living beyond suffering · 2.02.2018  · morning worship february 25, 2018 pastor — allan lane...

Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader Don Beavers Piano Marcia Hart As you enter for worship, please silence your cell phones. (CCLI permit # 424692 covers all copyright song lyrics) Worship Prayer Allan Lane Welcome and Fellowship Allan/People Hymn # 247 Come, Thou Almighty King Don/People Responsive Reading #237 God the Holy Spirit Allan/People Hymn # 243 Sweet, Sweet Spirit Don/People Hymn # 238 Breathe On Me Don/People Chorus # 244 Spirit of the Living God Don/People Offering Prayer John Lewis Tithes and Offerings People Offering Music Marcia Hart Children’s Worship (Children are dismissed) Scripture Reading 1 Peter 4:7-19 Allan/People Message “Living Beyond Suffering” Allan Lane Hymn # 325 Whiter Than Snow Don/People Prayer Concerns Allan/People Chorus # 23 God Is So Good Don/People Living Beyond Suffering 1 Peter 4:7-19 We cannot avoid suffering, but we can honor the Lord in spite of suffering. God wants us not only to endure it but to overcome it. 1. Foster Positive Relationships . (4:7-11) a. Pray passionately . It’s been said that the greatest need of our day in our church life is more prayer. In 1 Peter 4:7 one translation of those closing words is, "BE SOBER UNTO PRAYER." The word translated "be sober" means to be "calm and collected in spirit." Prayer is of great importance. Prayer demands concentration and focus. Prayer has purpose (Colossians 4:2). Devotion or being steadfast means we must maintain continuous attention to prayer. Prayer is the business of the church (Romans 15:30). One translation says "strive together." Prayer is not a solo event. Prayer invites community together. We must set apart time for prayer. Prepare for prayer. Be thankful at all times. Pray for others and pray with others. b. Love others deeply .

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Page 1: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

Morning Worship February 25, 2018

Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

As you enter for worship, please silence your cell phones. (CCLI permit # 424692 covers all copyright song lyrics)

Worship Prayer Allan Lane

Welcome and Fellowship Allan/People

Hymn # 247 Come, Thou Almighty King Don/People

Responsive Reading #237 God the Holy Spirit Allan/People

Hymn # 243 Sweet, Sweet Spirit Don/People

Hymn # 238 Breathe On Me Don/People

Chorus # 244 Spirit of the Living God Don/People

Offering Prayer John Lewis

Tithes and Offerings People

Offering Music Marcia Hart

Children’s Worship (Children are dismissed)

Scripture Reading 1 Peter 4:7-19 Allan/People

Message “Living Beyond Suffering” Allan Lane

Hymn # 325 Whiter Than Snow Don/People

Prayer Concerns Allan/People

Chorus # 23 God Is So Good Don/People

Living Beyond Suffering 1 Peter 4:7-19

We cannot avoid suffering, but we can honor the Lord in spite of suffering. God

wants us not only to endure it but to overcome it.

1. Foster Positive Relationships . (4:7-11) a. Pray passionately .

It’s been said that the greatest need of our day in our church life is more prayer. In 1 Peter 4:7 one translation of those closing words is, "BE SOBER UNTO PRAYER." The word translated "be sober" means to be "calm and collected in spirit."

Prayer is of great importance. Prayer demands concentration and focus. Prayer has purpose (Colossians 4:2). Devotion or being steadfast means we must maintain

continuous attention to prayer. Prayer is the business of the church (Romans 15:30). One translation says "strive together." Prayer is not a solo event. Prayer invites community together. We must set apart time for prayer. Prepare for prayer. Be

thankful at all times. Pray for others and pray with others. b. Love others deeply .

Page 2: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

c. Serve others generously . d. Speak to others graciously .

