lifting high the cross of christ

. g High the Ct of Christ t * 125 Years 1878-2003 Friedens United Church of Christ 339 North 4th Street Seward, Nebraska ·

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Page 1: Lifting High the Cross of Christ

. g High the Ct ~,.-rft 1 r1 of Christ ~~~


• * •

125 Years 1878-2003

Friedens United Church of Christ 339 North 4th Street

Seward, Nebraska ·

Page 2: Lifting High the Cross of Christ


There is a passage from the Gospel of John which has given direction to the congregation of Friedens United Church of Christ for its entire history. "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." Thus our theme, "LIFTING HIGH THE CROSS OF CHRIST" becomes based on the intention of Jesus, to draw all people to himself in faith.

It is to the founding fathers and mothers of Friedens that we owe gratitude. There have been so many in each of the generations of the Friedens family who have worked, contributed, prayed, taught, cared, ministered and loved in the name of Christ.

It is with great joy we celebrate 125 years of continuous ministry in the name of the Christ who was crucified to save us all. It is His resurrection and new life we celebrate every week as we engage in ministry in our community and the world. The building has changed over the years due to remodeling and addition, but the fellowship of the faithful is still intact.

We dedicate this booklet to the people who have gone before us and "LIFTED HIGH THE CROSS OF CHRIST." Praise the Lord!

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Friedens United Church of Christ 125th Anniversary Celebration

"Lifting High the Cross of Christ" fohn 12:32 Sunday, September 14, 2003

339 North 4th Street Seward, Nebraska



FEATURING: Congregational Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Special125th Anniversary Speaker: Pastor George Worcester, Conference Minister Special Music

11:30 a.m. Catered Anniversary Dinner and Fellowship Time Church Basement Fellowship Hall - Special Exhibit of Congregational Church Banners

1:00 p.m. Anniversary Program Informal Service and Sharing Featuring the Seward Kitones Men's Chorus in Concen

Special125th Anniversary Exhibits and Congregational Memorabilia at the Church "Sunday's Finest" Hats of the Ladies of the Congregation Over the Years! Quilt Exhibit - Quilts Created and Quilted by Ladies of the Congregation Wedding Dress Exhibit- Wedding Dresses from Weddings at Friedens and Members'

Wedding Dresses through the Decades Photos - Photo Exhibit of Past Confirmation Classes and other Items of Interest

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Pastor's Letter

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

It is with great joy that we share this 125th Anniversary. We celebrate the Anniversary in memory of all those who have gone before us. We are so grateful that a dedicated Pastor, Christian Bek, came to Seward County and the Seward area. When we read of Pastor Bek' s journey in the name of Christ, it appears that God leads people in miraculous ways. For his leadership, for the leadership of five families, we give thanks. Without them, we would not exist.

Through the years there have been faithful people, members and friends of Friedens who have given generously of their time, talent, treasure and thoughts that this church might make a Christian witness in this community. We thank God that they responded to the call to service in His name.

Over the years, I have learned to appreciate with greater intensity, the leadership of the laity of the church. The loyalty, the generosity, the caring fellowship, the reaching out to others is commendable. God has indeed blessed Friedens with good leadership and good pastors. God continues to have need for Friedens to be in the Seward community for ministry in His name. Praise the Lord!

A special appreciation goes to those who have worked to make this celebration a reality. For all the hours of effort on their part I give thanks to God! We go forward in the faith that God will use us to bring people to discipleship in the name of Jesus Christ!

Alvin H. Smith, Pastor

Pastor George Worcester, Conference Minister, with Rev. AI Smith.

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History of Friedens Church

First Church- 1878

Does this look like a church edifice? Today it serves to house a car, etc., but once it served a genuine spiritual purpose. Yes, this is the first church, built in 1878.

A very plain, unpretentious building, with simple fur­nishings, old-fashioned kerosene lamps hanging from the ceiling, and a large stove in the center providing plenty of heat for the faces, but usually leaving the feet miserably cold. Yet here gathered the small group of faithful to worship, to study God's Word, to build for themselves a home for their souls, and surely, the best sort of material was given to them to build such a spiritual home upon the sure and certain foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ.

There are still names, even of present living members, to be found scribbled on the plain walls where old layers of wallpaper continue to peel off, these parties never thinking that they thus would perpetuate themselves for 125 years. One can imagine how severe the punishment for such infractions must have been under the watchful eyes of Pastors C. Bek, P. Speidel and Adam Woth. _Friedens Evangelical, now known as Friedens United

Church of Christ of Seward, Nebraska was established September 22, 1878, under the leadership of Pastor Christian Bek. Pastor Bek had received his education for ministry in Germany. He came to America to serve Christ as a Pastor of a church. His career saw him moving many times and one of those moves included a three year time span in the Seward Community. The

first members of this new church were immigrants from Germany and of the Evangelical Synod.

On September 22, 1878 the church was organized. Five laymen were instrumental in the beginning of the church. These five were John Schmidt, George Goetz, Karl Meier, Matthais Schmidt and Henry Meinberg. They each pledged $100 for the building of a 20' x 30' first place of worship. Kerosene lamps and a large stove in the center of the building provided light and heat. In 1888, the membership had grown to 42 members. A parsonage had been built in 1885 for the pastor costing $1 ,000. It was decided to build a larger house of worship in 1888 and that cost $2,600.

The sacrifices made by these early pioneers of Friedens were great and we applaud their faithful efforts. All the services were held in the German lan­guage during the early years. The change to English speaking services was made gradually.

In the early 1900's Pastor Woth served the Seward and Goehner congregations. Pastor Woth used horse and buggy for transportation. In the summer a three wheeler bicycle was used on the railroad tracks, with permission, to travel to Goehner.

