lift off 3 teacher book

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2 Introduction

WelcometoLift Off! 3,acoursewrittenspeciallyforstudentslearningEnglishinthesecondtermofSecondIntermediateGradeinSaudiIntermediateSchools.Lift Off! 3and4followLiftOff! 1and2,thenewMacmillanEnglishcoursefortheFirstIntermediateGrade. Lift Off! 3isintendedforuseinthefirsttermofSecondIntermediateGrade.

The components of Lift Off 3! AcombinedStudent’sBookandWorkbook. ATeacher’sBook. ACD,containingaudiofiles.

The Student's Book TheStudent’sBookofLift Off! 3beginswithalistofcontents.This


TherearetenunitsintheStudent’sBook Lift Off! 3.Eachunitcontainsfourlessons.ThefourthlessonineachunitisaReview.Itprovidesareviewofthelanguageintheunitandrecyclesthegrammar,functionsandvocabularyofthepreviousthreelessons.NonewstructuresorwordsareintroducedintheReview.

ThereisadictionaryattheendofthebookthatcontainsthenewvocabularyintroducedinLift Off! 3. Lift Off! 3includesnewtopics,functions,grammarandskillspracticewhichbuildonthelanguageofpreviousmaterials.Lift Off! 3presumesthatstudentshavecoveredthematerialinLift Off! 1and2andthattheyneedtoreviseandrecyclethismaterial.

The Workbook AlessonintheWorkbookisdesignedtofollowthecorresponding


Special features of the Student’s Book ManylessonscontainaLook!box.Theseboxesexplain


SomelessonscontainaPronunciation cornerdevotedspecificallytoaspectsofpronunciation.


Manylessonscontainapairworkicon suggestingthattheactivityisbestdonebystudentsinpairs.

Listeningexercisesareindicatedby toshowthataCDplayerandtheCDarerequired.ThetracknumberbesidethelisteningexerciseletsyouknowwhichsectionoftheCDyourequireforthatexercise.

Whenstudentsarerequiredtocompleteawrittenexercisetheywilloftensee .Itisaruleof Lift Off!thatstudentsshould,inpairs,checkeachother’swork.Teachersshould,ofcourse,alsocheckthatthestudentsaredoingthissatisfactorily.

EveryReviewlessoncontainsaGrammar studybox.Lift Off!providesagentleintroductiontobasicEnglishgrammar.Studentsareencouragedtostudythisboxinclassandcopyitforhomework.

TheStudent’sBookofLift Off! 3containsanumberofthesamecharacterswhoappearedinLift Off! 1 and LIft Off! 2.TheSaadsareaSaudifamilythatconsistsofIbrahimSaad,hiswifeRanya,andtheirchildrenOmarandReema.Omar’sfriendsareRakanandYasser.OmarandReema’scousin,Fahad,isastudentinBournemouth,England.


The CD TheCDcontainsalltherecordedlisteningmaterialinthe



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The Teacher’s Book TheTeachersBookcontains:

AplanoftheStudent’sBook. Acompilationofgamesandactivitiesthatteachersmaywish

tousetoenhancetheirlessons. Suggestedvisualclassroomgestureswhichteachersmay




summarisesthelanguagecontentofthelessons suggestsmaterialsthatteachersmaywishtobringtothe

lessons suggestsactivitiestostartandfinishthelessonswhere

appropriate providesaminimisedversionoftheStudent’sBooklesson givesasuggestedsetofinstructions,activitybyactivity,that

mayenhancetheteacher’suseofthebook providesgeneralnotesonpronunciationandpossible

languagedifficultieswhereappropriate suggestspossibleextra activitieswhereappropriate providesacopyoftheaudioscriptforappropriatelessons providesanswerstoexercisesintheStudent’sBookand




Optional games and activities Thisisaselectionofgamesandactivitieswhichprovidefurther



Who are the people? Tellstudentstoworkinpairs. WritethefollowingjumblednamesofLift Off!characterson


vdae hliearc mibhirapnyne ahfad sseryamoar nnia aleennreico akanr mareemij yaran rfed ulcy

SayGo! Studentsmustfindthenamesandwritethemwithcapital



(Answers:Dave, Charlie, Ibrahim, Penny, Fahad, Yasser, Omar, Nina, Elena, Enrico, Rakan, Reema, Jim, Ranya, Fred, Lucy)

Vocabulary tic-tac-toe Copythegridbelowontotheboard. Tellstudentsthateachsquarecontainsajumbledword

connectedtoproblemsandaccidents. Studentscopythegrid–oneforeachpair. Inpairs,theytaketurnstofindthewords. Whenastudentcompletesarowacross,downordiagonally


uibrse ulabnceam ndagbae

rhut ckkno urbn

tatsentme eabrk-in erovepsle

(Answers:bruise, ambulance, bandage, hurt, knock, burn, statement, break-in, oversleep)

Grammar tic-tac-toe Writeagridontheboardasinthepreviousgame,butwrite

sentencesinthesquareswithgrammaryouwishtopractisesuchasphrasalverbs,e.g.Turn ___ the light.

Dividetheclassintotwoteams. Inturn,askamemberofeachteamtofillinapossible‘small’

word. Whenateamcompletesarowacross,downordiagonally


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4 Introduction

Write a sentence Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Tellthemthatyouaregoingtosaytwowords. Thegroupsshouldputuptheirhandswhentheyhave

thoughtofasentencewhichincludesbothwords. Iftheirsentenceiscorrect,theygetapoint.Ifitisincorrect,

theylosetwopoints! Repeatwithotherexamples.

Examples of words:fire destroyed English clearly investigated break-in fell broke hospital ambulance three o’clock driving lifestyles climate change waste electricity possibly trade centre school didn’t you?

Write a story Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Tellthemtheyaregoingtowriteagroupstory. Ontheboard,writesomewordswhichtheymustincludein

thestory.Thesecouldbewordsyouwishtorevisesuchasadverbs,e.g.immediately, suddenly.

Monitortheactivity. Askstudentstoreadtheirstoriestotheclass.


Talk for a minute! Writesometopicsontheboarde.g.:

SchoolLondonParrotsThe Great Fire of LondonThe Mary CelesteRecyclingPrehistoric MonumentsMount PinatuboSpare time

Dividetheclassintogroupsofaboutsixstudents. Studentsmusttakeitinturnstotalkaboutatopicchosenby

theothermembersofthegroup. Theymusttalkforaminuteaboutthetopic.Theyshould

includeasmuchinformationastheycan. TimestudentsbysayingGo!whentheymuststartspeaking

andStop!whentheminuteisup. Theothergroupmembersmustgivethespeakerpointsout


What's the question? Writesomeanswerstoquestionsontheboard. Inpairs,pupilsthinkofpossiblequestionstogowiththe

answers. Givethemtimetodiscusstheirideas. Elicitquestionsfromtheclass. Acceptanypossiblecorrectquestions–thequestionsbelow


Examples of answers to write on the board: 1 He’s a waiter in the Pizza House in Oxford. 2 It’s Nina’s. 3 It’s about photography. 4 She bought a bird feeder. 5 Calmly. 6 I was doing my homework. 7 No, I couldn’t. 8 CO


9 A prehistoric observatory. 10 To buy some local honey.

Possible questions (there are many other possibilities): 1 Who’s Enrico Rossi? 2 Whose is the parrot? 3 What’s the book about? 4 What did Lucy buy? 5 How must you behave in a fire drill? 6 What were you doing at seven o’clock? 7 Could you speak English when you were five? 8 What do we produce when we drive? 9 What’s Stonehenge? 10 Why are you going to Taif?

Class poem Inpairs,studentsshouldthinkofpairsofwordsthatrhyme,

e.g.sea, tree, car, far. Elicitsuggestionsandwritethemontheboard. Telltheclasstheyarenowgoingtowriteaclasspoemusing

someofthesewords. Feelfreetohelpthestudents,asthisisachallengingtask. Writeideasontheboardandbuildupapoem. Thelengthofthepoemisnotimportant. Praiseanyideasstudentshave,eveniftheyareunusual!

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Guess the place Apairofstudentschoosesacity,town,village,etc. Theclassmustguesstheplacebyaskingnomorethan15

questions. Theanswerscanonlybeyesorno. Ifastudentguessestheplaceandit’swrong,thegameislost.

Therefore,telltheclasstofindoutasmuchastheycanfirst. Ifastudentguessescorrectly,theythinkofthenextplace


Examples of questions:Is it hot there? Is it busy? Are there art galleries there? Do you go there sometimes? Do people do sport there? Is it in the mountains? Are there lots of old buildings there?

Class newspaper Dividetheclassintogroupsofaboutsixstudents. Tellthemtheyaregoingtoproduceanewspaper. Examplesofmaterialincludenewsitems,articlesabout


Helpthegroupsasnecessary. Groupscanreadtheothergroups’newspapersattheendof


Find the ... Astudentcovershis/hereyeswhileanotherstudenthidesan

object. Thefirststudentopenshis/hereyes. Theclassgivesdirectionsuntilhe/shefindstheobject,e.g. Go

straight on. Stop! Turn right. Stop! Theclasscanalsosay,You’re hot!/You’re very hot! or You’re cold!/

You’re very cold!

Word association Ontheboard,writesometopicsfromLift Off! 3incircles,e.g.

citiesaccidents and problemsLondonclimate changeholidaysthe camera obscuraMount Pinatubo




Guess the object Astudentthinksofanobjectandtheclassmustask

questionstoguesswhatitis. Theclasscanonlyask20questionsandtheanswercanonly

beyesorno. Ifoneoftheclasssaystheobjectandit’swrong,thegameis



Examples of questions:Is it in the classroom? Is it on the wall? Is it made of wood? Is it for sitting on? Is it red? Is it expensive? Have I got one? Is it round? Is it on the left?

Group sketches Telltheclasstheyaregoingtowriteandperformsomeshort

sketches. Thesecanbebasedonthestoriesin Lift Off! 3orstudentscan

writenewstories. Dividetheclassintogroups. Writesometitlesontheboardandtellthegroupstochoose

one,The break-inThe parrot escapesA mysteryFire!A holiday

Tellstudentstheymust:1 Decidewhotheyare.2Decidewhathappens.3Writethewords.(Writewhattheysay.)4Practise.5Performtotheclass.(Startbyintroducingthemselvesand explainingwheretheyare.)




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6 Introduction

The stress game Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Writethewordsbelowontheboard. Donotunderline,orwritethenumbers!

volcano (3)parallel (3)traditional (4)energy (3)agriculture (4)intelligent (4)destroy (2)baker (2)ambulance (3)scholarship (3)photography (4)congratulations (5)climate (2)


Groupsmustdiscussthefollowing:1 Howmanysyllablesarethereinthewords?2Whichsyllableisstressed?


(Answers:Numbers following words = number of syllables. Stress is underlined.)

How much can you remember? ChooseapagefromtheStudent’sBook. Tellstudentstheyhavethreeminutestolookatthepictures

andreadthetext. Theymustrememberasmuchaspossible. Afterthreeminutes,tellthemtoclosetheirbooks. Inpairs,theyshouldtalkaboutwhattheyremember. Repeatwithdifferentpages.

Buy a sentence! Writethesentencesandpricesbelowontheboard.

1 I’m doing my homework. So do I. £3 2 Last night there was a burglery. £2.50 3 I’ve got too many homeworks. £3.50 4 Whose the boy in the white cap? £5 5 She answered correctly. £4 6 Pick up the rubbish please. £3.50 7 I’m going to the shop for to buy some milk. £4 8 We should use fewer energy. £7.50 9 A fridge is for keeping things cold. £4.50 10 Could you pass me the sissors please? £2.50


Studentsworkinpairs.Theyhave£20tobuysentences. Givestudentsabouttenminutestodecidewhichsentences

tobuy. Whenthetimeisup,✓thecorrectsentencesand✗the

incorrectonesontheboard. Studentsshouldaddupthepricesofthecorrectsentences


Thewinnersarethepairwiththehighesttotal. Gothroughthemistakeswiththeclass.

(Answers:1 ✗ So am I.2 ✗ burglary3 ✗ too much homework4 ✗ Who’s/Who is5 ✓6 ✓7 ✗ … shop to buy …8 ✗ less9 ✓10 ✗ scissors)

True or false? Inpairs,studentswritetrueandfalsesentencesaboutLift

Off! 3,e.g.Claudio worked in his father’s shop.(False – he worked in his father’s hotel.)

Inturn,pairsreadtheirsentencestotheclass. StudentsshouldcalloutTrue!orFalse! Iffalse,astudentshouldbechosentocorrectthesentence.

End of term Lift Off! 3 quiz Dividetheclassintoteamsofaboutsixstudents. Giveeachteamapieceofpapertowritetheiranswers.(Later

theywillgivethistoanotherteamtomark.) Tellthemyouaregoingtoaskthemsomequestionsabout

Lift Off! 3. Askeachquestiontwiceandthengivetheteamsafew

minutestoconferontheanswer. Theteamsmarkeachother’spapers.

The quiz1 Areparrotsintelligent?2Writethesecondsentenceinabetterway: Oranges are delicious. I like oranges very much.3Completethissentence:Omar won a __________________ to go to a Language School.4WhereisZakopane?5InwhatyeardidMountPinatuboerupt?6Writetwowordsthatmeanvery,verybig.7What’sapaperbankfor?8What’sJulian’sjobattheBournemouthEnglishSchool?9InwhatyearwastheGreatFireofLondon?10What’sthepasttenseofteach?11Completethefollowing:calm, calmly, careful, ________12WholeftherbaginStyles?

Answers: 1 Yes, they are. 2 I like them very much. 3 scholarship 4 In Poland. 5 1991 6 enormous, huge 7 recycling paper 8 He’s the Director of Studies. 9 166610 taught 11 carefully12 Barbara Baran

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Teacher's signs

















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8 Introduction

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10 Contents

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Unit 1 Old and new

12 Unit 1 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 Who's who?



Vocabulary:surname, description

Reading and writing: Personaldescriptions

To start: Greetthestudents. Ifyouarenewtotheclass,introduceyourself.Say I’m (Name). Askstudentsabouttheirrecentholidays.Donotcorrectthemif

theymakemistakeswithirregularpastverbs. SayOpen your books at page 6, please.

1 Look, say and listen.


a) SayLook at the pictures. Who can you see in the picture?Students

namethepersontheycanactuallyseeineachpicture(Uncle Jim, Reema, Ibrahim, Penny, Omar).

Note: Thefunctionofthisunitislargelytorevisethecharacterswhofeaturedinthepreviousyear’scourseandtointroducenewcharacters.StudentsalsogetusedagaintousingEnglishagainaftertheirholidays.

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track1) theStudent’sBook(pages6and7) theWorkbook(pages88and89)

ALook! It’s Dave Watson.No it isn’t. It’s Uncle Jim.

BLook! It’s Ranya.No it isn’t. It’s Reema.

CLook! It’s Fahad.No it isn’t. It’s Ibrahim.

DLook! It’s Nina.No it isn’t. It’s Penny.

ELook! It’s Yasser.No it isn’t. It’s Omar.

Audioscript trAck 1


b) SayListen to the CD. Were you correct? Playtrack1whilestudentslistenandchecktheirwork.

Extra activity: Iffurtherpractiseisneeded,inpairs,studentsmaylistenagainto

track1andrepeattheexchanges. Checkthatstudentsarecopyingthepronunciationpatternsas


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Unit 1 • Old and new • LESSON 1

Unit 1 • Lesson 1

2 Look!


Note: Ifstudentsarepuzzledbytheimpersonalitwitheithergender,explainthattheworditisusedtogiveinformation(aname)thatisnewandisnotknowntothelistenerorreader.Afterthepersonisnamed,wemustuseheorsheaccordingtotheperson’sgender.

a) Studentslookatthepicturesandreadthesentences. Youmayrevisetheuseofheorshebynamingcharactersfrom



3 Read and match.

Aims:torevisecharacters;tomatchinformationwithcharactersfrom Lift Off! 3.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureinpairs.AskWhat are the

names of the people?Studentsnamethem. Studentslabelthepictures.

ANSWERS: 1 Fahad 2 Fred 3 Reema 4 Yasser 5 Elena

b) Individually,studentsreadthedescriptionsofthepeopleand

matchthemtothecorrectpictures. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: A 4 B 2 C 1 D 3 E 5


4 Match.


Note: Checkthatthestudentsknowthatsurnamereferstotheirfamilyorlastname.ThiscanbedoneusingthenamesofstudentsandindicatingastudentandaskingWhat is his/her first name?andWhat is his/her surname?Studentsgivefactualanswersaboutthestudentinquestion.



ANSWERS: 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b

Homework: Workbook pages 88 and 89

Final activities: Dividetheclassintosmallgroups.Eachgroupshouldchoosea




SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1 Look! It’s Dave Watson. No it isn’t. It’s Uncle Jim. 2 Look! It’s Ranya. No it isn’t. It’s Reema. 3 Look! It’s Fahad. No it isn’t. It’s Ibrahim. 4 Look! It’s Nina. No it isn’t. It’s Penny. 5 Look! It’s Yasser. No it isn’t. It’s Omar.

2 1 f 2d 3b 4e 5a 6c


First name Surname Nationality

Omar Saad Saudi

Elena Rossi Italian

Ibrahim Saad Saudi

Penny Watson English

Plus students’ own answers.

4 1comes from / uncle 2lives in / best friends 3 English teacher / wife / son / daughter 4students 5Ranya / teaches 6goes to

5 1 friend 2farm 3boy 4Oxford 5chicken

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Unit X 01 A Head

14 Unit 1 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 A new student


Unit 1 Old and new



Vocabulary:agriculture, Master’s Degree, level (of English), Director of Studies, university

Reading and writing: Aformaltest


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks2and3) theStudent’sBook(pages8and9) theWorkbook(pages90and91)


b) Say Listen to the CD and check. Were you correct? Playtrack2whilestudentschecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1 aren’t 2 come 3 do you do 4 need 5 want6 knows

To start: Greetthestudents. WritethenamesIbrahim, Omar, Ranya, Fahad, Nina, Claudioand

Elenaontheboard(allcharactersin Lift Off! 3).Askstudentstoreadtheirnames.

Inturn,pointtoeachnameandaskstudentsWhat can you remember about them?Studentssaycorrectsentencesabouteachcharacter.

SayOpen your books at page 8, please.

1 Read and listen.


a) Askstudentstoreadtheconversationandunderlinethecorrect


Fahad: Hello. I’m Fahad. You’re a new student, aren’t you? Claudio: Yes, I am. It’s my first day today. My name’s Claudio. I come from Como in Italy. Fahad: Nice to meet you, Claudio. What do you do in Italy? Claudio: I work in my father’s hotel. We get a lot of British tourists and I need English for my job. Where are you from, Fahad? Fahad: I’m from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. I studied agriculture at King Saud University. Now I want to take a Master’s Degree in Britain and I need to improve my English. Claudio: What happens on the first day at this school, Fahad? Fahad: Well, the Director of Studies, Julian, gives you an interview and a test. When he knows your level of English he puts you in to a class. There’s Julian now. Julian, this is Claudio. He’s a new student. Julian: Hello, Fahad. Hello, Claudio. Welcome to the school.

Audioscript trAck 2

2 Look!



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Unit 1 • Old and new • LESSON 2

Unit 1 • Lesson 2

3 Answer and check.


a) AskstudentstoreadClaudio’sexamandanswerthequestions



b) Askstudentstoworkinpairsandcheckeachother’swork. Askindividualstudentstosaytheanswersandgettherestofthe


ANSWERS: 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 c

4 Listen and say.


AskthestudentstoreadtheexampleinExercise4. Drawtwoarrowsontheboard,onepointingup()andone


SayListen and say. Playtrack3.Pausethetrackaftereachsentencetogivestudents

timetorepeat. Playthetrackoncemoreandaskthestudentstorepeata


Note: Whenaskingstudentstolistenandrepeataftertheaudio,giveclearsignalswithyourhandstomakesurestudentsstartsayingthesentencesatthesametime.

Extra activity: Playtrack3again.Pauseafterthefirstsentenceineachdialogue.


Homework: Workbook pages 90 and 91

Final activities: Play I spywiththestudents.Theywillrememberthisgamefrom

previousbooks.Useobjectsthatyoucanseeintheclassroom.I spy with my little eye something beginning with (letter).


SayWell done. See you again soon.



2 1He’s a new student. 2He comes from Como in Italy. 3He works in his father’s hotel. 4He needs English for his job. 5He studied agriculture. 6Because he wants to take a Master’s Degree.

3 1✗at 2✓ 3✓ 4✓ 5✗going 6✗any 7✓

4 1isn’t he? Yes, he is. 2isn’t it? Yes, it is. 3aren’t they? Yes, they are. 4isn’t it? Yes, it is. 5isn’t she? Yes, she is. 6aren’t we? Yes, we are.

1 Fahad: You’re a new student, aren’t you?Claudio: Yes, I am.

2 Voice 1: Elena’s Italian, isn’t she? Voice 2: Yes, she is.

3 Voice 1: Charlie and Jack are at school, aren’t they? Voice 2: Yes, they are.

4 Voice 1: We’re studying English, aren’t we? Voice 2: Yes, we are

Audioscript trAck 3

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Unit 1 Old and new

16 Unit 1 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Whose is it?



Vocabulary:parrot, pet shop, verse, funny (odd); intelligent

Reading and writing: Irregularpasttenses;afactualtense


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks4to6) theStudent’sBook(pages10and11) theWorkbook(pages92and93)

1 Look, say and listen.


Askstudentstolookatthepicture.AskWho can you see? What can you see?

AskstudentstoreadthequestionsinExercise1. SayListen to the CD and answer the questions. Playtrack4. Thestudentsmaydiscusstheiranswersinpairs.

ANSWERS: a Nina and Penny at home. b The parrot (says ‘hello’.). It’s Nina’s (parrot).

To start: Putstudentsintoteamsofthreeorfour. WriteReema, Fahad, ClaudioandNinaontheboard.Askeach

teamtonoteasmanysentencesastheycanaboutthefourcharacters(e.g.Claudio’s from Italy. He is studying English in Bournemouth. He needs English for his job.).

SayGo. Stopthemafterthreeminutes. Tellallthegroupstostandup.Pointtooneofthenamesonthe


SayOpen your books at page 10, please.

Extra activity: Telltheclasstoturntheirbooksfacedownontheirdesks.Play

track4again.Atvariouspoints,pausethetrackandaskstudentstosaythenextpartofthedialogue,e.g.(audio)Penny:It’s yours,Nina. It’s a(pausetheaudio).Students:It’s a present.Afterthis,studentsmayalsoreadthedialoguealoudinpairs.

Nina: Mum. I’m home!Parrot: Hello. Nina: Who’s that?Parrot: Hello. Nina: Mum … there’s someone in the house.Penny: No there isn’t. Look! Nina: Oh, Mum. It’s a parrot! What’s it doing here? Whose is it?Penny: It’s yours, Nina. It’s a present. I got it from the pet shop this morning. Nina: Mine … Oh, thank you, Mum. It’s great.Parrot: Hello.

Audioscript trAck 4

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Unit 1 • Old and new • LESSON 3

Unit 1 • Lesson 3

2 Match, listen and say.


Askstudentstoreadthequestionsandanswers. PointoutthatquestionswithWhose ismatchanswerswith It’s.


Inpairsorsmallgroup,studentsmatchthequestionsandanswers. SayListen. Match the questions and the answers. Playtrack5.

ANSWERS: 1b 2e 3a 4c 5d

1Voice 1: Whose is the parrot?Voice 2: It’s Nina’s.

2Voice 1: Whose are the shoes?Voice 2: They’re Dave’s.

3Voice 1: Whose is the horse?Voice 2: It’s Yasser’s.

4Voice 1: Whose are the books?Voice 2: They’re Reema’s.