These sound more like using your spiritual gifts than anything else. Our best example for challenging people to use their spiritual gifts is to encourage them to be

willing to give their loaves and fish or their gifts. Every Christian has a gift. Every Christian has at least one gift they can use in the Church and God’s Kingdom (Ephesians 4:7-13). When you invited Jesus into your

heart, He brought with Him the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brought with Him at least one gift you can use for God’s Kingdom (1Corinthians 12:4-11). These are for the

building up of the body of the Church. There’s something every Christian can do in God's Church and His Kingdom. No gift is to be valued or honored above another. The greater gifts are no more

important than the so called lesser gifts. One who teaches or preaches is no more important than the one who unlocks the doors ever Sunday or the one who cleans the

rest room. The Apostle Paul compares the Church to the human body (1 Corinthians 12:14ff). For example, everybody wants to be the face. But who wants to be the big toe? They

might be ugly, but try walking without one. It’s there to benefit the body. Not many of us are using our gifts. Twenty percent of membership does eighty

percent of the work in most churches. Some of you walked down the aisle and gave the preacher your hand and Jesus your heart. Then the preacher said, “have a seat’

and there you sat for fifteen or twenty years. You’ve never done one thing for Kingdom of God. Others of you were once giving your gifts, you were working in God’s Kingdom, but

you got your little feelings hurt, so you quit (John 6:9). Shame on you too! If you are in God’s Work to be appreciated, get out right now. Remember: they crucified our

Master. Sometimes older folks say, “I’ve aged out. Let the younger folks do it.” While it would be a great idea if we could “graduate” from serving, I just can’t find anything in

the Bible about aging out. Can you tell where that text is? When the Lord gets through with us, He’ll take us home!

What happens when we don't use our gifts? We grieve the Holy Spirit. Suppose you had a friend who brought you a gift every time she came to your home for a visit. The kid in me would get all excited when I learned that she's coming. You couldn’t

wait to see what she was bringing. Suppose then that she came to visit one day and happened to open your closet door, and there were all the gifts she had given you still

in the boxes. You had never opened or used even the first one. Surely she would be hurt to know that you were not using what she had given you. We grieve Holy Spirit when we fail to use His gifts.

Stop forcing others to carry your load. Stop being dead weight to the body. If one of my arms would become useless, if for some reason, it refused to do what it is made

to do then it becomes a dead weight to my body. Now, I still would not want my arm removed, for there would always be that hope I might regain its use. Most churches are carrying a lot of dead weight.

Are you using your gifts? Listen, this Church will not be able to minister like it should, unless everyone uses their gifts the way God asks.

2. Follow Jesus’ Example . (4:12-14) a. Recognize suffering is normal. b. Rejoice for sharing.

Page 3: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

c. Ridicule is blessing. When God wants to drill a man,

And thrill a man, And skill a man To play the noblest part;

When He yearns with all His heart To create so great and bold a man That all the world will be amazed,

Watch His methods, watch His ways! How He ruthlessly perfects

Whom He royally elects! How He hammers him and hurts him, And with mighty blows converts him

Into trial shapes of clay which Only God understands; While his tortured heart is crying

And he lifts his beseeching hands! How He bends but never breaks When his good he undertakes;

How He uses whom He chooses, And with every purpose fuses him;

By every act induces him To try his splendor out

-- God knows what he's about. (by Angela Morgan as adapted by Paul Billheimer in "Don't Waste Your Sorrows")

3. Forsake Sin . (4:15-19) a. Suffer for righteousness , not wickedness.

b. Face judgment with confidence, not fear. c. Be saved , not sorry.

Conclusion: Hudson Taylor, great English preacher and missionary to China, was going through

a difficult personal testing. At the height of the struggle, he responded to it with these words: “It doesn’t matter how great the pressure is. What really matters is where the

pressure lies. Does it come between me and God or does it press me closer to His heart?” How good and calming it is to reassure ourselves in times of trial. God is faithful

and always has been and will be to His people. When trials come, remind yourself to do what is right and take refuge in God. The trial of our faith today is the assurance of

glory when Christ returns. It was the Lord’s experience and it is ours when we follow Him. Where do you find your hope today? 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 reminds us that in our weakness He is made strong. 1 John 4:4 reminds us that “Greater is He that is in

me than he that is in the world.”

Greater Is He That Is In You!

“That’s Where He Is” By now you know Evangelist the Rev. Billy Graham passed away this past Wednesday

morning at his home in North Carolina at age 99. The website asked

Page 4: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

some notable people within evangelical Christian circles to summarize Graham's impact. The

following is taken from there.

Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (Charlotte, NC) and former

head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, believes that

"if there were an evangelical Mt. Rushmore, Billy Graham would be the first person on it." He

points out that Graham preached the gospel to more people than anyone else in the world and

is responsible for the Lord leading millions of people to Christ.

