little falls herald. (little falls, morrison county, minn...

Wf K> >< $4* 5 3. jf r.: <\ V r i rt ' ^ * r i ""A - jf F** ^ ^.. J ^V y v "V^ ' ^ v ' S *> , V1 ! ^«j '•?- k '!-!"f . ,. #?p$s ; •':???* ••$$$. P1ERZ -•' July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. John Bol< ster retnrned from a two-months trip through the western state last week. They liked the country, especially San Diasro, C»J. Mr. Bolster, who made the trip for his health states that he has considerably improved. Jos. W. Faust has his new harness shop neaily completed and will move In the later part of this week. Barney Gross will open a saloon in the bnilding formerly occupied by Fanst on Aug. 1st. J. K. Martin, cashier of the First National Bank of Little Falls, was here on business Tuesday. The photographers that were here the past two weeks left Tuesday. They did a good business here. F. X. Virnig left for the Cities Monday to purchase his fall stock of goods. Wm. vonDomaras and Qeo. Emder of Little Falls were here on bnsiness Wednesday. Wm. Endries of Madison^ Wis., died at the home of his ancle, John Kip- pley in Agram Monday, aged 22 years. Mr. Endries accompanied bv his sis- ter, oame here to visit with the Kip- pleys about two weeks ago. On Tues- day of last week he was taken ill with appendicitis and died Monday. His parents live in Madison, Wis., and the remains were shipped there for burial. The 5-year-old boy of Mrs. Rosa Karwart of Agram is dangerously ill with inflammation of the bowels. Math Eisel of Little Falls was visit- ing his patrons here Sunday. Samuel Dngas, a millwright from Minneapolis, arrived here Tuesday, and is putting up the machinery in Gravel's mill. Mrs. Wm. Berg died Thursday after a long illness, aged 79 years. De- ceased was one of the first settlers, coming here with her husband from Gross Plains. Wis., in 1868, and had continually lived on a farm which they bomesteaded, until about six years ago, when they moved to the village where they lived until her death. The funeral took place from St. Joseph's church under the auspices of the Women's society ot which she was a member Saturday morning. She leaves a husband, three sons and four daughters besides a large number of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Emma Thielen retnrned from a week's visit at Jordan, Belle Plain and Pipestone Tuesday. The Kiewel four horse team got frightened near the beer house Tues- day and ran away landing'at the rail- ing in front of Marshik & Philippi's blacksmith shop. One horse was dragged quite a distance and was almost killed. Xbe wagon was also badly damaged. Miss Minnie Faust returned Tues- day from a viait with Miss Stein at Soldingford. F. L. Daigle from Vineland was here Wednesday. He states that a large number of people are camping at the lake now. On Saturday and Sunday an excursion will tace place on the lake beginning at Cove at 8 o'clock in the morning. It was put in Wednesday. John Miller of Buckman is doing the mason work on Peter Poster's cellar. _ Andrew Hemesch and Henry Lange were fishing in Fish lake Tuesday. The fish didn't bite good and finally Hemesch dove down to see what the trouble was. He is a good sportsman with a eun, but in catohing fish in America he has &ot had muoh exper- ience yet, but is seems as if he also wantB to study this thoroughly. He ia the best marksman with a gun for big and small game in this vicinity, and he also has this record in Little Falls, aa only a few yeara ago he killed a rabbit in the court house yard, whioh he has not forgotten yet. West Darling July 25.—There was only a small crowd at the picnic Sunday. Don Cameron of Little Falls was present and made an address. ^Barley cutting will oommenoe this week. "Three business men of Paxton, III., are here on basineaa, Mesara. Swan Lindbergh and L. H. Rodeen are gneata at Silver Park, Andrew Bremer ia at Fish Lake. Men for haying are scarce at pres ent. ""Andrew Tritbaugh and Emil Taber- man helped Darling Grove farmer to cut timothy and clover. ^Silver Park is running a livery risr now. and haying will be delayed. •*Mr. and Mrs. J. Tritbaugh have returned from Wright county and Mr. T. went to Randall to help his son Andrew with the haying. Barry pickers are numerous these days. "Misses Esther and Mamie Hanson are home on a visit ^Miss Esther Regnell received a letter from Mrs. L. Rosnagel ot Bak ersBeld, Cal., saying it was very hot there, 100 above. There will be a basket social at West Darling school house, Distriot 35, Sat- urday, Aug. 5th, at 7 o'clock in the evening. All ladies are expected to bring baskets and the gentlemen will buy them. Don't miss it and don't forget to bring the stuff. There will be musio. All invited. The proceeds will be for the bell fund. * Audrew ^ Allen Jo f Winona and Miss PARKER July 25.