living legend indira sapkota

KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Living Legend, Anatomy of Leadership Submitted by: (Group 5) Mr. Bimal Daga Mr. Dharendra Rayamajhi Mr. Gopi K. Khanal Mr. Govinda Gyawali Mr. Sandip Timsina Mr. Sushant Limbu Mr. Tribikram Dhungana Submitted to: Professor Subas KC Course Instructor/Facilitator Leadership and Change Management 6/13/2010

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Anatomy of leadership: Living Legend "Case Study" Indira Sapkota


Page 1: Living Legend Indira Sapkota

KAthmandu university school of management

Living Legend, Anatomy of Leadership

Submitted by:(Group 5)

Mr. Bimal DagaMr. Dharendra Rayamajhi

Mr. Gopi K. KhanalMr. Govinda GyawaliMr. Sandip TimsinaMr. Sushant Limbu

Mr. Tribikram Dhungana

Submitted to:Professor Subas KC

Course Instructor/Facilitator Leadership and Change Management


Page 2: Living Legend Indira Sapkota

Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota



A Gandhian..............................................................................................................................................3

Making of an Entrepreneur and a leader.....................................................................................................4

Turning point -1.......................................................................................................................................4

Turning point -2.......................................................................................................................................5

Leadership Analysis of Ms. Indira Sapkota..................................................................................................6

Big Five Personality test...........................................................................................................................6

Trait Approach.........................................................................................................................................7

Skill Approach..........................................................................................................................................9

Style approach.......................................................................................................................................10

Situational Approach.............................................................................................................................11

Path-Goal Theory...................................................................................................................................14

LMX Theory...........................................................................................................................................16

Transformational Leadership.................................................................................................................17



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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

BackgroundAt 70, how many of us really believe we will be living an active life, leading people and creating differences in society. Also how many elderly people can we remember who are striving for excellence, who are working from early morning to late evenings. To many of us working at 70 might be a wonder but there is a woman who continues to wonder her clients, her workers, her friends, in fact everyone around her. She says one question that she has to answer everyday, many times, is how to be someone like you? She feels humbled when people recognize her passion for work and shies away. She is Indira Sapkota and she is

Managing Director, Nepal Grihini UdhyogPresident, Bhotu-Indira Social Welfare Organization,President, Aad Multi Purpose Co-operative Ltd.Founder, Biswas Pickle and Spice Industries.

Many of us fear how our life is going to be when we shall cross the age of 70. We do not hesitate to see ourselves sitting pale, passive among our kins, our hair grayed and our energy lost. But then there are examples of active elderly people who continue to inspire us by their energy, zeal and passion. They stand as role-model for so many of us, they touch lives of so many around them, validating the statement “age is just the milestone of experience”. They have this undying vigor, they lead and are creating differences wherever they work, wherever they are, Indira Sapkota is a representative of the never aging clan of inspiring people we call leaders.

Any Saturday when youths are taking rest after a tiring week, Indira Sapkota, 73, can be found at her office working with papers, planning works, checking the progress of contracts and meeting people. When you ask her about her work, she will take you to the walk around her office herself showing you how her team works. On any weekdays she has to attend tens of meetings, attend to the needs of clients, manage her team, meet people and organize work. Work does not tire her, it energizes her and her energy inspires not only those who work with her but also to the customers who visit her.

ChildhoodShe was the first child born in Mahaboudha, Kathmandu to Mr. Gopal Pd. Upadhayaya and Mrs. Yog Kumari Upadhayaya on November 5, 1937 AD (Kartik 20, 1994 BS). She grew up with 9 siblings, 7 sisters and 2 brothers and was a nanny to some of her siblings.

She still remembers her school days with smile, she was educated in India when her father was working at Jaleshwor. She remembers a truck carrying her and her friends to her school in

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Bihar. “Our teacher used to come to our home to take our exams”, she recollects. At the age of 13 her grandmother realized it was already late to marry her and she shared the fate of her contemporaries by getting married to Bhotu Raj Sapkota then 18 of Dillibazar Kathmandu, cutting short her journey with books and education. When Kanti Ishwori School was founded, a teacher requested her in-laws to let her sit in SLC exam which they blatantly refused. She never completed her schooling.

