linotype’s compatil type system

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  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    The source of the originals

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System












    The idea to develop a new typeface tailored to the

    special requirements of annual reports was born

    out of the First Heidelberg Forum for Annual

    Reports 1998.

    The challenge was to provide a type system that de-livered readability and multiple tonality while main-

    taining harmony throughout the wide range of

    different characters required in an annual report.

    Linotype worked closely together with Professor

    Olaf Leu and his AnalyseTeam at the University of

    Applied Sciences, Mainz, who have been commis-

    sioned by Manager Magazin to judge

    its annual competition Best Annual Reports

    since 1996. Reviewing work from 130 companies

    represented on six different stock markets, they madea number of observations over the years and raised

    several questions, particularly in regard to the

    legibility of the average annual report.

    Modelling an annual report in a certain language and

    tonality essentially involves having a type system that

    can handle all eventualities. It must have multiple

    weights for emphasis as well as different styles for

    tone of voice and expression. It must have small caps

    to deal with the many acronyms, initials and upper-

    case characters required for product and company

    names, as well as the many styles of numbers that

    appear within the text. Most importantly it must

    have a structure that allows for the easy manipulation

    of figures.

    Development work on the Compatiltype system took

    almost two years. It was a unique project requiring

    the perfect marriage of four different styles in multiple

    weights into a type system suitable for variable use.

    The original idea was to implement the four different

    type styles for different applications in the field offinancial communications. However, as this brochure

    demonstrates, Compatil has a much wider range of

    applications than that.

    The Compatil type system combines aesthetics with

    the ability to function on all aspects of communication

    across the whole media range.

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    Linotypes Compatilis the first type system that

    incorporates such a comprehensive range of

    typographic features, delivering optimal legibility

    and design potential.

    Theneed to read and absorb information quickly

    and easily has never been greater.

    The amount of information available to us, either

    on paper or on screen, grows daily. It is essential

    to have a typeface that is both extremely legibleas well as aesthetically pleasing.

    The metric and visual concept that is used for Compatil

    allows type styles to be mixedand interchanged

    seemlessly due to identical letterspacing within

    individual heights. This universal type system can be

    employed for virtually all aspects of corporate com-

    munication from websites to annual reports as well

    as for mass composition for books, magazines and


    The Compatil type system is a model of technical

    innovationoffering a new level of design quality.

    The system is comprised of four different type styles:

    Compatil Exquisit, Compatil Fact, Compatil Letter

    and Compatil Text.

    By maintaining a consistent letter width throughout

    each of the four type styles, this system allows the

    same character from each of the styles to be inter-

    changed with one another, without having any effect

    on the width of the text.

    Having equal proportionsand identical gray tonesinside each of the styles and weights allows all of the

    systemss typefaces to be comfortably combined with

    one another and gives one the widest range of aesthetic

    combinations possible.





    Compatil Exquisit

    Compatil Fact

    Compatil Letter

    Compatil Text

    2 | 3 Introduction

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    All elements of the typeface the aesthetics, legibility

    and the digital font technology have been combined

    into a singular type system, where each component is

    compatible with all the others.

    Combining multiple types into a modular system is

    unconventional, but it is the result of a complex and

    pioneering concept signalling a new direction in type

    design for modern communications. It is based on the

    principal that not only must each individual character

    be of the highest quality, but all elements must also

    comprehensively combine within a standardised type

    system. The Compatil type system allows type to be





    All numerals have the same width

    in every style and weight.







    ( 456)

    ( 456)




    ( 456)



    (456 )


    adapted to fit any design need and adjusted to any

    specific content. All shades of emphasisare possible,

    from delicate and slender to bold and eye catching.

    At the same time identical letterspacingand width

    of character make setting text technically simple while

    creating a consistent grey tone that is easy on the eye.








  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    4 | 5 Concept

    Compatil Exquisit

    The development of this new type system was handled by a team of experts from Linotype.

    Professor Reinard Haus led the design aspects together with Silja Bilz andErik Faulhaber.

    At all times, there was close collaboration between type designers and type programmers.

    Compatil Letter

    The development of this new type system was handled by a team of experts from Linotype.Professor Reinard Haus led the design aspects together withSilja Bilz andErik Faulhaber.

    At all times, there was close collaboration between type designers and type programmers.

    Compatil Fact

    The development of this new type system was handled by a team of experts from Linotype.

    Professor Reinard Haus led the design aspects together withSilja Bilzand Erik Faulhaber.

    At all times, there was close collaboration between type designers and type programmers.

    Compatil Text

    The development of this new type system was handled by a team of experts from Linotype.

    Professor Reinard Haus led the design aspects together with Silja Bilz andErik Faulhaber.

    At all times, there was close collaboration between type designers and type programmers.

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    poetic / narrative

    objective / informative

    informative / poetic

    narrative / objective

    The Compatil type system was created to allow different

    tones of text to be expressed and emphasised through

    compatible type styles. These expressive and emotional

    characteristics cover all possible applications and are

    fundamental for effective typography.