—Mrs. Charles Shutter leift for Oregon Tueaday where she will stay with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Stubbs. Sam Lee and Charlea Shutter were in Little Falls Friday. A dance was held in the town hall Thursday. Among those who were in Randall Monday were: Walter Little, Charles Treacy, Katie and George Sullivan, Katie and Nellie Treacy. There is another minister preaching in the Church of God now. Mrs. Sullivan was biueberrying Sunday. A Hermes ia catting hie barley. It is rumored that there will be two marriages in our town soon. NOTICE. I have for sale "The Rural Week- ly. " 5c a year, 52 copies. Walter Little. John Burr has returned from Roy* alton with a binder. Everybody is cutting hay. John Burr cut some barley for Den- nis Martin Tuesday. George and Ed. Oouthoudt visited in north Parker Sunday. George Gish and family were pick- ing berries here Sunday and Tuesday. Blue berries are ripe. Charles Baker intends to go West soon. Reports from Campbell says that grain will be ready to cut in about 3 weeks. Andrew Oouthoudt is laying a cellar for Mr. Jackson, who recently lost his home by fire. Mr. Jackson received $1,000 insurance on the house. Mr Eastman and family are attend- ins quarterly meeting at Ft. Ripley. GREEN PRAIRIE July 25. —Miss Elsie flail is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Nichols of Clough visited their daughter, Mrs, S. Swin- dell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j&dden visited friends at Royalton Sunday. Miss Pearle Foresman, who ia at- tending summer school at Little Falls spent Sunday with her parents. R. Neill returned Saturday from Granby, Canada, where he has been visiting for some time. Rev. W. C. A. Wallar of Little Falls was a caller at Mr. Edden's Sunday atfernoon. Mrs. M. Harrin and daughter Frelda were the guests of Mra. M. Laiture Sunday. Mra. R. .Neill, Mra. Sims and children and Mias Jesaie Neill went to Lake Alexander Saturday for a visit with friends Mr. and Mra. J. Jarvie and grandchildren. Olympla and Willie Laiture, visited at M. Kahula's at Parker Sunday. August Koakie is employed at Mr. Mickelson's of Randall. L. M. Davis returned Thursday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bame of Grey Eagle. Miss Elsie Edden was the gueet of Misa Reglna Ecseraon Sunday atfer- noon. Edward Ferrell of Little Falla spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mra. S. Swindell, returning to Little Falls Sunday. Misa Regina Eckerson and Elaie Edden were the guests of Pearle Foresman Sunday evening. Sarah" Brown 11 ofl this county were married byJJ nstice Cameron Wednes- day. ' LEA aSU LAKI) with a JO.rv 3.amp Pu; r C«taln« of /UMBO, CLIM VX and CHIEI •*wmt .• PuUni befor* buying. I mso manufactu.. Cutcntrna Xiomm, Boo Land Cvtterb and tbf Herbert Snow now has a regular run as dining oar conductor on Nos. 1 and 2, the fine coaet trains. You Musi use YEAST FOAM The Wonderful Yeast If you want to make Bread that is Bread Yeast Foam is the yeast that took the First Grand Prize at tlie.^t. Louis Expo- sition Sold by ali grocers at ets. a package—enough for 40 loaves. Send a postal card for onr new illustrated book "Good Bread: How to Make It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO, ILL. GILBERT July 25.-—Mrs. C. Hedlund visited Mrs. J. H. Broberg last Tuesday. Chaa. Nelson and Mrs. A. Berglund were in Little Falls last Tuesady. Nels Henrvson was in Little Falla last Friday. Aug. Berglund and Chaa. Broberg wree in Little Falls Saturday. There was a sermon in the scool house last Sunday by Re*. Smith. Nels Henryson had a birthday party Sunday. A number of people were present and all repotted a good time. The mail carrier has got a poor horse and can't deliver the mail that comes every dav and so he leaves some till the next week. BUH July 25 —Crop prospects are quite promising. Henry Eckel and John Hoppe have gone to Morris. Paul Virnig haa 60,000 young box- elder trees and oflera them for sale at one cent each. The dance at P. Trotter's Monday was attended bv a large crowd and a good time was had. Math Lokowitsch ia working at Chaa. Fuhrman's Mike Velth sold his top buggy to J. Kainz for $40 and we believe it is worth that to Mr. Kainz. There ia aomebody in this neighbor- hood who does not know enough to keep hia hands away from other peoples mail boxes. Better look out something might happen to j ou. Math Ziesler and Peter Virnig have each boqght a new McCormick binder. Henry Kingen and P. Poster of Pierz were here on business yester- day. Mike Eckel sold 18,000 feet of lum- ber to Herman Wielana of West Bah, who is building a new house and aiao a very roomy barn. R. F. D. NO. 3. July 24. —Mr. and Mrs. John Woj- dula were at Litte Falls Wednesday. Anton Januszewaki drove to Little Falla Thursday on business. Gnstie Stanek went to North Prairie Wednesday'rn business. Mrs. Frank Leskie and son Edwin drove to Little Falls Wednesday, John Stanek was at Two Rivers mill Monday. Peter Wozniak was out here Sunday on business. Mr. and Mra. John Wojdula drove to Little Falls Wednesday on business. Mr and Mrs. John Perzina, Mrs. Socher and Mrs. Anton Koziol attend- ed char ch at Opole. Edwin Leskie attended church at Royalton Subday. Otto Armstrong and Norman Mc- Leod of Two Rivers were oat here Tuesday. Lucy Wojdula visited her parents Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gollnick went to North Prairie Wednesday and returned Thursday. Chas. Gosiak and Lawrence