light portfoio 25oct14

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  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14



    2010-2013 UNSW+


    M or ei mf or m

    at i on

    onl y y d t x . b l o

    g s p ot . c om or


    ai l t ol y y d t x @


    ai l . c om

  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    D E S I G


    C A T E L O


    WollemiNationalPark VisitingCentre


    Apartment& Bar


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    Potts PointDouble

    House Design

    North BondiAppartment


    Green SquareAquatic Centre


    Circular QuayTransformation

    Terminals + Master Plan

  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    FOREWORD2010-2013, I was studying Bachelor of architecture in UNSW.This portfolio records most of my works in that period and onecompetition design in 2014.

    As Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Words: Architecture starts whenyou carefully put two bricks together. There it begins. Thearchitecture design is about a physical shelter--the bricks, and anartistic approach -- the way to put together. The aforementionedcan represent my learning from bachelar studies, both space andstructure design which demonstrates the reflections of humansense and the demands of technology.

    The design studio projects lead us to consider from client tosite, urban context to natural environment, smaller scale toskyscrapers. Among these, I have divided them into private andpublic catagories, followed by a competition design for aquaticcentre in Green Square, Sydney.

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    Wollemi National ParkDunns SwampVisiting Centre


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    My design concept is all inspired by the Dunns Swampnatural environment. The overall scheme layout related tothe major element of the physical site: the sandstone rockcliff.

    This is a place for bushwalkers, who gain the experience byboth bush walking and accomandating in the building.

    Moreover, most if experience that I created in this schemeare from process of site visitng, such as the narrowerspace in between the huge sandstones which is relatedto the space between my scheme and the surroundingrock surface, and the spatial relation in the dining hall areinspired by the hierarchy of the vertical space from higherlookout on top of the sandstone peak.



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    1 Bathroom2 Lower Guestroom3 Camp re Place4 Primary Water Pond5 Study Room6 Dinning Hall & Kitchen7 Storage8 Reception

    & Of ce9 Waste Recycle10 Upper Guestroom11 Staff Bedroom














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  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    Dinn ing Ha l l : I t i s the b igges tstructure which responds to thebiggest void of the SandstonePogodas. As a comunicationalspace, the dinning hall has notonly blends the horizontal spacein, but also enhances the verticalcirculation by the stairs and ramp.Moreover, it is the only sturcturethat has opening to the public areato share the river views and northsunlights.

    The chimney of the re space canimprove the passive cooling insummer by employing stack effectand also assis t the ear th pipecooling system.

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    Parramatta Riverside Theatre

    DESIGN CONCEPTR i v e r s i d e t h e a t r e d e s i g nemployed an abstract form witha functional planning layout.The two parts of the scheme:

    the public area with audienceseating and the stage area withbackstage, offices are designedseparately. The layout of thelower level backstage follows thegrid plan just like the surroundingurban plan, and the upper levelplan uses the curved flexiblecirculation area to link two roundtheatres. The ef cient lower levelplan allows two theatres stagessharing the loading zone andthe backstage rehearsal. Theupper level uses the concept ofbinding the river way to roundtwo theatres and form the twoentrances and the coffee shop.

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    A Y L I G H


    NI GHT

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    Lounge Bar & Appartment Complex


    This design locates on a narrow block. The main concept of my desginis using a dig in area in lounge bar and a risen area in appartment to keep a

    connected tunnal while protect the privacy and prevent the noise.

    The lounge bar interior planning keeps the feeling that created by two stepslower area by introducing a upper level by a striking circulation staircase. Thosethree units located crossly to increase the sun exposure area while keep theprivacy.


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    R E N D E R I N G S

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  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    Potts Point DoubleHouse Design

    DESIGN CONCEPT--The way that you can get from giving in a building is the way that you can feel that youmake this building different. the man also is the material of the architecture, material ofthe art. But there is an important thing that make them feel that, directly.

    My design is about the relationship of art and life. I believe that art comes from life and it can comeback to be a part of life. The house have a gallery and two houses. So because lots of arts and life are happening here, I amaiming to shown the relationship between art and life. first is about how to divided two houses. becauseI believed that art and life cannot be separated so I decided use gallery-which represent the art, to bea block to divide two houses and make some interactions. which u can see in these section and plan.Meanwhile this gallery would be full of skylight and opening, glazing that allows lights in and then re ecting orpassing some lights to those two houses which means that art can enlighten life. So basic space divided is likethat. The rst room is a space that half opening and really close to the public space. I plan to display popart collections which is easy to attract people and easy to copy- so it's cost less money and do not needthat much protect from weather and damage. inner gallery is divided to 2 spaces, rst is kind of regular andthe other is kind of irregular. Regular part looks like an old fashion normal museum which has vertical walls,rectangle opening, but it is for abstractionism art pieces. which does not look like directly come from our dailylife. And another space is surrounding by that lots of triangle and triangle opening, that is for super realismartists whom aim to pull art back to daily life and against some of weird abstract arts. And if we seen this way,the regular shape part of room, although those vertical walls looked common, but it doesn't do anythingmore than be a building, be a wall. the wall just the wall itself. But with the irregular part, every piece oftriangle got it character besides being block panel, it is used as opening for light, view, or be a sitting placeor something, which makes visitors felt very close to the man that living in this double house. very close to life.