As the years passed, the church grew in numbers and activities. Improvements were made to the church. in 1922 a new parsonage was built. In 1938 a heating system was installed. In 1945 the basement of the church was excavated and a new fellowship hall was built. The cost of remodeling was $9,100.

We continue to send delegates to Annual Confer­ence. We have lay representation at the meetings of the Lincoln Association. Friedens is part of the Seward Ministerial Association through its pastor. We have children and youth and adults active in the life of the church. There are two Sunday School classes ...

Parsonage and Church - 1888


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Interior of Church - 1888

children and adults. We are thankful for those who began the work of

Friedens here in Seward on behalf of the Evengelical Synod. We thank all who prayed and worked and contributed to the life of the church. It is because of this commitment that we are able to celebrate 125 years of continuous ministry in this year 2003. Two men from Friedens trained for the ministry, Elmer Brinkmeyer (deceased) and Leo Zillig who is retired. Glory be to God!

Leo and Joyce Zillig


Life History of Christian Bek

Christian Bek was born at Aichelberg. 0/A Schoen­dorf, Wuntemberg, Germany, on July 12, 1829, and baptized in the Evangelical Church on the same day. His parents were modest, God-fearing people. He attended the Evangelical Village School regularly from his 6th to 14th year. After his confirmation he assisted his parents for several years. Heeding the call to the ministry, he entered the Pilger Mission Institution at St. Chrischona at Hasel, Switzerland, in 1851, from which he graduated in 1854. He received his appoint­ment to minister to the Evangelical and Pentecostal Brethren which were scattered in this predominately Catholic territory at Tettnang in the vicinity of Lake Constance, to instruct and guide them in the Word of God. At the expiration of one year his Mission Board transferred him to Texas, U.S.A.

Crossing the Atlantic in a sailboat he landed in Galveston, Texas, on November 30, 1855, and was ordained as a minister in the Texas Synod in 1856. He endeavored to gather the German-speaking brethren into a united assembly which proved to be impossible, because of the scarcity of settlers and the great distances that separated them. After much prayerful considera­tion and on the advice of the Ministerial Board of the Synod, he decided to come nonh where there seemed to be a greater need for ministers.

In April1857, he came to St. Louis, Missouri; where he affiliated with the Evangelical Synod of Nonh America and accepted a pastorate of the Big Berger Church in Franklin County, Missouri, where he served until 1863 when he accepted a call to the Evangelical Ebenezer Church of Augusta, in St. Charles County, Missouri, to establish a new work, the St. Johannes Church. He ministered there for seven years. While at this place his wife and one son were called to their heavenly home and the family so weakened by malaria and other fevers that he was obliged to seek another location.

In February 1877, he accepted a call to the newly organized St. Peters Church in Elmhurst, Illinois. Here he served for only seven months because the necessary family expenses exceeded the suppon the congregation was able to give and there was no other means to supplement his income. Neither was there at that time a call for a minister in a new location, so after investi­gating a movement by the Burlington Railroad Com­pany to settle some of its cheap lands in the middle west, he felt led to accept a contract for 160 acres of

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land in Seward County, Nebraska. In October of 1877, he moved with his family to

this homestead. Arriving at their destination, the task of making a home, supporting a large family on a raw piece of land with little or no material means, and with winter coming, seemed insurmountable. But the Lord helped them through it all. After their arrival they found there were several German families of the same faith who gathered together helping each other, and after they had prepared the most material necessities they joined as a body of believers and built the Evan­gelical Friedens Church at Seward, Nebraska. Christian Bek served as its pastor for three years.

In the fall of 1880, he received a call from the Evangelical Salem Church at Alhambra, Illinois, which he accepted in December of that year. Conditions at that church however, were such that he terminated his stay after 20 months and accepted a call to the Evan­gelical Zion Church in Richardson County, Nebraska, where he labored for 12 years. These were perhaps the most richly blessed years of his life.

Toward the end of this period his health and strength did not seem to be adequate to keep up the manifold activities which the field required. After much consultation he retired and moved to Seward, Nebraska, in the year of 1894, to make his home in the place where most of his children were located. From this time on he supplied his services wherever they were needed until his death on April12, 1922. Having labored in many fields, he went home in the full assurance of the atoning blood of Christ received by grace through faith.

Seward Friedens

Ministers ofF riedens United Church of Christ To attend the weekly service, members drove in

open wagons from Milford, Staplehurst and Bee. The first infants baptized in the new church were the late George Meinberg and Chris Bek, son of Rev. and Mrs. Bek. The services were conducted in German for the founding members and it continued to be spoken until the 1920s.

Pastor W oth served both the Seward and Goehner congregations in the early 1900s, traveling by horse and buggy. Also during the summer, after teaching religion classes in German at Goehner, a three wheeler bicycle was used, by permission, on the Northwestern Railroad. The bicycle was fitted with a third wheel to extend to the other rail of the railroad tracks. A motor was on the bicycle as the trip back from Goehner at noon could be very hot.

June, 1938, brought the merger of the Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Church.

In 1957 theE & R Church united with the Congre­gational Christian Church to form the United Church of Christ.

Pastors serving Friedens United Church of Christ. Rev. Christian Bek 1878-1881 Rev. P. Speidel 1884-1895 Rev. Goerlitz 1896-1896 Rev. Karl Schneider 1896-1899 Rev. C. Hauck 1899-1900 Rev. Adam Woth 1900-1922 Rev. A. Abele 1922-1929 Rev. Thomas Marshall 1929-1936 Rev. C. Jakowsky 1937-1941 Rev. R. Walkenhorst 1941-1946 Rev.M.Seybold 1948-1954 Rev. R. Stock 1954-1960 Rev. Dale Krampe 1961-1967 Rev. Garret Karow 1968-1971 Rev. Gary Thomson 1971-1973 Rev. Don Hartman 1974-1978 Rev. James Armour 1979-1982 Rev. H erry Vieth 1983-1991 Rev. T ex Miller 1991-1992 Rev. Joan Moss 1992-1996 Rev. Jack Scavo Sept.- Dec.1996 Rev. John David 1997-1998 Rev. Alvin H . Smith 1998-present

Two men of the congregation have entered the mini­stry: Rev. Elmer Brinkmeyer (now deceased) and the Rev. Leo Zillig (now retired).


