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LinguaFoli o Wisconsin

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Page 1: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language



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LinguaFolio WisconsinLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have

learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language learning and cultural

experiences. It is a tool that can accompany your language learning throughout your life and is

suitable for documenting your language abilities for various uses.

LinguaFolio Wisconsin will help you as a language learner:

to evaluate and describe your language proficiency in clear and simple terms

to document and reflect on your language learning inside and outside school and on their intercultural experiences

to inform others about your proficiency in different languages e.g., when changing schools, starting a language course, participating in an exchange program, applying for a job

to set personal language learning objectives and map out ways to achieve them, e.g., cultivating community experiences, listening to music, using the web


The LinguaFolio Wisconsin is part of a nationwide initiative of the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL). The NCSSFL adopted the LinguaFolio initiative as the organization's official project for 2005 the Year of Languages.

The LinguaFolio Wisconsin has been created by the ‘New Visions in Action Task Force’ of the Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers (WAFLT). The linguaFolios of Indiana, Nebraska, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and Georgia were used as prototypes for the LinguaFolio Wisconsin. WAFLT would like to acknowledge and

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thank the many people and organizations that help in the creation of the LinguaFolio Wisconsin.

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LinguaFolio Wisconsin

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My Language Experiences

Think about all of the language experiences that you have had. What languages have you learned at home? Did you explore other languages in school, camps, or through other organizations? Have you traveled extensively to or lived in another country? Fill in the information below according to your personal experiences.

1. Language(s) I use with my family, friends, classmates and relatives. (Including my native language.)

Languages I know: How long I have spoken this language:

Where I learned this language:

(home, school, camp, travel, etc.)

2. Languages and cultures that I have explored

Which languages:

Where I learned this language:(In elem./middle school, at camp, at a club after school, mission work, family travel, media, etc.)

Which grade level(s) or age:

Amount of Time:(2 days a week for 20 min., everyday for 6 weeks, etc.)

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3. Contacts with people who speak languages other than English

I have family members, friends, email pals, pen pals, co-workers, etc. who come from these countries and use these languages:

Relationship: Country: Language:

4. Language experiences outside the U.S.A. (living, work exchange, home stay, study program, etc.)

Country: Language: Type of Experience: Age: Length of time:

5. Language tests, competitions, certificates, diplomas

Which languages: Description: Date: Score/Results:

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LinguaFolio Wisconsin

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My Language Learning Strategies

How do you learn? Everyone learns in a different way. Here are some strategies that language learners use. First, check what works best for you. Next, check some strategies you would like to try. Feel free to leave certain strategies blank or to add strategies that work for you.

Learning StrategiesThis works for me

I would like to try this

Organizing Work I organize my work and space. I keep a day planner or an assignment notebook. I have the right supplies for my class. I have scheduled study time. I set goals and periodically review them to see my progress.

Listening Skills I know the purpose for listening, and I determine if I should be

listening for all details or if it will suffice to get the general gist. I interpret facial expression, gestures, and other visual cues to aid

in understanding a speaker. I identify key words for meaning. I ask or write questions for later clarification when I recognize that

I don’t understand.

Oral Communication I listen to the speaker and identify key words for meaning. I ask for clarification if I do not understand or am confused. I practice and attempt to use new vocabulary to make interesting

conversations. I use circumlocution* to express vocabulary I do not know.

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*Circumlocution is using familiar vocabulary and structures to express meaning beyond your current knowledge. (e.g., lacking the knowledge of the word for “tiger,” substitute “at the zoo, a big cat with stripes”)

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Learning StrategiesThis works for me

I would like to try this

Learning Vocabulary I make and use flashcards. I use my textbook and dictionary as a resource. I use visuals to help me remember or understand any new

vocabulary. I form new words from word families. (i.e., power-powerful) I look for words that have similar meaning (i.e., big, large, tall) or

opposites (i.e., tall-short). I look for cognates. (Words that are similar in various languages,

i.e., honesto – honest)

Pronunciation I learn words and phrases and practice pronunciation by listening

to the radio, CDs and television. I record myself speaking words and sentences and then listen to

myself to see if I have improved. I memorize short passages and present them to a friend who helps

me with pronunciation. I use the phonetic alphabet in the dictionary to help in pronouncing

new words. I talk in the mirror and watch the formations that my mouth


Grammar I know where the grammar rules are summarized and explained in

my textbook. I can explain the grammar rules in my own words and write these

rules down with examples in my notebook. I compose a list of frequent mistakes and look over old

assignments to help me in completing new assignments.

