liquid form) all over times of · airship raid by french offl-ines from arras. the captain and of...

Franco-German Invasion of 1914 400.Stupendous Thrilling Scene*.WO Taken on the Actual Battle Scenes of France* WARS or 1icket Demand h Is Strong For ootball Game 11 iAflRY stansbury HAS NUMER.| " foil8 ORDERS FOR PASTE¬ BOARDS. Y TOWN IN the state /ILL BE REPRESENTED HERE next THURS¬ DAY. BUCKHANNON. Nov. 13.Although jjo eeata will bo allotted until next Saturday when the regular sale will ^open, Manager H. A. Stansbury of the Wlesleyan Athletic Association, Is al¬ ready flooded with orders for tickets and letters askinc Information about for the big State Champion¬ ship football game at Fairmont on Thanksgiving day. Last week the an- liouhcement was mado that all mall )^ers would havo to be filled In Buck- hannon, and since the day following [that announcement there has not been .that has not contained orders lor seats. e letters asking for Information and ordering tckets come from all over "">.«??State. Grafton. Clarksburg, Par- sburg, Chnjrleston, Huntington, feeling, New Martinsvlle, Elklns, amore, Burnsvllle, Sutton, Gassa- iWay, Richwood, Moundsvilie, Cameron and numerous other smaller places |have already been heard from and It ould appear from this advance In¬ formation that there will hardly bo a .Mage or hamlet in the whole State, ibut'that will have one or more repre- JntatlveB at tile gamo. Jome have wrlten for tickets from . orgktiTown and Fairmont, thinking So doubt, tihat better tickets would be "old- by the Wesleyan management gg-jtSa were placed for public sale In "'these towns, but this Is not the case. S&hecenter sections both on the east and west side of the field will be dis. posed of first, and these have been ^equally divided between the Buck- inon, Morgantown and Fairmont e sales and the mall order re- e held by Manager Stansbury. great many Wesleyan alumni &jre"written, asking for seats in the [egleyan cheering section and these Sve been accommodated. wesleyan LOOKS GOOD. IUCKHANNON, W. Va., Nov. 11). e ;Wesleyan squal was given a stiff .tout this afternooon and they look- ijdifgood. The Inference was the best f;Of!5tKe Beason, all the regularss wtlh the exception of Captain Shuroaker iii the lineup and O. Shumaker nd Mlller were the men at the halves odayVi;.; |Bewert new plays were given the irslty, and one new formation, aud mk men Wept running this briskly un- I'lt was completely mastered, wwhen were sent to the showers it 8Sj5§ too dark to do more. Captain Shumakor s getting on nicely and will ijeiout in a day or two if there Is no Ijifetljack. He will then be In the' Wes- leyan-West Virginia game, which is J&e1'.all-Important one of this year's [schedule. Utate Courts Must Settle This Point M. wtf_tiARKSBURG, W. Va., Nov. 19. Homing that the constitutionality of "jjfeantl-prlce list clauses of the Yost ohibltion law will have to bo de- inlned by prosecutions under stato visions, Judge Haymond Maxwell 'he circuit court today refused an action asked by Robert A., and nj.tur.W. Davis, of Oakland, Md., to rohlblt the prosecuting attorneys of juylson and Mononealia counties «m prosecuting them under the .uses, which make It unlawful to ¦tribute prlcc lists, circulars and j/hlankss for liquorB In this State, jecutlons against the Davlsses aro in both countos. They de- j-fld'that prosecuting attorneys and. election was sought for the doing acts of advertising and soliciting sench Captain Hero in Air Raid m MyM :s. Nov. 18. . The story of a airship raid by French offl- ines from Arras. The captain and of the airship had receiv- irs' to try to destroy a railway Lwhere the Germans were con¬ trol)^? The airship started at ^ihonl{'llgbta, and succeeded -i. Germanllttes. .without I ff In MnM succession three dynamite charges upon tbe station, with considerable damage to the tracks. The alrsblp by that time bad been discovered by the German search¬ lights. and all the field guns and mor¬ tars In the neighborhood were aimed at it. The sky was ablaze with burst¬ ing shells, some coming dangerously near. By throwing over all the avail¬ able bullaBt, tbe airship's crew was en¬ abled to rise rapidly. As a depart¬ ing salute it attempted to drop a fourth charge of dynamite. Just then some¬ thing went wrong which threatened tho airship with instant destruction. The dynamite charge got stuck in the tube. Tbe automatic detonator already had been set In motion. The captain seized a hatchet and climbed over the rigging. He struck a few desperate blows at the tube, at tbe risk of bis life, and releasod the charge, saving the airship. The dynamite exploded with a terrific detonation long before It reached the ground, with a burst 01 flames. Railroad Men To Manifest More Interest BALTIMORE AND OHIO WILLING TO GET CLOSER TO THE PEO¬ PLE IN GENERAL. EMPLOYES INSTRUCTED A8 TO THEIR DEMEANOR IN CER¬ TAIN AFFAIRS. The question of public relations