life simple magazine

January 2010 Life Simple In this Issue: Victory Tabernacle Enchanted Makeovers

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Life Simple is a free online publication that will contain articles of inspiration, special features, home and beauty tips and much more!


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January 2010


Simple In this Issue: Victory Tabernacle

Enchanted Makeovers

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In This Issue:

A Note from ~BBBB~

New Year’s Proclamation Enchanted Makeovers Photo of the Month The Nail Shop Chicken Spaghetti Family Fun Health & Beauty Home Décor Community Calendar

~Life Simple~

Thank you for taking the time to read my first online issue of Life Simple magazine. I am very excited about this new endeavor. I have been blessed with a passionate call to motivate and inspire others through my writing and research skills. As a woman of God, my goal is to use my life experiences as a writer, wife and mom to reach the hearts of people abroad. I firmly believe in the saying “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to

it.” I can understand how life’s trials and tribulations can become so overwhelming that it’s become impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is my hope and prayer that my magazine provides a ray of sunshine and hope to all of it’s subscribers. The bible encourages us not to focus on gaining worldly possessions. My life experiences of ups and down has taught how to live life simply without feeling incomplete. Life Simple will contain inspirational articles, home and garden ideas, money saving tips, community events and much more. This is my new and humble beginning. I look forward to hearing from you, the readers. Your feedback means a lot and will help tremendously as I work to grow this new endeavor. Be Blessed!

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see

the work begin." Zechariah 4:10 NLT

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God’s Blessed Call

It is my blessing, It is my curse

I love it the most, I hate it the worst To stop thinking all the time I fight to rest my mind

Fresh ideas, innovative thoughts Who knew these are my biggest flaws

I fight with all my might to get a peaceful sleep at night. At night I toss and I turn

To clear my mind oh God I yearn How do I learn to use my call

God, I need your wisdom, lest I fall

Lord, please guide me through the day Give me direction, show me the way

You say jump I ask how high And then I reach up for the sky

Beyond the moon and past the stars There are no limits I must go far Excellence is instant success

I must work to do my best Some are offended, some walk away

Some laugh and some betray Yet and still I can’t quench my desire

To please my God and try to reach higher My faith is too strong. My belief is too clear I must stay true. I must fight my fear.

And so with this thorn in my side This awesome calling I cannot deny

With my gift I must deal For Hell is Hot and Heaven is Real

I must fight to stay in the race Until I see my father’s face

To be in his awesome presence

As he welcomes me into the gates of heaven It’s not about me, it’s not about you

It’s about what God has called us to do I love it most, I won’t hate it worst

It is my blessing and not my curse Forgive me Lord for this griping session

Pleasing you is my true passion.

I must strive to do my all As I work in God’s blessed call.

From My Heart to Yours

~~Bridgett Mack ~~ © 2008

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I understand that for most people, a New Year’s Resolution is simply the

wasted act of promising to do better without the serious intent of accomplishing their goals. However, I encourage you to seriously meditate

on the blessings that God has in store for you.

The bible tells us in Habbakkuh 2:2 to write the vision and make it plain. Feel free to use the sample proclamation on the following page. Write down your goals for 2010, pray over them and trust God for your breakthrough!

Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that

readeth it. Habbakkuh 2:2

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2010 Proclamation Something New is Coming in the Blessed Year of 2010!Something New is Coming in the Blessed Year of 2010!Something New is Coming in the Blessed Year of 2010!Something New is Coming in the Blessed Year of 2010!

SpiritualGrowthSpiritualGrowthSpiritualGrowthSpiritualGrowth:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family/Family/Family/Family/Health:Health:Health:Health:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Church:Church:Church:Church:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CareerCareerCareerCareer/Education/Education/Education/Education::::_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Finances:Finances:Finances:Finances:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signed by Faith on ______of _________, 2010.Signed by Faith on ______of _________, 2010.Signed by Faith on ______of _________, 2010.Signed by Faith on ______of _________, 2010.

