little - nys historic ·...

(assified Advertisements r V i > |C— Two yemling Hot at, Beit Dualap ' J, 17tl9xx {ESTATE FOR KENT "9 j|jT— Five Beach Toom apart- lotf BG and. IioriSng/ $150 up, [irts included, { 4$2 I! Cen " 17tl9sx -Wort resaiimg fumi. 111 kinds,. Call ,23711. I§t20 ; V: :farm -Work; ; (m Bl, Banfep^Scoti :..?,? ft' ,'.,»—— by Road,,. IStfffJcs Mir •— Human fWimei., *?;». >r *8eja$y"m €lbthea feasor fefytim&ea* or, , at the; $oin;d. l i f t «ojises fat r^-#s)Snp; : .ri^Aifeter3f^;# fc ^feVht$j| «qde.", paw p-l?ijTOfw*'-"^*; sji«a •Vitwj, f^:p*t'?WtI#tbec' iummer, and have choked, jieftr and-wnifprt means '??- -• ••••- ^ .-***V •J!#P jl£B GRASS FOR FISHt BOWLS 0. fain SrrV&i afibne Co. f Jtt yi&jfr'.'^»t>|J, ion «- W^* FIRST UNlVERSALtST CHURCH , ^RIDGEWAY, N. Y. •f Donald K~ Svans, Minister Sunday, Feb, 21. Mornrtig service of worship at 9 30 Sermon topic "The? Great Inheritance" This is the second in the Lenten series of sermons ^developing the general theme: "Abiding ralth," You aie. cor dially invited, to come and wor- ship with us Cfiurch School follows the morning" church service. lopment of Knife, . as Table Appoihtiriwit / ..^SQni* the ' .«• Seventeenth eentuigr. af|er the tbrk' caiiseiS' so 'Bach «sfci *cit|tasn|k;«the'deye}op.!9e3it ofrttbla *appo'ih^eit'''wa8 f raiCii3i-Silte* fcetv-i ice "was-soon introduced" «nd. In or- fdtna^jyjsBihi .tfe. EIgUt«eaa»«««»« tury, e t t,% • • >• ,\ ' t lii&IdfglifSjiniBarasttveJy -regent «a a ; ttb»jt^WienL »§, knijet xn|gb,t ltpffli^p'^6<jo^|titraceaftb ths .oris*- pMl-Sttlfg4mp'!«nie#«f *f ? j§ih$' a& m i i f r l i t o n ^ ' v t e ; 'tn¥''B)?o|a§£ a'ge" plr&swefce. outing tools of "bironz* ^ a ^ K 64-d#ttthipugiV tft i' «ntik jciea^h'ofe.a&'late'ffs 8p0i>yjeaTS*ttgb s "^ta&l^vJaiffe*^' ai^fl^'^'feor a, ; l'otfg'p>r46cLffifR camfed;*boa:t'i»lth *feni to thefr,; bel^br^B'Q^' ifejk^lfe •erii.,.iaaA<^rti»JardjjJiiJli»i' yacket itk, holder. * * rrttRMi.*'** ?#'eSith-.catu|^yfeMtSe'ffipie^ t gcame poMte-^^Bwtlaiias.; ^he£*' i " , cutlety>ioaa^n?ttcturing ,iera|ei»v —i ms ki on His " NeV Philadelphia, Ollo;^' '* Joht Bi' Shaffer had "Wefif' t r "' - • • ;', „'.ttla^<,nls extraoBunar^itililfa, $. %$&&•.-• ' \ : »rf'%$ .«i,..|.'Jhal?er said he caj*?otit;ln|'< 4 w f.Bfianlag's ,Ford, : new:h*fe,"« •; i(Hnsmff minnow bait A'dacfe* >> ;• (.'TheNf-woB/a Wf6i»M.;|W*. ? *>• P*^r/dtfer reelfed M'-fiiSilBigfi I 3 *ftom his hook war 0»e aS^fc;!' fj ;- hooked throagb-,th*'blUi ' V, t > . The Mrtl escaped (rf^'St i » | j j; I jreindved the hook; ; Sh|ffcSH8»i, ii ^clared*- . '-': , ^ H ^ *•' * J ^ ~ •' '** H ' ^ ft >,Read the W?nta. WP gain you €®i ? to* i m s ffiere^mme \ - NIAGARA | f ; HUDSON M Our ftwlness is in-Greasinff ** I o a iMMni^'^utMnadH^ GASOUNE, OILS $ r fcii " a 5 a * Sefi^i«e » torn ^<M I The Medina Daily JoitmaV TBnnsday,- Febrmuy 1& 19-32 PER^)NALS Ch*u;les Strabe Sr of Ridgeway is confined: to the house with cluc> en po\ Fred C- Hurupluey of^the Cul- veit Toad ib ill it his home anfl. is. under the care o£ a trained, nmse C A Reamei Fanpoit is spending a fe\> daj s w ith Mr and Mrs, Homei R Maynud o£ PaA Avenue Miss Anna Ka\anaugh is ac tompauying i patient to Southern Pines, N C They <u,e lea\ing to morrow • Dr. and Mrs.- H.; S. Weet, Ouit,t& Powers and «Bsa Alice Counan.<pX •Rjjphester attended the suppe^sftt Shelby last evening. j t Mr. and Mrs.- Nicholas Brust qf 'E&St Aurora called on' triettds lh tctwa. Tuesday,.