5Voice 1: Whose is the webcam?Voice 2: It’s Fred’s.

Audioscript trAck 5

Extra activity: SayListen and repeat.Playtrack5andpausethetrackfor


3 Read, write, listen and say.Aims:toreadforspecificinformation;torevisethepastsimpletenseofsomeirregularverbs.

a) AskstudentstoreadNina’se-mailandanswerthequestion.Give

studentstimetodothetaskindividuallybeforeyouaskfortheanswer(The parrot lives in a cage.)

b) Askstudentstoreadthee-mailagainandfindthesimplepast


c) SayListen and check. Playtrack6whilestudentschecktheirresponses.

ANSWERS: b 2 came 3 heard 4 thought 5 bought 6 said

d) SayListen and repeat. Playtrack6againandstudentsrepeattheverbsandtheirsimple


4 Say and read.


a) Askstudentstoclosetheirbooks,thenaskWhat do you know

about parrots?StudentstellyouinEnglishanyinformationtheymightknowaboutparrots,e.g.parrots are birds, parrots can talk.Acceptreasonablesuggestions.



b) Askstudentstoreadthetextandchecktheanswerstothe


ANSWERS: 1 There are more than 350 different kinds [of parrots]. 2 Yes, parrots can learn words. 3 Yes, they are very intelligent. 4 Early in the morning.

Homework: Workbook pages 92 and 93

Final activity: PlayHangmanwiththeclass. Onlyusewordsthatstudentsknow. Itisimportantforclassmoralethatstudentsguesstheword.Ifit

looksasiftheyarerunningoutofopportunitiesgivethemclues. Discouragethemfromcallingoutwholewords.Theyshouldcall

outlettersonly.Thisisgoodspellingpractice. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1It’s mine. 2It’s his. 3They’re yours. 4They’re ours. 5It’s hers. 6It’s theirs.

2 1They’re Yasser’s. 2It’s Ranya’s. 3Whose is the car? 4It’s Nina’s. 5Whose are the trainers? 6They’re Omar’s.

3 1came 2watched 3had 4was 5walked 6played 7bought 8heard 9were 10thought 11said

4 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F

5 1bought 2speaking 3Nina 4had 5Hello

1 have had had3 hear heard heard5 buy bought bought

Audioscript trAck 6

2 come came came4 think thought thought6 say said said

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Unit 1 Old and new

18 Unit 1 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Pasttenseofsomeirregularverbs,e.g.bought

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks7to9) theStudent’sBook(pages12and13)

b) SayWrite the sentencesandstudentsnowwritethemissing

sentences. Studentscheckeachother’sanswersinpairs.

Note: Ifyoufeelitnecessaryyoumayintroduceoralworkbeforestudentswrite.Inpairs,studentspractisealltheresponsesorallybeforetheywritethemindividually.

ANSWERS: 2 No, it isn’t. It’s Nina’s friend. 3 No, they aren’t. They’re Rakan’s friends. 4 No, they aren’t. They’re Miss Jennings’s students.

Extra activity: Playtrack7againsostudentscancorrectanymistakestheyspot.

2 Complete the sentences. Use these words.

Aim:torevisethecorrectuseof is/areand it/they.



ANSWERS: 2 is/It is 3 are/They are 4 are/They are 5 is/It is

Grammar study:



To start: Revisequestionswithwhose. Askfourorfiveindividualstudentstothefrontoftheclass.They



Onebyone,holdupeachobjectandaskWhose (pen) is it?Encouragetheclasstosaywhichstudenttheobjectsbelongsto,e.g. It’s Mona’s pen.

SayOpen your books at page 12, please.

1 Listen, say and write.


a) SayListen to the CD and repeat the sentences. Playtrack7.Pausethetrackaftereachsentencetogivestudents


1It’s Rakan’s father.No, it isn’t. It’s Omar’s father.

2It’s Penny’s friend.No, it isn’t. It’s Nina’s friend.

3They’re Claudio’s friends.No, they aren’t. They’re Rakan’s friends.

4They’re Miss Fatin’s students.No, they aren’t. They’re Miss Jennings’ students.

Audioscript trAck 7

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

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Unit 1 • Old and new • LESSON 4

Unit 1 • Lesson 4

Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems. Askstudentstocompletethemissingverbs. Checkanswerswithindividualstudents

ANSWERS: 1 came 2 have 3 heard 4 say 5 thought

Extra activity: AskthestudentstocopytheGrammarstudyboxintotheir


3 Read, listen and say.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepoemandreaditsilentlyto


b) Say Listen to the CD. Playtrack8.Studentslistenandfollowthepoemintheirbooks.

c) Say Listen again and repeat. Playthetrackagain.Pausethetrackaftereachlinetogive

studentstimetorepeat. SayListen again. Say the poem at the same time. Playthetrackagain.Studentssaythepoematthesametimeas


Extra activity: Askstudentstolearnthepoemforhomework.Inthenextlesson


5 Puncuate the dialogue.





ANSWERS: 1 Hello. You're a new student aren't you? 2 Yes, I am. It's my first day here. May name is Claudio. 3 Nice to meet you, Claudio. I'm Fahid. I'm from Saudi Arabia.

Extra activity: Askindividualstudentstowritethesentencescorrectlyonthe


Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen to the CD and repeat the words. Playtrack9. Studentslistenandrepeat.

b) Writetouristontheboard.Saytouristwiththestressonthefirst


SayListen to the CD again and underline the stress in the other words.


Last Monday in a pet shopI thought I heard ‘hello’.It was a parrot in a cage.Then the parrot said ‘please go’.The next day in the pet shopThe parrot said ‘Hi!’.Then the parrot in the pet shop said,‘We’re closing now. Goodbye.’

Audioscript trAck 8

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook pages

88 – 93.

Final activity: Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Writeshortjumbledwords(knowntothestudents)onthe


Thegroupthatsaysthewordfirstgetsapoint. SayWell done. See you again soon.

1 tourist 2 director 3 agriculture 4 interview 5 hotel 6 surname 7 intelligent

Audioscript trAck 9

4 Choose.


Askstudentstounderlinethecorrectformoftheverb. Studentsmayeitherdothisexerciseinpairsorcheckeach


ANSWERS: 1 came 2 buys 3 had 4 heard 5 see

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

Page 20: Lift off  3  teacher book

Unit 2 Around the schools

20 Unit 2 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 We're going to be in trouble!



Vocabulary:essay, open-topped bus,(in) trouble, rhyme(v)



Reading and writing: Irregularpast;homophones

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks10to12) theStudent’sBook(pages14and15) theWorkbook(pages94and95)


Askstudentstoreadthesentencesinthebrochure. Inpairs,studentsshouldreadthesentencesagainandmatch


ANSWERS: 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 c

Note: Encouragestudentstodothetaskbeforeyougivethemeaningsofthenewwords.

Extra activity: Youmaywishtoaskstudentstounderlinetheadjectivesineach

sentence(1 fantastic 2 fascinating 3 open-topped 4 beautiful 5 interesting)

b) BrieflyrevisethemeaninganduseofI’d like. StudentsreadtheReema’ssentence(I’d like to go to the Science

Museum because …). Asanexampleof1b,askstudentstocompleteReema’ssentence

e.g.I’d like to go to the Science Museum because I can learn interesting facts.


2 Listen, write and say.


a) SayListen and answer. Why are Elena and Nina going to be in

trouble? Playtrack10whilestudentslistenandanswerthequestion.

ANSWER: Because they forgot about their homework.

To start: Greetthestudents. AskstudentsifanyoneintheclasshasbeentoEngland.Ask

studentstonamethecapital(London),theriverinLondon(River Thames),anyfamousbuilding(e.g.Buckingham Palace)andanyfamousLondonfootballteams(e.g.Arsenal).Donotworryifstudentscannotdothesetasks.

SayOpen your books at page 14, please.

1 Read and say.

Aims:toreadatextonLondontomatchshortdescriptionstopicture;toreviseI’d like.

a) AskWhat can you see in picture (A)?Inpairs,studentsdescribe,as


Elena: Hi everyone! Nina/Lucy: Hi Elena! Elena: Well, here we are again. Monday morning. Back to school. Nina: I know. And I had a great weekend. Lucy: What did you do, Nina? Nina: I went to London with my mum and dad. Elena: Did you? We went to London too. My mum and I took my uncle and aunt from Italy. We ate in a fantastic Italian restaurant. What did you do, Nina?

Audioscript trAck 10

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

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Unit 2 • Around the schools • LESSON 1

Unit 2 • Lesson 1

3 Read, say and listen.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepoemandreaditsilently.

b) SayListen to the CD. Playtrack12.Studentslistenandfollowthepoemintheirbooks.

c) SayListen again and repeat. Playthetrackagain,pausingforstudentstorepeat. SayListen again. Say the poem at the same time. PlaythetrackagainandstudentssaythepoemwiththeCD.

b) Askstudentstoreadthedialogueandfindthesimplepasttenses

oftheverbslisted.Studentsshoulddothetaskindividually. Studentschecktheiranswersinpairs.

ANSWERS: 1 went 2 took 3 ate 4 saw 5 read 6 wrote 7 forgot

Extra activity: Askstudentstolistenandrepeatthedialoguewhilelookingat


Note: Phrasesandsentencesareofdifferentlengthsindialogues.Donotaskstudentstorepeattoomanywordsatonetime.Breaklongsentencesintosmallgroupsofrelatedwords.

c) Askstudentstoreadtheincorrectsentencesaboutthedialogue.


ANSWERS: 2 Elena ate in an Italian restaurant. 3 Nina saw many interesting things. 4 Nina went to sleep on the train. 5 Lucy read a book and wrote an essay.

d) SayListen and check. Playtrack11andstudentschecktheiranswerstoExercise2c.

Nina: We went sightseeing. We walked and walked and saw so many things on the London Eye, the Tower of London and lots of other things. It was really interesting, but I was very tired. I went to sleep on the train home on the way home. What did you do, Lucy? Lucy: Not much. I stayed at home and read a book. Oh yes, and I wrote my geography homework essay on Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Elena: Oh no! I forgot about the homework … Nina: So did I! Elena: We’re going to be in trouble!

Homework: Workbook pages 94 and 95Final activity:

Playthealphabetgame. Sayaletterofthealphabetandthewordafterorbefore.For

example,A after.TheletterafterAisB,sostudentsshouldsayB.NextsayS before.TheletterbeforeSisR,sostudentsshouldsayR.Dothisthreemoretimesusingdifferentletters.


SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1sightseeing bus 2parks 3Science Museum 4London Eye 5tourist brochure 6Tower of London

2 Students’ own answers.

3 1wrote 2read 3forgot 4saw 5ate 6took 7went

4 a4 b7 c2 d3 e1 f5 g6 h8

5 1bird word 2bought taught 3hand sand 4wear hair 5know go

6 1sea see 2right write 3be bee 4our hour 5 too two/to 6 where wear

1 Elena went to London with her uncle and aunt.2 Elena ate in an Italian restaurant.3 Nina saw many interesting things.4 Nina fell asleep on the train.5 Lucy read a book and wrote an essay.

Audioscript trAck 11

In English you know how to spell,But how to say, you cannot tell!I read today, I read last week – You spell the same, but when you speakIt’s not the same. So ‘heard’ and ‘bird’Both rhyme with ‘word’. I’m here and there,I hear and wear.Then ‘thought’ and ‘taught’ Both rhyme with ‘bought’.It isn’t easy, that we know,So say this verse. Yes, have a go!

Audioscript trAck 12

e) SayListen and repeat. Playtrack11againandthepausethetrackforstudentstorepeat


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Unit 2 Around the schools


LESSON 2 Come and see me after the lesson



Vocabulary:ultra-(modern), fire (n), destroy, baker/bakery, oven, blow (v), building, Londoner, burn (v), catch (fire)

Pronunciation:/ɪ/ /e/

Reading and writing: Orderingastory

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track13) theStudent’sBook(pages16and17) theWorkbook(pages96and97)


ANSWER: Nina and Elena did not do their homework. Because they haven’t got their essays./They haven’t got their homework.

Extra activity: StudentscanlearntoexpressopinionswithI think.Youcan

teachalongeranswertothesecondquestionin1a.First,teachtheresponseMiss Jennings wants to see Elena and Nina because they haven’t got their essays.ThenaddI thinkandteachI think Miss Jennings wants to see Elena and Nina because they haven’t got their essays.

Note 1:Pointoutthatthemistakeisamistakeintheinformationinthetext,notthelanguageorspellinginthetext.

Note 2:Studentscanunderstandenoughofthetexttodothetaskbeforeknowingthemeaningsofanynewwords.

b) SayRead Lucy’s homework. She makes one mistake. Can you find it? StudentsreadLucy’sessayaboutSaudiArabiaandfindthe


ANSWER: Riyadh is in the centre of Saudi Arabia (not in the south).

Extra activity: Studentsreadthetextagainsilentlytorememberinformationin

it.Afterstudentsfinishreading,tellthemtoclosetheirbooks.Sayincorrectsentencesaboutthetextandgetstudentstocorrectthem,e.g.Riyadh is in the south of the country – No, Riyadh is in the centre of the country.

2 Look!




3 Read and say.


a) SayLook at the picture. What can you see?

To start: Greetthestudents. Saywordsfromthepoemonpage15,e.g.bird. Inpairs,studentsspellthewordstoeachother. Sometimesaskstudentstospellwordswithonesoundbuttwo

spellings(e.g.wear/where).Whenyoudothis,saySpell ‘where’. Now spell ‘wear’.

SayOpen your books at page 16, please.

1 Read, speak and write.


a) AskstudentstolookatthepictureinExercise1.AskWho can you

see? Askstudentstoreadthetwoquestions,

Unit 2 • Lesson 1

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Unit 2 • Around the schools • LESSON 2

Unit 2 • Lesson 2

Inpairs,studentsanswerthequestion(Nina and Fred. Fred is reading a history book.).

b) AskstudentstolookatthepictureoftheGreatFire.Ask


Readthequestiontotheclass. StudentsreadabouttheGreatFireofLondonandanswerthe


ANSWER: No one died in the Great Fire of London.

c) AskstudentstocoverthepassageabouttheGreatFireof

London. Studentsread2candguessthecorrectorder(theyhavereadthe

textbeforefor2bsotheywillhavesomeidea). Inpairs,studentsreadthepassageandchecktheiranswers.

ANSWERS: A 3 B 7 C 6 D 2 E 1 F 4 G 5

Extra activity: Writetheseverbsinthisorderontheboard: run away, woke up,

put out, blow, catch, burn, forget.Studentsreadthetextandunderlinethepastsimpleformsoftheseverbs.


Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen and repeat the words. Playtrack13.Ifnecessary,repeatthetrack.

b) Saythewordsdidanddeadslowlyandclearly. Studentswritetheremainingwordsinthecorrectcolumns.




did dead




Homework: Workbook pages 96 and 97

Final activity: Writethesejumbledlettersontheboard:

f p k c t o g a sr e l y i d






at, add, cat, class, cap, day, egg, fall, fat, foot, feet, get, goat, got, glass,etc.arejustsomeoftheknownwordsthatcanbemade.

SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1All 2All 3Both 4Both 5All 6both

2 1dry 2neighbour 3buildings 4bakery 5blows 6burns

3 1They destroyed the forests. 2It caught fire. 3He put it out. 4The wind blew. 5The baby woke up. 6They ran away. 7I began to understand.

4 1lots of 2his oven 3bakery 4wind 5No 6old and modern 7gardens 8centre


did dead





did diddead deadate ate it it

Audioscript trAck 13

win winwhen whenbell bellbill bill

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

Page 24: Lift off  3  teacher book

Unit 2 Around the schools

24 Unit 2 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Fire!



Vocabulary:exit (n), clearly, calmly, panic (v), (fire) drill,


Reading and writing: Rules;irregularpasts

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track14) theStudent’sBook(pages18and19) theWorkbook(pages98and99)

1 Say and read.


a) Teachimagineandrevisemust(n’t). AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise1a. Inpairsstudentstalkaboutfiresafetyrulesintheirschool. Listenandcheckthatstudentsareusingmustandmustn’t. Askindividualstosaytheirideastotheclass.

b) AskstudentstoreadthefirerulesattheInternationalLanguage

SchoolinRiyadh. Inpairs,studentscomparetheirschoolfireruleswiththefire


2 Say and listen.


Note: Studentsmaygivedifferentanswerstothesecondquestion.Theyaregivingtheiropinion,sosmalldifferencescanbeexpected.

a) Askstudentstoreadthequestions. Inpairs,studentslookatthepictureandanswerthequestions

aboutit. Listentosomeanswersfromtheclass.

ANSWER: Dave Watson and the students are in the playground. They are there because there is a fire. They are there because Dave is checking names.

Extra activity: Whentheyanswerthesecondquestion,studentsadd I thinkto

theirsentencese.g.I think there is a fire in the school.

b) Teachbehaveandcalmly. SayListen to the first part of the dialogue. Who isn’t behaving

calmly? Playtrack14,part1.Studentslistenandanswerthequestion.

ANSWER: Yasser (isn’t behaving calmly).

c) SayListen to the second part of the dialogue. Was there really a fire? Playtrack14,part2.Studentslistenandanswerthequestion.

To start: Greetthestudents. Brieflyreviseirregularpasttenseverbs.Asktheclasstostand. Saythesimplepresenttenseformofcommonirregularverbs

(, buy, do, eat, see, have, write, take, forget, come, go, say, hear, win)andaskastudentatrandomtosaythepasttenseform.Ifthestudentcansaythecorrectpasttense,thenthestudentcansit;ifthestudentcan’trespond,thatstudentcontinuestostandandyounominateanotherstudent.


Continuethegameuntilmostorallstudentsaresitting. SayOpen your books at page 18, please.

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Unit 2 • Around the schools • LESSON 3

Unit 2 • Lesson 3

ANSWER: No, there wasn’t (really a fire).

d) AskstudentstoreadthesentencesinExercise2d. SayListen again. Underline the correct words. Playbothpartsoftrack14whilestudentsunderlinethecorrect

words. Inpairsstudentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 quickly 2 calmly 3 immediately 4 clearly

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentsreadthedialogue.Theyshouldreadalternate


Extra activity: Tellstudentstoturnovertheirbooks.Readthesentencesfrom

Exercise3aloudbutomittheadverbs.Studentsrepeatthesentenceandcompleteitwiththecorrectadverb,e.g.Teacher: Omar answered the question …Students: Omar answered the question correctly.

4 Write.



ANSWERS: Across: 2 forgot 4 wrote 5 had 8 ranDown: 1 taught 3 woke 6 read 7 saw 9 took

Homework: Workbook pages 98 and 99

Final activity: PlaySimon Sayswithclassroominstructions. Explaintostudentsthattheyonlyobeyinstructionsthatstart

Simon says …Demonstrate. Sit down.SayStand upanddonothing.SaySimon says stand upandstandup.

Playthegame.SaySimon says stand up. Say Sit down. Say Simon says sit down.Continuewith(Simon says) Open your books. Close your books. Look at the board. Write a word in your notebooks. Say your name.etc.

Studentscontinuethegameinsmallgroups. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1Leave 2Walk 3run 4Wait 5calls 6answer

2 1suddenly 2loudly 3quietly 4immediately 5calmly 6correctly

3 1fire rules 2fire drill 3don’t panic 4fire exit

4 Examples of answers: 1Quietly 2Clearly 3Smartly 4Quickly 5Carefully 6Slowly

5 1went 2forgot 3taught 4woke up 5came

6 The mistakes and corrections are: exiting exciting scool school sudenly suddenly thort thought behav behave imediately immediately mising missing suprised surprised reelly really dril drill

Part 1 Dave: Did you do your homework last night? All: Yes, teacher. Dave: Good, because today I’m going to give you a test.Yasser: Yes, teacher. Rakan: Why’s the bell ringing, teacher? Dave: Fire. I think there’s a fire. Now, everyone, don’t panic!Yasser: Quickly, we must leave quickly. Dave: I said ‘don’t panic’ Yasser. Behave calmly, but go to the playground immediately.

Part 2 Dave: Rakan?Rakan: Here, teacher. Dave: Yasser? … Yasser?Yasser: hmmm ... Dave: Speak more clearly, Yasser. I can’t hear you. Yasser: Yes, teacher. Dave: Good. That’s everyone. No one’s missing. OK, go back to the classroom. Then you can do the test.Yasser: But what about the fire, teacher? Dave: There isn’t really a fire, Yasser. This is only a fire drill!

Audioscript trAck 14

3 Write.


Note: Beforestudentsdothisexercise,youmaywanttoshowontheboardhowregularadverbsofmannerareformedfromadverbsbyadding–lytoadjectives,e.g.calm+–ly=calmly.Ifyoudothis,useexampleswithregularspelling,e.g.clear, calm, quiet.

AskstudentstoreadtheexampleinExercise3. Studentscompletethesentenceswiththecorrectadverb. Inpairsstudentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 correctly 2 loudly 3 carefully 4 quickly 5 slowly 6 smartly

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Grammar study:Adverbsofmanner,e.g.slowly

Unit 2 Around the schools

26 Unit 2 • Lesson 4



Bring to the lesson: theCD(track15) theStudent’sBook(pages20and21)

b) Inpairs,askstudentstochoosethecorrectadjectivetocomplete

thesentencesandunderlineit. Makesmallgroupswithtwosetsofpairstocompare,checkand


ANSWERS: 1 interesting 2 important 3 delicious 4 exciting5 beautiful 6 fantastic

c) Askstudentstoreadtheexamplesentences. Inpairs,studentschangethesentencesfromExercise1bintothe

pastsimpletense.TheysaysentencesaboutNina’sday. Whenstudentshavefinished,askindividualstorepeatoneof


ANSWERS: Students own answers.

2 Choose. Underline the correct form.




ANSWERS: 1 slowly 2 careful 3 calmly 4 quick 5 immediately

To start: Greetthestudents. PlayGuess the adverb. Demonstratetotheclass.Mimeanactionindifferentwayswith

adifferentadverb,e.g.walk slowly, read carefully, run quickly, speak loudly.Studentsguesstheverbandtheadverb.

SayOpen your books at page 20, please.

1 Match, choose and say.


a) Askstudentstoindividuallymatchtheverbsandnounswhich

gotogether. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 1 d 2 f 3 b 4 e 5 c 6 a

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

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Unit 2 • Around the schools • LESSON 4

Unit 2 • Lesson 4

Grammar study:


AskstudentstoreadtheGrammarstudybox. Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems. Askstudentstocompletethemissingwords. Checkanswerswithindividualstudents.

ANSWERS: 1 immediate 2 loudly 3 quickly 4 slow

Extra activity: AskthestudentstocopytheGrammar studyboxintotheir


3 Read and number the pictures.




ANSWERS: A 5 B 4 C 1 D 3 E 6 F 2

4 Complete, match and listen.


a) SayWrite the past simple of these irregular verbs. Studentswritethepasttenseoftheverbs.Getstudentstowork

individually. Askstudentstoworkinpairsandcheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 said 2 wrote 3 heard 4 ate 5 began 6 said

Extra activity: Askindividualstowritethewordsontheboardtoensurethat


b) AskstudentstomatchtheverbsfromExercise4atothewords



Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook pages

94 – 99.

Final activity: ArrangestudentsingroupsofthreeorfourforagameofWord

Chain.Onestudentineachgroupshouldbethewriter. Writeashortwordontheboard,e.g.head.Pointtothefinal

letterinthiswordd.SayThink of a word beginning with d. Write it in your books.Givegroupstimetothink,andthentospellawordbeginningwithdintheirnotebook(anycorrectlyspelledwordbeginningwithdisacceptable).


Pointtothefinalletterofday,andsayThink of a word beginning with y.Givegroupstimetothinkandwritetheirwordbeginningwithyintheirnotebooks.