_____________________ ______________________

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Nonprofit of the Month

~Enchanted Makeovers~

Please allow me to introduce to you Terry Grahl, the Founder and President of Enchanted Makeovers. Here is her story… Hello! I’m Terry and I am a wife and mother to four wonderful children and an award-winning interior decorator. “A polka-dotted pillow changed my life and my journey.” When I tell people this, most will say, "what?" and then envision a pretty, feminine, polka-dotted pillow, trimmed with a big flowing ruffle. Well, that is exactly what my heart saw when I viewed the photo (below), but not exactly what my eyes saw the very day I took this photo.

You see, on January 15, 2007, I received a call from a gentleman asking for help. He was the black tie event coordinator of a local shelter. He said, "we would be so grateful even if you just painted one wall." Honestly, I was somewhat fearful of going. I really didn't know what to expect. I had never been to a shelter. I decided to make the visit and, as with consultations with my private clients conducted with my decorating business, I needed to take photos to assist with any necessary planning and

visualization. That is, if I would actually accept the volunteer job. A week had passed since my first visit to the shelter. I hadn't given it much thought. All I know is that I had this lingering feeling of despair knowing the living conditions of the women and children. I began to reflect upon my own expectations for my life and the dreams of a child. I was a big dreamer; my mother instilled this upon me and my siblings. Had I forgotten my own dreams? "Once upon a time, there was a little girl who believed in the magic of her own imagination. Her parents were wise and caring adults who encouraged the little girl to follow her pixie-dusted dreams." My mother taught me that decorating didn't need to be motivated by money and that by relying on your own creativity and vision – each home

improvement was a selfless act of love. For my mother, making a home where her five children felt safe and where their spirits could soar was as important as keeping us fed and clothed. How could I have forgotten my own big dreams, given my stable circumstances. But, more importantly, how could the women and children in the shelter realize that they were worthy of so much

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more? They too had dreams, but where could they be found again? "The pictures, the pictures — I must look at these pictures." As I downloaded them to my computer, there it was, THE picture. There amongst black metal posts, a stained mattress and an unfinished sheet rock wall was an answer. There amongst the harshness was something dear to my heart: a polka dot, a safe pattern that has no sharp edges. There on that seemingly ordinary pillow was an answer. It was an answer from within me but not directly from me. When I saw the polka dots in that picture, I heard, "Trust me." From that moment, I knew I was prepared to do whatever I could to bring hope to those women and children. Soon, I was back at the shelter presenting them with a design plan and a vision of what was to come. There was no turning back. I vowed to see this project to completion.

With no funds and no volunteers lining up at the door, I had only to put my trust in God, keep the faith and, most importantly, I needed to step away from my ego. These women and children must not be disappointed again. As I presented the plan to the group of women and staff, I was overcome with emotion. I again was that vulnerable child wanting their acceptance. I realized the thin wall that separated our lives. We all deserved and desired the same things. It was simple, but seemingly so complicated in its simplicity. I would find a way to break through this thin wall.

Transforming the shelter took more than just my decorating skills. It required finding and organizing enthusiastic volunteers and donors nationwide to help me carry out my vision. Six months later, the makeover was complete and it was amazing. Even more amazing to me was that I had found my true calling. I wanted to use all of my talents and skills to provide refuge, solace, and hope to people in need. As I continued accepting work from private clients, I felt something was missing. I had taken on additional shelter projects in 2007, but continued to hold onto the security of my paying clients. December, 2008, I decided to close my decorating business, Terry's Enchanted Cottage. I knew without a doubt that God had much bigger plans for

my life, and He needed to use me for His glory. We made a deal with each other on that day. I asked that He would continue to provide the needs for my family (food and a roof over our heads) and His request was, "Glorify Me". In January of 2009, Terry's Enchanted Cottage, established back in 2005, ultimately became Enchanted Makeovers, a non-profit organization that changes shelters for women and children into places of peace and possibilities. Today, transforming the shelters that save people's lives into beautiful sanctuaries that heal their spirit is my vocation. I have a passion and belief in my cause something greater then myself. The answers are in and around us. Seek them out by joining me in bringing blessings to those in need. *

Terry Grahl Founder & President

[email protected] 734-776-0848

Today, transforming the shelters that save people's

lives into beautiful sanctuaries that heal their

spirit is my vocation.