    Compatil Exquisitgives the feelings of apoeticand

    narrativenature and possesses discriptive, distinguished

    and classic qualities.

    Compatil Factcombines the qualities of being objective

    and informativeand comes across as sober, functional

    and stable.

    Compatil Letter gives the impression of being

    informativeandpoeticand is discriminating, balancedyet robust in character.

    C Thas a semantic profile that is midway

    betweennarrativeand objective. Its features are

    reserved, factual and authoritative.

    Compatil combines simple yet effective design with

    a highly innovative type system. The ability to easily

    set text with different but compatible styles opens up

    unlimited horizons for typographic creativity.

    Compatil Letter

    Compatil Fact

    Compatil Text


    Compatil Exquisit

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    All of the numerals within the Compatil system have the

    same width, which means that for the first time it is

    possible to interchange the weight and style without

    having to alter the letterspacing.

    Financial communication is at the heart of corporate

    communication. Numbers in the form of tables and

    columns, or integrated within text blocks represent a

    considerable challenge for typographers.

    Small caps numerals are important in financial reportsbecause of the frequent occurence of company names

    and dates and figures, which is why Compatil has small

    caps numerals with matching currency symbols.

    The key feature of this innovative new type system is

    the ease with which the small caps numerals can be

    exchanged with the capital numerals. This presents

    new opportunities for typographic emphasis in text.

    When setting financial accounts, a designer must

    present numbers and text with the greatest possible

    clarity. It is also important that the numbers can be

    read quickly without error (figure on the right), yet

    are not too visually dominant.

    When designing Compatil particular importance was

    attached to developing the openness of the forms,

    especially with critical numerals like zero and six,

    three and eight.

    Compatil is designed

    to create the maximum

    difference betweennumerals that have a

    similar structure, this

    increases the legibility

    of financial documents.

    OXax (1,234.5$)

    OXax (1,234.5$)


    Compatil Fact



    Perfect combination of

    function and elegance:

    a direct comparison

    of uppercase (normal)

    numerals and small

    caps numerals shows

    that all the design

    features are retained inthe smaller characters.

    6 | 7 Concept

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    the averageannual report is about pages long. This

    means that reading has to be as pleasant as possible and

    without unnecessary distractions.

    An annual report is unique when it comes to the number

    of different characters used in texts. Acronyms and

    initials as well as uppercase characters for product and

    company names which look particularly unattractive

    when set within body texts where no small cap styles

    are available. There are usually many numbers encoun-

    tered in the body text which are also of cap height. All

    this together with brackets, slashes and percentage

    symbols can create a disharmony that is extremely off-

    putting to the reader.

    Before Compatil was available, designers would spend

    a considerable amount of time attempting to bring to-

    gether workable combinations of typefaces to cover all

    of these requirements. Now the advantages of theCompatil system, with its clear and harmonious forms,

    are immediately apparent, as can be seen in this com-

    parison with other well-known typefaces with their

    different stroke thickness, x-heights and width.

    Compatil presents a whole new range of possibilities

    by giving designers the opportunity to combine four

    different type styles with ease.

    Modelled on the

    classic Venetian

    style, its precise

    yet welcoming.

    Compatil Exquisit

    A sans serif

    in the style of

    American Gothic

    that is concise

    and functional.

    Compatil Fact

    An old style

    face between

    transitionals and

    modern face

    producing texts

    with a cool and

    factual elegance.

    Compatil Text


    Same x-height in all styles.

    Same character width in one weight

    across all styles.

    Same gray tone in all styles.

    Small caps available in all weights.

    No reflow when changing styles.

    A slab serif

    that is both

    concise and


    Compatil Letter

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System



    ITC New Baskerville Linotype Centennial RotisSerif

    Serifa ITC Lubalin Graph Thesis Serif

    8 | 9 Reading Balance

    ITC Garamond


    Corporate A

    News Gothic ITC Officina Sans

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    The variety of Compatil

    provides options in the

    setting of accounts that

    create the appearance of

    perfect harmony while

    remaining functional

    and informative.

    The numeral forms

    makecolumns of

    numbers easy to read

    and distinguishable.

    The Compatil type system is versatile and can be used invarious applications to create typographically uniquelayouts depending on the way the styles are combined.

    Financial Communication perfect appearance

    aesthetics with a level of functionality that addresses

    a whole range of media. It is economic in its space

    requirements, is very easy to read because of its large

    x-height and consequently, is also ideal for narrow-

    column typesetting.

    Typefaces are usually designed for one specific media

    or function in mind, be it for books, headings, on-screen

    reading, newspapers or other purposes. The Compatil

    type system covers a much broader spectrum. It takes

    into account all aspects of communication, combining

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    Compatil Letter has a very

    open form making it especially

    suitable for use with the un-

    coated papers typically used for

    office documents.

    This maintains the integrity of

    the individual characters by

    reducing the risk of in-fill and

    blurred outlines that occur with

    standard office printers.

