lincoln douglas value debate orientation

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate Orientation

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Lincoln Douglas Value Debate Orientation. Volunteers Make it Happen!. We can’t do this without you. You are making an investment. You are performing a teaching role in the lives of our students. You make it possible for young people to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lincoln Douglas Value Debate Orientation

Volunteers Make it Happen!


• We can’t do this without you.

• You are making an investment.

• You are performing a teaching role in the lives of our students.

• You make it possible for young people to learn these skills.

Thank You!

You are Qualified to Judge!


• You already participate in communication activities. • It is the speaker’s job to communicate with you.

• It is not your job to be a debate expert before coming.

• Our goal is for our students to speak to“the thinking man and woman on the street.”

That’s You!

What is Debate?

• Two opposing debaters argue an idea:• The Resolution• Affirmative (upholds the resolution)• Negative (refutes Affirmative position)

• Debaters alternate sides during the course of the tournament.

2014-2015 Debate Resolutions

Resolved: When in conflict, an individual’s freedom of speech should be valued above a

community’s moral standards.

  Resolved: In the United States federal jurisprudence, the letter of the law ought to

have priority over the spirit of the law.

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

* Also called LD or Values Debate

(Values are principles which are recognized by a society, culture, or group.)

* Debaters will be defining, analyzing and arguing values.

* One-on-One debate (one affirmative, one negative)

* One full LD debate round lasts up to 45 minutes.

Role of the Judge

DO:• Listen to the debate.

• Decide which debater best supports their position.

• Reach a conclusion and cast a vote for the debater that best supports their position.

• Provide written feedback.

Role of the Judge

DON’T:• Request or accept written material offered by debaters

before or during the round.

• Interrupt or question the debaters.

• Leave the room or take phone calls during the round.

• Extend a debater’s speaking time.

Debater’s Role

• The debaters are responsible for making their ideas clear to the judge, including:

• Debate Theory• Organization of the ideas and

arguments in the Round• Details of the Topic

What to Expect

• Number of judges:• 1 in preliminary rounds • Possibly more in elimination rounds

• Always an odd number

• Timekeeper

• To give verbal signals during prep time and hand signals during speaking time. (Sometimes the debaters will time.)

• Greeting• Debaters will introduce themselves• May ask your judging philosophy.

Order of the Round


• Affirmative Constructive• Cross examination

• Negative Constructive• Cross examination

• First Affirmative Rebuttal• Negative Rebuttal• Second Affirmative Rebuttal

Affirmative Constructive

• Common structure (not a rule)• Introduction• Statement of the resolution• Definition of terms• Discussion of Value (& possibly a Criterion)• Contentions (Arguments)• Conclusion

Cross Examination (CX)

• Three minutes

• Immediately follows each constructive speech

• (no preparation time allowed)

• Only direct interaction in the round between the debaters

• One-on-one question and answer

• Debaters face the judge

• Judges may not question/comment during this time (or at all during the round)

Negative Constructive

1. Will refute the affirmative case / the resolution

2. Commonly will supply a negative interpretation of the resolution (a Negative Case) which could include:• Introduction• Statement of the resolution• Possibly, a Definition of terms • Discussion of Value (and Criterion)• Contentions (Arguments)• Conclusion


• Debaters use these speeches to clarify the important arguments in the round.

• May not introduce new lines of argumentation, but may bring up additional support to bolster arguments made in constructive speeches.

• Should refute arguments made by the opponent, as well as reassert own case.

• Will likely propose “voting issues” – those arguments which the debater feels are most crucial to the round.

Before the Round Begins

• Check to make sure:• You have not judged

either of these debaters in this event at this tournament

• Fill in your name

• Fill in the names of the debaters (affirmative and negative)


• Flowing:

• Organizes the ideas in a round• Use flow sheet or plain paper

• Just a tool to help you

• Not to be turned in

• The right note-taking system allows you to: • Absorb the presentation • Reach a conclusion and cast a vote • Give the debaters written feedback


Other Key Considerations

Time Limits

• Once the time is expired at the end of a speech, a debater may complete a sentence, but should not start a new thought.

• Once time has expired, judges are free to discard additional comments or speech content when evaluating the round.

When the Round is Over

• Do not disclose your decision!

• Do not ask questions or give verbal feedback.

• Do not solicit opinions about the round from

other observers in the room.

• Immediately following the round, take your ballots to the designated area for completion.

Filling Out the Ballot


Two Independent Decisions:

1. Decide which debater wins the round

2. Reward individual speaking ability

Set aside personal bias/opinion

The Student Ballot - Who Won

After looking over your flow sheet and considering all of the arguments, you must decide who, in your opinion, won this debate round.

Circle either: Affirmative or Negative

Note: The person with the higher speaker points does not necessarily win the debate round.

Deciding Who Won

Does the affirmative interpretation correspond with the resolution?

Has the affirmative:• Identified a value?• Presented arguments supporting the importance of

his/her value?• Upheld the resolution with his/her analysis of the

resolution and contentions?• Persuaded you to vote in favor of the resolution• Adequately addressed the arguments raised by the

negative side?

Deciding Who Won

Has the negative:

• Introduced a more persuasive interpretation of the resolution?

• Provided arguments persuading you to vote against the affirmative interpretation of the resolution?

• Adequately addressed the arguments raised by the affirmative side?

• Presented his/her own value  -- IF so, did he/she present arguments supporting its importance? 

• Persuaded you that his/her value is more important than the affirmative value?

Evaluating the Speaker Points

• Total the points from the six categories for each speaker.

• Write the Total Affirmative speaker points and the Total Negative speaker points in the appropriate space.

Speaker Rank

• Speaker Rank is

determined by Total Speaker Points.

• Circle 1st or 2nd accordingly.

• Tied points are allowed, but you must use your overall impression to select a first and second place speaker.

The Speed Ballot

• This form is for early handoff to TAB, no RFD or comments please!

• Vote AFF or NEG

• Provide speaker points

• Rank speakers

• Instructions are on the bottom half of this ballot.

Reason for Decision

• Reason for Decision – This is perhaps the most important part of the ballot to the debaters. Here you explain how you came to your decision.

• Also welcome (and encouraged) are notes to each debater, specifying what they did well and what they can improve on.

• You are welcome to use the back of the ballot to write additional comments.

• Remember to sign and date the ballot.

The Ballot: Reason For Decision


• Provide Written Feedback to the debaters.• Your investment in and encouragement for our students

• Judge round based upon issues discussed in the round

• Set aside your personal bias/opinion• Be prepared to vote for a position you do not personally hold

• Once you’ve cast your vote:• If you heard ideas or assertions you don’t agree with, or you

have insights to share, use the ballot to explain this to the debaters

• Double Loss = disciplinary only


Judge Orientation Staff Available• If you have questions concerning the round or your

ballot, staff will be available to answer your questions.

Written Rules Available• The written rules will be available to you in the

judge’s area.

Thank You