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Photo of the Month

~According to, 34% of children in America live in the absence of their biological father. I believe this statistic contributes

greatly to the mentality that all men are dogs and/or deadbeat fathers. This photo is living proof that loving fathers do exist in this world~

(In photo: Travis Mack and his daughter Brianna)

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The Nail Shop

After a long day at work, I decided to go to the local nail shop and get a touch up on my manicure. I was still upset about an argument I just had with Travis via the cell phone when I arrived. The nail shop

wasn’t busy so I was able to go right to a seat. There were a couple of ladies sitting at the back heating table waiting for their nails to dry. I thanked God for favor because I did not feel like waiting. Not long after I arrived, customers began to pile in. It wasn’t long before the shop was filled with ladies chattering away with the latest gossip. While my technician worked on my nails, I mentally put together my “this is why I’m right and you’re wrong” speech for Travis. My deep thoughts were interrupted when one of the older ladies from the heating table got up to leave. After she paid her bill, she stopped to speak to one of the ladies in the waiting area. “I was so sorry to hear the news”, the younger lady said as she hugged her. “If you need anything, just call me.” The older lady thanked her and remarked on how everyone had been so kind. She ended the conversation by saying, “I just try to keep busy”. She gave her a weak smile and walked out the door. You could hear a pin drop after she left. I could tell that just like me, everyone felt sympathetic towards her. As I watched her walk slowly to her car, I began to wonder. Did she lose her husband, child or parent? My own convictions began to set in. Here I sat, trying to prepare my best guilt trip speech for my husband and this woman has probably just lost hers. I was embarrassed with myself. I then began to thank God for my family. While I’m complaining about those moments when Travis and I don’t see

eye to eye or when my children make a big mess in the kitchen, this woman probably wishes she had those moments back again. I didn’t know that lady and I’ll probably never see her again. But one thing is for sure, at that very moment she was a blessing to me. She reminded me of life’s blessings and how quickly time goes by. I called Travis as soon as I left the nail shop. I apologized to him and told him how much I loved him. For those of you who are reading this, I encourage you to thank God for every moment in your life. I pray that you enjoy every moment of this holiday season. Eat, love, laugh, and be merry.

From My Heart to Yours

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GO Ministries “Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”

Kids 4 Christ ( A performing arts club for kids)

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Victory Tabernacle of Albany Victory Tabernacle of Albany is more than a church it’s a Christian family of people from all walks of life who are determined to spread the word of God. Under the leadership of Pastor Eddie Adams and his wife Sonya, Victory Tabernacle is primed and ready to take the world by storm! My family and I have been blessed tremendously since becoming apart of this awesome ministry. Pastor Adams is a true Man of God with an extraordinary love for the people. He is a faithful speaker of life and inspiration into the hearts and minds of the congregation. Victory Tabernacle is a place where race, economic status and title takes an immediate back seat to the teachings of salvation, charity, unity and strength. Pastor Eddie Adams is the founder of Eddie Adams Ministries and the Senior Pastor of Victory Tabernacle, Assembly of God, Inc. in Albany, Georgia. During his 30 years of ministry one of Eddie's most fulfilling achievements has been his ability to attract and retain one of the most ethnically diverse congregations in Southwest Georgia. He has done what many churches have found almost impossible to achieve in breaking down racial, denominational, social and economic barriers. Eddie has been described by his peers and community leaders as a true leader and an example to follow in the ministry of reconciliation between cultures and denominations. Eddie was recognized by the city of Albany at the King 2002 Celebration, where he received the Martin Luther King Jr., Dream Award for promoting racial equality and unity in Albany and Southwest Georgia. Salvation, deliverance, healings and miracles are experienced as Eddie's ministry is

accompanied by a powerful anointing! Eddie is known for his creativity and his use of Illustrated Messages to help teach biblical principles. When he comes to your church he will not come with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit! As a man with a pastor's heart for God's people, Eddie understands the demands and struggles that confront both the pastor and the people in the family of God. It's his desire to allow God to use his experiences and unique insights to help others overcome similar obstacles in their lives and ministry and to see pastors and their people strengthened and the Kingdom of God blessed! God has used Eddie to help pastors and encourage congregations both small and large across denominational lines to come together and accomplish the vision that God has placed over their house.