    Moreover, I also do this opening here for a sharing display wall, not only that super realism art works are superbig, but also emphasized this connection between art and life, they can share this art work. So u can see, allI am doing here is do this highly contrast space for display the art works that may have opposite meaning, sothose art pieces would be more distinguished. And it may let people who come to visit to feel more.

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    Another interesting idea comes fromsite. The Victoria street is like a very long box,very stable style, but through our site is thedowntown space which very dynamic andchangeful, also lighter. So our building are inthe middle from dark enclosure to light andopening. And also, from aspect of art, myidea is that when u in darkness, u can seemore into yourself but from light u can getmore information from world. So I decidedshow this contrast in my building. and alsoused a flexible structure to control the light.That's another reason I used this irregularroof. This shape which go through this housecan not only control the light inside, but alsoredirect natural light to apartments beside it.

    For the house below, it seems a verybig space with one block wall, but this wallis separating this space into three space,living and dining, studio and bedroom. For

    the upper house, that shape also separatespace in to r ead ing , mus ic room andbedroom space. that irregular shape alsobeing a skylight there.


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  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    North Bondi Appartment

    DESIGN CONCEPT My design is based on the analysis of eachhouseholds living space, the unit is divided into livingspace (living, dining and bedroom) and workingspace (kitchen, laundry room, bathroom) two spaces.Then, I used the two surfaces to represent these twoa space. Because of the natural advantages of seaviews on Bondi, which can enrich the quality the livingsurface, the living surface can be constructed face tothe ocean view. So, I need to create another surface,working surface. My idea is came from the workingin the kitchen, I think people's work area is a radiusnot more than one meter's semi-circular area, andequipment required for the work should be surroundedby people rather than people need to move to useit. I thought The second surface can be flowing andflexible that kitchen equipment can be placed, whileproviding outstanding indoor and outdoor connectingsurface to guide the entire apartment circulation, andinteracting with landscape. But while facing the wallcannot achieve a large area lighting or ventilation,which, incidentally, has become my another idea,

    using this thick walls to protect the privacy of thisapartment. By combining these two surfaces andtogether, I got the initial shape of the building, a longblock of apartments.

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  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    This design is a t temptin g to br ing inarchitecture in a human scale which injectsnew dynamics to Green Square, the historical

    industrial site. The design of the aquatic centrewil l merge the urban parkland and sportfacilities. The form of the building and the urbanlandscape will be integrated and interplay witheach other. This will provide the maximum urbanspace for the residents. By extending the urbanparkland via the form of the building, residentscould view the city from the roof platform. Atthe same time, it will dissolve the building withinthe city. The aquatic centre will transform into afantasy landscape that are natural, seamless,flexible and chaotic. The building will be as atwaterfall that are constantly changing yet longlasting. The fluidity of the water and the dynamicof the activities on the floating landscape actas a wave that vibrates the atmosphere andbecomes the curvature of the building. Whenviewing from far, the force of the nature re ectedon the building as if the soft landscaping hasthe lightness of cloud spreading over the site.The undulation of the roof form becomes theoverlapping of the mountain landscape.

    The movement o f the bu i ld ing fo rmas if dolphins jumping out of the water and

    interacting with the ocean wave. The disturbedbuilding and the settled urban parkland isbridged together and becomes the entry pointof the building.

    BIRD VIEWGreen SquareAquatic Centre

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    The raised green carpetdue to the vibration of thewater forms the internal spaces

    of the building. The force of thewater established a relationshipbetween the external spaceto the inter ior space as acontinuous blanket for theinternal act ivi t ies and theexternal activities. Visitors flow

    uidly in between. The externalspace is then folded backinto the interior which blurs theboundary between thebuilding, landscape, parkland,external and internal area. The uidity of the aquaticcenter is in contrast of thesurrounding square-formedbu i ld ing . I t e s t ab l i shed anon-hierarchical area. Thecontinuation of the floor tothe walls ; f rom the wall tothe ce i l ing un def ined thedist inguished boundary ofbuilding and its surroundingenvironment. The breaks thedefinite defined space as of

    the surrounding. T h e a q u a t i c c e n t r ebecomes the focus of theneighborhood.


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    OrientationThe orientation of the building utilizes the northern aspect to maximize solaraccess within the building. The unfolded landscape also gives opportunity forhigh-level skylight to further enhance solar access to the internal space of thedifferent activities in the building. Solar Panel will also be installed to the roof topof the building.EnergyA trigeneration plant is proposed for the project. This will generate the heat andenergy required to heat up the pool and other facilities, such as shower. It couldalso provide heating services for the neighbouring new development in GreenSquare.WaterRainwater collected from the roof will be stored on site for reuse, such as irrigation

    to the urban parkland.