be¬ tween the Baltimore and Ohio Hail- road company and the communities served by its UnoB is one of absorbing Interest to its management as indi¬ cated by a circular which has been sent to all officials, agents and other lepresentatives over its system, urg¬ ing them to exert every efTort to pro¬ mote good will by bringing about a lair understanding of tho railroad problems while at the same time, ac¬ cording due consideration to public rights. Representatives of the railroads have been Instructed to keep in touch with matters of state and municipal government as well as with the activ¬ ities of business organlaztlons, so that where railroad questions "are in¬ volved the company may secure a hearing when propitious for It to do so. The sense of the circular is that (he local representatives of the Balti¬ more and Ohio shall act In a repre¬ sentative capacity for the manage¬ ment. At meetings of town councils, trade organizations or citizens tbe railroad representatives are urged to enter their appearance and give considera¬ tion to tbe questions which come up. In this way the management aims to put itself in intimate touch with pub¬ lic opinion in order to work along co¬ operative lines with the communities upon whom it depends for revenue. Agents and others are urged to keep themselves informed through the medium of tho local press and for¬ ward such articles as may be inter¬ est to their superiors. Tho purpose of the Baltimore and Ohio policy is to extend the plan adopted recently of tendering on tho various communities the expert services of Its engtnering transportation, traffic. Industrial and other officials froo of charge in work¬ ing out their problems. Oticials of the Baltimore and Ohio are often call¬ ed In consultation on problems con¬ cerning water works Improvements, street construction, erectioo of build-; ings, etc.. the aim being to give the communities the benefit of every as-1 slstance. Edith Thayer, the charming little songstress, In Arthur Hammersteln's musical comedy opera "The Firefly," at the Grand December 3. BIG BRIDGE RUN. Fairmont, R. F. D. No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Men-Meld and little son, Lester, were calling on tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merri- fleld, of this place Wednesday of last week. Mr. Will Ilawkinberry of near this place was calling on Will Fetty's Sun¬ day afternoon. Miss Opal Metz who has been on the sick list for the past week is some better at tills time. Miss Elizabeth Heflin was at Dako¬ ta Wednesday of Inst week. Mrs. Newton Metz was shopping at Fairmont Saturday last. Mrs. Sarah Murphy who is staying at Mr. Jessloi Fetty's is sick at this w rlting. Mrss. Chas. Merri field and little daughter Montie, were shopping in Fairmont Friday. Those that were at Mr. Jessie Fet¬ ty's Sunday last were Mr. Will Fetty and Mr. Wllllatra Morris, of Pawpaw. Mr. Guy Wilson near this place, who has been on tho sick list for the past week, Is no better at this writing. Mlsls Pearl Metz and Miss Amy Fot- ty woro Fairmont visitors Saturday- evening last. Mrs. Sidney Merrifleld was stop¬ ping in Fairmont one day last week. Miss Ossa Satterfield was calling on her aunt, Mrs. Cha3. Merrillold, Sunday evening. Mrs. CUford Merrifleld was shop¬ ping at Fairmont Friday. Mr. Guy Fetty and Mr. Fred Merri¬ fleld were Fairmont visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maynerd Satterfield and little daughter. Pauline, were vis¬ iting at Mrs. SatterOeld's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Haught of BarnsvM'e, Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fetty were shop¬ ping at Dakota Saturday last. Mr. GuyTetty was calling at his uncle's, Mr. Will Fetty's Sunday and was .calling on Mr. Fred Merrifleld. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Satterfield and Mr. Will Fotty were calling at Chas. Merrifleld's Sunday evening. Miss Stella Satterfield who has boen on the sick list is better at thlsl itme. FORGET ME NOT. Th' homo o' Mrs. Tilford Moots w-uz ransacked by burglars yisterday while she wuz settln' on th' front porch countln' the Fords. Tipton Bud's broth¬ er married an ugly woman an' carries a cane; still he Isn't what you'd call great. RIVER BEND AND VICINITY Miss Goidle Trlppett who 1b1 teach¬ ing the Grant school, attended the teachers' district institute at Laurel Point Friday, November 13th. Mrs. ETa Harris and son, Milford Smith, were visiting the latter's grand¬ mother, Mrs. Smith, near Arnettsville last Sunday. Mrs. Helen Wisman is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shafer who has been very sick for the past two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hail, of Lock No. 15, are spending part of their \acatlon visiting relatives and friends in River Bend. Mrs. Van.!,a Lanliam and little son, Clayton, wore visiting at Flickersville last Saturday and Sunday. Mr3. Addicl Markley and