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Learning StrategiesThis works for me

I would like to try this

Reading Comprehension I scan the text before reading it by checking the title, subtitles,

chapter, pictures, or section headings to get a general idea of what I will be reading.

I take notes, and I record words and idioms that I want to learn. I summarize the content of important texts that I have read by

identifying the main points, characters, etc. I periodically monitor my comprehension as I read (Does this

make sense to me? Do I understand this?) and re-read as needed to clarify my understanding.

I create mental images to better visualize the setting, characters, or events in a story.

Writing, Proofreading, and Editing I determine what I will write about and draft an outline of my

writing beforehand and support and develop ideas with interesting details that keep the reader reading.

I organize my writing so that there is logical order, presentation, or internal structure that guides the reader purposefully through the text.

I use resources to help me choose the most appropriate words and check to see that I am using them correctly.

I review the sentence structures to make sure the writing flows smoothly (transitional words and expressions) and that the sentences make sense.

I check to see that I have used appropriately the grammar structures that I have learned.

Think about this past school year/semester and how you learned the language. What learning strategies were most effective for you in learning the language?

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LinguaFolio Wisconsin


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My Self-Assessment Checklist

Your LinguaFolio is a living document. It will grow and evolve.

Use this checklist on the following pages to record what you think you can do. In the blank rows you can add to the list. In the columns to the right indicate your proficiency by writing the date on what you can do somewhat in column 1, and what you can do easily and well in column 2. You can use column 3 to indicate your goals.

You will determine your proficiency level for each skill. If you have over 80% of the items checked for a particular skill, you have probably achieved that level for that skill. Each skill should be assessed separately to identify level of proficiency.

Description of the Four Language Levels Beginning: Students are able to list, identify, name, and provide concrete information.

Who am I? Who are you? Developing: Students are able to investigate similarities and differences. What is my life

like? What is your life like? Transitioning: Students are able to share and compare perspectives. How do I look at

the world? How do you look at the world? Refining: Students are able to discuss and defend opinions. What do I think and feel?

What do you think and feel?

NOTE: Remember that the four levels listed above refer to proficiency levels and do not refer to 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year of any language study!! Language proficiency is developed over an extended period of study and practice.

My Self-Assessment Scorecard

After each time you go though an assessment of your language skills (pages 7 – 18), return to this section and circle the percentage (%) of items you have checked “I can do this well.”

Beginning Developing

Transitioning Refining

Interpersonal: Communication

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

Interpretive: Listening10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

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Interpretive: Reading10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

Presentational: Speaking

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

Presentational: Writing10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

Culture: Practices and Products

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

10 20 30 40 50

60 70 80 90 100

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INTERPERSONAL: Communication

Level: Beginning

I can





I can





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I can introduce myself and others and use basic culturally-appropriate greetings.I can ask memorized questions and answer simple questions, on very familiar topics such as leisure activities, family, food, school, and weather using memorized phrases.I can handle numbers, quantities, cost, time and dates in simple situations.I can make myself understood in a simple way, and understand the other person provided he talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.I can, in simple fashion, ask somebody to repeat what he or she says or asks him or her to speak more slowly.I can ask and answer in simple terms questions about likes and dislikes.I can make simple transactions in real-life situations such as stores, restaurants, post offices or banks, sometimes hesitantly or in incomplete sentences.I can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.I can make social arrangements that include date, time, and place.I can discuss with other people what to do, where to go, and when to meet.I can ask people for things and give people things.I can ask people questions about where they live, people they know, things they have, etc. and answer such questions addressed to me, provided questions are articulated slowly and clearly.

Level: Developing

I can





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I can often start, maintain, and end a simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest, but I have difficulty expressing exactly what I want to say.I can ask for and follow simple directions and instructions.I can express and react to feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and indifference.I can create simple sentences and deal with uncomplicated situations.I have a sufficient vocabulary to engage in conversation in complete sentences on most topics pertinent to my everyday life such as family, household tasks, hobbies, interests, and work.I can deal with some situations likely to arise when traveling to an area where the language is spoken.I can ask and answer questions about routine personal information concerning myself, my family, home, and daily activities.I can communicate in sentences about my interests and personal preferences.I can ask and answer questions about food, shopping, travel, and lodging in uncomplicated situations.I can participate in a spontaneous discussion, but sometimes gaps in communication may occur.I can give and seek personal views and opinions in an informal discussion with friends.

