livelihood of local communities and forest degradation in india: issues for redd+ abhishek kadyan

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  • 7/31/2019 Livelihood of local communities and forest degradation in India: issues for REDD+ Abhishek Kadyan


    The Energy and Resources Institute

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    Livelihood of local communities and forest

    degradation in India: issues for REDD+

  • 7/31/2019 Livelihood of local communities and forest degradation in India: issues for REDD+ Abhishek Kadyan


  • 7/31/2019 Livelihood of local communities and forest degradation in India: issues for REDD+ Abhishek Kadyan



    Livelihood of local communities and

    forest degradation in India: issues for


    Bhibhu Prasad Nayak, Priyanka Kohli, and Dr J V Sharma


    Indias current orest and tree cover is estimated to be 78.29 million ha,

    constituting 23.81 per cent o the geographical area o the country (ISFR,

    2011). Forest cover alone amounts to 69.20 million ha, against the recorded

    orest area o 76.95 million ha. O the total orest cover, 12.06 per cent

    is very dense orest (more than 70% crown density), 46.35 per cent is

    moderately dense orest (40% to 70% crown density), and the remaining41.59 per cent is open orest (10% to 40% crown density). As per the India

    State o the Forest Report (ISFR) 2011, orest cover has declined by 367 sq.

    km compared to the orest cover in the preceding ISFR in 2009. Tree cover

    outside orest areas is assessed to be 9.7 million ha, and is experiencing an

    increase over the last ew assessments, indicating a rise in green cover in

    non-orest land in the country.

    Forest cover in the country has more or less stabilized since the

    1980s. As per the estimates o the Forest Survey o India, orest cover has

    increased marginally rom 64.08 million ha in 1987 to 96.2 million ha in

    2011. The enactment o proactive orest conservation policies and changes

    in management approaches rom timber to orest ecosystem during the

    last ew decades have curbed deorestation, and promoted conservation

    and sustainable management o orest. The enorcement o The Forest

    Conservation Act, 1980 enabled the regulation o widespread diversions

    o orestland or non-orest uses, and hence put a check on deorestation.

    The changing priorities o the orest department rom revenue generation

    to conservation-oriented orestry and the practice o doing away with

    clear elling o tress has resulted in a signicant decline o ormal pressure

    o deorestation and degradation on orest ecosystem. However, orest

    degradation o natural orest due to several actors remains a major concern

    o orest management.

    Forest degradation in India

    The orest degradation is quite evident rom low level o growing stock in

    India orest and declining trend o dense orest in the country. The growing

    stock per ha o orest area as per both in 2009 and 2011 ISFR is estimated to

    be around 58.46 m3 per ha o orest area. This is ar below the global average

    o 130.7 m3/ha and the south and Southeast Asian average o 98.6 m3/ha or

    the corresponding period (FAO, 2010). More than 40 per cent o the orest

    in country are degraded and under-stocked (Aggarwal et al, 2009, Bahuguna

    Forest cover in the

    country has more or

    less stabilized since

    the 1980s. As per the

    estimates of the Forest

    Survey of India, forestcover has increased

    marginally from 64.08

    million ha in 1987 to

    96.2 million ha

    in 2011.

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    et al, 2004). The National Forest Commission report 2006 indicated that

    around 41 per cent o total orest in the country is already degraded, 70

    per cent o the orests have no natural regeneration, and 55 per cent o the

    orests are prone to re (MoEF, 2006). As the trend o change in dense

    orest is concerned, it has remained very moderate as compared to changes

    in open orest (see Table 1). For some assessment years, the change has been

    negative to the preceding assessment too. For instance, the moderately denseorest has declined by 936 sq. km rom 2005 to 2007. However, the orest

    cover assessment exercise hardly refects the extent o orest degradation

    and it is oten dicult to compare the data in this regard due to lack o

    standardized methodologies (Davidar et al, 2010).