SayWell done. See you again soon.

1 door saw2 get ate3 goat wrote4 man began5 word heard6 bed said

Audioscript trAck 15

c) SayListen and check. Playtrack15andstudentschecktheirresponses.

ANSWERS: 1 saw 2 ate 3 wrote 4 began 5 heard 6 said

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[email protected]:// by albarwn

Page 28: Lift off  3  teacher book

Unit 3 Problems and accidents

28 Unit 3 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 Read this, Nina


Grammar:Which ...?andotherwh-words

Vocabulary:mystery, break-in (n), investigate, strange, torch, (police) statement, definitely, police station, burglar, reporter,


Reading and writing: Newspaperarticle


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks16and17) theStudent’sBook(pages22and23) theWorkbook(pages100and101)

b) Askstudentsindividuallytoreadthecompletearticleand

answerthequestioninExercise1b. Afterreadingthearticle,theycancompareanswersinpairsor


ANSWERS: The police found the shop empty. The door was locked and there was no-one inside.

c) Teachimagine. Askstudentstoreadthequestionsandanswertheminpairs. Askindividualsaroundtheclasstosaytheirideas.

ANSWERS: (Thesearesampleanswers.Students’answersmayvary.) Someone was in the shop but that person was not a burglar. Mr Rossi did not imagine the story. The person in the shop was the manager of the shop.

2 Listen, say and write.


a) Say Listen to the CD. Who was in the shop? Why was she there? Playtrack16.Studentslistenandanswerthequestions. Inpairs,studentscompareanswersthenaskstudentstosaythe


ANSWERS: Barbara Baran. (Because) She left her bag in the shop (and she went back later and got it).

b) Askstudentstoreadthequestions. SayListen to the CD again Write the answers to the questions. Playtrack16againwhilestudentswritetheanswerstothe



ANSWERS: 1 Barbara went home at 5.30 and she left her bag in the shop. 2 Barbara went into the shop at 10.00 (because she wanted to get her bag). 3 The ‘Station’ is Oxford Police Station.

Note 1:Inboys’schools,youmaywishtochangethecharactertoBorysBaranwhogoesbacktotheshoptogethiscarkeys.

Note 2:Ifstudentsactoutaconversation,itisnotnecessaryforthemtosayitinexactlythesamewayaswritteninthebook.

To start: Greetthestudents. Revisenounsendingin-er.Sayaverb,e.g.teach.Students

shouldgiveyouthejob,e.g.teacher. SayOpen your books at page 22, please.

1 Say and read.Aim:toreadforgistandspecificinformation.

a) Askstudents,inpairs,tolookatthepictureinExercise1.AskWho

can you see?(Nina and Penny). Teachheadlineandthenaskstudentstoreadthequestion. Inpairsstudentslookatthepicture,readthespeechbubbleand


Note: Astheyanswer,encouragestudentstousethestructureI think the article is about …

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Unit 3 • Problems and accidents • LESSON 1

Unit 3 • Lesson 1

4 Listen and say.


a) SayListen and repeat the questions. Playthefirstpartoftrack17.Ifnecessarypausethetrackafter


b) SayListen again. Say the questions after the first voice.Checkthe



Note 1:Givethestudentsaclearvisualsothatthestudentssaytheirsentencesatthesametime.

Note 2:Monitorthestudentsandchecktheyareusingfallingintonation.Ifnecessary,drawanarrowontheboardtoshowwhichdirection(highertolower)theirvoicesshouldbemoving.

Policeman: Oxford Police Station. Can I help you? Barbara: Yes. My name’s Mrs Baran, Barbara Baran.Policeman: Yes, Mrs Baran? Barbara: The break-in … I read about it in the newspaper. It was me! I was in the shop. Policeman: Sorry, Mrs Baran. Which shop? Barbara: Styles, of course.Policeman: Calm down, Mrs Baran. Are you saying you broke into Styles? Barbara: No, of course not. I work there.Policeman: You work there? Barbara: Yes. And I went home at 5.30 yesterday and left my bag in the shop. So I went back later and got it. I’m so sorry.Policeman: You went into the shop at 10.00 because you wanted to get your bag? Barbara: Yes, yes. Policeman: Could you come to the Station, please, Mrs Baran? We need to take a statement. Barbara: Yes, of course. Right away.

Audioscript trAck 16

3 Look and say.


a) SayLook at the pictures and put them in the correct order. Studentsdothisindividuallyandthencompareanswersinpairs.

Note: Ifstudentsfinditdifficulttoputthepicturesinthecorrectorder,theyshouldreadthearticleagainandlistentotrack16again.

ANSWERS: A 3 B 6 C 1 D 4 E 5 F 2

b) Inpairs,studentstellthestoryshowninthepicturesinthe

correctorder. Aftertheworkinpairsaskindividualstosaytheirsentencesto


Note: Insomeclasses,itmaybehelpfultoaskstudentstosaysentencesabouteachpicturebeforetheydotheirpairwork.Itmayalsobehelpfultowriteveryshortpromptsabouteachpictureontheboard,e.g.1 Barbara/5.30/bag/shop; 2 Barbara/shop/10/get/bag,etc.

ANSWERS: (samplesentences)1 Barbara went home from work at 5.30. She left her bag in the shop.2 Barbara went back to the shop at 10.00 at night to get her bag.3 Enrico saw someone in the shop with a torch4 Enrico thought the person in the shop was a burglar and phoned the police. 5 Barbara read the article about the break-in in the newspaper and phoned the police. 6 Barbara told the policewoman about her bag.

I was in the shop.Which shop?I saw him in the restaurant.Which restaurant?I like our teacher.Which teacher?That TV programme’s very good.Which TV programme?

Do you like my friend?Which friend?I was in the shop. I saw him in the restaurant.I like our teacher. That TV programme’s very good.Do you like my friend?

Audioscript trAck 17

Homework: Workbook pages 100 and 101

Final activity: PlayHangmanwiththestudentsusingwordsfromearlierinthe

book. Studentscontinueplayinginsmallgroups. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1policeman 2reporter 3shop assistant 4burglar 5manager

2 1f 2e 3b 4g 5c 6d 7a

3 1The police. 2Enrico Rossi. 3Barbara Baran. 4Enrico Rossi. 5Barbara Baran. 6Penny.

4 Train/Police; wrote/read; Sit /Calm; live/work; to a restaurant/ home; coat/bag; 12.00/10.00; shop/Station; photo/statement

5 1I like the T-shirt. Which T-shirt? 2I read an interesting book last weekend. Which book? 3I went to a very good university. Which university? 4He learned three new words. Which words?

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Unit 3 Problems and accidents

30 Unit 3 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 Why are you late, Yasser?



Vocabulary:oversleep, accident, hurt (v), bruise, break (a leg)

Pronunciation: Intonationinapologies

Reading and writing: Apoem

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks18to20) theStudent’sBook(pages24and25) theWorkbook(pages102and103)

ANSWERS: He is fine now. (He bruised himself badly but he didn’t break anything.)

c) Askstudentstoreadthequestions.Checkthattheyunderstand

whattodo. Askthemtolistenandtickthecorrectquestions. Playtrack17andstudentsdothetask. Inpairsstudentschecktheanswers.

ANSWERS: 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b

Extra activity: Youmaywishstudentstoidentifythelanguageconnectedto


ANSWERS: had an accident, fell down the stairs, hurt himself, not badly, took him to hospital; he bruised himself badly, he didn’t break anything.

To start: Greetthestudents. Writethewordsnake(withoutunderliningthewords)onthe


Askstudents,inpairs,tofindsixwordsinthesnake. SayOpen your books at page 24, please.

1 Look, say and listen.


a) AskstudentstolookatthepictureinExercise1.SayWho can you

see? Where are they?(Yasser, Omar, Rakan and their teacher. They are at school.)

b) SayListen to the dialogue. How is Yasser’s cousin now? Playtrack18andstudentsanswerthequestion.

Teacher: Now, where’s Yasser? omar: I don’t know, Teacher.Teacher: Come in! Ah, Yasser… Yasser: I’m sorry, teacher. I’m sorry I’m late. Teacher: Why are you late, Yasser? Yasser: Because I … I overslept, Teacher. I’m, sorry.Teacher: Overslept, eh? Enjoying yourself yesterday evening, were you? Staying up late? Yasser: No, Teacher, no. It was nothing like that.Teacher: Well, what happened? Tell me. Yasser: It was my little cousin, Teacher. He stayed with us last night. He had an accident. He fell down the stairs and hurt himself.Teacher: Oh dear. Not badly, I hope. Yasser: Well, my father and I took him to hospital. We were there till four o’clock this morning. That’s why I overslept. And, Teacher, I’m sorry … I didn’t do my homework.Teacher: That’s alright, Yasser. It doesn’t matter. I accept your apologies and how is your cousin now? Yasser: He’s fine, thank you. He bruised himself badly, but he didn’t break anything. He’s fine!

Audioscript trAck 18

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Unit 3 • Problems and accidents • LESSON 2

Unit 3 • Lesson 2

Say Listen again. Say the poem at the same time. Playthetrackagain.Studentssaythepoematthesametimeas


Extra activity: Askstudentstolearnthepoemforhomework.Inthenextlesson


2 Listen and say.


a) SayListen and repeat. PlayTrack19.Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

b) SayListen and repeat again. Playtrack19.Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

I’m sorry.That’s OK.I’m very sorry.That’s alright.I’m sorry I’m late.

Audioscript trAck 19

3 Match the pictures and the sentences.


Askthestudentstolookatthepicturesandreadthesentences. Studentsmatchthepicturesandthesentencesinpairs.

ANSWERS: 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

4 Read, say, write and listen.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepicturesandsaywhattheycansee.

Askthemwhattheythinkthepoemisabout. Studentsreadthepoemindividually.Theycanaskiftheyhave

problemswithanywordsinthepoem. Inpairsstudentsguesswhatthemissingwordsare.Theysaythe


Note 1:Tellstudentsthatthereisonlyonewordineachspaceandtellthemthatpairsofmissingwordsrhyme.Also,tellthemnottoworryiftheycannotguessallthemissingwords.

Note 2:Ifstudentsfindthetaskdifficult,makeiteasierbygivingthemthefirstletterofeachmissingword.

b) SayListen and check. Playtrack20.Studentslistenandchecktheiranswersintheir


c) SayListen again and repeat. Playthetrackagain.Pausethetrackaftereachlinetogive


I’m sorry I’m late.I slept until eight.It started to rainWhen I ran for my trainI went back for my coatBut I needed a boat.

Audioscript trAck 20

Homework: Workbook pages 102 and 103

Final activity: Arrangestudentsingroupsofthreeorfourforagameof

Alphabet Words.Onestudentineachgroupshouldbethewriter. Writeanyletterfromthealphabetontheboard(exceptqandx)

e.g.f.Pointtotheletter.SayThink of a word beginning with f. Write it in your books.




SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1She didn’t have chips for breakfast. 2The goats didn’t eat the grass. 3We didn’t take our passports to the airport. 4She didn’t do her homework.

2 1He didn’t overeat. He overslept. 2He didn’t fall down amountain. He fell down the stairs. 3He didn’t hurt the cat. He hurt himself. 4He didn’t go to the doctor’s. He went to hospital.

3 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b

4 1aI’m sorry I didn’t write to you. bThat’s OK. It doesn’t matter. 2aI’m very sorry I’m late.bThat’s alright.

5 1I’m sorry I broke the watch. 2I’m sorry I forgot the map. 3I’m sorry I burnt the cake. 4I’m sorry I didn’t cut the grass. 5I’m sorry I broke the cup. 6I’m sorry I didn’t read the book.

6 1She hurt her head. 2He bruised his leg. 3He broke his leg. 4He burnt his hand. 5She cut her hand.

It doesn’t matter.I’m very sorry I woke you up.That’s OK. It doesn’t matter.I’m sorry I didn’t do my homework.That’s alright. It doesn’t matter.

I went through the doorAnd I fell on the floor.I hurt my poor headAnd my bruise went all red.So I’m sorry I’m late.And you had a long wait.

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Unit 3 Problems and accidents

32 Unit 3 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Poor Uncle Jim



Vocabulary:steering wheel, ambulance, bandages, halfway through


Reading and writing:E-mails

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks21to22) theStudent’sBook(pages26and27) theWorkbook(pages104and105)

ANSWER: In his car.

b) Askstudentstoreadthefoure-mailsandputtheminthecorrect

order. Studentsdothetaskinpairs.

ANSWERS: A 2 B 1 C 4 D 3

2 Look and say.


Askstudentstolookatthepictures.Usethepicturestoteachtraffic lights, hit(simplepasttensealsohit),steering wheel, ambulance, bandages.


ANSWERS: (Thesearesampleanswers.Students’answersmayvary.)

1 On Saturday, Fred’s uncle was in his car driving to the. supermarket He stopped at the traffic lights.

2 A red car came and drove into the back of Uncle Jim’s car. 3 The red car hit Uncle Jim’s car and Uncle Jim hurt his head on

the steering wheel. 4 An ambulance arrived and took Uncle Jim to hospital. 5 In hospital the doctor came and saw Uncle Jim. 6 The doctor put bandages on Uncle Jim’s head.

3 Look!


Note: Weusethewhenwerefertoaparticularplace,e.g.We played in the park.Weomitthewhenwerefertoaplacein

To start: Greetthestudents. Playtrack20againwhilethestudentslistenandrepeatthe

poem I’m sorry I’m late.Ifthestudentslearnedthepoemforhomework,askthemtoreciteit.Agoodwaytodothisisinachain.Onestudentsaysthefirstline,asecondstudentsaysthesecondline,andsoon.

SayOpen your books at page 26, please.

1 Read and answer.


a) AskstudentstobrieflyreadOmarandFred’se-mails.AskWhere

was Uncle Jim when he had his accident? Studentsreadthee-mailsandtickthecorrectbox.

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Unit 3 • Problems and accidents • LESSON 3

Unit 3 • Lesson 3

generalwithouthavingaspecificplaceinmind,e.g.The ambulance took Uncle Jim to hospital.

AskstudentstoreadtheLook!box. Studentsmaycopythesentencesintotheirnotebooks.

4 Read and listen.


a) SayRead Yasser’s e-mail to Fred. Underline the correct words.


b) Say Listen and check. Playtrack21.Studentslistentothee-mailandunderlinethe

correctwordstocompletethee-mail. Askindividualstudentsfortheanswers.

ANSWERS: 1 fell 2 didn’t hurt 3 hospital 4 late 5 English 6 angry 7 Wednesday

c) Askstudentstoreadthee-mailagainandanswerthequestion. Studentsreadthee-mailindividuallythencompareanswersto


ANSWER: He was too tired.

b) SayListen to the CD and repeat the words again. Playtrack22.

c) Remindstudentshowtodothistask.Writeapologiseonthe


SayListen to the CD again and underline the stress in the other words.



ANSWERS: 1 apologise 2 accident 3 ambulance 4 bandages 5 burglar 6 investigate 7 mystery

Hi FredYour father told me about your Uncle’s accident. How awful! And we had a problem here. My younger cousin fell down the stairs on Tuesday evening. He didn’t hurt himself badly, but he had some nasty bruises. My dad and I were with him at the hospital until four in the morning. Then I overslept and I was late for school. I arrived half way through my English lesson and the teacher was angry. I explained about the accident and everything was alright. I didn’t do much work on Wednesday. I was too tired!Write to me soon. With best wishes,Yasser

Audioscript trAck 21

1 apologise apologise3 ambulance ambulance5 burglar burglar7 mystery mystery

Audioscript trAck 22

2 accident accident4 bandages bandages6 investigate investigate

Extra activity: Askstudentstocopythesentencesintotheirnotebooks.

Homework: Workbook pages 104 and 105

Final activity: Practisewordsconnectedwithaccidentsandhealth.Writeh__

ontheboard.Sayhitandwritethelettersintheword,hit. Writeh__tontheboard.Whenastudentsayshurtaskhim/her

tocomeandwritethemissinglettersintheword. Studentscontinuewithsimilaritemsinpairs(e.g.fall, burn, bruise,

break, doctor, hospital, ambulance, accident, bandage). SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1ambulance 2steering wheel 3traffic lights 4bandage

2 1Dear 2Thank you 3I’m sorry 4hope 5well 6Love 7don’t apologise 8sorry 9awful 10best wishes 11you get better soon

3a1T 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 7F

3b1They didn’t climb a tree. They climbed a mountain. 2Lenny didn’t break his arm. He broke his leg. 3Lenny didn’t go home. He went to hospital.

4 1newspaper 2accident 3hospital 4awful 5serious 6police

Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen to the CD and repeat the words. Playtrack22. Studentslistenandrepeat.

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Unit 3 Problems and accidents

34 Unit 3 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Thepastsimpletense–negativesofirregularverbs,e.g.bought


Bring to the lesson: theCD(track23) theStudent’sBook(pages28and29)

ANSWERS: 1 F 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 E 6 C

b) AskstudentstocoverthesentencesinExercise1whilelookingat

thepictures. Inpairs,studentstellthestoryofwhyYasserwaslateforschool. Monitorstudentswhiletheyspeak,helpingasnecessaryand

notingerrors. Askafewpairstosaytheirsentencestotheclass.

Note: Whenmonitoringstudents’oralwork,focusonproblemswhicharecommontomoststudents.Makeanoteofcommonerrorsandthendealwiththemaftertheoralwork.Involvethewholeclassintheprocessofcorrectingthemistakes.

Extra activity: InpairsstudentsretellthestoryaboutBarbaraBaranandthe


Grammar study:


AskstudentstoreadtheGrammarstudybox. Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems. Askstudentstoreadandcompletethemissingwords. Checkanswerswithindividualstudents.

ANSWERS: 1 didn’t break 2 did 3 didn’t fall 4 leave 5 slept 6 didn’t sleep 7 told 8 didn’t tell

2 Listen, repeat and say.


a) AskthestudentstoreadtheexamplesentencesinExercise2ain


To start: Greetthestudents. Writethefollowingtwocolumnsofwordsontheboard(please

don’tcopythenumbersafterthesecondcolumn). Askstudentsinpairs,tomatchthewordsthatgowiththeverbs.

1 do downstairs(3)2have homework(2)3fall late(5)4replyto anaccident(2)5stayup ane-mail(4)

Askindividualstosaywhichverbsandwordsmatch. SayOpen your books at page 28, please.

1 Read and say.


a) SayRead the sentences. Number the pictures in the correct order. StudentsreadthesentencesaboutYasserindividuallyand

numberthepictures. Inpairstheyshouldcheckeachother’swork.

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Unit 3 • Problems and accidents • LESSON 4

Unit 3 • Lesson 4

SayListen and repeat the sentence. Playtrack23.Ifnecessarypausethetracktogivethestudents


Note: Whendoingthiskindofactivity,itisusefultogivetheclassaclearvisualcue(e.g.the‘Say’cueasshowninthephotographonpage7oftheIntroduction)soallstudentsstartspeakingatthesametime.Alternativelyyoucanusespokencues,e.g.bysayingthefirstwordofthesentence.

b) AskthestudentstoreadtheexamplesentencesinExercise2ain




Extra activity: Inpairs,studentsswaprolesandswapsentences.

ANSWERS: 1 A: Reema didn’t sleep late in Wednesday. B: She slept late on Thursday. 2 A: Rakan didn’t find a mouse in his house. B: He found a mouse in his garden. 3 A: Ibrahim didn’t drive Omar to hospital. B: He drove Omar to school. 4 A: Reema didn’t break a glass last night. B: She broke a plate last night.

Nina did her homework on Monday.Nina didn’t do her homework on Monday.1 Reema slept late on Wednesday. Reema didn’t sleep late on Wednesday.2 Rakan found a mouse in his house. Rakan didn’t find a mouse in his house.3 Ibrahim drove Omar to hospital. Ibrahim didn’t drive Omar to hospital.4 Reema broke a glass last night. Reema didn’t a glass last night.

Audioscript trAck 23

Homework Any exercises not completed in the Workbook

pages 100 – 105.

Final activities: PlaythegameReady and waiting. Askstudentstothinkof10or15newwordsfromUnit3andwrite

themontheboard.Asstudentssaythem(accident, ambulance, article, locked, manager, burn, hurt, break, hit, fall, investigate, problem, police station),askotherstudentstousethewordsinsentences.

Listthewordsontheboard. Askavolunteerstudenttogoouttheroom.Whenthestudent

hasleft,askanotherstudenttoeraseawordontheboard.Whenhe/shehasdonethis,theclasscallsReady and waiting!andthestudentoutsidereturnsintotheclass.


Studentscontinueplayinginsmallgroups. SayWell done. See you again soon.

3 Match and number.




ANSWERS: 2 A 6 B 1 C 5 D 4 E 2 F 3

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Unit 4 Mysteries

36 Unit 4 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 I was driving my car

LanguageFunctions: Narrativepast


Vocabulary:mirror, knock (n), mysterious

Pronunciation:/əʊ/ /ᴐː/

Reading and writing:Formalwrittenstatement;pastcontinuous

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track24) theStudent’sBook(pages30and31) theWorkbook(pages106and107)

ANSWER: (Sampleanswer)We can see some cars at traffic lights. A woman and her daughter are crossing the road. Uncle Jim is driving a blue car. There is another man in the car with him.

b) Askstudentsindividuallytoreadthepolicestatementand

answerthequestion. Studentscompareanswersinpairs.

ANSWERS: He doesn’t remember anything after he hit his head.

c) Explainthetask.Studentsreadthepolicestatementand





d) Eachpaircomparesandcheckstheirresponseswithanotherpair.


Statement Picture

1 Uncle Jim’s car is red/green.2 Uncle Jim had a passenger. 3 The traffic lights were red.4 He stopped his car at the red traffic lights.5 Two children were crossing the road.6 There wasn’t a car in front of Uncle Jim.7 A red car was coming up behind him.

1 Uncle Jim’s car is blue.2 Uncle Jim was the only person in the car.3 The traffic lights were green.4 He was driving his car.

5 A mother and her daughter were crossing the road.6 There was a black car in front of him.7 A blue car was coming behind him.

2 Say and write.


a) Studentsreadtheexamplequestionandanswer. Inpairs,onestudentasksthreemorequestionsaboutdifferent


Greetthestudents. AskWhat happened to Uncle Jim?andgetstudentstolookatthe




SayOpen your books at page 30, please.

1 Speak and read.


a) AskstudentstolookatthepictureinExercise1. Inpairs,studentsdescribewhattheycanseeinthepicture.

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Unit 4 • Mysteries • LESSON 1

Unit 4 • Lesson 1

Studentsswaprolesandhaveasimilarexchange. Goroundtheclasslisteningtothestudents. Askindividualstudentstosaythesentences.

ANSWERS: Students’ own answers.

Note: Thefocusofthistaskistopractisetheformanduseofthepastcontinuous.Itishelpfultobeflexibleaboutanyerrorsyouhearasyouarelisteningtostudents’pairwork.Iftheerrorisminor,youmaywishtoignoreit.Iftheerroriswiththepastcontinuous,youmaycorrectthemistakeimmediately.Ifyouthinkalotofpairsaremakingthesamemistake,youmaywishtodiscussitwiththewholeclassattheendofthepairwork,ratherthandirectlywithpairyouarelisteningto.

b) Askstudentstowritethesentences. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: Students’ own answers.

3 Speak.


Askstudentstositinsmallgroupsofsixtoeightstudents. Askstudentstoreadtheexamplesentences.Theideaisthat


Note: Thistaskpractisestheuseofthepastcontinuous.Thetaskisdesignedtobelivelyandinterestingtothestudentsandshouldbedoneatafastpace.

ANSWERS: Students’ own answers.

4 Match the words and the pictures.


a) Askstudentstomatchthewordsandthepictures. Inpairsstudentscheckeachother’sanswers.