Stanek are working for Mrs. Katie Dzlabas. Frank Stanek attended the wedding at North Prairie Wednesday. Mary Koket returned from Royalton Saturday where she will be employed for some .time. Mine Mary Jelensie returned home from Little Falls Thursday whree she has been employed. The Hay Creek Muskrats won a game of ball from the Swan River slaet Sunday, score being 3 to 25 in favor of the Muskrats. - Mrs. J. Schreiber and Mary Janu- zwskei of Royalton visited at Mr. and Mrs Anton Januzewaki Sunday. Paul Stanek. Mary and Guatie at- tended church in Elm Dale Sunday. John V ictor and Annie Tomala of North Prairie Attended the dance at W. Gollnick'8 Sunday. Frank, Peter and Katie Kurwoskie attended the dance here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Pikula visited at Little Falls Monday. Anton Januzewski went to North Prairie on ouaineaa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Psyk drove to Little Falls Monday on business. The Muskrats will play the Elm Dales next Sunday afternoon, and a gocd game ia expected. Peter Lempka of Swan River was seriously injured in a runaway Thursday while driving from Roy- alton Among chose that were at Little Falls Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gosiak., Simon Kanskie and son Ignatz, Mr. and Mrs. John Woj* dala and Walter Gosiak. Homer Hilborn has started a jewel- ry store at Portal, N. D. C 4tlFORfl** $25.00 1VSBY DAY, from Sept. 15 to Oct, 31,1905 via Union Pacific Southern Pacific Through Tourist Sleepers every day. Double berth $5.75 from Missouri River. SMORTLINE. PAST TRAINS. NO DELAYS; Inquire of S.L. LOMAX, Gent Pass, and TktTAit. Ultfoii Pacific Railroad, "" Omaha, Neb. % HwaNft* Rwnl Road Qrad*p « BOAZ) MACHINE thai will interest TOW* StrraviSOBS and all others looking for Bette< ~ "»a* Mw ooet. O. li. Edward*, Albert Lea, Mlnf BRICKYARD July 25.—Mrs. Lillie Chambers vi- sited Mrs. G. F. Smith and Mrs. Johnson last Friday. Will Ashton of Clough visited here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Minnie Taylor and Will Ashton were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Matteson Sunday. Mr. Savage has been hauling and stacking hay for Mrs. E. Manbeck this wees. _ Martin Scott has been on the sick list for a week or two and his assis- tant Mias Violet Scott has been taking the mail. Misa Louise Krussow and Myrtle Scott and Violet Scott visited Mrs. Delia Matteson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Edwards and Laura Simmons were callers here Monday evering. Frank Reid and faimly were callers here Sunday. Mr. Sprandel has shut down his yard for the hay makers for a couple of weeks. There was a number of our ladles went to Mrs. Olin's in Little Falls Wednesday and surprised her on her birthday and had a very delicious dinner and all enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Tabler went to Royalton last week. Miss Bertha Sprandel will entertain a number of her little friends Satur- day, it being her 12th birthday. The Busy Bees will meet with Bes- sie and Rena Kueasel Friday after- noon from 2 till 4. Meadames Wright and Quine visited Mra. Taylor Monday afternoon. STEEL PENS Watlta. Camden, M. I. THE STANDARD PENS EVEBYWHERE. 150 Styles E8TEBBR80K STEEL PEN C0. s ""m HUFF July 25.—Amos Oby'a household goods have arrived at Randall from Washington and his wife and children are expected this week and nimself not far in the future. Mrs. John M. Gish and children came over from Long Prairie Friday to visit and gather berries. Mrs. Nancy Brown went to Little Falls Saturday and brought out her sister Mrs. Mary E. Boyce and child- ren for a visit and to gather fruit. W. S. Gish went to Swanville Fri- day. We hear that Mr. Jackson's loss has been adjusted and he is proceeding to build his house. There is the largest crop of rasp- berries this season there has been for years and the women folks are getting them in. ROYALTON July 25.—Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichols of Little Falls visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Muncy last week. J. L Downs left last week for a short visit with relatives in Oregon. Misaes Edna Darley, Hattie and Hazel Swanson left last Thursday for a two weeks visit at Park Rapids and Axeley. Mrs. Daniel Foster left last Monday for Rockford. 111., where she will spend the summer with her daughter. Sne was accompanied by her brother- in-law, J. D. Douglas, who had been here on a visit. M. E. Barnes was in Elm Dale Mon- day. He was working in the interest of the Royalton Banner. Mias Regina Kobe of Minneaoolis ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Marcus Kobe. Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin and Miss Ella McGonagle came up from Minneapolis last Thursday for a short visit with their brother, W. L. and Fred Mc- Gonagle. J. W. Broker and family are camp- ing at^Birch Lake. Mra. Roy Dragoo retnrned Wednes- day from St. Clond where she haa been visiting relatives for several days. Mrs. E. McCullom and father, W. Wilson, left on Tuesday for a trip to Portland; Ore. They will visit Cali- fornia and return by the way of Salt Lake City. They expect to be gone a month. I Misa Ethel Lamb who is attending summer sohool at Little Falls, visited over Sunday with Miss Bouokout. Several of our young people attended the danoe at uixville Saturday even- ing. They report a good time. Henry Schwartz, night telephone operator at this place, haa resigned his position and haa aocepted a position in a bank at Wadena. Earl Boyce succeeds him in the telephone office Frank and Paul Paizak of St. Stephen, Stearna county, have pur- ohaaed a new J. I. Case threshing rig, consisting of a 20-horae power engine, water tank and seperator. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Munoy have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their year-old babe, whose death ocoured on Friday morning. The funeral was held from the M. E church, Rev. Cummings conducting the services. FAWNDALE July 25. —The Fawndale Wild Cats had a danoe at W. H. Thompson's Sat- urday and all had a jolly time. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trutwin, Frances Poluk were visiting at Simon Pointek's Sunday! Pete Rosso w took a trip to Morris Saturday and returned home Monday. Those who were at Opole the 19th, were Mrs. Mary Rossa and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sobiech and Mrs. Frances Pointek. Nick Kaka lost a horse last week. Mother's Ear f * vtoRO *m vorwwa m*m t whmm Xi NUXSIMG AH IMFAmr. AHO IW THM MONTHS THAT COM Mra*f THAT TIMZ, SCOTT'S EMULSION nuppuES the mxrnA BT*mmaTM amo AOumcHwtMr mo mmcmmmAmr mom THS HEALTH Of MOTH MOTH KM AHO CHILD. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 405-4x5 Peari Street, New York. 50c. and gx.oo; all druggists. T TIME ST WALTHAM WATCHES tell the right time all the time Spirit J. Vmmaly. Diamond Si^a Jewelry Store VASALT BLOCK. SWANVILLE July 25.—Surveyor Sargent of Round Prairie was here last week getting the grade of the streets so that cement sidewalks can be put down. Z. Denan haa sold his farm to Joseph Chevalier and he and family will remove to Portland, Ore. Mr. Aeslev and wifd returned from Seattle. Wash.. Monday with Miaa Mae Barber, who is seriously ill. Al. Barber and wife and Mrs. Barber met them at Little Falls. Herschel Arnold of Minneapolis is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. D. Arnold. Misa Mabel Fleshman and brother Willie returned to Duluth Tuesday after an extended visit with their a ant, Mr. Hasbrook at Pillsbury. Mrs. Brown of Payneeville was in the village Tuesday and Wednesday instructing her pupils In instrumental music. Messrs. Schicgler, Brannen and wives of Little Fall3 were the guests of John Pennie Sunday. Miss Linnie Beatty of Little Falls visited friends here last week. Jess Bnelow of Staples visited rela- tives and friends here and at Culdrum Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Flood came up froip Little Falls Saturday where she is at- tending teacher's training school and returned Tuesday. Frank and Simon Pipen returned home Thursday after four years ab- sence in the service of the U. S. navy. During their absence they were on tne battle ship Iowa, and they visited all the European and South American ports. After an ex- tended visit here they will return and re-enlist. Mrs. Chas. Glantz came down from Sauk Center Monday to viait relativea. Remember the grand celebration here Aue. 5th and do not fail to at- tend. There will be a ball game, Royalton vs. Swanville, races and a grand ball in the evening. D. Carpenter of Sauk Center was a Swanville viaitor Monday. MIbs Johnson of Pillsbury left for Minneapolis Tuesday. Jos. SarS of Aitkin was in the vill- age Monday enroute for Browerville. A. J. Hunt was a Long Prairie vis- itor Monday. Miss Alice Fleahman and brother Willie returned to Duluth Tueaday after an extended visit with their anut, Mrs. Hosbrook of Pillsbury. The second edition of the Fourth will be Field and Market day, Satur- day. Aug. 5th, Swanville. Big pro- gram, including foot races, bicycle races, horse races, tug of war, and many other sports and amusements. Two big interesting base ball games, Royalton vs. Swanville. Band con- certs. Big dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. I. Greengard are at Mille Lacs lake for a week's outing. Ernest Nichols has gone to to Be- midji. Mr. Cameron of Minneapolis is vis- iting his son, Justice Cameron. Little Falls Market Report. Wheat, No. 1 Northern........# .98 Wheat, No. 2 Northern........ .94 Wheat, No. 3 Northern .86 Wheat, No. 4 Northern........ ,75 Rejected .64 Oata .32 Corn ,40 Barley .45 Rye .62 Hay 5.00—6.00 Short*, per 100 lbs............. 95 Ground feed, per 80 ........ .95 Bran, per 100 90 Flour, pat. pro. per bbl........ 6.-0 Straight grade, per bbl 6.00 B;ker s 5.20 Steers, fat 2.25—3,75 Cows 2.00—3.25 Veal, dressed 4.00—4.50 Hogs, live 4.57—5 .00 Pork, dressed ,05X—06 Sheep, alive 2.50-3.25 Mutton, dressed .06 Chickens, dressed..... .09 " live 06—.07 Potatoes, per^bushel .20 Beana, per bushel 1.25—1,50 Peas, per buaM..... 1.00—1.25 Oniona 1,50 Dairy butter, per lb..w.......... .12—.14 Creamery^ butter, per lb...... ' 25 EggB 13 Granulated sugar 14 lbs 1 .00 •' <4 <4 ' ^ a <• i j