- They are contehji- Tilating moving soon to Geneseo. * Mrs. If. S. Olmsted, Mrs. V. A. Aces and 1 'Mrs. E. W. Porter \v^ IR Buffalo- yesterday) and saw t(jte 'Ghannlng POIIOCK p^ay. The House BeauUfut. . • , • , "Mi", * and Mrs. • Iiohald W. Acfer attended the, p£eforrnance 6t Ohannihg "pQHoclts l play "The BeiiijUtni;- at tne Teck in Buffalo Weo^nlsjay. |".'5Uss. U.ui|m Burke ot Rochest^j ' :1 kh. Oscar Sued' of Elba and $& win. Tlmnverman ot 'Niagara Fall! xifito io>* tA^n! yesterday for. tlie funeral ot Sirs. George C. Fuller. William Seefett Sr. led' the, gvper Mrs. Hattia Jeasqn ,preaid^nt4»-! S^S^w^W®*1*Stt¥1Sf aided, t^t the business Session., fjie ; indu^dl.tft eat a, mm% «ju*n^ ot ladies spent the j^matnd$r otQ&v \ ^^^^^^fy}' 6«*dn;aM^j. afternoon In sowing tor the 5p " " * " " " lSajnsville Sonia, '.' "^ .* t^i«^{fn^$iK'"#ace ; f Tnif!0ui|ltbttt the WorW t : ^..<fe-|*e)s^r^i&®§fe«pjtet Oareoll. havl ^ne^tljflpfb^'to'jfiake us thibt-- ,'if>ft*Sbbii|e», ait# t Wn|ff *Jhi- the same ;b^%- f»# &%iS,j!ti:K%fcBfos t\m •SaiblittiB' 1R ji tb,6roueh commoner, ^StHla<^tfim aucU' company, mt ;%|,lfc^iiM^3i»J f .*ih:9,nwfow chv M<mt r$ya|$,san^v?iy,> ^onftaeting th»t,'It H^always' ?i^»y^( wide pdpttlarlty th-.the-ttne seiase ot;tne jfrord, . ,i ;; A».prooC;bt.thls popuiittftyt hard* fe^ll^3i6,-.b.n| t liaa paidt';the cnb- ;Msa *"' tflbtitfr' in the fosntpn'! rteaj- i^ft'lt* fiiait Freachmett have id* |lnde* "my UtUe cabbage" anion* the ino'st prked ferwl of endcar- feilju_t,a^dnck i to-_Bubj|ei.ti^^ ! tnehV- Brltonit^iivTt, dlSPW?" tb* :««J?hage AS the^Ve^y;^oacco of.ii\«;' •^inerlne rifcftitfcttfe of thdc mdifc iftegaenfly wcd&fdjd, fairy sWtB^., .ipermans ha^fefle cabbftge-lfl pickled forat.tfr! taOst tnmotf* dilh In their cr4?j^« Araerlcans h a f t .linked cnbbafei|p com^d huet W fare m6r«V'^Vdrtd ; 'tU£.miit'«lr ac- tion, gvfih 4tJ^lan*4and f eXwiave contrlved;t&^^#wef-»t*fc*!tf'lt hibernates eftdeftUy - ««d '•'' f «<%i eb.t»Bii?jiwel^lta^S«Sk**rt»d.*ofe- ;i*mo and ^ h ^ ^ j i K S i ^ ^ i T W i r *ffeV.-Cmcag0'aSflbnaw, ^' : * 1 -*#^- srf 1 **- i OVERSEAS GALLS RISE Ui. %\% W^cllon ol tbj^tai^jiiinilt tttiphSn'l jtit-'loe- cowlgp ^ 'Mm gl?adW ? ,Kom tfla larje.thomblr, «K ckil»>ail6 between this country-Vtld . fiMjja rfcanflyjolloliilit ili*.» obiinai'#ni -Mdi &MhMw& •fould ahhndoa, ths idld ii«na«ri^ >estn«fto-m-£h|liria jiJtfW br -i|f ' ^lis wsia mado iiid. cjmipl^tid «t«( (M'foht •t«niau*nttls r,1 fttfp ,Wl (•hp^ftailpf, molt v ^i| tbSJf jtaOffc oi coune/beinr.BoiwjBcn tbJ*.coun .'amestjli'mhiir of c«n»>e»eif ; ft»d* v 6wf :|ho;Wc4way» iSnrjng *iilagtf ^ th«;ricord hai-IatJbwB. l i t ott »r, ho%^^ih«i6sfe6f5«'l>iBr p : day (ol)Qv»ing- the 'hfocfc* mirkit • '-hmwfctk'- • - •'• ' * •*•' * Jtfani,'cali»«*«e'.«IfB. tB*d*.ii. l * « n M m «nd »0Btb Aaseric* fdl.. 'owlne the recant EntiiHh innotac* •^••iniri ••j..';^.^!^..i MMJ n-r—t #ife* «ijf Vi*ittng FoWli* Minhter Talk, With ChH- dren at Home *h» thrtH w»Ic« conMK. la- a mother- »hea «he hears th* to*«» of her chlMretf 6o«s* fSroj» ttr tctoMBtfce s«« «ft« ieJa^«ea«ta^e* • from them fa tie coswa of a laii Joarney, wa» «tperienced rscenOy by glsttora ^tart«^ irhett «be tatted by traasgtitanilci' telaphos* -fro* : Washtestott,». a. »*«• t#o «ata» afldrea la the Qi*JtiJ boiwi •!