    Table 1: Change in orest cover 1991-2011

    State of the ForestReport Year

    Dense (40 % andabove crown cover)

    Forest (in sq. km)

    Open (10 to 40 %crown cover) Forest (in

    sq. km)

    Total Forest Cover(in sq. km)

    1991 385008(60.64)



    2001 395169





    2011 404207





    Change from

    1991 to 2011

    19199 37890 57089

    Note: Figure in parenthesis are the percentage to total forest cover

    Source: Various issues of State of the Forest Report

    The actors aecting orest degradation in India are:

    i. Critical livelihoodorest linkage o a huge orest dependent population

    (FSI, 2011; Davidar et al, 2010)

    ii. Demand and supply gap o orest products, resulting in exploitation

    beyond its carrying capacity (Aggarwal et al, 2009)

    iii. Forest res, overgrazing, illegal elling, and diversion o orest land

    (both permitted and illegal or non-orest uses due to competing land

    use demand or developmental and other uses (FSI, 2011; Davidar et al,

    2010; Aggarwal et al, 2009; MoEF, 2009; MoEF, 2006).

    In the orested landscapes o India, the livelihoods o the people living close

    to orest and within the orests are inextricably linked to the orest ecosystem.People depend on the orest or a variety o orest products or ood, odder,

    agriculture, housing, and an array o marketable minor orest produces which

    can potentially degrade orest i harvested unsustainably. Field based studies

    assessing the pattern o collection o these orest products and its impact on

    local orest ound that local livelihood dependence results in degradation

    (Davidar et al, 2010; Mishra et al, 2008; Arjunan et al, 2005; Sagar and

    Singh, 2004; Maikhuri et al, 2001; Silori and Mishra, 2001). Hence, the

    livelihood concerns o the millions o poor people living in and around orest

    contribute to orest degradation along with other actors.

    In the forested

    landscapes of India,

    the livelihoods of the

    people living close to

    forest and within the

    forests are inextricably

    linked to the forest


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    Forest survey o India (FSI) also made a comprehensive assessment o the

    production and consumption o orests in India and this has been discussed

    in detail in recently published IFSR 2011. The low productivity o orest

    coupled with ever-increasing demand or orest products due to Indias huge

    and increasing population contributes to the degradation o orest (Gulati

    and Sharma, 2000). The development concerns in general and the rapidly

    growing economy has implications on orest cover and the land use patterno the country (IIASA, 2009; MoEF, 2009). The orests are also subject to

    several other anthropogenic pressures like over grazing, shiting cultivation,

    and vulnerabilities to orest re and so on (World Bank, 2006; Bahuguna et

    al, 2002). A host o these drivers are directly linked to the livelihood o the

    orest dependent communities.

    Livelihood of the forest dependent communities and its impact on forest

    carbon stock

    India has a huge population living close to the orest with their livelihoods

    critically linked to the orest ecosystem. There are around 1.73 lakh villages1

    located in and around orests (MoEF, 2006). Though there is no ocialcensus gures or the orest dependent population in the country, dierent

    estimates put the gures rom 275 million (World Bank, 2006) to 350-

    400 million (MoEF, 2009). People living in these orest ringe villages

    depend upon orest or a variety o goods and services. These includes

    collection o edible ruits, fowers, tubers, roots and leaves or ood and

    medicines; rewood or cooking (some also sale in the market); materials

    or agricultural implements, house construction and encing; odder (grass

    and leave) or livestock and grazing o livestock in orest; and collection o a

    range o marketable non-timber orest products. Thereore, with such a huge

    population and extensive dependence pattern, any over exploitation and

    unsustainable harvest practice can potentially degrade orest. Moreover, a

    signicant percentage o the countrys underprivileged population happened

    to be living in its orested regions (Saha and Guru, 2003). It has been

    estimated that more than 40 per cent o the poor o the country are living

    in these orest ringe villages (MoEF, 2006). Apart rom this, a signicant

    percentage o Indias tribal population lives in these regions. Several eld-

    based studies have documented the adverse impact o such dependence

    pattern on the orest quality.

    The orest ringe communities not just collect these orest products or

    their own consumption but also or commercial sale, which etch them some

    income. The income rom sale o the orest products or households living inand around orest constitutes 40 to 60 per cent o their total income (Bharath

    Kumar et al, 2010; Sadashivappa et al, 2006; Mahapatra and Kant, 2005;

    Sills et al, 2003; Bahuguna, 2000). A study (Saha and Sundriyal, 2012) on the

    extent o NTFP use in north east India suggest that the tribal communities

    use 343 NTFPs or diverse purposes like medicinal (163 species), edible

    ruits (75 species) and vegetables (65 species). The dependence or rewood

    and house construction material is 100 and NTFPs contributed 1932%

    1 There are 6.41 lakh villages in India as per the 2011 census

    India has a huge

    population living close

    to the forest with theirlivelihoods critically

    linked to the forest

    ecosystem. People

    living in these forest

    fringe villages depend

    upon forest for a variety

    of goods and services.

