lightweight developer provisioning with gradle and seu as-code

Lightweight Developer Provisioning with Gradle and SEU-as-code | JavaOne 2016 | task seuAsCode() << { println "created with and by @LeanderReimer" } 1

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Page 1: Lightweight developer provisioning with gradle and seu as-code

Lightweight Developer

Provisioning with Gradle

and SEU-as-code| JavaOne 2016 | task seuAsCode() << { println "created with ❤ and ☕ by @LeanderReimer" } 1

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About me

Mario-Leander ReimerChief Technologist, QAware [email protected]


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SEU: a German acronym;software development environment

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Definition of Software Industrialization

• This has nothing to do with cheap labor!

• Automation of repetitive and laborious tasks

• Better software quality through standardized, streamlined tooling

• Well integrated tool chain leads to a higher productivity and happiness of your team

• Better cost efficiency and competitiveness

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The ideal.

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The reality?

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What are the problems?

• Manual and error prone creation and update procedure of individual SEUs

• Individual SEUs produce different results and strange bugs

• Old versions of a SEU can't easily be restored

• The SEU for a new project is often a copy of a

previous project. ! Broken windows! !

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The solution ...

• Use a build tool for the automated creation and update of a SEU

• Software packages are expressed as dependencies

• Gradle tasks and Groovy are used instead of shell scripting

• Everything is version controlled just like ordinary source code

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The most minimalistic SEU

plugins { id '' version '2.4.0'}

seuAsCode { seuHome = 'J:' projectName = 'JavaOne 2016'}

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Multi platform SEUs for mixed teams

plugins { id '' version '2.4.0'}

import static

seuAsCode { // use closure or Elvis operator (no syntax highlighting :( seuHome = { if (isMac()) '/Volumes/JavaOne-2016' else 'J:' } projectName = 'JavaOne 2016'}

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Software packages are dependencies

• Gradle has built-in support for dependencies

• Gradle supports different artifact repositories (Maven, Ivy, Directory)

• Transitive dependencies between software packages are supported

• Use dependency configurations to determine installation directory

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Software dependencies and configurations

repositories {

maven { url '' }



dependencies {

seuac 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.scriptom:scriptom:1.6.0'

seuac 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.188'

home ''

software ''

software 'org.gradle:gradle:2.14.1'

software "$osClassifier"


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Secure passwords with Credentials plugin

plugins { id '' version '2.4.0' }

repositories {

maven {

url ''

credentials {

// access stored credentials via extra property

username project.credentials['Nexus'].username

password project.credentials['Nexus'].password




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Platform plugin for OS specific builds

plugins { id '' version '1.0.0' }

platform { win { task helloSeuAsCode(group: 'Example') << { println 'Hello SEU-as-code on Windows.' } } mac { task helloSeuAsCode(group: 'Example') << { println 'Hello SEU-as-code on MacOS.' } }}

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Manage sources with Git or SVN plugin

plugins { id '' version '2.4.0' id '' version '2.3.0'}

git { plugins { url '' directory file("$seuHome/codebase/plugins/") username project.credentials['Github'].username password project.credentials['Github'].password }}

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Manage sources with Git or SVN plugin

plugins { id '' version '2.4.0' id '' version '2.1.1'}

subversion { usersGuide { url '' directory file("$seuHome/docbase/users-guide/") username project.credentials['Subversion'].username password project.credentials['Subversion'].password }}

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Implement scripts using plain Gradle

• Gradle build scripts are code! Be creative.

• Gradle provides useful predefined tasks: Copy, Exec, Sync, Delete, ...

• Gradle tasks can easily reuse Ant tasks.

• Gradle tasks can be implemented in Groovy code.

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Example 1: Init and delete Derby DB

ext.derbyHome = System.env['DERBY_HOME']

// import SQL file via the provided Derby command line tooltask initDemoDb(type: Exec, group: 'Database') { workingDir "$derbyHome/bin" commandLine 'cmd', '/B', '/C', 'ij.bat', "$rootDir/scripts/init.sql"}

task deleteDemoDb(type: Delete, group: 'Database') { delete "$derbyHome/demo"}

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Example 1: The Groovy SQL way

import groovy.sql.*

task initDemoDb(group: 'Database') << {

def derby = [

url: 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/demo;create=true',

driver: 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver',

user: 'admin',

password: 'secret'


Sql.withInstance(derby) {

execute file("$rootDir/scripts/database/init.sql").text



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Example 2: Restore Solr index data

ext.cores = ['de_DE', 'en_GB', 'zh_CN']

task solrRestoreAll(group: 'Solr') { }

cores.each { coreName -> def name = coreName.replaceAll("_", "").capitalize()

task "solrRestore${name}"(type: Sync, group: 'Solr') { from zipTree("$rootDir/scripts/solr/${coreName}.zip") into "$seuHome/software/solr-4.7.2/example/solr/${coreName}" }

solrRestoreAll.dependsOn "solrRestore${name}"}

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Don't use shell scripts. Use

Gradle instead!

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Building software packages is easy

• Software packages are essentially plain JAR files (software + customizations)

• 26 packages available via a Bintray repository

• 44 package build blue-prints are available at Github, continuously growing.

• Software packages can be build with Gradle!

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Let's build our first package using Gradle!

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Download the original binary distribution

plugins {

id '' version '1.2'



task downloadArchive(type: Download) {

src ''

dest "$buildDir"


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Unpack archive using simple Gradle task

task extractArchive(type: Copy, dependsOn: downloadArchive) { from { zipTree("$buildDir/${}-${version}") } into "$buildDir/files"}

// Best practice: directory name matches the package name// optionally rename the extracted directory if required

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Customize with additional files and hooks

// plain Groovy, place as a file under META-INF/hooks/

import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.*

Scriptom.inApartment{ def wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell") def shortcut = wshShell.CreateShortcut("$seuHome\\gradle.lnk") shortcut.TargetPath = "${}\\go-gradle.bat" shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "${seuLayout.codebase}" shortcut.Save()}

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Repackage all files as a normal JAR file

task buildPackage(type: Jar, dependsOn: extractArchive) { baseName version version extension 'jar' // classifier 'x86' destinationDir buildDir from "$buildDir/files" // the extracted files from "files" // some extra files}

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Publish JAR artifact to a repository server

publishing {

publications {

gradle(MavenPublication) {

artifact "${buildDir}/${}-${version}.jar"



repositories {

maven {

// alternatively, use your private company repository server

url ''

credentials { ... }




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What's next?

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More features to come ...

• Continuously add more software packages

• Create plugin to build software packages

• Support for self-downloading packages

• Add support for other package managers

• Add Vault support for Credentials plugin

• Improve documentation and user’s guide

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Star SEU-as-code on Github!

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

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Q & A

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