limiting factors ecosystems sc.912.l.17.5 essential question: how do abiotic (physical) limiting...

Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors


ESSENTIAL QUESTION:How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Page 2: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Let’s suppose….

We have two mice…:

and they produce the standard 56 “pups” (baby mice) each year.

and each of these mice goes on to have 56 babies each year….

Page 3: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?


We’d be over-run with mice on the planet!!

Why doesn’t this occur?

Page 4: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

A limiting factor is an abiotic or biotic factor that restricts the number of individuals in a population.

Page 5: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

ARTICLE: Limiting Factors

Read your assigned section as a group.

Share what you learned about limiting factors with the class



Page 6: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Term Definition Visual

limiting factor







carrying capacity





Page 7: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

Page 8: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

2. Disease and parasites

Page 9: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

2. Disease and parasites

3. Weather

Page 10: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

2. Disease and parasites

3. Weather

4. Fires

Page 11: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

2. Disease and parasites

3. Weather

4. Fires

5. Available habitat

Page 12: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Limiting Factors

Limiting factors can include:

1. Competitors

2. Disease and parasites

3. Weather

4. Fires

5. Available habitat

6. Predators

Page 13: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Competitors-organisms both cooperate and compete

Red-Tailed Hawk Barred Owl

•Birds of prey

•Live in forests on the edge of fields

•Eat mice and other rodents

•Nest in trees

Page 14: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Disease and Parasites

Diseases and parasites can be dependent on population size and habitat

Page 15: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?



Page 16: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?


Fires lead to succession which is a predictable change in the community over time.

Page 17: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Available Habitat

Human activities play a large role

Development, damming rivers, clear cutting forests.

Page 18: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

HOT LAB: Limiting Factors

Problem Statement: Part A: How will resource availability affect the population of a species in an ecosystem?

Independent Variable:_________________

Dependent Variable: __________________

Hypothesis: If ________ then ______.

Part A:

Page 19: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

DATA: Effects of Resources on Deer Population

Year (round) Deer Population (#) # Resources












Page 20: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

HOT LAB: Limiting Factors

Problem Statement:

Part B: How will a density-independent limiting factor (flood or drought) affects the population of species in an ecosystem?

Independent Variable:_________________

Dependent Variable: __________________

Hypothesis: If ________ then ______.

Part B:

Page 21: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

DATA: Effects of Natural Disturbances on Deer Population

Year (round) Deer Population (#) Resources (#) Events












Page 22: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

HOT LAB: Limiting Factors

Problem Statement:

Part C: How will a density-dependent limiting factor (predator) affect the population of species in an ecosystem?

Hypothesis: If ________ then ______.

Part C:

Page 23: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

DATA: Predation

Year (round) Deer Population (#) Predator (#)

0 8  11 12   22  16 4 3  16 8 4  12  125  4 16 6  2 4 7    




Page 24: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?


Graph 1: Effects of Resources on Deer


Graph 2Effects of Natural Disturbances on Deer



Graph 3Effects of Predation on Deer


Page 25: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?
Page 26: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?


1. List the basic needs of animals.

2. Describe the relationship between resource availability and population growth or decline.

3. Describe reasons for the fluctuation of the population.

4. Define “limiting factors” and provide three examples.

5. What is the carrying capacity for the deer population according to your graph?

6. Once the deer population goes significantly above carrying capacity, describe what happens to the deer population in the years following.

7. How did the introduction of a predator affect the deer population in terms of population size and deer behavior?

8. What was the peak population for the deer population when there were no predators? What happened after the peak? Why?

9. How might this “simulation” differ from the real relationship between deer and their environment? Write at least two differences and explain.

10. How do you think this “simulation” game differs from real predator-prey relationships? Explain.

Page 27: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Predators As the prey

population increases, the predator population increases. As the prey population decreases, then so does the predator population.

Page 28: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

Example: Lynx and Hare:

Page 29: Limiting Factors Ecosystems SC.912.L.17.5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do abiotic (physical) limiting factors affect growth and survival in an ecosystem ?

VIDEO: How the wolves changed the river?