*«*, «ttaitafip. Sitnoia. Craadl, accompitying h«-lia«nin* bit® Gtmm m Itat. s a Fotelin' Minister, dorfai bl» ; vlait to America lof-tetSorUarti «nv | Ttmttan* w»U» *w*Kfii«t ftooTer ; waA'-8mtt*xf of'.Sek'to Sthsibn,; c 6nXe«»*a'tbat»be could barfly: wait '• •tfete4»6*t««ehc4"-Wjaait«fip taj' maksthatelejhaBe call tobtr»en:» , • o r a **ban %iW*- »B«i:ttw#. tb« :• lkhed at about 10 o'clock ta th« Moroinc, « b » I t K«fe« ( ^ w * •« th« affttowwJ 'i» fi«t*ifr *6* ciliJ ' , «rafc«b«». «tft'lil'^»o»e«* .foBft"#ir»- fc' farir ! '«SHl*' to aw telephone, and a s affe<!tion«te ex- : change- ot greeUa«» and' «a307er?s- I Hon also wiih an <rfjto* weaBter of I tba household followed. H just before be«*n the trip i back to Italy, vim H*l£a» »'orei«« ,' ltlaiit«r tteo W * :|i»-:b»B»tlaati9 -,' UliBjio** to «***« * |«««a«aa'7 n! ss PafeeSj j JC>ash of News I — The We>tiuwstei Clssb. of the Fresh} te^ian Church witjt hold their annual banquet in ^ the <»hvuch pastors Mond y eVeU'ng Febiuaiy 22nd , —The League of'Woniqix YA&I-S, will meet Friday, Febmaiy £G, it 3'Sft in the Little rhentie, ^oom at the*. High School Thfe r e ^ l m meettjig will not be helo>tonioi row as it has been postponed to rebiuai,> J6 Mrs. Crook Hostess TotjUliity ^s ", Mrs. Edward &oo]j v?ej'^§|ea kantiy emesrtdined the-j* Maty Class of the Methodist ehififpi^at Iter home on Park Avenu4.y^s||r- day nfternoon. A large iiq^njH^of members attended. Mrs; J j|^g|ie Dye led the devotions, stnd^MVs HEALTH in the HOME Tracheal Jtwdies for *l$)it6$ and ^Mothers By Dt. ERNEST H.LINE$ —— ftmimer* Auihotit* »nd Chief Medico! Di«c*>r N*»» 1 orfc i.</e ImHnmce Company ** FOOD FOR THE FAMIIvY X T is not ensy to hy down spawfio dials for everybody Various f*ctort enter into ^he- eQn&titutop, of a diet A man aomg minu>il \<ihc/t can ublvo. more heavy focd thin im oil e worker C)H peoplti ni,^ Hug »onrish- meat than thohO of m v'mlo pgc IVoplo in. cold northwn tUm&toa * <ni»e more iiKit anft fab thin <&v,sa in warmer,cQuu|nes,, A gtowma«&(iA' needstaore fc«d:^r<iport:ouat*l3g|hsn an adujt to bu^dj^sptho gtowiti^Qflj*. Goodi habitft'sftft. easily forj|<fid in, childhood ut.rftspect; to eatin'g fewcli astnotbartliiitigsi ©'hsaxtto get a chitd:' tct%bei certain-ajtides of fooid t suchfls.sRinach(orjO^tvegfe; tables.ceraais^osrfeuitsXiVhi^ehouidi- bo included in dietary, Gentlts measures ara prete^btei^harsbhOMS faartrfe, tw di^Wwitt t^w oSano* itprb '$ffl more of the artieia eateii witht&edfct. , ,. BowIlngHBlks Sr Inter Gity League Medina Elks were set, batsjj&itw third place in* a ma.tch ot L#itc%. jjter last nighth when the breafetfot the gamo allowed Lancaster ,to win two out of three fia^f Total,seores wore not larjse- <f$P either "team but v thV new plna^IU their part In a most pteas&g manner, Here are the scopes ^a_4 etahdfhpr of liagtiei to datei - *>* Lancaster Staub H. Klaiber U. Klaiber Kelley Huber > ZilJp Medina- ; Reynolds Thaodorptos ;jx -srott CJet«wich wimp I.adciasi4r5,i&*««^... i !6ubsib48 Rofchdstti?'"'* - •<math um^mhv^am^ •Angevlne, Rochester fiti >. w Hi 8 h Sfngle" Gabie,' fl MullSb^, t pnii^f F^ftf,*- Sls| '.'•»••• M . "a Abow ajl,tt?oi4rdii!«!US9mtdiet 1% tho presence, of chttdjscbv DoAOttay 1 - that thisfijadfe^ioddj"while that i|; "bad,* ete. A' bfettef way wouk* I»- toteach«tban»b& : *XiWnpl« by eatiiut? BorneflE-tttftfoodirt^siesUba yqurself> in a matuier thai shows completa enioynijfflt. t^tinSi connection^ i|. ahouid also be r^cmbered thaV'htt|lK««' i* tho bigt^nttcpi Achitdw^q^WBWBtothft' tab»-liufl|<T ft° m ' out4oor e*ercfae' is not likely to quibble Ibouf tho food' »ot beforo him. Dtgy K(R YocstQ CBXOXXS9 Fof very y*m«g «hi?dj% rftilk; in,'! sUtt