lincoln county tribune. (north platte, ne) 1888-08-18 [p ].€¦ · 20. town 10. ranee 2b. then...

-- I 3& If pid in Advance, only $1.00 per year. One Year, if not in Advance, $1.50. Six Months, in Advance, - - - .75 Three. Months, in Advance, - - , ,.50 Advertising Rates Application. U. TIME TABLE. GOING WIST XOUHTA1N TIME. V on P. No. 1 Mail and Express Dept. 8:15 A. x. No. Flyer. ' 9:10 p. x. No. 23 Freight ' 825 A. . No. 27 Freight " 7:15 p. M. .No. 21 Freight " 10:15 p. Stops onlyat Ogallala, Julesburg and Sidney on GOING CAST. No. 4 Overbad Flyer Dept. 5:45 A. M. to. uocai express sa a. m. XI o j tf. r.rr Stops only at Plnm Creek, Kearney and Grand TWil v arnanf. Hniwlav. J. C. Agent. "NESBITT & GRIMES, Attorneys-at-La- w, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBB. Omat ovkb Four's Stokk. Fulton Gantt. hinman & gantt, A.ttoxXLeys - at - T. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Office over the Fostcffice. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office: Ottoaetein's Block, np stairs. Office hoars from to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 ana 7 to v p. m Residence on' West Sixth Street. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. A. J. LAPPEUS, M: D., Office in Hininan's Block, Spruce St., Does a general practice. Chronic "Di- seases and Diseases of Womeu a Specialty. F. M. GEAY, Ess now associated with him Da. F. L. Cakt, late of Omaha, who is an expert crown and bridge worker and a first-cla-ss operator. All work will be .guaranteed satisfactory and prices moderate. Office over Conway Sisters' Milliaery Store, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common schools of this county on the THIKD TUESDAY of every month. R. H. LANGFORD, County 8dpt. Prof.,N. KLEIN, Instruction on the Piano, Organ, Violin or any Reed or Brass Instrument. Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. CRYSTAL ICE AND Pure Crystal Lake Ice delivered in any part of the city. Ice Creammade to order from pure cieam and delivered. Leave with R. A. Douglas. FOGEL t Ferguson. LtlSt, orders Wm. EDIS: OTTEnSTEDT GENEBAL Biackniih ad Wtgon Work. . Horse-Shoei- ng A Specialty. Shop on "West Front Street, west of the Jail, NOBTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Bismark Saloon Billiard and Pool Hall, J. 6. HUPFER, Pbop., Keeps none but the finest 'WTiiskies.sucli as ROBINSON COUNTY, TENN. COON HOLLOW, M. V. MONARCH, 0. F. G. TAYLOR. GUCKENHEIMER RYE. WELSH AND HOMESTEAD Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum,' Gin Etc. St Louis Bottled Beer and Milwaukee Beer on draft Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets, NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA " GUY'SLACK" FIRST-CLAS- S Sample :- -: Boom, Having refitted our rooms throughout, tne public is invited to call and see us. ONLY Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars ; Kept at the Bar. . Agent for the celebrated iDQNB lilRil UnUL WATS, from Soda Springs, Idaho. Keith's Black, Front Street JfORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. YOL. IV. Road Notice-N- o. 62. The commissioner annotated to locate a road asked for Chris. Berup and others, coameaciBg at northwest comer of section 24. town IS, range SO, thence south on section line one mile, thence southerly along old government trail to north east corner or section 11, town 12, range ), tnence soutn one mite on section line oetweea sections 11 and 12, town 12, range 30. to intersect countr road No. 27. has resorted in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the coantar clerk's office on or before noon of the 4th day of October, 1888, or such road will be established without reierence thereto. Dated Aue. 1.1888. 29-- 4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk Road Notice-N- o. 03. The commissioner aDDointed to locate a coon' ty road asked for by Thos. McDermottand others commencing at the southeast comer of section 20. town 10. ranee 2B. then down the so-call-ed Gilm an canyon, crossing sections 21, 17,10, 9, 4, t, S4 and 27, and terminating at the sooth west cor- - ner oi tno souineasc quarter oi secuon a, in town 11, range Jo, nss reportea in ravoroi me (wtahluthmnnt thereof, and all obieetioBS thereto nr olaimn for damages mnst be filed in the coun ty clerk's office on or before noon of the 4th dar of October. 1883, or each road will be cstafclfefea withoat reference tnereto. rtatm1 An. 1. 1888. 29-- 4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk. Road NoticeNo. 64. Ttrn Rnmmissioner aoDointed to locate a road asked for by George 11. uugnes.ana outers Com mencing Bfc nunueaou vuriier ui bwuuu t-- t, uiwu IX. ranee SO. thence in a northeasterly direction crossing sections 2, 3, 9. 10, 16, 17 and 10, town 14. ranee 29. sections si ana 35 town id. range . sections 2, 3, 9, 17, 20 and 19, town 15, range 28, Mcnnnft 2.1 ana aa. own id. ihukb ob. bbcuohs iv. 20 and 17, town , range , to section line be tween sections IS and 17. town 18, range zi.tnenoe north on section line one and three-quart- er miles to the northeast comer of section 0, town is, rnnm 27. thence east two miles on section line. terminatinc at Garfield, has reported in favor of the establishment tnereor, ana ail objections thereto or claims for damages must oe nied in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 4th day 01 October, ltssa. or sncn roaa wiu oe establisbed without reierence thereto. Dated Aug. 1st, 1888. J. E. Evans, 29-- 4 County Clerk Road Notice No. 7 1 . The commissioner annointed to locate a road asked for by Elmer E. Beese and others, com- - mencing at ine noruiweet corner oi secuoa 1. town 10. range 29 west, thence nearly oae mile east to Well canyon,, thence in a southeast direction alonp Well canyon to iwctioaHne be tween sections 7 and 8, town lu, range zv, tnence south to the southeast comer of section 30, same town and range, thence one mile east to the onntheniit corner of section 29. thence three miles south to the southeast comer of section 8, town 9, range 29, thence one mile east to the northeast comer or section 10, tnence two mues souui to nnnthwest comer of section 22. thence one-ha-lf mile east to the southeast comer of southwest quarter section 22, thence one and one-ha-ir miles soutn to center 01 section at, wwu. v, itvage et, fhennn in dinsnnal sontheikst direction to countar line, has reported in favor of the establishment tDnrnnr. ana ail omecaons uereto or ciaimfl for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 4th day of Oct. 1888, or Buch road will be established without reierence thereto. Dated August 1. 