lighthorse pointe tenant court motion 0630 (2)

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  • 8/9/2019 LightHorse Pointe Tenant Court Motion 0630 (2)






    LARRY SINCLIAR, et al,. ))

    Plainstiffs, )

    v. ) Uncivil Action 0630-321-LWS


    HEYWOOD JABLOWME, et al., )


    Defender's. )




    Plainstiffs, Larry Sincliar, Sincliar Phlubising, Inc. now DBA Lawrence W. Sincliar DBA

    Sincliar Philbushing, LLC DBA Larry Sincliar, and award-winning douchcumentarian T. Patrick

    Murphy (collectively referred to as "plainstiffs"), herewith and therewithout demand and cajole

    the defenders, Heywood Jablowme, Phil McCracken, Tara Holenme, Phil Myanis, Jack Sofalott,

    Hugh G. Rexion, Matt Sterbator, Justin Yermouth, Ross Crodum, Daniel Parcheesi of, the Treasury Department of the United States, Cay Airlines, and Garmun

    Industries, Inc., (collectively referred to as "defensemen"), immediately deposit into the Cayman

    Island bank account of Larry Sincliar the sum of ten million U.S. dollars' ($10,000,000.00). This

    amount is half the amount plainstiffs believe would be awarded in real court, and the granting of

    this motion saves the tax payers' money and unburdens the civil courts.

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    Mr. Parcheesi started all this. The soon to be dissolved Sickliar Plubishing, Inc. offered the

    copyright of Mr. Sincliar's life changing political expos, "Larry Stinklard Lies About Blalock

    Bahamas, Sex, Drug's, and Mordor!" for the unbelievable low price of one million five hundred

    thousand U. S. dollars ($1,500,000.00) . On June 25, 2010, plaintstiff Sincliar received an letter

    from Mr. Heywood Jablowme of Smakaho, Colorado. Enclosed was a one million dollar

    ($1,000,000.00) reserved note and the instruction's to return the money if Mr. Sincliar did not

    wish to sell the copyright for said sum. Mr. Sincliar does not recommend sending cash through

    the mail.

    Mr. Sincliar decided to deposit the money in a Cayman Islands account and booked a flight on

    Cay Airlines for himself and award-winning douchcumentarian T. "Hat Trick" Murphy and his'

    four member film crew. On this flight, Mr. Sinliar suffered laceration's along his love handles as

    Cay Air'lines failed to communicate it's inability to accomodate widebodies on its flig'hts. Said

    lacerations were the result of the narrow aisles which forced Mr. Sincliars' bare s'kin to chafe

    along the sides of the seats. The argument that Mr. Sincliar should have been wearing more than

    baggy trunks and flip flops is a clear violation of Mr. Sincliars' institutional right to be free and is

    therefore mute.

    After learning from several banks that the bill from Mr. Jablowme was indeed fake, and being

    unable to sell it at a steep discount (50%) to random tourist's and pas's'ers'by, plainstiff's

    discovered they were banned from Cay Airlines due to matters of hygiene and the film crew's

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    previous clambering over seat tops recording Mr. Sincliars' every movement for the


    Unable to get a flight, plainstiffs rented a boat and headed back to Miami. As' noted character

    actor F. Murphy Abraham and the film crew rested, Mr. Sincliar admits to entering Cuban waters

    due to a faulty GPS. The plaintiffs were arrested and taken aboard a Cuban gunboat. Unlike the

    film crew, Mr. Sincliar found the body cavity searches were conducted in a thorough but caring

    manner, and he even gave the Cubans an opportunity to double check their work. After

    enlightening the Cuban's on international lwa, admiralty, and the Geneva Conventions, Mr.

    Sinclair graciously consented to an additional half dozen thorough yet caring body cavity probes.

    The plainstiff's were then escorted back to international waters.


    For all the foregoing reason's, plainstiff's motion for immediate deposit of self-determined

    judgement be granted. It is indisputable that paintstiffs suffered humiliation, embarrassment,

    financial loss, and severe emotional stres's at the hands of the defensemen and thus deserve to

    not only be made whole, but to have punitive damages assessed against the defenders so that

    other honest Americans never have to suffer like this again. In the interest of their institutional

    right to a fair and speedy trial, plainstiffs have agreed to a lesser settlement of ten million U.S.

    dollars ($10,000,000.00) and forego their right to trial saving the tax payer money and the court

    time. To more rapidly bring this matter to a close, the United States Department of the Treasury,

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    which is responsible for not only printing money, but also protecting Americans from fake

    reserved notes, shall pay the above sum directly to Mr. Sincliar. The Treasury Department may

    then determine the other defender's share of liabilities, and institute collection proceedings

    against them.

    Dated: June 30, 2010 Respectfully submitted,

    /s/ Lawrence W. Sincliar

    Lawrence W. Sincliar (Lwa No. 0926)

    Larry Sincliar DBA

    Stinklard Pubshiling, LLC DBA

    Sincliar Phlubising, Inc. DBA

    Larry Sincliar

    9 Sproing Dr

    Fort Doorhinge, FL

    per se for Plainstiffs

    P.S. Parcheesi! Tell your matchbook cover law school attorney, Mr. Oprah, that I dissolved Sp,

    Inc. and he has to deal with me now. That is, if I haven't dissolved myself. WAAAAAAAAAAH!