tftb,.3§tiplo a«sjiR» of t&oir.dtftt, lh additliBn ihey shovtleC hssfe totes:- ceW^dalJy,. fruit cookedl k- as jui«»; o»ce or twjee, eggs, vegflJables sinjd. same bK»,di A^ the jf^anfeM a^sa mentis hist,Essential anetusiially W& child ia bottcs off vritbioijfc ti. tgbe , tendency, when too much meat <a»id other solid foods are giyen, iss f«r the Child to drinks less; h$k> Mft C<aa« ftsinsmoiji ^itamines:todother con* ttituents, m\c1j.»a calciuia, which are essential to a growing child. All wives a$& mothers slipiild be able tq anawclthsse quqstioa&i I . Shaulyiow Frtpste e^fe«»*ro or Tees ttjs'tPtlicS"* of'middte *$&• X. How can young oMdcea b« induce^ WeXtfood th«« Is-jpooT for. tKwhfe t* Shpul«l-,w«fe b» |?% ia %' airliftfl/a wr&M^ia ^ t i ^ t i n jf%®»,»ift«i« lfo»M, Tft# <t;'p(| mill be dn CAifdrta at ^{Sod Age,md Adotvtcmtx. *. ?;The Past Presidents of-Harrie -Seohor Stowe Tent,' No. &h ,»U 4J*c.e a luncheon Friday. Feb.. IP. itX.'ftoon at ,th6 home of M?». F. f-t; "^sirry. State-Street in bonbr of; :^r#. Nettle Qennett Of Rutlnlcr»; ^•itMJepartmV' frcfclrfcflt of th<' aEt^Uihteim oft tftilon Veteran*' a»t ^li! iattead' the AitrtotfecPrdgfanl, jrtvfsn hi the pnMic sohdots, A , % ^ ^ ^ ^ Vftigif.mi tr'^ingi ••iiMii^ifArf -iTiyii. 1" VT*:n nv-i-! -,.• •j T»-. v -'i EiFeryone*of thm® CWfe iwns'ptigri* oafe offers yoti a kfe^t savi^gf in garmenfe. tha|:^IP give plenty ol wear stit$,t»|| Tite faMcs are of tlie |iMfi€|^ styles—tijpr to$%& maiutel •*#- s m A W A K - N E R . T w C A T t?_f. Big Bargaitt Piagram a T^ppi>B> thft Sc«'t«li<>». tlieV matte in DUNN A,. in SKI*SAHOI«Ar. F»AX0Rfes" 1?TT17tlG D^otee ^BBOIA ^ Ibft Re^0% $i«flte Ptit %ocjks, tfw t ^ e ' r ©Wrieft l ' MA.W jfitoER EKfttEEl ** COMICS TAt*itw^ir «• !@eiK *if»Hmmimtpmmimmd)m .."4 ^yqf'"*'*"*''"* 111 ' >-••"•'•'-*••—-*-*••—- littlER Mm^c- |^w^ w . r ,..:^,..„-,uy;. : . 1 .-•'.' 'I,. " N , .• . i^FisBfra . --• 1JL. "©i I it iKX'TOf^-i'Tri' g^ftw ii-l i^^^ *-* *H** ', -> •tt 11:/;: itiniiniitiifiiiiai C i l »i !aMiii l ii..W|.iiW , t LlllLIVJfcK 7fc Par SKavipgr f^wtfer dud tdtldii . . . - L ^ _ 4$e $hmLucretk Vaifeefbilt ICfc l^ep^dettt T0m : Paste Mc Kfy/dettta Tootti$M& : .3tc v #o-wder-0iji 5<& Par Sliaviflf $&$&»J&G Myalyptus Cmtgk %rup«7§e Kern -. JSe and Me If^ijey and Hdreh0iiiid„. i ..51te Wyal Cold Capsttles.,,- JOe Pine free: Exjtjectoraiit^^Jlc •&$&» &&irf PectoraJ ^JSSH Li^er Oil ...... MJllltiild CterriF^iid * * Wl*J*-*,**,***#i£** »«t.**i5 es x aiJHie*SBta»),«<6iif.»**5'c «f BiagHe*aL 39c . ,, , jericao OiL.^#» 2$c • « luiiiiiiiiMiiiriiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiM , '' ' i"iiil'tiiii'|iin i.MMiiiiiiiii'iiiii<iiiii"i liiihli.rfi;;.ri),i,i|L';|iii|iiiiti Guaranteed Lfsteriie Free f lift 1*11 Brush Colgate* T#tth Paste 2 for 25c 0i;Sft tooih iiih 20c MWMtiii 1*1111- letil'iMi IM.-it tte MMMWH Mill' i '"' m$i '' wmk*<>>rz*Krm « 1 M L « I I ' ' II ~TQ|>MMJH n in limn I ' i imriiiniimliwi—mjawmini n ' i 11*111) §P t Rti;fiiiMiB* '•.' *?•• ." . 4to,19^ iwAiW* 10c inn MI u'milii . Arift ^age-Kaspfitirrjf', *&3fiiii «*'.<¥*«* ^ J** tie ftaafe#r«M«fe s<a»» pni»d . -_., _ . farj«gWtfi,fiaefe s*ass* in",!,, 11 , 1 ; 1 'i 111 . | ,:l,ii,nw[< xydoi I (trfr'jMwliatgt -; anrf 1 jftMn p*ck«f« lift ft)* t k erlct of t Urge picK»a« # 21c faiaMt#iyiK'fii ll , n'liiSffiiiiirvncyfriijI iil#iBjiiii'l>if'iaig>iywwwwpw*<wwi^w« 4 pf lit smAwmM' % * MMiHH HRAtb wuipmSis^er* 4 ATLANTir R PACIFIC ..MfS JMTwV^Biif'^^"''' 4 -'' Ll

