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Listă bibliografică Cărți Bartosik-Purgat, M. (1997). Role of brand and country of manufacture in the consumer decisions among young people from Poland and Czech Republic - results of empirical study. Poznan University of Economics, Poland. Boier, R. (1994). Comportamentul consumatorului . Iași, Editura Graphix, Iaşi. Chéron, E., Propeck, J. (1997). The effects of the country of origin on the evaluation of products: a state of art review and research propositions . IAE de Paris, Université Paris. Engel, J.F. (1990). Engel Consumer Behavior 6e IE. Thomson Learning . Kotler, P., Asplund, C., Rein, I., Haider, D. (1999). Marketing Places in Europe. Prentice Hall. Morariu, D., Pizmaș, D. (2001). Comportamentul consumatorului . Deva, Editura Bibliofor. Nicolescu, L. & colaboratorii. (2009). Imaginea României sub lupă! Branding și rebranding de țară. București, Editura ASE. Papadopoulos, N., Heslop, L. A. (1993). Product and Country Images: Impact and Role in International Marketing. New York: Haworth Press. Stanciu, S. (1999). Bazele generale ale marketingului . București, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti. Udrescu, M., Năstase, D. (2009). Studiul comportamentului consumatorului. București, Editura Artifex. Usunier, J.C., Lee, J.A. (2009). Marketing Across Cultures, Prentice Hall. Capitole sau articole în cărți editate Materiale traduse

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List bibliograficCriBartosik-Purgat, M. (1997). Role of brand and country of manufacture in the consumer decisions among young people from Poland and Czech Republic - results of empirical study. Poznan University of Economics, Poland.Boier, R. (1994). Comportamentul consumatorului. Iai, Editura Graphix, Iai.

Chron, E., Propeck, J. (1997). The effects of the country of origin on the evaluation of products: a state of art review and research propositions. IAE de Paris, Universit Paris.

Engel, J.F. (1990). Engel Consumer Behavior 6e IE. Thomson Learning.Kotler, P., Asplund, C., Rein, I., Haider, D. (1999).Marketing Places in Europe. Prentice Hall.

Morariu, D., Pizma, D. (2001). Comportamentul consumatorului. Deva, Editura Bibliofor.Nicolescu, L. & colaboratorii. (2009). Imaginea Romniei sub lup! Branding i rebranding de ar. Bucureti, Editura ASE.

Papadopoulos, N., Heslop, L. A. (1993). Product and Country Images: Impact and Role in International Marketing. New York: Haworth Press.

Stanciu, S. (1999). Bazele generale ale marketingului. Bucureti, Editura Universitii din Bucureti.Udrescu, M., Nstase, D. (2009). Studiul comportamentului consumatorului. Bucureti, Editura Artifex.Usunier, J.C., Lee, J.A. (2009). Marketing Across Cultures, Prentice Hall.Capitole sau articole n cri editate

Materiale traduse

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Organisme i organizaiiAcademia Romn, Institutul de Lingvistic "Iorgu Iordan". (1998). Dicionarul explicative al limbii romne. Editura Univers Enciclopedic.

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