1888. . 29-- 4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk. NOTICE. In District Court, Lincoln County. Ne braska. Ouveb H. P. Buchanan vs Chabis L. laanTNEB. ; Charles L. Liehtner. defendant will take notice that on the 1st day of August. 1888. Oliver H. P. Buchanan, plaintiff herein, filed his peti tion in the .District court or juincoin county, Nebraska, against yon. the object and prayer of whirh Is to foreclose a oertain mortsase exe-- eated by you to, Wlc M. Bwkins upon the west qaarter gl tae soaurwest quarter aaa tae southwest quarter- - of; the northwest- - 'quarter section 11, townsmp v uorui, xaags go weev, va KAmrn the TMvment of one certain Dromissory note dated January 11, 1888, for the sum of 300.00 aue ana payaDie in six monuui uxun um uaw thereof, that said note and mongagewas auiy transferred to this plaintiff the 6th day of Jane, 1888, for a valuable consideration, that there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of $316.75 for which sum with interest from this date plaintiff asks judgment and decree that defendant be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 10th day of September. 1888. Dated Aug. 1,8888. ULIVKR-Jti-. Jf. HUOHANAN, By Nesbitt & Grimes, 29--4 his Attorneys. Order Hearing. State of Nkbbaska, ? IiTNTOLN Countt. S 88. At a County Court, held at the County Court Boom, in and for said County, august 3d . A. u. 1888. Present J. J-- O'Bourke, County Judge. In the matter of the Estate of Octave Chamber- lain, deceased. On readinir and filing the Delation of Irving h. YanDoran, praying that Administration of said estate may oe grantea w mm as nommwirawc: DitnKBKD. That Ansnst 24th. A. D. 1888., at one o'clock P. M.. is assigned for hearing said peti- tion, when all persons interested in said, matter, may appear at a County Court to be held, in aad for said County, and show causo why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no- - Lice oi uio peaueacjr ul oaiu iwuuuu huu uia hnarincr thereoL be siren to all Dersons interested in said matter by pubUshinga copy of this order in the JuiNcoiiN county iibunk, a weemy newspaper printed in said County, for three suc- cessive weeks, prior to day of hearing. A true copy. J J. J. O'Boubkz, County Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of two executions issued by J. E. Evans, clerk of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon transcripts filed in the office of said clerk of two judgments rendered byJohn Hawley, justice of the peace, in favor of "The McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.." against David Cash, I have levied upon the fol- lowing real estate as the property of the said David Cash, to-wi- t: Lots two and three both in section six (6). township thirteen (13) range twenty-nin- e (29), in Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the 27th day of August 1888, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, sell in separate lots said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, the amount due thereon in the aggregate being the sum of $127.30 and $5.00 costs and accruing costs. Dated North Platte, July 25, 1888. D. A. Bakeb, Sheriff, 23--4 J. W. Mebbtman, Deputy. NOTICE. In Distriot (Jourt of Lincoln County, Ne- - DrasKB. Linda Lewis, vs. Uinmr T.uwwg Of I To Harry Lewis non-reside- nt defendant: V , V.n-V- .T. nnfSfinri that- - nn tha 9&1 ifav of July. 1888, Linda Lewis filed a petition against you in the district court of Lincoln county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, upon the ground that the defendant for more than five years past has been a habitual drunkard and has been guilty or extreme cruelty wwaro pisuiuk nrl n1m.wnomaa and twiincr rtf cnfVutABl: Kiltfv miiA . ' n I M .I .11 ' I V. 1 M. J to provide suitable maintenance for plaintiff, . . , 1 I 1 1 A 1 J nas wantonly, giwaiy cuiu crueuj nuuntxA turn neglected to do so, all without any just cause or to answer said petition on or before Moaday, September 10th, 1888. Linda Lxwis, By Nesbitt & Gbdos, 28-- 4 herAttys. Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat- tel mortgage dated the 24th day of April, 1888, and only filed and recorded in the oBceof the county clerk of Lincoln county. Nebraska, on the lMh day of May, 1888, and executed by Tl w kiah W. Davis and Arinda J. DBYis.,hiB wife, to A. H. Davis and assigned by A. H. Davis to Moriarity, Trimble & Co. to secure the payawat of $270J0. upon which there is how doe $277.28; default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedings "having been instituted to recover said debt or, any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property thereia described, viz: One frame building 18x42 feet need aa a blacksmith shop on nw qr aw qr section 15, town 9, range 90, also all of the took aad ma- terials belonging to said shop, at public aactioa in the town of Wellfleet eoaaty ot Lincoln and state of Nebraska, on the first cky of September, 1888, at one o'clock p, m. of said day. Dated August 11th, 1888. Mobiasttt, TantBPJi & Co SOS Assignees, by H. L. Chenowete. their Agaat. The if NORTH PLATTE, -- NEBRASKA, AUGUST 18, 1888. Palace mm L. F. SIMON, Manager. ml - ' - 1 T are now arriving and we are top busy to write an "ad" for this space. Watch for m BLINDS, an announcement next week. Palace Twt.j un L. F. SIMON, Manager. LUMBER LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Clo w Co., M COAL. Rock Springs Nut, Bock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado 'Soft C O X-- j YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, HA! Hi! THE BEST 0 ALL! It" did not take five years to discover that the ' 2' . Jewel Grasoline Stove was the only safe gasoline sbam made, but in 1887, the first year it was introduced in North Platte, FORTY-SI- X were sold, more than was sold of all others combined. We have them with either drop tank or the pneumatic, and in the language of the poet, ."no pump to get out of or der or gas forced through the room," but can jproye $3UfW gas escapes from it than any Btove made and can show ifc has' mutr points of supe- - iimihj over an otners ana prove to you that tne Jewel is They are all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction and will consume looa mMrklina r i.U i nn ? 