    Compatil Fact Regular, 7,5 pt

    Compatil Fact Bold, 20 pt

    Compatil Letter Regular, 10 pt / 16,5 pt

    Compatil Fact Regular, 7 pt / 12 pt

    10 | 11 Applications

    Office Communication precise and structured

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    The 4different styles

    within the type system

    can all be mixed and

    interchanged, giving

    a range of options that

    stimulates creativity

    and provides a wide

    variety for typographic


    Compatil Exquisit Regular, 10 pt / 14 pt

    Compatil Fact Regular, 8 pt

    Compatil Fact Bold, 10 pt / 14 pt

    Compatil Fact Regular, 8,5 pt / 14 pt

    Compatil Text Regular, 42 pt / 45 pt

    Compatil Fact Regular, 16,5 pt / 24 pt

    Magazine design creative typography

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    The compatil ag has the potential, the innovative business concept, the

    competence and the motivation to take a position as a strongly growing

    company in worldwide target markets. It represents a company which gives

    special emphasis to the shareholder value and strives for a successful

    partnership with satisfied customers as well as qualified and motivated

    employees. The compatil ag is still a growing company with reasonable

    financing and a high equity ratio and the management hangs on to its

    development perspectives. The compatil ag is looking back to an overall

    difficult, but in some areas very successful and pioneer business year. The

    year 2001 was especially characterized by the letters in the semiconductor

    market and the reorganization of the management team. Still we were able

    to maintain our market position better than many competitors and thanks

    to the great confidence of our shareholders, customers, business partners

    and employees we survived the past year well and in a financially sound

    way. The development of new markets is also promoted. After the succes-

    sful implementation of projects like for example in the field of different

    typefaces in the previous year, we strive for a two-digit growth in Inno -

    vation Technologies in 2002. We would like to extend our product range

    and push strategic partnerships in order to be able to profit dispropor-

    tionately from economic recovery. The general weakness of the markets

    enables us to win very good employees for compatil ag at acceptable


    Homepa ge


    Welcome to the Compatil AG


    News | Contest 2002 | Criteria | Team | Comment | Events | Service




    12 | 13 Applications

    Digital mediaeasy on-screen reading

    Special attention was

    paid when designing

    Compatil to create an

    optimum on-screen

    appearance. The key

    features are excellent

    form and high quality

    hinting. The hinting

    protects characters

    from being lost at low


    Compatil Fact Bold, 7,5 pt

    Compatil Fact Bold, 9 pt

    Compatil Letter Bold, 14 pt

    Compatil Fact Bold, 9 pt

    Compatil Fact Bold, 12 pt

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    The Compatil Type System






    xyz1234567890 $ (%)


    xyz1234567890 $ (%)

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzfiflABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$@(){%}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 $ (%)

    Compatil Exquisit Regular

    Compatil Exquisit Regular Italic

    Compatil Exquisit Bold

    Compatil Exquisit Bold Italic

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzfiflABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z1234567890$@(){%}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw

    xyz1234567890 $ (%)



    xyz1234567890 $ (%)


    xyz1234567890 $ (%)

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzfiflABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$@(){%}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 $ (%)

    Compatil Fact Regular

    Compatil Fact Regular Italic

    Compatil Fact Bold

    Compatil Fact Bold Italic

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System


    small caps. These type styles can easily be combined

    with one another because of the unique visual and metric

    concept behind their modular type system.



    xyz1234567890 $ (%)


    xyz1234567890 $ (%)


    xyz1234567890 $ (%)

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzfiflABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$@(){%}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 $ (%)

    Compatil Letter Regular

    Compatil Letter Regular Italic

    Compatil Letter Bold

    Compatil Letter Bold Italic



    xyz1234567890 $ (%)



    xyz1234567890 $ (%)



    xyz1234567890 $ (%)


    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 $ (%)

    Compatil Text Regular

    Compatil Text Regular Italic

    Compatil Text Bold

    Compatil Text Bold Italic

    The Compatil type system consists of different weights,

    Regular, Regular Italic, Bold and Bold Italic in different

    type styles. A total of weights, all of which include

    14 | 15 The Solution

  • 7/23/2019 Linotypes Compatil Type System



    Linotype, Linotype Centennial, Compatil, Helvetica, News Gothic

    and Sabon are trademarks of Linotype GmbH, which may be

    registered in certain jurisdictions.

    itc New Baskerville, itc Garamond, itc Lubalin Graph and

    itc Officina are registered trademarks of International

    Typeface Corporation (itc).

    Futura and Serifa are registered trademarks of BauerTypes sa.

    Rotis is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc., which may

    be registered in certain jurisdictions.

    All other trademarks are acknowledged to belong to the

    relevant trademark holder.

    We reserve the right of errors and changes.

    2005 -2006 Linotype GmbH.

    Linotype GmbH

    Du-Pont-Strae 1

    61352 Bad Homburg


    Tel +49 (0) 6172 484-418Fax +49 (0) 6172 484-429