little champs preschool sarjapur road bangalore

M A P H S C E L T T I L Little Champs Preschool, No 13, Elements Layout, Opp Purva Sunshine Apts, Kaikondra Halli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore - 560035 +91 9591584703, +91 9591935802 CONTACT US OUR GOALS To provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience in a school seng. To nurture a posive self-image in each child. To provide the opportunity for creave self- expression through play, music and art. To develop each child's social skills of sharing, helping and interacng with others. To teach children to understand and accept responsibility for their own behavior. To offer curriculum areas of creave arts, science, math, language, imaginave play, health and large and small motor skills. To enhance curriculum with educaonal topics including sign language, environment, safety and nutrion, in addion to special classroom visitors and field trips. To offer curriculum that is theme-based for 3-year olds and alphabet-based for 4-year olds. To prepare children to enter kindergarten, including teaching independence and self-help skills along with full visual alphabet recognion. To help children see themselves as uniquely created and loved by God.

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Little Champs Preschool Sarjapur Road Bangalore


Little Champs Preschool,

No 13, Elements Layout,

Opp Purva Sunshine Apts,

Kaikondra Halli, Sarjapur Road,

Bangalore - 560035

+91 9591584703, +91 9591935802


OUR GOALS To provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience

in a school se�ng.

To nurture a posi�ve self-image in each child.

To provide the opportunity for crea�ve self-expression through play, music and art.

To develop each child's social skills of sharing, helping and interac�ng with others.

To teach children to understand and accept responsibility for their own behavior.

To offer curriculum areas of crea�ve arts, science, math, language, imagina�ve play, health and large and small motor skills.

To enhance curriculum with educa�onal topics including sign language, environment, safety and nutri�on, in addi�on to special classroom visitors and field trips.

To offer curriculum that is theme-based for 3-year olds and alphabet-based for 4-year olds.

To prepare children to enter kindergarten, including teaching independence and self-help skills along with full visual alphabet recogni�on.

To help children see themselves as uniquely created and loved by God.

Page 2: Little Champs Preschool Sarjapur Road Bangalore


Playgroup: 2 batches Batch 1: 9am to 11pm Batch 2: 11pm to 1pmNursery 9am to 12pmLKG 9am to 1pmUKG 9am to 1pmDaycare 11am to 6:30pm

Op�onal evening Snacks are provided if required. Milk has to be provided by parents. Please inform if children have any allergies.

Mother Toddler Tuesday &Thursday 3pm to 4:30pm Monday & Wednesday 4 to 5:30pm

Center Time or Free Play

We believe that children learn through play. During this �me, children choose from a variety of ac�vi�es, including a rice table, play dough, blocks, books, crea�ve art, drama�c play, science and nature, puzzles, puppets and games.(self-direc�on, choice, imagina�on, problem-solving)

Story Time

We read and share a variety of stories rela�ng to the theme or le�er of the day.(listening, a�en�on, language, literacy)

Table Time/Art Project

This provides language opportuni�es such as talking about the calendar, weather and/or sharing thoughts

with classmates. A daily art project linked to a theme or le�er of the day allows children to mature in following direc�ons, fine motor skills and crea�ve expression. (sharing, following direc�ons, fine motor skills)

Circle/Music Time

Different experiences during this fun �me include ac�ve and quiet songs, guest musicians, finger-plays and instruments.(unity, movement, memory, expression)

Snack Time

As children enjoy snacks that were sent from home, they prac�ce table manners as well as develop social skills while they communicate with their peers.(socializa�on, responsibility, nutri�on, manners)

Quiet Book Time

A few moments of quiet allows each child to observe the pictures in their books to help t h e m d i s c o v e r t h e s t o r y l i n e .(language, imagina�on, discovery)

Outside Play

Each day children enjoy our exci�ng outside play area, where they con�nue developing

socia l sk i l l s and gross motor sk i l l s ,(gross motor skills, movement, socializa�on)

Customised Enriched International Curriculum

Puppet Theatre

Theme based classrooms

Vegetable Garden

Ample Outdoor Play area

Teaching Phonics

Music & Movement Corner


Dolls Corner

Splash Pool

After school Enrichment Programs for all age groups

Safety & Hygine conditions to the best