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Current Church Council John Yelden - President Joyce Meyer - Treasurer Marsha Y elden - Elder David Leising - Trustee Alvin H. Smith - Pastor

Leo Zillig - Vice President Mary Jo Yates- Secretary Norman Schulz- Elder Duane Preston - Trustee

Organizations The membership is currently at 75 members. The

average attendance for the Church service this year has been 52. Several members are descendents of the original founders of the Church. Henry Meinberg was the grandfather to Joyce Meyer, Walter, Henry, and Leonard Meinberg. Walter, Henry and Leonard are now deceased but their wives Marie, Della and Mildred are members. Walter, Henry and Leonard were also descendents of Rev. Bek. George Goetz was Joyce Meyer's mother's uncle.

The Women's Guild became the Women's Fellow-- ship in 1965 through action of the United Church of

Christ. All women in the church are members. The meetings are held the first Thursday of each month except June and July when no meetings are held. The Silver Tea is held in October where local Churches are invited to attend, a Christmas party in December, and a Mother-Daughter affair in May. Lap robes are made out of recycled material to give to local nursing homes, hospitals and shut-ins. There are no dues, only free will donations.

The Quilting Circle meets every Thursday, quilting about three quilts a year. The money they raise is given to church supported children's homes.

The Gleaners have been meeting and serving Friedens for 78 years. True to their objective of fellow­ship, instruction, inspiration, and service to the local church, the community, the U.C.C. Conference, and the Kingdom at large, this dedicated group of women have met to the best of their ability any need that presented itself, whether it meant being "Marthas" or whether it meant being "Marys." They have been faithful in supponing the benevolences under the care of the U.C.C., both as an organization and as indivi­duals ministering in service to others. They gather each month to have devotions, to enjoy a program, and care for the business of the organization. They have on occasion been able to share their Christian concern with others in the congregation and community through acts of caring. Lately the group meets fewer times during the year. They continue to have that spirit


of caring and sharing. There are two Sunday School experiences available

to the people of the · congregation ... an Adult Class, attended by a dozen or more adults each Sunday, and a Children's Class attended by as many as seven or eight depending on the day. Two very loyal teachers teach these classes ... David Leising the Adult Class and Carol Schulz the Children's Class. Over the years Christian Education has been an imponant part of Friedens and for the teachers who have been faithful, we give thanks.

In the evening of the last Sunday of the month a Monthly Supper and Fellowship is held. Meat is provided and members bring dishes to go with the meat. After the meal, dominos, card games such as pitch, and cribbage are played.

2003 Listing of 50 Year or More Members

Louise Bauer - 70 years Roben Bauer Ron Brandenburg -Fred Bruns- 70 years Vera Bruns Erma Flowerday Boyd Gabel lone Gabel - 70 years Mildred Hentzen Lloyd Keller Della Meinberg - 70 years Marie Meinberg

Mildred Meinberg Joyce Meyer Janice Preston Carol Schulz Jean Schulz Norman Schulz Evelyn Tipton Dorothy Viets Velma Yelden Mervin Zillig Myrna Zillig

Boyd Gabel, Bell Ringer.

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Quilting Circle.

Church members trying out new elevator.

Supper and game night. Gleaners.

Women's Fellowship. Adult Sunday School.


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Children,s Sunday School.


'fllllrlli •·, l!lll(

Supper and game night.

Mother-Daughter banquet.

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MEMORIES ... written by members of the church Our Friedens United Church of Christ

by Erma Flowertlay

Twas over 70 years ago I first came here to worship With my boyfriend, Ted; on his brother Albert's tip. In fact when Rev. Marshall announced Dale's Christmas

recitation I decided his last name would be my destination.

We continued to come and Ted decided to be a member I went with him and tried to remember My instructions when confirmed at Congregational Church

at Garland. Later the two churches were merged as planned.

We were married by Rev. Marshall in '35 To keep our membership from various homes we did strive. In his farewell sermon Rev said, I baptized, confirmed, married and baptized his child - That


The years rolled by and many activities were enjoyed There was 'chicken-noodle soup supper' we did for pay. Min Goehner and crew cooked - none were employed We all contributed food and made it a rewarding day.

There was the Sunday School picnic on Children's Day After each child had their recitation to say. All took filled baskets and went to the park We played games, had ice cream and got home before dark.

Baptisms were done in a special way. Several babies were baptized that day. Then there was more time for sermon and song. These many couples and babies sure did belong.

There were couples with five who filled a pew. Anderson, Bruns, Flowerday, two Hentzens, & Zillig to

name a few. Many others with two, three, or four, to add to the crew. There was no nursery so they learned to be quiet - That's


To ready all five for their Sunday School Class Was quite an undertaking but quickly did pass. I remember being told after a frustrating morn, You're wearing two different shoes -lucky to have two pair

to adorn.

Women's Fellowship was very active then. A large number of lap robes were freely given. Ladies over 70 were exempt from officers work. Now we can't find many that young- from the activity they


Sunday School was a big operation. Emma Meyer had the little ones on every occasion.