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    The large livestockpopulation also results

    in huge collection

    of tree fodder, which

    affects the forest

    quality adversely. The

    annual requirement of

    dry and green fodder

    is estimated to be

    569 MT and 1025 MT

    respectively against the

    availability of 385 MT

    and 356 MT.

    o total household income or the communities under study (Saha and

    Sundriyal, 2012). Forests are not only a source o subsistence income

    or millions o poor households but also provide employment to poor in

    these hinterlands. This makes orests an important contributor to the rural

    economy in the orested landscapes in the country. The widespread poverty

    and lack o other income generating opportunities oten make these people

    resort to over-exploitation o orest resources. The collection o rewood orsale in the market, though it is illegal, is also extensive in many parts o the

    orested regions in the country and constitutes the source o livelihood or

    11 per cent o the population (IPCC, 2007). However, many other orest

    products have been sustainably harvested by local communities or many

    years, and are a constant source o household income.

    Agriculture and livestock are two other major sources o livelihoods in

    the orest ringe villages, which in turn depend extensively on the orest or

    various inputs. People rear both bovine and ruminant livestock and orests

    and other local common land are the major source o grass and tree odder.

    Open grazing in the orest is the conventional rearing practices or orest

    ringe communities and this has adverse impact on growing stock as wellas regeneration capacity o orest when there is over grazing due to more

    livestock. ICFRE (2001) estimates suggest that Indias orest support

    270 million cattle or grazing against its carrying capacity o 30 million.

    The incidence o grazing is estimated to be aecting 78 per cent o the

    Indias orests o which 18 per cent are highly aected with remaining 31

    per cent and 29 per cent medium and low respectively (World bank 2006;

    MoEF, 2006). The large livestock population also results in huge collection

    o tree odder, which aects the orest quality adversely. The annual

    requirement o dry and green odder is estimated to be 569 MT and 1025

    MT respectively against the availability o 385 MT and 356 MT (Roy and

    Singh, 2008). This explains the pressure on Indias orest rom livestock

    sector and its contribution to the state o degradation o orests in human

    dominated landscapes o the country. Agricultural systems in the orested

    regions also inextricably related to the orest ecosystem. Farmers collect

    small timber, poles, and other materials rom orest or agricultural

    implements and encing the agricultural elds, lea litter or manure,

    herbs, and medicinal plants to deal with pests and so on. The agriculture

    in this region is predominantly subsistence and crop production highly

    vulnerable weather conditions and wildlie attack. Crop ailure in any specic

    year has All such dependence does not aect as long as these resources are

    extracted sustainably and well within the regeneration or carrying capacityo the orests.

    Shiting cultivation that is still being practiced in some regions o

    the country contributes to the orest degradation. With increased crop

    cycles and declining allow period in shiting cultivation practices in recent

    decades the impact o traditional agricultural practice is more severe.

    Dierent estimates or area under shiting cultivation ranges rom 5 million

    ha to 11.6 million ha involving 3 to 26 million people in 16 dierent states

    in the country (MoEF, 2006). The practice is more prominent in north-

    eastern states.

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    REDD+ and livelihood of the forest dependent communities

    REDD+ is a nancial instrument to incentivize conservation and

    sustainable management o orest and thereby reducing GHG emissions

    rom deorestation and orest degradation. It aims at compensating the

    orest owners in developing countries or conserving the orests by putting a

    value on the orest carbon stocks, one o the ecosystem services that orests

    provide. The idea o REDD+ is based on two basic premises. Firstly, thecountries conserving orests orgo the economic gain o harvesting them

    as well as the benets rom alternative land use and hence need to be

    compensated or the same. Secondly, costs involved in conservation and

    sustainable management o orests needs to be shared by other countries too

    as the orests provide a range o osite ecosystem services that benets all.

