living things & the environment chapter 21 section 1 pgs. 704 - 708

Living Things & the Environment Chapter 21 Section 1 Pgs. 704 - 708

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Living Things & the Environment

Chapter 21 Section 1Pgs. 704 - 708

Key Concepts

What needs are met by an organism’s environment?

What are the two parts of an organism’s habitat with which it interacts?

What are the levels of organization within an ecosystem?

Vocabulary:(Copy these terms, but skip lines)

OrganismHabitatBiotic factorAbiotic factorPhotosynthesisSpeciesPopulationCommunityEcosystemEcology

What is an ecosystem?

• All the living things and nonliving things that interact in a particular area make up an ecosystem.

Guided Reading Questions

1. An organism obtains food, water, shelter, and other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce from its environment.

2. An environment that provides the things an organisms needs to live, grow and reproduce is called the habitat.

Guided Reading Questions

3. What needs of an organism are provided by its habitat? (food, water, shelter)

• An organism interacts with both the living and nonliving parts of its habitat.

Biotic Factor – any living/once living parts of a habitat (food)

Abiotic Factor – any nonliving/physical parts of a habitat (water, shelter)

Guided Reading Questions

4. (T/F) An area contains only one habitat.False; an area can contain many habitats.

For example, mushrooms grow is damp soil, salamanders live on forest floor, woodpeckers live in nests in tree trunks.

Guided Reading Questions

5. Identify the choice that is the biotic factor in a prairie dog ecosystem.

a. Grass & other plants prairie dog eatsb. Hawks, ferrets, other animals that eat

prairie dogsc. Soil that provides prairie dog with a

homed. Worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in

the soil.

Guided Reading Questions

5. Identify the choice that is the biotic factor in a prairie dog ecosystem.

a. Grass & other plants prairie dog eatsb. Hawks, ferrets, other animals that eat

prairie dogsc. Soil that provides prairie dog with a

homed. Worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in

the soil.

Guided Reading Questions

5. Identify the choice that is the abiotic factor in a prairie dog ecosystem.

a. Grass & other plants prairie dog eatsb. Hawks, ferrets, other animals that eat

prairie dogsc. Soil that provides prairie dog with a

homed. Worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in

the soil.

Guided Reading Questions

5. Identify the choice that is the biotic factor in a prairie dog ecosystem.

a. Grass & other plants prairie dog eatsb. Hawks, ferrets, other animals that eat

prairie dogsc. Soil that provides prairie dog with a

homed. Worms, fungi, and bacteria that live in

the soil.

Guided Reading Questions

6. Abiotic factors are the nonliving/physical parts of a habitat. They include:

a. Water b. Sunlight c. Oxygen d. Temperaturee. Soil.


• Living things require oxygen to carry out their life processes.

• Organisms obtain oxygen from air, which is 20% oxygen.


• Temperatures of an area determine the types of organisms that can live there.

• Some animals can alter their environments so they can survive very hot or very cold temperatures.


• Soil is mixture of rock fragments, nutrients, air, water, and decaying remains of living things.

• The type of soil in an area influences the kinds of plants that can grow there.

• For example, billions of bacteria live in the soil.

Guided Reading Questions

9. Identify each sentence that is true about water.

a. It is needed by all living things.b. It makes up 95% of the human body.c. It it needed by algae and plants to make

food.d. It is an abiotic factor only for organisms

that live in water.

Guided Reading Questions

9. Identify each sentence that is true about water.

a. It is needed by all living things.b. It makes up 95% of the human body.c. It it needed by algae and plants to make

food.d. It is an abiotic factor only for organisms

that live in water.

Guided Reading Questions

10. The process in which plants and algae make food using water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide is called _____________.

Guided Reading Questions

11. Identify the sentence that is true about oxygen.

a. Humans can live only a few hours without it.

b. Organisms that live on land get it from the air.

c. It makes up 40% of the air.d. Fish get it from the water around them.

Guided Reading Questions

11. Identify the sentence that is true about oxygen.

a. Humans can live only a few hours without it.

b. Organisms that live on land get it from the air.

c. It makes up 40% of the air.d. Fish get it from the water around them.

Levels of Organization -Ecosystems

Organisms do not live alone in their habitat.

Instead, organisms live together in populations, communities, and with abiotic factors in ecosystems.

The study of how living things interact with their environment is called ecology.

Guided Reading12. A species is a group of organisms that

are physically similar and can mate with each other to produce offspring

Guided Reading13. Identify the choice that is the example of

a population.a. All prairie dogs in a prairie dog townb.All the bees in a hivec. All the pigeons in New York Cityd.All the trees in the forest

Guided Reading13. Identify the choice that is the example of

a population.a. All prairie dogs in a prairie dog townb.All the bees in a hivec. All the pigeons in New York Cityd.All the trees in the forest

Guided Reading

14. (T/F) All populations live in the same-sized area.


15. All the different populations that live together in an area make up a community.

Guided Reading

16. List the levels of organization in an ecosystem from smallest unit to largest.


Guided Reading17. (T/F) To be considered a community,

populations must live close enough together to interact.


18. In addition to a community of different species, what else does an ecosystem include?

Abiotic factors – water, oxygen, sun, temperature, rock, etc.


• Complete the “Living Things and the Environment” handout.

• Use pgs. 704 – 709 to complete this handout.

• Only answer questions #1-8.• Complete vocabulary (if not finished in