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P1ERZ -•' July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. John Bol< ster retnrned from a two-months trip through the western state last week. They liked the country, especially San Diasro, C»J. Mr. Bolster, who made the trip for his health states that he has considerably improved.

Jos. W. Faust has his new harness shop neaily completed and will move In the later part of this week.

Barney Gross will open a saloon in the bnilding formerly occupied by Fanst on Aug. 1st.

J. K. Martin, cashier of the First National Bank of Little Falls, was here on business Tuesday.

The photographers that were here the past two weeks left Tuesday. They did a good business here.

F. X. Virnig left for the Cities Monday to purchase his fall stock of goods.

Wm. vonDomaras and Qeo. Emder of Little Falls were here on bnsiness Wednesday.

Wm. Endries of Madison^ Wis., died at the home of his ancle, John Kip-pley in Agram Monday, aged 22 years. Mr. Endries accompanied bv his sis­ter, oame here to visit with the Kip-pleys about two weeks ago. On Tues­day of last week he was taken ill with appendicitis and died Monday. His parents live in Madison, Wis., and the remains were shipped there for burial.

The 5-year-old boy of Mrs. Rosa Karwart of Agram is dangerously ill with inflammation of the bowels.

Math Eisel of Little Falls was visit­ing his patrons here Sunday.

Samuel Dngas, a millwright from Minneapolis, arrived here Tuesday, and is putting up the machinery in Gravel's mill.

Mrs. Wm. Berg died Thursday after a long illness, aged 79 years. De­ceased was one of the first settlers, coming here with her husband from Gross Plains. Wis., in 1868, and had continually lived on a farm which they bomesteaded, until about six years ago, when they moved to the village where they lived until her death. The funeral took place from St. Joseph's church under the auspices of the Women's society ot which she was a member Saturday morning. She leaves a husband, three sons and four daughters besides a large number of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. May she rest in peace.

Mrs. Emma Thielen retnrned from a week's visit at Jordan, Belle Plain and Pipestone Tuesday.

The Kiewel four horse team got frightened near the beer house Tues­day and ran away landing'at the rail­ing in front of Marshik & Philippi's blacksmith shop. One horse was dragged quite a distance and was almost killed. Xbe wagon was also badly damaged.

Miss Minnie Faust returned Tues­day from a viait with Miss Stein at Soldingford.

F. L. Daigle from Vineland was here Wednesday. He states that a large number of people are camping at the lake now. On Saturday and Sunday an excursion will tace place on the lake beginning at Cove at 8 o'clock in the morning. It was put in Wednesday.

John Miller of Buckman is doing the mason work on Peter Poster's cellar. _

Andrew Hemesch and Henry Lange were fishing in Fish lake Tuesday. The fish didn't bite good and finally Hemesch dove down to see what the trouble was. He is a good sportsman with a eun, but in catohing fish in America he has &ot had muoh exper­ience yet, but is seems as if he also wantB to study this thoroughly. He ia the best marksman with a gun for big and small game in this vicinity, and he also has this record in Little Falls, aa only a few yeara ago he killed a rabbit in the court house yard, whioh he has not forgotten yet.

West Darling July 25.—There was only a small

crowd at the picnic Sunday. Don Cameron of Little Falls was present and made an address. ^Barley cutting will oommenoe this week. "Three business men of Paxton, III.,

are here on basineaa, Mesara. Swan Lindbergh and L. H. Rodeen are gneata at Silver Park, Andrew Bremer ia at Fish Lake.

Men for haying are scarce at pres ent. ""Andrew Tritbaugh and Emil Taber-man helped Darling Grove farmer to cut timothy and clover. ^Silver Park is running a livery risr

now. and haying will be delayed. •*Mr. and Mrs. J. Tritbaugh have returned from Wright county and Mr. T. went to Randall to help his son Andrew with the haying.

Barry pickers are numerous these days. "Misses Esther and Mamie Hanson

are home on a visit ^Miss Esther Regnell received a letter from Mrs. L. Rosnagel ot Bak ersBeld, Cal., saying it was very hot there, 100 above.

There will be a basket social at West Darling school house, Distriot 35, Sat­urday, Aug. 5th, at 7 o'clock in the evening. All ladies are expected to bring baskets and the gentlemen will buy them. Don't miss it and don't forget to bring the stuff. There will be musio. All invited. The proceeds will be for the bell fund.

* Audrew ̂ Allen Jo f Winona and Miss

PARKER July 25.—Mrs. Charles Shutter leift

for Oregon Tueaday where she will stay with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Stubbs.

Sam Lee and Charlea Shutter were in Little Falls Friday.

A dance was held in the town hall Thursday.

Among those who were in Randall Monday were: Walter Little, Charles Treacy, Katie and George Sullivan, Katie and Nellie Treacy.

There is another minister preaching in the Church of God now.

Mrs. Sullivan was biueberrying Sunday.

A Hermes ia catting hie barley. It is rumored that there will be

two marriages in our town soon. NOTICE.

I have for sale "The Rural Week­ly. " 5c a year, 52 copies.