She loved them like they were her own. They felt like she was an angel when they were away from


Several classes were reaching for room. Then the basement was enlarged-a new Sunday School

addition did loom I taught the 7th and 8th grades for several years­Around the 60's- L.J. is still one of those dears.

The teenagers also were a large bunch They met quite often and had a big lunch. They went on hikes and outings And had much fun- I'm not doubting!

Men's Brotherhood- I haven't mentioned What a large group of men & boys with good intentions. They had a softball team- didn't win many games. But the Easter breakfast they served deserves much fame.

The Sewing Circle is where quilters go once a week. Velma and Helen have made it a business - so to speak. They give to the needy and distribute their wealth. I helped until needed at home for Ted's health.

Sometime ago we had a church choir. Several soloists and duet teams we did admire. A men's quartet, we did enjoy. We have them all yet when a 'special' we employ.

The business part of this place of meeting. Has many members doing special treating. The depression and the 30's were solved in many ways Ted served as V.P., also Trustee during some of those days.

The many ministers I can recall At least ten - I can't name them all They administered to those who needed it most And were to the Congregation, "A PERFECT HOST!"

Many anniversaries and weddings have been here Those little ones grew up and left- some every year. Our four daughters were married and guests and bride and

groom Were all served by our ladies in the basement dining room.

Our church is the same, but much improved. An electric organ instead of the pipe organ they played. Colored glass windows - the clear ones showed outside. Carpeting, air conditioning, and a lift we welcome with


Throughout the years there have been many times to be sad. With the loss of our loved ones we contend. Our Church was the best place we had. For a haven of rest and our dear friends.


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Just two years ago our couple attendance did end. I lost my husband - My best friend. What a consolation for me, my family and all To bring him to our Church when he answered God's call.

There are many willing workers in our Church plan. An unsung group give of their labor and talents the best

that they can. Officers, Ushers, Greeters, Candelighters, Bell Ringers and

more; Organist, S.S. teachers, readers, and record keepers for sure.

Now the welcome doors ofU.C.C. are open wide. There are coffees and Sunday evening dinners served with

pride. But mostly for PastorAl's inspiring message anq songs We come and for the friendships we've had for so long.

Fred Bruns and Family Submitted July 27, 2003

Fred Bruns was born on October 8, 1919, and baptized at Friedens Church parsonage on February 7, 1920, with Grosseltern Henry Hemsath as sponsor. He was confirmed on June 3, 1933, by Pastor Reverend Thomas Marshall. On October 8, l940, he married Vera Manke at Friedens. They have five children who were all baptized and confirmed at Friedens: Sharron born December 20, 1942

Connie born May 26, 1945 Daphne born June 12, 1946 Marley born July 6, 1950 Lonnie born September 4, 1953

The following were married at Friedens: Daphne to James Blausen in July, 1965 Sharron to Earl Gary in February, 1967 Connie to Gerald Ludwig in June, 1967 Lonnie to J uli Adams in June, 1972

The church has been an important part of their lives. Fred taught Sunday School many years, sang in the choir, served on the Church Board and was a member Men's Fellowship where he also served as President. He assisted in hand digging the east church basement and building of the educational addition. Vera is still active in Gleaners Women's Fellowship, and Quilting Circle. '

Joyce (Brose) Meyer's Memories My memories of Friedens UCC are many. I was baptiz­

ed, confirmed and married to Herbert Meyer in the church. Our children, Merle, Charles and Kay were baptized and confirmed here also. I attended Sunday School in a class­room where the organ is today. It was a small room with Dora Bek as our teacher. We had larger classes then and not enough room for everyone; today we have the room and not as many children.

A big pipe organ was in the center of where the altar is now and the pulpit was up a few stairs.

The church used to be so full on special occasions like Easter, Christmas Eve, and Mission Festivals, chairs had to


be put down the aisle and in the hallways. Sunday School picnics were held in the park with games after the meal.

My grandparents, Henry Meinberg and his brother-in­law, George Goetz, were charter members and were part of building a small building about the size of a garage for the first church.

My husband, Herbert Meyer was also baptized, con­firmed and married in this church. He was also a member of the church for over 50 years. He tells about the Christmas Eve program when one of the boys had a pin beneath his robe and he would stick the girls during the programs. This boy is not a member of our church now. He left the church when he got married.

Herbert and I both taught Sunday School, served on the council and I was a Sunday School Superintendent.

Meinberg Submitted by Joyce (Brose} Meyer, _Della Meinberg,

and Mildred Meinberg

Our ancestors, George Goetz and Henry Meinberg were two of the founding fathers of the church in 1878. Henry Meinberg and George Goetz were brothers-in-law.

George Meinberg was the eldest child of Henry Meinberg. He was married to Emma Deden. Their children were Louis, Clara, Edna, Henry, Elsie, Leonard, George, and Walter.

Emma was the second child of Henry Meinberg. She married Henry Eggerling. Their children were Arthur and Norman.

· Mary, Henry's third child, marri_fd Ch¥les Brose. Their children were Gertrude and Joyce.

The following descendents of Henry Meinberg are: Henry and Marie Meinberg and their children, Virginia

Cover, Marilyn Ellis, Jean Tonniges, g.nd Robert Meinberg who were baptized and confirmed in the church.

Leonard and Della Meinberg and their children, Linda Pannkuk, L. J. Meinberg, Tim Meinberg, and Kent Mein­berg.

Walter and Mildred Meinberg and their children, Gary Meinberg, Jane Schnittker, and Donald Meinberg.

Herbert and Joyce Meyer and their children, Merle Meyer, Charles Meyer and Kay Rohren.