5 . o"-ryK.w "j bwvb in me miri. ana examine tne late mproved JeWel and be convinced and you will buy no ofc. t. lUOrXillf UAiUX, , L. STRIGKLER. PROCEKDINGS OP THE BSPUBLICAN COUNTT CONVENTION. The Republican County Conven tion for Lincoln county met at the court house in this city Saturday afternoon, August 11th, according to the published call. Chas. P. Dick, secretary of the county cen- tral committee, in the absence of the chairman, called the conven tion to order. E. B. Warner nominated W. C Elder, of Medicine, for temporary chairman. He was elected. Nor man Jackson,' of Wallace was then IrHitM-temDora- rv secretary. H:- - Onofesmovedthairthe chair appoint a committe of five on credentials. The chair appointed Messrs. (inmes and Besack, of North Platte, Brittingham, of Deer Creek. Keith of O'Fallon and Beatty of Brady Island. C. F. lddings moved that the chair appoint a committee on per manent organization. Carried, and the following gentlemen were ap pointed: Messrs. lddings, Thoel-eck- e, Nation, McClellan and Camp bell. Stimson moved that the commit tee appointed on permanent organ ization wait until the credentials be approved before reporting. Carried. Chair announced that a recess of fifteen minutes would be taken; no objection and recess was taken. At the expiration of that time the chair called the convention to order. The report of the commit- - 1 1 1 1 1 A t tee on credentials was read as fol lows :' Your committee respectfully re port that they have examined the credentials and ftnd that the follow ing named gentlemen are entitled to seats in the convention: Garfield, W. F. Campbell, Geo. H Hughes; Sunstnne, J. W. Shoup; Brady Island, Wm. Beattv, A. J. Dill; Morrow, W. T, Bowen; Wil low, J. W. Nation; My lander, Fred Kade; Nichols, Thos. Stimson; Wellfleet, W. C. Elder, Casper M. Bolish; Buchanan, J. L. McAllister, W. B. Votaw; Peckham, Monroe Smith; Osgood, L. D. Thoelecke; Wallace, J. G. Beeler by C. H. Ja-- cobson proxy, J. H. Jordon, Nor man Jackson, .Vy. S. Hill; Hall, iWmH-ubartt- f QFallonr--W.- - H. Dudlev; Walker, Thos.McDermott; Spannuth, F. C. Spannuth; Miller, Henry Faka; Myrtle, L. P. Derby; ueer ureeu, j. rtntnngnam; L;ot- - tonwood, B. F. Baker; Fox Creek, F. G. Schick; Fairview, John Keith; Well, O.A.Bacon; Gaslin, J. M. Marcott by Alfred Way, proxy; Vroman, B. L. Familton; Birdwood, J. R. Ritner; North Platte No. 1, John Hawley, C. H. Stamp, E. B. Warner, B. b . Humes, A. E. Hun- tington; North Platte No. 2, Mar- tin Oberst, B. L. Robinson by H. M. Grimes proxy, I. E. anDoran by A. D. Buckworth proxy. A. 0. Kocken, C. F. Iddings,R. D. Thom son, Joseph Smallwood by C. P. Dick proxy; Worth Platte No. 3, James Snyder, Alex. McClelland, Louie Peterson; Nowell, I. B. Bost- - wick. Mi. Stimson moved that the temporary organization be made permanent, and the motion was carried. Mr. Jackson desired to be ex cused from serving as secretary, but the convention declined to ac- cept his resignation. W. U. Hilder, as permanent chairman, made some appropri ate remarks, and he then read the call as published in The Tribune. The following order of business was then submitted by Mr. lddings as a motion and carried: 1st, Delegates to State Conven tion; 2d, candidate for county at-torn- e'v; 3d, candidate for countr commissioner; 4th, delegates to sen- - atonal convention; oth, delegates to representative district; Oth, reso- lutions; 7th, appointment of county central committee. Mr. Hawley offered the following resolution: Whereas our fellow-citize- n and townsman James Sutherland has made and is making a successful canvas ior oiaie Treasurer, ana whereas he is a staunch Republican, one of our most accomplished busi- ness men, eminently qualified for the position, therefore be it Be-solv- ed, That Mr. Sutherland be re- quested to name his own delegation ..i it i lilt to the state convention ana tnat this convention hereby approves the same. Adopted unanimously. Mr. Warner moved that a com mittee of liye on resolutions be appointed. The chair appointed: Warner of North Platte, Jordan of Wallace, Bacon of Well, Dudlev of O'Fallon, Thomson of North Platte. Mr. Grimes presented the name of Wesley T. Wilcox for county at- torney. Mr. Peter&on of North Platte No. 6 nominated it. Jb". For rest. The convention proceeded to bal lot with the following result: Wilcox ....39 Forrest ,...10 . NO. Mr. Wilcox's nomination was made unanimous. 31. Wilcox made a very neat speech, thanking the convention for the honor and promised to fill the of fice honestly and conscientiously to the best of his ability. Mr. Sutherland named the fol- lowing delegates to the state con- vention: A. D. Buckworth, W. T. Wilcox, J. S. Hoagland, A. 0. Kocken, Chas. Osgood, C. F. Id-din- gs, F. C. Spannuth, John Keith. The convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for county commissioner. Mr. Nation, of Willow, moved that we-proce- ed by-inform- ballot: On division the motion was lost, 18 for. 19 against. Mr. Kocken placed in nomina- tion Martin Oberst of North Platte and he was nominated by acclama- tion. Mr. lddings moved that the con- vention proceed to ballot for sena- tor and that the gentleman re- ceiving a majority of the convention have the privilege of selecting del- egates. Hubartt moved to amend by making first ballot informal. The amendment was carried and the motion was then adopted. INFORMAL BALLOT. Nesbitt " 22 Patterson 13 Hoagland o Buchanan 9 49 FORMAL BALLOT. Nesbitt ' 27 Patterson 16 Hoagland 6 Buchanan 1 50 On behalf of Mr. Nesbitt, Mr. Grimes submitted the following names and they were approved by the convention: H. M. Grimes, J. E. Evans, A. H. Church, C. C. Babcock, E. B. Warner, Wm. Beatty,- - W. C. Elder, Capt. B. F. Baker. Committee on resolutions sub mitted the following, which were unanimously adopted. Resolved, The Kepubhcaus of Lincoln County in Convention as- - "'sembled, hereby renew their allegi- - ance to tne grana principles or tne National Republican party; and hereby heartily endorse the late platform of the Republican party adopted at Chicago; that we favor he protection of American labor from competition with the pauper abor or Jhiurope; that we favor the highest wages to workingmen in ;he United State; that we are op-los- ed to free trade and favor the building up of home industry, and herefore oppose the pernicious in fluence of the Mills bill the tendency of which is to make American labor the slave of English manufacturers; that we favor home rule in Ireland; the right to cast a free ballot in every portion of our country and that everv ballot shall be honestly counted; that we enthusiastically endorse the nomination