"His legacy will be that he's the greatest preacher of the gospel in at least the last thousand

years, and maybe the greatest preacher of the gospel since the Apostles," Dr. Land submits.

"Evangelicalism is far, far more deeply rooted in the soil of the United States and all around the

world because of the way in which God used Billy Graham."

The seminary president believes Billy Graham's greatest characteristic was perhaps his


"You know, he means it when he says, 'When I get to heaven, the first question I'm going

to ask is, Why me, God?' And I think it took someone with that kind of humility to be used the

way God used Billy Graham," says Land. "Most mere mortals would have had their heads

turned by the adulation that was heaped upon him, but not him."

Land knows personally of Billy Graham's reach, as his own father accepted Jesus as Savior

at a 1950s Billy Graham crusade. So he credits Graham for his being raised in a Christian


Graham also took the gospel to the White House on many occasions during his long life.

David Aikman, author of Billy Graham: His Life and Influence, said the late evangelist's

friendship with many American presidents is well documented. He describes Graham as one of

the most significant evangelical preachers to ever live.

"I think the important thing about that is that Graham was the only man who managed to

transcend partisan politics at the highest executive level in the United States and serve as a

confidant and an encourager," Aikman states.

That goes back to Dwight Eisenhower, whom Graham baptized in the White House shortly

after the 34th president's inauguration.

Aikman believes one of the reasons other parts of the world are overwhelmingly evangelical

is because of Graham's crusades, though he does recall that the preacher was criticized by

some in the press for attending a church peace conference in Moscow in 1983.

"Although the Soviets were trying to use that as a propaganda platform for their point of

view, in fact, that led to all kinds of openings for Graham to visit countries in eastern Europe,"

the author notes. Graham's impact there following 1983 is well recorded.

Aikman also recalls a crusade Graham held in depressed post-war England in 1954. It was

so effective that when he returned in 1966, seated on the platform with him was a number of

Anglican clergy, all of whom had been converted in the 1954 crusade.

Rev. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, said, "He

would actually do this when he would have microphone checks before interviews. Instead of

saying 'five, four, three, two, one' and something else, this is what he said, because it was his

message: 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever

believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.' That was the message of Billy

Graham. He was an intensely humble man. He loved the Lord and would do anything to see

people come to Christ."

Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, president and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters said, "The world

has lost a great man, but those in Heaven are surely rejoicing in the homecoming of this good

and faithful servant. Only God knows how many are there with him because of his ministry and

how many more there will be. It seems trite to say he was a giant among men, but no one

could doubt the truth of this statement."

Mark Tooley, President of The Institute on Religion & Democracy said, "... [Billy] Graham

was exceptional for not compromising gospel essentials in his proclamation while befriending

countless nonbelievers who were impressed by the sincerity of his service to God and

humanity. He never claimed to be more than he was, not a towering intellectual, but a rural

North Carolinian dairy farmer's son summoned to preach. His gifts were courage, magnetism,

Page 5: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

savvy, perseverance, energy and, above all, faith. May the fruits of his labors be blessed for

many more generations."

What do you remember most about Billy Graham? His crusades? His faithfulness? His

humility? His books? His sermons? This world will miss him greatly. Graham is quoted as

saying, “When I die tell others that I’ve gone to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—that’s where

I am.”

Having spent his life preaching the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ, Graham faced

his eternal future with confidence. Will you?

God Bless You!

Bro. Allan

Opportunities For Service Living out Your Spiritual Commitment . . . and Fulfilling Christ’s Divine Plan Sunday, February 25, 2018

Choir Rehearsal.......... 9:00 am

Sunday School ……….. 9:15 am

Morning Worship..…..10:30 am

Nursery: Volunteers as needed

Ushers: John Lewis, Joseph Coats, Gary Yarbrough, ? ? ? ?

Alternate: Larry McKahan

Diversicare……………..2:30 pm

No Evening Services

Monday, February 26

SS Workers Mtg …...... 6:30 pm

Wednesday, February 28

Prayer / Bible Study ....6:30 pm

Worship Team ……….. 7:30 pm

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Choir Rehearsal…...….9:00 am

Sunday School……...….9:15 am

Morning Worship…....10:30 am

Nursery: Volunteers as needed

Ushers: Ken Kirkpatrick, ? ? ? ?, Larry McKahan, Bill Schottel

Alternate: Ken Nice

Monday, March 5

Food Kitchen…………..5:30 pm

Wednesday, March 7

Prayer / Bible Study.... 6:30 pm

Worship Team ……….. 7:30 pm

Saturday, March 10

Daylight Saving Time (Please turn clocks forward one hour.)