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(assified Advertisements r V i >

|C— Two yemling Hot at, Beit Dualap ' J, 17tl9xx


j|jT— Five Beach

Toom apart-lotf

BG and. IioriSng/ $150 up, [irts included, {4$2 I! Cen

" 17tl9sx

-Wort resaiimg fumi. 111 kinds,. Call ,23711. I§t20

; V :

:farm -Work; ;(m Bl, Banfep^Scoti

:..?,? ft' , ' . , » — —

by Road,,.

IStfffJcs M i r •—

Human fWimei., *?;». > r *8eja$y"m € lb thea

feasor fefytim&ea* or, , a t

the; $oin;d. l i f t «ojises

fat r^-#s)Snp;:.ri^Aifeter3f^;# fc ^feVht$j| «qde.", paw p-l?ijTOfw*'-"^*; sji«a

•Vitwj, f^:p*t '?WtI#tbec'

iummer, and have choked,

jieftr and-wnifprt means '??-

-• ••••- ^ . - * * * V


0. fain SrrV&i

afibne Co.

f Jtt yi&jfr'.' »t>|J, ion «-



•f Donald K~ Svans, Minister

Sunday, Feb, 21. Mornrtig service of worship at

9 30 Sermon topic "The? Great Inheritance" This is the second in the Lenten series of sermons

^developing the general theme: "Abiding ralth," You aie. cor dially invited, to come and wor­ship with us

Cfiurch School follows the morning" church service.

lopment of Knife, . a s T a b l e Appoihtir iwit

/ .. SQni* the '.«• Seventeenth eentuigr. af|er the tbrk' caiiseiS' so 'Bach «sfci *cit|tasn|k;«the'deye}op.!9e3it ofrttbla *appo'ih^eit'''wa8fraiCii3i-Silte* fcetv-i ice "was-soon introduced" «nd. In or-

fdtna^jyjsBihi .tfe. EIgUt«eaa»«««»« t u r y , e t t,% • • >• , \ ' t „ lii&IdfglifSjiniBarasttveJy -regent «a a ; t t b» j t ^WienL » § , knijet xn|gb,t

ltpffli^p'^6<jo^|titraceaftb ths .oris*-pMl-Sttlfg4mp'!«nie#«f *f?j§ih$' a& miifrli ton^'vte; 'tn¥''B)?o|a§£ a'ge" plr&swefce. outing tools of "bironz*

^ a ^ K 64-d#ttthipugiV tft i' « n t i k jciea^h'ofe.a&'late'ffs 8p0i>yjeaTS*ttgbs

"^ta&l^vJaiffe*^' ai^fl^'^'feor a, ; l'otfg'p>r46cLffifR camfed;*boa:t'i»lth *feni to thefr,; bel^br^B'Q^' ifejk lfe

•erii.,.iaaA<^rti»JardjjJiiJli»i' yacket

itk, holder. * * rrttRMi.*'**


tgcame poMte-^^Bwtlaiias.; ^he£*' i " , cutlety>ioaa^n?ttcturing ,iera|ei»v

— i ms


on His " NeV Philadelphia, Ollo;^' '* • Joht Bi' Shaffer had "Wefif' t r — "' - • •

;', „'.ttla^<,nls • extraoBunar^itililfa, $. %$&&•.-• ' \:»rf'%$ .«i,..|.'Jhal?er said he caj*?otit;ln|'< 4 w f.Bfianlag's ,Ford,:new:h*fe,"« •; i(Hnsmff minnow bait A'dacfe* >>

;• (.'TheNf-woB/a Wf6i»M.;|W*. ? *>• P*^r/dtfer reelfed M'-fiiSilBigfi I3

*ftom his hook war 0»e aS^fc;!' fj ;- hooked throagb-,th*'blUi ' V, t >. The Mrtl escaped (rf 'St i» | j j; I jreindved the hook;;Sh|ffcSH8»i, ii ^clared*- . '-': , ^ H ^

*•' * J ^ ~ •' '** H ' ^ ft

>,Read the W?nta.

WP gain you €®i

?to* i

ms ffiere^mme

\ -


MOur ftwlness is in-Greasinff ** I o a iMMni^'^utMnadH^ GASOUNE, OILS $

r f c i i " a 5 a * Sefi i«e »torn <M I

The Medina Daily JoitmaV TBnnsday,- Febrmuy 1& 19-32

PER^)NALS Ch*u;les Strabe Sr of Ridgeway

is confined: to the house with cluc> en po\

Fred C- Hurupluey of^the Cul-veit Toad ib ill it his home anfl. is. under the care o£ a trained, nmse

C A Reamei o£ Fanpoit is spending a fe\> daj s with Mr and Mrs, Homei R Maynud o£ PaA Avenue

Miss Anna Ka\anaugh is ac tompauying i patient to Southern Pines, N C They <u,e lea\ing to morrow • Dr. and Mrs.- H.; S. Weet, Ouit,t&