of our national standard bearers Harrison and Morton, and pledge them the hearty support of the Republicans of Lincoln County; that we oppose the sneering, reckless and heartless vetoes of pension bills by President Uleveland, and unite in a ceaseless warfare against the policy of the present 'administration until our efforts shsll be crowned with hon orable victorv and Harrison and Morton shall be honorably and tri- umphantly elected, and the North and the South shall be united in fraternity, lovalty and full citizen ship as common citizens of our Na tional Union. Besolved, that we favor such laws as shall keep monopolies in subjuga tion to the interest ot the people; such legislation as shall best secure sobrietv and promote morality among our people; that we favor such legislation as shall secure to abor its just recognition in compe tition with aggregated capital, and favor arbitration in conflicts be- - ween labor and capital; that we are opposed to pauper labor in com petition with the free intelligent abor of our own country. Resolved, that this convention has heard with profound sorrow of he death of General Phillip H. Sheridan, and mourn his'loss to the Nation as a calamity; that his noble deeds will ever remain a monument of patriotic devotion in the hearts of his countrymen, and an incentive o deeds of lovalty to the rising generation. Besolved, that this convention recognize the able, valiant and patri- otic services of General Chas. F. Manderson as U. S. Senator, for his faithful service to our State, his oyalty to the soldiers of the Re public in the defense of our flag and country; his unwavering devo tion to republican principles, his stalwart convictions in behalf of free government, as well as his com manding influence in the highest councils' of our nation', and that we Made at the Very Lowest Bates ot latere. heartily favor his re-elect- ion to the Senate of the United States, as a proper and fitting recognition of the services of a loyal citizen, a true republican and a worthy servant of the people. Resolved, that we pledge our hearty support to the nominees of this convention. Moved and carried that the dele- gates to the senatorial convention be also delegates to the representa- tive convention. Geo. E. French, of North Platte, was elected chairman of the county central committee, and the follow ing gentlemen were selected as members, by the respective precincts. North -- Platte'No.T, EB. - Warr ner; North Platte No. 2, J. H. Fickhardt; North Platte No. 3, A. McClelland; Birdwood, J. R. Rit ner; Brady Island, L. Rice; Bu- chanan, J. L. McAllister; Cotton- wood, B. F. Baker; Deer Creek, John Bnttingham; Fairview, J. H. Hostetter; Fox Creek, R. Hanson; Garfield, C. C. Babcock; Gaslin, Olaf -- Johnson; Hall, A. B. Hall; Maxwell, W. H. Plummer; Medi cine, W. C. Elder: Miller., Thomas Rowley; Morrow. G. M. Bobbitt; Mylander, John R. Ishmall; Myr tle, L. P. Durby; Nichols, T.J. Stimson; Nowell, Sidney Robb; O'Fallon, W. H. Dudley; Osgood, Chas. E. Osgood; Peckham, Allen Close; Somerset, G. Chissy; Span nuth, F. C. Spannuth; Sunshine, J. H. Johnson; Walker, C. Bradshaw; Wallace, John G. Beeler; Well, 0. A. Bacon; Whittier, R. S. Ran-derso- n; Willow, Isaiah Beam; Vro man, B. .Familton. The convention then adjourned. W. C. Elder, Chairman. Norman Jackson, Sec'y. THE RAINFALL- - Several weeks ago the Ogalalla News published a statement giving the rainfall of past twelve years as recorded by the officers of this sig- nal station, and the editor in his re marks stated the rainfall m West ern Nebraska was increasing each vear. A copy of the paper was for warded to the signal office in Wash ington, and last week Observer Piercy of the North Platte office received the following from Jno. P. Findley, the Recording Officer of the Signal Department: "The rainfall of Western Ne- braska and adjacent states lias not increased of late years, but has been better distributed throughout the year as shown by increase of the number of rainy days. "The breaking up of the hard prairie lands and subsequent culti- vation has checked evaporation and enables the rainfall to penetrate the earth and thus increase its value to growing crops." CORPOKATION NOTICE. The North Platto Creamery Company has been duly organized under the laws of the State "of Nebraska. Its principal place of business is North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The general natnre of its business is manufacturing of dairy products and dealing in dairy products and dairy supplies. Its capital stock is $10,000, of which there is $7,500 paid in, and the balance is subject to call of the directors. It began business on the first day of May, 1888, and will continue forty years unless sooner dissolved. The high- est amount of indebtedness that the cor- poration may subject itself shall not ex- ceed two-thir- ds of the capital stock. The affairs of the corporation are managed by a board of five directors, president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. D. W.Baker, 29-- 4 Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution issued by J. E. Evans, clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County, upon tho transcript, of aJudgment ren- dered in the county court of s&id Lincoln coan-- " ty and duly filed in said. District Court of said Lincoln county in favor of Spooner It. Howell against Patrick Walsh, I have levied upon the following real estate as the property of Patrick Walsh, to-w- it: Lot one (1) in block ono hundred and forty-on- e (141) in the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the 15th day of September, 1888, at one o'clock of said day, at the front door of the court house of said county, in North Platte, sell said real es- tate to the highest bidder for cash, to Ratisfv said execution, tho amount d&e thereon being . . . . A. I AHWt fit A me Bum $.w wiui ien per cent interest thereon from January 17, 1889, and $5.20 costs and accruing costs. North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 6th, 1888. D. A. Bakkb. 30w5 Sheriff of Liacoln Co. H. MacLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Perfect Fit, Best "Work and Goods as Represented or Money Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Spruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Mini Bred Horses, Standard Bred Mares in foal to Fashionably Bred Stallions. A few choice young mares and geldings, broken to harness, .and suitable for track or road. Jno. W. Watt, Farnam, Neb. 3 il ' SI i