Beryl Bauer My memories of the church started in the spring of 1955,

the year Bob and I were married. I joined the church that fall. Rev Roy Stock was pastor. Bob's parents, Fred and Louise were married in 1930 at the parsonage. Louise, an expert seamstress, was a member of the Sewing Circle for many years. She made lots of pajamas and layettes that were sent to the church's children's homes. Gladys Johnson, Jean T oovey and I worked together many years decorating for the Silver Tea. It was a lot of fun, but a challenge to come up with a good program every year. The year St John's choir marched in with 50 kids really surprised us! They didn't want to leave anyone behind and their numbers surpassed the audience!

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/mig and Rocker Families From Della Rocker Meinberg

My grandfather Jacob Imig became a member of Friedens in 1880. My mother, Maria Johanna Imig, was baptized in 1887. There does not seem to be a record of Grandfather Rocker or my father, Jacob Rocker, joining the church, but she is sure they were members.

Della says that when Katie Meinberg was confirmed and joined the church, she was the fifth generation of Imigs and Rockers to be confirmed in Friedens Church. All of Della's children except Gisela were baptized and confirmed in Friedens Church. Those children are named, Linda, L. J., Tim and Kent.

Mildred Meinberg Friedens United Church of Christ has been a part of my

life since I married Walter on March 12, 1944. Walter was a third generation Meinberg to be a life time member of the church.

Some of the most memorable things in the church for me were the Chicken Noodle Suppers. They were sponsored by the Women's Fellowship. Min Goehner was responsible for making the soup. She was known as the best chicken soup maker around! · - ·

I remember the Gleaners having lunch stands at farm sales. They seemed to be held on the coldest winter days. The Gleaners went from those cold days to warmer summer days with their activities. They hosted a picnic in the park in August. We always had a lot of good food and good times playing games.

A Firm Foundation by Maureen Joy Flowerday Dunn

One of my earliest memories of my home church was my first day of Sunday School. I finally turned three and could go with my older sisters, Jan, Mitzi and Judy. I had a penny in my hand for the offering and sat in the front row. Mrs. Meyer was my teacher and Mrs Bluhm was the superinten­dent. Each year when my class was promoted, we moved up a row. My religious foundation was on its way!

Our mothers, aunts, cousins and friends were our teachers. They were a strong influence during the week as well as on Sunday. With each passing year my spiritual foundation became stronger. Confirmation class soon began for this 13 year old girl. We met every Saturday morning from around 9:30 until close to noon. The work was hard but I learned so much. My bible verse from Reverend Stock was "Be faithful until death and I will give you the gift of life." It has served me well over the years.

Over the years I have watched my sisters get married and my parents celebrate anniversaries at our beloved United Church of Christ. Then in 2001 we gath.ered together as a family and a community to say good-bye to our father, Ted Flowerday and niece, Barbara Preston. It was a very hard

time, but because of my firm religious foundation I was able to find the peace and strength needed for my family and myself . .

So it is with gladness in heart that I send congratulations to Friedens on its 125th anniversary and to say Thanks from one of your children.

BENTZEN On August 31, 1884 the brothers Gustav and Julius

Hentzen left their home in Rehme, Kreis Minden, Ger­many, to live in the U.S.A. They were sponsored by friends who lived in Minier, Illinois. Several years later they moved to Seward County, Nebraska. They arranged for their widowed mother, Anna Hentzen, and their sister, Martha, to come to America. Martha later married Gustav Tempel and Gustav Hentzen married Edna Fuehring. The Hentzen family had a continuous membership in the Evangelical Friedens Church. They participated in all programs and activities.

Gustav and Martha (Hentzen) Tempel and their five children were members of Friedens-Goehner. Anne married Otto Schroeder and became a member of the Seward church. A grandson, Norm Schulz is a member today.

Gustav and Edna had three child~;en: Herbert, Walter and Irene. All were baptized and confirmed at Friedens.

Herbert married Beulah Batchelder. Five children were born to them. Carol (Schulz) still a member of Friedens, Richard, Charles, Neal and Keith. All are active in their various churches. Carol's children, Tom and Sarah were confirmed at Friedens. Charles serves on the board of a living facility for the elderly owned by the UCC in Minnesota. Neal has been an actor in the Seward Methodist Churches well known Lenten play. Keith and his family participated in a medical mission to Jamaica.

Walter married Mildred Vogt who was baptized and confirmed at Salem Methodist Church in rural Seward County. They were married October 6, 1937. It seemed the logical thing for Mildred to transfer membership to Friedens E & R Church because Walter was a member of the Church Council at the time. The distance to the country church was several miles farther and mud roads. (The roads from the family farmstead .to town were hard surfaced and fewer.) Mildred never regretted the move.

Five children, daughters Ruth, Marg, Alice and Jane and son Dennis blessed this home. The children were all baptized, confirmed, attended Sunday School and were active in the youth work as well as a United Christian Youth Group that was organized during this time. Dennis has four of the 12 grandchildren that are part of this extended family. Only he and his family still live on the original farmstead and farms. The daughters are all nurses (as is Dennis's wife). They live in other parts of the country but are continuing in the life of churches where they live.

Irene married Allen R. Koop of Louisville, Nebraska. She was the Choir Director of the · Louisville Methodist Church for many years and also played the organ. Their daughter,


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Marilyn lives in Denver. On February 15, 1894, Julius Hentzen married Emma

Meyer, a native of Tazwell County, Illinois. They had four children: Elza died in infancy, Clara was born in 1896, Arthur in 1903 and Agnes in 1906.

Clara lived in Seward and was active in Friedens until 1947 when she moved to Tacoma, Washington. Arthur and his family lived in Oklahoma and Kansas. Agnes (Friis) taught school in David City, Nebraska.