Powers and «Bsa Alice Counan.<pX •Rjjphester attended the suppe^sftt Shelby last evening. j tMr. and Mrs.- Nicholas Brust qf

'E&St Aurora called on' triettds lh tctwa. Tuesday,.- They are contehji-Tilating moving soon to Geneseo. • *

Mrs. If. S. Olmsted, Mrs. V. A. Aces and1 'Mrs. E. W. Porter \ v ^ IR Buffalo- yesterday) and saw t(jte 'Ghannlng POIIOCK p^ay. The House BeauUfut. . • , • ,

"Mi", * and Mrs. • Iiohald W. Acfer attended the, p£eforrnance 6t Ohannihg "pQHoclts l play "The BeiiijUtni;- at tne Teck in Buffalo Weo^nlsjay. |".'5Uss. U.ui|m Burke ot Rochest^j ':1kh. Oscar Sued' of Elba and $& win. Tlmnverman ot 'Niagara Fall! xifito io>* tA^n! yesterday for. tlie funeral ot Sirs. George C. Fuller.

William Seefett Sr. led' the, gvper Mrs. Hattia Jeasqn ,preaid^nt4»-! S ^ S ^ w ^ W ® * 1 * S t t ¥ 1 S f aided, t t the business Session., fjie ; indu^dl.tft eat a, mm% «ju*n^ ot ladies spent the j^matnd$r otQ&v \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f y } ' 6«*dn;aM j. afternoon In sowing tor the 5 p " " * " " " lSajnsville Sonia, '.' "^ .*

t ^ i « ^ { f n ^ $ i K ' " # a c e ;

f Tnif!0ui|ltbttt t h e WorW t : ..<fe-|*e)s r i&®§fe«pjtet Oareoll. havl ^ne^tljflpfb^'to'jfiake us thibt--,'if>ft*Sbbii|e», ait#tWn|ff *Jhi- the same ; b ^ % - f » # &%iS,j!ti:K%fcBfos t\m •SaiblittiB' 1R ji tb,6roueh commoner, ^StHla<^tfim aucU' company, mt ;%|,lfc^iiM^3i»Jf.*ih:9,nwfow chv M<mt r$ya|$,san^v?iy,> ^onftaeting th»t,'It H^always ' ?i^»y^( wide pdpttlarlty th-.the-ttne seiase ot;tne jfrord, . ,i

;; A».prooC;bt.thls popuiittftyt hard* fe^ll^3i6,-.b.n|tliaa paidt';the cnb-;Msa *"' tflbtitfr' in the fosntpn'! rteaj-i^ft'lt* fiiait Freachmett have id* |lnde* "my UtUe cabbage" anion* the ino'st prked ferwl of endcar-

feilju_t,a^dnckito-_Bubj|ei.ti^^!tnehV- Brltonit^iivTt, dlSPW?" tb* :««J?hage AS the^Ve^y;^oacco of.ii\«;' •^inerlne rifcftitfcttfe of thdc mdifc iftegaenfly wcd&fdjd, fairy sWtB^., .ipermans h a ^ f e f l e cabbftge-lfl pickled forat.tfr! taOst tnmotf* dilh In their cr4?j^« Araerlcans haft .linked cnbbafei |p com^d huet W fare m6r«V'^Vdrtd;'tU£.miit'«lr ac­tion, gvfih 4tJ^lan*4and f eXwiave contrlved;t&^^#wef-»t*fc*!tf'lt hibernates eftdeftUy - ««d'•'' f«<%i eb.t»Bii?jiwel^lta^S«Sk**rt»d.*ofe-;i*mo and ^ h ^ ^ j i K S i ^ ^ i T W i r *ffeV.-Cmcag0'aSflbnaw, ^ ' : *

1 - * # ^ - srf1**-


U i .

%\% W^cllon ol tbj^tai^jiiinilt tttiphSn'l jtit-'loe- cowlgp 'Mm

gl?adW?,Kom tfla larje.thomblr, «K ckil»>ail6 between this country-Vtld . fiMjja rfcanflyjolloliilit i l i * . » obiinai'#ni -Mdi &MhMw& •fould ahhndoa, ths idld ii«na«ri^

>estn« fto-m- £h|liria jiJtfW br -i|f ' l is wsia mado iiid. cjmipl^tid «t«( (M'foht •t«niau*nttlsr,1fttfp ,Wl (•hp^ftailpf, moltv^i| tbSJf jtaOffc oi coune/beinr.BoiwjBcn tbJ*.coun

.'amestjli'mhiir of c«n»>e»eif;ft»d* v6wf :|ho;Wc4way» iSnrjng *iilagtf ^ th«;ricord hai-IatJbwB. l i t ott

» r , ho%^^ih«i6sfe6f5«'l>iBr p : day (ol)Qv»ing- the 'hfocfc* mirkit • '-hmwfctk'- • - •'• ' * • •*•' * Jtfani,'cali»«*«e'.«IfB. tB*d*.ii. l * « n M m «nd »0Btb Aaseric* fdl.. 'owlne the recant EntiiHh innotac*

•^••iniri • • j . . ' ; ^ . ^ ! ^ . . i MMJ n-r—t

#ife* «ijf Vi*ittng F o W l i * Minh te r T a l k , W i t h ChH-

dren a t H o m e

*h» thrtH w»Ic« conMK. la- a mother- »hea «he hears th* to*«» of her chlMretf 6o«s* fSroj» ttr tctoMBtfce s«« «ft« ieJa^«ea«ta^e* • from them fa tie coswa of a laii Joarney, wa» «tperienced rscenOy by glsttora ^tart«^ irhett «be tatted by traasgtitanilci' telaphos* -fro*:

Washtestott,». a. » * « • t#o «ata» afldrea la the Qi*JtiJ boiwi •!*«*, «ttaitafip.