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Page 1: Lincoln County Tribune. (North Platte, NE) 1888-08-18 [p ].€¦ · 20. town 10. ranee 2B. then down the so-call-ed Gilman canyon, crossing sections 21, 17,10, 9, 4, t, S4 and 27,

-- I


If pid in Advance, only $1.00 per year.One Year, if not in Advance, $1.50.

Six Months, in Advance, - - - .75Three. Months, in Advance, - - , ,.50

Advertising Rates Application.






No. 1 Mail and Express Dept. 8:15 A. x.No. Flyer. ' 9:10 p. x.

No. 23 Freight ' 825 A. .No. 27 Freight " 7:15 p. M..No. 21 Freight " 10:15 p.

Stops onlyat Ogallala, Julesburg and Sidney on

GOING CAST.No. 4 Overbad Flyer Dept. 5:45 A. M.

to. uocai express sa a. m.XI o j tf. r.rrStops only at Plnm Creek, Kearney and Grand

TWil v arnanf. Hniwlav.J. C. Agent.

"NESBITT & GRIMES,Attorneys-at-La- w,

NORTH PLATTE, - NEBB.Omat ovkb Four's Stokk.

Fulton Gantt.

hinman & gantt,A.ttoxXLeys - at -


Will practice in all the courts of the State.

Office over the Fostcffice.


Physician and Surgeon.Office: Ottoaetein's Block, np stairs. Officehoars from to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 ana 7 to v p. m

Residence on' West Sixth Street.NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA.


Office in Hininan's Block, Spruce St.,Does a general practice. Chronic "Di-seases and Diseases of Womeu a Specialty.

F. M. GEAY,Ess now associated with him Da. F. L. Cakt,

late of Omaha, who is an expert crown andbridge worker and a first-cla-ss operator.

All work will be .guaranteed satisfactory andprices moderate.

Office over Conway Sisters' Milliaery Store,



Notice is hereby given that I will examine allpersons who may desire to offer themselves ascandidates for teachers of the common schools ofthis county on the THIKD TUESDAY of everymonth.

R. H. LANGFORD,County 8dpt.

Prof.,N. KLEIN,

Instruction on the Piano, Organ, Violin or anyReed or Brass Instrument.

Pianos carefully tuned. Organs repaired.



Pure Crystal Lake Ice delivered inany part of the city.

Ice Creammade to order from purecieam and delivered.

Leave with R. A. Douglas.








Biackniih ad Wtgon Work.

.Horse-Shoei- ng A Specialty.

Shop on "West Front Street, westof the Jail,


Bismark Saloon

Billiard and Pool Hall,J. 6. HUPFER, Pbop.,

Keeps none but the finest 'WTiiskies.sucli as




Also fine case goods, Brandies, Rum,' GinEtc. St Louis Bottled Beer and

Milwaukee Beer on draft

Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets,NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA


Sample :- -: Boom,Having refitted our rooms

throughout, tne public is invited tocall and see us.


Choice Wines,Liquors and

Cigars; Kept at the Bar.

. Agent for the celebrated


from Soda Springs, Idaho.

Keith's Black, Front Street



Road Notice-N- o. 62.The commissioner annotated to locate a road

asked for Chris. Berup and others, coameaciBgat northwest comer of section 24. town IS, rangeSO, thence south on section line one mile, thencesoutherly along old government trail to northeast corner or section 11, town 12, range ),tnence soutn one mite on section line oetweeasections 11 and 12, town 12, range 30. to intersectcountr road No. 27. has resorted in favor of theestablishment thereof, and all objections theretoor claims for damages must be filed in the coantarclerk's office on or before noon of the 4th day ofOctober, 1888, or such road will be establishedwithout reierence thereto.

Dated Aue. 1.1888.29--4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk

Road Notice-N- o. 03.The commissioner aDDointed to locate a coon'

ty road asked for by Thos. McDermottand otherscommencing at the southeast comer of section20. town 10. ranee 2B. then down the so-call-ed

Gilman canyon, crossing sections 21, 17,10, 9, 4, t,S4 and 27, and terminating at the sooth west cor- -ner oi tno souineasc quarter oi secuon a, intown 11, range Jo, nss reportea in ravoroi me(wtahluthmnnt thereof, and all obieetioBS theretonr olaimn for damages mnst be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 4th darof October. 1883, or each road will be cstafclfefeawithoat reference tnereto.

rtatm1 An. 1. 1888.29--4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk.

Road NoticeNo. 64.Ttrn Rnmmissioner aoDointed to locate a road

asked for by George 11. uugnes.ana outers Commencing Bfc nunueaou vuriier ui bwuuu t--t, uiwuIX. ranee SO. thence in a northeasterly directioncrossing sections 2, 3, 9. 10, 16, 17 and 10, town14. ranee 29. sections si ana 35 town id. range .sections 2, 3, 9, 17, 20 and 19, town 15, range 28,Mcnnnft 2.1 ana aa. own id. ihukb ob. bbcuohs iv.20 and 17, town , range , to section line between sections IS and 17. town 18, range zi.tnenoenorth on section line one and three-quart- er milesto the northeast comer of section 0, town is,rnnm 27. thence east two miles on section line.terminatinc at Garfield, has reported in favor ofthe establishment tnereor, ana ail objectionsthereto or claims for damages must oe nied inthe county clerk's office on or before noon ofthe 4th day 01 October, ltssa. or sncn roaa wiu oeestablisbed without reierence thereto.

Dated Aug. 1st, 1888.J. E. Evans,

29--4 County Clerk

Road Notice No. 7 1 .The commissioner annointed to locate a road

asked for by Elmer E. Beese and others, com- -mencing at ine noruiweet corner oi secuoa 10. range 29 west, thence nearly oae mileeast to Well canyon,, thence in a southeastdirection alonp Well canyon to iwctioaHne between sections 7 and 8, town lu, range zv, tnencesouth to the southeast comer of section 30, sametown and range, thence one mile east to theonntheniit corner of section 29. thence three milessouth to the southeast comer of section 8, town9, range 29, thence one mile east to the northeastcomer or section 10, tnence two mues souui tonnnthwest comer of section 22. thence one-ha-lf

mile east to the southeast comer of southwestquarter section 22, thence one and one-ha-ir milessoutn to center 01 section at, wwu. v, itvage et,fhennn in dinsnnal sontheikst direction to countarline, has reported in favor of the establishmenttDnrnnr. ana ail omecaons uereto or ciaimflfor damages must be filed in the county clerk'soffice on or before noon of the 4th day of Oct.1888, or Buch road will be established withoutreierence thereto.

Dated August 1. 1888. .29--4 J. E. Evans, County Clerk.