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INTERPERSONAL: Communication

Level: Transitioning

I can





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I can engage in extended conversations and participate in discussions on most general topics.I can, with occasional difficulty, formulate questions and gather information related to work, school, recreation and particular areas of interest.I can exchange considerable quantities of detailed factual information on matters within my fields of interest.I can convey degrees of emotion and react appropriately to the emotions of others.I can support my opinions and make recommendations by providing relevant explanations, arguments, and comments.I can engage comfortably in conversation with most native speakers, although with some hesitation.I can use the language fluently, accurately, and effectively on a wide range of topics that may occur in the present, past or future.I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and precisely when engaged in lengthy conversation.I can get through unfamiliar situations by paraphrasing.I can handle unpredictable occurrences in everyday situations.

Level: Refining

I can





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I can take part with ease in all conversations and discussions with native speakers and can adapt to the demands of the conversation.I can often convey and understand finer shades of meaning by using, with reasonable accuracy, a wide range of expressions to qualify statements.I can use and understand many idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms effectively.I can exchange complex information about work-related or professional tasks.I can participate in discussions and support my opinions and viewpoints on contemporary issues, such as current events, politics, business and other important matters.I can develop and support hypotheses, working around occasional difficulties.

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Level: Beginning

I can





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I can understand when someone speaks very slowly (words, phrases, and expressions) and carefully to me about familiar topics, but I may need to have the information repeated and have time to think.I can understand carefully phrased questions related to personal and family information as well as likes and dislikes.I can understand and follow simple classroom instructions and directions.I can understand numbers (from 1 to 100), prices, dates, and times.I can understand what is said clearly, slowly, and directly to me in simple everyday conversation with persons accustomed to non-native speakers.I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.I can generally identify the main topic in short recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters provided the passages are spoken slowly and clearly.

Level: Developing

I can






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I can follow clear everyday conversation dealing with familiar topics, though I sometimes have to ask for repetition.I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters.I can understand straightforward, factual information about common everyday topics, identifying both general messages and some specific details, provided the speech is clear and relatively slow.I can understand the main points of simple recorded material on familiar topics, provided the speech is clear and relatively slow.I can understand when people are talking about events in different time frames.I can understand a short narrative and identify the main idea and some specific details.

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Level: Transitioning

I can





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I can understand most of what is said to me in standard spoken language.I can follow an extended talk, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation is straightforward and clearly structured.I can understand the highlights of most TV/radio programs dealing with familiar topics and using standard spoken language.I can enhance my comprehension by using clues such as context, intonation, cognates, listening for main points, as well body language when possible.I can follow extended speech when speakers are using both formal and informal language.I can understand some idiomatic expressions and slang.I can understand information from public announcements, for example, at a sports event, in the airport, etc.I can understand simple technical information about products, including operating instructions.I can understand most TV/radio programs and films that contain idiomatic usage and slang.

Level: Refining

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I can understand most spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at native speed, provided I have some time to get familiar with the accent.

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Level: Beginning

I can





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I can understand familiar words, phrases, and simple sentences in authentic written materials, rereading as required.I can understand basic questions on standardized forms well enough to give the most important information about myself (name, date of birth, nationality)I can understand short simple written messages such as greeting cards, holiday wishes, etc.I can distinguish between questions, statements and exclamations.I can understand a simple personal letter or email in which the writer tells or asks me about aspectsof everyday life on familiar topicsI can identify some cognates that help me understand the meaning.I can understand short narratives about everyday things dealing with topics that are familiar to me if the text is written in simple language.I can understand simple authentic written materials and identify the main idea(s) such as ads, menus, etc.I can understand simple sentences, questions and exclamations dealing with familiar topics.I can follow short simple written directions and instructions.

Level: Developing

I can





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I can read short narratives and authentic materials on familiar and new topics and identify the main idea and some details.I can skim authentic written materials to find relevant, basic facts such as prices, locations, times, etc.I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences in authentic written materials with minimal re-reading.I can guess the meaning of certain words by studying the context and looking for cognates.I can understand the basic plot of a simple, clearly structured story.I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal written communication on familiar topics.I can understand and follow simple instructions in consumer and informational materials.I can understand longer, more complex statements, questions and exclamations on familiar topics.

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Level: Transitioning

I can





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I can understand longer and more complex reading selections and summarize them.I can understand selected authentic written materials with minimal rereading.I can rapidly grasp the content and the significance of news, articles and reports, and decide if a closer reading is necessary.I can understand main ideas and pertinent details in literary selections with assistance.I can read and understand a variety of selected authentic documents that suggest specific attitudes and points of view.I can understand in a narrative or play the hidden meanings, ideas and connections, as well as motives for characters’ actions and their consequences in the development of the plot in literary selections.I can understand and follow instructions in selected consumer and informational materials with minimal use of a dictionary.I can recognize a variety of literary styles such as poetry, prose, essays and journalistic documents.I can read and understand any correspondence with occasional use of a dictionary.I can read and understand a variety of literary selections with ease to include cultural materials.I can recognize the social, political, or historical background while reading a literary selection.I can read authentic materials with a large degree of independence adapting style and speed of reading to different texts.