Sitnoia. Craadl, accompitying h«-lia«nin* bit® Gtmm m Itat. s a Fotelin' Minister, dorfai bl» ; vlait to America lof-tetSorUarti «nv | Ttmttan* w»U» *w*Kfii«t ftooTer ; waA'-8mtt*xf of'.Sek'to Sthsibn,; c6nXe«»*a'tbat»be could barfly: wait '• •tfete4»6*t««ehc4"-Wjaait«fip taj' maksthatelejhaBe call tobtr»en:» , •ora **ban %iW*- »B«i:ttw#. tb« :•

lkhed at about 10 o'clock ta th« Moroinc, « b » It K«fe« ( ^ w * •« th« affttowwJ 'i» fi«t*ifr *6* ciliJ',

«rafc«b«». « t f t ' l i l ' ^»o»e«* .foBft"#ir»- fc' farir!'«SHl*' to aw telephone, and as affe<!tion«te ex-

: change- ot greeUa«» and' «a307er?s-I Hon also wiih an <rfjto* weaBter of I tba household followed. H just before h» be«*n the trip i back to Italy, vim H*l£a» »'orei«« ,' ltlaiit«r tteo W * :|i»-:b»B»tlaati9 -,' UliBjio** to «***« * |«««a«aa'7

n! ss PafeeSj

j JC>ash of News I

— The We>tiuwstei Clssb. of the Fresh} te^ian Church witjt hold their annual banquet in ^ the <»hvuch pastors Mond y eVeU'ng Febiuaiy 22nd ,

—The League of'Woniqix YA&I-S, will meet Friday, Febmaiy £G, it 3'Sft in the Little rhentie, ^oom at the*. High School Thfe re^lm meettjig will not be helo>tonioi row as it has been postponed to rebiuai,> J6

Mrs. Crook Hostess TotjUliity ^ s

", Mrs. Edward &oo]j v?ej'^§|ea kantiy emesrtdined the-j* Maty Class of the Methodist ehififpi^at Iter home on Park Avenu4.y^s||r-day nfternoon. A large iiq^njH^of members attended. Mrs;Jj|^g|ie Dye led the devotions, stnd^MVs

HEALTH in the H O M E Tracheal Jtwdies for *l$)it6$

and ^Mothers

By Dt. ERNEST H.LINE$ —— ftmimer* Auihotit* »nd Chief Medico! Di«c*>r

N*»» 1 orfc i.</e ImHnmce Company


XT is not ensy to hy down spawfio dials for everybody Various f*ctort enter into he- eQn&titutop, of a diet A man aomg minu>il \<ihc/t can

ublvo. more heavy focd thin im oil e worker C)H peoplti ni,^ Hug »onrish-meat than thohO of m v'mlo pgc IVoplo in. cold northwn tUm&toa * <ni»e more iiKit anft fab thin <&v,sa in warmer,cQuu|nes,, A gtowma«&(iA' needstaore fc«d: r<iport:ouat*l3g|hsn an adujt to bu^dj sptho gtowiti Qflj*.

Goodi habitft'sftft. easily forj|<fid in, childhood ut.rftspect; to eatin'g fewcli astnotbartliiitigsi ©'hsaxtto get a chitd:' tct%bei certain-ajtides of fooidt such fls.sRinach (orjO^tvegfe; tables.ceraais^osrfeuitsXiVhi^ehouidi-bo included in dietary, Gentlts measures ara prete^btei^harsbhOMS

faartrfe, t w di^Wwitt t^w oS ano* itprb '$ffl more of the artieia eateii witht&edfct. , ,.

BowIlngHBlks Sr Inter Gity League

Medina Elks were set, batsjj&itw third place in* a ma.tch ot L#itc%.

jjter last nighth when the breafetfot the gamo allowed Lancaster ,to win two out of three fia^f Total,seores wore not larjse-<f$P either "team butvthV new plna^IU their part In a most pteas&g manner, Here are the scopes a_4 etahdfhpr of liagtiei to datei - *>*

Lancaster Staub H. Klaiber U. Klaiber Kelley Huber > ZilJp


; Reynolds Thaodorptos

;jx -srott CJet«wich


I.adciasi4r5,i&*««^...i!6ubsib48 — Rofchdstti?'"'*

- •<math um^mhv^am^ •Angevlne, Rochester fiti >. w

Hi8h Sfngle" Gabie,' fl MullSb^, t p n i i ^ f F ftf,*- S l s |

• ' . ' • » • • • M . "a

Abow ajl, tt?oi4rdii!«!US9mt diet 1% tho presence, of chttdjscbv DoAOttay1-that this fijadfe^ioddj" while that i|; "bad,* ete. A' bfettef way wouk* I»-to teach«tban» b&:*XiWnpl« by eatiiut? Borne flE-tttftfood irt^siesUba yqurself> in a matuier thai shows completa enioynijfflt.

t^tinSi connection^ i|. ahouid also be r^cmbered thaV'htt|lK««' i* tho bigt^nttcpi Achitdw^q^WBWBtothft' tab»-liufl|<T ft°m' out4oor e*ercfae' is not likely to quibble Ibouf tho food' »ot beforo him.