ANSWERS: 1 E 2 C 3 F 4 A 5 D 6 B

Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen to the CD and repeat the words.

Playtrack24. Studentslistenandrepeat.

b) SayListen and repeat the words again. Playtrack24oncemore.

c) Remindstudentshowtodothistask. Studentswritethewordsinthecorrectcolumn. Studentschecktheiranswersinpairs.


so saw

boat bought

cold door

drove more

go taught

so sosaw sawboat boatbought boughtcold cold

Audioscript trAck 24

Homework: Workbook pages 106 and 107

Final activities: Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Writeshortjumbledwords(knowntothestudents)onthe


Theteamthatsaysthewordfirstgetsapoint. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1were playing football 2was having 3were walking 4was riding 5was reading 6was painting 7was eating

2 Students’ own answers.

3 What was Yasser doing at 11 o’clock on Thursday morning? What were the students studying at half past ten?

4 1was 2was walking 3was riding 4was sitting 5ran in front of 6turned 7hit 8didn’t hurt himself 9destroyed

5 boat know goat snow road home

6 door horse floor wore saw taught

door doordrove drovego gomore moretaught taught

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Unit 4 Mysteries

38 Unit 4 • Lesson 2

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track25) theStudent’sBook(pages32and33) theWorkbook(pages108and109)

ANSWER: (Sampleanswer)Nina is looking at Davey’s cage. She is sad because Davey’s cage is empty.

b) Askstudentstoreadthedialogueandcheckiftheyguessedthe


c) Askstudentstoreadthespeakbubbles.Helpwithvocabularyif

necessary. Studentsindividuallyreadandmatchthedialoguetothe

pictures. Inpairsstudentseachother’swork.

ANSWERS: A 5 B 3 C 1 D 4 E 2

2 Listen and say.


a) Tellstudentstolookattheposteratthebottomofpage32.Ask

Who do you think wrote the poster? Why did this person write the poster?(Nina(probably)wroteit.BecauseDaveyislostandNinawantstofindhim.)

Askstudentstolookatthepictureanddescribeit. SayListen to the phone conversation. Why is Nina happy? Playtrack25andstudentslistenandanswerthequestion. Studentssaytheanswer.

ANSWER: Because the woman has got Davey. / Because she found and caught Davey.

b) AskstudentstoindividuallyreadthesentencesinExercise2b


LESSON 2 Where's Davey?


Grammar:could / couldn’t;ability(1)

Vocabulary:towards, escape, reward, clean (v), ground (n), fault (n)

Reading and writing: could / couldn’t

To start: Greetthestudents. SayOpen your books at page 32, please. Writesoandsawontheboard.Underlinethesounds/əʊ/and

/ᴐː/soundsinthewords. Givepairsorsmallgroupsofstudentstwominutestowrite



1 Say, read and match.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureandsaywhatishappening. Listentoanswersfromindividualsintheclass.

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Unit 4 • Mysteries • LESSON 2

Unit 4 • Lesson 2



ANSWERS: A 4 B 1 C 6 D 3 E 5 F 2

Extra activity: Insomeclassesyoumaywishtoaskthestudentswithoutusing


Homework: Workbook pages 108 and 109

Final activity: Arrangestudentsintogroupsofthreeorfour. Studentsshouldchooseoneoftheirgrouptobethewriter. Tellthemtheyhavethreeminutestowriteasmanywords

connectedtobirdsastheycanremember. SayGoandthenStopafterthreeminutes. Thegroupwiththemostcorrectlyspelledwordsconnectedto

birdsisthewinner. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1Lost 2escaped 3towards 4Phone 5reward 6information

2 1could escape 2could fly 3couldn’t catch 4couldn’t see 5could bring

3 1Could Davey escape? 2Could Penny catch Davey? 3Could Nina see Davey? 4Could you do your homework yesterday?

4 1fault 2cleaning 3close 4flew 5escaped 6notice 7reward 8phoned 9address

Nina: Hello.Voice: Is that Oxford 287366? Nina: Yes, it is.Voice: Did you put a notice in the shop window about a lost parrot? Nina: No, but my mum did.Voice: Well, I’ve got good news. I’ve got him. Nina: You’ve got him!Voice: Yes. He was sitting in the tree in my garden. I couldn’t catch him at first, but I put some bird food on the ground and he came down and ate it. Then I could catch him. Tell me your address and I can bring him round. Nina: Oh, thank you, thank you! This is the happiest day of my life! Mum … that was a woman on the phone. She’s got Davey!

Audioscript trAck 25

3 Write.


Askstudentstoreadthesentences. Studentsindividuallycompletethemwithcouldandcouldn’t

accordingtotheotherinformationinthesentence. Inpairsstudentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 couldn’t 2 couldn’t 3 could/could 4 could

Extra activity: Studentscopythesentencesintotheirnotebooks.

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Unit 4 Mysteries

40 Unit 4 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 When I was ten


Grammar:could / couldn’t;ability(2);pastcontinuous(2)

Vocabulary:(fly a) kite, (sea) captain, diary, crewman, shout, lifeboat, ship, anybody, nobody

Pronunciation: Possessivepronouns

Reading and writing: could/couldn’t;narrativepaststory

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track26) theStudent’sBook(pages34and35) theWorkbook(pages110and111)

b) SayListen again and repeat.Playtrack26,pausingforstudentsto


To start: Greetthestudents. AskstudentstosayasmuchaboutthestoryofDavey’sescape

andreturntoNinaastheycanremember. SayOpen your books at page 34, please.

1 Listen, say and write.


a) AskstudentstolookatthepictureinExercise1,askWho can you

see? Where is he?(Dave Watson. In class at the international school.) Askstudentstoreadthequestionandtheresponsesinthe

picturethenaskCould you speak English when you were ten?Inviteresponses.

Say Listen to the sentencesandplaytrack26asstudentsfollowthetextintheirbooks.

Could you speak English when you were ten?Yes, I could.No, I couldn't.I could speak Arabic when I was ten.I could fly a kite but I couldn't swim.Could you cook when you were ten?Yes, I could.No, I couldn't. I couldn't cook when I was ten.

Audioscript trAck 26

Note: Remembertobreakanylongphrasesinsentencesintoshortsections,soitiseasierforstudentstolistenandrepeat.

c) Askstudentstoreadthetable.Checktheyunderstandthetask. Ifhelpful,copythefirstthreesentencesofthetableonthe




Discussandcorrectcommonerrorsattheendoftheexercise. Listentoafewsamplesentencesfromstudentsaroundtheclass.

ANSWER: Students’ own answers.

d) Readtheexamplesentenceswiththeclass.Pointoutthatthe


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Unit 4 • Mysteries • LESSON 3

Unit 4 • Lesson 3

ANSWERS: A3 B2 C1 D6 E4 F5

Extra activity: Withthetextcovered,studentsretellthestoryoftheMary



d) Writethisincompletesentenceontheboard:I think the people

on theMary Celeste… SayWhat do you think happened to theMary Celeste? Usingthepromptsentenceontheboardtohelpthem,students


ANSWER: Students’ own answers.

Homework: Workbook pages 110 and 111

Final activity: PlayHangmanwiththestudentsusingwordsfromearlierinthe

book(checkthattheyremembertherules). Studentscontinueplayinginsmallgroups. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1a 1He could swim when he was three. 2He couldn’t count when he was three. 3He could paint when he was three. 4He couldn’t read when he was three.

1b 1Could he swim? Yes, he could. 2Could he count? No, he couldn’t. 3Could he paint? Yes, he could. 4Could he read? No, he couldn’t.

2 1ship 2lifeboat 3captain 4kite 5diary

3 1kite 2diary 3ship 4captain 5lifeboat

4 1Nobody 2nobody 3anybody 4anybody 5Nobody

5 1ship 2New York 3diary 4sailing 5didn’t find any people 6 mystery


Asthestudentswork,goaroundandhelporcorrectthem. Whenstudentshavefinishedwiriting,theyshouldcheckeach


ANSWER: Students’ own answers.

2 Say and read.

Aims:toreadfordetail;todiscussthestoryoftheMary Celeste.

a) Askstudentstoreadthequestionsandlookatthepicturesand

map. Inpairs,studentsaskandanswerthequestions. Listentothestudents’ideasbutdon’tcorrectanyfactual


ANSWER: (Students’answersmayvery)It’s a traditional ship. It’s called the MaryCeleste. The man is probably the captain of the ship.

b) SayRead the story. How many people were on the ship? When did

the captain last write in his diary? Studentsreadthepassageandfindtheinformation.Afterafew

minutesstudentscompareanswersinpairs. UsethemaptodiscusswithstudentswheretheMary Celeste

sailed. Helpstudentswiththemeaningofsomeofthenewwords,e.g.

captain, diary, lifeboat.

ANSWERS: 1 There were eight people on the ship. The captain last wrote in the ship on 24th November 1872.

Note: Remindstudentstowriteimportantnewitemsofvocabularyintotheirnotebooks.Youshouldwritethemontheboardforstudentstocopy.Trytoincorporatethewordwithinsentences,e.g.,The captain sailed the ship to New Yorkratherthanjustthewordcaptain.

c) Askstudentstoreadthetextagainandputthepicturesinthe

correctorder. Studentsdothetaskinpairsthencomparetheiranswerswith


Note: ThesentenceaboutMrBriggswritinginhisdiaryisneartheendofthepassage.However,pleasenotethatinthestoryoftheMary Celeste,MrBriggswritesinhisdiarybeforethecrewofthesecondshipfoundtheemptyMary Celesteandtookasmallboatacrosstoinvestigate.

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Unit 4 Mysteries

42 Unit 4 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Thepastcontinuoustense,e.g.I was looking.


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks27to29) theStudent’sBook(pages36and37)

To start: Greetthestudents. Copythesewordsontheboard:bird, bruise, cage, captain, car,

crew, fall, hurt, parrot, ship, steering wheel, traffic lights, sail. Studentsputthewordsintofiverelatedgroupsofthreewords. Studentsdothetaskinpairs. Asktheclasstogivethecorrectgroups.

ANSWERS: 1bird, cage, parrot 2bruise, fall, hurt, 3captain, crew, sail 4car, steering wheel, traffic lights 5doctor, hospital, nurse

SayOpen your books at page 36, please.

1 Correct.


a) Setthecontext.Nina’sfriend,BrigittesentNinaane-mailwith

eightlanguagemistakes. Inpairs,studentscorrectthemistakes. Eachpaircomparestheirworkwithanotherpair.

Hi! Are you well this week? My week was awful. I have a parrot called Max. I was cleaning Max’s cage and the parrot was sitting on the table. It was a sunny day and I was feeling hot. I opened the door. Max saw the open door and he flew out and escaped. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. Then my mum came home. I told her about Max and she said: ‘I saw Max in the garden. He was sitting in a tree. I didn’t know it was him. He's a nice parrot.’ Mum and I ran out of the house. Max wasn’t in the tree. I am feeling very sad. I want to find him. He's a nice parrot.E-mail me and tell me your news.With best wishes,Brigitte

Audioscript trAck 27

ANSWERS: 1 were cleaning/was cleaning 2 was feel/was feeling 3 fly out/flew out 4 I can’t/I couldn’t 5 mum say/mum said 6 were sitting/was sitting 7 weren’t/wasn’t

b) SayListen and check your answers. Playtrack27whilepupilslistenandchecktheirwork.

2 Ask, answer and write.


a) Askstudentstoreadthespeechbubblesandlookatthetable.. Inpairs,studentsusetheinformationinthetableandaskand

answerquestionsaboutOmar. Askpairstoperformtheirdialoguestotheclass.

ANSWERS: 1 Could Omar speak English when No, he couldn’t. he was six?

Can Omar speak English now? Yes, he can.2 Could Omar cook when he was six? No, he couldn’t.

Can Omar cook now? No, he can’t. 3 Could Omar write Arabic letters when Yes, he could.

he was six? Can Omar write Arabic letters now? Yes, he can.

4 Could Omar tell the time when he was six? No, he couldn’t. Can Omar tell the time now? Yes, he can.5 Could Omar ride a bike when he was six? Yes, he could. Can Omar ride a bike now? Yes, he can. 6 Could Omar clean his teeth when he was six? Yes, he could. Can Omar clean his teeth now? Yes, he can.

b) StudentswritesentencesaboutOmarintheirnotebooks. Inturn,askindividualstowritecorrectresponsesontheboard.

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Unit 4 • Mysteries • LESSON 4

Unit 4 • Lesson 4

ANSWERS: 1 Omar couldn’t speak English when he was six but he can speak English now.2 Omar couldn’t cook when he was six and he can’t cook now.3 Omar could write Arabic letters when he was six and he can write them now.4 Omar couldn’t tell the time when he was six but he can tell the time now.5 Omar could ride a bike when he was six and he can ride a bike now.6 Omar could clean his teeth when he was six and he clean them now.

Grammar study: AskstudentstoreadtheGrammarstudybox. StudentscopytheGrammarstudyboxintotheirnotebooks.

3 Read and say.


Askstudentstoreadthesentences. Studentsindividuallyunderlinethecorrectverbstense. Inpairs,theycheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 was feeling/ate 2 is feeling/is drinking 3 were feeling/watched 4 had/are feeling


ANSWERS: 1 Reema was feeling hungry last night/so she ate a sandwich at nine o’clock. 2 Fred is feeling thirsty/so he is drinking a glass of water now. 3 Omar and Rakan were feeling bored last night/so they watched TV. 4 You had headache this morning/but you are feeling fine now.

Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen to the CD and repeat the words. Playtrack28. Studentslistenandrepeat.

b) SayWrite the words in the column. Studentswritethewordsinthecorrectcolumn. Studentschecktheiranswersinpairs.

c) SayListen and repeat the words again. Playtrack28forstudentschecktheiranswers.


know fork

notice caught

know fork

kilo thought

wrote fault

know knowfork forknotice notice

Audioscript trAck 28

caught caughtkilo kilofault fault

4 Read, listen and say.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureandsaysentencesaboutthe

Mary Celeste. Askstudentstolookatthepoemandreaditsilentlytothemselves.

b) SayListen to the CD. Playtrack29.Studentslistenandfollowthepoemintheirbooks.

c) Say Listen again and repeat. Playthetrackagain,pausingforstudentstorepeat. SayListen again. Say the poem at the same time. PlaythetrackagainandstudentssaythepoemwiththeCD.

thought thoughtwrote wrote

There was a ship called the Mary Celeste.It was sailing from New York to Italy.There was a ship called the Mary Celeste.A mysterious ship on the open sea.Another ship saw the Mary Celeste,after she left New York for Italy.They shouted to the people on the Mary Celeste,but nobody answered across the sea.So the crew took a boat to the Mary Celesteto the Marie Celeste, across the sea.There was nobody there on the Mary Celeste.What happened to the people is a mystery.

Audioscript trAck 29

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook pages

106 – 111.

Final activity: Inpairsstudentsplayaspellinggame. TheyshouldchoosewordsfromUnit4andasktheirpartnerHow

do you spell …? SayWell done. See you again soon.

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Unit 5 Climate change

44 Unit 5 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 You're all correct!


Grammar:too much / many

Vocabulary:climate, lifestyle, electricity, rubbish, gas, CO2

, heat, Japan

Reading and writing:too much / many;Technicalexplanation

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track30) theStudent’sBook(pages38and39) theWorkbook(pages112and113)

Extra activity: Youmaywishtoaskstudentstoreadthearticleandunderline

thethreecountriesinthetext.(Saudi Arabia, Britain and Japan.)

2 Read, listen and say.


a) AskstudentstoreadtheClimate Change Quiz.Helpwith

vocabulary,e.g.electricity, rubbish. SayDo the quiz. Tick the correct sentences.Studentsreadand

completethequizindividually. Askafewindividualswhichsentencestheythinkaretruebut


b) Say Listen. Which sentences in the Climate Change Quiz are correct? Playtrack30whilestudentstickthecorrectsentencesinthe

quiz. Studentscomparetheiranswersinpairs. Establishfromtheclassthatallsentencesarecorrect.

ANSWERS: All the sentences in the quiz are true.

c) StudentsreadthesentencesinExercise2c. SayLook at the quiz and listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Playtrack30againwhilestudentslistenandtickthesentence

trueorfalseaccordingtotheinformationintheconversation. Afterthelistening,studentscompareanswersinpairs.Ifthey


To start: Greetthestudents. Ifyouaskedstudentstolearnthepoemonpage37,askthemto

sayitwiththeirbooksclosed. SayOpen your books at page 38, please.

1 Read.


Teachclimateandclimate change. Askstudentstolookatthepicture.AskWho can you see? What

are they doing?(Rakan, Omar, Yasser and their teacher. They are looking at a quiz.)

SayLook at the article. What is happening all over the world this week?


ANSWERS: Students are studying the world’s changing climate.

Teacher: Now then, everybody. Let’s look at the climate change quiz. Omar, which ones do you think cause climate change? omar: I think 1, 3 and 4, Teacher.Teacher: I see, Omar. And what about you, Yasser?

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Unit 5 • Climate change • LESSON 1

Unit 5 • Lesson 1

ANSWERS: 1 heats 2 should 3 escape 4 cannot 5 climate

4 Complete the sentences. Use much or many.





ANSWERS: 1 much 2 many 3 much 4 much 5 many 6 much

Homework: Workbook pages 112 and 112

Final activity: PlayHangmanwiththestudentsusingwordsfromearlierinthe

book. Studentscontinueplayinginsmallgroups. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1T 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T 9T

2 1planes 2cutting down 3rubbish 4driving 5electricity

3 1There’s too much rain in Oxford. 2There are too many people in the boat. 3There’s too much homework in the evenings. 4There are too many cars in the cities.

4 1c 2d 3e 4b 5f 6g 7a

5 The mistakes and corrections are: moon Earth too much too many too many too much electricities electricity throwing in throwing away too many too much too much too many grass trees

ANSWERS: 1 T 2 T 3 T

Extra activity: Askthestudentstoreadthedialogueinpairs.

3 Say, read and write.


a) AskstudentstolookatthediagramsinExercise3.Usethe

illustrationstoteachdiagram.Alsoteachheatandcarbon dioxide. Checkthatstudentsunderstandwhatishappening.Insome

classesyoumayneedtodothisinArabic. SayTalk about the diagrams. What is happening in them? Inpairs,studentsdescribewhatishappening. Askindividualstosaysamplesentences.

ANSWERS: (Sampleanswers)In the first diagram heat is escaping from the Earth. In the second diagram heat cannot escape from Earth because of carbon dioxide. This makes the world hotter.

Note 1:Whensampleanswersaregivenintheanswerkey,theintentionistoshowanexampleofthekindofanswerstudentsshouldgive.Whenstudentsanswer,theyshouldprovidethesamekindofcontentintheiranswer,butdon’tcorrectacorrectanswerjustbecausestudentsdon’tuseexactlythesamewordsasthesampleanswer.

Note 2:Inthetexthereandinotherplacesinthebook,studentsseeCO



carbon,Oisforoxygenand2fordioxide(meaningtwo atoms of


b) SayRead what the teacher says about the diagrams and climate

change. Whenstudentsfinish,askWere you correct about the diagrams?

c) Inpairs,studentsreadthetextandfillinthegaps,usingwords

fromthebox. Monitortheclassastheyworkandansweranyquestionsabout

vocabulary. Onepairofstudentscomparestheirworkwithanotherpair.

Yasser: I think 2, 4 and 5.Teacher: And you, Rakan? Rakan: I think 1, 3 and 5.Teacher: Well … you’re all wrong. But together, you’re all correct! Because all of these cause climate change. omar: Why, Teacher?Teacher: It’s because of …

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Unit 5 Climate change

46 Unit 5 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 We should use less electricity


Grammar:should / shouldn’t(1);fewer / less(1)

Vocabulary:recycle, plastic, glass (uncountable), oil, petrol,


Reading and writing:Describingprocess

Pronunciation:/ə/ /ʊ/should / shouldn't

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks31and32) theStudent’sBook(pages40and41) theWorkbook(pages114and115)

Inpairsstudentsmakeasentenceforeachpicture. Whenstudentsfinish,askoneortwoindividualstosay


ANSWERS: (Sampleanswers)1 Trees take in CO2. during the day

and let it out at night. 2 We cut down trees. 3 We make paper. 4 We use paper. 5 We throw away paper. 6 We use more trees.

b) Inpairsstudentsreadthesentencesandfillinthegapswiththe

correctwordsfromthebox. Asktheclasstogivethecorrectanswers.

ANSWERS: 1 CO2 2 escapes 3 make 4 write 5 throw 6 cut

Note: Withverbslikecut downandthrow away,thesecondpartoftheverbcanbeplacedequallycorrectlybeforeoraftertheobject.We cut down trees/We cut trees down.

2 Read, say and listen.


a) Teachsuggestionsandreviserecycle. Drawstudents’attentiontothetitleHow do we stop climate


b) Inpairsstudentscompletethesentenceswithsuggestionswhy

weshouldorshouldn’tdoeachofthethings. Pointateachsentenceontheboardandlistentostudents’ideas.

ANSWERS: (Sampleanswers)1 We shouldn’t cut down so many trees because there aren’t many trees in the world. 2 We should drive fewer cars because there too many cars on the roads. 3 We should use less electricity because carbon dioxide escapes when we make electricity. 4 We should recycle our rubbish because we make too much rubbish.

c) SayListen to the CD and repeat the sentences. Playtrack31andaskstudentstorepeatafterthetrack.They


To start: Greetthestudents.Arrangetheclassintosmallgroups. AskWhat things are made of paper? What things are made of wood? Studentslistasmanyitemsastheycanthataremadeofwood

andmadeofpaper. SayGo!AttheendofthreeminutessayStop! Thewinninggrouphasthelongestlistofobjects. SayOpen your books at page 40, please.

1 Say and write.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictures.Giveashortperiodforthis

and,ifnecessary,revisewordssuchascarbon dioxide (CO2

), escape, cut down, throw away.

AskWhat is happening in the pictures? Say sentences.We shouldn’t cut down so many trees.We should drive fewer cars and fly fewer planes.

Audioscript trAck 31

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Unit 5 • Climate change • LESSON 2

Unit 5 • Lesson 2


SayPut the words in the correct columns. Studentscandothisworkinpairsorindividuallyandthencheck

theirresponsesinpairsattheend. Monitorandhelpwhenandwhereneeded.

Note: Thecountablenounsunderfewerinthetablearegiventhesingulartohavethesamegrammaticalformastheuncountablenouns.Pleasenotethatwhenweusecountablenounsafterfewerandmanytheymustbeplural,e.g.fewer planes, many cars, fewer quizzes, more trees,etc.


fewer less

plane electricity

car oil

quiz paper

spaceship petrol

tree plastic

Homework: Workbook pages 114 and 115

Final activity: ArrangestudentsingroupsofthreeorfourforagameofWord

Chain.Onestudentineachgroupshouldbethewriter. Writeashortwordontheboard,e.g.bed.Pointtothefinalletter

andsayThink of a word beginning with d. Write it in your notebooks.Eachgroupwritesawordbeginningwithdintheirnotebook.


Pointtothefinalletterofdoor,andsayThink of a word beginning with r.Givegroupstimetowritetheirwordbeginningwithrintheirnotebooks.

Carryonthegameformorewords. After10wordsstopthegametoseewhichgrouphasthelongest,

correctlyspelledlistofwordsbeginningwiththecorrectletters. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1CO2 2cut 3escapes 4above 5wood 6throw 7need


21light 2wool 3petrol 4cheese 5wood 6paper 7chips 8heat

3 1shouldgo 2shouldn’tplay 3shouldgo 4shouldn’tsail 5shouldeat 6shouldn’ttouch

4 1less 2less 3fewer 4fewer 5less 6less 7fewer

5 1Oil 2CO2 3Paper,plasticandglass 4CO

2 5electricity

d) AskWho can you see in the picture? What’s happening?(Miss

Jennings, Nina, Elena, Lucy. The class is having a lesson about climate change.)