children were visltUg her sister, Mrs. Madge Sliafer of Van Voorhis, Sunday. Lowery Lanham, lockmastor at Lock No. 13, was transacting business in Fairmont Monday and Tuesday. Literary societiy was organized at Union last Friday night. School is progressing nicely at that place vjith Miss Ivessel as teacher. James Coombs. Jr., returned from Marietta, Ohio, one day last week. He has been employed there quite a long whilo. Miss Mary Tennant, of near Pisgah, has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Stansberry who has been sick for some weeks. , MUD LICK RUN AND PRICK- j ETT'S CREEK, FAIRMONT RT, 9" Msssrs. Solve Summers and Dan Rogers wero seen on the creek Satur¬ day last. Mr. Samuel Miller has been workng for G. N. Travis the past week. Mr. James Neel and Miss Ruth Trav¬ is were at Fairmont Monday last. Mrs. Elmlra Jenkins and son were calling on Willie Travis Thursday morning. . Mr. Olln Watkins attended the box supper at Grassy Run school house Saturday night last. KIDDO. BUNNER'S RDIGE. R. F. D. No. 9. Mrs. H. T. Carpenter was calling on Scene rrom "War of Ware," nt b oib six ran. feature at rhe Grand Saturday, matinee and night -HOT FLASHES ..SEVERE NERVOUSNESS HEADACHES AND BACKACHES with which you have been afflicted at times. These symptoms are danger signals. Nature sends them as a warning of the coming of that j>eriod in a woman's life when her delicate organism is to change in an important manner. This is the time when a woman should be strong and healthy unless serious consequences afe to follow. OR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Helps All Women Over Times of Danger anct Dread This famous Prescription, consisting of the natural rem¬ edies our forests provide.without alcohol or prepared by a physician of vast experience and highly skilled in tne treatment or the troubles to which women are so Bubject. Dr. Pierce's Famous Prescription has been sold in liquid form for forty years, always helping its thousands of users. It can now be had in tablet or liquid form from all medicine dealers. Or send 50 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, and a trial box of the tablets will be mailed to you. Every woman is Invited to write for strictly confidential ndvlco concerning her physical trouble*. The advico will bo tfven, en¬ tirely without cost, by a physician who makes the Ills of women his specialty. Address: Dr. Pierce, Invalids* Hotel. Buffalo. N.Y. Dr. Pierce'* Pleasant Pellet* regulate and invigorate stomach Ever and bowels. Tiny, sugar-coated; pleasant as candy. Boon to Womatt-Ktad , an 41I consider Dr. Pierce a Favorite Prescription a irrcat boon woman¬ kind for zo¬ nule weak¬ ness and con- b ti potion* Alio for in¬ flammation and troubles fomlnins, . writes Mrs.Z,. W. Miller, of 80S Feean St. Gfrmirai) it.if/. Mrs. J. C. Moran Wednesday of last week. Mr. Amos Huffman was a business caller on this ridge one day last week. Mrs. J. B. Carpenter was a business caller on W. H. Bunner one day last week. Mrs. Hank Satterfleld was on the ridge one day last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Moran and babe were visitors at Jacob Rogers' Satur¬ day night and Sunday. Mrs. Elzy Pride and son Bert were calling on her mother, Mrs. Oregon Saterfield Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. C. K. Bunner and sister, Zoe, from Fairmont, wore calling onthcir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunuer the first of the week. Mr. Mearle Moran was a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moran a few days this week. Mr. II. B. Moran was a business visitor In Monongalia county Monday evening. V. NT. O. ME. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Pursuant to a judgment and order of the Intermediate Court of Marion County, West Virginia, entered on the 12th day of September, 1014, in the ac¬ tion at law therein pending In Assump¬ sit and Attachment wherein James Work is plaintiff, and Wade AV. Work is defendant, the undersigned Special Commissioner will, on Saturday, the 12th day of December, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. on that day, at the front door of the Court House of said Marlon County, West Virginia, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder therefor all of the following described real es¬ tate belonging to the said defendant, Wade W. Work, as follows: A certain tract of real estate situate at or near the village of Klngmont In Grant District of Marion County, West Virginia, being shown and Indicated as Lot No. 2, in the suit for partition filed by Beatrice Merrifleld against James Work and others, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the road, corner to Lot No. 1, and running thence with road S. 43 E. 8 poles to a stake; thence N. 48 E. 40 poles to a stake; thenco N. 43 W. 8 poles; thenco S. 47 W. 40 poles to the place of beginning, and containing two acres of land, and being the same