Victory Tab is dedicated to presenting Jesus Christ in such a creative, credible, and caring way that we will reach the unchurched, and train

and release believers of all ages who will demonstrate God's life-changing love, hope and power by touching and caring for hurting people and

provide a place to experience Jesus in spirit, truth, worship and encouragement!

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Victory Tabernacle offers all kinds of ministries geared at getting you connected. There are many opportunities in which you and your family can be involved. Come and join us at Victory Tabernacle, we believe you will discover why at Victory "Everybody Is Somebody Special!"

If you’ve wondered what a Pentecostal service is like, we invite you to observe and experience God’s joy and peace that defy description. And when you visit again, come expecting! Expect a move of God not only in the service, but also in your life! We think you’ll agree that the comfort, help and strength He gives are better experienced than explained.

Victory Tabernacle 3250 Sylvester Road Albany, GA 31705 229-435-0900

Sundays Early Prayer 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM

Sunday Celebration 10:30 AM

Wednesdays Family Night Services 7 PM

Ministries for: Children Youth Adults

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Chicken Spaghetti Try this delicious recipe for a new spin on spaghetti pasta. You will be sure to love!

• 1-1/2 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut

into 1-inch pieces (precooked)

• 1/2 lb. (8 oz.) Velveeta Cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

• 1 Jar Classico Sundried Tomato Pesto Sauce

• 1 Can Cream of Chicken

• 1/4 cup milk

• Spaghetti Noodles

• Parsley Add noodles to lightly salted boiling water. In skillet combine cheese, cream of chicken, pesto sauce and milk over low heat and stir until cheese is melted and mixture is smooth. Add chicken and simmer on low. Drain noodles and add to plate. Top with sauce and garnish parsley.

For money saving coupons on the ingredients for this meal, please visit the web links below. for a $1.00 Coupon

Tumbling Blocks My husband and I are always looking for

ways to spend fun, educational and inexpensive time with our children. A few years ago, we bought the

tumbling towers game and it has continued to provide us with hours of fun filled time. This game is educational

because it teaches our children strategy and patience. It encourages them to take their time in accomplishing the task of removing blocks and placing them on top without causing the tower to tumble. This simple game is a sure-win for family fun time!

Family Fun Old School Style

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Community Calendar

January 1, 2010 Happy New Year!!!!!

Martin Luther King’s Holiday January 18, 2010

January 18-21, 2010 Dreamer Into Doers Take on NY!

Victory Tabernacle 3250 Sylvester Rd Albany, GA 31709

Join Us on Sundays

Early Prayer 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM

Sunday Celebration 10:30 AM

Wednesdays Family Night Services 7 PM

Jan 3rd ~A New You For A New Year! (21 Day Daniel Fast Begins)~

Jan. 10th ~I'm Headed to Where I'm Supposed to Be!~ Jan. 17th ~When God Makes A Mess!~

Jan. 24th ~Breakthrough! (Daniel Fast Ends After Service)~ Jan. 31st ~I've Got Something I Need To Say!~

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Less is More Home Décor Are you in the mood for a change in your home décor? Don’t have enough money to buy new furniture? If you are like me, then you really have to work to make every dollar count. I was tired of looking at those plaid accent pillows and my sofa’s color was slowing fading. It’s

amazing how much slipcovers ( which I found on clearance btw) and homemade pillow covers can make a difference.

Do you have an article of inspiration, photo, home and beauty tip or idea that you would like to share?

Do you know of a business, organization or business who deserves a

moment in the spotlight? We would to feature them!

Please send your submission to Life Simple at [email protected].

Deadline for submissions are January 21, 2010. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Become a Subscriber. It’s Free! Send your request to [email protected] and type “Add Me” in the subject

section of your email.


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~Health & Beauty~

This chart was sent to me via email. It is a great resource to refer to during this cold and flu season. Stay Healthy! Stay Safe!


FEVER Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is common with the seasonal flu. Fever is usually present with H1N1 in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 101°

COUGHING A hacking, productive (mucus-producing) cough is often present with a cold.

A dry and hacking cough is often present with the seasonal flu.

A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with H1N1 (sometimes referred to as dry cough).*

ACHES Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.