    Given the livelihood linkage o orests in many developing countries, orest

    conservation imposes several direct and indirect costs. Hence, any nancial

    mechanism to compensate some o these costs by developed countries would

    encourage sustainable management o orest in developing countries.

    Decentralized orest management through devolution o power to

    local communities is one o the important components o the sustainable

    management o orest under REDD+ regime. Besides this, REDD+ will also

    improve the livelihoods o orest-dependent communities by adding value

    to the collected orest produce through a Public Private Partnership Model

    that would enhance income and employment opportunities or the local

    people. Assigning monetary value to the enhanced carbon stocks in the orest

    that could incentivize orest conservation and management. Since, 75% o

    orest-based income is rom NTFPs (MoEF, 2009) the NTFP enterprises

    can contribute signicantly, to livelihood enhancement in orested areas.

    In addition, the two main barriers recognized in NTFP management are

    lack o sustainable harvesting practices and problems o NTFP productivity.To resolve this issue, the GoI would support technology or value addition,

    certication, and improved marketing o NTFP. Further, sustainable

    management o orest saeguards the orests or the uture generation.

    Addressing forest degradation

    Globally, there is no standard denition o orest degradation. It is a complex

    process and has several drivers, which pose a greater challenge to check

    the problem o degradation. The IPCC Special Report on Methodological

    options to inventory emissions rom direct-human induced degradation o

    orests and de-vegetation o other orest types denes degradation as direct-

    human induced long term loss o at leastY % o orest carbon stocks since timeT and not qualiying as deorestation. Given the widespread dependence o

    such a huge population on orest or subsistence livelihood, arresting orest

    degradation involves designing and implementing strategies that creates

    alternative livelihood opportunities and reduce their dependence on orest-

    based activities. The livelihood requirement o the people ully dependent

    and partially on orest varies and these need to be taken into consideration

    while designing the strategies. Unsustainable harvesting and extraction o

    uel wood will be substituted by promoting alternative livelihood and energy

    The proposed REDD+

    regime provides an

    opportunity for sub-

    national actors, like

    States, to address

    the delicate issue of

    poverty in resource-

    rich regions such as

    forested and tribal

    dominated States.

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    sources like biogas, solar energy (solar lanterns and solar street lighting),

    and improved cook stoves. The expansion o provisions or cleaner cooking

    uels such as LPG in rural areas will help to reduce pressure on orests and

    enhance carbon stocks. This would save uel wood and reduce pressure on

    the orests. The GoI has proposed to target 10 million households (in 0.1

    million villages in orest conservation areas) or improved stoves (over 30%

    wood saving). Simultaneously, this would lead to saving o 2 million tons ouel wood every year amounting to reduction o 3.6 Mt o CO2emissions per

    year. Some other measures could be:

    1. Filling the gap of demand and supply of forest products

    Indias huge population contributes to the large demand base o the orest

    products. With limited orest cover, the supply o orest products does not

    match the demand and hence there is a substantial gap (see Table 2 and

    3). This gap oten drives the over-exploitation o the orest. There has been

    dierent estimates o the demand and supply o major orest products. The

    estimates by TERI (Aggarwal et al, 2009) put the demand-supply gap or

    uel wood, odder and timber at 100, 853 and 14 million tonnes respectively

    (see Table 2)

    Table 2: Demand and supply gap o various orest products

    Forest Products Demand



    Supply (MT)


    Harvest (MT)

    Firewood 228 128 100

    Fodder (green anddry)

    1594 741 853

    Timber 55 41 14

    Source: Aggarwal et al, 2009

    The IFSR 2011 made a compressive estimation o consumption o woods

    by commercial and household sectors or various purposes and production

    potential o woods rom orest sources as well as rom tress outside orest

    (Table 3).