SayListen. Miss Jennings read an article last night. What does she think about the article?

Playtrack32.Studentslistenandanswerthequestion. Studentscompareanswersinpairs. Confirmtheanswerwiththeclass.

ANSWER: Miss Jennings thinks it’s an interesting article.

e) Asktheclasstoreadthesentences. SayListen to the CD. Are the statements true or false? Playtrack32againwhilestudentslistenandtickthesentencesas

trueorfalseaccordingtotheinformationinthedialogue. Studentscompareanswersinpairs. Playtrack32againthenaskindividualsifeachsentenceistrueor


Lucy: I understand about trees and paper, Teacher. But why should we drive fewer cars?Miss Jennings: Good question, Lucy. Because cars use petrol and when we use petrol we produce carbon dioxide. Now, what do we make petrol from? Yes, Lucy? Lucy: Oil, Teacher.Miss Jennings: Yes, Lucy. And how much oil is there in the world? Lucy: Lots, Teacher.Miss Jennings: Yes, lots … now. But not for ever. One day there isn’t going to be any more oil. So we should drive and fly less now. Lucy: I understand, Teacher. Miss Jennings: Look. After class yesterday I found this on the Internet. It says we should think of The Earth as a spaceship. Nina: A spaceship, Teacher? Why?Miss Jennings: Here, read it. It’s very interesting.

Audioscript trAck 32

We should use less electricity.We should recycle our paper, plastic and glass and use it again

3 Put the words into the correct columns.


Writeaplussign(+)andaminussign(–)ontheboard.Sayfewer, less, many, muchandaskstudentstomatchfewer,less,many,muchtothesignwhichgivestheirmeanings(+=many, much;–=fewer, less).

Writefewer, less, many, muchinthisorderontheboard.

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Unit 5 Climate change

48 Unit 5 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Spaceship Earth


Grammar:Indefinitepronouns;should / shouldn’t(2)

Vocabulary:limited, energy, coal, waste (v), valuable, (radio)

studio, expert, top (n)

Reading and writing:Logicalargument

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track33) theStudent’sBook(pages42and43) theWorkbook(pages116and117)

Teachspace(asinthe area outside the Earth’s air where the Sun, planets and stars are).Alsoteach(ifnecessaryatthispoint)spaceshipandspace traveller.

Askstudentstolookat1a.SayRead about Spaceship Earth. What should we think about before we drive?


b) Explainsummaryandcheckthatstudentsunderstandthewords

inthebox. Inpairsstudentsreadthesentencesandfillinthegapsusing


ANSWERS: 1spaceship 2air 3clean 4energy 5waste

2 Speak and write.Aim:topractisevocabularyofelectricalitems.

a) AskstudentstolookatthephotosinExercise2.Inpairs,they

shouldsaythewordstheyknow.Helpstudentswithwordstheydon’tknow(fromlefttoright:light bulb, TV, computer.

Inpairs,studentsdiscussthingsintheirhousethatuseelectricity. Monitortheirworkandsupplywordsforobjectstheydonot


b) Studentswritetheirlistsintheirnotebooks.

Note: Therearemanydifferentitemsthatuseelectricityinahouse.Concentrateonthemorecommonandimportantones(inadditiontothephotos),e.g.fridge, freezer, cooker, microwave, air conditioner, fan, heater, mobile phone (charger), CD player, DVD player, MP3 player, vacuum cleaner, bread maker, hairdryer, (electric) razor, radio, washing machine,etc.

c) Pairsofstudentscomparetheirlistsandexpandonorcorrect


Extra activity: Asaclass,askstudentstosaytheirwordsandwritethemonthe



To start: Greetthestudents. Arrangetheclassintosmallgroups.Onegroupmembershould

beawriter. Writefewerandlessontheboard. Tellthestudentstolistcountablenounsunderfewerand


SayGo!AttheendofthreeminutessayStop! Thewinninggrouphasthehighesttotalofcountablenouns

underfeweranduncountablenounsunderless. SayOpen your books at page 42, please.

1 Read, say and write.Aim:toreadandsummarisekeyvocabulary.

a) AskstudentstolookatthephotoinExercise1,readthetitleand


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Unit 5 • Climate change • LESSON 3

Unit 5 • Lesson 3

3 Listen, say and write.


a) SayLook at the photograph in Exercise 3. What can you see? Asktheclasstogiveresponses.(Answer:aradiostation/studio.) Usethecontextofthephotototeach(radio) studio, expert,

presenterandinterview. Writethesepromptwordsontheboard:presenter/have

interview/radio studio/with/expert on climate change. Encouragethestudentstoproducethesentence:The presenter is

having an interview at a radio station with an expert on climate change.

b) AskWhat shouldn’t you do with plastic bags?Getideasfromthe

classbeforetheylistentotheinterview. Playtrack33andstudentslistenandanswerthequestion. Studentscompareanswersinpairs.

ANSWERS: You shouldn’t throw it away./Don’t throw it way.

c) AskstudentstoreadthefivesentencesinExercise3c. SayListen again. Which sentences does Dr. Robson not say?Choose

twosentences. Inpairs,studentsreadthesentencesagainandchoosetwo




ANSWERS: Dr. Robson didn’t say: 4 We should walk from home to school. 5 We shouldn’t use plastic bags again.

d) Askstudentstoreadthesentences. SayListen again and underline the correct words. Playtrack33againasstudentsunderlinethewordsDr.Robson

said. Inpairs,studentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 everyone/something 2 everything 3 nothing

Extra activity: Studentsinpairsreadtheinterview.Theythenswaprolesand


4 Read and write.Aims:topractiseshouldandshouldn’t;tosummariselearningaboutclimatechange.

Askstudentstoreadthesentencesindividually. Inpairs,studentsdiscussthesentences.Theytickthecorrect

sentencesandcorrecttheincorrectsentences. Discussanswerswiththeclass.

ANSWERS: 3 ✓ 4 ✗ We should recycle our plastic. 5 ✓

Homework: Workbook pages 116 and 117

Final activity: Ingroupsoffourorfive,studentssaysentencesabouthowwe

canlookaftertheEarth.Thefirststudentsays,forexample,We shouldn’t cut down too many trees.Thesecondstudentsays,forexample,We shouldn’t throw away too much rubbish.Thethirdsays,forexample,We should drive fewer cars.Andsoon.Eachstudentinthegrouprepeatswhatthepreviousstudenthassaidandaddsanotheritem.


SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1b 2e 3f 4a 5d 6c


We should … We shouldn’t …

walk or cycle when we can. waste energy.

turn taps off. always drive cars.

use plastic bags again. throw away plastic bags.

keep our air clean. burn so much coal.

3 1C 2A 3B 4A 5C 6A

4 1plane 2carbon dioxide 3car 4table 5petrol 6spaceship

5 1 petrol CO2 bad 2clean important plants

Presenter: In the Young World studio today we have Dr. Linda Robson. Dr. Robson is an expert on climate change. What do you have to say to our young listeners, Dr. Robson?Dr. Robson: Climate change is happening and it’s happening quickly. The world is getting warmer. And everyone can do something to stop this, everyone can help.

Audioscript trAck 33

Presenter: What can we do? Dr. Robson: Think carefully about everything you do. Little things – don’t waste paper. Write on both sides. Don’t waste electricity – turn the lights off when you leave the room at home and at school. Don’t waste water – turn the taps off. When you get a plastic bag from the shop, don’t throw it away. Use it again. Don’t think ‘There’s nothing I can do’. We can all do something.

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Unit 5 Climate change

50 Unit 5 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Countableanduncountablenouns,too many, too much


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks34and35) theStudent’sBook(pages44and45)

TellstudentstousethephrasesfromExercise1insentences. Givestudentsthreeorfourminutestowritethesentences. Asksome‘writers’tosaytheirgroup’ssentences.Therestofthe


2 Complete and listen.


a) Askstudentstoreadtheincompletedialogueandthequestions




b) Playtrack34andstudentslistenandchecktheiranswers.

ANSWERS: 1 c 2 f 3 a 4 g 5 h 6 d 7 b 8 e

To start: Greetthestudents. Arrangethestudentsintogroupsoffourorfive.Eachstudent

shouldchooseaunitfromUnits1–5ofLift Off! 3. Fromtheiruniteachstudentshouldchooseandwritethreenew

words,keepingthewordssecretfromtheothersinthegroup. Studentsthendictatetheirwordstotheothersinthegroup

whoshouldwritethemwiththecorrectspelling. SayOpen your books at page 44, please.

1 Match and say.


a)b) Askstudentstomatchtheverbsandthenounstheygowith. Inpairs,studentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: A 3 B 1 C 5 D 6 E 2 F 4

Extra activity: Putstudentsinsmallgroups.Oneofthestudentsisthewriter.

Nina: Excuse me Dr. Robson. Can I ask you some questions? Dr. Robson: Yes of course, Nina. Nina: Is our climate really changing?Dr. Robson: Yes, it is. It’s changing very quickly. Nina: Why is that happening?Dr. Robson: It’s because of carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we produce and use energy, drive cars or fly planes. Nina: Why is carbon dioxide important?Dr. Robson: When there’s too much carbon dioxide above the Earth, the climate gets hotter. Nina: What can we do?Dr. Robson: Think carefully about everything we do. We shouldn’t waste anything – petrol, water, electricity.

Audioscript trAck 34

Extra activity: Studentsreadthedialoguealoudinpairs.Inboys’classes,you


3 Underline the correct word in each sentence.


Askstudentstoreadthesentences. SayUnderline the correct words. Studentsunderlinethecorrectwordsaccordingtothecontext


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Unit 5 • Climate change • LESSON 4

Unit 5 • Lesson 4


ANSWERS: 1must 2should 3should 4must 5shouldn't 6must

Extra activity: Youmaywanttomakethedifferenceinmeaningbetween

shouldandmustclearertoyourstudents.Withsomeclassesyoucandothisbyasking(inEnglish)What does 'should' mean in Arabic? and What does 'must' mean in Arabic?

AskfortheArabicequivalentstocheckthatstudentsunderstand. Inotherclasses,givethisexplanationinEnglish.Say:We use

'must' in sentences to say there is a rule to follow or when something bad can happen. For example, you must drive on the right in Saudi Arabia. You mustn’t drive on the left. We use 'should' when it is a good idea or the best thing to do or not to do something. For example, to help stop climate change, we should use less electricity.

Grammar study:


AskstudentstoreadtheGrammarstudybox. Studentsshouldaskquestionsifanythingisunclear.

Extra activity: YoumaywishstudentstocopytheGrammarstudyboxintheir


4 Complete with fewer, less, too many or too much.

Aim:topracticecountableanduncountablenounswithfewer,less,too manyortoo much.

Askstudentstoreadthesentences. Usetheexampletocheckthatstudentsunderstandwhattodo. Studentsfillinthegapsinthesentencesappropriatelywith

fewer,less,too manyortoo much Inpairs,studentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 too many 2 too much 3 fewer 4 too many 5 less 6 too much

5 Read, listen and say.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepoemandreaditsilentlyto


b) SayListen to the CD. Playtrack35.Studentslistenandfollowthepoemintheirbooks.

c) SayListen again and repeat. Playtrack35again.Pausethetrackaftereachlinetogive

studentstimetorepeat. SayListen again. Say the poem at the same time. Playthetrackagain.Studentssaythepoematthesametimeas


Extra activity: Askstudentstolearnthepoemforhomework.Inthenextlesson


The world is getting warmerThe weather’s getting strange,It's our lifestyle that is causingour rapid climate change.We’re using too much petrol,too much gas and oil, too.

Audioscript trAck 35

6 Match and number


Askstudentstolookatthephotos. SayMatch the pictures and the words. Studentswritethecorrectnumberforeachpicture.Theycando


ANSWERS: A4 B1 C2 D7 E8 F5 G3 H6

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook pages

110 – 115.

Final activity: Writethesewordsfromtheunitandtheirmeaningsonthe

board.Themeaningsareinthewrongorder.Words Meaning1 carbondioxide Thingswedon’twantandthrowaway.(7)2climate Apersonwhoknowsalotaboutsomething. (4)3tap Tousemoney,time,energyandotherthings inabadway.(5)4expert Weusethisthingtoturnwateronandoff.(3)5waste Akindofgas.(1)6studio Ameetingwhenonepersonasksanother personanswers.(8)7 rubbish WemakefilmsandTVandradioprogrammes inthisplace.(6)8interview Theusualweatherinaplace.(2)


Say Well done. See you again soon.

We should try to stop producingtoo much carbon dioxide.Is your journey necessary?Don’t drive or take a plane,Why not walk or ride a bike,take a bus or catch a train?

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Unit 6 Different places

52 Unit 6 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 Old places


Grammar:possibly / probably

Vocabulary:activity, bird of prey, Hawk Conservancy, prehistoric, parallel, desert (n), religious, trade, hunting, archaeologist

Reading and writing: Touristattractions;readingforgeneralandspecificinformation

Pronunciation:probably, possibly

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track36) theStudent’sBook(pages46and47) theWorkbook(pages118and119)

ANSWERS: Julian, Fahad and Claudio. They are at the Bournemouth English School.

AskstudentstoreadthedialoguebetweenJulianandFahad.Checktheyunderstandactivities programme.(Theyshouldbeabletoguessfromthepicturesonpage46.)

b) Askstudentstoreadtheactivitiesprogramme.AskWhich is the

longest trip? Tellthestudentstolookthroughtheactivitiesprogrammeas


ANSWER: The trip to London.

c) Askstudentstoreadtheinstructionandquestions1and2. TheyshouldthenreadthetextaboutFahadandlookbackatthe

activitiesprogramme. Encouragethemtolookatthepicturesandusetheirdictionaries




Note: Twoimportantreadingskillsthatyoushouldencouragethestudentstodevelopare:1Guessingthemeaningofnewvocabularyfromthecontext/pictures.2Usingdictionaries.

Extra activity: Asksomequestionstochecknewvocabulary,e.g.Is a historic city

old or modern?

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Ifyouaskedstudentstolearnthepoemonpage45,askthemto

sayitwiththeirbooksclosed. Tointroducethetopicofthelesson,askstudentstoimaginethat

theyareatanEnglishLanguageSchoolinEngland.Whatkindofplaceswouldtheyliketovisitonaschooltrip?Writetheirsuggestionsontheboard.(Examples:cities, museums, zoos, parks.)

SayOpen your books at page 46, please.

1 Look, read and say.Aims:toreadandunderstandanactivitiesprogramme;toreadforspecificinformation;tointroducevocabulary.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureinpairs.Who can they see?

Where are they?

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Unit 6 • Differnet places • LESSON 1

Unit 6 • Lesson 1


2 Look!



3 Read, listen and say.


Note: Whenstudentshavetoreadamorechallengingtext,itisagoodideatoencouragethemtofirstlookatthetitle(ifthereisone),photographsandanyothercluestohelpthempredictwhatthetextisaboutbeforetheyreadit.Establishingthishabitisofgreatbenefit.


a) Askstudentstolookatthephotograph.Whatcantheysee?(The

standing stones of Al-Rajajil.) Whydothestudentsthinkthestonesarethere?Elicitsome

opinions. AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise3a. Tellthemtoreadthearticleasquicklyastheycantofindthe

answer. AsktheclassDo we know why prehistoric people built Al-Rajajil?

ANSWER: No, we don’t.

b) AskstudentstoreadthequestionandsentencesinExercise3b. Theyshouldreadthearticleagainandanswerthequestion. Theycanusetheirdictionariesoraskyoutohelpwithnew



Extra activity: Checkstudents’understandingofimportantnewvocabularyin

thetext,e.g.parallel, desert, religious, trade, archaeologist. Askstudentstosaysentenceswhichincludethewords. Helpthemasnecessary.

c) SayListen to the CD and repeat. Play track 36. Pauseforthestudentstorepeat.

possibly possiblyprobably probablyThey were possibly a trade centre.They were probably a meeting place.

Audioscript trAck 36

Ensurestudentscopythepronunciationpatterns. Ifithelps,writethesesentencesontheboardandunderlinethe

stressasyousaythewords:They were possibly a trade centre. They were probably a meeting place.


d) Studentsdiscussthequestioninpairsusingprobablyand

possibly. Haveafeedbacksessionandelicitsuggestionsfromtheclass.

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentstalkaboutwhattheyareprobablyandpossibly


Homework: Workbook pages 118 and 119

Final activities: Insmallgroups,studentsproduceanactivitiesprogrammefor


SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1c 2f 3e 4b 5a 6d

2 1I’m having 2 an activities programme 3probably 4standing 5fewer 6place 7prey 8don’t know 9don’t need

3 meeting place trade centre religious centre

4 1aFarm Animals bAnimals of the Forest 2aBirds of the World bHawks 3aMountain Walks bShort Forest Walks 4a Explore London bExplore English Villages

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Unit 6 Different places

54 Unit 6 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 I'm turning the lights off



Vocabulary:turn off, pick up, publish, glasses (spectacles)

Reading and writing:Infinitiveofpurpose

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track37) theStudent’sBook(pages48and49) theWorkbook(pages120and121)

ANSWERS: To make a cup of tea.


c) Askstudentstoreadquestions1and2. SayListen again and answer the questions.Playtrack37again. Studentsanswerthequestionsinpairs. Choosetwostudentstowritetheanswersontheboard.

ANSWERS: 1 To save energy. 2 To do her homework.

d) Askstudentstomatchthebeginningsandendingsofthe

sentences. Theyshouldcheckeachother’sanswersinpairs. Saythebeginningsofthesentencesandelicittheendingsfrom


ANSWERS: 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 c

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentssaythebeginningsofsentencesfortheir

partnertocomplete,e.g.She went to the supermarket … to buy some eggs.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Askstudentstotellapartnerwhatlightstheirfamilyturnedon

yesterdayevening.(We turned on the living room light. We …) SayOpen your books at page 48, please.

1 Say, listen and read.


Note: Weuseto+infinitivetotalkaboutwhywedosomething,e.g.He bought a car to drive to work.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureinpairsandanswerthe


b) SayListen to the CD. Why is Penny going to the kitchen?Playtrack37. Elicittheanswerfromtheclass.

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Unit 6 • Differnet places • LESSON 2

Unit 6 • Lesson 2

Extra activity: Playamimegametopractisethephrasalverbs. Demonstratemimingby,forexample,pretendingtoputon

glassesandaskingWhat am I doing? Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Membersofthegroupstakeitinturntomimeaphrasalverb. Theotherstudentsinthegroupshouldguesswhichverbthey


4 Read the e-mail.


Tellstudentstoreadthee-mail. AskWho wrote the e-mail? What’s she doing at school this week? Is

she definitely coming to Riyadh?

ANSWERS: Nina./A project about people’s favourite places./No, she isn’t.

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentstaketurnstoaskandanswerquestionsabout

thee-mail. Theyshouldanswertheirpartner’squestionswithoutlookingin


Homework: Workbook pages 120 and 121

Final activity: Askthestudentstobringphotos/picturesoftheirfavouriteplace

tothenextlesson(cities,villages,mountains,etc.). Ifpossible,bringafewpicturesyourself. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 Sample answers: 1to sail a boat. 2to borrow / read a book. 3to buy some tomatoes. 4to fly a kite. 5to see / go on the London Eye.

2 1Fahad’s studying in Bournemouth … 2People go to Stonehenge … 3We cut down tree … 4Davey flew out of the window … 5Nina went to London … 6You can take medicine …

3 1on 2off 3up 4down

4 1took off 2picked up 3put down 4went 5went 6woke up 7stood up 8put on 9went out 10came back in 11went to bed

5 1c 2e 3f 4a 5d 6b

Penny: What are you doing, Nina? Nina: I’m turning the lights off, Mum.Penny: Why? Nina: To save energy.Penny: But I can’t read my newspaper. Why do you want to save energy? Nina: To stop climate change. Miss Jennings says we shouldn’t waste electricity. And it’s a waste of money!Penny: Mmm … I agree. We should turn off the lights when no one’s in the room, but not when I’m reading my newspaper! Nina: OK, Mum. Do we need the lights on in the hall?Penny: No. No, we don’t. Nina: Anyway, I’m going upstairs to do my homework.Penny: And I’m going to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Would you like one?

Audioscript trAck 37

2 Say, read and write.




ANSWERS: 1 to do her homework. 2 to catch a train. 3 to watch the TV. 4 to buy some bread. 5 to play football. 6 to read the newspaper.

3 Write.


Note: Studentswillhavemetmostofthesephrasalverbs.Asktheclassiftheycansuggestsentencesusingthephrasalverbsin1to6.(Don’tworryaboutthephrasalverbsinthewordbox.)Teachanythattheyarenotsureof,e.g.youcouldteachput onbymimingputtingonahat.

Chooseastudentandaskthemtostand upandthensit down. Writestand upandsit downontheboardandpointoutthatup

istheoppositeofdown. Tellstudentsthatthesmallwords(suchasupanddown),which



ANSWERS: 1 take off 2 go out 3 come back 4 go to bed 5 put down 6 wake up

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Unit 6 Different places

56 Unit 6 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Favourite places



Vocabulary:cool, bee, honey, traditional, ski, crowded

Reading and writing:Irregularpastquestions;describingaplace

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track38) theStudent’sBook(pages50and51) theWorkbook(pages122and123) photos/picturesofplacesofinterest

ANSWERS: Reema’s description: 3, 4 Barbara’s description: 1, 6 Elena’s description: 2, 5

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentschooseaplace–Taif,ZakopaneorFlorence

–foraholidayforthesepeople:1 Apersoninterestedinartandhistory.2 Apersonwholikesplantsandshopping.3 Apersonwholikesdoingexercise.

2 Say and write.


a) Inpairs,studentstelleachotherabouttheirfavouriteplace.


Note: Thisisafreeractivitywherefluencyismoreimportantthanaccuracy.Studentsneedopportunitiestobuilduptheirconfidenceinspeakingactivitieswithoutworryingtoomuchaboutmakingmistakes.Itisbettertherefore,nottocorrectthestudentsastheyarespeaking,buttogoaroundtheclass,makeanoteofanymajorerrorsyouhearandgooverthemwiththewholeclassaftertheactivity.

b) Tellstudentstowriteabouttheirfavouriteplaceusingthe

questionstohelpthem. Inpairs,studentscheckeachother’swork. Monitortheactivity,checkingthestudents’spelling,


ANSWERS: a b Students own answers.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Ifyouhavebroughtphotos/picturestothelesson,showthemto

theclassandaskthestudentswhichplacetheylikebestandwhy. SayOpen your books at page 50, please.

1 Read and say.






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Unit 6 • Differnet places • LESSON 3

Unit 6 • Lesson 3

3 Write and listen.


a) Note: Ifstudentsneedtoreviewthepastsimplequestionform

withdid,writetheprompt:you/goontheboard.SayWhere did you go?Writeafewmorepromptsandelicitquestionsfromtheclass.



b) SayListen to the CD and check.Playtrack38. Studentslistenandchecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1 Where did Reema’s father take her last summer? 2 When did Barbara go to Zakopane? 3 When did they build the Old Palace in Florence? 4 Did Elena go to Florence last year? 5 Did she go two years ago?


c) Tellstudentstoreadtheexampleandthenclosetheirbooks. SayListen to the questions again and say the answers.Playtrack38. Pauseforstudentstoanswer.

