linuxtag 2010 eu processes presentation

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  • 8/9/2019 LinuxTag 2010 EU Processes Presentation


    European Union processesrelevant to Linux

    and open source in generalFlorian Mueller

    Public Policy Consultant & Campaigner

    => IANAL nor just a lobbyist :-)

    FOSS Patents blog:

    Presentation at LinuxTag 2010 (Berlin)
  • 8/9/2019 LinuxTag 2010 EU Processes Presentation



    Slides are only an outline don't expect much content

  • 8/9/2019 LinuxTag 2010 EU Processes Presentation


    Background 1 of 2

    Author: articles (1985, age 15), books (1986)

    US-EU software publishing partnerships,

    PR/marketing, localization includingWarcraft II, Diablo I, Starcraft I (Blizzard)

    Online gaming startup co-founded in 1996,sold in 2000 to Telefnica group: serversoftware based on Linux and PostgreSQL

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    Background 2 of 2

    MySQL AB: adviser to CEO (2001-2004),early-stage shareholder (2004-2005):successfully advocated rejection of EU softwarepatent directive

    Defended Real Madrid's interests concerningEuropean Commission White Paper on Sport

    Oracle/Sun/MySQL merger control process

  • 8/9/2019 LinuxTag 2010 EU Processes Presentation


    Relevance of the EU

    500 million people, 27 countries and counting

    GDP: 12 billion euros (2009)

    => largest single market in the world Neither federal nor international

    => supranational

    Original objective: peace/stability Actual agenda: economic integration

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    EU Structure: Laws & Institutions

    Primary law (Treaty on the Functioning of theEuropean Union, TFEU) => constitution

    Secondary law => directives/regulations basedon primary law

    European Court of Justice => Supreme Court

    European Commission => executive gov't European Parliament => US House of Repres.

    Council => US Senate + Governors

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    EU Influence on IT Industry

    Competition (antitrust): cartels; abuse ofdominant market position; mergers; state aids

    Legislation and international treaties Working programs (Digital Agenda etc.)

    Soft law

    Non-voting observer of processes (GPLv3) Procurement


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    Influence goes beyond EU market

    IT market is global in nature

    Major players can't afford to stay out of EU

    Hence, impact on worldwide market

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    Past landmark processes fromopen source point of view


    Directive on the patentability of computer-

    implemented inventions, aka software patentdirective, rejected in 2005 by EU Parliament

    Intellectual property rights enforcementdirective: civil law passed, criminal withdrawn

    Regulation: Microsoft cases (MediaPlayer/Samba; browser)


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    Microsoft antitrust cases

    Legal basis: dominant market position


    Case 1: MediaPlayer Case 2: Browser choice

    Interoperability (Samba):

    Requirement to disclose and license interfaces Even required creation/enhancement of


    Hefty fines

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    Aftermath of Microsoft cases

    EU intervention, in addition to interest in broaddeveloper support, appears to have helped =>Microsoft makes all patents available forlicensing, opens more interfaces/formats (latestexample: Outlook), and sponsors LinuxTag ;-)

    Others are now bigger threat to open source in

    select areas, particularly IBM, potentially Apple Others are now more closed, particularly Apple

    Others may have to learn the hard way, too

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    Oracle/Sun/MySQL 1 of 2

    Announced in Apr 2009, cleared in Jan 2010 byEU and China, March 2010 by Russia

    EU concerns related exclusively to MySQL: firstmajor merger control process in which an opensource component was the bone of contention

    Monty (MySQL founder) and I did not opposethe merger as a whole, only the MySQL part

    Concern over precedent:what if Microsoft wanted to buy Red Hat?

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    Oracle/Sun/MySQL part 2 of 2

    The concerns:

    Removal of key competitive (disruptive) force

    Relevance of MySQL: huge installed base

    RMS agreed: this project needs a company

    GPL gives copyright owner a lot of control

    The argument for clearance:

    Tiny market share if based on revenues (0.6%)

    Oracle plays in a different league

    Moglen: GPL'd commons will forever be free

    PostgreSQL can step in if necessary

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    Oracle/Sun/MySQL as Precedent

    Critics of investigation claimed complicationswould discourage open source investment andcreation of startups (sale to closed-sourcecompany as major exit strategy)

    Future cases will raise same questions but maylead to difference answer because it was about

    balancing the specific pro's and con's

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    EU Patent Reform Proposal

    EPO patents != EU patents

    EPO is not an EU institution

    Litigation country by country EU patent (Community patent)

    Unified Patent Litigation System =>

    EU plus non-EU countries (CH, TR, NO etc.) Package deal of multiple interdependent

    international treaties and EU measures

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    Criticism of EU Patent ReformProposal

    Patent movement will control the newstructures

    Lack of checks and balances Captive court will effectively favor patent

    holders and broad scope of patentability

    EPO (European Patent Office) approach tosoftware patents very likely to be supported

    But: German BGH decision is as bad as it gets

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    Procedural Difficulties of EUPatent Reform Proposal

    Spain opposed to three-language EU patent

    Council asked ECJ for legal opinion on

    compatibility with Treaty Several countries mostly in Southern Europe

    voiced concerns over patent court outside theEU framework

    Leaked report on court hearing:
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    Digression: Defensive PatentLicense (DPL)

    Authors: two UC Berkeley law professors

    A license modeled after the GPL

    Virtual pool of patents from defensive holders Access equally available to have-nots

    Contribute all of your patents or go home

    Litmus test and strong political statement

    Fair Troll approach

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    Digital Agenda; EuropeanInteroperability Strategy/Framewk

    Policy program and procurement guidelines

    EIF v1.0: open standards == royalty-free

    EIF v2.0: current draft accepts FRAND (fair,reasonable and non-discriminatory) licensing

    Digital Agenda talks about interoperability and

    standards, not open standards Credibility problem of IBM's lobbying frontends

    Also interesting: significant market players

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    Complaints Against IBM(Mainframe Monopoly)

    Longest-standing IT antitrust issue in the world

    1956: Consent Decree; lifted 1997-2001

    $25B software market => twice the size of themarket for Linux-based software

    300 billion lines of legacy code in use

    Hardware monopoly; outrageous prices Strategy to transform this into cloud-related

    monopoly based on proprietary interfaces

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    IBM and TurboHercules

    Hercules open source mainframe emulator:founded in 1999; mentioned in IBM RedBook

    z/Linux developers also use it extensively

    TurboHercules asked about z/OS licensing

    IBM asserted IP (patents + more) infringement,including two patents originally pledged

    IBM losing its credibility as openness advocate

    Google: anyone using patents against opensource is a bad idea, you won't see us do it

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