The Yates Family The Yates family (Harvie, Mary Jo, Denise, and Daniel)

moved to Seward in September, 1976, after Harvie retired from the Navy after serving 22lh years. We moved to Seward from Norfolk, Nebraska, where Harvie was a Navy recruiter. We transferred our membership from the UCC Church in Norfolk. Denise started at Doane College and four years later graduated from there. Daniel entered the 7th grade at Middle School and later graduated from Seward High School. Harvie enrolled at SCC in Milford and upon graduation, he was employed by Lee's Refrigera­tion. Mary Jo was assistant manager at Ashley's Outlet and when that dosed she was employed at JC Penneys. Daniel was confirmed and baptized at the Presbyterian Church when Friedens and the Presbyterian Church were yoked. He was active in the Youth Group through high school.

Mary Jo has been active in the work of the Church and has been Church Board Secretary for the past several years. She also sang in the choir till it was discontinued.

In 1988 Harvie died at age 53 of bone cancer. Mary Jo continued running the Sears Catalog Store that she and Harvie started in 1978. In 1992 Sears catalog was dis­continued so she and Daniel formed a partnership and sold appliances for one year, then they became owners of an independent dollar store. They have had the Dollar Emporium since 1993. They also had a store in York which they closed in 1995. Daniel and his wife Janet live on an acreage by Dwight. Janet works at 96KX in Lincoln.

Denise and her husband Tom Wooten live in Lincoln where Denise is Director at the YWCA in the pre-school program. Tom is a Hilti tool salesman. They have four children; Zakk, almost 19 and will be a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kellyn, 14 who will be a freshman at Southeast High School and is active in plays at the Lincoln Playhouse and sings, Brad will be a 7th grader at Pound Jr. High and is 12, and Alex will be in the 3rd grade at Rousseau Elementary School and is eight years old.

The Meyer Family Submitted by Joyce (Meyer) Zillig

William and Emma Meyer were members of Friedens both being confirmed in their youth. Emma brought Joyce to Sunday School when she was three years of age and became the teacher of the nursery class later for 20-some years. So no doubt many of you will remember her as your


first Sunday School teacher. She was also active m the Women's organizations.

In 1942, I was confirmed by Rev. R. 0. Walkenhorst with a class of nine members namely, Robert Bluhm, Joyce Brose, Jean Fuehing, Margaret Fosler, Donald Miller, Aloha Mae Reber, Dean Rocker, Ruth Suellwold, and myself. Margaret Fosler and Ruth Suellwold are deceased.

I was active in Youth Fellowship, attended Leadership Training School at Dana College in Blair and led devo­tionals in Sunday School. Later I became active in Women's Fellowship, Sunday School and Gleaners.

Leo and his parents joined Friedens in 1945 when he was in the service. He became active in the Sunday School, Men's Brotherhood and filled the pulpit at various churches.

Leo and I were married in Friedens on June 25, 1950, and were farmers for 12 years. All three of our families were baptized in Friedens. Leo's parents, William and Nellie and Bill and Emma were sponsors for our daughter Linda's baptism.

Linda and Paul had their grandma as their first Sunday School teacher. Marcia was 19 months old when we moved from the farm to St. Louis where Leo entered Eden Semi­nary at Webster Grove, Missouri. All of our children attended Sunday School there. In fact, all four of us walked to the Evangelical U.C.C., just a few blocks west of Eden on Lockwood Avenue. Rev. Thomas Marshall, a former pastor of Friedens in Seward, served this church after he left Seward. Leo had assignments at Caroline Mission in downtown St. Louis at that time.

Linda and Paul were confirmed by Leo at his first pastorate in Arlington. Marcia was confirmed at St. Paul's U.C.C. near Tecumseh.

Marcia was married by her Dad in the Plainview Church in 1985. Marcia, husband Henry, and their family live near Crofton now.

Paul was married at First Plymouth U.C.C. in Lincoln in 1986 where he, Janet and family are living.

Linda, our first offspring has taught TAG in Mason City, Iowa, for 17 years and the second grade in Sutton for the first 10 years.

We have five grandchildren; twin boys, two girls and a boy.

Completing 28 years in the ministry, Leo retired in 1993 after serving in Franklin and Riverton churches. We moved to Seward and bought our home on 1265 N. 7th and trans­ferred our membership back to Friedens. Within a year we commuted to Western weekly to serve St. Johns and also to West Blue for seven years. Now Leo serves New Hope U.C.C. in Lincoln when called upon.

Don and Cathy Pracheil Submitted by Cathy (Boden) Pracheil

I grew up as a member of the Plymouth Congregational Church in Crete. The church had a small membership and the members were almost all related to each other. My

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father's extended family made up a large portion of the Church. My grandmother lived a block and a half from the Church and always made it to Church, arriving early to visit with the minister and tell him stories of her early life. I remember one of her stories was about her family helping to protect a German minister during World War I by hiding him in their home. Our minister was Rev. Robert Conner, an ordained Methodist Minister who taught at Doane College.

My two younger sisters and I were baptized in 1959 after my youngest sister was born. I attended Sunday School and remember enjoying songs such as "The B-1-B-L-E," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "Jesus Loves Me," and "Faith of Our Fathers." I loved the pictures of Jesus with the little children and Jesus holding a lamb that we had in the youth worship area. My favorite story was the Good Samaritan. One of our assignments when I was in sixth grade was to memorize the 23 rd Psalm. I also remember learning parts for the Christmas Eve service and for the Mother's Day program. We attended summer picnics and Mother­Daughter banquets. In 1968 I was confirmed and in 1970 I started teaching Sunday School. I taught the next five years until I graduated from Doane College and moved to Lincoln.

