line in the world around us

Line in the world around us…

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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slideshow homework.. 9 Marc


Page 1: Line in the world around us

Line in the world around us…

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Page 3: Line in the world around us

The preceding image is a mixture of all sorts of line; horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, straight etc..

It’s a plan for a building or buildings of some sort. I was attracted to the picture by the number of lines and the way they look so complex but are in fact simple when looked at individually.

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Page 5: Line in the world around us

Line in nature….

Most of the stripes on the zebras are horizontal and curved if you are looking at the zebras head on. The others are vertical like the ones on the zebras’ foreheads… the effect is quite mesmerizing.. This is also due to fact that the lines on the forehead are closer together..the differing lengths, widths and angles of the lines has a pleasing effect.

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Another example of line in nature..

You almost don’t notice unless you are looking for it. The lines are rather subtle. It looks like a complete scene. The line s blend in..

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Line in design..architecture in this case..

There are straight vertical lines as part of the design on the wall…its actualy a realy cool design because you tend to look at it for a while whilst trying to decide what it is..Which part is the wall and which part is the staircase..Is there actually a staircase..?

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Diagonal lines trying to create some effect..I can’t actually decide what sort effect the artist was trying to portray. Some ripple effect or something.. Ironically what attracted me to the picture was that I wanted to see if I could make out what the artist was trying to portray..

Page 9: Line in the world around us

Line in architecture.. I like the effect of the vertical lines in this instance..They draw you to some focal point, which is unseen in this case..An interesting contrast is created…the vertical lines lead your eyes up the picture where they are met with more line in the form of an upright building. The people in the picture are walking “downwards”..the opposite direction to where our eyes are leading us..

Page 10: Line in the world around us

This is line in design. The lines in this picture are mainly vertical.. Straight vertical lines..curved vertical lines..the horizontal line are at a slight angle..The numerous lines is what attracted me to the picture..

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Honestly I picked this picture because it looked boring and I wondered why on earth it was displayed amongst other noteworthy pictures.. Ironically I found myself looking at the picture longer.. It is made up of straight lines that look slightly slanted…what makes it more interesting is that the space in between the horizontal lines does not change throughout..from top to spite of the different angles that they look slanted..they are all balanced between 2 straight lines..the visual impact of the contrast between black and white also has some impact I suppose..the vertical lines are short and serve to make the vertical lines look as though they are slanted..they are placed at different intervals on the horizontal lines to create this effect.

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The horizontal line in this building is interesting..It sort of leads you to the front of the building..It also kind of makes the building look like a ship..There is very little vertical lines but when there..they serve to sort of separate the long horizontal strips. Without them the design would look boring.. Some of the horizontal lines are curved giving the building some of its shape.

Page 13: Line in the world around us

traffic markings that form a parking lot..most of the lines are horizontal and slightly slanted..The effect is one of a very organized place..even the trees and bushes are in line! The trees form a vertical line that nicely counters the “horizontalness” of the lines that make the parking lot..

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Mainly curvy lines here.. Their proximity to each other are what makes the picture more interesting..their proximity brings out the plant’s smooth texture..the lines also have different thicknesses..there are gradual curves o bring out the shape of the plant..

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Beautiful line in nature…These icicles formed in mainly diagonal lines that differ in length..they form a design that looks like tree branches..the lines stick out at different angles as well, enhancing the picture’s appeal..

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I like the contrast in horizontal and vertical line here.. It draws me into the picture..the vertical lines of the tree trunks draw me up ‘into’ the trees..and I find myself curious as to what it looks like above the trees..The horizontal line of the road draws my eyes up the picture and I sort of ‘travel’ the road..The way the line recedes in the distance gives an indication of the distance you have ‘walked’ and hints at the passage of time as you ‘walk’ down the road..

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Example of line in nature.. The line line that caught my eye is the one on the tree in centre of the picture.. In the way the green foliage falls away from the branches..It falls in straight lines that hang straight down..this makes your eyes move down to the lake.

Page 20: Line in the world around us

The curving lines in this picture are what attracted me to it …The contrast between the shorter curved lines and the longer ones is eye catching. All the lines are curvy lines..There is one main big curve that forms the picture’s object of interest. The curve in the lines makes them look gentle and feminine..

Page 21: Line in the world around us

This is snd..blown into this “pattern” by the wind. It makes a striking example of line in nature..everything in this picture is line.. The sand and the dunes in between it..obviously the sand lines are the thicker ones…all the lines are vertical, they are generally wavy. The differing lengths add to the picture’s appael..make it more interesting.. I find the way the lines recede in the distance but can still be distinguished keeps you looking at the picture..

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This drawing is really amazing..once you actualy look at it . The artist brings out all details of the horse without shading at all! And it looks like a 3D image.. The artist makes use of curved lines mainly, together with wavy lines to bring out the horse’s mane and tail..the position ing of the lines is what makes the line drawing so effective ..and the fact that the artist didn’t draw the whole outline of the horse without lifting his pen..he drew PARTS of the horse in continuous line…this gives the drawing some sort of fluidity and allows him to be accurate..

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These 2 pictures show different types of line that express different emotion…The one on the left is a mixture of curved lines, straight lines.. The lines at one point meet to form an arrow..then some of them show some sort of pattern…Is not quite clear what. Some of the lines are bold and thick whilst some are thin and fading. The ones that are thin and fading form the arrow and the ones that are thick are what the arrow seems to be pointing at..those lines indicate excitement through their direction and thickness. The 2nd picture comprises of curvy horizontal lines and vertical straight ones. The way the straight lines tend to fade into the distance communicates tiredness especially since they are in the majority..

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The swirling lines in the picture on the left convey contentment..this is shown in the way the lines follow a uniform curved pattern..they flow in gentle waves..the space in between them is just right..any closer they would have conveyed some sort of discomfort..and further apart they wouldn’t have looked so “together”.

The lines in the picture on the right convey confusion..They seem to have no determined direction..Even the way they curve is very undecided..(this is the bold lines) The fainter lines are also just there with no apparent purpose..the way they bend in every direction and follow all sorts of patterns show confusion…

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This “chair” has a very effective design..The line in it,the wooden part forms a wavy, curvy line that instantly looks restful and comfortable…the diagonal lines under it look stable-because of their number and the angle that they “stand” at.. which is what a prospective buyer would want to see- you would want to see something comfortable and sturdy like it can hold your weight.. The way the lines in this picture look comfortable and sturdy is what attracted me to it..

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