Walter Little. John Burr has returned from Roy*

alton with a binder. Everybody is cutting hay. John Burr cut some barley for Den­

nis Martin Tuesday. George and Ed. Oouthoudt visited

in north Parker Sunday. George Gish and family were pick­

ing berries here Sunday and Tuesday. Blue berries are ripe. Charles Baker intends to go West

soon. Reports from Campbell says that

grain will be ready to cut in about 3 weeks.

Andrew Oouthoudt is laying a cellar for Mr. Jackson, who recently lost his home by fire. Mr. Jackson received $1,000 insurance on the house.

Mr Eastman and family are attend-ins quarterly meeting at Ft. Ripley.

GREEN PRAIRIE July 25. —Miss Elsie flail is visiting

friends and relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Nichols of Clough

visited their daughter, Mrs, S. Swin­dell.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j&dden visited friends at Royalton Sunday.

Miss Pearle Foresman, who ia at­tending summer school at Little Falls spent Sunday with her parents.

R. Neill returned Saturday from Granby, Canada, where he has been visiting for some time.

Rev. W. C. A. Wallar of Little Falls was a caller at Mr. Edden's Sunday atfernoon.

Mrs. M. Harrin and daughter Frelda were the guests of Mra. M. Laiture Sunday.

Mra. R. .Neill, Mra. Sims and children and Mias Jesaie Neill went to Lake Alexander Saturday for a visit with friends

Mr. and Mra. J. Jarvie and grandchildren. Olympla and Willie Laiture, visited at M. Kahula's at Parker Sunday.

August Koakie is employed at Mr. Mickelson's of Randall.

L. M. Davis returned Thursday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Bame of Grey Eagle.

Miss Elsie Edden was the gueet of Misa Reglna Ecseraon Sunday atfer­noon.

Edward Ferrell of Little Falla spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mra. S. Swindell, returning to Little Falls Sunday.

Misa Regina Eckerson and Elaie Edden were the guests of Pearle Foresman Sunday evening.

Sarah" Brown11 ofl this county were married byJJ nstice Cameron Wednes-day.

' LEA aSU LAKI) with a JO.rv 3.amp Pu; r C«taln« of /UMBO, CLIM VX and CHIEI

•*wmt .• PuUni befor* buying. I mso manufactu.. Cutcntrna Xiomm, Boo Land Cvtterb and tbf

Herbert Snow now has a regular run as dining oar conductor on Nos. 1 and 2, the fine coaet trains.

You Musi



The Wonderful Yeast

If you want to make

Bread that is

Bread Yeast Foam is the yeast

that took the First Grand Prize at tlie.^t. Louis Expo­sition Sold by ali grocers at '» ets. a package—enough for 40 loaves. Send a postal card for onr new illustrated book "Good Bread: How to Make It."


GILBERT July 25.-—Mrs. C. Hedlund visited

Mrs. J. H. Broberg last Tuesday. Chaa. Nelson and Mrs. A. Berglund

were in Little Falls last Tuesady. Nels Henrvson was in Little Falla

last Friday. Aug. Berglund and Chaa. Broberg

wree in Little Falls Saturday. There was a sermon in the scool

house last Sunday by Re*. Smith. Nels Henryson had a birthday

party Sunday. A number of people were present and all repotted a good time.

The mail carrier has got a poor horse and can't deliver the mail that comes every dav and so he leaves some till the next week.

BUH July 25 —Crop prospects are quite

promising. Henry Eckel and John Hoppe have

gone to Morris. Paul Virnig haa 60,000 young box-

elder trees and oflera them for sale at one cent each.

The dance at P. Trotter's Monday was attended bv a large crowd and a good time was had.

Math Lokowitsch ia working at Chaa. Fuhrman's

Mike Velth sold his top buggy to J. Kainz for $40 and we believe it is worth that to Mr. Kainz.

There ia aomebody in this neighbor­hood who does not know enough to keep hia hands away from other peoples mail boxes. Better look out something might happen to j ou.

Math Ziesler and Peter Virnig have each boqght a new McCormick binder.

Henry Kingen and P. Poster of Pierz were here on business yester­day.

Mike Eckel sold 18,000 feet of lum­ber to Herman Wielana of West Bah, who is building a new house and aiao a very roomy barn.

R. F. D. NO. 3. July 24. —Mr. and Mrs. John Woj-

dula were at Litte Falls Wednesday. Anton Januszewaki drove to Little

Falla Thursday on business. Gnstie Stanek went to North Prairie

Wednesday'rn business. Mrs. Frank Leskie and son Edwin

drove to Little Falls Wednesday, John Stanek was at Two Rivers mill

Monday. Peter Wozniak was out here Sunday

on business. Mr. and Mra. John Wojdula drove to

Little Falls Wednesday on business. Mr and Mrs. John Perzina, Mrs.

Socher and Mrs. Anton Koziol attend­ed char ch at Opole.

Edwin Leskie attended church at Royalton Subday.

Otto Armstrong and Norman Mc-Leod of Two Rivers were oat here Tuesday.

Lucy Wojdula visited her parents Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Gollnick went to North Prairie Wednesday and returned Thursday.