Level: Refining

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I can understand with ease almost all forms of written, abstract and complex texts.I can understand contemporary and classical literary texts of different genres (poetry, essays, editorials, prose, drama).I can understand texts written in a colloquial style containing many idiomatic expressions.I can recognize plays on words and appreciate texts whose real meaning is not explicit, for example, irony and satireI can recognize different literary styles (puns, metaphors, symbols, connotations, ambiguity) and appreciate and evaluate their function within the text.

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Level: Beginning

I can





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I can give personal information (address, telephone number, nationality, age, family).I can talk about things I like and dislike.

I can describe myself.

I can give a basic description of my family and other people using simple sentences and phrases.I can give a basic description of my activities and personal experiences using simple sentences and phrases.I can give a basic description of my hobbies and interests using basic sentences.

Level: Developing

I can





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I can describe myself, my family, other people using several simple sentences.I can describe where I live using several simple sentences.I can describe my interests, activities, and personal experiences using several simple sentences.I can talk about things that are happening and are going to happen.I can talk about my needs, wants, and preferences.I can summarize short passages in a simple fashion.I can explain and give reasons for my plans, intentions, and actions.I can express my plans for the near future.

I can describe past activities, and personal experiences.I can give detailed accounts of experiences and express feelings and reactions.I can give clear, detailed descriptions on subjects related to me and my world.I can narrate a story based on picture prompts.

I can summarize short stories and news items.

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Level: Transitioning

I can





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I can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my fields of interest.I can describe my dreams, hopes, and ambitions.I can summarize news items, interviews, stories, films or plays.I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.I can narrate and describe in at least two time frames.I can give clear and detailed descriptions, integrating themes and developing my point of view.I can give presentations on a subject in my field of personal and/or professional interest and respond to audience questions.I can summarize long texts.I can construct a persuasive argument linking my ideas logically.I can accurately narrate and describe in the past, present, and future time frames.I can speculate about causes, consequences, and hypothetical situations in a limited way.I can generally correct my errors when I hear myself make them

Level: Refining

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I can summarize information from different sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.I can present ideas and viewpoints in a very flexible manner in order to give emphasis, to differentiate, and to eliminate confusion.I can express myself naturally and effortlessly; I only need to pause occasionally in order to select precisely the right words.I can consistently speak appropriately and accurately using present, past, and future time frames.I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.I can give a clearly developed and well-organized presentation on a subject in my fields of personal or professional interest in a style appropriate to the audience.I can depart when necessary from the prepared text of my presentation and follow up spontaneously to points raised by members of the audience.I can backtrack and restructure smoothly when speaking, so that others are hardly aware of it.I can discuss some abstract topics related to my interests and fields of expertise.

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Level: Beginning

I can





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I can fill in a standardized form with my personal details (name, age, address, telephone number).I can write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions.I can write lists, short messages, postcards, and simple notes based on familiar material.I can write using memorized phrases to discuss aspects of my everyday life (family, school, and leisure activities).I can write simple sentences describing myself and others.

Level: Developing

I can





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I can write a series of simple sentences about myself and aspects of everyday life (family, school, leisure activities).I can ask simple questions about aspects of everyday life (family, school, leisure activities, basic needs).I can write guided compositions, descriptions, requests for information, and simple directions.I can write about personal preferences and experiences, daily routines, and common events.My writing often includes a series of connecting sentences.Most of my writing is in present time with occasional use of other time frames.

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Level: Transitioning

I can





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I can write personal and simple business letters, brief summaries, and compositions.I can write about personal experiences and topics of current and general interest.I can write simple descriptions and narrations of paragraph length on everyday events.I can write using different time frames with some control.I can write using style, language, and tone appropriate to the audience and the purpose of the presentation.I can write letters, narratives, descriptions of a factual nature, and a variety of summaries and reports.I can write about a variety of topics.

I can combine and link sentences and paragraphs.

I can write narrations and descriptions with some control of major time frames.My writing shows sustained control of simple sentence structures and partial control of more complex structures.

Level: Refining

I can





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I can write detailed narratives and descriptions of a factual nature.I can write about familiar topics relating to interests and events of current, public, and personal relevance.I can sustain and support opinions and arguments.I can write texts of several paragraphs in length with a variety of cohesive devices.I can write narrations and descriptions with consistent control of major time frames.My writing shows good control of most language structures.I can write reports and research papers with significant precision and detail.