land which was assigned and decreed to the said Wade W. Work in said suit, said decree holng of record in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of said Marlon County in Deed Book No. 182, at page 272. Terms of Sale.One-third of the pur¬ chase money to be paid on the day of sale, the rosidue thereof to be paid in two equal annual Instalments, with In¬ terest; the purchaser to glvo his prom¬ issory negotiable notes for the said deferred purchase money payments, with good personal security; and as a further security for the payment of Bald deferred purchase money a ven¬ dor's lien shall be retained la the deed of conveyance to be executed and de¬ livered to the purchaser thereof. Qlven under my hand this 11th day of November, 1914. ALLISON S. FLEMING, Special Commissioner. I, W. S. Black, Clerk or tlic Interme¬ diate Court ot Marlon County, West Virginia, do certify that bond, ivith approved security, lias been given bjr said Special Commissioner as required said Court. \V. S. BLACK, Clerk. Nov. 14-21-28 Dec. 5. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Interme¬ diate Court of Marion County, West Virginia, entered on the IStli day of June, 1914, In the chancery cause there¬ in pending wherein Sara B. Iscman Is Plaintiff, and Floyd Bonham Is defend¬ ant, the undersigned Special Commis¬ sioner will, on Saturday, the 12th day of December, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. on said day, at the front door of the Court House of said Marlon County, West Virginia, offer for sale and anil to the highest bidder therefor all ot the fol¬ lowing described real cstato belonging to the said Floyd Bonliam, as follows: That certain tract or parcel of land,, situate In what was formerly the Fifth (now the Eighth) Ward of the City of Fairmont, Marion County, West Vir¬ ginia, fronting for ten (10) feet on Alley B, and extending back with an uniform width for a distanco of One Hundred and Six (106) Feet and Five (5) Inches, being a small strip of land lying between the property of Guy B. Hays and Bonlmm. mother of said defndant, and being a part of the same lot or parcel ot land which wai conveyed unto the said Floyd Bonham by Georgo M. Hawkins and wife by deed dated August 19th, 1907, and of rccord In the office of the Clerk of the County Court of said Marion County la Deed Book No. 152, at page 179. Terms of Sale.All cosh In band on day of aalo. Given under my hand this 11th d*]T of November, 1914. ALLISON S. FLEMING,' Special Commissioner. I, W. S. Black, Clerk of the'Intehne- dlate Court of Marlon County,. West Virginia, do certify that bond, with approved security, has keen given by said Special Commissioner as required said Court. W. S. BLACK, Clerk." Nov. 14-21-28 Dec. 6. " ¦¦ ¦ ;vrVKf*: Stat* of Obi®. City of Toledo, Lucas Carat?, Frank J. Cheney mikes oath that be I* partner of the firm of"F. J. Cheney A Co., de- intf business In the City of Toledo. Coontf ant r-i State aforesaid, and that «ald Ann will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOIXAB* f«- eacb and every case of Catarrh tbat cannot ->s cured by the uae of Hall's CatftRtt*§a£$t' ~ FRANK J. CHENEY. Swore to before me and iobaaribed^'ia£« pretence, tbla Oth day of December, A. D., 1MU. A. W. Hill'n Catarrh Cars Is tikra latenutlj «»4 ( acta directly upon the blood atia mneoai facee of the aystem. Send foe teitlaMOUllV^ frCB' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Sold br oil Drtigffista, 75c. Ta«to Ball's Fumlly Pill* iOt COtttfetM&ri NIGHT SCHOOL. ¦"irai Are yon "at sea," toiling abon from one thing to another, with no definite purpose in view? Our well- equirmed NIGHT SCHOOL of tail ness will pilot yon safely through tin tough waters of uncertainty: nntil you reach safely the port of r,8C0. JESS. Come and olimb aboard ship of Opportunity, which is.u. :ng for you here. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE. 0' Fairmont, 512 Jacobi Bldg., Fairmont, W. Va. " BUSSNESS COLLEGE . . Bate Gentlemen: I am interested in the conre marked Z ia the-fl nam below, and wish to enter about ...- Please furnish m efull information about your school, oost of tuition, book* and board, also how long it requires to complete th course. Name ., P. 0. SHORTHAND. ..... .Prin. of Shorthand. Punctuation Correspondence <w Paragraphia* Spelling v.:... .Speed Drills ......Typewriting Copying .Business Penmanthip C0UBSES: C01EKEBCIAL, J J ' .Prao, BooHteeplaf j .Basiness Forms Commercial law it Business Practiw Banking Business Penmanthin Business CarresBtL Bapid Calculation! r ;.WSPHd DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS Mother finds that Election has already brought proipenj TH*.T% AU. S 6imn£«a, vm6 ¦& t«« <^Vw« r-.'CoME. s I MR. VAN u>od ! "WAT,! ISN'T eHOtKH M0N6.V. I yov KNOW WTTOS. \ AMD s&aas HAVfi. G(OWE' UP jlNca 1-A3TJ . '.y waste' rr Pip«Jr i t*u. elfcHIM&rK., )f TWJ FBI imtm iu'u. soon »=i«b^ \kt -pRosr^RrrV/

