liver detoxification


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Page 1: Liver detoxification

By:Judi Maria

Anybody can become affected by yeast infections. Though it is mostly reported by women it also affects men and even children. Another name of yeast infection is candidiasis. A yeast species called Candida albicans causes this disease which is fungal in nature. You may want to know why people get affected by yeast infections. The human body already contains yeast in a small amount. However our immune system and micro-organisms present in our body prevents it from harming us. The problem starts when our immune system becomes weak or if the percentage of micro-organisms goes down. In such a case it triggers growth of the yeasts present in our body resulting in candidiasis.

Yeast infections are really unpleasant and annoying. In men it affects the genitals where the area becomes red. It results in itchiness which is extremely uncomfortable.

Usually people, who suffer from this, buy over the counter medications to get relief from this problem. However a healthy alternative is natural remedy. Natural remedies which can be done at home are also called home remedies. If you want a remedy that is efficient and effective then your best alternative is natural remedy. Natural remedies give instant relief. People who are prone to yeast infections should opt for natural remedies rather than medications for excellentresults.

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One very effective yeast infections natural remedy is probiotics. Probiotics are actually microbial organisms. Our digestive system and the vagina in women are the places where probiotics are always present. It acts by suppressing the growth of yeast causing bacteria. Other natural remedies are tea tree oil (diluted) and boric acid which are applied externally.

When it comes to chronic diseases it is your liver which protects you from them. If your liver malfunctions your life is threatened. Due to pollution, toxins from certain foods, impure water, prescription drugs etc your liver is constantly under attack. Therefore your liver requires periodic maintenance through liver detoxification.

As a first step towards detoxifying your liver you should stop having foods that release toxins into your body. Cut down drastically on fried and heavily processed foods. Include lots of fresh raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. These foods have high amount of enzymes. It provides a much needed rest to your liver. There are also certain herbs which help stimulate your liver. These are burdock root, milk thistle, turmeric, and dandelion greens etc. Include them in your diet.

Milk has been always associated as the healthiest health portion. If you have a child or school going kid at your place, you must give him or her enough quantity of milk every day. I have always seen those adverts in television where a glass of milk formed a staple part of daily breakfast. Office goers, school children or college going youngsters should gulp that down within seconds. I wondered what about the wife or mother who is preparing all that for her family. Won`t she also require a same glass of milk? Even her body also needs replenishment and energy. I saw my mother doing the same. When I grew up I made sure that even she has to drink the same if she wants me to have that. This emotional blackmail tactics has worked for good.

The worth and value of this liquid is well- known. Our stress level is lessened by milk and milk products to a great extent owing to the presence of various vitamins and nutrients in it. Intolerance to dairy products can lead to irregular

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bowel function and diarrhea. Low fat or non fat milk is a storehouse of calcium. Women are prone to bone fracture more than men as their bones are fragile and susceptible to break or crack. They should consume milk regularly as calcium strengthens the bones. Recent studies have shown that the same liquid is a great source for healthy and long hair. Drinking lukewarm milk before going to sleep will ensure tight undisturbed sleep. Milk is also classified as one of the effective agents of heartburn remedies. Drinking cold or warm milk slowly can reduce the problem of heartburn. Another liquid that weaves magical cure is water. It is the best thing that anyone can have to flush out all the toxins and muck accumulated in the body. Not only that water helps in regulating proper metabolism of the body ensuring that the cells and nerves and all other organs are functioning the way they are supposed to. Drinking generous amount of water daily can also facilitate digestive disorders cures.

When these simple and common things are found in your house, why breaking head on unnecessary thoughts? It is not that when affected by diseases and ailment then you should fall for these remedies. As a matter of fact drinking milk regularly will not harm much unless you have been asked by your doctor not to drink if diagnosed with any other disease. Water is one such thing which everyone should encourage to have whatever be the nature of your ailment. Yes sometimes the doctors don`t allow patients to have water fore few hours when the saline is on. But then that is one of the cases. Forget all that. Drink water always and not when you are only thirsty.

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Digestive disorders are very prevalent among modern men and women. Normally these disorders happen due to the following reasons:

1. Wrong eating habits2. Over eating3. Eating of oily and spicy junk food of market4. Tension and psychological imbalance5. Dehydration6. Eating of stale food

Digestive disorders occur when the process of digestion is hampered. They may appear with variety of symptoms as nausea, Vomiting ,flatulence , belching indication, diarrhea and hyper acidity and the undigested food causes lots of stomach troubles also.

Indigestion or dyspepsia is characterized by abdominal discomfort that includes belching acidity , heartburn, heaviness or pain in the upper abdomen and lack of appetite. Indigestion occurs with anxiety, anger , frustration, irregular meal timing, hurried eating or excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol or cigarettes .

Heart burn is a burning sensation in the chest . Although the heart burn may be experienced in the chest it has little to do with your heart. Heart burn occurs due to the result of accumulation of stomach acid. Hyper acidity is the excessive production of digestive acids and juices. When the stomach contains more hydrochloric acid than normal the condition is called hyperacidity. This may lead to ulcer in the stomach. Heartburn is caused when the gastric acid refluxes back to esophagus . Hyperacidity promotes heart burn ,ulcer etc.

The main reason for heartburn is the unhealthy eating habits and also by specific foods .Diet therefore is the single most important factor on both heartburn causes and cures. Eating habits also have a significant impact as eating heavy meals and having meals before going to bed can cause severe heart burn. A sedentary life style also contribute to the problem of heart burn.There are lots of heartburn remedies available for your fit health. For example natural, home made, homeopathic or the most common through modern drugs and medicines.

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Chewing of some basil leaves and sucking a small piece of jaggery can reduce heartburn. A glass of chilled milk also work for heartburn and hyper acidity. Chewing of almonds can reduce heart burn. Ginger root with honey taken after meals cure heartburn.

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