Homework: Workbook pages 122 and 123

Final activity: WritetheheadingsTaif,ZakopaneandFlorenceontheboard. Askstudentstotellyouanythingtheycanrememberabout

theseplaces.Writenotesundertheappropriateheading.e.g.:Taifbeautifully cool wonderful honey

SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 Taif:1T 2F 3T 4F Zakopane:1T 2F 3F 4T Florence:1T 2T 3F 4T


Taif Zakopane Florence

1 ✓ ✓

2 ✓

3 ✓

4 ✓

5 ✓ ✓

3 1had 2went 3blew 4ran 5caught 6put 7flew 8came 9saw 10bought 11thought

4 1When did you go? 2Where did you go? 3What did you see? 4What did you eat? 5What was your favourite activity? 6How many photos did you take? 7What did you buy?

1 Where did Reema’s father take her last summer?2 When did Barbara go to Zakopane?3 When did they build the Old Palace in Florence?4 Did Elena go to Florence last year?5 Did she go two years ago?

Audioscript trAck 38

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Unit 6 Different places

58 Unit 6 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Pastsimpletenseirregularverbs:questionsandnegatives,e.g.Did you say?;didn't buy


Bring to the lesson: theStudent’sBook(pages52and53)

b) TellstudentstoreadtheexampleinExercise1b. Inpairs,theyshouldaskandanswerquestionsusingthe


ANSWERS: First student Second studentWhy did Rakan vist Al-Jowf in March? To see the Rajajil. Why did Jack go to Zakopane last year? To ski in the mountains. Why is Fatimah going to visit Taif soon? To shop in the souk. Why are Fred and Nina possibly going To visit their father. to Riyadh? Why did Elena go to Florence two To see the museums and years ago? palaces.

Grammar study:


AskstudentstoreadandcompletetheGrammarstudybox. Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems.

Extra activity: AskstudentstocopytheGrammarstudyboxintotheir


ANSWERS: 1Did he get up …? 2She woke up 3It didn’t go away 4Did it go away? 5We didn’t take off 6Did we take off …? 7They threw away 8Did they throw …?

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. AskthestudentswhichactivitytheylikedbestinUnit6andwhy. SayOpen your books at page 52, please.

1 Read, write and say.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictures.Whocantheyseeand

wherearethey?(Yasser in a park. Rakan at Al-Jowf. Jack on a mountain. Fatima in a souk/market inTaif. Fred, Nina and their father at the airport. Elena in Florence.)



ANSWERS: 1 to play a game of football 2 to see the Rajajil. 3 to ski in the mountains. 4 to shop in the souk. 5 to visit their father. 6 to see the museums and palaces.

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Unit 6 • Different places • LESSON 4

Unit 6 • Lesson 4

2 Underline the correct way to complete each sentence.




ANSWERS: 1 did Reema go 2 he didn’t eat 3 he came 4 did Fahad see 5 didn’t go 6 did Nina leave

3 Match and number.




ANSWERS: 1C 2E 3A 4B 5F 6D

4 Ask and answer.



Tellthemtofindanewpartner. Inpairs,theyshouldtalkaboutafavouriteplacetheyeach

visitedlastyear. Theyshouldaskandanswerasmanyquestionsastheycan. Iftimeallows,whenmoststudentshavefinishedspeaking,tell


Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook pages

118 – 123.

Final activity: Writethewordsbelowontheboard. Askstudentsiftheycanrememberthewordsthatfollowed


trade_________standing_________birdsof_________ meeting_________parallel_________ sea_________

(Answers:centre,stones,prey,place,lines,level) SayWell done. See you again soon.

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Unit 7 Our world

60 Unit 7 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 The three banks


Grammar:It’s made of

Vocabulary:bank, bin, rot (v), naturally, disappear, gold

Reading and writing:madeof;sequencing(process)

Pronunciation:/g/ /k/

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks39and40) theStudent’sBook(pages54and55) theWorkbook(pages124and125)

Note: ThiswouldbeagoodopportunitytoremindstudentsthatsomewordsinEnglishcanhavemorethanonemeaning.Cantheyrememberanothermeaningofbank?

b) AskthestudentstoreadthequestioninExercise1b. SayListen to the CD and answer. Play track 39. AskWhich bank does the school not have?

ANSWERS: A wood bank.

Extra activity: AskthestudentstoreadMr.Norris’slastsentenceagain.Whatdo

theythinkdisappearsmeans?Whatdotheythinkrots naturallymeans?


To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Askthestudentswhattheyortheirfamilydowitholdbottles.

AskDo they think what they do is a good idea? Have they got any better ideas?

SayOpen your books at page 54, please.

1 Say, listen and write.

Aims:tointroducethetopicofrecycling;tointroduce/practisemade of;tointroducevocabulary.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureinpairs.AskWhat is Charlie

looking at? What are they for? Elicitsuggestionsfromtheclass.Teachbank.

ANSWERS: Charlie is looking at recycling banks. They are for recycling rubbish.

Charlie: What are those new bins in the playground, sir?Mr. Norris: They’re for recycling, Charlie. Charlie: Recycling what, sir?Mr. Norris: Well, there are three of them. One’s a bottle bank, one’s a plastic bank and one’s a paper bank. You must be careful to put the correct things into the correct bin. Charlie: So anything made of plastic goes into the plastic bank …Mr. Norris: And anything made of glass goes into the bottle bank … Fred: And anything made of paper goes in the paper bank.Mr. Norris: Quite right, Fred. Charlie: What about things made of wood, sir?Mr. Norris: We don’t need a wood bank, Charlie. We don’t need to recycle wood. Charlie: Why not?Mr. Norris: Because wood rots naturally. In a few years wood disappears back into the earth.

Audioscript trAck 39

c) TellstudentstoreadExercise1candlookatthespeechbubble. Givethemtimetothinkabouttheiranswers. Askindividualstudentsinwhichbankyoumustputtheitems. Eachtimeastudentanswers,askWhy?

ANSWERS: Glass bottle The bottle bank./Because a glass bottle is made of glass. Plastic bottle The plastic bank./Because a plastic bottle is made of plastic. Newspapers The paper bank./Because a newspaper is made of paper.

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Unit 7 • Our world • LESSON 1

Unit 7 • Lesson 1

Note: ItisalsocorrecttousepluralsinresponsetoWhy?Forexample,Because glass bottles are made of glass.

d) Askstudentstoreadtheexampleinthespeechbubbles. Inpairs,studentsaskandanswerabouttheitemsinthepictures. Monitortheactivityandmakesurethestudentsarecopyingthe


ANSWERS: 1 What’s a table made of? A table’s made of wood. 2 What’s a pen made of? A pen’s made of plastic. 3 What’s a notebook made of? A notebook’s made of paper. 4 What's a pencil made of? A pencil's made of wood. 5 What’s a window made of? A window’s made of glass. 6 What’s a magazine made of? A magazine’s made of paper.

e) Askstudentstoreadtheexampleandcompletethesentences. Checkwiththeclassbyaskingindividualstudentstoreadout


ANSWERS: 1 's made of wood. 2 's made of plastic. 3 's made of paper. 4 's made of glass. 5 's made of wood. 6 's made of paper.

f ) Note: A/the:Ifyouwish,explaintostudentsthatwecanusea




ANSWERS: 2 What’s the sweater made of? Blue wool. 3 What’re the shoes made of? Brown leather.

2 Match the sentences and the pictures.


Askstudentstoreadthequestionandsentences1to6. Inpairs,theyshouldmatchsentences1to6withpicturesAtoF.

ANSWERS: 1 B 2 F 3 A 4 E 5 C 6 D

Extra activity: Studentscoverthesentences. Inpairs,theytrytoremembertherecyclingprocessofold


Pronunciation corner


Note: Helpstudentstounderstandthedifferencebetweenthesounds/g/and/k/bytellingthemtoputtheirhandsontheirthroats.Theyshouldfeelthevibrationofthevoicedsound/g/butnottheunvoicedsound/k/.

SayListen to the words on the CD. Play track 40. Say Listen again and repeat.Playtrack40again. Pauseaftereachwordforstudentstorepeat. Checkthatthestudentsarepronouncingthesounds/g/and/k/

correctly. SayListen again and write the words in the correct column. Playthetrackagain. Pausetogivestudentstimetowritethewords. Checkthestudents’workbywritingcoldandgoldontheboard



cold gold

class glass

coat goat

cold gold class glass goat coat

Audioscript trAck 40

Homework: Workbook pages 124 and 125Final activity:

Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Studentstakeitinturnstochoosesomethingtheycanseeand

sayasentenceusingIt’s/They’re made of and a colour,e.g.It’s made of brown wood.

Theothermembersofthegroupmustguesstheobject(s). SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 Plastic bank – plastic bag/pen Bottle bank – bottle/glass Paper bank – newspaper/notebook

2 1bins 2recycling 3plastic 4wasn’t 5naturally 6disappears 7correct 8rubbish

3 1What’s the bag made of? It’s made of paper. 2What are the bottles made of? They’re made of glass. 3What’s the coat made of? It’s made of wool. 4What are the bowls made of? They’re made of plastic. 5What’s the desk made of? It’s made of wood. 6What are the boots made of? They’re made of leather.

4 Students’ own answers.

5 1CD 2window 3walking boots 4chair

6 1bank 2centre 3small 4heat 5hot

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Unit 7 Our world

62 Unit 7 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 What's it for?


Grammar:What’s … for? It’s for+-ing

Vocabulary:planet, matters (n), verse, conserve, scissors, mobile (phone), fridge

Reading and writing:Describingpurpose;givingadvice;apoem

theCD(track41) theStudent’sBook(pages56and57) theWorkbook(pages126and127)

ANSWERS: (Thestudentsmayusedifferentwords.)

Picture 1 Picture 2

The clothes are in the dryer.The light is on.The tap is on.The rubbish bin is full. There are no recycling bins.

There is writing on one side of the paper.A boy is getting into a car.

The clothes are in the garden.The light is off.The tap is off.There is no rubbish bin. There are recycling bins in the garden.There is writing on both sides of the paper.A boy is waiting at the bus stop.

b) AskthestudentstoreadthequestionsinExercise1b. Givethemtimetothinkabouttheiranswers. Elicitanswersfromtheclass.

ANSWERS: (Sampleanswers)The family in Picture 2. Because they are saving energy, saving water and paper and recycling rubbish.

c) Inpairs,studentsgivethefamilyinPicture1someadviceusing

You should …/You shouldn’t … Monitortheactivity.

d) AskstudentstoreadtheinstructionsinExercise1d. Theyshouldorderthewordsandpunctuatethesentences. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 2 You should turn the water off. 3 You should recycle your rubbish. 4 You should write on both sides of the paper. 5 You shouldn’t drive to school. 6 You should dry your clothes outside in the garden.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Asktheclasstotellyousomeofthewaysinwhichourlifestyles

arecausingclimatechange. Theymaylookbackatearlierunitsiftheywish. SayOpen your books at page 56, please.

1 Say and write.


a) Tellthestudentstolookatthepicturesandfindseven

differences. Elicittheanswersfromtheclass.Helpwithvocabularyif


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Unit 7 • Our world • LESSON 2

Unit 7 • Lesson 2

2 Read, listen and say.


a) Askstudentstoreadthepoemsilently. Theycanusetheirdictionariesoraskyoutohelpwithnew


b) SayListen to the poem.Playtrack41. Studentslistentoandfollowthepoemintheirbooks.

c) SayListen again and repeat.Playtrack41again. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

Extra activity: Studentspractisereadingthepoemaloudinpairs.Theyshould

sayalternatelines(orversesiftheyprefer).Student1: Be careful with our Planet Earth.Student2:Don’t make matters worse!etc.

Studentscompletetheexercise. Theyshouldcheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 2 What are scissors for? They’re for cutting paper. 3 What’s a fridge for? It’s for keeping food cold. 4 What are mobile phones for? They’re for talking to your friends. 5 What’s a dictionary for? It’s for looking up words.

Homework: Workbook pages 126 and 127

Final activity: Tellstudentstoclosetheirbooks. Theyhaveaminutetowritedownanyimportantwords

connectedwithclimatechange. Askindividualstudentstowritetheirwordsontheboard.(They

shouldn’trepeatanywordsthatarealreadythere.) Makeanoteofthewordsforthenextlesson. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 Mrs Baran had a busy morning. She had a lot to do. First, she put all the lights on in the house. Then, she threw some old bottles in the rubbish bin and put some old magazines in the recycling bin. Next, she washed the clothes. It was a sunny day so she put the clothes out in the garden to dry. She forgot about Jack’s sweater so she washed it quickly and put it in the tumble dryer. Suddenly, she remembered that she needed to go shopping so she wrote a list on the other side of an old piece of paper. Then, she put on her coat and walked to the shops.

2 1You should turn off the light. 2You should recycle rubbish. 3You should turn off the TV. 4You shouldn’t use scissors. 5You should turn off the tap. 6You shouldn’t drive.

3 1Planet 2matters 3words 4verse 5throw away 6bank 7rhyme 8Turn off 9electricity 10conserve

4a 1What’s a washing machine for? 2What’s a whiteboard for? 3What’s a map for? 4What’s a cage for?

4b aIt’s for writing on. bIt’s for keeping birds or animals in. cIt’s for washing clothes. dIt’s for planning a journey.

4c 1c 2a 3d 4b

Planet EarthBe careful with our Planet Earth.Don’t make matters worse!Learn these words and don’t forgetTo do what’s in this verse.

Don’t throw away your plastic bags.Use them one more time,Or put them in the plastic bankAnd don’t forget this rhyme.

Turn off the taps, turn off the lights,Save electricity,You shouldn’t waste, you should conserve,So say these words with me.

Be careful with our Planet Earth. Don’t make matters worse!Learn these words and don’t forgetTo do what’s in this verse.

Audioscript trAck 41

3 Write questions and answers.

Aims:tointroduceandpractiseWhat’s a/What are …s for? It’s/They’re for+-ing;toorderandpunctuatesentences.

Ifnecessary,teachthewordsfridgeandscissors. Pointoutthatthecissilentinscissors. Saythewordsandgetthestudentstorepeatthem.Dothisa

fewtimes. TellstudentstoreadtheexampleinExercise3. Checkstudents’understandingbyaskingafewquestionsabout

objectsintheclassroom,e.g.What’s a pen for?(It’s for writing.)What’s a book for?(It’s for reading.)

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Unit 7 Our world

64 Unit 7 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Mount Pinatubo



Vocabulary:man-made, volcano, Mount, erupt, ash, tonne,

serious, flood (n), drought, visa, Embassy, finally

Reading and writing:sequencing.


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks42and43) theStudent’sBook(pages58and59) theWorkbook(pages128and129) thelistofthewordsstudentswroteontheboardinthelastlesson

Note: Remindstudentstolookatthetitle,photographsandanyothercluestohelpthempredictwhatatextisabout.Advisethemtoreaditquicklythefirsttimeinordertogetageneralideaofcontentandnottoworryaboutunderstandingeveryword.Later,theycanreadmorecloselyfordetail.

a) Tellstudentstolookatthephotos.AskWhat can you see? Don’tworryiftheycanonlydescribethephotosingeneral

terms. Askstudentstoreadthetextandanswerthequestionin

Exercise1a. Tellthemtoreadthetextquickly,astheyareonlylookingfor

generalinformation. Asktheclassifallclimatechangeisman-made.

ANSWER: No, it isn’t.

b) Askstudentstoreadthetextagainandfindwordsthatmatch


ANSWERS: 1 flood 2 drought

c) Inpairs,studentsshouldreadtheeventsandthennumberthem


ANSWERS: A 2 B 1 C 5 D 4 E 3 F 6

Extra activity: Askstudentstoclosetheirbooks. Writethesejumbledwordsontheboard:nma-adme, anovolc,

euprt, sah, tnneo, usserio, lcuod, odflo, gduhtro, Dividetheclassintoteams. Tellstudentstheymustmakewordsfromthelettersandbe


Givetheteamstimetofindthewordsanddiscussthemeaning. Inturn,amemberfromeachteam,putsuptheirhand,saysa




To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Ifyounoteddownthewordsfromthefinalactivityinthelast

lesson,spendafewminutesplayingawordgame. Tellstudentsyouaregoingtogivethemthefirstandlastletters

ofthewordsthattheywroteontheboardlastlesson.SayIt starts with … and ends with …Cantheyremembertheword?

SayOpen your books at page 58, please.

1 Read and say.

Aims:toreadforgeneralandspecificinformation;toordereventsbasedonunderstandingatext;tointroduceFirst …andThen …;tointroducevocabulary.

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Unit 7 • Our world • LESSON 3

Unit 7 • Lesson 3


ANSWERS: man-made, volcano, erupt, ash, tonne, serious, cloud, flood, drought.



AskstudentstoreadtheLook!box. TellthemtolookbackatthetextaboutMountPinatuboand


2 Listen, complete and say.


a) Writethefollowingsentencesontheboard. Yesterday I went to

school. First I studied history. Then I studied English. Then I had a break. Then I studied maths. Then I went home.

AskIs this good English?(SayWell done!ifstudentssaythatthegrammariscorrect.)Iftheycannotseeanyproblems,underlinealltheexamplesofThen.


AskthestudentstolookatExercise3aandreadFred’se-mail. ErasethelastthreeexamplesofTheninthesentencesonthe

board. ChooseastudenttoreplacethesewordsusingFred’se-mailto

helpthem.(The last three examples ofThenshould be replaced withNext,AfterthatandFinally).

b) SayListen to the CD and repeat the sentences.Playtrack42. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

Pronunciation corner


a) Tellthestudentstoreadtheinstruction. Demonstratetheactivitybyaskingthemtofindawordinthe

secondcolumnthatrhymeswithshould(wood). Inpairs,studentscontinuetomatchthewordsthatrhyme.

b) SayListen to the CD and check.Playtrack43. Studentslistenandchecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1 h 2 e 3 g 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 f 8 d

c) SayListen again and repeat.Playthetrackagain. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

First we must get some passport photos.Then we must take the passports to the Embassy.Next we must get our plane tickets.After that we must do our shopping.Finally we arrive in Riyadh.

Audioscript trAck 42

3 Say.


Tellstudentstolookattheexample. Inpairs,theyshouldaskandansweraboutwhattheydidon

differentdayslastweek. Theyshouldtrytoincludeasmanysequencingadverbsasthey

can(first, then, next,etc.).

Extra activity: Chooseindividualstudentsandaskthemtotelltheclasswhat

theirpartnerdidonaparticularday.First he/she … Then …

1 should wood2 said bed3 made played4 couldn’t shouldn’t5 some Mum6 worse nurse7 break take8 water daughter

Audioscript trAck 43

Homework: Workbook pages 128 and 129

Final activity: Studentsclosetheirbooksandinpairstheythinkofasmany

rhymingwordsastheycan. Elicitpairsofwordsfromtheclassandwritethemontheboard. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1c 2a 3b

2 1a kind of gas 2ash

3 1volcano 2erupted 3gas 4air 5cloud 6around 7serious 8heat 9cooler 10floods 11drought

4 River/Mount fell/rose a small/an enormous thousand/million fire/sun hotter/cooler droughts/floods flood/drought

5 a3 b6 c2 d1 e4 f5

6 First/Then/Next/After that/Finally

7 1sad 2broke 3food 4hit 5hurt

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Unit 7 Our world

66 Unit7 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Sequencingadverbs,e.g.First, After that


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks44and45) theStudent’sBook(pages60and61)

ANSWERS: A 2 B 1 C 3 D 6 E 4 F 5

Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. AskwhatstudentscanrememberaboutMountPinatubo.Help

themwithvocabularyifnecessary. SayOpen your books at page 60, please.

1 Name, listen, say and repeat.

Aims:torevisevocabulary;toreviseIt’s/they’re made of…;toreviseIt’s/they’re for+-ing;toreviseshould

a) TellstudentstoreadtheinstructionsandtheexampleinExercise

1a. Inpairs,studentsnametheobjectsinthephotographs. Onestudentshouldsayanumberandtheotherstudentshould


ANSWERS: 1 It’s a bag. 2It’s a window. 3They’re glasses. 4It’s a magazine. 5They’re forks. 6They're notebooks

b) SayListen to the CD and number the correct words. Playtrack44.Studentslistenandfillinthenumbers. Playthetrackagainifnecessary.

1 They’re made of plastic. We use them for eating with. 2 It’s made of paper. It’s for reading.3 They’re made of glass. They’re for drinking from.4 It’s made of plastic. It’s for carrying things in.5 They’re made of paper. They’re for writing in.6 It’s made of glass. It’s for looking through.

Audioscript trAck 44

c) AskstudentstolookatthepictureandreadwhatLucyandNina

aresaying. Inpairs,theyshouldaskandanswerquestionsinthesameway

abouttheobjectsinExercise1b. Monitortheactivityandmakesurethestudentscopythe


d) SayListen to the CD and repeat.Playtrack45. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeat.

The magazine is made of paper … so it should go in the paper bank.The forks are made of plastic … so they should go in the plastic bank.The glasses are made of glass … so they should go in the glass bank.The window is made of glass … so it should go in the glass bank.The bag is made of plastic … so it should go in the plastic bank.The books are made of paper … so they should go in the paper bank.

Audioscript trAck 45

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Unit 7 • Our world • LESSON 4

Unit 7 • Lesson 4

2 Order the words and punctuate the sentences.


Askstudentstoreadtheinstructionandstudytheexample. Theyshoulddotheexerciseindividuallythencheckeachother’s


ANSWERS: 1 A dictionary is for looking up words. 2 A chair is for sitting on. 3 What are those scissors for? 4 A bottle bank is for recycling bottles. 5 A boat is for travelling across the sea.

3 Look!



Extra activity: Tellstudentstomakealistofactivitiesthattheydidononeday

lastweek. Theyshouldthentellapartnerwhattheydidusingthe

sequencingadverbsintheLook!box(First,then,etc.). Studentsshouldrepeatthisseveraltimes,eachtimechanging


4 Correct.


AsktheclassiftheyrememberwhoBrigitteis.(Nina’s French friend.)



ANSWERS: 1 tolde/told 2 poeple/people 3 probem/problem 4 ari/air 5 worlld/world 6 wettist/wettest 7 yeer/year 8 chang/change 9 usul/usual 10 wyshes/wishes

5 Read and play.


a) StudentswritetenwordsfromBrigitte’se-mailonapieceof


b) Inpairs,theyaskeachothertospellthewords.Theyshoulduse


Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook

pages 124 – 129.

Final activity: Playatrueorfalsegame. GivestudentstimetowriteafewsentencesaboutUnit7thatare


Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Inturn,studentsshouldreadtheirsentencesaloudand

membersofthegrouphavetosaywhethertheyaretrueorfalse,e.g.Plastic rots naturally.(False)

SayWell done. See you again soon.

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Unit 8 Spare time

68 Unit 8 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 It looks like a lamp


Grammar:looks like;sequencingadverbs(revision)

Vocabulary:lamp, feed (v), spare time, pole, lid, duck, rabbit, pour

Reading and writing:Describingappearance

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks46and47) theStudent’sBook(pages62and63) theWorkbook(pages130and131)

b) SayListen. What did Lucy buy?Playtrack46. Askthequestionagain.

ANSWER: A bird feeder.

Canthestudentsguessthemeaningofbird feeder?

c) Askstudentstoreadthesentences1to4. SayListen again and tick true or false. Playthetrackagain.StudentstickTorF. Inpairs,theychecktheiranswersandcorrectthefalsesentences.

ANSWERS: 1 F Nina doesn’t know what the present is. 2 T 3 F Lucy’s grandma feeds the birds when the weather’s cold. 4 F She’s going to put the feeder outside her living room window.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Writespare timeontheboard.Doanyofthestudentsknowwhat

itmeans? Explainifnecessary. Dividetheclassintosmallgroupsandhavethestudentstell

eachotherwhattheydointheirsparetime. SayOpen your books at page 62, please.

1 Say, listen and write.

Aims:tolistenforspecificinformation;tointroduceIt looks like …tointroducevocabulary.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepicturesinpairs.Who can they see?

What do they think is in the box?

ANSWERS: Lucy, Miss Jennings, Nina and Elena./Students’ own suggestions.

