lion adaptation 2011[1]-1

Lion s Thick Mane. Makes males look bigger and protects lion’s throat. Heavily muscled forelimbs and shoulders. Add strength for capturing large preys. Strong, retractable claws equipped in forepaws. To help hold prey. Rough tongue. Designed to peel skin off prey. Loose belly skin. Decreases chances of injury when kicked. Sharp teeth. To tear flesh of prey. Name: Aqeilah Arfah Class: 6^ Commitment Strong Jaw. To help them consume bigger prey. Eyes set in front of head. Allow ability to judge distances when stalking or ambushing prey. Sandy Colour. To camouflage the lion among tall grasses.

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Lion adaptation 2011[1]-1



Makes males look bigger and protects lion’s throat.

Heavily muscled forelimbs and shoulders.

Add strength for capturing large preys.

Strong, retractable claws equipped in forepaws.

To help hold prey.

Rough tongue.

Designed to peel skin off prey.

Loose belly skin.

Decreases chances of injury when kicked.

Sharp teeth.

To tear flesh of prey.

Name: Aqeilah ArfahClass: 6^ Commitment

Strong Jaw.

To help them consume bigger prey.

Eyes set in front of head.

Allow ability to judge distances when stalking or ambushing prey.

Sandy Colour.

To camouflage the lion among tall grasses.