Up-Coming Events.......

February 25 — Diversicare 2:30 pm

February 26 — Sunday School Workers Meeting, 6:30 pm

Page 6: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

March 4 — January Bible Study at Noon

March 14 — Prayer Warriors 10:00 am

March 11 — Daylight Saving Time (Please turn clocks forward

the night of March 10.)

March 17 — St. Patrick’s Day

March 18 — Business Meeting and carry in dinner at Noon

— Collect for Longs

March 22 — Food Pantry Day

March 25 — Palm Sunday

GROW Team Commit to GROW! Everyone make a contact! Invite someone to Bible Study and Worship this week.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sunday Nights

We will not meet on Sunday evenings until the weather gets better. Attend January

Bible Study on March 4th!

Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study

Come pray for the direction of our church. Please plan to attend and pray at 6:30

pm and enjoy a time of fellowship and Bible Study.

January Bible Study

Our next January Bible Study will be March 4th with Don

Beavers leading Session 5 and Bro. Allan Session 6.

Please plan to join us!


Nursing Home

Today at 2:30 pm

Please join us as we

minister to those who can no longer attend their

own churches.

Page 7: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

Daylight Saving Time!

March 11

Please remember to spring forward one hour the night of March 10.

Business Meeting and Carry-In Dinner

We will have our regular business meeting and carry in meal

immediately following the morning worship service Sunday, March 18.

For the Record- Attendance: February 18, 2018

Sunday School.......................... 34

Visitors...................................... 2

Total.......................................... 36

Contacts Made.......................... 6

Morning Worship....................... 37

Children’s Worship…………….N/A

Wednesday Night ……………… 4

Financial Record:

Weekly Budget ……. $ 2,286.39 Offering Received … $ 1,011.07 Long Family-January.… $ 100.00

Offering Received by Mail:

March Counting Team:.

Bill Schottel and Mike Green

March Van Driver: George Burgess Remember to call 232-3747 before 8 am if you need a ride.

March Member Birthdays:

01...Ken Nice 05...Sharon Yarbrough 13...Tim Ford

Page 8: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart

16... Don Sharp 16... Aleana Lane 20... Betty Campbell 27... Jim Winans

March Anniversaries

Fred and Linda Kerns March 14, 1969

Prayer Requests … Those with illnesses Donna Dunn—recovery and treatment Jack and Flo Conard Katie McIntosh—surgery recovery (Dillon Burgess’s girlfriend) LoLeta Middleton Peggy & Gary Fewins—Peggy’s health Rick and Mary Bruntmeyer Brigida Winans—scooter free! Arlette Duty—carpal tunnel Gina Harr—recovery and strength Don Beavers—heart and health Curtis Conard—recovery Emily Jones & baby Liam Cynthia Burdick—cancer recovery Karissa and Matt Long and family The Waters Family—guidance Stephanie & Jason Terpack Shawna Hughes—home isolation Larry Danner—cancer Rosella Davis—Flo Conard’s sister Mary Sharp’s brother-in-law Jim Bill Clinton—Don and Mae’s son Lisa Bowers—Jack and Flo’s daughter LoLeta Middleton—strength Elvera’s daughter & daughter-in-law Zella Davis —Doris Richardson’s sister Rev. A. B. Brown Betty Campbell George Ferbert Kevin Duty Ellen Blanton Lois Ulmer Jim Winans Nellie Reynolds Madeline Swink Ann Riddle Kathryn Beavers Keon McKahan Jozy Winans Kenny Duty Pat Means Buddy Means Bill & Juanita Debbie Sands Pat Puckett Judy Anderson Brenda Burgess Roscoe Lane Carolyn Houts Tim Izer Nickolay Nazaruk, Peski 2 Church David and Deborah Grace Our Nation and Leaders

Our Military Service people

Today’s Prayer Requests ...

Page 9: Living Beyond Suffering · 2.02.2018  · Morning Worship February 25, 2018 Pastor — Allan Lane Organ --- Alva Lou Schottel Worship Leader — Don Beavers Piano — Marcia Hart



Our Nation and our Leaders ...



Five More New Families…