NOTICE.In District Court, Lincoln County. Ne

braska.Ouveb H. P. Buchanan

vsChabis L. laanTNEB. ;

Charles L. Liehtner. defendant will takenotice that on the 1st day of August. 1888. OliverH. P. Buchanan, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the .District court or juincoin county,Nebraska, against yon. the object and prayer ofwhirh Is to foreclose a oertain mortsase exe--eated by you to, Wlc M. Bwkins upon the

west qaarter gl tae soaurwest quarter aaa taesouthwest quarter-- of; the northwest- - 'quartersection 11, townsmp v uorui, xaags go weev, vaKAmrn the TMvment of one certain Dromissorynote dated January 11, 1888, for the sum of 300.00aue ana payaDie in six monuui uxun um uawthereof, that said note and mongagewas auiytransferred to this plaintiff the 6th day of Jane,1888, for a valuable consideration, that there isnow due upon said note and mortgage the sumof $316.75 for which sum with interest from thisdate plaintiff asks judgment and decree thatdefendant be required to pay the same, or thatsaid premises may be sold to satisfy the amountfound due. You are required to answer saidpetition on or before Monday, the 10th day ofSeptember. 1888.

Dated Aug. 1,8888.ULIVKR-Jti-. Jf. HUOHANAN,

By Nesbitt & Grimes,29--4 his Attorneys.

Order Hearing.State of Nkbbaska, ?

IiTNTOLN Countt. S88.

At a County Court, held at the County CourtBoom, in and for said County, august 3d . A. u.1888.

Present J. J-- O'Bourke, County Judge.In the matter of the Estate of Octave Chamber-

lain, deceased.On readinir and filing the Delation of Irving h.

YanDoran, praying that Administration of saidestate may oe grantea w mm as nommwirawc:

DitnKBKD. That Ansnst 24th. A. D. 1888., at oneo'clock P. M.. is assigned for hearing said peti-tion, when all persons interested in said,matter,may appear at a County Court to be held, in aadfor said County, and show causo why the prayerof petitioner should not be granted; and that no--Lice oi uio peaueacjr ul oaiu iwuuuu huu uiahnarincr thereoL be siren to all Dersons interestedin said matter by pubUshinga copy of this orderin the JuiNcoiiN county iibunk, a weemynewspaper printed in said County, for three suc-cessive weeks, prior to day of hearing.

A true copy.J J. J. O'Boubkz,County Clerk.

SHERIFF'S SALE.By virtue of two executions issued by J. E.

Evans, clerk of the district court of Lincolncounty, Nebraska, upon transcripts filed in theoffice of said clerk of two judgments renderedbyJohn Hawley, justice of the peace, in favor of"The McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.."against David Cash, I have levied upon the fol-lowing real estate as the property of the saidDavid Cash, to-wi- t: Lots two and three both insection six (6). township thirteen (13) rangetwenty-nin-e (29), in Lincoln county, Nebraska,and I will on the 27th day of August 1888, at oneo'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of thecourt house of said county, in North Platte,sell in separate lots said real estate at publicauction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfysaid executions, the amount due thereon in theaggregate being the sum of $127.30 and $5.00costs and accruing costs.

Dated North Platte, July 25, 1888.D. A. Bakeb, Sheriff,

23--4 J. W. Mebbtman, Deputy.

NOTICE.In Distriot (Jourt of Lincoln County, Ne--

DrasKB.Linda Lewis,

vs.Uinmr T.uwwg


ITo Harry Lewis non-reside- nt

defendant:V , V.n-V- .T. nnfSfinri that- - nn tha 9&1 ifav

of July. 1888, Linda Lewis filed a petition againstyou in the district court of Lincoln county fora divorce from the bonds of matrimony, uponthe ground that the defendant for more than fiveyears past has been a habitual drunkard and hasbeen guilty or extreme cruelty wwaro pisuiuknrl n1m.wnomaa and twiincr rtf cnfVutABl: KiltfvmiiA . ' n I M .I .11 ' I V. 1 M. J

to provide suitable maintenance for plaintiff,. . , 1 I 1 1 A 1 Jnas wantonly, giwaiy cuiu crueuj nuuntxA turnneglected to do so, all without any just cause or

to answer said petition on or before Moaday,September 10th, 1888.

Linda Lxwis,By Nesbitt & Gbdos,

28--4 herAttys.

Notice of Sale.Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat-

tel mortgage dated the 24th day of April, 1888,and only filed and recorded in the oBceof thecounty clerk of Lincoln county. Nebraska, onthe lMh day of May, 1888, and executed by Tl w

kiah W. Davis and Arinda J. DBYis.,hiB wife, toA. H. Davis and assigned by A. H. Davis toMoriarity, Trimble & Co. to secure the payawatof $270J0. upon which there is how doe $277.28;default having been made in the payment of saidsum, and no suit or other proceedings "havingbeen instituted to recover said debt or, any partthereof, therefore I will sell the property thereiadescribed, viz: One frame building 18x42 feetneed aa a blacksmith shop on nw qr aw qr section15, town 9, range 90, also all of the took aad ma-terials belonging to said shop, at public aactioain the town of Wellfleet eoaaty ot Lincoln andstate of Nebraska, on the first cky of September,1888, at one o'clock p, m. of said day.

Dated August 11th, 1888.Mobiasttt, TantBPJi & Co


Assignees,by H. L. Chenowete.

their Agaat.




Palace mmL. F. SIMON, Manager.

ml -

' - 1


are now arriving and we are top busy to

write an "ad" for this space. Watch for



an announcement next week.


Twt.j un

L. F. SIMON, Manager.






Clow Co.,


Rock Springs Nut,Bock Springs Lump.

Pennsylvania Anthracite,

Colorado AnthraciteAND

Colorado 'Soft


HA! Hi! THE BEST 0 ALL!It" did not take five years to discover that the

' 2'


Jewel Grasoline Stovewas the only safe gasoline sbam made, but in 1887, the first year it was

introduced in North Platte, FORTY-SI- X were sold, more than was sold

of all others combined. We have them with either drop tank or thepneumatic, and in the language of the poet, ."no pump to get out of order or gas forced through the room," but can jproye $3UfW gas escapesfrom it than any Btove made and can show ifc has' mutr points of supe--

iimihj over an otners ana prove to you that tne Jewel is

They are all guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction and will consumelooa mMrklina r i.U i n n ? 5 .

o"-ryK.w "j bwvb in me miri. ana examine tne latemproved JeWel and be convinced and you will buy no ofc.


lUOrXillf UAiUX, ,



The Republican County Convention for Lincoln county met at thecourt house in this city Saturdayafternoon, August 11th, accordingto the published call. Chas. P.Dick, secretary of the county cen-

tral committee, in the absence ofthe chairman, called the convention to order.