    Table 3: Consumption and production o orest products

    Forest Products Consumption Production

    Wood (RWE in m cum) 48.0 45.95

    Firewood from Forests (milliontonnes)



    Livestock dependent on forest (inmillion)


    Note:* Percentage of the total f irewood consumed, ** Percentage of the total livestock in the countr y,# Annual availability of firewood from trees outside forest (TOF)

    Source: India State of Forest Report (IFSR) 2011, Forest Sur vey of India

    Fuel wood requirementscould be tackled

    through the installation

    of improved cooking

    stoves, biogas plants,

    LPG, and various other

    means at the village


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    The total annual consumption o wood in constructions and urniture both

    in commercial and household sector as well as or agricultural implements

    are estimated to be 48.0 million cubic meters in Round Wood Equivalent

    (RWE). However, the total production o timber stands at 45.95 million

    cubic meters, showing a gap o 2.05 million cubic meters annually (FSI,

    2011). O the total production o 45.95 m cum, the production o timber

    rom orests are estimated to be 3.175 m cum whereas the annual potentialproduction o timber rom trees outside orest (TOF) is estimated to be

    42.774 m3.

    Firewood constitutes the major source o cooking energy in India and

    more than 853 million people use rewood or cooking in India (FSI, 2011).

    As per the 2011 census, 49 per cent2 o the households in the country use

    rewood or cooking. In some states, it is as high as 80 per cent. The orest

    rich states have higher incidence o rewood use or cooking. This trend is

    evident rom Table 4, which shows the orest cover o the states with higher

    incidences o rewood use. As the total annual volume o rewood use is

    concerned, it is estimated to be 216.421 million tonnes and o which 58.747

    million tonnes (27.14 per cent) are sourced rom orests (see Table 3). Therehave been no estimates or the volume o rewood availability rom orests

    and the annual availability o rewood rom TOF is estimated to be 19.25

    million tonnes.

    Table 4: Forest cover and dependence on rewood

    Name of the State Percentage of Householdsusing Firewood for Cooking*

    Percentage of TotalGeographical Area of the

    State under Forest Cover#

    Chhattisgarh 80.8 41.18

    Tripura 80.5 76.07

    Meghalaya 79 77.02

    Nagaland 77.9 80.33

    Assam 72.1 35.28

    Arunachal Pradesh 68.7 80.50

    Madhya Pradesh 66.4 25.21

    Manipur 65.7 76.54

    Odisha 65 31.41

    Kerala 61.9 44.52

    Jharkhand 57.6 28.82

    Sources: *Census of India 2011; # India State of Forest Report 2011

    Indias total odder consuming livestock population as per the 2007 Livestock

    Census is estimated to be 518.6 million. O these 199.6 millions o livestock,

    depend, partially or ully on orest or odder (IFSR, 2011).

    2 O the 246.693 million households in the country as per 2011 census

    Firewood constitutes

    the major source of

    cooking energy in India

    and more than 853

    million people use

    firewood for cooking in

    India. In some states,

    it is as high as 80 per


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    2. Creating alternative livelihood opportunities through poverty alleviation


    The governments implement a series o rural development activities to

    generate employment or the rural poor in these orested regions and alleviate

    poverty. MNREGA, which ensures 100 days o employment to all poor adult

    population in the country, is a signicant step in this regard. The eective

    implementation o these programmes among orest dependent communitieswill reduce the dependence o the local communities on orests.

    Provision o education to the children and other skill development

    trainings to youth enables these orest dependent populations to diversiy

    their livelihood options and look beyond orest as their source o income.

    Provision o inrastructure and support or improved agricultural

    practices as well as other natural resource based activities like apiculture

    would ensure better income to these poor households.

    Forests provide a range o marketable NTFPs like ruits, fowers,

    berries, tubers, resins, honey, leaves, creepers etc. that has great nutritional,

    medicinal, and other use values. However, many o these products etches

    a good price in cities and markets but the collectors (the orest dependent)

    sale these to the intermediaries at abysmally lower prices. The support or

    marketing and value addition by creating processing acilities would not

    only enhance the income but also the employment opportunities in these

    hinterlands. Approximately, NTFP sector with annual growth rate between

    5-15% also contributes to 75% o orest sector income.

    2. Community level forest management

    Greater involvement o the local communities in the management o orest

    and devolution o power through access and ownership rights ensures

    greater tenurial security and improved orest management and conservation.In recent years, devolution o orest resource management and access

    rights to local communities has become an important policy tool or many

    developing countries. Over the last two decades a proound change has been

    witnessed in the area o orest resource management, with countries at least

    partially devolving rights and responsibilities over their orests to the users.