Miss Jennings: Good morning, everybody. Everybody: Good morning, Miss Jennings.Miss Jennings: Lucy, what’s that next to your desk? Lucy: It’s a present for my grandma. I bought it on the way to school. I’m going to give it to her this evening. Nina: What is it, Lucy?Miss Jennings: Don’t be nosy, Nina. Lucy: That’s OK, Miss Jennings. I don’t mind. Could I show it to her?Miss Jennings: Of course, Lucy, we can all see. Lucy: Here, look! Nina: But what is it? It looks like a small spaceship! Elena: No it doesn’t. It looks like a lamp.

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Unit 8 • Spare time • LESSON 1

Unit 8 • Lesson 1

2 Read, say and listen.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepicturesandreadtheinstructions


b) Studentsmatchthepicturesandtheinstructions.

c) SayListen to the CD and check. Playtrack47. Studentschecktheiranswers. Playthetrackagainifnecessary.

ANSWERS: 1 B 2 E 3 D 4 A 5 C

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentstaketurnstosaytheinstructionsagain,using



ANSWERS: Sampleanswers:2 It looks like a young woman. It looks like an old woman. 3 It looks like a vase. It looks like two heads.

Note: Studentsmightbeinterestedtoknowthatwecallpicturesliketheseopticalillusions.

4 Write.




ANSWERS: 1 First 2 Then 3 Next 4 Finally

Homework: Workbook pages 130 and 131

Final activity: Inpairs,studentsclosetheireyesanddrawsomelinesand

shapesonapieceofpaper. Theythenlookatwhattheyandtheirpartnershavedrawnand

sayIt looks like … Youcouldasktoseeanyinterestingdrawingsandholdthemup

forotherstudentstosaywhattheythinktheylooklike. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1for 2to 3looked 4wild birds 5when she’s not busy 6onto

2 1It looks like a rabbit! 2It looks like a stone! 3It looks like a castle! 4It looks like a tiger! 5It looks like a very small horse! 6It looks like a flower!

3 A4 B5 C2 D3 E1

4 (The order of the adverbs can vary. Also, it is possible to omit you.) Sample answers 1First, you put a teabag into a cup. 2Then, you pour very hot water into the cup. 3Next, you leave it for three minutes. 4After that, you take the teabag out. 5Finally, you pour some milk into the tea, but not too much!

5 1lamp E 2pole C 3vase F 4rabbit D 5duck G 6lid A 7ground B

Lucy: Well, it isn’t a spaceship, and it isn’t a lamp. Let me tell you. In the winter, when the weather’s cold, my Grandma likes feeding the wild birds. This is a bird feeder. She can put it outside her living room window and watch the birds feeding in her spare time. Nina: But how does it work? Lucy: Look ...

First, you put the pole in the ground. Next you put the bowl onto the pole. Then you put the feeder onto the bowl, and after that you pour the bird food into the feeder. Finally, you put the lid onto the feeder.

Audioscript trAck 47

3 Say and write.

Aim:topractisesayingandwritingIt looks like …

TellstudentstolookatthepictureofElena. AskWhat does she say about the bird feeder? StudentsanswerIt looks like a lamp.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepicturesandtalkaboutwhattheycan

seewithapartner. TellthemtostarttheirsentenceswithIt looks like a/an …

b) StudentswritesentencesaboutthepicturesusingIt looks like a/

an … Goroundtheclassandchecktheirwork.

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Unit 8 Spare time

70 Unit 8 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 Stonehenge


Grammar:So do I …/Neither do I …; may

Vocabulary:flat (adj), Briton, huge, weigh, midsummer,

observatory, primitive, tools, plain, monument

Reading and writing:Possibility;touristinformation


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks48and49) theStudent’sBook(pages64and65) theWorkbook(pages132and133)


ANSWERS: 1 It’s between 3,500 and 4,500 years old. 2 How did they build Stonehenge? Why did they build Stonehenge? 3 No, they didn’t.

Extra activity: Askstudentstotellyouthenewwordstheylookedupintheir

dictionaries. Cantheyexplainthemeaning? Encouragestudentstohelpeachotherwiththemoredifficult

explanations. Remindtheclasstowriteimportantnewvocabularyintheir


2 Listen, underline and say.

Aims:tointroduceagreeing,tolistenforspecificinformation;toprovideexamplesofmayandNeither do I.

a) Askstudentstoreadtheinstructionsandthesentencesin

Exercise2a. SayListen to the CD and underline the correct words.Playtrack48. Studentslistenandunderlinethecorrectwords. Repeatthetrackifnecessary.

ANSWERS: 1 Claudio agrees with him. 2 Claudio agreeswith him.

Extra activity: Writethewordobservatoryontheboard. AskstudentstolistentotheCDagainandtellyouwhatthis

wordmeans. Helpthemasnecessary.

b) SayWhy do you think they built Stonehenge? Elicitsomeideasfromtheclass. Youmayliketowritethestudents’suggestionsontheboard.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. WriteStonehengeontheboard.Dostudentsrememberwhereit

isorwhatitis?(A prehistoric circle of standing stones in England.) SayOpen your books at page 64, please.

1 Read and say.





Fahad: That was a really interesting trip, Claudio, wasn’t it?Claudio: Yes. I really enjoyed it. Why do you think they built Stonehenge, Fahad? Fahad: Mmm … I don’t know. I think it was probably an observatory where they studied the planets and stars.

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Unit 8 • Spare time • LESSON 2

Unit 8 • Lesson 2

4 Look!


Askstudentstoreadthe Look!boxandcopythesentencesintotheirnotebooks.

5 Write.



Theyshouldchecktheiranswersinpairs. Askindividualstudentstowritethecorrectsentencesonthe


ANSWERS: 1 It may rain. 2 The parrot may escape. 3 I may see you tomorrow. 4 Fred may go to Yasser’s house in December.

Extra activity: Askthestudentstotellyouwhattheymaydoafterclass,e.g.

I may read a book. I may talk to my brother.

Homework: Workbook pages 132 and 133

Final activity: TellthestudentstheyshouldreadthetextaboutStonehenge

againandrememberasmuchaspossible. Afterafewminutes,tellthemtoclosetheirbooks. Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Studentsshoulddiscussandwritedownwhattheyremember. Onestudentfromeachgroupshouldthenjoinanewgroup.

Cantheyaddanymoredetails? Finally,studentsshouldopentheirbooksandcomparewhat

theywrotewiththeoriginaltext. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1b 2e 3h 4a 5g 6d 7c 8f

2 1west 2destroy 3larger 4modern 5disagree 6rise 7shortest

3 1Stonehenge is a famous circle of stones. 2It stands on a flat, windy plain. 3Maybe people studied the planets and stars here. 4Some people think it was an observatory.

4 1Neither do I. 2So is Mum. 3So does Nina. 4So did Fred. 5Neither are we. 6So do I.

5 1He may travel by train. 2He may travel by car. 3The hotel may be expensive. 4The hotel may be quiet. 5There may be a lot of traffic outside. 6He may go to the Heritage Centre in his spare time.

3 Read, choose, listen and say.

Aim:tointroduce/reinforceSo … / Neither …

Note: WhenweuseSoandNeithertoexpressagreement,weuseauxiliaryverbs,e.g.PersonA:I like apples.PersonB:So do I.✓not: I like apples. So like I.✗Youmayliketopresentthelanguageasfollows:

AskDo you like oranges?FindastudentwhosaysYes.SaySo do I.WriteSo do I. ontheboard.

AskDo you like getting very cold? StudentwillprobablyanswerNo.SayNeither do I.WriteNeither

do I.ontheboard.

a) Askstudentstoreadtheexamples in the speech bubbles. Explainthemeaningofresponses. Say Listen to the CD and tick the correct responses. Playtrack49.Studentslistenandtickaorb.

b) SayListen and check.Playthetrackagain. Studentschecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b

c) SayListen again and repeat the responses.Playtrack49again. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeattheresponses.

Claudio: I do, too. Fahad: I don’t think we may ever know.Claudio: No, neither do I. Fahad: Do you know, we’ve got standing stones in Saudi Arabia too? They’re called Al-Rajajil. Here, let me show you some photos.

Fahad enjoyed the trip to Stonehenge.So did Claudio.

Reema likes ice cream.So do I.

Omar doesn’t like coffee.Neither does Fred.

Lucy and Elena go to school.So do we.

Ibrahim isn’t an English name.Neither is Ranya.

Audioscript trAck 49

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Unit 8 Spare time

72 Unit 8 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Holiday time



Vocabulary:equipment, snack, dark, blond, fitness centre

Reading and writing:Holidayfacilities;specifying

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track50) theStudent’sbook(pages66and67) theWorkbook(pages134and135)

2 Read and write.


a) TellstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise2a. Theyshouldlookattheholidaybrochureandfindtheanswer.

ANSWERS: The Island Holiday Village.

b) AskstudentstoreadthebrochureandcompleteAtoIwiththe

wordsfromthebox. Theyshouldusetheirdictionariesoraskeachotherforhelpwith


ANSWERS: Ahotel Bfitness centre Csports shop Dswimming pool Epost office Fsupermarket GparkHcafé Ibeach

3 Look, listen and say.


Note: Wecanuseaprepositionoran-ingverbtoidentifypeople,forexample,The man in the car. The woman reading the book.(Notethatwithclotheswecansay,forexample,the man wearing the blue shirt or the man in the blue shirt.)Wecanreplaceboy/girl,etc.withonetoavoidrepetition,e.g.Which boy? The boy one with the …(SeeExercise4intheWorkbook.)

a) Writethewordsblond hairanddark hairontheboard.Whatdo


AskstudentstoreadtheinstructionsinExercise3a. Inpairs,theyshoulddescribetheboysinthepicture.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Askstudentswhattheythinkisimportantforagoodholiday

(e.g.goodweather,food,shops). SayOpen your books at page 66, please.

1 Say.



Extra activity: Chooseindividualstudentstotelltheclassabouttheirpartner’s


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Unit 8 • Spare time • LESSON 3

Unit 8 • Lesson 3

b) SayListen to the CD. Which boys is Fred asking about? PlaytheCDtrack50. Studentslistenandfindtheboys.


c) Studentsreadthedialogues.

d) Inpairs,studentsaskandansweraboutotherboysinthepicture. Monitortheactivityandhelpasnecessary.

ANSWERS: 1 Who’s the woman with Ranya? 2 Look at the man in the red car. 3 I know the boys talking to Omar. 4 I can see a girl eating ice cream.

Homework: Workbook pages 134 and 135

Final activity: Inpairs,studentstaketurnstogivetheirpartneraclueabout

oneoftheplacesinTheIslandHolidayVillage.Theirpartnerhastoguesstheplace,e.g.You can have breakfast here.(The restaurant.)


1 1b 2a 3d/e 4c 5d/e

2 1Look at the bird on the car. 2That’s my horse in the field. 3Whose is the bag on the ground? 4That’s my brother in the dark blue coat.

3 1Who’s the girl talking to Elena? 2Who’s the man coming downstairs? 3I know the student sitting at her desk. 4Look at the motorbike going the wrong way!

4 1The one 2The one 3The one

5 1 The one holding the map. 2The one in the black T-shirt./The one wearing the black T-shirt. 3The one on the chair. 4The one eating grass/the grass. 5The one behind the tree. 6The one in the long jacket./The one wearing the long jacket.

6 café snack bar restaurant

1Fred: Who’s that boy over there? Charlie: Which boy?Fred: The one with the dark hair. Charlie: There are two boys with dark hair.Fred: The one in the red shirt. The one standing next to the table.

2Fred: Who’s that boy sitting at the table? Charlie: There are four boys sitting at the table.Fred: The one with the blond hair. Charlie: There are two boys with blond hair.Fred: The one in the green shirt. The one holding some juice.

Audioscript trAck 50

4 Look!



5 Re-write these sentences.




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Unit 8 Spare time

74 Unit 8 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Useofso …and neither …


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks51and52) theStudent’sBook(pages68and69)

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Writethefollowingwordsnakeontheboardbutdon’tunderline

thewords.hefgeujobservatorylxobowlkgtlidtrfmidsummerkuj AskWho can be the first to find four words? Studentscouldthenwritetheirownwordsnakesfortheir

partnerstofindthewords. SayOpen your books at page 68, please.

1 Listen, number and say.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepeopleinthepictures. SayListen to the CD and write the number of the person.Play

track51. Studentslistenandnumberthepictures.

ANSWERS: 1 E 2 C 3 F 4 B 5 A 6 D

b) Inpairs,studentsreadtheexampleandtaketurnstotalkabout

thepeopleinthepictures. Onestudentsaysanumberandtheirpartnerdescribesthe

person. Theyshoulduseprepositionsandverbs+-ingintheir

descriptions. Monitortheactivity.

1This is a boy in blue jeans.Which one? There are two boys in blue jeans.He’s the one holding a football.

2This is a girl with long dark hair.There are two girls with long hair.Yes, I know. She’s the one smelling the flower.

3This is a boy in blue jeans.Is he the one reading the magazine?Yes.

4This is a person with short blond hair.Is it a boy or a girl?A girl.Is she the girl holding the apple?Yes.

5This girl is a girl with long black hair.Which one? There are two.She’s the one drinking water because she’s thirsty.

6This person has got short dark hair.Is it a boy?YesIs he the one wearing glasses?Yes, he’s the boy taking a photo.

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Unit 8 • Spare time • LESSON 4

Unit 8 • Lesson 4

2 Read and complete.


Askstudentswhattheycanseeinthephotograph.(Stonehenge) TellthemtoreadClaudio’swritingabouthistriptoStonehenge

andcompletethemissingwords. Inpairs,studentsshouldcheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 2 between 3 builders 4 from 5 west 6 away 7 weighs 8 visit 9 possibly 10 certain

Grammar study:


AskstudentstoreadtheGrammar studybox. Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems.

Extra activity: StudentscopytheGrammarstudyboxintotheirnotebooks


3 Complete, listen and check.


a) Studentscompletethesentencesindividually.

b) SayListen to the CD and check.Playtrack52. Studentschecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1So am I. 2Neither did Fred. 3So did Nina. 4So was the weather on Monday. 5Neither did Fred. 6So is Al-Rajajil. 7Neither were the park and the café. 8Neither does Rakan.

4 Match and number.


Inpairs,studentsmatchthepicturesandwords. Theyshouldthencheckwithanotherpair.

ANSWERS: A 5 B 4 C 7 D 8 E 1 F 2 G 5 H 3

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook

pages 130 – 135.

Final activity: Inpairs,studentsplayaspellinggame. TheyshouldchoosewordsfromUnit8andasktheirpartnerHow

do you spell …? SayWell done. See you again soon.

1 Boy: I am happy to arrive home.Girl: So am I.

2Girl: Jack didn't eat his sandwich. Boy: Neither did Fred.

3 Boy: Lucy decided to feed the birds in her garden.Girl: So did Nina.

4Girl: The weather was cloudy on Sunday. Boy: So was the weather on Monday.

5 Boy: Charlie didn't stay in a hotel on holiday.Girl: Neither did Fred.

6Girl: Stonehenge is a famous circle of stones. Boy: So is Al-Rajajil.

Audioscript trAck 52

7 Boy: The fitness centre wasn't crowded yesterday.Girl: Neither were the park and café.

8Girl: I don't want to play basketball tomorrow. Boy: Neither does Rakan.

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Unit 9 Ready to go

76 Unit 9 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 Let's ask him the way



Vocabulary:kid, close (adj), yard

Reading and writing:Objectpronouns

Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks53and54) theStudent’sBook(pages70and71) theWorkbook(pages136and137)

AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise1a. SayListen to the CD and answer.PlaytheCDtrack53. Elicittheanswerfromtheclass. Askstudentstotellyouanotherwordfornear(close).

ANSWER: Yes, they are.

b) AskstudentstoreadthesentencesinExercise1b. SayListen to the CD and tick true or false.Playtrack53. Studentslistenandtheninpairs,theytickTorF.


To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Reviseleftandrightbyaskingstudentstoputuptheirlefthand

thentheirrighthand. Askstudentstotellapartnerhowtheygottoschooltoday.Did

theywalk?Didtheycomebycar/bus/taxi/train? Cantheyexplainthewayfromtheirhousetoschool?(Ifstudents


SayOpen your books at page 70, please.

1 Listen, say and choose.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictures.Wherearethepeopleinthe

firstpicture?(At home in Penny’s living room.)Wherearethepeopleinthesecondpicture?(In a street (in London).)What’sPennylookingatinthesecondpicture?(She’s looking at a map.)

1 Jim: So, Penny, you and the kids are going to London tomorrow, to the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia? Penny: That’s right, Jim. Jim: Do you know the way? Do you want me to come with you? Penny: Thanks, Jim. But it’s OK. We can’t get lost. I’ve got a map. I’m taking it with us.

2 Nina: Mum, where are we? Penny: I ... er … I’m not sure. This map’s no good at all! Fred: We’re lost, aren’t we Mum? Nina: Yes, Fred. I think we are. Fred: Look, there’s a policeman. Let’s ask him the way. Excuse me, but can you help us? We’re looking for Charles Street, the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.Policeman: Oh, you’re very close. Go to the end of this street and turn left. The Embassy’s on the other side of the road. You can’t miss it. Fred: Thank you very much.

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Unit 9 • Ready to go • LESSON 1

Unit 9 • Lesson 1

Extra activity: Insmallgroups,studentsshouldimaginetheyarelostandact



c) Note: Studentswillhaveencounteredobjectpronounsbefore

eveniftheyhaven’tstudiedtheminclass.Iftheyneedfurtherhelp,demonstratebywritingthefollowingsentencesontheboard.The girl likes theflowers. She likes them.ExplainthatThe girlisthesubjectofthesentenceandthe flowersaretheobject.WecanreplaceThe girlwithasubjectpronounandthe flowerswithanobject pronoun.

AskstudentstoreadtheinstructioninExercise1c. Theyshouldwritewhoorwhatthewordsinitalicsreferto.

ANSWERS: 1 The map. 2 The policeman. 3 Nina, Fred and Penny. 4 The Embassy.

2 Look!



3 Write.


Askstudentstocompletethesentencesindividually. Saythesentencesandelicitthemissingpronounsfromtheclass.

ANSWERS: 1 it 2 them 3 her 4 me/us 5 you

4 Read, listen, follow and say.


a) AskstudentstolookatthemapofLondon.Doanyofthe

studentsknowthisarea? Tellthemtoreadandfollowthedirections.

b) Say Look at the map, listen to the CD and follow the directions.Play

track54. Studentslistenandfollowthedirections. SayWhere are you?Playthetrackagainifnecessary.

ANSWERS: Hill Street

c) Inpairs,studentsgiveeachotherdirectionsfromtheSaudi

Embassytootherstreets.TheyshouldthenaskWhere are you? Monitortheactivityandhelpasnecessary.

Homework: Workbook pages 136 and 137

Final activity: Inpairs,studentsgiveeachotherdirectionsfromaplaceoftheir


Cantheirpartnertellthemwheretheyare? SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1c 2b 3a 4d

2 1to 2of 3street 4me 5on

3 a2 b1 c3 d5 e4

4 1✗you 2✗it 3✓ 4✗us 5✗them 6✓ 7✓ 8✗us 9✗it 10✗me 11✗them

Come out of the Embassy. Turn right. Turn right again. Walk to the end of the street. Where are you?

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Unit 9 Ready to go

78 Unit 9 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 The father of optics


Grammar:What’s it about? It’s about …

Vocabulary:(photographic) plate, image, optics, establish, major(adj), invent(or), upside down, ray (of light), web page

Reading and writing:Orderingatext;explainingsubject;definitions


Bring to the lesson: theCD(track55) theStudent’sBook(pages72and73) theWorkbook(pages138and139)

ANSWERS: Fred and Nina. Nina’s reading a web page/working at her computer.

b) Askstudentstolookatthepictureonthewebpage. Whatcantheysee? Listentostudents’suggestionsbutdon’tcorrectthematthis

point. Tellstudentstoreadthetitleofthearticle.Whatdotheythink

inventormeans?Helpthemifnecessary. Askstudentstoreadtheinstructionsandparagraphtitlesin

Exercise1b. Checktheyunderstandthevocabularyintheinstructionsand

titles. Askthemtoreadthewebpageandputtheparagraphsinthe

correctorder. Tellthemtolookforthemostimportantideasintheparagraphs


ANSWERS: 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

Extra activity: Askstudentstoreadthewebpageagainandfindthemeaning

ofthefollowingwords:photographic plates, image, established, major (adj), inventor, optics, upside down, ray(of light).


Elicitdefinitionsfromtheclass. Remindstudentstowriteimportantnewwordsintheir


2 Look!

Aim:toreinforceWhat’s it about? It’s about …


To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Revisethemeaningofprojectandresearch. Askthestudentswhentheylastdidaproject.Howdidtheydo

theirresearch? SayOpen your books at page 72, please.

1 Say, read and order.

Aims:toreadascientifictext;toorderatext;tointroduce:What’s it about? It’s about …;tointroducevocabulary.

a) Askstudentstolookatthepicture.AskWho can you see? What’s

Nina doing? Teachweb pageifnecessary. AskstudentstoreadFredandNina’sconversation.AskWhat’s

Nina’s project about?(photography)What’s the web page about?(An Arabic scientist.)

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Unit 9 • Ready to go • LESSON 2

Unit 9 • Lesson 2

3 Match and write.

Aim:topractise… is about …

a) AskstudentstoreadtheinstructionsinExercise3a. Inpairs,studentsshouldmatchthetitlesandsubjectsofthe


ANSWERS: 1 E 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B

b) Askstudentstoreadtheexampleandwritesentencesaboutthe

booksinthepreviousexercise. Studentsshouldcheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 1 The Mystery of the Pyramids is about Ancient Egypt. 2 On Top of the World is about mountain climbing. 3 Birds of Prey is about hawks. 4 A Volcano Erupts is about Mount Pinatubo. 5 A Mystery of the Sea is about TheMarieCeleste.

Pronunciation corner


Note: Todemonstratetheactivityyoucouldwritethewordsphotograph,photographerandphotographyontheboard.Saythewordsandunderlinethestressedsyllablesasyousaythem(photograph photographer photography).Askthestudentstorepeatthewords.

a) Say Listen to the CD and repeat.Playtrack55. Pauseaftereachlineforthestudentstorepeat.

b) SayListen again and underline the stressed syllables. Playtrack55again. Studentslistenandunderlinethestressedsyllables. Repeatthetrackasnecessary. Tocheck,writethewordsontheboardandaskindividual


ANSWERS: 1 photograph photographer 2 mystery mysterious 3 electric electricity 4 Europe European 5 investigate investigation

Homework: Workbook pages 138 and 139

Final activity: Inpairs,studentstelleachotheraboutagoodbooktheyreador

TVprogrammetheywatchedonaparticularday.StudentA:I read a good book on Saturday.StudentB:What was it about?StudentA:It was about …

SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 7F

2 Book 1 No, it’s about London. Book 2 No, it’s about birds. Book 3 No, it’s about ancient monuments. Book 4 No, it’s about climate change. Book 5 No, it’s about photography.

3 1upside 2light 3Rays 4an image 5plates 6page 7invented

4 1park/dark 2ray/may 3light/sight 4small/wall

5 AEurope; image Bmystery; Italy ;photograph Cimagine Dmysterious; Italian; photographer EEuropean

1 photograph photographer2 mystery mysterious3 electric electricity4 Europe European5 investigate investigation

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Unit 9 Ready to go

80 Unit 9 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 In the air


Grammar:Reviseshould / shouldn’t;revisecountables/


Vocabulary:liquid, jet lag, stewardess, bumpy, position, enjoy

Reading and writing:Instructionsandreasonsforinstructions


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks56and57) theStudent’sBook(pages74and75) theWorkbook(pages140and141)

ANSWERS: (Thesearesampleanswers.Student'sanswersmayvary.) Nina, Penny, Fred, a stewardess/air hostess and Fahad. They are on a plane. They are flying to Saudi Arabia. Fahad is a surprise on the plane.

