life of rice


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10 Processes of Rice growing


Page 1: Life of Rice





Page 2: Life of Rice

ContentLife of Rice 1


Preparation 3

Planting 4

Harvesting 6

Drying 8

Huling and Miling 9

Type of Rice 10

Cooking with Rice 11

Consuming 15

Discarding 16

Page 3: Life of Rice

Rice is a member of the grass family (Gramineae). There are more that 10,000 species of grasses distributed among 600 genera.

Rice is a food that has been a favorite of families and cultures for a long time. Rice is one of the most consumed foods that have ever existed, and trends project this to continue into the future.

The history of rice is a food staple dates back to 2500 B.C. Of course, it was probably consumed long before that date!1


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PreparationPrior to planting, minimal soil manipulation is needed to prepare for cultivation.

A farmer is plowing a paddy field for the first time.



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PlantingPlantingThe cultivation of rice begins by planting water-soaked seeds in a properly prepared bed.

In many Asian countries that haven't mechanized their farming practices, seeds are sown by hand.

Transplanting the rice seedlings


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Three month after planting

Once the plants have reached full growth (approximately three months after planting) and the grains begin to ripen—the tops begin to droop and the stem yellows—the water is drained from the fields. A golden color field of ripening rice fruits.


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Harvesting begins when the grain yellow and the plants start to droop. Depending on the size of the operation and the amount of mechaniza-tion, rice either also be harvested by a mecha-nized hand harvester or by a tractor/horse-drawn machine that cuts and stacks the rice stalks.

A farmer harvesting ripened rice fruits in the field.



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Threshingthe rice by machine


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Before milling, rice grains must be dried in order to decrease the moisture content to between 18-22%. This is done with artificially heated air or, more often, with the help of naturally occur-ring sunshine.

Once dried, the rice grain, now called rough rice, is ready for processing.



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Hulling can be done by hand by rolling or grinding the rough rice between stones. However, more often it is processed at a mill with the help of automated processes.

However, more often it is processed at a mill with the help of automated processes. Hulled rice grains are known as brown rice.

Since it retains the outer bran layers of the rice grain, brown rice needs no other processing. How-ever along with added vitamins and minerals, the bran layers also contain oil that makes brown rice spoil faster than milled white rice. That is one of the reasons why brown rice is milled further to create a more visually appealing white rice.

The milling process that produces white rice also removes much of the vitamins and minerals found primarily in the outer bran layers.




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Choosing righttypes of rice

There are many different kinds of rice that vary in size, color, consistency, and flavor. Choosing the right kind can complement or clash with a recipe or dish. White rice is what most people think of when rice is on the menu. It is good in many dishes, yet there are healthier varieties available. White rice is the common recipe because it does not overpower spices and other ingredients and it makes very good filler.

Choosing righttypes of rice


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Cookingwith riceThe way to produce rice that is light and fluffy.

1.Rinse the rice in water to get rid of excess starch. 2.For every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups water. 3.Bring the rice to boil, uncovered, at medium heat. 4.When boiling, turn the heat down to medium low. 5.Place the lid on the pot, keeping it tilted to allow steam to escape. 6.When you can see holes or "craters" in the rice, put the lid on tight. 7.Turn the heat to low. 8.Simmer for another 15 minutes. 9.Fluff up rice and serve.

Cookingwith rice


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There are many meals from rice.13

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There are many meals from rice.14

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ConsumingConsuming Eating originally caught on because it is a crop that can be grown in many regions. It provides a significant amount of energy, and perhaps most importantly, it can be stored for long periods, providing a cushion in lean times and a store of value in good times.

On average 136 kilograms of rice are consumed per year by every person in Thailand. Thailand has a certain reverence for rice both economically and culturally. “Kin Khao”, the Thai expression for “to eat” translates literally as “to eat rice”.


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DiscardingDiscardingFood waste is the discarding of potentially usable food. Both edible and inedible foods may be consid-ered garbage and therefore wasted. Edible foods are considered inedible when their quality deteriorates until they become unhealthy or noxious. The four principal methods of disposing of food waste are dumping, burning, minimizing, and recycling. Dumping is the most common method of food waste disposal, but it may create sanitation and landfill problems.


Page 19: Life of Rice

LIFE OF RICE This book will tell a history of rice and pro-cesses of rice growing which can give readear know about life of rice; how to prepare, plant, harvest, mul, mil and discard. moreover the book will tell more information about cooking rice.