She was a beloved daughter to her parents, a kind of brat of her time, things turned around when she got married. Despite the presence of 4-5 servants rules were very strict for a newly wed. She had to look after kitchen choirs. She never bought in then prevalent idea that the place for women is inside the periphery of kitchen. She identifies herself as a rebel from early childhood but the rebellion was suppressed in new place under strict in-laws. Conservative family culture was not in line with her desire to do something; she started knitting sweaters and likes stealing small times in her busy life of a house-wife. She recalls she was not a house-wife she was a daughter-in-law first.

As a rule daughter-in-laws of her time were not allowed to eat in the same plates that were served to her in-laws but she stood against it. I was not different from them; I was not a second class person she argues. That was time when she Gandhi was gaining momentum in his rebellion against the British Raj in nearby India. Till date she recalls the incidents written on Gandhi in papers of those days. The incident when Gandhi turned his left cheek when he was slapped in right which he continued till the one who slapped him got tired, she was told he beg pardon as Gandhi didn’t show a sign of anger despite receiving tight slaps one after another, that instigated the belief in non-violence in her. Gandhi was her ideal, a role model. She was highly impressed by Gandhi’s doctrines, which have their impression in her belief and work till date.

A GandhianOn her way to work that is not more than 5 minutes from her home, she observed the roads were littered with plastic bags. These bags clogged up the sewage and they were not degradable. She started collecting those bags, the bags continued filling the “galli” days after days though people saw her picking the bags, slowly there were lesser plastic bags and she says the galli was “plastic-bag-free” by the 11th day. She is concerned for environment. She has printed hundreds of pamphlets on her own that aims at making people aware about pollution. She distributes those pamphlets herself in the vegetable market of Maitidevi. She has asked Bishranti Sweets to distribute her pamphlets with every packet of sweets they sell.

She has been associated with Om-Shanti but she is different from the other followers of Om-Shanti, she does not restrain herself from eating outside, being with all kinds of people and she

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

preaches the same. She says we are all equal, she never discriminated people who works for her for their caste and creeds. Gandhi never said the ‘harijans’ (regarded as outclass in India) were second class people, he never discriminated people for their caste and background she remembers.

Simple living high thinking is her principle. She never liked showing off things, she was same Indira during the thicks and thins. She voices against injustice and against things that she judges wrong. I do not fear to speak she says, I have attracted many enemies but what can they do to an ailing lady, she says.

She was approached by few political parties to endorse them and their ideas, she refused. She replied come with anything for the betterment of the country, I will join you, I will support your idea but do not try to associate me with a particular group, let me be independent.

She stays alone with a domestic help yet she does most of her work herself. She cooks her own food and manages her daily choirs.

Making of an Entrepreneur and a leaderAsk her to describe herself and one word she uses is ‘rebel’. I have been rebel all the way she asserts. From early childhood to this date, I have been a rebel. I have challenged norms, tried to do things that society forbid for a woman. I do not fear anything and I speak what I feel and think that has earned me people who do not like me equally, she says in a voice that defies her age.

She was interested in knitting from her very early days. Existing rules forbid a woman to do business that was entirely a man’s domain. She polished her skills by knitting wears that she gave to neighbors just as a help. She wanted to learn new designs but there was no way she could do this. She would call local tailors to learn new designs, to help her when she encountered problems. Tailors were/are considered to be lower caste people and to call them home was challenging the norms but she dared it.

She never took any formal training, continuous work and practice developed impeccable skill in her.

Turning point -1When she and her husband parted ways with her in-laws the most difficult of times came in. Her husband refused to take anything from his parents when they separated and that imposed a financial burden to a family of 6. With mere Rs. 500 salary life was becoming hard then she started selling the garments she knitted. There was a garment shop called ‘Children corner’

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owned by Ms. Ranjana Nepal, she started supplying her products to the shop. She used to knit sweaters, socks, mufflers and gloves. Her skill turned out to be a great financial aid to her family, she educated her children with her earnings.

Later ‘Children Corner’ stopped taking her products but she didn’t loose her spirit, in fact it gave her opportunities to supply her products to more than one shops. She was now disinterested to operate as a small scale supplier. She wanted it bigger for which she registered a company “ Nepal Grihini Bhandar“ in the year 2032 BS. She started a small shop at Dillibazar and she started selling her own products. By 2040 BS she had three sewing machines and five workers.

