reat opportunities for insurers. US based online insurance 

company plans to enter the Indian market following dereg ulation of  its 

insurance sector. Online insurer·s expansion into India is a major step for 

the company to become a global supplier of  internet-based insurance tools for consumers and insurance professionals. In a diverse country such as India it is 

imperative that a universal insurance infrastructure be created to maximize efficiency

in the insurance industry. Online insurer can offers the Indian market a 

business-to-consumer internet portal where consumers have more choice while

purchasing insurance and an internet-based ag ency manag ement system that will

help ag ents work more efficiently with multiple carriers.

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Foreig n holding in Indian insurance companies is limited to 26 per 

cent. The g overnment wants to increase the cap to 49 percent, but its 

communist allies oppose such a move. The market is moving beyond 

single-premium policies and unit linked insurance products which are easier to sell. The ag ency model is the dominant sales channel

accounting for more than 85 per cent of  fresh premiums but overall

inactivity and attrition is much higher at 50-55 per cent than the 

global averag e of 25 per cent. Opportunities include health insurance 

and pensions, the report said, adding only 1.5-2 percent of  total

healthcare expenditure in India was currently covered by insurance.

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A life insurance policy covers one·s personal self . Unlike with g eneral insurance, 

it is not like insuring a vehicle. Having said that, if  we consider that India·s 

population is over one billion and g rowing , we g et a picture of  the true potential

of  the life insurance sector in India. LIC has been in business for 50 years now 

and has not covered the entire population base yet. About 250 to 300 million Indians are still insurable. LIC has issued about 120 million policies till now, 

with new premium income of US$ 1 billion. Its assets have been estimated at 

$37 billion and in the last quarter it reported a 60 per cent g rowth in new 

business. LIC·s business is g rowing at the rate of 20 per cent every year. That is 

the kind of  potential one is talking about in life insurance in India. It would not 

be wrong to say that a lot of  the advantag e of  advertising by new private sector 

insurance companies has by default g one to LIC. While they have created a lot of  

awareness through private insurer·s advertisements, LIC has benefited. Why?Because LIC has a much wider branch network, and buyers are surer of LIC

because it has been in existence for long; they are more comfortable about its 

safety. Some LIC ag ents continue to follow the unethical practice of  offering 

discounts from their commissions to new policy buyers; this makes a difference.

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THAN POTENTI A LManag ement consultancy firm McKinsey has forecast that India·s life insurance 

industry will be double in the next five years from $40 billion to $80-100 billion 

in 2012. This g rowth would improve the level of  insurance penetration from

5.1% of g ross domestic product to 6.2% in 2010-2012. The Indian life insurance 

industry could witness a rise in the insurance sector premiums between 5.1%and 6.2% of GDP in 2012, from the current 4.1%. Total market premiums are 

likely to more than double during this period, from about $40 billion to $80-100

billion. This implies a higher annual g rowth in new business annual premium

equivalent (APE) of 19% to 23% from 2007 to 2012. The larg e part of  the g rowth

would come from second- and third-tier cities and small towns. Based on MGI 

forecasts, 26 tier-II cities with population g reater than one million and 33 tier-III 

towns with the population of more than 5 lakh will account for 25% of  the 

middle class and newly bankable class in 2025. Over 5,000 tier-IV small towns will account for as much as 40% of  these two classes in 2025. However, if  an 

insurer decided to be a niche player and concentrated on metros and their 

suburbs, they will have a big market, since 60% of  the very rich (annual income 

over Rs 10 lakh) would be concentrated in the top eight cities. Although these 

consumers will be highly accessible, players will have to reckon with intense 

competition that is only g oing to increase and extend to other segments as well.

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