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Page 1: Liquid Form) All Over Times of · airship raid by French offl-ines from Arras. The captain and of the airship had receiv-irs' to try to destroy a railway Lwheretrol)^?the Germanswerecon¬

Franco-German Invasion of 1914400.Stupendous Thrilling Scene*.WO

Taken on the Actual Battle Scenes of France*


1icket DemandhIs Strong Forootball Game

11iAflRY stansbury HAS NUMER.|"




BUCKHANNON. Nov. 13.Althoughjjo eeata will bo allotted until nextSaturday when the regular sale will^open, Manager H. A. Stansbury of theWlesleyan Athletic Association, Is al¬ready flooded with orders for ticketsand letters askinc Information about

for the big State Champion¬ship football game at Fairmont on

Thanksgiving day. Last week the an-liouhcement was mado that all mall)^ers would havo to be filled In Buck-hannon, and since the day following[that announcement there has not been

.that has not contained orderslor seats.

e letters asking for Informationand ordering tckets come from all over"">.«??State. Grafton. Clarksburg, Par-

sburg, Chnjrleston, Huntington,feeling, New Martinsvlle, Elklns,amore, Burnsvllle, Sutton, Gassa-

iWay, Richwood, Moundsvilie, Cameronand numerous other smaller places|have already been heard from and Itould appear from this advance In¬

formation that there will hardly bo a

.Mage or hamlet in the whole State,ibut'that will have one or more repre-

JntatlveB at tile gamo.Jome have wrlten for tickets from

. orgktiTown and Fairmont, thinkingSo doubt, tihat better tickets would be"old- by the Wesleyan management

gg-jtSa were placed for public sale In"'these towns, but this Is not the case.S&hecenter sections both on the eastand west side of the field will be dis.posed of first, and these have been

^equally divided between the Buck-inon, Morgantown and Fairmont

e sales and the mall order re-

e held by Manager Stansbury.great many Wesleyan alumni

&jre"written, asking for seats in the

[egleyan cheering section and theseSve been accommodated.wesleyan LOOKS GOOD.IUCKHANNON, W. Va., Nov. 11).e ;Wesleyan squal was given a stiff.tout this afternooon and they look-

ijdifgood. The Inference was the bestf;Of!5tKe Beason, all the regularss wtlhthe exception of Captain Shuroaker

iii the lineup and O. Shumakernd Mlller were the men at the halvesodayVi;.;|Bewert new plays were given theirslty, and one new formation, audmkmen Wept running this briskly un-

I'lt was completely mastered, were sent to the showers it

8Sj5§too dark to do more. CaptainShumakor s getting on nicely and willijeiout in a day or two if there Is no

Ijifetljack. He will then be In the' Wes-leyan-West Virginia game, which is

J&e1'.all-Important one of this year's[schedule.

Utate Courts MustSettle This PointM.

wtf_tiARKSBURG, W. Va., Nov. 19.Homing that the constitutionality of

"jjfeantl-prlce list clauses of the Yostohibltion law will have to bo de-inlned by prosecutions under statovisions, Judge Haymond Maxwell'he circuit court today refused anaction asked by Robert A., and

nj.tur.W. Davis, of Oakland, Md., torohlblt the prosecuting attorneys of

juylson and Mononealia counties«m prosecuting them under the.uses, which make It unlawful to¦tribute prlcc lists, circulars andj/hlankss for liquorB In this State,jecutlons against the Davlsses aro

in both countos. They de-

j-fld'that prosecuting attorneys and.election was sought for the doingacts of advertising and soliciting

sench CaptainHero in Air Raid


:s. Nov. 18. . The story of a

airship raid by French offl-ines from Arras. The captainand of the airship had receiv-

irs' to try to destroy a railwayLwhere the Germans were con¬

trol)^? The airship started at^ihonl{'llgbta, and succeeded

-i. Germanllttes. .withoutI ff In MnM

succession three dynamite chargesupon tbe station, with considerabledamage to the tracks.The alrsblp by that time bad been

discovered by the German search¬lights. and all the field guns and mor¬tars In the neighborhood were aimedat it. The sky was ablaze with burst¬ing shells, some coming dangerouslynear. By throwing over all the avail¬able bullaBt, tbe airship's crew was en¬abled to rise rapidly. As a depart¬ing salute it attempted to drop a fourthcharge of dynamite. Just then some¬thing went wrong which threatenedtho airship with instant destruction.The dynamite charge got stuck in thetube.Tbe automatic detonator already

had been set In motion. The captainseized a hatchet and climbed over therigging. He struck a few desperateblows at the tube, at tbe risk of bislife, and releasod the charge, savingthe airship. The dynamite explodedwith a terrific detonation long beforeIt reached the ground, with a burst 01flames.