    Structure The structure of the building will be a space frame steel system which provides a continuous, column-free spaceto the interior. This column free space also allows for exible internal layout to the different type of activities within. Itemphasized the continuity of the exterior and the interior with this column-free space. The bridge does not merely act as the connection between the aquatic center and the urban landscape, butalso acting as a bridge for pedestrian crossing the site for safety issues. Underneath the bridge is not only the road but also the exit & entry point of the underground carpark. The outdoor swimming pool area is dropped down from the street level. It creates a privacy area for the visitor

    within while also acting as a sound barrier between the road and the pool area. The setback area from the streetwill be landscaped for pedestrian access and acting as a privacy screen. Only portion of the walkway will allow thepedestrian to look down to the pool area for public and private interaction. There will be two amphitheatre at the two entrance points as a seating area or performance space.



  • 8/10/2019 Light Portfoio 25oct14


    ular Quay


    Museum of Sydney, Cus tomerHouse, Museum of Contemporary

    Art , the mar ket of the Roc ks andOpera House are the ve remarkablelandmarks. They all connected incurrent system by a U shape routewhich tooks around 1.5 hours walk.

    New proposal open up the customer house plaza towards to sea shoreand become one spine with theMuseum of sydney. Foot bridge linkthe Rocks market, MCA and OperaHouse to be another spine.

    Bus and Ferries have multiple routeswhich may causes confusion fortourist and congestion for residents.The train stat ion and proposedlight rail stop reduce the walkbilitybetween city and circular quay.

    We merge the train stat ion andlight rail station and aligned it withdiagonal line from george streetto opera house to increase thewalkablility, we also seprate theresidents and toursits ferry wharfs.

    The original train station gathercrouds in the middle of circular quay,which causes congestion probelm onboth transportation and human flow.Moreover, the traffic and terminalstructure obstruct the connectionbetween city and circular quay area.

    To respond Barrangaroo new CBDthat constructed on old dockland, wemove the new terminal to the westand become new transition centre ofsydney city north.

    Opera House plaza, Customer Houseplaza and MCA are three mainassembly areas. The largest flow isfrom George Street to the Rocks andthe current train station. And thereare also considerable people comingfrom the train station to the OperaHouse.

    The redesigned human flow at theCircular Quay south is reduced whilesome people would choose to goacross the twisted bridge instead.Meanwhile, the decentralized humanflow allows better connection to theRocks and Barrangaroo new district.




    City Centre

    Human Flow

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    Sydney undergoing a tremendous transformation with the new light rail with boulevard systemin George street and the Barangaroo new district construction on old dockland. Under thecircumstance, we proposed our design of Circular Quay Terminal which serves for all publictransportation in north end of Sydney city with master plan of whole circular quay.

    Sydney would never lack of landmarks for its beautiful harbor, Circular Quay. Two of the mostprominent landmarks, Sydney Opera House and Museum of Contemporary Arts (the MCA), areprobably the most recognizable ones amid all. However, the link between them are weak not onlyin geography but also in architectural connection. Therefore, in this project, we are trying to makea transforming ribbon between them. We named our scheme as Cultural Spine. Above the sea thatsurrounded by Circular Quay, a twisted twin bridge symbolizing the transformation of architectureare constructed. The bridge with level change is for new ferry. It touches down to the sea level ateach wharf platform and rises up to the other branch. The ow of it symbolizes the wave.

    The other horizontal winding path is the extension of the MCA with three covered small galleryspace. Besides the foot bridge, it also serves as the continuous gallery space from the MCA. Afterwalking out of the MCA, people are led to the entrance complex located on the west side of thetwisted bridge by landscaping.

    After moving the wharf to the new bridge, the seashore area at the south of circular quay is released.In order to provide a grand and exible open space, we remove all the commercial stores under theheritage train and vehicle viaduct and integrate the light rail and train station into one termination atthe south-western side. The entrance of the termination is towards north along the seashore. Peoplecan enjoy the spectacular view of Sydney Harbor when sitting on the entrance terrace. To the seaside, a tourist center was built at the leveled down square. This square can also serve as a rest andactivity point. The concept for us to redesign the Circular Quay area is to provide both the residentsand visitors a friendly and welcoming Sydney landmark point. We intend to lead people experiencethe unexpected transforming cultural in Sydney.

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    1. Ferry Ticket Booth2. Of ce3. Bathroom4. Gallery Space

    1. Tourist Ferry Wharf12. Gallery Space3. Storage4. Bathroom

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    Train &Light Rail




    Plan1. Light Rail TicketBooth& Of ce2. Stair to Train Station3. Light Rail Waiting

    Area4. Outdoor Seats5. Train Ticket Booth

    6. Of ce

    1. Restaurant

    2. Kitchen3. Storage4. Terminal Centre Of ce5. Bathroom6. Residents Ticket Booth

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