What began as a self-employment initiative 35 years ago has today evolved into a cottage industry that specializes in producing mattresses, quilts, pillows, diapers, towels, and shoes for newborn infants, apart from clothes for breast-feeding mothers.

Turning point -2Life had started becoming easier to Indira Sapkota but destiny had stored something else for her. In the year 1986 AD her husband succumbed to the failed kidneys. The loss was so much that she could not collect herself to continue with what she had been doing for two years, but nothing could hold her back beside she carried the responsibilities of educating three children (her daughter was already married off by this time), the time was trying and difficult. “One must face what comes his/her ways, God takes care of everyone” these words of her husband were source of inspiration to her. She started sewing and knitting all over again. This time she started working at home but soon other women started coming in and along came orders and contracts. Many came with wool asking her to make them sweaters, mufflers etc. She thought of restarting “Nepal Grihini Bhandar” but with all new zeal and enthusiasm. “Nepal Grihini Udhyog” was the new name of her venture. Many women started coming in as it gave them opportunity to learn new skills and earning at the same time. She took a house on rent at Ghattekulo. By 2048, 250 women had already taken training and had worked at Nepal Grihini Udhyog.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Leadership Analysis of Ms. Indira Sapkota

Big Five Personality testIn the recent years the Big Five Personality Test (Big Five) has gained momentum, claiming to have more relevance and nuance than the MBTI. Contrary to MBTI the Big Five does not generate stereotypical personality types. Big Five scores people on five dimmension: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism - generating higly individualised feedback.

In the recent years the Big Five Personality Test (Big Five) has gained momentum, claiming to have more relevance and nuance than the MBTI. Contrary to MBTI the Big Five does not generate stereotypical personality types. Big Five scores people on five dimmension: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism - generating higly individualised feedback.

The questionnaire was taken from developed by Berkeley psychologist Oliver D. John. The answers were fed in the site itself and following results were observed


Test Percentile RemarksOpenness to Experience 30 ConventionalConscientiousness 74 Well organized and reliableExtraversion 59 Neither particularly social nor reservedAgreeableness 50 Neither extremely forgiving nor

irritable.Neuroticism 11 Calm and relaxed

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Trait ApproachIntelligence

Ms. Indira Sapkota hasn’t gone to colleges, she could not sit in SLC exams because of her in-laws but she had sharp mind from very beginning. She is very creative as far as her designs are concerned and till date she develops designs, demonstrate it and develop products accordingly. She knows politics and she knows her business. The intelligence might not be to the par but she says whatever she has/had that had made her reach where she is.


Ms. Indira Sapkota takes personal interest in the happenings and activities at ‘Nepal Grihini Udhyog’. She is well informed about the status of work, what her employees doing and what is the status of a contract. She keeps looking for changes, many of her designs are the ones that she noticed was requirement of new mothers and children while some she has developed on the request of her clients.

She is equally aware of Government rules and regulation that affects her work. She is not an ardent TV fan but she rarely misses a news to know the latest happenings in the country and in the world.

Self Confidence

Ms. Sapkota is a highly confident woman. She believes in what she does whether that is the establishment of “Nepal Grihini Udhyog”, “Bhotu-Indira Social Welfare Organization”. She says she never had any doubts on what she was doing. I never thought I would incur loss and even if I do that would have been my own loss, she says. Her employees suggested that at this age also she loved taking challenges, making new designs, hand-knit garments etc. Her self confidence can be observed in her work and in her talks.


Ms. Sapkota likes sharing her experiences. She does not go to meet people, interact with them however she loves talking with people who come to her, to know about her. She goes to places and events that she is invited to.


Ms. Indira Sapkota is insightful in the sense that she already has made choice of her successor at the organizations she has founded. She believes in the young generation. As per Nepal Grihini Udhyog (NGU) is concerned she wants to have a factory setup of her own that would

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

reduce her operating cost. The formation of Biswas Pickle and Food Industries was from her insight to assist more women and to align the new venture with her current work (working with women).

She is working on the development of community center for elderly people. Unlike the shelters, these community center aims at building multiple houses that can owned by elderly people who have either been discarded by the family or who could not satisfy themselves inside the family.


