links & linkages - · links & linkages student engineering workbook...

1 Links & Linkages Student Engineering Workbook v2.0 Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines What is a Linkage? Instructions: Write the correct answer in each space provided below. 1. A _________________________ is an assembly of links connected by joints or pivots. 2. Linkages can be used to change the _________________________ of motion, _________________________ motion, or to create _________________________ _________________________ to make work easier. 3. Linkages can be any _________________________ or _________________________. Create Different Types of Linkages Place a check in each box as each step is completed. 4. Build and test at least two of the linkages shown on page 2 in the Curriculum Packet. Team Members: 1. 3. Total Points /4 pts Workbook: /25 pts Challenge: 2. 4. Link Link Joint Straight Links Geometric Shaped Links

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Page 1: Links & Linkages - · Links & Linkages Student Engineering Workbook v2.0 Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines ... Straight Links Geometric



Links & Linkages

Student Engineering Workbookv2.0

Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines

What is a Linkage?Instructions: Write the correct answer in each space provided below.

1. A _________________________ is an assembly of links connected by joints or pivots.

2. Linkages can be used to change the _________________________ of motion,

_________________________ motion, or to create _________________________

_________________________ to make work easier.

3. Linkages can be any _________________________ or _________________________.

Create Different Types of Linkages Place a check in each box as each step is completed.

4. Build and test at least two of the linkages shown on page 2 in the Curriculum Packet.

Team Members:

1. 3.

Total Points

/4 ptsWorkbook:

/25 ptsChallenge:2. 4.



Straight Links Geometric Shaped Links

Page 2: Links & Linkages - · Links & Linkages Student Engineering Workbook v2.0 Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines ... Straight Links Geometric


Design & Engineering ChallengeFollow each step in the design & engineering process to develop a solution to the challenge.Place a check in each box as each step is completed. Fill in the blanks when necessary.

1. Identify The Challenge

Challenge: __________________________________________________________________________

2. Brainstorm Ideas & Solutions

Discuss design ideas.

Consider building components.

Sketch out design ideas on paper.

Choose the best design.

3. Build A Prototype

Use Kid Spark engineering materials to build a prototype.

4. Test & Improve The Design

Look for opportunities to improve the design. (Is it practical, proportional, etc..)


5. Explain The Design

Determinethespecificationsofthedesignthatwascreated.Student Engineering Workbook - Page 3

Discuss the following items with your team and be prepared to share with the rest of the class. a.Howdidtheteamarriveatthefinaldesignsolution?DiscusshoweachstepintheDesign & Engineering process was used to develop the design. b.Isthedesignrealisticandwell-proportioned?

c.Howdideachteammembercontributetowardstheoveralldesign?Doyoufeellikeeveryonehadan equalopportunitytocontributeinthecreativeprocess?


Page 3: Links & Linkages - · Links & Linkages Student Engineering Workbook v2.0 Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines ... Straight Links Geometric


Design SpecificationDeterminethespecificationsofthecompleteddesign/project.Teamscanusethesespecificationsastheypreparetopresent their design to others.


Engineering materials used: x 2 = Total Cost $

Length Depth Height

cm cm

Project Dimensions

Cost Analysis

Product Innovation/Invention:


Engineering Notes: (Howdoesthedesignwork?Arethereanykeyengineeringmaterialsthatmakethedesignfunctionwell?)

Page 4: Links & Linkages - · Links & Linkages Student Engineering Workbook v2.0 Applications in Design & Engineering: Compound Machines ... Straight Links Geometric


Challenge EvaluationWhen teams have completed the design & engineering challenge, it should be presented to the teacher and classmates for evaluation. Teams will be graded on the following criteria:

Design and Engineering Process:Didtheteamcompleteeachstepofthedesignandengineeringprocessonpage3?

Design Specification:Didtheteamcompletethedesignspecificationonpage4?

Team Collaboration: Howwelldidtheteamworktogether?Caneachstudentdescribehowtheycontributed?

Design Quality/Aesthetics: Isthedesignofhighquality?Isitstructurallystrong,attractive,andwellproportioned?

Presentation: Howwelldidtheteamcommunicate/explainallaspectsofthedesigntoothers?


Design Specification

Team Collaboration

Design Quality/Aesthetics

Complete/well-detailedand of high quality

Every member of theteam contributed


Most members of theteam contributed


Averagedesign/average aesthetics


Few members of the team contributed

Team did not work together



Total Points

Proficient4 Points

Advanced5 Points

Partially Proficient3 Points

Not Proficient0 Points


Grading Rubric

Complete/opportunitiesfor improvement

Incomplete/opportunitiesfor improvement Incomplete

Greatpresentation/very well explained

Goodpresentation/well explained

Poorpresentation/poor explanation

Nopresentation/no explanation

Design & Engineering Process

Completed all 5 steps of the process

Completed 4 steps of the process

Completed 3 steps of the process

Completed 2 or fewer steps of the process