Railroad MenTo ManifestMore Interest





The question of public relations be¬tween the Baltimore and Ohio Hail-road company and the communitiesserved by its UnoB is one of absorbingInterest to its management as indi¬cated by a circular which has beensent to all officials, agents and otherlepresentatives over its system, urg¬ing them to exert every efTort to pro¬mote good will by bringing about a

lair understanding of tho railroadproblems while at the same time, ac¬

cording due consideration to publicrights.Representatives of the railroads

have been Instructed to keep in touchwith matters of state and municipalgovernment as well as with the activ¬ities of business organlaztlons, so

that where railroad questions "are in¬volved the company may secure a

hearing when propitious for It to doso. The sense of the circular is that(he local representatives of the Balti¬more and Ohio shall act In a repre¬sentative capacity for the manage¬ment.At meetings of town councils, trade

organizations or citizens tbe railroadrepresentatives are urged to entertheir appearance and give considera¬tion to tbe questions which come up.In this way the management aims toput itself in intimate touch with pub¬lic opinion in order to work along co¬operative lines with the communitiesupon whom it depends for revenue.Agents and others are urged to

keep themselves informed throughthe medium of tho local press and for¬ward such articles as may be inter¬est to their superiors. Tho purposeof the Baltimore and Ohio policy is toextend the plan adopted recently oftendering on tho various communitiesthe expert services of Its engtneringtransportation, traffic. Industrial andother officials froo of charge in work¬ing out their problems. Oticials ofthe Baltimore and Ohio are often call¬ed In consultation on problems con¬

cerning water works Improvements,street construction, erectioo of build-;ings, etc.. the aim being to give thecommunities the benefit of every as-1slstance.

Edith Thayer, the charming littlesongstress, In Arthur Hammersteln'smusical comedy opera "The Firefly,"at the Grand December 3.

BIG BRIDGE RUN.Fairmont, R. F. D. No. 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Men-Meld andlittle son, Lester, were calling on thoformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merri-fleld, of this place Wednesday of lastweek.Mr. Will Ilawkinberry of near this

place was calling on Will Fetty's Sun¬day afternoon.

Miss Opal Metz who has been on

the sick list for the past week is some

better at tills time.Miss Elizabeth Heflin was at Dako¬

ta Wednesday of Inst week.Mrs. Newton Metz was shopping at

Fairmont Saturday last.Mrs. Sarah Murphy who is staying

at Mr. Jessloi Fetty's is sick at thisw rlting.

Mrss. Chas. Merri field and littledaughter Montie, were shopping inFairmont Friday.Those that were at Mr. Jessie Fet¬

ty's Sunday last were Mr. Will Fettyand Mr. Wllllatra Morris, of Pawpaw.

Mr. Guy Wilson o£ near this place,who has been on tho sick list for the

past week, Is no better at this writing.Mlsls Pearl Metz and Miss Amy Fot-

ty woro Fairmont visitors Saturday-evening last.

Mrs. Sidney Merrifleld was stop¬ping in Fairmont one day last week.Miss Ossa Satterfield was calling

on her aunt, Mrs. Cha3. Merrillold,Sunday evening.Mrs. CUford Merrifleld was shop¬

ping at Fairmont Friday.Mr. Guy Fetty and Mr. Fred Merri¬

fleld were Fairmont visitors Saturdayevening.Mr. and Mrs. Maynerd Satterfield

and little daughter. Pauline, were vis¬iting at Mrs. SatterOeld's sister, Mr.and Mrs. Rome Haught of BarnsvM'e,Saturday night and Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Will Fetty were shop¬

ping at Dakota Saturday last.Mr. GuyTetty was calling at his

uncle's, Mr. Will Fetty's Sunday andwas .calling on Mr. Fred Merrifleld.Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Satterfield and

Mr. Will Fotty were calling at Chas.Merrifleld's Sunday evening.Miss Stella Satterfield who has boen

on the sick list is better at thlsl itme.FORGET ME NOT.

Th' homo o' Mrs. Tilford Moots w-uzransacked by burglars yisterday whileshe wuz settln' on th' front porchcountln' the Fords. Tipton Bud's broth¬er married an ugly woman an' carriesa cane; still he Isn't what you'd callgreat.


Miss Goidle Trlppett who 1b1 teach¬ing the Grant school, attended theteachers' district institute at LaurelPoint Friday, November 13th.

Mrs. ETa Harris and son, MilfordSmith, were visiting the latter's grand¬mother, Mrs. Smith, near Arnettsvillelast Sunday.

Mrs. Helen Wisman is spending a

few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo.Shafer who has been very sick forthe past two or three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hail, ofLock No. 15, are spending part of their\acatlon visiting relatives and friendsin River Bend.

Mrs. Van.!,a Lanliam and little son,Clayton, wore visiting at Flickersvillelast Saturday and Sunday.

Mr3. Addicl Markley and childrenwere visltUg her sister, Mrs. MadgeSliafer of Van Voorhis, Sunday.Lowery Lanham, lockmastor at Lock

No. 13, was transacting business inFairmont Monday and Tuesday.