Ms. Indira Sapkota does what she says she will do. She is honest on her commitment to quality and timely delivery. The level of trust and confidence that her employees, customers and clients have on her stands as proof in support of her integrity.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Skill ApproachEffective leadership depends on the three basic personal skills:

– Technical,

– Human and

– Conceptual

Technical skills

Knitting and sewing is not a highly technical work however it does requires the knowledge of

quality of fabrics, sewing machines, knitting needles etc. Ms. Indira Sapkota is well experienced

in these things.

Human skills

She says apart from anything, managing of the people is the most important one. “One has to

know what works for a particular person” she says. She is a very good communicator; her voice

is clear and her decision firm. She is a good story teller as well and knows how to handle

people. She knows how to extract work, she talks with her employees, instruct and guide them.

It is because of her human skills she has been able to hold her employees, consultants and the

clients, her business is increasing.

Conceptual skills

Ms Indira Sapkota knows how to achieve target, she knows how to work in crisis and how to

manage smooth workflow. To have a sales outlet at the production center was her brainchild.

The distribution of work based on the skill is her idea and she knows the quality requirement

and the way to achieve it.

Our group had conducted interview based on the tool that measures the skill inventory of the leader. We also had a questionnaire filled which indicated that she had more technical and conceptual skills as compared to human skills. She said as she speaks what she feels she might not be liked by all and sundry.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Style approach“Work is the most important thing”, says Indira Sapkota. She believes since it is people who carry out work their role cannot be belittled however it is ultimately what they produce is important. In the name of work, I do not expect my workers to shun their family life and other responsibilities or to ignore their health. But I make it to the point that the work is completed in time and meets the quality. If one can’t do a work he/she can clearly say so but irresponsibility is not accepted.

We confirmed with her employees that she is very strict when it comes to work and quality. She is helpful and considerate but that does not mean there are excuses for everything.

We analyzed her style of leading. We found that she is more concerned to the completion of task but she is also considerate to people. In the former she scored 9 and in latter she scored 5.

Quality and timeliness establishes our creditworthiness she says. If you cannot complete an assignment in time, you are not paid, if you do not meet the quality standards you will be paid accordingly (or may not be paid at all) states her norm-board in her sewing room.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Situational ApproachEmpirical studies suggest that leadership is a dynamic process, varying from situation to situation with changes in leaders, followers, and situations. Current literature seems to support this situational or leader behavior approach to the study of leadership. The focus in the situational approach to leadership is on observed behavior, not on any hypothetical inborn or acquired ability or potential for leadership. The emphasis is on the behavior of leaders and their group members (followers) and various situations. With this emphasis upon behavior and environment, more encouragement is given to the possibility of training individuals in adapting styles of leader behavior to varying situations. It is believed that most people can increase their effectiveness in leadership roles through education, training, and development.

According to Situational Leadership Theory, as the level of maturity of their followers continues to increase in terms of accomplishing a specific task, leaders should begin to reduce their task behavior and increase relationship behavior until the individual or group reaches a moderate level of maturity. As the individual or group begins to move into an above average level of maturity, it becomes appropriate for leaders to decrease not only task behavior but also relationship behavior.

The individual or group at this maturity level sees a reduction of close supervision and an increase in delegation by the leader as a positive indication of trust and confidence. Thus, the situational leadership theory focuses on the appropriateness or effectiveness of leadership styles according to the task-relevant maturity of the followers.

Ms. Indira Sapkota has employees with different years of experiences. However we observed that once the employees were skilled they started their own business and many left the organization for family and other reasons. Since the experiences vary among the employees she deals with them accordingly.


Staffs Level: S1

Highly committed, less experienced

For the new comers she tells how to do a task, what are the quality requirements, when should the task be finished and what will be the evaluation and payment criteria. These staffs are new and they show high level of commitment but they do not know much about the work. Ms.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Sapkota makes sure that the new entrants know their work, provide them guidelines, help them when problems occur.


Staffs Level: S2

Less committed, some competency is developed

At the next level of development are staffs who have worked with NGU for 6 months or more, they know their work and this increases their level of confidence. They start feeling that the work is easy and they can do it on their own. They are also vying to start on their own. At this stage the requirement of the leader is to coach them. When the follower can do the job, at least to some extent, and perhaps is over-confident about their ability in this, then 'telling' them what to do may demotivate them or lead to resistance. The leader thus needs to 'sell' another way of working, explaining and clarifying decisions.