Chas. Gosiak and Lawrence Stanek are working for Mrs. Katie Dzlabas.

Frank Stanek attended the wedding at North Prairie Wednesday.

Mary Koket returned from Royalton Saturday where she will be employed for some .time.

Mine Mary Jelensie returned home from Little Falls Thursday whree she has been employed.

The Hay Creek Muskrats won a game of ball from the Swan River slaet Sunday, score being 3 to 25 in favor of the Muskrats. -

Mrs. J. Schreiber and Mary Janu-zwskei of Royalton visited at Mr. and Mrs Anton Januzewaki Sunday.

Paul Stanek. Mary and Guatie at­tended church in Elm Dale Sunday.

John V ictor and Annie Tomala of North Prairie Attended the dance at W. Gollnick'8 Sunday.

Frank, Peter and Katie Kurwoskie attended the dance here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mat Pikula visited at Little Falls Monday.

Anton Januzewski went to North Prairie on ouaineaa Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Psyk drove to Little Falls Monday on business.

The Muskrats will play the Elm Dales next Sunday afternoon, and a gocd game ia expected.

Peter Lempka of Swan River was seriously injured in a runaway Thursday while driving from Roy­alton

Among chose that were at Little Falls Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gosiak., Simon Kanskie and son Ignatz, Mr. and Mrs. John Woj* dala and Walter Gosiak.

Homer Hilborn has started a jewel­ry store at Portal, N. D.


$25.00 1VSBY DAY, from Sept. 15 to Oct, 31,1905


Union Pacific Southern Pacific

Through Tourist Sleepers every day. Double berth $5.75 from Missouri River.


Inquire of

S.L. LOMAX, Gent Pass, and TktTAit. Ultfoii Pacific Railroad, ""

Omaha, Neb.


HwaNft* Rwnl Road Qrad*p « BOAZ) MACHINE thai will interest TOW* StrraviSOBS and all others looking for Bette< ~ "»a* Mw ooet. O. li. Edward*, Albert Lea, Mlnf

BRICKYARD July 25.—Mrs. Lillie Chambers vi­

sited Mrs. G. F. Smith and Mrs. Johnson last Friday.

Will Ashton of Clough visited here Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Minnie Taylor and Will Ashton were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Matteson Sunday.

Mr. Savage has been hauling and stacking hay for Mrs. E. Manbeck this wees.

_ Martin Scott has been on the sick list for a week or two and his assis­tant Mias Violet Scott has been taking the mail.

Misa Louise Krussow and Myrtle Scott and Violet Scott visited Mrs. Delia Matteson Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Edwards and Laura Simmons were callers here Monday evering.

Frank Reid and faimly were callers here Sunday.

Mr. Sprandel has shut down his yard for the hay makers for a couple of weeks.

There was a number of our ladles went to Mrs. Olin's in Little Falls Wednesday and surprised her on her birthday and had a very delicious dinner and all enjoyed themselves.

Mrs. Tabler went to Royalton last week.

Miss Bertha Sprandel will entertain a number of her little friends Satur­day, it being her 12th birthday.

The Busy Bees will meet with Bes­sie and Rena Kueasel Friday after­noon from 2 till 4.

Meadames Wright and Quine visited Mra. Taylor Monday afternoon.


Watlta. Camden, M. I.


HUFF July 25.—Amos Oby'a household

goods have arrived at Randall from Washington and his wife and children are expected this week and nimself not far in the future.

Mrs. John M. Gish and children came over from Long Prairie Friday to visit and gather berries.

Mrs. Nancy Brown went to Little Falls Saturday and brought out her sister Mrs. Mary E. Boyce and child­ren for a visit and to gather fruit.

W. S. Gish went to Swanville Fri­day.

We hear that Mr. Jackson's loss has been adjusted and he is proceeding to build his house.

There is the largest crop of rasp­berries this season there has been for years and the women folks are getting them in.

ROYALTON July 25.—Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Nichols of Little Falls visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Muncy last week.

J. L Downs left last week for a short visit with relatives in Oregon.

Misaes Edna Darley, Hattie and Hazel Swanson left last Thursday for a two weeks visit at Park Rapids and Axeley.

Mrs. Daniel Foster left last Monday for Rockford. 111., where she will spend the summer with her daughter. Sne was accompanied by her brother-in-law, J. D. Douglas, who had been here on a visit.

M. E. Barnes was in Elm Dale Mon­day. He was working in the interest of the Royalton Banner.

Mias Regina Kobe of Minneaoolis ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Marcus Kobe. —

Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin and Miss Ella McGonagle came up from Minneapolis last Thursday for a short visit with their brother, W. L. and Fred Mc­Gonagle.

J. W. Broker and family are camp­ing at^Birch Lake.

Mra. Roy Dragoo retnrned Wednes­day from St. Clond where she haa been visiting relatives for several days.

Mrs. E. McCullom and father, W. Wilson, left on Tuesday for a trip to Portland; Ore. They will visit Cali­fornia and return by the way of Salt Lake City. They expect to be gone a month. I

Misa Ethel Lamb who is attending summer sohool at Little Falls, visited over Sunday with Miss Bouokout.

Several of our young people attended the danoe at uixville Saturday even­ing. They report a good time.