E. B. Warner nominated W. C

Elder, of Medicine, for temporarychairman. He was elected. Norman Jackson,' of Wallace was then

IrHitM-temDora-rv secretary.

H:- - Onofesmovedthairthechair appoint a committe of five oncredentials. The chair appointedMessrs. (inmes and Besack, ofNorth Platte, Brittingham, of DeerCreek. Keith of O'Fallon andBeatty of Brady Island.

C. F. lddings moved that thechair appoint a committee on permanent organization. Carried, andthe following gentlemen were appointed: Messrs. lddings, Thoel-eck- e,

Nation, McClellan and Campbell.

Stimson moved that the committee appointed on permanent organization wait until the credentials beapproved before reporting. Carried.

Chair announced that a recess offifteen minutes would be taken; noobjection and recess was taken.

At the expiration of that timethe chair called the convention toorder. The report of the commit--1 1 1 1 1 A ttee on credentials was read as follows :'

Your committee respectfully report that they have examined thecredentials and ftnd that the following named gentlemen are entitledto seats in the convention:

Garfield, W. F. Campbell, Geo. HHughes; Sunstnne, J. W. Shoup;Brady Island, Wm. Beattv, A. J.Dill; Morrow, W. T, Bowen; Willow, J. W. Nation; My lander, FredKade; Nichols, Thos. Stimson;Wellfleet, W. C. Elder, Casper M.Bolish; Buchanan, J. L. McAllister,W. B. Votaw; Peckham, MonroeSmith; Osgood, L. D. Thoelecke;Wallace, J. G. Beeler by C. H. Ja--cobson proxy, J. H. Jordon, Norman Jackson, .Vy. S. Hill; Hall,

iWmH-ubartt-f QFallonr--W.- - H.Dudlev; Walker, Thos.McDermott;Spannuth, F. C. Spannuth; Miller,Henry Faka; Myrtle, L. P. Derby;ueer ureeu, j. rtntnngnam; L;ot--tonwood, B. F. Baker; Fox Creek,F. G. Schick; Fairview, John Keith;Well, O.A.Bacon; Gaslin, J. M.Marcott by Alfred Way, proxy;Vroman, B. L. Familton; Birdwood,J. R. Ritner; North Platte No. 1,John Hawley, C. H. Stamp, E. B.Warner, B. b . Humes, A. E. Hun-tington; North Platte No. 2, Mar-tin Oberst, B. L. Robinson by H.M. Grimes proxy, I. E. anDoranby A. D. Buckworth proxy. A. 0.Kocken, C. F. Iddings,R. D. Thomson, Joseph Smallwood by C. P.Dick proxy; Worth Platte No. 3,James Snyder, Alex. McClelland,Louie Peterson; Nowell, I. B. Bost- -wick.

Mi. Stimson moved that thetemporary organization be madepermanent, and the motion wascarried.

Mr. Jackson desired to be excused from serving as secretary,but the convention declined to ac-

cept his resignation.W. U. Hilder, as permanent

chairman, made some appropriate remarks, and he then read thecall as published in The Tribune.

The following order of businesswas then submitted by Mr. lddingsas a motion and carried:

1st, Delegates to State Convention; 2d, candidate for county at-torn- e'v;

3d, candidate for countrcommissioner; 4th, delegates to sen--atonal convention; oth, delegatesto representative district; Oth, reso-lutions; 7th, appointment of countycentral committee.

Mr. Hawley offered the followingresolution:

Whereas our fellow-citize- n andtownsman James Sutherland hasmade and is making a successfulcanvas ior oiaie Treasurer, anawhereas he is a staunch Republican,one of our most accomplished busi-

ness men, eminently qualified forthe position, therefore be it Be-solv- ed,

That Mr. Sutherland be re-

quested to name his own delegation..i it i liltto the state convention ana tnatthis convention hereby approves thesame.

Adopted unanimously.Mr. Warner moved that a com

mittee of liye on resolutions beappointed. The chair appointed:Warner of North Platte, Jordan ofWallace, Bacon of Well, Dudlev ofO'Fallon, Thomson of North Platte.

Mr. Grimes presented the nameof Wesley T. Wilcox for county at-

torney. Mr. Peter&on of NorthPlatte No. 6 nominated it. Jb". Forrest.

The convention proceeded to ballot with the following result:

Wilcox ....39Forrest ,...10 .


Mr. Wilcox's nomination wasmade unanimous.


Wilcox made a very neat speech,thanking the convention for thehonor and promised to fill the office honestly and conscientiously tothe best of his ability.

Mr. Sutherland named the fol-

lowing delegates to the state con-vention: A. D. Buckworth, W. T.Wilcox, J. S. Hoagland, A. 0.Kocken, Chas. Osgood, C. F. Id-din- gs,

F. C. Spannuth, John Keith.The convention proceeded to

nominate a candidate for countycommissioner.

Mr. Nation, of Willow, movedthat we-proce- ed by-inform- ballot:On division the motion was lost,18 for. 19 against.

Mr. Kocken placed in nomina-tion Martin Oberst of North Platteand he was nominated by acclama-tion.

Mr. lddings moved that the con-vention proceed to ballot for sena-tor and that the gentleman re-ceiving a majority of the conventionhave the privilege of selecting del-

egates.Hubartt moved to amend by

making first ballot informal.The amendment was carried and

the motion was then adopted.INFORMAL BALLOT.

Nesbitt " 22Patterson 13Hoagland oBuchanan 9


Nesbitt ' 27Patterson 16Hoagland 6Buchanan 1

50On behalf of Mr. Nesbitt, Mr.

Grimes submitted the followingnames and they were approved bythe convention: H. M. Grimes, J.E. Evans, A. H. Church, C. C.Babcock, E. B. Warner, Wm.Beatty,- - W. C. Elder, Capt. B. F.Baker.

Committee on resolutions submitted the following, which wereunanimously adopted.