Moderate body aches are common with the seasonal flu.

Severe aches and pains are common with H1N1.*


Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.

A runny nose is commonly present with the seasonal flu.

Stuffy nose is not commonly present with H1N1.

CHILLS Chills are uncommon with a cold.

Chills are mild to moderate with the seasonal flu.

60% of people who have H1N1 experience chills..

TIREDNESS Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.

Tiredness is moderate and more likely referred to as a lack of energy with the seasonal flu.

Tiredness is moderate to severe with H1N1.*

SNEEZING Sneezing is commonly present with a cold

Sneezing is common present with the seasonal flu. Sneezing is not common with H1N1.


Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.

Symptoms tend to develop over a few days and include flushed face, loss of appetite, dizziness and/or vomiting/nausea. Symptoms usually last 4-7 days, depending on the individual. Diarrhea is common.

H1N1 has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. H1N1 hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. Symptoms usually last 4-7 days, depending on the individual. Diarrhea is common.

HEADACHE A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.

A headache is fairly common with the seasonal flu.

A headache is very common with H1N1 and present in 80% of cases.*

SORE THROAT Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.

Sore throat is commonly present with the seasonal flu.

Sore throat is not commonly present with H1N1.


Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.

Chest discomfort is moderate with the seasonal flu. If it turns severe seek medical attention immediately!

Chest discomfort is often severe with H1N1.

PREVENTION TIPS: �cough & sneeze into your elbow �wash hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 15 -20 seconds. Sing your abc's or happy birthday to you �use hand sanitizer when soap & water are not available �avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth without washing or using hand sanitizer first

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Color Me!! Corner

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Advertise Here!!!

• Full Page~~~~ $90 • ¾ Page~~~~~ $70

• ½ Page~~~~~ $45

• Bus. Card~~~~$20 Business/Organization Name: ______________________________ Address: _________________City: __________ State:___ Zip: ____ Phone: _________________ Contact Person: __________________ Email:_____________________ Website: ____________________ Send your logo or picture to [email protected]

Please send your events for the community calendar to [email protected].

For more information, please

call us at 229-942-5125.

Life Simple is a free publication made possible through your advertisements.

Page 19: Life Simple Magazine


From Test to TESTIMONY…… The birth of our son was an extreme blessing. My husband grinned from ear to ear the day our little man was born. He was so beautiful. Most people said that he was too cute to be a boy. He had black curly hair and his skin was so bright it seemed to glow. When he was five months old, he begin to break out in what we thought was hives but he began to itch uncontrollably. He cried continuously and it seemed as if there was nothing we could do to soothe him. His pediatrician diagnosed him with eczema. We were given a

prescription cream and medicine for him to take. But they didn’t work. His skin began to blister and break. The medicines made him hyper. Repeated trips to the pediatrician and dermatologist seemed in vain. The dermatologist said that TJ had the worst case of eczema he had ever seen. Months went by and TJ’s condition grew worst. Late one night he began to bleed through his skin and he became short of breath. So we rushed him to the emergency room…

The nurses gasped when we brought him in. His face was red and scaly. His little shirt had specks of blood on it (he was literally sweating blood). He was struggling to cry because he could barely breathe. He was sent immediately to pediatrics and it was discovered that he was allergic to banana baby food. Once again we were given more medicines and sent home. The wheezing stopped, but his skin condition grew worst. We discovered that he was allergic to bananas, pollen, grass, perfumes, certain fabrics and peanuts. We had two cover him up in order to take him to the car. As a mother, my heart was broken. I felt powerless. I couldn’t soothe my baby’s discomfort. I cried with him. I ached for him.

And then I remembered to pray….really pray. And so we did...We went to our heavenly Father and he healed our son. I continued to anoint him each time I bathed him, put on his creams, as he slept, as he ate and played. Each day I could see a difference in his skin and he began to sleep through the night. Today, he is a healthy six year who loves to play outside. He takes pride in putting on his “man cologne” ☺ and he’s outgrown most of his allergies. My son has become a living testimony of God’s healing power and I praise God’s Holy name for that.

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I Don’t Strive to Be Rich.

~I Strive to Live Blessed~

A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. Psalms 31:16