Henry Schwartz, night telephone operator at this place, haa resigned his position and haa aocepted a position in a bank at Wadena. Earl Boyce succeeds him in the telephone office

Frank and Paul Paizak of St. Stephen, Stearna county, have pur-ohaaed a new J. I. Case threshing rig, consisting of a 20-horae power engine, water tank and seperator.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Munoy have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their year-old babe, whose death ocoured on Friday morning. The funeral was held from the M. E church, Rev. Cummings conducting the services.

FAWNDALE July 25. —The Fawndale Wild Cats

had a danoe at W. H. Thompson's Sat­urday and all had a jolly time. ~

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trutwin, Frances Poluk were visiting at Simon Pointek's Sunday!

Pete Rosso w took a trip to Morris Saturday and returned home Monday.

Those who were at Opole the 19th, were Mrs. Mary Rossa and Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sobiech and Mrs. Frances Pointek.

Nick Kaka lost a horse last week.

Mother's Ear f * vtoRO *m vorwwa m*m t whmm Xi NUXSIMG AH IMFAmr. AHO IW THM


SCOTT'S EMULSION nuppuES the mxrnA BT*mmaTM amo AOumcHwtMr mo mmcmmmAmr mom THS HEALTH Of MOTH MOTH KM AHO CHILD.

Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,

405-4x5 Peari Street, New York. 50c. and gx.oo; all druggists.



WATCHES tell the right time all the time Spirit J. Vmmaly.

Diamond Si^a Jewelry Store


SWANVILLE July 25.—Surveyor Sargent of

Round Prairie was here last week getting the grade of the streets so that cement sidewalks can be put down.

Z. Denan haa sold his farm to Joseph Chevalier and he and family will remove to Portland, Ore.

Mr. Aeslev and wifd returned from Seattle. Wash.. Monday with Miaa Mae Barber, who is seriously ill. Al. Barber and wife and Mrs. Barber met them at Little Falls.

Herschel Arnold of Minneapolis is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mra. D. Arnold.

Misa Mabel Fleshman and brother Willie returned to Duluth Tuesday after an extended visit with their a ant, Mr. Hasbrook at Pillsbury.

Mrs. Brown of Payneeville was in the village Tuesday and Wednesday instructing her pupils In instrumental music.

Messrs. Schicgler, Brannen and wives of Little Fall3 were the guests of John Pennie Sunday.

Miss Linnie Beatty of Little Falls visited friends here last week.

Jess Bnelow of Staples visited rela­tives and friends here and at Culdrum Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. E. A. Flood came up froip Little Falls Saturday where she is at­tending teacher's training school and returned Tuesday.

Frank and Simon Pipen returned home Thursday after four years ab­sence in the service of the U. S. navy. During their absence they were on tne battle ship Iowa, and they visited all the European and South American ports. After an ex­tended visit here they will return and re-enlist.

Mrs. Chas. Glantz came down from Sauk Center Monday to viait relativea.

Remember the grand celebration here Aue. 5th and do not fail to at­tend. There will be a ball game, Royalton vs. Swanville, races and a grand ball in the evening.

D. Carpenter of Sauk Center was a Swanville viaitor Monday.

MIbs Johnson of Pillsbury left for Minneapolis Tuesday.

Jos. SarS of Aitkin was in the vill­age Monday enroute for Browerville.

A. J. Hunt was a Long Prairie vis­itor Monday.

Miss Alice Fleahman and brother Willie returned to Duluth Tueaday after an extended visit with their anut, Mrs. Hosbrook of Pillsbury.

The second edition of the Fourth will be Field and Market day, Satur­day. Aug. 5th, Swanville. Big pro­gram, including foot races, bicycle races, horse races, tug of war, and many other sports and amusements. Two big interesting base ball games, Royalton vs. Swanville. Band con­certs. Big dance in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Greengard are at Mille Lacs lake for a week's outing.

Ernest Nichols has gone to to Be-midji.

Mr. Cameron of Minneapolis is vis­iting his son, Justice Cameron.

Little Falls Market Report. Wheat, No. 1 Northern........# .98 Wheat, No. 2 Northern........ .94 Wheat, No. 3 Northern .86 Wheat, No. 4 Northern........ ,75 Rejected .64 Oata .32 Corn ,40 Barley .45 Rye .62 Hay 5.00—6.00 Short*, per 100 lbs............. 95

Ground feed, per 80 ........ .95

Bran, per 100 90 Flour, pat. pro. per bbl........ 6.-0 Straight grade, per bbl 6.00 B;kers 5.20 Steers, fat 2.25—3,75 Cows 2.00—3.25 Veal, dressed 4.00—4.50 Hogs, live 4.57—5.00 Pork, dressed ,05X—06 Sheep, alive 2.50-3.25 Mutton, dressed .06 Chickens, dressed..... .09

" live 06—.07 Potatoes, per^bushel .20 Beana, per bushel 1.25—1,50 Peas, per buaM..... 1.00—1.25 Oniona 1,50 Dairy butter, per lb..w.......... .12—.14 Creamery^ butter, per lb...... ' 25 EggB 13 Granulated sugar 14 lbs 1.00

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