linearized bc for the free surface in a gravity field by carlos andrés pérez gutiérrez source:...

Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

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Page 1: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field

by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez

Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

Page 2: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

Fluid structrure coupling term at a wetted wall

• Viscous model, the fluid must adhere to the wall.

• Non viscous model, the fluid can slide freely

Page 3: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2
Page 4: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

@ free surface

Page 5: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• Gravity potential

• Virtual work of pressure

Page 6: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• Lagrangian of the superficial fluid

• Principio de mínima acción

Page 7: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• Principio de mínima acción:



Fuente: Wikipedia.

Page 8: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• En la imagen aparecen una carga positiva fija (en rojo) y un electrón libre (en azul). De todas las trayectorias posibles, ¿cuál escogerá el electrón? El principio de acción mínima determina que la trayectoria 1 será la elegida.

Page 9: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• Linearized aproximation of the boundary condition at the free surface

• Diffrentiating twice with respect to time, the surface condition in terms of pressure is obtained

Page 10: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• The fluid particles must comply with two distinct conditions

Kinematical cosntrain

Page 11: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

Dynamical equilibrium


Page 12: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2

• Linealizando

• Deriving with respect to t and using the kinematical constrain

Page 13: Linearized BC for the free surface in a gravity field by Carlos Andrés Pérez Gutiérrez Source: Axisa, sec. 1.3.2