    Community based management institutions oten considered as a critical

    precondition or equitable, ecient and eective implementation o REDD+

    (Springate-Baginski and Wollenberg, 2010). India has also made signicant

    eort in involving the local community or management o orest through

    Joint Forest Management (JFM) institutions since early 1990s. However,

    these JFM institutions need to be urther strengthened by empowering the

    local communities with adequate power and responsibilities (Lele, 2011).

    The recent decision to integrate JFM with the Gram Sabha o the Panchayati

    Raj Institutions aims at strengthening decentralized orest governance

    objective. This would encourage association o committees or groups such

    as JFMCs/CFM/VPs, etc. as well as livelihood promotion groups like SHGs/

    CIGs to plan or orest protection, conservation and enhancing livelihood

    based activities. Livelihood activities are best addressed at cluster level/sub-

    landscape level/ederation o SHGs/CIGs. The government also proposed

    Provision ofinfrastructure and

    support for improved

    agricultural practices

    as well as other

    natural resource based

    activities like apiculture

    would ensure better

    income to these poor


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    to provide legal back up to JFMCs, build capacity o local institutions to

    eectively protect, regenerate and manage orests. Community driven

    innovative management practices can urther check Forest degradation.


    According to several estimates, India has traditionally been characterized as

    a low orest cover - low deorestation (LFLD) country exposed to signicant

    direct-human induced deorestation and degradation in past ew decades

    (ISFR 2011; Ravindranath et al2012). Consequently, Indias orests harness

    a large potential or livelihood based activities or the orest dependent

    communities, thus bridging the gap between the poor and orest based

    market. With such a huge population depending on orest or subsistence

    livelihood, the strategies or controlling orest degradation need to be ocused

    on reducing the dependence by creating alternative livelihood opportunities

    or the orest dependent communities, providing alternative technologies to

    reduce the gap in demand and supply o orest products and making the

    community adopt sustainable harvesting practices.

    This provides unhindered opportunities or the poor to utilize thetraditional knowledge in sustainable management o orest with the help

    o the orest department and the Government o India. Linking the two,

    REDD+, and alternative livelihood improvement activities will ultimately

    reduce pressure on orests producing an increase in orest cover in uture.

    Moreover the international negotiations on REDD+ under the UNFCCC

    rom Bali to Durban, provided a nested approach or REDD+ implementation

    leading to perormance based system in countries undertaking REDD+

    readiness activities like India, where communities will be beneted through

    conservation o orest ecosystem, in turn improving their livelihood and

    simultaneously increasing the orest cover o the country. Although, India is

    partially ready or implementing REDD+ mechanism, but still the benet

    sharing mechanism needs to be ramed properly, in order to overcome the

    livelihood issues in REDD+ and to conserve the degrading orest cover.


    Aggarwal A, Paul V, and Das S. 2009. Forest Resources: Degradation,

    Livelihoods, and Climate Change, pp. 91-108 In Datt D and S.

    Nischal, 2009, Looking Back to Change Track. New Delhi: TERI pp 219

    Arjunan M, Puyravaud J.-Ph, and Davidar P. 2005. The impact oresource collection by local communities on the dry orests o the

    KalakadMundanthurai Tiger Reserve.Tropical Ecology46 (2005):


    Bahuguna V K and Upadhyay A. 2002. Forest Fires in India: Policy

    Initiatives or Community Participation. International Forestry


    Bahuguna V K, Mitra K, Capistrano D, Saigal S .2004. Root to Canopy:

    Regenerating Forests through Community State Partnerships.

    India is partially ready

    for implementing

    REDD+ mechanism, but

    still the benefit sharing

    mechanism needs to

    be framed properly,

    in order to overcome

    the livelihood issues in

    REDD+ and to conserve

    the degradingforest cover.

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    FAO. 2010. Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010. FAO Forestry

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    For further details, contact

    J V Sharma

    Senior Fellow, Forestry and Biodiversity

    The Energy and Resources Institute (TE RI )

    Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex,

    Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003

    Tel.2468 2100 or 4150 4900, Fax 2468 2144 or

    2468 2145 India +91 Delhi (0) 11

    [email protected]


    Mr Subhash Chandra, IFS

    DIG (Forest Policy)

    Ministry of Environment & Forests,

    Paryavaran Bhavan

    CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

    New Delhi 110 003

    Telefax: 011-24363974

    Email:[email protected]