Teachstewardessandair hostessifnecessary.(Stewardessmeansthesameasair hostess.)

b) SayListen to the CD. What does Nina want to drink? Playtrack56.Elicittheanswerfromtheclass.

ANSWERS: Apple juice and water.

c) AskthestudentstoreadthequestionsinExercise1c. SayListen again and answer the questions.Playtrack56again. Elicittheanswersfromtheclass.

ANSWERS: 1 She’s bringing some food. 2 Fahad’s on thesame plane.

d) Askstudentstoreadthedialogue. Inpairs,theyshouldfindwordsthatmatchthedefinitions. Remindthemtousethecontexttohelpthem.

ANSWERS: 1 jet lag 2 wound up

To start: Inpairs,askthestudentstomakealistofwhattheylikeand


Elicitsomeideasandwritethemontheboard(e.g.It’s exciting. We can’t sleep.)

SayOpen your books at page 74, please.

1 Say, listen and read.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepictureandanswerthequestionsin

Exercise1a. Elicitanswersfromtheclass.

Nina: How long is the flight, Mum? Penny: It’s six and a half hours, Nina. Nina: That’s a long time. Penny: Yes, but it’s a long way! Remember, drink lots of liquid, water and juice, and try to get some sleep. Then you don’t get jet lag. Nina: Sleep? I can’t sleep, Mum. I’m too wound up. Is Dad going to meet us? Penny: Yes, he’s driving to the airport and I think Ibrahim’s coming with him. Nina: Great. I can’t wait! Look! Here comes the stewardess. She’s bringing us some food.Stewardess: Here you are. Enjoy your meal. What would you like to drink? Nina: Have you got any apple juice … and some water? Hostess: Yes, of course. Fred: Mum … look! Look! There’s Fahad. He’s on the same plane. Over here Fahad!

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Unit 9 • Ready to go • LESSON 3

Unit 9 • Lesson 3

2 Read and speak.


a) Askstudentstoreadtheadvice. Whatdotheythinkthewordsliquidandexercisemean? Cantheytellyouanothermeaningofexercise?

b) Inpairs,askstudentstomatchtheadvicewiththereasons. Theycanusetheirdictionariesoraskyouiftheyneedhelpwith


ANSWERS: 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 A

3 Read and underline.


Note: Youmightwishtoremindstudentsofsomebasicrulesaboutcountableanduncountablenouns,e.g.Wedon’tuseswithuncountables.Weusesomewithpluralcountablesanduncountables.Weusemanywithcountablesandmuchwithuncountables.Weusuallyuseanywithpluralcountableanduncountablequestions.


ANSWERS: 1 some 2 water 3 much 4 any 5 a long time

4 Read the advice again.


AskstudentstoreadtheadviceinExercise2again. Theyshouldthenwritequestionsandanswersusingshould/

shouldn’t. Tellstudentstofollowtheexample.

ANSWERS: 2 Should I drink lots of liquid? Yes, you should. 3 Should I sit down for the complete journey? No, you shouldn’t. 4 Should I try to stay awake on long journeys? No, you shouldn’t. 5 Should I keep my seat belt on when sitting down? Yes, you should.

Extra activity: Tellpupilstoclosetheirbooks(sothattheycan’tseethislesson).

Inpairs,theyshouldtaketurnstogiveeachotheradviceaboutflying.Cantheythinkofanyadditionaladvice? You should/shouldn’t …

5 Write and listen.


a) AskstudentstoreadtheexampleinExercise5a. AsktheclassWhat do you say to someone who is going to eat? TheyshouldanswerEnjoy your meal. Ensuretheypronouncethevoiced/dʒ/soundinenjoy.Also,

ensuretheimportantwordsarestressed: Enjoy your meal. Studentsdotheexerciseindividually.

b) SayListen and check.Playtrack57. Studentschecktheirwork.

ANSWERS: 1 Enjoy your trip. 2 Enjoy your flight. 3 Enjoy your holiday. 4 Enjoy your day.

1 Enjoy your trip.2 Enjoy your flight.3 Enjoy your holiday.4 Enjoy your day.

Audioscript trAck 57

Homework: Workbook pages 140 and 141

Final activity: Writethesewordsontheboard:1 lunch 2 book 3 walk 4 drive

5 visit 6 day Inpairs,studentspractisetakingturnstochooseanumberand

wisheachotheragoodexperience,e.g.StudentA:Four. StudentB:Enjoy your drive.

SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1jet lag 2stewardess 3airport 4liquids 5about 6seat belt

2 flight

3 1Should you walk about on a plane? Yes, you should. 2Should you have lots of drinks? Yes, you should. 3Should you shout loudly to your friends? No, you shouldn’t.

4 1U 2U 3C 4U 5C

5 1any/much 2some/lots of 3some/lots of 4many/any 5many/any

6 1…because birds need food. 2…because she wants to live in Spain. 3…because he’s interested in ancient monuments. 4…because you want to help stop climate change.

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Unit 9 Ready to go

82 Unit 9 • Lesson 4



Grammar study:Subject,objectandpossessivepronouns,e.g.I, me, mine


Bring to the lesson: theCD(tracks58–60) theStudent’sBook(pages76and77)

ANSWERS: 2 You should sleep on long (plane) journeys. 3 You shouldn’t sit down for the complete journey. 4 You should drink lots of liquid. 5 You shouldn’t take too many bags. 6 You should keep your seat belt on.

2 Ask and answer.





3 Underline the correct word.



ANSWERS: 1 you 2 our 3 their 4 him 5 it

Grammar study


AskstudentstoreadandcompletetheGrammarstudybox. Theyshouldaskquestionsiftheyhaveanyproblems.

ANSWERS: 1 her 2 he 3 its 4 us 5 our 6 you 7 them 8 their

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Asktheclasstostandup.(Theirbooksshouldbeclosed.) OpenyourStudent’sBookatUnit9,turnawayfromtheclassand

sayGo! Studentsshouldpassanobjectaroundtheclass,e.g.apen,until

yousayStop! AskthestudentholdingtheobjectaquestionaboutUnit9.

(Flickbackthroughtheunittohelpwithquestions.) Ifthestudentsaysthewronganswerorcannotanswer,he/she

mustsitdown. SayGo!tostartthegameagain. SayOpen your books at page 76, please.

1 Write the sentences.



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Unit 9 • Ready to go • LESSON 4

Unit 9 • Lesson 4

Extra activity: AskstudentstocopytheGrammarstudyboxintotheir


4 Write and listen.


a) Note: Youmightliketowritethefollowingexampleonthe

board.The boy walked home slowly. He was very tired.AsktheclasswhoHerefersto.(The boy.)


b) SayListen and check.Playtrack58. Studentslistenandchecktheiranswers. Playthetrackagainifnecessary.

ANSWERS: 2 Ibn al-Haytham 3 (the science of ) optics 4 Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics) 5 the camera obscura 6 rays of light

b) Askstudentstomatchtherhymingwords. Theyshouldwritethewordsinthecorrectplacesinparta.

c) SayListen and check.Playtrack60. Studentslistenandchecktheirwork.

Ibn al-Haytham was a famous Arabic scientist. Ibn al-Haytham was born in Basra in today's Iraq. People call Ibn al-Haytham 'the father of optics' because he studied the science of optics and wrote many books about the science of optics. His major work was Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics). For more than 500 years Kitab al-Manazir was the most important book about optics. One of Ibn al-Haytham’s inventions was the camera obscura. The camera obscura was a kind of ancient camera. Rays of light from a bright object outside pass through a small hole. Rays of light make an image of the object on the white wall in the room.

Audioscript trAck 58

Pronunciation corner


a) SayListen and repeat the words.PlayCDtrack59. Pausetogivestudentstimetorepeatthewords.

beach dark day go mind poolfeed huge neither show weigh

Audioscript trAck 59

beach feed dark day weighgo show mind neither pool

Audioscript trAck 60

ANSWERS: 1 feed 2 weigh 4 show 5 neither 6 huge

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook

pages 136 – 141.

Final activity: Givestudentsatimelimittoflickthroughthenextunit.They

shouldlookatthepicturesonlyandnotreadthetext. Tellthemtoclosetheirbooksandaskthemwhattheythinkis

goingtohappennext. SayWell done. See you again soon.

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Unit 10 Back in Riyadh

84 Unit 10 • Lesson 1

LESSON 1 Welcome back!


Grammar:why / because;generalrevision


Reading and writing:Punctuation;spelling

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track61) theStudent’sBook(pages78and79) theWorkbook(pages142and143)

b) AskstudentstoreadthesentencesinExercise1b. SayListen to the CD again and underline the correct word. Playtrack60again. Studentsdotheexerciseinpairs.

c) AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise1c. AskWhat do you think Omar's secret may be? Elicitsuggestionsfromtheclassbutdon'tsaywhethertheyare


ANSWERS: 1 something 2 No one 3 no one

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. AskstudentstotellyousomeofthedifferencesthatPenny,Fred

andNinamayfindbetweenOxfordandRiyadh. SayOpen your books at page 78,please.

1 Listen and say.


a) AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise1a. Say Listen to the CD and answer.Playtrack60. Elicittheanswerfromtheclass. Checkthatstudentsrememberthemeaningofsecret.

ANSWER: Some important news/a secret.

1 Reema: Look! There they are! omar: Here. Fred! Over here!Ibrahim: Welcome back to Saudi Arabia, all of you! Penny: Thank you, Ibrahim. Hello, Omar, hello Reema … and hello, Dave. Dave: Hi, Penny. It’s great to see you. Fred: And look! Here comes Fahad!

2 omar: It’s great to see you again, Fred. Fred: And it’s great to see you, Omar. I’ve got so much to tell you. omar: And I want to talk to you, Fred. I’ve got some important news to tell you … but it’s a secret. Fred: A secret? omar: Yes, you mustn’t tell anyone … listen …

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Unit 10 • Back in Riyadh • LESSON 1

Unit 10 • Lesson 1

2 Match and write.


a) AskstudentstoreadtheinstructioninExercise2a. Inpairs,studentsmatchthebeginningsandendingsofthe

sentences. Checkbysayingthefirsthalvesofthesentencesandeliciting


ANSWERS: 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c

b) AskstudentstoreadtheinstructioninExercise2b. Theyshouldpunctuatethesentencesandthencheckwitha

partner. Askindividualstudentstowritethecorrectsentencesonthe


ANSWERS: 2 Fred, I’ve got something to tell you. 3 Claudio couldn’t answer all the questions in his test. 4 I’m going to the study to do some work. 5 Ibrahim’s the man waiting at the airport.

3 Spell.


Askstudentstoreadtheinstructions. Checkthattheyunderstandthewordmissing. Studentsdotheexerciseindividuallyandthencheckwitha


ANSWERS: 2 h taught anything rhyme 3 e recycle everyone bakery 4 h rubbish caught prehistoric 5 i position traditional interview

4 Do the puzzle. Find the name of a character in this book.




ANSWERS: 1 captain 2 honey 3 volcano 4 fridge 5 oversleep 6 mobile 7 parallel

5 Say and write.


Tellstudentstolookatthefirstpictureandreadtheexample. Inpairs,theyshouldthensayandwritethequestionandanswer


ANSWERS: Why did the mouse run up the tree? Because it wanted to escape from the cat.

Extra activity: Pupilscontinuetoaskandanswerquestionsinpairs,usingWhy

…? Because … TheycanaskgeneralquestionsorquestionsabouttheStudent’s


Homework: Workbook pages 142 and 143

Final activity: PlayGuess the word. Dividetheclassintogroups. Eachstudentmustthinkofaclueforawordoftheirchoice. Inturn,theyshouldtellthemembersoftheirgroupthenumber

oflettersinthewordandthensaytheirclue. Theotherstudentsmustguesstheword. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1 1✗There’s a boy walking towards the stones. 2✓ 3✗There’s a woman in a big/large hat. 4✗There’s a bird on the hat. 5✓ 6✗There’s a boy sitting on the ground. 7✗There’s a woman talking to a girl. 8✓

2 1hawk 2calm 3building 4tree 5modern 6he

3 1lamp 2newspaper 3scissors 4kite 5table

4 1had 2didn’t fall 3went 4forgot 5caught 6blew 7woke up 8were 9ran 10died

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Unit 10 Back in Riyadh

86 Unit 10 • Lesson 2

LESSON 2 He's taking an exam


Vocabulary:scholarship, congratulate, congratulations

Reading and writing:Questiontags

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track62) theStudent’sBook(pages80and81) theWorkbook(pages144and145)


ANSWERS: 1 Omar is taking an exam about Britain and the English language. 2 A scholarship is when the best students can go to a school for free.

ANSWERS: It’s when the best students in an exam go to a school free – they pay no money.

2 Read and write.


a) Askstudentstoreadtheexamquestions.

b) StudentsshouldcompletetheanswersinOmar’sexam.

ANSWERS: a caught b gave c didn’t write d fell e Did she hurt? f overslept

3 Underline the correct forms.



ANSWERS: 1 couldn’t 2 should 3 to do 4 cutting 5 was driving/had

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Asktheclasswhypeopletakeexams( revise their lessons, to

help them go to university, to help them get a job). SayOpen your books at page 80, please.

1 Say, read and answer.


a) Askstudentstolookatthepicturesandanswerthequestionsin


ANSWERS: We can see the teacher, Rakan and Yasser in a classroom. There is an empty desk. Omar’s doing an exam.

b) AskstudentstoreadthequestionsinExercise1b.

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Unit 10 • Back in Riyadh • LESSON 2

Unit 10 • Lesson 2

4 Listen, say and read.


a) AskstudentstoreadthequestioninExercise4a. SayListen and answer the question.Playtrack61. AsktheclassifOmarthinkshe’sgoingtowinthescholarship.

ANSWERS: No, he doesn’t.

b) Askstudentstolistenagainandmatchthequestionsand

answers. Playtrack61again. Studentslistenandthendothematchingexerciseinpairs. Checkbyaskingtheclassthequestionsandelicitingthe


ANSWERS: 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b

Extra activity: StudentsreadandactouttheconversationinExercise4. Inagirls’classtheboys’namesintheconversationcouldbe

changedtogirls’names. Beforestudentsstarttheactivity,practisethepronunciationof

Congratulations!withtheclass. Saythewordwithaheavystressandrisingintonationonthe





5 Write question tags.


Askstudentstoreadtheexamples. Theyshouldcompletethesentenceswithquestiontagsusing

themodelsprovided. Studentscheckeachother’swork.

ANSWERS: 1 wasn’t it? 2 weren’t there? 3 didn’t I?

Homework: Workbook pages 144 and 145

Final activity: Inpairs,studentsprepareminiexamsbywritingfivequestions

onapieceofpaper.(Theymustknowtheanswers!) Goaroundtheroomandchecktheirquestionsandanswers. Thepairsofstudentsthenswappaperswithanotherpairanddo

theminiexams. Theyshouldgivetheirpapersbacktothestudentswhowrote

themtobemarked. SayWell done. See you again soon.


1People Buildingsmanager police station crewman snack bar burglar bakery baker science museum photographer language school captain fitness centre

2 1was eating 2left 3saw 4He was wearing 5was raining 6went 7bought

3 1oven 2torch 3ambulance 4finger 5glasses 6coal

4 1me 2them 3her 4us 5me 6it

5 1two 2wood 3four 4sea 5blue 6noTeacher: So, that’s the end of the lesson. Come in! Oh, hello Omar. How was the exam? omar: Very difficult, Teacher. I don’t think I did very well.Teacher: Did you answer all the questions? omar: Yes, I did. I finished quite quickly. Some of the other students didn’t. Yasser: You didn’t tell us about the exam, Omar. Why not? omar: Because … because I didn’t want anyone to know. I was very nervous. I didn’t want to talk about it. Now it doesn’t matter. I’m sure I got a lot of the answers wrong. I’m not going to win the scholarship.Teacher: You don’t know that, Omar. Rakan: I think your English is very good, Omar. omar: Thank you, Rakan. But there are other students much better than me! Still, I tried.Teacher: Yes, you did. Congratulations! Well done!

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Unit 10 Back in Riyadh

88 Unit 10 • Lesson 3

LESSON 3 Omar's good news


Vocabulary:score (n), award (v), include, pocket money, committee, specially

Reading and writing:Formalletter

Bring to the lesson: theCD(track63) theStudent’sBook(pages82and83) theWorkbook(pages146and147)

c) Askstudentstoreadtheinstructionandthedefinitions1to4. Inpairs,theyshouldreadtheletteragainandfindwordsthat

matchthedefinitions. Tellthemtotrytodothiswithoutusingtheirdictionaries.(They


ANSWERS: 1 score 2 awarding 3 pocket money 4 committee

Extra activity: Tellstudentsthattheycanaskyouforhelpwithanyothernew

vocabularyintheletter. Theyshouldthenwriteallthenewwordsintheirnotebooks.

Note: theyshouldwriteaward(theinfinitiveoftheverb)ratherthanawarding.

2 Write questions and answers.


Askstudentstoreadtheexample. Studentsdotheexerciseindividuallythenchecktheiranswers


ANSWERS: 2 Why is Nina in Riyadh? To visit her father. 3 Why did Ella Lewis write to Omar? To tell him about his scholarship. 4 Why does Elena go to Italy every year? To see her relatives.

To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Askstudentstothinkaboutatimewhensomebodytoldthem

somegreatnews.Wouldanyofthemliketotelltheclassaboutit? SayOpen your books at page 82, please.

1 Read.


a) AskstudentstolookatthepictureandreadOmarandFred’s

conversation. WhatdotheythinkOmar’s‘greatnews’is? Elicitsomeideasfromtheclassbutdon’ttellthemiftheir


b) Tellstudentstoreadtheletter.Weretheycorrect?

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Unit 10 • Back in Riyadh • LESSON 3

Unit 10 • Lesson 3

3 Listen, read and say.


a) TeachthemeaningofI wrote this poem specially for you(I wrote

this poem for you in particular/for your benefit).UseArabicifithelpsstudentstounderstand.

SayRead and listen to the poem.Playtrack63. Studentslistentoandfollowthepoemintheirbooks

b) SayListen again and repeat.Playtrack63again. Pauseforthestudentstorepeat.

Extra activity: Playthepoemagainandhavethewholeclassreaditaloudwith


4 Say.


a) Askthestudentstolookatthepictures.

b) Dividetheclassintogroupsoffive(orfewer). Eachstudentinthegroupshouldchooseadifferentpicture. Tellstudentstothinkaboutwhathappenedintheirstory. Afterafewminutes,theyshouldtellthegroupwhattheycan


c) Othergroupmembersshouldnowhelpeachstudentintheir

groupbytryingtoremembermoreabouteachstory. Monitortheactivityandhelpstudentsasnecessary.

Note: Thisisafreeractivitywherefluencyismoreimportantthanaccuracy.StudentsneedtobuildupconfidencewhenspeakinginEnglishsoitisbetternottocorrectthemastheyarespeakingbuttomakeanoteofanymajorerrorsandgooverthemwiththewholeclassaftertheactivity.

Homework: Workbook pages 146 and 147

Final activity: Insmallgroups,studentsaskeachotherquestionsaboutanyof

thestories/articles,etc.intheStudent’sBook.Forexample,What did Lucy buy for her grandmother?(A bird feeder.)



1 1hurt 2cut 3hit 4break 5burn 6bruise

2 1up 2down 3off 4up 5back 6up 7on 8away

3 1So does Fred. 2Neither does Fred. 3So did Fred. 4So does Fred. 5So was Fred. 6So is Fred. 7Neither can Fred.

4 1parrot 2ship 3fire 4bag 5erupted 6hole 7Nobody 8gas

5 1Enjoy your 2Congratulations!

It’s rhyming that keeps us together.

It seems a long time Since we last said a rhyme.It seems like a year, or forever!Too long, too longAnd that is all wrong!‘Cos it’s rhyming that keeps us together.

Don’t say that you are much Too busy to rhyme.Too busy to learn something new.So join in the verse andDon’t make matters worse – I wrote this one specially for you.

It’s the end of the book.It’s the end of the term.Let’s all say this short rhyme together.Remember this rhymeAnd have a good time,‘Cos holidays are not forever!

It seems a long time Since we last said a rhyme.It seems like a year, or forever!Too long, too longAnd that is all wrong!‘Cos it’s rhyming that keeps us together.

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Unit 10 Back in Riyadh

90 Unit 10 • Lesson 4


RevisionoflanguagetaughtinLift Off! 2a.

Grammar study:Generalrevision


Bring to the lesson: theCD(track64) theStudent’sBook(pages84and85)

Extra activity: Inpairs,studentstaketurnstosayoneofthedefinitionsin


2 Complete.




ANSWERS: 1 many 2 some 3 some 4 a 5 much 6 any

3 Correct the verbs.


Askstudentstocorrecttheverbswhichhavemistakes. Tellthemthatthemistakesareonlyinthegrammar. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 2 not saw didn’t see 3 bought buy 4 wasting waste 5 taked took 6 was did

4 Choose.




To start: Greetthestudentsasinpreviouslessons. Writethewordsscholarship committeeontheboard. Setatimelimitofthreeminutes. Inpairs,studentsshouldmakeasmanywordsastheycanfrom

thelettersinscholarship committee.Forexample,ship,come,team,chip.

Elicitwordsfromtheclassandwritethemontheboard. Whichpairthoughtofthemostwords? SayOpen your books at page 84, please.

1 Match and number.


Askstudentstomatchthewordsanddefinitions. Studentscheckeachother’sworkinpairs.

ANSWERS: 1 E 2 I 3 A 4 H 5 C 6 D 7 B 8 F 9 G

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Unit 10 • Back in Riyadh • LESSON 4

Unit 10 • Lesson 4

ANSWERS: 1 way 2 hear 3 there 4 it’s 5 Where 6 You’re 7 two 8 right

Grammar study



Checktheyunderstandwhattodo. Helpthemiftheycan’trememberthetermsusedtodescribe

thegrammar. Iftimeallows,goroundtheclassandhelpindividualsby



5 Read, listen and say.


a) Askstudentstoreadthepoemsilently.

b) SayListen to the poem and repeat.Playtrack63. Pauseattheendofeachlineforthestudentstorepeat.

Extra activity: Givestudentsafewminutestoreadthepoemsilentlyagainand

trytomemoriseit. Inpairs,studentsreadalinefromthepoemandtheirpartner

triestorememberthelinethatfollows. Theyshouldtakeitinturnstobetheonewhostarts. Remindthestudentsthatthelastwordsofthelinesrhymeso

thiscanhelpthemtorememberthenextlines.Student 1:Time can pass and time can flyStudent 2:and now it’s time to say goodbye.Student 1:The time to go is very near,Student 2:the end of term is …

Homework: Any exercises not completed in the Workbook

pages 142 – 147.

Final activity: Dividetheclassintosmallgroups. Studentstalkabouttheirplansfortheholiday. Writethewords:may,probablyandpossiblyontheboardand

remindstudentstheycanusethesewords. SayWell done. Have a good holiday!

Time can pass and time can flyAnd now it’s time to say goodbye.The time to go is very near,The end of term is nearly here.It’s time to stop our English class.The holidays are here at last.It’s time to rest. It’s time to play,It’s time to put our books away.It’s time to say to every friend,We hope to see you soon again.

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Macmillan Education

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ISBN: 978-0-230-41339-9

Text © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011

Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011

First published 2011

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of the publishers.

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Cover design by Oliver Design

Cover images by Daniel Tobin, UAP

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The authors would like to thank Fahad Al-Asiri and his family for

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