Don and I were married in 1975 at the First Congre­gational Church in Crete (our church building was too small to seat the guests invited to the wedding). We joined First Plymouth United Church of Christ and both our children, Jeremy and Amanda, were baptized and confirmed there. I taught Sunday School for four years and served as a deaconess for two years. Don headed up an ushering group and was also Scoutmaster for the Boy Scout troop spon­sored by First Plymouth. Jeremy received his Eagle Scout award while Don was the Scoutmaster.

In August of 2002, we moved to Seward to get away from the big city life. Don, Jeremy's daughter Serena, and I started attending Friedens in December and I felt like I was back home. The members were friendly and there were the same pictures of Jesus on the walls that I grew up with. As we got to know members, we realized many of them were related to each other. Several months later I learned that Rev. Smith was an ordained Methodist minister. I feel like I'm back home in the little church were I grew up.

The Zillig Family By Myna and Mervin Zillig

We first attended what was the Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Church over 60 years ago shortly after our mar­riage. Rev. Raymond Walkenhorst was the Pastor. John Gabel and Ed Brinkmeyer greeted as at the door and the welcome and invitation to return made a lasting impression. We were pleased with it all and joined the Church shortly after. - Myrna and Mervin Zillig.

Among my memories of the early years - there was the digging out of the basement (we carried the ground out from under the church in buckets). And the ball games the

men's brotherhood sponsored. I felt this helped keep our young men interested in our Congregation - Mervin Zillig.

The Keller Family By vama and john Y~lden

Five generations of the Keller family have been contin­uous members of Friedens United Church of Christ in Seward since 1885 when Anna Barbara Meissnest married Christian Keller in the newly organized Friedens Evan­gelical Church located on the site of the present church building.

Edward Keller married Matilda Riekee at Eustis, Nebras­ka, in 1932 and settled on a farm southwest of Seward. They were members of Friedens until their deaths in 1991 and 1994. Their three children, Velma, Dwayne and Ray­mond, were confirmed at Friedens.

John Yelden married Velma Keller in 1957 and their children, Vern, Gayle and Lynn, were all married at Friedens in 1986, 1990 and 1987 respectively.

Gayle and David Leising and their children, Ashley and Allison are members attending; as weli as Lynn and Marsha Y elden and their children, Hayley and Jack.

Don anJ Delores Miller Don has memories of the first church building, which

was the place of worship and fellowship for 10 years ... 1878-1888 ... which includes that the church was made a garage for Rev. Thomas Marshall's car. When the annual mission festival was held the garage became a place for the youth to eat their dinner.

The Marshall boys had a great playhouse ... where Don and his brother played. They lived down the alley about a half block east of the church.

The basement of the old church housed the Sunday School classes. Must have been 30-40 in the entire Sunday School. Don remembers his mother as a Sunday School teacher. And it was Della Meinberg who served as Dan's teacher. ·

There is also memories of Rev. Walkenhorst coming to be the new pastor and the Confirmation class beginning. At the end of this instruction there was an examination of the confirmands. There was a potluck supper and the parents were present.

Later, Don was to usher with Dale Flowerday. Don served on the Church Council as Trustee, and he helped wherever he could in the life of the church.

Prior to Don's involvement with Friedens, his family was part of the Presbyterian Church. The family lefr the Presby­terians and joined with Friedens. Sherry and Linda were confirmed in Friedens Church.

Don moved to Lincoln, living there from 1943-1962. It was during this period of time that Don became involved in St. Paul's United Church of Christ.

Delores moved with her family to Lincoln in 1939. She also attended St. Paul's United Church of Christ. Both


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Don and Delores attended Lincoln High School. Don and Delores were married at St. Paul's Jan. 3, 1954. Daughters Sherry and Linda were born to them.

In 1962 Don and Delores moved to Seward, becoming an active part of Friedens Church. Delores joined Women's Fellowship and the Gleaners. Delores recalls these as good years in their lives.

Don has a couple of very interesting memories to share with any who read ...

Joyce Meyer and Joyce Zillig were confirmed with Don at the same time. Don' s mother took him out to the furnace room in the basement where she proceeded to punish him for misbehaving in worship. Because of the open floor grate, all the activity sound came up through the floor and people could hear the punishment and crying take place. His mother was quite embarrassed when all the sound came up to the Sanctuary.

Don remembers passing the Klingerboital (sp.) or offer­ing plates. These receptacles were on the end of wooden rods and had a fringe on the bottom. Don . remembers passing these receptacles over the heads of the people, and occasionally men's hair was messed up, or ladies' hats were knocked loose.

People had their usual pews ... and some families had their special seating ... the Rockers, the Hentzens, the Flowerdays and the Zilligs to name a few.

For all the years of being in relationship with Friedens and sharing in the happy and sad, the joyful and the tough times, the Millers are grateful to God.

Helen Anderson 144 Bemis Dr., Seward, NE 68434 643-3172

Don and Sue Baack 936 N. 8th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6197 .

Louise Bauer 433 S. lOth St., Seward, NE 68434 643-2123

Robert and Beryl Bauer 1550 350th Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-2216

R. J. Brandenburg 540 B St., Box 26 Staplehurst, NE 68439 535-2268

Fred and Vera Bruns 420 N. 5th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-4129

Robert and Peggy Davis 1224 21 Oth, Seward, NE 68434 761-3653

Sharron Dean 11457 - CR 270, Hico, TX 76457

Erma Flowerday 755 N. 8th St. , Seward, NE 68434 643-3512


Membership Roster Mitch Gabel 2226 252nd, Bee, NE 68314 643-6166

lone Gabel 150 E. Jackson, Seward, NE 68434 643-3416

Boyd and Molly Gabel 347 Grand Ave., Seward, NE 68434 643-4665

Lila Garner 211 N. 4th St., Milford, NE 68405 761-3162 -

Mildred Hentzen 1515 Rainbow, Seward, NE 68434 643-2296

Julie Heyen 2201 S. lOth, Apt. 105 Lincoln, NE 68502 476-4760

Tammy Howery 1315 Fairlane #6, Seward, NE 68434 643-3425

Ellen Ilgenfritz 3001 S. 51st St., Lincoln, NE 68506

Mary Jacobsen Sunderman West, Seward, NE 68434

EdnaJausi 500 Heartland Park Dr. Seward, NE 68434 643-3313

Gladys Johnson 1060 N. 2nd St., Seward, NE 68434 643-4719

William and LaVoneJohnson 1123 South St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6259