Resolved, The Kepubhcaus ofLincoln County in Convention as--"'sembled, hereby renew their allegi- -ance to tne grana principles or tneNational Republican party; andhereby heartily endorse the lateplatform of the Republican partyadopted at Chicago; that we favorhe protection of American labor

from competition with the pauperabor or Jhiurope; that we favor the

highest wages to workingmen in;he United State; that we are op-los- ed

to free trade and favor thebuilding up of home industry, andherefore oppose the pernicious in

fluence of the Mills bill the tendencyof which is to make American laborthe slave of English manufacturers;that we favor home rule in Ireland;the right to cast a free ballot inevery portion of our country andthat everv ballot shall be honestlycounted; that we enthusiasticallyendorse the nomination of ournational standard bearers Harrisonand Morton, and pledge them thehearty support of the Republicansof Lincoln County; that we opposethe sneering, reckless and heartlessvetoes of pension bills by PresidentUleveland, and unite in a ceaselesswarfare against the policy of thepresent 'administration until ourefforts shsll be crowned with honorable victorv and Harrison andMorton shall be honorably and tri-umphantly elected, and the Northand the South shall be united infraternity, lovalty and full citizenship as common citizens of our National Union.

Besolved, that we favor such lawsas shall keep monopolies in subjugation to the interest ot the people;such legislation as shall best securesobrietv and promote moralityamong our people; that we favorsuch legislation as shall secure toabor its just recognition in compe

tition with aggregated capital, andfavor arbitration in conflicts be--ween labor and capital; that we

are opposed to pauper labor in competition with the free intelligentabor of our own country.

Resolved, that this conventionhas heard with profound sorrow ofhe death of General Phillip H.

Sheridan, and mourn his'loss to theNation as a calamity; that his nobledeeds will ever remain a monumentof patriotic devotion in the hearts ofhis countrymen, and an incentiveo deeds of lovalty to the rising

generation.Besolved, that this convention

recognize the able, valiant and patri-otic services of General Chas. F.Manderson as U. S. Senator, for hisfaithful service to our State, hisoyalty to the soldiers of the Re

public in the defense of our flagand country; his unwavering devotion to republican principles, hisstalwart convictions in behalf offree government, as well as his commanding influence in the highestcouncils' of our nation', and that we

Made at the Very Lowest Bates ot latere.

heartily favor his re-elect- ion to theSenate of the United States, as aproper and fitting recognition ofthe services of a loyal citizen, a truerepublican and a worthy servant ofthe people.

Resolved, that we pledge ourhearty support to the nominees ofthis convention.

Moved and carried that the dele-

gates to the senatorial conventionbe also delegates to the representa-tive convention.

Geo. E. French, of North Platte,was elected chairman of the countycentral committee, and the following gentlemen were selected asmembers, by the respective precincts.

North --Platte'No.T, EB. - Warrner; North Platte No. 2, J. H.Fickhardt; North Platte No. 3, A.McClelland; Birdwood, J. R. Ritner; Brady Island, L. Rice; Bu-chanan, J. L. McAllister; Cotton-wood, B. F. Baker; Deer Creek,John Bnttingham; Fairview, J. H.Hostetter; Fox Creek, R. Hanson;Garfield, C. C. Babcock; Gaslin,Olaf --Johnson; Hall, A. B. Hall;Maxwell, W. H. Plummer; Medicine, W. C. Elder: Miller., ThomasRowley; Morrow. G. M. Bobbitt;Mylander, John R. Ishmall; Myrtle, L. P. Durby; Nichols, T.J.Stimson; Nowell, Sidney Robb;O'Fallon, W. H. Dudley; Osgood,Chas. E. Osgood; Peckham, AllenClose; Somerset, G. Chissy; Spannuth, F. C. Spannuth; Sunshine, J.H. Johnson; Walker, C. Bradshaw;Wallace, John G. Beeler; Well,0. A. Bacon; Whittier, R. S. Ran-derso- n;

Willow, Isaiah Beam; Vroman, B. .Familton.

The convention then adjourned.W. C. Elder, Chairman.

Norman Jackson, Sec'y.


Several weeks ago the OgalallaNews published a statement givingthe rainfall of past twelve years asrecorded by the officers of this sig-nal station, and the editor in his remarks stated the rainfall m Western Nebraska was increasing eachvear. A copy of the paper was forwarded to the signal office in Washington, and last week ObserverPiercy of the North Platte officereceived the following from Jno. P.Findley, the Recording Officer ofthe Signal Department:

"The rainfall of Western Ne-braska and adjacent states lias notincreased of late years, but has beenbetter distributed throughout theyear as shown by increase of thenumber of rainy days.

"The breaking up of the hardprairie lands and subsequent culti-vation has checked evaporation andenables the rainfall to penetrate theearth and thus increase its value togrowing crops."

CORPOKATION NOTICE.The North Platto Creamery Company

has been duly organized under the lawsof the State "of Nebraska. Its principalplace of business is North Platte, Lincolncounty, Nebraska. The general natnreof its business is manufacturing of dairyproducts and dealing in dairy productsand dairy supplies. Its capital stock is$10,000, of which there is $7,500 paid in,and the balance is subject to call of thedirectors. It began business on the firstday of May, 1888, and will continue fortyyears unless sooner dissolved. The high-est amount of indebtedness that the cor-poration may subject itself shall not ex-ceed two-thir- ds of the capital stock. Theaffairs of the corporation are managed bya board of five directors, president, vicepresident, treasurer and secretary.

D. W.Baker,29--4 Secretary.

SHERIFF'S SALE.By virtue of an execution issued by J. E.

Evans, clerk of the District Court of LincolnCounty, upon tho transcript, of aJudgment ren-dered in the county court of s&id Lincoln coan--"ty and duly filed in said. District Court ofsaid Lincoln county in favor of Spooner It.Howell against Patrick Walsh, I have leviedupon the following real estate as the property ofPatrick Walsh, to-w-it: Lot one (1) in block onohundred and forty-on- e (141) in the City of NorthPlatte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will onthe 15th day of September, 1888, at one o'clockof said day, at the front door of the court houseof said county, in North Platte, sell said real es-tate to the highest bidder for cash, to Ratisfvsaid execution, tho amount d&e thereon being. . . .A. I AHWt fit Ame Bum $.w wiui ien per cent interestthereon from January 17, 1889, and $5.20 costsand accruing costs.

North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 6th, 1888.D. A. Bakkb.

30w5 Sheriff of Liacoln Co.


Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,And Dealer In


BOOTS AND SHOES,Perfect Fit, Best "Work and Goods as

Represented or Money Refunded.


Spruce Street, bet. Front and Sixth,NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.

Mini Bred Horses,

Standard Bred Mares in foal toFashionably Bred Stallions. A fewchoice young mares and geldings,broken to harness, .and suitable fortrack or road.

Jno. W. Watt,Farnam, Neb.


il ' SI