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Level: Beginning

I can





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I can imitate or demonstrate appropriate patterns of behavior such as greetings and gestures with other people.I can do or explain many culture activities such as games, songs, and holiday celebrations.I can explain some common beliefs and attitudes within the culture(s) such as social etiquette and the role of family.I can explain the reasons for different patterns of interaction due to historical influences. I can identify objects and symbols, such as flags or currency, that are used day-to-day.I can identify some major contributions and historical figures from the culture(s).I can identify some historical and contemporary influences from the culture(s) that are significant in their own culture, such as explorers and settlers, music and sports. I can identify countries, regions, and geographic features where the target language is spoken.

Level: Developing

I can





I can





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I can interact with respect using culturally appropriate patterns of behavior in everyday informal and social situations.I can explain or discuss cultural and social activities common to a student my own age such as holiday celebrations, school life, and pastimes.I can identify some common beliefs and attitudes within the culture(s) and compare them to my own beliefs and attitudes. I can explain the historical and philosophical reasons for different patterns of interaction.I can compare objects and symbols, such as flags and currency, from the culture(s) to those found in my own culture.I can identify major contributions and historical figures from the culture(s).I can identify some historical and contemporary influences from the culture(s) that impact today’s society, such as democratic form of government and environmental concerns.I can explain the impact of the target country’s geography on daily life.


Page 34: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language

Level: Transitioning

I can





I can





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I can interact with respect according to the social and cultural requirements and most social and some formal contexts.I can compare and contrast activities from the culture(s) to my own culture in relation to home, school, community and nation.I can discuss and compare beliefs and attitudes within the culture(s) and my own beliefs and attitudes in relation to home, school, community and nation.I can discuss broader and deeper knowledge of historical and philosophical backgrounds that explain patterns of interaction. I can explain the historical background of objects and symbols and how they represent the culture(s).I can discuss the role and significance of the contributions of the culture(s) in today’s world.I can discuss how historical and contemporary influences from the culture(s) shape people’s view of the world and my own attitudes towards issues facing the world. I can explain the impact of the target country’s geography on the people’s beliefs, perspectives, and attitudes.

Level: Refining

I can





I can





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I can interact in a variety of context (formal/informal, social/work) with sensitivity and respect.

Page 35: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language

I can discuss the role and importance of various social activities within the cultures studies, such as religious celebrations, historical events, and rites of passage.I can explain how beliefs, perspectives and attitudes affect the target countries’ position in global issues. I can discuss historical and philosophical backgrounds that influenced the culture’s patterns of interaction.I can connect objects and symbols of other cultures to the underlying beliefs and perspectives.I can discuss the role and significance of other cultures on the target culture(s).I can explain the impact of the culture’s views on what is happening and could happen in the world today.I can evaluate the target country’s geography with respect to the impact on politics, economics, and history.

Page 36: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language

LinguaFolio Wisconsin

Page 37: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language



Page 38: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language

My Language DossierYour Language Dossier is a demonstration of your language growth through specific examples and products that you have completed your in-school and out-of-school language experiences. The Language Dossier should contain a collection of your best work. You may include examples of:

Your written work Your voice on tape Your voice on video Posters or brochures you have designed Media or technology you have created Research projects

Your projects for school Community involvement Cultural involvement (e.g. movies,

concerts, etc.) Any other ideas

For each item in your collection, please complete the Table of Contents below. Then fill out a Reflection Sheet with a short description and analysis of your work, and attach it to the item. This Reflection Sheet will serve as a journal of your progress. Each year you need to review your LinguaFolio Wisconsin at least one time. Carefully choose items that you no longer want in your Dossier and remove these items, but remember: Examples are meant to demonstrate your language growth from year to year. You will want to include examples from each skill that you have demonstrated the interpersonal: conversation, interpretive: listening, interpretive: reading, presentational: speaking and presentational: writing.


(conversation, listening, reading, speaking, writing)

Description of Work(essay, project, interview,


Date This work replaced # .


Page 39: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language


Page 40: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language

Language Dossier Reflection Sheet

Type of work: (Circle all appropriate.) Interpersonal:


Interpretive: Listening Interpretive: Reading

Presentational: Speaking Presentational: Writing

Description of


Date of work:____________________________

This work shows I




This work is exemplary


Page 41: LinguaFolio€¦  · Web viewLinguaFolio Wisconsin is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language at school or outside school can reflect on their language



The next time I do this type of work, I will be sure to