Literary societiy was organized atUnion last Friday night. School isprogressing nicely at that place vjithMiss Ivessel as teacher.James Coombs. Jr., returned from

Marietta, Ohio, one day last week.He has been employed there quite along whilo.Miss Mary Tennant, of near Pisgah,

has been staying with her sister, Mrs.Stansberry who has been sick forsome weeks. ,


RT, 9"

Msssrs. Solve Summers and DanRogers wero seen on the creek Satur¬day last.

Mr. Samuel Miller has been workngfor G. N. Travis the past week.

Mr. James Neel and Miss Ruth Trav¬is were at Fairmont Monday last.

Mrs. Elmlra Jenkins and son were

calling on Willie Travis Thursdaymorning. .

Mr. Olln Watkins attended thebox supper at Grassy Run schoolhouse Saturday night last.



Mrs. H. T. Carpenter was calling on

Scene rrom "War of Ware," nt b oib six ran. feature at rhe GrandSaturday, matinee and night



with which you have been afflicted at times. These symptoms are dangersignals. Nature sends them as a warning of the coming of that j>eriod in awoman's life when her delicate organism is to change in an importantmanner. This is the time when a woman should be strong and healthyunless serious consequences afe to follow.

OR. PIERCE'SFavorite Prescription

(In Tablet or Liquid Form)Helps All Women Over Times of Danger anct Dread

This famous Prescription, consisting of the natural rem¬edies our forests provide.without alcohol or narcotics.isprepared by a physician of vastexperience and highlyskilledin tne treatment or the troubles to which women are so Bubject.

Dr. Pierce's Famous Prescription has been sold in liquid form forforty years, always helping its thousands of users. It can now behad in tablet or liquid form from all medicine dealers. Or send 50one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, and a trial box of the tablets will bemailed to you.

Every woman is Invited to write for strictly confidential ndvlcoconcerning her physical trouble*. The advico will bo tfven, en¬tirely without cost, by a physician who makes the Ills of womenhis specialty. Address: Dr. Pierce, Invalids* Hotel. Buffalo. N.Y.

Dr. Pierce'* Pleasant Pellet* regulate and invigorate stomachEver and bowels. Tiny, sugar-coated; pleasant as candy.

Boon to Womatt-Ktad ,an41I considerDr. Pierce aFavoritePrescriptiona irrcat boon

woman¬kind for zo¬nule weak¬ness and con-b ti potion*Alio for in¬flammationand troublesfomlnins, .

writes Mrs.Z,.W. Miller, of80S Feean St.Gfrmirai) it.if/.

Mrs. J. C. Moran Wednesday of lastweek.

Mr. Amos Huffman was a businesscaller on this ridge one day last week.

Mrs. J. B. Carpenter was a businesscaller on W. H. Bunner one day lastweek.

Mrs. Hank Satterfleld was on theridge one day last week on business.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Moran and babewere visitors at Jacob Rogers' Satur¬day night and Sunday.Mrs. Elzy Pride and son Bert were

calling on her mother, Mrs. OregonSaterfield Saturday night, Sunday andSunday night.

Mr. C. K. Bunner and sister, Zoe,from Fairmont, wore calling onthcirparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunuerthe first of the week.

Mr. Mearle Moran was a guest ofhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morana few days this week.

Mr. II. B. Moran was a businessvisitor In Monongalia county Mondayevening.

V. NT. O. ME.


Pursuant to a judgment and order ofthe Intermediate Court of MarionCounty, West Virginia, entered on the12th day of September, 1014, in the ac¬

tion at law therein pending In Assump¬sit and Attachment wherein JamesWork is plaintiff, and Wade AV. Workis defendant, the undersigned SpecialCommissioner will, on Saturday, the12th day of December, 1914, at 2o'clock p. m. on that day, at the frontdoor of the Court House of said MarlonCounty, West Virginia, offer for saleand sell to the highest bidder thereforall of the following described real es¬

tate belonging to the said defendant,Wade W. Work, as follows:A certain tract of real estate situate

at or near the village of Klngmont InGrant District of Marion County, WestVirginia, being shown and Indicatedas Lot No. 2, in the suit for partitionfiled by Beatrice Merrifleld againstJames Work and others, bounded anddescribed as follows: Beginning at a

stake in the road, corner to Lot No. 1,and running thence with road S. 43 E.8 poles to a stake; thence N. 48 E. 40poles to a stake; thenco N. 43 W. 8

poles; thenco S. 47 W. 40 poles to theplace of beginning, and containing twoacres of land, and being the same landwhich was assigned and decreed to thesaid Wade W. Work in said suit, saiddecree holng of record in the office ofthe Clerk of the County Court of saidMarlon County in Deed Book No. 182,at page 272.Terms of Sale.One-third of the pur¬

chase money to be paid on the day ofsale, the rosidue thereof to be paid intwo equal annual Instalments, with In¬terest; the purchaser to glvo his prom¬issory negotiable notes for the saiddeferred purchase money payments,with good personal security; and as a

further security for the payment ofBald deferred purchase money a ven¬dor's lien shall be retained la the deedof conveyance to be executed and de¬livered to the purchaser thereof.