The leader thus spends time listening and advising and, where appropriate, helping the follower to gain necessary skills through coaching methods.

We found that Ms. Sapkota spends lesser time in coaching, she says she never has to worry about staffs as if she requires more she can take anyone from the trainee. “Knitting and sewing is not something that requires huge knowledge and experience”, she says. She however says she try to retain skilled workers. When there are confusions she tries to clear them.


Staffs Level: S3

Fluctuating commitment, high level of competency

When the staffs are gaining experience they not only know their work but also know the management issue, they know about clients and hence they know the priorities. Ms. Sapkota says many suggestions from her employees are very insightful and helpful, which according to her usually comes from those who have worked with her for more than a year. In that case she makes it to the point that the opinions of these employees are sought. She has lot of praises for these employees. She tries to clear their dissent.


Staffs Level: S4

High commitment, high level of competency

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

At this level the staffs are highly experienced in their work, they know the operation of NGU and they can manage their and their team’s work on their own. Ms. Sapkota is always looking for employees, co-workers who can take care of the organization. Once she identifies the person she delegates authority to him/her and do not intervene in their work and decision. She has done it with the School and Aad Multipurpose Co-operative.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Path-Goal TheoryThe Path-Goal Theory of Leadership was developed to describe the way that leaders encourage and support their followers in achieving the goals they have been set by making the path that they should take clear and easy.

In particular, leaders:

Clarify the path so subordinates know which way to go. Remove roadblocks that are stopping them going there. Increasing the

rewards along the route.

Leaders can take a strong or limited approach in these. In clarifying the path, they may be directive or give vague hints. In removing roadblocks, they may scour the path or help the follower move the bigger blocks. In increasing rewards, they may give occasional encouragement or pave the way with gold.

This variation in approach will depend on the situation, including the follower's capability and

motivation, as well as the difficulty of the job and other contextual factors.

At NGU, the work is repetitive in nature. The task remains the same only design might change. So the task is simple and structured. We inquired if the workers were dogmatic requiring authority of leader or if they had high ability and were always willing to put their voice and ideas. We found that there were basically two types of employees and they were

i) Those who required directions from leader, they were dogmatic and hence wanted autocratic leadership

ii) There were followers who knew their work and wanted no autocratic intervention, they wanted to be participated in NGU’s activities.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Ms. Sapkota says she ensures that the workers could do their work smoothly, she personally takes interest in the progress of work. When there are problems she makes sure that the problems are removed, confusions are cleared and the road to the goal (target production) was smooth.

“Many of the staffs are asking me what to do, requiring me to check their work frequently, while others come to me once the work is finished. There are also those who are voicing their ideas and concerns about the work. They are making suggestions so I deal with them accordingly”, she says.

Our observation was that Ms. Sapkota basically practices directive and supportive leadership style.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

LMX TheoryLeader-Member Exchange Theory, also called LMX or Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory, describes how leaders in groups maintain their position through a series of tacit exchange agreements with their members.

In-group and out-group

In particular, leaders often have a special relationship with an inner circle of trusted lieutenants, assistants and advisors, to whom they give high levels of responsibility, decision influence, and access to resources. This in-group pay for their position. They work harder, are more committed to task objectives, and share more administrative duties. They are also expected to be fully committed and loyal to their leader. The out-group, on the other hand, are given low levels of choice or influence.

This also puts constraints upon the leader. They have to nurture the relationship with their inner circle whilst balancing giving them power with ensuring they do not have enough to strike out on their own.

Our observation and our interview indicated the presence of in-groups and out-groups in NGU. We found few members (co-ordinator, secretary and the sales-boy at Ghattekulo outlet) were closer to Ms. Sapkota and she praised them even when we did not ask anything about them. We found that she knew the family of few of her staffs, she knew how many children they had and what they were doing, however she had little information on others family.

We observed that the in-groups members frequently visited her at her home, took interest in her health while others were not concerned. The in-group members were found to do works that their job description (informal) did not require them to do. They were loyal to her, they admired her more and really looked up to her. On our interviews we also found that she was searching her successor among the in-group members.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

Transformational LeadershipThe interview we conducted with Ms. Sapkota and her employees, we did not find any specific examples of transformation, may be because due to the simplicity of work. The organization has diversified however the growth could have been accelerated. However we analyzed for I’s of transformational leadership.

