literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material

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  • 7/28/2019 Literature is a Term Used to Describe Written or Spoken Material


    Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used todescribe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly

    used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.

    Importance:Literature, besides being an art form used for expression, also preserves cultural ideals, customs, and morals.

    The written word gives us a deeper context into the lives and livelihood of people distinct from ourselves this

    can be true of historical literature but is equally true of modern literature, as well. We can learn as much from

    William Shakespeare's time through his plays as we can from authors from a different mindset or place.

    Besides this detailed and nuanced window into another person's or people's world, literature also challenges the

    reader to profoundly ponder the art form itself. Through metaphor, allusions, themes, foreshadowing and other

    literary devices, the reader has the opportunity to analyze a work beyond the written words.

    Genre categories: fiction and nonfictionGenre may fall under one of two categories: Fiction and Nonfiction. Any genre can be either: a work of Fiction

    (nonfactual descriptions and events invented by the author) or a work of Nonfiction (a communication in which

    descriptions and events are understood to be factual).

    Common genres: fiction

    Subsets of genres, known as common genres, have developed from the archetypes of genres in written

    expression. The common genres included in recommended Literature from kindergarten through Grade Twelve by

    the California Department of Education are defined as:

    Drama stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are

    expressed through dialogue and action

    Fable narration demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as humans; legendary,

    supernatural tale

    Fairy tale story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children

    Fantasy fiction with strange or other worldly settings or characters; fiction which invites suspension of reality

    Fiction narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on


    Fiction in verse full-length novels with plot, subplot(s), theme(s), major and minor characters, in which the

    narrative is presented in (usually blank) verse form

    Folklore the songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a people or "folk" as handed down by word of mouth

    Historical fiction story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting

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    Horror fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader

    Humor fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement, meant to entertain; but can be contained in all genres

    Legend story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, that has a basis in fact but also includes imaginative



    fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets

    Mythology legend or traditional narrative, often based in part on historical events, that reveals human

    behavior and natural phenomena by its symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods

    Poetry verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that creates emotional responses

    Realistic fiction story that is true to life

    Science fiction story based on impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, usually set in the future or on

    other planets

    Short story fiction of such brevity that it supports no subplots

    Tall tale humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the impossible with


    Common genres: nonfiction

    Biography/Autobiography - Narrative of a person's life. A true story about a real person.

    Essay - A short literary composition that reflects the author's outlook or point.

    Narrative nonfiction - Factual information presented in a format which tells a story.

    Speech - Public address or discourse.

    Textbook - Authoritative and detailed factual description of a topic.


    Prose is derived from a Latin root word, prosa, that means "straightforward" (other scholars argue that the

    root for "prose" is proversa oratio, which means " straightforward discourse." Prose is generally defined as

    direct, common language presented in a straightforward manner. A victim of identity by negation, prose is

    frequently defined as "that which is not poetry." Prose demonstrates purposeful grammatic design in that it

    is constructed strategically by the author to create specific meaning. Prose also contains plot and the

    attendant narrative structures of plot.

  • 7/28/2019 Literature is a Term Used to Describe Written or Spoken Material


    In most cultures, prose narrative tends to appear after a culture has developed verse. Prose genres are many

    and varied, ranging from science fiction to romance. The major generic divisions of prose are:

    novel - A lengthy fictional prose narrative.

    novella - A fictional prose narrative ranging from 50 to 100 pages, most common in science fiction anddetective fiction.

    short story - a brief fictional prose narrative.

    anecdote - A very brief account of some interesting, usually humorous, event.


    Poetry, from the Greek poetes which means "doer" or "creator," is a catch-all term that is applied to any

    form of rhythmical or metrical composition. While poetry is considered to be a subset of verse (and alsoconsidered to be superior to verse) both are rhythmical/metrical. What distinguishes poetry from verse is its

    "imaginative quality, intricate structure, serious or lofty subject matter, or noble purpose." Most culture's

    first serious literary works are poetry (In Western tradition, we need look only as far as Homer and Hesiod).

    The purposes of poetry are said to include:

    A didactic purpose, meaning that it aims to instruct the reader.

    Unique insight that is not available in other genres.

    To provide pleasure to the reader.

    To uplift the reader to some higher insight or meaning.


    Drama, is simply a work that is written to be performed on stage by actors. From the Greek dran, meaning

    "to do," drama is thought to have developed from ancient religious ceremonies. For instance, Greek comedy is

    traced to ancient fertility rites. Tragedy (which comes from the Greek word for "goat song") can be traced

    back to sacrificial rituals.

    The term play has come to mean drama written exclusively for performance, while the "loftier" term drama, is

    commonly reserved for works that are considered to be more serious works.

    Poetry (from the Greek poiesis with a broad meaning of a "making", seen also in suchterms as "hemopoiesis"; more narrowly, the making of poetry) is a form of literary art which uses aesthetic

    and rhythmic[1][2][3] qualities of languagesuch as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metreto evoke

    meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.

  • 7/28/2019 Literature is a Term Used to Describe Written or Spoken Material



    Voice is a word people use to talk about the way poems "talk" to the reader.

    Lyric poems and narrative poems are the ones you will see most. Lyric poems express the feelings of the

    writer. A narrative poem tells a story.

    Some other types of voice are mask, apostrophe, and conversation. A mask puts on the identity of someone or

    something else, and speaks for it. Apostrophe talks to something that can't answer (a bee, the moon, a tree)

    and is good for wondering, asking, or offering advice. Conversation is a dialogue between two voices and often

    asks us to guess who the voices are.