D t g y K(R YocstQ CBXOXXS9

Fof very y*m«g «hi?dj% rftilk; in,'! sUtt tftb,.3§tiplo a«sjiR» of t&oir.dtftt, lh additliBn ihey shovtleC hssfe totes:-ceW^dalJy,. fruit cookedl k- as jui«»; o»ce or twjee, eggs, vegflJables sinjd. same bK»,di A^ the jf anfeM a^sa mentis hist,Essential anetusiially W& child ia bottcs off vritbioijfc t i . tgbe , tendency, when too much meat <a»id other solid foods are giyen, iss f«r the Child to drinks less; h$k> Mft C<aa« ftsinsmoiji ^itamines: tod other con* ttituents, m\c1j.»a calciuia, which are essential to a growing child.

All wives a$& mothers slipiild be able tq anawclthsse quqstioa&i I . Shaulyiow Frtpste e fe«»*ro or Tees ttjs'tPtlicS"* of'middte *$&• X. How can young oMdcea b« induce^ WeXtfood th«« Is-jpooT for. tKwhfe t * Shpul«l-,w«fe b»

• | ? % ia %' airlift fl/ a wr&M^ia ^ t i ^ t i n jf%®»,»ift«i« lfo»M, Tft# <t;'p(| mill be dn CAifdrta at ^{Sod Age,md Adotvtcmtx.


?;The Past Presidents of-Harrie -Seohor Stowe Tent,' No. &h ,»U 4J*c.e a luncheon Friday. Feb.. IP. a§ itX.'ftoon at ,th6 home of M?». F. f-t; "^sirry. State-Street in bonbr of; :^r#. Nettle Qennett Of Rutlnlcr»; ^•itMJepartmV' frcfclrfcflt of th<' aEt Uihteim oft tftilon Veteran*' a»t ^ l i ! iattead' the AitrtotfecPrdgfanl, jrtvfsn hi the pnMic sohdots, A , % ^ ^ ^ ^ Vftigif.mi tr'^ingi ••iiMii ifArf -iTiyii. 1" VT*:n nv-i-! -,.•

• j T»-.

v -'i EiFeryone*of thm® CWfe iwns'ptigri*


offers yoti a kfe^t savi gf in garmenfe.

tha|:^IP give plenty ol wear stit$,t»||

Tite faMcs are of tlie |iMfi€|^

styles—tijpr to$%& maiutel •*#-

s m

A W A K - N E R . T w C A T t?_f.

Big Bargaitt Piagram a

T ppi>B> thft Sc«'t«li<>». tlieV matte in

D U N N A,.




D^otee BBOIA ^

Ibft Re^0% $i«flte Ptit %ocjks, tfw t^e ' r ©Wrieft l '

MA.W jfitoER EKfttEEl

* *

• COMICS TAt*itw^ir «• !@eiK



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iKX'TOf^-i'Tri' g^ftw

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7fc Par SKavipgr f^wtfer dud tdtldii . . . - L ^ _ 4$e

$hmLucretk Vaifeefbilt

ICfc l^ep^dettt T0m: Paste

Mc Kfy/dettta Toot ti$M&:.3tcv


5<& Par Sliaviflf $&$&»J&G Myalyptus Cmtgk %rup«7§e Kern -. JSe and Me If ijey and Hdreh0iiiid„.i..51te Wyal Cold Capsttles.,,- JOe Pine free: Exjtjectoraiit^^Jlc •&$&» &&irf PectoraJ ^JSSH Li^er Oil......

MJllltiild CterriF^iid * * Wl* J*-*,**,***#i£* * »«t.**i5

e s x aiJHie*SBta»),«<6iif.»**5'c «f BiagHe*aL 39c

. ,, , jericao OiL.^#» 2$c • « luiiiiiiiiMiiiriiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiM , '' ' i"iiil'tiiii'|iin i.MMiiiiiiiii'iiiii<iiiii"i liiihli.rfi;;.ri),i,i|L';|iii|iiiiti


Lfsteriie Free f lift 1*11 Brush Colgate* T#tth Paste 2 for 25c

0i;Sft tooih i i ih 20c MWMtiii 1*1111-

letil'iMi IM.-it tte


Mill' i '"' m$i '' wmk*<>>rz*Krm « 1 M L « I I ' ' II ~ T Q | > M M J H n in limn I ' i imriiiniimliwi—mjawmini n ' i 11*111)


Rti;f i i iMiB* '•.' *?•• . " . 4 to, 19^

iwAiW* 10c inn M I u'milii

. Arift ^age-Kaspfitirrjf',

*&3fiiii «*'.<¥*«* J** t ie ftaafe#r«M«fe s<a»» pni»d

. • -_., _ . farj«gWtfi,fiaefe

s*ass* in",!,,11,1;1 'i111. |,:l,ii,nw[<

xydoi I (trfr'jMwliatgt

-; anrf 1 jftMn p*ck«f« l i f t ft)* t k erlct of

t Urge picK»a«


21c faiaMt#iyiK'fiill, n'liiSffiiiiirvncyfriijI iil#iBjiiii'l>if'iaig>iywwwwpw*<wwi^w«

4 pf l i t smAwmM' % J»



HRAtb wuipmSis^er*4



JMTwV Biif' "'''4-'' Ll