Qlven under my hand this 11th day

of November, 1914.ALLISON S. FLEMING,

Special Commissioner.I, W. S. Black, Clerk or tlic Interme¬

diate Court ot Marlon County, WestVirginia, do certify that bond, ivithapproved security, lias been given bjrsaid Special Commissioner as requiredsaid Court.

\V. S. BLACK, Clerk.Nov. 14-21-28 Dec. 5.


Pursuant to a decree of the Interme¬diate Court of Marion County, WestVirginia, entered on the IStli day ofJune, 1914, In the chancery cause there¬in pending wherein Sara B. Iscman IsPlaintiff, and Floyd Bonham Is defend¬ant, the undersigned Special Commis¬sioner will, on Saturday, the 12th dayof December, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. on

said day, at the front door of the CourtHouse of said Marlon County, WestVirginia, offer for sale and anil to thehighest bidder therefor all ot the fol¬lowing described real cstato belongingto the said Floyd Bonliam, as follows:

That certain tract or parcel of land,,situate In what was formerly the Fifth(now the Eighth) Ward of the City ofFairmont, Marion County, West Vir¬ginia, fronting for ten (10) feet on

Alley B, and extending back with an

uniform width for a distanco of OneHundred and Six (106) Feet and Five(5) Inches, being a small strip of landlying between the property of Guy B.Hays and Bonlmm. mother of

said defndant, and being a part of thesame lot or parcel ot land which waiconveyed unto the said Floyd Bonhamby Georgo M. Hawkins and wife bydeed dated August 19th, 1907, and ofrccord In the office of the Clerk of theCounty Court of said Marion County laDeed Book No. 152, at page 179.Terms of Sale.All cosh In band on

day of aalo.Given under my hand this 11th d*]T

of November, 1914.ALLISON S. FLEMING,'

Special Commissioner.I, W. S. Black, Clerk of the'Intehne-

dlate Court of Marlon County,. WestVirginia, do certify that bond, withapproved security, has keen given bysaid Special Commissioner as requiredsaid Court.

W. S. BLACK, Clerk."Nov. 14-21-28 Dec. 6.

" ¦¦ ¦ ;vrVKf*:

Stat* of Obi®. City of Toledo, Lucas Carat?,Frank J. Cheney mikes oath that be I*

partner of the firm of"F. J. Cheney A Co., de-intf business In the City of Toledo. Coontf ant r-iState aforesaid, and that «ald Ann will paythe sura of ONE HUNDRED DOIXAB* f«-eacb and every case of Catarrh tbat cannot ->scured by the uae of Hall's CatftRtt*§a£$t' ~

FRANK J. CHENEY.Swore to before me and iobaaribed^'ia£«

pretence, tbla Oth day of December, A. D., 1MU.A. W.

Hill'n Catarrh Cars Is tikra latenutlj «»4 (acta directly upon the blood atia mneoaifacee of the aystem. Send foe teitlaMOUllV^frCB'

F. J. CHENEY & CO..Sold br oil Drtigffista, 75c.Ta«to Ball's Fumlly Pill* iOt COtttfetM&ri

NIGHT SCHOOL. ¦"iraiAre yon "at sea," toiling abon

from one thing to another, with nodefinite purpose in view? Our well-equirmed NIGHT SCHOOL of tailness will pilot yon safely through tintough waters of uncertainty: nntilyou reach safely the port of r,8C0.JESS. Come and olimb aboardship of Opportunity, which is.u.:ng for you here.

UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE.0' Fairmont, 512 Jacobi Bldg.,

Fairmont, W. Va. "


BateGentlemen: I am interested in the conre marked Z ia the-fl

nam below, and wish to enter about ...-Please furnish m efull information about your school, oost of

tuition, book* and board, also how long it requires to complete thcourse. Name .,

P. 0.

SHORTHAND...... .Prin. of Shorthand.

PunctuationCorrespondence <w


v.:... .Speed Drills......Typewriting

Copying.Business Penmanthip


.Prao, BooHteeplaf j

.Basiness FormsCommercial law

it Business PractiwBankingBusiness PenmanthinBusiness CarresBtLBapid Calculation!

r ;.WSPHd

DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS Mother finds that Election has already brought proipenjTH*.T% AU. S

6imn£«a, vm6¦& t«« <^Vw«

r-.'CoME. sI MR. VAN u>od ! "WAT,!ISN'T eHOtKH M0N6.V. Iyov KNOW WTTOS. \

AMD s&aas HAVfi. G(OWE'UP jlNca 1-A3TJ .

'.y waste' rr

Pip«Jr i t*u.elfcHIM&rK.,)f TWJ FBIimtm

iu'u. soon »=i«b^\kt -pRosr^RrrV/