little brown bats by carter

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Post on 18-May-2015




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  • 1. Little brown bats By Carter

2. Location

  • The little brown bat lives in Canada, but it also lives in the rest of North America. It is the onlytype of bat found in Labrador. It is the most common type of bat in the United States.

3. Population

  • The little brown bat colonies can have up to 1000 bats in it! If I lived there, there wouldn't be any room!

4. How it works

  • Bats use sonar to see
  • objects in TOTAL
  • DARKNESS! The next sound will be a bat's sonar being electronically slowed down.

5. Geographical area 6. Diet

  • The little brown bat eats those pesky insects likegnats, flies, moths, wasps andbeetles. As most of the people in this class know, the bat hunts at night and usesecholocationorsonarto locate its prey.

7. How about this?

  • Here's another bat picture.

8. And another one...

  • Yet another bat picture

9. Bat gallery

  • I'm stopping those annoying transitions and giving you EVEN MORE pictures!

10. Bat gallery

  • I'm stopping those annoying transitions and giving you EVEN MORE pictures!

11. Bat gallery

  • I'm stopping those annoying transitions and giving you EVEN MORE pictures!

12. Bat gallery

  • I'm stopping those annoying transitions and giving you EVEN MORE pictures!

13. THE END 14. Credits Created by: Carter Sande Resources used: Wikipedia, Google and AT&T Text-to-Speech