Irene Keller 651 Manor Dr., Apt. 112 Seward, NE 68434 643-4719

Lloyd and Shirley Keller 3239 Adams Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-3124

David and Gayle Leising 126 S. 2nd St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6388

Della Meinberg 500 Heartland Park Dr. , #147 Seward, NE 68434 643-2163

L. J. Meinberg 247 N. 4th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-4121

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Marie Meinberg 500 Heartland Park Dr., #28 Seward, NE 68434 643-6500

Katie Meinberg 1651 Kolterman, Seward, NE 68434 643-3454

Mildred Meinberg 540 N. 4th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-2092

Barbara Meyer 233 Pearl, Seward, NE 68434

Joyce Meyer 33 South St., Seward, NE 68434 643-3435

Don and Delores Miller 1224 Fairlane, Seward, NE 68434 643-4232

Charlotte Murphy 339 S. 1st St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6939

David and Jodie Niebrugge 1330 3rd, Bee, NE 68314 643-3349

Donald and Cathy Pracheil 630 Circle Dr., Seward, NE 68434 643-6555

Beverly Preston 2000 S. Eads St., Apt. 614 Arlington, VA 22202 703-979-7210

Duane and Janice Preston 418 N. 8th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-4428

Joan Propst 1492 322nd Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-2254

Beverly Rocker 808 Hardee, Seward, NE 68434 643-6057

Paul Schmidt 324 N. ind St., Seward, NE 68434 643-4387

Blanche Schulz 520 N. 4th, #8, Seward, NE 68434 643-4329

Carol Schulz 207 Seward St., Seward, NE 68434 643-3745

Norman and Jean Schulz P.O. Box 1, 267 Church St. Seward, NE 68434 643-2814

Alvin H. Smith 12 Davisson Dr., Seward, NE 68434 646-2104

Evelyn Tipton 600 Church St., Seward, NE 68434 643-3393

Ralph T oovey 2287 Waverly Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-2187

Dorothy Viets 243 N. 1st St., Seward, NE 68434

Dan Yates 1519 314th Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-2400

John and Velma Yelden 221 S. Columbia Ave. Seward, NE 68434 643-6055

Lynn and Marsha Y elden 405 S. 1st St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6240

Mervin and Myrna Zillig 2212 Waverly Rd, Seward, NE 68434 643-6279

Leo and Joyce Zillig 1265 N. 7th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-2660

Friends of Friedens Ruth Anderson 518 N. 5th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-2841

Roger and Dawn Anderson Box 6, Staplehurst, NE 68439 535-2895

Margaret and Ken Brock 1463 154th, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423 588-2631

Marlin and Jean Bender 1935 252nd, Seward, NE 68434 643-3569

Harold and Doris Coonrod 322 Pinewood Ave. Seward, NE 68434 643-3919

Nick and Kathy Eberspacher Andrew and Angela

1723 - 280th, Seward, NE 68434 643-3856

Kathy Hans 130 Seward St., Seward, NE 68434

Audrey Janak 118 South St., Seward, NE 68434 643-6584

Donna McMillan 648 N. 9th St., Seward, NE 68434 643-3270

Robert Matzke 2755 Holdrege Rd Seward, NE 68434 643-2358

Sharon Neihardt 540 N. 4th, Apt. #3 Seward, NE 68434 643-2099

Betty Smith 500 Heartland Dr., #119 Seward, NE 68434 643-3599

Ron Winchester 437 S. 6th St., Seward, NE 68434

Phil Wurst 2065 North Columbia Seward, NE 68434 643-4772


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Our Commitment to be in Ministry

God has an important work for us to do in the future. He has called us to be a light to the community of Seward, and to the world; that people might be drawn to Him in faith through Jesus Christ ....

It is appropriate that we sing: "Lift high the Cross The love of Christ proclaim, Till all the world adore His sacred name."

In this 125th Anniversary Celebration we have looked to the past and present and found God to be active with us and through us. Our forebearers stepped forward trusting in the grace of God. The name "Friedens" is a German word meaning "Peace." It is our purpose to make that "peace" a reality in our living and in our sharing.

"Praise the Lord!"

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«Love built this shrine" Within these sacred walls A blessing and a rest await.

Struggle and tumult, greed and strife All these are left without.

Hast thou sinned? Receive anew forgiving grace.

Hast thou foiled? Look up and try again And take to thine own heart Thy Father's preferred strength.

Hast thou feared? Then trust, and walk with Him In confidence and love, «For I am with thee to the end. "

And as you go without these walls Leave here your sorrows and your cares, And in their stead Take Faith and Hope and Love These three, for they are Thine, And then within thy breast Great, living altars raise And meet Him there In silent hours of prayer That you may know Him here And live at last with Him forevermore.

- Chas. L. DeBow

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Logo of the Denomination

The logo or symbol of the United Church of Christ has these characteristics: A crown, a cross, and orb, enclosed within a double oval which depicts the name of the church, and the prayer of jesus... "That they may all be one. " john 17:21. This is an ancient Christian symbol called the "Cross Triumphant. " The crown lifts up the sovereignty of Christ. The cross lifts up the suffering of Christ. The orb lifts up the command of Christ to be his witness to all the earth.