    A stanza is a group within a poem which may have two or many lines. They are like paragraphs.

    Some poems are made of REALLY short stanzas, called couplets--two lines that rhyme, one after the other,

    usually equal in length.


    One of the most important things poems do is play with sound. That doesn't just mean rhyme. It means many

    other things. The earliest poems were memorized and recited, not written down, so sound is very important in


    Rhyme - Rhyme means sounds agree. "Rhyme" usually means end rhymes (words at the end of a line). They

    give balance and please the ear. Sometimes rhymes are exact. Other times they are just similar. Both are okay.

    You mark rhyme in a poem with the letters of the alphabet. For instance, in this stanza:

    Whose woods these are I think I know.

    His house is in the village though;

    He will not see me stopping here

    To watch his woods fill up with snow.

    the rhyme scheme is aaba (because "know," "though," and "snow" rhyme, they are marked "a," while "here" is

    another rhyme, and is marked "b")

    Repetition - Repetition occurs when a word or phrase used more than once. Repetition can create a pattern

    Refrain - Lines repeated in the same way, that repeat regularly in the poem.

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    Alliteration - Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound in different words.

    Onomatopoeia - Onomatopoeia means words or phrases that sound like the things they are describing. (hiss,

    zoom, bow-wow, etc.)

    Consonance - Consonance happens when consonants agree in words, though they may not rhyme. (fast, lost)

    Assonance - Assonance happens when vowels agree in words, though they may not rhyme. (peach, tree)


    Meter (or metrics) - When you speak, you don't say everything in a steady tone like a hum--you'd sound

    funny. Instead, you stress parts of words. You say different parts of words with different volume, and your

    voice rises and falls as if you were singing a song. Mostly, we don't notice we're doing it. Poetry in English is

    often made up of poetic units or feet. The most common feet are the iamb, the trochee, the anapest, and

    the dactyl. Each foot has one stress or beat.

    Depending on what kind of poem you're writing, each line can have anywhere from one to many stressed beats,

    otherwise known as feet. Most common are:

    Trimeter (three beats)

    Tetrameter (four beats)

    Pentameter (five beats)

    You also sometimes see dimeter (two beats) and hexameter (six beats) but lines longer than that can't be said

    in one breath, so poets tend to avoid them.

    Figures of speechFigures of speech are also called figurative language. The most well-known figures of speech are are simile,

    metaphor, and personification. They are used to help with the task of "telling, not showing."

    Simile - a comparison of one thing to another, using the words "like," "as," or "as though."

    Metaphor - comparing one thing to another by saying that one thing is another thing. Metaphors are stronger

    than similes, but they are more difficult to see.

    Personification - speaking as if something were human when it's not.

    Poetic forms

    There are a number of common poetic forms. .

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    Ballad - story told in verse. A ballad stanza is usually four lines, and there is often a repetitive refrain. As you

    might guess, this form started out as a song. An example of a traditional Scottish ballad is Lord Randal at

    Haiku - a short poem with seventeen syllables, usually written in three lines with five syllables in the first line,

    seven in the second, and five in the third. The present tense is used, the subject is one thing happening now,

    and words are not repeated. It does not rhyme. The origin of the haiku is Japanese.

    Cinquain - a five-line poem with two syllables in the first line, four in the second, six in the third, eight in the

    fourth, and two in the fifth. It expresses one image or thought, in one or possibly two sentences.

    Villanelle - a 19-line poem with five tercets and one quatrain at the end. Two of the lines are repeated

    alternately at the ends of the tercets, and finish off the poem: the first line and the third line of the first

    tercet. Although it sounds very complicated, it's like a song or a dance and easy to see once you've looked at a


    Limerick - A five-line poem, usually meant to be funny. The rhythm is anapests. Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with

    one another, and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with one another. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have three feet, lines 3 and 4 have

    two feet. An iamb can be substituted for an anapest in the first foot of any line. The last foot can add

    another unstressed beat for the rhyming effect.

    Sonnet - There are different types of sonnet. The most familiar to us is made of three quatrains and ends

    with a couplet. They tend to be complicated and elegant. William Shakespeare wrote the most well-known


    Free verse (or open form) - Much modern poetry does not obviously rhyme and doesn't have a set meter.

    However, sound and rhythm are often still important, and it is still often written in short lines.

    Concrete poetry (pattern or shape poetry) is a picture poem, in which the visual shape of the poem

    contributes to its meaning.

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    Different Types of Poetry

    ABC poem Alexandrine Poetry Type Allegory

    Analogy Poetry Type Ballad Poems Ballade Poetry Types

    Blank Verse Burlesque Types Cacophony

    Canzone Poetry Type Carpe diem Cinquain Poetry Type

    Classicism Types Conceit Poetry Type Couplet Poetry Type

    Dactyl Poetry Type Doggerel Elegy

    Enjambment Epic Poems Epigram

    Epitaph Epithalamium Form Free Verse

    Haiku Poetry Type Idyll Poetry Types Imagery Poems

    Irony Lay Poetry Types Limericks

    Lyric Poetry Name Poem Narrative Poetry

    Odes Pastoral Poetry Type Quatrain Poetry Type

    Refrain Poetry Type Rhymes Romanticism Type

    Senryu Poetry Type Rhyme Royal Type Sonnets

    Tanka Terza rima Verse

    Prose and Prose Poetry