We had conducted MLQ-6S test which showed us following results

Idealized Influence 111

Inspirational Motivation 11Intellectual Stimulation 10Individualized Consideration 9Contingent reward 10Management by Exception 12Laissez-Faire 7

Her scores in Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Management by Exception were ranked high while she scored less in Laissez-Faire and Individualized Consideration. It is in accordance with her task oriented style and her lesser score in Human skills.

Idealized influence

The interview conducted with the employees, consultants and even with the customers suggested that they regarded Ms. Sapkota very high on morality and ideals. Her Gandhian style had an influence on everyone. Even her dedication to work, commitment to organization was found to be highly influential. Her impeccable energy level and zeal to make difference had significant influence in the personal lives of her employees and people who worked with her. The trust between she and her employees were genuine. Very like her, they addressed problems themselves, worked in team, helped each other. They had bought her idea of cost saving.

Inspirational motivation

Employees at Nepal Grihini Udhyog not only regarded Ms. Sapkota high they said she was a source of inspiration to all of them. Her struggle, leading an organization in a patriarchal society single handedly, remaining active at such an old age and her conviction have made them wish to be someone like her. All of those we interviewed they also talked about her when they were at home, with friends and relatives. They said they talked about her struggle, energy and commitment. They said they were committed to their work and they never hesitated to come early or stay late in the office to finish work. They said they never complained about staying late

1 Scores are out of 12

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or coming early because they were properly communicated about the deadline and other requirements.

Intellectual stimulation

She is an avid learner and a good observer. She regularly visits shopping malls, boutiques etc. in search of new design. On her visits to Australia and other parts of the world, she did not forget to observe the available designs and helpful practices (e.g. gown for breast feeding mothers) and if she liked those designs she discussed about it with her employees. She would ask them how the design could be developed. They were encouraged to think on the design, come up with ideas.

However we observed she scored less in intellectual stimulation given the repetitive nature of the work that does not require much planning, innovating and idea generation. The other reason could be the fact that her employees were either uneducated or less educated to be intellectually stimulated. Her association with other organization (social) consisted of educated people/members and while conducting interview with her we found that debates took place on her ideas, proposals making way for flow of opinions and new ideas.

Individualized Consideration

Ms. Sapkota is a hard worker and she believes in working hard to make life fruitful. She believes on statement of Gita, “keep on doing your karma, do not expect fruits” but it does not mean that work is everything to her. We found out that her employees considered her to be a strict employer but she was also considerate. She understood the difficulties of women in balancing between home and work. She helped them strike a balance. For women who could not come to office 10 to 5 could take their work home. She provided coaching and mentoring. She personally helped the new employees on working on designs, explaining them about the quality requirements and how to work efficiently.

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Living Legend, Anatomy of LeadershipMs. Indira Sapkota

ConclusionWe observed that the followers of Ms. Indira Sapkota at NGU considered her more as a charismatic leader. They associated her charisma with her ability to lead active life, manage the organization, and to learn new things.

Her contribution was more to change the perception of women in our society rather than leading an organization. We observed that the organization could have grown significantly but after so many years of history, it was a small organization. She says she was trying to expand the organization for which she required financial capital which she was not being able to manage.

NGU has not gone into aggressive marketing. It was content with sustaining itself. Ms. Sapkota seemed to be withdrawing from NGU to concentrate on her other social activities.

She believes as a leader she should demonstrate more morality and believes in leading by example. She is more of a task-oriented leader; however she should also focus on human needs of her followers. We also found she worked less for the expansion of her in-group and enhance the quality of exchanges between herself and her follower.

Among many of her good qualities of leader one was that she was not attached to her position and power, she feels no pain in delegating authority to competent followers. She was hopeful of new generation and had already found her successor at two of her enterprise where these successors were independently managing the enterprises.

She continues to inspire people. She has been someone who has always taken challenges but we observed that she has lost her zeal to take challenges.

We observed that she had more social affinity than the need for power and money, she could polish her human skills for this.

We also observed that she is a great communicator, a great story teller; she is highly energetic, idealistic and passionate about her work. She was highly participative though we would recommend her to involve members from the out-groups in the decision making process as well. She enjoys sharing her experiences and skills with others which has changed the lives of so many women. She astonishingly manages time, without missing on any of her assignment.

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